MC7203 System Software
MC7203 System Software
MC7203 System Software
1. Define compiler?
2. What are the phases of compiler?
3. What is meant by lexical analysis?
4. What is meant by syntax analysis?
5. Define tokens, pattern and lexeme?
6. Define regular expressions.
7. What are the cousins of the compiler>
8. What is LR parsing? Write the advantage of it.
9. What is meant by intermediate code generation?
10. What is meant by semantic analysis?
11. What do you meant by phases?
12. Write short notes on symbol table manager?
13. Write short notes on error handler?
14. List some compiler construction tools?
15. Give the algebraic properties of regular expression?
16. Give the rules in regular expression?
17. Define regular set?
18. What do u meant by parser and its types?
19. What are the different levels of syntax error handler?
20. What are the difficulties with top down parsing?
21. What is meant by recursive-descent parser?
22. Define top down parsing?
23. What are the actions available in shift reduce parser?
24. Define LR (0) items?
25. Define SLR parser?
26. What are two classes of items in LR parser?
27. Define bottom up parsing?
28. Define LALR grammar?
29. Define operator precedence grammar?
30. Define a context free grammar.
31. Define ambiguous grammar.
32. List the properties of LR parser.
33. Mention the types of LR parser.
34. What is parsing? What are the types of parsing?
35. Write the algorithm for FIRST?
36. Write the algorithm for FOLLOW?
37. Give the advantages and disadvantages of operator precedence parsing?
38. What are two classes of items in LR parser?
6. (a) Check whether the following grammar is SLR (1) or not. Explain your
answer with reasons.
S-> L=R
(b) For the grammar given below, calculate the operator precedence
relation and the precedence functions.
E -> E + E | E E | E * E | E / E | E ^ E | (E) | -E | id
7. (i)Explain the functions of the Lexical Analyzer with its implementation.
(ii)Elaborate specification of tokens.
8. (i) Describe in detail about input buffering
(ii). Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar
9. Explain finite Automata with example.
10. Let us construct an NFA for the regular expression R = (a | b) *abb
1. Define loader.
2. What are functions of loader?
3. Define Linking?
4. What is bootstrap loader and use of bootstrap loader?
5. What is the use of linkage editor?
6. How does a loader handle external references?
7. Differentiate linkage editor and linkage loader.
8. What are relative (re locative) loaders?
9. List the features of machine independent loaders.
10. What is absoluter loader and what are the disadvantages of it.
11. Define linker and linking loader.
12. What is the advantage of dynamic linking?
13. What are the functions of linkers?
14. What is the function of pass2 of a loader?
15. Define multiprogramming.
16. What is mean by dynamic linking? Mention its functions.
17. What is the use of ESTAB data structure in linking loader?
18. What is a Bootstrap loader? Why is it required?
19. Mention the purpose of Literals in assembly language programming with an
20. What is the purpose of a Linker? Mention any two linkers.
21. Define bit mask.
22. What is the use of modification record?
23. What is meant by automatic library call?
24. What is the use of the variable PROGADDR?
25. List the loader options INCLUDE &DELETE.
26. What are the 2 different techniques used for relocation?
25 What is the advantage of dynamic linking?
26. State the difference between a subroutine and macro.
Unit V
Basic macro processor functions Macro Definition and Expansion Macro Processor
Algorithm and data structures Implementation examples: MASM Macro Processor-
Text editors Overview of Editing Process - User Interface Editor Structure
Interactive Debugging Systems Debugging functions and capabilities Relationships
with Other parts of the system User Interface Criteria. - Virtual Machines
26. (i). Describe the important functions and capabilities of an interactive debugging
(ii). Discuss about the criteria for the user interface design