Covers Calculation Sheet
Covers Calculation Sheet
Covers Calculation Sheet
Total Weight of Material Used 3.76
Wastage Factor % 10
Total Weight to be considered for
costing purpose 4.14
Central Piece
Size-1 279
Size-2 284
Weight Calculation
Area (mm2) 79236
Total Area (mm2) 79236
Total Area (m ) 2
Weight (Kgs) 0.995
Sr.No Size Size Area m2 Nos Total Area
1 0.3 0.3 0.09 6 0.54
2 0.45 0.45 0.2025 5 1.0125
Total 1.5525 m2
16.7049 Sq.ft
Rate 360 Per sq.ft
6013.764 Without Tax
5000 Amount To be transferred
1013.764 Balance + tax.