Modi 1997
Modi 1997
Modi 1997
The paper briefly reviews developments in the exciting field of the moving surface
boundary-layer control (MSBC). To begin with, application of the concept to a family of
two-dimensional airfoils, investigated experimentally, is briefly summarized. The moving
surface was provided by rotating cylinders located at the leading edge and / or trailing edge
as well as the top surface of the airfoil. Results suggest that the concept is quite promising,
leading to a substantial increase in lift and a delay in stall. Depending on the performance
desired, appropriate combinations of cylinder location and speed can be selected to obtain
favourable results over a wide range of the angle of attack. Next, the effectiveness of the
concept in reducing drag of bluff bodies such as a two-dimensional flat plate at large angles
of attack, rectangular prisms, and three-dimensional models of trucks is assessed. Results
show that injection of momentum through moving surfaces, achieved here by introduction
of bearing-mounted, motor-driven, hollow cylinders, can significantly delay separation of
the boundary layer and reduce the pressure drag. The momentum injection procedure also
proves effective in arresting wind-induced vortex resonance and galloping type of
instabilities, suggesting possible application in the next generation of civil engineering
structures. Now the attention is directed towards the role of computational fluid
mechanics to this class of problems. The system performance, as predicted by results
obtained using two distinctly different numerical procedures, shows good correlation with
the wind tunnel data. Finally, results of a flow visualization study, conducted in a
closed-circuit water tunnel using slit lighting and polyvinyl chloride tracer particles, are
touched upon. They show, rather dramatically, the effectiveness of the MSBC.
÷ 1997 Academic Press Limited
EVER since the introduction of the boundary-layer concept by Prandtl, there has been
a constant challenge faced by scientists and engineers to minimize its adverse effects
and control it to advantage. Methods such as suction, blowing, vortex generators,
turbulence promoters, etc. have been investigated at length and employed in practice
with a varying degree of success. A vast body of literature accumulated over years has
been reviewed rather effectively by several authors including Goldstein (1938),
Lachmann (1961), Rosenhead (1966), Schlichting (1968), Chang (1970) and others.
However, the use of a moving wall for boundary-layer control has received relatively
little attention. This is indeed surprising, as the Associate Committee on Aerodynam-
ics, appointed by the National Research Council (1966), specifically recommended
more attention in this area almost three decades ago.
Irrespective of the method used, the main objective of a control procedure is to
prevent, or at least delay, the separation of the boundary layer from the wall. A moving
surface attempts to accomplish this in two ways: it prevents the initial growth of the
boundary layer by minimizing relative motion between the surface and the free stream;
and it injects momentum into the existing boundary layer.
Newton was probably the first one to observe the effect of moving wall
boundary-layer control on the trajectory of a spinning ball (Thwaites 1960), although
the basis of the effect was not fully recognized. Almost 200 years later, Magnus (1853)
studied lift generated by circulation and utilized the effect to construct a ship with a
vertical rotating cylinder replacing the sail. Swanson (1961) and Iverson (1972) have
presented excellent reviews of the literature on the Magnus effect. As early as in 1910,
Prandtl himself demonstrated his ship of zero resistance through flow around two
counter-rotating cylinders (Betz 1961), while Flettner (1925) applied the principle to
ship propulsion in 1924 when he fitted large vertical rotating cylinders on the deck of
the ‘‘Buchau’’. A little later, Goldstein (1938) illustrated the principle of boundary-
layer control using a rotating cylinder at the leading edge of a flat plate. However, the
most practical application of a moving wall for boundary-layer control was demon-
strated by Favre (1938). Using an airfoil with the upper surface formed by a belt
moving over two rollers, he was able to delay separation until the angle of attack (a )
reached 558, where the maximum lift coefficient of 3?5 was realized.
After a lull of more than twenty years (1938 – 1960), during which the tempo of
research activity, as indicated by important contributions in the field, remained
dormant, there were some signs of renewed interest in this form of boundary-layer
control. Alvarez-Calderon & Arnold (1961) carried out tests on a rotating cylinder flap
to evolve a high lift airfoil for STOL-type aircraft. The system was flight-tested on a
single-engine, high-wing research aircraft designed by the Aeronautics Division of the
Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Lima, Peru (Brown 1964). Around the same
time, Brooks (1963) presented his preliminary results of tests on a hydrofoil with a
rotating cylinder at the leading or trailing edge. For the leading-edge configuration only
a small increase in lift was observed; however, for the latter case a substantial gain in
lift resulted. Motivation for the test programme was to assess improvement in the fin
performance for torpedo control. Along the same line, Steele & Harding (1970) studied
the application of rotating cylinders to improve ship maneuverability. Extensive force
measurements and flow visualization experiments were conducted using a water tunnel
and a large circulating water channel. Three different configurations of rudder were
used, with the rotating cylinder: (i) in isolation; (ii) at the leading edge of a rudder; and
(iii) combined with a flap-rudder, the cylinder being at the leading edge of the flap.
From the overall consideration of hydrodynamic performance, mechanical com-
plexity and power consumption, the configuration in (ii) was preferred. An application
to a 250 000-ton tanker showed the power requirement for a cylinder 1 m in diameter
rotating at 350 rpm to be around 400 kW.
Of some interest is the North American Rockwell’s OV-10A, which was flight-tested
by NASA’s Ames Research Center (Cichy et al. 1972; Weiberg et al. 1973; Cook et al.
1974). Cylinders, located at the leading edge of the flaps, were made to rotate at a high
speed with the flaps in lowered position. The main objective of the test programme was
to assess handling qualities of the propeller-powered STOL-type aircraft at high lift
coefficients. The aircraft was flown at speeds of 29 – 31 m / s, along approaches up to 288,
which corresponded to a lift coefficient of about 4?3. In the pilot’s opinion, any further
reductions in the approach speed were limited by the lateral-directional stability and
control characteristics. Excellent photographs of the airplane on ground (showing the
cylinders in position) and in flight have been published in the Aviation Week and
Space Technology (Hotz 1971).
Around the same time, Tennant (1971, 1973) presented an interesting analysis for
the two-dimensional moving wall diffuser with a step change in area. The diffuser
incorporated rotating cylinders to form a part of its wall at the station of the area
change. Preliminary experiments were also conducted for the area ratio up to 1 : 2?5,
which showed no separation for appropriate moving surface to diffuser inlet velocity
ratio. Johnson et al. (1975) have also conducted tests with a wedge-shaped flap having
a rotating cylinder as the leading edge. Flap deflection was limited to 158 and the
critical cylinder velocity necessary to suppress separation was determined. Effects of
increase in gap size (between the cylinder and the flap surface) were also assessed. No
effort was made to observe the influence of an increase in cylinder surface velocity
beyond Uc / U 5 1?2 (Uc 5 cylinder surface velocity, U 5 freestream velocity). Subse-
quently, Tennant et al. (1976) have reported circulation control for a symmetrical
airfoil with a rotating cylinder forming its trailing edge. For zero angle of attack, the lift
coefficient (CL) of 1?2 was attained with Uc / U 5 3. Also of interest is their study
(Tennant et al. 1977, 1978) concerning the boundary-layer growth on moving surfaces
accounting for gap effects.
This was the state of the development when the author entered the field. The
subsequent contributions to the literature are essentially from his group, which
undertook a planned, comprehensive investigation involving:
(i) wind tunnel tests with a family of two-dimensional airfoils as well as two- and
three-dimensional bluff bodies;
(ii) numerical simulations; and
(iii) flow visualization studies.
Mostly, these studies were conducted in the subcritical range of 4?0 3 104 – 10 3 104,
where the Reynolds number effects are relatively insignificant. This facilitated
comparison of experimental, numerical and flow visualization results. As can be
expected, the amount of information obtained through planned variations of the
important parameters is literally enormous. Here these developmens are briefly
reviewed, touching upon the methodologies used and sets of typical results useful in
establishing trends.
C (i)
0.05 C
0.067 C (iii)
0.72 C
0.58 C
Forward upper-surface cylinder
0.38 C
0.05 C
Figure 1. Various rotating-cylinder configurations studied with the Joukowsky airfoil model.
Fenner coupling
Pressure taps
3.8 cm
diam. 1 mm
Rotating leading-edge cylinder clearance
38 cm chord,
Max. thickness: 6.4 cm
at 1/4 chord position
at high rotating speeds (around 8000 r.p.m. for Uc / U 5 4). The pressure plots were
integrated in each case to obtain the aerodynamic coefficients. The coefficients were
also measured independently using the Aerolab balance to assess two-dimensional
character of the flow.
The relatively large angles of attack used in the experiments result in a considerable
blockage of the wind-tunnel test-section, from 21% at a 5 308 to 30% at a 5 458. The
wall confinement leads to an increase in local wind speed at the location of the model,
thus resulting in an increase in aerodynamic forces. Several approximate correction
procedures have been reported in the literature to account for this effect. However,
these procedures are mostly applicable to streamlined bodies with attached flow. A
satisfactory procedure applicable to a bluff body offering a large blockage in a flow
with separating shear layers is still not available.
With rotation of the cylinder(s), the problem is further complicated. As shown by
the pressure data and confirmed by flow visualization, the unsteady flow can be
separating and reattaching over a large portion of the top surface. In the absence of any
632 V. J. MODI
reliable procedure to account for wall confinement effects in the present situation, the
results are purposely presented in the uncorrected form, unless specified otherwise.
The pressure distribution data for the base airfoil (i.e. in the absence of the modifica-
tions imposed by the leading-edge or upper-surface cylinder) are presented in Figure 3.
Here X represents the coordinate along the chord and C is the chord length. The
leading edge was now formed by a snugly fitting plug (the nose fill-in section). Due to
the practical difficulty in locating pressure taps in the cusp region, there is an apparent
Re = 4.62 × 104
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 3. Experimentally obtained pressure distribution plots for the basic Joukowsky model. (d) a 5 08;
(s) a 5 48; (n) a 5 88; ( ) a 5 108; (,) a 5 128 .
discontinuity in the pressure plots near the trailing edge. However, this region has little
importance in the present discussion. It is apparent that the airfoil, in the absence of
any modifications to its nose geometry, stalls at an angle of attack of around 108 – 128.
The results serve as a reference to assess the effect of rotating cylinders at different
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
α (deg)
Figure 4. Effect of the leading-edge cylinder rotation on the lift and stall characteristics of the Joukowsky
model. (d) Base airfoil; (s) (UC / U )l.e. 5 0; (n) (UC / U )l.e. 5 1; ( ) (UC / U )l.e. 5 2;
(,) (UC / U )l.e. 5 3; (h) (UC / U )l.e. 5 4.
634 V. J. MODI
Re = 4.62 × 104
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5. Effect of increasing the rate of cylinder rotation on pressure distribution around the model at a
relatively larger angle of attack of a 5 168. (s) UC / U 5 1; (n) UC / U 5 2; (h) UC / U 5 3; (,) UC / U 5 4.
0?88 at an angle of attack of 108. There is a penalty associated with the modified nose
geometry as well as due to the gap, but even at the lowest rate of rotation of the
cylinder (Uc / U 5 1) the lift and stall characteristics are significantly improved. The
airfoil exhibits a desirable flattening of the lift curve at stall. The maximum lift
coefficient measured with Uc / U 5 4 was around 2 at a 5 288, which is more than twice
the lift coefficient of the base airfoil.
Typical pressure plots at a relatively larger angle of attack are presented in Figure 5
to assist in more careful examination of the local flowfield. As the angle of attack of the
airfoil is increased, the flow starts to separate from the upper surface close to the
leading edge. At a 5 168, for example, the cylinder rotating at Uc / U 5 1 only keeps the
flow attached at the leading edge. However, as the rate of rotation is increased, the
size of the separated region is reduced, and at the higher rates of rotation the flow is
again completely attached. Note that the point of separation on the upper surface
clearly moves downstream with an increasing rate of rotation. The flow separates at
around X / C 5 25% with Uc / U 5 2, around X / C 5 80% when Uc / U is increased to 3,
and at the trailing edge with the highest Uc / U used. The flow visualization study
discussed later substantiated this general behaviour rather dramatically.
Re = 4.62 × 104
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
α (deg)
Figure 6. Plots to assess relative influence of different conflgurations studied on the lift and stall
characteristics. (d) Base airfoil; (s) (UC / U )l.e. 5 4; (n) (UC / U )t.e. 5 4; ( ) (UC / U )l.e., (UC / U )t.e. 5 4;
(,) (UC / U )l.e., (UC / U )r 5 4; (h) (UC / U )l.e., (UC / U )f 5 4; (e) (UC / U )u.l.e. 5 4.
bearing friction and the torque contributed by forces on the surface of the cylinder.
Note, the cylinder itself can be hollow, thus minimizing the inertia effect. The 1–4 h.p.
motor used in the present study was much larger than necessary. It was used because
α α –S/R
α α
Two-dimensional rectangular prisms
Figure 7. Schematic diagrams of the two-dimensional bluff bodies used during the wind tunnel tests.
of availability. Even a –16 h.p. motor would have served the purpose. Thus the power
required is virtually insignificant compared to active blowing or suction for boundary-
layer control, where the power consumption is likely to be considerably larger.
Next the attention was turned to bluff geometries, where a reduction in the drag is of
more importance than the increase in lift. Schematic diagrams of some of the
configurations considered for the study are indicated in Figure 7. They include a
two-dimensional flat plate, a D-section, as well as two- and three-dimensional prisms
with cylinders for the MSBC. Details of the test arrangement and results are discussed
at length in publications by Modi (1991), Modi et al. (1991b, c, d, e, 1992), Ying (1991),
Kubo et al. (1992) and Munshi et al . (1995).
Tests with the flat plate were carried out with either of the cylinders rotating
independently; or with the two cylinders rotating together but in the opposite sense, for
effective momentum injection to assist in the boundary-layer control. Both the lift as
well as the drag results showed remarkable improvement (Modi et al. 1991e).
Of course, the maximum reduction in the wake, and hence the corresponding
decrease in the presure drag coefficient, can be expected when both cylinders are
rotating, as shown in Figure 8 (Modi et al. 1991c). For a 5 908, a decrease in the drag
coefficient from 1?85 at Uc / U 5 0 to 0?47 at Uc / U 5 3 represents a reduction of around
75%. The flow visualization photographs also showed a remarkable reduction in the
wake width, thus qualitatively substantiating the trend suggested by the wind tunnel
test results.
638 V. J. MODI
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
α (deg)
Figure 8. Plots showing significant reduction in drag of a two-dimensional flat plate with the moving
surface boundary-layer control applied at both the leading and trailing edges. Note, at a 5 908, a reduction
in C D is around 75%. (j) UC / U 5 0; (h) UC / U 5 1; (d) UC / U 5 2; (s) UC / U 5 3.
Rectangular prisms with rotating cylinders at two adjacent corners provide three
basic configurations for study: the side with cylinders facing the flow, forming the top
face, or representing the rear face. Various intermediate configurations can be obtained
by systematically changing the angle of attack. With four values of L / H , to help assess
the effect of boundary-layer reattachment and reseparation further downstream, and
four values of Uc / U , the amount of information obtained is rather extensive (Modi et
al. 1991c, d, e, 1992). Only some representative results are touched upon here.
Figure 9 shows a sample of results for the experimental phase where the rotating
elements are on the top surface, i.e. parallel to the free-stream for a 5 0. Cases
corresponding to single- and two-cylinder rotation for the square prism model are
considered. At the outset it is apparent that rotation of the second cylinder has very
little effect on the flow field for a . 58, and hence on CD , as now the trailing edge
cylinder lies in the wake. However, for smaller and negative a , it is quite successful in
further reducing CD : from 1?7 at a 5 08 and Uc / U 5 3 for the upstream cylinder
rotation to 1?3 when both the cylinders are rotating. A reduction in the drag coefficient
by 54% with both the cylinders rotating is indeed quite impressive.
The influence of rotating cylinders located on the rear vertical face of the square and
rectangular prisms was also investigated. In this case, the boundary-layer separates at
the top and bottom leading edges and the rotating cylinders are submerged in the
wake, thus reducing their effectiveness. Now the reduction in CD at a 5 08 and
Uc / U 5 3 was found to be only 13% for the square prism and virtually zero for the
rectangular prism, compared to 53% and 40%, respectively, for the case with cylinders
at the front face.
4.0 α
L/H = 1
Uc Uc
4.0 α
L/H = 1
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20
α (deg)
Figure 9. Variation of drag coefficient with the angle of attack for a two-dimensional square prism when
the boundary-layer control is applied at the top surface. (a) A rotating cylinder at the leading edge; (b)
rotating cylinders at leading and trailing edges. (j) UC / U 5 0; (h) UC / U 5 1; (d) UC / U 5 2; (s)
UC / U 5 3.
640 V. J. MODI
A word about the fluid dynamics of D-section in the presence of MSBC would be
appropriate, as it represents transition in bluffness from the airfoil to the family of
rectangular prisms (Munshi et al. 1995). The mean static pressure distribution around
the D-section was measured by a 48-channel Scanivalve pressure transducer connected
to a computerized data acquisition system. Figure 10 shows the pressure distribution at
several angles of attack (a ) with cylinders stationary (Uc / U 5 0) as well as rotating
(Uc / U 5 2 and 4). At a 5 0 and in the absence of the cylinder rotation, the flow
separates near the corners of the D-section, as evident from the pressure distribution.
The pressure coefficient (Cp ) in the wake is negative, resulting in a large drag force. As
the cylinder rotation speed is increased from zero to a maximum (Uc / U 5 4), large
suction peaks appear at the rotating cylinders (i.e. the frontal position of the D-section)
and the negative wake pressure experiences a significant positive change. Also, note
that the point of separation has moved considerably downstream. Overall, a net
reduction in the drag of around 42% was observed. As the angle of attack is increased
from zero, the symmetry in the pressure distribution is disrupted and the stagnation
point starts to move towards the upstream rotating cylinder. The suction peaks at the
rotating cylinders progressively become smaller as the angle of attack increases. At
a < 608 the stagnation point is located very close to the upstream corner. This situation
suggests that the direction of the upstream rotating cylinder should now be reversed for
the MSBC to be effective. Further increase in the angle of attack beyond 608, without
reversing the cylinder rotation, shows that the benefits of the MSBC are lost (a 5 908).
In fact, as can be expected, the wrong direction of the momentum injection led to an
increase in drag at a 5 1058.
α –S/R
U *
+S/R R
× A
–2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
–2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
–2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
–2.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Figure 10. Pressure plots for the D-section showing effects of the angle of attack and momentum injection.
(a) a 5 08; (b) a 5 608; (c) a 5 908; (d) a 5 1058 , Re 5 66 000, (h) UC / U 5 0 (n) UC / U 5 2 , (e) UC / U 5 4.
642 V. J. MODI
model. As the length of the wire (<145 cm) is much larger than the maximum
horizontal displacement of the truck model (#5 cm), the drag-induced displacement
was essentially linear in the downstream direction.
Variation in the drag due to the boundary-layer control devices being rleatively small
required development of a sensitive transducer for its measurement. The drag-induced
downstream motion of the model was transmitted by an inelastic string to a cantilever
beam with a pair of strain gauges near its root. The gauges formed a part of the
Wheatstone Bridge (i.e. the Bridge Amplifier Meter , BAM) and the amplified filtered
output was recorded using a DISA voltmeter. The sensitivity of the drag measurements
was around 0?4 gm / mV.
Tests with a scale model of the truck were carried out in the boundary-layer tunnel
with negligible blockage effect (blockage ratio 5 1?2%). The trailer was provided with
rotating cylinders at its top leading edge and a downstream location. The L / H ratio
for the trailer was approximately 3?75, which suggested that rotation of the rear
cylinder will have virtually no effect on the drag reduction. The wind tunnel tests
substantiated this observation. Considering the fact that (i) around 70% of goods in
North America are transported by trucks, (ii) depending on the speed, approximtely
40 – 70% of the power is expended in overcoming the aerodynamic drag, (iii) on an
average, a truck travels around 150 000 kg / year, even a 1% reduction in the drag
coefficient can translate into a substantial saving in fuel cost.
In the beginning, to assess the role of the cylinder surface roughness on the efficiency
of the momentum injection process, tests were carried out with three different rotating
elements: cylinder with smooth surface; cylinder surface roughness of grade 80; and
cylinder surface roughness of grade 40. In the absence of momentum injection, the
truck drag coefficient was around 0?81 and reduced to 0?765 at Uc / U 5 2 for the smooth
cylinder case. The surface roughness of the cylinder improved the performance further,
reducing CD to around 0?73 at UC / U 5 2 for the roughness of grade 80. Increasing the
surface roughness to 40 dropped the minimum CD to 0?7, a reduction of around 13%
(Modi et al. 1991d,e).
With the positive influence of the cylinder roughness on the momentum injection
process and associated reduction in the drag, it seemed logical to introduce the
momentum more directly. This was achieved in several ways:
Extensive wind tunnel tests with different combinations of the speed ratio (Uc / U ),
cylinder location and surface roughness showed the helical groove and spline
Wind-tunnel tests conducted with different speed ratios and orientation of the twin helical
groove and spline cylinders. Location of the front cylinder is at the top leading edge of the
trailer. The second cylinder is located 25?4 cm (10 in) downstream.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Front raised, mm — — — 6?35 6?35 12?7 12?7 12?7 6?35
Rear raised, mm — 6?35 12?7 12?7 — — 6?35 12?7 6?35
geometry, with one cylinder located at the leading edge and the other 25?4 cm
downstream, to be quite effective. The influence of raising the cylinder above the
trailer surface was also found to be significant. The cylinder orientations studied with
helical and spline roughnesses are indicated in Table 1. Figure 11 schematically shows
the model and the test-arrangement. The considerable amount of information obtained
has been reported by Modi et al. (1991d, e). Only some representative results are
presented here to indicate the potential.
Figure 12(a) shows the effect of the spline cylinder rotation for case 1, i.e. when both
the cylinders are flush with the top face of the trailer. Ucf and Ucr refer to front and rear
cylinder surface speeds, respectively. At the outset it is apparent that the front cylinder
rotation (Ucr 5 0) reduces the drag coefficient rather significantly, from 1?14 at Ucf 5 0
to 0?96 at Ucf / U 5 4?1, a drop of around 15?8%. Rotation of the rear cylinder improves
the situation further, and for both the cylinder with a speed ratio Uc / U 5 4?1 the
reduction in CD reaches 22?8%!
The effect of raising the rear cylinder is shown in Figure 12(b). Note that, even in the
absence of the momentum injection (Ucf 5 Ucr 5 0), the reference drag coefficient is
slightly reduced (CD 5 1?19). This may be attributed to the combined effect of an
increase in the projected area on which the drag coefficient is based and the large wake
width caused by the rear cylinder. Rotation of the front cylinder does not seem to
improve the situation significantly (compared to case 1); as for Ucf / U 5 4?1 , a reduction
in drag is 16?8%. With both the cylinders rotating at a speed ratio of 4?1, the decrease
in drag coefficient amounts to 24?8%.
Essentially the same trend continued to persist when the front cylinder was also
raised (case 7). The drag coefficient in the absence of the cylinder rotation dropped
further to 1?12, as explained before. With Ucf / U 5 Ucr / U 5 4?1, the reduction in drag
reached almost 26%. Thus the splined geometry of the rotating elements with raised
positions appears quite promising in reducing the pressure drag of the tractor-trailer
truck configuration through the MSBC.
Suspension wire
er k
Fence ting
in g r
U Stra nsduce
Figure 11. A schematic diagram of the 3-D tractor-trailer truck model and its test arrangement in the
boundary-layer wind tunnel.
Case 1 (spline)
Ucf Ucr
Case 2 (spline)
Ucf Ucr
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ucr /U
Figure 12. Variation of the drag coefficient CD with the speed ratio for spline twin-cylinder configuration:
(a) Case 1: both cylinders flush; (b) Case 2: front cylinder flush, rear cylinder raised 6?35 mm. Re 5 105.
(p) Ucf / U 5 0; (—
h ) Ucf / U 5 1?4; (—
3 ) Ucf / U 5 2?7; (—
e ) Ucf / U 5 4?1; (—
n ) Ucf / U 5 6?1.
∆ γ (Sj)
,S j Sj
r( r2
Y CN + 1
Ψ Surface S
b (Kutta point)
U Ci Ψ
ith control point
Figure 13. Singularity representation of the airfoil and notation for calculation of influence coefficients.
that comparison of numerical results with one’s own wind tunnel and / or flow-
visualization data is indeed scarce in the literature.
0 8 16 24 32 40
α (deg)
Figure 14. Variation of lift with angle of attack in presence of the MSBC as predicted by numerical and
experimental procedures. Results account for blockage and end effects. Note that, in spite of the complex
character of the flow, the correlation is excellent. (d) Base airfoil; (—) theoretical and ( – ?? – ) experimental
results for: (n) UC / U 5 1; (h) UC / U 5 3; (s) UC / U 5 4.
Attempts were also made to apply the relatively simple panel method to this
challenging problem of multi-element objects with momentum injection. During the
past three decades, the classical panel method involving distribution of surface
singularities has evolved to a sophisticated level where it can tackle complex
geometries and flow-separation conditions. Maskew & Dvorak (1978) modelled
separated flow by ‘‘free-vortex lines’’ having a known constant vorticity but initially of
unknown shape. Successive iterations yield the converged wake shape. Ribaut (1983)
accounted for the vorticity dispersion through dissipation and diffusion leading to a
finite wake. The first-order panel method, employing linearly varying vorticity along
each panel and incorporating dispersion in the wake to model the separated flow, is
also attractive (Mukherjea & Bandyopadhyay 1990).
The panel descretization of the D-section as used by Munshi et al. (1995) is shown in
648 V. J. MODI
Pressure distributions
Stagnation points
Boundary-layer Equivalent-airfoil
calculation calculation
Transition points Superimposed δ
δ and Cf Simulated separated flow
Separation points Pressure distribution
Iteration loop
with previous
Solution output
Figure 15. Flow chart for the numerical algorithm used to introduce viscous correlation in the surface
singularity method: d *, boundary-layer displacement thickness; Cf , local skin friction coefficient, X sep,
downstream location of the separation.
Vortex panels
Vorticity dispersion
Figure 16. Schematic diagram showing a multi-element D-section with the moving surface boundary-layer
control (MSBC) used in the present numerical study.
Figure 16. In the study, the momentum-injecting rotating cylinder was represented by a
large number of panels (100 – 150). Each panel has a continuous distribution of linearly
varying vorticity and a constant source strength. The separated flow was modelled by
the ‘‘free-vortex lines’’ emanating from the lower and upper separation points. The
free-vortex lines were also discretized into panels. At the beginning of the free-vortex
line, the vorticity strength was taken to be equal to that at the separation point. The
vorticity was allowed to dissipate at a given rate along the free-vortex lines resulting in
a finite wake. An iterative scheme led to the final solution. Typically, 50 – 60 iteration
cycles were required to achieve a convergence accuracy of about 1026.
The numerically obtained pressure distribution captures the suction peak on the
rotating cylinder quite well (Figure 17). The numerical scheme also predicts a
significant rise in the wake pressure, as confirmed by the experimental data. As shown
in Figure 18, the drag coefficient predicted by the numerical scheme compares well with
the experimental data even up to a 5 308! The numerically obtained free-streamlines
(Figure 19) show clearly that the wake becomes progressively narrower as the
momentum injection is increased from Uc / U 5 0 to Uc / U 5 4 .
–4.0 B
–5.0 α –S/R
U *
–6.0 +S/R
× A
–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Arc length, S/R
Figure 17. Typical surface pressure plots for the D-section showing effects of the momentum injection for
Re 5 66 000, a 5 08. Similar plots were obtained over a range of the angles of attack. The panel code predicts
the trends quite well even for such a complex flow field with momentum injection. Lines: theory; symbols:
experiment. (—) UC / U 5 0; (h) UC / U 5 0; (- - - -) UC / U 5 2; (n) UC / U 5 2; ( – ? – ?) UC / U 5 4;
(s) UC / U 5 4.
about the pressure loading, separation condition and the time-dependent wake. It also
showed, rather spectacularly, the effectiveness of the MSBC.
Figure 20 captures variation in the flow-field as the injected momentum is
progressively increased through rotation of the cylinders from Uc / U 5 0 to Uc / U 5 2.
The flow over the airfoil distinctly tends towards a potential character. The same trend
can be observed through the spatial variation of the velocity vectors as shown in Figure
21 (Uc / U 5 4).
To get a better appreciation as to the physical character of the complex flow-field as
affected by the angle of attack and momentum injection parameters, Modi et al.
(1991e, 1994a, b, c, 1995) have also reported results of flow visualization studies. They
gave useful information about the relative importance of the various system
parameters, and hence assisted in the planning of the experiments as well as the
numerical analyses. The flow visualization tests were carried out in a closed-circuit
water channel facility (Figure 22). The models were constructed from Plexiglas and
fitted with rotating cylinders driven by variable-speed d.c. motors. A suspension of fine
polyvinyl chloride powder was used in conjunction with slit lighting to visualize
α –S/R
U *
+S/R R
1.5 × A
0 10 20 30 40
α (deg)
Figure 18. Comparison between numerical prediction and experimental measurement of the drag
coefficient for the D-section in presence of momentum injection. Lines: numerical; symbols: experiment.
(—) UC / U 5 0; (h) UC / U 5 0; (- - - -) UC / U 5 4; (s) UC / U 5 4.
streaklines. Both the angle of attack and cylinder speeds were systematically changed,
and still photographs as well as video movies were taken. The Reynolds number was in
the range 4 3 104 – 5 3 104.
The study showed, rather dramatically, the effectiveness of this form of boundary-
layer control (Figure 23). With the leading-edge cylinder model at a 5 208 and in the
absence of cylinder rotation, a well defined early separation resulting in a wide wake is
quite apparent, with large-scale vortices sweeping away downstream. However, with
the cylinder rotating at Uc / U 5 4, an essentially attached flow is established over most
of the upper surface of the airfoil, even at such a high angle of attack, considerably
beyond the nominal stall angle of around 108.
At relatively lower rates of cylinder rotation, the flow character was found to be
similar to that observed at Uc / U 5 1, with the separation and reattachment regions
progressively shifting downstream as the rotation rate increased. This is apparent
through a progressive increase in Uc / U from 0 to 4. In fact, the flow pattern was found
to be quite unsteady, with the vortex layer separating and forming a bubble on
reattachment, the whole structure drifting downstream, diffusing, and regrouping at
different scales of vorticity. Ultimately the flow sheds large- as well as small-scale
vortices. This unsteady character of the separating shear-layer and the wake was clearly
evident in the video. Thus the flow character indicated by the experimentally obtained
time-averaged plots appears to be a fair description of the process.
Flow visualization results for a two-dimensional flat plate and a D-section cylinder,
as presented in Figures 24 and 25, respectively, also tend to substantiate the
652 V. J. MODI
Uc /U = 0
Uc /U = 1
Uc /U = 2
Uc /U = 3
Uc /U = 4
With the success of the moving surface boundary-layer control (MSBC) in increasing
lift and reducing drag of both slender bodies at high angles of attack and bluff
geometries, attention was directed towards control of wind-induced instabilities.
The response of aerodynamically bluff bodies when exposed to a fluid stream has
been a subject of considerable study for quite some time. The prevention of aeroelastic
vibrations of smokestacks, transmission lines, suspension bridges, tall buildings, etc. is
of particular interest to engineers. Ever since the pioneering contribution by Strouhal,
who correlated periodicity of vortex shedding with the diameter of a circular cylinder
and velocity of the fluid stream, there has been a continuous flow of important
contributions resulting in a vast body of literature. This has been reviewed rather
adequately by Cermak (1975), Zdravkovich (1981), Welt (1988), Modi & Slater (1994),
Munshi (1996) and others. In general, the oscillations may be induced by vortex
resonance or geometric-fluid dynamic instability, called galloping.
Several passive devices, such as helical strakes, shrouds, slats, tuned mass and
nutation dampers, etc. have been proposed over the years (Figure 27), and have
exhibited a varying degree of success in minimizing the effects of vortex induced and
α = 30° Uc /U = 0 1.50
0.25 1.60
0.50 1.70
0.75 1.80
1.00 1.90
1.25 2.00
Figure 20. Variation in the flow-field as affected by progressive increase in the injected momentum. Note,
the field tends to approach a potential flow in character. Flow visualization confirmed this behaviour. The
streamlines were obtained using the finite element integration of the Navier-Stokes equations.
Figure 21. Fluid flow-field and velocity distribution as given by the numerical finite element study of a
multi-element airfoil with momentum injection at a 5 208. (a) UC / U 5 4; (b) UC / U 5 0.
plate with rounded tips due to the presence of cylinders, but in the absence of cylinder
rotation, is shown in Figure 28(a). As expected, at a given Reynolds number S
diminishes as the angle of attack increases. The effect of the cylinder rotation on the
Strouhal number as a function of a for a fixed Re of 3 3 104 is presented in Figure
Mirror Source of light Slit
Sheet light
500 130 2630
Figure 22. A schematic diagram of the closed circuit water tunnel facility used in the flow visualization
study. Dimensions are in mm.
(b) Uc /U = 1 (d) Uc /U = 4
Figure 23. Typical flow visualization photographs showing the remarkable effectiveness of the moving
surface boundary-layer control method. (a) Highly separated flow, at a high angle of attack, in the absence
of the cylinder rotation; (b) appearance of a separation bubble, UC / U 5 1; (c) downward shift of the
separation point with a distinct reduction in the wake width, UC / U 5 2; (d) essentially attached flow,
UC / U 5 4.
656 V. J. MODI
Uc /U = 0
Uc /U = 0
Uc /U = 1
Uc /U = 2
Uc /U = 2
Uc /U = 3
Uc /U = 4
Figure 24. Typical flow visualization photographs for a flat plate at a 5 908 showing the remarkable
effectiveness of the moving surface boundary-layer control applied at the top and bottom edges. Numerical
results using the finite element method are also presented for comparison.
Time increasing
Uc /U = 1
Uc /U = 2
Uc /U = 4
(b) Uc /U = 4
Figure 26. Typical flow visualization and finite element numerical studies with two-dimensional square
prisms. (i) Flow visualization pictures showing effectiveness of the MSBC; reduction in the wake at
UC / U 5 4 is rather spectacular, suggesting a significant decrease in the drag. Wind tunnel results showed it
to be around 62%. (ii) Numerically obtained flow pattern showing progressive evolution of the wake for a
square prism at a 5 908 .
Helical strakes
Tuned mass damper Stockbridge damper
(b) Nutation damper
Figure 27. Passive devices used to control wind-induced instabilities. (a) Strakes, slats and shrouds modify
system aerodynamics; (b) dampers provide energy dissipation mechanism.
658 V. J. MODI
α = 15°
0.3 45°
0.2 90°
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 × 103
Uc Re = 3 × 104
2.5 α
Uc /U = 0
0 20 40 60 80
α (deg)
Figure 28. Strouhal number (S ) associated with a flat plate having rounded edges due to tip cylinders; (a)
variation with the Reynolds number and angle of attack in absence of cylinder rotation; (b) effect of
momentum injection.
28(b). The classical results of Fage & Johansen (1927) are also included for
comparison. A remarkable increase in the Strouhal number with cylinder rotation at a
given angle of attack is apparent. It suggests an increase in the shedding frequency
corresponding to narrowing of the wake. Thus the flat plate effectively projects
reduced bluffness.
Kubo et al. (1992) applied the concept to a two-dimensional square prism provided
with twin rotating elements at the corners of the front face (as well as several other
configurations). The tests were carried out in a wind tunnel with the spring-supported
model free to undergo plunging oscillations. The single cylinder rotation affected
coherence of the vortex shedding, and hence suppressed resonant instability. On the
other hand, twin-cylinder rotation successfully modified the loading to arrest the
galloping. Excellent flow visualization pictures supported the wind tunnel test
A study by Kubo et al. (1995) with a three-dimensional square prism lays a sound
foundation for practical application of the concept to bridge decks, bridge towers and
supertall buildings of the future (Figure 29). It clearly establishes that only a small
section of the building is required to receive the MSBC for successfully arresting vortex
resonance and galloping instabilities. This presents an entirely new area of exploration
and applications. There are situations where ocean-based structures can also benefit
from the concept.
After an uncertain beginning and interrupted advances over nine decades, it is
Figure 29. The MSBC concept presents an exciting possibility of application to the next generation of civil
engineering structures such as bridge-towers and supertall buildings (Kubo et al. 1995).
660 V. J. MODI
apparent that the field presents considerable opportunity for further contributions. As
the Gita puts it: ‘‘Knowledge is merely a small island surrounded by a y ast ocean of
ignorance.’’ No matter how far we advance, we will always be on the shores of that
uncharted ocean. But then, one has to make a beginning, however humble it may be.
After all, a journey fulfills itself in every step.
Based on wind-tunnel tests, complemented by numerical and flow visualization studies
reported in the literature, the following general comments can be made.
(i) Moving surface boundary-layer control (MSBC) can significantly increase lift,
decrease drag and delay stall of aircraft. Its application to the next generation of high
performance airplanes is indeed quite promising.
(ii) The concept is essentially semi-passive in character, requiring negligible amount
of power for its implementation. This makes it quite attractive for real-life applications.
During the reported wind tunnel tests with models, the peak power requirement is only
around 90 W.
(iii) A numerical approach to the problem, even using a rather simple panel
approach, can provide useful results of sufficient accuracy for a preliminary design. This
is remarkable considering the highly complex character of the flow, and suggests
significant savings in time, effort and computational cost.
(iv) The more elaborate finite element method is able to predict the character of the
flow-field with considerable accuracy.
(v) Flow visualization study confirms the effectiveness of the MSBC quite
(vi) The concept of the MSBC presents several avenues of promising applications.
They include performance improvement of aircraft and their control surfaces; drag
reduction of bus, truck and tractor-trailer configurations; suppression of vortex
resonance and galloping type of wind-induced instabilities, particularly with reference
to the next generation of light as well as long or high civil engineering structures,
offshore platforms, etc.
The preparation of this review was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Council of Canada, Grant No. A-2181.
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