Super Genius Games - Advanced Options - Inquisitors' Judgments

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he inquisitor represents a common trope found

in fantasy stories, mythology, and to a lesser
extent historythe driven warrior fighting for
a religious cause. From Samson and the judges of the
Old Testament to the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne, the
Knights of the Round Table, Saladin, Gochiin no Tajima,
and Saito Musashibo Benkei, stories of the religious
warrior are commonplace. Modern fantasy stories and
roleplaying games pick up on this tradition, which
can be seen as the source of the paladin class, and the
martial feel of the cleric class.
In many ways the inquisitor is a midstep between the
spellcasting cleric and the fighting paladin, with lower
attack bonuses and hit point totals than the paladin
but fewer spells than the cleric, though augmented
with more powers that aid her in combat. Much like
the other class that has spontaneous spellcasting up to
6th-level spells, the bard, the inquisitor also cant be
pinned down easily in terms of her role in a group. She
can serve as a fine back-up warrior, but she will never
outshine barbarians, fighters, paladins, or rangers. She
has access to a good range of spells for both healing
and damage, but lacks the spell slots to do either for
long and doesnt have enough good buffing spells to be
much help aiding other classes in fulfilling their roles.
However, the inquisitor is remarkably self-reliant.
She isnt likely to need other classes to protect or
augment her, leaving her free to act on her own in most
conflicts. And while she has neither the fighting prowess
or spell power to make a major impact with those roles
alone, she also has sole access to a fascinating brand
new mechanic: the judgment. Judgments are special
supernatural bonuses an inquisitor can call upon a
limited number of times per day. They provide combat
advantages that last for an entire combat, and as an
inquisitor gains levels she can call on them more often
and more at once. Although judgments dont allow an
inquisitor to surpass her fellow adventurers in their
specialties, they do give her the flexibility to react to a
wide range of situations in combat. Depending like a fairly balanced option. No matter how All Inquisitors Have a
on the foe she faces, an inquisitor can enhance many judgments an inquisitor has access to,
her accuracy, damage, resilience, or healing she can still use the power only a set number Selection of Nine Judgments
power with her judgments. They are the unique of times per day, and the total bonus granted The core inquisitor class has access
element of the class, and serve as the main thing by judgments is still fixed by the inquisitors to nine judgments (destruction, healing,
that keeps an inquisitor from being a cleric with level. Many groups see this as being the justice, piercing, protection, purity,
fewer spells. same as giving clerics access to all new spells resiliency, resistance, and smiting)all
It would makes sense, then, if the inquisitor on the cleric list it improves flexibility, but that are available in the Advanced Players
had access to a large list of judgments from doesnt increase the total number of spells Guide. One easy way to allow character
which a player could customize and focus the per day the cleric can cast. And, of course, it customization without increasing the
character. Alas, a lack of space makes a long has the benefit of being easy to keep track of characters overall power is to require
list of judgments impractical in the Advanced and implement in your game. every inquisitor to select nine judgments
Players Guide (especially given that the However, judgments dont work the from the list of all judgments allowed in
inquisitor already has new spells and teamwork same way as spells, in that an inquisitor the campaign. This essentially requires
feats that take up considerable room). To can change which judgment she is using each inquisitor character to give up one of
broaden the utility of judgments, Advanced multiple times during a combat. That the standard nine judgments for each new
Options: Inquisitors Judgments present several means one daily use of the judgment ability judgment selected. The advantage of this
new judgments, a judgment-heavy alternative can include lots of different judgment system is that it allows players to customize
inquisitor class, and a few new judgment- abilities. That doesnt matter much when their inquisitors (much the same way clerics
focused feats. an inquisitor has only nine judgments, but can be customized by domain selection) and
with the additional options presented in allows easy use of new judgments without
Gaining New Judgments this product, it does increase an inquisitors boosting the class power level. If an
Unlike sorcerer spells or witch hexes, no overall power by allowing her a huge range inquisitor wants more than nine judgments,
mechanic in the core rules allows inquisitors of situational bonuses from which to choose. she must take the Expanded Judgment feat
to gain access to additional judgments. This is If a group has found inquisitors to be (presented toward the end of this product).
because only nine judgments are in the core underpowered, this might be a great choice This rule option is the default assumption
rules, and every inquisitor has access to all of for that campaign, but in general its a bad of this book, though taking either of the
them. However, once a few dozen more are idea. Groups that find it meets their specific other options presented doesnt really
added, an obvious question arises as to who needs should look out for the effect it has require significantly more work.
gets the new judgments, and when. GMs can on the justicar class (which no longer has New Judgments Must Be
pick one of numerous ways to handle this issue, any use for the additional judgment known
with the most common outlined below. power), and note that it makes the expanded Earned
Judgment feat unnecessary. Its also strongly All inquisitors begin with the standard
All Inquisitors Have All recommended that greater judgments not be nine judgments and must spend a feat
Judgments granted automatically to characters, instead (Expanded Judgment, presented toward
One uncomplicated solution is to allow all requiring the expenditure of a feat, sacrifice the end of this product) to gain additional
inquisitors access to all the judgments you allow of a class ability, or a strong in-game reason judgments. This option is least likely to
in your game. At first blush, this might seem for gaining it. unbalance an ongoing campaign since it

severely limits the number of new judgments any ally flanking a foe adjacent to the
that enter play. Unfortunately it also cuts inquisitor a +1 sacred bonus to damage rolls
back on how much players can customize with melee attacks against the flanked foe.
their inquisitor characters. This bonus increases by +1 for every three
Another option along similar lines is to inquisitor levels the inquisitor possesses.
have different judgments be tied to specific Concealment: The inquisitor is clouded
domains (as selected by inquisitors at 1st by a shadow, masking her movements and
level), or be the province of specific orders muting any accidental noises. The inquisitor
of inquisitors. Thus it might be that any gains a +1 bonus to all Stealth checks made,
inquisitor who takes the Knowledge domain and she can make such checks even in
can swap out one judgment for the sagacity normal (though not bright) light. This bonus
judgment, or that the Benenite Order of increases by +1 for every three inquisitor
warrior-monks are the only inquisitors levels she possesses.
who can take felling, forceful, and freeing Felling: The inquisitor is filled
judgments. Although this puts a lot more with a divine burst of strength,
work on the GM, it also allows customization granting her a +1 bonus on her
of groups of inquisitors to match the tone CMB for all trip maneuver checks.
and style of a specific campaign. This bonus increases by +1 for every three
inquisitor levels she possesses. Unless the
New Judgments inquisitor has Improved Trip (or a similar
Except where noted otherwise, these ability), the attempt to perform a trip
judgments follow the general rules for maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity.
judgments described in the inquisitors Forceful: The inquisitor is filled with
judgment class ability. a divine burst of power, granting her a +1
Accuracy: The inquisitors eyes glow bonus on her CMB for all bull rush checks.
with divine light. The inquisitor adds a This bonus increases by +1 for every three
5-foot sacred bonus to the range increment inquisitor levels she possesses. Unless the
of any ranged weapon attack she makes. inquisitor has Improved Bull Rush (or a
This bonus increases by 5 feet for every two similar ability), the attempt to perform a
inquisitor levels she possesses. bull rush maneuver provokes attacks of
Alacrity: The inquisitor is filled with holy
Freeing: The inquisitor is filled
energy that grants her a sacred 5-foot bonus
with a surge of divine inspiration,
to all her current move rates, including
granting her a +1 bonus on her CMB
those gained through magic items or spells.
for grapple maneuver checks or Escape
This bonus increases by 5 feet for every five
Artist checks made to escape a grapple,
inquisitor levels she possesses. manacles, lashings, or similar restriction.
Alliance: This judgment allows the This bonus increases by +1 for every three
inquisitor to draw foes off-guard, granting inquisitor levels she possesses.
Guarding: The inquisitor is surrounded by Unarming: The inquisitor is filled with successful hit, the target must make a Will
a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus divine cunning, granting her a +1 bonus on save (DC 10 + one-half the inquisitors level
to Armor Class to adjacent allies. This bonus her CMB for all disarm maneuver checks. + her Wisdom bonus) or be sent back to
increases by +1 for every four inquisitor levels This bonus increases by +1 for every three its home plane. This judgment counts as
she possesses. inquisitor levels she possesses. Unless the three judgments for purposes of the second
Mysticism: The inquisitors hands glow with inquisitor has Improved Disarm (or a similar judgment and third judgment class abilities.
holy light as she gains additional spell power. ability) the attempt to perform a disarm An inquisitor must be at least 12th level
The inquisitor gains a +1 sacred bonus to her maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity. before gaining this judgment.
caster level. This bonus increases by +1 for every Warding: The inquisitor is surrounded Durability: An aura of divine light
six inquisitor levels she possesses. by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred guards the inquisitor against most of the
Relentlessness: The inquisitors entire body bonus to saving throws to all adjacent allies. depredations of disease, poisons, and many
is bathed in a dull light, warding her against This bonus increases by +1 for every four spells. Whenever the inquisitor takes an
combat maneuvers. The inquisitor gains a +2 inquisitor levels she possesses. ability drain or ability damage, she takes 2
bonus to her CMD. This bonus increases by +1 points fewer in terms of ability score loss.
for every two inquisitor levels she possesses.
Greater Judgments This reduction rises to 3 points at 12th level, 4
Greater judgments work like normal points at 15th level, and 5 points at 18th level.
Sagacity The inquisitor is filled with
judgments, but a character must have a This judgment counts as two judgments
divine inspiration, allowing her to identify
minimum number of inquisitor levels before for purposes of the second judgment and
the strengths and weaknesses of her foes. The gaining access to them. third judgment class abilities. An inquisitor
inquisitor can make untrained Knowledge Banishment: This judgment creates an must be at least 9th level before gaining this
checks to identify monsters and their special aura around the inquisitor at a range of 1 judgment.
powers or vulnerabilities. The inquisitor gains foot, which prevents bodily contact from Inexorability: The inquisitor is imbued
a bonus to such skill checks equal to half her summoned creatures with an alignment with divine protection, gaining SR equal
inquisitor level. that is opposed to at least one element of to 5 + her inquisitor level. Against spells
Striking: This judgment bathes the inquisitors her own alignment. This causes the natural with an alignment opposed to her own,
weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor can weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the SR is 5 higher. This judgment counts as
select one damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, the creatures to recoil if such attacks require two judgments for purposes of the second
or slashing) her weapons count as for purposes touching the warded creature. Summoned judgment and third judgment class abilities.
of bypassing DR. If the inquisitor is at least creatures that are not evil are immune to An inquisitor must be at least 12th level
10th level, she can also have her weapon count this effect. The protection against contact before gaining this judgment.
as either cold iron or silver for purpose of by summoned creatures ends if the warded Regeneration: The inquisitors body is
overcoming DR. creature makes an attack against or tries flooded with divine might, causing her
Theurgy: The inquisitor gains a boost of to force the barrier against the blocked to appear to be illuminated from beneath
spellcasting inspiration. She gains a +1 sacred creature. Neutral inquisitors do not gain her skin. The inquisitor gains regeneration
bonus to all caster level checks and concentration this benefit. 5. Damage with an alignment opposed
checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every Additionally, as a standard action to at least one aspect of the inquisitors
three inquisitor levels she possesses. the inquisitor can make a single weapon alignment is not regenerated, and it causes
attack against a summoned creature. On a her regeneration not to function on the

following round. Neutral inquisitors must its saving throw succeeded or failed. This Class Skills
select a single alignment (chaos, evil, good, judgment counts as three judgments for The justicars class skills are Bluff (Cha),
or law) that can bypass and shut down their purposes of the second judgment and third Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
regeneration. Once made this choice can not judgment class abilities. An inquisitor must Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha),
be changed. It is important to remember be at least 12th level before gaining this Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
that an unconscious inquisitor normally judgment. (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local)
receives no bonuses from her judgments. (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge
This judgment counts as two judgments for The Justicar (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int),
purposes of the second judgment and third Although judgments are an important
part of an inquisitors arsenal, the fact that Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride
judgment class abilities. An inquisitor must
inquisitors can also cast spells limits how (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex),
be at least 12th level before gaining this
much they can get into front-line combat Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
(where judgments are the most useful). Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Revelation: The inquisitors eyes blaze
with divine light. The inquisitor can see Especially with the addition of more
invisible (as the spell), and she gains a bonus judgments in this product, players might
to Perception checks equal to one-third her be interested in creating characters that
inquisitor level. focus more strongly on judgment-wielding
Torment: This judgment bathes the fighting class characters. To assist with such
inquisitors weapons in a dull, reddish character builds, we present the justicar, an
glow. Whenever the inquisitor deals alternate class of the inquisitor.
damage with her weapon, the target must The justicar uses many of the same
make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half the powers and options as the inquisitor,
inquisitors level + her Wisdom modifier) but has a full base attack bonus and no
or be wracked with pain. Creatures that fail spellcasting ability. Levels in justicar count
this save are sickened for 1d4 rounds. An as levels in inquisitor for all prerequisites.
inquisitor must be at least 8th level before Because inquisitor and justicar are
gaining this judgment. alternate versions of the same class,
Weakening: The inquisitors hands and a character should not be allowed to
weapons glow with divine power, causing a multiclass between the two classes. Justicars
successful attack with the weapon to deal 1d6 are most common in service to gods of Battle,
ability score damage. Creatures struck are Strength, and War. In many lands justicars
allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half are the most frequent holy warriors, serving
the inquisitors level + her Wisdom bonus)
much the same role as paladins (though
to avoid the ability damage. An inquisitor
doing so for churches of any alignment).
can select what ability score is damaged as a
Alignment: A justicars alignment must
free action prior to each attack. A foe struck
be within one step of his deitys, along either
with this judgment is immune to subsequent
the chaos/lawful axis or the good/evil axis.
weakening attacks for 24 hours, whether
Hit Die: d10
Class Features These abilities (in the order the justicar in this product. At 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th,
All of the following are class features of the receives them) are: Monster lore, stern gaze, 16th, and 18th levels, the justicar gains an
justicar. cunning initiative, detect alignment, track, additional use per day.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A justicar is solo tactics, teamwork feat, bane, discern lies, Additional Judgment Known (Su):
proficient with all simple and martial weapons, greater bane, exploit weakness, and true A justicar learns additional judgments as
light, medium and heavy armor, and all shields judgment. he gains level. These are selected from the
(other than tower shields). Judgment (Su): As the inquisitor ability. A judgments not already known listed with the
Inquisitor Class Abilities: Some of the justicar begins play knowing nine judgments inquisitor class and the additional judgments
justicars abilities are identical in name and selected from those listed with the inquisitor presented in this product. The justicar gains
function as abilities from the inquisitor class. class and the additional judgments presented his first additional judgment known at 4th
level, and he gains an additional judgment
Table 1: The Justicar known every 3 levels thereafter.
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Greater Stalwart (Ex): As the inquisitors
Level Special stalwart ability, except it also functions in
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Judgment 1/day, monster lore, stern gaze heavy armor.
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Cunning initiative, detect alignment, track Slayer (Ex): At 10th level, a justicar learns
to focus his judgment. Whenever a justicar
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Judgment 2/day, solo tactics, teamwork feat
uses his judgment ability, he must select one
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Additional judgment known type of judgment. He is treated as if he is five
5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Bane, discern lies levels higher for the purposes of determining
6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Judgment 3/day, teamwork feat
the bonus granted by this judgment. Unlike
other types of judgment, the one enhanced
7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Additional judgment known by this ability cannot be changed for the
8 +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Judgment 4/day, second judgment remainder of the judgment.
9 +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Teamwork feat Greater Slayer (Ex): At 19th level, a
10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Additional judgment known, slayer
justicar can focus on multiple judgments at
once. He can select two judgments to gain the
11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Greater stalwart, judgment 5/day benefit of the slayer ability, and once a round
12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Greater bane, teamwork feat can chance even a slayer-focused judgment
13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Additional judgment known, judgment 6/day as a swift action.
Exploit weakness
Teamwork feat
Judgment Feats
As with spells and combat maneuvers,
Additional judgment known, judgment 7/day, third it should be possible to modify how an
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10
inquisitor uses her judgment with the help of
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Slayer
feats. The following feats allow a players to
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Judgment 8/day, teamwork feat
give a character greater focus on judgments.
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Additional judgment known, greater slayer
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 True judgment
Executioner Lasting Judgment Jury
You can focus all the power of your Your judgments do not end immediately. You can grant an ally the benefit of your
judgment into a single blow. Prerequisite: Judgment class feature judgments.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, judgment class Benefit: At the end of a combat in which Prerequisites: Wis 13, judgment class
feature you have used a judgment, your judgment feature
Benefit: Once per day you can call upon continues to grant you its bonuses for 15 Benefit: Once per day you can grant an
all the power of a judgment when making minutes. If a new combat starts within this ally within 30 feet of you the benefit of your
a single weapon attack. The attack gains a time, your original judgment still ends 15 judgment. Your ally gains the benefit of whatever
+1 bonus to attack rolls, and for every two minutes after the last combat stopped. If judgments you are using, but calculates the
inquisitor levels you possess it deals +1d6 you invoke a new judgment while your old bonus granted by those judgments as if she
damage. This counts as a daily use of your judgment is active, your old judgment ends. was a 1st-level inquisitor. This counts as an
judgment ability. The use of this ability must Judgment Focus additional daily use of your judgment ability.
be announced prior to your attack roll, and if You are an expert with one particular
the attack misses, the ability is lost. You do not judgment.
gain any of the benefits of other judgments Prerequisite: Judgment class feature
you are using on this attack roll, and once you Benefit: Select one judgment you know.
make this attack, your judgment bonuses are You are treated as if you are five levels higher
suspended until the beginning of your next for the purposes of determining the bonus
turn. granted by this judgment. This bonus does
Expanded Judgment not stack with the bonus to effective level
Your dedication has revealed a new form granted by the slayer or greater slayer class
of judgment. features.
Prerequisite: Judgment class feature Special: This feat can be taken multiple
Benefit: You gain access to one additional times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it
judgment known. is taken, you increase your effective level
Special: This feat can be taken multiple when determining the bonus of one specific
times. Each time it is taken, you gain access judgment.
to an additional form of judgment. Judgment Surge
Extra Judgment You can call on multiple judgments for
You can call on your mystic judgment short periods of time.
powers more often. Prerequisites: Wis 13, judgment class
Prerequisite: Judgment class feature feature
Benefit: You can use your judgment Benefit: Once per day you can call upon
one more judgment than normal. This takes an
power one more time per day.
additional daily use of your judgment ability,
and the additional judgment lasts a number of
rounds equal to one-half your inquisitor level
+ your Wisdom bonus (minimum 1 round).
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Advanced Options: Inquisitors Judgments. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author:
Owen K.C. Stephens

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