Graphene-Filled Hollow Optical Fiber Saturable Absorber For Efficient Soliton Fiber Laser Mode-Locking
Graphene-Filled Hollow Optical Fiber Saturable Absorber For Efficient Soliton Fiber Laser Mode-Locking
Graphene-Filled Hollow Optical Fiber Saturable Absorber For Efficient Soliton Fiber Laser Mode-Locking
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5652
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1. Introduction
Researches on low dimensional carbon nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and
graphene have been intensively carried out in recent years for applications as future photonic
and optoelectronic devices due to their unique mechanical, electrical and optical properties [1,
2]. The nonlinear saturable absorption element for passive mode-locking of the lasers [36] is
one of the successful photonic application examples of carbon nanomaterials that possess
huge optical nonlinearity with fast recovery time. Saturable absorbers (SAs) based on single-
walled CNTs (SWCNTs) have been demonstrated both in fiber and bulk mode-locked lasers
at various spectral ranges [35, 7, 8]. However, proper treatment of morphology of CNT
nanostructures to control its agglomeration is required to provide efficient saturable
absorption function [8]. Diameter and chirality control of CNT is also necessary for energy
bandgap design depending on the operational wavelength of the lasers considered. The SA
based on graphene can potentially avoid such drawbacks of CNT-SA due to its unique energy
bandgap feature, i.e. point-bandgap with a linear dispersion of Dirac electrons, which enable
ultra-broadband operation of graphene-SA without chirality control or bandgap engineering.
The first mode-locking of fiber laser using multilayer graphene film has been reported in
2009 [6] where few layer graphene transferred to the fiber connector ferrule was used as a SA.
This approach is, however, liable to cause mechanical damage or deformation of graphene
layer by direct connection between fiber ferrules and thermal damage during high power
operation. The limited nonlinear interaction of few layered graphene film is not also desirable
for fiber lasers generally requiring the SA with large nonlinear modulation depth. To
overcome these issues, lateral interaction scheme based on evanescent wave interaction on
side-polished fiber has been proposed [9] though it exhibits polarization dependent loss due to
its structural asymmetry. Moreover, the laser output spectrum includes some ripples, which is
mainly due to the subcavity formation during the device fabrication and irregular scattering
through the surface of the side-polished fiber.
In this work, we propose a hollow optical fiber (HOF) filled with graphene/polymer
composite as a novel saturable absorber. The graphene composite including polyvinyl acetate
(PVAc) was employed to suppress the deformation and/or distortion of graphene
morphologies [10]. Guided mode in the HOF interacts with the graphene/PVAc composite
based on evanescent wave interaction over whole length (59 mm) of HOF. Our lateral
interaction scheme increases damage threshold of the SA resulting in high power operation of
mode-locked fiber laser. The measured maximum average output power is 80 mW at a
repetition rate of 15.36 MHz. The well-shaped laser output spectrum without signature of
ripple or continuous wave (CW) peak at central position is obtained with 3-dB spectral
bandwidth of 5.9 nm. We also observe passive harmonic mode-locking phenomenon by
adjusting polarization states of the laser cavity where the maximum repetition rate is
measured as 506.9 MHz, corresponding to 33rd harmonics of fundamental mode.
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5653
2. Preparation of the graphene SA
The graphene is prepared as a form of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) by the solution-based
modified Hummer method [11]. The chemically oxidized graphene oxide in aqueous
suspension is ultrasonicated to form highly-dispersed graphene oxide and washed in deionized
water multiple times. Dispersed graphene oxide is re-dispersed in DMF and PVAc is
subsequently added to obtain PVAc-buffered graphene suspension. It turned out that polymer
buffers could suppress the deformation of graphene sheets inside the dispersion [10]. Before
injecting as-prepared graphene/PVAc solution, transmission characteristics of graphene/PVAc
composite on glass plate is measured as shown in Fig. 1. The UV-VIS-NIR transmission
spectrum verifies broadband absorption property of graphene over visible to IR spectral
region unlike CNTs exhibiting localized absorption band. The inset of Fig. 1 is a transmission
electron spectroscope (TEM) image, which indicates few layers morphology of graphene is
well sustained in the dispersion.
As-prepared graphene/PVAc solution is then injected into the air hole of HOF. The HOF
is composed of a central air hole, GeO2-SiO 2 ring core, and SiO2 cladding as described in Fig.
2(a), which has been originally designed for applications of optical filters or spatial mode
converters [12]. When the ring-shaped core of HOF is filled with the materials with gas or
liquid form, the ring-core mode of HOF can efficiently interact with the material selected
[13]. In our case the graphene/PVAc solution is injected into the air-hole of HOF using a
pump. The HOF used in the experiment has a ring core with 9.3-m outer diameter and 3.3-
m inner-diameter. The image in Fig. 2(b) clearly indicates that the HOF is filled with
graphene/PVAc solution. The sample is then fully dried at 100C on hot plate for several
hours to evaporate solvents (water and DMF) from the dispersion as shown in Fig. 2(c). This
can reduce unwanted scattering losses or connection loss during splicing with normal SMF.
Finally the dried graphene-injected HOF is connected with SMF using a fusion splicer under
optimized condition. Thus the core-mode in the conventional SMF is adiabatically coupled to
the ring-core mode in the HOF without significant loss. The ring-core mode interacts with the
graphene filled over whole length of HOF as described in Fig. 2(d) and it is then coupled back
to the SMF again, which acts as efficient in-line saturable absorber. In our experiment, total
length of HOF used was 59 mm and the insertion loss of the sample was measured to be 1.3
dB including connection losses with normal SMFs. Our graphene SA using a HOF exhibits
negligible polarization dependent loss due to its centrosymmetric structure unlike the case of
side-polished fiber. The measured nonlinear saturation loss is estimated more than 2% based
on modified experimental setup of Ref. 14 including optical fibers.
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5654
Fig. 2. (a) Microscopic image of cross-section of HOF. (b) Microscopic image of lateral cross-
section of graphene/PVAc solution injected HOF and (c) fully dried graphene/PVAc injected
HOF. (d) Schematic of nonlinear interaction of graphene in HOF.
Fig. 3. Experimental setup of mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser using graphene-injected HOF.
Inset figure shows the splicing point image between normal SMF and HOF.
Figure 4 represents the experimental results of the mode-locked fiber laser developed in
the present work. Stable self-starting mode-locking is observed from the pump power of 120
mW where the measured laser output power and corresponding pulse energy are 4.0 mW and
0.26 nJ, respectively. The laser output spectrum and pulse duration is shown in Fig. 4(a). The
central wavelength of laser output is measured to be 1555 nm with a 3-dB spectral bandwidth
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5655
of 5.9 nm. The laser output spectrum is well-defined without ripple or CW peak at central
position. The pulse duration was measured by intensity autocorrelator with 2.2-m of SMF pig-
tail from the laser output. The full-width half maximum of the pulse is measured to be 510 fs
as shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a). Assuming generated output as soliton pulses, time-
bandwidth product (TBP) is estimated to be 0.373. The difference from the value (0.315) of
transform-limited pulse is mainly caused by SMF extension at laser output. Figure 4(b) and its
inset represent radio-frequency (RF) spectrum and pulse train of the mode-locked fiber laser,
respectively. The fundamental repetition rate was measured to be 15.36 MHz, which
corresponds to the laser cavity length about 13.5 m. The main peak of fundamental repetition
rate shows the extinction of 70 dB from noise level at resolution bandwidth of 10 Hz,
indicating stable single-pulse mode-locking.
Fig. 4. (a) Optical spectrum of output pulse of mode-locked fiber laser and measured pulse
duration (inset). (b) RF spectrum of mode-locked laser and pulse train (inset).
As increasing pump power up to 400 mW, we observed laser output power is increased to
80 mW at output coupling ratio of 98% while maintaining single pulse generation as shown in
Fig. 5(a). The pulse energy is estimated to be 5.2 nJ in this case. It is interesting to note that
single-pulse operation is switched to harmonic pulse generation at this pump power level by
adjusting the polarization state of fiber at intra-cavity as shown in Fig. 5(b). Such
phenomenon, called passive harmonic mode-locking, is originated from soliton energy
quantization, which produce multiple fundamental soliton pulses evenly spaced in one round-
trip by time-dependent gain relaxation process [1520]. The maximum repetition rate
obtained was 506.9 MHz at 33rd harmonic order. To our knowledge, this is the highest value
ever reported for the graphene SA mode-locked fiber laser. The super-mode suppression ratio
was measured about 25 dB, which could be further improved by optimizing SA properties
[21]. The background noise level is suppressed by 65 dB from RF peak of 506.9 MHz at the
resolution bandwidth of 1 Hz as described in the inset of Fig. 5(b). The realization of such
laser with repetition rate more than GHz can be possible by optimizing the laser cavity
dispersion at higher pump powers, which can be potentially useful for the applications in
optical communication system and optical frequency metrology.
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5656
Fig. 5. (a) 1-GHz-span RF spectrum of mode-locked fiber laser with fundamental repetition
rate of 15.36 MHz. (b) RF spectrum of 33rd harmonic pulse at a repetition rate of 506.9 MHz
and its extended view (inset).
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we propose novel in-line graphene SA that is well suited for high-power
operation of the fiber laser through robust and efficient nonlinear interaction with evanescent
field in the HOF. The fabricated SA is successfully applied into fiber laser system to
demonstrate stable and self-starting passive mode-locking with high output powers up to 80
mW. The fiber laser exhibit well-defined spectral shape with 3-dB spectral bandwidth of 5.9
nm and pulse duration of 510 fs at a repetition rate of 15.36 MHz. We also observe passive
harmonic mode-locking of fiber laser with a repetition rate of 506.9 MHz which corresponds
to 33rd harmonics of fundamental one of 15.36 MHz.
This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the NRF funded by the
MEST (2009-0069835, 2010-0011015). S. Y. Choi and F. Rotermund have been supported by
NRF of Korea (2011-0017494) and Kihong Kim has been supported by NRF of Korea (2011-
0020405) funded by MEST.
#160671 - $15.00 USD Received 3 Jan 2012; revised 8 Feb 2012; accepted 10 Feb 2012; published 22 Feb 2012
(C) 2012 OSA 27 February 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5657