Lesson 3 - Ubd

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Backward Design Lesson Plan Template

Candidate: Kara Zehner Grade level 9th

Lesson title: Breaking the Boxes

Step 1Desired Results (What students will learn)

Standards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed. What should students know,

understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and
disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and
understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning

Breaking stereotypes in the LGBT+ community and about gender

Students will lead a discussion about the buzzwords on the LBGT+ community
in the media and how to combat them
Students will create a narrative on gender in society by creating an About Me
using different forms of mixed media.

Step 2Assessment Evidence (Summative/Formative check for learning)

Performance taskWhat will students do to show what they have learned?

Performance criteriaHow good is good enough to meet standards? Provide checklists, rubric, or criteria.

Performance Task:
Students will create a mixed media project about them and how gender and
sexuality affect them using different types of media including articles, social
media, poetry, literature, pictures, magazines, etc. - this will show me what they
learned about the LGBT+ community and gender and the influence on the
media and how it affects them based off of their Identity Wheel. This will be their
assessment for this day, but will work as a formative assessment on the
depthness they are reaching as far as how these aspects of society affect them,
which is something I am looking for in the final project.

Step 3Learning Plan (detailed enough for another teacher to follow)

Learning activities: Steps for students. Use action Notes for Teacher
verbs (step by step from start to finish)
1. They will have their interactive
1. Students will begin class by have a notebooks and will record
journal entry reflecting on the artifact reflections in them.
they brought in. They will then do 2. I will have magazines and
quick shares in their groups about pictures, as well as paper and
what they reflected on, they will vote glue provided, but they are
allowed to use the internet for
on which artifact they want to bring the other pictures.
forward to the class, and there will be
a group share out on the chosen
artifact for each group. We will
analyze each artifact as a class and
how affected we are by gender and
sexulaity in society.
2. I will have the, read and annotate
The Story of X by Louis Gould, a
story of a child without a named
3. There will be class discussion in a
socratic seminar about the
buzzwords that they have found in
their artifacts and on the news and
the short story. What do they mean?
What do we understand? What do we
not understand? How can we become
more educated about these issues?
Why havent we been more educated
on these issues? What does the
media want us to believe about
gender and sexuality? Did you put a
gender on the baby in your mind?
Why? How does that change the
4. Students, after the discussion, will go
back to their seats and create an
About Me using clippings from
different media outlets and literature
to create a picture about how their are
influenced by societys expectations
of gender and sexuality, and how they
combat it.
5. They will hang the pictures around
the room and we will do a gallery walk
as a way to look at all of the pictures.
6. Their final reflection, either in class or
as homework, will be to reflect on
what they noticed in other peoples
pictures and how it compares to
7. Homework: Students will bring in any
artifact (song, news article, poem,
story, etc.) to journal about for
tomorrows discussion: religion
Resources, Timing, and Materials

Identity Wheel

Timing: 90 minutes
Journaling and Sharing of homework and artifacts: 20 Minutes
Reading The Story of X: 15 Minutes
Group socratic seminar: 10 Minutes
Work time: 35 Minutes
Gallery Walk: 10 Minutes

Step 4Differentiation/Accommodation/Modifications

Which strategies/methods will you use differentiate for different learning styles? How will you
accommodations and modifications for special needs students (IEP)?

If students are not comfortable working on a creative project, I can give them the
option to do a presentation using the same elements, or making the collage online. If
they are not comfortable working on a project about their own gender and sexulaity, or
they feel unsafe to share it, they can make one regarding the trends they see in the
media or on a celebrity.

Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design, ASCD, 2006.

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