Tutorial On Sustainability and Ethics Class
Tutorial On Sustainability and Ethics Class
Tutorial On Sustainability and Ethics Class
Tutorial Worksheet 2
(a) How much work can be extracted from transferring heat between these two streams in a
co-current flow geometry? What is the final outlet temperature of each stream?
(b) How much work can be extracted from transferring heat between these two streams in a
counter-current flow geometry? What is the final outlet temperature of each stream?
2. Estimate how much work can be extracted from a fire extinguisher that initially contains 2 kg
of carbon dioxide (molecular weight 44.01 g mol1 ) at an initial volume of 3 L, and at its vapor
(saturation) pressure. Assume that the surroundings have a pressure of 1 bar and a temperature
of 298 K, and that the expansion is isothermal. At 298 K, the carbon dioxide has a vapor pres-
sure of pvap = 64.121 bar, with a liquid molar volume of Vl = 0.061745 L mol1 and a vapor
molar volume of Vg = 0.18269 L mol1 .
Take into account the non-ideal behavior of the carbon dioxide in the vapor phase by using the
following equation of state:
RT a
p= 2
where a is a parameter to be determined, R = 8.314 J mol1 K1 is the ideal gas constant, T is
the absolute temperature, and V is the molar volume of the gas.
3. Write the fundamental equation of thermodynamics for an open system in terms of the internal
energy U , the Helmholtz free energy A, the Gibbs free energy G, and the enthalpy H. For each
of these equations, write the three associated Maxwell relations.
where T is the absolute temperature, p is the pressure, (T, p) is the chemical potential (molar
Gibbs free energy) of pure component , and N and x are the total number of moles and
mole fraction, respectively, of species .
Derive formulas for the chemical potential , the molar entropy S, the partial molar entropy
S , the molar enthalpy H, the partial molar enthalpy H , the molar volume V , and the partial
molar volume V in terms of the properties of the pure species and their mole fractions.