Relation Between Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Death After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Relation Between Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Death After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Relation Between Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Death After Acute Myocardial Infarction
BackgroundAn elevated body mass index (BMI) has been reported to be associated with a lower rate of death after acute
myocardial infarction (AMI). However, waist circumference (WC) may be a better marker of cardiovascular risk than
BMI. We used data from a contemporary French population-based cohort of patients with AMI to analyze the impact
of WC and BMI on death rates.
Methods and ResultsWe evaluated 2229 consecutive patients with AMI. Patients were classified according to BMI as
normal, overweight, obese, and very obese (BMI 25, 25 to 29.9, 30 to 34.5, and 35 kg/m2, respectively) and as
increased waistline (WC 88/102 cm for women/men) or normal. Half of the patients were overweight (n1044), and
one quarter were obese (n397) or very obese (n128). Increased WC was present in half of the patients (n1110).
Increased BMI was associated with a reduced death rate, with a 5% risk reduction for each unit increase in BMI (hazard
ratio, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.93 to 0.98; P0.001). In contrast, WC as a continuous variable had no impact on all-cause death
(P0.20). After adjustment for baseline predictors of death, BMI was not independently predictive of death. The group
of patients with high WC but low BMI had increased 1-year death rate.
ConclusionsNeither BMI nor WC independently predicts death after AMI. Much of the inverse relationship between
BMI and the rate of death after AMI is due to confounding by characteristics associated with survival. This study
emphasizes the need to measure both BMI and WC because patients with a high WC and low BMI are at high risk of
death. (Circulation. 2008;118:482-490.)
Key Words: body mass index death myocardial infarction obesity
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remains to be determined. Thus, from a contemporary prospec- tions between continuous variables. The cumulative incidence of
tive study of unselected consecutive patients, we compared the all-cause death was estimated according to the KaplanMeier
method, and the log-rank test was used to evaluate differences
prognostic impact of obesity, assessed by both BMI and WC, on
between groups. Cox regression analysis was performed to deter-
short- and intermediate-term mortality after AMI. mine the effects of WC or BMI as continuous variables on the rate
of death in unadjusted models (models 1 and 2, respectively). BMI
Methods was then tested by multivariate analysis. Age, sex (female as
reference), and NT-proBNP were individually tested as covariates
Patients given the strong correlation between BMI and age or NT-proBNP
The design and methods of the Observatoire des Infarctus de Cte and because age and NT-proBNP are major contributors to prognosis
dOr (RICO) Survey have been published.14 Patients presenting with after MI. The other variables tested in univariate analysis were those
diagnosed AMI15 were included in the present study (see the online known to potentially affect the outcome after MI and variables
Data Supplement). The present study complied with the Declaration showing a variation according to BMI tertiles. Overall, the variables
of Helsinki and was approved by the ethics committee of University tested were the following: age, female gender, diabetes, hyperten-
Hospital of Dijon. Each patient gave written consent before sion, dyslipidemia, smoking, prior MI, acute therapies (statin,
participation. -blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), biological
parameters (NT-proBNP, C-reactive protein, creatinine, high-density
Data Collection lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides), Killip class I, ST-
Data on demographics, CV risk factors (history of hypertension, elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), and LVEF. Among these,
diabetes, treated hyperlipidemia, current smoking), and prior myocardial age, sex, NT-proBNP, acute therapy, Killip class I, prior MI,
infarction were collected prospectively, along with admission charac- hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, C-reactive protein,
teristics and hemodynamic parameters. Blood samples were drawn at STEMI, LVEF, and creatinine were predictors of prognosis and
admission. Plasma creatinine levels were measured on a Vitros 950 therefore were included as covariates in multivariate analysis.
analyzer (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Rochester, NY). High-sensitivity Because smoking is a potential confounder of the relationship
C-reactive protein was measured on Dimension Xpand (Dade Behring, between BMI and the outcome, its interaction was tested in univar-
Newark, Neb) with an immunonephelometry assay. Plasma N-terminal iate analysis and introduced as a covariate in multivariate analysis.
pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was determined by ELISA Linearity of the continuous variables with respect to the response
with an Elecsys NT-proBNP sandwich immunoassay on Elecsys 2010 variable was assessed by determining the quartile of their distribu-
(Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland). Overnight fasting blood sam- tion. Subsequently, hazard ratios (HRs) for each quartile were
ples were collected on the morning after admission for blood lipid calculated. All variables showed a linear trend in the estimated HRs
measurements. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride and thus were introduced into the model as continuous. The
concentrations were measured on a Dimension analyzer (Dade Be- proportional-hazards assumption in the Cox models was assessed
hring). The level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was calculated with graphical methods (log-log plots) and with models including
from the Friedewald formula. time-by-covariate interactions. No violations of the proportional-
Echocardiography was performed at day 31 by a local investi- hazards assumption were identified. Statistical analyses were per-
gator according to the Simpson method using the apical views to formed with SPSS software (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill).
calculate left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Data on acute The authors had full access to and take full responsibility for the
(24 hour) reperfusion procedures (thrombolysis or PCI) were integrity of the data. All authors have read and agree to the
collected. Heart failure, defined as rales over more than half of the manuscript as written.
lung field (Killip class II), pulmonary edema (Killip class III), or
cardiogenic shock (Killip class IV), was evaluated on admission. Results
Duration of hospital stay in the coronary care unit also was collected.
After hospital discharge, 30-day or 1-year information was acquired Study Population
by contacting either each patient individually, their relatives, or A total of 2229 patients were included in the study. Fewer
treating physician and by reviewing the hospital records if the patient than one third (n660) had a normal BMI; half of the patients
had been rehospitalized. No patient was lost to follow-up (see the were overweight (46.8%, n1044); and one quarter were
Data Supplement).
obese (n397) or very obese (n128). Half of the patients
Group Definition (49.8%, n1110) had increased WCs.
Anthropometric parameters were measured within 48 hours of The patients characteristics are summarized in Table 1 for
admission. BMI was categorized according to the World Health women and Table 2 for men. Time to admission, MI location,
Organization16 standards as normal (25 kg/m2), overweight (25 to and LVEF were similar across BMI subgroups for both sexes.
29.9 kg/m2), obese (30 to 34.9 kg/m2), and very obese (35 kg/m2). In elevated WC tertiles, heart failure as assessed by Killip
WC was measured with a nonelastic tape at the mid distance between
the top of the iliac crest and the bottom of the rib cage and as the
class on admission was more frequent in men. For both sexes,
average of 1 measurement taken after inspiration and 1 taken after elevated systolic blood pressure was found across the BMI or
expiration. Increased WC was defined using the National Cholesterol WC tertiles. In men, acute PCI was used less frequently in the
Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP) cutoff of high BMI groups, whereas statins and angiotensin-converting
WC 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women.17,18 Data for both BMI enzyme inhibitors were prescribed more frequently.
and WC were split into sex-specific tertiles for analysis.
C-reactive protein, creatinine, and triglyceride levels mark-
Statistical Analysis edly increased with elevated WC, whereas high-density
Data are presented as median (25th to 75th percentile) or meanSD lipoprotein cholesterol decreased. In women, NT-proBNP
as appropriate or as proportion. For continuous variables, a levels showed no significant changes across anthropometric
Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis was performed to test for normality. categories, whereas in men, the propeptide levels were
For the tests across tertiles, we performed the Kruskal-Wallis 1-way reduced across BMI tertiles.
ANOVA by rank for nonnormally distributed values or 1-way
ANOVA for normally distributed values. Qualitative variables, BMI as a continuous variable was inversely correlated with
expressed as numbers and percents, were compared by the 2 test for age and NT-proBNP (r0.13, P0.001 and r0.11,
trends. Spearmans rank correlation was applied to test for associa- P0.001). In contrast, WC as a continuous variable was
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484 Circulation July 29, 2008
Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Population According to BMI and WC on Admission in Women (n593)
BMI Tertiles, kg/m WC Tertiles, cm
1 2 3 P 1 2 3 P
Median (25th75th) 21 (2023) 1524 26 (2527) 2428 31 (2934) 2850 82 (1688) 6093 98 (95101) 93104 112 (108120) 104165
Risk factors
Age, y* 77 (6583) 76 (7082) 72 (6079) 0.001 73 (5882) 77 (6982) 74 (6481) 0.009
Current smoking, 34 (17.2) 18 (9.1) 29 (14.7) 0.06 36 (18.2) 25 (12.6) 20 (10.2) 0.06
n (%)
Prior MI, n (%) 24 (12.1) 26 (13.1) 24 (12.2) 0.94 29 (14.6) 20 (10.0) 25 (12.7) 0.39
Hypertension, 113 (57.1) 129 (65.2) 148 (75.1) 0.001 104 (52.5) 135 (68.2) 151 (76.6) 0.001
n (%)
Diabetes, n (%) 34 (17.2) 46 (23.2) 74 (37.6) 0.001 31 (15.7) 39 (19.7) 84 (42.6) 0.001
Dyslipidemia, 67 (33.8) 105 (53.0) 96 (48.7) 0.001 79 (39.9) 96 (48.5) 93 (47.2) 0.18
n (%)
Clinical data
Time from 225 (117600) 210 (92475) 210 (110582) 0.44 180 (90535) 215 (111540) 240 (120571) 0.08
symptom onset to
admission, min*
Killip class I on 59 (29.8) 52 (26.3) 55 (27.9) 0.73 55 (27.8) 51 (25.8) 60 (30.5) 0.58
admission, n (%)
Heart rate, bpm* 80 (68100) 78 (6895) 80 (6995) 0.64 80 (68100) 78 (6792) 80 (6897) 0.38
Systolic blood 130 (110157) 140 (120160) 144 (129168) 0.002 130 (112158) 140 (120165) 140 (125162) 0.009
pressure, mm Hg*
Diastolic blood 76 (6690) 76 (6790) 80 (7090) 0.25 77 (6890) 80 (7090) 78 (6690) 0.63
pressure, mm Hg*
STEMI, n (%) 116 (58.6) 108 (54.5) 101 (51.3) 0.34 117 (59.1) 105 (53.0) 103 (52.3) 0.33
Anterior wall 89 (44.9) 95 (48.0) 73 (37.1) 0.08 89 (44.9) 85 (42.9) 83 (42.1) 0.84
location, n (%)
LVEF, %* 55 (40-65) 51 (43-60) 55 (45-63) 0.24 55 (43-65) 55 (45-63) 50 (42-62) 0.31
Biological data
hs-CRP, mg/L* 4.2 (1.69.8) 5.5 (2.211.8) 7.1 (3.612.7) 0.001 4.0 (1.48.3) 5.7 (2.311.8) 7.5 (3.715.1) 0.001
Creatinine, 80 (6798) 82 (6999) 80 (6698) 0.81 78 (6594) 82 (7199) 84 (67106) 0.015
NT-proBNP, 3002 (8848907) 1871 (6946207) 1712 (6265812) 0.05 2067 (6336026) 2002 (7327200) 2272 (7847465) 0.79
LDL-C, mg/dL 12235 12339 12541 0.79 12436 12637 12142 0.42
HDL-C, mg/dL* 45 (3856) 44 (3655) 38 (3150) 0.001 47 (3956) 42 (3555) 38 (3149) 0.001
Triglycerides, 107 (77138) 109 (86148) 136 (96190) 0.001 100 (71132) 113 (86151) 138 (97185) 0.001
Acute treatments
48 h, n (%)
Primary PCI 36 (18.2) 38 (19.2) 29 (14.7) 0.47 44 (22.2) 27 (13.6) 32 (16.2) 0.07
Thrombolysis 25 (12.6) 36 (18.2) 25 (12.7) 0.20 33 (16.7) 29 (14.6) 24 (12.2) 0.45
-Blocker 138 (69.7) 152 (76.8) 144 (73.1) 0.28 147 (74.2) 150 (75.8) 137 (69.5) 0.35
ACE inhibitor 116 (58.6) 123 (62.1) 117 (59.4) 0.75 123 (62.1) 119 (60.1) 114 (57.9) 0.69
Statin 136 (68.7) 141 (71.2) 153 (77.7) 0.12 141 (71.2) 143 (72.2) 146 (74.1) 0.81
Duration of stay 4 (36) 4 (35) 4 (36) 0.36 4 (36) 4 (36) 4 (36) 0.41
in CCU, d*
hs-CRP indicates high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; ACE, angiotensin-
converting enzyme; and CCU, coronary care unit.
*Median (25th to 75th percentile).
positively correlated with age (r0.07, P0.001) but not of 346 days (25th to 75th percentile, 338 to 354 days).
with NT-proBNP (r0.03, P0.155). See the online Data Sex-specific death rates were reported in an additional table
Supplement for sex-specific correlations. in the Data Supplement. The rate of death at 1 year was
significantly reduced in men with increasing BMI tertiles
Outcomes (P0.016). No significant variation in the rate of death was
At 1 year, there were 253 CV deaths (11.4%) and 301 found across WC tertiles for both sexes. These findings were
all-cause deaths (13.5%), including 30-day CV (167 [7.5%]) confirmed by KaplanMeier analysis of cumulative survival
and all-cause (186 [8.3%]) deaths during a median follow-up curves. Death rates across BMI tertiles were not significant in
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Table 2. Characteristics of the Study Population According to BMI and WC on Admission in Men (n1636)
BMI Tertiles, kg/m WC Tertiles, cm
T1 T2 T3 P T1 T2 T3 P
Median (25th75th) 24 (2224) 1625 27 (2627) 2528 31 (2933) 2849 89 (8492) 5695 100 (97102) 95-105 111 (108118) 105158
Risk factors
Age, y* 67 (5477) 67 (5576) 61 (5173) 0.001 62 (5174) 66 (5475) 66 (5575) 0.002
Current smoking, 208 (38.2) 153 (28.1) 158 (28.9) 0.001 212 (38.9) 160 (29.4) 147 (26.9) 0.001
n (%)
Prior MI, n (%) 88 (16.1) 87 (16.0) 79 (14.5) 0.70 69 (12.7) 96 (17.6) 89 (16.3) 0.06
Hypertension, 223 (40.9) 279 (51.2) 323 (59.2) 0.001 202 (37.1) 274 (50.3) 349 (63.9) 0.001
n (%)
Diabetes, n (%) 93 (17.1) 100 (18.3) 168 (30.8) 0.001 77 (14.1) 108 (19.8) 176 (32.2) 0.001
Dyslipidemia, 222 (40.7) 263 (48.3) 285 (52.2) 0.001 229 (42.0) 266 (48.8) 275 (50.4) 0.013
n (%)
Clinical data
Time from 180 (90420) 180 (90492) 180 (101481) 0.46 180 (90420) 180 (95500) 195 (100487) 0.31
symptom onset to
admission, min*
Killip class I on 101 (18.5) 103 (18.9) 103 (18.9) 0.98 76 (13.9) 107 (19.6) 124 (22.7) 0.001
Heart rate, bpm* 75 (6290) 75 (6489) 77 (6790) 0.09 73 (6187) 75 (6490) 78 (6790) 0.001
Systolic blood 130 (116152) 139 (121160) 140 (125165) 0.001 131 (116150) 138 (120160) 141 (126167) 0.001
pressure, mm Hg*
Diastolic blood 80 (7090) 80 (7092) 80 (7095) 0.001 80 (7090) 80 (7093) 80 (7093) 0.015
pressure, mm Hg*
STEMI, (%) 331 (60.7) 334 (61.3) 296 (54.2) 0.031 338 (62.0) 328 (60.2) 295 (54.0) 0.019
Anterior wall 201 (36.9) 198 (36.3) 191 (35.0) 0.80 208 (38.2) 189 (34.7) 193 (35.3) 0.44
location , (%)
LVEF, %* 55 (4564) 55 (4364) 55 (4563) 0.48 55 (4565) 54 (4363) 55 (4463) 0.09
Biological data
hs-CRP, mg/L* 3.4 (1.610.1) 3.8 (1.67.2) 4.5 (2.210.0) 0.015 3.2 (1.58.0) 3.8 (1.78.2) 4.7 (2.310.2) 0.001
Creatinine, 90 (80111) 94 (80115) 96 (80108) 0.30 89 (80106) 94 (80115) 98 (80115) 0.001
NT-proBNP, 826 (2122962) 766 (2292589) 624 (1692042) 0.008 629 (1662134) 735 (1922683) 832 (2432651) 0.05
LDL-C, mg/dL 12238 12138 12336 0.84 12737 12037 11936 0.006
HDL-C, mg/dL* 41 (3451) 40 (3148) 35 (2744) 0.001 41 (3351) 38 (3148) 36 (2845) 0.001
Triglycerides, 100 (73135) 109 (83159) 145 (100222) 0.001 99 (74145) 116 (82162) 136 (94206) 0.001
Acute treatments
48 h, (%)
Primary PCI 118 (21.7) 84 (15.4) 91 (16.7) 0.018 111 (20.4) 95 (17.4) 87 (15.9) 0.15
Thrombolysis 132 (24.2) 134 (24.6) 132 (24.2) 0.98 141 (25.9) 141 (25.9) 116 (21.2) 0.12
-Blocker 431 (79.1) 436 (80.0) 454 (83.2) 0.20 451 (82.8) 438 (80.4) 432 (79.1) 0.30
ACE inhibitor 327 (60.0) 319 (58.5) 384 (70.3) 0.001 335 (61.5) 330 (60.6) 365 (66.8) 0.07
Statin 417 (76.5) 445 (81.7) 466 (85.3) 0.001 428 (78.5) 444 (81.5) 456 (83.5) 0.11
Duration of stay 4 (35) 4 (36) 4 (35) 0.13 4 (35) 4 (35) 4 (35) 0.73
in CCU, d*
Abbreviations as in Table 1.
*Median (25th to 75 percentile).
women (Figure 1A) (P0.158). In men, a lower death rate impact on all-cause death in the whole study population (HR,
was observed with increasing BMI tertiles (log-rank 1.00; 95% CI, 1.00 to 1.01; P0.20) (Figure 3, model 1), men
P0.019) (Figure 1B). No increased risk was found across alone (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 1.00 to 1.01; P0.20), or women
WC tertiles in either women (Figure 2A) (P0.321) or men alone (HR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00 to 1.02; P0.11). Multivariate
(Figure 2B) (P0.547). When analyzed as a continuous analysis showed that when age (model 3), sex (model 4),
variable, BMI also was significantly associated with death, NT-proBNP (model 5), or covariates that had a significant
with a 5% reduction in the risk of death for each unit increase impact on outcomes (model 6) were added to the models,
in BMI (HR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.93 to 0.98; P0.001) (Figure 3, BMI was not an independent predictor of outcome (Figure 3),
model 2). In contrast, WC as a continuous variable had no Moreover, no significant interaction between C-reactive pro-
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486 Circulation July 29, 2008
Per cm increase
Model 1: WC (unadjusted) 1.00(1.00-1.01) 0.20
Per kg/m increase
Model 2: BMI (unadjusted) 0.95(0.93-0.98) <0.001
1.01(0.97-1.06) 0.60
Model 6: model 5+covariates*
* Covariates : acute therapy, Killip>I, prior MI, hypertension, diab etes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, CRP, STEMI, LVEF,
creatinine, BMI*smoking.
Figure 3. HRs for each unit increase in BMI (per kg/m2) or WC (per cm) for 1-year death rates in unadjusted and adjusted models.
A 31,8%
One-year 24,2%
10% 7,6%
5% T2
0% T1 t ert
T1 T2 T3 WC
BMI tertiles Figure 4. Stratification of 1-year death
rates according to both BMI and WC ter-
B tiles in women (A) and men (B).
mortality 20,9%
30% 18,2%
25% 12,7%
10,4% 11,5%
15% 11,5%
10,4% 6,6%
10% 7,7%
5% T2
er tile
0% T1
BMI tertiles
(the inverse relationship between BMI and death after MI) is was performed. However, the data at 30 days, although not
related to confounding by differences in baseline character- significant (P0.096), showed the same trend as the 1-year
istics that predict survival after MI. Moreover, we identified follow-up, ie, a decrease in the rate of death with increasing
a group of high-risk patients, ie, those with a high WC and a BMI. Our findings are confirmed by major contemporary
low BMI, compared with patients with both high WC and studies in acute coronary syndromes that address the differ-
BMI values. ential impact of BMI-based obesity at the acute phase (ie, in
hospital) versus midterm (ie, 6 months) or 1 year.6,7,21 These
BMI-Based Obesity studies found the same trend of obesity whatever the time
In this contemporary, population-based French registry of delay of follow-up. Overall, these data strongly suggest that
patients with AMI, the prevalence of overweight and obesity the apparent obesity paradox is already present at the early
was very high (70%), reflecting the epidemic nature of phase of an acute MI.
obesity in Western Europe. This finding underlines the In acute MI, the level of NT-proBNP, an indicator of the
importance of obesity as a CV risk factor and underscores the hemodynamic severity of MI, as well as systolic and/or
need to improve our understanding of the relationship be- diastolic dysfunction, peaks at the time of admission and is
tween excess weight and CV outcomes. We found a marked considered one of the most powerful predictors of death.24 26
association between increasing BMI and younger age in men Low proBNP levels in patients with high BMI, with a pattern
that was even stronger in women. This association, which similar to that of heart failure, may therefore participate in the
illustrates the premature occurrence of AMI, has been re- more favorable outcome reported in the present study.27
ported in previous studies.57,19 21 In accordance with our Surprisingly, low propeptide levels, similar time to admis-
results, an inverse independent relationship between NT- sion, and LVEF were not associated with lower hemodynam-
proBNP and lean mass, rather than fat mass, has been ic severity in patients with high BMI. These findings suggest
demonstrated in the Framingham Heart Study and the Dallas that hemodynamic severity and left ventricular dysfunction
Heart Study.22,23 The mechanisms linking low natriuretic may not be the only major contributors of admission propep-
peptide levels and obesity remain to be elucidated but tide levels in patients with a high BMI.
probably involve decreased release of natriuretic peptides
from the heart rather than increased clearance.23 Excess WC-Based Obesity
weight was associated with an elevated incidence of the WC is a surrogate measure of abdominal fat, with which it
obesity-associated CV risk factors of hypertension, diabetes, has been strongly correlated by computed tomography or
and dyslipidemia, also consistent with a high-risk profile. magnetic resonance imaging.28 High WC, as a component of
Rates of primary PCI were decreased in higher BMI catego- metabolic syndrome and insulin resistancerelated disorders,
ries, a finding that differs from the results of a randomized is associated with CV death.29 In healthy subjects, WC is a
trial showing a more aggressive use of PCI in patients with better predictor of acute coronary events than BMI.30 Para-
higher BMI.20 The use of acute medications was similar doxically, few studies have analyzed abdominal obesity in the
across the BMI subgroups, except for statins and angioten- setting of AMI. We found that an elevated WC (as defined by
sin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which were prescribed the NCEP ATP III threshold) was very frequent in patients
more often in patients with a high BMI, a group with a higher with AMI because it is present in half of the patients. In
prevalence of dyslipidemia at baseline. patients with CV disease, a high prevalence of abdominal
obesity also was reported.31 One of the major findings of our
Obesity Paradox study is that, in contrast to the strong negative relationship
An apparent protective effect of high BMI on mortality has observed between BMI and age, WC was poorly but posi-
been found in randomized trials of patients with unstable tively correlated with age. These findings suggest a weaker
angina and non-STEMI,5,7 STEMI,6,19,21 or both.20 In con- impact of WC as a risk factor for AMI than BMI. CV risk has
trast, our data, from a registry study of unselected patients, been shown to derive more from abdominal obesityassoci-
showed that after adjustment, BMI was not a prognostic ated risk factors (high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslip-
factor after myocardial infarction, a finding that is consistent idemia) than from abdominal obesity per se.30 Moreover,
with registry-based studies in AMI.19,20 A recent study in recent findings from the Dallas Heart Study suggested that
patients with non-STEMI found that obesity was signifi- WC was not independently associated with prevalent athero-
cantly, albeit weakly, correlated with improved outcomes sclerosis after adjustment for standard risk factors.32
after adjustment for confounding prognostic factors No significant increased risk in intermediate-term death
(P0.036).5 The major impact of younger age in the apparent was associated with WC. These findings extend our previous
protection conferred by obesity also has been reported in results that showed that NCEP ATP III defined elevated WC
most recent studies.6,19,21 Moreover, young age may drive an was not an independent predictor of in-hospital outcomes.14
increased use of medications and procedures, a factor that They also extend to acute MI recent findings showing no
may have a favorable impact on outcomes. Interesting data increased WC-associated risk for coronary artery disease in
from the Mayo Clinic registry on MI patients 80 years of men and women with prevalent disease.33 However, further
age included between 1998 and 2001 suggested that the larger prospective studies in acute MI are needed to confirm
obesity paradox, which is present in the short term, disap- these trends. In men, a lower BMI at a given waist girth has
pears in the long term.19 In our study, no data were available been suggested to be associated with higher levels of visceral
on in-hospital death rates because only a 30-day follow-up adipose tissue.13 In the present study, a strikingly worse
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Zeller et al Obesity in Acute Myocardial Infarction 489
outcome was observed in patients with high WC but normal prevention, particularly in patients with high WC but without
BMI, which presumably reflects the presence of visceral overall obesity. Our results strongly suggest that after MI,
obesity with low muscle mass and a lack of functional neither WC nor BMI has an independent impact on death,
subcutaneous adipose tissue. The identification of such high- taking into account traditional risk factors and other con-
risk subgroups has potential major clinical implications and founding variables. These results appear robust regardless of
may warrant more aggressive lifestyle and therapeutic inter- the type of adjustment. However, as in any observational
ventions for secondary prevention after AMI. study, residual confounding cannot be excluded, and these
results should be confirmed by large, independent, prospec-
Study Limitations tive studies.
In the present study, the same kinds of tape measure and
scales were used to assess WC and BMI at all of the Acknowledgments
centers either public or privately-funded hospitalspartic- We are grateful to Philip Bastable for his help in the preparation of
ipating in the RICO Survey and throughout the inclusion this report and to Sophie Rushton-Smith, PhD, for editorial services.
period. Anthropometric measurements were carried out by
nurses trained in measuring WC using a standardized proce- Sources of Funding
dure for all the centers. However, we cannot exclude the This work was supported by the Association de Cardiologie de
Bourgogne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Dijon, and Conseil
possibility that the impact of WC and BMI might have been Rgional de Bourgogne and by grants from Union Rgionale des
blurred by differences in measurement techniques at the Caisses dAssurance Maladie and Agence Rgionale de
different sites. No data were available on the angiographic lHospitalization de Bourgogne.
features of the study population, a variable known to influ-
ence outcome after MI. However, in patients with AMI, the Disclosures
angiographic extent of coronary artery disease was found to Dr Zeller has received a research grant from Servier. Dr Steg has
received a research grant from sanofi-aventis; served on the speakers
be similar across obesity categories, suggesting that it may bureau for Boehringer-Ingelheim, BMS, GSK, Medtronic, Nycomed,
similarly affect prognosis in all of the groups.5,7,19,21 More- sanofi-aventis, and Servier; and served as a consultant or on the
over, although BMI- and WC-based obesity classifications advisory board for Astellas, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer-
were unable to independently predict 1-year death rates, we Ingelheim, BMS, Endotis, GSK, Medtronic, MSD, Nycomed, sanofi-
cannot exclude the possibility that obesity may affect the very aventis, Servier, and The Medicines Company. Dr Rochette has
received research grants from sanofi-aventis, Servier, and AstraZen-
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The present study underscores the high prevalence of increased body mass index and waist circumference in patients with
acute myocardial infarction, present in one quarter and one half of the patients, respectively. Until the epidemic progression
of obesity is confronted, cardiologists will be faced with a growing prevalence of obesity in patients with acute myocardial
infarction. Given this high prevalence, the characterization of cardiovascular risk associated with obesity after the index
event is important. Most studies have reported a lower rate of death after myocardial infarction for patients with increased
body mass index (the obesity paradox). We found that much of this apparent obesity paradox is related to confounding by
baseline characteristics associated with survival. Neither body mass index nor waist circumference was an independent
predictor of survival. However, in both men and women, a high waist circumference with low body mass index
(presumably reflecting visceral obesity with low muscle mass and lack of functional subcutaneous adipose tissue) was
predictive of increased 1-year death rate. This emphasizes the need to measure both body mass index and waistline in
patients with myocardial infarction, particularly to identify this sizable fraction of the patient population at high risk of
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