Llamas v. Ocean Gateway, Gr. No. 179293, Aug. 14, 2009

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72. Llamas v. Ocean Gateway, Gr. No. 179293, Aug.

14, 2009

Facts: Llamas was tasked to remit SSS and Philhealth Contributions for November and December.
However, Llamas failed to do the same so she was sent a memorandum charging her with gross and
habitual neglect of duty and/or misconduct or willful disobedience and insubordination, detailing
therein the bases of the charges, and requiring her to submit a written explanation why she should not
be penalized or dismissed from employment. Llamas answered but the management found her
explanation unsatisfactory so the mgt sent her a notice of termination from employment on July 31,

ISSUE: Won there was illegal dismissal? NO.

RULING: Under Article 282 (b) of the Labor Code, negligence must be both gross and habitual to justify
the dismissal of an employee. Gross negligence is characterized by want of even slight care, acting or
omitting to act in a situation where there is a duty to act, not inadvertently but willfully and intentionally
with a conscious indifference to consequences insofar as other persons may be affected

In the present case, petitioner, as respondents Accounting Manager, failed to discharge her important
duty of remitting SSS/PhilHealth contributions not once but quadruple times, resulting in respondents
incurring of penalties totaling P18,580.41, not to mention the employees/members contributions being

Her claim of being overworked and undermanned does not persuade. As noted by respondent, the
company had been in operation for less than three (3) months at the time the negligence and delays
were committed, with only a few transactions and only with one principal, Malaysian Merchant Marine
Bhd., hence, its financial and accounting books should not have been difficult to prepare. Moreover, as
claimed by respondent which was not refuted by petitioner, she failed to remit the contributions as early
as November 2001 during which time, however, on-the-job trainees were still with the company, hence,
her claim of being undermanned behind such failure does not lie.

As to the delay in the remittance of SSS/PhilHealth contributions for January 2002, which petitioner
claims to be due to the fact that the money intended for payment was not yet credited as of February
20, 2002 to respondents bank account, as well as to her absence the following day or on February 21,
2002 due to hypertension, the Court is not persuaded, given that at that time, she had already been in
delay in the performance of her duties.

On petitioners declaration that I believe that I did something good for our office when our declaration
of gross income submitted to City Hall for the renewal of our municipal license was lower than our
actual gross income for which the office had paid a lower amount, the Court finds the same as
betraying a streak of dishonesty in her. It partakes of serious misconduct.

x x x Misconduct has been defined as improper or wrong conduct. It is the transgression of some
established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in character, and
implies wrongful intent and not mere error of judgment. The misconduct to be serious must be of
such grave and aggravated character and not merely trivial and unimportant. Such misconduct,
however serious, must nevertheless be in connection with the employees work to constitute just
cause for his separation. Thus, for misconduct or improper behavior to be a just cause for dismissal,
(a) it must be serious; (b) must relate to the performance of the employees duties; and (c) must show
that the employee has become unfit to continue working for the employer. Indeed, an employer may
not be compelled to continue to employ such person whose continuance in the service would be
patently inimical to his employers interest. (Emphasis supplied)

For her act of understating the companys profits or financial position was willful and not a mere error of
judgment, committed as it was in order to save costs, which to her warped mind, was supposed to
benefit respondent. It was not merely a violation of company policy, but of the law itself, and put
respondent at risk of being made legally liable. Verily, it warrants her dismissal from employment as
respondents Accounting Manager, for as correctly ruled by the appellate court, an employer cannot be
compelled to retain in its employment someone whose services is inimical to its interests.

As to whether due process was accorded petitioner, the Court rules in the affirmative. Far from being
arbitrary, the termination of her services was effected after she was afforded the opportunity to, as she
did, submit her explanation on why she should not be disciplined or dismissed, which explanation, it
bears reiteration, was, however, found unsatisfactory.

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