Neurorestoration Stroke

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focus Neurosurg Focus 40 (5):E2, 2016

Neurorestoration after stroke

Tej D. Azad, BA, Anand Veeravagu, MD, and Gary K. Steinberg, MD, PhD

Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California

Recent advancements in stem cell biology and neuromodulation have ushered in a battery of new neurorestorative
therapies for ischemic stroke. While the understanding of stroke pathophysiology has matured, the ability to restore
patients quality of life remains inadequate. New therapeutic approaches, including cell transplantation and neurostimu-
lation, focus on reestablishing the circuits disrupted by ischemia through multidimensional mechanisms to improve
neuroplasticity and remodeling. The authors provide a broad overview of stroke pathophysiology and existing therapies
to highlight the scientific and clinical implications of neurorestorative therapies for stroke.
Key Words optogenetics; exogenous stem cells; brain-computer interface; neuroplasticity

troke is a devastating neurological condition and a cuss current stroke therapies and explore the burgeoning
leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. fields of cellular transplantation and neuromodulation as
This severe disease is responsible for roughly 1 in promising neurorestorative therapies for stroke (Fig. 1).
every 18 deaths in the United States.129 Nearly half of all
stroke survivors require long-term care.145 The functional Stroke Pathophysiology
and cognitive disabilities of stroke survivors result in sig-
nificant long-term health care costs. It was estimated that The cellular consequences of stroke include a complex
direct and indirect stroke-related costs resulted in a health and dynamic response of excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dys-
care expenditure of $73.7 billion in 2010.116 function, and oxidative stress.53,112 While these pathways
Currently, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is the only are well recognized in the promotion of neural and glial
FDA-approved drug for acute ischemia.46 While tPA has injury, stroke researchers have cultivated a more nuanced
markedly improved stroke care, it must be administered understanding of these mechanisms. Specifically, the path-
within a narrow time frame, limiting its clinical utility. ways activated after ischemia also promote recovery; there
Less than 10% of stroke patients can benefit from such exists duality in poststroke pathophysiology, which shifts
treatments due, in large part, to late referral to the hospital depending on timing and the relative contribution of each
and an inability to meet other eligibility criteria.2 Recently, constituent pathway.
endovascular therapies have also shown promise in treat- Excitotoxicity and calcium (Ca2+) overload are key con-
ing acute stroke. After the acute period, stroke survivors tributors to the early stages of ischemic cell death. The
face a myriad of challenges, including, but not limited to, lack of nutrients available to neurons after ischemia dis-
hemiparesis and aphasia.55 While evidence supports the rupts ionic gradients, resulting in excess release of excit-
utility of rehabilitation efforts after acute stroke,150 com- atory amino acidschiefly glutamatedriving an intra-
plete neurological and physical recovery is rarely com- cellular Ca2+ influx and setting in motion apoptotic and
plete. necrotic pathways.102
Thus, there is a distinct need for improved stroke re- Mitochondria, reservoirs for proapoptotic and anti-
covery therapies. The profound vacuum in this field is apoptotic proteins and cytochrome C, experience dysfunc-
particularly disappointing because evidence suggests that tion secondary to Ca2+ accumulation.103,114 Mitochondrial
functional recovery is possible.115 In this review, we dis- injury enables release of cytochrome C, activating cas-

Abbreviations BCI = brain-computer interface; G-CSF = granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; MSC = mesenchymal stem cell; NPC = neural progenitor cell; NSC =
neural stem cell; NT2N = Ntera2/D1 neuron-like; PSD-95 = postsynaptic density-95; RCT = randomized controlled trial; tDCS = transcranial direct current stimulation; TMS =
transcranial magnetic stimulation; tPA = tissue plasminogen activator.
SUBMITTED December 31, 2015. ACCEPTED February 17, 2016.
include when citing DOI: 10.3171/2016.2.FOCUS15637.

AANS, 2016 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016 1

T. D. Azad, A. Veeravagu, and G. K. Steinberg

Fig. 1. Overview of neurorestorative modalities. rTMS = repetitive TMS; tDCS = transcranial direct current stimulation.

pase-dependent cellular death pathways. Reactive oxygen 3 hours of symptomatic onset and was extended to 4.5
species, produced by mitochondria, have been implicated hours after a large trial demonstrated continued benefit
in reperfusion injury following ischemia.83 of tPA at this time point.63 In 2015, endovascular thera-
Oxidative and nitrosative stress, via free radicals, are pies demonstrated a significant additive role in improving
also important mediators of ischemic injury and inhibi- outcomes across 5 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
tors of recovery. Ca2+ influx upregulates nitric oxide pro- studying intraarterial thrombectomy.8,21,58,81,133 Given the
duction, a byproduct of which is peroxynitrite, which can diversity of strokes and patient-specific characteristics
produce injury.75 Other contributors to oxidative stress in- (e.g., collaterals and vasculature), patient selection may
clude mitochondrial dysfunction83 and nicotinamide ade- be critical for the ultimate success of these therapies.101 A
nine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH) oxidase.15 key drawback of tPA and endovascular therapies is that the
There are 2 general hypotheses regarding the mechanism vast majority of stroke patients cannot get access to these
of oxidative stressrelated injury. In the first scenario, the treatments within the narrowly defined time limits. Be-
redox environment of cells modulates signal transduc- yond the acute time period, there is evidence that physical
tion cascades that tip the balance between prodeath and rehabilitation focused on the injured area is effective.150
prosurvival pathways.34 In the second scenario, reactive However, neurological recovery with physical rehabilita-
oxygen species and perhaps reactive nitrogen species, in- tion is rarely completeinnovative approaches to enhance
cluding peroxynitrite, act directly as executioners of cell the bodys endogenous regenerative abilities remain an
death.24 Other contributors to stroke pathophysiology in- opportunity for improvement.
clude protein misfolding, also a result of excess Ca2+,130
glial injury,108 and a broader proinflammatory response.76 Neuroprotection
In addition to the cellular insults incurred following The brain regions adjacent to the infarct, the ischemic
stroke, neural circuits are also disrupted due to shifts in penumbra, possess the greatest potential for poststroke
the excitation-inhibition balance in neural networks. In recovery.22 Thus, limiting periinfarct damage is the ob-
the setting of a long-term depression of inhibitory signals, jective of many neuro-protective treatments. Promising
cortical hyperexcitability peaks several weeks after stroke, preclinical studies have focused on single pathways to
though it can persist for months.18,135 Sustained increase in achieve neuroprotection; however, the failure of clinical
glutamate transmission following stroke also contributes trials investigating neuroprotective strategies suggests that
to greater excitatory signals.23 Modulation of the tonic in- multiple pathways must be disrupted in humans to achieve
hibition regulated by GABA(A) receptors has been shown similar success.42
to facilitate functional recovery in animal models.29 The Mild neurological hypothermia (33C), has demon-
unaffected contralesional hemisphere can also influence strated improved neurological outcomes for patients with
the excitatory state of the damaged hemisphere.113 Each global cerebral ischemia secondary to cardiac arrest and
component of the pathophysiological response following neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.9,139 Mild hypo-
stroke, on both cellular and circuit levels, represents an thermia is currently being investigated as an acute stroke
opportunity for limiting initial injury and hastening recov- therapy, with trials to date proving the feasibility of this
ery. approach.121
Postsynaptic density-95 protein (PSD-95) represents an
Existing Stroke Therapies alternative neuroprotective target. This protein serves as
an intermediary between NMDA receptors and the sig-
Blood Flow Restoration naling pathways that produce the deleterious excitotoxic
Acute stroke therapy today largely consists of intrave- cascade. Inhibition of PSD-95 has been shown to reduce
nous tPA, administered within a narrow time window.16,64 stroke volume in primates.32 A double-blind RCT dem-
This window initially broadened to administration within onstrated safety and improved neurological outcome and

2 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016

Neurorestoration after stroke

fewer acute infarcts in patients undergoing endovascular determine efficacy in stroke recovery.44,84 A recent review
intracranial aneurysm repair who received a PSD-95 in- of 10 studies comprising 711 patients reported that G-CSF
hibitor.69 is safe and well tolerated. Moreover, G-CSF may foster
A third opportunity to enhance neuroprotection may functional recovery, as measured by the National Insti-
exist in mediating the Ca2+ dysregulation observed after tutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin Scale
stroke. An acid-sensing ion channel, ASIC1a, is involved scores.48
in the Ca2+ influxinhibiting this channel may be neuro- Methods that drive NPC proliferation to a clinically
protective.154 In addition to the Ca2+ influx, failure of Ca2+ meaningful degree remain elusive and carry with them
efflux contributes to the Ca2+ accumulation. Prostaglan- an innate risk of tumorigenesis. As endogenous stem cell
din E2 EP1 receptors have been implicated in the failure strategies are investigated in clinical trials, the propensity
of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger during ischemia. Inhibition of of these cells to give rise to malignancies must be closely
these receptors has been shown to be neuroprotective.1,85 It monitored.
remains unlikely that inhibition of any single stroke injury
pathway will yield clinically meaningful neuroprotection. Exogenous Stem Cells
However, as researchers gain the ability to manipulate Exogenous stem cell therapies can be stratified as
multiple recovery pathways, more effective neuroprotec- immortalized cell lines, NPCs or NSCs, and bone mar-
tive therapies will emerge. rowderived progenitors and stromal cells.12 Immortal-
ized cell lines are developed from tumor cells or from
Cellular Replacement Therapies genetic manipulation. Ntera2/D1 neuron-like (NT2N)
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that may specialize cells are derived from teratocarcinoma and differentiate
into multiple cell types and can self-renew. Stroke patho- into postmitotic neuron-like cells with addition of retinoic
physiology may be particularly amenable to stem cell acid and mitotic inhibitors.122 NT2N cell transplantation
therapy. After the initial injury and associated changes, has been shown to improve outcome in several preclini-
there is no enduring neurodegenerative process inhibiting cal models.66,132 ReNeurons ReN001 cells, in which myc
recovery. Two main lines of stem cell therapies for stroke is genetically manipulated, have demonstrated dose-de-
have emerged: endogenous strategies focusing on facili- pendent recovery in stroke models in rodents144 and have
tating mobilization, longevity, and production of existing been engineered to be immortalized only in the presence
neural stem cell and exogenous treatments in which cells of tamoxifen to minimize the risk of tumor formation.143
are transplanted from another source into a patient. NPCs are derived from embryonic and fetal tissue and
can differentiate into astrocytes, neurons, and oligoden-
Endogenous Stem Cells drocytes.52 Preclinical stroke models have revealed that
The canonical niches for neural stem cells (NSCs) in NPCs can migrate to the injured brain regions and foster
the brain are the subventricular zone57 and dentate gy- recovery.86,128,155 There is also evidence that NPCs inte-
rus.3,43 Researchers have observed changes in migration grate into existing tissue and take on neuronal character-
patterns of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) following neu- istics, including expression of synaptic proteins, synapse
rological injury, 56 a key finding underlying endogenous formation, and electrophysiological properties.19,38,39
stem cell therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, ischemia Progenitor cells, derived from bone marrow, umbili-
induces NPC proliferation118 and there is evidence of NPC cal cord blood, and adipose tissue, have demonstrated
differentiation into the predominantly injured cell type in improvement in recovery in preclinical models.140 Sev-
a given region.6 eral cell types are included in these strategies, and it ap-
Researchers have focused on neurogenesis-promoting pears that the mononuclear or marrow stromal cell com-
pathways as potential methods to stimulate NPC prolifera- ponent mediates recovery; however, it is not clear which
tion.41,91 This approach is characterized by the use of regu- specific subtype is responsible for improving functional
latory factors that have been implicated in neurogenesis, outcomes.105 Multiple trials have been performed or are
such as glial-derived neurotrophic factor, brain-derived ongoing that use these exogenous stem cells (Table 1).98
neurotrophic factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, The advent of induced pluripotent stem cells created
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), basic fi- a paradigm shift in cell-based therapy. The ability to dif-
broblast growth factor2, insulin-like growth factor1, ferentiate somatic cells such as fibroblasts into pluripotent
bone morphogenetic protein7, epidermal growth factor, stem cells bypassed many of the concerns of traditional
and transforming growth factora.27,41,60,80,91,97,127,131,136,149,152 stem cell therapy. Further development has led to vec-
Alternative strategies to increase NPC proliferation in- tor- and transgene-free techniques to derive induced plu-
clude antiinflammatory drugs, noncoding RNAs, and hor- ripotent stem cells that improve functional outcome after
mones such as erythropoietin and growth hormone.71,137,151 brain ischemia.110 It is now possible to produce neural cells
A complementary approach strives to limit NPC death directly from mouse or human fibroblasts using transcrip-
through administration of G-CSF and insulin-like growth tion factors, bypassing pluripotent stages, a development
factor1 to alter key survival pathways.96 Inhibition of p53 that may have marked clinical significance.117
and use of cyclosporine have also been studied as strate-
gies to extend NPC survival.47,104 Ongoing clinical trials Delivery
are investigating the dual roles of G-CSF, activation of Peripheral delivery techniques, whether intravenous or
endogenous bone marrow cells and neuroprotection, to intraarterial, rely on inflammatory modulation or para-

Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016 3

T. D. Azad, A. Veeravagu, and G. K. Steinberg

TABLE 1. Current clinical trials of exogenous stem or progenitor cells for stroke recovery
Trial ID No. Phase Cell Type Delivery Mechanism Status
NCT00473057 I BMMNC IA or IV Complete, no reported results
NCT02065778 I BMMNC IT Complete, no reported results
NCT01501773 II BMMNC IV Safe, feasible
NCT01849887 I BMMNC IV Not currently recruiting
NCT00859014 I BMMNC IV Safe, feasible
NCT02425670 II BMMNC IV Safe, feasible, no efficacy benefit
NCT01832428 I/II BMMNC IT Recruiting
NCT02245698 I BMMNC IT Recruiting
NCT02290483 II BMMNC IA Recruiting
India, 2011 I/II BMMNC IV Safe, feasible, improved neurological outcomes
NCT01436487 II Multistem IV Safe, feasible, no efficacy benefit
NCT02117635 II CTX0E03, NSC IC Safe, improved neurological outcomes
NCT01151124 I CTX0E03, NSC IC Not currently recruiting
NCT01453829 I/II ASC IA Not currently recruiting
NCT01091701 I/II MSC IV Not currently recruiting
South Korea, 2010 I/II MSC IV Safe, feasible, improved neurological outcomes
NCT00875654 II MSC IV Not currently recruiting
NCT01297413 I/II MSC IV Recruiting
NCT01678534 I/II MSC IV Not currently recruiting
Japan, 2011 I MSC IV Safe, feasible, decreased infarct volume
NCT01714176 I MSC IC Recruiting

NCT01716481 III MSC IV Recruiting

NCT0146172 II MSC IV Not currently recruiting

NCT01922908 I/II MSC IV Not currently recruiting
NCT01468064 I/II MSC, EPC IV Recruiting
NCT00761982 I/II CD34+ IA Safe, feasible, increased -NGF
NCT00950521 II CD34+ IC Complete, no reported results
NCT00535197 I/II CD34+ IA Safe, feasible, reduced infarct volume
NCT01518231 I CD34+ IA Recruiting
NCT01438593 I CD34+ IC Not currently recruiting
NCT01310114 II PDC IV Stopped by sponsor
NCT01327768 I OEC IC Recruiting
NCT01287936 I/II SB623 IC Safe, improved neurological outcomes
BB-IND 7082 II NT2N IC Safe, feasible, improved neurological outcomes in secondary end points
BB-IND 7082 I NT2N IC Safe, improved neurological outcomes
ASC = adipose-derived stromal cells; BMMNC = bone marrow mononuclear cells; EPC = endothelial progenitor cells; IA = intra-arterial; IC = intracranial; IT = intrathe-
cal; IV = intravenous; NGF = nerve growth factor; NT2N = tetracarcinoma cell-derived neurons; OEC = olfactory ensheathing cells; PDC = placenta-derived stem cells;
SB623 = human mesenchymal stromal cells.

crine effects of the cells on the postischemic brain.61,78 safest and easy to perform but exposes cells to filtration by
However, invasive transplantation, particularly intracere- peripheral organs, such as the spleen and liver. Intraarte-
bral delivery, of stem cells provides for transplantation of rial transfusions enable improved targeting of cells with
large cell numbers at or near to the site and facilitates the fewer cells being lost to other tissues, but these transfu-
trophic effects of stem cells. Advanced delivery methods sions require arterial access. Intraventricular delivery in-
are under development, including bioengineered poly- creases safety risks inherent to accessing the ventricular
mers, to enhance stem cell survival and efficacy. Inert system, but it provides closer proximity to the infarct.
polymer matrices, such as hydrogels and particles, have Intracerebral transplantation allows for direct delivery to
been described for stem cell delivery.148,157 perilesional tissue, but it is the most invasive technique.
There are relative benefits and drawbacks for each de- Development of multimodal molecular imaging tech-
livery strategy. Intravenous administration is likely the niques will be invaluable to identify optimal stem cell

4 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016

Neurorestoration after stroke

delivery methods and to monitor transplanted cells. One TABLE 2. Clinical studies of neuromodulatory techniques for
approach utilizes superparamagnetic iron oxidebased stroke recovery
MRI of grafted cells to observe migration in experimental No. of
stroke models.62,72,156 Our group combined this approach Authors & Year Patients Intervention Outcome
with reporter genebased molecular imaging techniques.
We were able to monitor the fate and function of grafted Levy et al., 2008 24 EECS Safe & effective
cells in real time using multimodal MRI and biolumines- Brown et al., 2008 10 EECS Safe
cent imaging.39 Clinical translation of molecular imag- Levy et al., 2016 164 EECS No difference from
ing techniques will enable an improved understanding of control
which delivery strategies are best able to deliver healthy Kim et al., 2006 15 rTMS Improved motor function
stem cells in clinically meaningful doses. Takeuchi et al., 20 rTMS Improved motor function
Clinical Trials
Khedr et al., 2005 26 rTMS Improved motor function
To date, clinical trials of cell transplantation for stroke Fregni et al., 2006 15 rTMS Improved motor function
have focused on assessing safety and efficacy. A signifi-
cant concern for any stem cell therapy is risk of tumor Malcolm et al., 2007 19 rTMS No difference from
formationcareful classification and understanding of control
the underlying biology are critical to avoid such adverse Seniw et al., 2012 40 rTMS No difference from
effects.77 Immortalized NT2N cell lines were the first hu- control
man cells used in a Phase I trial. Cells were implanted into Talelli et al., 2012 41 rTMS No difference from
the infarcts of 12 patients 0.56 years following a basal control
ganglia stroke.93 No major adverse events occurred, and Cunningham et al., 12 tDCS Proof of concept
significant functional improvement was observed in this 2015
initial study. A subsequent Phase II trial with these NT2N Boggio et al., 2007 9 tDCS Improved motor function
cells recapitulated the safety of cellular transplantation Hesse et al., 2011 96 tDCS No difference from
though the primary outcome, motor function, was not control
met.92 An open-label, single-blinded RCT using mesen-
chymal stem cells (MSCs) demonstrated significant func- EECS = epidural electrical stimulation; rTMS = repetitive TMS.
tional improvement based on the modified Rankin Scale
score with no difference in adverse events, and multiple
other trials have shown safety and feasibility.10,11,95 Fur-
thermore, RCTs using bone marrow mononuclear cells limited clinical efficacy.88,146 Epidural stimulation of the
have also shown safety and feasibility.51,111,134 A phase 1/2A cortex showed promising initial clinical results,17,99 but
study of transplanted human modified bone marrowde- long-term benefits have not been supported when assessed
rived stromal cells has demonstrated safety and feasibil- in a large-scale clinical trial (Table 2).100,124
ity with direct intracerebral transplantation 0.55 years
poststroke with improvement in neurological outcomes.142 Cortical Stimulation
Interim results from the first trial of NSCs for ischemic Cortical stimulation represents a key strategy to restore
stroke, an open-label, dose-escalation study, have shown the excitatory-inhibitory balance of the damaged brain
no adverse events and improved functional outcomes in 11 and reorganize neural circuitry to enhance poststroke re-
patients with follow-up between 9 and 24 months.82 Dem- covery. Noninvasive methods (e.g., TMS and transcrani-
onstration of efficacy in double-blinded RCTs is needed, al direct current stimulation [tDCS]) and invasive meth-
but numerous clinical trials are underway (Table 1) to de- ods (e.g., implantable epidural electrodes) have been ex-
termine whether cell-based therapy will become the next plored.141,153
modality of restorative stroke therapy. High-frequency TMS increases cortical excitability and
low-frequency stimulation decreases excitability. These
Neuromodulation characteristics have been exploited to increase functional
Neuromodulation is a well-established disruption of the improvement of the affected extremity.31,87,89 Stimulation
excitatory-inhibitory balance in neural networks follow- of the contralesional hemisphere after stroke is an area of
ing ischemic stroke.18,23,135 Modulation of the tonic inhibi- sustained interest; it can be recruited to improve recov-
tion regulated by receptors of inhibitory neurotransmitters ery, but also imposes increased inhibition on the affected
has been shown to improve functional recovery in animal hemisphere.50,113 Stimulation with tDCS has met similar
models.29 Improved regulation and a well-developed un- outcomes, with improvement after stroke during therapy.73
derstanding of how the excitatory-inhibitory balance is However, Cochrane reviews of TMS and tDCS concluded
disrupted after stroke is critical to designing therapeutic that further investigation is required to determine either
approaches for stroke recovery. techniques role in stroke recovery.45,65 A double-blinded
Multiple neuromodulation techniques have been inves- pilot RCT to evaluate the long-term efficacy of tDCS
tigated to facilitate motor recovery after stroke. To date, found evidence that stimulation of higher motor areas can
however, both noninvasive transcranial magnetic stimula- help recruit adaptation of the contralesional hemisphere
tion (TMS) and invasive techniques have demonstrated in patients with greater ipsilesional injury.36,125 In sum, the

Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016 5

T. D. Azad, A. Veeravagu, and G. K. Steinberg

promise of noninvasive neuromodulation for stroke recov- neural circuits. In the context of stroke, optogenetic tech-
ery, while demonstrating early promise,13,74 has not borne niques revealed that even small ischemic injuries and de-
out in larger clinical trials (Table 2).68,107,123,126,138,147 pression in excitability could lead to relatively large effects
Invasive cortical stimulation offers the advantage of on motor circuits.4,25
greater stimulus delivery duration at a more precise loca- Optogenetics also has potential as a therapeutic and re-
tion. Upper-extremity recovery is a significant limitation storative modality. Optogenetics have been shown to miti-
following stroke, with only 20% of patients reaching full gate seizures; similar strategies could be used to mediate
recovery at 6 months.94 Preclinical and pilot human stud- neural excitability following stroke.120 Given the ability to
ies demonstrated improved recovery and safety with inva- stimulate specific neural circuits, optogenetics could be
sive stimulation techniques.90,99 A clinical trial was initi- used to precisely manipulate pathways, in particular, brain
ated based on these findings,67 evaluating invasive cortical regions, to facilitate recovery. Our group has investigated
stimulation in conjunction with rehabilitation, but was ul- whether optogenetics could be used to selectively improve
timately discontinued by the sponsoring company (North- functional outcomes following stroke.26 The authors used
star Neuroscience). A better understanding of the proper transgenic mice expressing channelrhodopsin (ChR2) un-
stimulation sites and paradigms should facilitate transla- der a neuronal promoter to selectively increase neuronal
tion of this technique to the clinical arena. activity in the ipsilesional primary motor cortex, after in-
ducing stroke. They found that stimulated mice performed
Cerebellar Stimulation better on functional tests, gained weight more quickly, and
demonstrated improved cerebral blood flow. Moreover,
TMS has also been applied to the cerebellum. Recently, neurotrophin expression was observed in the contralesion-
Bonn et al. applied TMS over the lateral cerebellum of al motor cortex. This was the first study to demonstrate
patients with ataxia due to chronic posterior circulation that optogenetics can be used to promote functional recov-
ischemic stroke. The authors observed both neurophysi- ery after stroke.
ological and clinical improvements.14 Invasive cerebellar Optogenetic techniques also present an opportunity to
stimulation has also been studied. Deep brain stimulation interrogate and augment cellular transplantation therapies.
of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway, specifically of While NSC transplantation therapy has demonstrated
the lateral cerebellar nucleus,119 has been shown in pre- promise, as discussed above, the mechanisms underlying
clinical rodent models to modulate cerebral cortex excit- functional recovery remain opaque. A recent preclinical
ability7 and improve postischemia motor recovery.106 More study from our group sought to use optogenetics to better
recently, chronic cerebellar DBS demonstrated promotion understand the mechanisms by which NSCs graft into the
of long-term potentiation, neuroplasticity, and reparative damaged brain and modulate local circuits. Stimulation of
reorganization.33 engrafted ChR2-expressing NSCs revealed upregulation
of genes involved in neurotransmission, neuronal differen-
Vagal Stimulation tiation, axonal guidance, and synaptic plasticity. Further-
Given the observation that intensive training has been more, genes involved in the inflammatory response were
shown to facilitate a range of neuroplastic brain events,20 downregulated. Most notably, optogenetic stimulation pro-
researchers hypothesize that vagal nerve stimulation can moted stroke recovery.37 A current drawback of optogenet-
enhance neuroplasticity and promote reorganization of ics is that it requires genetic alteration, limiting its clini-
neural networks.35 A recent RCT of vagal nerve stimula- cal applications. However, clinical gene therapy is making
tion to augment upper-limb rehabilitation following stroke marked progress, and applying optogenetics to modulate
was shown to be safe and feasible.40 Further prospective recovery pathways may eventually be translated into clini-
studies are necessary to evaluate the efficacy of this mo- cal care.
Brain-Computer Interface
Optogenetics Brain-computer interface (BCI) research strives to re-
After stroke, plasticity, both structural and functional, store motor control to individuals who have lost this abil-
can occur in periinfarct regions. Neuronal activity in sur- ity. The applications of this burgeoning field to stroke re-
viving cells can release activity-dependent factors that re- covery are evident. Because ischemia is usually an isolated
wire neural connections and enhance recovery. Regulating event, and not a neurodegenerative process, many of the
the excitability in these neurons offers a path toward func- neural networks unaffected by the infarct remain whole,
tional recovery.25 Until recently, the ability to discretely providing a basis for BCI therapy.
stimulate precise neural circuitry remained beyond the Movements are often controlled by deciphering cortical
grasp of neuroscientists. activity to produce movements in primates,28 and, more
The flourishing field of optogenetics may offer a solu- recently, cortical signals recorded through high-density
tion to this roadblock because it modulates specific cell microelectrode arrays and electrocorticography grids al-
types with high precision and spatiotemporal resolution.49 lowed paralyzed patients the ability to control robotic
Optogenetics is a technique in which specific wavelengths limbs and computer cursors.30,54,70,79
of light are used to control living cells, particularly neu- Closed-loop systems have begun to explore the ability
rons, that have been genetically modified to express light- of primates to control limb function by utilizing cortical
sensitive ion channels.59,109 This technique has fundamen- signals to stimulate spinal circuits to induce upper limb
tally extended the abilities of neuroscientists to manipulate movements.158 Noninvasive methods such as electroen-
6 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016
Neurorestoration after stroke

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2003 versity School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Dr., Stanford, CA 94305.
150. Veerbeek JM, van Wegen E, van Peppen R, van der Wees email: [email protected].

Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 May 2016 11

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