Nursery Production Guide
Nursery Production Guide
Nursery Production Guide
Spring 2017
This guide was produced for commercial producers by the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, PO Box 9120 STN
PROV GOVT, Victoria, BC. The technical portion is copyright by the British Columbia Ministry of
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct, the
author and the publisher caution against the use of the information contained in this publication in any
particular application and accept no responsibility or liability for errors, omissions, or representations,
expressed or implied, contained herein or in any written or oral communication associated with this
publication. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher will be corrected in periodic updates to this
For the convenience of growers, brand or trade names are used in this publication. This does not constitute an
endorsement of the product nor a suggestion that like products are not effective. Space limitations restrict the
amount of detail contained in this publication. Be sure to read the label on the pesticide container for complete
instructions, warnings and legal restrictions regarding the use of the pesticide.
The BC Ministry of Agriculture does not assume liability for crop loss, animal loss, health, safety or
environmental hazard caused by the products or practices listed within this guide.
Throughout this guide, this symbol is used to designate very toxic chemicals that need to be used with
greater caution.
Chapter 1 - Plant Movement Regulations
British Columbia Plant Protection Regulations
Balsam Woolly Adelgid Permits can be obtained from the Entomologist
with the BC Ministry of Agriculture in Abbotsford.
Balsam Woolly Adelgid (BWA) is a tiny (less than When offered for sale or moved from the nursery,
1/10 mm), inconspicuous, aphid-like pest that plants no longer require the tag to verify they were
feeds exclusively on true firs (Abies species). grown under permit. Growers can provide a copy
Despite its small size, it is an extremely destructive of their Abies Permit to verify they were grown
pest that can kill a tree after several years of heavy under permit.
feeding. This is especially true for Abies lasiocarpa.
The area regulated in BC for BWA was expanded in
There are no known pathogens of the adelgid and
July 2006 (see Figure 1.2). Trees grown outside the
attempts to control it with chemicals are usually
quarantine area have free movement within the
ineffective. There is tremendous concern it will
province. Abies grown in the quarantine area
spread into the Interior and infest the very
cannot be shipped outside the area within BC.
important and widely distributed A. lasiocarpa
There are no restrictions on the domestic
forests. The movement of Abies for use in
movement of Abies outside of BC. Sale and
reforestation, or as an ornamental or a Christmas
movement of cut trees or foliage of Abies grown in
tree, poses a significant risk of spreading this pest.
the quarantine zone is prohibited between January
31 and November 1 anywhere in the province.
However, cones and seeds of Abies are exempt from
this regulation. When moved between November 1
and January 31, cut Christmas trees, boughs for
wreaths or decorations, and cones are exempt from
area restrictions.
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Creston area (Electoral Districts A, B and C of the
Central Kootenay Regional District) in addition to
the original control area that covered the Okanagan
and Similkameen Valleys.
Figure 1.2. Areas within BC that are regulated for Balsam Woolly Adelgid.
1-3 | P a g e
Importers are advised to send in their applications
outside the peak processing period (i.e., January to
Research Your Market
April) to avoid delays. Many permits are valid for Will my product(s) meet the plant health import
three years, so always keep track of their expiry requirements at my customers location? When
date. The CFIA does not advise clients prior to determining export requirements, the product to be
permit expiration and an importer must have a exported needs to be adequately described,
valid permit prior to importation. including:
Prior to clearance with Canada Customs, entry a) the common and scientific names (Genus,
documents must be presented to the CFIA. species),
b) whether the plants are shipped as propagative
Canadian Plant Protection or non-propagative material, and
Regulations c) if they are for planting, what form they are in,
i.e. cuttings, bareroot, balled & burlapped, pots,
There are plant protection regulations governing dormant, etc.
the movement of the following nursery stock into
BC from other countries and provinces. The CFIA is
responsible for the administration and enforcement Sources of Information
of the Plant Protection Act and regulations
a) the customer
thereunder. Copies of the policy directives that
describe the importation prohibitions or restrictions b) foreign government or authority
listed below are available on the Agencys web c) CFIA
d) customs brokers are licensed by the US
Contact the CFIA for information on quarantine Customs to transact customs business on behalf
areas, certification requirements, etc. for the of others. For a listing of companies, look up
importation regulations listed below. Customs Brokers in the Yellow PagesTM.
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b) assemble all products to be inspected and importation bond. However, since nursery stock is
certified, and ensure access to all portions of the duty free under the North American Free Trade
shipment; and Agreement, it may be more cost effective to make
consumption entry if the US Customs will permit.
c) designate a contact person to assist the
inspector. Informal Entry applies to most shipments of
products with a value equal to or less than $2,000
Marking of Goods (Canadian). Informal entries do not require
exporting forms, which is where most problems
It is required that the final consumer of the product arise when exporting product. The shipment will
must know the country of origin. Therefore, all require a phytosanitary certificate, an invoice, and a
goods that are capable of being marked must be CITES permit if there are any endangered plant
marked legibly and permanently with the English species in the shipment. Contact a Customs Broker
name of the country of origin, such as Made in to determine whether or not the product qualifies
Canada or Product of Canada. The outermost for informal entry.
container of the goods must be marked, if
applicable, in addition to each individual article. Regulations Pertaining to Foreign
The country of origin can be marked directly on the Vehicles Picking-up Nursery Stock
nursery container or on a tag applied to the
in BC
Out-of-province customers that wish to pick up
Shipping stock at a nursery in BC need to be licensed under
the International Registration Plan or the Canadian
There are eight common types of entry recognized Agreement on Vehicle Registration. If their vehicle
by the US Customs. Nursery stock is most is not licensed, the importer will need to get a non-
commonly shipped as a consumption entry, resident commercial permit. Permits may be
temporary importation bond, or as an informal obtained from any weigh scale station, appointed
entry. agent, or government agent. The cost of the permit
will be based on the gross vehicle weight and the
Consumption (Formal) Entry applies to product
duration of the permit (e.g. single trip or quarterly).
that enters for consumption and has a value in
excess of $2,000 (Canadian). This is the There are additional requirements, including the
predominate method of entry. Formal entries vehicles insurance must be on file with the
require a broker and a customs bond to protect the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC), and they must
importer if there is a problem with the entry. You either be a member of the International Fuel Tax
can obtain either a single transaction bond or a Agreement or have a Temporary Motive Fuel User
continuous bond. The continuous bond is good for Emblem. The temporary emblem can be purchased
numerous transactions for one full year and costs a at provincial weigh scales.
minimum of $50,000.
More information on these requirements is
Temporary Importation Bond applies to non- available from ICBC or you can contact the Pacific
consumable products that enter the US on a Weigh Station (604 538-1121; 800 559-9688), which
temporary basis. The products usually must leave is located three blocks north of the Pacific border
the US within one year. Display materials for a crossing.
trade show should be declared on a temporary
1-6 | P a g e
However, with greater calls for increased Manual and a description of the Phytosanitary
efficiencies and a demand by clients to reduce the Management System, which must include
costs associated with export certification, the procedures for sourcing plant material, maintaining
Agency has developed a collaborative program product identity, shipping certified material,
with nursery partners. The program certifies controlling non-conforming product, conducting
qualifying nurseries consistently producing internal audits, generating corrective action
products free of quarantine pests and substantially requests, improving and maintaining the
free of all other injurious pests (the quarantine Phytosanitary Management System. The CNCP
standard). Manual must also have a Pest Management Plan,
which is a written description of procedures or
Participating producers are required to define in a
processes designed to eradicate, control or suppress
CNCP Manual the procedures undertaken in the
pest populations to a level that meets the
nursery to meet the quarantine standard D-04-01.
phytosanitary standard.
The methods must assure the following: the
The Certification Manager or the Crop Protection
preclusion of specified pests; suggest the means by
Manager(s) must verify that export material meets
which the responsible parties within the nursery
the import requirements of the US (including
will inspect and verify that the products are free of
freedom from specific state quarantines).
pests; and a system by which records attesting to
these processes are retained. The Agency will Plant material entering the establishment must be
confirm compliance of the standard through verified free of pests and diseases.
regular audits of the nurserys production
The CNCP facilities will generate CNCP
Phytosanitary Certification Labels on site to include
with their export documentation for the US border.
Responsibilities of a Canadian Copies of the Phytosanitary certificate labels must
be retained. Ability to trace the label to all
Certified Nursery inspection, treatment and origin information is
The producer must ensure that all plants and plant required.
material, within the establishment and those
The Certification Manager must agree to inform the
destined for export, are free of quarantine pests and
Agency of any information regarding the presence
substantially free of all other injurious pests.
of a quarantine pest found in the establishment, or
The producer must employ a group of individuals on products entering the establishment or in transit
that includes a Certification Manager and a Crop to or at a sale destination.
Protection Manager.
The Certification Manager will be a member of the Responsibilities of the CFIA
facilitys management team, and must have a
thorough understanding of the CNCP and of the
under the Canadian Nursery
systems approach to mitigating pest risk. The Crop Certification Program
Protection Manager, whose education and training
The Agency evaluates the Phytosanitary
as established by the CFIA, assure(s) a minimum of
Management System and the Pest Management
knowledge of pest management, quarantine
Plan detailed in the CNCP manual. The
principles and regulatory requirements.
qualifications of the Certification Manager and the
The Crop Protection Manager(s) must conduct Crop Protection Manager are evaluated according
routine inspections of plant material within the to the Canadian Nursery Certification Program
establishment and of plant material being exported standard.
to the US. Results of the inspection and any
CFIA staff conducts audits to confirm adherence to
treatments conducted to eliminate pests must be
the Phytosanitary Management System and Pest
recorded and retained.
Management Plan, origin requirements and record
The Certification Manager must develop a CNCP maintenance as outlined in the CNCP manual.
Manual that outlines the production practices used
The Agency provides the results of audits to the
by the nursery to preclude pests. The CNCP
Certification Manager and the Crop Protection
Manual has two key components: the CNCP
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Chapter 2 - Field Culture
This chapter covers the basic principles of soil, water and nutrient management in field nursery production.
Some information is relevant to both field culture and container culture. However, it will only be covered in
this chapter, and will be referenced to in Chapter 3, Container Culture.
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size standards and bundled. Steps must be taken to the soil material. Soil texture is a permanent
prevent the root system from drying out. Heeling characteristic. Texture will not change unless a
in sawdust or holding in a humidified storage area large quantity of soil material of another texture is
will minimize desiccation. added to it, such as might occur during land
clearing or very deep plowing into subsoil of a
Soil Management different texture.
Problems related to soil texture are common. Stony
Good soil management begins before planting. soils may reduce the suitability for growing balled
Assess the soil conditions of each field and nursery stock. Stones can interfere with tillage and
understand the potential problems as a first step to digging operations, and will reduce the overall
planting a crop. Land may be inadequately nutrient and water storage capacity when they
drained, have shallow topsoil, have impermeable cover greater than 50% of the surface area or make
subsoil or be too steeply sloped for successful up more than 75% of the soil volume. Fine-textured
cropping. soils (silts and clays) are often subject to
compaction or drainage issues.
Use the following resources to help identify
potential problems:
Soil Structure
soil survey reports and maps (some are
In soil, individual sand, silt and clay particles
available online;
become more closely packed and bonded together
Ministry of Agriculture publications: Soil to form larger particles called aggregates. Soil
Management Handbook for the Lower Fraser Valley structure refers to the type and arrangement of
and Soil Management Handbook for the Okanagan aggregates found in soils. Aggregates occur in
and Similkameen Valleys; almost all soils, but their strengths, sizes and
shapes vary considerably among soil types. Some
specific sections in this guide; and
of these aggregates are in stable forms that are not
professional soil management consultants. easily broken down by water or physical forces. In
addition to the soil texture, the organic matter
The handbooks discuss general soil management
content can play a significant role in the
topics including: identification of soil texture and
development of good soil structure.
structure, tillage methods, recognition and reversal
of soil compaction, and issues related to soil The formation of soil structure results from many
conservation practices. Recommendations in all different processes, including the growth of plant
manuals, including this production guide, are roots, activities of soil organisms, wetting and
general guidelines only. Qualified soil management drying, freezing and thawing, and tillage. Plant
consultants are available on a fee-for-service basis roots excrete sugars and resins that bind aggregates
to give recommendations specific to each farm. or create pores in the soil when they die. Soil
Growers planning to plant a new parcel of land organisms also bind aggregates with glues or, as
should consult with a professional for in the case of earthworms, create channels that
recommendations on soil suitability and improve drainage and aeration.
management. Management includes advice on
Soil structure also affects the internal drainage of
nutrient management, irrigation and drainage.
the soil, water holding capacity, temperature and
Soil management problems are generally related to the growth of plant roots. In soils under cultivation,
soil texture, soil structure, drainage and erosion. most aggregates at the surface tend to break down
under the forces of rainfall, irrigation, tillage and
Soil Texture traffic. When soils are left exposed to rainfall or are
excessively cultivated under less than ideal
The mineral components in soil are simply small
moisture conditions, the result is the degradation of
fragments of rock or mineral materials derived
soil structure. Structure degradation leads to
from rock that were altered by water and chemical
crusting or puddling of the soil surface, or
reactions in the soil. Soil particles are grouped into
compaction deeper within or below the root zone.
four particle sizes: gravel, sand, silt and clay. In
This can lead to poor crop growth, poor drainage
describing soil, texture refers to the relative
and soil erosion.
percentages of sand, silt and clay sized particles in
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Maintaining Soil Structure - Soil should be added at the same time at a rate of 20-40
structure is the most important soil characteristic to kg/ha. Woodwaste should only be applied in the top
consider when managing soils as it is most affected 10 cm of the soil.
by farming practices. It also is one of the most Appropriate and Timely Tillage: When a tillage
important factors in crop growth, along with water operation is carried out, ask the following
and nutrients. The main objective in soil questions:
management is to promote and maintain good soil
structure that will be favorable to crop growth. What is the purpose of the tillage operation?
Soil structure degradation can be reversed by Is the timing of the tillage operation best for the
carefully using these cultural practices: soil moisture and weather conditions?
add organic matter from manure or compost; Is the tillage implement the best for the intended
use appropriate and timely tillage;
Tillage is used to:
protect the soil surface by using cover crops; prepare a suitable planting bed;
bury or incorporate crop residues, fertilizers,
encourage beneficial soil fauna such as lime, manure or other soil amendments;
kill weeds; and
Adding Organic Matter: Managing soil organic
matter is integral to sound soil management and is a form raised planting beds.
key to long-term productive field operations, There are two groups of tillage implements.
particularly where significant quantities of topsoil are Primary tillage implements such as plows, discs,
removed over time. Organic matter confers structure subsoilers and rotary spaders are used to break soil,
to soil, increases water holding capacity and is a major reverse compaction and incorporate residues.
source of phosphorus, sulphur and the primary source Secondary tillage implements such as cultivators,
of nitrogen. Numerous, readily available soil harrows and rotovators are used to prepare
amendments can be applied to the land. Use of planting beds and incorporate soil amendments.
amendments can increase the level of organic Secondary implements can have a large impact on
matter in the soil. However, the nutrient content of soil structure by breaking soil aggregates.
these materials must be considered before use.
Added nutrients from manure or compost must The effects of tillage vary with soil type. Medium to
match the crops nutritional requirements. fine textured soils are the most susceptible to
structural damage. Attention should be paid to the
Rates and times of manure application must be moisture content of such soils prior to plowing,
considered, as well as the nutrient requirement of the discing and cultivating. Repeated plowing to the same
nursery crop, the soil characteristics (e.g. drainage and depth may form a compacted layer that can impede
slope of land) and the presence of surface and ground water and root penetration. Many nursery operators
waters. Manure should, in most cases, not be applied rely on the conventional rototiller for tillage, residue
to bare land due to the potential to leach and/or incorporation and/or for weed control between
volatilize. Based on soil test results, a light manure nursery rows. Too much cultivation with
application may be applied in late summer if it is rototiller/rotovators will pulverize the soil and
followed (after approximately 1 week) by seeding a compact the subsoil over time. Avoid slow tractor
winter cover crop, which will act to catch the speeds that result in excessive pulverizing of the soil.
nutrients. When manure is used, fertilization rates An alternative tillage implement that is not as
should be reduced. For more information on manure deleterious to soil structure is the spading machine.
application rates and considerations, contact your local
Ministry of Agriculture office. Using Cover Crops: Cover crops have many
benefits in addition to improving soil structure.
Compost applications are another option that adds Refer to the section on Cover Crops on page 12.
humus to the soil with the advantage of not tying up
nutrients. Non-composted materials should not be Encourage Beneficial Soil Insects: There are many
used, as they will cause nutrient tie-ups (e.g. nitrogen). soil insects and other fauna that can assist in
In order to avoid this, urea or an ammonium salt maintenance and improvement of soil structure.
Worms can create drainage passages that move
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water and air through the soil. Bacteria, fungi and tonnes per hectare per year. In long duration
worms can improve soil fertility and nutrient rainfall events, as much as 55% of the rain runs off
availability. The quantity of beneficial fauna in the the field.
in the soil can be increased by the addition of
Wind erosion is most serious on light, sandy soils
organic matter (manure/compost), use of cover
that are left bare over the winter. Wind erosion has
crops and crop rotations. Reduced tillage can
been a serious problem on the Sumas Prairie
maintain or improve worm populations and benefit
during winter outflow wind conditions. Wind
the survival of mycorrhizae colonies that provide
erosion can occur on most soils if the surface soil
nutrients such as phosphorous to plants.
layer is dry, unprotected and has poor structure.
Drainage Erosion Control - Where possible, use the
Most nursery crops require moderately to well- following practices to minimize the loss of soil by
drained soils with at least 0.5 m unrestricted water or wind erosion. Although any of the listed
rooting depth for successful cropping. Many practices will help control erosion, the best control
lowland soils in BC have poor natural drainage is achieved by using as many of the practices
with a high water table during the fall, winter and together that are appropriate.
spring. These soils often need a subsurface and Water erosion:
regional drainage system to remove excess water
from the rooting zone for crop production. drainage systems (refer to the section on Water
Soil in upland areas may have a hardpan within 0.5
m of the surface. In most cases, this hardpan will contour planting (across the slope);
not allow the soils to drain during the fall, winter winter cover cropping; and
and spring. Such soils require a subsurface
drainage system to remove excess water from the permanent cover cropping on field roads, field
rooting zone. Hardpan soils may also require deep margins and water runs.
tillage with a subsoiling implement. Wind erosion (these slow the wind speed at the
Refer to the Water Management section in this crop or soil surface):
chapter for more information on drainage. windbreaks (e.g. tree rows, snow fences or
crop residue (should be anchored to the soil);
Topsoil is valuable and very difficult to replace. and
Sediments entering watercourses can cause
negative impacts to fish and to drainage systems. cover cropping.
Winter cereals will usually grow slowly over the Some specific varieties of cover crops have been
winter, producing the majority of their growth in reported to suppress pests or increase the
the spring. These crops tend to be more resistant to population of beneficial insects. Others may be
damage from waterfowl grazing than either spring useful for specialized conditions or specific soil
cereals or any of the legumes or brassicas. management concerns. Table 2.2 lists the best types,
Overwintering cereals may require a change in seeding rates and planting dates for cover crops
nitrogen management practices as they tend to used in nursery crop production.
release any trapped nitrogen late in the summer.
Table 2.2. Recommended seeding rate and planting dates for various cover crops.
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Spring Management of Cover Crops - subsurface component. Both must be well
For spring cereal crops, crop residues can be disced, planned, installed and maintained to be effective.
or disced and plowed, depending on the amount of Subsurface drainage with a functioning outlet is
residue. Chop heavy residues first to prevent the the best way to control water on most soils.
formation of a mat of under-decomposed residue. Lightweight, continuous, flexible, perforated
plastic drainpipe is used. On sloping land, porous
Winter cereal crops or cover crops that survive the surface or blind inlets may be needed to lead
winter should be mowed or killed with a broad water to the subsurface drains in order to reduce
spectrum herbicide before plowing down. If large overland flow and erosion. On sandy soils,
amounts of plant material are to be turned under, geotextile filters are needed around the perforated
apply a light application of manure or 20-30 kg/ha pipe to prevent sand from clogging the drain tube.
of fertilizer nitrogen to speed decomposition. Filters should not be used on organic soils.
Chop and incorporate the crop residue with a disc
prior to plowing. Rotovating or plowing alone is Plastic drain pipe is quickly installed by drainage
not recommended. contractors using specialized equipment.
Installation depth and spacing differs with fields
Water Management and is mainly based on the climatic conditions and
soil type. Pumps are sometimes needed in low-
Water management is an essential part of nursery lying areas that lack gravity outlets.
production. Plant growth and yield can potentially
Drainage systems must be maintained. This
be optimum when a reasonable measure of water
includes periodic cleaning of drainpipes, outlets
control is achieved in the soil. Too little or too
and ditches, and careful in-field soil management.
much water can result in crop losses as natural
Soil conservation and best management practices
conditions rarely satisfy crop needs. In some cases,
should be followed to reduce the need for ditch
water is also required for pest control or nutrient
cleaning and to avoid damage to soil tilth.
application. Water quality must be considered
because unsuitable water can impact nursery crop Agricultural ditches are often connected to
growth and quality. channels and streams that contain fish and have
good fish habitat. Producers must follow the
Drainage Drainage Management Guide when conducting
channel maintenance.
Removing excess water in spring, fall and winter
is usually necessary in South Coastal BC and, to a The BC Agricultural Drainage Manual provides
lesser degree, in some Interior areas. In the more information and details on installing a
Interior, drainage is frequently required for subsurface drainage system.
reclamation and control of soil salinity and
alkalinity. Many coastal floodplain areas can also Irrigation
benefit from drainage to reduce or remove saline In almost all parts of the province, the natural
salts. Drainage systems give the following rainfall is not sufficient for at least part of the
benefits: growing season to replace water lost from the soil
increased trafficability, due to evaporation or crop usage. At these times,
irrigation can result in higher yields and, in some
extended crop season,
cases, prevent crop failure. Irrigation is especially
increased crop yields due to improved nutrient necessary in new plantings where plants have
uptake, small and shallow root systems.
improved aeration of the root zone,
Irrigation systems include drainage systems used
warmer soil temperatures, for subirrigation, trickle and drip and various
crop protection from drown-out and certain forms of sprinkler irrigation. All have their own
seedling and root diseases, merits. The systems must be properly designed,
control of water erosion, and installed and maintained to be effective. Efficient
delivery and distribution systems conserve water
increased land values. and save on power and fertilizers. Applying too
Drainage systems usually have a surface and a much water or having leaky pipes may lead to soil
2-14 | P a g e
erosion, reduced production and higher operating
costs. Over-application of water will also result in
Water Quality for Irrigation
leaching of nutrients such as nitrogen and boron. Irrigation water comes from surface or
Check and repair or replace pipes, pumps and groundwater sources. In many areas, ditch water
sprinklers on a regular basis. The Irrigation is used for irrigation. Ditch water may contain
Industry Association of BC (IIABC) certifies high levels of micro-organisms, salts, metals or
irrigation system designers and companies that organic compounds that can affect crop
can provide efficient plans and products to performance or quality. Some groundwater
growers. The Association can be contacted at 604 sources may also contain high levels of ions or
859-8222 or by email at [email protected]. nutrients that may impact crop performance.
A water license is required to use irrigation water Water quality should be checked at a laboratory
from surface water sources. Licenses can be before planting a crop. If the crop is established,
obtained from the BC Ministry of Environment. check the water before applying to the crop. Water
Groundwater is not licensed at the present time. tests should assess salt levels (both electrical
For more information on irrigation system design, conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio), pH,
operation and maintenance, refer to Ministry of metals, nutrients, possible toxic elements and
Agriculture factsheets or to the BC Trickle Irrigation coliforms (see Table 2.3). Also check the levels of
or Sprinkler Irrigation manuals that are available bicarbonate (HCO3), calcium and magnesium.
from the IIABC. For information on irrigation High levels will cause precipitates to form on the
system assessments, irrigation scheduling, water crop or possibly plug a drip irrigation system. The
and energy conservation, and other beneficial BC Sprinkler Irrigation Manual and the BC Trickle
management practices, refer to the BC Irrigation Irrigation Manual provide further information on
Management Guide that is available from the IIABC. irrigation water quality guidelines. Table 3.9
shows the acceptable levels of specific elements in
Chemigation irrigation water.
Chemigation refers to the injection and application The presence of plant-available nutrients in the
of pesticides or fertilizers (fertigation) through an greenhouse water supply does not usually present a
irrigation system. Growers who have solid set problem, unless they exceed the amounts normally
sprinkler or trickle irrigation systems may use fed to plants. However, they must be taken into
chemigation as a method of applying nutrients. account when formulating nutrient solutions. Certain
However, pesticides must be registered for fertilizer materials, such as phosphoric acid, will react
application through an irrigation system. Check at high concentrations with dissolved calcium, iron
the label to make sure this method can be used to and magnesium to form insoluble precipitates that
apply a specific pesticide. Prior to injecting may clog drippers. The risk of precipitates forming is
fertilizers or other chemicals into an irrigation high for water that contains greater than 50 mg/L of
system, proper safety procedures must be calcium and magnesium, or greater than 1.5 mg/L of
followed. The booklet Chemigation Guidelines for iron. Water supplies high in calcium and magnesium
British Columbia provides information on injection may not be suited for use in mist systems due to the
rate calculations and safety considerations. accumulation of unsightly mineral residues on plant
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Table 2.3. Water quality evaluation characteristics.
Characteristic Level that indicates contaminated Concern
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) > 40 for small streams or Danger to fish stocks
> 60 for larger streams
Total Iron (Fe) > 3 mg/L Crop staining
Nitrate (NO3-N) > 5 mg/L Danger to human health
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) > 75 mg/L Danger to fish stocks
Ammonia (NH4-N) > 10 15 mg/L Danger to fish stocks
(depends on pH and temperature)
Fecal Coliform a) > 100 CFU/100 mL a) Reduced crop quality
b) > 0 CFU/100 mL b) Danger to human health
(CFU = colony forming units)
Tannin and Lignin (resin acids) > 9 g/L TRA or Danger to fish stocks
> 80 g/L DHA Crop staining
(TRA = total resin acids)
(DHA = dehydroabietic acid)
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Table 2.4. Suggested standards of soil fertility for growing woody plants in field production nurseries.
Mark the locations on a field map where Tissue analysis is a method to determine nutrient
samples are to be collected. Avoid non-uniform imbalances within a plant. Based on the results,
areas. corrective actions can be implemented. If nutrient
deficiencies are experienced, foliar feeding can be
Take 10 to 20 individual samples to a depth of
an effective, short-term solution for micronutrient
15 cm (6 in) for most nutrients. Sample to 30 cm
deficiencies. Foliar feeding is not effective for
(12 in) when sampling for nitrate-nitrogen in the
macronutrient deficiencies, since the amount of
fall for report card testing. Try to collect a
fertilizer required to correct macronutrient
uniform sample width through the entire 1-15
deficiencies is more than can be supplied.
cm (or 30 cm) profile. Purposefully designed soil
samplers remove a core about 2.5 cm (1 in) Correct sampling is important. Before collecting a
wide. sample, contact the lab for advice on how to collect
a good tissue sample. The following is a basic guide
Thoroughly mix the soil in the collecting pail.
to taking plant tissue samples:
Put about 300 mL (~1 cup) of the mixed soil into
Sample using clean hands or use plastic gloves.
a clean plastic bag or box.
Select about 50 fully expanded leaves midway
Store the sample in a cooler until it is taken to along the current years shoot growth for
the laboratory. deciduous and broadleaf evergreens.
Several private laboratories conduct soil testing in Select about 20 (10 cm long) shoots of current
BC. Where possible, use local laboratories as they year growth for conifers. For pines, spruces and
have knowledge of local conditions to conduct the firs remove the needles from the twigs and
appropriate analyses and give correct submit only the needles for analysis.
recommendations. Use the same laboratory each Sometimes the damaged portion of the leaf is
year for consistent interpretations and very small, such as with marginal necrosis. If
recommendations. the entire leaf was analyzed the nutrient
deficiency or toxicity in the leaf margins could
Plant Tissue Testing (Foliar be masked due to nutrient levels in the rest of
the leaf. In such cases, it is recommended to
Analysis) only collect tissue from the damaged portions of
Foliar analysis may be the best way to determine if the leaf.
a crop is experiencing a nutritional problem. It
Collect as little woody material as possible.
measures the nutrient content of plant tissue and,
Woody tissue is relatively low in nutrients and
when used to compare "good growth" with "poor
therefore will reduce the nutrient levels detected
growth", can be an excellent diagnostic tool. It can
in the sample.
be used for both field and container-grown stock.
Rinse foliage in clean water if it is dirty,
Nutrient levels vary widely with age. The best time
otherwise submit as is.
to take tissue samples is in July and August.
Samples may be taken at other times of the year, if Samples should be kept cool and delivered to
nutrient deficiency symptoms appear. the laboratory as soon as possible. If they cannot
2-17 | P a g e
be delivered immediately, air-dry the samples
and ship in paper bags to avoid spoilage.
Record Keeping
For the most effective nutrient management
As mentioned above, it is important to submit
program, it is essential to keep track of soil and
samples from healthy and affected plants.
tissue testing results along with all information
Table 2.5. Average nutrient contents in leaves of healthy
about the rates, type and timing of fertilizer,
and nutrient deficient trees. manure or soil amendment applications. Other
observations on crop growth, yield, quality and
Nutrient Healthy Nutrient Deficiency weather during the growing season are also useful.
Foliage Symptoms
(dry weight) (dry weight) Use test strips (checks or control strips) to test
Nitrogen 1.5 % - changes in a nutrient management program. Then
Phosphorus 0.12 0.15 % < 0.09 0.1 %
the old practice can be compared to the new
practice to see if the crop is affected. This
comparison can only be made when the old and
conifer 0.4 1.0 % < 0.2 0.4 % new practices are evaluated under the same field
broadleaf 1.0 1.5 % < 0.6 1.0 % and management conditions.
Calcium 1.5 % -
Magnesium 0.1 0.2 % < 0.08 % Calculation of Fertilizer Rates
Sulfur 0.2 % < 0.15 % Fertilizers are labelled by percentage according to
Boron 15 100 g/g < 15 g/g their guaranteed minimum analysis of nitrogen
Copper 5 15 g/g < 4 g/g (N), phosphate (P2O5), potash (K2O), and other
Iron 40 100 g/g 25 40 g/g nutrients that may be present. Five 20 kg bags (100
Manganese 50+ g/g 5 40 (usually < 20) kg total) of 12-51-0 contain 12% nitrogen (12 kg N),
g/g 51% phosphate (51 kg P2O5), and no potash (0 kg
Molybdenum 0.05 0.15 g/g - K2O). The rest of the material in the five bags is
other elements that are part of the fertilizer
Zinc 12 80 g/g 5 20 g/g
compounds carrying the nitrogen, phosphate, and
Source: Diseases of Trees and Shrubs, 1987. Sinclair,
potash. See below for sample fertilizer calculations
Lyon and Johnson.
for field crops.
B. The amount of nutrient applied by a fertilizer = (fertilizer applied X fertilizer analysis) 100
Amount of fertilizer applied = 225 kg/ha
Fertilizer analysis = 13-16-10
Amount of N supplied = (225 kg/ha X 13) 100 = 29 kg N/ha
2-18 | P a g e
Methods of Fertilizer Table 2.6. Primary nutrients in common fertilizers.
2-19 | P a g e
reduced or eliminated by ensuring that the years phosphorus supply may be applied with one
fertilizer is well covered with moist soil. Losses are early spring application. Surface application
minimized by banding, immediate incorporation without incorporation is the least efficient way to
after broadcasting, irrigation following application use phosphorus fertilizer. In some soils,
or broadcasting onto moist soil in cool weather. phosphorus becomes tied-up if the pH is below
6.0 or above 7.5.
Slow release forms of fertilizer have the same
reactions in the soil as non-slow release forms, once Note: In general, very little phosphorous leaches
the nitrogen is released. The slow release from the soil, unless soil phosphate levels are
mechanism, whether it is a capsule like sulphur excessively high. Phosphorous can also be lost in
coating or a blend like a polymer, is designed to soil sediment during erosion.
overcome problems with nitrogen losses and
availability. Potassium (K)
Nitrate nitrogen is not held by the soil and can be Potassium fertilizers are all simple potassium salts,
leached by water. Leaching losses of nitrate- such as potassium chloride, potassium sulphate,
nitrogen are most severe in sandy soils, in areas potassium-magnesium sulphate or potassium
with high rainfall, and under intense irrigation. nitrate. All are readily water-soluble. Potassium is
Some nitrate-nitrogen may be converted to gases adsorbed to some extent to organic matter and clay
that escape into the atmosphere. This frequently minerals. However, it is subject to leaching,
occurs in wet soils during fall, winter and spring. especially in sandy soils. Potassium should be
applied in split applications over the season. More
Nitrogen should be surface applied in the spring potassium will be required in sandy relative to clay
each year. The actual rate of application varies with soils.
the amount available in the soil, the soil
environment, the plant type and size, and the
objective of the grower. A rate of 150 200 kg N/ha Secondary Nutrients
is suggested but can be modified with experience. The level of magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) in the
Higher rates are used in areas of intensive soil may be deficient for good crop growth. Soil
production, particularly deciduous stock at close and tissue testing are the only accurate ways to
spacing. Lower rates are used on more extensive determine if they are lacking. A number of
field plantings and slow-growing conifers or first fertilizers are available that contain sulphur or
year transplants. The total amount of nitrogen magnesium. Calcium (Ca) is rarely deficient in soils
should be divided into 2-3 applications. Apply the since it is a component of agricultural lime and
first and largest installment in early spring, either many common fertilizers.
before new growth begins or just after planting.
Spread the remaining smaller application(s) over
the next 3-4 months. Do not apply nitrogen after
August 15 on the Coast and July 15 in the Interior, Micronutrients are required only in very small
as induced late growth may suffer winter injury. amounts by plants, yet the quantity of iron (Fe),
Slow release forms of nitrogen fertilizer can be manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and boron
used. More nitrogen will be required in sandy (B) in the soil can be insufficient for optimum crop
relative to clay soils. production. It is important to ensure that
micronutrient fertilizers are applied at the correct
Phosphorus (P) rate. High levels of micronutrients, especially boron
and manganese, are toxic to plants. Soil and/or
All phosphorus fertilizers are phosphate salts. They tissue testing are the only accurate ways to
are water soluble, but tend to form insoluble determine if these elements are lacking. If they are
compounds when incorporated into the soil. Unlike needed, micronutrients can be added to blended
nitrogen and potassium, phosphorus does not fertilizers and applied along with the routine
readily move in the soil. It tends to remain where it fertilizer program. Alternatively, micronutrients
is placed. Therefore, it is important to place can be applied in irrigation water (fertigation) or
phosphorus fertilizer in the rooting zone of the with a crop sprayer (foliar feed). Foliar sprays often
crop before the crop is established, or to band it give fast response but they should not be applied at
next to the roots in the established crop. An entire higher than recommended concentrations or crop
2-20 | P a g e
damage may result. Use enough water to wet the most available to the plants, providing other factors
foliage and apply under slow drying weather are favourable. If the soil pH is incorrect, it will
conditions. affect nutrient availability. For example, at a high
soil pH iron is less available and will lead to iron
Boron deficiency can cause a wide variety of
abnormalities in crops. Fertilizers that include
boron can be obtained in most areas. Caution: Do
not exceed the recommended amount of boron per
Soil pH
hectare as it may cause plant injury. If boron- Soil pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.
deficiency symptoms occur during the growing Soil pH is very important because it affects the
season, boron can be applied as a foliar spray. availability of nutrients to the plant. Most nursery
Apply Borospray, Solubor or Borax at crops do not respond to fertilization when the pH is
manufacturers directions. In the Interior, boron very low (extremely acid soils, pH less than 5.0) or
should be applied in the fall. At the Coast, it should very high (extremely alkaline soils, pH above 7.5).
be applied in the spring where a need for it has
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and
been shown.
molybdenum are the nutrients that are most likely
Nutrient Deficiencies to be deficient under acid soil conditions. Test the
soil to determine pH before planting and every 2-3
A nutrient deficiency can cause plant growth to be years to monitor changes. Soil pH can usually be
chlorotic (= yellowing), necrotic (= browning) modified to obtain a suitable pH for good nursery
abnormal, stunted, cracked, or a combination of field production.
these symptoms. Table 2.7 provides a summary of
the typical symptoms associated with specific Raising Soil pH
nutrient deficiencies. When diagnosing nutritional Soils in South Coastal BC are typically acidic and
problems it is important to observe whether the modification of soil pH is not required for most
symptoms occur on new or old leaves. This will acid-loving nursery crops. Lime application to raise
provide evidence to determine whether the soil pH is usually required, however, for species
deficiency id due to a mobile or non-mobile that are not acid-loving. When the soil pH is not
nutrient. Mobile nutrients can move from older known, a soil test should be performed.
tissues to new growth, and therefore deficiency
symptoms will occur first on old growth. In Agricultural grade limestone (calcium carbonate,
contrast, non-mobile nutrients will not move from CaCO3) is generally recommended to correct soil
old to young growth, and deficiency symptoms acidity. For the Fraser Valley, the general
develop first on young growth. application rate is 1-2 tonnes/ha/yr (400-800
kg/acre) for pH sensitive crops. Rates higher than
The nutrient required may be present in the soil but 2-4 tonnes (800-1,600 kg/acre) are not
unavailable to the plants because of weather or soil recommended due to soil reactivity and the
conditions. Some nutrients will slow down the difficulty of incorporation. Lime should not be
uptake of other nutrients unless they are present in applied within 1 week of applying nitrogen
the correct proportion (Table 3.7 lists nutrient fertilizer or manure, since the high soil pH that
deficiencies that can occur when specific nutrients occurs shortly after liming will increase the loss of
are available in excess). For example, excess levels ammonia.
of potassium or calcium can lead to symptoms of
magnesium deficiency (e.g. interveinal chlorosis of If calcium levels are low, gypsum or fertilizers such
older leaves) because they interfere with as calcium nitrate may also be used to supply
magnesium uptake by roots. Excess fertilizer may calcium, rather than using lime. Gypsum (CaSO4) is
also cause leaf burn or stunted growth. not a liming agent and will not increase soil pH.
All nutrients have a pH range at which they are
2-21 | P a g e
Table 2.7. Diagnosing plant nutrient deficiency symptoms.
Gradation of colour from yellow to dark green at the midribs, often not a Manganese
sharp distinction between yellow and green areas; leaves may develop
brown or purple spots, and become necrotic
Terminal growth stunted, forming a rosette Zinc
B. Older leaves
Upward curling along leaf margins; mid-rib areas remain green Magnesium
Overall Leaf Chlorosis
A. Occurs first on young leaves
Associated with leaf wilting Chlorine
Stunting and lack of vigour; distorted whiptail leaves or leaf scorch Molybdenum
Slow, spindly growth; leaves may turn beige Sulphur
B. Occurs first on older leaves
Leaves may become necrotic; stunted, slow, spindly growth Nitrogen
Plants Dark Green With Purple Coloration of Older Leaves
Slow growth; stunted plants; older leaves turn chlorotic, then necrotic Phosphorus
Necrotic Spots on Margins or Tips of Older Leaves
Weak stems and stalks that fall over easily; slow growth; small flowers Potassium
Improves conditions for availability of other Excessive use of lime may cause nutrient
nutrients, notably phosphorus and some minor imbalances, so lime should be used in
elements. conjunction with a planned soil testing and
fertilizer program.
Reduces the toxicity of some elements such as
manganese and aluminum. Increases rate of organic matter depletion.
2-22 | P a g e
Forms of Lime Used Lowering Soil pH
Calcium oxide: quicklime, caustic lime, burnt lime. Sometimes it is advantageous to lower or acidify
Not recommended for use on agricultural land. the soil pH. In Interior areas, alkaline mineral soils
may need to be acidified for nursery crop
Calcium hydroxide: hydrate or slaked lime should
only be used as a spring application for rapid
results. Excessive rates above 1,100 kg/ha (450 The principal materials used to lower soil pH are
kg/acre) may be quite caustic and burn out elemental sulphur, sulphuric acid, aluminum
organic matter. Only occasional use is sulphate and iron sulphate (ferrous sulphate).
recommended on agricultural land. Ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate and
other ammonium containing fertilizers are also
Ground limestone: calcium carbonate
quite effective when the soil receives sufficient
(agricultural lime) is the most convenient
water, though they are primarily sources of plant
form to handle. It may be applied at any time of
the year. Ground limestone dissolves slowly
and lasts longer in the soil. (Usually gray lime For large areas, elemental sulphur is probably the
material, sold in bulk in South Coastal BC.) most economical product to use. The finer ground
the sulphur, the more quickly it will react in the soil
Ground dolomite: calcium-magnesium carbonate
to lower the pH. Flower sulphur is very fine
may be substituted for ordinary limestone.
(powder) and reacts relatively quickly. Solid
Notes: sulphur prills (granules) are less finely ground and
therefore react more slowly and they are more
Fineness of grind is very important. Finer grinds
convenient to apply. Finely ground sulphur is
(100 mesh and above) react in soil much quicker
sometimes available in prills that contain a mixture
than coarse grinds (10-100 mesh). Very coarse
of flower sulphur and bentonite clay that improves
limestone (less than 10 mesh) is not
the handling, stability and safety of the material.
recommended. Some coarse material is desirable
to facilitate lime handling. Excessively fine Soil test laboratories can, by request, determine
material will not flow readily and is subject to total soil acid and calculate the sulphur required to
wind drift during spreading. attain a desired pH. As a general recommendation
apply the equivalent of 2 tonnes/ha (800 kg/acre)
Lime does not move through the soil it must
in a band where the planting beds will be formed.
be incorporated.
Gypsum (CaSO4) is not a liming agent. It will
not increase soil pH, and under certain
conditions it is used to lower pH.
Table 2.8. Soil conductivity readings (derived from field soil samples using a 2:1 water and soil paste mixture).
2-23 | P a g e
Soluble Salts in Soil in an environmentally sound manner. Growers are
encouraged to take advantage of the Canada-BC
Elevated salt levels in soils will interfere with water
Environmental Farm Plan Program. Farmers
uptake by plants and eventually crop growth. The participating in this program will gain more
effects range from delayed or non-germination of
detailed information on a range of environmental
seed to death of new transplants and serious issues including proper use of manure and
reduction in growth of new or established plants
woodwastes. See the section on Environmental Farm
(see Table 2.8). Most soils in BC are low in soluble Plans at the end of this chapter.
salts. However, there are regions where salts can
accumulate, such as lowland areas adjacent to The Code requires that agricultural waste,
ocean dykes, areas where salt-water intrusion may particularly manures, be kept in a storage facility or
affect irrigation water, alkali seep areas in the covered if not used immediately. The storage must
Interior and areas where road salts or fertilizer salts prevent escape of manure to the environment that
have accumulated. The problem with soluble salts could cause pollution. Manure may be stored
is most severe when soil moisture is low and salt uncovered in the field for up to 2 weeks prior to
concentration is high. use. Manure may be stored in the field for up to 9
months if it is kept in a temporary storage facility
that prevents the escape of nutrients to the
Manure and Waste environment, e.g. securely covered with a tarp on a
Management dry site. Areas of the Province, including the Lower
Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island regions, that
The storage and use of livestock manure and receive total average precipitation greater than 600
agricultural vegetation wastes is covered by the mm (24 inches) from October 1 to April 30
Code of Agricultural Practice for Waste Management. inclusive, must cover field stored solid agricultural
This Code is part of the Agriculture Waste Control wastes (except vegetation waste). The field storage
Regulation under the Environmental Management facility must be 30 meters from a watercourse or a
Act. The Code describes general practices for the water source used for domestic purposes.
use, storage and management of agricultural waste
2-24 | P a g e
Nutrient Value of Manure Using Manure as a Soil
Manures supply plant food over a period of time. Conditioner
Table 2.9 shows the typical amount of nutrients Manure is primarily considered a fertilizer as their
supplied in various types of livestock manure. Note carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) is typically less than
the moisture and nutrient content varies as a result 30:1. However, manures with a C:N greater than
of storage method, litter content, and/or the age of 30:1 can be used as a soil conditioner if its nutrient
manure. The nitrogen values given in Table 2.9 are content is known and no more is applied than the
for total nitrogen. For all types of manure, the crop requires for nutrients. Using manure together
amount of nitrogen that is available to the crop with cover crops can improve soil structure. The
after it is applied may vary from the value listed in decomposition of the manure in the presence of
the table. Incorporate all manures (solid or liquid) cover crop roots stimulates biological activity, and
within 12-24 hours of spreading to reduce ammonia increases aeration, permeability and water-holding
volatilization and to achieve the greatest benefit capacity of the soil. Do not apply manure to bare
from the manure nutrients. Nitrogen losses after ground in the fall or winter (mid-September to
spreading range from less than 10% if the manure March 1) or if the field will not be seeded within
is incorporated soon after spreading, to as much as two weeks. Manure may be applied in February, or
50% if the manure is left on the soil surface. later, to fields that have a well-established and
Have the manure tested for nutrient content prior actively growing cover crop.
to farm delivery to ensure that the volume (of
manure) and nutrient concentrations match your Applying Manure
crops needs. The nutrient content will not change Under the Code, manure can only be applied to
significantly if the manure is kept covered by either land as a fertilizer or soil conditioner.
a roof or a tarp. If a manure test is unavailable, the
table values can be used but they may require In South Coastal BC, apply manure to field crops
adjustment of moisture content for the manure to between mid-March and early July. Be sure that the
be used. amount of manure applied is no more than what is
needed to fertilize the crop. Manure can be applied
Nutrient applications from all sources, including to a cover crop between July and October if, based
manure and commercial fertilizer, should be on a soil test, the application rate matches the
balanced to meet the crop requirements for crops nutrient requirements.
nutrients. The release of nutrients from manure is
not consistent. Therefore, in any year manure In the Interior of BC, spread manure only when
should only be used to supply up to 75% of the there is no risk of run-off. Manure should not be
crops nitrogen requirement. About 50% of the applied to frozen or snow-covered ground. Manure
phosphorus in manure is readily available in the may be applied in the fall if the application rate is
year it is applied. Where manure has been used equivalent to the crops nutrient requirements and
repeatedly, phosphorus is assumed to be 100% there is a cover crop in place.
available. All potassium from manure is available
in the year of application. Determining the Amount of
The availability of the nitrogen in composted Manure to Spread on the Field
manure is typically lower than raw manure
To spread manure as a fertilizer the following must
because the nitrogen is held in a more stable form
be known:
by the organic matter of the compost. Composted
manure may be expensive for large-scale field the nitrogen content of the manure,
production. The benefits of using composted
the amount of nitrogen supplied by the manure,
manure include reduced nitrogen loss through
volatilization and its usefulness as a supplement or the capacity of the manure spreader,
replacement for other organic matter in plant
the nitrogen needs of the crop, and
the number of spreader loads of manure per
area in the field.
2-25 | P a g e
Follow the steps below to calculate the amount of from the woodwaste must not enter ground or
manure to spread. surface water. Woodwaste must not be used as
landfill. It is generally accepted that the depth of
Note: This is a simplified scenario that may be
woodwaste should be limited to 30 cm. This is the
suitable if soil tests do not show excessive levels of
depth that it can be readily incorporated into the
phosphorous (P) and potassium (K). If soil P + K
levels are excessive, a nutrient management plan is
recommended to help better determine how much Nursery producers intending to use woodwaste as
manure should be spread on a field. a soil amendment should have a plan to manage
the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the soil after
Additional Precautions woodwaste application. Smaller particles
breakdown more rapidly placing a higher demand
Concerns have been raised over the potential
on the soil for nitrogen. Large particles are harder
contamination of watercourses with constituents of
to manage from a tillage standpoint.
manure. Water in ditches is often used for
irrigation and crop washing, so its quality is
important. Nursery growers are encouraged to use
Composting Nursery Green
best management practices to avoid direct Wastes
discharge or run-off losses of manure into
In most cases nursery crop growers will not
watercourses. This concern applies not only to the
produce a large amount of compostable material if
nutrient and solid fractions, but also to the
the operation is solely field-grown stock. Prunings
potential pathogens that may exist in animal
and dead plant material is normally assimilated
into the soil during cultivation for weed control or
nutrient application. When larger quantities of
Non-Agricultural Wastes green waste from prunings or diseased plants are
(Biosolids, Whey, Yard Waste, accumulated, then composting may be the best on-
site approach to manage these wastes.
Pulp Sludge, Fish Waste, etc.) Growers who operate container operations or have
Caution: Many wastes generated off-farm are being container stock are more likely to have green
offered, or sold to farmers for use as a fertilizer or wastes from propagation, pruning, dead plants and
soil conditioner. The use of all agricultural wastes is old or unused media which must be managed. In
covered by the Environmental Management Act in some cases growers may have agreements with
BC. Use of these materials may be allowed under landscape companies to use yard and garden waste
Regulation or an authorization under the Act. generated during landscape maintenance as a
Many of these materials can provide benefits to the substrate for compost at the nursery.
soil or crop. However, they come with
In all cases the material produced is generally
characteristics or contaminants that can be
characterized as "Yard and Garden Waste" in
undesirable to growers.
composting reference material. It can have a wide
range of carbon to nitrogen ratios and a wide range
Woodwaste of particle sizes and moisture content. Yard waste
Woodwaste (as defined under the Code of consists of a variety of different materials, each of
Agricultural Practice for Waste Management) includes which has its own characteristics and requirements.
hog fuel, mill ends, wood chips, bark and sawdust, When combining different materials such as leaves,
but does not include demolition waste, grass clippings, prunings or growing media to
construction waste, tree stumps, branches, logs or make compost, the concept of carbon to nitrogen
log ends. Under the Code, woodwaste can be used ratios is critical. The ideal proportion of these two
as a plant mulch, soil conditioner, ground cover, elements is about 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen
and on-farm access ways as long as the storage or by weight, although this ratio may need to be
use of the woodwaste does not cause pollution. adjusted based on the bioavailability of carbon and
This means that any leachate or particulate matter nitrogen.
2-26 | P a g e
Calculating Manure Applications
Step 1. Determine the nitrogen content of the manure.
Refer to Table 2.8 for typical total nitrogen contents of various types of livestock manure. Use these values if a
laboratory or quick test value is not available. Nitrogen comes in several forms in manure. The amount of
nitrogen in manure also varies and is subject to many management and environmental conditions that can
result in nitrogen losses.
Step 2. Calculate the approximate amount of nitrogen supplied by the manure (kg N/yd 3).
Losses of nitrogen upon application of manure can range from less than 20% if manure is incorporated within
24 hours, to over 50% by volatilization if the manure is left on the soil surface. Volatilization of nitrogen
increases with increased wind speed, temperature, and ammonia and dry matter concentration of the
N supplied by manure (kg/m3) (see Table 2.8) X initial application loss factor*
1.31 m3/yd3
*Initial application loss factor = 100% - % nitrogen lost
Step 3. Determine the capacity of the manure spreader (yd 3).
Box length (ft) X width (ft) X average depth of manure in spreader (ft)
27 ft3/yd3
Step 4. Determine the nitrogen needs of the crop (kg/ha).
Refer to specific crop recommendations in the results of a soil test.
Step 5. Calculate the number of spreader loads of manure per area in the field (loads/ha).
Crop N requirements (kg N/ha) spreader capacity (yd3/load)
N supplied by the manure (kg N/yd3)
A spreader has a box that is 7.5 feet long and 4 feet wide. It is filled with solid poultry (broiler) manure to an
average depth of 2.25 feet. The manure will be spread prior to planting a crop that, based on soil testing,
requires about 80 kg/ha (32 kg/acre) of nitrogen. The manure is to be broadcast over the entire area using a
conventional spreader. How many loads are needed to supply the crops nitrogen requirements?
Step 1. Determine the nitrogen content of manure.
From Table 2.8, poultry manure contains 15.8 kg N/m3
Step 2. Calculate the approximate amount of nitrogen supplied by the manure (kg N/yd 3).
= 15.8 kg N/m3 (from Table 2.8) X 0.80 = 9.6 kg N/ yd3
1.31 m3/yd3
Step 3. Determine the capacity of the manure spreader (yd 3).
= 7.5 ft long X 4 ft wide X 2.25 ft deep = 2.5 yd3/load
27 ft3/yd3
Step 4. Determine the nitrogen needs of the crop (kg/ha).
80 kg N/ha (32 kg N/ac) (based on soil testing)
Step 5. Calculate the number of spreader loads of manure per area in the field (loads/ha).
= 80 kg N/ha 2.5 yd3/load = 3.3 loads/ha ( 2.47 = 1.3 loads/acre)
9.6 kg N/yd3
2-27 | P a g e
If carbon and nitrogen are too far out of balance, Table 2.10. Estimates of the carbon to nitrogen ratio
the microbial system will suffer. When there is (C:N) of various compostable materials.
little nitrogen, the microbial population will not
Compostable Material C:N
grow to its optimum size, and composting will
slow down. In contrast, too much nitrogen allows High Nitrogen Materials:
rapid microbial growth and accelerates Grass clippings 19:1
decomposition, but this can create serious odour
problems as oxygen is used up and anaerobic Food wastes 15:1
conditions occur. In addition, some excess Cow manure 20:1
nitrogen will be lost as ammonia gas that High Carbon Materials:
generates unpleasant odours while allowing
valuable nitrogen to escape. Therefore, materials Leaves and foliage 40-80:1
with a high nitrogen content, such as grass Bark 100-130:1
clippings, require more careful management, with
Wood and sawdust 300-700:1
adequate aeration or frequent turning as well as
thorough blending with a high carbon waste.
Waste materials can be blended to improve the
carbon to nitrogen balance and hasten
decomposition. For example, leaves are typically
in a ratio of 40-80 units of carbon to 1 unit of
nitrogen. Adding one part grass clippings to three
parts leaves will balance these nutrients and help
composting proceed in the shortest possible time.
See Table 2.10 for estimates of carbon to nitrogen
ratios of various compostable materials.
It is very important to know the nutrient
availability and salt content of compost, whether
the compost is derived from animal manure or
plant wastes. Nutrients will be released slowly
from compost, but there is often a flush of readily
available nutrients and salts from compost that has
not been fully cured or slightly weathered prior to
use. Checking salt content prior to use as media
for seedling or transplant production is critical.
Generally less than 50% of growing media by
volume should be made up from compost and this
may be even lower for composted manure.
When using compost in field stock production
growers need to have a manure spreader that can
be accurately calibrated and will provide a
uniform spread of the compost. Composts can be
used along with cover crops to rebuild soils
depleted by long term production of balled stock.
Composts have also been reported to provide
disease suppression or control as well as to
inoculate soils with beneficial organisms.
2-28 | P a g e
Chapter 3 - Container Culture
This chapter covers a range of topics related to the propagation and culture of container nursery stock.
Information on topics such as drainage, irrigation and compost are covered in more detail in Chapter 2, Field
3-29 | P a g e
December to February. Softwood and semi- controlled-release fertilizers can be incorporated
hardwood cuttings are rooted in cool houses with into the mix at one-quarter application rate before
bottom heat. Hardwood cuttings are held in cold sticking. This fertilizer will release continually
storage until early spring and stuck in a prepared because of the temperature of the rooting media.
field. Extra misting to leach excess salts from the media
may be required once per week.
Propagation by grafting is the process of joining
parts of plants together so they will unite and
continue their growth as one plant. The top portion
Sanitation and Fumigation
of the graft is termed the scion, and the lower Sanitation is the simplest and most economical
portion is termed the rootstock or understock. All means of controlling insect and disease problems.
methods of joining plants are properly termed To prevent introduction and spread of pests, only
grafting, but the operation is termed budding when use plants that are free of pests as propagation
the scion is a small piece of bark or wood that stock plants. Clean benches and flats, sterilized
contains a single bud. media, good quality water, and a preventive
Grafting is used to perpetuate varieties that cannot fungicide program are important components of
be reproduced by other means. It is commonly propagation. All equipment including houses,
used with fruit trees, shade trees, roses, specific benches, tools, flats, containers and soil should be
cultivars of coniferous trees and to produce unique disinfected or sterilized. Use one of the following:
and distinctive cultivars such as weeping or
Steam - Items to be steamed should be placed on a
pendent forms. Grafting is limited to plants that are
bench, or stacked and covered with a tarpaulin,
closely related and is a highly technical operation.
beneath which steam is released to maintain a
An excellent source for propagation protocols is the minimum temperature of 82oC for 30 minutes.
Combined Proceedings of the International Plant
Propagators Society. Society members receive a copy Other Useful Disinfectants - For dipping tools,
of the Proceedings each year. The Proceedings are washing down benches, etc., the following are also
available online and at some university libraries. effective disinfectants: quaternary ammonium
compounds at 1 part in 80; 50% phenol-based lysol
Rooting Media at 1 part in 10; and household bleach at 1 part in 10
parts of water.
Seeds are sown in either flats (small seeds) or plug
See the section on Sanitation in Chapter 5, Integrated
trays. Prepared seedling media are commercially
Pest Management for additional information on
available, or a grower can prepare an in-house mix
greenhouse sanitation.
from peat and vermiculite or peat and sawdust.
Seed can also be sown directly into a prepared field
bed. It may be beneficial to fumigate the soil before
Bed Preparation
seeding. Dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied after Containerized plants are arranged by crop type in
germination. Incorporating controlled-release blocks. The width of the block is determined by the
fertilizer in the media can create a high salt methods used for pest control, fertilizer application
environment and stunt seedling growth, and and pruning, and is commonly 3-6 m. Plants should
should be used with caution in propagation media. be grouped within a block by irrigation demand
Cuttings can be rooted in a variety of media. and by cultivar. Each group should be clearly
Washed sand and combinations of peat moss and labeled. Woodwaste or gravel is often used to make
perlite are used. Premixed rooting media are also nursery beds, since they promote rapid drainage away
commercially available. Cuttings can be inserted from the base of the container and provide a clean,
straight into the bed (usually sand), or into flats or weed-free surface. Sometimes beds are covered with
individual pots. Rooting hormone can be used to ground cloth. An advantage of covering beds with
accelerate rooting. The strength of the hormone is ground cloth is plant debris can be removed with ease
matched to the woodiness of the stem. from the surface. The existing vegetation should be
killed with a nonselective, systemic herbicide before
After rooting, the cuttings will require the bed material is applied. Because of environmental
supplemental nutrition. A dilute liquid fertilizer considerations, the layer of woodwaste should not
applied twice per week (for example 50 ppm N) exceed 30 cm in depth and should be setback from
will maintain cuttings until transplanting. Slow and water courses (ditches included).
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Growers of container stock must take steps to
mitigate the inherent problems of container
production systems. One key to success is to use a
growing media that sustains healthy and vigorous
root growth. The root system has a very important
role in overall plant health and growth.
Unfortunately, the needs of the root system are at
times overlooked. Active root growth and the
development of new root hairs is required to
optimize plant growth because almost all water
and mineral absorption occurs through root hairs,
but root hairs only live a matter of days. The needs
and health of the plants root system must be taken
Figure 3.1. A gravel nursery bed covered with ground cloth into account when developing a container media.
There is tremendous variability in the types of
Compliance with the Code of Agricultural Practise for media used in the industry, ranging from 100%
Waste Management (Waste Management Act) and the Soil bark or other woodwaste material to complex
Conservation Act and Regulations is mandatory. mixes comprised of several components. The cost
Leachate from woodwaste at certain concentrations is of media components often plays a role in
toxic to fish. determining the type of media used. There is equal
variability in the quantity and type of inorganic
The number of containers that can be produced in a
amendments added to the media. The bottom line
given area depends on a number of factors,
is there are numerous media formulations that will
including the container size and spacing. As a
promote good growth of a given nursery crop.
general guide, approximately 56,000 #1 containers
(30 cm spacing on-center), 13,000 #3 containers (60 Whether a nursery prefers to prepare their own
cm spacing on-center), and 1,740 #25 containers can media or to have a custom blend prepared for
be produced per production acre. them, growers should be aware that proper
selection and management of the media is critical to
Growing Media the success of a crop. This section provides
information on the acceptable properties of a media
Container production differs significantly from
for container production.
field production. First, containers have a very
limited volume and, therefore, have a limited Media Components
capacity to provide the quantity of water, nutrients
and oxygen required for plant growth. Second, A wide range of commercial materials are available
soilless media are not equal to soil. Relative to for use in growing media. Most media used today
mineral soil, soilless media have: are soilless or contain only a small fraction of soil.
Soil, if not pasteurized, will add weed seeds and
limited water retention and, depending on the
pathogens to the media. Soil will also reduce the
medium used, 30% of the water in the container medias drainage and will significantly increase its
may not be available to the plant,
bulk density. For these reasons, soilless media are
high total porosity, initially somewhere between recommended for container production.
65-90% by volume, and A type of woodwaste is a common component of
very low nutrient retention capacity based on soilless media in British Columbia. The types of
volume. Some of the reasons for this are the woodwaste used include hog fuel, bark mulch,
high porosity of soilless media, their lack of sawdust and wood chips. Other components used
mass to hold nutrients and their lack of fine, include sand, perlite, pumice, vermiculite, several
colloidal materials. Phosphorus is tightly bound different products made from coconut husks, and
in mineral soils. This is not the case in a various forms of compost. To lessen the quantity of
standard container media. Research has shown organic wastes that are sent to landfill sites, there is
that 76% of soluble super phosphate leaches increasing interest in the use of compost in
from a soilless media in 3 weeks. container media. Products being trialed include
pulp mill and sewage sludges.
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Woodwaste is often the main constituent in soilless necessary to remove excess salts. If not removed,
media for #1 or larger containers. It will account for the excess salts will burn young roots and
65-100% of the media by volume. In general, potentially kill the crop.
chopped bark produces a superior media to a
sawdust-based media. Bark should be composted Air and Water Porosity
or aged for at least 6 months prior to use, to permit
Growing media consist of solid particles as well as
the leaching of excessive salts or organic material
pore spaces between and within these particles.
that may be toxic to plants. Composting will also
These pore spaces are categorized into either large
reduce the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the material.
pores that are normally filled with air, or small
This is important to reduce the nitrogen demand of
pores that can be either filled with air or water. It is
the mix. Non-composted woodwaste will have a
important to use a media that has a mixture of large
high nitrogen demand to support the growth of
and small pores that provides adequate aeration
micro-organisms that breakdown the material. If
without unduly compromising water-holding
bark is used, hemlock and Douglas fir are
capacity. This can be achieved by testing and
recommended. Western red cedar bark is not
adjusting the media to achieve the recommended
levels of porosity.
Peat moss is still a common component of soilless
Three attributes that are used to define media
media. For small containers, peat may comprise 50-
quality are the total porosity, aeration porosity, and
100% of the media. For larger containers, usually
the water-holding capacity. Total Porosity is a
not more than 25% peat by volume is used. It is
measure of the total open space in a media that
best to use a good quality, fibrous sphagnum peat
could be filled with either water or air. The total
moss rather than a more decomposed, less fibrous
porosity should be equal to or greater than 50%.
type like hypnum. Fibrous, less decomposed peat
Aeration Porosity is the amount of air space in the
provides superior drainage and is better able to
media after the free irrigation water has drained
support a healthy community of soil micro-
out. The optimum aeration porosity for woody
organisms. The enhanced microbial growth places
plants is 20-30%. Water-Holding Capacity is the
pathogens at a competitive disadvantage and gives
amount of available water held by the media after
the media some disease suppressive traits. The
watering and drainage. It is directly related to
level of decomposition of peat moss is measured on
media porosity and the optimum level is 20-25%.
a von Post scale (H1 H10). Peat moss >H4 is finer
in texture and more decomposed, and thus has a Aeration porosity and water-holding capacity are
lower air porosity. inversely related. If the aeration porosity is too
high, then the water-holding capacity will be low
Sand (less than 10% by volume) can be added to
and the media will need to be watered frequently.
the mix to increase weight and water-holding
Likewise, if the water-holding capacity is high, then
capacity. The addition of sand does not improve
the media will generally be poorly aerated and the
drainage. If more than 10% by volume is used, sand
plants will be more susceptible to root death. Thus,
will actually reduce water flow through the media.
a balance needs to be achieved between aeration
Perlite and Pumice (up to 30% by volume) are used porosity and water-holding capacity of the media.
most frequently in small pots (9-15 cm) to improve The climate where the plant is grown and the type
drainage and increase air porosity. Pumice is also of plant (e.g. azaleas require oxygen concentration
used to increase bulk density. Perlite and pumice of at least 20% in the media) are two factors to be
are produced by the rapid cooling of molten rock. considered when deciding upon the most
Water trapped in the rock turns into vapor which appropriate values for a media.
causes the rock to expand, thereby producing many
Increase the aeration porosity of a media by:
small holes/pores in the material.
using coarser media components and deeper
Composts are being used increasingly in nursery
media as a peat replacement. Research has shown
that mixes containing 25-50% compost result in avoiding the use of fine-textured components
excellent plant growth. Wide acceptance of since they fill the large pore spaces, and
compost is being curtailed in part due to product using components that are stable and that will
inconsistency. The salt level of compost should be not readily decompose.
tested prior to use and it should be leached if
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Improper media handling and irrigation practices Example:
can reduce the porosity of a soilless media. The
Pot volume (A) = 6,000 mL
porosity of a media will be reduced by over-
mixing, which will effectively reduce the particle Water added to the media (B) = 3,000 mL
size of media components. Porosity will also be
Water drained (C) = 1,250 mL
reduced if the media is compacted by over-packing
at filling or if the crop is irrigated with excessive Total Porosity = 3,000 mL / 6,000 mL x 100 = 50%
water pressure. Aeration Porosity = 1,250 mL/ 6,000 mL x 100 = 20.8%
The pattern of root growth in a container can Water-holding Capacity = 50% - 20.8% = 29.2%
indicate problems related to media porosity and
watering practices. A lack of root growth at the
bottom of the container is an indicator of poor Perched Water Table
drainage or over irrigation. In contrast, greater root
Placing a growing media in a container leads to a
growth in the bottom as opposed to the top of the
perched water table or saturation of the media at
container is an indicator of high media porosity or
the bottom of the container. The depth of the
insufficient irrigation.
saturated zone cannot be reduced by increasing the
number or size of drain holes in the container; it is
Calculating Media Porosity and determined by the porosity of the media. A
Water-holding Capacity perched water table is usually not a problem in the
field, since the water table is relatively deep in
1. Cover or plug the drain holes in a container. comparison to the situation in a container.
This can be done by lining the pot with a plastic
bag of similar size or by putting tape over the One way to reduce the effects of a perched water
drain holes. table is to increase the depth of the container. The
percentage of water-saturated media at the bottom
2. Fill the container with water to the level it of the container is inversely related to container
would normally be filled with potting media. depth. Increasing the depth of the container will
Measure and record this volume of water as A. increase drainage and media aeration (see Table
3. Empty the container and fill it to the same level 3.1).
with dry media. Slowly add a pre-measured In many cases it is not practical to use deeper
volume of water until the media is completely containers. Deeper containers should be considered
saturated. A very thin slick of water will in cases where saturated media is a problem, such
appear on the surface of the media when as in propagation. This may make particular sense
saturation is reached. This process may take 1-2 with difficult-to-root species where excess water is
hours. Record the volume of water added to not immediately taken up by roots. The increase in
the container as B. aeration and the concurrent reduction in water,
4. Hold the container over a bucket or catch-basin particularly at the surface of the media, can also
and carefully open the drain holes. Allow the help to reduce the presence of moisture dependent
water to drain freely. It is important to keep the pests like algae, liverworts, moss and shore flies.
pot level at all times. Allow sufficient time for
water to drain completely. Measure and record Table 3.1. The effect of container size on media aeration.
the volume of water drained as C. 6" Pot 4" Pot Plug Tray
5. Use the volumes A, B and C in the following Aeration Porosity 22% 15% 3%
formulas to evaluate the medias: Water-holding 49% 56% 68%
% Total Porosity = B / A x 100 Capacity
Solid Material 29% 29% 29%
% Aeration Porosity = C / A x 100
Water-Holding Capacity = Total Porosity -
Aeration Porosity Media Temperature
High media temperature can be a serious problem
in container stock. The traditional black nursery
3-33 | P a g e
container is very effective at absorbing heat from level when grown in soil. The alkalinity of the
the sun, which leads to the southwest side of the irrigation water should also be considered when
container exceeding 55 oC on a hot day. Since roots choosing a media pH. Irrigation water that has a
start to die at 36oC, this explains why roots on the high alkalinity will supply adequate (greater than
side of a container exposed to the sun are 5-10 ppm) calcium and magnesium for crop growth
blackened and dead. Root damage caused by high and will make liming unnecessary. If the pH of the
media temperature can result in a 40-60% reduction media is incorrect, it can be raised with the addition
in plant growth. Research has shown that the of limestone or dolomite, or lowered with the
damage can be significantly reduced by using addition of sulphur or iron sulphate (see Table 3.2).
lighter pot colors that reflect (white or silver)
Table 3.2. The quantity of dolomitic limestonea or
versus absorb (black and green) solar radiation. An sulphur needed per cubic yard of a peat media to affect
alternative approach being used by some nurseries the desired pH change.
is the application of white polyethylene sleeves to
containers to reduce solar heating of the media. Desired Media pH
Original 4.5-5.2b 5.3-6.2c
Media Stability Media pH
The stability of a planting media needs to be 3.4-3.9 3.6 kg of limestone 6.3 kg of limestone
considered. It is undesirable to use a media that 4.0-4.4 1.8 kg of limestone 4.5 kg of limestone
decomposes quickly, since this will result in a
dramatic reduction in media porosity. The need for 4.5-5.2 none 2.25 kg of limestone
stable media components is especially important 5.3-6.2 0.9 kg of sulphur none
for larger containers, which require more than a
6.3-7.0 1.8 kg of sulphur 0.9 kg of sulphur
growing season for the plant to reach a marketable
a A mixture of equal parts of dolomitic and calcic
size. In general, the use of sawdust is not
recommended because it breaks down rapidly, and limestone is preferred to using only dolomitic
ties up nutrients during decomposition. Peat, b Desirable pH for Euonymus, Pieris, Rhododendron, many
composted bark and coconut products tend to be conifers including Taxus, and tropical plants.
quite stable organic amendments. Inorganic c Desirable pH for bedding plants, Juniperus, Thuja and a
components such as perlite, pumice and wide range of other woody nursery plants and most
vermiculite have the advantage of not being subject herbaceous perennials.
to decomposition, although vermiculite can lose
much of its porosity through compaction. Media pH should not exceed 7.0. Although
Juniperus and Thuja will grow adequately at a high
Media pH and Electrical pH, plants such as Euonymus, Rhododendron and
Conductivity Taxus will exhibit iron or manganese chlorosis if the
pH is above 7.0. With pH-sensitive crops, do not
Nutritional problems are a primary cause of use alkaline sand in the mix.
economic losses associated with poor crop quality
pH Testing: An electronic pH meter provides the
and growth. Two media properties that are
most accurate and practical means of on-site
indicators of nutritional problems are the pH and
testing. Follow the instructions provided with the
total soluble salts. Both are relatively easy to
meter and be careful to rinse the electrode after use
measure on container-grown crops. With routine
and store the instrument properly. Buffered
testing of media salts and pH, and occasional
calibrating solutions are usually supplied with pH
complete laboratory analyses, it is possible to
meters. The meter should be calibrated before each
eliminate most nutritional problems.
pH The level of fertilizer salts in the media will
As mentioned previously, soilless growing media influence the pH. When salt levels are high,
are not equal to soil. This is a very important hydrogen ions will be displaced from binding sites
concept to remember when selecting a media pH on the media components. The increase in the
for container crops. As a general rule, it is concentration of hydrogen ions in the media will
recommended that the pH of a container media be lower its pH.
one pH unit lower than the crops optimum pH
3-34 | P a g e
Total Soluble Salts on a routine basis. Testing should begin before the
crop is planted and be performed at least every two
Fertilizers and other dissolved salts change the weeks. It is important to keep records to chart the
ability of a solution to conduct electricity. Pure change in pH and conductivity levels over time.
water is not a particularly good conductor, but as Graphically charting these values will provide a
the salinity level increases so does its conductivity. trend of timely information on whether they are
Salt meters (conductivity meters) are used to rising, falling or staying steady. This is at least as
measure the electrical conductivity of solutions. important as the actual reading. It will enable
Since conductivity is directly related to the total informed decisions to be made about fertilizer
level of soluble salts, it thereby provides a rough concentrations, watering frequencies and leaching
indication of the fertilizer content in a solution. One rates. Growers that use routine media testing often
factor that must be kept in mind is that not all salts find they can produce superior crops with less
are fertilizers. Some water sources are high in non- fertilizer and lower leaching rates, thereby
fertilizer minerals that tend to increase the overall reducing waste and the possibility of
conductivity. Therefore, while conductivity environmental contamination.
measurements are a good indicator of relative
fertility levels, particularly if measured regularly Collecting a Media Sample
and tracked over time, it is important to establish
the background mineral content of irrigation There are two strategies available for media
sources and to have an occasional complete mineral sampling. First, several samples can be collected
analysis performed to determine the balance of and measured individually. This would provide a
nutrients in the media. Another point to remember good indication of the uniformity of the watering
is that different fertilizers have different salt and fertilizing program. If the results are
indexes. dramatically different between pots or locations,
this might provide a clue to uneven growth or
The rate of nutrient release from some fertilizers is other crop problems. However, collecting and
directly related to temperature. This can lead to the measuring individually 10 or more separate
accumulation of damaging levels of salts at high samples can be very time consuming, and may not
media temperatures, which may need to be leached provide information that is any more useful than
out with additional irrigation. Regular monitoring an average sample. In any case, it is not practical to
of soluble salt levels is a simple way to keep track water and fertilize each plant individually. For
of nutrient release. In addition, media conductivity these reasons the second or representative sample
testing can identify when the fertilizer is exhausted. method is usually the one to use.
As the fertilizer becomes exhausted, the salinity of
the media will approach that of the irrigation Several sub-samples should be combined to obtain
water, indicating the need for fertilization. a representative sample. Depending on the size of
the crop, samples from about 10 or more pots or
Conductivity Testing Methods: An electronic growing bed locations are required. Combined
conductivity meter provides the most accurate and samples should always be from within one distinct
practical means of on-site testing. Follow the growing unit, environment or irrigation zone. The
instructions provided with the meter and be careful samples should be obtained from uniform plants
to rinse the electrode surface after use and store the that are the same type, age and in the same size
instrument properly. Standard salt solutions are container. Try to collect samples at the same time
available to calibrate conductivity meters. The between irrigations (i.e. just before the next
meter should be calibrated before each use. The watering). Avoid sampling the top 2 cm of media
moisture content of the media will influence the since there is often an accumulation of salts in this
conductivity measure, since the salinity increases as zone. Collect samples from the mid-range of the
the media dries. Therefore, the moisture content of pot, making sure to include more than just the soil
the media should be consistent between different at the outside edge of the container. Often 10% of
sampling periods to enable accurate comparison of the media can be removed without harming the
test results. plant. Fresh, moistened growing media can be used
to replace the soil removed for the sample. Follow
Record Keeping the same procedure for growing beds, but avoid
Growing media should be tested for salts and pH the top 2 cm and collect the sample from the area of
most active root growth. It is very important to be
3-35 | P a g e
consistent in sampling methods, so the results will have advantages and disadvantages, and all may
be accurate when tabulated over time. When all the provide different instrument readings. This often
sub-samples have been collected, place them in a leads to confusion when trying to discuss or
clean container or bag and mix thoroughly, taking compare values obtained from different extraction
care not to crush controlled-release fertilizer prills methods.
in the sample. The sample can then be sent in for
For peat-based media, a sample can also be
professional analysis, or measured on-site.
collected by gently squeezing the media. Since
Extraction Methods water was not added to the media to collect the
sample, the conductivity level measured will be
Over the years, several dilution and extraction higher than for the other methods. Care must be
methods have been devised. The methods taken to not crush fertilizer prills in the media
commonly used are the 1:2 extraction, the saturated when collecting a sample, since this will inflate the
media extraction and the pour-through method. All salt reading.
Table 3.3. Interpretation of soluble salt readings for the saturated paste extraction method.
Table 3.4. Interpretation of soluble salt readings for the pour through extraction method.
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Table 3.5. Suggested nutrient levels for most container crops.
iron, manganese, boron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and chlorine. Chlorine is required in
Micronutrients minute quantities and is usually available in quantities in excess of plant needs in water
and in various fertilizer compounds.
From Air and Water oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen are not normally considered plant nutrients.
3-37 | P a g e
Table 3.7. Nutrient antagonisms that can occur when
nutrient levels are high.
Slow and Controlled-Release
Excess Level of: May Cause Deficiency of:
phosphorus iron, zinc, copper For environmental and efficiency purposes, the
incorporation of slow and controlled-release
potassium nitrogen, calcium, magnesium fertilizers in the media is the predominant choice
calcium magnesium, boron for container stock. Fertigation or the application of
water-soluble fertilizers in the irrigation water is
magnesium calcium, potassium
infrequently used by the nursery industry. It is
iron manganese used primarily to correct nutritional disorders or
manganese iron, molybdenum for greenhouse crops. The shortcomings of water-
soluble fertilizers are:
copper manganese, iron, zinc
they have a short duration and, therefore, must
nitrogen (especially potassium
be re-applied frequently during the season,
they have a high potential for groundwater
zinc manganese, iron
contamination due to leaching of nitrates and
molybdenum copper phosphates from the containers,
they can cause plant damage due to fertilizer
The relative concentration of different nutrients, or salt residues left on the leaves after fertigation,
nutrient ratios, can be as important to measure as
they can result in uneven plant growth due to
the actual nutrient levels in the media. This is
cycles in the amount of fertilizers available in
because some nutrients will block or increase the
the media, and
uptake of other nutrients (see Table 3.7). For
instance, the ratio of calcium to magnesium should they have low nutrient efficiency.
be maintained at 1:0.4 for optimal uptake of both While the terms "controlled-release" and
nutrients. In addition, the ratio of some nutrients "slow-release" fertilizer are often used
will influence plant growth. A nitrogen to interchangeably, the compounds they describe are
potassium ratio of 1:1 will generally produce quite different.
normal growth and height development, whereas a
ratio of 5:8 will often produce plants that are darker Slow-release fertilizers can be divided into two
green and shorter. It is also important to be aware groups: 1) naturally occurring organic materials,
that nutrient demand will differ depending on such as manure, urea, dried blood, and hoof and
whether the plant is in a vegetative or reproductive horn mixtures, and 2) synthetic, low-solubility
stage of growth. Vegetative plants will require organic compounds like isobutylidene-diurea
more calcium and nitrogen, while a flowering plant (IBDU).
will require more phosphorus and potassium. Controlled-release fertilizers are coated with
Most media components contain little to no materials like polyethylene, acrylic resins, latex,
available fertilizer, with the exception of some waxes and sulphur. These materials keep the
composts. Thus, most soilless media will require fertilizer from being immediately soluble and
some form of chemical supplement to adjust the pH available to plants. An advantage of plastic-coated
and to augment the available nutrients. In the early fertilizers is the rate of fertilizer release is primarily
years of container production, short-term, water- determined by temperature. Since temperature also
soluble fertilizers were incorporated into the media, influences the rate of biochemical reactions
or they were applied as a topdress or in the involved in plant growth, the release of fertilizers
irrigation water. These fertilizers were low cost but from plastic coated products more closely
they needed to be reapplied frequently during the approximate plant demand.
growing season. Today, supplemental nutrients are
commonly applied by the incorporation of slow or
controlled-release fertilizers into the media.
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A micronutrient source is also incorporated into the
growing medium. Micronutrients may be added as
either fritted, sulphate-based or controlled-release
formulations. Chelated micronutrient formulations
are not recommended for incorporation into a
media. It is common for growers to use a premix
that contains the lime, micronutrients and gypsum,
rather than to add each component individually. It
is also possible to get custom premixes that include
a soluble nitrogen source, humic acid and other
nutritional additives. Contact your fertilizer
supplier for recommended rates.
Figure 3.2. Top-dressed prills of a controlled release
fertilizer on a grafted maple. Tissue Analysis: A tissue analysis can be used to
determine the levels of elements actually present in
The period of nutrient release will be stated on the
a plant and verify fertilizer imbalances. It can be an
product label. The release period is typically
excellent diagnostic tool. For more information, see
determined under laboratory conditions, not actual
Plant Tissue Testing in Chapter 2.
plant production. Thus, it is crucial to understand
the plant production conditions that affect nutrient
release characteristics of different slow and
controlled-release fertilizer formulations (see Table
Talk to your fertilizer supplier about the range of
fertilizer blends that are available for use in
container nursery stock.
Table 3.8. Factors that affect the rate of nutrient release from slow and controlled-release fertilizers.
3-39 | P a g e
Table 3.9. Desirable ranges for specific elements in irrigation water.
Characteristic Quantity
Set 1 (the minimum list of analyses that should be done
pH 5-7
Soluble salts 0-1.5 mmhos/cm
Phosphorus (P) 0.005-5 mg/L
Calcium (Ca) 40-120 mg/L
Sulphate (SO4) 24-240 mg/L
Alkalinity 0-100 mg/L as CaCO3
Sodium (Na) 0-50 mg/L
Boron (B) 0.2-0.8 mg/L
Fluoride (F) 0-1.0 mg/L
Magnesium (Mg) 6-24 mg/L
Chloride (Cl) 0-140 mg/L
Set 2 (the desirable analyses, but not absolutely necessary):
Nitrate (NO3) 0-5 mg/L
Potassium (K) 0.5-10 mg/L
Zinc (Zn) 1-5 mg/L
Molybdenum (Mo) 0-0.02 mg/L
Iron (Fe) 2-5 mg/L
Copper (Cu) 0-0.2 mg/L
Aluminum (Al) 0-5 mg/L
Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)a 0-4
aSAR quantifies the sodium level in relation to the calcium and magnesium levels.
From: Water Quality Reference Guide for Horticulture, Aquatrols Corporation of America
should be taken into account when measuring
Water Quality fertilizer content with a salt meter. For instance, if
Irrigation water quality is an important your water has an initial conductivity of 0.8 mS,
consideration for a nursery. The water should then you will need to subtract this amount from
have a neutral to slightly acid pH and contain low your fertilizer solution readings to determine the
levels of soluble salts (refer to Table 3.9). actual fertilizer content of your nutrient solutions.
This is important whenever you are checking the
The water source should be analyzed before use to
accuracy of injectors. Most commercial soluble
determine the level of salinity and the initial pH. It
fertilizers will indicate the conductivity value on
is important to allow tap water to sit for about 60
the bag for various feeding concentrations. In
minutes when measuring pH. This allows any
order to check the calibration of an injector, the
carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the water to come
background conductivity level must be subtracted
to equilibrium with the air. Dissolved carbon
from the measured fertilizer conductivity value
dioxide will tend to lower pH readings. If the
after injection.
water shows any substantial salt content (0.5 mS or
above), an irrigation water quality analysis should If the pH of the irrigation water is high, it can be
be performed by a testing laboratory to determine acidified with nitric or phosphoric acid, depending
the background mineral content. The report on the bicarbonate content of the water. The level
should include the elemental content, including of bicarbonate and hydroxyl ions in the water is
the level of bicarbonates. known as the alkalinity. Alkalinity is a better
indicator of the impact the water will have on
The electrical conductivity of the source water
media pH than the pH measure of the water.
3-40 | P a g e
Table 3.10. Suggested liquid feed application rates.
Bicarbonates tend to buffer the media and can contribute to faster water loss.
increase media pH over time. Bicarbonate levels
Plants should be grouped into irrigation zones that
greater than 50 mg/L need to be corrected by
have similar water demands. Insert as many shut
acidification or another treatment. Some problems
off valves into a system as possible so that specific
associated with allowing the pH to climb include a
areas can be watered more or less often depending
greater risk of Phytophthora infection and
on the plants requirements. A timeclock will assist
deficiencies of iron, manganese, zinc and boron.
in timing irrigation cycles. The volume of
Fertigation: Liquid fertilizer can be applied irrigation applied will depend on the flow rate,
through the irrigation system during the growing pressure and irrigation cycle duration. Early
season to either supplement the slow or morning irrigation is desirable for plants that are
controlled-release fertilizer or correct a nutrient prone to foliar diseases. Drip irrigation is
deficiency. Liquid feed is most efficiently applied suggested for plants in #5 or larger containers.
on small pots that are tightly spaced. Drainage
Run-off water from irrigation can be contaminated
water must be monitored for nitrates when liquid
with fertilizer, woodwaste leachates and
feed is used. See Table 3.10 for a suggested liquid
pesticides. This run-off can cause possible
feed program.
contamination in both surface and ground-water.
Do not feed after August 15 on the Coast and July It is critical that run-off is minimized by the
15 in the Interior. The plant must stop growth to efficient use of irrigation systems. See the
enter dormancy before the first frost. A very dilute Environmental Guidelines for the Nursery and Turf
fertilizer solution could be applied if the plant Industry in British Columbia and the irrigation
exhibits signs of nutrient deficiency. discussion in Chapter 2, Field Culture for
additional details.
Water Quantity
Overhead sprinkler irrigation is the standard
General Crop Maintenance
system used for container-grown stock. Overlap of Maintenance schedules are as varied as the plant
the sprinklers must be complete to ensure all material produced. In general, pruning, pot
containers receive equal amounts of water. A spacing, and pesticide and fertilizer applications
typical irrigation cycle would apply 1-2 cm of are normal activities during the growing season.
water. Containerized plants use water much more
quickly than field-grown plants. The higher To produce compact, well-shaped, high quality
porosity and temperature of soilless media plants in containers, pruning is necessary after
41 | P a g e
each flush of growth (one to three times per However, the plants on the perimeter have no
season). Sharp hedging shears are used to lightly protection and will be the first to be damaged with
shape the plant. Do not cut back into woody stems cold weather. Perimeter plastic wraps can be
unless a drastic change in shape is required. applied around the consolidated stock to provide
Newly extended growth of rhododendrons can be additional protection. The plastic does not
pinched. Larger deciduous shrubs may require provide any insulation, but it does help to trap
pruning to remove unwanted branches or suckers. warmer air within the stock and thereby provides
additional winter protection. The main benefit of
Plant debris should be removed from the growing
the wrap is to be a windbreak. Since the plastic has
area to control pest problems. This is a mandatory
no insulation value, the pots on the perimeter
best management practice for container-grown
likely get minimal protection from this approach.
high risk host plants (e.g. Camellia, Rhododendron,
Some growers instead have used insulated
and Viburnum) in the Canadian P. ramorum
microfoam wraps.
Nursery Certification Program. Infected leaves are
a source of inoculum that must be cleared from For sensitive crops, additional protection can be
beds on a regular schedule to minimize the risk of provided by placing peat bales, sawdust, or 1-2
P. ramorum infection. rows of pots filled with growing media around the
perimeter of the stock. The stock can also be
Plants must be monitored for disease and insect
mulched with a loose material, such as sawdust.
pests throughout the season. Regular inspection
and spot spraying will decrease the amount of Covers can be pulled over entire beds of
pesticide required. Consult Chapter 5, Integrated consolidated containers in advance of cold
Pest Management for more detailed information on weather. The covers trap ground heat and block
crop monitoring and nursery sanitation. airflow out of the crop, and provide a greenhouse
effect. It is important to use polyethylene that
Controlled release fertilizer can be applied as a
allows some light penetration to increase the
topdress in mid-season to ensure continued
temperature under the cover. However, do not use
growth to the end of the season. Plants carried
clear polyethylene because it will lead to a sharp
over the winter to be grown on in the same pot
temperature rise under the cover on clear days and
should be top-dressed early in the spring, just
will dry out the stock more quickly. Thermal
before growth commences. Talk to your fertilizer
microfoam blankets can also be used as a cover.
supplier for detailed recommendations.
Disease spread can be a problem underneath
During the second year of growth many fast-growing
covers and can lead to crop failure. A preventive
shrubs must be spaced to ensure quality. Prearranged
fungicide should be applied prior to covering the
spacings that are equal in all directions from the pot
stock to reduce disease development. Also,
will result in even growth and orderly blocks.
structureless covers can lead to physical crop
Overwintering damage if snow accumulates on them. Mice are
always a problem in covered stock.
The main emphasis when overwintering container Holding stock in an unheated polyhouse
stock is to protect the crops root system, since it is provides the greatest level of protection and is
more susceptible to low temperature injury than commonly used for broadleaf evergreens and all
above ground parts of the plant. The winter marginally hardy plants. The sensitivity of a crops
protection system also protects against desiccation root system to cold temperatures, the potential for
injury. Several systems of protection are used disease problems and susceptibility to desiccation
including to cover or consolidate stock, or to move injury are factors to consider when determining
stock into an overwintering polyhouse. A factsheet which plant types to protect.
on Reducing Low Temperature Winter Injury to
Containerized Nursery Stock is available from the BC Polyhouses covered with a double layer of plastic
Ministry of Agriculture. are the best overwintering structures. Clear or
white plastic can be used. White plastic reduces
Stock consolidation involves placing containers heat buildup in the house on sunny winter days. It
pot-to-pot tight. This creates a large mass of heat is recommended to use 6 mL, 3-year plastic to
from the containers and the soil beneath them, reduce tearing in high winds, at least for the
which will protect the inner plants from the cold. outside layer. Ventilation is required during sunny
3-42 | P a g e
or bright weather, to prevent heat buildup and to because leachates from these materials can be toxic to
reduce the humidity and the occurrence of fish.
To minimize the quantity of fertilizer leached from
Due to the higher temperatures that occur in a a container, fertilizer should be applied as a
polyhouse or under a cover, fertilizer salts may topdress just before a major growth flush.
accumulate in the media. If salts are allowed to Application after August 15 is not recommended
accumulate in the media, they will draw water in the Lower Mainland region, because a late-
away from or out of fine roots. Dried roots cannot season fertilizer application can trigger a late flush
absorb nutrients or be a passage way for water to of growth, which is susceptible to frost damage.
the foliage. As a result, the foliage dries or 'burns' Application after July 15 is not recommended for
and the plants stop growing. Excessive root the Interior.
damage can result in plant death. Also, injured
Irrigate only in the early morning to reduce the
roots provide an easy route into the plant for root
incidence of foliar diseases and the need to apply
rot organisms. Therefore, the level of soluble salts
in the media should be tested periodically (see the
section on Conductivity Testing Methods in this Test and adjust the uniformity of the irrigation
chapter). If the soluble salt levels get too high, the system. An overhead sprinkler system, which is
stock should be irrigated to remove the excess the standard system used for container-grown
salts. Alternatively, the stock can be watered about nursery stock, has an efficiency of 75% at best. The
once per month to prevent excess salts from efficiency will depend on many factors, including
accumulating in the container. crop type and spacing, wind speed, water pressure
and system design (e.g. nozzle size and height).
Environmental Considerations System efficiency should be measured and the
system modified to improve uniformity. Wind and
The production of nursery crops can have a negative
inadequate water pressure have been found to be
impact on the environment. The Environmental
the two major factors that reduce the efficiency of
Guidelines for the Nursery & Turf Industry in British
overhead sprinkler systems.
Columbia provides growers with options for
managing a nursery in an environmentally sound Good water management reduces plant stress and
manner, without contravening federal or provincial susceptibility to insect and disease problems.
environmental laws or regulations. Some steps
growers can take to protect the environment include: Recycling of irrigation run-off should be
accompanied with a water treatment program to
When used for a container bed, woodwaste should be prevent the build-up of disease causing organisms
less than 30 cm deep and should be placed back from and algae.
any waterway including a drainage ditch. The use of
woodwaste products, such as sawdust, chips or hog
fuel is controlled under the Waste Management Act
3-43 | P a g e
Chapter 4 - Integrated Weed Management
Weed control is critical for the production of high quality trees and shrubs. Weeds compete, often
successfully, with plants for water, nutrients and light. They also harbour insects, disease and rodents that can
damage nursery crops and increase the need for pesticide applications. Nursery stock that contains hard-to-
control perennial weeds can be unmarketable, too. No one wants to purchase a plant that is infested with field
horsetail (Equisetum arvense). Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) is another creeping perennial weed that is
being spread in nursery stock. It reportedly is present in about 5% of all container-grown stock in the
Southeast US. Some US states have expressed a desire to designate both yellow and purple nutsedge as
quarantine pests. Weed control must not be taken lightly and should be implemented on the entire site to be
There is increasing interest in non-herbicide methods of weed control in the industry, due to:
growers concerns of herbicide phytotoxicity,
a lack of effective herbicides registered in Canada,
environmental concerns associated with herbicide run-off, and
concerns of herbicide residues getting into irrigation ponds.
Herbicide use in the nursery and landscape can be reduced by adopting an integrated approach to weed
management. This program should include prevention, and physical, cultural and chemical control methods.
4-45 | P a g e
Physical Weed Control Hand pulling, burning and even steaming of
emerged weeds can be effective but must be done
Mechanical Removal: Cultivation practices such as when weeds are young (prior to flowering and
rototilling or hoeing are common and effective seeding).
means of controlling weeds. Entire plants or plant Mulches: There are numerous benefits to using
parts may be buried, or weeds may be severely plant mulches. They can moderate soil temperature
stressed by cultivation. Periodic cultivation should and retain soil moisture, and organic mulches can
be carried out about 2 weeks after shoot emergence provide nutrients and organic matter to the soil.
when the shoots have taken up food reserves from Another benefit is weed control. Mulches control
the root system, but before significant levels of weeds by smothering small weeds, by excluding
photosynthates have been translocated down to the light that is required for seed germination, and by
root system. For this strategy, cultivation can creating a relatively dry surface that is inhospitable
simply consist of chopping off the tops with a hoe, for germination. If the mulch is fine-textured or
or using a line trimmer to cut the weed as low as highly decomposed, it will stay too wet and will
possible. By repeating this throughout the season, allow weed seeds to germinate. Therefore, it is
food reserves in the root system are eventually recommended to use a coarse mulch that has a low
depleted, or the weed is sufficiently stressed to water holding capacity.
succumb to pests, diseases or environmental
stresses (Figure 4.1). Two organic mulches commonly used in the
landscape are bark mulch and leaf compost.
Sawdust is not used in the landscape, but is used at
times as a mulch for field and container-grown
nursery stock. Organic mulches will tie up some
nitrogen as they decompose. Therefore, it is
recommended to add extra nitrogen to the mulch,
otherwise plant growth may be reduced. For
sawdust, it is recommended to add about 0.5 kg
4-46 | P a g e
If mulches are applied incorrectly, they can kill There are drawbacks that limit the use of mulches
newly-planted and established trees. When in containers. Mulches can be difficult and
applying mulch, two rules of thumb to keep in expensive to apply uniformly and efficiently, they
mind are do not apply it against a trees trunk, and do not all hold up well with heavy irrigation, and
do not apply more than a 10 cm deep layer. When their effectiveness is dramatically reduced if the
mulch is placed against a tree, it keeps the trunk integrity of the layer is disrupted by shrinkage or
moist and makes it susceptible to attack by pests. In shifting of the layer (Figure 4.3). At times the mulch
addition, it restricts the ability of the bark to breath. can even be phytotoxic. This occurred in tests with
Always remember that plant roots and the inner ProScape at Spring Meadow Nursery Inc. in Grand
bark are living, respiring tissues. Anything that Haven, MI (American Nurseryman, February 15,
restricts gas exchange from these tissues will stress 2001). The toxicity was discovered to be due to high
and perhaps kill them. For this reason, the use of levels of boron in the mulch.
black plastic as a weed barrier is also not
Living mulches can also be used. Sowing a fall crop
recommended. Weeds invariably establish through
of spring barley between rows of nursery stock will
breaks in the plastic, as well it depresses the growth
reduce the need to control winter annuals. This
of landscape plants by impeding the infiltration of
cover crop will also provide erosion control and
air and water into the soil.
increased trafficability. The cover crop can be
Mulches are being used to control weed growth in cultivated the following spring.
container-grown ornamentals, too. Forest seedling
nurseries in BC routinely apply a thin layer of fine
gravel to container-grown seedlings for weed
Chemical Weed Control
control. Similarly, some ornamental nursery Chemical control should be used only when other
growers are using pumice or sawdust mulches. A 1 methods have not provided satisfactory results.
cm layer of sawdust mulch can provide 99% weed This is particularly true in a landscape situation
control for 2 months. Geotextile weed discs and where the public may be directly impacted by
plastic lids (Enviro Lids) are other options. The pesticide application, and where guidelines for
industrys interest in mulches has resulted in an pesticide application may require that people be
explosion in the number of products available. informed about pesticide use. In general, if an
There are several new organic mulches being tested herbicide needs to be used, select a product that has
that are made from coconut fibres (AW-disk), straw low toxicity to humans and non-target organisms,
(BioTop), wood fiber (Corrudisc), or pelletized and that has low residual activity and minimal
sweepings from sheep shearing operations adverse effects on the environment.
(Wulpack). The results with the latter products
have been mixed. Herbicides must be applied accurately, at the right
time and at the right stage of weed growth for
maximum effect. Always read and follow the label
instructions. If the material is used contrary to the
label, the warranty is null and void. Proper
equipment must be used and adjusted correctly to
make accurate and thorough applications. The
spray pattern must be even and uniform. Make
sure granular materials are uniformly spread.
Check the calibration of the spreader occasionally,
and always recalibrate it before using different
sized granules. More detailed information on
calibration is presented in Chapter 10.
Liquid applicators include hand sprayers as well as
large power sprayers. Chemicals which dissolve
readily may be adequately mixed by using
hydraulic agitation of a pump bypass. Oil-water
Figure 4.3. Liverwort growth occurs where soilless media emulsions and wettable powders usually require
is exposed due to lifting and curling of the fabric weed constant vigorous mechanical agitation.
4-47 | P a g e
Always use clean water. Salty or hard water may Physical Methods:
result in gumminess or precipitates that can plug
nozzles. Test a small amount of chemical with Since the prostrate thallus of liverwort is tightly
water before mixing in the tank. This should be attached to the growing medium, it is very difficult
done the evening before spraying. If a precipitate to remove by hand. Liverwort removal is usually
forms, determine the cause and a solution before accomplished by scraping it off with a layer of
applying. Have screens on hose lines and nozzles to medium. This method is expensive, potentially
prevent plugging or back pressure. Replace worn damaging to surface roots of the crop, and
nozzles. Wettable powders are especially hard on relatively ineffective since liverwort will quickly re-
brass nozzles. establish from thallus fragments, vegetative
propagules (gemmae), or spores left behind. In
contrast, mulches that are quick-drying can be very
Case Study Controlling effective (Figure 4.4).
Liverwort (Marchantia Cultural Methods:
species) in Containers wash and disinfest cuttings, and sanitize the
cutting preparation area and the propagation
Liverwort is one of the most prevalent and
beds before sticking cuttings
troublesome weeds in container-grown nursery
stock. Liverwort thrives under moist conditions. allow the surface of the medium to dry
This is a reason why it often gets established during between irrigations; for this reason,
propagation and overwintering. subirrigation systems are generally effective at
reducing the incidence of liverwort
Liverwort produces a green, spreading thallus that
clings to the soil by fine roots that are produced on incorporate macronutrients, since topdress
almost the entire lower surface of the thallus. applications promote liverwort growth
Heavy infestations can compete with the crop,
apply slow release micronutrients as a topdress
restrict water infiltration, and can make a crop
(use sulfur forms preferably), since some
unmarketable. Shipments of nursery stock have
micronutients are quite effective at suppressing
been rejected due to the presence of liverwort.
liverwort growth (e.g. copper, iron oxide, and
There are no effective herbicides registered in zinc) (Proceedings of SNA Research Conference,
Canada to control established liverwort. In 1998, Vol. 43:396-402).
addition, even dead liverwort on nursery stock is
undesirable to some clients. For these reasons,
growers need to strive to prevent its growth. This
can only be accomplished by using a combination
of physical, cultural, and chemical controls.
Figure 4.4. The results of a 12-month study on the effectiveness of mulches to control weed growth in container nursery
stock. The data presented is the average number of weeds removed per container each month during the growing season.
All of the mulches, with the exception of corn gluten meal, significantly reduced weed growth relative to the untreated
control. Adapted from: Alternative Weed Control for Container Nursery Production, 2004, Canadian Nursery Landscape
Association Project # 2003-03.
4-48 | P a g e
Chemical Methods: c. Liverwort control on non-crop land To be
successful, a weed control program must
a. Preemergent BroadStar (flumioxazin) is include steps to reduce weed growth on non-
registered to control liverwort on outdoor crop land. SureGuard (flumioxazin) is
container-grown woody ornamentals. Ronstar registered for application to non-crop areas in
(oxadiazon) is also registered for preemergence and around ornamental nurseries. Although
weed control in some container-grown nursery the label does not state that it controls
crops. The Ronstar label does not make any liverwort, flumioxazin is known to control
claim about liverwort control, however liverwort. EcoClear 25% (acetic acid) is also
research has shown it to be moderately registered for weed control in non-crop areas at
effective (see Table 4.2). Similar results were nurseries, which includes in and around
found in research conducted at Cornell greenhouses. The label for EcoClear does not
University (Perennial Plants, Vol 5(4):7). claim to control liverwort, but research has
Uniform herbicide coverage is critical for demonstrated efficacy against this weed.
success. Safers De-Moss 40% (soap) has a domestic
b. Postemergent over the years, the efficacy has registration for use in greenhouses to control
been tested of a wide range of products on moss, algae, lichens and liverwort. Warning:
liverwort established in container stock. None All of these products caution against spraying
of these products can be recommended for use desirable plants due to the risk of plant injury.
because of phytotoxicity problems and, more
importantly, they are not registered for this use.
Dr. Sven Svenson presented an excellent
review of these products at the 1997
International Plant Propagators Society
Meeting, Southern Region (IPPS Combined
Proceedings, 1997, Vol 47:414-422).
Table 4.2. The influence of irrigation and surface treatment on the percent cover of liverwort in container-grown Picea
glauca Albertiana Conica. The low irrigation treatment was watered every 3 days, and the high irrigation treatment was
watered daily. The Ronstar treatment was not part of the mulch experiment, but was added for comparison purposes.
Adapted from: S. Svenson, Proceedings of SNA Research Conference, 1998, Vol. 43:396-402.
Hazelnut Shells 0% 4%
Pumice 0% 37%
Geotextile 0% 20%
Ronstar 0% 12%
Hazelnut Shells 0% 8%
Geotextile 9% 32%
4-49 | P a g e
Chapter 5 - Integrated Pest Management
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a decision-
making process that uses all available techniques to
suppress pests effectively, economically and in an Nursery and landscape sanitation includes the
environmentally sound manner. IPM is a process removal or exclusion of factors that allow pests to
for managing pest populations that includes the gain access to crops, to spread between plants, or to
following elements: survive between crops. Good crop hygiene focuses
a. to plan and manage ecosystems to prevent on starting clean and preventing the introduction of
organisms from becoming pests, pests. Prevention is often easier and less expensive
than to manage an established pest population.
b. to identify pest problems and potential pest
Start with Healthy, Pest-Free
c. to monitor populations of pests and beneficial
organisms, and damage caused by pests and Plants
environmental conditions, Closely inspect all plant material introduced to a
d. to use injury thresholds in making treatment nursery or landscape for pests. Plants with pest
decisions, problems should be quarantined while the
e. to suppress pest populations to acceptable levels problem is rectified.
using a combination of biological, physical, Strict sanitation also applies to propagation stock.
cultural, mechanical, behavioural and chemical The moist, warm conditions that favour
controls, and propagation also favour disease development (e.g.
f. to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. botrytis and downy mildew). Cuttings and scion
In practical terms this means having a plan that material should only be collected from healthy and
lists all possible plant host/pest problems and pest-free stock plants. Washing in a detergent will
appropriate control methods to selectively reduce a help to remove soil, weed seeds, pathogens, or
pest population, while not harming beneficial insect eggs or other life stages from the surface of
organisms. cuttings.
An IPM program takes into account factors that Cutting and pruning tools should be frequently
influence plant health and vigour as well as those sanitized on all crops to prevent the spread of
that affect the health and reproductive capacity of diseases. Table 5.1 lists products and treatment
pests. The program will attempt to optimize times to disinfect cutting knives.
growing conditions for the crop while making the
conditions less favourable for pest development. Sanitation of Production Areas
Key aspects of a nursery IPM program are:
Between crops all production beds, greenhouses,
sanitation, benches, walkways and containers should be
optimizing crop growth, cleaned. It is very important to remove organic
debris before treatment with an oxidizing
monitoring crops for pests,
disinfectant (e.g. bleach, hydrogen peroxide), since
knowledge of pest life cycles, and the debris will significantly reduce the efficacy of
timely use of control tools, such as biological, the disinfectant.
chemical, cultural and mechanical controls.
It is also important to follow a sanitation program
during crop production. Sanitize cutting tools
periodically when pruning crops.
5-50 | P a g e
Table 5.1. Disinfectant treatments for cutting knives used by the greenhouse floriculture industry. Do not dip cuttings in
the disinfectants. No evaluation was made of the phytoxicity of disinfectant-treated knives on the cutting. Use these
treatments with CAUTION.
Disease Best Disinfectant Treatment Time
Bacterial blight of geranium 5% Virkon Quick Dip
10% Bleach1 Quick Dip
DCD Floralife (16 mL/L) Quick Dip
5-51 | P a g e
Plant residues and sick plants harbour pests and Some factors that influence crop growth are light,
should be quickly removed from production areas. temperature, water, air and soil tilth (fertility,
For instance, rose blackspot and apple scab will drainage and aeration). For many of these the
overwinter on fallen leaves. Therefore, it is quantity and quality of the factor must be taken
recommended that fallen leaves be collected and into account. Steps to optimize crop growth
removed from the area to reduce inoculum levels. include:
Plant debris should be buried, pasteurized or Improve soil drainage through the installation of
burned. An open refuse pile near a production area drain tiles to reduce the risk of root rot on
is a recipe for disaster, since it will be a source of susceptible hosts. Waterlogged soil results in the
reinfestation for a variety of pests. depletion of oxygen. Oxygen content below 10%
will injure roots, and levels below 3% will result in
If you must have a cull pile, locate it far away and
the cessation of root growth in many plants. Roots
downwind from the production area and the
injured by a lack of oxygen will leak nutrients,
source of irrigation water. The pile should be
which attract various root rot organisms.
covered with a plastic sheet or a soil layer after
each deposit to prevent the release of spores and Increase plant spacing, or change pruning practices
the buildup of insects on plant debris. The best to produce a less dense plant canopy, to improve
solution is to remove all cull material from the site. air movement and reduce problems with foliar
Recycling is fine, but do not recycle your pests. diseases.
5-52 | P a g e
Table 5.2. Monitoring methods for insects in polyhouses and greenhouses.
Fungus Gnats
Shore Flies
Plant Bugs
Monitoring Method
Aphids &
Monitoring Method
Board traps
Sticky traps and bands
Tap foliage over a white surface
Blacklight traps
Visual inspections
Trap crops
Flour baits
Pheromone traps
5-53 | P a g e
Table 5.4. Scouting methods for insects in polyhouses.
Fungus Gnat
Spider Mite
Gall Midge
Slug, Snail
Plant Bug
Scouting Methods
(Visual Inspection)
Lineal mines
Notches on margins
Signs of a Pest
5-54 | P a g e
Table 5.5. Scouting methods for insects in the field.
Spider Mite
Slug, Snail
Plant Bug
Scouting Method
(Visual Inspection)
5-56 | P a g e
The insect threshold number that will render a not to control. There is no published information
plant unsalable will have to be assessed. Several that lists threshold levels for insect pests in nursery
years of meticulous record keeping will be crops.
necessary to predict with confidence when or when
Table 5.6. Using plant phenology as an indicator of insect development (Adapted from the publication Coincide: The Orton
System of Pest Management).
Insect Pest Vulnerable Insect Stage to Indicator Plant Stage of Development that
Monitor Coincides with Insect Stage
Adelgid, Cooley spruce gall Overwintering insect Magnolia X soulangiana - pink bud
Adelgid, Cooley spruce gall Overwintering nymph Acer saccharum - leaves in full colour
Aphid, honeysuckle First aphid Aesculus hippocastanum blooming
Aphid, pine bark Overwintering female Syringa vulgaris - green bud
Aphid, willow Newly-hatched nymph Magnolia X soulangiana dropping petals
Aphid, woolly apple When aphids are present Catalpa speciosa blooming
Bagworm Newly-hatched larva Catalpa speciosa blooming
Beetle, elm leaf Young larva Aesculus hippocastanum late bloom
Borer, bronze birch Newly-hatched larva Aesculus hippocastanum late bloom
Borer, peach tree Start of egg hatch Philadelphus coronaries blooming
Borer, peach tree End of egg hatch Solidago canadensis blooming
Budworm, spruce Young larva Magnolia X soulangiana dropping petals
Caterpillar, Eastern tent Young larva Magnolia X soulangiana early bloom
Eriophyid mite, spruce Newly-hatched immature Magnolia X soulangiana - pink bud
Gall midge, honeylocust pod Newly-hatched larva Gleditsia triacanthos bud break
Leafminer, birch Young larva Syringa vulgaris - late bloom
Mite, spruce spider Newly-hatched nymph (1st flush) Magnolia X soulangiana - pink bud
Mite, spruce spider Newly-hatched nymph (2nd flush) Solidago canadensis blooming
Mite, two-spotted spider Immature stage and adult Yucca filamentosa - early bloom
Moth, European pine shoot Overwintering larva Magnolia X soulangiana - pink bud
Moth, European pine shoot Newly-hatched larva Catalpa speciosa blooming
Moth, tussock Young immature larva Crataegus crus-galli blooming
Needle miner, spruce Young feeding larva Magnolia X soulangiana - pink bud
Root weevil, Black vine Overwintering adult Aesculus hippocastanum late bloom
Root weevil, Black vine New adult Catalpa speciosa blooming
Sawfly, European pine Newly-hatched larva Magnolia X soulangiana dropping petals
Scale, cottony maple Newly-hatched crawler Yucca filamentosa blooming
Scale, European elm Overwintering nymph Prunus X cistena blooming
Scale, European elm Newly-hatched nymph Yucca filamentosa blooming
Scale, Fletcher Overwintering female Magnolia X soulangiana blooming
Scale, Fletcher Newly-hatched crawler Yucca filamentosa blooming
Scale, lecanium Newly-hatched crawler Yucca filamentosa blooming
Scale, oystershell Newly-hatched crawler Syringa vulgaris - late bloom
Scale, pine needle First instar nymph Aesculus hippocastanum blooming
Scale, San Jose Newly-hatched crawler Catalpa speciosa blooming
Scale, spruce bud Newly-hatched crawler Sorbus aucuparia - fruit turning orange
Webworm, fall Young larva Sorbus aucuparia - fruit is orange
5-57 | P a g e
Table 5.7. The life cycles of some important nursery and landscape pests in the coastal region of BC. Shaded areas
designate when to monitor for a pest and, if required, when to implement a control program.
Developmental Stage Symbols:
A = adult
E = egg
L = larva
N = nymph
P = pupa
Bark beetle, Douglas fir, fir engraver & L L LA ELA ELA ELA L L
Mt. pine
Bark beetle, European elm L L LP EA EA L L L
Bark tortrix, cherry LP LP A LA LA L L L
Borer, bronze birch L L L LA LA LA L L
Borer, poplar & willow LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA
Budmoth, eyespotted L L P EA EA L L L
Budworm, holly E L L L P A A E
Budworm, western spruce L L LP P EA L L L
Bug, boxelder A EA ENA ENA ENA ENA ENA A
Cutworm, climbing LP LP LPA LPA LPA LPA LP LP
Flea beetle, alder A ELPA ELP ELP A A A A
Leafhopper E E N ENA ENA ENA E E
Leafminer, arbutus & serpentine L LP A ELA L L L L
Leafminer, birch P P LA LA LA LA P P
Leafminer, boxwood L LP EA ELA L L L L
Leafminer, cypress L LA EA EA L L L L
Leafminer, holly L L A EA L L L L
Leafminer, lilac P LA LA LA LA L L L
Mite, European red E E NA NA NA NA E E
Mite, two-spotted spider A NA NA NA NA NA A A
Moth, apple & cherry ermine L L LP A A E L L
Moth, cypress tip LP PA EA EA L L L L
Moth, Douglas-fir & tussock E E L L LP A A E
Moth, European pine shoot L L P A EA L L L
Moth, winter E L L P P P P A
Needle miner, spruce L P LA LA L L L L
Plant bugs (lygus) A A NA NA NA NA A A
Psyllid, boxwood A ENA ENA ENA ENA ENA A A
Sawfly, curled rose P LP LA LA LA LP P P
Scale, brown soft & cotton camellia N EA EA EA N N N N
Scale, cottony maple N N EA N N N N N
Scale, lecanium N N EA ENA N N N N
Scale, oystershell E E N N A A EA E
Scale, pine needle EA EA N N N A EA EA
Scale, San Jose N N EA ENA ENA ENA N N
5-58 | P a g e
Table 5.7. The life cycles of some important nursery and landscape pests in the coastal region of BC. (Contd)
E = egg
L = larva
N = nymph
P = pupa
Skeletonizer, apple & thorn A EA ELA ELA ELA ELA A A
Spanworm, Bruce E L L P P P P A
Tent caterpillar, western E L L L A A E E
Thrips N N NA NA NA NA N N
Webworm, cotoneaster L L P LA LA LA L L
Webworm, fall P P P A L L L P
Webworm, juniper L L P LA LA L L L
Weevil, black vine LA LA PA LA LA LA LA LA
Weevil, sitka spruce A A L L L LP P A
Whiteflies N NA NA NA NA NA N N
5-59 | P a g e
Table 5.8. Monitoring schedule for insect pests of trees and shrubs (by month of occurrence) in the South Interior. The
data is from 10 years of field reports collected in the Okanagan by CropHealth Advising & Research.
5-60 | P a g e
Table 5.8. Monitoring table for insect pests of trees and shrubs (by month of occurrence) in the South Interior. (Contd)
Sucking Insects
Aphids Nymph Acer, Betula, Caragana, Cornus, Cotoneaster, Crataegus,
Fagus, Juglans, Lonicera, Malus, Picea, Potentilla, Prunus
(flowering plum), Quercus, Ribes, Rosa, Salix, Spiraea, Tilia,
Aphid, bark Egg, nymph Pinus
Aphid, green ash leafcurling Nymph Fraxinus (green ash)
Leafhoppers Adult Rosa
Mites, spruce spider Adult, nymph Abies, Juniperus, Picea, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Taxus, Thuja
Phylloxera, oak leaf Adult, egg, nymph Quercus
Psyllids Nymph Crataegus
Psyllid, boxwood Nymph Buxus
Psyllid, pear Nymph Pyrus
Spittlebugs Nymph Forsythia, Potentilla, Rosa, Spiraea, Junipers, Pinus
Chewing Insects
Budworm, spruce Larva Abies, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga menziesii
Bug, boxelder Adult Acer
Caterpillars Larva Malus, Prunus (flowering plum), Rosa, Sambucus, Spiraea,
Syringa, Tilia
Caterpillar, tent Larva Acer, Malus
Curculio, rose Adult Rosa
Lacebug Nymph azalea, Rhododendron
Leafminer, birch Larva Betula
Leafminer, lilac Larva Syringa
Leafminer, poplar Larva Populus
Looper, barberry Larva Mahonia
Moth, tussock Larva Abies, Pseudotsuga menziesii
Root weevils Adult azalea, Rhododendron, Taxus, Thuja
Sawflies Larva Ribes, Rosa
Thrips Adult Prunus (flowering plum), Rosa
Gall Formers
Adelgids Egg, nymph Abies, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga menziesii
Gall midge, honeylocust pod Adult, egg Gleditsia
Bark beetle, pine Adult Pinus
Borer, shothole Adult Sorbus
Weevil, white pine Adult, larva Picea
5-61 | P a g e
Table 5.8. Monitoring table for insect pests of trees and shrubs (by month of occurrence) in the South Interior. (Contd)
Sucking Insects
Aphids Nymph Acer, Betula, Caragana, Cornus, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Fagus,
flowering plum, Juglans, Lonicera, Malus, Picea, Potentilla,
Quercus, Ribes, Rosa, Salix, Spiraea, Tilia, Ulmus
Aphid, green ash leafcurling Nymph Fraxinus (green ash)
Aphid, petiole gall Nymph
Leafhoppers Adult Populus
Malus, Parthenocissus, Rosa
Mite, rust Adult, nymph Pyrus
Mites, spruce spider Nymph, adult Abies, Juniperus, Picea, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Taxus, Thuja
Mites, two-spotted spider Adult, nymph Caragana, Robinia, Rosa, Salix, Spiraea
Phylloxera, oak leaf Adult, egg, nymph Quercus
Psyllid, pear Adult, nymph Pyrus
Scale, juniper Adult, nymph Juniperus
Scale, pine needle Adult, nymph Pinus
Scale, Fletcher Adult, nymph Taxus, Thuja
Scale, European elm Adult, nymph Ulmus
Spittlebugs Nymph Forsythia, Potentilla, Rosa, Spiraea, Junipers, Pinus
Chewing Insects
Beetle, cottonwood leaf Larva
Beetle, elm leaf Larva Populus,
Ulmus Salix
Caterpillars Larva flowering plum, Malus, Rosa, Sambucus, Spiraea, Syringa, Tilia
Caterpillar, tent Larva Acer, Malus
Lacebug Adult, nymph azalea, Rhododendron
Leafminer, poplar Larva
Looper, barberry Larva Populus
Moth, codling Larva Malus
Moth, tussock Adult, larva Abies, Pseudotsuga menziesii
Needle miners, spruce Larva Picea
Root weevils Adult, larva azalea, Rhododendron, Taxus, Thuja
Sawflies Larva Picea, Populus, Ribes, Rosa
Skeletonizer, apple & thorn Larva Malus
Slugs (sawfly larva) Larva Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Pyrus, Rosa
Thrips Adult Prunus (flowering plum), Rosa
Gall Formers
Gall midge, honeylocust pod Adult, egg Gleditsia
Mite, blister Nymph Juglans
Bark beetle, pine Adult, nymph Pinus
Borer, bronze birch Adult, nymph Betula
Borer, maple twig Adult, nymph Acer
Borer, shothole Adult, nymph Sorbus
Moth, pine shoot Adult, nymph Pinus
Pitch moth, sequoia Adult, nymph Pinus
Weevil, white pine Larva Picea
5-62 | P a g e
Table 5.8. Monitoring table for insect pests of trees and shrubs (by month of occurrence) in the South Interior. (Contd)
Sucking Insects
Aphids Nymph Acer, Betula, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Fagus, Juglans, Lonicera,
Populus, Potentilla, Prunus (flowering plum), Quercus,
Robinia, Rosa, Salix, Spiraea, Tilia, Ulmus
Aphid, petiole gall Nymph Populus
Psyllid, pear Adult, nymph Pyrus
Leafhoppers Adult Rosa
Lacebug Adult, nymph azalea, Rhododendron
Phylloxera, oak leaf Adult, egg, nymph Quercus
Scale, juniper Adult, nymph Juniperus
Scale, Fletcher Adult, nymph Taxus, Thuja
Scale, spruce bud Adult, nymph Picea
Scale, European elm Adult, nymph Ulmus
Scale, cottony maple Adult, nymph Acer
Scale, lecanium Adult, nymph Carpinus, Fraxinus (green ash), Quercus, Tilia
Scale, oystershell Adult, nymph Crataegus, Fraxinus (green ash), Quercus, Tilia
Mite, rust Adult, nymph Pyrus
Mite, spruce spider Adult, nymph Abies, Juniperus, Picea, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Taxus, Thuja
Mite, two-spotted spider Adult, nymph Caragana, Malus, Populus, Potentilla, Prunus (flowering
plum), Robinia, Rosa, Salix, Spiraea, Viburnum
Chewing Insects
Beetle, cottonwood leaf Larva Populus, Salix
Beetle, elm leaf Larva Ulmus
Caterpillars Larva Rosa, Sambucus
Fly, walnut husk Adult, larva Juglans
Moth, codling Adult, larva Malus
Root weevils Adult azalea, Rhododendron
Sawflies Larva Picea, Populus, Ribes
Slugs (sawfly larva) Larva Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Prunus (flowering plum), Pyrus
Webworm, fall Larva Acer, Betula, Crataegus, Fraxinus (green ash), Juglans,
Malus, Populus, Prunus (flowering plum), Quercus, Sorbus,
Syringa, Tilia, Ulmus
Gall Formers
Gall midge, honeylocust pod Adult, egg Gleditsia
Bark beetle, pine Adult Pinus
Borer, bronze birch Adult Betula
Borer, maple twig Adult, larva Acer
Borer, peach tree Adult, larva Prunus (flowering plum)
Borer, poplar Adult, larva Populus
Borer, shothole Adult Sorbus
Moth, pine shoot Adult, larva Pinus
Pitch moth, sequoia Adult, larva Pinus
5-63 | P a g e
Table 5.8. Monitoring table for insect pests of trees and shrubs (by month of occurrence) in the South Interior. (Contd)
Sucking Insects
Aphids Nymph Acer, Potentilla, Prunus (flowering plum), Quercus, Robinia,
Rosa, Salix, Spiraea, Tilia
Lacebug Adult, nymph Salix
Leafhoppers Adult, nymph Salix
Mite, rust Adult, nymph Malus, Picea, Prunus (flowering plum), Pyrus
Mites, two-spotted spider Adult, nymph Caragana, Carpinus, Cotoneaster, Gleditsia, Malus, Populus,
Potentilla, Prunus (flowering plum), Robinia, Rosa, Salix,
Sorbus, Spiraea, Viburnum
Phylloxera, oak leaf Adult, nymph Quercus
Psyllid, pear Adult, nymph Pyrus
Scale, cottony maple Nymph Acer
Chewing Insects
Beetle, cottonwood leaf Adult, nymph Populus, Salix
Beetle, elm leaf Adult, nymph Ulmus
Bug, boxelder Adult, nymph Acer
Fly, walnut husk Adult, nymph Juglans
Moth, codling Adult, larva Malus
Skeletonizers, apple & thorn Larva Malus
Slugs (sawfly larva) Nymph Prunus (flowering plum), Pyrus
Webworm, fall Larva Acer, Betula, Crataegus, Fraxinus (green ash), Juglans,
Malus, Populus, Prunus (flowering plum), Quercus, Sorbus,
Syringa, Tilia, Ulmus
Bark beetle, pine Adult, larva Pinus
Borer, peach tree Adult, larva Prunus (flowering plum)
Borer, poplar Adult, larva Populus
Sucking Insects
Adelgids Adult, nymph Picea, Pseudotsuga menziesii
Aphids Adult, nymph Acer, Cornus, Fraxinus (green ash), Picea, Spiraea,
Mite, rust Adult, nymph Picea
Mites, spider Adult, nymph Malus, Sorbus, Spiraea
Mites, spruce spider Adult, nymph Abies, Juniperus, Picea, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Taxus, Thuja
Chewing Insects
Fly, walnut husk Adult, nymph Juglans
Webworm, fall Larva Populus, Prunus (flowering plum), Sorbus, Syringa
5-64 | P a g e
Diagnosing Crop Disorders Abiotic disorders are caused by environmental
stress, mechanical damage and chemical factors.
Monitoring is a very useful technique to identify Abiotic disorders cannot be corrected by the
crop disorders. However, it takes an experienced application of pesticides.
pest manager to be able to know what type of 3. Collect information on any excavation work,
information to collect to accurately identify the herbicide applications, etc. that may have
cause of a disorder. Correct identification of the recently occurred in the area. Look for patterns
cause(s) of a disorder is essential to develop a of damage associated with changes in soil
control strategy. For instance, caterpillars (larvae of texture or grade.
butterflies and moths; order Lepidoptera) and
sawfly larvae (order Hymenoptera) are very similar 4. Note signs and symptoms of damage on the
in appearance. However, pesticides containing host plants and use this information to
Bacillus thuringiensis (e.g. Dipel, Foray) are only determine the cause. Ensure that you observe
effective on Lepidopteran caterpillars. The pest the plants root system, too. Root injury often
manager needs to be able to differentiate these two leads to foliar damage.
pests to select an effective insecticide. Sawfly larvae Insects can be divided into two groups based on
have 6 or more pairs of prolegs without crochets the type of plant damage caused by their
and Lepidopteran larvae have 5 or fewer pairs of feeding activities. These groups are the piercing
prolegs with crochets (Figure 5.3). and sucking insects, and the chewing insects.
Chewing damage is caused by a broad group of
insects, and the symptoms can vary from small,
irregular notches, to large chewed areas or leaf
skeletonization. It is very difficult to identify the
cause of leaf chewing from the symptoms alone,
with perhaps the exception of leaf notching by
root weevils. Signs of the causal agent are
required. Chewing-like damage can also be
caused by abiotic factors (e.g. freezing damage
during the bud stage). A diagnostic symptom of
insect chewing is the presence of necrotic tissue
on the perimeter of the damaged area, which is
a result of the cells being ruptured by chewing.
Piercing and sucking mouthparts can produce a
Figure 5.3. The larvae of the Pine sawfly have 8 prolegs. range of damage symptoms, including:
Diagnosing crop disorders requires a logical leaf and growing tip distortion (e.g. curling,
thought process that includes several distinct steps. crinkling, stunted internodes) is common
1. Identify the host plant. Many insects and after feeding from true bugs, aphids and
diseases are host-specific; therefore knowing the thrips;
host plant will allow you to quickly limit the toxic reaction of leaf leading to yellowing
number of suspected causes. and premature leaf fall; and
2. Identify the location and extent of damage on the formation of galls and bladders galls
individual plants and in the plant population. can be produced in response to disease and
This information can be used to differentiate insect pests. Galls are often solid if caused by
between damage caused by living (biotic) and a pathogen and are compartmentalized if
non-living (abiotic) factors. Damage caused by they are associated with insect activity.
pests usually has a random, non-uniform
distribution on a plant and within a plant Remember that insect damage can remain long
population, and often occurs on one crop. after the causal pest is gone.
Damage caused by abiotic factors is often 5. Sometimes specialized lab skills are required to
uniform in distribution, and occurs on more identify the causal agent and the services of a
than one type of plant and at one point in time. plant diagnostic lab may have to be used.
5-65 | P a g e
Knowledge of Insect Life Cycles The release of beneficials is best suited to enclosed
Knowledge of pest life cycles is critical for making
The successful use of introduced biological control
pest management recommendations. Insecticide
agents in ornamental crops is dependent on a
and miticide applications must be timed to occur
number of factors. The pest level that can be
when the majority of the pest population is
tolerated in a crop is important because a biological
vulnerable to chemical control. Often the egg and
control program seldom eliminates every pest. The
pupal stages are resistant to pesticides.
range of insects, mites and diseases that a crop is
Precise timing is even more important when susceptible to must be considered, as compatible
releasing biological control agents or using specific, control methods must be available for all potential
non-residual pesticides, such as soap or problems. The use of biological control is best
horticultural oils. Published information can help suited to long-term crops because the predator and
pinpoint each pests susceptible stage to a part of a the parasitoids must go through at least one
month, but to narrow the ideal application time to a generation to buildup to effective levels and
few days, crop monitoring must be done. establish a dynamic equilibrium between pests and
beneficials over time.
After a pest control treatment is applied, always
monitor its effect afterwards. Keep dated records of Biological control is not a silver bullet that will
pest problems and the stages of crops attacked, solve all pest management problems. The method
since this information can be used to predict future may need to be restricted to certain stages (e.g.
pest problems. propagation) or areas of production. Some
advantages of applying a biological control
Timely Use of Control Tools program are the corresponding reduction or
elimination of pesticide use, improved worker
Chemical control should be used only if the other safety, the lack of re-entry intervals with
methods are shown to be inadequate. This is beneficials, and the potential to use the program as
particularly true in a landscape situation where the a public relations tool.
public may be directly impacted by the application Some reasons why the use of beneficial organisms
of pesticides, and where guidelines for pesticide may result in inadequate pest control are:
application in public areas requires that people be
the pest was incorrectly identified, which
informed about pesticide use. In general, if a
resulted in the use of the incorrect biological
pesticide needs to be used, select one that has low
toxicity to humans and non-target organisms, and
that has low residual carry over and minimal the environmental conditions were not suitable
adverse effects to the environment. Pesticide for the biological agent,
recommendations for ornamental crops are host plant interference (the biological did not
provided elsewhere in this guide and will not be like the taste of the crop),
discussed in any detail in this section. pesticide residues on plants negatively affected
Biocontrol agents can be a viable alternative to the beneficial organisms,
pesticide use for some pests. There is increasing the beneficial organisms were released too late
interest in their use in landscapes and nurseries. or in too low numbers,
biologicals were sick or dead upon arrival,
Biological Control unexpected pests interfered with control, and
The term biological control refers to the use of the goals and expectations of the program were
natural enemies to suppress pests. Biological not realistic.
control tactics include both conserving naturally
Beneficial insects are a valuable addition to many
occurring beneficial organisms and introducing
pest control programs. The following information is
commercially reared beneficials. Pest control based
a review of practices to increase the positive impact
on the release of biological controls was pioneered
of beneficials in nurseries and landscape settings,
by the greenhouse sectors. It has been proven
and a description of the most common beneficials
effective at maintaining pest levels below their
found in British Columbia.
economic threshold.
5-66 | P a g e
Building a Resident Population of Table 5.9. Flowers and shrubs that attract beneficial insects.
Alyssum Lobelia
Beneficial Insects
Achillea Lobularia maritima
A favourable environment will attract beneficial Anthemis tinctoria Monardia
insects to a nursery or a landscape setting. For most Aster Phacelia
predators the immature stages feed only on pests.
Aurinia saxatilis Potentilla
The adults often feed on flower pollen. For
Calendula Reseda odorate
example, the female syrphid fly requires flower
nectar to produce eggs. Thus, the fly will be Ceanothus Rudbeckia
attracted to a site with flowers and will feed before Chrysanthemum maximum Schizanthus
searching for an aphid colony to lay eggs. Chrysanthemum parthenium Sedum
Coreopsis Tagetes
Techniques that can be used to build a resident
population of beneficial insects include diversifying Cosmos Thymus
the garden landscape, planting appropriate Heliotropium arborescens Verbena
flowers, retaining banker plants and releasing Iberis Veronica
commercially reared beneficial organisms. Source: Integrated Pest Management Manual for Landscape
Pests in British Columbia
Diversifying the garden landscape: Crops or
landscapes that have little plant diversity are less Releasing commercially-raised beneficial insects:
desirable to beneficial insects. A diverse landscape Purchasing beneficial insects is a good method to
with a variety of flowers, shrubs and trees, and augment the resident population of predators and
small sources of water will provide shelter, parasites. This practice is commonly used for
alternative food sources, overwintering sites and greenhouse crops and in specific landscape
water for predator insects. A succession of flowers situations. However, not all situations are
over the season will provide a continuous supply of favourable to this practice. For instance, many
pollen and nectar for feeding adults. species of lady beetles sold by insectaries, such as
Planting appropriate flowers: Many researchers the convergent lady beetle (Hippodamia convergens),
have examined the value of different flowers to will instinctively fly away upon release and will
attract predator insects. For example, clover, provide little benefit to a small outdoor landscape.
buckwheat and yarrow are excellent flowers to The aphid midge is another predator of aphids. It
attract minute pirate bugs, an important predator requires open soil that is not disturbed at the base
of nursery and flower production. Dill, fennel and of the plant to complete its life cycle. Use of aphid
yarrow attract lady beetles, syrphid flies and midges is most appropriate in greenhouses or rose
parasitic wasps. Table 5.9 provides a list of flowers gardens, rather than in field production or street
that attract beneficial organisms. plantings, although it is effective outdoors during
the warmer summer months.
Retaining banker plants in the nursery: Plants
already colonized by aphids, thrips or spider mites
will attract beneficial insects. Keeping a few
Using Pesticides Selectively
infested plants will allow the predator population Pesticides are important in pest management
to increase and disperse over the rest of the site. If programs, but they can be harmful to naturally
two adjacent areas are infested with the same pest occurring predators and parasites. In many
problem and a pesticide application is planned, the situations, an outbreak of aphids or spider mites
manager can treat one area first and wait 1-2 weeks can be traced back to a pesticide application that
to treat the second area to preserve the resident destroyed the population of beneficials.
beneficial insect population.
At times a pesticide application will be required to
It is important to be patient and allow nature to do control a pest. The pest manager should use
its work. The goal of sound pest management is to strategies that minimize the impact of pesticides on
keep the situation under control and prevent plant beneficial organisms. This includes treating
damage, not to wipe out all insects. problems early in the season and using pesticides
with short residual activity or low toxicity to
5-67 | P a g e
Treating problems early in the season: Some pests Using pesticides with low residual periods:
become active many weeks before their predators. Careful selection of pesticides is required to
To prevent pests from causing injury to crops, it minimize their impact on beneficials. Select a
can be important to treat them early in the season. pesticide that is systemic or has a short residual
For example, aphids emerge from overwintering period. Dormant oil and insecticidal soap are
eggs at bud break on Cornus and Viburnum. Aphid relatively compatible with an integrated pest
feeding early in the spring will cause deformed management program. These two pesticides have
leaves that will be present for the rest of the year. short residual activity, allowing the population of
For these crops, therefore, it is necessary to apply a beneficials to re-establish soon after the treatment.
knockdown product at bud break to control the Applying a pesticide as a spot treatment is another
early flush of aphids. Later in the season, native approach to reduce the quantity of pesticide used
aphid predators and parasites can be effective, on a crop. This can also be achieved by applying a
season-long controls, provided they are not systemic pesticide as a trunk band or as a soil
disrupted by a mid-summer pesticide application. drench treatment.
Aphids appear during summer months on plants Using pesticides of low toxicity to beneficials:
such as Potentilla and Spiraea, which is a time when Pesticides vary in their toxicity to predators and
large numbers of predators are present. A pesticide parasites. Generally, broad-spectrum products,
application may not be necessary during this which control a large variety of pest problems, will
period. kill predators and parasites whereas narrow-
spectrum products are less harmful.
5-69 | P a g e
A. B. C. hairy and often brightly coloured. They are
excellent jumpers and retreat when disturbed.
Jumping spiders are active during the day,
especially when warm and sunny. They produce
silk shelters under objects or in crevices, but do not
produce webs.
Preferred Food: Jumping spiders stalk and attack
prey. They feed on a range of insects, including
beetles and treehoppers.
Figure 5.6. Lacewing eggs (A), larva (B), and adult (C).
(Photo (right): D. Gillespie AAFC) Lady Beetles
Preferred Food: Although aphids and mealybugs Lady beetles are also called lady bugs and
are their preferred source of nourishment, both ladybird beetles. There are many species of
green and brown lacewings will also feed on mites, predaceous lady beetles. This section covers the
scale, thrips, leafhoppers, psylla and small common, twice-stabbed and Stethorus lady beetles.
caterpillars. When prey is scarce, the adult Chrysopa
species can feed on honeydew, nectar and pollen. Common Lady Beetle
Lacewing larvae puncture their prey and suck out Identification: The adults are oval, rounded
the internal fluids. Green lacewing larvae are beetles, with more than 500 species known to occur
capable of consuming 20-100 aphids per day. in the United States and Canada. They vary in
Life Cycle: Lacewings overwinter as pupae or length from 4-10 mm and display a variety of
adults. They are usually seen during the summer colours, including black, red, orange-red and
months, more often at night, as they are attracted to yellow. Many species have a characteristic wing
light. The females can lay 100-200 eggs, with colour and number of black spots on their wings,
development time from egg to adult being but other species show a large variation in the
approximately one month. Some lacewing adults colour and number of spots.
can live for many months. The larvae have an alligator-like shape. At first they
The larvae are sometimes seen as early as April, are black, have short hairs and spines on their
being one of the first active predators in the spring. backs, and have well-developed legs. The later
However, this insect is more common in August instars are grey to blue-black with orange
and September. markings. The pupae are often found hanging from
leaves and bark and are orange-red with black
Status in Ornamental Plants: The adult green markings.
lacewing is among the prettiest insects of nature.
The delicate, transparent green wings stand up A. B. C.
high above the insect body. Many field workers
will recognize the cluster of eggs hanging on
threads on the underside of leaves. This predator is
usually found in low numbers and cannot provide
a stand-alone control of aphids or mites.
Lacewings are available from insectaries for
commercial releases. Cannibalism is a problem, as
the larvae are generalist feeders and the first to
emerge will happily consume the other larvae in Figure 5.7. Lady beetle eggs (A), larva (B), and adult (C).
the shipment. Many field experiments indicate that (Photos: D. Raworth, AAFC)
releasing adults is not a practical option as they
Preferred Food: Both adults and larvae feed on
immediately fly away before depositing eggs.
aphids, spider mites, scales and mealybugs. Adults
Jumping Spiders (Salticidae) chew the body parts and can eat up to 3,000 aphids
in their lifespan. Full-grown larvae can suck the
Identification: There are several types of jumping body fluids of approximately fifty aphids per day.
spiders. They range in size from 3-15 mm, and are When prey is in short supply, the adults can
5-70 | P a g e
survive for a short period on pollen and nectar. juniper scale. Feeding by adults and larvae can
provide reasonable control of scale crawlers.
Life cycle: Lady beetles overwinter as adults and
become active early in the spring. An adult female Stethorus Lady Beetle (Stethorus picipes,
will lay 10-50 yellow to orange elongated eggs in a S. punctum, S. punctillum)
cluster, often on the underside of a leaf. The time
span from egg to adult is usually 20-35 days. The Identification: The Stethorus lady beetle, also called
adults can live one to two months and under ideal the spider mite destroyer, is up to 1.5 mm long. It
outdoor conditions, there may be up to six exhibits the standard lady beetle body shape but
generations per year. has a shiny black body with pale, tiny hairs.
Status in Ornamental Plants: The lady beetle adult The larvae are dark grey to brown and covered
is the first predator of the season and can be seen in with a plentitude of fine hairs. The pupae are dark
early April. They can multiply to large numbers in orange to black and are covered with fine hairs.
a short time and continue to forage for aphids all
through the summer. The public easily recognizes
A. B.
this predator.
Nursery and landscape managers should learn to
recognize the larval stage of lady beetles. The
alligator-shape, blue to black with orange
markings, is typical of this predator. There are
many situations where toxic pesticides are applied
to control bugs that turn out to be lady beetle
Different species are available from insectaries for
Figure 5.8. Stethorus larva (A) and adult (B). (Photos: D.
commercial release. The species collected in the
Raworth, AAFC)
mountains of California often fly away from the
point of release before searching for food, making Preferred Food: Stethorus lady beetle adults and
them less useful in open areas. Recently, the Asian larvae prey almost exclusively on spider mites. An
lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis) became available adult may consume 20-60 spider mites and lay up
through some suppliers and is said to remain at the to ten eggs per day over a three-month period. The
site of release. older larvae can eat up to 250 mites per day.
Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle (Chilocorus Life Cycle: Stethorus beetles overwinter as adults in
leaf litter. The females will lay their eggs in a spider
mite colony. Development from egg to adult is 2-4
Identification: The twice-stabbed lady beetle weeks, depending on temperature, resulting in a
exhibits the standard lady beetle body shape and is number of generations per year.
5 mm in size, but has a characteristic shiny black
Status in Ornamental Plants: The species is very
body with two red spots on the wings. The larvae
common on plants with a high population of spider
are alligator-shaped with prominent spines and
mites. It provides relatively good control on mature
often go unnoticed as they hide under the body of
plants in landscape areas, but it usually does not
their prey.
appear in adequate numbers early enough in the
Preferred Food: Chilocorus spp. commonly feed on season to prevent damage on young nursery plants.
scale insects. They will also prey on aphids,
adelgids and other soft-bodied insects. Pirate Bugs (Orius tristicolor, O.
Life Cycle: The twice-stabbed lady beetle overwinters insidiosus, O. minutus)
as an adult and appears very early in the spring, often Identification: The Orius adult is oval, flat and has
in early April. It is commonly seen on plants with a a narrow, pointed head. The wings are held flat on
high population of overwintering scale. the body at rest and they are black with white
Status in Ornamental Plants: This pretty lady diamond marks vaguely resembling a typical pirate
beetle is a joy for landscape managers. It is a flag. Adults are small and range in size from 2-3
common sight in juniper plantings affected by mm. They tend to move rapidly.
5-71 | P a g e
The nymphs are pear-shape and orange or yellow
in colour. With a size range of 1.8-3.7 mm, they are A. B.
tiny insects but are visible to the naked eye.
Preferred Food: Both the adults and nymphs are
predaceous insects. The nymphs can feed on thrips,
whiteflies, small caterpillars, insect eggs, aphids
and adelgids. They can consume up to 30 spider
mites per day. When prey is abundant, the nymphs
will kill more thrips than it needs to consume.
Life Cycle: The adults overwinter under bark or in
ground litter. Emerging in late spring, the female Figure 5.9. Three Anthocoris nymphal instars (A) and
adult can live for 3-4 weeks and lays her eggs into adult Deraeocoris brevis (B). (Photo: ICMI)
plant tissue. Development time from egg to adult is Status in Ornamental Plants: They are occasionally
3-6 weeks, resulting in 3-4 generations per year. seen in landscapes and nurseries. However, they
Status in Ornamental Plants: Orius are the unsung are far more common in tree fruit orchards and are
heroes of nursery production, both in the field and an important predator of pear pests.
in containers. Both the adults and nymphs can be
very abundant on plants that have thrips, spider Parasitic Wasps (Braconids,
mites or aphids. It can survive on flower pollen Chalcids, Ichneumonids)
when there is no prey.
Identification: There are thousands of parasitic
Pirate bugs are available from insectaries for wasp species, which differ in biology, host and
commercial release. They have proven to be appearance. Some are endoparasitic, developing
effective for greenhouse release to control thrips. within their host, while others are exoparasitic,
They should not be used deliberately in conjunction developing on the outside of the host.
with predatory mites, on which they can feed.
Adult wasps range in size from 1-35 mm long. The
Deraeocoris and Anthocoris Species small species are difficult to see with the naked eye.
The damage done by the larvae or emerging wasp
Identification: The adult has an oval-shaped, flat is usually more obvious than the adult.
body that is 4-6 mm in length. They have a black
head and body and a tan wing pattern. The adult A. B.
Deraeocoris is twice as large as and stouter than the
adult Anthocoris. Nymphs are pinkish-grey when
they first emerge and turn to a light grey with
darker marking as they grow. They resemble pirate
bug larvae but are larger, roughly 4 mm in length.
Preferred Food: They can consume aphids and
other soft-bodied insects, but their preferred diet
includes mites (30 or more a day) and pear psylla
(especially the eggs).
Life Cycle: Species of Deraeocoris and Anthocoris
overwinter as adults and become active when daily Figure 5.10. Aphid mummies parasitized by a
temperatures exceed 10oC. Egg incubation usually Trichogramma wasp (A) and a parasitic wasp laying its
takes three days, and development from egg to eggs in an aphid (B).
adult requires approximately 20 days. Nymphs can Preferred Food: Parasitic wasps are grouped in
be present in late spring and late summer as two three insect families.
overlapping generations can occur during the year.
The Ichneumonid wasps are parasitic to the egg
and larvae of caterpillars and beetles. The female
adult has a long, needle-like egg-laying structure at
the back of the abdomen (ovipositor).
5-72 | P a g e
The Braconid wasps inject their eggs into a broad more active and shinier than the pest mites.
host range, including caterpillars, flies, beetles and Predatory mite eggs are shiny, oval and colourless
aphids. In some cases, they emerge early to pupate to opaque white.
in cocoons adjacent to the host carcass. Infected or
parasitized aphids (mummies) appear swollen,
tan or black in colour and shell-like. An exit hole
will be present if the adult wasp has already
emerged or the larva has left to make a cocoon. The
presence of mummies amidst an aphid colony is an
indicator that other healthy aphids may also be
parasitized and will soon die.
The Chalcid wasps are very small and parasitize a
wide range of caterpillars, flies and some beetles. A
well-known member of this family is the
Trichogramma wasp, which lays its eggs inside the Figure 5.11. A predatory mite. (Photo: D. Raworth,
eggs of many moths and butterflies. AAFC)
Life Cycle: The life cycle and number of Preferred Food: Predatory mites feed on all stages
generations per season varies depending on the of plant-feeding mites, including rust mites, two-
parasite species. spotted spider mites, McDaniel mites and
European red mites. Some species feed on fungus
In general, the female deposits one or more eggs gnats and thrips.
into the body of a host insect, be it an aphid or a
caterpillar. Upon hatching, the larva feeds on the Life Cycle: Predatory mites overwinter as adults
internal organs of the host in such a way that the under the bark and other refuges. They emerge
host remains alive during parasite development. In early in the spring and feed on early-season rust
some cases, the dead host serves as a house for mites and two-spotted spider mites. The
pupation. The adult parasite emerges later, leaving development time from egg to adult is 7-21 days
behind a mummified host carcass or a cocoon. depending on temperature, allowing for 6-10
generations over the course of the year.
Status in Ornamental Plants: Parasites are efficient
warriors that can devastate an aphid colony within Status in Ornamental Plants: Predatory mites are
days. The presence of a few mummified aphids is a very common in all nursery and landscape settings
sign of doom and gloom for the colony. Unfortunately, and provide more benefits than most managers
the parasitic wasps tend to arrive after the aphid realize. Many outbreaks of spider mites can be
population has built to large numbers. Landscape and traced back to an application of a pesticide that
nursery managers must show patience to allow the eliminated the predatory mites, allowing pest mites
parasites to establish. Most pesticides kill parasitic to cause damage in the absence of natural control.
wasps. Using a toxic product to control an aphid The population of predatory mites can build to
outbreak will destroy the resident parasite population large numbers when there is an abundant supply of
and may trigger future flare-ups of aphids. prey. A ratio of 1 predator mite to 30 or 40 spider
mites is often sufficient to obtain effective control
Predatory Mites within a few days.
(Amblyseius/Neoseiulus spp., Various species of predatory mites are available
Hypoaspis spp., Phytoseiulus from insectaries for commercial release. Each
species has a preferred range of relative humidity,
persimilis, Typhlodromus spp., temperature, and prey. The supplier can suggest
Zetzerllia mali and others) the predatory mite that would be the most effective
for each situation.
Identification: Most predaceous mites have a pear-
shaped body and a reddish or translucent colour, Neoseiulus fallacis has been shown to be an effective
although they can also be opaque white when they biological control agent of multiple spider mite
are not feeding. They are larger than their prey, the species on shrubs and perennials in a study
adult being 0.25-0.4 mm in length, and are typically conducted in Oregon (J. Econ. Entomology, 2002,
5-73 | P a g e
95:1135-1141). It was less effective on conifers and amid aphid colonies over a lifespan. The eggs
shade trees, especially on tall plants with a sparse require only a few days to hatch and the larval
canopy. Control by N. fallacis is also known to be stage last 7-10 days. Pupation occurs in a dark place
reduced on widely spaced plants, and on such as a rolled leaf or in the soil litter and takes
rhododendron cultivars that have sticky new about one week.
growth. A threshold of 1 mite per 5 leaves is
The total duration from egg to adult is 2-4 weeks
sufficient to feed the predator and to not cause
with approximately 4 generations per year.
significant plant damage (Rosetta, 2004 CanWest
Horticulture Show). Status in Ornamental Plants: Syrphid flies are one
of the most effective aphid predators of ornamental
Syrphid Flies (Syphidae spp.) plants, both in nurseries and in landscape settings.
Identification: Adult syrphid flies resemble bees or They can be found in large numbers throughout the
wasps in their colour pattern but are usually province at all times between April and October.
smaller and have only one set of wings. They are When they are present on a plant, they can provide
also referred to as hover flies, because of their control of an aphid problem within a few days.
ability to hover in flight. Their body length ranges Larvae can be mistaken for caterpillars, but they are
from 8-15 mm. Hundreds of species have been legless, usually in the middle of an aphid colony,
identified in North America. and have a characteristic tapered body shape.
The white, elongated eggs are normally laid singly Having plants in bloom is a good method to
among aphid colonies. The larvae are legless, have increase the resident population of this predator, as
a tapered and flattened body that is 10-15 mm in the adult females feed on the flower pollen before
length at full size, and exhibit varying colours of laying eggs. Plants such as yarrow, flowering
white, yellow, green and brown. These maggots buckwheat, and members of the carrot and dill
sway their pointed heads from side to side to family have shallow nectarines that provide
search for prey or when disturbed. accessible food sources for the adults.
The pupal stage is smooth, cigar-shaped and light
to dark brown in colour.
Building a Nursery IPM
A. B. Program
(Adapted From: Lanthier and Jensen, 2001, Nursery
IPM Project, #300050)
Every nursery should have an integrated pest
management (IPM) program. When introducing a
program into their operation, the nursery should
Figure 5.12. Syrphid fly larva (A) and adult (B). (Photo
keep it simple, only focusing on a few plants and
(right): AAFC)
their associated problems. This will allow the
Preferred Food: Syrphid adults feed strictly on nursery management to become familiar with the
flower pollen and nectar but the larvae are process without introducing too many changes
voracious aphid feeders. Despite being legless, the simultaneously. A nursery IPM program can be
larva is very efficient at finding its prey and can implemented in the following stages: have a crop
consume 200-800 aphids in a 10-day period. When monitoring and recording program; correctly
aphids are in short supply, some species can identify the problems; make use of biological
survive on flower pollen. The syrphid larvae can control; and, if needed, select the least-toxic
also feed on caterpillars, thrips and sawfly larvae. pesticide to treat the problem.
Life Cycle: Syrphid flies overwinter as mature This section is designed to be a step-by-step process
larvae, pupae or adults. The adults can be seen as to start and develop a program that is successful
early as April and both adults and larvae are found and adaptable to the special needs of each nursery.
in large numbers in May. The females require
pollen to produce eggs, laying 400-1,000 single eggs
5-74 | P a g e
Crop Monitoring methods. Some of the most common monitoring
methods are to:
Monitoring is the regular inspection of plants to visually inspect plants for damaged leaves or
detect problems caused by pests or environmental other plant parts, and the presence of insects or
disorders, and without it an IPM program does not disease,
exist. For general information about monitoring,
tap branches to dislodge insects above a white
see Monitoring Crops for Pests in this chapter.
sheet of paper attached to a clipboard,
The aim of monitoring is to detect plant problems use sticky or pheromone traps to capture the
early and to gather information to assist the site adult stage of many insects,
manager to make sound pest management
use indicator plants to monitor specific insect
decisions. If successful, the plant problems will be
pests at the most appropriate times, and
found at the nursery, not by the customer receiving
a shipment. The following steps are useful when watch for weather conditions that favour the
developing a monitoring procedure. development of certain diseases.
Dedicate one person to monitor the nursery: The More monitoring methods for use in the field and
most effective way to build a successful IPM greenhouse are presented in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
program is for nursery management to assign one Seek the observations of field supervisors: Most
person the task of crop inspection. This person, nurseries have field personnel and supervisors
often called a scout, must be given enough time dedicated to specific production areas. They look at
to tour the facility and look for plant problems. the plants on a daily basis and will notice when a
This time must be dedicated exclusively to pest infestation is starting or when a plant is
monitoring. The scout should not be expected to becoming not normal. The scout should regularly
perform other duties such as shipping, pruning or discuss crop conditions with field staff, as their
weeding during the inspection. observations are a time-saving method to identify
Allocate the required amount of time for potential pest problems.
monitoring: Each nursery must determine how Examine plants with many predator insects: In
much time is necessary to conduct adequate their adult stage, many predator insects are very
monitoring. Some nurseries require one day every efficient at finding small infestations of aphids,
second week, while others need two days per week. spider mites and thrips. An abundance of predators
The length of time required will depend on the in a bed of plants is a warning signal that a pest
number of potential pest problems, which will be problem may be developing.
related to the number of crops grown and the
season of the year. Typically, a nursery growing Use appropriate field equipment: The following
many different crops will have more pest problems tools are useful for field monitoring:
than a nursery growing few crops. Also, since there A hand lens (16x) to examine insects and disease
are more pests in the spring than summer, structures in the field,
monitoring in the spring can take twice as long as
Sharp and clean hand pruners to collect samples,
in the summer.
Containers and bags to store samples,
Learn to recognize normal from not normal
A trowel and a shovel to examine the soil at the
plant growth: The scout must be able to recognize
base of the plants, and
plant problems at their early stages of
development, which requires the ability to A notebook and a pen to record observations
differentiate normal from not normal growth. and counts.
Many problems first appear on the newest foliage.
Damage symptoms to look for are pierced, Identification of Plant Problems
deformed or discoloured leaves. The pest Different problems require different solutions. The
symptoms and signs listed in Tables 5.4 and 5.5 can proper identification of the problem is the first step
assist in diagnosing crop disorders. before selecting a treatment that will be effective.
For example, spraying for insects will not solve a
Use a variety of monitoring methods: There are
plant problem caused by a disease.
many different ways to monitor plants and
different problems require different monitoring Proper identification serves many purposes. If the
5-75 | P a g e
problem is caused by an insect, the site manager Seeking this expertise can be a time-saving process.
can examine the life cycle of the pest and apply a The scout should develop a list of contacts in the
treatment at the most vulnerable growth stage of area that can help with specific problems. The
the pest. If the problem is caused by a disease, the Ministrys Plant Diagnostic Lab, based in
site manager can modify growing practices to Abbotsford, provides a fee-for-service to industry
reduce the conditions that favour disease professionals for diagnosis of plant problems.
The following are useful approaches for identifying
Treatment of Plant Problems
plant disorders (for additional information, see When pest levels justify it, a treatment may be
Diagnosing Crop Disorders in this chapter). necessary to aid in fixing a plant problem. There
are many situations where non-chemical
Look at the whole plant, not just the top growth: approaches can be effective and adequate. For
A thorough examination of the plant is often the example, pruning out infected plant parts can
only way to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the successfully control some diseases. With insect
underlying problem. Many plant problems are pests such as aphids and spider mites, naturally-
caused by environmental factors that cannot be occurring predators can provide acceptable control
fixed by spraying pesticides. For example, a plant when the pests are in low numbers.
that is wilting may suffer from the lack of water in
the soil, or may have root rot from excess water, or Pesticides should be used as a last resort when
may have root damage caused by rodent feeding. other methods are not practical in an IPM program.
Pesticide treatment is more common in commercial
There are many other reasons to examine a plant nurseries than in landscapes, as the cost of
thoroughly. Insects such as leafhoppers and application is spread over hundreds of plants.
sawflies hide on the underside of the leaves during
their young stages and are normally not detected Below are a few useful steps when using pesticides
until they have caused serious damage. to treat pest problems.
Make counts of plants with pest problems: Counts Use pesticides only when justified: There are
are a written record of the type and number of three common situations that justify the use of
pests found and the number of plants affected. pesticides in a nursery.
They also make a useful permanent record to verify 1. Apply a pesticide to control a pest problem that
whether a problem is increasing or disappearing, or can seriously damage a plant. Insects such as
whether a pesticide application has been effective. bark borers, sawflies and root weevils can kill
The monitoring scout should check enough an affected plant. In most cases, the only
samples to have data that is reasonably accurate in effective control is to apply pesticides at the
order to justify any treatments. The number of proper time in their life cycle.
samples will vary with each problem and the 2. Apply a pesticide when the pest problem is
expertise of a scout. Twenty samples may be present on plants ready for sale. Some insect
sufficient in some situations, whereas five hundred problems that may be minor in nursery
samples may be required in others. production can trigger complaints by customers.
Use appropriate laboratory equipment: Have a Aphids and thrips are examples of minor pests
work area that includes a table, shelves and a that should be controlled before the plants are
refrigerator. This space is used to examine plant shipped.
parts more closely and to store samples. Have a 3. It may be necessary to apply a pesticide to
dissecting microscope to assist with pest manage a pest problem that bothers nursery
examination and identification. Build a library of workers. Aphids on the new growth of field-
books and articles that have colour pictures, grown trees will cause little damage to the
technical descriptions or control recommendations. plants but will annoy the workers who walk
Seek professional help with difficult problems: A through the plants for routine activities such as
person observing a plant problem for the first time pruning or tying.
may find it strange and mysterious, but a more
experienced individual will provide a rapid
diagnosis and suggest effective control options.
5-76 | P a g e
Use pesticides in the safest possible way: Common errors include driving the tractor too
Pesticides are chemical products that may be toxic rapidly, not getting thorough coverage of the plants
to people and the environment. It is important to or plugged nozzles.
use pesticides in a safe way. Follow label
Build a calendar of pest problems: Each nursery
instructions for application rates and safety
has its particular set of pest problems and pest
precautions. When a pesticide is applied, ensure
problems change with the seasons. Some pest
the area is clear of people, and follow provincial
problems return every year during the same
regulations for restricted re-entry intervals.
period. By keeping a record of the date of treatment
Generally, the re-entry interval is 24 hours for most
applications, a monitoring scout can inspect the
herbicides and fungicides, and 24-48 hours for
plants only when seasonal pest problems are
many insecticides (WorkSafeBC Regulations). Note
present and have a program in place before the
that the re-entry interval may be different on the
pests arrive.
pesticide label. Use the re-entry interval on the
label if it is longer than the WorkSafeBC interval. In this publication, you will find examples of
seasonal pest problems for plants in the Lower
Whenever possible, select a pesticide of low toxicity
Mainland (Table 5.7) and the Southern Interior
to preserve naturally-occurring predators and
(Table 5.8) of British Columbia.
parasites. These insects help control many common
pests such as aphids, spider mites and thrips, and Ask the question: Can the problem be controlled
are easily killed by pesticide products of moderate in the future without pesticides? In some cases,
or high toxicity. pest problems come back every year and the only
option is to apply a pesticide at the proper time. In
Verify the treatment was successful: An IPM
other cases, the production practices can be
program will be adopted by nursery management
modified, for example, by dropping a plant variety
if pest problems are properly controlled. It is
that is very susceptible to aphids, or by changing
important to examine the plants following a
the irrigation scheduling to prevent leaf spot
pesticide application to verify the effectiveness of
the treatment.
A pesticide application that was not successful can
often be traced back to a faulty application.
5-77 | P a g e
Chapter 6 - General Disease Management
This chapter contains a description of and management recommendations for common diseases of
ornamental plants. Refer to the publication Crop Protection Guide for Nursery and Landscape Plants for a listing
of the pesticides registered to control bacterial and fungal diseases.
Bacterial Blight/Canker
Hosts: This bacterial disease is caused by can often be controlled on mature trees and shrubs
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae under cool and with timely pruning and by maintaining good
wet conditions. It attacks at least 40 species of plant health. Leaf spotting and even some shoot
woody deciduous nursery plants. It is a major dieback in the spring do not usually cause long-
problem on ornamental maples, lilacs, flowering term damage to mature plants and rarely requires
cherries and oriental pears in the Lower Mainland, chemical control. Mature trees may require
but rarely occurs in the Interior. treatment if shoot damage has been severe the
previous year, to prevent recurring blossom blast, if
Symptoms: Blackening (or browning) of new
larger branches are dying back, and if the trees are
shoots and tip dieback are the most common
growing under other stressful conditions that
symptoms on Acer, Cotoneaster, Euonymus, Forsythia,
increase their susceptibility.
Magnolia, Populus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Rubus,
Syringa and Vaccinium. Other symptoms include Management options for bacterial blight and
blossom blast on pear and leaf spots and vein canker include:
blackening on Acer, Cornus, Magnolia, Tilia, and
1. Freezing: Protect frost-sensitive plants from
Populus. Malus is less susceptible. Blossom blight,
cold temperatures and ice formation in early
blackening of buds, leaf shot-hole and stem or
spring and fall.
trunk cankers with gum exudation are common on
Prunus. 2. Weeds: Control weeds around susceptible
nursery stock. Weedy areas become frost
Disease Cycle: In Coastal British Columbia,
pockets. Pseudomonas syringae has also been
symptoms appear on new growth from March to
shown to survive on many weeds.
June under cool, wet conditions. The pathogen
spreads in water and enters young buds, wounds 3. Pruning: Minimize pruning wounds because
and leaf openings. Once the weather turns hot and they provide an entry point for bacteria.
dry, the pathogen ceases to cause new infections, Pruning tools can spread bacteria. Make sharp
although the disease remains latent in previously cuts and disinfect pruning tools between cuts,
infected plant tissues. Leaf abscission scars can be especially when working with symptomatic
infected in the fall on some hosts, such as Acer trees. Use a 10% solution of household bleach
palmatum, although symptoms may not be apparent (corrosive to metal objects), or Lysol, or other
until spring. disinfectant. Prune back to green tissue below
the cankered or dead area of the limb.
The pathogen passes the summer and winter on
and inside twigs and buds. Ice-nucleating strains of 4. Timing of Pruning: Prune trees in January or
the bacterium have been shown to increase February, or in mid-summer when weather is
susceptibility of plants to frost injury. On the other dry. Peach trees pruned in fall/early winter
hand, damage from bacterial blight is often worse have been shown to have more damage from
following a late spring frost or cold period. bacterial blight than trees pruned in January or
February (Hortscience, 1976, 11:103-104). The
Disease Management: Chemical control is more
number of Pseudomonas bacteria on plants is
often needed on young trees and shrubs rather than
highest in the spring, so pruning in
on older, established plants. Pseudomonas blight
March/April has the greatest risk of spreading
6-78 | P a g e
5. Nutrition and Management: Provide optimum The tissue around the burned area callused
nutrition, good drainage and growing quickly and, 2 years later, showed no signs of
conditions and add lime to increase soil pH if infection (Plant Disease Reporter, 1976, 60:60-61).
necessary. Weak, poorly growing trees sustain This might be a useful treatment option for
more bacterial blight damage. Do not fertilize larger landscape trees.
after July, as this will result in overly succulent
7. Resistance: Rootstocks and varieties of some
growth in the fall, which is more susceptible to
flowering cherry and oriental pear species have
blight and cold damage. Space plants for good
shown resistance to Pseudomonas syringae.
air circulation. Remove and destroy dead twigs
Kwanzan cherry is susceptible when young
and fallen leaves.
but often develops resistance as the tree
6. Cauterization: On orchard-grown stone fruit matures.
trees in New Zealand, burning Pseudomonas
cankers with a hand-held propane burner has
been shown to limit spread of cankers and
prevent girdling of cankered branches.
Crown Gall
Hosts: Crown gall disease is caused by a soil-borne Diagnosing crown gall is difficult because some
bacterium called Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Over plants that are susceptible to infection can also
600 plant species in more than 90 families can be produce gall-like plant growths due to other
infected. Common hosts include Aster, blueberry, factors. If in doubt as to the cause of galling, it is
Chrysanthemum, Cydonia, daisy, Euonymus, Juglans, best to obtain a laboratory analysis to confirm
Juniperus, Malus, marigold, Prunus, Pyrus, crown gall. It may not be possible to recover
raspberry, Rosa, Salix and Vitis. Agrobacterium tumefaciens in laboratory culture from
older galls. There are also saprophytic strains of
Symptoms: Galls develop on the crown and roots,
this bacterium in soil that do not cause disease.
or in some cases on the shoots and branches. Galls
are usually soft, spongy and white at first, but later The Ministrys Plant Health Lab can confirm the
turn hard and brown. They range in diameter from presence of A. tumefaciens using a PCRbased
a few millimeters to several centimeters. Infected molecular diagnosis.
plants often show symptoms of nutrient deficiency,
If a definite diagnosis is not possible, the grower
such as yellowing of leaves, followed by a general
must decide whether or not to remove the plants,
decline and stunting. A large gall at the crown may
keeping in mind:
be more damaging than several smaller galls on
roots or stems, since it interferes with the main the potential market or outcome for the plants -
vascular system of the plant. in a landscape situation, it may depend on the
severity of symptoms expressed by the plants,
Disease Cycle: The bacterium can survive for at
least 2 years in soil. They spread on diseased whether there was a previous crown gall
nursery stock, in irrigation or ground water and on problem in that soil,
cultivation and pruning equipment. The bacteria
the fact that large galls not due to Agrobacterium
infect roots and crowns, often entering through
can also be damaging to plants, but wont
wounds caused by pruning tools, insects, freezing
spread to other plants,
or pathogenic nematodes.
Rain splash can move bacteria from soil to stems the risk of disease spread to other nearby
susceptible plants through ground water, soil
and leaves where they can infect through wounds
particles or plant maintenance activities, and
or stomata. Upon infection, the bacterium inserts
specific bacterial genes into the genome of plant as a general rule, if the galls appear only on the
cells, which stimulate the cells to divide rapidly, branches, main trunk, or only at the graft
producing a tumour-like growth that contains more unions, and not on roots or crown, the cause is
bacteria. As galls break down in the soil, the most likely not crown gall.
bacteria are released.
6-79 | P a g e
Disease Management: Soil solarization has been successful in some areas
on light, sandy soils, but it is doubtful whether the
1. Purchase new stock only from a reputable
temperature would reach a high enough level in
supplier. Plants grown in soil infested with
most British Columbia soils to kill the bacterium.
crown gall may appear clean but can carry
latent infections that will produce galling in
subsequent years. Galls Caused by Other Factors
2. Inspect new stock for crown gall before Galls caused by factors other than crown gall can
planting and do not plant any with gall cause decline and weakening of plants. Roses can
symptoms. produce a gall-like growth at the graft that is a
physiological reaction to an incomplete graft.
3. Avoid injury to roots and bark in the crown Rhododendrons produce tissue proliferation
area when planting or cultivating, as this creates galls on branches, roots, or at the base of the
potential entry-sites for the bacterium. plant, which are believed to be caused by a
4. If only a few plants are affected, remove and genetic disorder and perhaps other
destroy these to prevent spread of infection. environmental factors. Apples also produce
Remove all roots and soil from around infected various galls and burr-knots that are
plants and take to a landfill. Do not compost physiological or environmental in origin.
infected plant debris or soil. Forsythia commonly has small galls along stems
5. If only a few branches are affected prune off the and twigs caused by a fungus, Phomopsis. Leaf
the infected branches. Sterilize pruners in 10% and bud galls on azalea, Cotoneaster and Prunus
bleach (corrosive to metals), Lysol, 70% alcohol spp. may be caused by fungi such as Exobasidium
(2 minute exposure) or other disinfectant and Taphrina. Trees and shrubs of the Legume
between cuts. family have nitrogen-fixing galls (nodules) on
roots caused by a beneficial bacterium, Rhizobium.
6. Do not take cuttings or propagate from Root knot nematodes also produce small white
diseased plants. galls on roots. Insects, such as midges, wasps and
7. Do not re-plant susceptible species into gall mites are a common cause of galls on stems
previously infected soil for at least 2 years. and leaves.
Fire Blight
Hosts: Fire blight is caused by the bacterium Entire trees can sometimes be killed and rootstocks
Erwinia amylovora. It occurs only on members of the can also be infected. In rootstocks, Erwinia
Rosaceae family. Common hosts in British amylovora causes a crown necrosis that resembles
Columbia include Amelanchier, Cotoneaster, Cydonia, Phytophthora crown rot.
Crataegus, Malus, Photinia, Potentilla, Pyracantha,
Disease Cycle: Erwinia prefers warm, wet weather.
Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Sorbus and Spiraea.
New infections occur in late spring during periods
Fire blight rarely occurs in the cool and wet Lower of rain or high humidity when temperatures are
Mainland region of British Columbia, but is greater than 18C. The bacterium overwinters in
common in the Interior. infected wood. New infections occur through
blossoms, shoot tips, young leaves and wounds.
Symptoms: The bacterium causes foliar and
The bacterium can be spread to healthy blossoms
blossom blight, twig dieback and branch cankers.
by insects, such as aphids, flies, leafhoppers and
The succulent tips of blighted shoots often droop,
bees, as well as splashing rain.
forming a shepherds crook, and turn brown to
black. Leaves remain attached to dead twigs. A
cream or tan coloured ooze may be present at the
edge of cankers and on young infected shoots.
6-80 | P a g e
Figure 6.1. Erwinia amylovora disease cycle.
Disease Management: The Agriculture and Agri- 3. Plant Management: Space nursery stock to
Food Canada (AAFC) publication Integrated provide good air circulation. Provide good
Management of Fire Blight on Apple and Pear in drainage. Avoid overhead irrigation as much as
Canada, 2006 (AAFC No.: 10124E), provides current possible or water early in the morning so foliage
information on the management of fire blight. can dry off quickly. Use moderate amounts of
nitrogen and do not fertilize after mid-summer
1. Blight Removal: Cut out and burn or bury
to prevent excessive succulent shoot growth.
infected foliage and branches as soon as
symptoms are noticed in late spring and 4. Insect Management: Control aphid, leafhopper
throughout the summer. Do not combine with and other insect infestations if this can be done
pruning. Make sharp cuts 15-30 cm or more without harming bees.
below discoloured wood. Disinfect pruning
5. Resistance: Resistant varieties and cultivars are
tools between cuts with 10% household bleach
(corrosive to metals), lysol, or other disinfectant. available. The publication Integrated Management
Disinfectant should also be applied to large cuts. of Fire Blight on Apple and Pear in Canada (2006)
Once weather turns cool in fall, inspect and cut ranks apple and pear cultivars and rootstocks
out any infections missed earlier. for their susceptibility to fire blight.
2. Sanitation: Eliminate old infected trees from
the vicinity of new plantings and nursery stock.
6-81 | P a g e
Botrytis Blight (Grey Mould) and Storage Moulds
Botrytis cinerea is a fungus that occurs wherever Disease Management:
there is high humidity and soft plant material. The 1. Quickly remove infected plants or plant parts
disease first becomes established on dying or dead from production areas to reduce the spread of
tissue and then spreads to healthy leaves, petioles, Botrytis spores. All dead leaves should also be
stems, blossoms, buds, twig tips, fruit or seedlings. removed.
Infection first appears as water-soaked areas on
soft or senescent foliage, flower parts or young 2. Improve air movement around plants with
stems. These areas turn tan to brown or greyish- good weed control and plant spacing/pruning.
white as they dry out. Fuzzy grey spore masses 3. Lower the humidity in greenhouses by
develop on infected tissues under cool, moist increasing ventilation and air movement.
conditions. Spores are air-borne and can infect Botrytis is favored by humidity levels of 95%
healthy plant tissues. for at least 3 hours; germination of conidia can
This disease is often a problem in overwintering be prevented by maintaining a humidity level
polyhouses where stagnant moist air and of 80% (FlowerTech, 2003, Vol: 6: 15-17).
day/night temperature fluctuations result in 4. If practical, water only in the morning so
condensation on the plant. Botrytis can carry over plants dry off quickly.
on old plant debris and as sclerotia in the soil.
Sclerotia can survive in soil for several years. 5. The use of plastic mulch on containers has
been shown to reduce the relative humidity
The disease is primarily a problem in container around plants and to significantly reduce
stock. However, dense seedling beds and closely infection by Botrytis (FlowerTech, 2003, Vol: 6:
planted landscape plants may also be affected. 15-17).
Because conifer seedling stock may be stored for a
considerable period, Botrytis and other storage 6. Alternate fungicides with different chemistry
moulds are of major importance. and limit the application of any one product to
two or three per growing season to prevent the
Symptoms initially develop on lower needles of development of resistant Botrytis.
bundled conifer seedlings, especially around the
tie strings. Damage can quite often develop 7. Do not re-use soil or planting mix from plants
without conspicuous surface mould. The disease that were infected with Botrytis.
progresses to the shoots and stems, and the 8. Remove, burn or bury cull piles upon which
needles become watery and decayed. Affected the fungus can sporulate.
needles normally fall off. Branches may have
water soaked lesions from which the bark easily For conifer seedlings, a protective spray may be
strips exposing the dead, butterscotch-coloured applied early in the season for bareroot stock.
cambium. When cartons are opened there tends to Daconil (chlorothalonil) or Rovral (iprodione)
be a musty odour. sprays may be necessary throughout the growing
season for container stock. To help reduce the
Commonly affected woody plants include: Alnus, incidence of mould during cold storage, the crop
azalea, Camellia, Cedrus, Cornus, Crataegus, cypress, should be treated before the lift with a spray of
Hibiscus, Hydrangea, Ilex, Juniperus, Prunus, Rovral (iprodione). Do not harvest until seven
Pseudotsuga, Pyrus, Rhododendron, Rosa, Syringa and days after fungicide application. It is especially
Viburnum. important to treat any stock that has been infected
Commonly affected flowering perennials include: with Botrytis during the growing season and stock
Aster, Chrysanthemum, Convallaria majalis, Dahlia, that will not be frozen during storage.
Dianthus, Paeonia, statice, Tulipa and many herbs.
The disease is called fire on Tulipa and Narcissus.
6-82 | P a g e
Other recommended pre-storage treatments include: 3. Immediately ship and out-plant stock showing
1. Store stock for the shortest possible time.
4. Coastal stock should be stored at 1C while
2. Monitor stock regularly on a seedlot basis,
stock of Interior provenances can be stored at
particularly stock with frost or other damage.
2C. This prevents mould growth
Damping-Off of Seedlings
The pre-emergence form of this disease causes Disease Management for Conifer Seedlings:
rotting of ungerminated seeds or germinants 1. Sow stratified seed.
before they emerge, while the post-emergence
2. Sow at optimum temperature and apply a
form causes rotting of seedlings slightly above and
sterile sand cover.
below the soil surface causing them to topple over.
3. Irrigate in the morning.
Many fungi are involved, including species of
Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, 4. In severe cases, a captan treatment may be
Phytophthora and other fungi. necessary.
6-83 | P a g e
Downy Mildew
Downy mildew diseases are caused by species
within the Family Peronsporaceae. These are
oomycetes or protists, and are closely related
to Pythium and Phytophthora. They are obligate
pathogens and, as such, can only exist in an active
form on a live host. They have no saprophytic
ability; they cannot survive on dead plant tissue or
other organic matter.
Hosts: Most downy mildews are specific to one
host plant, but some can infect plants in several
genera. Commonly affected ornamental plants
include Buddleia, foxglove, Hebe, Hellebore, Phlox,
Rosa, Rubus, snapdragon and many others. The
disease has recently been found to infect basil and
Impatiens walleriana, but not Impatiens x hawkeri
(New Guinea impatiens), and is causing serious
Figure 6.3. Impatiens infected with downy mildew may
damage to both crops in regions of North America.
appear off-color with a white mildew coating on the
In BC, the first detection of downy mildew
underside of the leaves (arrow); the leaves may turn
occurred in 2012 on basil and in 2013 on impatiens.
yellow and then abscise.
Symptoms: Symptoms are variable and can
include a downy, felt-like or powdery, white to Disease Management:
gray growth on the underside of leaves; leaf and 1. Avoid overhead watering in the evening when
growing tip distortion; stunting and yellowing of temperatures are cool. Use drip irrigation or
plants; yellowing of leaves and early leaf drop; water only in the morning so that leaves will
and/or purple spotting of leaves along the veins dry off quickly when air temperatures are
or mid-vein blotches. The symptoms can resemble warmer.
nutrient deficiencies or soil/root problems caused
2. Propagate only from seed or disease-free
by other factors. The pathogen may not sporulate
mother plants.
on Rosa in the laboratory, so diagnosis can be
uncertain. Cuttings from infected roses typically 3. Remove perennial ornamental plants from the
root poorly and die-off. Infected plants may not nursery that may harbour and spread the
show symptoms when first planted, but do not pathogen, or strictly isolate new production
thrive and gradually die out or continue to grow plants from the suspected plants.
poorly after the first or second year.
4. Remove plant debris, including fallen leaves, in
Disease Cycle: Peronospora infect plants via air- the fall that can harbour the pathogen, and put
borne sporangia that germinate and enter through down new ground covers under containers.
leaves and stem buds, but then grow systemically, Relocate new plantings away from areas that
progressing down into the stems, crowns and even have had downy mildew infected plants in the
the roots. Infected mother plants that do not show past.
serious symptoms can thus transmit the infection
5. Practice good plant sanitation practices in the
to cuttings, which die off after transplanting or
nursery and polyhouse. Bury, burn or remove
continue to grow poorly. The disease is not known
infected plants to a landfill. Do not allow cull
to be seed-borne. Optimum conditions for
piles or clippings to remain around the
sporangial infection are cool temperatures (about
nursery. Practice good weed control and space
16oC) and several hours of leaf wetness.
plants to provide good air circulation.
Many downy mildews also produce hardy
6. There is little or no information on resistant
oospores that can carry over in soil and plant
debris for several years and provide a long-term
source of inoculum.
6-84 | P a g e
Keithia Blight
Keithia Blight, which is caused by the fungus Disease Management: For conifer seedlings, cedar
Didymascella thujina, is a foliar disease of western carried over from one year to the next is a prime
red cedar. Individual leaflets dieback and toxins source of the disease. Production of one-year-old
produced by the fungus may kill heavily infected rather than two-year-old stock may reduce disease
trees. incidence. Conditions of low density, low
succulence, high light intensity and low humidity
The fungus forms slightly swollen, circular, red-
discourage infection and spread.
brown to olive-green or black spore-producing
fruiting bodies on infected leaf scales. The fruiting
bodies later drop out leaving shot-holes on the
dead, white scales. The disease is most commonly
found on two-year-old seedlings and usually starts
on the lower foliage.
Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms Symptoms of corky root become apparent on
that are invisible to the naked eye. Nematodes are Douglas fir midway through the first growing
commonly thought of as solely a soil-borne pest. season, when secondary needles of random
However, there are several foliar nematodes that seedlings become chlorotic and shoots are stunted.
damage ornamental plants, especially herbaceous Taproots have few if any laterals and are dark,
perennials. Both types of nematodes have a wide swollen and often club-tipped, but not rotted.
host range.
If soil-borne nematodes are suspected of causing a
Soil-borne Nematodes: They interfere with plant problem, a soil and root nematode count should be
growth by feeding on plant juices from roots, done. Since nematodes tend to be spotty in their
migrating through root tissue, creating infection distribution, careful soil and root sampling is
sites for root rots or wilt diseases, and transmitting necessary in order to collect a representative
viruses. Reduced plant vigour associated with sample. In general, nematodes tend to be located
high nematode levels is frequently blamed on where the majority of roots are in the soil.
other causes such as poor soil fertility, lack of
It must also be kept in mind when collecting a
moisture, insects, diseases or even soil exhaustion.
sample that more pathogenic nematodes may be
The foliage of an infected plant may be chlorotic
inside root tissues than in surrounding soil in mid-
(yellow) and the plant may be stunted.
summer. Nematodes move into roots in summer
When soil-borne pathogens such as Cylindrocarpon, to reproduce and to escape dry soil conditions.
Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia and The Ministrys Plant Health Lab can process root
Verticillium are present along with nematodes, the and soil samples for nematode count and
impact on the plant may be much greater. identification.
Corky root disease is caused by a soil-borne Foliar Nematodes: There are several species of
nematode, Xiphinema bakeri. The nematode is nematodes (Aphelenchoides spp.) that infect foliar
confined to coastal bareroot seedling nurseries and and stem tissue of ornamental plants. Foliar
the problem often occurs in nurseries established nematodes enter plants through stomata and other
on recently-cleared forest lands. Nematode openings. Once inside the plant, they pierce plant
populations rarely reach damaging levels on the cells and feed on the contents. When there is a
first crop, however subsequent production may be high population of nematodes in the tissue, they
severely damaged if the land is continuously will migrate out of the leaf to search for another
cropped. host.
85 | P a g e
The common symptoms of foliar nematode Research in Ontario has shown that a cover crop of
feeding are numerous, yellow to black, water- Crackerjack or Creole marigolds or Canadian
soaked lesions on a leaf. The lesions often have Forage Pearly Millet 101 can significantly reduce
sharp borders that are restricted by main leaf the population of root lesion nematodes in soil
veins. The patchwork appearance to the damage (Horticulture Review, March 2001). The efficacy of
occurs because nematodes cannot get through the treatment does depend on soil and weather
large leaf veins, and are, therefore, confined to the conditions during cover crop establishment.
space between veins.
Foliar nematodes can only move between plants
when there is free moisture or high humidity, and
when there is physical contact between the plants,
which includes workers handling them.
1. Take steps to reduce greenhouse humidity.
2. Space plants to prevent contact between
neighboring plants.
3. If the infestation is recognized early, removal of
damaged leaves and stems may be sufficient,
otherwise infested plants should be discarded.
4. Sanitation is critical since nematodes can
survive in a dehydrated state in dead plant
Figure 6.4. The patchwork appearance of symptoms of tissue for two years. Remove and destroy plant
foliar nematodes in a leaf of Anemone species. debris and have workers wash their hands
before handling a clean crop.
Nematode Management: Soil-borne nematodes
are not highly mobile pests. In general, they will For conifer seedlings, follow a three-year crop
only move about 15 cm per year on their own in rotation with two years crop and one fallow to
the soil. Their primary mode of movement and manage Corky Root. Thoroughly cultivate infested
spread is by physical movement of infested soil. fallow areas during the hot dry period of August
Irrigation runoff and flood waters can spread and September. Sample the fallow fields in early
nematodes. To reduce their spread, remove soil summer for nematodes. Preplant nematicide or
from equipment before moving it between fields. soil fumigant may be applied. Do not transfer
diseased stock among nurseries.
Powdery Mildew
Hosts: Almost every plant species, except conifers, Symptoms: A powdery, chalky, white-coloured
is susceptible to a powdery mildew. With few growth appears on the leaves that can resemble
exceptions, most powdery mildew fungi are very spray residue. The spores are usually seen on either
host specific. For example, the powdery mildew the lower or upper leaf surface, but in some cases
that infects rhododendrons will not infect roses. can appear on both leaf surfaces. Symptoms may
Under favourable environmental conditions, appear first as only mild, diffuse yellow spotting on
powdery mildew can cause significant plant the upper side of the leaves.
damage. They are obligate pathogens and, as such,
The underside of these spots will show the typical
can only exist in an active form on a live host. They
white, powdery sporulation. In more severe cases,
have no saprophytic ability; they cannot survive on
dwarfing, leaf and growing tip distortion, overall
dead plant tissue or other organic matter.
yellowing and severe browning of the foliage may
Commonly affected ornamental plants include occur. The fungus does not usually infect stems or
Acer, azalea, Betula, Ceanothus, Clematis, Cornus, cause twig or stem dieback.
Corylus, Gaultheria, Hydrangea, Kalmia, Lonicera,
Malus, Nandina, Quercus, Rhododendron, Rosa,
Syringa, Vaccinium and Viburnum.
6-86 | P a g e
Disease Cycle: High humidity, rather than free Disease Management:
water, favours spore production and low humidity
1. Plant disease-resistant hybrids or cultivars.
favours spore maturation and release. Warm days
and cool nights are ideal for disease development. 2. Prune out and burn or bury infected plant parts,
if practical.
In Coastal British Columbia, the disease can occur
as early as January on some plants, such as 3. Rake up and burn or bury fallen leaves. In most
rhododendron. cases, composting will destroy powdery mildew
The spores spread mainly by wind and carry over
on leaf debris and perennial foliage from year to 4. Reduce humidity by spacing plants for good air
year. When a powdery mildew spore lands on a circulation and by adjusting irrigation practices.
susceptible leaf, it enters the leaf cells via a germ
5. Avoid planting host plants in shaded areas.
tube and then grows inside the leaf. About 5 to 10
days later, the fungus produces numerous 6. For roses, disease severity can be reduced by
propagules (spores) on the surface of the leaf, using a high-pressure hose to thoroughly wet all
which is the chalky coating that is visible to the eye. leaves and canes on a sunny afternoon, to
permit quick drying of the leaves afterwards.
Spores can infect susceptible leaves whenever they
land on them, so protectant fungicide sprays are 7. On severely affected plants, preventive
often necessary to protect new spring growth fungicide sprays may be necessary. On
before infection occurs. landscape plants, 4% liquid sulphur
(DOMESTIC) is effective.
Some powdery mildew fungi produce overwintering
bodies that can survive on dead leaves.
6-87 | P a g e
Root Rot Caused by Armillaria
Other wood-rotting fungi can produce a white
Hosts: Armillaria root rot occurs on over 700
fungal growth at the base of dead or declining fruit
species of conifers and cedars, hardwood trees,
trees, cane berries, roses and cedars. When
shrubs and berries. Armillaria is a native fungus in
rhizomorphs are not seen, these fungi are often
British Columbia soils and most often infects plants
mistaken for Armillaria. A laboratory analysis may
on newly cleared land. Armillaria ostoyae is the
be needed to identify Armillaria.
common species found in infected conifers in
British Columbia, but other species may also attack
berries, hardwood and fruit trees. (In older
literature, the name Armillaria mellea was often used
to refer to all species.) In landscape plants, the
disease is most commonly found on conifers,
Malus, Quercus, Rubus (blackberry, raspberry) and
Symptoms: The first symptoms are leaf yellowing
and wilting, and plant decline and dieback. Only
one side of the plant may be affected. Cutting away
the bark at or just below ground level reveals a
white mat of fungal mycelium. Dark brown to
black, shoestring-like strands of fungal mycelium
called rhizomorphs may be visible in the mat or
scattered around the base of the plant.
Rhizomorphs look more like plant roots when Figure 6.6. White mat of Armillaria mycelium underneath
found in the soil. In the fall, a cluster of honey- the bark of a blueberry plant.
coloured mushrooms may appear at the base of Disease Management:
infected trees.
1. Water deeply when needed. Avoid surface
The pattern of disease can vary. Sometimes only watering around the crown and main trunk.
one or two mature trees will die in a hedgerow, or a
larger planting may be affected in a field. 2. Remove infected trees, including roots, and soil
in the root zone and re-plant with resistant
Disease Cycle: The fungus spreads from plant to species.
plant by means of the rhizomorph strands, which
can grow for several meters through the soil. In the 3. For oak and mature shade trees with early
fall, the fungus may produce clumps of honey- decline symptoms, it may help to remove any
coloured mushrooms at the base of the tree. The grass or ground cover and expose the soil in a 1-
mushrooms produce air-borne spores that also meter radius around the base of the tree. This
spread the disease. will help keep the soil warm and dry and
provide a less favourable environment for
Armillaria can survive for many years on dead roots fungal growth.
and old cane stubs. It is usually a disease of mature
trees that are suffering environmental stress. 4. When new sites are being cleared, avoid
Healthy, vigorous trees can often out-grow the Armillaria root rot by:
infection until other factors, such as flooding, soil Girdling large trees before removal so roots
compaction, etc., inhibit root growth. will decay.
Removing all roots greater than 2.5 cm (1
inch) in diameter.
Leaving the prepared site fallow for at least
one year.
6-88 | P a g e
Root, Stem and Crown Rot Caused by Fusarium and Rhizoctonia
Fusarium species are a cosmopolitan group of fungi Liriodendron, Malus, Populus, Prunus, Quercus,
that can cause a wide range of disease symptoms. Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix and Sorbus americana.
They cause root and crown rots, and stem cankers
Rhizoctonia is a soil-borne, cosmopolitan fungus
in ornamentals (see Damping-Off). Stem cankers
that is primarily known as a root pathogen but that
caused by F. lateritium often produce a
can also cause damping-off, foliar lesions, and stem
characteristic orange-colored mass of spores, but
cankers. It produces small (1 mm), black sclerotia
this is uncommon for F. solani.
that can survive adverse conditions. Infected roots
Some species of Fusarium are primary invaders of typically have a reddish-brown dry rot. Cool,
healthy plants, whereas other species are weak moderately wet conditions encourage Rhizoctonia.
pathogens or saprophytes, invading plants that are Infected plants may be stunted and chlorotic, and
weakened by other causes. the stem may become constricted at the crown,
which is referred to as wire stem. Azaleas are very
As facultative parasites, they are very persistent.
susceptible to Rhizoctonia.
They can survive adverse conditions by entering
dormancy as chlamydospores or in a saprophytic Disease Management: For conifer seedlings, a seed
state on dead root fragments. In many conifer source can be screened for potential levels of
species, Fusarium can be seed-borne causing both Fusarium by measuring the level of inoculum on the
pre- and post-emergence damping-off. As the exterior seed coat. If greater than 5% of the seed in
disease proceeds, the xylem tissues in the plant are a source test positive for Fusarium, then a number
compromised resulting in their inability to move of actions are recommended: imbibe the seed in
water and nutrients. running water, sanitize all seeding equipment and
growing containers, reduce early heat and water
Some of the common hosts of Fusarium include:
stress, and encourage rapid germination.
Acer, Carpinus caroliniana, Cotoneaster, Euonymus
alatus, Ficus, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Hibiscus
syriacus, Juglans nigra, Laburnum anagyroides,
6-89 | P a g e
Ilex, Pieris and Rhododendron often develop foliar P. ramorum is established in only a few counties in
and stem blight. On Cotoneaster and Ilex, California and in Curry County, Oregon, but it is
Phytophthora also causes a black fruit rot. annually detected at nurseries in British Columbia,
and California, Oregon, Washington and a few
Disease Cycle: Phytophthora and Pythium spread
other US states. If the pathogen is detected at a
via infected plants or through movement of
nursery, retail or landscape site, federal regulatory
zoospores or sporangia in contaminated soil, water
officers implement harsh steps to eradicate the
and in wind-blown rain. Sporangia produce
pathogen, which will include implementing site
zoospores that infect roots and other plant tissues.
quarantine actions, including plant destruction.
Phytophthora and Pythium produce thick-walled
The economic impacts of these actions are
oospores that can survive in soil for many years.
significant to the impacted site. To protect the
Infection is favoured by wet conditions in poorly
sector from the pathogen, the industry developed a
drained soils and either in or under container-
nursery certification program for P. ramorum in
grown plants. In the landscape, root rot is also
2004. The program included nursery sampling,
common in locations subject to drought in summer
testing, record keeping, best management practices,
and excessive moisture in winter. Drought-stressed
and third-party auditing. The program no longer
plants seem to be more susceptible to root rot
operates as a stand-alone program and has been
infection when moisture is restored.
integrated as a module of the Clean Plants
Phytophthora ramorum: This quarantine pathogen Program, which is a broader nursery certification
deserves special attention because of the negative program. Information on the program is available
impact it has had on West Coast nurseries. P. on the Canadian Nursery Certification Institute
ramorum, the causal agent of Ramorum Blight and website.
Dieback, causes foliar blights, stem lesions, trunk
Nurseries are encouraged to be certified for P.
cankers, or shoot dieback on more than 70 plant
ramorum, and purchasers of nursery stock are
genera. The California Oak Mortality Task Force
encouraged to buy from certified nurseries.
web site is a good source of information on the
6-90 | P a g e
Disease Management: Landscape: Crown and Root Rot
Nursery: 1. If crowns are not damaged, improving drainage
1. Participate in the Clean Plants Program. at the site can sometimes allow plants with root
Information on the program is available on the rot to recover.
Canadian Nursery Certification Institute 2. Replacing plants:
Remove all contaminated soil and roots
2. Disease-free stock plants should be used for
beyond the root zone of the dead plant.
propagation at all times.
Replace with clean soil.
3. Use strict hygiene in propagation, media
preparation and potting. Replant with healthy stock or resistant
varieties/species. Late spring or early fall are
4. Good drainage within and underneath the
the best times to plant to avoid both heavy
container is essential.
rains and summer drought.
5. If plants become infected, do not move plants
Do not apply excessive fertilizer, which can
that are susceptible to Phytophthora into that bed
burn new roots.
until the drainage has been improved and fresh
ground cloth has been put down. 3. Water or irrigate to prevent both long periods of
soil wetness and drought stress. Watering in the
6. Do not plant susceptible genera in soil
morning is better than evening, as it allows
contaminated with Phytophthora.
excess water to evaporate more quickly. Giving
Landscape: Foliar Blights plants a thorough soaking every few days is
1. Prune and space plants for good air circulation. better than watering every day. Drip irrigation,
if run for several hours at a time, is very
2. Control weeds and grasses around plants to
conducive to root and crown rot.
reduce humidity.
3. Remove and destroy fallen leaves and dead
twigs during summer.
Rusts are a highly specialized group of fungi. They There are two foliage rusts (Melampsora medusae
have complex life cycles with several spore stages. and M. occidentalis) that commonly occur in forest
Some can continually infect one host plant species nurseries. They attack Douglas fir, western larch,
from year to year, while others must complete their tamarack, ponderosa pine and lodgepole pine. Both
life cycle on different host plant species each year, rusts have yellow-orange spore-producing pustules
in order to cause infection. on the needles in late spring to August. They
Rust fungi appear as white, yellow, orange, red or require the alternate host Populus and occur
brown raised pustules on leaves, buds, fruits and predominantly in bareroot nurseries located in
stems. The pustules often have a powdery forested areas.
appearance and are easily visible to the naked eye. Western gall rust is caused by the fungus
Identification of rust fungi to species usually Endocronartium harknessii. It affects two or three-
requires a laboratory examination. Even then, a needle pines, primarily in bareroot nurseries. On
definite identification to species may not be seedlings, the rust causes globose galls or swellings
possible if only one spore stage is present. on the stem or branches. Because there is an
interval between infection and development of
conspicuous galls, the disease is rarely noticed until
late in the second growing season or until the
seedlings are lifted, graded or outplanted. Stock
leaving the nursery should be disease-free to
prevent spread to disease-free forests.
91 | P a g e
Rust Host(s)
Alder rust (Melampsoridium betulinum) Alnus, Betula, Larix
Douglas fir needle rust (Melampsora spp.) Pseudotsuga, Populus, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Tsuga
6-92 | P a g e
Sirococcus Blight
This disease is caused by Sirococcus conigenus. It In bareroot and Interior container nurseries, the
affects Sitka, white and Englemann spruce; symptoms usually appear in late summer through
lodgepole and yellow pine; and rarely western fall in one-year-old stock or in rising two-year-old
hemlock. It is often seed-borne in spruce. It has also stock. Fall symptoms may be confused with early
been associated with tip dieback of Cedrus spp. in frost damage, but the pattern of development on
landscape plants in Coastal British Columbia. the shoot is the same as in container seedlings.
The symptoms and time of appearance differ for Disease Management: For landscape and nursery
container and bareroot seedlings. In containers, it is plants, prune out infected branch tips and apply a
randomly distributed affecting young seedlings protectant fungicide in early spring, where
and killing the primary needles from the base practical. For conifer seedlings, check that the seed
upwards. Depending on the state of progress, the from a given seedlot has been assayed for
upper needles may be green. Affected tissues are Sirococcus. Keep a close watch on emerged
light to reddish brown and seedlings remain seedlings and when the disease appears, remove
upright. and burn diseased plants and inform the seed
source of the disease outbreak in the seedlot.
Reduce humidity and if practical increase
Verticillium Wilt
Hosts: Two species of Verticillium fungus (V. dahliae Symptoms: The fungus enters the roots and moves
and V. albo-atrum) cause wilting on woody plants. upward in the plant, plugging up the plants
Of these, V. dahliae is the most common. This vascular system. Often the first symptoms seen are
species produces microsclerotia that can carry over nutrient deficiencies, yellowing, wilting and
in soil for up to 10 years. V. albo-atrum persists in dieback of young twigs and branches, often on one
the soil for 1-2 years, and is most commonly found side of the plant or tree. These symptoms are easily
on alfalfa. These fungi attack many deciduous mistaken for root rot, frost damage, soil fertility,
trees, herbaceous perennials, berries, weeds and drought stress or other problems. Diseases such as
vegetables, but do not infect conifers, cedars or bacterial blight and cankers caused by fungi often
grasses. attack weakened twigs, so Verticillium can be easily
Other hosts of the Verticillium fungi include overlooked as a primary cause. However, with
potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, raspberries and Verticillium wilt, the dieback becomes
strawberries. Nursery or landscape trees planted on progressively more severe from year to year.
land previously cropped with these plants have a Cutting into woody stems with a knife reveals
high risk of developing the disease. black or brown streaks in the wood or vascular
cambium, often in nodes where branches or stems
Verticillium wilt is not a problem in container diverge, but these are not always visible.
production unless infested soil, compost or wood
chips have been used for potting or mulching. Disease Cycle: V. dahliae produces black
microsclerotia that survive for up to 10 years in
Commonly affected woody plants in British soil. V. albo-atrum does not produce sclerotia so soil
Columbia include Acer, Aesculus, azalea is usually infested for only one or 2 years with this
(rhododendrons are generally resistant), Catalpa, species. Both fungi also produce spores (conidia) in
Ceanothus, Cercis, Liriodendron tulipifera, Magnolia,
and on infected plant tissue. These tiny spores
Paeonia, Photinia, Prunus, Rosa, sea buckthorn,
spread through air and in ground and drainage
Syringa, Tilia (it has been found infected in British
water and cause new infections through roots.
Columbia, although some lists identify it as
resistant), Viburnum and Weigela.
6-93 | P a g e
Infection can also be spread through grafting.
Spores, mycelium and microsclerotia can survive in
debris from infected plants, such as chipped
branches used for mulching or incorporated in
planting media.
Mature landscape trees with Verticillium wilt will
sometimes wall-off the infected branches and
survive for many years. Other trees may totally
succumb within a year or two of the first twig
Disease Management:
It can be impossible to eliminate all Verticillium
microsclerotia from infested soil.
1. Remove the infested roots and soil and replant
with a tolerant or resistant species.
2. Avoid drought stress or flooding on mature
landscape trees, as stress will accelerate
Verticillium damage. Figure 6.8. Verticillium dahliae disease cycle.
6-94 | P a g e
Chapter 7 - General Insect and Mite Management
This section contains a description of and management recommendations for common insects and mites that
damage a wide range of ornamentals. Refer to the publication Crop Protection Guide for Nursery and Landscape
Plants for a listing of the pesticides registered to control insects and mites.
7-95 | P a g e
Most nurseries that have sustained infestations of Balsam Woolly Adelgid is a regulated pest within
conifer root aphid have not reported any damage. BC. A permit is required to grow Abies, and
Outplanting studies have shown that they have no growers in the quarantine zone (Coastal BC) cannot
measurable effect on seedling performance and as ship outside the area within BC. The restrictions are
such no control strategies are recommended. in place to protect native Abies species in the
Aphid Management: Aphid infestations are often interior of BC (for more information, see BC Plant
detected by the presence of wasps or ants. Both will Protection Regulations, Chapter 1).
feed on the honeydew as well as re-distribute Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid is present in both
aphids throughout the nursery crop. Aphid coastal and interior nursery areas. Sitka, white and
populations can increase rapidly under favourable Englemann spruce, and Douglas fir are the hosts. In
conditions and control may be necessary to protect the nursery, damage is most severe on Douglas fir
plants. where the adelgids feed on new needles. In older
A strong spray of water will dislodge aphids, spruce trees, the adelgids cause large cone-shaped
thereby damaging their mouthparts, and often galls. This damage is rarely visible in the nursery
control light infestations. Many natural enemies although older adjacent trees may be affected.
such as lady beetles, lacewings, syrphid larvae and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) was first
Hymenoptera wasp parasites help reduce aphid reported in BC in 1922. It is known to also inhabit
populations. However, populations of natural many areas of the US Pacific Northwest. In BC,
enemies often become abundant only when the HWA usually causes minor damage to the native
aphid population is high and may not reduce the hemlocks (e.g. Western and Mountain hemlocks).
aphid population below damaging numbers early In the Eastern US, however, large areas of native
in the growing season. hemlocks have been killed or severely damaged by
Monitor plants regularly, starting in early spring. If this pest, resulting in serious environmental
aphid levels become damaging before natural consequences.
enemies appear, apply a registered pesticide. If
possible, delay spraying until June when natural
enemies will have an effect. Good coverage of the
foliage is essential if spraying is considered
Preventive dormant oil sprays applied just prior to
bud break will help control overwintering aphid
7-96 | P a g e
HWA is a federally regulated pest and BC is the Woolly Adelgid Management: For Douglas fir
only regulated region in the country. The seedlings, nurseries are encouraged to remove
restrictions were imposed to reduce the spread of mature spruce trees in and around the nursery site
HWA into Eastern North America Nurseries in BC that serve as the alternate host for the gall forming
must be registered with the CFIAs HWA Nursery stage of Cooley spruce gall adelgid.
Program to ship these crops to another province.
Bruce Spanworm and Winter Moth: These The moths occur from late October to the end of
drab, grey or grey-brown moths are almost December. The male moths fly in the evening. The
identical in appearance and habits. The Bruce flightless females climb up the tree trunks to lay
spanworm is native to North America. The winter eggs.
moth is a European species that was introduced to Genera known to be susceptible to Bruce
Vancouver Island and now occurs throughout the Spanworm include Acer, Fagus, Quercus and
Fraser Valley. Populus. Genera known to be susceptible to Winter
These insects attack a wide variety of deciduous Moth are Acer, Betula, Malus, Populus, Quercus and
ornamentals. Young larvae drift on silken threads, Vaccinium.
so nursery trees can become infested from
neglected backyard trees in the area.
From early spring to late May or early June, the
caterpillars feed on buds, foliage, flowers and fruit.
Defoliation occurs when infestations are severe.
Full-grown larvae are about 2 cm long. They are
bright green with three narrow whitish stripes on
each side of the body.
7-97 | P a g e
Management of Bruce spanworm and winter Cutworms: Adult cutworm moths are thick-
moth: The application of sticky bands to the trunk bodied, dull-coloured, mostly nocturnal moths,
and larger limbs of a tree is an excellent physical which are about 18-25 mm long and fold their
barrier to winter moths. Apply two 15 cm wide wings tent-fashion when at rest. The larvae are
sticky bands at 30 and 60 cm above ground in late large, soft, fat, worm-like, dull-coloured caterpillars
October. The bands will trap female moths as they up to 4 cm long with hairless bodies and shiny
crawl up the tree to deposit eggs. The lower band heads.
should be replaced when it becomes dry, filled with
moths or debris, or when wingless female moths Larvae of several cutworm species have been pests
begin to be trapped on the upper band. All bands in forest nurseries. All species of seedlings and
can be removed and burned in February and stock types can be attacked.
March. To avoid possible damage, the material can There are probably populations at all nurseries in
be put on plastic strips wrapped around the tree. every growing season, but the severity of
For trees with rough bark, cotton batting can be infestations varies greatly. Damage is usually
used beneath the plastic to fill in gaps in the bark confined to very young succulent seedlings.
and reduce the chance of a moth crawling Foliage, roots or stems may also be affected.
underneath the sticky band. Feeding usually takes place at night.
Management of cutworms: Crop and non-crop
Cranberry Girdler / Sod Webworm: This
areas should be kept weed-free. The use of light
moth has been found at nurseries throughout the
traps in greenhouses can reduce adult populations,
province. Adult girdlers are small, delicate moths
however these catch many non-target and
about 1.2 cm long with protruding snouts. The
beneficial insects as well. Moths can be excluded
forewings are a pale straw colour with touches of
from greenhouses and shelterhouses by keeping
brown, silver and black. The hindwings are silvery-
the doors closed and placing screens over the fan
grey. The larvae girdle seedlings in the root collar
intakes and vents. For small outbreaks, remove and
area. Damage has a ragged appearance and occurs
destroy cutworms from the growing media.
from August to November depending on the
nursery location and season. In bareroot, 2+0 true
firs and Douglas fir are the preferred host. In European Pine Shoot Moth: The larvae can
containers, spruce and Douglas fir have been damage most species of pines by boring into the
attacked and larger stock types are preferred. buds and shoots, and injuring or killing them. They
Seedlings may become chlorotic, but most damage overwinter in the bud and emerge the following
is detected during the lift. This pest will also June.
colonize turf and cranberry, as the common names Adults fly from June to July. They have a wingspan
suggest. of about 2 cm, orange forewings marked with
Management of the cranberry girdler/sod irregular silvery lines and grey hindwings. This
webworm: As this pest readily feeds on grass, pest is largely controlled by natural enemies.
remove or reduce grassy areas in and around the Management of European pine shoot moth: For
nursery site that could harbour populations. conifer seedlings, pheromone traps can be used to
Frequent mowing can help to reduce endemic indicate if moths are present. Traps are available
populations. Pheromone traps available from from Pherotech or the nursery pest management
Pherotech can be used to monitor moth specialist, Ministry of Forests. When moths are
populations during the summer. An average of found, pesticide treatment is recommended.
three moths per trap indicates that damage from Inspect pine stock at the end of September. An
larvae in the fall will be significant. If moth flight is excess of resin around the buds will indicate the
high enough, an insecticide should be applied presence of larvae. Cull out and burn infested
during moth flight to reduce oviposition by the seedlings.
7-98 | P a g e
Tent Caterpillars and Skeletonizers: Forest Spruce Budworm: The spruce budworm can be
and Western Tent caterpillars overwinter as a serious problem in nurseries located in areas
hardened egg masses, 1.2 to 2.5 cm wide, which where forest infestations occur. Between May and
encircle a twig. The eggs hatch in spring (May). The July, nursery stock can become infested by larvae
caterpillars feed in colonies and consume flowers, that have overwintered in mature trees in and
buds and foliage over the next six weeks. around the nursery site. Larvae are voracious
feeders, and can cause significant damage to small
The Forest Tent caterpillars are bluish-grey and
have a prominent row of whitish, diamond-shaped
dots along the back. They spin silken mats for They prefer true firs and Douglas fir. Spruces can
travelling. The adult moths are reddish to pale also be damaged if grown in an area where
fawn, with two narrow, pale, oblique, transverse infestations are heavy in surrounding trees. Adult
lines separating off a dark wide band of the moths lay their eggs on nursery stock during their
forewings. Genera known to be susceptible are flight in mid-July. The resulting larvae overwinter
Acer, Betula, Crataegus, Fraxinus, Populus, Prunus, in small, silken cocoons. They are difficult to find
Quercus, Rosa, Salix, Tilia and Ulmus. and control; and may accompany nursery stock to
the reforestation sites.
The Western Tent caterpillar is hairy, yellowish-
brown, with a row of blue spots flanked by orange Management of spruce budworm: For conifer
spots along the back and can be up to 5 cm in seedling nurseries, nursery personnel should
length. The larvae stay in colonies and form tent- carefully monitor in the spring and control larvae
like webs for protection. The moths emerge in June that blow onto the seedlings. Pheromones and light
and July and are light to dark brown. Genera traps can be used to monitor adult populations.
known to be susceptible are Arbutus, Betula, Significant infestations of larvae warrant a pesticide
Ceanothus, Corylus, Crataegus, Ilex, Malus, Populus, application. For Dipel, treat when there are five or
Prunus, Quercus and Salix. more larvae per branch. Treatment should occur at
Apple and Thorn Skeletonizers overwinter as pupa, the beginning of moth emergence and be repeated
emerging in the spring to lay small green eggs at 2 week intervals as long as adults are present.
under leaves. The caterpillars are yellowish to
greenish with many black dots. Tussock Moth: Larvae of tussock moths can be
chronic pests in nurseries. The adult male is a rusty
Feeding takes place inside a rolled-up leaf. There brown with a white dot and light brown band on
can be up to four generations per year. Genera each forewing. The adult females are flightless,
known to be susceptible are Betula, Malus, Prunus, sedentary, with light tan hairs covering the body.
Pyrus and Sorbus. The females cement their white egg masses to the
Management of forest tent and western tent styrofoam containers in reforestation nurseries.
caterpillars, and apple and thorn skeletonizers: When the blocks are re-used in the spring, the
During the dormant season peel or prune off the larvae emerge to infest container stock. Larvae are
egg masses from the twigs. In the spring, if tents brightly coloured with yellow and black tufts of
are not numerous, they should be pruned off with hair, and will attack all species of conifer seedlings.
the young caterpillars and destroyed. Management of tussock moth: For conifer
seedlings nurseries, larvae are often easily detected
by nursery staff and can be removed manually. In
some people, the hundreds of hairs on the
caterpillars can cause a rash. When infestations
become too large for manual control, insecticide
sprays can be used.
7-99 | P a g e
Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats are primarily pests of container stock. Adult shore flies have shorter antennae, stouter
Adults are delicate, dark grey or black flies about 3 bodies, and are stronger fliers than fungus gnats,
mm long. They are often seen running or flying and their larvae lack the distinctive black head of
near the soil surface, especially in wet areas. The fungus gnat larvae.
slender white larvae have shiny black heads and Management of fungus gnats: The best form of
are sometimes found in the plugs. Most species control is sanitation. The flies are attracted to areas
feed on decaying organic matter and algae. They of moss and algae, which is where they lay their
are commonly found in compost. Some species may eggs. Good drainage is important, including
damage seedling roots although they are not removal of puddles of water from the greenhouse
normally attracted to healthy plants. floors. Good cultural practices that produce
Fungus gnats are often confused with shore flies. vigorous, healthy stock and proper irrigation to
Although similar in appearance to fungus gnats, avoid overwatering will make plants less attractive.
shore flies are not thought of as a plant pest. There are two types of biological control agents that
Therefore, it is important to be able to differentiate are currently used for fungus gnat control. They are
these two flies (refer to Figure 7.3). a soil-inhabiting mite, Hypoaspis miles, and
entomopathogenic nematodes.
Lace Bugs
Lace bugs are serious pests of both deciduous and
broad-leaved evergreen ornamentals. Most lace
bugs have very specific plant preferences. Genera
known to be susceptible to lace bugs include Acer,
azalea, Betula, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Fagus
grandiflora, Leucothoe, Pieris, Pyracantha, Quince,
Rhododendron, Salix and Sorbus.
Lace bugs have sucking mouthparts and feed on
the underside of foliage. Feeding results in the
production of chlorotic flecks on the foliage, which
are most visible from above.
These symptoms are very similar to those produced
by leafhopper and mite feeding. A distinguishing
sign of lace bugs is dark, varnish-like spots of
excrement on the underside of damaged leaves. Figure 7.4. A lace bug on the underside of a
rhododendron leaf.
7-100 | P a g e
Lace bugs have 2-3 generations per year. Lace bugs
that feed on broadleaf ornamentals overwinter as
eggs, which are either inserted into or cemented
onto leaves. Lace bugs that feed on deciduous
ornamentals overwinter on the plant or in the leaf
litter as adults. In the spring, the overwintering
adults lay their eggs on the foliage of a host plant.
There are hundreds of different leafhoppers that The skin at times remains attached to the leaf
feed on woody ornamentals. All leafhoppers have because the mouthparts are partially embedded in
sucking mouthparts and feed on shoots and the the leaf.
underside of leaves. A characteristic symptom of There is considerable diversity in the lifecycle of
feeding is the presence of white flecks or stipple different species of leafhoppers. They can have one
spots on the foliage. Under low magnification the to several generations per year, and overwinter as
stipples can appear to have a snowflake either eggs or adults. The eggs are inserted into
appearance. Individual stipples coalesce together. leaves, shoots or bark. Adults overwinter in leaf
Other symptoms include overall stunting, reduced litter or in bark crevices. Nymphs almost always
vigour, tissue swelling, leaf curling and distortion, remain on the plant where the eggs were laid. In
premature leaf fall, the development of multiple contrast, adult leafhoppers are very capable fliers.
leaders and increased winterkill of damaged Leafhoppers can be spread considerable distances
shoots. In addition, leafhopper saliva is toxic to in air currents.
some plants and can produce a condition called Leafhoppers can transmit diseases, such as Elm
hopperburn, which is characterized by browning Yellows Disease and Pierces Disease of grapes.
of leaf margins. Genera of plants that are known to be susceptible
A distinguishing sign of leafhopper damage is the to leafhoppers include Acer, Alnus, azalea, Betula,
presence of cast skins on the underside of leaves. Cornus, Crataegus, Gleditsia, Malus, Populus, Prunus,
When the nymphs molt, they shed their skin. Quercus, Rhododendron, Rosa and Ulmus.
7-101 | P a g e
Miners that can be pests of ornamentals in British Most needle and leafminers overwinter as larvae.
Columbia include the aspen blotchminer, the In general, larvae overwinter in the foliage of
spruce needle miner, and the aspen, birch, evergreens, and in the leaf litter of deciduous
boxwood, cypress (tip moth), holly, lilac and the plants. The larvae pupate in the early spring and
Madrone serpentine leafminers. the adult insect begins to lay eggs on the underside
of newly developing foliage of a preferred host.
The larva mine into the foliage upon hatching.
Most have only one generation per year, although
some can have up to 4 generations.
Leatherjackets, the larvae of crane flies, have been When infesting container plugs, the leatherjackets
seen as pests only in coastal nurseries. Adults fly often remain with the seedling during the harvest.
from summer through fall resemble large greyish- Although they do limited damage to the seedlings
brown mosquitoes with bodies about 2.5 cm long, while growing in the nursery or during cold
two wings and long spindly legs. Adults lay eggs in storage, they may girdle the seedling when
late summer and fall that hatch quickly. The outplanted in the spring.
overwintering larvae girdle seedlings from March Management of leatherjackets: The best approach
to May. The greyish coloured, legless larvae have is to monitor for adults. A large number of adults
tough leather-like skin, no distinctive head, and can flying around indicate a potential leatherjacket
reach 4 cm in length. Any stock present in the problem in current stock. The best control is
nursery in the spring can be attacked, although achieved by drenching to kill the young larvae
most damage has occurred on early sown 1+0, 2+0 during the second week in October after all eggs
transplants and bareroot stock. have hatched. Remove or reduce grassy areas in
They will feed on almost any species of nursery and around the nursery site that could harbour
stock. The damage consists of girdling just below populations.
the soil surface. Damaged stock appears off-
coloured and dried out.
Lygus Bug
Lygus bug adults, usually 7 mm long and half as
wide, are broad, flattened, and oval-shaped with a
small projecting head. They range in colour from
yellowish-green to reddish-brown and are covered
with small, irregular, yellow, reddish-brown and
black splotches. Lygus populations overwinter as
adults, becoming active with warm spring weather.
They can start feeding on seedlings when the true
or secondary needles develop after seedling
Feeding by the adults and nymphs initially causes
distortion of seedling terminal shoots, which later
become multiple-leaders. Damage has been found
on 1-year-old seedlings of all species, but pine, Figure 7.6. Nymph and adult tarnished plant bug.
larch and spruce are preferred, while older stock is
only attacked during the period of leader
elongation. Lygus bugs are also referred to as
tarnished plant bugs.
7-102 | P a g e
Management of Lygus bugs: Nurseries can to predict the arrival of lygus bugs within the crop.
incorporate a preliminary monitoring plan using Fringe monitoring should start when mean daily
yellow sticky cards to better time insecticide temperatures stay above 50C and continue until
applications. Monitor the surrounding vegetation peak of flight of the first generation.
Mites are spider-like arthropods that are almost
invisible without magnification. They vary in
colour from pale yellow or green, to red and
reddish-brown. Many species of mites can be
present in nursery stock. These mites may be
harmful, harmless, or beneficial. Mites feed on
evergreens and deciduous plants. Speckling,
bleaching, or bronzing of the foliage typifies
damage. Some species such as McDaniel and two-
spotted spider mites produce webbing on needles
or leaves. Mite populations increase rapidly during
hot, dry weather. Heavily infested foliage may
drop prematurely.
Blister and rust mites are yellowish-white in colour,
extremely small (0.3 mm long), and slow moving.
Blister mites, as the name suggests, cause
discoloured blisters on leaves, and russeting and
deformity of fruit. Rust mites cause bronzing,
browning or silvering of the leaf surface. These Figure 7.7. Eriophyid, European red and McDaniel mites.
types of mites (eriophyids) can also infest conifers,
causing needles to turn yellow and become stunted
or twisted. Galls can form at the terminals of
Juniperus and Cedrus. Infested needles may drop
The spruce spider mite has been the most
damaging species to date of conifer seedlings. The
mites feed on needles causing them to become dry,
mottled and bleached. Severely affected foliage
turns yellow to dull, rusty-brown and the needles
drop off. Fine silk webbing will be found among
the needles of infested twigs. Spruce mites survive
as red eggs during the hottest periods of
midsummer and the winter.
7-103 | P a g e
Table 7.1. Plant genera that are susceptible to different mites.
Mites Susceptible Genera
Eriophyid (Bladder Acer, Carya, Cedrus, Chamaecyparis, Cotoneaster, Fagus, Juglans, Juniperus, Malus, Picea,
Gall, Blister, Rust Pinus, Populus, Pseudolarix, Pseudotsuga, Pyrus, Quercus, Rhus, Sorbus, Taxus, Tilia,
mites) Tsuga, Ulmus
European Red Chamaecyparis, Crataegus, Juglans, Malus, Prunus, Robinia, Rosa, Sorbus and Ulmus
Spruce Spider Abies, Juniperus, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Thuja and Tsuga
Two-spotted Chamaecyparis, Crataegus, Hedera, Hydrangea, Juniperus, Pieris, Rhododendron, Rosa,
Thuja, Tsuga
Management mites: Monitor twigs and needles in Dormant sprays destroy overwintering eggs,
early spring for reddish-orange overwintering nymphs and adult mites. Predaceous mites are
spider mite eggs to determine if sprays are needed. available from several suppliers. Two-spotted mites
Native predatory mites usually keep pest mites thrive under hot, dry conditions, so regular foliage
under control. Before spraying, examine plants for wetting will help suppress this pest.
beneficial mites. If beneficial mites are present,
delay or avoid spraying.
Root Weevils
Several different root weevils are found in the Overwintering adults become active in the spring.
Pacific Northwest, including the clay-colored, black They have mature ovaries and can immediately
vine, obscure, strawberry, rough strawberry, and begin to lay eggs. The reproductive capacity of
the woods weevil. Adult weevils feed on leaf overwintering weevils is often double that of first
margins and cause a characteristic notching pattern. year weevils. Adult emergence time varies between
Adults are elusive, feeding at night and hiding different weevil species. For instance, adult clay
during the day. As a result, populations often go coloured weevils appear in late March and feed on
undetected until damage occurs. new buds and girdle stems. Adult black vine
weevils begin to emerge in late May or early June,
Larvae can be even more damaging than adult
after pupating for approximately 4 weeks in earthen
weevils, since they are present in the soil for 9-10
months of the year, where they feed on plant roots.
The larvae can completely girdle the stems of Newly emerged adults must feed for about 4 weeks
rhododendrons and camellias at the soil line. Black before they can lay eggs. It is best to control adult
vine weevil larvae can girdle the lower stem to 2 cm weevils before they begin to lay eggs.
above the soil line. Weevil larvae girdle container- Genera known to be susceptible include Camellia,
grown stock often just below the point at which Juniperus, Kalmia, Picea, Rhododendron, Pinus, Rubus,
foliage begins. They feed throughout the fall and Rosa, Thuja, Taxus, Vaccinium, Tsuga, Yucca and
during warm periods in winter. The woods weevil Viburnum.
will feed all winter. Management of root weevils: Control is most often
Adult weevils vary in colour from grey to black and directed at the adults. Spraying at dusk or after dark
range in length from 9-13 mm. They cannot fly and will increase the efficiency of the application,
only a couple of species have males. A female because adults leave the soil at night to feed on the
weevil can lay between 200-400 eggs per year, and foliage. Because they are wingless, a band of sticky
some species can even lay eggs at refrigeration material can trap them as they climb plants.
temperatures. The eggs are layed in the soil near However, they can walk over traps that are not
plants. There is one generation per year. adequately sticky. Spray plants either in early
morning or late evening when fresh notching of
The larvae are soil-dwelling, white, C-shaped, leaves or girdling of twigs is noticed (late June to
legless grubs with brown head capsules. Both adults early July). Since newly emerged adults are not
and larvae overwinter. Between 10-15% of some reproductively mature for about 4 weeks, it is best
weevil species will overwinter. to delay spraying to allow more adults to emerge.
7-104 | P a g e
One cultural method to lessen damage caused by
root weevils is to remove all thatch/grass from
around the root collar of the plant.
For bareroot conifer seedlings, ensure that fallow
panels are kept clear of weeds and cull material. Set
out traps and monitor frequently for adults in the
summer. Traps consist of 30 cm lengths of 2" X 4"
lumber placed flat on the soil, which weevils hide
under during daylight hours. Trapping as a tool is
highly variable, and should only be used as an
indicator of weevil presence. Trapping should not
be relied on for the time of first emergence or any
indication of quantity of weevils in an area. Adult
emergence usually occurs in the first half of June.
Spray infested areas two weeks after emergence.
Apply a second spray three weeks after the first.
Continue trapping and repeat treatment as
necessary. Roadways and waste areas adjoining
Figure 7.9. Root weevil life cycle. infested production areas should also be treated.
It is recommended to spray three weeks after the For container-grown conifer seedlings, ensure that
first adults emerge, which should be at peak adult areas adjoining greenhouses and compounds are
emergence. You can test whether an adult is kept clear of weeds and cull material. Spray infested
reproductively mature by squeezing them between greenhouses to control adult weevils as per
your thumb and forefinger, with their head pointing bareroot. To kill larvae in plugs, apply a drench of
down. If they are mature, you will be able to entomopathogenic nematodes around the beginning
squeeze eggs out of their ovipositor. of September while larvae are young.
Pear and rose slugs are not slugs; they are the
larval stage of a group of sawflies. The larvae
appear slimy and non-segmented, and therefore
resemble slugs. The pear slug has two generations
per year, whereas the rose slug has only one. Both
overwinter in the soil as mature larva and pupate in
the early spring. The adults lay their eggs on the
underside of host leaves. The larva skeletonize the
upper side of the leaf, at times leaving only the
lower epidermal layer intact. Damaged areas turn
brown and the leaves may drop prematurely. A
fully-grown larva is about 13 mm long.
Genera that are known to be susceptible to either
the pear or rose slugs include Cotoneaster, Crataegus,
Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa and Sorbus. Figure 7.10. Pine sawfly larvae are gregarious pests that
can cause significant damage in the spring to the previous
Conifer sawflies can cause serious defoliation of years needles.
pines and a few other conifers. There are 6 different
All of the conifer sawflies overwinter as eggs that
conifer sawflies (Neodiprion species) in BC. Four feed
are inserted into niches cut into current season
exclusively on pines. The other two sawflies include
needles. The larvae reach a maximum length of 18
the Balsam fir sawfly, which feeds on Abies amabilis,
to 25 mm, depending on species. They are present
A. lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, P. glauca, P. sitchensis,
for about 2 months beginning in either May or June.
and Pseudotsuga menziesii, and the Hemlock sawfly,
which feeds primarily on Tsuga heterophylla.
7-105 | P a g e
Larvae feed gregariously on 1- to 2-year-old Depending on the species, the larvae will spin a
needles, and migrate from a branch only after cocoon in the foliage or in the duff, and the adults
devouring all of the needles, with the exception of will emerge in August or September.
the current seasons growth. Damaged branches
have a bottle-brush appearance.
Scales are sap-sucking insects that attack many Crawlers migrate to the underside of the foliage to
shrubs and trees, including evergreens and fruit feed for the summer. They crawl back to the twig
trees. They produce a protective, waxy shell. Oyster and small branches in late summer to overwinter.
shell and San Jose scales are armoured scales. They The overwintering nymphs are exposed, relative to
have a hard shell and do not produce honeydew. armoured scales, and are susceptible to dormant
The soft body of armoured scales can be separated season treatments.
from the scale. Lecanium and soft brown scales are
Genera known to be susceptible include Acer, Betula,
soft scales and they do produce large quantities of
Carya, Celtis, Cercis, Crataegus, Fagus, Gleditsia,
honeydew. The body of the soft scale insect is firmly
Juglans, Malus, Morus, Platanus, Populus, Prunus,
attached to the scale. Dead scales can even affect the
Pyrus, Quercus, Salix and Tilia.
appearance of a plant, therefore it is often best to
discard heavily infested plants. The Oyster shell scale resembles a seashell in shape
and is about 3 mm in length. In large numbers, they
can reduce vigour to the point of killing the tree.
About 40-150 eggs overwinter underneath each
female scale. The eggs hatch in mid-May and the
crawlers move out to the twigs to feed. A scale
forms to cover them in about six weeks.
Genera known to be susceptible include Acer,
Cornus, Fraxinus, Malus, Populus, Rosa, Salix and
7-106 | P a g e
Management of scales: Timing of application of
chemical controls is critical for success. During most
of their life cycle, scales are protected from
pesticides by their shell. The only time they are not
protected is at the crawler stage, which is when the
first instar nymphs emerge from eggs.
Monitor crawlers with double-sided sticky tape
traps that are wrapped around branches near
female scales. Record the number of orange-
coloured crawlers caught and replace the traps
weekly. Treat the plants when either a sharp
increase in crawlers is observed or when the peak
density of crawlers is caught. More than one
Figure 7.13. Oyster shell scales.
application may be needed to cover the entire
Young San Jose scales are black and overwinter. crawler emergence period. The timing of the
The female scale matures in May and early June, crawler stage varies between different scale species
changing in colour to grey. Crawlers emerge from and occurs either in early spring or in June/July.
the females in June and move to feeding sites on
branches and fruit. A second generation is produced
during August to early October.
Sowbugs, also called woodlice or pillbugs, have Two methods of prevention are soil pasteurization,
dark, segmented, flattened, oval-shaped bodies with and the removal of old boards and other rotted
7 pairs of legs. They feed mostly at night, hiding in organic material from the area. The application of
dark, damp places during the day. pesticides is rarely necessary
Sowbugs feed mostly on decaying plant material.
They will, however, occasionally feed on roots and
stems or eat holes in leaves. They may cause severe
damage to seedlings.
There are several different species of spittlebugs. Feeding by spittlebugs can spread viruses, and can
Most overwinter as eggs, which are laid on or in result in reduced stem elongation and leaf
the bark of vegetation. When the eggs hatch in the deformation. However, most spittlebugs cause no
spring, the nymphs insert their sucking mouthparts damage to their host. Since their spittle is unsightly
into their coniferous or broad-leaved host and on ornamental crops, control of spittlebugs may be
immediately begin to produce a protective coating necessary or desired.
of froth or spittle.
Management of spittlebugs: Wash infested plants
Spittlebugs have 1 or 2 generations per year with a strong spray of water to remove the spittle
depending on the species. When there are two per and to expose the nymphs.
year, nymphs can be seen into the fall. The adults
are highly mobile, and can walk, hop or fly. Adults
do not produce spittle, but they do produce
honeydew that can promote the development of
sooty mold. The adults are 6-12 mm long and are
very similar to leafhoppers, to which they are
closely related.
7-107 | P a g e
Thrips are long (0.5-1.0 mm), slender insects that
feed on tender growth of some shrubs and trees.
Their damage can be distinguished from mite
damage by using a magnifying lens. They are
rasping rather than sap sucking insects and injure
both leaf and flower buds, causing distorted
growth when the buds expand and early flower
senescence. Thrips also can transmit several plant
Thrips live for 30-45 days. Female thrips are self-
fertile and lay between 150-300 eggs. The eggs are
inserted into plant tissue, which can result in the
formation of oedema-like swellings. The nymphs of
Western flower thrips drop to the soil to pupate,
whereas Greenhouse thrips pupate on the plant.
Thrips are weak flyers, but can be dispersed great
distances by air currents. They have been trapped Figure 7.14. Thrips life cycle.
at 3,000-5,400 metres above the earth in the jet
Use high pressure and high volume sprays when
stream. Such air currents can draw thrips into the
damage is noticed on young growth. Thrips hide
Pacific Northwest from California.
deep in the crevices of expanding leaves and
Management of thrips: Thrips are more easily flowers. The frequency of pesticide treatments
controlled in the early stages of infestation. Yellow depends on temperature. During periods of high
or blue sticky traps are effective for early detection temperature, sprays will have to be applied 4-5
of thrips. The cards should be placed in the crop days apart to control newly emerged adults.
when the temperature is <18oC. Additional cards
In the greenhouse, liming the soil below benches
should be placed above the crop when the
can control soil-borne pupae. Treat the soil with a
temperature is >18oC, since the thrips are more
solution of hydrated lime (180 g/L of water).
active and will be flying above the crop.
Talk to your suppliers for information on biological
control agents available for thrips control.
The two main whitefly species are the greenhouse The SPW will not overwinter outdoors in BC.
whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) and the sweet Greenhouse whitefly will overwinter in protected
potato whitefly (SPW) (Bemesia tabaci), which is also areas under leaves outdoors in BC. Some hardy
called Tobacco whitefly, or Silverleaf whitefly. whiteflies such as the rhododendron whitefly are
Greenhouse whiteflies have wings that lay occasional problems on cut woody greens.
relatively flat across their backs, while the SPWs
Adult whiteflies are about 1 mm long and resemble
wings lie upraised at a tent-like angle. The SPWs
tiny white moths. Adults congregate on the
body is smaller and is more yellow in colour.
undersides of leaves. Whiteflies are very prolific
Infested plants may lack vigour, wilt, and turn and have many overlapping life cycles. Females lay
yellow. Whiteflies excrete large amounts of a number of small, whitish, oval eggs on the
honeydew onto the leaves and flowers of infested underside of leaves. Eggs are too small to see with
plants. The honeydew may become colonized with the unaided eye. A female can lay up to 400 eggs.
a black sooty fungus giving the plant a dirty
appearance and hindering photosynthesis.
7-108 | P a g e
After 5 to 10 days the eggs hatch into flat, scale-like For SPW, the biocontrol program includes these
nymphs or crawlers that move about the leaf before wasps in addition to Eretmocerus mundus,
becoming immobile. After 3 nymphal stages and 1 particularly for early season introductions.
pupal stage, the adults emerge. The pupae of
A predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii, feeds on
whiteflies are scale-like and white in colour. They
whitefly eggs and larvae. It also feeds on thrips and
are often mistaken for the eggs. A complete life
pollen so can be applied before whiteflies are seen
cycle requires about 3 - 4 weeks.
as well as once whiteflies are present
Management of whiteflies: Remove weeds from
inside greenhouses and from a three metre wide
band around the outside perimeter of greenhouses,
as these can harbour whiteflies.
Carefully inspect all incoming plants for nymphs,
scales, honeydew, sooty mould, or adults on leaves.
Monitor with yellow sticky traps dispersed evenly
among plants, about 1 trap/100 m2. Traps may be
used to control very low adult populations. They
can be used alone or in combination with parasites.
Adults will be caught on sticky traps long before
they are detected in the crop. This early detection is
essential for early control. Thorough spray
coverage of the undersides of leaves is essential for
control. Figure 7.15. Greenhouse Whitefly Life Cycle (18 57
Whiteflies can be managed effectively with days).
biological controls. Biocontrol for the greenhouse
whitefly includes the use of the parasitic wasps
Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus eremicus.
White Grubs
White grubs are the larval stage of scarab beetles, There is particular concern about the movement of
such as European chafer, and June and Japanese Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) in North America
beetles. The grubs are white and often have three because it is known to feed on more than 300 plant
pairs of legs near their heads, and will lie on their species, causing significant plant and
sides in a C-shaped position when exposed. White environmental damage. The white grub feeds on
grubs feed on plant roots and can cause roots while the adult feeds on plant foliage.
considerable damage to landscape and nursery Japanese beetle is native to Japan and was first
plants. detected in the US in 1916 and in Canada in 1939. It
The life cycle of most white grubs is completed in is present in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
12 months. The adult beetle will lay its eggs in the Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and 36 US states.
soil in the summer. As soon as the grubs hatch, There are phytosanitary requirements in Canada
they begin to feed on plant roots. The grubs move and the US to prevent the spread of Japanese
deep in the soil during winter to overwinter. When beetle. The movement of rooted plants with soil or
the soil warms in the spring, they move up to growing media is prohibited from infested to non-
resume feeding. The grubs pupate in late spring infested areas. For more information about
and the adults emerge in early summer. movement requirements and the Japanese Beetle
Nursery Management Program, contact the
Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
7-109 | P a g e
Chapter 8 - Vertebrate and Mollusk Pest
Deer Field Mice (Voles)
Two species of deer are found in BC: the mule Field mice, also called voles (not to be confused
deer (including the black-tailed deer), found with moles), include the Townsends vole on the
throughout most of the province, and the white- South Coast and the meadow vole and mountain
tailed deer, which is abundant in the Southern vole in the Southern Interior. Voles are 13-23 cm
Interior valleys. Both kinds can cause serious long, including the tail. Compared to house mice,
damage to a variety of grasses, shrubs and trees they have shorter ears (barely projecting above the
(especially fruit trees), although some plant fur) and short, furry tails that are up to the
species are preferred over others. See Appendix Q length of the body. House mice have longer, naked
for a listing of plant species that are not favoured tails. Field mice are mainly pests of agricultural
for browse by deer. In spring and summer, most crops, but sometimes invade gardens next to farms
damage is done to new, leafy growth. In winter, or uncultivated fields. Their numbers fluctuate
buds and twigs may be eaten and bark stripped off widely; in some years they can be abundant. They
trunks and branches of trees. Antler-rubbing may eat almost any kind of plant matter including
break branches and remove bark. Damaged plants grass, root vegetables, plant roots, and in winter,
are set back in growth and may never develop the bark of trees and shrubs. In the winter, they
properly. will frequently girdle the roots, crown and stems
of field-grown trees, especially if there is grass or
Management snow cover around the base of the plants. They
build underground burrows, and the small
Fencing is the best solution for chronic deer
burrow openings are a sure sign of field mouse
damage. Woven wire fences should be at least 2.4
m high and use a 15 cm wire mesh to keep deer
out. The mesh should be secured as close to the
ground as possible to prevent deer from crawling
underneath. Solid board or panel fences need be The best control, where possible, is frequent
only about 1.5 m high, because deer are much less mowing or cultivation of vegetation within or next
likely to jump over them. Electric fences are also to crop areas. Field mice prefer the cover of tall
effective and are much less expensive. Electric grasses; they avoid areas that do not provide
fences should be 1.5-2.1 m high with 7-9 strands of adequate cover. Trapping is not often practical in
smooth, high-tensile wire at 20-30 cm spacing. A commercial crops. Ordinary mousetraps baited
high-voltage energizer must be used with this type with peanut butter, apple slices or other fruit may
of fence. For information on fencing design, help to reduce numbers. Cats can also be effective.
consult the Crop Protection and Wildlife Control
Poison baits. There are no Domestic labeled
Fences factsheet, available from Regional Offices of
rodenticides registered for field mice, and
the Ministry of Agriculture.
rodenticides intended for house mice are
Chemical repellents, such as putrescent whole ineffective for field mice. Rodent Bait (zinc
egg solids (e.g. Deer-Away Big Game Repellent), phosphide) is registered for the control of meadow
effectively repel deer. Dormant trees and shrubs voles in orchards and nurseries. The bait must be
should be dusted when moist, so that the repellent placed in a covered bait station to protect it from
will adhere to the leaves and twigs. Thiram (e.g. the weather and to prevent accidental poisoning of
Skoot) is a rabbit repellent, but is also effective other animals. Bait stations can be built from metal
against deer (see Rabbits below). Repellents may or plastic pipes, tin cans, and pieces of wood, or
not work if deer are numerous or very hungry. may be purchased commercially. They should be
Contact suppliers for additional information on placed at 3-4 m intervals in areas where there are
the specific products available. signs of mouse activity. The disappearance of the
contents will indicate that mice are still present.
8-110 | P a g e
Mice, Rats (Coastal Area Take safety precautions to avoid Hantavirus. When
opening and cleaning buildings or storage
only), and Wood Rats facilities such as cabins, barns, garages or attics,
open windows and let the room air out for a few
Two types of rats, the roof (black) rat and the hours, if possible. If you see any signs of rodent
Norway (brown) rat, infest buildings at the Coast. infestation or dead rodents, do not sweep or
Both are long-tailed rodents about 40 cm long vacuum, since this will stir up infected dust.
(including the tail). The roof rat is slender; it is Instead, thoroughly wet the area with 10%
usually black rather than brown, and has a tail household bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water)
longer than the body and big ears. The Norway rat or a disinfectant such as Lysol, for at least 10
has a tail shorter than the body and smaller ears. minutes. Clean up the material with a towel and
mop or sponge with disinfectant again. Wear
The native bushy-tailed wood rat (also called pack
rubber gloves. Clean the whole floor, not just the
rat) is found throughout the mainland. It is similar
spot where you see the droppings. Dispose of
in size and shape to the Norway rat, but has larger
gloves and droppings in double plastic bags and
eyes and ears, softer fur, and a hairy tail. It
bury. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and
normally lives in rockslides and other broken
terrain. The bushy-tailed wood rat often will
invade cabins, storage sheds and other Rodent-proofing buildings and eliminating
infrequently used buildings and carry off jewelry, sources of food, water and shelter for rodents are
kitchen utensils and other shiny objects, hence the the best means of controlling rats and mice.
name pack rat. They can cause considerable Trapping and poisoning will provide only
damage by gnawing buildings or by eating stored temporary relief. Eliminate water sources such as
food products. leaky taps or open pools. Get rid of piles of lumber
or discarded material and clear vegetation and
The house mouse, which is found throughout
grass from around foundations so mice will not
almost all of the province, is about half the length
build nests there. Buildings can be made rodent-
of a full-grown rat, and is distinguished from a
proof by installing tight-fitting doors and
young rat by its smaller head and feet.
windows, and wire screen over basement
The deer mouse ranges in colour from grey to windows and vents. Sheet metal kick-plates on
reddish-brown. It has larger ears than the house wooden doors will stop rodents from gnawing
mouse, a white belly and white-sided tail. through.
Although more common in woodlands, it can also
occur in urban areas. The deer mouse can Management
transmit Hantavirus in BC (see below).
Trapping is useful when only a few rodents are
Rats and mice are rarely seen unless numerous, present. Traps should be baited with meat, bacon
but can be detected by the following signs: or fish for rats, and with cheese, cake or peanut
droppings (cylindrical and about 5 to 20 mm butter for mice. Wood rats are considered wildlife
long with rounded ends in rats; about 3 mm under the Wildlife Act but property owners or
long with pointed ends in mice), occupants are allowed to trap and kill them to
protect private property. Wood rats are fairly easy
sounds (gnawing, squeaking, scampering), to trap. Either a standard rat-trap (snap trap) or a
tracks on dusty surfaces or in snow, live trap can be effective. Appropriate baits
include nut-meats, bacon rind, peanut butter and
evidence of burrows or holes, or oatmeal, or dried fruit. There are no poisons
runways and greasy rub marks along walls. registered for wood rat control.
Hantavirus gets into human lungs through Rodenticides are available for controlling house
exposure to infected feces (droppings), urine and mice and Norway rats. Because of the wide variety
saliva of the deer mouse. The deer mouse is the of trade names for rodenticides, only the common
only known carrier in Canada, although the virus names are given below. All of the poisons listed,
has been found in other rodents in the United except for red squill, are registered for both house
States. Hantavirus can lead to severe respiratory mouse and Norway rat control.
infection or death.
8-111 | P a g e
Use one of the following according to label
Fencing or tree guards may be necessary for
Anticoagulant rodenticides (multiple doses):
severe rabbit problems. A fence of 60 cm high
may require several feedings to effect a lethal
chicken wire (2.5 cm mesh or smaller), fastened to
dose, but eventually cause death from internal or
the ground or slightly buried, will keep rabbits
external bleeding. The most potent anticoagulants
out. Valuable trees may be protected by cylinders
are brodifacoum, chlorophacinone,
of 6 mm mesh hardware cloth or hard plastic tree-
difethialone and diphacinone; however, less
guards, which will also prevent mouse damage.
toxic anticoagulants such as warfarin (may also
include ergocalciferol or sulfaquinoxaline) may Repellents that leave an unpleasant taste, such as
also give adequate control, and are less hazardous Thiram-based repellents (e.g. Skoot), may be
to domestic animals. Warning: Diphacinone is painted or sprayed on trunks and twigs of
highly toxic to dogs. vulnerable plants. Thiram should not be used on
edible plant parts within 14 days of harvest.
Acute rodenticides (single dose): are more toxic
and can cause death after a single feeding. Trapping is permitted without a license or permit
Covered bait stations, recommended for all on rural, private land, since neither the eastern
rodenticides, are essential with single-dose cottontail nor the snowshoe hare is protected by
rodenticides if there is a possibility of other law. A permit to kill snowshoe hares is required
animals being poisoned. Acute rodenticides on Crown Land. In winter, both are fairly easy to
include bromethalin and zinc phosphide. catch in live traps. In winter, cobs of corn or dried
apples make good bait. Trapped rabbits may
Rabbits (Cottontails) and either be killed or released in a non-farming area.
Shooting rabbits may be effective if only a few are
Hares present. Consult local authorities regarding
Two kinds of rabbits, the eastern cottontail and the firearm bylaws and regulations.
snowshoe hare, sometimes damage nursery crops.
The eastern cottontail is found only on Vancouver Slugs and Snails
Island and in the Lower Fraser Valley. It is about
40-45 cm long and weighs 1-2 kg. It is greyish- (Mollusks)
brown with a cinnamon patch on the back of the
Slugs and snails are soft-bodied mollusks. They
neck, and a white underside of the tail (hence
are most prevalent in the spring, but can be active
cottontail). They eat many kinds of garden
throughout the year if the temperature and
vegetables and flowers; few garden plants are
humidity are suitable. Most will overwinter in the
immune to rabbit damage. Shrubs and trees may
egg stage. The eggs are round, transparent or
be damaged or even killed by rabbits chewing on
white, and are laid singly or in clutches of 3 to 50.
bark during the winter. Twigs clipped off neatly
Eggs hatch in the spring and the hatchlings mature
indicate rabbit damage; twigs with a ragged edge
during the summer before laying eggs in the fall.
are typical of deer damage.
Because they require moisture for survival, slugs
The snowshoe hare, found most commonly east of and snails are most active at night or during damp
the Coast Range, is a somewhat larger animal, weather. Slugs often hide during the day in dark,
with longer hind legs, and is usually white in damp, sheltered places such as under boards, pots,
winter. It sometimes damages young conifers in weeds and debris. In the summer, only a small
forest nurseries. percentage of slugs will remain above ground.
Snails can remain on plants during the day but
will withdraw into their shells on hot, dry days.
8-112 | P a g e
Slugs and snails have a diverse diet. Various
species of slugs can eat algae, animal feces,
centipedes, fungi, other slugs, insects, lichens, Slugs prefer damp, shaded areas. Removing
worms and plants. Slugs and snails damage many vegetative trash and other daytime hiding places
plant parts, including foliage, flowers, roots and helps to control them.
tubers. They attack woody ornamentals, especially
Trapping can provide effective control in small
those with foliage on the ground and herbaceous
areas. Planks, grapefruit rinds or cabbage leaves
perennials. Damage can be most severe in
can be placed on the ground overnight and the
greenhouses and coldframes that are continually
next day slugs sheltering underneath can be
damp. They have rasping mouthparts that
destroyed (cut in half). Unlike earthworms, slugs
produce irregular holes in leaves. Silvery, slime
cannot recover from being cut in half. This method
trails on soil, grass and foliage is evidence that
is not practical for very small slugs. Traps baited
slugs and snails are present.
with fermented liquids are commercially available
or they can be made from beer or fermented yeast.
Zinc or copper strips repel slugs and can be
applied as a barrier around raised beds and
Baits can be used where slugs and snails are a
serious problem. Baits containing iron phosphate
can be used safely without the risk of poisoning
pets and wildlife. Sprinkle the bait on the surface
of the soil around plants. It must be ingested to be
effective; it does not kill on contact. This product is
as effective as products containing metaldehyde
and much safer to use.
The molluscicidal effects of metaldehyde have
been known since the 1930s. Metaldehyde disrupts
the ability of slugs and snails to produce mucus,
which reduces their mobility and ability to digest
Pets are attracted to metaldehyde; therefore it
Figure 8.1. The slime trail on the daylily blooms is a sign
should only be used in a bait protector. Bait
of slugs and snails.
protectors can be made from a coffee can.
Puncture the lower sides of the container with a
can opener. Place the bait in the bottom of the can
and replace the lid. This method will not protect
dogs, since they can knock over the container or
remove the cover to get at the bait. If there are
dogs in the area and you wish to use metaldehyde,
it is safer to use the RTU (ready-to-use) liquid
formulation. Metaldehyde is not to be applied to
plants after edible portions have formed.
8-113 | P a g e
Chapter 9 - Pesticides
This information on safe pesticide use is summarized from the BC Pesticide Applicator Course for
agricultural producers. Study kits for the course are available from the Distribution Centre by phoning 1-800-
9-114 | P a g e
2. Anyone buying or using pesticides labeled The regulations on pesticides outline requirements
Restricted must have an applicator certificate. for pesticide applicator certification, emergency
Table 15.2 lists pesticides (referred to in this medical care, washing facilities, personal protective
guide) that can be purchased and used only by clothing and equipment, application equipment,
certified applicators under the Integrated Pest pesticide application, posting warning signs, re-
Management Act. entry into treated areas, record keeping, drift
prevention, and aerial application. Copies of the
3. An authorization such as a pesticide use regulations are available from any WorkSafeBC
licence, pest management plan or permit is office.
required to apply pesticides to public land.
Contact the regional Ministry of Environment Their pesticide regulations state that workers must
office for details. be over 16 years old and must have a valid
pesticide applicator certificate from the Ministry of
4. Businesses selling pesticides must be licensed Environment if they mix, load or apply moderately
and their sales people must be certified. or very toxic pesticides, or if they clean or maintain
application equipment for these pesticides. Table
5. Anyone applying pesticides in exchange for a
15.2 lists which pesticides are moderately or very
fee must have an applicator certificate and a
toxic and, identifies which pesticides can only be
Pesticide Use Licence. But, if you spray your
used by certified applicators. Anyone under the age
neighbours crops you do not need a license as
of 25 years is considered a young employee and
long as the work is done as a favor and no must complete a new or young employee
money is exchanged. orientation. AgSafe can help develop or present a
6. Everyone must dispose of containers and program for your farm.
leftover pesticides safely. The WorkSafeBC re-entry requirements are listed in
The Ministry of Environment was in the process of this chapter in the Re-entry Restrictions Section.
amending the Integrated Pest Management The record keeping requirements have been
Regulation when this section was published. incorporated into the growers spray record. Refer
Proposed amendments to the regulation will to the regulations for the rest of WorkSafe BCs
require that pesticides used in landscaped areas are requirements.
applied by trained people and, will change the way
Domestic class pesticides are sold and update the
schedule of excluded pesticides. Information on the Some pesticides are more poisonous or toxic than
changes can be found on the Ministry of others. The categories of pesticide toxicity used in
Environment website. this guide are listed in Table 9.1. The categories
indicate short-term toxicity and are based on the
WorkSafeBC LD50 of the active ingredient. The LD50 values are
WorkSafeBC Regulations for Occupational Health only a guide to the toxicity of a pesticide to humans.
and Safety apply to farmers who must be registered Table 9.1. Oral and Dermal LD50 Values of the Short
by WorkSafe BC. If you are unsure whether they Term Toxicity Categories
apply to you, call WorkSafe BC at 1-888-621-7233.
AgSafe (formerly FARSHA) (1-877-533-1789) can Toxicity Oral LD50 Dermal LD50
also provide information on WorkSafeBC (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
regulations. Very Toxic 0 to 50 0 to 200
The WorkSafeBC regulations cover conditions of Moderately 51 to 500 201 to 1,000
workplaces such as general safety procedures, Toxic
hazardous substances, pesticides, confined spaces
such as silos and storage bins, protective clothing Slightly Toxic over 500 over 1,000
and equipment, tools, machinery and equipment,
and animal handling.
9-115 | P a g e
Figure 9.1. The pesticide warning symbols used to identify product hazards.
The hazard of using a pesticide depends on both its
toxicity and the amount of exposure. Reduce
hazards by selecting pesticides with low toxicity
and by reducing exposure. Wear protective gear
and follow safety guidelines.
9-116 | P a g e
Poisoning and First Aid If a pesticide contacts the eyes, put on waterproof
gloves and hold the eyelids open and rinse with
clean water for 15 minutes or more. Do not use an
Symptoms of Pesticide eye cup. Do not use chemicals or drugs in the wash
Poisoning water.
Know the poisoning symptoms of the pesticides If pesticide contacts the skin, put on waterproof
you use. Read pesticide labels for symptoms. gloves, remove the contaminated clothing and
Effects from pesticide poisoning vary from person wash the affected area of the skin with lots of soap
to person and are often hard to recognize. Some and water. Cover burned areas with a loosely
poisoning symptoms are headache, fatigue, nausea, applied, clean cloth. Do not apply any drugs or
dizziness, irritation of the skin or nose or throat, medications to the burned area. Do not use
blurred vision, tiny pupils, trembling, perspiration, ointments, greases, creams, lotions or other drugs.
difficulty breathing, vomiting and If the victim is in shock, keep the person lying
unconsciousness. Call the Poison Control Centre or down and warm until medical help arrives.
a doctor immediately if you suspect poisoning, and If pesticide was breathed in, take the victim to fresh
follow their instructions. air as quickly as possible, loosen tight clothing and
Poison Control Centres are open 24 hours a day. watch for signs of unconsciousness or convulsions.
They give first aid information and treatments for If breathing has stopped or is difficult, keep the
poisoning. The phone number of the Poison Control airway open and begin resuscitation. Use a plastic
Centre (1-800-567-8911) can be found in the front of facemask to protect yourself. To prevent chilling,
the phone book under Emergency Numbers. wrap the patient in blankets but do not overheat.
Keep patient as quite as possible.
First Aid If a pesticide is swallowed:
Make sure you, and other people on the farm, If a person is conscious and able to swallow,
know what to do in case of an emergency. Consider give them to 1 glass of milk or water. Larger
taking a first aid course and CPR course. quantities may cause vomiting.
If someone has been poisoned: Do not induce vomiting.
1. Protect yourself. Call the Poison Control Centre at 1-800-567-
2. Move the victim from the area of 8911 for further advice.
contamination. If the patient is retching or vomiting, place the
3. Check if the victim is breathing. If breathing patient face down with their head lower than
has stopped or is very weak, clear the airway their body in the recovery position. This
and begin artificial respiration. Continue until prevents vomit from entering the lungs and
the victim is breathing normally or until causing more damage. Do not let the patient
medical help arrives. When doing mouth-to- lay on their back. Clean the vomit from the
mouth resuscitation, use a plastic mask to patient and collect some in case the doctor
protect yourself from poison. needs it for chemical tests.
4. Call the Poison Control Centre (1-800-567-8911) When medical advice cannot be obtained,
or ambulance. Be ready to tell them the check and follow the pesticide label for
pesticide name, active ingredient, and the PCP directions.
Act registration number. The doctor may recommend administering
5. Unless the Poison Control Centre or doctor tells activated charcoal to adsorb pesticide still in
you otherwise, follow the procedures listed the stomach. Follow the doctors instructions.
below, then: Activated charcoal should be administered
only with the advice of a medical attendant or
6. Transport the patient to the nearest hospital. doctor.
117 | P a g e
Protective Clothing and Boots - Wear waterproof, unlined knee-high boots
of rubber or neoprene when you load, mix or apply
Equipment pesticides. Wear your pant legs outside of your
boots. Do not wear boots made of leather or fabric.
Wear protective clothing and equipment to Wash the outside of your boots after each use.
minimize exposure to pesticides. Remember to
wear safety equipment during mixing and loading, Goggles and Face Shields - Wear goggles if
application and clean-up. Always wear coveralls, there is a chance of getting pesticide spray or dust
waterproof boots, waterproof gloves and a proper in your eyes. Do not use goggles with cloth or foam
hat. You may also need to wear eye or face headbands. Do not wear contact lenses when
protection, and a respirator, waterproof apron, handling pesticides. Face shields provide extra
waterproof pants and jacket. The equipment you protection when mixing and loading toxic
wear depends on the pesticide and type of pesticides. Wash goggles and face shields after use.
application. Therefore, follow the safety
Hats - Wear a waterproof hat when pesticides
recommendations on the pesticide label.
may be splashed or when you could be exposed to
Coveralls - Wear long-sleeved coveralls over drift. Wear a wide-brimmed rubber rain hat when
full-length pants and long-sleeved shirts. Make you will get wet with spray. Do not wear baseball
sure the coveralls are closed at the neckline and caps, fabric hats, or hats with leather or cloth inner
wrists. Remove your coveralls as soon as you have bands.
finished your pesticide activities. Remove them
Aprons - Wear a waterproof apron when you
immediately if they become wet through with
pour and mix concentrated pesticides.
pesticide. Wear waterproof clothing if you might
get wet during pesticide application. Respirators - Wear a respirator when the label
Some disposable coveralls are suitable for pesticide says to wear one; or when the label says to avoid
use. Check with your supplier to see which ones inhalation of dust, vapour, or spray mist; or if there
can be used for pesticide application. When is a danger poison symbol on the label; or if you are
removing disposable coveralls, do not contaminate applying pesticides in an enclosed space. Make
inside the coveralls if you plan to use them again. sure your respirator fits. Men should shave before
Between wearing, hang them in a well-ventilated using a respirator as facial hair prevents a proper
area away from other clothing. Do not launder fit.
disposable coveralls but do wash clothing worn Full-face respirators give more protection and may be
under disposable coveralls as you would other more comfortable than a half-face mask and goggles.
clothing worn during pesticide use. Replace with a
new coverall when severe pilling (balls on the Do not use dust masks when applying pesticides.
surface), rips or holes appear. To discard, place in a They do not protect you from the fumes.
plastic garbage bag and take to a landfill site. Do Specially designed, enclosed tractor cabs fitted with
not dispose of used coveralls by burning. air-purifying devices can protect you from
pesticide vapours. A regular enclosed cab is not
Gloves - Always wear gloves when handling adequate protection if a respirator is required.
pesticides. Many glove materials are available. Use
unlined, waterproof gloves unless the pesticide Special respirators must be worn when using a
label recommends a specific material. Do not use highly toxic fumigant such as methyl bromide.
gloves made of leather, cloth or natural rubber, or Check the label for details.
gloves with cloth linings. Make sure the gloves
Respirators must be approved by NIOSH or an
have no holes or leaks. Keep your coverall sleeves
agency sanctioned by WorkSafeBC. The cartridges
over the gloves and fold down the tops of the
remove toxic fumes from the air. Cartridges labeled
gloves to make cuffs. Wash your gloves before
for organic vapours or pesticides are needed for
removing them and after each use.
most pesticides. Filters remove dust and mist. Both
filters and cartridges must be replaced regularly for
the respirator to work.
118 | P a g e
When you use your respirator: Use rubber gloves. Pre-rinse clothing using the
presoak cycle. Use a high water level and the
1. Check the intake and exhaust valves.
hottest water setting on your machine. Use a
2. Make sure there are no air leaks around the heavy-duty detergent.
face mask. Do an inhalation or exhalation test.
If clothes are heavily contaminated, run through
3. Change the dust filter after 4 hours of use or two complete cycles. Hang clothes outside to dry in
more often if breathing becomes difficult. the sunlight if possible. Clean the washing machine
by running it through a full cycle with detergent
4. Change the cartridges after 8 hours of use or
and no clothes to remove any pesticide residue.
sooner if you can smell the pesticide. Replace
cartridges at least once a year and more often if
you use them frequently. Personal and Environmental
Protective Equipment for Safety Guidelines
Fumigants, Smoke Bombs and Buying Pesticides
Foggers Make sure the pesticide is registered for your
Use a full-face gas mask with correct canister when specific use (crop and pest).
applying very toxic pesticides indoors. Keep a Only buy an amount that you can use up in a
spare canister on hand as they can lose their year.
effectiveness. A self-contained breathing apparatus
that supplies clean air is recommended for indoor Transporting Pesticides
work with gases or extremely toxic compounds.
Never transport pesticides with food, feed,
Wear a full-face mask when lighting smoke bombs fertilizer, clothing or household goods.
and when airing the house. Light the bomb farthest
Lock up the pesticides if you leave your
from the door and work toward the door. If smoke
bombs are placed in more than one path, they
should be lit at the same time by a separate person Never transport pesticides in the passenger
in each path. section of any vehicle.
When using fogging machines, wear complete Ask the supplier if you need shipping papers
protective clothing, including hat, jacket, pants or and vehicle warning signs.
coveralls, waterproof gloves and full-face mask.
Storing Pesticides & Shelf Life
Cleaning Protective Clothing Pesticides vary in their stability and response to
and Equipment storage conditions. Try to purchase a quantity of
pesticide that can be used up in one growing
After application, wash your gloves, boots, goggles, season. However, under proper storage conditions
faceshield and apron. Wash your respirator face most pesticides can be used after at least one year
piece with soap and warm water. Then rinse it with of storage. Follow these guidelines for storage:
clean water and dry it with a clean cloth. Keep the
cleaned respirator in a plastic bag in a clean, dry The law says Commercial and Restricted
place. Store the respirator and protective clothing pesticides must be kept in locked and vented
away from pesticides and spray equipment. storage that has a warning sign on the door.
Discard any clothing that has become soaked with Store pesticides in their original container with
a pesticide. the original label. If a label is illegible or
missing, label it with the trade name, active
Launder all your clothing after each day of ingredient and PCP number. Then obtain a
applying pesticides. Wash protective clothing replacement label from your dealer or the
separately from the rest of the laundry. Do not PMRA website.
touch contaminated clothing with bare hands.
Never keep pesticides near livestock, food,
feed, fertilizer, seed, wells, water supplies or in
your home.
119 | P a g e
Pesticide storage should be 30.5 metres from Applying Pesticides
any well.
Keep herbicides separate from other pesticides. Read and follow label directions.
Return pesticides to storage when not in use. Use calibrated application equipment.
Protect the pesticides from extreme Wash before eating, drinking, smoking or using
temperatures. Freezing destroys some liquid the toilet.
pesticides. Have fresh water and emergency supplies on
Close containers when not in use. hand.
Dispose of unwanted, unmarked and damaged Make sure the area to be treated is clear of
containers. people and animals.
Keep containers above floor level to protect Do not work alone when handling very toxic
from dampness and flooding. pesticides.
Post emergency numbers nearby. Post warning signs if necessary to keep people
out of treated areas.
Keep a fire extinguisher, broom and shovel,
absorptive material and protective clothing Use separate equipment for applying
nearby in case of emergencies. herbicides.
Cover or remove animal food and water
Mixing and Loading Pesticides containers near the treatment area.
Wear protective clothing and equipment. Wear gloves to replace or clean plugged
nozzles. Do not blow out a plugged nozzle or
Read and follow label directions.
screen with your mouth. Use a soft brush or
Choose a mixing and loading site away from toothpick to fix plugged nozzles.
people, livestock, pets, wells and water bodies.
Shut off the spray nozzles when you turn and
Measure accurately. stop the flow of granulars at the end of rows.
Do not rip open paper pesticide bags. Slit them Pesticides must be registered for chemigation
open with a sharp knife. before they can be applied through irrigation
Mix pesticides in still or low wind conditions. systems; the label will include instructions for
Stand upwind of the pesticide. chemigation. If chemigation is used, follow
Chemigation Guidelines for BC. This publication
Hold the container below eye level when is available from the Ministry of Agriculture.
measuring or adding pesticide into the spray
equipment. Use and maintain the tractor speed chosen
during calibration.
Only use mixing equipment for pesticides and
return it to locked storage when not in use. Prevent pesticides from contaminating non-
target areas. Leave an untreated area around
Triple rinse pesticide containers as soon as they lakes, streams, ditches and wells. Spray
are empty. Rinse measuring and mixing downwind from sensitive areas.
equipment. Put rinse water into the sprayer.
Minimize drift by:
Use clean water. The pH of the water should be
from 5.0 to 7.0, and the alkalinity should be Not spraying in strong winds or dead calm.
below 60 to 80 ppm. There is usually less wind in the early
morning and late evening.
Prevent overflow. Do not leave the tank
unattended. Not spraying when temperatures are
greater than 30C.
Prevent contaminating the water supply by
Using a drift control agent.
leaving at least a 15 cm air gap between the end of
the filler hose and the water in the spray tank. You Using drift guard or other specialty nozzles
can also use a backflow preventer valve. that reduce drift.
120 | P a g e
Using boom sprayers with as low pressure
as possible, the correct nozzles, large
Re-entry Restrictions
volumes of water and setting the boom as People can be poisoned by working in pesticide-
near to the ground as possible to still get treated areas too soon after application. Poisoning
uniform coverage. may occur due to inhaling pesticide vapour or
handling treated plants. Farmers are required to
After Applying Pesticides post a sign that informs workers when they can
enter a field. The sign must state the application
Clean equipment away from water supplies.
date and the re-entry time. Signs can be obtained
Remove and clean protective clothing and from AgSafe.
Most pesticide labels state when a treated area can
Shower. be re-entered. The restricted-entry interval (REI) is
Keep records of every application. the period of time that agricultural workers, or
anyone else, must not do hand labour in areas after
Disposal of Unwanted a pesticide has been applied. The purpose of the
REI is to allow time for pesticide residues and
Pesticides vapours to dissipate to safe levels before work can
Calculate the amount needed so none is left be resumed in the area.
over. WorkSafeBC has also established REIs for
Do not re-spray an area to get rid of leftover pesticides. Their regulations require people to not
spray. enter a treated field until they have waited the
following periods:
Apply left over material according to label
directions on another site or crop listed on the 24 hours for a slightly toxic pesticide,
label. Do not put unwanted pesticides into 48 hours for a moderately or very toxic
sewers, down drains or on the land. pesticide, and
Contact the regional office of the BC Ministry the total of the re-entry intervals for tank mixes
of Environment or Ministry of Agriculture for of moderately and very toxic pesticides.
information on the disposal of unwanted
pesticides. Growers should follow the REI stated on the
pesticide label. If there is no REI on the label, then
Disposal of Containers growers should apply the REI periods established
by WorkSafeBC.
Drain the container into the spray tank for at
least 30 seconds or shake out the bag. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)
has prepared a guideline to follow if a farmer needs
Triple or pressure rinse drums, glass bottles, to enter a treated area before the end of the REI.
plastic and metal containers. Single rinse plastic The guideline states that a certified applicator may
and paper bags. enter a treated area during the REI period to
Put the rinse water into the spray tank. perform short-term tasks provided:
Crush, puncture or damage empty containers No entry for 4 hours following the end of
so they cannot be re-used. pesticide application.
Return containers to the pesticide storage until No hand labour activity is performed.
they can be taken to a public dump, back to the The certified applicator wears the personal
supplier or to a collection site. Containers can protective equipment that the label specifies for
be buried on your land 0.5 metres below the mixing/loading and wears a NIOSH-approved
surface. The site must be flat, not a bog, gravel respirator if entering within 4-12 hours after
or sandy soil and at least 200 metres from application.
wells, lakes, rivers, streams or ponds.
The time in the treated area during the REI
Do not burn pesticide containers. doesnt exceed one hour in any 24-hour period.
121 | P a g e
Decontamination supplies are available for Protecting Fish and Other
washing off pesticides and pesticide residues.
Information on the label REI and relative toxicity of
each pesticide is provided in Table 15.2. Use the Some pesticides are toxic to fish, birds and wildlife.
REI on the label if it is longer than the WorkSafeBC Exposure to trace amounts of these pesticides may
re-entry interval. be lethal. Destroying the vegetation along fish-
bearing water harms fish by removing food and
Grazing Restrictions shelter, but also increases the risk of pesticide
If animals are to graze a treated area, check the
pesticide label for grazing restrictions. Wait the Protect fish and wildlife from pesticide poisoning
required time before grazing. by following label precautions, safety guidelines in
the guide and the guidelines below:
Use pesticides only when necessary.
Environmental Precautions Select the least toxic and least persistent pesticide.
Buffer Zones Follow label directions regarding the size of
buffer zones from downwind bodies of water
Many pesticide labels now contain buffer zone to keep pesticides out of the water.
information. Buffer zones are strips of land next to Do not destroy vegetation along fish bearing
sensitive areas, in which pesticide application is not waters and do not spray with pesticide.
permitted (see Figure 9.2). The purpose of the
buffer zone is to protect sensitive areas from Incorporate granular insecticides.
pesticide drift. Applicators are required to leave a Use precautions to prevent drift, leaching and
buffer zone when the label says to. A buffer zone run-off to areas outside the treated area.
only needs to be left between the end of the spray Store treated seed where it cannot be eaten by
boom and the downwind sensitive area. Labels will animals.
tell you what sensitive areas must be protected and
Place baits in covered bait stations.
the size of the buffer zone. Labels may require
protection of water bodies (aquatic) or planted
areas (terrestrial).
122 | P a g e
Protecting Bees and Beneficial Streamside Protection
Insects Growers are encouraged to examine their farm
activities and modify any practices that could put
Bees and other pollinating insects are essential for
fish habitats at risk. Some areas where risk may
the production of many crops, while other insects
occur include the use of pesticides, fertilizers,
can control pests. Many pesticides, particularly
manure and woodwaste.
insecticides, are very toxic to honeybees, wild bees
and beneficial insects. Protect these insects from
pesticide poisoning by: Emergency Response
Telling nearby beekeepers about your spray Keep the phone numbers for the Poison
program. Control Centre, doctor, ambulance and
Not applying pesticides near hives. Provincial Emergency number for dangerous
goods spills nearby (1-800-663-3456). The
Not applying pesticides toxic to bees when
Poison Control Centre phone number is in the
plants are in bloom.
front section of the telephone book.
Selecting formulations least harmful to bees.
Have protective gear and equipment easily
Microencapsulated formulations are very
hazardous; dusts are more hazardous than
sprays; wettable powders are more hazardous Keep absorptive material, a container for
than EC and liquid formulations; granulars are contaminated waste, tools to pick up
least hazardous to bees. contaminated material, bleach and hydrated
lime available.
Reducing drift.
Timing applications carefully. Evening sprays Spills
are less hazardous than morning sprays. Both
Protect yourself.
are safer than midday.
Keep bystanders away.
Protecting Groundwater Do not eat, smoke or drink during clean up.
Groundwater is the source of water for wells and Work upwind of the spill.
springs. It is very difficult to clean contaminated
groundwater. The solution to groundwater Contain the spill. Surround and cover it with
absorbent material.
contamination is prevention.
Clean up the spill.
Groundwater contamination is most likely to
occur where soils are gravelly or sandy, the water Decontaminate the area using bleach or
table is close to the soil surface, there is high detergent. Absorb excess liquid with
rainfall or extensive irrigation, or the pesticide is absorbent material.
injected or incorporated into the soil. Pesticides Put contaminated absorbent material in the
that are persistent in the soil, are weakly absorbed special waste container and seal it.
and leach quickly, or are highly soluble may
contaminate groundwater. Remove and wash protective gear. Shower.
Remember to avoid spills, drift and irrigation run If you need help, call the Provincial
off, and to properly dispose of unwanted Emergency number (1-800-663-3456).
pesticides and empty containers. Never store
pesticides near wells or pumphouses and guard
against leaking containers.
Well construction, maintenance and location can
be factors in contamination. Maintain proper seals
between pump and pump base, as well as seals
between well casings.
9-123 | P a g e
Fires In general, it is riskier to mix two different types of
formulations, for example wettable powders with
Fires involving pesticides can be very dangerous. emulsifiable concentrates. When using emulsified
Burning pesticides may release toxic fumes that concentrates, always read the warnings on the
are poisonous to firefighters, bystanders and manufacturers label. Tank mixes should be
animals, or that may contaminate the applied promptly to reduce the risk of crop injury
environment. Pressurized containers can explode. or a decrease in effectiveness.
Pesticides can spill out of containers damaged by Spray injury can also arise from a variety of other
the fire. Run-off from fighting a fire can causes. Improper operation of sprayers, excess
contaminate a larger area. dosage of chemicals, sudden weather change
Ahead of time, give your fire department a list of during or following spraying, sprays applied at
low volume, or spraying during extremely hot
all pesticides in storage (brand names, active
periods (32C or higher) may cause either fruit or
ingredient, PCP #s and quantity remaining).
foliage injury.
Update the list each year.
Growers are allowed to apply unlabelled tank
In case of a fire, call the fire department and tell
mixes of registered pesticides as long as:
them there is a fire involving pesticides. Keep
people and animals away from the fire. The application timings of all products tank
mixed are compatible with regards to crop and
For more information on practices to reduce the pest staging.
risk of a fire and to deal with fires that involve
pesticides, check out the Ministrys Pesticide Wise Each product tank mixed is applied in
website. accordance with its registered product label. In
cases where use directions differ for the
Tank Mixing Pesticides products to be tank mixed, the most restrictive
directions must be followed.
It is often economical and convenient to apply a The tank mix is not specifically excluded or
mixture of two or more pesticides when more than contradicted on either tank mix partner label.
one pest is to be controlled. However, proceed
with caution because mixing non-compatible
pesticides can result in damage to the application
equipment or crop, or reduce pest control. The Adjuvants can be an important part of a pest
best source of information on tank mixing is the control program because they help to overcome
pesticide label; many labels do contain some of the variables that potentially reduce the
information on pesticides that can be used in a effectiveness of a pesticide. Adjuvants are used as
tank mix. Some labels even contain directions for spray solution additives to prevent problems
mixing the product with other pesticides. associated with spray application such as beading,
Alternatively, information on pesticide incomplete coverage, run-off, adverse water
compatibility can be obtained from the registrant quality or removal through rain and wind.
and extension specialists.
Adjuvant products include surfactants, wetting
If you are uncertain whether two pesticides are agents, crop oils, thickeners, drift control agents,
compatible, perform a compatibility test prior to penetrants, anti-foam agents, stickers and
applying the tank mix. Test the compatibility by spreaders. When choosing an adjuvant, decide
mixing the pesticides in a small volume of water in which aspects of the spray application need
the relative proportions that you plan to use them. improvement. In addition, the environmental
The components should mix well when the conditions before, during and after the application,
mixture is stirred or shaken. The mixture should as well as the characteristics of the plant surface
not separate nor should components settle out should be taken into consideration.
rapidly upon standing. When applying a new tank
mixture, it is recommended to apply on a small
9-124 | P a g e
Surfactants are perhaps the most frequently used Not all pesticides are labeled to be used with an
class of adjuvant. Surfactants reduce the surface adjuvant. Always consult the product labels as
tension of a solution so that it can spread and some combinations can be hazardous for your
cover a surface more efficiently. Surfactants are health, damaging to crops or cause the product to
classified as non-ionic (uncharged), cationic be ineffective. For example, spray tank mixes of
(positively charged), and anionic (negatively copper fungicides and organosilicone surfactants
charged). Spray coverage can also be improved by should be avoided because the surfactant can
the type and set-up of the application equipment. enhance foliar uptake of copper and lead to
9-125 | P a g e
Chapter 10 - Pesticide Application Equipment
Ground-based Application These low-pressure sprayers without pressure
regulators and gauges should not be used for
Most farms use ground-based equipment to apply applying insecticides and fungicides where
pesticides. Hand-operated or backpack sprayers are uniform coverage is crucial. This is especially true
common on all farms for spot treatments and areas with some of the new plant growth regulators
difficult to reach with tractors. Motorized sprayers where uniform coverage is a crucial part of their
are used on most farms. For more details on effectiveness. These sprayers with their limited
pesticide application equipment and calibration, control options are better suited for the home
see the Pesticide Applicator Course for Agriculture gardener situation.
Producers. Information on how to purchase a study Diaphragm pumps and agitators will allow the
kit and write the certification exam is available on sprayer to be used with wettable powder sprays
the Ministry of Environment website. more effectively. Pressures should be above 80 psi
to achieve the finer sprays suitable for applying
Boom Sprayers insecticides and fungicides. Pressure gauges and
pressure regulators enable the sprayer to operate at
The most common motorized sprayer is a boom
higher pressures (80-200 psi) and the operator to
sprayer with a pump that provides enough liquid
achieve a more uniform output from the sprayer.
pressure to spray the target from nozzles located on
Note that a smooth uniform walking speed and
the boom. High pressure sprays (700-2,000 kPa or
spray wand motion is also required to achieve
100-300 psi) are typically required for insecticides
uniform coverage. Nozzles must be selected for the
and fungicides. The same sprayers can be used at
operating pressure of the sprayer and spraying
lower pressures for herbicides.
conditions. Backpack sprayers should have a
Sprayers with Hand Guns positive shut-off spray control valve to eliminate
pesticide drips from the wand and nozzle. Drip-
Tractor mounted sprayers with hand guns are often proof nozzle assemblies are also available as an
used to spray insecticides and fungicides in alternative. Ball check valves in the nozzle body
nurseries. Hand guns can be used with dilute require 5 to 10 psi of liquid pressure to start
sprays where the plants are sprayed for thorough spraying and close when the pressure drops below
coverage. The same procedure that is followed for this level to prevent drips.
backpack type sprayers should be followed to
determine how much area can be sprayed with a Chemigation
tank of water before the pesticide is mixed (refer to
Chemigation, or the application of pesticides
Calibrating Hand Operated Sprayers). Herbicides can
through an irrigation system, can be done only if
be more accurately sprayed by a tractor driven
directions for chemigation are on a pesticide label.
boom sprayer. Pesticide application also tends to be
An irrigation system used for chemigation must be
more uniform with backpack sprayers or granular
specially designed for the application to be safe and
applicators than with handguns.
effective. Information on chemigation is in
Backpack Sprayers Chemigation Guidelines for British Columbia by the
Sustainable Agriculture Management Branch, BC
The most common spraying equipment on small Ministry of Agriculture.
operations is the backpack sprayer. It is suitable for
high-volume or dilute spraying both in field and
greenhouse conditions. Basic, low cost backpack
sprayers will generate only low pressures and lack
features such as diaphragm pumps, agitators,
pressure adjustment controls (regulator) and
pressure gauges found on commercial grade units.
10-126 | P a g e
Airblast Sprayers Power Source
Airblast sprayers for spraying insecticides and The power sprayer is normally driven by the PTO
fungicides have become more common on larger (power take-off) of the tractor or by an auxiliary
farms. These use a combination of air and liquid to engine. The power rating of these should be double
deliver the pesticide to the plant. The pesticide is the theoretical power required by the pump.
pumped through nozzles into a blast of air from a
high-speed fan. Airblast sprayers may use lower Pumps
water volumes than boom sprayers. However, drift A pump creates the pressure required for
can be more of a problem due to the fine droplets atomization and penetration of the spray on almost
required for thorough coverage when spraying at all types of sprayers. Choose a pump having the
low volumes. The components of airblast and high characteristics required for the job. Common
pressure boom sprayers are very similar except for pumps include:
the added fan and air manifold on the air-blast
sprayer. A separate boom on the airblast sprayer is roller pumpexcessive wear can occur with
required for spraying herbicides if a separate wettable powders,
sprayer is not used. Airblast sprayers will not be piston pump, and
discussed further in this guide.
diaphragm pump.
Operation of Sprayers For spraying insecticides or fungicides, sprayers
Essential components of any chemical spraying require either diaphragm or piston pumps to
equipment are the power source, pump, tank and develop the higher pressures needed (700 kPa or
nozzles. Others that must be considered are 100 psi) to get thorough plant coverage. Determine
agitators, screens, filters, valves, pressure the capacity of the pump by the highest rate of
regulators, booms, hoses, gauges and hand-guns application the sprayer is expected to deliver, an
(see Figure 10.1). adequate volume for agitation and an additional
25% volume to account for the pumps wear.
During operation there should always be flow in
the bypass line indicating the pump has sufficient
capacity to send some excess to the tank.
10-127 | P a g e
Note the maximum rpm allowed for the pump and
always operate the tractor throttle so that the
maximum is not exceeded. Be aware that increasing Suction hoses (from the tank) should be reinforced
the pumps rpm will also increase its output, so they will not collapse, be resistant to chemicals
therefore, the tractors throttle setting must be fixed and oils, and be of the same diameter as the pump
during calibration and sprayer operation.
inlet hole. The same type of hose can be used for
Operating at too low an rpm may decrease the
the bypass line.
pumps output below that required for the sprayer.
Hoses on the pressure side of the pump must be
Tanks able to handle pressures higher than the intended
use and preferably as high as the maximum
The size of the spray tank depends on the intended
pressure the pump can develop. To avoid excessive
application rate and the mounting space available.
pressures on the hose, the relief or unloading valve
The tank should be equipped with a large, screened
should be released before flow to the boom is shut
opening for easy filling and cleaning. Tanks may be
constructed of steel, stainless steel, epoxy-coated
steel, fiberglass, polyethylene or aluminum.
Fibreglass, stainless steel and polyethylene tanks
are preferred because of their rust and corrosion The size of droplet produced by various nozzles
resistance. depends upon operating pressures and nozzle
design. The droplet size decreases with a higher
The herbicide Roundup and liquid nitrogen
pressure and with a smaller nozzle tip opening.
fertilizers must not be put in galvanized steel tanks,
Droplets that are too big give poor coverage and
as a hazardous chemical reaction can result.
droplets that are too small drift easily.
The rusting of steel tanks can be reduced by proper
draining, cleaning and airing of the tank after use Types of Nozzles
and by the use of rustproofing compounds. Either The main nozzle types used for chemical
hydraulic bypass or mechanical agitation must be application are:
provided. If hydraulic agitation is used in the spray
tank, additional pump capacity is required. Flat spray nozzles (also called fan type or
Mechanical agitation is preferred if wettable TeeJets). These are used for low-pressure
powders are to be used. spraying such as the application of herbicides
and insecticide drenches. They produce a fan-
Mechanical agitation with paddles gives the best type pattern with less material applied along
mixing for wettable powder formulations. If the edges of the spray pattern (see Figure 10.2).
hydraulic agitation is used, 1/10 to 1/20 of the tank By properly overlapping the spray, a uniform
capacity should be recirculated per minute. This application is produced across the spray boom.
flow should be supplied from a separate pressure Offset flat spray nozzles at an angle of 10
line, not from the relief valve bypass. degrees to the boom to prevent interference of
Tanks should be equipped with drains in the the overlapping spray patterns. Nozzle spacing
lowest part of the tank to allow complete emptying on the boom and the height of the boom above
of the tank. Drains should be easy to operate to the target are critical to obtain a uniform
encourage operators to drain the tank at the end of application. Sprayer equipment suppliers and
each day. nozzle manufacturers catalogues can advise
growers as to the correct height of the boom at
For proper mixing of pesticide dilutions, it is
different nozzle spacings and for different
important to know the volume capacity of the
nozzle spray angles. Do not operate these
spray tank. When partial tanks of spray mix are
nozzles above 400 kPa (60 psi) to prevent
needed an accurate dipstick or gauge will enable
excessive wear and fine spray droplets. Refer to
the operator to mix the correct amount.
manufacturers specifications for recommended
nozzle pressures.
10-128 | P a g e
Even spray nozzle tips. These produce an even Cone nozzles are available as either hollow cone or
spray pattern across the entire fan width (see solid cone types both produce the same swirling
Figure 10.2). These nozzles are used in band mist but the solid cone nozzles are used when
spraying of herbicides where there is no larger volumes are required (see Figure 10.2). The
overlap from other nozzles. Align even spray cone nozzles most commonly used in the industry
nozzles with the spray boom. These nozzles are are two-piece disc-core nozzles, which must be
designed to operate at low pressures (less than installed correctly with the rear nibs facing the
400 kPa or 60 psi). Refer to manufacturers nozzle body (see Figure 10.3). Cone nozzles are
specifications for recommended nozzle pressures. used in both boom and most air-blast sprayers.
Nozzle Sizes
Various sizes of flat, even and cone nozzle tips may
be used to obtain the volume of water desired.
Consult with your sprayer equipment supplier as
he has information on nozzle outputs for the
various nozzle sizes.
Ask for a catalogue with nozzle outputs in litres per
minute. For your convenience, nozzle outputs for
Spraying Systems Co. flat spray tips and disc-core
type hollow cone spray tips are in Tables 10.1 and
10.2, respectively.
10-129 | P a g e
As nozzle tips wear out, the rate of application The ceramics require an extended nozzle cap and a
increases. Tests have shown that some wettable plastic nozzle strainer to protect the ceramic from
powders wear nozzle tips sufficiently to increase pinching and cracking between the brass nozzle
the rate as much as 12% after spraying only 20 ha. cap and body. The added expense is quickly paid
For this reason, frequent calibration of equipment is for in the increased durability from both wear
necessary. Also, very worn nozzles should be andcorrosion. Keep pairs of discs and cores
replaced because their spray pattern is distorted, together and do not mix them up during nozzle
which will result uneven application. cleaning.
Hardened stainless steel discs and brass cores have Both the disc and cores wear and they should be
been the materials chosen by many growers using kept together to determine the wear rate of the
hollow cone disc-core nozzles. The hardened nozzles.
stainless steel discs have corroded relatively easily
affecting the nozzle outputs and distorting the
spray patterns. A much more durable choice is the
ceramic disc and cores, and they do not rust.
Table 10.1. Spraying Systems Co. flat spray nozzle outputs (litres per minute).
Pressure (psi)
Nozzle* 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
8001 0.23 0.27 0.30 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45
80015 0.35 0.42 0.45 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.68
8002 0.45 0.53 0.59 0.64 0.70 0.76 0.79 0.83 0.87 0.91
8003 0.68 0.79 0.89 0.98 1.06 1.14 1.21 1.29 1.34 1.40
8004 0.91 1.06 1.19 1.32 1.42 1.51 1.61 1.70 1.78 1.85
8005 1.17 1.32 1.48 1.63 1.76 1.89 2.01 2.12 2.21 2.31
8006 1.40 1.59 1.78 1.97 2.12 2.27 2.40 2.54 2.65 2.76
8008 1.85 2.16 2.38 2.61 2.82 3.03 3.20 3.37 3.54 3.71
8010 2.31 2.69 2.99 3.29 3.54 3.79 4.01 4.24 4.43 4.62
8015 3.48 4.01 4.47 4.92 5.30 5.68 6.02 6.36 6.66 6.96
8020 6.55 7.06 7.57 8.02 8.48 8.88 9.27
* Nozzle output for the 65 and 110 degree spray angles is the same as 80 degree (i.e. 6501, 8001, & 11001 are
equal); only extended range (XR) nozzles should be operated below 30 psi.
10-130 | P a g e
Table 10.2. Spraying Systems Co. hollow cone (disc-core) nozzle outputs (litres per minute).
Pressure (psi)
Disc Core 80 100 125 150 175 200 250 300
2 25 0.83 0.95 1.02 1.10 1.19 1.29 1.42 1.55
3 25 0.98 1.10 1.21 1.32 1.42 1.51 1.67 1.82
2 45 1.06 1.21 1.32 1.44 1.55 1.67 1.84 2.01
3 45 1.25 1.36 1.51 1.67 1.80 1.93 2.14 2.35
4 25 1.51 1.70 1.87 2.04 2.20 2.35 2.59 2.84
5 25 1.82 2.04 2.25 2.46 2.65 2.84 3.12 3.41
4 45 1.89 2.12 2.35 2.57 2.76 2.95 3.27 3.60
6 25 2.35 2.65 2.93 3.22 3.44 3.67 4.09 4.50
5 45 2.42 2.69 2.97 3.26 3.50 3.75 4.18 4.62
7 25 2.76 3.07 3.39 3.71 4.09 4.47 4.83 5.19
6 45 3.14 3.52 3.94 4.35 4.69 5.03 5.62 6.21
8 25 3.37 3.67 4.09 4.50 4.83 5.15 5.75 6.36
7 45 3.67 4.20 4.66 5.11 5.53 5.94 6.64 7.34
8 45 4.58 5.11 5.73 6.36 6.85 7.34 8.21 9.08
10 45 5.94 6.70 7.48 8.25 8.86 9.46 10.60 11.73
10-131 | P a g e
Clean screens and strainers are essential to the Never re-spray the treated field with extra tank
efficient operation of the spray system. They should mix. Spraying an area twice will double the rate
be cleaned often and checked for breaks in the and may cause high residues in the crop or soil.
screen. If the nozzle screens are plugging too often,
check to make certain the chemicals are properly Sprayer Cleaning
mixed, the spray tank and plumbing system are
properly rinsed and cleaned between sprays, and Immediately after use, drain and collect any excess
that the suction and tank screens are in place when spray mixture. This excess material can be very
filling and using the sprayer. If the plugging difficult to dispose of properly, therefore sprayers
problem persists, consider changing to an should be properly calibrated to avoid any excess.
alternative pesticide formulation. Also check to see Then flush the sprayer with soapy water and rinse
if a larger nozzle that has a larger recommended with clean water. Talk to the equipment dealer to
screen size can be used. Do not operate the sprayer have a new drain installed if the current drain is
without the recommended nozzle screens. hard to use. Select a cleaning area where water will
not contaminate wells, streams or crops.
Mixing Chemicals Separate equipment is recommended for applying
When mixing the chemical in the sprayer tank, 2,4-D, MCPA or similar hormone-type herbicides. If
NEVER put the chemical in first and then top with this is not possible, use separate sprayer hoses
water. Always fill the tank 1/3 to 1/2 with clean when using these chemicals as they cannot be
water, start the agitator and then add the required properly washed out of the hose lines. To
quantity of chemical. Continue agitating while thoroughly clean equipment after applying 2,4-D,
filling the tank. MCPA, etc., follow these steps:
For tank-mixes of two or more chemicals, first 1. Drain and collect any excess spray mixture
check the product label for compatibility from the tank.
information. Add the first chemical at the 1/3 to
2. Rinse tank, lines, screens, pumps and nozzles
1/2 full stage and the second chemical at the 2/3 to
thoroughly with warm water.
3/4 full stage. Mixing by this method will ensure
that the chemical is completely mixed in the water. 3. Remove pressure chamber and line strainer
To keep the chemical completely mixed keep the and drain.
agitator on until you are finished spraying. Never
4. Fill tank with 100 L of warm water and then
turn off the hydraulic agitation to get enough
add one of the following:
pump pressure to spraythe chemical will not stay
mixed in the water. 1 L household ammonia or Agri-Kleen; or
For best results, wettable powders should be 500 g washing soda, lye or Nutrasol.
premixed before being added to the spray tank.
5. Spray out a small amount of solution and leave
Make a slurry of wettable powder and water and
remainder in tank overnight.
then pour it into the spray tank.
6. Drain and rinse the equipment several times
Always follow manufacturers directions when
with warm soapy water. Rinse out the soapy
mixing. Always keep the agitator running once the
water with clean water.
spray materials have been added to the tank.
Even stainless steel nozzles will rust if left in the
Excess Pesticide Spray Tank sprayer. Nozzles and nozzle screens should be
removed and cleaned each fall and stored in a can
Mixtures of light oil or diesel fuel for the winter. After a
Avoid mixing surplus spray by carefully spray application the nozzles should be cleaned
calculating rates, calibrating the sprayer and and coated with a light coat of oil to prevent
carefully measuring the area of the fields. If too corrosion. Ceramic nozzles are not subject to
much is mixed, use that material according to label corrosion.
directions on another crop or site listed on the label.
If no such area can be found, spray the mixture
over an area on the property where it will cause no
10-132 | P a g e
Before winter storage, remember to drain the The sprayer must apply the pesticide uniformly
pump, boom and all lines to prevent frost damage. across the width of the boom and over the whole
Add light oil or antifreeze during the last rinsing to field.
leave a protective coating on all parts.
The proper set-up of a sprayer will take more time
Sprayer Calibration than all the other steps involved in calibration. The
Calibration Worksheets Boom Sprayers at the end of
Calibration helps ensure good pest control. It also this section give a thorough checklist to use for
helps prevent crop damage from pesticides, high your sprayer set-up.
pesticide residues, and environmental You must choose which nozzles to use, nozzle
contamination. Calibrate all application equipment pressure, tractor throttle setting and gear (forward
to ensure a pesticide will be applied accurately and speed) before you can move on to the second step
uniformly at the recommended rate. in calibration, Measuring Delivery Rate.
Calibration involves preparing the equipment so it The last page of the Calibration Worksheet Boom
is working properly, measuring the delivery rate, Sprayer gives formulas for checking the speed of
adjusting the equipment to change the delivery your tractor gears. Having the speed of each gear
rate, and calculating how much pesticide to add to used for spraying will help to make adjustments in
the sprayer tank. Calibrate equipment regularly (at the sprayers delivery rate. To use the calibration
least once per year) to make sure the output is not formulas you must also determine your sprayers
changing. Also calibrate equipment when it is new swath width.
and when making changes that affect the delivery
rate. Proper calibration will minimize, if not Selecting Spray Volume
eliminate, left over mixed pesticides in the sprayer
Before calibrating your sprayer, you should know
tank that can be very difficult to properly dispose.
how much spray mixture should be sprayed in
Calibrating Boom and Airblast your field. The recommended amount of spray
mixture (spray volume) can usually be found on
Sprayers the pesticide label or in this guide. The spray
volume will depend on crop, stage of growth, the
There are four basic procedures to be carried out
pest, the pesticide, weather, soil conditions and the
when calibrating boom and airblast sprayers.
method of application.
Details on these procedures are given below. (Also
refer to the Pesticide Applicator Course for For herbicides, spray volumes range from 50 to
Agricultural Producers.) 1,000 L/ha (20 to 400 L/acre). Refer to the product
label for specific recommendations. Pesticide
Use the Calibration Worksheet Boom Sprayer in this
application rates and spray volumes for herbicides
section to follow these four procedures when
are normally given as a broadcast treatment as if
applying pesticides to your crop.
the entire field is sprayed. However, in many crops,
1. set-up most herbicides are applied in bands along the
rows spraying only a part of the field. Therefore, to
2. measuring delivery rate
spray only bands and not the entire field, the
3. adjusting delivery rate (if different from amount of area actually treated must be calculated
recommended rate) to determine how much herbicide to add to the
4. calculating how much pesticide to add to
the spray tank Most fungicide and insecticide labels for
ornamental crops suggest applying a dilute spray
Set-Up mixture for thorough coverage of the plant. The
During set-up check that the sprayer nozzles, pesticide application rate is usually a dilution rate
forward speed and spray pressure are correct for of pesticide per volume of water. The size and
the applied pesticide, the weather and the crop density of the plants to be sprayed will determine
conditions. Check the equipment to ensure all parts the volume of spray mixture required per acre.
are in good condition and working properly (see Some labels will also include a spray volume on the
the sprayers operating manual). label usually around 1,000 L/ha for ornamental
10-133 | P a g e
Sprayer operators should carefully monitor the Use a pressure gauge on the sprayer marked in
foliage including the lower stems and undersides of both psi and kPa (or bar) so both units can be read
lower leaves to ensure thorough coverage. Water directly from the gauge. The maximum pressure on
sensitive spray cards are available to assist in the pressure gauge should be twice the maximum
carrying out this task. Also monitor spray drift. spray pressure used to protect the gauge from
damage and allow it to be read accurately.
Selecting Nozzle Pressure
Herbicides are generally applied with flat spray
Determine Sprayer Swath Width
nozzles at low pressures (200 to 275 kPa or 30 to 40 Swath width is the width of treated area over
psi) to keep drift to a minimum. Do not use higher which spray droplets or granules are distributed in
pressures unless they are specifically one pass of the applicator. In a broadcast spray, it is
recommended. the nozzle spacing multiplied by the number of
nozzles and for band treatments it is the sum of the
Some new nozzles are available that work over
treated band widths (see Figures 10.5 and 10.6). For
extended pressure ranges including pressures as
row crops it is the row spacing (from center-to-
low as 100 kPa or 15 psi.
center) multiplied by the number of rows (see
Insecticides and fungicides are applied with disc- Figure 10.7). Swath width is usually measured in
core nozzles at pressures up to 2,000 kPa (300 psi) meters or feet. The swath width is used in sprayer
depending upon the pest to be controlled and the calibration to calculate the sprayers delivery rate.
density of the foliage. As the sprayer swath width is based on the treated
area, the delivery rate will also be based on the
Many nozzle manufacturers have chosen to report
treated area when band spraying herbicides.
nozzle outputs with pressures in bar not
kilopascals (kPa). The bar unit is equal to 100 kPa.
Pesticide labels report pressures in kPa.
10-134 | P a g e
Figure 10.6. Determining band swath width.
When sprayers are set-up during calibration, check Measuring Delivery Rate
to make sure that the driving pattern used in
spraying does not cause skipsareas of the field There are two basic methods used to measure
not sprayed between successive passes of the sprayer delivery ratesthe test area method and
sprayer. The sprayer boom may also overlap the the timed output method. The test area method
first pass when spraying the next strip or swath. uses fewer calculations, however, it can take longer
Both skips and overlaps can be caused by not to carry out. If an entire acre or hectare is used as
matching the nozzles on the boom to the driving the test area, the measured discharge of water is the
pattern of the sprayer. With skips and overlaps, delivery rate per acre or hectare and no calculations
either pests will go uncontrolled or high spray are required. The most common problem with the
residues can occur that may be dangerous to test area method is measuring the amount of spray
humans, plants and the environment. While water discharged. If too small a test area is used or
spraying, the true swath width of the sprayer is it is not covered with enough passes the actual
determined by the driving pattern of the sprayer amount of water discharged is too small to
through the field. accurately measure in the tank. The amount of
spray discharged in the test should be at least 10%
of the tanks volume. The tractor and sprayer tank
should be parked in the exact same location and the
water must settle in the tank after stopping, before
measuring the tank level again.
10-135 | P a g e
The timed output method can avoid these 3. Spray pressure should be set for the correct
problems, however it will require more droplet size. Changing pressure is
calculations. Follow the procedures given in the recommended only for very small changes in
Calibration WorksheetBoom Sprayer at the end of this delivery rates. Otherwise the droplet size will
section. change and cause drift or runoff problems.
Since pressure must be increased four times to
Adjusting Delivery Rate double the delivery rate, this is not a good way
to adjust delivery rate.
If the measured delivery rate of the sprayer is
different than the spray volume listed on the After making the adjustments, measure the
pesticide label or recommended in the production delivery rate again.
guide, it can be adjusted in three ways:
1. Nozzle size should be changed before making
Calculating How Much Pesticide to
large changes in delivery rate. Check with the Add to the Spray Tank
nozzle supplier or an agricultural advisor. When the sprayer delivery rate is known, then
Obtain a catalogue listing nozzles and nozzle calculate how many acres can be sprayed by a full
outputs in litres per minute (L/min). tank and how much pesticide to add to the spray
2. Forward speed changes will adjust the delivery tank. Formulas to use when spraying only a partial
rate. Slower speeds increase the amount spray tank are also given in the Calibration
sprayed in a field, and faster speeds reduce the Worksheet-Boom Sprayer at the end of this section. Be
amount. If the delivery rate is 112 L/acre at 6 very careful to accurately measure the area to be
mph, then by halving the speed to 3 mph the covered by the last tank to minimize left over spray
delivery rate is doubled to 224 L/acre. mixture in the tank when you are finished
Speed changes are usually made by using a
different gear in order to keep tractor rpms
and spray pressure constant and within the
range recommended for the sprayer pump.
10-136 | P a g e
Boom Sprayer Calibration Worksheet Examples
Refer to the Calibration Worksheet-Boom Sprayers in this section when working through the following examples.
Example 1: Sprayer Calibration (per area rate)
The pesticide label reads apply 4.75 kg/ha in 1,000 L/ha. The pesticide is to be applied to the foliage
with the plants grown in rows spaced 1.2 m apart. The sprayer boom covers 4 rows and sprayed 105 L of
water when making two runs (passes) over a 100 m long test strip. The sprayers tank holds 1,000 L.
(a) What is the sprayer swath width?
From Calibration Worksheet under Set-up Swath Width,
Row crop swath width = 4 rows x 1.2 m = 4.8 m
(b) What is the delivery rate (litres per hectare) of the sprayer ?
Follow Steps 1 8, Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet
Test area = 100 m x 4.8 m x 2 runs
= 960 m2
Follow Step 9 , Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet
Delivery rate = 105 L 960 m2 x 10,000 m2/ha
= 1,090 L/ha
The sprayer is operating at a delivery rate of 1,090 L/ha. The delivery rate is close enough to the desired
spray volume of 1,000 L/ha. Use the delivery rate of 1,090 L/ha when calculating how much pesticide to
add to the tank.
(c) How many hectares will be covered with one full tank of spray?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
Area covered by a full tank = 1,000 L 1090 L/ha = 0.92 ha
One full tank of spray will cover 0.92 ha.
(d) How much pesticide must be added to a full tank of water?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
How much pesticide to add to a full tank = 4.75 kg/ha x 0.92 ha = 4.37 L
Add 4.37 L of pesticide to make one full sprayer tank of spray mixture.
10-137 | P a g e
Example 2: Sprayer Calibration (per dilution rate)
The pesticide label instructions are to apply 2 kg of pesticide in 1,000 L of water and to spray the foliage
thoroughly. The grower has a 450 L sprayer tank and plans to spray pesticide on plants that are grown
on beds 5 ft wide and the sprayer covers one bed at a time.
Before starting the grower should determine how much area a full tank will spray. This will allow the
right amount of pesticide to be mixed. This can be done by following the Calibration Worksheet at the
back of the guide. The grower sprays a 330 ft long test strip with two passes (runs) to measure the
sprayers delivery rate. The sprayer discharges 75 L over this area.
(a) What is the sprayer swath width?
From Calibration Worksheet under Set-up Swath Width,
Row crop swath width = 1 rows x 5 ft
= 5 ft
Note: the entire bed is treated as one row
(b) What is the delivery rate (litres per acre) of spray applied?
Follow Steps 1 8, Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet
Test area = 330 ft x 5 ft x 2 runs
= 3,300 ft2
Follow Step 9, Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet 75
Litres are sprayed on the test strip:
Delivery Rate = 75 L 3,300 ft2 x 43,560 ft2 /acre
= 990 L/acre
The grower checks the foliage and determines that the coverage is thorough and does not run off the
(c) How many acres will be covered with one full tank of spray?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
Area covered by a full tank = 450 L 990 L/acre
= 0.45 acres
One full tank of spray will cover 0.45 acres.
(d) How much pesticide must be added to a full tank of water?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
How much pesticide to add to a full tank = 2 kg/1,000 L x 450 L tank
= 0.90 kg
Add 0.90 kg of pesticide to make one full sprayer tank of spray mixture.
10-138 | P a g e
Example 3: Sprayer Calibration for Applying Herbicides in Bands (Hectares)
A grower has set-up a 900 L sprayer to spray plants with row spacings of 120 cm. The grower wants to
spray the herbicide in bands that are 60 cm wide centred over each row. The label says to spray 2 kg/ha
in a minimum of 300 L/ha of water (broadcast). The sprayer boom sprays 4 rows in one pass. After
spraying a 226 m long strip four times, the discharge was measured to be 95 L. The field is 7.6 ha.
(a) What is the sprayer swath width?
From Calibration Worksheet under Set-up Swath Width,
Band swath width = 4 bands x 60 cm
= 240 cm
= 2.4 m
(b) What is the delivery rate (litres per hectare) of the sprayer ?
Follow Steps 1 8, Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet
Test area = 226 m x 2.4 m x 4 runs
= 2,170 m2 (treated area)
Follow Step 9, Measuring Delivery Rate Test Area Method, from the Calibration Worksheet
Delivery rate = 95 L 2,170 m2 x 10,000 m2/ha
= 438 L/ha (of treated area)
The sprayer is operating at a delivery rate of 438 L/ha. The delivery rate is above the 300 L minimum
and is okay.
(c) How many hectares (of treated area) will be covered with one full tank of spray?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
Area = 900 L 438 L/ha
= 2.05 ha (treated area)
One full tank of spray will cover 2.05 ha of treated area.
(d) How much herbicide must be added to a full tank of water?
Follow Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to the Tank a Full Tank, from the Calibration
Pesticide = 2 kg/ha x 2.05 ha
= 4.10 L
Add 4.10 L of herbicide to make one full sprayer tank of spray mixture.
10-139 | P a g e
Set-up Weigh the granules from each bag or container
and record the amounts. Compare the
Set-up includes inspecting the equipment to make individual weights and then add them
sure it is cleaned, lubricated and operating together. Check for uniform distribution across
according to the operators manual. Set the the swath. Make adjustments and retest.
equipment to the approximate settings to deliver
the recommended application rate. Determine the delivery rate using the following
Swath width on tractor mounted spinning disc and
oscillating spout spreaders is going to depend on Delivery rate (kg/acre) = amount collected in test
the PTO (and engine) rpm. Proper spreading (kg) x 43,560 (ft2) test area (ft2)
width, overlap of tapered patterns and swath width Example:
will require several test runs to determine settings
that will work in your crop. The settings will be You want to apply 55 kg/acre of granular
dependent of crop canopy height as well and pesticide. After driving over a 330 ft test strip
uniformity of the spreading pattern will be difficult once using a 30 ft swath width, 10.5 kg of
to ascertain. The applicator swath width is based granules were collected. What is the delivery
on the driving pattern, which is dependent on the rate?
driving lanes in the nursery. Answer:
Pneumatic spreaders that use air to carry the Test area = 330 ft x 30 ft x 1 run = 9,900 ft2
granules through hoses to individual distributing
nozzles will drop the granules directly over the Delivery rate = 10.5 kg x 43,560 ft2/acre
crop. On a smaller scale, gravity drop granular 9,900 ft2
pesticide applicators with distributing nozzles = 46.2 kg/acre
could be used as well.
10-140 | P a g e
Most pesticide labels specify an amount of thorough and complete coverage (e.g. Roundup1
pesticide per unit area (e.g. apply 2.4 L/ha). Some L of product in 100 L of water). See Application Rate
pesticides like Roundup give directions to dilute an Given as a Dilution with Water, below.
amount of pesticide in water and apply with
10-141 | P a g e
Application Rate Given as Amount of Pesticide per Acre
Measuring delivery rate of the hand-operated sprayer follows the same basic steps as with the tractor
mounted boom sprayer but on a smaller scale. Remember during set-up of the sprayer that a steady
walking speed and swath width must be used.
1. Mark out a measured length of test strip at least 60 feet long.
2. Fill the tank about half-full with water and record the volume or level of water. Pump the tank to the
pressure level that will be used.
3. Carefully spray the measured test strip while maintaining a steady forward speed and pumping
action. Repeat enough runs over the test area until at least 10% of a full tank has been sprayed.
4. Measure the volume of water sprayed in the test strip by refilling the tank to the starting level.
Follow these steps to determine the application rate:
(a) Calculate the test area:
Test area (ft2) = strip length (ft) x swath width (ft) x # runs
(b) Calculate the delivery rate:
Delivery rate (L/acre) = water sprayed (L) test area (ft 2) x 43,560 ft2/acre
Adjust the delivery rate as necessary by changing the walking speed.
(c) Calculate the amount of area sprayed by a full tank:
Area sprayed (by full tank) = tank volume (L) delivery rate (L/acre)
(d) Calculate how much pesticide to add to the spray tank:
Amount of pesticide to add to tank = application rate x area sprayed by one tank
A grower wants to spray bushes with a pesticide at a rate of 0.5 kg/400 L of water per acre. A test strip
of 60 ft long covering one side (one half) of the bushes is sprayed with one pass of water to measure
delivery rate. The bushes are in rows 10 ft apart. To refill the spray tank 2.9 L of water is required.
Determine the delivery rate, area sprayed by a full tank and the amount of pesticide to add to a 12 L
(a) Test area = 60 ft x 5 ft (one side only) x 1 run
= 300 ft2
(b) Delivery rate = 2.9 L 300 ft2 x 43,560 ft2/acre
= 421 L/acre
(c) Area sprayed (by full tank)
= 12 L 421 L/acre
= 0.0285 acre
(d) How much pesticide to add to one tank
= 0.5 kg/acre x 0.0285 acres
= 0.0143 kg
= 14.3 g
10-142 | P a g e
10-143 | P a g e
10-144 | P a g e
Measuring Delivery Rate
10-145 | P a g e
Adjusting Delivery Rate
10-146 | P a g e
a Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to a
Spray Tank Per Area Rate
10-147 | P a g e
b Calculating How Much Pesticide to Add to a Spray
Tank Per Dilution Rate
10-148 | P a g e
10-149 | P a g e
Liquid Fertilizer Calculations
To calculate the amount of fertilizer needed for any given quantity of solution:
litres required the amount of finished (dilute) fertilizer solution you plan to make up. If you plan to
use a fertilizer concentrate injector you can calculate the injection ratio after you find the dilute rate
(this causes the least confusion).
To prepare 500 litres of a 20-20-20 fertilizer at 200 ppm nitrogen concentration:
(200 ppm /0.20) x 500 = 500 grams per 500 litres
To prepare 400 litres (final solution) of calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0-19) at 140 ppm Ca concentration for
injection at 200:1:
(140 ppm / 0.19) x 400) = 295 grams per 400 litres (final solution)
Since you are going to inject this at 200:1, you will dissolve your 295 grams into 2 litres of water (400
litres finished solution/200):
400 litres/ 200 = 2 litres
You plan to use diammonium phosphate (21-53-0) to supply 30 ppm of phosphorus to a bedding plant
feed. Your tank holds 1,000 litres.
10-150 | P a g e