Progress Report New York Medical Marijuana Program

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed New Yorks Compassionate Care Act into law on July 5, 2014.

Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried championed the issue in the Assembly for
many years, with Sen. Diane Savino sponsoring the Senate bill since 2012. MPP led the
advocacy effort for several years, with Compassionate Care New York (supported by the Drug
Policy Alliance) taking the lead beginning in spring 2012. In 2017, the Marijuana Policy Project
Foundation led a successful advocacy campaign to add PTSD to the program.

The Compassionate Care Act protects certain seriously ill patients who use marijuana pursuant to
their practitioners advice and allows them to access medical cannabis from regulated entities.
Unfortunately, modifications that were made at Gov. Cuomos insistence before the bill was
enacted resulted in an extremely restrictive program. For example, New York is one of only four
states that do not allow patients to smoke medical cannabis. Until late 2017, whole plant
cannabis and edibles were not allowed. Initially no more than five cultivators, called registered
organizations, were allowed with just four dispensary locations each. They began opening in
January 2016, but have struggled, with many operating at a loss, due in part to onerous security
and other regulations that pharmacies, which sell far more dangerous drugs, are not subject to.

Beginning in August 2016, the Department of Health began gradually expanding the program.
Chronic pain was added as a qualifying condition, nurse practitioners and physicians assistants
are now allowed to recommend medical cannabis in addition to physicians, and, as of December
2017, five additional producers are in the process of being licensed. In December 2017, the
health department approved regulations to make several improvements to the program, including
to allow more cannabis preparations and to reduce the length of a continuing medical education
course certifying practitioners must take from four hours to two.

Patients receive protections when the health department issues them ID cards. Patients must
submit a valid application, a written certification from their medical practitioner, and a fee of
$50, which is waived for low-income patients. ID cards generally expire after a year, unless the
patient has a terminal illness or the physician specified an earlier date. The written certification
must specify that the patient has a qualifying condition and a qualifying symptom, is in the
physicians continuing care for the qualifying condition, and is likely to receive therapeutic or
palliative benefits from marijuana. The practitioner must consider what form of medical
marijuana the patient should use and state any recommendations or limitations on the
certification. Practitioners can only write certifications if they take a continuing medical
education course on medical cannabis, which has likely been one reason for the low rate of
doctor participation.

Patients are allowed to designate up to two caregivers, who may pick up their medical marijuana
for them. Home delivery is also permitted. Caregivers generally must be at least 21 years old and
they may not serve more than five patients. Minors can qualify if an appropriate person who is
21 or older fills out their application. A minors caregiver must be his or her parent, guardian, or
if neither is available another appropriate person who is approved by the department.

Patients are allowed to possess a 30-day supply of medical marijuana, an amount that is
determined either by the medical practitioner or the dispensary if no recommendation is made.
Patients may refill their 30-day supply seven days before it runs out and can only make two
purchases in the 30-day period. Medical marijuana may not be consumed in a public place and
any form of medical marijuana not expressly approved by the health commissioner is prohibited.
The law does not include protections for out-of-state patients. Health insurance is not required to
cover medical marijuana.

Patients, caregivers, medical professionals, and staffers of state-legal medical marijuana

organizations will not be subject to arrest or prosecution, or subject to any civil penalty, for the
actions allowed under the act. In addition, in one of the more compassionate features of New
Yorks law, being a medical marijuana patient is considered a disability, meaning that state anti-
discrimination protections apply. The law also includes language to protect patients from
discrimination in family law or domestic relations cases.

In a feature that is unique to New Yorks law, the health commissioner determines the price of
marijuana, which is also subject to a 7% excise tax; 22.5% of the tax revenue goes to the county
where the marijuana is sold and 22.5% to the county where the marijuana is manufactured. Five
percent is directed to drug abuse prevention, counseling, and treatment, and five percent is
directed to criminal justice services. As of December 2017, New Yorks medical marijuana
prices are among the highest in the nation due to the onerous regulations and high costs of
processing whole plant cannabis into permitted products. As a result, half of all patients who
register for the program only visit a dispensary once.

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