MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals S12017 PDF

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The document provides an outline for MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals course at UNSW Business School. It covers details about the course structure, content, learning outcomes, assessment tasks and policies.

The course outline provides information about the course staff, details, topics to be covered each week, learning and teaching approach, assessment tasks and due dates, policies and additional resources.

The document lists several support services available to students at UNSW including the Business School Education Development Unit for academic skills support, Business Student Centre, library services, IT support, counseling services and disability support.

UNSW Business School

School of Marketing


Course Outline
Semester 1, 2017

Part A: Course-Specific Information

Part B: Key Policies, Student Responsibilities
and Support

CRICOS Code 00098G

Table of Contents
2.1 Teaching Times and Locations 1
2.2 Units of Credit 1
2.3 Summary of Course 1
2.4 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses 2
2.5 Student Learning Outcomes 2
3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 4
3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 5
4.1 Formal Requirements 5
4.2 Assessment Details 5
4.3 Assessment Format 8
4.4 Assignment Submission Procedure 9
4.5 Late Submission 9
10.1 Workload 14
10.2 Attendance 14
10.3 General Conduct and Behaviour 15
10.4 Health and Safety 15
10.5 Keeping Informed 15

CRICOS Code 00098G



Lecturer-in-charge: Dr Tania Bucic
Room: Quad3031
Phone No: 938 53315
Email: [email protected]
Consultation Times Tuesdays 5-6pm (or by appointment)

Tutor names: A full list of tutors and their contact details will be posted on the Moodle
Course Website.

Please note, only emails from UNSW email addresses will be opened.

2.1 Teaching Times and Locations
Lectures start in Week 1(to Week 12): The Time and Location are:
Tuesday 11am 1pm, Central Lecture Block (CLB) 7; Tuesday
3pm 5pm, Science Theatre

Tutorials start in Week 2 (to Week 13). A full list of tutorials, times and tutors will be on
the Course Website.

Students MUST enrol in one of the available tutorials for this course via Students are permitted to attend ONLY the tutorial in which they are
formally enrolled. Switching between tutorials is not permitted.

2.2 Units of Credit

This course is worth 6 units of credit.

2.3 Summary of Course

In todays business world, marketing is viewed as central to creating and delivering
value both to the organisation and to the customer. It impacts all aspects of a business
organisation, shaping and directing corporate through to marketing strategy. Many
companies acknowledge that their growth and survival depends on putting the
customer at the centre of their planning. Thus, an understanding of marketing is
essential for any business student.

This course introduces the student to the major concepts and theories, reflecting the
breadth and diversity of marketing. It provides insights into where marketing fits within
an organisation, its contributions to business in general, describes frameworks
supporting marketing activities, and helps with challenges in the ever changing market
place. It discusses the application of this understanding to consumer goods, as well as
service, business-to-business, industrial and non-profit organizations, and to the
growing area of e-commerce. Topics include: marketing processes and planning, the 1

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use of market research, an understanding of consumers and customers,
decisionmaking and the marketing mix, market segmentation, positioning and product
differentiation, the changing global environment.

2.4 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses

The course combines theory and practice of marketing with the aim of explaining the
role of the marketing function in modern organisations and in society. It utilises a value
based approach that is essential in practice and to solve real life business problems.

The course provides an essential foundation for further study across the broad
spectrum of topics covered in marketing. Infact, Mark1012 is the first course that you
must enrol in if you intend to graduate with a Marketing Major. MARK1012 is a
prerequisite for all advanced marketing courses. The knowledge and skills developed
here are fundamental to many other courses such as Consumer Behaviour
(MARK2051); Marketing Research (MARK2052); Customer Centric Innovation (MARK
2085); Marketing Communications and Promotions Management (MARK 2053);
Marketing Analytics and Big Data (MARK 3054); Services Marketing and Management
(MARK2055); International Marketing (MARK2071); Distribution Strategy and Retail
Channels (MARK 3081); Digital Marketing and Web Analytics (MARK 3085), and
Strategic Marketing Management (MARK 3082).

2.5 Student Learning Outcomes

The Course Learning Outcomes are what you should be able to DO by the end of this
course if you participate fully in learning activities and successfully complete the
assessment items.

The Learning Outcomes in this course also help you to achieve some of the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes for all undergraduate students in the Business
School. Program Learning Goals are what we want you to BE or HAVE by the time you
successfully complete your degree (e.g. be an effective team player). You demonstrate
this by achieving specific Program Learning Outcomes - what you are able to DO by the
end of your degree (e.g. participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams).

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

1. Describe core marketing concepts
2. Understand the notion of value creation, value delivery and value capture
3. Make marketing-based decisions

For more information on the Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes,
see Part B of the course outline.

Business Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local
and global contexts.
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global
environment. 2

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2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective
problem solvers.
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.

3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.

You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation for
the intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.

4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.

You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own teamwork,
and on the teams processes and ability to achieve outcomes.

5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound
awareness of the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business decision-
making and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.

The following table shows how your Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed (they
may also be developed in tutorials and other activities):

Program Learning Goals Course Learning Outcomes Course Assessment Item

and Outcomes
This course helps you to On successful completion of the This learning outcome will
achieve the following course, you should be able to: be assessed in the
learning goals for all following items:
Business undergraduate
postgraduate coursework
[delete one] students:
1 Knowledge Describe core marketing concepts; Tutorial case study
Understand the notion of value leadership
creation, value delivery and value Tutorial participation
capture; Quizzes
Make marketing-based decisions 72hour report
Not specifically assessed in this course

2 Critical thinking and Apply marketing frameworks to Tutorial case study

problem solving interpret real world problems, identify leadership
opportunities and make decisions Tutorial participation
Not specifically assessed in this course Quizzes
72hour report
3a Written communication Construct written work which is 72hour report
logically and professionally presented.
Not specifically assessed in this course 3

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3b Oral communication Communicate ideas in a succinct and Tutorial case study
clear manner. leadership
* Specifically assessed in this course Tutorial case study
4 Teamwork Using the preset groups, work Tutorial case study
collaboratively to study, develop the leadership
case leadership agenda and present
the allocated case study. Tutorial participation
Not specifically assessed in this course Quizzes
72hour report

5a. Ethical, social and Ethical and sustainability Tutorial case study
environmental responsibility issues related to leadership
responsibility marketing. Tutorial case study
Not specifically assessed in this course participation
5b. Social and cultural Social and cultural issues related to Tutorial case study
awareness marketing leadership
Not specifically assessed in this course Tutorial case study


3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course
MARK1012 is a hands on course. The delivery of this course follows the usual format
of a weekly 2 hour lecture and a weekly 1 hour tutorial. The in class contact hours are
supplemented by material made available via the course website on Moodle that
students are expected to consumer prior to attending the weekly face to face classes.

The face-to-face classes comprise a combination of class discussions, case

discussions, class exercises, and guest visits. The assigned cases and reading
materials focus in-class discussions and provide theoretical grounding for application of
new concepts. Marketing problems, in the form of cases, are assigned to enable
students to apply knowledge and use critical thinking to make decisions. The
preassigned study groups are a major support structure for this course and should be
convened on a regular weekly basis. In addition, independent study is vital and is
guided by the McGraw Hill suite of products complementing the text book and available
to you via Moodle. Successful completion of MARK1012 requires about 10 hours per
week of study time.

In this course, there are dual responsibilities: Staff are responsible for providing a
learning direction (project opportunity and access, theoretical information and
assessment); Students are responsible for reading recommended materials prior to
weekly meetings, making intelligent contributions to discussions, clarifying ambiguities,
demonstrating willingness to learn and to undertake activities that are important for
learning. Students must complete set tasks and be active participants in MARK1012
and must show initiative by being proactive in their own learning. 4

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3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies
This course applies an active learning pedagogy that is, learning is student-centred
and reliant on active motivational and cognitive engagement. This means that students
must present to class with a positive attitude and willingness to learn. Essentials for
noting that are specific to this course are listed below:

Students will be requested to complete a survey emailed to them by no later than Week
1 for the purpose of being allocated into work groups in tutorials (no more than 3
students per group). These groups will be useful for group study, case preparation and
presentation, and the final assignment. Group composition cannot be changed.

There is a prescribed text book for this course as well as digital tools supporting the
textbook that are accessible via Moodle. Students must register online and access
digital resources as two assessment tasks will be conducted using this medium.
Additional learning activities have also been designed to scaffold learning in this course
and are important for timely knowledge development. All activity is monitored and will
be automatically reported back to the LIC. Students are also expected to read and
complete all allocated materials including cases, prior to attending tutorials and

Lectures and tutorials will be devoted to probing, extending and applying theoretical
concepts to assigned topics and students will be expected to attend fully prepared for
robust conversation. Based on the assumption that students have read the allocated
text and completed the allocated activities, class discussion will be a vital part of each
class and student participation will be assessed. Students will be called upon to
contribute and therefore, it is absolutely critical that you are sufficiently prepared to be
able to follow the discussion, to synthesise and to evaluate various perspectives.

Concepts that are discussed and knowledge gained in class will be applied to the final
assessment the 72hour report.

NOTE: Computers and mobile devices are not permitted to be used in lectures
and tutorials (unless the instructor indicates otherwise) surfing and texting
emerges as an inevitable and regrettable result, and is highly distracting for

4.1 Formal Requirements
In order to pass this course, you must:
achieve a composite mark of at least 50% (50/100 marks); and make a
satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks (see below); and
attend a minimum of 80% classes.

4.2 Assessment Details

Tutorial and case participation (20% individual) 5

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Tutorials are held weekly and comprise 1 hour face-to-face workshop-type meetings
commencing in week 2. The tutorial program will mainly consist of a discussion of
various issues in the form of case analyses and other exercises designed to give
students a better understanding of applications of marketing. A nominated group will
lead the case study discussion each week and the rest of the class is expected to
participate actively and to demonstrate positive citizenship behaviour. Tutorials give
an opportunity to:
explore the weekly topic content
obtain, select and organise marketing information
enhance communication skills
make independent, informed and justified assessments of course related situations
work co-operatively with other class members

This course requires a minimum of 80% attendance at both lectures and tutorials. If you
do not attend the minimum number of classes, you may not be eligible to pass this

This course will be largely based on case studies as the main form of conveying real
life marketing scenarios and associated considerations. As such, the case method of
teaching and learning will be applied. This means that students will be expected to
present to classes fully prepared and ready to engage with case based discussion,
relevant to the weekly topic. Each week, student participation will be graded to reflect
the quality and quantity of contributions. The case teaching and participation
opportunity commences from week 3 and includes cases presented by case leaders as
well as case preparation and summary activities presented by the tutor. If you are
absent in any given week you will receive a zero score for that week and the
participation opportunity will be foregone. At their discretion, the instructor may issue a
10 minute debrief as a supplementary assessment task in tutorials. The topics and
questions will be randomised across tutorials. Students will be given 10 minutes to
complete the debrief.

You will not receive special consideration for any absence in these weeks as the
assessment is in-the-moment and cannot be re-run.

Further details regarding how case participation will be assessed, will be provided in
Week 2.

Debriefs will be marked using the following guide:

Demonstrates understanding of course content and development of knowledge
Demonstrates critical thinking and imagination
Communicates clearly and concisely
Answers set questions

Case leadership (10% individual)

Students will be placed in groups by Week 2 and informed of these groups no later than
Week 3. These groups should be used as a resource for group study. In addition this is
the group that each student will present their assigned case with. The group will be
expected to lead the class case discussion, identifying and summarising important
points for each concept relevant to the topic of interest. Each presenting student (of the
leadership group for the week) will be marked individually (10%) for their presentation 6

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though a component of this mark will be attributed to group cohesion in content
coverage and delivery (10 minutes each). The case teaching and participation
opportunity runs from week 3 and each group will be allocated a presentation week by
no later than week 3.

If you are absent in your allocated presentation week you will receive a zero score and
the participation opportunity will be foregone. You will not receive special consideration
for any absence in these weeks as the assessment is in-the-moment and cannot be
rerun. Failure to attempt this assessment task can only be penalised the proportionate
amount of this task (i.e., 0/20).

Marking criteria (sample):

Demonstrates understanding of course content and development of knowledge
Demonstrates critical thinking and imagination
Communicates clearly and concisely
Structures presentation logically and coherently
Engages audience through professional delivery
Uses tools and technologies effectively
Demonstrate effective group preparation
Demonstrate effective group presentation strategies and skills
Energises audience through thoughtful debate and inquiry

Progress quiz early stage (20% individual)

To undertake early stage assessment and provide valuable feedback, a progress quiz
will be made available for completion in Week 4. The quiz will be available via Moodle
for 24 hours, starting 1pm Monday 20th March until 1pm Tuesday 21st March.

This progress quiz (early stage) will be conducted online, using the McGraw Hill
Connect platform that is to be accessed via Moodle. The quiz will include 40 questions
that can be a combination of multiple choice questions, and true/false questions. Each
student will receive a randomised set of questions (each quiz is unique but pitched at
the same level). The quiz is allocated at limit of 20 minutes. Each quiz is electronically
monitored this means that it is strictly timed and instantly connected to your Moodle
account and administrative records. The quiz offers two chances only that is, once
the quiz has been started it will be counted as a formal attempt at the assessment task
whether or not it is completed. Students will have a maximum of two attempts where
the final attempt will be recorded.

If students do not complete the quiz in the allocated time window, it will be a foregone
opportunity that will not be rerun. Failure to attempt this assessment task can only be
penalised the proportionate amount of this task (i.e., 0/20).

Progress quiz late stage (20% individual)

To undertake late stage assessment and provide valuable feedback, a progress quiz a
progress quiz will be made available for completion in Week 12. This progress quiz will
be conducted online, using the McGraw Hill Connect platform that is to be accessed via
Moodle. The quiz will be available via Moodle for 24 hours (exact timing TBA). 7

CRICOS Code 00098G

The quiz will include a combination of multiple choice questions, true/false questions
and written questions. The content will cover all topics from Week 1 to Week 12
inclusive. Each student will receive a randomised set of questions (each quiz is unique
but pitched at the same level). The quiz is allocated at limit of 60 minutes. Each quiz is
electronically monitored this means that it is strictly timed and instantly connected to
your Moodle account and administrative records. The quiz offers two chances only
that is, once the quiz has been started it will be counted as a formal attempt at the
assessment task whether or not it is completed. Students will have a maximum of two
attempts where the final attempt will be recorded.

If students do not complete the quiz in the allocated time window, it will be a foregone
opportunity that will not be rerun. Failure to attempt this assessment task can only be
penalised the proportionate amount of this task (i.e., 0/20).

72hour report (30% group)

In Week 13, at 1pm on Friday 2nd June 2017, the 72hour report will be released to
students on Moodle. This will be a group assignment (to be completed in the groups
allocated at the start of the semester in the tutorials). The topic and relevant questions
will be provided and students will be required to complete the written tasks using the
principles that they have learned in the course. The theories and their applications as
practiced in the lectures and tutorials will help to direct the focus of this task. The
72hour report is to be no longer than 2000 words and be supported with proper
references in the Harvard format. Students will have 72 hours to complete the
assessment task and submit their completed work via Turnitin on Moodle by 1pm on
Monday 5th June 2017. Only assignments submitted via Turnitin on Moodle will be

Assignments that are not submitted by the deadline will incur late penalties of 10% per
day or part thereof. Assignments will not be accepted after 5 days. Failure to attempt
this assessment task can only be penalised the proportionate amount of this task (i.e.,

Note 1: If a supplementary assessment is provided for this task, the maximum students
may receive for the new task is 50% (i.e., 15/30).

Note 2: Turnitin is a plagiarism verification software. It will issue a report for each
submission. Plagiarised works are identified and linked to the source. Similarity
readings above 10% will attract scrutiny and students will be referred to the designated
school ethics officer who will investigate the issue. Students may be placed on a
plagiarism offence register and have their mark reduced for this assessment task, and
potentially, referred to the university register where course failure may be an outcome.

Further details regarding how the 72hour report will be assessed will be provided in
Week 11 on Moodle.

4.3 Assessment Format

Assessment Task Weighting Length Due Date 8

CRICOS Code 00098G

Individual tutorial and case 20% In tutorial Week 3
participation onwards
Individual case leadership 10% In allocated Week 3
tutorial onwards
Individual progress quiz early stage 20% 20 minutes Week 4
(online, 24
hour window)
Individual progress quiz late stage 20% 60 minutes Week 12
(online; 24
hour window)
Group - 72hour report 30% 2000 words Week 13,
(plus (released 1pm
references) Friday 2nd
June 2017,
due 1pm
Monday, 5th
June 2017)
4.4 Assignment Submission Procedure
Your assignments must be formatted as per the requirements below:
Use 11pt or 12pt font
2.5 cm left margin
1.5 line spacing
Leave a line between each paragraph
Number each page
Student number(s) and course code (MARK1012) to appear on every page
Use Harvard method for referencing - more information can be found on the
EDU website

Note 1: Each written assignment submission must have a cover sheet (SoM/Business
School cover sheet) signed by all team members.

Note 2: Students are reminded to keep a copy of all work submitted for assessment.

4.5 Late Submission

Late submission will incur a penalty of 10% of the percentage weight of the assessment
component or part thereof per day (including weekends) after the due date, and will not
be accepted after 5 days. An assignment is considered late if the requested format
such as hard copy or electronic copy has not been submitted on time.

Quality Assurance
The Business School is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student
experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may
be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program learning
goals are being achieved. The information is required for accreditation purposes, and
aggregated findings will be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of
Business School programs. All material used for such processes will be treated as
confidential. 9

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The course website is on Moodle at:

You will need to access the course website regularly (at least once per week) as some
formal assessments will be conducted online and you will be expected to participate in
online learning activities accessible via the course website. Further details will be
provided in Week 1.

The textbook for this course is:

Grewal D., Levy M., Mathews S., Harrigan P. and Bucic T. (2015), Marketing,
McGraw-Hill Education.

NOTE; There is an ebook available (Smart Book, via Moodle on the McGraw Hill
Campus, Connect site). Details will be provided in Week 1 lecture.


Each year feedback is sought from students and other stakeholders about the courses
offered in the School and continual improvements are made based on this feedback.
UNSW's myExperience survey is one of the ways in which student evaluative feedback
is gathered. In this course, we will seek your feedback through end of semester
myExperience responses.

Lecture Schedule (Tutorial schedule will be posted on Moodle)

Lectures run from Week 1 to Week 12; Tutorials run from Week 2 to Week 13.

Week Topic References
Week 1 Assessing the marketplace: Marketing
27 February Essentials Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3

Week 2 6 Assessing the marketplace:

March Analysing the Marketing Environment Chapter 4

Week 3 13 Understanding and Targeting the Market:

March Consumer Behaviour Chapter 5

Week 4 20 Understanding and Targeting the Market:

March Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Chapter 6

Week 5 27 Understanding and Targeting the Market:

March Marketing Research Chapter 7

Week 6 Value Creation:

03 April Product and Branding Decisions Chapter 8

Week 7 Value Creation:

Developing New Products Chapter 9
10 April 10

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(Friday 14 April is Good Friday public holiday)

Mid-semester break: Friday 14 Saturday 22 April inclusive

Week 8
(Tuesday 25 April is Anzac Day public holiday)
24 April
Week 9 Value Creation:
1 May Services Chapter 10

Week 10 8 Value Capture and Delivery: Pricing;

May Supply Chain Chapter 11; Chapter 12

Week 11 Value Capture and Delivery:

15 May IMC, Advertising, PR Chapter 13

Week 12 22 Course review

Week 13 29
May No lecture 11

CRICOS Code 00098G


The Business School Program Learning Goals reflect what we want all students to BE or HAVE
by the time they successfully complete their degree, regardless of their individual majors or
specialisations. For example, we want all our graduates to HAVE a high level of business
knowledge, and a sound awareness of ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications
of business. As well, we want all our graduates to BE effective problem-solvers, communicators
and team participants. These are our overall learning goals for you and are sought after by

You can demonstrate your achievement of these goals by the specific outcomes you achieve
by the end of your degree (e.g. be able to analyse and research business problems and
propose well-justified solutions). Each course contributes to your development of two or more
program learning goals/outcomes by providing opportunities for you to practise these skills and
to be assessed and receive feedback.

Program Learning Goals for undergraduate and postgraduate students cover the same key
areas (application of business knowledge, critical thinking, communication and teamwork,
ethical, social and environmental responsibility), which are key goals for all Business students
and essential for success in a globalised world. However, the specific outcomes reflect different
expectations for these levels of study.

We strongly advise you to choose a range of courses which assist your development of these
skills, e.g., courses assessing written and oral communication skills, and to keep a record of
your achievements against the Program Learning Goals as part of your portfolio. 12

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Business Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and
global contexts.
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global

2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective problem
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.

3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.

You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation for the
intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.

4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.

You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own teamwork, and
on the teams processes and ability to achieve outcomes.

5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of
the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You will be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business
decisionmaking and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.

Business Postgraduate Coursework Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have current disciplinary or interdisciplinary knowledge

applicable in local and global contexts.
You should be able to identify and apply current knowledge of disciplinary or interdisciplinary theory and
professional practice to business in local and global environments.

2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will have critical thinking and problem
solving skills applicable to business and management practice or issues.
You should be able to identify, research and analyse complex issues and problems in business and/or
management, and propose appropriate and well-justified solutions.

3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective communicators in professional contexts. You

should be able to:
a. Produce written documents that communicate complex disciplinary ideas and information effectively for
the intended audience and purpose, and
b. Produce oral presentations that communicate complex disciplinary ideas and information effectively for
the intended audience and purpose.

4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.

You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own teamwork, and
on the teams processes and ability to achieve outcomes.

5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of
ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business issues and practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business
decisionmaking and practice, and
b. Consider social and cultural implications of business and /or management practice. 13

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The University regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has very strict rules
regarding plagiarism. For UNSW policies, penalties, and information to help you avoid
plagiarism see: as well as the guidelines in the online
ELISE tutorials for all new UNSW students:

To see if you understand plagiarism, do this short quiz:

For information on how to acknowledge your sources and reference correctly, see:

For the Business School Harvard Referencing Guide, see the Business Referencing and
Plagiarism webpage (Business >Students>Learning support> Resources>Referencing and


Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to university policies in relation to class
attendance and general conduct and behaviour, including maintaining a safe, respectful
environment; and to understand their obligations in relation to workload, assessment and
keeping informed.
Information and policies on these topics can be found in UNSW Current Students Managing
your Program webpages:

10.1 Workload
It is expected that you will spend at least nine to ten hours per week studying this course.
This time should be made up of reading, research, working on exercises and problems, online
activities and attending classes. In periods where you need to complete assignments or
prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater. Over-commitment has been a cause
of failure for many students. You should take the required workload into account when planning
how to balance study with employment and other activities.

We strongly encourage you to connect with your Moodle course websites in the first week
of semester. Local and international research indicates that students who engage early and
often with their course website are more likely to pass their course.

Information on expected workload:

10.2 Attendance

Your regular and punctual attendance at lectures and seminars or in online learning activities
is expected in this course. University regulations indicate that if students attend less than
80% of scheduled classes they may be refused final assessment. For more information, see: 14

CRICOS Code 00098G

10.3 General Conduct and Behaviour

You are expected to conduct yourself with consideration and respect for the needs of your
fellow students and teaching staff. Conduct which unduly disrupts or interferes with a class,
such as ringing or talking on mobile phones, is not acceptable and students may be asked to
leave the class. More information on student conduct is available at:

10.4 Health and Safety

UNSW Policy requires each person to work safely and responsibly, in order to avoid personal
injury and to protect the safety of others. For more information, see

10.5 Keeping Informed

You should take note of all announcements made in lectures, tutorials or on the course web
site. From time to time, the University will send important announcements to your university e-
mail address without providing you with a paper copy. You will be deemed to have received
this information. It is also your responsibility to keep the University informed of all changes to
your contact details.

You must submit all assignments and attend all examinations scheduled for your course. You
should seek assistance early if you suffer illness or misadventure which affects your course

General Information on Special Consideration for undergraduate and postgraduate

1. All applications for special consideration must be lodged online through myUNSW
within 3 working days of the assessment (Log into myUNSW and go to My
Student Profile tab > My Student Services > Online Services > Special
Consideration). You will then need to submit the originals or certified copies of your
completed Professional Authority form (pdf - download here) and other supporting
documentation to Student Central. For more information, please study carefully in
advance the instructions and conditions at:
2. Please note that documentation may be checked for authenticity and the submission
of false documentation will be treated as academic misconduct. The School may ask
to see the original or certified copy.
3. Applications will not be accepted by teaching staff. The lecturer-in-charge will be
automatically notified when you lodge an online application for special consideration.
4. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge (or by the
Faculty Panel in the case of final exam special considerations), not by tutors.
5. Applying for special consideration does not automatically mean that you will be
granted a supplementary exam or other concession.
6. Special consideration requests do not allow lecturers-in-charge to award students
additional marks.

Business School Protocol on requests for Special Consideration for Final Exams: 15

CRICOS Code 00098G

The lecturer-in-charge will need to be satisfied on each of the following before supporting a
request for special consideration:

1. Does the medical certificate contain all relevant information? For a medical
certificate to be accepted, the degree of illness, and impact on the student, must be
stated by the medical practitioner (severe, moderate, mild). A certificate without this
will not be valid.
2. Has the student performed satisfactorily in the other assessment items? Satisfactory
performance would require at least 50% and meeting the obligation to have attended
80% of tutorials.
3. Does the student have a history of previous applications for special consideration?
A history of previous applications may preclude a student from being granted special

Special Consideration and the Final Exam in undergraduate and postgraduate


Applications for special consideration in relation to the final exam are considered by a Business
School Faculty panel to which lecturers-in-charge provide their recommendations for each
request. If the Faculty panel grants a special consideration request, this will entitle the student
to sit a supplementary examination. No other form of consideration will be granted. The
following procedures will apply:
1. Supplementary exams will be scheduled centrally and will be held approximately two
weeks after the formal examination period. The dates for Business School
supplementary exams for Semester 1, 2017 are:

Tuesday 11 July 2017 Exams for the School of Accounting, Marketing

Wednesday 12 July 2017 Exams for the School of Banking and Finance,
Management, Risk and Actuarial Studies
Thursday 13 July 2017 Exams for the School of Economics, Taxation and
Business Law, Information Systems

If a student lodges a special consideration for the final exam, they are stating they will
be available on the above dates. Supplementary exams will not be held at any other

2. Where a student is granted a supplementary examination as a result of a request for

special consideration, the students original exam (if completed) will be ignored and
only the mark achieved in the supplementary examination will count towards the final
grade. Absence from a supplementary exam without prior notification does not entitle
the student to have the original exam paper marked, and may result in a zero mark for
the final exam.

The Supplementary Exam Protocol for Business School students is available at:

Special Consideration and assessments other than the Final Exam in undergraduate
and postgraduate courses:

In MARK1012, for tasks worth 20% or less, special consideration will not be granted. Tasks
over 20% should in most circumstances go through the online system. 16

CRICOS Code 00098G

The University and the Business School provide a wide range of support services for
students, including:

Business School Education Development Unit (EDU) The EDU
offers academic writing, study skills and maths support specifically for Business
students. Services include workshops, online resources, and individual
consultations. EDU Office: Level 1, Room 1033, Quadrangle Building. Phone: 9385
7577 or 9385 4508; Email: [email protected].
Business Student Centre
Provides advice and direction on all aspects of admission, enrolment and graduation.
Office: Level 1, Room 1028 in the Quadrangle Building; Phone: 9385 3189.
Moodle eLearning Support
For online help using Moodle, go to: For
technical support, email: [email protected]; Phone: 9385 1333.
UNSW Learning Centre Provides academic
skills support services, including workshops and resources, for all
UNSW students. See website for details.
Library services and facilities for students IT Service Centre:
Provides technical support to troubleshoot problems with logging into websites,
downloading documents, etc. Office: UNSW Library Annexe (Ground floor). Phone:
9385 1333.
UNSW Counselling and Psychological Services
Provides support and services if you need help with your personal life, getting your
academic life back on track or just want to know how to stay safe, including free,
confidential counselling. Office: Level 2, East Wing, Quadrangle Building; Phone:
9385 5418; Email: [email protected]
Disability Support Services
Provides assistance to students who are trying to manage the demands of university
as well as a health condition, learning disability or have personal circumstances that
are having an impact on their studies. Office: Ground Floor, John Goodsell Building;
Phone: 9385 4734; Email: [email protected] 17

CRICOS Code 00098G

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