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Dont just KNOW it... DO it! LeadLikeJesus.com | 800.383.6890

6 Lessons Greatest

Leader Role Model

Let the Leader in you show


Dont just KNOW it... DO it! LeadLikeJesus.com | 800.383.6890

6 Lessons Greatest

Leader Role Model

Let the Leader in you show


3 Breaking Out of Your Isolation Booth

6 The Way of Forgiveness

9 To Be or To Do? That Is the Question

12 What Love Has to Do with It

16 What Race Are You Running?

19 Would You Hire Jesus as Your Leadership Consultant?

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Breaking Out of Your

Isolation Booth
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Breaking Out of Your Isolation Booth

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

ne of the prices we pay for willingly submit- When we do this, we make the convenient assump-
ting to the tyranny of perpetual busyness in tion that everything that is going right will continue
the name of doing the Lords work is a loss to do so without maintenance, or if there are prob-
of contact with the changing realities around us. lem areas outside our sweet spot, they will evaporate
Here is how it works. on their own. The end result of this self-delusional
mind game is that we end up in isolation booths of
We get focused on fixing the things we have de-
our own making, out of touch with the realities of
clared as the most important or most critical aspects
what is truly going on around us.
of our areas of responsibility. This narrowing of focus
often contains the hidden pleasure of allowing us to A symptom of this isolation booth phenomenon is
justify working in our competency sweet spot with a progressive restriction of how we obtain informa-
heightened chances for personal gratification and tion about the areas of our leadership responsibility
fulfillment. that fall outside our sweet spot focus.

As a corporate human resources manager for a large

We have a tendency to see those manufacturing organization, I found that in a rou-
problems or issues we know how or tine dominated by executive meetings, it was easy
like to fix. for me to allow my assumptions on the health of the
organization to be formed on the basis of second-
We have a tendency to see those problems or issues hand information in the form of activity reports and
we know how or like to fix. If your favorite tool is a the grievances forwarded to me by the local union.
hammer, you will have a tendency to look for nails
As chairman of the Elder Council of my local church,
that need pounding and let the sawing and sanding
I recall a number of instances when reports came
go for another day.
that there was a big uproar among the congregation

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

about an issue that demanded immediate attention

only to find out with a little probing that it really was
one upset person voicing concern to lots of people
rather than a general concern.

How do you avoid being locked away in an isolation Note: The further away from Level 1 you find yourself,
booth of false assumptions? the more vulnerable you are to wake up one morning
and find out that while you tended to your sweet spot
Here are two suggestions: concerns and issues, the world around you and your
I. Assess which of the following best describes leadership effectiveness have gone in different direc-
the source of information you rely on in areas of tions.
your ministry responsibility you are least likely II. Schedule a Day in the Life Of experience for
to attend to naturally. yourself in an area of business or ministry where
you have had the least firsthand experience over
Level 1 Firsthand Experience doing the the past twenty-four months.
work yourself
Ask permission to shadow somebody during a nor-
Level 2 Personal Observation of the work mal work day who is engaged in responding to all
being done those edicts, directives, policies and emergency re-
Level 3 Personal Interview with those en- quests for service that come down from somewhere
gaged in the work in the hierarchy including your own office. Promise
to make no reports, offer no suggestions or inter-
Level 4 Reports from secondhand sources rupt the flow of the day. Just watch, listen and learn.
including supervisors You will return to your own routine wiser and with a
Level 5 Reports from oversight bodies such greater respect for the people who live and work in
as a ministry commission your real world.

Level 6 Unverified personal assumptions

based on what you hope is going on
2012 Lead Like Jesus All rights reserved

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

The Way of Forgiveness

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

The Way of Forgiveness

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

orgiveness is the way for a heart grounded in mark of what it means to lead like Jesus. He taught
the unconditional love of God to respond to the forgiveness to His disciples, He practiced it with
imperfections of others. Jesus established the those who betrayed Him, and He granted it willingly
centrality of forgiveness in His leadership when He to those who participated in His death on the cross.
cried out from the cross, Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34 NIV). As leaders, the journey of
One of the most frequent tests of whether we have forgiveness must start with us.
the heart attitude required to lead like Jesus is how
we deal with the failures of those we lead to perform As leaders, the journey of forgiveness must start
according to plan. Remember, getting things rough- with us. Unlike Jesus, we all fall short of 100 percent
ly right is simply part of the learning process that in our journey as leaders. Sometimes we make mis-
precedes getting things exactly right on a consistent takes that could have been avoided. Sometimes we
basis. say or do things in the heat of the moment that we
Leaders seeking to grow and develop people as regret. If our EGO is wrapped up in our performance
an end goal of equal importance to results need a and the opinion of others, we will be unable to for-
healthy capacity to forgive, correct, and move on. give our own shortcomings, let alone anyone elses.
EGO-driven leaders, impatient for results, are quick
Lets look, for just a minute, at what Scripture says
to judge and discount less-than-perfect efforts as
about this. Romans 14:13 says, Forget about decid-
failure rather than to forgive and redirect.
ing whats right for each other. Heres what you need
Forgiveness is a supernatural act, not a natural re- to be concerned about: that you dont get in the way of
sponse to being hurt or let down. It is an act of the someone else, making life more difficult than it already
will, a choice, of one who has surrendered control is (MSG). In James 4:11 we find, Do not speak evil of
to a higher court of judgment. Forgiveness is a hall- one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judg-
es the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer
of the law but a judge (NKJV).

The opposite of forgiveness is judgment. Your moti-

vation for doing something is as important as what
you do. In theological terms, judgment is pointing
out a fault with a view to condemnation. On the oth-
er hand, discernment is pointing out a fault with a
view to correction or restoration. When we withhold
forgiveness, is it because we are sincerely trying to
correct or restoreor is it because there is some
benefit to us in condemning?

Forgiveness is a particular dimension of an even

broader element of the leadership of Jesusgrace.

Pause and Reflect

The price of forgiveness is letting go of the right to
require either payment or an apology for a wrongdo-
ing. Whom do you need to forgive in order to restore (Adapted December 2006 from Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the
Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time, Ken Blanchard and Phil
a relationship with someone who let you down? Hodges, 2005)

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

To Be or To Do?
That Is the Question
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

To Be or To Do? That Is the Question

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

ead Like Jesus believes that anytime anyone dent as recharging the cell phone overnight. But, it
influences the thoughts, actions or behaviors may have little to do with making the day any more
of another they are engaging in leadership. So significant or satisfying.
as a parent or a CEO, a coach or a doctor, YOU are a
No matter how urgent or high-purposed your to-do
list may seem, when the price paid for its completion
Whether as a life role or organizational leader, ap- is a gradual loss of a sense of being and meaning
proaching each new day as a series of things to do separate from performance, you have made a bad
can be a nasty habit. We are not only tempted to start choice. Remember, Satan would love for you to buy
working on the list we went to bed with but to quick- into his philosophy that your self-worth is equal to
ly include the new onslaught of e-mail, voice mails, your performance plus the opinion of others.
faxes, etc. that may have accumulated during the
A partial antidote to the I am my to-do list syndrome
night or to be quickly derailed by the ever-necessary
is to develop your Daily To-Be List before you finalize
tasks of home, family and volunteer responsibilities.
your To-Do List. The thought that we were created as
It is easy to surrender our sense of self-worth to the
Human Beings not Human Doings reminds us that
score card of our never ending to-do lists.
God loves us and relates to us on the being, not the
doing, level.
. . . Approaching each new day as If He did it the other way round, we would never
a series of things to do can be a have any confidence that we have done enough or
nasty habit. done the right stuff to relax in His company. We also
might end up adding a few things to our to-do list
Wrapping a little preemptive prayer around our own to feed our own egos and appetites that werent on
predetermined personal agendas may seem as pru- Gods agenda in the first place.

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Here is a plan for developing a Daily To-Be List that

will help you sort out the priorities of the day during
a time when the pressure of To-Do becomes over- 6. At the end of the day review your To-Be List as
whelming. There is great peace and confidence in your score card for the success of the day. Then
the process because of Gods grace that He always put down the results at the foot of the Cross and
provides. rest assured that God loves you.

1. Take a few quiet moments at the beginning of Here are a few starters for your To-Be List:
the day to ask God expectantly to fill your mind
with how He would have you be today in your Be still and know that I am God (Psalm
life role and organizational leadership responsi- 46:10)
Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow
2. Write down what comes to mind as your To-Be to anger (James 1:19)
Be holy because I am holy (1 Peter 1:16 )
3. Thank God for being willing to use you today in
Be joyful always, pray continually give
bringing in His kingdom through your life role
thanks continually in all circumstances
and organizational leadership responsibilities.
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
4. Ask God to open your heart, mind, eyes and ears
Be at peace with one another (Mark 9:50)
to how much He loves each person you will meet
today and to help you treat them accordingly. Be transformed by the renewing of your
mind (Romans 12:2)
5. With these thoughts in mind review your To-Do
List and see whether there are any items that
are in conflict with your To-Be List and modify or
eliminate them as appropriate. 2010 Lead Like Jesus All rights reserved

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

What Love Has to Do with It

Phyllis Hendry

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

What Love Has to Do with It

Phyllis Hendry

radio interviewer said, I know you teach scended like a dove, along with the Spirit, a voice
leadership, but you talk a lot about love. said: You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love,
Whats love got to do with it? My answer pride of my life (MSG). Jesus knew the Father loved
was simple. Everything. Love as a core value has Him; He knew whose He was and who He was. Je-
everything to do with everything. We continued for sus received the Fathers love and He lived His life on
the next hour talking about leaders who have cho- earth through it. We are to do the same.
sen love as their core value and the difference they
The second challenge is that the word leader is of-
make in the lives of their followers.
ten misunderstood. I recently heard from a seminary
It seems there are two challenges as we unfold the president that many of their younger students do
connection between love and leadership. One chal- not want to study leadership or even be identified as
lenge is the word love, which has been minimized, a leader. Their experiences with leaders have taint-
abused and misused. The love I am talking about ed their view of what leaders look like and do; they
brings words into our lives we could have never fully want no part of it.
understood beforewords like trust, grace, forgive-
At Lead Like Jesus, we believe leadership happens any
ness, faithfulness, commitment, accountability and
time you influence the thinking, behavior or develop-
ment of another person. Leadership is about influ-
I am convinced when people choose love as a core ence, and it happens in every area of our livesin our
value, they are a different leader, spouse, parent, homes, organizations, churches and communities.
friend, neighbor and more. Love changes us. It is the
How would our leadership change if, like Jesus, we
greatest change agent of all time.
received Gods love and adopted that love as our
When we look at Jesus, our leadership model, we see core value? I believe accepting and abiding in Gods
that He experienced great love from His Father while love and choosing love as our core value does at
He was on earth. In Mark 1:11, when Gods Spirit de- least four things in our lives:

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

We know whose we are. the fear goes away and allows us to lead with confi-
dence in the One who loves us most.
Our self-worth is no longer up for grabs; our secu-
rity and self-worth come from Him not our perfor- We can offer that same love to others.
mance or the opinion of others. The pride that could
Scripture tells us in John 13:34-35, A new command I
come from accomplishment is diminished as we rec-
give you: Love one another. As I have loved you so you
ognize that everything we haveevery gift, every
must love one another. By this all men will know that
talent, every experiencedoes not come from us,
you are my disciples, if you love one another (NIV). The
but passes through us as a gift from God. We final-
new command was to love as Jesus did; He loved
ly get it isnt about us. The security and confidence
sacrificially and unconditionally.
of knowing whose we are allows us to become fully
what God has called us to be in our leadership and We cant give this kind of love to anyone if we have
in our life. not received it ourselves. The only way you can love
unconditionally is through Jesus. Those whom we in-
We become fearless.
fluence need our lovea love that is strong enough
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear (1 to see mistakes as opportunities to learn, a love that
John 4:18 NKJV). When we receive Gods love, we are gives grace and yet holds accountable to help others
no longer held captive by trying to please everyone. reach their highest potential in all God has planned
We only have one audience. We are willing to listen for their lives.
to feedback. Ken Blanchard says, Feedback is the
We have a new perspective.
breakfast of champions! Fearful leaders are danger-
ous leaders; they are always protecting themselves Life has many challenges and losses, and knowing
instead of protecting their mission and their teams. we are secure in Gods love allows us to view every
Fearful leaders are most afraid when they feel their situation through a different lens and gives us a new
leadership might be rejected or compared to others. perspective. Our perspective is the frame in which
When we accept the gift of Gods unconditional love, we view life; receiving and abiding in Gods love al-

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

lows us to have an eternal perspective. As a leader, lationships and have results beyond what we have
focusing on the long view instead of seeing the crisis imagined. In addition, we have the blessing of hav-
of the moment is critical for those we lead. ing eternal impact on the lives of those we lead and
introducing them to the One who loves them most.
I am convinced that we find in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
I continue to believe that it is only by love that love
a description of the love we are intended to be. In
is awakened and it is the calling of a lifetime of every
the passage below, insert your name every time you
see the word love and see if the words describe you.
Are there relationships in your life where the ques-
Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, tion, What is the most loving thing to do? needs to
it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, be asked? How will you respond?
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It al-
ways protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres. Love never fails.

We can choose love as our core value, and when we

do, we have the opportunity to build incredible re- 2010 Lead Like Jesus All rights reserved

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

What Race Are You Running?

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

What Race Are You Running?

Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

n Lead like Jesus Lessons for Everyone from the ing. Finally you get home at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. and
Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time, Ken fall into bed exhausted, without any energy to say
Blanchard describes an early morning scenario goodnight to your spouse. What happens the next
the daily conflict between the task oriented Human day? The alarm goes off and youre at it again. Pret-
Doing and the reflective Human Being side of our ty soon your life becomes a rat race. As Lily Tomlin
nature. We all have, in a sense, two selves. We have once said, The problem with a rat race is that even if
a task-oriented self that is used to getting the job you win, youre still a rat.
done and a more reflective side that is very thought-
ful. Which of the two selves wakes up quicker in the Pretty soon your life becomes
morning: our external, task-oriented self or our in- a rat race.
ternal and reflective self? Of course, its our external,
task-oriented self.
Not only does life on the run turn into a rat race, but it
What happens in the morning? The alarm goes off! also turns into an act of just trying to survive the day
Have you ever thought about that phrasealarm no matter how noble and worthy the activities may
clock? What an awful concept! Why isnt it the Op- be. When short-term survival become the long-term
portunity clock? Or the Its going to be a great pattern of your life and ministry, it is easy to fall into
day clock? The alarm immediately ignites your the joy-killing mindsets of victim and martyr. Con-
task-oriented self and you jump out of bed. Pret- sidering an overbusy schedule as a badge of honor
ty soon youre trying to eat breakfast while youre or a legitimate rationalization for not taking time to
washing. You race to the car and immediately pick care for your own spiritual health or the mundane
up the cell phone and rush off to meetings all morn- needs of those relationships that make up your pri-
ing, followed by lunch meetings, and a dinner meet- vate world is a dangerous act of self-deception.

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

A striking aspect of the life of Jesus was His continu-

ous habit of engaging in times of solitude. Time alone
with the Father was an antidote to the ever-present
pressures of a life filled with people and situations
that laid claim to all He had to offer in mind, body
and spirit. As you read Matthew 4:1-11 (a time of
temptation), Luke 6:12-13 (a time of decision), Mat-
thew 14:13 (a time of receiving bad news), Matthew
14:23 (a time of success and popularity), and Mark
1:32-38 (a time of choosing the best use of His time),
one thing becomes clearJesus always came away
from times of solitude with renewed purpose, ener-
gy and perspective to maximize the moment, not
just survive it. May this be so with you! 2010 Lead Like Jesus All rights reserved

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Would You Hire Jesus as Your

Leadership Consultant?
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Would You Hire Jesus as Your

Leadership Consultant?
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

common barrier to embracing Jesus as a full they began to tear! A shout for help brought
leader role model lies in skepticism about their partners in the other boat and soon both
the relevance of His teaching to your specif- boats were filled with fish and on the verge of
ic leadership situations. We are, in many ways, faced sinking. When Simon Peter realized what had
with the same questions that Peter faced when Je- happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and
sus asked him to do some highly unusual and un- said, O, Lord, please leave meIm too much of
orthodox things regarding his fishing business. Here a sinner to be around you. For he was awestruck
was the situation as described in Luke 5:1-11: by the size of their catch, as were the others with
him. His partners James and John, Zebedees
One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of
sons, were also amazed. Jesus replied to Simon,
the Sea of Galilee, a great crowd pressed in on
Dont be afraid! From now on youll be fishing
him to listen to the word of God. He noticed two
for people! And as soon as they landed, they left
empty boats at the waters edge, for the fisher-
everything and followed Jesus (NLT).
men had left them and were washing their nets.
Stepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Si- What do you think was going through Peters mind
mon [Peter], its owner, to push it out into the wa- when he replied, Master, we have been fishing all
ter. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds night and we havent caught a thing? It sounds like
from there. When he had finished speaking, he he might have been thinking something along the
said to Simon, Now go out where it is deeper and lines of this: I have been listening to Jesus address
let down your nets, and you will catch many fish. the crowds with great power and wisdom. I really
Master, Simon replied, we worked hard all last respect Him as a teacher and for His knowledge of
night and didnt catch a thing! But if you say so, Gods Word. But now He has asked me to do some-
well try again. And this time their nets were so thing that goes totally against my own knowledge

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

and instincts about how to run my business. He

doesnt know fishing. I know fish and fishing; its my Yes/No
business, and this is not a practical plan. If I do what ______ Working with or living and caring for
He says, it is probably going to be a waste of time imperfect people
and energy, and my workers are going to wonder if I
______ Taking time to train, develop and
have lost my mind.
Peters skepticism, however, did not prevent him
______ Under constant scrutiny and testing
from taking a leap of faith because of who gave
of commitment and integrity
him the instructions. Because of his faith, he experi-
enced miraculous results, and he was overwhelmed ______ Required to handle rejection, criti-
by what he perceived was too great a gap between cism and opposition
himself and what Jesus would require of him. Je- ______ Facing fierce competition and conflict-
sus sought to calm Peters doubts and fears and is- ing demands from friends and foes
sued an invitation to come and be transformed for
a higher purpose. And He is issuing the same call to ______ Tempted by instant gratification, rec-
us. Jesus knows fish. He also knows your business, ognition and misuse of power
whether it is in the service of an organization or in a ______ Facing serious personnel issues, in-
life role. cluding turnover and betrayal

One way of putting Jesus to the test would be to ap- ______ Required to communicate in a multi-
ply the same criteria to His knowledge, experience, cultural environment
and success that you would to the hiring of a busi-
______ The need to challenge the status quo
ness consultant. Take a few minutes and consider if
and hierarchy to bring about change
you would hire Jesus as your leadership consultant
in your life role leadership or organizational leader- ______ The need to communicate a radically
ship positions based on His earthly experience. new vision of the future

To help you in this decision-making process, reflect ______ The need to call attention to poor
on the following leadership challenges you might leadership at great personal risk
be facing, and then ask yourself, Does Jesus have ______ The need to put career or relation-
any relevant practical knowledge or experience in ships on the line to serve a higher
dealing with the following types of leadership issues purpose
I face day to day?

Dont just KNOW it... DO it!

Chances are you answered yes to every situation.

Why? Because Jesus had experience in every situa-
tion you face. The book of Hebrews says of Jesus,
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
Because he himself suffered when he was tempt- and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and
ed, he is able to help those who are being tempt- learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
ed. . . . For we do not have a high priest who is un- and you will find rest for your souls . . . (Matthew
able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we 11:28-29 NIV).
have one who has been tempted in every way,
just as we areyet was without sin. Let us then I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man re-
approach the throne of grace with confidence, mains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;
so that we may receive mercy and find grace to apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5 NIV).
help us in our time of need (2:18; 4:15-16 NIV). If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
In addition to His leadership resume, Jesus under- ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you
stood from years of personal experience the chal- (John 15:7 NIV).
lenges of daily life and work. Although Jesus was If you love me, you will obey what I command. And
God, He was not ashamed to do a mans work. He I will ask the Father, and he will give you another
spent the first thirty years of His life on earth as a Counselor to be with you foreverthe Spirit of truth.
workingmanthe carpenter of Nazareth. We can The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees
never sufficiently realize the wonder of the fact that him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives
Jesus understands a days work and knows the diffi- with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as
culty of making ends meet. He knows the frustration orphans; I will come to you (John 14:15-18 NIV).
of ill-mannered customers and clients who wont
pay their bills. He knows the difficulties of living in Pause and Reflect
an ordinary home and in a big family, and He knows If you are skeptical about adopting Jesus as your
the problems that beset us in the everyday world. leader role model, what are your reasons? What is it
Think about how Jesus would do your job differently about Jesus that is causing you to doubt? What is it
than you would. As the following scriptures suggest, about you that is causing you to hold back?
Jesus wants to do His work in you and through you: 2010 Lead Like Jesus All rights reserved

skills will only
get you so far.

Real transformation starts on the inside.

Jesus, the greatest Leader of all time, can transform the world through you, if you allow Him to do so.
Using this four-part, in-depth study, learn what it means to open up your heart, head, hands and habits to
His leadershipthen prepare to be amazed. For individual or group study.

Learn more at:

[email protected]

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