Class 10000 SD and HD Owners Manual - TMC - 704P

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2.0 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 INSTALL HUB AND AIR SEAL .................................................................................................... 3
2.3 INSTALL AND ADJUST BLADES ............................................................................................... 4
2.4 START-UP PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................... 5
3.0 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 ANNUAL INSPECTION .................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 PARTS LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.0 OPERATION .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 BLADE OVERLOAD ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 CAUSES OF IMPROPER BLADE LOADING ..........................................................................12
4.4 CHECKING BLADE LOAD ..........................................................................................................13
4.4.1 SAMPLE GRAPH of BLADE ANGLE IN DEGREES ......................................................14
4.5 DAMAGING OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................15
4.5.3 OBSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................16

MOORE FANS LLC, MARCELINE, MO 64658 PHONE (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 E-MAIL [email protected]
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ....... before or after unpacking, the delivering carrier
Moore is as interested as are its customers that Moore should be promptly notified so that an inspection
fans operate at top efficiency for many, many years. This
manual has been written to achieve that result and is based may be made by the claims adjustor. It is the
on more than 50 years of experience as a manufacturer of responsibility of the consignee to file damage
axial flow fans. claims with the carrier. Although Moore will not
Moore fans represent the highest degree of axial fan be responsible for shipping damage, it is requested
development and are in all respects, regardless of price, the
finest obtainable for their intended purpose. As for any fine that any damage, even of a minor nature, be re-
equipment, certain precautions are necessary and certain ported to the factory at once.
abuses must be avoided in order to insure the best perform-
ance over the longest period of time If you have any
questions regarding the installation or operation of your
Moore fan(s), please contact the Company for assistance. Section 1 consisting of your units specifica-
tions will be found on the Order Information Sheet
INSPECTION attached. Section 2 Getting Started should be
All Moore units are carefully balanced, inspected read carefully before installation begins. Moore
and packed at the factory. If any damage is evident fans have several unique features.


2.1.1 FAN IDENTIFICATION Moore keeps records indexed by serial and job
Every fan, or group of identical fans, is assigned a Job numbers of all fans produced for at least forty years in
Number. This number will be found on the Order Informa- order to provide proper maintenance advice and infor-
tion Sheet showing fan specifications. A copy is attached to mation on spare parts and replacements.
this manual. If non-identical fans are shipped together, a Job
Number is assigned to each fan or group and a set of 2.1.2 PLANNING THE INSTALLATION
Information Sheets will be included for each Job Number. The sequence given for the installation may be
The Job Number is written in semi-permanent ink on changed if the conditions warrant. For example, the
each blade, hub and air seal. All fan parts bearing the same air seal may be installed on the hub before the hub is
Job Number are entirely interchangeable. (Blades of the installed on the drive shaft. (In fact, for inverted fans,
same Series and Diameter are also interchangeable between it is necessary to install the air seal first.) The instal-
Job Numbers.) lation should be planned before beginning so that the
Fan components covered by more than one Job Num- steps required are taken in the most convenient order.
ber may be crated together. The Job Number that is written If you need information not found here, please contact
on each part, however, will make sorting simple. Moore.
Each individual fan produced by Moore is assigned a Class 10000 fans are suitable for horizontal or vertical
Serial Number. This Serial Number is embossed on a perma- mounting, for electric motor or engine drive and may be
nent metal tag and attached to each fan hub. The Fan designed for clockwise (right hand) or counterclockwise (left
Information Sheet provided for each Job Number lists all of hand) rotation. Some drawings illustrating the installation
the individual Serial Numbers of the identical fans assume vertical mounting and need to be mentally rotated
covered by that Job Number so that, in future years, for horizontal mounting. Be sure to refer to the dimensional
reference to the fan specifications provided will iden- drawing(s) provided. These will illustrate the proper orien-
tify the characteristics of each individual fan. tation of the fan and the rotation direction.

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Hub Only Without Air Seal Air Seal Installed on Hub

Hub installation instructions DO NOT apply lubricant between the bushing bore and the
Some Moore Class 10000 hubs are shipped with Moore Installation:
Hi-Torque (HT) Aluminum Bushings. The following Install the bushing in the hub by aligning the threaded
paragraph details the installation procedure for these holes on the I.D. of the hub with the slots on the OD of the
hubs. bushing with the cap screws captured between the bush-
ing and the hub. Insert the bushing in the hub. Using a
Lubrication: hex key wrench, sequentially tighten the socket head cap
If the bushing was pre-installed in the hub at the factory, screws until the bushing is almost fully engaged in the
no further lubrication is required prior to installation. hub. Leave slight play between the bushing and hub to
If the bushing was not installed in the hub at the factory, facilitate installation on the shaft.
it is imperative to apply high quality grease to the Place the hub/bushing on the shaft. (Preferably cap
following surfaces: screw heads will be towards free end of shaft.) Insert the
key, and tighten the setscrew to secure the hub and key to
1. The cap screw threads the shaft. Now begin sequentially tightening the socket
2. The underside of the cap screw heads head cap screws (approximately 2-3 turns per cap screw
3. The bushing taper / hub bore initially) to firmly engage the bushing in the hub and seat
the bushing on the shaft. Once the bushing/hub is firmly
Bushing Allen Head Hex Key seated on the shaft, continue tightening the cap screws
FAN Bushing OD Size RequiredTorque
HUB sequentially until the specified torque, shown in the
T 3" 12 mm 10 mm 50 ft-lb (6.9m-kg)
U 4" 12 mm 10 mm 50 ft-lb (6.9m-kg) following table, is reached. DO NOT over-tighten cap
W 5.5" 16 mm 14 mm 90 ft-lb (12.5m-kg) screws as this could cause damage to the hub.
X 16 mm 14 mm 135 ft-lb (18.7m-kg)
5.5 " Long
14 mm 135 ft-lb (18.7m-kg)
Z 7" 16 mm
If bushing is expected to see frequent oscillating loads (Greater
Bushing than 50% of nominal expected Static Torque), Fan should be
operated for approximately 15 minutes and then re-torque
bushing cap screws.
Cap Screws
To install the airseal:
If the airseal is to be installed on the shaft side of the fan,
RODEND cut out the center to provide clearance for the bushing.
Locate the air seal installation hardware in the plastic bag
taped to one of the hub tubes. Install the air seal studs on the
appropriate side of the hub tube. Finger tighten.
RESILIENT HUB TUBE Place one resilient washer on each stud as shown in the
WASHER drawings at left. Place the air seal onto the studs and install the
remaining hardware, following the sequence shown in the
drawings. Do not lubricate this end of the studs.
Note that the diameter of the resilient washers, before
they are compressed, is slightly less than the diameter of the
aluminum washer. Tighten each nut until the resilient washer's
diameter is the same as the aluminum washer. Do not
overtighten. Overtighteness exists when the resilient washer
ALUMINUM has expanded in diameter larger than the diameter of the
WASHER aluminum washer.
RESILIENT Note: Some air seals are provided with more mounting
WASHER holes than may be required. This is done intentionally to
make the air seals more interchangeable between units.
AIR SEAL INSTALLATION ON HUB For example, an air seal with 8 mounting holes can be used
with either a 4-blade or an 8-blade unit.
TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 Page 3










the bolt into the second resilient mount lightly. A 3/4" drive
BEFORE INSTALLING BLADES. . . . torque wrench with a short extension may be used. The blade
Check to see that the hub is level. If the drive shaft is not mounting bolt is supplied from the factory with grease on the
truly horizontal (or vertical), causing the hub to be cocked, it threads and conical face. Do NOT clean the grease from
will be difficult to adjust blade angles accurately. Eccentric ro- the bolt.
tation of the fan can also cause serious vibration problems. Complete the installation of one blade by holding the
If misalignment, vibration or unbalance in the system is blade so that the blade extends straight out from the hub tube.
present, it will be more easily identified and corrected at this Holding the blade in this position, tighten the bolt using a
time. torque wrench set to 200 ft-lb (28 m-kg) making sure the
rod end and the resilient mounts seat.
After installing the first blade, manually rotate the fan
Moore fan blades are carefully balanced to the same moment at the while moving the blade tip in and out to be sure the blade
factory. Any Class 10000 blade of the same series and diameter may clears the ring or throat at all points. When the blade is held
be installed on any hub furnished on the job. They are completely in alignment with the blade tube (that is, straight outward
interchangeable. from the hub), it should clear the fan ring by a distance
Moore Class 10000 Heavy Duty Fans are de- adequate to provide for any relative motion between the fan
signed for engine drive and other applications with wheel and the ring. Excess clearance between the blade tips
the more severe requirements of this service. Proper and the ring, however, should be avoided to prevent backflow
installation, with particular attention to tightening which seriously reduces fan efficiency. If clearance is exces-
nuts to the specified torque, is essential to maintain sive, the diameter may be adjusted at this time. See Section
the design integrity of these units. 2.3.2.
Install one blade: Clean any dirt or grease from the rod end and Install the rest of the blades so that they are identical
the surfaces of the resilient mounts. Align the rod end hole with with the first blade. Torque all bolts to 200 ft-lbs (28 m-
the holes in the resilient mounts and insert the blade mount- kg). If blades are installed properly, they will return to their
ing bolt first through the resilient mount with the recess to undisturbed position if the tips are pressed in the axial
accept the bolt head, then through the rod end hole and screw direction with moderate force (10 to 20 lb).

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Hubs are shipped from the factory with the rod end set
for the blade angle indicated by the design performance. A
change in blade angle is sometimes necessary, however, to
adjust to actual site conditions. Failure to adjust the blade angle MEASURING BLADE ANGLE
when required may result in blade overload. The causes of
improper blade loading are explained in Section 4.3 of this
manual. Section 4.4 "Checking Blade Load" provides a simple
method of determining the maximum blade angle allowable
in terms of static pressure vs blade angle. Please refer to these
sections before increasing blade angle.
To adjust, loosen the Clamp Nut just enough to allow
the blade to be turned. Place a inclinometer on the flat surface
of the mounts end as shown in the illustration at right. Turn
the blade until the desired angle is achieved.. Make a
permanent record of the final angle selected and take care
that all blades on the fan are set at the same angle. A typical
adjustment may be +/- 3o. The maximum recommended
blade angle is 30o.
Retighten the Clamp Nut to 18 ft-lbs (2.5 m-kg).
Recheck each blade angle before tightening.

WARNING: The fan is designed to consume the

horsepower stated on the Fan Specification Sheet. The
engine drive typically produces far more power than
the fan can absorb. Too great an increase in blade angle
can cause serious blade overload which will stall the
blades. In this condition, the fan will actually deliver less
air and blade life may be shortened. Blade load consid-
erations are discussed in Section 4.0 Operation in this


At times it may be necessary to adjust the fan changed as discussed in the previous section. A match
diameter to suit a particular ring. To do so, loosen the mark may be made at a point on the threads and the tube
clamp nut so that the rod end can be rotated in the hub before turning to assure that exactly one revolution is
tube. One complete revolution will increase or de- made. Tighten the clamp nut to 18 ft-lbs (2.5m-kg).
crease the radius of the fan by .059" (1.5 mm). Take care Maximum adjustment possible is about +/- 0.75" (19
that the clevis is returned to exactly the factory-set mm). At least 1.0" (25 mm) of rod end threads must remain
angle unless it is intended that the blade loading be in the tube.


Before starting the fan, manually check all bolts or stop the fan and observe the blades as the fan comes
nuts to see if they are tightened. Take care not to exceed to rest. All of the blades should return to their origi-
the stated torque limits. nal position at the same rate.
Manually rotate the fan while checking each blade for Inspect the inner surface of the fan ring and
proper clearance. the blade tips for any indication of scoring.
Start the fan and watch it in operation. All blades The horsepower given on the Fan Specifications
should move to the same operating position, indicating that is the calculated horsepower (at the fan shaft) that is
the blade angles are properly set and that all blades are required for the specified performance. Consult the
equally loaded. If vibration or unbalance is evident, see factory or the fan curve before increasing the blade
Section 3.3. angle for the fan to consume more than the speci-
After the fan has been operating for several minutes, fied horsepower.

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Fan failure is most likely the result of destruc- Skin cracking may be caused by the tips dragging
tive repetitive stress acting over a period of time. on the fan ring, or it may be the result of long-term
These stresses may be caused by mechanical abuse, fatigue due to continued operation under conditions of
e.g. rough gears or drive shaft imbalance, or by vibration or unbalance as discussed in Section 3.3 which
aerodynamic abuse such as blade overload or abnor- follows. Skin cracking can also be caused by continued
mal flow conditions. Fortunately, these stresses mani- operation under overload conditions as discussed in
fest themselves in typical ways that may easily be Section 4.3 Causes of Blade Overload.
detected on inspection if one knows what to look for. Cracking in air seals can occur if the airseal has
The purpose of this section of this manual is to been improperly installed. See Section 2.2. Check to be
describe the symptoms of potentially damaging me- sure the resilient washers are present and the nuts
chanical problems and how they can be corrected. properly tightened.
Aerodynamic abuses are covered in Section 4.0 Op- The fatigue strength of materials, whether metal
eration. or plastic, may be lowered by long-term exposure to
3.1.2 FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION Dents in blades are caused by objects falling into
The frequency of inspection varies widely in the fan or the fan striking some obstacle. Minor dents
accordance with the severity of service and a suitable may sometimes be repaired by drilling a small hole in
inspection schedule should be developed with expe- the center of the dent and pulling outward on the blade
rience over time. During the first week of operation, skin. Blades may be ordered from the factory for re-
at least one inspection should be made. At these placement. If there is any evidence of this type of
initial inspections, in addition to the items listed damage, the hub should be carefully inspected as dis-
below, check all nuts for tightness to make certain cussed in Section 3.1.6 which follows.
that all were tightened properly at installation. Take The Type 5052 aluminum, a marine alloy, used as
care not to exceed the stated torque limits. Following the blade material on Moore fans works well with either
the first week, it is probable that inspections of the fresh or sea water. Waters that are acid, alkaline, or
fan need be made no more freqently than inspection contain copper salts, however, should be avoided for all
of the drive. aluminum alloys. If you have questions regarding the
suitability of the fan materials under certain water
3.1.3 BLADE ANGLE AND RUNNING POSITION conditions, please contact the factory.
Turn off the unit and watch the blade tips. A
looseness in the clamp bolt will permit a blade to
flatten in angle. This usually can be detected by 3.1.5 HUB INSPECTION
looking at the tips of the blades while the fan is If damage to the fan has occurred, the hub should be
slowing down. At the same time, before the unit carefully inspected since subtle damage may have been
comes to a complete stop, watch the track of the caused that is not readily apparent. Check the hub for any
blade tips to see that all blades move to the same sign of bending or twisting of the hub tubes. Hub tubes
operating position. If one or more blades is at a cannot be replaced in the field on manual fans and a new
substantially different position than the other blades, hub should be ordered.
or if all of the blades are at a different position than Bushings are frequently cracked during a fan wreck
at the last inspection, investigate further. This condi- and should be carefully inspected. Damage may occur to
tion may be caused by a damaged resilient mount, the studs that attach the hub to the bushing. It is a good idea
requiring blade replacement. to replace the studs when replacing a damaged fan blade.

As with any industrial equipment, before entry into fan chamber, strict adherence to ALL Lock-
out / Tag-out procedures is well advised!

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A smooth blade surface is essential for efficient The yearly inspection should be a very thorough
fan performance. If an incrustation forms on the blades one. All nuts and bolts should be checked and careful
it should be removed. Use steel wool as an abrasive scrutiny given to all highly stressed areas.
along with a mild detergent or a very mild form of Inspect the resilient mounts as follows: With the
solvent. Lye must not be used because it attacks fan turned off, grasp each blade and feel for looseness at
aluminum readily. the mount. If in doubt, the blade should be removed and
the mount assembly visually inspected. Wear is indi-
cated by a fretting effect and the resilient mount material
3.2.2 CHECK SYSTEM PRESSURE will show signs of extruding from the cavity. If these
Radiator sections may be effected by the accu- indications are not apparent, replace the blade and con-
mulation of dust and dirt in some atmospheres. (Cot- tinue normal operations.
tonwood seeds are particularly troubling.) These ac- Inspect the blade tips for any signs of cracking and
cumulations may significantly increase the static pres- the fan ring for any scoring that might indicate that the
sure. Adjust the blade angle if necessary as described blades have been striking or rubbing against the fan
in Section 4.4 Checking Blade Load. ring.


3.3.1 GENERAL are negligible. A rotating centrifugal load of 100 pounds,
No piece of rotating equipment is perfectly bal- due to unbalance, would be extremely objectionable
anced. It is always possible that the minute unbalances and possibly even damage the structure on which the
of the various components may combine to provide a drive was mounted. By contrast, it would be unlikely that
noticeable lack of balance. This rarely occurs, since it is the drive shaft of a fan, of perhaps 25 HP, would be
unlikely that all unbalanced components will become supported on bearings rated less than 2000 or 3000 pounds
assembled with their heavy sides in the same direction. radial load. For higher horsepowers, the bearing capacity
Nevertheless, if unbalance is noted, the various compo- would be correspondingly increased. From this it is evi-
nents should be rotated into different positions to see if dent that speed reducer or drive shaft bearing failure could
this might cure the unbalanced condition. never be caused by moderate or even objectionable fan
If vibration or unbalance occur, either at the time unbalance.
of installation or later during the operation of the unit,
its cause may be determined by following the directions 3.3.3 BELT DRIVE UNITS
below. The more common causes of vibration in belt drive
units are not the drives themselves but the result of shafts
3.3.2 FAN UNBALANCE that are too flexible or non-rigid supporting members.
Vibration is most likely to be caused by the fan if Vibration can be caused by misalignment of the sheaves or
the blades are not set at the same angle. If the blades are poorly adjusted belt tension. Consult the manufacturer of
properly set, the fan is the least likely cause of vibration. the drives for information. The quickest way to identify the
All fan components are balanced to within 0.2 ft-lbs. cause of vibration in belt drive units is to operate the fan
If the fan is in an unbalanced condition, the fre- with the blades removed.
quency of vibration of the structure will be that of the
RPM of the fan and is quite low. In the case of large fans, 3.3.4 ROUGH GEARS
the frequency is often low enough to be mentally counted Continued operation on rough gears and bearings is
along with the rotation of the fan. A vibration of 500 RPM almost certain to develop cracks in the blade skins. Rough
or less will be felt as a weave in the structure rather than gears may be of two types:
a vibration. Below 400 RPM, the vibration may be men- 1. Rough or failed bearings in the drives or gears will
tally counted and above that point may be read with a result in a high frequency vibration being transmitted into
frequency meter. the fan where some areas of the skin will respond to the
Before assuming fan unbalance, check for loose frequencies applied. Cracks will appear in the blade skin and
bearing seats or bearings journaling the shaft on which eventually, in some areas, the skin may actually fall away.
the fan is mounted. This condition will cause the shaft to 2. The other type of rough gear occurs when the output
rotate eccentrically, throwing the weight of the fan off- shaft accelerates and decelerates with each pinion tooth
center, resulting in unbalance of the frequency of the fan engagement. With a six tooth pinion and a motor speed of
RPM. 1800 RPM, or 30 cycles per second, this gear misalignment
After all checks have been made and the fan is still impresses upon the fan a vibrating frequency of 30 x 6 = 180
determined to be unbalanced, field balancing may be cycles per second. If the engagement of teeth is also included,
accomplished as described below in Section 3.3.6. the frequency is 360 cycles per second. This type of high
It should be noted that the loads imposed on the frequency vibration is at least as serious as that caused by bad
drive shaft and its supporting bearings by fan unbalance bearings.

TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 Page 7
3.3.5 THROAT FLUTTER If in doubt that throat flutter is the cause of
Any fan that is effectively moving air at the tips vibration, reduce the angle of the blades until the
of the blades will develop a reduced pressure area (or fan is doing little or no work. If the vibration ceases
suction) on the fan throat or ring at the tip of the under this condition, it is certain that throat flutter
blade. This suction tends to draw the throat toward is present when the blades are loaded.
the tip of each blade, which means that a four blade
fan would tend to draw the throat into something 3.3.6 FIELD BALANCING
approaching a square while a six blade fan would Unbalance in older fans may develop because
draw it into something resembling a hexagon, etc. of some structural change or by installing one new
Since the fan is rotating, the effect on the throat is that blade on an old fan where the existing blades had
of continually drawing it into a rotating polygon. changed in weight in the course of operation.
The resulting throat flutter is frequently mistaken Use wire to attach a small weight in succes-
for fan unbalance. sion to each of the air seal studs until the best
A substantial throat or ring will be sufficiently location for the weight is found. The weight should
rigid that flutter will not exist. A weak or flexible then be increased or decreased until the best bal-
throat, particularly when used with a fan of a low ance is achieved. The permanent weight may then
number of blades, will be greatly affected by this be secured to the stud or hub tube, whichever is the
type of vibration. Throat flutter is easily detected due most convenient for the type and shape of weight
to the fact that it is invariably of a frequency of the fan to be used. One or more pieces of metal shaped like
RPM times the number of blades on the fan. a washer could be placed over the stud, on the hub
Throat flutter will cause no damage to the fan so tube, behind the stud, or over the threaded portion of
long as the throat does not disintegrate and fall into the rod end. Aluminum or stainless weights should be
the fan blades. It may be eliminated by stiffening or used and weights should not be attached to the blade
bracing the throat. skin.

MOORE FANS LLC (the Seller) warrants only to Buyer, damage on account of misuse, neglect or accident or
as its purchaser for resale, that the fans manufactured shipping damage, or if repairs or part replacements have
and sold by Seller to Buyer under this Agreement will been made or attempted without Seller's prior written
be free from all defects in material and workmanship authorization. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ANY
under ordinary use for a period of two (2) years from INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY
the date of shipment or one (1) year from the date the WARRANTY. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER GUARANTEES OR
fan is installed on a customer's premises, whichever EXPRESSED WARRANTIES AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES , INCLUDING
occurs first. This warranty period shall apply only if THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR
Seller receives written notice of any defect within the A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DUE TO THE VARIETY OF CONDITIONS UNDER
warranty period. Upon receipt of such notice, Seller, at WHICH THE FANS MAY BE USED, RISKS OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM USE
its option, may require Buyer to return the fan at OF THE FANS, WHETHER USED ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER
Buyer's cost to Seller for inspection by Seller. If the fan PRODUCTS, IS ENTIRELY BUYER'S. THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS ON DAMAGE
is found to be defective on inspection by Seller, as a sole AND EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE NOT
and exclusive remedy, Seller will, at its option, either APPLICABLE TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY STATE LAW .
repair or replace the fan. This warranty shall not apply to

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8 3

5 6 4












12 3033 16MM AIR SEAL STUD



14 T BUSHING (3" )
W BUSHING (5.5")

TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 Page 9


4.1.1 ABOUT THIS SECTION . . . . Under such conditions, the unit stresses in the blades
It is widely acknowledged that the kinds of mechanical would not be expected to vary more than plus or minus
abuse described on the preceding pages are destructive for 50%. Fan design based on such assumptions is entirely
all types of operating equipment. It is less well recognized reasonable and, with proper drives and installation con-
that for fans aerodynamic stresses are an even more ditions, has proven highly successful.
serious hazard. This section deals with the causes of destruc-
tive aerodynamic stresses and how they can be avoided.
Although this information is given primarily for the
benefit of operators of Moore equipment, it may be applied
Abnormal operating conditions result in destructive
to fans of any manufacture.
repetitive stresses that can seriously shorten fan life. The
Unlike smaller fans, which are typically furnished
aerodynamic abuses discussed in this section can cause
complete with their surroundings, the large fan wheel is
repeated flexing of the fan blades and hub. Violent displace-
supplied as an unprotected component of the system and is
ment of the resiliently mounted Moore fan blades may
installed in innumerable types of surroundings. Not only do
occur a greater displacement than would occur in rigidly
the types and conditions of the drives for these fan wheels
mounted blades. The resilient mounting, of course, mini-
vary widely, but the entrance and exit conditions and the
mizes the structural unit stresses which would be transmit-
enclosure for the wheel assume a myriad of possible com-
ted to the root of the blade and into the hub and drive.
binations. In designing his product, the manufacturer of fan
Although Moore units may be expected to resist greater
wheels must anticipate the operating conditions based upon
stress than units of conventional design, such repetitive
his knowledge of what is reasonable and customary for the
stresses may exceed the capability of the resilient mounts
industry. He may over-design for abnormal stresses only
to absorb them. If so, fatigue of the mounts and metal may
until the practical limit is reached to avoid excessive weight,
develop, adjusting linkages may wear, and ultimate failure
cost and inefficiency.
becomes a possibility.
Some of the abuses set out in the following text are
4.1.2 NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS far less important than others. All of them may occur in
The fan manufacturer assumes a fairly reasonable atmo- varying degrees.
sphere for the operation of his product, including the follow- Specifically, abuse due to serious repetitive stresses
ing: can lead to mount failure and, if carried to extremes, can
The fan selection will be reasonably in line with the require blade replacement. In units of other manufacture
performance the unit is expected to maintain, with an with rigidly mounted blades, repetitive stresses of this type
adequate blade area for the pressure required at the
given RPM. Blades will not be loaded beyond their may lead to blade breakage, probably near the root or at
capacity to maintain air flow. the point of attachment to the hub where stresses are
highest, or may lead to failure of the hub itself. The resilient
A fan ring will be provided that is round, rigid and of mount design, unique with Moore fans, dampens these
a depth at least sufficient to cover the tips of the blades. vibrational forces and results in a fan that is far less
Tip clearances will be uniform and controlled. vulnerable to failure from these conditions than other units
with rigidly mounted blades. Even so, extreme conditions
The approach air will represent a relatively uniform
and axial flow with, of course, some unavoidable can cause damage.
turbulence expected. Adequate open area will be pro- A well-designed fan can be expected to operate for
vided at the inlet of the fan. many years without trouble under normal operation as
described above. The extreme repetitive stresses de-
Major obstructions will not be present at either the scribed below, however, will certainly reduce the life of
inlet or discharge of the fan. the fan, causing failure many years sooner than would
occur if the fan were operated as intended. Fortunately,
The RPM of the fan will be within the design limits.
these destructive conditions are readily observable to
The relative direction and velocity of approaching air someone who is knowledgeable about them, and they
to the blades will be fairly constant and protection will can be corrected with reasonable effort and expense
be provided from extreme wind conditions. once they are observed.

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Of all the aerodynamic abuses to be avoided in the operation A fan blade is no different than an airplane wing except
of a fan, the most important is that of overloading the fan that the air usually is being deflected upward rather than
blades. Blade overload occurs because of insufficient blade downward, the convex side of the blade being the lower
area: In other words, when there is an inadequacy in the surface rather than the upper surface as in the case of an
number of blades on the fan selected. airplane. The result of blade overload is identical: When
The Moore system of rating is based upon the pressure blade load exceeds that allowable, a violent vibration will
that each blade will produce at a given RPM with good take place in the blade as the laminar, or uniform, flow makes
efficiency. This pressure is called 100% blade load. When blade and breaks perhaps many times a second.
load exceeds 110%, the fan will not only operate at lower Another way of looking at this problem is to
efficiency, it may be subject to structural damage as well. consider that the available number of blades are set at
In selecting a fan, the total pressure divided by the too steep an angle to be able to move air at the axial
pressure to be produced by one blade determines the number velocity which is necessary to maintain a smooth flow
of blades required for the anticipated performance. When- over the convex surface. In other words, to move air at
ever information is available, The Moore Company checks the the velocity necessary for this blade angle, plus over-
selection. Even so, underestimation of the pressure require- coming the static resistance of the system, the total
ments by the system designer, or changes in the operating pressure which would have to be maintained for an air
conditions over time, may result in overload conditions. flow corresponding to this angle is greater than the
Why is a blade overload condition of such concern? We
total pressure capability of the given number of blades
are all aware of the fact that an airplane traveling at a given
at this RPM. Such a condition can only be corrected by
speed can carry only a certain load. If the speed of the airplane
decreasing the blade angle until smooth flow is ob-
is decreased or the load increased, stalling flow over the wing
tained or by increasing the number of blades and the
will occur. In the case of an airplane, approximately two-thirds
total pressure potential of the fan until the fans pres-
of the lift provided by the wing is the result of the air flow over
sure potential equals the pressure necessary to move
the top or convex portion of the wing. Lift is provided as a
the specified quantity of air through the system.
reaction to the flow of air being accelerated and deflected
Continued operation under conditions of stalling
downward as it passes over the wing. A negative pressure
flow, or blade overload, will significantly shorten the
area is thus formed on the top surface of the wing which tends
to lift it upward. life of the fan. Operation under these conditions will
So long as air flow over the wing is smooth and clings also reduce efficiency to a ridiculously low figure. See
to the surface of the wing, little turbulence is present. When the chart under Section 4.4 Checking Blade Load which
the load is increased, or the speed decreased, the angle of the follows. Note that although air flow remains constant
wing to the air stream must be increased to a point where the or decreases, horsepower continues to increase with
air flow breaks away from the upper surface of the wing. This increased blade angle.
is known as stalling or burbling flow, since the air, instead of In conclusion, if a given fan, in a given installation,
clinging to the wing, breaks away near the leading edge and can only absorb forty horsepower, for example, the
leaves what might be called a turbulent void above the upper blades may be pitched up to consume fifty horsepower
wing surface, nullifying the accelerated flow which was re- without any increase in air delivery, and possibly with a
sponsible for the greater part of the lift of the wing. decrease. As a result, the extra ten horsepower is totally
When this occurs, the wing loses a large portion of its wasted -- perhaps worse than wasted. It is good practice
lift. Flow, however, will re-establish briefly and break again, to select a sufficient number of blades so that blade load
the cycle being repeated continuously, resulting in a severe will amount to slightly less than 100% of full blade load when
vibration throughout the aircraft as the flow alternately consuming 100% of the rated fan horsepower. There are
makes and breaks. Anyone who has experienced a stall in an a number of reasons for allowing this safety factor which
airplane will be familiar with this violent phenomenon. are set out in detail below.


Downward flow provides lift to the wing Note lack of air deflection downward.

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4.3.1 VARIATION FROM PREDICTED blade will flow around the tip and nullify the negative
CONDITIONS pressure on the underside of the blade for some dis-
Although those who design air coolers and cooling tance in from the tip. For a fan of, say, 12-ft diameter,
towers undoubtedly do their best to accurately state the the last 12 to 18 inches of the blade could be producing
calculated static resistance of the system, a number of no pressure whatever and performing no useful func-
factors may cause the actual conditions to vary from tion. The balance of the fan blade toward the hub then
the design conditions. When a variation occurs, it must produce a higher pressure to compensate for the
may be found, upon testing, that the static pressure portion near the tip.
for a given volume through the system is higher Excessive tip clearance also leaves an unswept
than anticipated. In this case, the number of blades area between the tip of the blade and the fan ring. Air
provided may be inadequate to meet the perfor- that has been pumped by the fan will return downward
mance. On the other hand, the static pressure may through this unswept area at a velocity greater than
have been overestimated and excess blade area pro- that at which it passed through the fan in the desired
vided, resulting in a fan with unutilized capacity direction. This condition adds even further to the
operating at low efficiency. requirements of the portion of the blade which is doing
Inadequate Blade Area: The blade angle is the work and efficiency will be greatly reduced.
selected to move the anticipated volume of air and With the loss of a foot at the tips of the blades,
the number of blades is selected to maintain the plus the back flow between the tips and the ring, the 12-
total anticipated pressure required to move this ft fan in this example might be considered an effective
volume at a given RPM. If the static pressure turns 10-ft fan. It would have to deliver sufficient air to
out do be higher than predicted, the fan may then be satisfy the performance requirements of the installa-
operating in an overload condition. If the RPM tion, plus the amount of air which is returning in the
cannot be increased, the only solution to this condi- void between the tips and the throat. Under such
tion is to reduce the blade angle until the fan can circumstances, excessive blade loading could occur
carry the then reduced volume at the originally even though the required system pressure is not
anticipated pressure. Since reducing the volume, achieved.
while holding the total pressure as originally an-
ticipated, can only reduce the horsepower, it is then 4.3.3 POOR ENTRANCE CONDITIONS
impossible to consume the horsepower originally Air will approach the fan from all possible direc-
intended without overloading the fan. This is one of tions, increasing in velocity as it nears the opening,
a number of reasons for providing some safety then accelerating rapidly as it enters. The air approach-
factor in blade loading at the time of original fan ing from the side must be turned through 90 O to enter
selection. a ring whose entrance terminates in a flat plate. If the
Excessive Blade Area: Occasionally, an exces- inlet end of the ring projects some distance out, with
sive number of blades may be specified in the inter- approach possible from all directions, a portion of the
est of making a conservative selection. If the static air must be turned through 180 O . The inertia of the
pressure has been overstated, the theoretical num- approaching air prevents it from turning sharply and
ber of blades will be greater than needed. This advancing parallel to the desired flow. It consequently
theoretical number of blades is usually a fractional swoops toward the center, leaving the outer area of the
number and the actual number of blades used must, fan with reduced flow or even reverse flow near the
of course, be the next larger integer, resulting in ring.
some "safety factor" in the selection. If, in addition, The effect of poor entrance conditions is similar
a blade or two is added as a "safety factor" or in to that previously described for excessive tip clearance
anticipation of increased future requirements, it in that the effective diameter has been reduced and
may be impossible to meet the original perfor- excessive blade loading could occur even though the
mance requirement efficiently. The only way to required system pressure is not achieved. Efficiency
provide the original performance and draw no more will be greatly reduced.
than the original horsepower is to flatten the blade
angle. There is a limit, however, in how far the 4.3.4 EXCESSIVE DEFLECTION
blade angle may be reduced before further reduc- The pressure which the fan can achieve is dependent upon
tion will decrease airflow without a further reduc- the square of the velocity of the blades relative to the air. If the
tion in horsepower. For belt drive units, the most air could be moved into the fan in an axial direction and passed
practical solution to this problem is to reduce the through the fan into the discharge without changing direction,
RPM of the fan. the relative velocity of the blades to the air stream would be the
true velocity of the blades at any point. This, of course, is not
4.3.2 EXCESSIVE TIP CLEARANCE the case. For the blades to accomplish work upon the air, they
Unless the fan ring is very close to the tip of the must also deflect the air in the direction of rotation of the fan.
blade, air from the high pressure surface of the The air when rotated with the fan is moving with a certain

Page 12 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04

velocity in the same direction as the rotation of the fan, which the fan, even though it does not reach the full rated pressure.
reduces the relative velocity between the fan blades and the
air by some portion of this rotational velocity. 4.3.5 CONCLUSION
Moore fans are designed in contemplation of a maxi- As can be seen by the various points discussed in this
mum deflection of 50o at the hub, decreasing to a very small section, there are a number of complex factors which tend to
value at the tip. This deflection is considered in the determi- cause fans to be operated in a condition of improper blade
nation of the pressure which may be provided by each blade loading which can shorten fan life or lower efficiency. When
over its full length. If fans are selected, or if conditions exist, blade angles are set to consume the specified horsepower (at
which cause the deflection to exceed 50o at the hub, the velocity the fan shaft), the resulting performance should be very close
of the blades relative to the air is less than anticipated and the to the specified performance. If this is not the case and the
blades will not provide the rated pressure. The test below, problem cannot be identified or corrected, please contact
however, will show the full allowable pressure capability of Moore for assistance.


One method of checking blade load is to run a ings. Keep increasing the angle and following this
complete field test on the fan. Although laborious, procedure until the motor is fully loaded, in which
this method will provide ample proof so long as case the fan is able to consume full rated fan horse-
neither excessive tip clearance nor poor entrance power without overload OR until the curve which will
conditions are present. If either are present, how- have started on a definite slope begins to approach the
ever, the conditions set out above under Section horizontal. It will be noted that the static pressure will
4.3.3 would apply and the fan could be overloaded be consistently increasing with increased blade angle
even though the total pressure indicated by the test until the blade loading reaches maximum, at which
was within the allowable blade loading. point it will level off.
A better, more convenient and simpler method Subsequent increases in blade angle may have
of detecting blade overload, or determining maxi- quite different effects, depending on the individual
mum allowable blade angle, is set out below. The installation. The static pressure curve may merely
equipment needed is a wrench, a torque wrench, a stay level or may drop off sharply. In rare cases, it
protractor and a draft gauge (or manometer). may level off and again start rising as the fan begins
All fans are shipped with the blade angle set for operating as a centrifugal blower.
the anticipated performance requirements furnished Typical examples are shown in dotted lines on
to The Moore Company by the purchaser. This blade the chart opposite. Operation beyond the first point
angle is called out on the Fan Specification Sheet. This of levelling, or in the area of the dotted lines, is
angle refers to the angle measured at the location indicative of blade overload. Note that power con-
shown in Section 2.3.3. Hubs are shipped with the sumption load will continue to increase even though
clevises set at this angle. the fan has passed into overload condition. The maxi-
To start the test, adjust the blades to an angle mum blade angle allowable is that which produces a
of approximately half that called out on the speci- static pressure about 5% below the point where the
fications or measured on the units. Connect the curve becomes level. This represents a safe loading,
draft gauge to as quiescent a spot in the plenum as and the blades may be set and left at this angle regard-
possible, preferably in the corner of the plenum and less of the location on the chart, assuming the motor
either ahead of or following the fan, depending is not overloaded.
upon whether the application is induced or forced The point so selected will also approximate the
draft. Since the figures obtained are purely rela- point of the most efficient operation of the fan. Due
tive, it is not necessary that accurate static pressure to possible error in static pressure predictions, or in
readings be obtained, but rather that the readings readings which are intended only to be relative, as
taken represent a consistent series of pressures at well as other variables, the final blade setting chosen
the point of reading chosen. may fall below or above the specified static pressure.
Start the fan and record on the chart provided A typical performance chart is shown opposite
the blade angle and he static pressure indicated. for a fan capable of a higher blade loading than
Advance the blade angle by one or two degrees and origianally specified. A blank chart is also provided
repeat the performance, recording again these read- for your use.

TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 Page 13

1.2 120
1.1 110





.9 90
.8 80
.6 60
.5 50

.4 40
.3 30
.2 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Note in the chart above that static pressure (and air flow) has angle is 5% below the point where the static pressure curve
reached its maximum at an 11 degree blade setting and blade becomes level. The horsepower curve has been added to illus-
overload is beginning. With further increase in blade angle, trate the point that in an overload condition, horsepower will
anything may happen, as indicated by the dotted extensions increase without increased performance.
into the shaded overload area. Note that the final selected blade



Page 14 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04


In the case of a fan blowing inward in a short ring,
Any condition which causes repeated blade loading
the condition is even more critical. In such an installa-
and unloading is detrimental to fan performance, both in
tion, the air on the inlet side of the fan has a horizontal
terms of efficiency and structural durability. Normal
velocity which may be quite high. It is necessary for the
obstructions, of course, must be expected in the air stream.
fan to pick up this air and direct it inward. In a strong
There are certain conditions, however, which may be
wind, the angle of air moving through the fan may be
avoided by reasonable attention to the points briefly dis-
increased more than 45O.
cussed in this section. Additional information on the
The illustration above assumes a fan operating with
importance of inlet and discharge conditions can be found
a tip speed (VB) of 10,000 feet per minute (114 miles per
in Moore's General Catalog.
Ideally, air should approach a fan in an axial direc-
tion and at a uniform velocity over the area of the fan. Air
approaching a fan at an angle tends to increase the relative
velocity of the blades to the air on one side of the fan and
decrease the relative velocity on the other side. This
means that the fan blade during one-half of its revolution
is picking up a heavier air load due to the higher relative
velocity and, through the other half of its revolution, a
lower air load as it goes "down wind". The net result is a
repetitive loading and unloading of the blades at each
revolution of the fan. This condition can be quite serious
if the velocities are high and the angle of approach devi-
ates considerably from axial.

4.5.2 WIND
With a vertically mounted fan blowing outward
into the wind and surrounded by a short fan ring or stack,
high winds may cause some concern. The farther the ring
extends beyond the fan, the less effect would be expected
from wind. It is a fact, however, that wind across the face
of the ring will affect the direction of air flow well down
into the ring. In the case of a fan installed near the outlet hour) with a horizontal component of wind velocity (VW)
of the ring, the direction from axial of the fan discharge of 20 miles per hour. Note that the velocity (VR) of the fan
may be increased by as much as 45O under high wind blade relative to the air varies by a factor of 1.43. The
conditions. blade load varies as the square of this velocity, or 2.05.

THE EFFECT OF AIR LOAD ON HUB AND DRIVE In conventional fans with rigidly attached blades,
Moore fan blades are attached to the hub by a pivot. the bending moment at the shaft due to the air load is equal
As the fan rotates, centrifugal force causes the blades to rise to the load (FA) multiplied by the distance from the fan
(as do the blades of a helicopter). The air load (FA) is centerline to the point of application of the force on the
uniform over the blade, but there is a point (shown on the blade (RF). This moment will be from 2 to 4 times as great
blade in the drawing below) where, if the total load were as that produced by the Moore fan under the same condi-
applied at that point, the effect would be the same. The
resultant of the air load (FA), assumed in this example to
be downward, and the horizontal centrifugal force (FC) is
the force on the blade (FB). The blade automatically posi-

Also of concern with the conventional fan is the
tions itself in the direction of this force with the result that bending moment due to the air load at the point of
the force is translated inward to the pivot point, as illus- attachment of the blades to the hub since this is usually the
trated by the dotted line. The effect of this arrangement is structurally weakest area of the fan. The moment due to
exactly as if the total air load (FA) were applied at the pivot the air load at this point is the load (FA) times the distance
point rather than at the point outward on the blade. The (D). For the Moore fan, this moment is zero since the
maximum bending moment applied to the shaft by the air blades are attached at the pivot point.
load is equal to the load (FA) multiplied by the distance A more complete discussion of the Moore fan design
from the fan centerline to the pivot point (RP). can be found in The Moore Companys General Catalog.

TMC-704 Rev G- 09/04 MOORE FANS LLC, Marceline, MO 64658 Phone (660) 376-3575 FAX (660) 376-2909 Page 15

In this rather common wind condition, then, it can be through the fan. This area should be distributed reasonably
seen that the blade load on the side where the blade is going uniformly. It would be unwise to attempt to operate a fan
against the wind will be double the load on the side where with one-half or one-third of the fan area completely blanked
the blade is going with the wind. In a 40 mile per hour wind, off. Such a condition would cause stalling of the fan blade
the blade load would vary by a factor greater than 4. In a 60 through one-half the revolution but create a condition of
mile per hour wind, the load would vary by a factor of more overload in the half which was not blocked off. Excessive
than 10! It is obvious that operation under such conditions vibration would result. Any condition which forces the air to
will impose tremendous repetitive loadings on the fan approach the fan in a non-axial direction should be avoided.
In areas of unusually high wind velocities, it may be 4.5.4 UNEVEN TIP CLEARANCE
advisable to shield the fan in some manner. Where fan rings are out of round or not centered with
the fan, the tip clearance of each blade will vary as it makes
4.5.3 OBSTRUCTIONS a revolution. If tip clearance is tight at one point and excessive
Obstructions of one type or another in the air stream, at another, proper flow will establish itself at the tight point,
ahead of or beind the fan, are to be expected. In fact, it would loading the blade to the very tip, while at the loose point the
be virtually impossible to eliminate all obstructions. Struc- air will flow from the high pressure side of the blade through
tural supporting members, foundations and the like, need the opening between the blade tip and the ring and nullify the
not be of serious concern although all obstructions, even negative pressure on the under side of the blade. This will
small ones, will increase the static pressure and must be unload the blade near the tip within the area of excessive
taken into consideration by the system designer in specify- tip clearance. Under this condition, the blade will load and
ing the fan performance. unload near the tip one or more times per revolution,
The total free area from which the fan can draw air resulting in an undesirable repetitive vibration. Every
should be twice the net area of the fan (fan area minus hub effort should be made to keep the tip clearance to a
area). In other words, the air approaching the inlet of the fan minimum and to have this clearance as constant as pos-
should have no more than half the velocity of the air passing sible around the entire ring.

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