Command Menu

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// [EEV]ZepheR's command menu. v1.8 Useful settings in a simple menu. 15:04
"*" "Zeph's Command Menu v1.8" "say ZCM v1.8 -"
"1" "Game Settings"
"1" "Weapon Hands"
"1" "Use Right Models" "cl_righthand 1"
"2" "Use Left Models" "cl_righthand 0"
"2" "Auto Help"
"1" "On" "setinfo _ah 1"
"2" "Off" "setinfo _ah 0"
"3" "Buy Menu Type"
"1" "VGUI" "setinfo _vgui_menus 1"
"2" "Classic Text" "setinfo _vgui_menus 0"
"4" "Auto Weapon Switch"
"1" "On" "setinfo _cl_autowepswitch 1"
"2" "Off" "setinfo _cl_autowepswitch 0"
"5" "Weather Effects"
"1" "On" "cl_weather 1"
"2" "Off" "cl_weather 0"
"6" "Center playername ID"
"1" "On" "hud_centerid 1"
"2" "Off" "hud_centerid 0"
"7" "Radar Type"
"1" "Old" "cl_radartype 0"
"2" "New" "cl_radartype 1"
"2" "CZ Bot Control"
"1" "Allow Snipers"
"1" "Yes" "bot_allow_snipers 1"
"2" "No" "bot_allow_snipers 0"
"2" "Allow Shields"
"1" "Yes" "bot_allow_shield 1"
"2" "No" "bot_allow_shield 0"
"3" "Allow Grenades"
"1" "Yes" "bot_allow_grenades 1"
"2" "No" "bot_allow_grenades 0"
"4" "Pistols Only"
"1" "Yes" "bot_pistols_only 1"
"2" "No" "bot_allow_shotguns 1;bot_allow_sub_machine_guns
1;bot_allow_rifles 1;bot_allow_grenades 1"
"5" "Bot Difficulty"
"1" "Easy" "bot_difficulty 0"
"2" "Normal" "bot_difficulty 1"
"3" "Hard" "bot_difficulty 2"
"4" "Expert" "bot_difficulty 3"
"6" "Add CT Bot" "bot_add_ct"
"7" "Add T Bot" "bot_add_t"
"8" "Kick Bot..." "messagemode bot_kick"
"9" "Kill Bot..." "messagemode bot_kill"
"3" "Useful Stuff"
"1" "Net Graph"
"1" "Net Graph 1" "net_graph 1"
"2" "Net Graph 2" "net_graph 2"
"3" "Net Graph 3" "net_graph 3"
"6" "Net Graph Position left" "net_graphpos 3"
"7" "Net Graph Position right" "net_graphpos 1"
"8" "Net Graph Position middle" "net_graphpos 2"
"9" "Net Graph Off" "net_graph 0"
"2" "Volume Settings"
"1" "Max Volume" "Volume 2"
"2" "Higher Volume" "volume 1.60"
"2" "Normal Volume" "volume 1.12"
"3" "Med Volume" "volume 0.9"
"4" "Low Volume" "volume 0.35"
"5" "Muted" "volume 0"
"3" "Show FPS"
"1" "On" "cl_showfps 1"
"2" "Off" "cl_showfps 0"

"4" "Change name" "messagemode name"

"5" "Status" "toggleconsole; status"
"6" "Remove Siege style echo" "room_type 0"
"7" "Reconnect to server" "retry"
"4" "Demo Control"
"1" "Demo slot one"
"1" "Record demo1" "record zcm_demo1"
"2" "Stop recording" "stop"
"3" "Play demo1" "playdemo zcm_demo1"
"2" "Demo slot two"
"1" "Record demo2" "record zcm_demo2"
"2" "Stop recording" "stop"
"3" "Play demo2" "playdemo zcm_demo2"
"3" "Demo slot three"
"1" "Record demo3" "record zcm_demo3"
"2" "Stop recording" "stop"
"3" "Play demo3" "playdemo zcm_demo3"
"4" "Demo slot four"
"1" "Record demo4" "record zcm_demo4"
"2" "Stop recording" "stop"
"3" "Play demo4" "playdemo zcm_demo4"
"5" "Demo slot five"
"1" "Record demo5" "record zcm_demo5"
"2" "Stop recording" "stop"
"3" "Play demo5" "playdemo zcm_demo"
"6" "Record demo with filename..." "messagemode record"
"7" "Stop demo recording" "stop"
"5" "Crosshair Control"
"1" "Size"
"1" "Large" "cl_crosshair_size large"
"2" "Med" "cl_crosshair_size medium"
"3" "Small" "cl_crosshair_size small"
"2" "Translucenct Crosshair"
"1" "On" "cl_crosshair_translucent 1"
"2" "Off" "cl_crosshair_translucent 0"
"3" "Dynamic Crosshair"
"1" "On" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 1"
"2" "Off" "cl_dynamiccrosshair 0"
"4" "Cycle Colours" "adjust_crosshair"

"6" "Steambans Demo GUI"

"1" "Reconnect" "reconnect"
"2" "Start a DEMO" "messagemode record"
"3" "Verify steamid (SB Server)" "sb_status"
"4" "Stop current demo" "exec sbgui/stopdemo.cfg"
"7" "Server Stuff"
"1" "Thetime" "say /thetime"
"2" "Nextmap" "say /nextmap"
"3" "Timeleft" "say /timeleft"
"4" "Set me for 56k rates" "rate 4000;cl_rate 3750;cl_updaterate
20;cl_cmdrate 30;say My rates have been set for 56k"
"5" "Set me for ISDN rates" "rate 6500;cl_rate 6500;cl_updaterate
35;cl_cmdrate 55;say My rates have been set for isdn"
"6" "Set me for Broadband rates" "rate 12500;cl_rate
12500;cl_updaterate 55;cl_cmdrate 65;say My rates have been set for broadband"
"7" "Set me for LAN rates" "rate 25000;cl_rate
25000;cl_updaterate 101;cl_cmdrate 101;say My rates have been set for LAN"

"8" "Clanmod Admin Stuff"

"1" "Admin Chat" "messagemode cm_sayadmin"
"2" "Set Next Map" "messagemode cm_nextmap"
"3" "Change Map" "messagemode cm_map"
"4" "Map Time Limit" "messagemode cm_tl"
"5" "Server Password" "messagemode cm_password"
"0" "Close Menu" "slot10"

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