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‘1 What Do Indian Images Really Want? A Biographical Approach RICHARD H. DAVIS rng ro meio parca the deere hans othe anata tosginvaces neo torte ara lacs ethan any ahr ting. Poked out ets by rough and cds rand, to ages of deorad tora row incest sous, cara ar tars dnb pocang the sate of her dracon, Same fits bona rouse er worship are aware owed re roms cated ‘wth ccbwods and res an soe ote tones nthe carnal fers ore epost othe vagaries of wath they ae ast wear aa. onsen 0 129 Wing in 1958.7: N.Palisppen, to ert colctorof Taos, bared & ret of sculpted images troroe ard lone fat had bean slant ert to rgnal regs pupanes He tried the anon tbo ten msi snc lea caresses. Ana he balaves be ad her thos forma sacred jects ang out in ruta erteaos ashing more epoch Peatran. ten ach senate myst ho tinted run othr i rt far te omer anaes race mies rea co a ‘apo bangatocts by ese est aco os oa and cd tit htm roses bt vane afr srg Qe ano {yo ottan thea nr anton he pole odode he (29 Panapoan sso scogzn ho paver fo eatin et mata to eam tres detached ego cess comes | ltossod to a ta eel pas rae war an a by ‘mae heh hirer nero vasa sen oe os un ard vo strode ron oh eh 9 ae ean hats sat vote! ht us msi nad cry lay Soon doe rt ‘Ser austle peces tbo sprog anay notary tome digo oes nhs lon bt do tolansbeyons son (129) Ine patito sit of ear 1950s, Paaniscoan was particulary oud he ‘eo Sot ran reigouslens tyra Me boraal newly ndapncent nda.‘As tic coco Palsrapan roy so power torespondio he ees ‘tneimages, xP gos antral, An aeneacoget Yor Catan eetes {2 lage sore frog of Batra sting neyocod along a Wher bark etsoo of Tamora he Rad propoted recoing to a mum in Casts The est ube asad an etry sgh he roa of Eran oe rth se i et Pasnaroanto mult apln. "Yat he ied meta cal! als uta “nd oageced pecee of at tae an bongs and house hem a a 008 fa gloo at Tne ou to pret ae peta th rears of er aris "hetiares Yom a ages line ad Paar aka of re Mere ane ar the unscrupulous ped ne-t (90, rma was mowed oan ne palace che Traravr ues. The ais Hrd godc reason wuld now becore ho Fucus now muss cf ekjou at Other seated an deeded tena nd sone seubses wey colecta and on Duce 8, 185, to Tae At Galery was naga Where he Trane kgs had omy had cout, roe seuptuas cf Sta Pavat dal tt Het gods woud nw ecov0 gate ts treat ves Shc oranda Raja Chl ft Gal afer ho ee of Tranmere misoum corer ae rein colectrso meca Sou rn aioe tin the wor Psnapzans cosevstore ar he rsponse fc ro te quston aloo poss by WT teats rvccahey ed 1986 ess “What Do Pues Foal Wart” Is i possi, neu ugh an actos, 0 aki onsdeatin the posable agency of at obs reves? ut Miche deteahoy ai at Ns quton may sean “za” er woe" ana Mewes, “Bat vohes 2 swecong of rapes, @auseus posonficaion of ranma ches tat IU fs wih 9 gees. supesitous atte foward images, cre hat # aon evo lr to practioner rare” {90 79, Aacresing an auton cf "moda.enlgraned peop who share ‘pegs eure, tcl condescenighy porraystaatbuton ct age 1 mages as phe, cid, 0” pategea. Ar #0 cally subotrg # rors of gon eutsion Michal ends up wh the dsppaitng consi: vat ewes Nae nthe wt race, 6 Hf be aKa wt ey Wr, with undesandng that earner may wot b, ning ata (1996: £2 Pape we can do beter Wat doen mage el want? Wha host we rear itn we encnunter Sah nn one rage er pcr en mon reuse, gars, or musnurs? The publosped Indian ofc Pabrigpan tale Ne cous tear ieapgeds of hee rage, and ne spend arco. Te lant relgeus objets of Tare ds wart obo resoved ay. ‘ney wives ora ear tong hae, ane Ske one! wth ot lov are hen publ. Oth might are rey, wth equ corte. Some uous aruatal hea rages bong igeus igh se tba anaes bn tarps, 50 Dey ca" erceagan rsa Re worship acpepte ora. Others right eocee th, as rastapicar of dan scuptve, hese Fras xm pat Ce gol Frage ofa, ar toy tater wish 0 be eed as boa as 10 Sacred Objects in Secular 8 rehle forthe stele apredon ard adfeaon of poeple ua te ‘wn. These emo quan, andthe eral pa economic, end pel 3 rt propose any nae or dete anewer tos queton | blew ht ‘te one soup of meal South a might wal ge low arowes at ‘a pos da As a str of South Aa ta eigen my Ae SopORE Ns buen @bogapical ore. Opts rave toes a as Rurans co. Many cbs ‘30 bom ard ho th aio hes weneu kar thr own lage, ist 25 ray hears do. Bt sone bjs wotence ves av and change, dsupten ard arsormaton, enunos and colony, an 6 te hea of such matte ccs ate tots rosin bias, Bograohies Nah he ways a “ene can be oer inciting and engotinad encour wh “feet aucerose can mage, ore, wart ove he tre" Irth chop, al he eory of to obs am a sr vla® in souren nda, tne Nara and omaskar rea tom Shapira, ote couse ot ‘an couce. Tass reigeus cans hae ed pacar ret s.r tha ‘ay Ho spent na eral Hrs tarp, they were cred undergone er several Canties Fairy thar drierert F195, erage reed el mover lame nth ey 1070s, whan he Nears wos 2 oa way lect, Narn Simon, rea 1000000. then Became adepues ect & hy ublezd eatin ease iting Sman aga he goverment finda AR 21 ‘utot cout store he Nota tuned to Sou and nw hosing ‘een Tal Nac, tor On hope a iss not ea ehapein the "eof objet Ta Sosanda. ren, ects votre the pai An ‘lees othe Norn Sinan Muss Psader, Calta ang wih mary fer ‘cum core to da her nmaine om hire option cares most ‘acs, rot possbeto tachi gags fina an mages a poplin re oles of he Noren Sen Museum ot srr muscu te West, Gi ‘fare toad try othe Nea Sapuran we now a goad ea ok ‘tales fee to ore Original Setting: Divinity and Procession ‘Shazam ia eral arc legen he ate ee oning deta region of cena! “arNodu, The tereloto Svs hoes tack aso 00 CE, wren ofan ‘Sha post sani Appar and raesaroarha vd tw sire ad extra xiao fe vine hey encore tee. ie srg he poets prin ‘tat ne geat go Sa, suprome ese crear of tacos, can ala ba sact Inskazutan “Tat One's Sts, Arne wou ape oct Sanwa A 3 cenclaes cach ve hs og ym. nth hava dctral hos of re) ‘South ra, Goats atanounytanecendort acl e206) Sonera else rth ctry. probably dng he nol Paha Che (685-1012 CB. esa shana sine of Stara was bu nme pemanert‘nao Moise and Oy 108: 220). pestle hans bow scuptus (1S Nate ard Sera ware bred 2 pt of he evan 1 ‘sone me erpandceturgca progam ofnetarpl. The rece asin ot hese mages has erg boon cut ang nan at sens, et most wou lace ‘tominth ster pat of tren cortny= hates the ea! dae, car be cra oth ves for wich hess mages were aga rence or mogen Souh naan wore of Siva ts Aen trop are mary oes ke were laos de recanoe, where Sie mad herstohystaly presertinmatorl cons, sotatishuran wrsiepars might ter Inortoercofaaicton ara Noor nia oe, ne aoe a SOO poruniaton of nartrata cet” Tha da poe apie ote eng ‘Sava thon of chine peserce. Howove nother Naga nor Semana wenkd nave Been te pinay eaten in tha omg at Shap. Tha 16 wos Cconsied by 9 Shvoiga, 2 pa, norentvopemaphe cya ena, hn, ‘zou fo Shah ecogy represented Sve he moat cole mane fern Spur, as ret al Sut eta Shave tones othe peo 2 ‘Shvaringa stcod fee tho corte fhe tomo sanctum. Tha tenze rages of Sa dep hi ina exe arcpomophic marr (abot wen four ae, foreng lo hein than humana, enabled te goo be viable, robe, nd spar of to corsbucion of he tape, te Stve-thga an the bras cons would Pave unergore cabortcorcavators oral "etticimerts" rats) ‘hat cts ham a suppers or tm chine presence ot Sia Ts pecs ‘anarates a pryca brie’ ont ie a dina eon. worthy of Sh. Once ‘nainga sul esabishod erdinbued wah Sa ave pesos, ats rd \wershppers can present wre equ oflerings worspkeenn as pa Das 1991: 122-3, Fer he mere poratntrorse mages, ha memento Sey woud ark alte tne tare ta (as). Dur gure, borzs mages ke te Smack and Naar woud oases beyond the tree wal, sal al dovtos coud se hm. Thay woul sopam ts sph trae kone, however Bu rarenied asthe ds they ‘tre conscred be: sone wth ak gras, cours, mys omerents (ai ra! wt it jo ad ee ona glenda, Ad toy wc in enquire o sop zzomepNc Netices” (hard, cad en he Soddes ot ‘hor tele aon. Acordra to medoal rut guides ho te tw cory ‘Marteaavi, Sonstanda was vated 8th preernent pressor tm ot ‘Se Dos 2002, 20°0, Ritual Burial and Dormancy ‘Sere pacpa sa rau Ho on atraght couse. Fear dartons chore, weiner, esse, ar war beg abot ro! changes ee od ay los o poser wartrmators So oo wih regeus raps. Many Cro-ptod 12 Sacred objects ‘vorae a stl he orga tie lost and taper a eg etal proceso. tot at Seam “he danpons that wat er he le ofthe two Shapuam borass Bogan ‘wth anya rom hal onsoyent. A StS roe cans Wor reoved om the Sepa erp andre, naan tothe Naar and Soran, rae ‘ere mane of Gare, vo sting ins fhe godess Pana. and an nage ‘rsnmsrbardha te Stava pet sant who as rcs sung ys Sheps Jt hota exo tate Ganesha mage cats fom he a eth oer, ntemparey wih the Nataraa and Sorackance, whe he aes vere proba feat ner cots (San 6 147-55, 200-1). “The bri of lus ater hae bea gut como In So nda. fe many heeds Rae bean aosdenaly Scored ude the ros thea Ho ‘tues oten by lamer owing ifs worenen aground, Nery 1200 have bean urd n Napnatra abr, fom 1858 o 200 Prractanan 1054; Suramar 20) nf, ry fhe auth Inde eres saan Sea rrusoare na arth Wes rave spr me oe round nea, ba 2 150 gue procaverof ras scuba, a5 ho cuter Marin Lees cbse of ‘te Sveum Nata, shea roves ea Hom he regu rare, bang. nd che ra starts pao a nage og woh are 1978, “Tres temas have nating o Go wih oh “Daa mel mages, rose ro longer stad or relgous puposes, ae gee mod down are, rch 25 urn cords ar cremated ahr aneused ns Rte, tra Soy cfmagaconcoatrnt. "Wen hres danger on acount ties ene aries, (rten tre der he communiy”adses cme Meda tt "O ‘oul cana the mall rogee used ft esta, athng re, proce ard ‘wae eregs” Bal was rot heen aton for concealer, Other oglst ‘aorzss nav ben aie decovered in Coote soot sercoms, sh a5 re xtaorrer trop of bse berzs scored hing ne agen ‘menees of ho Soa trp at Ccambaram Nagas 1279. ‘We dat ow for carn wen he caren fSapurm dosed tw uy ar vad esha lore May coarse suauted ihe ore ‘cinta, wren ha amis of he Oni Sutante enaded Sout asa ae pod ‘ot Hd toes ha Ceara and Se Parga Ms © whet Paice Facinmind wane seokeof Tasca vagy ie” wththarYeuph anne and utr saved rage out of or ames a suszioa.s ha commen ‘ender lane a ersten ean regen sles one Mrs Tes 10 vat tere possesiors may oor fom many cect, locals wal 8 tern For example ne nrg on re Swap tele wal td 1283 CE, reo at tong pest ns eoxoree oe he vets wer bye ore ‘dose and go hem other conubne, ook the tomo gor, and hd atone nage When the rg arts came a sro sarmons ot, he Pio st ‘tem and tro thom hh water? The sory of he fre Kae det elo ‘wth wars cre he coo! apie ecouces, ary an a wren cou he ‘nat oo Want? A phcal Approach 12poss a canger toto valle toss of a ugrotacte ge am, Ose the ‘atures terohave ban arele esto tele opr. 1 we do not Irom precy wen the underyourd consaant tok place, hoover, a can rconeret Row fan dno. Aesoedg tthe gubnes ot 3 ‘rae South nen wort Vraraeanaia, he dee ar ot rested ore haved vohe carl ul reeds Das 197: 127-8 Tho prt has 8 it oug ans peoarod wh a beat scricl ass Than he xpoacrea the dine ‘mage nthe tele and mas a stare request oto os "As long 38 ers argc caso to down hs bd wh e godoses Ext.” The art artes ‘9 armatng energy fom ha an 19 be buted to a rc, a Spey prepared bunde of fy base of scr, wil seve 0 tampa beet ot ae iL ncenoeis tured, ments re rece, ane hol fled win aac arc "he une can gss rio neerzon. Te une presence hl preven ama trevor nw es seman. For medio! end modern Hndus, a sup gos ko Shia by ction tera b ta mral rbocents at god bts en earth ayo Peacapeb Suet oeoce ae dosrucon. The Hd vai tan nfo te Saas, Ms to do wth cine prosence, wich eques toh eye compltanats a oat ran rian Pest gudetoks comics that mages ot Svecaue became Uunguabie fo is de precnon fr a vary of reasons bok or Bure or ‘faces or ern auf sapaty made oe We lane Sct ty fond or ‘olor tack het, of py lt uraersppedforto org anon woe anmaing presence. n some cats, a when an rape lses ts een ose, theese revocable an renting 6 Bl at Sun forename nate tv ac arrears pt 2 ‘ct recareecrton recor) oe a dasa can os proper hn sa. “Tiss mo promo bers tho tual bral oan eon. As soon ab aang psd, 2g ansaid, hanans val ocove he corre, ray reonenerta tnd ssn ttorornal wore, Drne preirc cn regenesetiveugh proper ta owe tgs may rappen abo pound hat evr sel Atterret Bronze Recoveries and Palaniappan's Choice idan te resins ot Sagara mie ural o recone tak buted bres, because to lone roraned wnorground for cartes. n “95, bes ore, eau argu Amaru, cara uso share x brea rages by chars nie cag out enovatons tthe are. Lk Fp Van Wr, th Nata, ‘Sarasa, sd tar capris Pa seo 2 og en, ae th wert ound ‘mam had creed ramet, Not much hcg in Spero pens, hic a msice-goming ise wn an ace Sis tele. hs wk bojere the ogo owe row neue cfs row possbltes oan arc tora nage 14 Sacred onecte in Secular T Two made histor densopsrarts wee especialy pret oe utes I otne Suapium brea By Bm werth carte rtontona wore ot at—tnis own newone c excanga,nseuter cf ecquston are epi. nd Gsceinay forms of rowecge—nas arbres aoa Inen regis scupte fsa lagtratn ax Serle category oa. A"excromc eh” fo use Jara (itor om had cccure Cfo 1988 196-9, Onae-ptod cers could noW etree beyond nda, nol as cxnsected supports for Sls une secanca ter ta sostote uly and eu beauty. [te aor te, clare of reanten and apy had bea Canta a nif Insutamingo, eGovernment Husaum Madara founder byte cao sh and was cae fs carer 1051 3s a BONES nitralsicinstaston nny ropa I, cargos wih exci to pale Gt eoatem hn abut ar gus Netage. The en pee isle of nda, “vena Nee, iste masaum al oa 5 par the ae cera a ‘exgesad ns rope ht hansen dowd eae at wou Mel rekon {rit geri of South an modems (Governet Rsrour 1982) tne 190 descent, rlpendet ea could ale ago jects heart ‘bastna row way. ner a cu Objects or ext a8 sete ones ut as par ot th ctrl patimony che nan ron. Win ese posse nes and dente to hooge fom, wou haben toe Somaskand, he Nara anche cerarions Wm Sapa? Asake ‘tra beck 0 Bash coral peo, tes esanTeoaue Tove Ato 178, spodtod what shell Papen. Un Bs prodsons, th der of bud wes ‘ou bing te ecoered mtr ote ateton of ha prope la ahr, ‘fi ine cae woul bth eet cole the color dternes tro ‘neha bon buted er ona treed yas and has ro pest owner, ean rae acoretn ss oe adbeoauet onnarai oe reas. (Oearea Ms procedure ot aay he bert ofthe Oe who hapoars| two a tare eigos ces. One aragemars may be rage. ne cas record mage, hey ar sometnas Srp reed to ee tampon the ‘urinate wus hve boon be gral rp Ts i hat hapa bette lage of Esl, whose redots none a ove of went tee bea ‘ages 887. he fdr ace al the rage ack nthe tele ad ponies fora enaves wersh Nagaswar) 1957, Ofen what happens at ho fee oberg re acento er oper rakes some wot contcts > fed avangtuye and e cnet eter Peurdergoaden mart asaconmaaty “Thi how mary oth relgous abject now n musaums bagan er fumers ‘Ste ne inal aargame af noteeary tardestne, thar passage Her PE to te West grey reran cher. nut a ow cass, such a he Samra torus, gatn and poo iestgeton prove 2 erse of ow unegourd ‘ages tlt he Wes andro tanelorod na process. 195%, Amat bowed e ag ue Os worried the rt ceca of Tran, TK Paanappan, aries on escort ply hs 0 What bo ian ma 35 Realy Want? A Blograpical Approach 15.saering to tae fe Shapuran ozs. Two san pe made cars er Ime breres. Th cuatro eehaeoogy athe Masa Goverment Museu PF ‘Srna, sought ante teronae fthe mamime ena tea ws ot Souinan ata saute Asa rast oats, to musour Pa ras ' catacsn of ve BCD rere, tege makrty ing 3 er Yow fs. tho 1060-1 arse years dors, he msn acted ey seen meal res tots colette of ham Sm Yasue os Bt Sapa, tale Sweep was sn aceon, Matswam Midahr, ae of el, putinapina rat he onsesbeetarectote aoe. Te erphcfcas wad ‘econo he bens and ea hn fo ar fomar goa oe. Psnaroan ha» decent mak, Wat dese coved, cnc saved romans of Be gods rey wart? Would be ve reser wom to goverment ‘fleas the Se cantata escent fa sal vlige ns dr®? He decsen woud astm the ensuing Wes ofthe exacts tharsohes. To ‘urna Patiriagpars coc, wo can dawn ay ee fom meer esse) tthe Gernan Mais rte Wie Brain 1909, “The Werk ofA ff ADE of Meche! Reproducion” Bayan eingutes to pra way mes runansecove anc abe art obs Tho hehe ams th “cu vlan oet bested win ts vodon, te aus of whch cand inthe oe aye ® ‘al stig, Ho carta ns wth he “oeton wae” of wor ota, weal {nevauec anobct domes tom Rs say othe gaa oan ausence athe cogeato wren tapes a overs vou atarshores. meat, edt clot woul docde whether he Shapuan ranzas woul be Rene Maas ae ‘bon aia ae razcum certs wihina deny of stor nan ous in Svapuram fo tect va, as dover jets incororats Back eo cal ‘erpo lug. Palnapan ean arr of Suara, Celebrity ‘Te odd have ban tt ond ofthe ser: The Boreas might have rtd pomareny fo ueventu hes a roessena eons nar Sau san arp, hay on thaleal oetes ater aces, uch as haf ha vee of sa, tisha appa without map, But moa TOSD" Holywocd sat pot 2 ‘ase eos furan the Shapuam ress had bro cover. ho ett tangas ctncogen Ponds fd tam shotogephed po 1986. 195, cuter Servasaneubisod a ep nL a, a na ur on tro Svepuamtrores. He warty prised eNetaaaard Somastardaimanec 23 masons ore ery oe corr and shat othe Naaraa sara of eonepton anders cf motor’ (trvasn 185567 ae Pues tan2) Sitiasin’ dang of he Nearaa was epee ogni. By asgnng tan cry trary dts, he etratas Wat Me Nea was ene every eet ‘ares of hs partcuar eet of Sha. Sos the eat went cot. Fstorane of nina, such a8 €. 8. Hal and AK Coomrsonary, eed he 18 Sacred onjeet in Secular Spaces euler August Rn a raced tha Chol pod boas rend of Shit Neto os the mast sega and peau of Manas mn Hs cup. By he 1950 ts Naat ws sera a cad eqntcarce as anion otras ‘rotend Hnduhertage S can he Shapurr Netra possby Pe osiest town reclenton ha ham wa to la H nang fa mest ereotant art ‘abe of wot orean a Kara 198. shou note he fat Sivasans aneesront, which set fe tens of sxpeiuint ocoute comamirg tha Nets, inohed pach te mage fh crandogea and sehete canon of oft Ian anwar acorn ecesonges a arthistoiea decplnay practices, Tough he Neon was, [1880 cule eon, Servsan rected any nts of ts otter ‘a Lat ve ao rote that ats pa. ae rege cose Debeen he two bors. cu ama, a Somastance eyes prety ov Nata 2 he rary fs nage tor twa pocessrs. Howe oe ho to bar eer fro the ara cf ar-toreal eeulon ana exon vue the Near woud ‘i gear eta, cing 10 sapuaton nthe ssboxnt es Duplicated Bronzes and Diverging Narratives “Tho sare te ay gh oto eng narathes, 26 ve know tom bogapies mans, Sotanwth he bens ef Svan. Cora acts are red non by ah hoover but at svt prs nr hes, ens remove asco ardcben penis wcotstucon, dancers dowsaped 0 ers, Wil th ‘sodofod win tarten San the Unt Sais dowoped areter nd the 0 ‘ren cera at oor oy pts Les, parton corres ore, cpentoieapeaaton® te 1000, see he 56908 Shapira oats wee fsa the trois st Svapuram. But ty 1966, a Neos was m Mura. sajeg the barmert o Borman Beta, a clntr an caer arias ising st etn ean Le and Sta Keech sa he Nara ee Aten tinal verepperst Sasa ware og pao mages thy blevectobe the enon nt he torze a evry been aupatc How dd is cou? iho Oe? Ard Mom a the Naar tl Tr Nagy Morbo Chndramoucanran, suomi of pace Tom Neds, who wae dey ‘vcd ih sven ea, ated 1 a one ase arse to hes ir 1081, Queen East vad Mas, Tis rege proper conmemeratn, ec ato oale hed Lance Oare, artes Bh ofes, rhotaoh, and ‘Sater atcolecor gin na 0 prepare ase vk fr te is. Dana ‘hctogapnadtne Shope Naar snd planed onthe wurescons Accor {bChanaromodoesnsran,oanlvtt Suapurar oops atten tart (gas sit nthe fee a te Suapuram bronzer: ha aipeaon, ern nan ‘hrs ne rchanca ersten" ‘What po inion imagesDane suggests the toree ofl in Shap tat he Cena were bn poo! canton and needed clang. Thay sat te cons out o Rarasam Sreoath, a eouabe benz mao heresy ey of Kurenai fan marufctye. However tad of snp carng th bons, Parse ‘sbreated ect cpises fin He ned te ay counters te er, for which “lng” fracas i S00 Thon a sd the ol to 3k ee nies der nad Teka er fs 17,000. Teka rebated the fo Muro ‘ac 00 thm o Dano Dar ten sd no ator fo Barn Baten or BS 25.000 According to Grarerreesouaan. Dane soa heen 965 a ht euaya rom een ge race, Famasamisciplsten one Shaper boss Nhl iss ofr autre andvrat Baerin canes ha at wok nea, ary wok Dan sens epredusbe, Bore soup can be menses os the Gres by eating mutpecapes tom amas, Howey, Soh xan ‘Worcs makers Nave alas usd the es wax ated, which ees at ech tworze leon he come ot unique seupialprocee.Raresarsremton ‘nosing = ect ciples can ent orga an pas ote pet an eigralrequted lnc tm ers win ich iden branes cal bs ved. He undcod, owas al, at erie uma a fe th oxy ers coveted ina naw way by a cereplan auenoe By degre acura ‘ors, anata coud enable the cont 10 sav to ene smutareuse ho tugs wold sere tect needs a lage cectcsnSapurm wie e lorgnas cous moe te sosthte dees of trata cleriors wd veers nd mesa mse cal ek oyt te procas. i tres Shaouam Natalee star up? Tho 1980 aeson game sow To Tite Th capaneen therm at cone ride costly ‘embody priulrtogaphy. Ota Claman thro met be Ineo, ae 2 was fe task he itsogators 0 deity ne Pest cote Soto th twos as Benim argues. ony anergha workcan cam isu exetncoat Inepisce wer tapeenstobe sou dainche her anda Reproduce luck tat ava Fort rtoratonal maet angen, ts denen betes lasrente erga and utente woroaiton met a gest dol. The orga ‘Svapuan eras event mach he Uns Sasa an arom ‘ai prc, tut arasan a ental He pleat, hey wed ho bec casi a os. Fr exon va, heathen of ol a iste same me win sn ct obec? Ate ascarid hs dupes to Shapsar tay wore necrotic alison erg Note the prac tho ofc, re ha worsprers raed oy ofc, ih wae ising Bish at tora, Onugas Bret fo et absentee pu 1965 that the cons und worst into Skecuam tampa were aoa, not org ‘Bart noted tha he crib Natale Fer Siepuram was carey Bey, ‘sed mw pate colcton. Halo pod ut atthe wrest of a ‘rg Somactaia and Ganesha boraes ot Shapira was rat ow Bart 196532) ts vet cera wher hs lain mado ary erento Sharam ‘ager Theda sarap Sno ne Sa can gray marie al aus none san ew ne oat as ower thre was near ration tht the expoprsten of he encnt rages dd demay ho rests of Shapuan. Sera posors moos int ‘verigton parse cal aster or. Ast happens amas Sapa ‘sterecparias rot org wr dpleating te tora andcould no ergs PaO is rae. Lance Dane wes je aa te Bombay at coecor Borman BSTar ‘os Aocong fo eel nase Mors woe tho ea of Sha aka Ms ‘engines on ogo ho had ted win Re cons. Pape tary ie a ‘eat to Stun eto ara at oletn Journey to the West and Hot Pursuit \Wo knw ta ben 985 ae 1972, ot the Naren Somastanca ions tom Svapiran tava kom na ote Unked Ses (Me oer Shepwar rors hv ret my Koowndgo bas esta! ow thoy oat hers? Thanks 10 te atety of a Nata, rey al ater ha boon dec fo acing ts wan The Sorastands fn may under rests ra (Catan fats fhe Naaa’s pur ar aed un by al. Sonnen Batra sols th oon Man Narang, at dab basa n Mural ana New Yor Fram ‘Marea, oan waved Now Yok i 08D. The Bueas of ston tha Pot (of Yerk ocr re Natasa na consanpton ey” dee Ap 28 1960, vin ow weak, Ben Her proiert New Vo des nc acid the magn He acrid # tracy at apres of $0000. When te wey ‘eter ron Sion began fo art the eld fan ar Hal ofr 19 The Sapam Naa, Hor Cares, was one ofthe too geo! Nataras in ‘he ran ha ote wo wae hain rues wee ua oS ‘Murine 1908: 172) in Doerr 1972, Son boughs te mage tom Hele or ‘SAID 000 Atte uo, was nshghest pre wep ary workin an This ri ute lanes ose he question How de the Nata eve re? serie ne Ut Sites egy, Howe, ko alee in, ate ‘eund ore tstadrg done so, erew woo which rede boraes ‘of Spur tad awoken, ha ovement ei dnd her as “tq,” ‘os thy wo of 100 yrs a gt tha bens wae othe ety ‘fe goverment. he danse ascot an rch coling te es of fue ajc tects a part of he natn nertae. Ae he ndan ett Expt Cort At of 1047 cero, No pan ra pot ary eigues ep nde ‘ra utorsy ofa cons rartady te Cane Govern No such govarart Ioeres ben gare expt fhe Nataa fon ia "he snes ane muchas eruston The &4-ncigh reo save wats ver 250 pun en ot be ile unui sues To area iy Want? A Blograpbical Approach 18‘he Nata, Maru Narang mt have bred dan cums os reeponsie for convong exar. mis & nt an uncommen ee. Ae iden goronmert ele win he Acedoyca Suey and fe Con Ouse ct ietgahon a esti ot mere an an pret of expr are act nar et he ar, rdcustcma oer ar olen oahooa i at arr Dea 198) fut Chancrarousesuren wind 8 moe competed aoa. sun to the Inn police evesigetr, a cansgimert fo thes et Dah an Aer 29, 1909, lost ss pesoat oft, vase R500." was et rT Man Da {OP-C demnsonin be Unied Stats, at Mrs access Da nas ctv, {dP ehrston cau nt be ace Betwean dan oust Goan P aipertinNen York Chrdanaioannrn sar ay eles rial trarsomed to Sta" Ath apart me semen! contarng the Nae wt rected by Ban Hel. Hol stengy dened Crarararalennarans court ‘aha red tohi. Ao as charming as fad Pe mage wanermaton of ‘ines nto Oaneng va belive he sir stor olbrboy tinder esos ‘mare pusie Lac ia non aba th Yas fhe Soraskaea tage, Some afm ht was pot at Ne apart ot Brean Bet the 1858, Pree os andere ip smith ot the Retain. Toe omasa auracd iy 187, win Ber kr sit $225 000 1 Noxon Son. Meanwhile, sine Barts publened beens, the ndan goverment Pd begun to pursue one ot eran ans Febuary 189, he conmesore ote nd olgous era Chane neon fea eMac tad compart wah the Tajo dec pales superna. Ths st motor a poles ego by tetra ivesigation deperart. Thar wark wou ars the uy he Shao. Nata end ovorayexch up wth 9 eos Sate, Te ty ‘ipevondorto pales has, Kista redo he Unted Sto tess ‘tomen eae ‘We shoud no ako is govermearaldoction wo purwe he antave tage ‘or gona, Te at vader smunged Iden antatiea ® erervous, arin low-rtrerar opens wih ind wecuee canna vegeta ey cas tet ‘re theater. Howe no pr 1070s he gvareent ache ‘ppreesele srl hyo cases hopes haa fon welblazed ean mht hap dssourage the mart ssn idan st. Tara fo ts cae 8 milor-coarscuptue, tho Sapam Naa was an ebveus roe. The Somashanda dd not wana ser teri, ‘Whom will Nataraja Choose? 21973, elnaon mesigtontdcaghtup wih ear, bute kenhasbosn ‘too Lon tr earsenazon wee As patna sty becomes completa In oan to Hal Sey and the dn ple, oer pares cae Mote 20 Sacred onect in Secular Spt r Lanes wore engaged. Sut an counauts wer Had, Oa fom te ben tintin aswegion pcos helt trom Da Moan, he then Anrcan aang fon, ato raat th nats (unk 1079, TeNeopoten Massaro! tine Yok has pane tomar aag bean ct ‘Sern fi acon, wn ta res purchased Near ss coo As ho cons ov te Nara gow fe muses rec, Themos Ha, doit tobackautand cares te ore sow Hor 1988 570-3. ‘va hme care prey led ha Aspe as ga ai. 197 te ndan govern led a oh eu oer fe a, Se vod ae enw of he plant, ta, fe dan cares were adapting 9 eal ‘errlaton tom Angina ard sil sre, Raman hich peste at 8 oty can ined Be aly concert and onner of prpety nan “ea see "ure pearly" The goa Sha, 5 “war ote Sveum ‘erp ogy Cut a eadence form, coud ke alot cn fr hen of iota tole pope, such ash tel pocsssonal mages. iar ace at cama to an London fr year it. prosarg Gusens ench ‘Nice, an Kann, scape he te perorhood of Shiva ana ed thats ‘os ed insead mate ale clam eran bayer nda ttl barr, er ha ‘Atha haat of ho completed cso, hug ay ne coring cess cf to ‘ators, En say er ites the obs ta dete Each ut ewer {aon of what woud be best fre Naar arc hes os wo end he ‘Seated ian try ores vs. “he tat sur, Noten Siren ha bec Peete he tof South Aa ‘ung 81971 ronaymoan nwt fe sscand we, te Hotwced ctose “ener ores, Son psa new sassen wih haat gue ang wha corse oe este quay. He apace he ers, hts ‘gates ndan coupe. ASho put nan urpublehad 1878 reuscr, ‘onecte man arse htt fam te sense Soups ne une ‘toe horane and meres fer thuman ody an rence joe thar erring sso the mfoy ond canogapnial ance found my man lost ne cin beasts oe ruran Bad. To fot athe cars ae alo rade such oy sng bes cage teinange snecanngs samara (Que i Carpal 270128) ‘Sion cy scouted vel ve a hc wor of Souh and Sous! Alan ‘and ba a th Shap Nata as the eon Yep cf Ns rats Calc, hrs ou he Nata ars a noe wore rastreces ot evo” anaSron shared is apron, a da nurbor fects cfndan at? ‘Son can ecgrze ha obstcins to ataring he cet os sear rt waste econo provenance, “Ha yl was 24936 he Dal 3 Now Yok Tes cori“ apartooon $551 rio oe Peles WO ars lon dan at most ot ws smu” Shy 1973 1). There Powe, images Really Want? A Blagraptical Approach 21tact of fom hs rach satan ncn ne hs to wih he Los ‘AaglsTines, erasing hela roaratonct hm tts the Urod Stes (220. 1075: 3. The manson, Mowe not addes th heures te [cons exprston fam nda, Whether th tet wes mung or nc, Sony ‘ios ath nas purcraangit em i ahs owre ade wehad oma he Nese oun te comocsou Son sought he beat Nata rs extion ab. the secon sur, fe rd gover nod ht Soh he cbt a ecu ‘ae. Tonia waa regusican anc suoeesuin te aut he goer tae rat woud eure benz rage cial carer aro i ie inne tare fr teh had gray bosn eres. Ts = wy Si we Ins, As par the nin ga Sag Go Sa, a elepay eegra ‘oot ote Srapuan tame, woud su ore ean oe oon pocesen ‘rope une sary ated a a's rel eget. Honorable as seiner ray have sudo, the tongs tet of be Iran governor aan ey ro pics ct napa a he ain ode No deft que posable sc ci cadena mart, a net haga. The ahora! epusion an purrase poe othe SapU5m Ntaja ad anstornocitiroacrne rch ect erge The gerne repo was hat suosetsreptraon fhe calebrted brorae oan mht hae tel down efoto to lage nog ado in dn arin To make ng kal syst, Son and he goverment of he aged oh ‘outot cour sctlonort 176. The Shapurar tars cd eu but ‘ny afr Strona retanodt en ean ron ys Maton, eae ‘ny cams soa ier bcs he Necen Sinan easton. The tad ‘he Sorasanda, whch was omy be as rch a eTURed atigty as #9 od ‘Svepuran comesrion. The press kg prayed is stmt hing Coat Simon, tut ths haveponie ot recs mak mac cu ry Wal ‘ortiga He etaned theese atnewpec ora cecade and he nocd ‘ores i South Asin eaecton apt a Aue clas by the gore ot le. Ande git $00.00 back by ing Ben Hs: Th powa’ et Shas ce idan net xen oer Son ough One Helo. 1874, Nevin Stren baqunto ua aparanethoms osu anc ‘expanding at cleo. By th ta ha had eater a cod SoU ar Sourasst Aan at objec ae wel ae egfcan Pots of Euopean et Outs ‘he 19705 Stra succes tok orth fancy strapped Pasara Museu (Neb Art and gral rere i he Novem Son Miss. Te ‘Stapuran Soran ete roa a eden the at ofthe pemanert 1086, twas ie fo the Shap. Nata to ufo et. Th wa of seh hig vd ard eunossuy pursvd objects of ctrl Nrtage maybe tected a ocanon fr ple cororensl soa. he case the Paar Nata eptinted in 160, te ch mir Tar Nao, ej, are cer tahoe ecehed haratrng eee Gonna wth lun cect ato, The ent was covered hte Idan nevcpecos. accorpeied by ptctnagh aja trdng nett the deca Ns (Davis 1087. 256-7) Such arerary cons th by sl cot to srs abodes nto of ‘oct bit at Osha conmungy vas an hisoreal contrat This woud tat ot cae wn a Sapa Nataga, now During He tanyeor ave of abeene, the cacao con ad ean nea lortn nina Aa M.S. Naga ao, he decor gana fe Acrasogcal Suney of nde, oll, aca in Fa auscen reread the areorart soc ton a Belo Es expan, They harecy patched Hapa Fa oy ‘oe Agios to retrov teimage. As to Naas was ber ered x rep, agar Pao rca he mom cr was ners. Nagata Azo fw [Con back Chur tae tare was ait ecepton he aor, aos by thopole offen who ed pursued he ca. rom thee, he Naar nee ve ‘shen oe Waste one to Paresh Kolo ene a san, "Negri cs ew th Sapir Netra sh ave gone back tos eran homer ranean, aero he seeant ut ets, tole come todo ox oleh. Incarceration and Museunification ‘One mig hope ttt be eebratadShapurar Nats sucess recone as Iman ender dan sovptra at, maltrato inde. Te {overmert of eda had never ropoaca natng tho bor29 an Ian mou. on a fe Rafe Cr At Glyn Tana st etabisod by Paina 1067, orn #e Chena Govarmart Museum, whch far soun to acme tin these yr Th pramign othe gourmets eae hd Leo at to Nama ‘yeras a pte hg enboxmnt of Sma custo eu separ al home, th lo Hn engl in Skapuan. Ts wou bo om reretoay end ‘tun possie tran re ol raachar,#cormanneangevaen pore ower hr wes ate, fr as Pave bean able ozo, 1 rt tha ‘era to woah “he probe fer he Natarajan that th erg st Sica, ho may her ‘eal lags eps n South a cota tore sutures Pat teensy ‘ab onthe risatona at mae, coud not acetal rte wee. Foogrzhg is denger the Taml Nady govern! te TOBDecenstes a ‘eon Cant at Traut hase those valle, vurwaba mogosin a safe pace (Gave 1907 257-9, Accerdng oso repos me Natara—too wae or te‘nn syn Samet thre Aco the crn oert of Ta Nad elo dormers Ecorarc Ores Ving, he Shana Nai scnenty h ‘hese vu of ho Kapaa org Chere in nether cap tr aus ‘otra ascenste tenon Gos ect he hu aeons pope toi at fareigcus icon, tas ban nezoorog eerie both we ad en ‘asin the eee of ra wore The Samasharda image tom Swap caret ao} a happie staton tt on spay ate Noon Simon Musurn Pataca end brated oh ‘the museum webste a oof he gts ho coecten Fig 4 wat) Unqwesiontiy te bone enoys Sats tho for nD ai, ak a Wak of cut at raha han acutieon. Thre Noton Sinan Muza ry ‘ster, th colbctor hoa rsd aster fa museum, “Tmt essay aroigus paren eu my ea abot a mca tat can ‘sane a & sbstue or house of wet” Seren we 1074." "apace to spac rans ceavey ano sree a contruty wth fhe pat Accra the ‘Aske glee the museum, designed by rank Gry, a raed "seek to ever th sbierco one rsa ej Stes" ae fo ot “a tne ho mosses of aerenty are vanquty” Keke 200 When |e vised Somasianda te the aranea for red tnen poeta carseat “Ths mode of sesh dla ows the Sarasa ore reacy wth imum goes, Cut reas the ently of he rage Ther eno ater Sugpsct tte colt oraertaton which the Sosa would oighaly rave aopere, a o eft smd fo evoke tha drama ture he tre rocks for eh ean was rad, thre & no menon mado rote ent mau wl, narenha muscu web, orn he sump ore ‘tao othe muna Asn clacson—cf the comp vl ended evs thathae ought ne Somastanta tom lagen souhan ao utan Calon (Pa 2008 222-4 Visto to te Asan gales ae ast oe ha Secu Somiskanda an ext wank of supra rt For na pat. Ine end wat do those Fraga wat am us? A wo have stn, the Ws of lan mages may tke struct ure, wrch ead Dam in uno ctors to rnreoen pcos. That eres ads may wa change cro. When ego ost tha eral ndan a ote, | anos tat ich naps shuld med tothe orga stings a severe ees parton hich hy hac been eet Bu, aoa 8s not avays sable. Chang canis may preci this do reo. Psani-cy Sheer myn bt ‘xpd to rece ts tet contury Natal ae prot = propa ven fn ds wt he idan governance aie Neon man, ene rst ait Ina the outcome of ts success wih he Nea earcostad na Ta! Nas oteom—s nota ray oo, Yt sega ab ems sha ee oan Frage may ata take stl acta ne ur, ean, on can tts 0 processeral panna, he Soractans tom ‘Sagara, Clo a the msi doves othe colcang erry of Norn 24 Sacred objects in Secular Spaces Sian Thar the tree soptue may hap rseum gous, Sons WOU, 0 repent huran ety ao seas eoay wh a ura pat Bu eo {haut abo pode a calenge bth restr and fevers. Sree he aman ‘we cet re rors scUtue the th century were assur anna ‘ha eaten fer museum exten, wry cs they rake it? What was gna nite reigns eo Shap? Ad Nom it gt tom ee oh? T arnt ‘hese queens equ an act cimaghstve eonetucten. But ta Wor one tres mages wat rer stones 2b 08Aso sealable trom Bleomsbury Feigous Objet Museums, Crs Pane ‘algous Stee and Pesonacd, Any Whsneas ‘Budhana eats i Eat Ai, Fabio Ps and Ee Redes UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACHITECTURE INE ARTS LIBRARY Sacred Objects in Secular Spaces Exhibiting Asian Religions in Museums Edited by Bruce M. Sullivan Soemstry Academic Doirgrt Sahay bein BLOOMSBURYet Baortby asta sbloomsburyan BLOOMSBURY andthe Dian gs re treme of Bloomer Puan Fates 05 Se Sunn sr ade ani ‘Prfomary a ru, cone nacure, Psrg Ropes "scar any ron stoagecr owas, ou pear ‘umatonnwreg tone anes canbe wen Bonnar autor teh Lita Ceoguing nein Data Fe or asoom0 rar of Gongs cattoging nPttenton Dat Acagincnetrurtot tenis athe eae ‘set Cons Gab aking Series Curr rs Contents Letot tutte Pion Wome [tof tustatens ala iw Cine at Somsbuycom tp ascerrcburycomsaced cj ocular pants sreva72se0800). ete en Coes Delronteararts neato to Sores Cet Sze Spaces: Exnting Asian gions in Museums Bre M. Svan Part 1 Exhibiting Hindu and Sikh Religions Objects in Museums 1 What Do nan tags ay Wan? A Bloc Aopen 2 Unr ne Gas ot Kal netonionn be Kalght Pang ‘Satna he Govan Mucoum ot At Osea Sarma 1 Rosorcatng te eee: The New Phanomeren ehogainMuscums BaceM. Sutin 46 sie musauning Ame Murty Pant 2 Exhibiting Buddhist Religious Objects in Museums 15 Paring Roar HN Ho Fay Founda Galery ‘et Budis Suture, 2000-204 on Conte (air he Vtut Manc:Yartomatie Environs ny Spaces Jor Duran 17 scot an Delay Case Sues tem the Mtopaon Mucoom of rt Oanio Paty Lacy4 png Cues Ott Bnetens,Learing Networks rate CGazorione at stn Calag rato Cow Coacion Grasian At hat Vga On Part 3 Religions, Museums, Memory 1 cratng Alan Pegovs Otc inthe EEon Sacred Word an image: Five Wort Retsons sre Boor 18 Word Rlone Musee: Dag, Dereon, rd re Seced Gaze Chats 0. crzeeh 1 erst Tes: Money, Maton frthe Muar nae is ates BoiogaoryNotes Introduction 1. se cumveby Ont Lacran Th est cane petomad aie ay ‘a eon arek cin en trey reean mang arto, Se weer ‘flo parea and ceed etterest Bako ans Boat OM 7) nara x06 Sor ot tot naam an orc ot ara ‘Truce at of He wort. om he great ow of aon io sn ‘eros tne dty ana teh Me era9> wh 09 On so 0 aS sear b/c. See, eres eae ey ponents aD, ‘he Wud agoetenon oh raged tres ming” 2. tphmmarenensoomog Teta eae 9,213 8. epshnaronaearaanery eowsed ober 7 2014) Chapter 1. Tacatetma Sepranbrrsespannsoronepersoette Pan Naa, evs 9 Dot 1967 22-52 Dots 0, dua he caso 9 GAT sxe mae sy am glo engine ot Fe fate Cangas a sea, Capt Nt gto po he rele 2. Cranage Speers, es Simaten 1959, rw TS, Laver 186A one ale econ of Pl GO 22-4, AS 2796127, arm Rept a Sah an Ey, 1267, 9 A Dems pen 16-1, ct Pepto Covert Maman ads Nazar Saernenson, Comme Poe, "evn eemlpanere cherie Shop Rams a a ert port: UC Oranerarauiawenn Noses Kear Na Pipa fn tr Dore ee and M8 Naga Poa “elving Jsprars tetorenc Ores ig, Gavotte ‘ern asestadoetoro fare tulagoy aes wa araaraveeer= ‘morc ween gounvOO igo oan At 4.2014, 1 react wasoassoa fot 1917, tery baer nomen, fn ec 1950 tras pg a Arigsie rt amaze ot 972, 1 Onze peerto mo Pate Nota co, co Da TOR. 2482, F a roc tra renner of cnc, 6 Sermo” 19549. Nr 173 37m sn Hedges rash Oe [go tecmnoeeysmaing hea nse py Phd dows toh ey tmp tla os eee avodart gone 7 “hex tenngaCOL mer bebe nt 2018, {he Groen ing rate omy eau. 11, Norn Son Misa abate: wanna Chapter? 1 amar te Chand Ragu ot Ant a rnin rat pa i6 nn alge Page, a scythe May, chi ara fine rmesi ast no ea Hi Soy, ecto cf ears rc putes. “aks ae Saa Guts Don Mon) rah fr ston ies. so ot oer achat partnusey ene| (emeond Jay 21, 214) vino onehelaiaelocuners bt Pn Lae 2 NEE pot es Uy 2, 201, 2, Tou fee tty a hr gous wo Fl anon bet Ka, hy m3 Inert be etn he serra f Pose SSS mone. Ts a et ‘oruti ba poo yea ec. 2 Thou te ated Pres ang: gay ane oo dere ters Sronteenten be Geabrathsant resteen renee Neath, toc ws pon whch ae ba oy gate aoa Nologe ote 4. Theautnor spn nae terete oe nec 8h Sot Chaar ia Dean Ta ee ray ha bee cers am He OY srg at, ofr, Cantar ori nh Ontong Aas 985) clibernarn ss eenach arg ‘Sen fr art contoaes te Vota Mant fne tsar he shoot oreguaerealcnapehaphria ranean ty (acs 21.204 7 soar 8200 65 cess JU 21,204 8 pst oa 205 110. cee ty, 2014 Chapter 1. oy Hoe “Sac Cert ts parent race yoga he ey” The asgtn Fou, Nivevtr 19, 2012. pwaehngarposcow! easiness enka ont et paroparegractenyope hte gatey20t 1a O1ed Ko eb REO aTeNETSD eyes Nowe 99,2013, 2. teelnanran apts dove open re Opsing Na fc tes of Fan, Fetnary 2, 2014, and Miponasaraeginere 2 ke os Fata on Set Feu 2 Gssmnes Mach 1, 201) “Rave ea 154 notes
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (476)
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
From Everand
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (619)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1941)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
From Everand
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
Principles: Life and Work
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Principles: Life and Work
Ray Dalio
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (622)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2411)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (355)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
The Glass Castle: A Memoir
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Jeannette Walls
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1737)
Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1058)
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
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The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Brené Brown
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1110)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2110)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1217)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)