Advanced Online Voting System
Advanced Online Voting System
Advanced Online Voting System
Abstract- which they wont be able to vote easily. In rural areas also
This paper deals with the online voting system that dont have facilities to commit their votes and there is lack
facilities user to vote in different languages, voting of awareness about elections. Absentee voting technique is
schemes in rural areas through televoting. Televoting also not present.
extends to the voting by SMS (text message) via a mobile
cell phone. This also facilities absentee voting. Absentee 1.2 Research Objective
voting can be performed through e-mails. We purpose an The main objective of this study is to add the
approach for effectively user-friendly application functionalities to the current online voting system such as:
especially targets the weak users such as elderly users.
This system guarantees privacy of voters, public 1. Different regional languages.
verifiability, and robustness against 2. Televoting Support.
a coalition of malicious authorities. 3. Absentee voting.
KeywordsTelevoting, Absentee voting, CSS, HTML, Such a framework will allow us to evaluate as well as
Java Script, JDBC, JSP, MYSQL, ORACLE, Servlet, compare the merits of existing and future online voting
WAMP schemes. System should support multi-user environment.
System should be fully automated. System should provide
1. INTRODUCTION concrete security features like creating users and assigning
privileges to users of the system. System should be capable
Online voting system facilities users to vote in different to keep track of all the detailed descriptions of the client
languages. Users can commit their votes by selecting their and the whole details of services offered by the client
understandable language to commit vote. This will make organization. Various outputs (reports) should be available
voting easy for people from different regions. User can online any time. System should be able to handle external
commit votes from rural areas by Televoting. Televoting, large volumes of data (i.e. large database support). [1]
telephone voting or phone voting is a method of decision
making and opinion polling conducted by telephone. 2. SCOPE OF STUDY
Televoting can also extend to voting by SMS text message
via a mobile cell phone. Televoting involves broadcasters The scope of the project is that it will use the ID and
providing an audience with different telephone numbers password created by user to register him/her in the voting
associated with contestants participating; the outcome is site, through this all the details of voter are saved in
decided by the number of calls to each line. The results of database. And it will act as the main security to the votes
televoting will be accessed in database. Absentee voting system. [1]
refers to registered voters who cannot make it to the polls Advanced Technology: It is an advanced technology used
on Election Day because of occupation, business, studies, now a day. It increases the voting rates through
travel, imprisonment (other than a convicted felon), illness, Televoting (through speech via telephone/sms), Absentee
disability and hospitalization or resident in a long term voting and by providing different regional languages
care facility, may vote by absentee ballot. This voting can options through.
be committed through E-mails.
Internet: It is an online facility and hence very useful for
1.1 Problem Statements the users. Voters can vote from anywhere at any time in
In recent scenario online voting doesnt provide different India [1].
regional languages for the voters (users/candidate) due to
IJSRET @ 2014
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 687-691 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
E-Mails: Absentee can vote through email. (An absentee 3.3 User Characteristics
voting is defined as when the vote is cast by someone who Users are considered to be technically novices but
is unable or unwilling to attend the official polling station). expected to be able to use a computer / hand held terminal
E-SMS/Cell-Phone: Televoting, telephone voting or (HHT). and to click against the favorable candidate on the
phone voting is a method of decision making and opinion GUI. [1]
polling conducted via telephone or E-SMS. People who
have not internet connection they cannot check the emails 3.4 Product Functions
or not have email they can be informed by SMS on their The product has a server back-end which takes care of
mobile. authenticating the users and maintaining necessary data
structures. The GUI at the server's end enables creating the
3. LITERATURE REVIEW polls on behalf of the client. The users must connect to the
server to authenticate their identification against the
3.1. Background password and then vote using the GUI at their end. [1]
This system is being developed for use by everyone with a
simple and self explanatory GUI. This is software that can 3.5 Overview of Data Requirements
be used by people to vote in an election. All the user must The internal memory requirement will be constant or
do login according to their regional languages and click on linearly dependent on the number of users depending on
his favorable candidates to register his vote. The the provision of changing the vote at a later time. In such a
development and testing is done on Ethernet. While online case the actions will be stored in a data structure which
voting system has been an active area of research in recent will be referred to when needed. The external data about
years, the use of insecure Internet, well documented cases the candidates (with photographs) and the posts or the poll
of incorrect implementations reported recently. These questions and the answers will be given as input only at
challenges are to be resolved so that public should cast the server end. [1]
their vote in secure and convenient way. People can cast
their votes efficiently, faster and also maintain 3.6 .Assumptions and Dependencies
confidentiality at the same time. Proposed online voting The user is assumed to have JVM on his system
system is a system by which any Voter can use his/her irrespective of its hardware and software configuration.
voting rights from anywhere in country. Online voting The other requirements are strongly design based and can
system contains. be only made concrete in the design stage. We also assume
that all the clients running this software are not blocked by
a) Voters Names with ID and password. firewalls, proxies, etc[1]
b) Voters information in database.
c) Voters language information. 3.7. Constraints
d) Voters e-mail address. GUI is only in English. Login and password is used for
e) Voters telephone number. identification of Voter.[1]
f) Voters vote in a database.
g) Calculation of total number of votes. 4. SALIENT FEATURE
Various operational works proposed in the system are: On-line voting system is a software system through which
a voter can give votes through registering themselves on
Recording information of the voter in database. checking the voting website. All the information in sites which has
of information filled by voter. Discard the false been entered are stored in database .For each page in the
information. Each information is sent to election website have its own database table. Each voter has to
commission.[1] enter his all basic information like name, sex, religion,
nationality, criminal record e.t.c. This is the first page of
3.2 Product Perspective the website known as the welcome page. It has all the page
The product is an election conducting tool with a simple options like
GUI. The product is developed using Java. Though Home, Polling Dates, Register, Login, about us, Contact
product is stand-alone. It requires Java Virtual Machine us, FAQs. [1] Register, Login, about us, Contact us, FAQs.
(JVM). [1]
4.1 Home
IJSRET @ 2014
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 687-691 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
4.2 Registration
This is the register page, where the voter, candidate and
election commission officer can register themselves. They
all have to enter basic information best of their known .All
the information registered in the website are saved in the
respective database .The Election Commission officer has
authority to accept eligible user and suitable candidate, Figure 3: Login [1]
otherwise he/she has right to reject their registration. [1]
IJSRET @ 2014
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 687-691 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
Televoting System . A televoting device is specially meant Absentee Voting .Absentee voting is a voting method
for a televoting system, in which a large number of where the person who is unable to visit the voting booth
subscribers can connect to a telecommunications network due to any problem can commit their votes through
and are able to make a call to a subscriber number, herein Absentee Voting. This system involves voting on a day
referred to as televoting number, of a televoting processor earlier than the actual Election Day so that the candidate
which is also connected to the said network in order to who were absent at the time of actual election date can
transmit their vote to said televoting processing, vote through absentee voting.
IJSRET @ 2014
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 687-691 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
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IJSRET @ 2014