Local Loop Technologies

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Copyright OECD, 1996

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MAIN POINTS......................................................................................................................................... 5
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Definition of local loop ............................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Importance of the local loop ........................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2. LOCAL LOOP TECHNOLOGIES AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS ................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................10
Physical link.................................................................................................................................10
Data transmission .........................................................................................................................10
Services provision ........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Twisted pair of copper wires.......................................................................................................11
2.3 Cellular ......................................................................................................................................12
Third generation mobile systems ..................................................................................................13
2.4 Fixed wireless or radio in the loop..............................................................................................13
Radio LAN...................................................................................................................................15
2.5 Coaxial cable and fibre optic networks .......................................................................................15
Wireless cable ..............................................................................................................................17
2.6 Satellite networks .......................................................................................................................18
3. LOCAL LOOP POLICY FACTORS ...............................................................................................19
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................19
3.2 Use of public resources...............................................................................................................19
Licences for laying cables.............................................................................................................19
Licences for use of frequencies .....................................................................................................20
3.3 Access rights by customers and universal service.......................................................................20
3.4 Number portability .....................................................................................................................21
3.5 Security, protection of privacy and personal data ........................................................................21
3.6 Local loop sharing......................................................................................................................22
3.7 Interconnection and access to local loop by service providers .....................................................22
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................23



This report was presented to the Working Party on Telecommunications and Information
Services Policies (TISP) in September 1996 and was recommended to be made available to the public by
the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy in the same month.

The report was prepared by Jurgen Spaanderman of the OECD's Directorate for Science
Technology and Industry. It is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.


This paper provides an overview of the economic and policy implications of various technologies
available to provide local telecommunication access. This part of the network is referred to as the local
loop. For the purposes of this document the switching functions in local access networks are assumed to
be part of the local loop. Building and maintaining local access networks has traditionally constituted the
bulk of costs associated with the public switched telecommunication network (PSTN) not least because of
its ubiquitous nature and, because it constitutes a bottleneck, the local loop is important from a regulatory
and policy perspective. Management of frequencies, permission for laying cables (rights of way), for
sharing physical resources and interconnection are highly important in the transition towards a competitive
communication market and overcoming the local loop bottleneck.

Until a decade ago the transmission medium for the local loop was mainly based on copper.
Telephone service was provided via a twisted pair of copper wires. While terrestrial wireless technologies
had been used in some countries to provide communication access services, particularly in remote areas,
the introduction of cellular networks for telephony raised greater possibilities for deploying radio as an
economic alternative technique for the local loop. A great deal of the incentive to look for innovative
alternative access technologies has been due to liberalisation. The growth of mobile cellular
communication added impetus to the technical development of radio based systems for fixed connections
in the local loop (wireless access). Existing coaxial cable television networks also came to be thought of
as potential platforms to provide local telecommunication access although technical upgrades have to be
made to allow bi-directional point-point communication, such as telephony and Internet access.

Another technology for the local loop is optical fibre, of great importance to both television
broadcasters (including cable companies) and public telecommunication operators (PTOs). For
broadcasters fibre optic technology became a potential alternative to satellites from the moment that it was
demonstrated that analogue television signals could be transported using this medium. Hybrid Fibre
Coaxial Cable networks developed as another option, as they combine the advantages of both: fibre
between head-end and street cabinet (shared use) and coaxial cable for the final connection to residential
premises (lower costs).

In the PSTN optical fibre technology was first deployed for long distance transmission (the inter-
exchange networks) because the costs were high, but more recently fibre optic cable has also been
introduced for distribution networks and for connections for some relatively high volume users. In the late
1980s and early 1990s much attention was devoted to the question of when fibre optic technology would
become the standard medium of choice for the local loop. While this debate continues it is increasingly
recognised that fibre optic local loop connections are only one of several paths the industry may follow.
One reason for this has been the development of techniques which compress signals such as Asymmetrical
Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) and High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) and thereby increase
the transport capacity of the copper network. This offers possibilities to provide video services over the

existing twisted pair copper network. Consequently most companies are cautious about investing in fibre
to the home. For those building broadband local loop connections today a hybrid network consisting of
fibre to the curb and from there over the existing copper loop, seems to be preferred.

Due to digital coding techniques, the difference which once existed between transporting
telephony data, computer data, audio and video, has disappeared. Communication services no longer need
separate dedicated networks. This has led to a general trend whereby policy makers and industry prefer
regulation that is technologically neutral. As a general rule any remaining restrictions over what type of
technology can be used to provide communication service should be eliminated in order to stimulate
innovation and the provision of communication service over the most efficient local loop technologies
available. Although some local loop technologies require certain regulation, such as management of the
radio spectrum and laying cable, this should aim to be technologically neutral.

The distinction between local access networks and long distance networks are blurring. The
architecture and capabilities of modern communication switches has changed over the past decade. Today
central office switches can handle many more lines via a number of remote switches and serve larger areas
than in the past. A corollary of this is that local access networks have become larger. Moreover,
technologies such as direct satellite connections and terrestrial wireless technologies, once used mainly for
transmission but now being introduced for local access connections, provide further evidence of this

A growing range of technologies can be utilised for local loop competition. Cellular networks
already provide an alternative to copper wired networks for some users and some applications. Although
it must be noted here that to date the introduction of mobile communication has increased the use of the
fixed networks. More recently fixed wireless networks (radio in the loop) and cable communication
companies have commenced service or are conducting a growing number of trials. Restrictions which
prevent different types of communication services and technologies should therefore be lifted in order to
allow and stimulate the diffusion of communication services using different kinds of local loop
technologies. Since the cable television networks are often owned by companies other than PTOs, the
coaxial network can form an alternative which can compete in the local loop with the existing
telecommunication operators.

Estimates of the local loop costs per technology, made by communication companies and market
research companies, vary enormously because of different definitions of the local loop. For example some
approaches only count the costs of building lines which pass residences (not yet connected) in a certain
area. Other methodologies apportion all the costs for building a network in an area including final
connections and divide this by the number of expected or actual customer lines. Even if a local loop cost
comparison is based on the same definition, numerous factors can cause variation such as number of lines,
household density, distances covered and the cost of labour. Countries with low wage costs have mainly
chosen copper networks for the medium term as these may be less costly than wireless networks because
of lower labour costs. However in a number of other countries with higher wage costs alternative
infrastructures are being developed with wireless systems as they are probably less expensive to install
than fixed networks.

Estimates of cost of local loop technologies vary a great deal throughout the OECD area -- the
following numbers give an indication. To connect a new customer with copper wire connection probably
costs between US$ 200 and US$ 2 000 per connection. Fixed radio wireless system costs and cellular
radio network costs are estimated to be US$ 500 per connection. Estimated costs per coaxial cable

connection are about US$ 500, but costs to upgrade the coaxial network for interactive services need to be
added. Fibre to the curb is estimated to be more than US$ 1 050 per connection, fibre to the home at least
US$ 2 000, although some estimates for fibre connections range as high as US$ 5 000.

Apart from the costs per connection, the time at which the capital investment costs are incurred
is important. With radio technologies (fixed wireless and partly true for cellular) most of the cost is
variable and is incurred only when a connection is made. Fixed networks (copper wires, coaxial cable,
fibre optic cable) require much higher cost to pass homes before a customer is connected.

The public resources needed for local loops are the radio spectrum and public rights of way. The
government can manage the use of these public resources via licences and rights of way. The opportunity
to obtain a licence should be equal for all parties. It is in the public interest to minimise the disturbance
and the environmental impact of building new telecommunication infrastructure. Insofar as it is practical
and not commercially sensitive, government agencies should encourage and facilitate co-operation
between competing infrastructure providers. This can include the sharing of ducts or poles and through
information exchanges about cable laying operations between network operators.

Sharing the physical local loop via resale can be an option for introducing competition among
communication companies. However real costs and real prices are hard to determine. Efficient provision
of local telecommunication can better be achieved with competing infrastructures, such as wireless and
coaxial cable, perhaps in addition to the resale of unbundled elements of incumbent PTO networks.

There are numerous policy questions arising from the growing aray of local loop technologies
and liberalisation of local telecommunication markets. There is growing recognition of the need for
telecommunication policies to be technology neutral. Policies that treat certain technologies differently can
distort entry to the local loop market and investment decisions. Delegates may wish to discuss some of
the following issues, regarding the alternative local loop technologies:

use of public resources, such as the radio spectrum and public rights of way;

access rights by customers and universal service;

operator number portability;

security, protection of privacy and personal data;

local loop sharing through resell versus competing infrastructures;

interconnection and access to local loop by service providers.


1.1 Definition of local loop

The local loop is commonly viewed as the connection between the subscribers home or office
and the nearest exchange. For the purposes of this document the switching functions in local access
networks are assumed to be part of the local loop. For purposes of interconnection, the switch is the
gateway to the local loop for new entrants and would therefore be defined as part of the local loop. From a
policy perspective it is important not to be rigid in defining the local loop but rather to lay stress on the
importance of ensuring that different communication services and technologies can be used to provide
access for users. In this document the local loop is used as shorthand for local access network and
switching. Sometimes the local loop is also called the local distribution network.

The size of the local access network is changing. In the fixed network the architecture of modern
communication switches has changed. Central office switches can handle many more lines via a number of
remote switches and serve larger areas . These remote switches are relatively small units and are managed
remotely. The central office switch is included in the access network as it contains the capability to record
calls and to execute service features. It can also act as the gateway for interconnection. Consequently the
number of central office switches per area is decreasing and the network hierarchy is becoming smaller.
This is tending to diminish the distinction between local calls and long distance calls. Mobile networks
also change the size of the local loop. A local loop connection between a mobile handset via the base-
station to the first switch can be relatively long compared to a fixed network. This is even more true for
satellite connections.

The local loop of the fixed network does not necessary correspond to the local call area. The
latter is determined by pricing whereas the former is determined by the network architecture. Because of
the growth in size of the local loop there may be less justification based on network architecture to
maintain the distinction in pricing between local calls and long distance calls. Just as PTOs will change
network pricing to reflect the new environment so should policy makers adjust regulation where

1.2 Importance of the local loop

The local loop has economic and policy importance, for three main reasons:

Due to its ubiquitous nature it is the most costly part of the network.

In liberalising markets the inherited local loop networks form a bottleneck as most customers
are connected to the incumbent network. Policy areas such as frequency management, cable
laying, sharing physical resources such as cables, poles and ducts and interconnection with
other networks are important in achieving competition in the local loop.

For many OECD countries there is virtually universal access to the local loop. For other
countries the local loop continues to be developed. The range of new technologies offers an
important opportunity to stimulate rapid roll-out of the local loop and increase universal

Other important reasons to study the local loop are:

The local loop network provider sometimes has a regulatory obligation to connect all
applications for basic telephone service.

The local loop network forms the platform for services offered by the local loop operator and
by other service providers.

To understand better the economic impact of local loop technology choices given high
investment costs.

Competition is rapidly changing this market.

For the customer the local loop is the main way to access information infrastructure.

Different types of services, like telecommunication, radio and television broadcasting, are
converging, making it possible to provide these services by means of a single technology.

The bandwidth of the local loop may determine and restrict the scale of (broadband) service
potentially offered.

Quality of service, reliability and security of communication play an important role in the
local loop. The state of local access networks affects the quality of services offered.
Reliability is highly desirable but can be expensive to realise as most local loops have a single
route. Security of the local loop is also important for customers.

1.3 Scope

This paper describes the various techniques available for the local loop and their policy and
economic implications. It describes the alternative local loop technologies which are commercially
available now or expected within a few years. To recommend a certain technology would be beyond the
scope of this paper. Technology choices are best left to the commercial judgement of PTOs and new
market entrants with a view to their objectives, inherited networks and national circumstances. This paper
does however assume no restrictions to services covering consumer and business markets.

The basic assumption for policy recommendations is the aim to create a regulatory framework to
facilitate an efficient telecommunication market and that competition in the provision of infrastructure is
increasingly being applied to achieve this goal.


2.1 Introduction

This section describes the following local loop technologies: 1) Copper wires; 2) Cellular and
Micro-cellular; 3) Radio in the loop; 4) Coaxial cable and fibre optic networks and 5) Satellite. Related
economic aspects are mentioned and in most cases a cost estimate is given. The new technologies for the
local loop and the increasing competition in the communication market have brought forth many economic
opportunities. The importance of the local loop in the economics of the telecommunication market is
increasing because of growth in all its dimensions:

the number of alternative technologies for the local loop;

the number of local loop connections per customer;

the number of customers connected;

the capacity per connection;

the amount of traffic per customer;

the number of companies offering local loops;

the number of companies providing services over the local loop.

Before going on to the various technologies, the commonly used terminology is introduced and
related to different technology levels. Three different levels in the local loop are distinguished: 1) the
physical link; 2) the data transmission; and 3) services provision.

Physical link

In todays communication networks various technologies are used in the physical local loop. For
fixed telephone networks this connection is usually a twisted pair of copper wires. Mobile telephone
networks make use of radiowaves to connect users. Alternative local loops that have emerged are fixed
radio connections, coaxial cable networks for telecommunication services, fibre optics and direct satellite
connections. All these technologies can transport both analogue and digital signals.

Data transmission

The main techniques in data transmission are multiplexing, coding and protocols. These
techniques are needed to transport data efficiently over the various technologies. Through multiplexing a
greater amount of data, from more than one user at the same time, can be transported over the same
medium (either wired or wireless). This is realised by using higher speeds and more frequency channels
over the same wire or radio channel. Another technique is coding, which is used to minimise transmission
faults related to the characteristics of the physical medium. Apart from multiplexing and coding, service
data is transported via a transmission protocol. Digital transmission protocols such as ISDN can be
established over the existing copper networks and can also be used over the coaxial cable network.
Transmission protocol techniques such as ADSL and HDSL have been developed to increase the

transport capacity of the copper network: high bit rates up to 6 Mbit/s can be realised over a twisted pair of
copper wires. An advanced transmission protocol such as Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH),
eventually with Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) on top of that, can also be used in local loops,
although it has been developed for inter-exchange data transport.

The present mobile cellular local loops have a low capacity (32 kbit/s), just enough for
narrowband interactive services, whereas the copper network has much more capacity: ISDN 144 kbit/s,
can transport two telephone conversations at the same time, and ADSL and HDSL can pass narrowband
video services. Coaxial cable networks have an enormous capacity (hundreds of Mbit/s). However these
networks have different topologies and provision of interactive services over a shared medium requires
adaptations. Finally, fibre optic networks can transport even more traffic (several Gbit/s and still

Services provision

The capabilities of the local loop determine what communication services can be offered.
Historically, because it is here where calls are originated and terminated, different communication services
had their own physical access networks with a related transmission technique (telephone, telegraph, telex,
television). This sharp distinction came to an end with facsimile service and computer communication via
modems, followed by digital transmission techniques that do not distinguish between the services
transmitted. Therefore capacity and topology determine which services can be offered. Cellular mobile and
Radio in the Loop can offer all interactive narrowband services such as telephony, fax, short message
service and email and narrowband Internet services. At present the twisted pair of copper wires can
transport greater amounts than existing radio in the loop systems. There is enough capacity to support
narrowband video and to enable Internet access at higher speeds. Coaxial cable and fibre optic networks
can potentially offer all services because of the high bandwidth available, assuming that the existing
coaxial cable networks have been upgraded for bi-directional traffic.

2.2 Twisted pair of copper wires

Most existing local loops of the PSTN consist of a twisted pair of copper wires. This has, for
more than a century, been the main technique to transport the analogue telephone signal and provide at the
same time the power supply for the telephone set. The topology is a star network which gives each
customer a non-shared direct link to the first local switch to pass data in both directions.

Copper wires can also transport digital signals such as the ISDN protocol at a speed of
192 kbit/s. The characteristics of the copper wires limit the provision of broadband services, although
ADSL techniques over copper wires can pass data rates up to 6 Mbit/s over a few kilometres and Very
high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL is the more sophisticated version of HDSL) can even pass
50 Mbit/s over a few hundred metres.

Therefore a copper wired network can be used for all interactive communication services. In
many OECD countries ISDN transmission is offered to customers to provide telephony, facsimile and
narrowband video services such as videophone. Computer communication, in particular Internet access, is
easy to establish via the ISDN and can be of much better quality than via a modem. Video services over
the copper network can be expected in the near future because of ongoing improvements in video coding
techniques and because of the increased transmission speeds over the copper network (ADSL and VDSL).
One study by the Yankee Group estimates that ADSL will replace ISDN between 1998 and 2000 .

The average cost of a typical 5 km copper wire local loop is estimated US$ 1 200-US$2 000 per
subscriber4 and a Canadian study5 mentions the average cost per line ranging from approximately
$ 900-$ 3 500. A study on local loop costs for the New Zealand Ministry of Commerce indicated average
costs per circuit of about US$ 3 000 in rural areas, US$ 650 in urban areas and US$ 200 in central
business districts . A large proportion of this cost is laying down the cable and therefore the figures vary
among countries according to differences in labour costs. In the OECD countries Hungary, the Czech
Republic and Poland, the national operators chose fixed network solutions for the new lines because these
are less expensive than wireless systems as labour costs (for laying cables) are relatively low in these
countries. Other costs are the copper cable, the line termination and electronic equipment in the switch
and the network termination at user premises. Although not typically related to copper wired networks,
one could also count here the costs for an ISDN transmission, covering a Network Termination and
eventually a terminal adapter at the user premises and an ISDN line termination in the switch.

2.3 Cellular

Cellular systems have been primarily developed to offer mobility for the telephone service.
Radio is used as the technique to establish a two-way connection between the customers mobile terminal
and a base-station, which is linked to the switch and management centre. Each base-station serves a cell
and all cells concatenated cover a geographical area. When a user moves through a geographical area the
call is handed over to another cell. The cell structure is chosen to reuse frequencies in non-adjacent cells.
Cellular systems make efficient use of the radio spectrum by means of multiplexing techniques, both for
analogue and digital mobile systems. The location of the mobile user is registered in the location
management centre.

The transmission in cellular networks runs at a typical speed of 32 kbit/s, enough for telephony
and fax services, short message services and other computer communication such as email and Internet
access. The capacity is lower than in the copper wired networks and therefore the quality of telephony
service does not always meet PSTN quality. The low speed of data transmission via radio waves leaves
cellular data transmission lagging behind the capacity possible on fixed link connections but the industry
is working to improve data compression on radio signals.

Examples of analogue cellular systems are: NMT and TACS (countries in Europe), AMPS
(mainly North America) and NTT-TACS (Japan). Examples of digital systems are: GSM and its DCS-800
derivative (all countries in Europe, Middle East, Australia and parts of Asia), D-AMPS (North America)
and PHS (Japan).

The costs for a mobile cellular local loop are lower than for copper because there are no cable
laying costs. The costs of the network switches are in the same range as those of a fixed network. In 1994
in several countries the costs per subscriber on the cellular network have become lower than the costs per
mainline of the fixed network and these data cover also development costs and all network investments:
Vodafone UK, had operating costs per subscriber of about $ 526 in 1993 and $ 473 in 1994 . In the
previous 8 years, the costs per subscriber decreased simultaneously with the increase of customers. Other
factors in the cost of cellular systems are the geographical density of the population and the eventual costs
of the frequency licence.


The technology of micro cellular networks is similar to cellular networks. They are called
micro-cellular as the cells are smaller, so that frequencies can be reused more often which increases the
systems capacity. Consequently the mobile terminals can be smaller and have longer standby times as the
distance to the transmitter is smaller. These systems are meant for areas with high density populations.
Examples of micro-cellular systems are PHS and DECT.

Another important improvement is that micro cellular networks can carry data and voice over the
same user channel and the bandwidth is less limited. User channels can increase up to 64 kbit/s. These
systems can offer more bandwidth per customer and serve more customers in the same area. More
bandwidth per customer opens the way to offer radio and narrowband video over the mobile network. The
speech quality of micro-cellular systems is often better than the speech quality of the classic cellular
systems and can be equal to the quality of the copper network. The disadvantage over the other cellular
systems is the slow handover, so that travelling through cells at high speeds is not possible. A combination
of micro-cellular cells connected to a cellular network could solve this disadvantage.

The average cost for the micro-cellular local loop can be even lower than for the other cellular
systems. This can be achieved by simpler location management because some systems do not offer a
handover feature and because more subscribers are served by the same base-station -- meaning these costs
are shared.

Flemings Research estimates the total operating costs per subscriber for Orange, one of the UK
DCS1800 micro-cellular network operators which started operating in 1994, falling exponentially from
actual $ 1606 in 1995, and an estimated $ 1 060, $ 727, $ 557, $ 457 respectively for the years 1996-1999,
and decreasing to $ 310 in the year 2005 .

Third generation mobile systems

In third generation mobile communication systems, developers aim at a bandwidth of 2 Mbit/s

per user channel. The system should be flexible to assign this amount of capacity to the user only if
needed, as a permanent assignment of 2 Mbit/s would not be efficient and probably not feasible.

A technology independent concept called Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service (UMTS)

is under development in Europe through international research and standardisation . It is aimed at being a
successor of GSM. The network will be more flexible in signalling due to the use of Intelligent Networks
and capacity and bandwidth per channel will be improved. Spread spectrum techniques such as Code
Division Multiple Access (CDMA) in combination with the other multiplex techniques are being studied.
A similar next generation system under development is FPLMTS (Future Public Land Mobile
Telecommunication System). The most important issue of the next generation mobile systems is the
efficient use of the spectrum both to provide more bandwidth per subscriber and to serve many more
subscribers. CDMA is one technique favoured for next generation digital mobile networks as it uses the
frequency spectrum more efficiently and in a more flexible manner, but it is also more complex.

2.4 Fixed wireless or radio in the loop

Fixed wireless systems are radio systems used to offer a fixed network connection local loop.
Other names for this type of system are Radio In The Loop (RITL) and Fixed Radio Access (FRA).
Although radio is used as the transmission medium, the receiver / transmitter equipment at the customers
location is fixed. Technologies for radio networks have become attractive for use in local loops because of

technical developments resulting in increased quality and increased capacity. In most countries the costs
of wireless local loops are lower than wired local loops because of the absence of costs related to laying
down cable and rights of way. The absence of these factors saves money and time and makes these
systems more flexible to install.

Most of the commercially available RITL systems are based on the cellular and micro-cellular
radio systems, such as NMT, AMPS, DECT and CT-2. RITL systems can be micro-cellular systems or
zonal systems. The micro-cellular systems are designed to cover urban areas. The base station of the
micro-cells are wired to the local exchange. The zonal systems however, have a longer range than micro
cellular and have been designed to cover the local telephone area directly from the exchange site. Many of
the radio in the loop systems have their own specifications for multiplexing and frequency ranges, but they
offer on top of that standardised PSTN (32 or 64 kbit/s) or ISDN connections. Although many different
techniques are available for wireless local loops, no technology has yet been established as being the most
popular. A variety of wireless local loop systems are available. Higher bandwidths are possible and
relatively easy to offer, by assigning more radio channels at the same time to one customer. Broadband
RITL systems can be foreseen, but will require advanced multiplexing and coding techniques, as well as
small beam radio transmitters. RITL systems need a separate power supply, normally connected to the
households mains and it should also include a (rechargeable) battery backup for emergency reasons.

The installation costs of a RITL system are in the same range as costs for micro-cellular
networks -- switches and base-stations to start with and no costs for laying cables to houses. Most capital
investment is in the equipment which goes into the customers premises and therefore total capital
investment is determined by the number of customers actually connected to the network. Differences with
cellular are firstly the extra costs for the fixed radio network termination for each customer and secondly
the RITL base-station has lower demands regarding size and power. There is also a difference in who pays
the network termination costs. An RITL network termination is installed and, in the first instance, paid for
by the network provider while the mobile handset is bought by the customer (although many operators
subsidise handsets if customers sign a contract of one year or more). The network infrastructure costs
should be even lower than the costs of a (micro-)cellular network, because the network dimension can be
estimated better and location management is fixed. As a result the RITL network can be tailor made
allowing for optimisation in the location of transmitters.

The main difference in costs compared with wired systems is the time at which the capital
investment is made. For RITL the start-up costs are relatively low and costs will increase in a linear
fashion with the growth of demand, because most of capital investment is needed at the moment of
connecting the customer (installing the receiver /transmitter and connecting it in the house). In contrast, in
wired networks investments are made in advance to potential customers whether or not they become
connected. One example of a company using fixed wireless is Ionica in the UK (Box 1).

The Yankee Group estimates the costs of RITL products are $ 500 per subscriber or less. The
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development concluded that wireless is now more economical than
copper where there are fewer than 200 to 400 subscribers per square kilometre (remote areas and lightly
populated areas).

In Hungary the licence for Matav, the national operator, requires the company to provide service
to every applicant within six months by 1997. To meet this condition, Matav has contracted Motorola to
build a 200 000 line wireless system to cover most of the country. For similar reasons, SPT Telecom in
the Czech Republic has contracted Hughes Network Systems to supply a wireless system that could
provide service to as many as 50 000 subscribers in and around Prague by the end of 1996. However, for
the medium term, wireless systems may remain an exception and additional lines will be copper networks.

Copper based systems may remain the medium of choice because the labour cost of laying cables is
relatively low. Therefore, wireless systems are chosen by incumbent operators to fulfil short term demands
and to serve rural areas. A different situation might develop if new operators are permitted to build
infrastructure in countries with relatively low telephone penetration rates. In Mexico, where labour costs
are relatively low, most new local loops are made with copper wire but new entrants are proposing to use
wireless systems to provide local telecommunication services.14

Box 1: Ionica

Ionica, founded in 1991 in the UK, has developed a fixed wireless system to compete with BT
on telephony and other telecommunication services. Ionica, whose investors include among others
electricity companies and Telecom Finland, obtained a licence from the UK Department of Trade and
Industry in 1993. The company aims at 1 million customers in the year 2001, being around 5 per cent of
all telephony customers. Services offered are voice telephony, data, fax and several premium services.
The company plans to offer ISDN in the near future. The system is developed together with Northern
Telecom and uses radio techniques in the 3.4 GHz band to offer fixed radio network connections, with a
typical cell radius of 5 km, but in rural areas this may be enlarged to 15 or even 30 km. Ionica has its own
switches and is an independent telecommunication operator.

Ionica is confident that fixed radio is the most cost-effective solution. It says that cable
companies need $ 480 to $ 640 to pass a home, before connecting the subscriber.15 With radio the
equivalent costs may be $ 16. However, Ionica regards as confidential the costs to connect the customer
(visit the customer, install the radio transceiver unit on the roof and connect it to an internal telephone

Radio LAN

Radio LAN networks can also be used as a public network. The major advantage of radio LANs
is their flexibility to offer a varying capacity to subscribers, depending on their needs. A disadvantage is
the short radio range, which is a few hundred metres (indoors only up to 50 metres). Wireless LANs
normally operate with speeds up to 20 Mbit/s, though video services might be provided. Another type of
wireless LAN is Hiperlan (High Performance Local Area Network). This is standardised by the European
Telecommunication Standardisation Institute (ETSI) and will offer much higher bit rates (24 Mb/s and
also the 155 Mb/s bit rate) . Whether a Hiperlan will ever be used as local loop depends particularly on
available standardised equipment at affordable market prices.

2.5 Coaxial cable and fibre optic networks

Present-day coaxial cable networks have been laid out for distribution of analogue television
signals, but transmission of digital television is possible over existing coaxial cable networks. The number
of households passed by coaxial cable varies enormously between OECD countries (from a few percent to
near universal coverage). Most of the backbones of cable communication networks have been upgraded
with optical fibres, however the distribution networks, i.e. the local loops, are in most cases still coaxial
cables. These upgraded networks are called Hybrid Fibre Coaxial cable networks (HFC). Fibre optics is
usually related to digital services, but analogue signals can be transported via optical fibres and that is why
the technology became widely used to upgrade the coaxial cable networks. Initially this occurred in the

backbones but nowadays fibre optic cables are also used in the local loop. Fibre optic cables increase both
the quality of transported signals and the capacity. The capacity of fibre optics to transport data is
significant and is growing due to developments in optical multiplexing techniques and the development of
more advanced fibres.

The topology of the coaxial cable networks is fundamentally different from the telephone
networks. They are point -- multi-point networks and have the form of a tree or bus, with splitters to
spread the television signal to all connections. The importance and value of the coaxial cable television
distribution network has increased rapidly. If transformed with bi-directional capabilities, these networks
can offer telephony and other interactive telecommunication services and have the advantage over the
twisted pair copper networks of higher bandwidth. Therefore the cable television networks have become
very popular as a potential alternative network to provide telephony service. To upgrade the coaxial cable
network for interactive services, two basic adjustments need to be made. First the provision of private
channels over the distributive network. Second the set up of channel management over the network to
avoid colliding data streams in the splitters and to avoid cross talk. These facilities are offered by most
HFC products, supporting various transmission techniques for data and telephony (standard telephony,
64 kbit/s, ISDN) and also television and other video services .

Although the cost for coaxial cable networks and the necessary bi-directional upgrades and fibre
network upgrades are not insignificant, the advantage over the other local loop networks is obvious -- the
capacity is very high and consequently the services that can be offered (telephony, television, video on
demand, broadband Internet access) are increased (Box 2).

Box 2: Examples of services over cable

In November 1995 the Belgian power company Electrabel and CATV operator Iveka
demonstrated telephony over Ivekas network in Geel, Belgium.19 This demonstrates, for the first time in
Belgium and at the European Union level, the capability to use existing CATV networks for both
telephony and TV distribution, according to Siemens Belgium. Optical fibre was not used in this trial.

In the UK many cable operators offer telephony. Their local loops consist of the combination of
coaxial cable and a twisted pair of copper wires. To date the telephony service is transmitted over the
twisted pair and the television signal over the coaxial cable. They offer packages with both services and try
to attract new customers by offering innovative tariffs (such as very low priced cable-cable calls) 20.

To be able to provide broadband services, the telecommunication operators are also replacing
parts of the access network with fibre cables. Fibre To The Home (FTTH) solutions are still costly because
of the expense of laying cables and the costs of optical termination equipment. Fibre To The Curb (FTTC)
networks form a less expensive option, linking the local switch via fibre to a cabinet in the street and using
the existing twisted pair of copper wires to connect the home. Moreover, with ADSL and VDSL
transmission techniques the copper wires can transport signals up to 6 Mbit/s and 50 Mbit/s respectively,
enough to provide video and television services. It is difficult to know the actual cost of fibre optic
technologies in the local loop (Box 3).

Box 3: Example of costs of a hybrid fibre-coaxial cable network

Estimates of the cost of cable systems vary a great deal throughout the OECD area. One example
comes from the US:

Outside of Chicago, for example, Ameritech wants access to five north-western suburbs,
representing about 75 000 homes passed. The telco, which has asked the five-community consortium there
for an extension on its request for franchise proposals, said it will spend $ 25 million to build a
750-megahertz, two-way system in a hybrid fibre-coax configuration (this is equivalent to $ 333 per home
passed). Executives at Continental Cablevision Inc., which stands to compete with Ameritech in that
region, have estimated that it would cost $ 80 million to $ 100 million for a rebuild/upgrade there ($ 1 067
-- $ 1 333 per home passed). Comments from Equitable Security Inc. and Tele-Communications Inc. find
these figures far too low; Ameritech confirmed that the estimation did not include set-tops.

According to a Canadian report on the local network infrastructure there exists a substantial
difference between the networks employed by the telephone and cable-television industries. 22 A star-based,
narrowband, two-way infrastructure of a telephone company has average cost per line ranging from app.
$ 900-$ 3 500. Cable operators are able to provide broadband, one-way, tree-and-branch systems for
approximately $ 500 per subscriber. However, additional costs are in place to upgrade the cable networks
to two-way communication.

Ovum Ltd. estimates per line costs of $ 1 050 for fibre to the curb and $ 2 050 for fibre to the
home, at production volumes of at least a million lines and that fibre to the curb would be initially used
just for telephony. Additional services would add to those costs. Other estimates put fibre-based solutions
in the $ 3 000 to $ 5 000 per line range.23 Digital subscriber line-based copper products (such as ADSL)
are priced at about $ 2 500 per subscriber, though vendors say these prices will drop to $ 500 to $ 600 by
the end of 1996.

Wireless cable

Wireless Cable is a multichannel terrestrial microwave distribution technology used for the
transmission of multiple channels of video and data services to an area from a central location. This is
sometimes refered to as wireless cable because it started as a way to distribute cable television via
airwaves, so it is a direct competitor to coaxial cable technology. Wireless cable systems were developed
for distribution of television signals, but the technology can also be used to transmit interactive
telecommunication services, including high-speed Internet access and telephony, if adaptations are made
for two-way communication. Wireless cable is also known as Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
System (MMDS).

In the US wireless cable has about 900 000 subscribers for television. In the US the FCC has
held auctions to license service provision over wireless cable, where each licence is for thirteen 6 MHz
channels which can be used to provide wireless cable services in competition with cable television
companies. Digital technology makes it possible to carry five or more programs on each channel. At
present a typical data speed is 10 to 30 Mbit/s downstream, but with digital compression techniques it is
foreseen that transmission speed can go up to 180 Mbit/s.

Similar to RITL systems, wireless cable is also relatively inexpensive. It has been reported that
A transmitting station, or "head-end", from which television programmes or Internet data can be
broadcast to any house in the line of sight within 40 or 50 km (25-30 miles), only costs around $ 1m
(although it will be four times that for digital broadcasts). The costs at the "foot-end" -- an antenna,
modem and installation -- are only incurred when a paying customer signs up. The costs of wiring up a
customer are therefore matched by immediate revenues -- a dramatic contrast with the wired-cable
business, where providers are still paying off the debts they took on to lay their underground lines.

2.6 Satellite networks

In times past the main purpose of telecommunication satellites was to connect fixed networks.
Today, on a still relatively small scale, satellite services are also used for direct user connection,
particularly in remote areas. Moreover satellite can provide mobile services for maritime users. Satellite
local loops are also used at places where a large amount of temporary lines are necessary such as for major
sporting events or in restoring service after natural disasters. Direct satellite connections are further
evidence that the distinction between local call and long distance call is fading away. Due to technology
improvements, satellite receivers become smaller, which make them appropriate to be used as a local loop
in some circumstances and new systems potentially offer increased global mobility. However the large
cost of deploying these systems may make prices relatively high compared with terrestrial options. A
satellite local loop is not meant as a replacement of existing local loops, but should be seen as a
complement to mobile local loops. Systems under development are the low-orbit Iridium and GlobalStar
and the geo-stationary Inmarsat-P system .


3.1 Introduction

The local loop takes on greater importance in a liberalised market. For the customer, the local
loop potentially provides access to all types of electronic communication. From the perspective of a
communication company, the local loop is the link to the customer and the main requirement for the
distribution of their products (telecommunication services).

Regulatory policies should enable operators to use all available technologies to provide local
communication access. Policies that treat certain technologies differently can distort entry to the local loop
market and investment decisions. Policies should be fair and non-discriminatory to all market players and
promote competition. For instance, licences for the radio spectrum needed for cellular and wireless system,
should be obtainable by each party able to offer the service. The right to chose one or more technologies
for the local loop should be available to the investor. Regulation is needed to protect customers from not
being able to obtain a connection because of excessive pricing through misuse of power by a dominant
player; for instance in the case of a rural area where only one service provider is active.

The most important issues regarding the local loop which require policy and regulation by
national governments, are the following:

use of public resources;

access rights by customers and universal service;

number portability;

security, protection of privacy and personal data;

local loop sharing;

interconnection and access to local loop by service providers.

3.2 Use of public resources

The public resources needed for local loops are the radio spectrum and public rights of way (e.g.
streets). The government can manage the use of these public resources via licences and rights of way.

Licences for laying cables

Some public and private services need the streets for their cables, such as gas, electricity, public
transport and communication services. It is in the public interest to minimise the disturbance due to work
and to minimise the chance that work on one service disturbs the others. Governments can encourage
co-operation and information exchanges between the various cable owners to avoid damage to other
networks and to develop policies for duct sharing and pre-notification of laying cables, recognising in
some cases the commercial sensitivity of such information. Those companies that need to install a fixed
network should be allowed to lay cables, however within a framework of national rules covering time,
location, duration etc.

Licences for use of frequencies

Availability of radio spectrum for mobile communication is essential. Strong growth in the
number of mobile connections and increasing number of different networks and technologies for mobile
networks reinforce the demand for radio spectrum. Alternative technologies such as fixed wireless
communications (RITL) and wireless cable network also need radio spectrum. It is in the public interest
that other services that rely on radio, such as defence, police, etc., not be disturbed by public mobile
communication and therefore the frequencies for mobile communication should be clearly allocated for
the various services. One of the main ways governments manage spectrum for communication use is
through the licensing of mobile telecommunication operators.

Licences can be freely given or sold, either for a fixed amount or via an auction. Depending on
the competitiveness of the market where the new licence will be used, the price of the licence could be
passed on to the end users. As long as it is clear what part of the spectrum public mobile communication is
allowed to use, governments may leave it to the industry to assign the parts of the spectrum to the various
parties. However, new market entrants may find the attractive frequencies all occupied which could make
it unattractive for them to enter the market. For fixed wireless communication free spectrum use is an
option. If governments charge for this some fixed wireless operators may start at a disadvantage relative
to the fixed networks against which they are competing.

The opportunity to obtain a licence should be equal for all parties. Conditions to be met by
applicants should be related to the quality of the company (continuity, financial capabilities) and the
ability to offer the service with the right quality of service. Restricting the number of licences could be
necessary because of technological limitations. A competitive communication market will determine the
optimum number of players.

The available spectrum for communication purposes may become saturated. New ways can be
found to continue the development of the communication market through extension of the spectrum used,
particularly by using higher frequencies (1 GHz up to 60 GHz or more). Another way is by making more
efficient use of the available spectrum, by promoting the replacement of analogue systems by digital ones
and by promoting the development of systems that use spectrum more efficiently.

3.3 Access rights by customers and universal service

Universal service is generally defined as affordable access to basic telephony service. A number
of countries are studying proposals to broaden the definition of universal service to possibly include basic
data communication and service features. To the extent that governments need to further define universal
service this should aim to define the level of service, not the various technologies used to accomplish this
goal. PTOs should be free to exercise commercial judgement on the best mix of technologies.

With the development of the National and Global Information Infrastructures, citizens access to
data available on these networks is becoming increasingly important, particularly when governments are
using these networks to provide information on public services. This information should be accessible via
commonly used local loop technologies.

In those regions in the world where local loop telephone service is poor, fixed wireless and
cellular networks are a relatively quick and relatively inexpensive alternative for provision of
infrastructure for communication services. However, the available spectrum might restrict the growth of
broadband communication in the near future.

Accessibility via mobile communication technologies prefers standardised solutions for the
technologies used, in order to allow subscribers to roam throughout an area other than the subscribers
local region.

3.4 Number portability

Number portability is related to local loop competition. The term number portability is used for
changing location, changing operator and changing local loop technology -- in all cases having number
portability allows customers to retain their phone number . Location portability is not new to the
telecommunication industry. In most existing fixed networks telephone numbers are related to the local
exchange areas meaning that PTOs are generally able to enable a customer changing location within a
local area to keep their existing number. On the other hand this is generally not possible if, for example, a
customer changed cities.

The introduction of competition raises the issue of operator portability for the first time. The
most commonly cited benefits for customers in being able to retain their number when they change PTO is
that it saves them the cost and inconvenience of informing others of a change. The corollary is that it also
saves others from having to update their records in which people have lodged their number. For new
market entrants the benefit may be the elimination of a barrier to some customers changing service
supplier in the absence of operator portability. For incumbent PTOs a less well recognised benefit is that
it also make it easier for them to win back customers.

It needs to be understood that there are costs imposed by adding the functionality of operator
portability to existing networks and that these costs need to be recovered. Available options include
sharing the cost between operators and customers to various degrees. It also needs to be recognised that
given inherited network capabilities call set-up time can be greater because of call transferring and access
to a telephone number management system.

Technology portability, that is retaining number while changing from one technology to another,
has yet to emerge as a large issue. This is mainly because even where service has been possible via
different technologies (e.g. fixed line or cellular) the pricing of different services has meant that a
significant scale of migration has not occurred. For example, mobile communication customers generally
keep their fixed lines. When a customer changes technologies with the same operator, number portability
will probably become a commercial service issue, e.g. personal numbering service.

3.5 Security, protection of privacy and personal data

The local loop is vulnerable to security threats, because this part of the network is close to the
customers location and the transported data is in a simple format. Threats are, among others:
eavesdropping, attacks on the integrity of the data transported, fraudulently making calls on anothers
account and attacking the availability of communication facilities.

The risks of these threats differ according to the local loop technology. Mobile local loops, such
as cellular and wireless networks, have the highest risk as radio signals can be received or sent freely,
without being noticed or changed in the local loop systems, whether these systems are analogue or digital.
Modern digital communication systems contain technical security mechanisms such as authentication and
data encryption. Other security measures to detect fraud are credit limitation, data mining, frequent billing
and quick verification of identities in case of international roaming.

The fixed local loop, such as copper wire, coaxial cable, and fibre networks, is less vulnerable as
mostly the cable is underground which makes access more difficult. However fixed local loop on poles is
more vulnerable to fraud. Since the digital cellular connections have better integrated security
mechanisms, they are more secure than the fixed network. Coaxial cable networks and fibre networks have
a different topology which brings extra security risks when these networks are used for interactive
services. A signal sent downstream is received by all cable terminations as it is a distributive network;
although the de-multiplexing function at the network termination should filter the right signal, most
systems lack a secure system that prevents people from eavesdropping the other incoming signals. In the
upstream direction, a network termination identity and a ranging protocol should ensure that the
customer s signal gets into the right time-slot; but most systems do not have high level security
mechanisms to protect against fraudulently changing identity or influencing the ranging protocol.

Resale of local loop capacity implies that more than one party uses the same physical link. This
new usage of local loops results in higher risks of breaches of security or privacy. Legislation to protect
customer s privacy (protection against disclosure of personal data) should be independent whether the
medium is shared or not. Another privacy issue raised by changes in the local loop is the question of
whether the line identity may be disclosed when a call is interconnected to the network of another network

3.6 Local loop sharing

Local loop competition is essential to achieve real competition in communication services. When
only one physical local loop is available, the owner can resell capacity to other service providers. A
service provider can reach his customers via another network without investing in his own infrastructure.
The service provider, however, remains dependent on the owner of the network and real costs are difficult
to determine. Competition in the local loop can best be achieved with competing infrastructures, and
resale where it is believed to be the most effective option.
Recently the US FCC has provided rules and tariffs for opening the local telephone market.
Under the new legislation, the local companies must open up their own markets and resell capacity on
their local loops to providers of long-distance and mobile phone services. In the European Union it is not a
requirement in EU legislation that operators have to make available local loops to competitors. The EU
expects to see considerable competition from other local loop technologies, such as wireless and cable

3.7 Interconnection and access to local loop by service providers

Networks must be interconnected in order to offer subscribers of any service the ability to call
and be called by any other subscriber of any other service. With the opening of the telecommunication
market and fast growth in the number of network operators, interconnection has become very important to
guarantee end-to-end services.

Interconnection is needed in achieving a competitive market, as blocking mutual transport and

call termination would restrict free choice by customers. It should be required that customer s privacy is
protected when communication is conveyed to other networks -- line identity, credentials and location
information are customer and company related and should be secured.


ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service (D-AMPS is the digital version of AMPS)
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CT-2 Cordless Telephony 2
DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications
ETSI European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FITL Fibre In The Loop
FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System
FRA Fixed Radio Access
FTTC Fibre To The Curb
FTTH Fibre To The Home
GSM Global System for Mobile communication
HDSL High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
HFC Hybrid Fibre Coaxial cable networks
MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System
NMT Nordic Mobil Telephone (analogue cellular communication systems)
PCS Personal Communication System
PHS Personal Handy Phone System
RITL Radio In The Loop
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDSL Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
TACS Total Access Communication System
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service
VDSL Very high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line


Between 1992 and 1995 the number of central office switches in the USA fell 5.3 per cent, the number of remote
switches rose 82 per cent, whereas the number of switched access lines rose by 8 per cent; Statistics of
communication common carriers, Federal Communication Commission, 1991/1992 edition and 1994/1995 edition.

ADSL (Asymmetrical digital subscriber line) is a transmission technique, launched in 1993 by AT&T to provide
Video On Demand service to ordinary telephone subscribers at a speed up to 6 Mbit/s. The technique is asymmetric
as the upstream channel is only narrowband, to order movies etc. Recently a symmetric version, called SDSL, has
been introduced which provides symmetrical 3 Mbit/s channels over a single subscriber loop. HDSL (High-bit-rate
DSL) is a transport technology from 1992 (ANSI T1E1.4) offers T1 facilities over two pairs of wires over several
kilometres. For some time past a full T1 can be provided over a single pair of wires. In late 1995 the VDSL (Very
high-bit-rate DSL) was announced, which provides up to 50 Mbit/s over a few hundred meters of drop wire.

Via Will Cable Modems speed delivery?, Communications International, July 1996.

The death of distance, The economist, Sept. 30th, 1995.

Convergence, competition and co-operation, Local Networks Convergence Committee, Canada, 1992.
Local Loop Telephone Access Circuit Cost Study, Ministry of Commerce, New Zealand, June 1996
The local loop: place your bets, CommunicationsWeek International, 18 Sept. 1995.
Todays systems make use of FDMA and TDMA to get an optimal number of communication channels in the
available radio spectrum. FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) is a technique where the communication
channels are transposed to a number of other frequencies, that can be sent at the same time. TDMA (Time Division
Multiple Access) is a technique to use more communication channels in one frequency channel. By increasing the
speed of data transmission, one channel at a certain frequency can be split in various time-slots for different calls.
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is another multiplexing technique, using unique codes to separate calls.
Instead of assigning a call to a certain frequency channel and time-slot, the CDMA call is transmitted in parts
through a high bandwidth spectrum and does not get a fixed frequency or time-slot but is identified with a code.
Although more complicated, the CDMA technique uses a broad spectrum which is more efficient and can therefore
service more customers and at varying bandwidth.
Mobile cellular communication, Pricing Strategies and Competition, OECD, Paris 1996, page 71 ( 1 =1.54$).

Orange, an initial assessment, Flemings Research, 11 March 1996 (1 =1.54$).
UMTS is standardised by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute), see Europes new policy
maker, P. Donegan, Mobile Communications International, Apr. 1996.
Todays wireless Local Loop Options, D. Chow, Mobile Communications International, issue 28, Feb. 1996.

The local loop: place your bets, CommunicationsWeek International, 18 Sept. 1995.
The local loop: place your bets, CommunicationsWeek International, 18 Sept. 1995.
Overthrowing the tyranny of Europes local loop, Global Telecoms Business: Aug./Sept. 1995.
Wireless Local Area Networks, T. Rune, Telecom 95 Technology Summit by ITU, Oct. 1995.
European audiovisual observatory, statistical yearbook, 1996.

The Optus Vision: Telephony, Internet and Video, Australian Communications, Aug. 1996.
PTTs beware, Global Telephony, May 1996.
Internet TIS Cambridge Cable Group, http://jumper.mcc.ac.uk/%7Eafs/telecom/std/operators/cambridge-cable.html.
Multichannel News 4/15/1996. Vol 3 No16, via Internet PR Newswire.
Convergence, competition and co-operation, Local Networks Convergence Committee, Canada, 1992.
The local loop: place your bets, CommunicationsWeek International, 18 Sept. 1995.
The Economist, 20 July 1996; Communications Daily via Individual Inc.; Oregon Reference via

The Economist, 20 July 1996.
Satellite Communication: Structural change and competition, OECD Paris 1995, OECD/GD(95)109.
Frequency allocation divides the spectrum between services. Frequency assignment divides the spectrum between
users of the spectrum, i.e. network operators.
The economic and regulatory aspects of telecommunication numbering, OECD/GD(95)117, Paris 1995, p.21.
Commission adopts rules to implement local competition provisions of telecommunications act of 1996 (cc Docket
No 96-98), FCC (Federal Communication Commission), NEWSReport No. DC 96-75 Action in docket case, Aug.
1, 1996.


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