Jurnal Offshore Semi Submersible
Jurnal Offshore Semi Submersible
Jurnal Offshore Semi Submersible
ABSTRACT: Availability of economic and efficient energy resources is crucial to a nations development. Because of their low
cost and advancement in drilling and exploration technologies, oil and gas based energy systems are the most widely used
energy source throughout the world. The inexpensive oil and gas based energy systems are used for everything, i.e., from
transportation of goods and people to the harvesting of crops for food. As the energy demand continues to rise, there is strong
need for inexpensive energy solutions. An offshore platform is a large structure that is used to house workers and machinery
needed to drill wells in the ocean bed, extract oil and/or natural gas, process the produced fluids, and ship or pipe them to
shore. Depending on the circumstances, the offshore platform can be fixed (to the ocean floor) or can consist of an artificial
island or can float. Semi-submersibles are used for various purposes in offshore and marine engineering, e.g. crane vessels,
drilling vessels, tourist vessels, production platforms and accommodation facilities, etc. The challenges of deepwater drilling
have further motivated the researchers to design optimum choices for semi-submersibles for a chosen operating depth. In our
series of eight papers, we discuss the design and production aspects of all the types of offshore platforms. In the present part I,
we present an introduction and critical analysis of semi-submersibles.
and current from any direction; the ability to support a of riding in a sub-merged watercraft. Tourist semi-submersible
mooring system; and a large deck area. Furthermore, with the can be used for under water viewing in various geographical
ever increasing requirements for working in deeper waters locations, e.g. underwater excursions, and oceanic reefs. The
the recent semi-submersibles are often fitted with a Dynamic passenger capacity varies between 20 and 175 (18~165 passengers
Position System (DPS) to control the craft more efficiently. and 2~10 crew members). The tourist semi-submersibles are
A technical analysis of semi-submersible is shown in Table 2. equipped with underwater lighting, anchor chain, air
For exploration purposes, a semi-submersible is the design of conditioning, stereo systems, and night cruise systems. The
choice for development drilling. The design of semi- main engine is normally a diesel engine and propulsion system
submersible is a process that employs model tests and may be propellers (for monohull) or 1/2 water jets (for
numerical simulations in the field of motions, mooring loads, catamaran). The main structure consists of outer hulls,
wave drift forces and Dynamic Positioning (DP). The critical passenger hull, hydraulic cylinders, pilot house, engine room
issues are the accurate estimation of the impact of green enclosures, and deck structure. The typical design parameters
water, slamming and Vortex Induced Motions (VIM) on are: L=15~27m, B=3.5~20m, T=1.5~12m, D or height=2~16m,
semi-submersibles. Semi-submersibles are designed for Displacement up to 150tonnes, Service speed (cruise)=25~40knots,
extreme wave conditions and the motions characteristics in Service speed (viewing) =1~2knots, and classification code of BV.
extreme wave conditions become important. Also, wave The approximate construction cost including design cost is
impact loads on semi- submersible pontoons during transport around US$ 750,000 to 1,250,000. A typical image of a tourist
in extreme weather conditions on the deck of a barge or semi-submersible is shown in Fig. 1, TS (2009) and TCSS
heavy-load vessel are important parameters in design. The (2009).
trials and monitoring are done with scaled and full-scale
measurements on semi-submersibles. In offshore platforms it Deep-sea ocean research semi-submersible
is preferred to have a mooring system for field development
at any water depth. Apart from the issue of mooring system, A deep-sea ocean research semi-submersible is used for
there are other design considerations that affect the observing and exploring ocean environment at water depths
applicability of semi-submersible for deepwaters. The aim of up to 2250m. The design requirement is to form a stable
our present paper is to present a critical introduction about platform in rough seas. Such vessels have conventional bow
semi-submersibles and our paper consist of general review, and stern separated and joined by a tubular cylinder like
design considerations, optimization, and deign example, etc. structure. The stern is built with decks, ladders, and fittings.
This paper follows our previous interests in the offshore The fittings are designed to ensure that the craft remain in use
platforms, e.g. Sharma et al. (2009a, 2009b, 2009c, and even with the sinking of the forward part of the ship. This
2009d). The present paper carries forward the ideas proposed design requirement, forces the entire craft to locate vertically
in Sharma et al. (2009b). It provides a detailed description downwards toward the ocean bottom and the stern portion
about the present work and outlines the future works that are remains above the waterline. The narrow tubular portion
currently being investigated. The remaining of this paper is allows only small forces to be transmitted to the craft as large
organized as follows: Section 2 describes some basic types of ocean swells and waves pass by. This general arrangement
semi-submersibles, Section 3 presents critical design and and the resulting structuring ensure the platform to be
production issues for semi-submersible, Section 4 analyses a extremely stable. The typical design parameters are:
generic optimization approach, Section 5 discusses L=75~110m, B=10~20m, T=5.5~15m, D or height=7~18m,
conversion issues for semi-submersibles, Section 6 presents Backward pitching up to 90, Height of front part above
futuristic uses of semi-submersible and Section 7 concludes water=10~20m, and Speed=10~16knots. This type of semi-
the paper. Some technical details about the terms used in the submersible is not in-practice now.
present paper and design examples are given in Appendix.
Military semi-submersible
Furthermore, since a submarine does not create waves, it The ballast tanks are flooded to lower the well deck
can be very efficient craft for underwater operations. This below the water surface. This allows oil platforms, other
concept has been used in some recent designs of watercrafts vessels, or other floating cargo to be moved into position for
that consist of two submarines like structures underwater. The loading. Later, the ballast tanks are de-ballasted, and the well
superstructure can be mounted on streamlined pylons or joined deck rises to shoulder the load. To achieve a desired balance
to the hulls with continuous members with sloped sides. The between the cargo-loads, the ballast tanks are pumped
joining with continuous members forms stealth-like structure unevenly in a pre designed pattern. A heavy-lift semi-
that is less visible on radar, and hence better suited for military submersible is widely used in oil industry to transport oil
applications. The typical design parameters are: L=50~60m, drilling rigs because such a vessel can carry the rigs (with a
B=18~22m, T=4.0~5.5m, D or height=5.75~8.75m, center of gravity around 27~35 m above the heavy lift semi-
Speed=25~30knots, Propulsion system = diesel electric, and submersibles deck) from their construction site to a drilling
displacement =500~650tonnes. Historical details can be found site at roughly three to four times the speed of a self-
in Preston (2001). Two different military semi-submersibles deploying rig. The typical design parameters for a heavy-lift
from two different eras are shown in Fig. 2. semi-submersible designed to transport very large and heavy
semi-submersible drilling rigs of weight<35000tonnes are:
Heavy-lift semi-submersible L(overall) =200~235m, B=60~65m, D=12~15m, T (maximum
sailing draft)=7.5~12.5, T (maximum submerged
A heavy-lift semi-submersible is used to lift and transport draft)=27.5~32.5m, submerged water height above deck
rigs/ outsized cargo / yachts, etc. It consists of a long and low (aft)= 15~18m, submerged water height above deck (forward)
well deck between a forward pilot house and aft machinery =10~14m, Deadweight=60000~75000tonnes, Deck
space. space=45~60m160~185m, Deck area=10~12.5km,
158 Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170
(a) A typical view of a tourist semi- (b) A typical seating arrangement for (c) An artistic image of a tourist semi-
submersible (mono hull). monohull tourist semi-submersible. submersible (catamaran).
(d) Installation of port and starboard jets (e) Image of propulsion system of a (f) A typical seating arrangement for
and engines on semi- submersible tourist semi-submersible. tourist semi-submersible (catamaran).
Offshore drilling semi-submersible tugboat and anchored, or moved by and kept in position by
their own azipod propellers with dynamic positioning
An offshore drilling semi-submersible is used for drilling system. Semi-submersibles are custom built for specific
at deeper sea depths. Initial early designs of offshore requirements for the drilling industry and the critical design
drilling semi-submersibles were with jack-up rigs and four issues for this type of semi-submersible are subsequently
columns submersibles. The weight of columns and rigs is discussed in details.
high, but without sufficient buoyancy in themselves. The
extra buoyancy support is provided by pontoons (flat- Crane semi-submersible
bottomed boat or the floats). Additionally, pontoons are used
as buoyancy tanks which can be ballasted or de-ballasted. Similar to heavy-lift semi-submersible, a crane semi-
The pontoons and columns that constitute the hull are of submersible is used to lift up rigs/outsized cargo/yachts and
sufficient weight proper weight distribution to cause the ships. A crane semi-submersible consists of lower hulls
structure to float and also remain upright. Because of high (pontoons), columns on each lower hull (pontoon) and an
weight of the columns, pontoons, rig and its consumables, the upper hull. At present, a crane semi-submersible is capable of
offshore drilling submersible is towed from one location to lifting up to 25000tonnes, and this upper limit is increasing
another at a draft mid way between the top of the pontoons with new designs. A crane semi-submersible is de-ballasted
and the underside of the deck. The hydrodynamic motions at to a draft where only part of the lower hull is submerged in its
this draft are very small, and this has promoted the use of transit journey. However, during lifting operations, the vessel
semi-submersible as a stable platform for exploration drilling is ballasted. The ballasting appropriately submerges the lower
for offshore oil and gas. They can be towed into position by a hull and reduces the effects of waves and swells on the vessel.
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170 159
Smuggling semi-submersible
CRITICAL DESIGN AND PRODUCTION ISSUES the land, supply is a critical issue. In this regard, a design is
FOR SEMI-SUBMERSIBLES preferred that can store more consumables.
Load capacity: The speed of the fully laden unit depends
A proper balanced design is arrived via an integrated upon the load capacity at transit draft. The smaller pontoons
approach. In the integrated approach, the design parameters may remain submerged during transit resulting in low transit
(e.g. material handling equipments, deck space, motion, speed. Though, the bigger pontoons may remain partially
stability, operational characteristics, and flotation and safety, submerged but since their steel weight, cost, and station-
ABS (2001), API(1996), API (2003), and DNV (1996)) are keeping forces are large they are not preferred. Furthermore,
optimized to get appropriate main particulars. An integrated the variable load capacity at operating draft decreases as
approach for the design process of the ultra deepwater pontoon size increases. Hence, the optimum size of the
drilling units is shown in Fig. 8. pontoons is important. The larger pontoons have higher cost,
unfavorable motion characteristics (bigger stability columns
required to restore operating variable load reduce the natural
heave period), and higher power requirements of the dynamic
positioning system. The smaller pontoons also allow only
short and light rig which cannot de-ballast with a useful load
on board.
Environment: Wave heights, wind speed and sea
currents determine the operating sea environment. These
factors determine the height of the columns and the air gap
between operating water level and the underside of the upper
operating deck. In the harsh maritime environment, the height
of the support columns should be sufficiently increased to
Fig. 8 Design process for the ultra deepwater drilling units. ensure that, at survival draft, there is no wave impact on the
underside of the operating deck. In severe weather this
The critical design issues that affect the performance of a pushes the column height to a greater value than what would
semi-submersible are: vessel geometry, motions, capacity be expected from design considerations for a rig operating in
(variable drilling load and total variable load), construction moderate weather. Compared to high column the low column
(system and production), stability and safety. offers a larger variable load, with all other parameters being
Vessel geometry: From simple structural mechanics, the equal. In this regard, an optimum design which optimizes
simple and cost-effective semi-submersible forms are shown column size and overall rig size to provide the desired
in Fig. 9. The comparative advantages and disadvantages of variable load and motion characteristics within the bounded
the triangle and rectangle based semi-submersibles are listed constraints of economics is preferred.
in Fig. 9. The final hull design choice is made after a complete
structural and hydrodynamic analysis. Initial configuration
out of triangular or rectangular is selected primarily by the
design agency. The ring pontoons are topped with triangular
or rectangular columns. The topside deck is supported by the
columns with the corners of the topside deck placed at the
geographical centers of column tops. The configuration can
be further extended with the help of equipments set on a
triangular deck that is supported by three/four columns with a
water-entrapment plate at the keel. Similarly, other extension
of the original configurations can be devised to further
provide additional facilities, e.g. control and chemical
injection systems for subsea wells, power generation systems,
multi-phase pumping systems, etc. The design requirements
of a semi-submersible consist of owners and shipbuilding
yards requirements. The requirements of the owner are
related to the operational aspects, e.g. environmental
conditions (wind, wave and current) for operations and
survival, variable drilling load, total variable load in transit,
Fig. 9 The simple and cost-effective semi-submersible forms. limitations of motion behavior (e.g. heave/pitch/roll and sea
state for operating conditions), safety, stability, equipment
The optimal design of the form configurations depend specifications, conversion possibilities, and dismantling cost.
upon the following parameters, The requirements of the shipbuilding yard are related to the
Deck load: The desired deck load is not constant and its construction, e.g. optimum utilization of shipyards
variation at operating draft affects the design of supply fabrication facilities from metal cutting to panel formation to
logistics. Since, deepwater platforms are normally far from final assembling, maximum construction width due to the
162 Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170
building block facilities or waterway/channel/river The weights for columns, pontoons and nodes are
restrictions. Once the requirements are specified to establish computed with approximate formulas. It is a general practice
the desired set of main dimensions to fulfill the design to add an additional 47.5~65.0% of the weight of columns,
criteria, an optimization approach is used. The optimization pontoons and nodes for marine systems, brackets, paint, and
approach has many advantages, e.g. it enables computation of design allowances. The hull buoyancy is simply the weight of
a detailed parametric study to determine the influence and the water displaced by the pontoons, nodes and the part of the
relationships amongst design parameters, and an accurate columns that are submerged either during float-on, float-off,
design is obtained which has little modification requirements operational or survival conditions. The down flooding angles
in its life cycle. and area ratios for intact stability need to be checked as per
A semi-submersible design is an iterative process. A classification society guidelines. For damaged stability
preliminary design is selected first and then it is modified in calculations, one/two/three consecutive tanks are flooded all
an iterative process to meet the requirements, satisfy the the way around semi-submersible. The distance between
constraints, achieve performance levels, and minimize the down flooding angle and the first righting arm/heeling arm
investment. Since, semi-submersible is a hydrodynamic intercept under the worst damaged case scenario need to be
floating structure that operates in a rough and heavy sea checked with classification society guidelines. Normally, it
weather, its design requires technological and scientific skills should be higher ( 5, 10) than the classification society
from structural mechanics and hydrodynamics. The semi- guidelines. The number of tanks that are floodable to reach
submersible is subjected to the severe environmental loads in operational and survival drafts as well as to offset a
high sea state. The design sea state can go up to Sea Level 3. permanent topside center of gravity that is as far from the
The ocean data for the sea/ocean site is needed for wave geographical center of gravity need to be determined.
height, period, wind speed and current speed for both the The heave/pitch/roll motion can be determined with
operational and survival design condition. Normally, the either experimental investigations on similar scaled models,
operational and survival design storms are chosen to be 10 or CFD simulations. The periods are determined using
year and 100 year storm conditions respectively for the closed-form equations. Normally, the heave/pitch/roll period
design location. The shape and height coefficients can be are around 16.25~31.25 seconds for normal semi-submersible
taken from codes of classification societies or research used in-practice. The heave/pitch/roll response can be found
studies, and then applied to the constant topside shapes, the using response amplitude operators (computed from a hull of
final exposed column shapes (with zero shielding) and the similar dimensions) for the degree headings between 0 to 90.
final component elevations once the final freeboard is Normally, the maximum heave response is found to be from
calculated. The wind, current and mean wave drift are around 20~25 heading and is 2.250m~ 2.875m and
applied concurrently in the bow, beam and quartering 3.25m~ 4.625m for the operating 10 year and survival
directions so that they result in maximum environmental 100 year storm conditions respectively. Similarly, the
loads for operational and survival conditions. maximum pitch/roll response is found to be from around the
The loading pattern for semi-submersible is both local 0~3 heading and is 1.75~ 3.125 and 3.75~ 5.25
and global. The structural analysis is normally performed for the operating 10 year and the survival 100 year storm
with 3D finite element based analytical tools to determine the conditions respectively.
deflections, moments, and stresses acting on the topside, In ultra deepwater, for a rig it is easy to use a mooring
columns, and hull pontoon. The analysis conditions are: system rather than dynamic positioning. At present, practical
structure floating at a constant draft and with a static wave considerations of hydrodynamic forces, rules out any
with the crest of the wave acting on two of the columns economically viable drilling rig to carry a self-deploying
opposite from each other. Normally, this static wave with the system in high water depths ( 2250m).
crest of the wave acting on two of the columns opposite from Currently, some research is being done to design a
each other produces maximum moments, stresses, and mooring system which can be pre-laid or pre-deployed,
deflections. Then, the weights of the hull, topside, ballast e.g., system with suction pile anchors. In the system with
tanks (filled with water), and nodes are added, along with the suction pile anchors a rig is brought on to the location, and
buoyancy acting on the bottom of the pontoon. To efficient then the anchor wires of rig are connected to this pre-laid or
model mooring lines, springs are added to the joint of the pre-deployed system. Since, the amount of wire connected
columns and pontoon. The inclusion of wind, wave, and from the rig is limited, it is critically important that the wire
current forces in structural analysis produces a dynamic line winch is a traction winch and storage reel for which line-
problem. And, dynamic fluid structural interaction produces pull is independent of the amount of wire. Another additional
the reaction forces for the springs in the x and y directions. advantage of a system with suction pile anchors is that it can
In general it is ensured the weights of all of the components be supported by thruster assistance units if desired.
are of equal and opposite force to the buoyancy resulting in The mooring system design for the semi-submersible is
zero net global displacement in the z direction. The stresses, driven by simulation. The inputs are environmental and
for both wave cases, that are created from the pressures, mooring line component data. The number of legs in the
weights, and buoyancy need to be compared to classification mooring system can be 12/16, , 4 n , where n =3, 4,.
society guidelines. In general, the stresses for the topside and The materials used are chain, polyester, and spiral wire
pontoon are on the higher side while the stresses in the components in both taut-leg and semi-taut leg mooring
columns are on the lower side. system designs. The mooring lines at both the fairleads and
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170 163
anchors are composed of chain to account for an increase of currents. This concept utilizes a conventional telescopic joint
stresses at the fairleads and to fit chain jacks, as well as to to protect the rig from potential riser recoil in the event of a
accommodate the situation where the mooring lines may lie riser failure or emergency disconnection. The additional
on the ocean floor to avoid sediment transportation into the advantage of near surface BOP is that it can be used to extend
polyester or wire components. Normally, wire is used as the the range of the drilling rig to deeper waters (up to 2250m)
middle component because in middle position it performs with a smaller bore riser. The riser diameter affects the deep
well in both taut and semi-taut designs, and provides the water range, e.g. riser of 0.50m diameter has a water depth
required in-water weight for the restoring force of the semi- range of around 1750m, and risers of 0.34m diameter can
taut system. However, it adds a significantly larger have a water depth range of around 2250m. The other
downward force on the hull. The other choice is to use benefits of near surface BOP are: improved well control, no
polyester middle component, which can also be adapted to modifications required to the mud system for extension to
work well in both taut and semi-taut leg mooring systems. deeper waters, suitability with existing choke and kill system,
Although, polyester provides required stretch for the lower requirements for mud volume, lower riser running
restoring force in the taut-leg configuration, it does not times, low anchor handling time, fully redundant controls ,
provide sufficient in-water weight to support an adequate and less waste disposal. Furthermore, a lower diameter of
restoring force in the semi-taut design. Mooring system riser reduces the mud volume, e.g. riser of 50cm diameter
operates in a highly dynamic environment. A dynamic requires about 190m3 of mud and riser of 34cm diameter
analysis of the mooring system is performed with concurrent requires 120m3 of mud. The reduced volume of mud allows
environmental forces applied in the direction of each mooring the rig to operate in deeper waters than their original design
line to compute the worst case intact and damaged conditions. capability. Also, a lower diameter riser with near surface
The results of these analyses are checked against the mooring BOP allows the use of existing surface equipments, e.g.
guidelines prescribed by the classification society. In general, conventional telescopic joint, flex-joint, tension ring and
a polyester line suits a taut-leg system, and a wire line suits a drape hose gooseneck connections. The BOP is run down to a
semi-taut system. The diameter of all steel components of the predetermined depth. And, depending upon water currents,
mooring line is increased by 0.04~0.06mm per design year the BOP can be arranged between two joints of riser, e.g.
for corrosion. The final design choice is selected by an about 50m below the surface. If there is a problem with the
optimization process that employs mooring objectives, BOP then it can be recovered to the transporter in a shorter
society regulations, and cost. For the general designs studied duration (2~4hours). If the storage is at the surface then it
by our design team the mooring system consists of taut will need to be disconnected from the well before any
system with studless chain at the anchor, polyester rope in the maintenance or repair work can be carried out for safety
middle component and studless chain at the fairlead. For reasons if there is any rig movement. The rigs conventional
normal designs, the anchors are 9~13tonnes vertically loaded drilling riser can be used from the diverter to the near-surface
drag embedment anchors. The subsea blowout preventer stack.
(BOP) systems are large in size, heavy in weight, and Though, near-surface BOP occupies a higher space, it is
expensive in cost. The BOP systems are stored in the still better than the conventional surface BOP because the
moonpool area. Normally, conventional rigs have adequate telescopic joint is much larger for near surface BOP. The
space in the moonpool area to run and retrieve BOP stacks, near surface BOP is installed outside the critical zone and is
Christmas trees and flow-lines etc. However, the moonpool close enough to the surface so that recovery for repair takes a
area of the rigs does not have enough space to accommodate short time in deep and ultra deep water depths. The near
a conventional surface BOP configuration. In conventional surface BOP is efficiently sized to allow for the stresses of
rigs, the air gap is around 6~8m and distance between the 60~80MPa during operation. Its configuration consists of
diverter housing and the underside of the rig is around 8~10m. three rams and one annular, and it is equipped with redundant
This restricts the conventional surface stacking option. To conventional hydraulic controls and ROV intervention
avoid the storage in the moonpool area, the option of storing capability. The structure of near surface BOP consists: a
close to the main deck is chosen as it offers an easy location conventional telescopic joint, various strings of conventional
for maintenance also. Additionally, from design point of view drilling riser, computer controlled riser adapter, annular
it allows an extended rail system for coordinating the preventer, single ram preventer, choke and kill equipment,
movement of BOP and subsea trees into and out of the dual ram preventer, adapter spool, wellhead connector, riser
running elevator integrated to the moonpool access. In this mandrel, upper/lower stress joint, casing for riser, frame
rail driven system BOP is skidded directly onto the BOP work, control equipment, computer control system and a
elevator that lowers it to clear the underside of the device for disconnection.
substructure beams. Also, the elevator runs the BOP to the The drill string needs to be hung from the wellhead. For
starboard side of the moonpool and parks it before near surface BOP this requires an altered configuration. In
deployment. Tree staging operations also are handled on the the altered configuration, a special device (special subsea
port aft side of the moonpool. Also, this integrated system isolation and disconnect device (SSIDD)) is used, and it is
allows for the reduction in the number of wires, and ropes. installed on the wellhead to hang the drill string and to shear
The BOP system stored close to the main deck is called the drill pipe. The SSIDD allows safe and quick removal of
the near surface BOP. The near surface BOP is operated the rig from the well. Normally, the SSIDD consists of two to
below the splash zone and away from the influence of four 30~38 cm diameter (60~70MPa) rams, valves, and
164 Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170
computer controlled valve arrangement system. The aim of and constraints). The schematic diagram of generic
computer controlled valve management system is to allow an optimization approach is shown in Fig. 10. In Fig. 10, the
efficient monitoring of well closure and/or control before main program reads the parameters values from the input set
reopening. The SSIDD has MUX pod for primary control, and runs the optimization process. The iterative optimization
acoustic digital spread spectrum controls for secondary process computes the optimum values of free variables
control and it is supported with ROV intervention capabilities. ( F * ( S fv ) ) via iteration. The process is initialized with some
In the integrated system the SSIDD consists of: casing riser,
stress joint, riser connector, riser mandrel, shear rams, pipe starting values (initial guess S fv0 ), and then these initial
(and/or shear) rams, influx isolation equipment, wellhead values are entered in the computing zone where constraints
connector, frame work, and computer control equipment. At and objective functions are checked and satisfied. The check
present, the riser tensioning capacity is around 400~500 and satisfaction of the constraints and objective functions
tonnes which is less than the desired tensioning capacity of lead to modification in the set values of S fv . The modified
around 500~625tonnes in deeper waters. This demands an set values (S*fv) are used again and the process is continued
additional strengthening of tensioning system for deeper
till all the constraints and objective functions are satisfied,
waters. Offshore structures operate under heavy loads. The
combined weight of large-bore choke and kill lines, boost and and the optimum F * ( S fv ) is computed.
dual-density lines, and hydraulic supply lines puts a high
force on the tensioning system. The tensioning losses are
high because units are assembled with joints, have bends, and
operate with multiple connections. Furthermore, losses are
accentuated because of friction, and lead angles. Normally,
for an efficient design tensioning losses are assumed to be
between 20% (lower side) to 22.5% (higher side). In practice,
two types of tensioning systems are popular. And, they are:
wire-line tensioner and hydraulic in-line tensioner. The
hydraulic in-line tensioner offers higher efficiency but its use
makes the moonpool area dirty with sticky fluids and that Fig. 10 The schematic diagram of generic optimization
needs periodic cleaning. The wire-line tensioner does not approach.
offer high efficiency but its use keeps the moonpool area
clean. The running times for casing and/or high pressure riser The definition of free variables depend upon the chosen
without auxiliary lines is low as compared to the primary structural configuration, e.g. 3 column semi-
conventional drilling riser. Hence, near surface BOP coupled submersible or 4 column semi-submersible, or n -column
with low diameter riser, strengthened tensioning system, and semi-submersible where n =3, 4, 6, 8, etc. Once a
SSIDD offers an economic and highly efficient choice for the configuration is chosen then other free variable are chosen. In
semi-submersibles. general nine free variables are enough, e.g. for upper deck:
width and length; for columns: width, height and spacing; for
floaters: width, height and length; and for column additions:
size of heave plates (if designed with water-entrapment plates
The technical design parameters consist of two
Now, we describe a generic optimization approach. An categories: owner related technical design parameters (e.g.
optimization approach needs clearly defined parameters: free SA sea state: environmental conditions for operations and
variables, technical design parameters, constraints and survival, VDL: variable drilling load, TVLiT: total variable
objective function. In computational implementation free load in transit, HM: heave motion, PM: pitch motion, RM:
variables are changed during the computation of the optimum roll motion, SL: safety level, IS: intact stability, DS: damaged
solution while the parameters have fixed values defined at the stability, ES: equipment specifications, CP: conversion
input stage. The constrained parameters are the requirements possibilities, and DC: dismantling cost) and shipbuilding yard
that need to be fulfilled, and the objective function needs to related technical design parameters (e.g. CSA: cross sectional
be optimized. The objective is user selected and it can be size of the deck box, HDB: height of deck box, NB: number
linear, non-linear and stochastic. Because of many of bracings, SBC: size of bracings, CSHP: cross sectional
possibilities in the very definition of objective function it is size of heave plate). The air gap requirements are determined
desired that a powerful optimization technique is adopted. from simulated results of experimental tests that are
Some examples are linear programming technique (for linear conducted on similar scaled models.
objective function and constraints), gradient minimization Again, the constraints are categorized: MSL~maximum
technique (for non-linear objective function and linear stability level, MEC - maximum operating conditions,
constraints), sequential quadratic programming (SQP) MTVLiTs - total variable load in transit, and MRFB -
technique (for non-linear objective function (for linear minimum required freeboard.
objective function and constraints)) and evolutionary MSL-maximum stability level: A semi-submersible is
programming technique (for stochastic objective functions classified by a professional agency, and within classification
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170 165
society rules and regulations the design aim is to achieve 4~7.5% (i.e. low for designs already in practice and high for
maximum stability levels. In general the semi-submersible new and innovative designs) of the construction cost. The
has a significant buoyant upper hull structure and this feature construction cost consists of various sub-costs like drilling
improves IS. For damaged condition there is a restricted limit cost (material cost=27.5~32.5%, labor cost=2~3%), structure
of the heeling angle and because of that the amount of water cost (material cost=4~6%, labor cost=7~8%), machinery cost
that can accumulate is limited. However, a small amount of (material cost=13~17%, labor cost=2~3%), hull outfitting
water endanger more with free surface effects, and to achieve cost (material cost=8~11%, labor cost=1.5~3.5%), electrical
better damaged stability levels columns are strengthened with machinery and fitting cost (material cost=5.5~7%, labor
double hull, etc. In this configuration the vessels restoring cost=2~4.5%), painting cost (material cost=0.5~2%, labor
moment counteract the inflow of water. A linear or non-linear cost=2~3%), others (labor cost=5~7%), and general cost for
approximation relationship between restoring moment, assembling etc. (labor cost=5~8%). The installation cost is
displacement, GM value and angle can be used, e.g. linear around 3~4% of construction cost. The operation and
approximations are fairly accurate up to 15~17.5, and non- maintenance cost is dynamic and it increases with time.
linear relationship is needed only for higher angles (17.5~30). However, for implementation purpose a linear variation over
In both linear and non-linear relationships GM value is the life cycle can be assumed, and at the design stage the
important. operation and maintenance cost is assumed between 10~20%
MHMminimum heave motion, MPMminimum of construction cost. Of late environmental regulations are
pitch motion and MRMminimum roll motion: The getting tighter every year. This has affected the dismantling
motion characteristics affect the workability conditions and cost of semi-submersibles. At present, assuming a life cycle
therefore it is desired that they are minimum under maximum of 30 years, the dismantling cost of a semi-submersible is
drilling and operating conditions. The minimum HM/PM/RM around 8~12.5% of construction cost.
are determined with specifying allowable drill and operation Implementation of optimization approach: The
compensator limit. The HM/PM/RM depend upon natural parameters play an important role in the optimization and to
periods and submergence of floaters. There exist various gain a better insight into the design process it is desired that
formulations that link the values. In the optimization process an optimization program is developed. The program allows a
a natural period is selected first and then second/third/fourth variation of the main design criteria, and helps in determining
hump responses are computed. An optimum value is the effects of design criteria on overall size and shape of the
computed with assuming second/third/fourth hump responses semi-submersible. Initially, the design exercise starts with the
as constraints. A motion based analysis ensures that workable market survey. The market survey coupled with the analysis
conditions are determined within a given set of by the design team helps in determining the main design
environmental conditions. criteria. Once, the main design criteria are determined then
MRFB-minimum required freeboard: Minimum they are divided into owners and shipyards requirements.
freeboard is determined at transit draft. The floater size We present the implementation details of an optimization
determines total variable load and freeboard in the transit program developed by us. In general the owners
condition. The freeboard is a flexible criterion and it is both a requirements are: variable drilling load in operational,
requirement and constraint. It is a requirement because survival and transit condition (e.g. 5500tonnes), total
freeboard needs to be positive and it acts as a margin for variable load in transit condition including mooring spread
weight increase during construction. It is a constraint because (e.g. 10000tonnes), workability conditions in operations
the owner demands a minimum freeboard as higher freeboard (e.g. up to 9m significant waves and riser disconnection once
means higher material consumption and cost. These every storm year), workability in survival condition (e.g. 100
conflicting requirements are settled using optimization years condition, maximum waves of 40m height),
techniques, and an optimally selected freeboard and total classification societies (e.g. ABS/DNV/LRS etc.). The
variable load determine efficient size of floaters and shipbuilding yard requirements are: optimizing parameter
displacement of the vessel. with respect to shipyards constraints (e.g. shipbuilding
Production related constraints (PRS): Flat/single yards fabrication system, reduction of joints in the structure,
curved panels have a low cost of production. Hence, from and use plates of maximum size, etc.), maximum
cost point of view it is desired that the semi-submersible be construction width (depends upon the available width of
designed with flat/single curved panels. This also adds some building dock, e.g. 80m), and minimize steel weight
constraints, and they are: consumption. These requirements form the basic design set
Length of floater upper hull length. and from this set workability in operation and survival
Width of floater column width. conditions are converted to the motional behavior input data
Total width of vessel width of building dock/repair (natural heave/pitch/roll period and second/third hump
dock of the shipbuilding yard. response). The significant wave height and storm conditions
Objective function: The central idea is to optimize the are combined with permissible strokes of the drill string
overall performance of the semi-submersible. In general the compensator and the telescopic joint. The combination of
performance definition is owner driven meaning that total these values computes the heave/pitch/roll motion curve in
investment cost (to cover total design cost, construction cost, irregular seas. The experimental and analytical studies are
installation cost, operation and maintenance cost and used to determine the combination of natural period and
dismantling cost) is minimized. The design cost is around response values at the second/third hump which satisfies the
166 Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170
motion requirements. The height of air-gap is approximated results in better earnings and additional cost of steel is low as
to around 10~15m. compared to the enhanced earnings because of higher drilling
To clearly demonstrate the applicability of the presented condition. The owners requirements strongly affect the final
optimization process we present a design example. Let the design, and parameters like VDL, TVL, GM all affect the
full set of input details for the conceptual design of a semi- steel weight, e.g. higher the VDL/TVL/GM higher the steel
submersible be: Free variables: 65m < deck width < 80m. Due weight with TVL/VDL/GM being the order of decreasing
to available building dock width in the shipbuilding yard, 0m influence on steel weight. The fabrication parameters like
< column width, floater length, floater/column width, and preference for flat panels, single curved panels, reducing
floater height. number of main construction elements and continuous use of
Parameters: VDL=5500tonnes, TVL=10,000tonnes, bulkheads from floaters to columns to upper hull result in
Height of air gap=13m, Height of deck box=10m, Number of significant cost savings (i.e. up to 20~30% of the cost of
bracings=6, and Diameter of bracings=3.0m. production of structure). The construction width affects the
Constraints: GM operating=4.50m, GM transient=0.338m, steel weight and final design. The optimum width balances
Transient freeboard=0.65m. the design with proper floaters, columns and deck dimensions
The results of the final optimized design are listed below: within the set of input design data. The optimum ratio of
Rules and regulations ABS/DNV/LRS; Principal dimensions; L / B for semi-submersibles is around 1.125~1.625.
L of main deck=80.16m, B of main deck=71.15m, D of Design is continuous and evolving process. The
main deck=48.38m, D of flush bottom deck=39.38m, L of developments in one industry affect the design philosophies
lower hull=133.85m, B of lower hull=15.475m, D of lower of other industries. For example, modularization has been
hull=10.25m, L of column=15.475m, B of column implemented successfully in the aerospace industry, i.e.
=15.475m, Longitudinal column space=64.675m, Transverse Boeings series of 747, 767, and 787, is a modular variation
space of column=64.675m, T of operation=25.75m, T of of basic Boeings 747 design. We believe that offshore
survival =21.375m, T of transit=9.5625m; Capacities; Bulk industry too can benefit from the concept of modularization
mud and cement=950m3, Liquid mud=825m3, Drill and a similar modular approach can be taken for the design
water=2950m3, Fuel oil=3450m3, Potable water=500m3, and construction of semi-submersibles.
Ocean/sea water=500m3, Sack storage=213.45m3, Drill pipe Modularly, a semi-submersible can be viewed as a
storage=458.825m3, Casing pipe storage=376.25m3, Riser collection of pontoons organized in a central symmetric
storage=706.367m3; Variable load; Deck and column configuration. The modular configuration allows the deck
=5500tonnes for operating/survival/transit condition, Lower and hull designs to be performed independently of each other
hull=6750tonnes for operating/survival condition, Lower resulting in a more efficient design process. Also, the
hull=2250tonnes for transit condition, Mooring=2500tonnes; construction schedules of deck and hull modules can be
Design criteria; Water depth=1125m for operating/survival independent of each other and that allows maximization of
condition, Wind (60seconds)=92knots for operating condition, efficiency in the scheduling process. Since, deck and hull
Wind (60seconds)=124knots for survival condition, Wind modules are conceived independently any payload changes
(3600seconds)=82knots for operating condition, Wind (3600 that can occur during the design process do not affect hull
seconds)=110knots for survival condition, Significant wave design/topsides design and the construction schedule. The
height/period=10m/13seconds for operating condition, configuration can be rectangular, square, hexagonal, and
Significant wave height/period=23m/21seconds for survival octagonal, etc.
condition, Maximum wave height=19m for operating condition, The modular approach to the conception and design of
Maximum wave height=43m for survival condition, Surface deck and hull allow a robust and simple structural
current=3.325knots for operating/survival condition, configuration, and a minimum of fatigue sensitive bracing
Temperature=(-)25C for operating/survival condition; connections can be achieved. The deck and hull can be
Machinery/equipment/out fittings; Anchors=11~21tonnes, connected rigidly or flexibly. The rigid and buoyant upper
Mooring lines=12 (100mm diameter chain1275m plus in length, hull deck-box increases safety in an extreme event because of
132mm diameter wire2550m plus in length), its extra strength and buoyancy. From stability point of view,
Cranes=(382.5)tonnes, Accommodation for 120 persons in 2 the hull consists of the columns and the pontoons. The
persons per cabin, Ballast pump room=6, Main internal spaces of the columns are subdivided to provide
generators=63500kW, and Azimuth thrusters=43125kW. access for shafts and a series of watertight flats. The
Some other designs that have been optimized with our pontoons can also be subdivided depending upon the
program are listed in the Appendix. requirements for damaged flotation and access. The vertical
The steel weight is roughly linearly dependent upon VDL. extent of the primary structure is designed to have a reserve
The operating conditions affect the design and though the buoyancy to prevent loss of the hull in occurrence of internal
reduction of maximum working conditions brings the flooding during installation. The hull design uses cross-
second/third hump and period of heave/pitch/roll forward stiffened (i.e. shaped) plating structures. The columns
thereby reducing the steel weight but it increases the chances shape can be square or circular or elliptical design with ring
of riser disconnection. In proper design, these conflicting girders and vertical stiffening. The pontoons can be
choices are settled with the preference given by the owner. rectangular or circular or elliptical design in cross section
Similarly, the drilling condition affects the steel weight. A with web frames, and are stiffened in the longitudinal
higher value of drilling condition is preferred because it direction. The deck of the semi-submersible is installed at the
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170 167
Furthermore, the requirements for deeper drilling depths and economies are slowly shifting towards green energy. In this
adverse weather conditions are bringing new challenges for regard renewable energy options are being explored
the designers and operators. These new situations demand throughout the world at a faster pace as compared in the past.
that the owners upgrade their existing units. In this scenario it Wind based energy is one of the most attractive option
is anticipated that many new opportunities are likely to open for renewable resources available to the planet earth. At
in the area of conversion/up-gradation of semi-submersibles. present, most of the wind turbines are located at/near the
Normally, the configuration of an offshore drilling semi- coast at shallow and moderately deep waters. However, this
submersible is: one open controllable pitch propeller, low- is not very efficient because available wind speed is low at
speed diesel engine, one/two transverse thruster at the bow, the coast and shallow depths. Low speed of wind generates
low width, and low deck area, etc. Now suppose this is to be low energy output and since the cost of installation of wind
converted to a heavy-lift semi-submersible. Normally, the turbine farms is high the cost of energy per unit increases,
configuration of a heavy-lift semi-submersible is: one open making it uneconomical. To lower per unit cost of energy
controllable pitch propeller, low-speed diesel engine, output, the energy generation needs to be increased.
two/four transverse thruster at the bow, high width, and high Fundamentally, the available speed of wind is high at deeper
deck area, etc. The high width and deck area of heavy-lift water depths and further away from coast. To explore this
semi-submersibles allow the transportation of heavy option we need to install offshore wind turbines. The wind
structures (weighing up to 75000tonnes) and heavier and turbines are installed on floating platforms at few hundred
ultra-large floating production and drilling platforms and kilometers out in to sea, where the winds are strong and
larger semi-submersible drilling units. The high width and steady. As has been mentioned previously because of their
higher displacement affects the propulsion, turning ability low motion characteristics semi-submersibles offer a stable
and safety adversely. From fundamentals of hydrodynamics it floating platform at deeper water depths. At present, offshore
is known the requirements of higher propulsion, turning wind turbines usually stand on fixed platforms (e.g. towers
ability and safety can be achieved with addition of more driven into the ocean floor) which are suitable only up to
thrust more so in adverse weather conditions. Hence, to water depths of about 15~20m. Installation of wind turbines
obtain extra thrust new retractable thrusters can be installed on semi-submersible offers large space and efficient
at the bow. Also, the propeller can be upgraded, e.g. large utilization of available wind speed. The semi-submersible
nozzle (with curved outer profile and an inner profile that mounted turbines can work in water depths ranging from 50
flares out to the trailing edge) with new propeller blades can to 500m or even more. And, more than one turbine can be
be installed. A nozzle increases the thrust, and installation of installed on each semi-submersible and that can improve
a nozzle around the existing propeller increases the thrust economy of scale in the wind farm. The assembling of
without any additional requirement in the power of the floating turbine is expensive in open seas because height and
engine. A nozzle needs to be installed in a tunnel, and then size of wine turbine is high, e.g. height=80~110m and rotor
tunnel is covered within a box. Another option is to choose diameter=130~160m. So, it is better to assemble the units
Pro-pac*TM rudder. This configuration allows the existing onshore at a shipbuilding yard and then tow out to sea by a
main engine, shaft-line and propeller to be used without any tugboat. To keep the platform stable, cylinders inside it can
change. Any change in existing main engine, shaft-line and be ballasted with concrete and water. Once on the site, the
propeller hub is costly and therefore to be avoided. platform is installed and all the cylinders are de-ballasted.
Currently, new propeller designs are being researched. The installation of wind turbines on semi-submersible further
For example, to limit the tip speed of the propeller, a lower demands that the motion be as low as possible and bottom of
propeller diameter is preferred for heavy-lift semi- the turbine blades remain well above the peak of even the
submersibles. A more detailed analysis is done to study the highest wave. This can be achieved with computer controlled
wake field at the aft of the ship, i.e. the wake field is dampers installed at the sideways. Because of the strong
important for propeller design because it determines the offshore winds, the floating turbines can produce up to thrice
inflow of the propeller and therefore the cavitation behavior, as much electricity per year (per installed megawatt) as wind
hull pressure fluctuations and also the changes in thrust and turbines now in-practice. Additionally, since the floating
torque during each revolution of the propeller blade. wind turbines are not permanently attached to the ocean floor,
Additional thrust is provided by installing 2/4 retractable they are a movable and that further allows maximization of
thrusters at forward. The forward thruster is powered by a energy generation as demanded by availability of high speed
horizontal electric motor and the electric power is generated wind at an oceanographic location. With proper research and
with generator sets. design, floating offshore wind turbines can be extrapolated to
larger commercial scale embodiments convincingly.
Similarly, another use of semi-submersibles can be in
tidal power plants. A tidal stream turbine can be installed on
FUTURISTIC USES OF SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE a semi-submersible for cost effective deployment in deep
water tidal streams. At present, tidal stream turbine are
As the world economies expand the energy demand installed at shallow water depths and they are of bottom
continues to rise and this is pushing further the demands for cantilevered. The bottom cantilevered tidal stream turbine
inexpensive energy solutions. Since, available reservoirs of installation has high structural and installation costs, and
energy rich fossil fuels are slowly depleting major world difficulties of access for maintenance, at deeper water. And,
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:155~170 169
TCSS, 2009. Construction gallery, SEMISUB Incorporated, 1050tonnes and dynamic=525tonnes with 7.65m stroke), Active
USA. www.semisub1.com/gallery.shtml Hv. Compensation installed; MUD SYSTEM: Cementing=2600hp
USSD, 2009. USS Spuyten Duyvil 1864. www. (space availability=2200hp), Mud pumps=42200hp 52MPa, Mud
americancivilwar.com. processing equipment =11425litres/minute (circulating rate),
Desander=30.35m cones, Desilter=240.15m cones, Centrifuge=
4decanting type and 2 additional, Shakers =14linear motion (6
APPENDIX scalpers, 6 finishing and 2 mud conditions), Pumps=68100hp,
108100hp (for mix processing) and 148100hp (for mud
Detailed design example: MAIN DETAILS: HYN D 2500 DP- transferring), Hot swap mud system=yes; SUBSEA
UR; MAIN DESIGN: , L =103.84m (main hull excluding SYSTEMS: BOP=0.34m (105MPs, 5ram, 2annular, flexi joint
helideck), B =74.15m (main hull excluding anchor racks), and adapter), BOP handling system=transporter of 300tonnes,
D =38m (bottom line to upper hull main deck), D =30.25m Control system=multiplex hydraulic, Riser Details=2500m,
(bottom line to flush bottom), Upper hull=7.75m deep (1.5m inner 0.575m outside diameter and 27.50m joint (buoyancy=98%),
bottom), Columns=421.46m height, Pontoon level=13.75m Telescopic joint=16.825m stroke, Diverter=1.54m inside diameter,
square, Operating draft=13.75m (circular), Longitudinal Drill pipe=outside diameters of 0.09m, 0.128m, 0.140m and
spacing=40.28m (80.56m overall), Transverse spacing=60.91m, 0.170m, Drill collars=outside diameters of 0.120m, 0.165m,
0.210m, 0.240m, TV system=ROV with 2500m reach,
Pontoons=107.35m(L)13.75m(B)8.78m(D) (fore/aft);
Positioning=dynamic positioning system with lower flex joint
46.83m(L)13.75m(B)8.78m(D) (port/stbd); DRAFT AND angle, Choke and kill lines=0.08m inside diameter with 105MPa
DISPLACEMENT: Operating draft=19.75m, Transit draft=8.25m, and trim compensation, Tree handling system=175tonnes
Survival draft=14.82m, Operating displacement=50031tonnes, transporter with skidding system and carts with maximum 6 trees
Transit displacement=35973tonnes, Survival displacement=45416
in simultaneous operation, Subsea gantry=100tonnes9m span for
tonnes; OPERATING PARAMETERS: Water depth=3000m,
Maximum drilling depth=9150m, Transit speed=7knots, Survival BOP and 90tonnes11.4 span for trees; MOONPOOL:
conditions Wave=27.45m, Wind=105knots, Current=2.625knots, 45m7.75m; CRANAGE: 3100tonnes55m (boom range);
Drilling conditions Wave=13.75m (13second), Wind=55knots, MOORING SYSTEM: Winches=12traction winches,
Current=4.125knots, Assisted mooring=25000HP thruster, Wire/chain=123100m0.09m wire and 121550m 0.085m
Design conditions Air temperature=+38~-20C, Water chain, Anchors=1215tonnes HHP, Thruster assisted
temperature=+32~-2C; MAIN MACHINERY: 6diesel engines, mooring=25000tonnes HP thruster; Accommodation 160
21000kW/28000kVA from 6 engine generators, Power people; DIVING SPEED=ROV installed in upper hull;
distribution=2 main 6000 VAC buses, 480 VAC, 10 steel catenary ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Motion characteristics=Heave
risers, Emergency power=800kW/1000kVA emergency generator, period (20~25 seconds), Roll/pitch period (40~45 seconds), Life
Propulsion=25000HP variable speed azimuthing thrusters; boats=654persons, Life rafts=820 persons, Rescue boats=115
CAPACITIES: Variable drilling load=9225tonnes (operating), persons and Fire fighting systems helideck (aqueous film-
Variable drilling load=6150tonnes (transit), Riser rack forming foams (AFFF)), test areas (impreza inter-cooling
area=915m2, Casing rack area=472m2, Other rack area=1210m2, water spray heat shield), Quarters (automatic fire sprinkling
Total rack area=2597m2, Free deck area=1388m2, Drill pipe in system), and Fire and gas detection (automatic fire and gas
horizontal racker=9150m, Sacks=6000 each, Drill water=2650m3, alarm systems).
Potable water=595m3, Fuel oil=2891m3, Bulk amount of Brief design example: MAIN DETAILS: HYN MD 1850
bentonite=348.30m3, Bulk amount of cement=348.3m3, Amount DP-UR; MAIN DESIGN: Water depth: 1850m, Oil throughput:
of liquid mud/salt water=3490m3, Ballast water=19690m3; 2.25~3.00 million tonnes per year, Gas throughput: 2 million
Drilling equipments: 52m20m13.45m main hoist 1000tonnes cubic meters per day, Water throughput: 1.5 million tonnes per
and auxiliary hoist 350tonnes, Setblock=440tonnes (i.e., landing year, Number of production wells: 4 (sub-sea), Production risers:
strings, casings, etc.), Drawworks=4000hp, auxiliary=1100hp, 6~80.20m steel catenary risers, Total payload
Rotary=main and auxiliary (16m1.6m), Top drive=main (deck/facilities/risers)=14500tonnes, Mooring=12 leg mooring
(775tonnes) and auxiliary (AC), Travelling block=main system (with 0.23m diameter polyester rope), Main hull
(1000tonnes) and auxiliary (350tonnes), Horizontal pipe dimensions: 70.5m70.5m51.75m, Main hull columns
handling=12200m (430 stands), Vertical pipe handling=950m dimensions: 14m14m, Draft: 32m, Pontoon dimensions:
(325 stands), Riser tensioners=12 mounts up to 3000kips 11 .5 m8 m, Deck dimensions: 42.65 m 54.75 m and
capability, Motion compensator at main hoist (static= 42.65m12.25m (in two levels).