Androgynus) Leaves On Female Mice Induced Sodium Nitrite: Anti-Anemia Effect of Chlorophyll From Katuk (Sauropus

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Pharmacogn. J.

Original Article
A multifaceted peer reviewed journal in the field of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products

Anti-anemia Effect of Chlorophyll from Katuk (Sauropus

androgynus) Leaves on Female Mice Induced Sodium Nitrite
Suparmi1*, Sampurna2,4, Nur Anna C.S3,4, Alvenia Meilina Ednisari5, Galuh Dea Urfani5, Iqrommatul Laila5, Heavin Rakhmat Saintika5
Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.
Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.

Context: Sodium nitrite (NaNO2) in blood is highly reactive with haemoglobin The ferritin levels tend to increase in NaNO2+katuk. Mann Whitney test
(Hb), thus affecting hematopoiesis and induction of methemoglobinemia. results obtained no significant difference in Hb, MDA level and schisto-
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the effect of chlorophyll cytes percentage between the groups of mice that received NaNO2+katuk
from katuk (Sauropus androgynus) leaves on the level of Hb, Malondialde- NaNO2+Cu-chlorophyllin (p>0.05). This indicates that chlorophyll from
hyde (MDA), ferritin, and schistocytes percentage in female mice induced S. androgynus leaves as effective as Cu-chlorophyllin in decrease the MDA
NaNO2. Settings and Design: Experimental research was conducted using levels after NaNO2 treatment, and although not significant, it can increase
24 female mice strain Balb-c. Methods and Material: NaNO2 0.3 ml/head/ ferritin levels. Conclusion: The antioxidant activity of chlorophyll from katuk
day given during 18 days, while the chlorophyll or Cu-chlorophyllin as much leaves are able to decrease schistocytes percentages and MDA level. The
as 0.7 ml/head/day given the following day for 14 days. Statistical analysis increasing of Hb and ferritin level indicates its potential in the treatment of
used: Results are reported as mean values SD and statistically analyzed haemolityc anaemia. Further studies aimed at the mechanisms of action of
by One Way Anova test with 95% significance level. Results: The Hb levels this chlorophyll are needed.
of blood plasma in the control group, NaNO2 induction, induction NaNO2
and chlorophyll of katuk leaves (NaNO2+katuk), induction of NaNO2 and Key words: Anemia, Chlorophyll, Ferritin, Sodium nitrite, Schistocytes.
Cu-chlorophyllin from K-LiquidTM (NaNO2+Cu-chlorophyllin) in sequence is Corresponding author: Suparmi, Department of Biology, Faculty of
13.29 g/dl; 11.83 g/dl; 14.54 g/dl; 13.99 g/dl, whilst the MDA levels in each Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang 50112, INDONESIA.
group is 2.10 0.11 mol/L, 3.44 0.38 mol/L, 2.31 0.18 mol/L, 2.31 Phone no: +62-24 6583584; Fax: +62-24 6594366
0.13 mol/L, and the ferritin levels is 62.71 6.42 ng/ml; 63.22 7.59 ng/ml;
67.45 8.03 ng/ml, and 64.74 7.80 ng/ml, respectively. The fragment Email: [email protected]
schistocytes percentages in each group is 0%, 0.11%, 0.01%, 0.03%. DOI : 10.5530/pj.2016.4.10

INTRODUCTION et al. (2009) notified that 8% of the leaves dry weight contain chloro-
phyll-a and chlorophyll-b as much as 1136.6 mg/kg and 372.5 mg/kg of
Sodium nitrite (NaNO2) is an inorganic salt used as a common preser- the substances, respectively.6 Porphirin structure of the chlorophyll can
vative and color fixative in cured meat products, fish and some types reduce diphenilpycrylhydazil (DPPH) free radical form diphenilpycrylhy-
of cheese and occurs naturally in many foods, particularly vegetables. drazine that is non radical.7 Heme structure of the chlorophyll can bind
Recent studies about toxicology of NaNO2 show that sodium nitrite in a Magnesium (Mg) ion acting as an iron ion in human and animals.8
blood is highly reactive with hemoglobin, thus affecting hematopoiesis However, a role of chlorophyll as antioxidant with parameter hemoglobin
and induction of methemoglobinemiaa condition in which there is a (Hb), Malondialdehide (MDA) and ferritin level, also schistocytes
reduction in hemoglobins ability to transport oxygen.1 The adduction of percentages in experimental animals induced by NaNO2 as pathological
NaNO2 in acute doses significantly decrease the number of erythrocyte treatment for anaemia have not been investigated.
causing a state of anaemia in rat.2 Therefore, it important to prevent the MDA is an end product of lipid peroxidation.9 State of increasing oxidative
anemia due to the negative effects of NaNO2. stress in the body induces the increase of MDA level as well. Oxidative
The rate of anaemia occurrence in Indonesia is considerably high. stress which is uncompensated in normal erythrocyte will bring in
According to annual report of Dinkes Prov. Jateng (2013), the rate was hemoglobin oxidation become methemoglobin and membrane ravage
40.1% in pregnant mother in 2013. The percentage of anaemia prevalence in the form of uplift of membrane permeability to cell lysis.10 This condi-
in women is higher than that of in men, that was 23.9%.3 The condition tion causes the level of iron (Fe) stock in the body decrease progressively,
of anaemia that is not treated immediately will lead to complications reflected by deflation of ferritin concentration in serum.11 Examination
such as cardiomegaly since erythrocytes and blood viscosity decreased of routine ferritin level is carried out to determine diagnosis of iron
causes an increase in cardiac output and blood flow as a result of tissue deficiency, because it is proven that ferritin level as an earlier indicator
hypoxia.4 Prevention of anaemia has been undertaken by the government declines in the condition where anaemia of iron deficiency occur.12 Schis-
through the provision of iron supplementation.5 However, the use of the tocytes are fragments of red blood cells (RBCs) produced by extrinsic
supplementation emerge side effects such as less comfortable circum- mechanical damage within the circulation. The detection of schistocytes
stances in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. is an important morphological clue to the diagnosis of thrombotic
Therefore, it is needed an anaemia therapy with natural ingredients, one microangiopathic anemia (TMA).13
of which is using chlorophyll of plants. This study aimed to examine the effect of chlorophyll in anaemic female
In Indonesia, Katuk (Sauropus androgynus) leaves are often consumed mice induced NaNO2 during 18 days. Antianemia effect of chlorophyll
as a breastmilk booster. The leaves contain plenteous chlorophyll. Nurdin is observed after Katuk leaves treatment for 14 days by measuring

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, 2016 375

Suparmi et al.: Hematological profile of sodium nitrite-induced mice administered with katuk chlorophyll

hemoglobin, MDA and ferritin levels of blood plasma, also the percentage
of schistocytes in blood smear. The result of this research is expected to
encourage the use of Katuk leaves chlorophyll as anaemia drug.


Fresh leaves of katuk (Sauropus androgynus) (Figure 1) were obtained
from the inhabitant park in Penggaron Lor Village, Genuk, Semarang,
Indonesia. All chemicals were of analytical grade. Cu-chlorophyllin from
K-LiquidTM was obtained from a drug store in Semarang. Ethical clear-
ance was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia.
Chlorophyll Extraction
Chlorophyll crude extract was prepared from S. androgynus leaves by
extraction with acetone: methanol (7:3, v/v).13 A given amount of leaves
(200 g) was mixed with cetone: methanol (7:3, v/v) and magnetically
stirred until the pigment was removed. Ascorbic acid was added to the
solution to avoid degradation of the pigment. The extract was filtered Figure 1: Katuk (Sauropus androgynus).
to remove insoluble material. The filtrate obtained was then partitioned
with diethyl ether three times sequentially. The organic phase material
resulted were added with Na2SO4 anhydrate as far as water contained
was bound maximum. The solvent removal and drying process of chlo-
rophyll used rotary evaporator and N2 gas.
Experimental design
The experiments were carried out on two-month-old female Balb-C
mice. The animals were divided into three sodium nitrite-treated groups
(n=6 in each group) and an age-matched control group (n=6). Mice were
maintained in the animal house of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam
Sultan Agung in standard hard bottom polypropylene cages at 23C
2C, 12:12 h light/dark cycle and free access to laboratory chow and tap
water throughout the study.
NaNO2 was administered orally by gavage at 3.75 mg/kg body weight
(dissolved in 1 ml aquades), refers to rate of LD50 on mice.14 NaNO2 as
much as 0.3 ml/g of body weight were given to the mice for 18 days for
treated animals (group II, III and IV).15 The control rats were injected
with the same volume of distilled water. The following days after day 18
until day 32, the mice from group III were given with chlorophyll solution Figure 2: Typical shapes for specific identification of schistocytes showed a
from S. androgynus leaves, whereas the mice from group IV were given polychromatophilic erythrocyte in the white arrow.
with Cu-chlorophyllin from K-Liquid.TM The doses of chlorophyll and
Cu-chlorophyllin those were given to mice were 0.7 ml/head/day
according to the conversion of adult man doses.16
Blood collection and plasma analysis
Blood samples from the mice were taken at the day 33 to measure Hb,
MDA and ferritin level in the blood plasma. Whole blood samples were
obtained in heparinized tubes, centrifuged and plasma was stored
at -20C until further analysis. Hb level was measured by cyanmethe-
moglobin methods using spectrophotometer MDA level was measured
using Thio Barbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS) test with 532 nm
wavelength spectrophotometer, whilst ferritin level was measured using
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. Schistocytes
are detected in the peripheral blood smear stained using wedge proce-
dures and observed by microscopy in 100X every 1000 erytrocyte.

Statistical analysis
Results are reported as mean values SD and statistically analyzed by
One Way Anova test with 95% significance level. If the data characteristics
did not allow for the One Way Anova test to be conducted, then the Figure 3: Hb levels in four treatment groups after 18 days NaNO2 treatment
Kruskal Wallis test became the alternative. A post hoc test was conducted followed by 14 days chlorophyll from treatment. S. androgynus leaves or
where needed. Cu-chlorophyllin of K-Liquid TM.

376 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, 2016

Suparmi et al.: Hematological profile of sodium nitrite-induced mice administered with katuk chlorophyll

Figure 4: MDA levels in four treatment groups after 18 days NaNO2 treatment Figure 5: Ferritin levels in four treatment groups.
followed by 14 days chlorophyll from treatment. S. androgynus leaves or
Cu-chlorophyllin of K-Liquid TM.

Table 1: Means of MDA and ferritin levels in four treatment groups

Treatment group Hb level (g/dL) MDA level (mol/L) Ferritin level (ng/ml) Schistocytes (%)
Control 13,29 1,06 a
2.10 0.11 a
62.71 6.42a
0 0a
NaNO2 induction 11,83 0,77b 3.44 0.38b 63.22 7.59a 0,11 0,07b
S. androgynus leaves chlorophyll 14,54 0,84 a
2.31 0.18 a
67.45 8.03a
0,01 0,04a
Cu-chlorophyllin from K-LiquidTM 13,99 0,81a 2.31 0.13a 64.74 7.80a 0,03 0,05a
NB: Supercripts in different letter showed the significantly different at 5%.

RESULTS increased MDA, ferritin level and schistocytes percentages. It is suggest-

ed that the decrease in hemoglobin level may be attributed to microcytic
The hemoglobin (Hb) decreased after NaNO2 induction treatment group and/or hypochromic anemia possibly as consequence of the toxic effect
for 18 days. In contrast, mean of, MDA, ferritin level, and schistocytes of NaNO2. Natrium nitrite (NaNO2) can trigger oxidative stress condi-
percentages in mice which were induced with NaNO2 induction tion which is indirectly caused haemolytic anaemia. It was can be seen
increased draw on the control group level (Table 1). Control group from the mean of Malondiadehide (MDA) level in control group compare
showed normal erythrocytes, whereas in the group induced NaNO2 to those of the other groups that were induced by NaNO2. Adduction of
found schistocytes (Figure 2). Katuk chlorophyll and Cu-chlorophyllin NaNO2 leads free radical formation from nitrite ion, and then the reaction
group showed the lower schistocytes percentage compared with the continues to form lipid peroxidase and produce one of some products
group with the induction of NaNO2. in the form of MDA. Natrium nitrite is one of substances that are classi-
Adduction of Katuk leaves chlorophyll and Cu-chlorophyllin proven fied as moderately toxic based on LD50. Toxic effect from NaNO2 in this
to increase Hb level in mice. Although it has been induced by NaNO2 research was demonstrated by death of 4 mice which experiencing skins
(Figure 3). Adduction of Katuk leaves chlorophyll and Cu-chlorophyllin discoloration, feathers loss and the eyes excreting ichor.17 The decrease
proven to reduce MDA level in mice. Although it has been induced by of erythrocyte is caused by lysis of membrane structure of the eryth-
NaNO2, the levels were approaching the level of MDA in the control rocyte by dint of nitrite ion and nitrite metabolism and as a product of
group after treatment, even Mann Whitney statistical test shown that lipid peroxidase which reacted with sulfhydryl group from fat layer and
MDA level of Katuk leaves treatment was not different from the level of protein components of erythrocyte membrane. Nitrite triggers the
control group (p>0.05). Moreover, MDA level of Katuk leaves was equal formation of free radicals due to its ability to stimulate iron ion oxidation
to that of Cu-chlorophyllin from K-Liquid, with the statistical test result on the oxyhaemoglobin forming methemoglobin as ROS.18,19 Therefore,
shown that there was no differences between them (p>0.05, Figure 4), anaemia that comes up is not iron deficiency anaemia, but rather hae-
proving that chlorophyll from Katuk leaves as effective as chlorophyll molytic anaemia.
from market products. One Way Anova test resulted that there were no In case of haemolytic anaemia, receptor transferrin serum increase when
differences in ferritin levels between all groups. However, the level in bone marrow erythropoiesis activities increase as well and found no
Katuk leaves (67.45 8.03) tend to be higher than those of control group functional iron depletion, it means the level of serum ferritin is normal
and other groups, followed by Cu-chlorophyllin from K-Liquid (64.74 or increase. Ferritin is an acute-phase protein, so that the value increases
7.80) (Figure 5). in inflammation condition, in pre-latent phase it is familiar known as
iron depletion or storage iron deficiency. At this state, iron stock
DISCUSSION decrease, but the iron in plasma and erythrocyte is still normal.20
The present study demonstrates the effect of acute NaNO2 treatment Excessive oxidant compounds induce a chain reaction of free radicals or
caused a significantly reduced decrease in hemoglobin level, as well as lipid peroxidase which through several processes to form MDA. Oxidant

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Suparmi et al.: Hematological profile of sodium nitrite-induced mice administered with katuk chlorophyll

compounds which successfully suppressed will not cause a continued re- Scientific Conference 2015 (IABS 2015) Faculty of Medicine and Health
action or lipid peroxidase, so that the MDA level will decline. Oxidative Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 18 20 August 2015.
stress circumstances of NaNO2 as anaemia pathologic treatment in female
mice can be mitigated by antioxidant activities of Katuk leaves chloro- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
phyll which MDA level of Katuk leaves chlorophyll treatment group is The authors have declared that there is no conflict of interest.
identical to that of the control group.
Katuk leaves chlorophyll treatment can increase ferritin level in mice, ABBREVIATION USED
although statistically there was no significant difference. Among other
MDA: Malondialdehyde; SD: Standard deviation; DPPH: Diphenil-
treatment groups, Katuk leaves treatment group gave the highest level
pycrylhydazil; RBCs: Red blood cells; TMA: Thrombotic microangio-
of ferritin compare to the control group. The increase equal to the level
pathic anemia; v/v: Volume per volume; LD50: Lethal dose 50%; TBARS:
of Cu-chlorophyllin from K-Liquid, however there was no significant
Thio Barbituric Acid Reactive Substance; ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immu-
difference between them. Katuk leaves chlorophyll potentially can be
nosorbent Assay.
used as antioxidant, because it is able to prevent the formation of oxidant
compound excessively.9 In the state of infection and inflammation, it
occur disruption of iron release from reticuloendothelial cells, conse-
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Sodium nitrite (NaNO2) in blood is highly reactive with haemoglobin (Hb),
thus affecting hematopoiesis and induction of methemoglobinemia.
Chlorophyll from S. androgynus leaves was as effective as Cu-chlorophyllin
in decrease the MDA levels after NaNO2 treatment, and although not signi
ficant, it can increase ferritin levels.
Chlorophyll from S. androgynus is potential as food supplement in anemic
conditions caused by sodium nitrite consumptions.

Suparmi: Is a lecturer and researcher at Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan
Agung, Semarang-Indonesia. She is passionates in research on chlorophyll and natural pigments, especially
its application for food, industry and health application. Since 2013, she is a member of Indonesian Pigment
Researcher Association and Indonesian Food Technologists. Currently, she is a PhD student studying food toxi-
cology in Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Sampurna: Is positioned as a member of Department of Clinical Pathology, also a lecturer and researcher at
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung. He is also as a deputy director of Sultan Agung Islamic
Hospital. He is working on various aspects of tropical medical pathology specialty that is concerned with the
diagnosis of diseases based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids, such as blood and urine.

Nur Ana CS: A lecturer and researcher at Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Islam Sultan Agung. She is also an internist at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital. She has experience in the area of
tropical internal diseases and frequently become a guest speaker on national radio talkshows.

Alvenia Meilina Ednisari: Was a student at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang-Indonesia, where she
graduated in Bachelor of Medicine. Her research focused on the effect of katuk leaves (Sauropus androgynus)
on haemoglobin level in sodium nitrite-induced mice (Mus musculus Balb/c).

Galuh Dea Urfani: Was a student at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang-Indonesia, where she graduated
in Bachelor of Medicine. Her research focused on the effect of katuk leaves (S. androgynus) and Cu-Chlorophyllin
on malondialdehide level as an experimental assessment on sodium nitrite-induced mice.

Iqrommatul Laila: Was a student at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang-Indonesia, where she gradu-
ated in Bachelor of Medicine. Her research focused on the comparison of katuk leaves (S. androgynus) and
Cu-Chlorophyllin effects on ferritin level on sodium nitrite-induced mice.

Heavin Rakhmat Saintika: Was a student at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang-Indonesia, where she
graduated in Bachelor of Medicine. His research focused on the effect of katuk leaves (S. androgynus) and
Cu-Chlorophyllin on the fragment schistocyte percentages on sodium nitrite-induced mice.

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, 2016 379

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