Please Choose The Most Correct Answer. You Can Choose Only ONE Answer For Every Question
Please Choose The Most Correct Answer. You Can Choose Only ONE Answer For Every Question
Please Choose The Most Correct Answer. You Can Choose Only ONE Answer For Every Question
2. Assume an economy with population growth and with technological progress. Which ONE of
the following is NOT true when the economy is in its golden rule steady state:
a. The economy cannot increase consumption by changing the savings rate.
b. Newly accumulated capital in every period is higher than the capital lost to
c. Output per worker increases at the growth rate of the technological progress.
d. The capital-labor ratio is constant
3. How much a firm invests depends on the size of the optimal capital stock. The optimal capital
stock in turn
a. Depends positively on the interest rate
b. Depends positively on the depreciation rate
c. Depends negatively on the interest rate
d. Depends positively on the opportunity costs
6. Consider the IS-LM model with international capital flows. Assume a small open economy
with flexible exchange rate and starting from the situation where all markets are in
equilibrium, what are the consequences of an expansionary fiscal policy?
a. An appreciation of the real exchange rate. The IS curve will shift temporarily upwards,
but public spending crowds out net exports, the economy will come back to the initial
b. An upward shift of the IS curve and a new equilibrium with the same interest rate but a
higher GDP than before.
c. A depreciation of the real exchange rate and a temporary downward shift of the IS-
curve, before coming back to the initial equilibrium.
d. The LM curve will shift downwards, because of capital inflows. The IS curve will shift
upwards because of a lower interest rate. In the long run, there will be a rise in
domestic GDP but the same interest rate as in the initial equilibrium.
7. Which one of the following theoretical concepts tells me that an increase in government
spending by 10% increases the countrys total GDP by more than 10%?
a. The Money multiplier
b. The Keynesian multiplier
c. Okuns law
d. The yield curve
9. Assume that the nominal interest rate is 5% and it is also expected to stay at this level. The
face value of a risk-free bond with a one year maturity is 500. According to the no-profit
rule, what should be the price of the one year maturity bond?
a. 423,54
b. 425
c. 450
d. 476,19
10. The Impossible Trinity refers to the impossibility for a country to have simultaneously
a. free capital flows, a fixed exchange rate and an independent monetary policy
b. a high interest rate, capital inflows and positive net exports
c. flexible exchange rates, low inflation and low unemployment
d. None of the above
12. In the AS-AD framework, the short-run AS curve shift upwards when we see which one of the
a. An increase in actual inflation
b. A negative supply shock
c. A decrease in money supply
d. A decrease in the natural unemployment rate
13. Consider an economy that exists for two periods. We define the following variables: T 1 is
todays net taxes; T2 is tomorrows net taxes; D1 is the governments total debt at the start of
today; D2 is the governments total debt at the start of tomorrow; G1 is todays government
spending; G2 is tomorrows government spending; rG is the real interest rate paid on
government debt. All variables are positive. Which ONE of the following is a correct
intertemporal budget constraint of the government?
a. D1 + G1 + G2/(1 + rG ) = T1 + T2/(1 + rG)
b. D1 + D2/(1 + rG) + G1 + G2/(1 + rG) = T1 + T2/(1 + rG)
c. D1 + D2/(1 + rG) (T1 + T2/(1 + rG)) = G1 + G2/(1 + rG)
d. D1 + G1 + T1 = (D2 + G2 + T2)/(1 + rG)
14. Which ONE of the following statements about consumption smoothing is NOT true?
a. Automatic stabilizers lead to consumption smoothing by the government.
b. The permanent income hypothesis refers to the fact that throughout my lifetime I earn
exactly the same amount in all periods and I dont need to borrow or save.
c. Consumption smoothing refers to the fact that when faced with a temporary change in
income, consumers save or borrow to spread the effects on consumption over time.
d. Consumption smoothing explains why the desired demand function in the Keynesian
Cross is flatter than the 45 degree line.
16. The Big Mac costs 3 Euros in Rotterdam and 250 Yen in Tokyo. The current exchange rate is
1 Euro = 100 Yens. When you calculate the Big Mac index for these two countries what can
you conclude?
a. Calculating the Big Mac index tells me that prices in Tokyo are higher than in
Rotterdam. Therefore the purchasing power of 1 Euro is lower than the purchasing
power of 1 Yen.
b. Calculating the Big Mac index tells me that prices in Rotterdam are higher than in
Tokyo and therefore inflation is higher in Tokyo.
c. Calculating the Big Mac index tells me that with the same amount of Euros I can buy
more Big Macs in Tokyo than in Rotterdam and therefore the absolute purchasing
power parity doesnt hold here.
d. It doesnt tell me anything because the Big Mac index can only compare prices in US
17. Which ONE of the following is NOT considered to have a positive impact on economic
a. Protection of human rights
b. Good health of the work force
c. The provision of public infrastructure
d. High fertility rate (average number of children per woman)
21. Fill in: implementing a minimum wage above the equilibrium wage _______ the demand for
labor and ________ the supply of labor.
a. decreases, increases
b. increases, decreases
c. increases, increases
d. decreases, decreases
0 k* K/L
23. The economy described above is at point k*. There is no technological progress and no
population growth. To which one of the following statements can you agree?
a. The economy is at its golden rule steady state. The capital-labor ratio stays constant,
output increases, consumption is constant and at its optimal level.
b. The economy suffers from dynamic inefficiency. It would be better off when it would
increase the capital-labor ratio so that output increases. Consumption will then also
c. The economy suffers from dynamic efficiency. It would be better off when it would
decrease the capital-labor ratio so that output decreases. Consumption will then
d. The economy is not in a steady state. However, since at the current capital-labor ratio,
investment is bigger than the capital lost through depreciation, the capital-labor ratio
will increase until in the steady state investment equals depreciation. This steady-state
will not necessarily maximize consumption.
24. Which one of the following statements on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is true?
a. The CPI is likely to overestimate inflation because it uses a fixed basket of goods and
when goods get more expensive the consumers buy less of them.
b. The CPI is likely to overestimate inflation because it does not include imported goods.
c. The CPI is always higher than the GDP deflator which tends to underestimate
d. The CPI is likely to overestimate inflation because contrary to the GDP deflator it
doesnt include an improvement in quality of goods.
26. Patents increase the overall welfare of an economy and are thus desirable because of which
ONE of the following?
a. Patents grant the inventor the exclusive economic rights on the product he has
developed, attributing him monopoly rights forever.
b. Knowledge is non-excludable and without patents underinvestment in the production
of knowledge is likely.
c. With patents firms charge a price for their patent-protected product which is higher
than the marginal cost of production.
d. None of the above
27. Which ONE of the following options does NOT finish the sentence correctly?
When the Ricardian Equivalence holds
a. the public and private sector borrow and lend at the same interest rate.
b. we see that the timing of taxation doesnt matter for intertemporal consumption
choices, only the total amount of government expenditures matters.
c. households are able to borrow and lend as much as they need in order to reach their
preferred consumption in every period (given their intertemporal budget constraint).
d. the government is borrowing for the households and thus allows them to reach a
higher utility function than households could reach on their own.
28. If the money supply M1 is 8,8 billion , the currency in circulation equals 0,8 billion and
required reserves at the central bank are 5% of the deposits at the commercial banks. Then the
total reserves of the banking system at the central bank are equal to R. What is the value of R?
a. 16 billion
b. 400 million
c. 440 million
d. 800 million
31. Consider two countries (Sweden and Tunisia) in which Syrian and Tunisian investors buy and
sell one-year maturity bonds (with the same risk). The Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
Condition predicts that
a. if today the interest rate in Sweden is higher than in Tunisia, the Swedish krona
appreciates today and stays at a higher level even though interest rates of both
countries will converge.
b. if the Swedish krona appreciates today, Swedens interest rate has to decrease today in
order for returns on Swedish and Tunisian bonds to be equal.
c. if today the interest rate in Sweden is higher than in Tunisia, the Swedish krona
appreciates today but will have depreciated in one year so that returns of bonds in both
countries are equal.
d. if a Tunisian investor buys a one-year maturity bond in Sweden today, he will not have
any exchange rate risk in one year because he has agreed with his bank on a forward
exchange rate, which fixes already today the exchange rate in one year. Therefore,
returns on bonds in both countries are equal.
32. Keynesians defend the usefulness of demand policies based on which argument?
a. Prices adjust quickly so that the short run AS curve has a steep slope.
b. The movement towards the long run AS curve is slow.
c. The backward looking component of underlying inflation plays a minor role so that
economic agents make large forecasting errors.
d. The forward looking component of underlying inflation plays a mayor role so that
economic agents make large forecasting errors.
34. Suppose that the underlying level of inflation in an economy decreases. This implies that
a. The short-run Phillips curve shifts down
b. The short-run Phillips curve shifts up
c. The long-run unemployment decreases and the long-run Phillips curve shifts to the
d. The long-run unemployment increases and the long-run Phillips curve shifts to the
35. In the figure above you see the evolution of three economic variables. In the period t = 1 there
is an exogenous change in the variable labeled 1. Which event could be displayed here and
what should be the correct label of the three variables displayed in the graph? (note: The order
in which the variables are displayed in the graph (above/below) contains no information about
the absolute values of the variables)
a. Increase in Money supply: 1= Money supply 2= Real GDP 3= Price level
b. Increase in government spending: 1 = Government spending 2 = Money supply 3
=Real GDP
c. An adverse supply shock: 1= Real GDP 2 = Interest rate 3 = Price level
d. An increase in the inflation target: 1 = inflation rate 2 = interest rate 3 = Money supply
38. Which ONE of the following statements concerning central banks is true?
a. In the Euro area, the European central bank is the only institution that can create
b. A central bank following the Taylor rule will never change the money supply but only
the interest rate.
c. The European central bank decreases the interest rate to increase money supply.
d. When the country has a flexible exchange rate regime, the central bank cannot conduct
an independent monetary policy.
39. Suppose that, starting from the equilibrium with full employment, a country is hit by an
adverse supply shock and the central bank responds with an expansionary monetary policy.
What are the consequences?
a. Stagflation, meaning high unemployment and high inflation, in the short run and a
permanent increase in inflation in the long run.
b. Stagflation, meaning high unemployment and high inflation, in the long run.
c. A contraction of output and a lower inflation rate as before the shock in the long run.
d. A temporary increase of the inflation rate and a temporary increase in output before
going back to the initial equilibrium.