Satellite Space and Earth Segment - Lecture Notes
Satellite Space and Earth Segment - Lecture Notes
Satellite Space and Earth Segment - Lecture Notes
Earth Segment
Semester 2, 2016-2017
Exploded view of a spinner satellite based on the
Boeing (Hughes) HS 376 design. INTELSAT IVA
(courtesy of Intelsat).
A spinner satellite,
INTELSAT IV A (courtesy
of Intelsat).
A three-axis stabilized satellite, INTELSAT V (courtesy of Intelsat).
Typical onboard control system for a spinner
Typical tracking,
command and
arrangement of RCA’s
SATCOM satellites and
frequency plan. The
translation frequency is
2225 MHz. [Reproduced
with permission from W.
H.Braun and J. E.
Keigler, “RCA Satellite
Networks: High
Technology and Low
User Cost,” Proceedings
of the IEEE 72, 1483-
Simplified block diagram of an INTELSAT V communication system. Note that the switch
matrix allows many possible interconnections between uplink beams and downlink
transmitters. (Courtesy C. F. Hoeber, Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp.)
Simplified block diagram of Transparent (bent
pipe) single conversion transponder for 6/4 GHz
Simplified block diagram of Transparent (bent pipe)
double conversion transponder for 14/11 GHz band
Regenerative Transponder with memory
Equipment with 1/2 redundancy
If the array of radiating elements is fed from the same signal with a particular
amplitude and
phase distribution, a shaped beam is obtained
Reflector antennas with offset mounting: (a) simple reflector and
(b) dual reflector (Gregorian).
This type of antenna is the most commonly used to obtain spot beams or
shaped beams. The antenna consists of a parabolic reflector illuminated by
one or more radiating elements located at the focal point.