Transletan Jurnal
Transletan Jurnal
Transletan Jurnal
Objective: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common multifactorial upper respiratory disease with a key role of
microbes in worsening of disease and its associated co-morbidities. Further, significant region specific variation in
patient demographics and antibiotic resistance of causative bacteria are reported to pose difficulty in diagnosis and
treatment. In India, studies on the etiology and antibiotic resistance in chronic rhinosinusitis are very meager,
especially in children. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of common causative microbes and
their antibiotic resistance in children and adolescents with chronic rhinosinusitis in South Indian population.
Subjects and methods: The present study was conducted on 89 children and 99 adolescents with chronic
rhinosinusitis who visited MAA ENT Institute, Hyderabad, South India. The study samples were collected under the
nasal endoscopic guidance from the middle meatus at first visit and sinuses at surgery. Conventional and VITEK-2
methods were used for identification and antibiotic sensitivity of the microbes. Chi-square test and multinomial
logistic regression was applied to determine statistical differences between the variable using PASW v. 18.0 software
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
Results: The male-female ratio was 2:1 with an average children age of 8.9 3.65 years and 16.1 1.23 years
in adolescents. The risk for adenoids was seen in 49.2 % of children (OR; 2.6: 95% CI: 1.63-4.06) while allergic
fungal sinusitis (18.1%, OR: 2.7; 95% CI: 1.12-6.57) and nasal polyps (26.6%, OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.07-4.86) was
commonly seen in adolescents. About 26.6% of adolescents with fungal positivity also showed bacterial infection.
Aspergillus flavus (68%) was the most common fungi identified. Bacterial culture rate was positive in 46.8% of the
total subjects of which Streptococcus aureus was the most common bacteria (59.1%) followed by Streptococcus
pnuemoniae (21.2%), Klebsiella sp. (11.4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11.4%) and hemolytic streptococci
(1.1%). No Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains could be identified. Streptococcus pneumonia
(63.2%) was commonly identified in younger children and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (80%) was mostly seen in
adolescents. The frequency of bacterial positivity in adolescents with CRS when compared to CRS children was
high and varied between different associated co-morbidities. High antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
was seen towards gentamicin (73%) and co-trimoxazole (64%), Streptococcus pnuemoniae to gentamicin (58%), co-
trimoxazole (68%) and meropenem (32%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa to co-trimoxazole (100%), cefatoximine (60%)
and cefatazidime (50%) while Klebsiella sp. to gentamicin (80%) and co-trimoxazole (60%). Streptococcus aureus
showed high sensitivity to cefatoximine (95.8%) and Streptococcus pnuemoniae for ofloxacin (100%), ciprofloxacin
(89.5%) and cefazolin (89.5%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed high sensitivity for amikacin (100%) and
ciprofloxacin (80%) and Klebsiella sp. for amikacin (100%)
Conclusion: Significant regional specific variation in bacterial etiology that differed with age, severity and co-
morbidities was observed in children and adolescents with chronic rhinosinusitis. High antimicrobial resistance in the
cultures of chronic rhinosinusitis patients at their first visit and also at sinus surgery warrants urgent need for early
initiation of personalized interventions for better management of the infectious disease.
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paucity of data exists in relation to etiopathogenesis, especially in nasal allergy were mainly by the symptoms such as nasal discharge,
children [2]. Various demographic and socioeconomic factors are nasal itching and sneezing for more than 5 times a day. Diagnosis of
reported to cause differences in CRS manifestation which affects adenoids was made when greater than 50% of nasopharyngeal space
management and recurrence rate of the disease [3,4]. Clinico- occupied by soft tissue in the X-ray neck lateral view. The confirmation
pathophysiological mechanisms such as immaturity of the immune of diagnosis was by X-ray in subjects less than 13 yrs and computed
system, smaller ostia of the sinuses, increased respiratory tract tomography scan in subjects more than 13 yrs. Subjects who have not
infections and adenoidal hypertrophy in children while tissue been on antibiotic therapy during the first visit and who have stopped
remodeling and greater irreversible scarring due to inflammation in their antibiotic use for atleast 3 weeks before surgery were included in
adults contribute to the disease worsening in chronic rhinosinusitis [5]. the study. CRS subjects with immune compromised conditions, cystic
Further, presence of nasal pathogens leads to longer mean duration of fibrosis and nasocominal infections were excluded. The study samples
symptoms and greater severity of the inflammation [6]. The role of were collected in the first visit if purulent discharge was present in the
bacteria differed with respect to different chronic rhinosinusitis middle meatus and in patients when discharge was not seen in the
comorbidities which further increase variation in disease management middle meatus due to blockage of sinus opening the samples were
in children as well as in adults [7,8]. collected at the surgery under the nasal endoscopic guidance. Surgical
interventions were done when the condition could not be managed by
the therapeutic interventions. Identification and antibiotic sensitivity
Sinusitis and its associated complications are more frequently
of the microbes were performed by the conventional and VITEK-2
treated with antibiotics to prevent the onset of complications and the
method. Data related to detailed medical history, clinical findings and
need for surgical interventions [9]. Antibiotic treatment can promote
the findings of endoscopic examination, computed tomography
subsequent growth of various bacteria, often to new multidrug
scanning and microbiological assessments were recorded and the data
resistant strains, on the mucosal epithelium with frequencies and
obtained was analyzed using PASW ver. 18.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, US).
changes that may vary with the use of different antibiotics, between age
Continuous data was presented as means and standard deviations.
groups and clinical entities [10,11]. Misdiagnosis of the symptoms in
Chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression was used to
many cases with upper respiratory tract infections, indiscriminate
determine statistical differences between the age, sex, co-morbidities,
prescribing of antibiotics by general practitioners including broad-
type of microbial pathogen and their antibiotic sensitivity and
spectrum antibiotics, and ease of obtaining antibiotics has promoted
resistance. The study was performed after approval of the institutional
the microbial resistance for many antibiotics [12,13]. The susceptibility
research ethics committee for biomedical research.
trends among common pathogens appear to have stabilized over the
past years as measures have been taken up in many countries but high
prevalence of multidrug resistance remains as a major concern [13,14].
Also, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently Results
estimated that antimicrobials usually prescribed often to treat acute The mean age of children was 8.9 3.65 years and 16.1 1.23 years
respiratory tract infections in children and adults are still at in adolescents. Male preponderance of 2:1 was noticed in both children
inappropriately high rates. Continuing research is therefore needed to and adolescents. 51.6% of the CRS children with adenoids were
refine physician awareness and to evaluate regional differences in affected with allergic rhinitis, 32.2 % cases with CSOM and 16.6% cases
antibiotic resistance that may result in variations with significant with asthma. Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) was commonly found in
effects upon disease progression and management. adolescents (18.1%) of which 57.1% of cases had nasal polyposis while
19.9% had asthma. Allergic Rhinitis was the most common co-
In India, very meager studies are been reported on etiology of morbidity in both the age groups. Allergic rhinitis with nasal polyps
chronic rhinosinusitis, especially in children. The choice of antibiotics was present in 21.2% of CRS subjects and 4.2% of CRS subjects had
is discretionary and usually not made based on microbial culture and allergic rhinitis with nasal polyps and asthma. Of the total subjects,
sensitivity results which promotes the high risk for bacterial resistance. 36.7% of cases underwent primary and 10.1% of cases had revised
Misconceptions exist about the use and indications of antibiotics and functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). The distribution of risk
lack of knowledge regarding antibiotic resistance is prevalent in India factors and co-morbidities of CRS in children and adolescents is given
[15]. The purpose of this study was to determine the etiology, and the in Table 1.
prevalence of major bacterial and fungal pathogens and antibiotic
resistance of the identified bacteria in children and adolescents of
Adolescent p- Odds Ratio
South Indian population. Characteristic Total Children
s value (95% CI)
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102 0.81 of bacterial positive cases in CRS subjects with allergic rhinitis. About
Allergic rhinitis 43 (48.3) 59 (59.6) 0.143 77% of isolates from adolescents with nasal polyps showed bacterial
(54.2) (0.62-1.06)
positivity. The prevalence of gram positive bacteria also differed with
2.7 co morbidities, S. aureus was seen in 72.7% and S. pneumonia was seen
Fungal Sinusitis 26 (13.8) 8 (9) 18 (18.1) 0.035
18.1% in CRS subjects with adenoids while in case of CRS subjects
2.3 with CSOM, S. aureus was identified in 45.4% and Streptococcus
Nasal Polyps 38 (20.2) 12 (13.5) 26 (26.3) 0.045
(1.07-4.86) pneumonia in 36.3% cases.
Tonsillitis 78 (41.5) 38 (42.7) 40 (40.4) 0.769
Otitis Media 79 (42.0) 32 (36) 47 (47) 0.139
Asthma 23 (12.2) 14 (15.7) 9 (9.1) 0.186
History of
sinus surgery
No Surgery 100
48 (53.9) 52 (52.5) 0.615 ref a
required (53.2)
0.950 (0.514 -
Sinus Surgery 69 (36.7) 34 (38.2) 35 (35.4) 0.87
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revision surgery were resistant to cotrimoxazole, 75% to amoxicillin In a recent metanalysis study by Thanasumpun et al. [22] conducted
clavunate and 50% to gentamicin. However, no difference in the on endoscopically derived bacterial cultures of adults with chronic
antibiotic sensitivity was observed between the children and rhinosinusitis reported Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus followed
adolescents. by Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa to be the most common aerobes and Peptostreptococcus
species and bacteroides species as the common anaerobes [22]. In
pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis, polymicrobial infections and positive
cultures of three major bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae (37.3%),
Streptococcus pneumoniae (28.4%) and Moraxella catarrhalis (11.8%)
were in Taiwan population whereas in chronic rhinosinusitis children
of German population Streptococcus pneumoniae (33%) was the
predominant followed by Haemophilus influenzae
(27%), Staphylococcus aureus (13%), Moraxella catarrhalis (11%) and
Streptococci (7%) [23,24]. In children of Chinese population both
alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus (20.8%) and Haemophilus influenzae
(19.5%) predominated followed by Streptococcus pneumoniae
(14.0%), Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus (13.0%), Staphylococcus
aureus (9.3%) and anaerobes (8.0%) [25]. Unlike the above reported
studies, the present study identifies Staphylococcus aureus (35%) to be
the most common pathogen in both the age groups while other
bacteria identified were S. pneumonia (22.3%) and P. aeruginosa (9%)
showing variation with respect to severity and age of the chronic
Figure 3: Distribution of bacterial species identified in CRS subjects rhinosinusitis subjects. 64.7% subjects undergoing sinus surgery were
with respect age and time of visit. positive for S. aureus. Polymicrobial infection was seen in only in 2.7%
of study subjects. Also, no anaerobes were identified in children and
adolescents with CRS which is not in agreement with the study
conducted by Slack et al. [26].
Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is known to
be a common causative pathogen for chronic rhinosinusitis with
greater recurrence rate and high prevalence and rising incidence in
almost all countries [27]. According to a meta analysis study conducted
by Macoul et al. the prevalence of MRSA was 1.8%-20.7% for CRS
subjects [28]. The present study could not identify any MRSA strains
and other predominant bacteria as reported in other studies in chronic
rhinosinusitis children and adolescents. Also, a study from Karnataka,
South India, reported only 3% of MRSA strains in CRS which indicates
lesser burden of MRSA in community acquired infectious diseases in
South Indian population [29].
Nasopharyngeal carriage of the S. pneumoniae was associated with
younger age and considered to protect against colonisation by major
pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae
and thereby reducing their likelihood of causing invasive disease [30].
Reduction of pneumococcal carriage in children and increase in the
Figure 4: Antibiotic resistance of bacteria identified in CRS subjects. incidence of S. aureus related infections was also attributed due to
immunization with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine [31]. The present
study finds Streptococcus aureus in 42.6% of bacterial isolates
Discussion identified from younger children and 55.7% of subjects, who
underwent sinus surgery, thereby supports the study conducted by
Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) is the common upper respiratory Shaikh et al. [32].
disorder but continues to remain as a neglected disorder, especially in
Multiple co-morbidities like adenoids, otitis media, allergic rhinitis,
developing countries [16]. Bacterial infection plays a key role in
asthma and nasal polyps are associated with chronic rhinosinusitis [1].
worsening of CRS that can lead to asthma exacerbation, otitis media,
Significant correlation was seen between bacterial isolation rate of
recurrent polyps and refractory symptoms during post-sinus surgery
adenoid cultures to sinusitis grade and chronic suppurative otitis
[17]. The predominance of aerobic and anaerobic organisms cultured
media [33,34]. Pathogens isolated from adenoids were also resistant to
in children was reported to be different from adults and also with
antibiotics that allowed infection to persist with an increased incidence
reference to site of isolation [18]. In the present study, identical
of acute and unresolved otitis media [35]. Recent evidence suggests
potential pathogens were noticed in middle meatus and sinus aspirates
that the degree of atopy, is not associated with progression to chronic
which is in agreement with the earlier reports [19-21].
rhinosinusitis in pediatric age group but asthma is significantly
associated which suggests a link between upper and lower airways and
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