94 1500964347 - 25-07-2017 PDF
94 1500964347 - 25-07-2017 PDF
94 1500964347 - 25-07-2017 PDF
Abstract— for an economic development of a country, bank plays an important role. The present era of globalization and liberalization has
made the banking industry very competitive by providing various products and services to the customers. The investor and client need to think
about each other. As the level of awareness increases, it leads to increase in customer preference. The present study compares and analyzes the
customer awareness towards banking services
From the above table it is clear that Customer Level of b) Hypothesis 2: that Customer Level of
satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation towards satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation
deposits does not vary with gender, education but varies towards loan dvary with education but varies
with age of respondents. with gender and age of respondents.
From the above table it is clear that Customer Level of c) Hypotheses 3: customer awareness about
satisfaction with reference to rule and regulation towards consumer rights is more in public bank
loan does not vary with education but varies with gender
and age of respondents.
Table 3
Sum of square Df Mean square F Sig.
Between the group 289 1 289 1.427 .666
Within the group 405 2 202.500
Total 694 3
From the above table it is clear that H0 is accepted and customer awareness about consumer rights is same in private and public
sector bank.,
IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 520 – 522
d) Hypotheses 4
Table 4
In above it is failed to reject null hypothesis and conclude that customer have knowledge regarding deposits
e) Hypotheses 5
Table 5
In above it is failed to reject null hypothesis and conclude that customer have knowledge regarding loans in their bank
VI. CONCLUSION: [4] Varshney, P.N. (1999). Banking Law and Practice, New
Banking sector is compelled to improve as there is Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, Eighteenth Revised Edition,
completion not only within the countries but also from pp. 1.6.
foreign banks. In India transparent pricing is absent, [5] www.worldbank.org
customer protection and awareness is inadequate. Only if
customers have access to information which is reliable and
objective, customer will have more confidence to purchase
financial product and service.
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IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org