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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 7 520 – 522


A Study on Customer Awareness towards Banking Service with reference to

Deposit and Loan in Mangaluru City

Caroleena Janefer Dr. Abubakkar Siddiq

Research scholar, Associate Professor
Dept of commerce,Mangalore University Dept. of P.G.Studies in Commerce
Mangalore,india University College, Hampankatta
[email protected] D.K., Karnataka.

Abstract— for an economic development of a country, bank plays an important role. The present era of globalization and liberalization has
made the banking industry very competitive by providing various products and services to the customers. The investor and client need to think
about each other. As the level of awareness increases, it leads to increase in customer preference. The present study compares and analyzes the
customer awareness towards banking services

Keywords- Customer Awareness, Deposit , Loan.


I. INTRODUCTION financial behaviour. He propose that in order to improve

For crucial development of any country’s banking system the financial behaviour of consumers, two critical areas
there should be good relationship between banker and its need to be addressed . The aims and objectives of FLE
customer. There is need of mutual trust and confidence programs should be not only to educate consumers about
between customer and banks. As financial product and financial markets and products but to highlight to
service is becoming more sophisticated, customer should individuals the personal biases and limitations that they,
take greater responsibility for their financial affairs. as humans, cannot easily avoid. The second area looks to
BANKING SERVICES: Banking in India is defined under greater regulation of financial products aimed at retail
Section 5(A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as "any consumers as well as product disclosure redesign aligned
company which transacts banking business" and the purpose with a knowledge-based decision level in the context of
of interface design. These approaches have the potential to
Banking business defined under Section 5(B),"accepting substantially protect retail consumers from purchasing
deposits of money from public for the purpose of lending or confusing, ambiguous and inappropriate financial
investing, repayable on demand through cheque/draft or products.
otherwise". In the process of doing the above mentioned b. Manikyam (feb 2004) in this paper author explains the
primary functions, they are also permitted to do other types changing banking scenario, the impact of economic
of business referred to as Utility Services for their customers reforms and analyses the challenges and opportunities of
(Banking Regulation Act, 1949). national and commercial banks. The biggest challenge is
to serve the mass and huge market of India. Banks have
II. LITERATURE REVIEW: become customer centric than product centric. Another
a. Jason West (2012), in this study on ―Financial literacy aspect in banking is to encounter the challenges in
education and behaviour unhinged: combating bias and product differentiation. He further states that Apart from
poor product design‖ have examined the absence of a traditional banking services, Indian banks must adopt
clear link between and financial literacy education some product innovation so that they can compete in
financial decisions and behaviours. Author has opinion gamut of competition. Technology up gradation is an
that financial literacy education programs are generally inevitable aspect to face challenges. The level of
assumed to improve consumer behaviour in relation to consumer awareness is significantly higher
financial products and services. However, there is scant c. Chawla & Sehgal, (February 2012), Authors assesses the
evidence that demonstrates the causal link between satisfaction level of the respondents on the basis of their
education, literacy and behaviour. His finding show that demographic profile across the public and private sector
the actions of individuals who are financially literate do banks. For the purpose of analyses, the data was
not necessarily mean they will demonstrate good collected from 120 respondents belonging to State Bank
IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 520 – 522
of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Canara A) To analyse level of awareness of customers towards loan
Bank among the public sector banks, and Industrial and deposit in banks
Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) B) To compare level of awareness of customers in private
Bank, Housing Development Finance Corporation and public banks
(HDFC) Bank and Axis Bank among the private sector C) To analyse factors that affect level of awareness of
banks in the state of Punjab. The study reveals that age customer towards loan and deposit in banks
has a statistically significant effect on the choice of a
particular bank. Income also has a significant influence IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
on the number of banks used. As regards gender and The present study has been conducted on the basis of
customers' preference of bank, it was found that there is secondary and primary data. Primary data was collected by
a significant influence of gender on the preference of means of questionnaire and was analyzed carefully by using
bank. An analysis also demonstrates that statistically statistical technique like Chi-square, ANOVA.
there is no significant relation between age and number V. DATA ANALYSES
of banks used, gender and number of banks used and
income and customers preference of banks. a) HYPOTHESIS 1:CUSTOMER LEVEL OF
Study has been conducted with following objective: GENDER AGE AND EDUCATION.


Independent variable Chi-square P value Significance at 5% Acceptance of hypothesis
Gender 1.6573 .798464 Not significant H0 is accepted
education 6.2584 .7138 Not significant H0 is accepted
Age 14.02 .0028 significant H1 is accepted

From the above table it is clear that Customer Level of b) Hypothesis 2: that Customer Level of
satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation towards satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation
deposits does not vary with gender, education but varies towards loan dvary with education but varies
with age of respondents. with gender and age of respondents.

Result of ANOVA table 2

Independent variable Chi-square P value Significance at 5% Acceptance of hypothesis

Gender 13.03 .0046 Significant H1 is accepted
Education 8.505 .4840 Not significant H 0 is accepted
Age 1.57 .0090 Significant H1 is accepted

From the above table it is clear that Customer Level of c) Hypotheses 3: customer awareness about
satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation towards consumer rights is more in public bank
loan does not vary with education but varies with gender
and age of respondents.
Table 3
Sum of square Df Mean square F Sig.
Between the group 289 1 289 1.427 .666
Within the group 405 2 202.500
Total 694 3

From the above table it is clear that H0 is accepted and customer awareness about consumer rights is same in private and public
sector bank.,

IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 520 – 522
d) Hypotheses 4
Table 4

1.Knowledge about rule of charging Sum of df Mean F Sig.

interest on deposit square square
2.Knowledgeabout changing interest Between 3959.6 4 989 6.9045 .0006
rate on deposit the group
3.Knowledge about minimum balance Within the 3584.3 25 143.37
to be maintained group
4.Knowledge about charges on atm total 7544 29
/mobile banking/sms/locker service
5.knowledge about interest on deposit
credited every six month
6.Awareness about penalty charged for
not maintaining minimum balance

In above it is failed to reject null hypothesis and conclude that customer have knowledge regarding deposits

e) Hypotheses 5
Table 5

1.Awareness about terms and condition Sum of df Mean F Sig.

relating to loan square square
2.Awareness about floating rate or fixed Between the 2925.7 4 731.4 22.66 0.00000
rate of interest charged on loan group
3.Awareness about changing interest rate Within the 451.7 14 32.26
on loan group
4.Awareness about charging penalty for Total 3377.5 18
premature close of loan

In above it is failed to reject null hypothesis and conclude that customer have knowledge regarding loans in their bank

VI. CONCLUSION: [4] Varshney, P.N. (1999). Banking Law and Practice, New
Banking sector is compelled to improve as there is Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, Eighteenth Revised Edition,
completion not only within the countries but also from pp. 1.6.
foreign banks. In India transparent pricing is absent, [5] www.worldbank.org
customer protection and awareness is inadequate. Only if
customers have access to information which is reliable and
objective, customer will have more confidence to purchase
financial product and service.

[1] Chawla, S., & Sehgal, R. (February 2012). An Empirical
Analysis of the Awareness and Satisfaction Level of
Internet Banking Users with Respect to Demographic
Profile. IUP Journal of Marketing Management .
[2] Jason West(2012) ,Financial literacy education and
behaviour unhinged: combating bias and poor product
design, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Volume
36, Issue 5, Pages: 523–530
[3] Manikyam, D. K. (feb.204). Indian Banking Sector –
Challenges and Opportunities. IOSR Journal of Business
and Management (IOSR-JBM) , 16 (2), 52-61.

IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org

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