MC7203 System Software

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Introduction System software and SIC/XE machine architecture - Basic assembler

functions Assembler algorithms and data structures Machine dependent assembler
features, Instruction formats and addressing modes Program relocation Machine
independent assembler features Literals Symbol-defining statements Expressions
Program Blocks Control Sections and Program Linking-Implementation examples
MASM assembler


1. What is system software?

2. How system software is different from Software?
3. Differentiate between application program and system program.
4. Explain the machine dependency of system software with examples?
5. Name the functions involved in translating a source program to its object code.
6. Give the difference between program blocks and control sections.
7. What is upward compatible in SIC?
8. List out the assembler directive.
9. List the different instruction formats.
10. What is program relocation? Give example.
11. Write the SIC/XE instruction formats.
12. Discuss about the procedure for framing expression.
13. Write the maximum memory available on SIC and SIC/XE system?
14. Give the examples for predefined section name of assembler?
15. What is the use of addressing modes?
16. How do you calculate the target address in direct and indirect address mode of
SIC/XE architecture.
17. What is the use of assembler directives START? CSECT and USE.
18. What is the use of LOCCTR (location counter) in assembler?
19. What is a literal pool?
20. What is the functionality of program counter and status word registers?
21. What is SIC machine?
22. List the types of relative addressing modes are available for SIC machines.
23. What are the contents of status word register?
24. Give an example instruction showing indirect addressing mode in SIC/XE.
25. What is meant by an assembler directive?. Give an example.
26. What are the components of system software?
27. Define compiler and interpreter.
28. What is a control section?
29. What are the functions of assemblers?
30. Give any two difference between SIC and SIC/XE.
31. Name the registers available in SIC/XE machine?
32. Write the addressing mode of SIC/XE machine? Two new relative addressing
modes with format 3
33. What are the additional registers provided in SIC/XE than SIC?
34. Write a data movement instruction for SIC machine?
35. Write a data movement instruction for SIC/XE machine?
36. Define immediate addressing.
37. Define indirect addressing.
38. What is relocation?
39. What is program relocation?
40. Give any two difference between base relative addressing and program counter
41. List the registers that are used in SIC machine architecture.
42. What is the use of TD instruction in SIC architecture?
43. What are the functions of compilers?
44. What is the difference between the instructions LDA # 3 and LDA THREE?
45. What is meant by forward reference?
46. What is the difference between literals and immediate operand?
47. Brief about data formats and Instruction formats of SIC.
48. With reference to assembler brief about Literals and Expressions.
49. Give the purpose of JSUB and BYTE pseudo ops.
50. Write a note on system software.
51. What is an assembler? Give an example.
52. Differentiate between near jump and far jump in MASM assembler.
53. Differentiate the assembler directives RESW and RESB.


1. Explain about SIC Architecture in detail

2. Explain about SIC/XE Architecture in detail.
3. Explain the concepts in program relocation in detail.
4. Explain registers, data and instruction format for SIC and SIC/XE architecture.
5. (i) What are assembler directives? Describe any four assembler directives in
(ii).Give the algorithm for pass one assembler and explain.
6. (i) Explain how external references are handled by the assembler
(ii).What is an assembler and what are the basic fundamental functions of
7. Discuss the features of machine dependent and machine independent
assemblers with examples.
8. Explain the following: (i) Symbol-defining statements (ii) Program blocks (iii)
Control sections and Program linking.
9. Explain in detail the features of the MASM assembler.
10. (i). Explain program relocation with an example
(ii). Describe the working of a single pass assembler?

Phases of compiler-Lexical Analysis: Role of a Lexical analyzer, input buffering,

specification and recognition of tokens, Finite Automata, Designing a lexical analyzer
generator, Pattern matching based on NFAs. Syntax Analysis: Role of Parser, Top-
down parsing, recursive descent and predictive parsers (LL), Bottom-Up parsing,
Operator precedence parsing, LR, SLR and LALR parsers.

1. Define compiler?
2. What are the phases of compiler?
3. What is meant by lexical analysis?
4. What is meant by syntax analysis?
5. Define tokens, pattern and lexeme?
6. Define regular expressions.
7. What are the cousins of the compiler>
8. What is LR parsing? Write the advantage of it.
9. What is meant by intermediate code generation?
10. What is meant by semantic analysis?
11. What do you meant by phases?
12. Write short notes on symbol table manager?
13. Write short notes on error handler?
14. List some compiler construction tools?
15. Give the algebraic properties of regular expression?
16. Give the rules in regular expression?
17. Define regular set?
18. What do u meant by parser and its types?
19. What are the different levels of syntax error handler?
20. What are the difficulties with top down parsing?
21. What is meant by recursive-descent parser?
22. Define top down parsing?
23. What are the actions available in shift reduce parser?
24. Define LR (0) items?
25. Define SLR parser?
26. What are two classes of items in LR parser?
27. Define bottom up parsing?
28. Define LALR grammar?
29. Define operator precedence grammar?
30. Define a context free grammar.
31. Define ambiguous grammar.
32. List the properties of LR parser.
33. Mention the types of LR parser.
34. What is parsing? What are the types of parsing?
35. Write the algorithm for FIRST?
36. Write the algorithm for FOLLOW?
37. Give the advantages and disadvantages of operator precedence parsing?
38. What are two classes of items in LR parser?

1. Explain the phases of compiler design.

2. Discuss the role of lexical analyzer in detail.
3. Give the complete algorithm that takes a NFA and converts it into an equivalent
4. Define parser and explain Predictive parsing and give its algorithm.
5. Briefly explain the Compiler-Construction tools.
6. Consider the following grammar
F (E) | id
To construct the predictive parser table.
3. What is FIRST and FOLLOW? Explain in detail with an example. Write down
the necessary algorithm.
4. Construct Predictive Parsing table for the following grammar:
S -> (L) / a
L -> L, S/S
and check whether the following sentences belong to that grammar or not.
(i) (a,a)
(ii) (a, (a , a))
(iii) (a, ((a , a), (a , a)) )

5. (a) Consider the grammar given below.

Construct an LR Parsing table for the above grammar. Give the moves of
LR parser on id*id+id.

6. (a) Check whether the following grammar is SLR (1) or not. Explain your
answer with reasons.
S-> L=R
(b) For the grammar given below, calculate the operator precedence
relation and the precedence functions.
E -> E + E | E E | E * E | E / E | E ^ E | (E) | -E | id
7. (i)Explain the functions of the Lexical Analyzer with its implementation.
(ii)Elaborate specification of tokens.
8. (i) Describe in detail about input buffering
(ii). Eliminate left recursion from the following grammar
9. Explain finite Automata with example.
10. Let us construct an NFA for the regular expression R = (a | b) *abb


Intermediate languages: graphical representations, DAGs, Three address code, types of
three address statements, syntax directed translation into three address code,
implementation of three address statements-Code Optimization: Machine dependent
and machine independent code generation: Sources of optimization-Code Generation-
Semantic stacks, evaluation of expressions, control structures, and procedure calls.


1. What are the benefits of intermediate code generation?

2. Write a short note on LEX.
3. What is a three address code?
4. What are the different types of three address code?
5. Draw syntax tree for the expression a=b*-c+b*-c
6. Define dead-code elimination.
7. What is dangling reference?
8. List the methods for implementing three address code?
9. Define triple.
10. What is a flow graph?
11. What is a DAG? Mention its applications.
12. Mention the issues to be considered while applying the techniques for code
13. What do you mean by machine dependent and machine independent
14. List some of the code improving transformation done in the source language?
15. List the requirements of code optimization?
16. List the different types of optimization.
17. What are the three kinds of intermediate representations?
18. What are the three address code for a or b and not c?
19. Write the 3-addr code for the statements a =b*-c + b*-c?
20. Define semantic Stacks.
21. What is meant by operand_descriptor?
22. Define procedure call.
23. List the methods of passing Arguments technique.
24. Mention the features of function calls implementation.
25. What is an intermediate language?
26. Define the sources of optimization.
27. Briefly explain the issues in code generation

1. Explain the Sources of optimization

2. What is a three address code? What are its type?. How it is implemented?
3. Explain the DAG representation of the basic block with an example?
4. Explain the principle sources of code optimization in detail.
5. Explain Machine Independent and Machine Dependent code optimization.
6. Discuss about the following: a)Constant Folding b) Constant Propagation c)
Dead Code Elimination d) Common sub-expression elimination.
7. Discuss the process of syntax directed translation into three address code.
8. Explain the code generation for control structures.
9. Describe the implementation of three address code in detail.
10. Describe in detail about the stack allocation in memory management
11. Explain the parameter passing techniques.
12. Explain the issues in code generation.
13. Write short notes on (i) Semantic Stacks (ii) DAG


Basic loader functions: Design of an Absolute Loader A Simple Bootstrap Loader
Machine dependent loader features Relocation Program Linking Algorithm and Data
Structures for Linking Loader. Machine-independent loader features Automatic Library
Search Loader Options Loader design options Linkage Editors Dynamic Linking
Bootstrap Loaders. Implementation examples: MSDOS linker.

1. Define loader.
2. What are functions of loader?
3. Define Linking?
4. What is bootstrap loader and use of bootstrap loader?
5. What is the use of linkage editor?
6. How does a loader handle external references?
7. Differentiate linkage editor and linkage loader.
8. What are relative (re locative) loaders?
9. List the features of machine independent loaders.
10. What is absoluter loader and what are the disadvantages of it.
11. Define linker and linking loader.
12. What is the advantage of dynamic linking?
13. What are the functions of linkers?
14. What is the function of pass2 of a loader?
15. Define multiprogramming.
16. What is mean by dynamic linking? Mention its functions.
17. What is the use of ESTAB data structure in linking loader?
18. What is a Bootstrap loader? Why is it required?
19. Mention the purpose of Literals in assembly language programming with an
20. What is the purpose of a Linker? Mention any two linkers.
21. Define bit mask.
22. What is the use of modification record?
23. What is meant by automatic library call?
24. What is the use of the variable PROGADDR?
25. List the loader options INCLUDE &DELETE.
26. What are the 2 different techniques used for relocation?
25 What is the advantage of dynamic linking?
26. State the difference between a subroutine and macro.


1. What is linkage editor? Explain

2. Write an algorithm for absolute loader and discuss it.
3. Compare and contrast Linkage editors with Linking Loaders.
4. (i) Explain dynamic linking with an example
(ii). Write a note Machine independent loader features.
5. What is dynamic linking? Describe loading and calling of a subroutine using
dynamic linking.
6. Explain the following (i) absolute loader (ii) Bootstrap loader
7. Give an algorithm for designing a Linker
8. Write note on MSDOS linker
9. Explain machine independent loader features.
10. (i). Describe the key features of Microsoft MS-DOS linker in detail.
(ii) Give the algorithm for two-pass linking loader and explain.
11. (i). Explain the design options of a Loader with example.
(ii). Explain the design of bootstrap loaders.
12. Explain the design of a linking loader.
13. Discuss about different features of loaders each with an example.
14. Explain the following: (i) Linkage editors (ii) dynamic linking (iii) bootstrap
15. Explain the design of Linking loader with suitable algorithms.
16. Discuss the basic loader functions and design relocatable loader.
17. Explain in detail about MS-DOS linker.
18. (i) Explain linkage editor (ii) Write notes on dynamic linking.
19. Explain the algorithm and data structures for a linking loader.
20. Explain the linkage editors and dynamic linking.
21. (i) Describe the Linking Editors
(ii). Explain how a subroutine is called using dynamic linking concepts?
22. With diagrams, explain how loading and calling of a subroutine is done using
dynamic linking
23. (i) Write short note on linkage editors and Dynamic linking
(ii) What are the functions performed by loader?

Unit V

Basic macro processor functions Macro Definition and Expansion Macro Processor
Algorithm and data structures Implementation examples: MASM Macro Processor-
Text editors Overview of Editing Process - User Interface Editor Structure
Interactive Debugging Systems Debugging functions and capabilities Relationships
with Other parts of the system User Interface Criteria. - Virtual Machines

1. What are the data structures required for processing macros?

2. What is the function of command language processor?
3. What are the debugging facilities supported by language compiler?
4. State two uses of a macro processor.
5. What are the basic functions of an editor?
6. List the data structures used in designing a macro processor
7. Mention the issues involved in macro processing within language translators.
8. State the functions of a debugger.
9. What is a macro definition?
10. What is the use of debugger?
11. Define a macro to find biggest among two numbers X, Y and invoke the macro.
12. What is a text editor? list the types of text editors.
13. Mention any four system software tools and their uses.
14. Give the macro instruction definition with an example.
15. What is the use of DEFTAB (Definition table) NAMTAB (Name table) and
ARGTAB (Argument table) in macro processor?
16. What are the tasks performed by document editing process?
17. How the mapping of view buffer to a window is done?
18. State the difference between a subroutine and macro.
19. What is the use of argument table in a macro processor?
20. What are the basic functions of a debugger?
21. State the types of computing environment for an editor?
22. Mention the tasks involved in macro expansion?
23. What is error handler?
24. Mention the features of word processors?
25. Define interactive editor
26. What is User interface?
27. Define Editing.
28. What is debugging?
29. What is gaits?.
30. Give the general syntax of Macros within a macro body.
31. State the types of computing environment for an editor?
32. State two uses of a macro processor.
33. Specify the data structure used in a macro processor?
34. In which plane display component is used?
35. What are break points?
36. What is data tablet?
37. List the steps involved in document-editing process in an interactive user-
computer dialogue
38. What ate the advantages and disadvantageous of macro over subroutine?
39. What are four tasks of text editors?
40. What are types of compilers?
41. What do you mean by interactive debugging systems?
42. List out the assembler directives in macros.

1. Explain in detail the algorithm for one pass macro processor

2. Explain in detail on the features and structure of text editor.
3. Explain in detail on interactive debugging systems.
4. Explain macro definition and expansion with suitable example.
5. Explain the data structures and algorithm for a one pass macro processor.
6. Briefly explain the Macro processor algorithms.
7. Write a note on MASM Assembler.
8. Write a note on Editor Structure
9. Discuss about the feature of interactive debugging systems.
10. Explain the functions of a debugger.
11. Explain in detail the design of an editor.
12. Explain MASM Macro processor.
13. Explain Virtual Machines concepts
14. (i) Discuss the importance of the user interface for any software
(ii) How will you design an editor? Explain in detail.
15. (i) Explain the structure of a text editor
(ii). Explain the important functions of an interactive debugging system.
16. (i). Explain the various types of user interfaces.
(ii). Discuss the nature of the user interface for an interactive debugger.
17. Explain in brief about (i) Macro expansion (ii) MASM macro processor
18. (i) With a neat block diagram, explain the different components of an editor
(ii) How are user interfaces useful? Explain
19. Explain the debugger functions and its structures
20. Describe the User Interface Criteria in detail.
21. Write short notes on the following
(i) Interactive debugging systems
(ii) Write short notes on Text editors.
22. Explain in detail about debugging functions and capabilities.
23. Draw the Typical editor structure diagram and explain.
24. (i) Explain the phases in editing process.
(ii). Discuss about interactive debugging systems.
25. (i). List and explain the various user Interface Criteria.
(ii). Explain the structure and working of an Editor

26. (i). Describe the important functions and capabilities of an interactive debugging
(ii). Discuss about the criteria for the user interface design

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