Observation 3

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VI: Analysis:

The teacher uses rotations during the week except on Friday the children do an
interaction writing activity which allows them to explore and broaden their minds by learning
letters, making connections to spell the word while drawing a picture. For example, the gorilla
guzzled grape juice. Therefore, they would write the letters, make a connection with all the
letters and form a word to blend into a sentence. Afterwards they drew a gorilla guzzling grape
juice and it was the cutest thing. I was amazed to see almost every child sitting on the carpet with
their writing tablets at their age. However, one child was disengaged standing behind the
teachers white board easel not participating. This did not go unnoticed, but rather ignored by the
teacher and she did not redirect the child into sitting down on the carpet. It is a great way to get
the children ready for kindergarten, but not all children develop at the same time and a pre-k
student should not have to worry about writing. Even though the environment is set up with the
Progressivism approach, there is still a common core that exist in a sense where the students
need to be prepared to read and write by Kindergarten which is absurd in my opinion. It is great
tools to have, but rather unnecessary at this age level. Although the teacher uses her teacher
directed approach for each childs needs to be met. By doing so, the teacher is adaptive by using
different teaching and learning style approaches towards the students. Which depends on the
students questions. For example: if a child asked the teacher where does the Gorilla buy their
grape juice. This approach enhances the students creative mind, and is not taught to just sit there
and listen only as the teacher teachers, like a robot. Teachers must integrate, transform, and
represent subject matter knowledge in ways that are understandable to students. (Toh et
al.,2003). The teacher uses the Pedagogy approach in making sure the children are able to
explore their ideas and allow for creativity. The teacher would let them explore the topic further,
and allow them to resonate where they be able to buy the juice. schedule is posted and adhered to
and is only flexible on Fridays. On Fridays as mentioned above, the children do an interaction
writing exercise. The kids are very aware of the schedule and abide by it and transition nicely
from one activity to the next. They eagerly clean up and go straight to the next activity joyfully.
The schedule is effective because the children played for almost two hours during free time and
30 minutes of recess outside before engaging in their writing exercise.
The children are aware of the schedule when the teacher spoke its time to clean up and
switch stations. The children were immediately aware of switching activities by checking the
charts on the wall that are color coded with their name on it, and the name of the station on it as
well. These are called Planning Boards. After the first activity was up the teacher asked who was
the last one to be in the dramatic play center, and who made this mess? The child jumped up and
went back to the center to clean it up. This is also effective and best practice where the children,
clean up after themselves. Since the child is not able to self- regulate at this age they need the
guidance in doing so. In the next activity, the children use a spray bottle with soap and water and
cleaned up their tables, During the next activity some children played in the Dramatic Play area
and they used their imagination a lot to go up into space by using chairs facing the wall and
pretending to go to space. The children also handled their own conflicts by communicating their
own ideas as to who was playing what and where. For example, a child suggested first we eat the
cereal, and the other said no. That they needed to eat all the healthy stuff before going to space
and the children agreed with one another by saying ok.
The teacher was hands on to all the childrens needs. Her guidance is consistent by
helping children tie their apron. I heard the teacher tell a student Im very proud of you to one
child. This is considered a good praise not a private praise by singling a child out. However,
there was sarcasm used in another circumstance by telling a child after a while my patience runs
During free time, there was two boys rolling around on the carpet while others were
playing with blocks. The two boys were wrestling and one kissed the other on the cheek. Teacher
noticed the behavior and redirected them instantaneously by simply diffused it by to saying
3,2,1. There are no consequences, sticker charts or reward incentives used in this classroom.
Before the next activity began, the children were cleaning up and some were banging pots and
pans. The teacher bargained with the children and said I will trade you. You can bang the pots
and pans outside as loud as you want when we go outside for recess. The teacher cleverly
diffused the situation and adapts by using Progressivism in her classroom. During free play time,
some hugging went unnoticed. To my surprise, I was impressed how the children independently
got dressed to go outside. They could demonstrate putting on their snow pants, jackets, zip them,
and their boots, hats, and gloves.
During recess the children needed guidance in handling their conflicts with sharing. The
teacher could manage their behavior by using time rotations where the children were able to
adjust to their conflict and make resolution with the help and guidance from the teacher.
Eventually the children will begin to self-regulate by problem solving. The more they receive no
attention towards the misbehavior and are redirected by having the teacher defuse the situation
the better theyll learn how to manage themselves without punishment. If a teacher needs to
discuss a misbehavior of a child to the parents, they generally choose to do it face to face, during
drop off and pick up so there is no miscommunication through an e-mail. The teacher avoids
making unnecessary phone calls because most of the parents are at work. If a situation that
occurs for the safety and well- being or harm is done to other children, then the child is removes
from the classroom, and sent to the directors office. The teacher recommends this for the safety
of the other children.
The director daily observes the teachers. The director walks around the different
classrooms throughout the day at random times. The directors will generalize a meeting if the
teacher did something incorrectly. If something serious happened by a teacher done incorrectly
the director will hold a random meeting. There is also a write up system that schools policy has,
as well as keeping a personal file on the teacher as well.
After the childrens recess time was over they came charging through the door and the
teacher told them to go back and start all over, and began to use a lot of sarcasm such as you are
all acting crazy! However, the students had no issue in walking back into the classroom
respectfully. The children had lunch, and I had the privilege to sit with them and check out all
their amazing lunches that there was an array of food, like a big melting pot. I got the chance to
joke around with them about ketchup. Since they all used ketchup to dip their lunch in, including
sushi. I asked them if theyd put ketchup in their cereal? I received a big audience and heard all
about what else ketchup wouldnt be good for dipping. We shared a few chuckles. After the
children finished eating all their lunch, they grabbed their mats, blankets, and stuffed animals
and laid down to relax or take a short nap. This is an excellent way for the children to try and
unwind after lunch and all the morning routine and so therefore they can recharge their batteries
for the rest of the afternoon since they attend full time. However, I noticed one child that didnt
abide by the rules. He was off to the side, and wanted nothing to do with laying down. The
teacher played some soft music and even rubbed some of the students back to help them relax.
Even more so, corrected and redirected the other students several times to lay down and be quiet
and not to touch each other, and somehow chose to ignore this one little boy for quite some time.
I asked the little boy if hed like to join them and one of the students mentioned to me, that, he
doesnt lay down. He was the teachers son and could have a special privilege, and some
avoidance took place either due, to he doesnt like to lay down and take a nap, or is incapable of
lying still. This to me did not seem to be a Fair v Just classroom. The reason being is I noticed
the other children having a hard time lying still but they knew they needed to do this. Another
scenario I noticed was that the bathroom door is kept open while all children use the bathroom at
the same time and the school keeps the door open to protect the staff. I understand this; however,
I disagree because I think its unfair for the children to learn that its ok to use a coed bathroom
and be exposed to the rest of the children while using the bathroom. Even though they are
innocent I thought it to be extremely inappropriate.

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