Fiat Kobelco Wheel Loader w50-w60-w70 Service Manual

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Wheel Loader


Publication no. 604.06.995.02 issue 07/02

FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Using the Technical Handbook .................................................................................................................. 1
Servicing and repair .................................................................................................................................... 1

FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 2

Warnings and symbols ................................................................................................................................ 2

Danger in the event of non-obser-vance of the safety instructions ........................................................ 2

Organizational measures ............................................................................................................................ 3

Selection and qualification of personnel.................................................................................................... 4


Standard operation .................................................................................................................................... 4

MAINTENANCE, SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 5


Electric energy ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Gas, dust, steam and smoke ...................................................................................................................... 6
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment .......................................................................................................... 7
Noise .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Oil, grease and other chemical substances ................................................................................................ 7

TRANSPORTING AND TOWING - RECOMMISSIONING ............................................................................ 7

REPAIR WORK - SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 8

ACCUMULATORS ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Safety instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 9

ENGINE ........................................................................................................................................................ 10

Engine - repair instructions ...................................................................................................................... 10

Assisted starting (jump-starting) - Safety instructions .......................................................................... 10

Welding operations - safety instructions .................................................................................................. 11

FOREWORD 2796842

This Technical Handbook (THB) has been writ- Servicing and repair
ten with the servicing mechanic in mind and
contains important information required to carry Servicing and repair work should be carried out
out repair and servicing procedures. as soon as possible. This keeps overall servicing
& repair costs to a minimum and increases the
Read through the Technical Handbook, but also availabilily of the FIAT-HITACHI Wheel Loader.
the Operating Instructions for the FIAT-
HITACHI Wheel Loader before commencing any During servicing and repair work, always follow
servicing or repair work. The Technical Hand- the instructions contained in the Technical Hand-
book, as well as the Operating Instructions and book and Operating instructions.
Spare Parts List should be used as a source of
reference and assistance - even when the user is The FIAT-HITACHI After Sales Service is al-
well acquainted with the range of FIAT-HITACHI ways available for assistance and advice.
Wheel Loaders.

Using the Technical Handbook allows the exper-

ienced mechanic to carry out repair work in a
correct manner.

Using the Technical Handbook

The Technical Handbook is divided into main and
sub-groups that deal with the machine as actually
delivered. Any auxiliary attachments or optional
upgrading introduced later are not described.

The main table of contents allows to find the

required information quickly.

For the sake of clarity, the illustrations have been

simplified and can therefore differ slightly from the
actual appearance of the machine.

604.06.995.01 01 1


Warnings and symbols Danger in the event of non-obser-

The following signs are used in the manual to
vance of the safety instructions
designate instructions of particular importance:
This wheel loader has been built in
accordance with state-of-the-art
Precautionary rules and measures
standards and the recognized safe-
designed to protect the machine
ty rules.
operator and other persons from
life-threatening danger or injuries However, operating the machine if
and to prevent extensive damage. a fault is suspected or has oc-
curred, or carrying out repair work
inexpertly may
Information and precautionary mea- - endanger the lives of persons in
sures designed to prevent damage contact with it
to the machine or other property.
- damage the machine and other
The wheel loader must be stopped
immediately on any damage being
suspected or occurring to ensure
that the safety of the operator, of
other persons at the place of use
or of other material property is not
All components are carefully co-or-
dinated. Trouble-free operation and
a long service life can only be
achieved with original spare parts.

2 01 604.06.995.01

Organizational measures 2800456

The operating instructions must always be at Observe all safety instructions and warnings at-
hand at the place of use of the machine, e.g. by tached to the machine.
stowing them in the tool compartment or tool-box
provided for such purpose. See to it that safety instructions and warnings
attached to the machine are always complete and
In addition to the operating instructions, observe perfectly legible.
and instruct the user in all other generally ap-
plicable legal and other mandatory regulations In the event of safety-relevant modifications or
relevant to accident prevention and environmental changes in the behaviour of the machine during
protection. operation, stop the machine immediately and re-
port the malfunction to the competent author-
These compulsory regulations may also deal with ity/person.
the handling of hazardous substances, issuing
and/or wearing of personal protective equipment Never make any modifications, additions or con-
or traffic regulations. versions which might affect safety without the
suppliers approval. This also applies to the in-
The operating instructions must be supplemented stallation and adjustment of safety devices and
by instructions covering the duties involved in valves as well as to welding work on load-bearing
supervising and notifying special organizational elements.
features, such as job organization, working se-
quences or the personnel entrusted with the Spare parts must comply with the technical re-
work. quirements specified by the manufacturer. Spare
parts from original equipment manufacturers can
Personnel entrusted with work on the machine be relied to do so.
must have read the operating instructions and in
particular the chapter on safety before beginning Replace hydraulic hoses within stipulated and ap-
work. Reading the instructions after work has be- propriate intervals, even if no safety-relevant de-
gun is too late. This applies especially to persons fects have been detected.
working only occasionally on the machine, e.g.
during setting up or maintenance. Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified
in the operating instructions for routine checks
Check - at least from time to time - whether the and inspections.
personnel is carrying out the work in compliance
with the operating instructions and paying atten- For the execution of maintenance work, tools and
tion to risks and safety factors. workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand
are absolutely indispensable.
For reasons of security, long hair must be tied
back or otherwise secured, garments must be The personnel must be familiar with the location
close-fitting and no jewellery, such as rings, may and operation of fire extinguishers.
be worn. Injury may result from being caught up
Observe all fire-warning and fire-fighting proce-
in the machinery or from rings catching on mov-
ing parts.

Use protective equipment wherever required by

the circumstances or by law.

604.06.995.01 01 3

Selection and qualification of per- OPERATING, SAFETY

Any work on and with the machine must be ex- Standard operation
ecuted by reliable personnel only. Statutory mini-
mum age limits must be observed. Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudi-
cial to safety.
Employ only trained or instructed staff and set out
clearly the individual responsibilities of the per- Before beginning work, familiarize yourself with
sonnel for operation, set-up, maintenance and re- the surroundings and circumstances of the site,
pair. such as obstacles in the working and travelling
area, the soil bearing capacity and any barriers
Make sure that only authorized personnel works separating the construction site from public roads.
on or with the machine.
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that
Define the machine operators responsibilities - the machine is used only when in a safe and
also with regard to observing traffic regulations - reliable state.
giving the operator the authority to refuse instruc-
tions by third parties that are contrary to safety. Operate the machine only if all protective and
safety-oriented devices, such as removable safety
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed devices, emergency shut-off equipment, sound-
or persons taking part in a general training proofing elements and exhausters, are in place
course to work on or with the machine without and fully functional.
being permanently supervised by an experienced
person. Check the machine at least once per working
shift for obvious damage and defects. Report any
Work on the electrical system and equipment of changes (incl. changes in the machines working
the machine must be carried out only by a skilled behaviour) to the competent organization/person
electrician or by instructed persons under the su- immediately. If necessary, stop the machine im-
pervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and mediately and lock it.
in accordance with electrical engineering rules
and regulations. In the event of malfunctions, stop the machine
immediately and lock it. Have any defects recti-
Work on chassis, brake and steering systems fied immediately.
must be performed by skilled personnel only,
which has been specially trained for such work. Start the machine from the drivers seat only.

Work on the hydraulic system must be carried out During start-up and shut-down procedures always
only by personnel with special knowledge and watch the indicators in accordance with the op-
experience of hydraulic equipment. erating instructions.

Before setting the machine in motion, make sure

that nobody is at risk.

Before starting work or travelling with the ma-

chine, check that the braking, steering, signalling
and lighting systems are fully functional.

Before setting the machine in motion always

check that the accessories have been safely
stowed away.

When travelling on public roads, ways and places

always observe the valid traffic regulations and, if
necessary, make sure beforehand that the ma-
chine is in a condition compatible with these reg-

In conditions of poor visibility and after dark al-

ways switch on the lighting system.

4 01 604.06.995.01

Persons accompanying the driver must be seated MAINTENANCE, SAFETY

on the passenger seats provided for this purpose. INSTRUCTIONS
When crossing underpasses, bridges and tunnels Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspec-
or when passing under overhead lines always tion activities and intervals set out in the operat-
make sure that there is is sufficient clearance. ing instructions, including information on the re-
placement of parts and equipment. These activi-
Always keep at a distance from the edges of
ties may be executed by skilled personnel only.
building pits and slopes.
Brief operating personnel before beginning spe-
Avoid any operation that might be a risk to ma-
cial operations and maintenance work, and ap-
chine stability.
point a person to supervise the activities.
Never travel across slopes; always keep the
In any work concerning the operation, conversion
working equipment and the load close to the
or adjustment of the machine and its safety-ori-
ground, especially when travelling downhill.
ented devices or any work related to mainten-
On sloping terrain always adapt your travelling ance, inspection and repair, always observe the
speed to the prevailing ground conditions. Never start-up and shut-down procedures set out in the
change to a lower gear on a slope but always operating instructions and the information on
before reaching it. maintenance work.

Before leaving the drivers seat always secure the Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately
machine against inadvertent movement and un- secured.
authorized use.
If the machine is completely shut down for main-
tenance and repair work, it must be secured
against inadvertent starting by:
- removing the ignition key and
- attaching a warning sign.

Carry out maintenance and repair work only if the

machine is positioned on stable and level ground
and has been secured against inadvertent move-
ment and buckling.

To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts

and large assemblies being moved for replace-
ment purposes should be carefully attached to
lifting tackle and secured. Use only suitable and
technically perfect lifting gear and suspension
systems with adequate lifting capacity. Never
work or stand under suspended loads.

The fastening of loads and the instructing of

crane operators should be entrusted to experi-
enced persons only. The marshaller giving the
instructions must be within sight or sound of the

For carrying out overhead assembly work always

use specially designed or otherwise safety-ori-
ented ladders and working platforms. Never use
machine parts as a climbing aid.

604.06.995.01 01 5

Wear a safety harness when carrying out main- WARNING OF SPECIAL

tenance work at greater heights. DANGERS
Keep all handles, steps, handrails, platforms,
Electric energy
landings and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice.
Use only original fuses with the specified current
Clean the machine, especially connections and
rating. Switch off the machine immediately if
threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or
trouble occurs in the electrical system.
preservatives before carrying out maintenance/re-
pair. Never use aggressive detergents. Use lint- When working with the machine, maintain a safe
free cleaning rags. distance from overhead electric lines. If work is to
be carried out close to overhead lines, the work-
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet
ing equipment must be kept well away from them.
(high-pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover or
Caution, danger! Check out the prescribed safety
tape up all openings which - for safety and func-
tional reasons - must be protected against water,
steam or detergent penetration. Special care must If your machine comes into contact with a live
be taken with electric motors and switchgear wire
- do not leave the machine
Ensure during cleaning of the machine that the
- drive the machine out of the hazard zone
temperature sensors of the fire-warning and fire-
fighting systems do not come into contact with - warn others against approaching and touching
hot cleaning agents as this might activate the the machine
fire-fighting system.
- have the live wire de-energized
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes ap- - do not leave the machine until the damaged
plied for that purpose. line has been safely de-energized.

After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, and The electrical equipment of machines is to be
hydraulic fluid lines for leaks, loose connections, inspected and checked at regular intervals. De-
chafe marks and damage. Any defects found fects such as loose connections or scorched
must be rectified without delay. cables must be rectified immediately.

Always tighten any screwed connections that

have been loosened during maintenance and re-
Gas, dust, steam and smoke
Any safety devices removed for set-up, main-
tenance or repair purposes must be refitted and Operate internal combustion engines and fuel-
checked immediately upon completion of the operated heating systems only on adequately
maintenance and repair work. ventilated premises. Before starting the machine
on enclosed premises, make sure that there is
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts sufficient ventilation.
are disposed of safely and with minimum envi-
ronmental impact. Observe the regulations in force at the respective

Carry out welding, flame-cutting and grinding

work on the machine only if this has been ex-
pressly authorized, as there may be a risk of
explosion and fire.

Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and

grinding operations, clean the machine and its
surroundings from dust and other inflammable
substances and make sure that the premises are
adequately ventilated. RISK OF EXPLOSION.

6 01 604.06.995.01

Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment TRANSPORTING AND TOWING -

Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections
regularly for leaks and obvious damage. Repair The machine must be towed, loaded and trans-
damage immediately. Splashed oil may cause in- ported only in accordance with the operating
jury and fire. instructions.
Depressurize all system sections and pressure For towing the machine observe the prescribed
pipes (hydraulic system, compressed-air system) transport position, admissible speed and itinerary.
to be removed in accordance with the specific
instructions for the unit concerned before carrying Use only appropriate means of transport and lift-
out any repair work. ing gear of adequate capacity.

Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid The recommissioning procedure must be strictly
and fitted properly. Ensure that no connections in accordance with the operating instructions.
are interchanged. The fittings, lengths and quality
of the hoses must comply with the technical re-

During operation, all sound baffles of the machine
must be closed.

Always wear the prescribed ear protectors.

Oil, grease and other chemical

When handling oil, grease and other chemical
substances, observe the product-related safety

Be careful when handling hot consumables (risk

of burning or scalding).

604.06.995.01 01 7


Operating instructions Prestressed units

Never carry out repair work without Never open defective prestressed
having read and understood the units but replace them as an en-
operating instructions. tirety.
Pay special attention to: In exceptional cases, open only
when the system and the operating
"Fundamental Safety Instructions",
sequence are precisely known and
"Inspection and servicing - safety
any special tools required are
instructions" and all warnings and
safety instructions attached to the
machine. The operating manual contains no
information on this point.
The descriptions of job sequences
provide only experienced person-
nel with the necessary instructions. Dismantling components
The operating manual must be kept
Never dismantle while the machine
with the machine at all times.
is at operating temperature.
Oils, greases, brake fluid or cool-
ants may have a high temperature
Repair personnel and result in burning or scalding.

Repair personnel must have know- Leave time for the machine to cool
how and experience relevant to re- down.
pairing this or comparable ma- Before starting work, depressurize
chines. piping and hoses, cylinders, radia-
In the absence of such know-how, tor, hydraulic tank, air-brake reser-
meticulous training must be given voir and other systems or units.
by experienced repair personnel. Replace defective components in
good time to prevent major da-
Clean the defective component
Working at greater heights carefully before dismantling it.
Always wear safety harnesses Mark the dismantled parts in the
when working at greater heights. correct sequence to facilitate as-
Wear an approved safety harness; sembly.
it must be equipped with stabilizers When dismantling the component,
and safety cables. close off exposed hose and piping
connections, exposed drill holes
and housing carefully to prevent
any dust from penetrating.
Blocking the articulated joint
When carrying out repair work in
the pivoting range, block the articu- Never remove lead seals
lated joint. Remove the block on
completing work. Never change the rated pressure of
pressure relief.
Never remove lead seals from pres-
sure relief valves and accumula-

8 01 604.06.995.01

Safety instructions 2800629

Accumulators are installed in the

After the repair work hydraulic system. These accumula-
To prevent corrosion, coat all tors contain nitrogen under high
bright metal machine parts with a initial pressure.
grease film. Even when the hydraulic pressure
On completing the work, reassem- in the system is reduced, the nitro-
ble all protective devices, covers, gen remains in the accumulator.
and sound- and vibration-insulation The accumulators are completely
material. safe in operation. If incorrectly han-
Never start up the driving motor dled, however, there is a risk of
while work is being done on the explosion.
machine. So:
Check the repaired components - Never handle accumulator me-
and all machine functions with a chanically, never weld or solder
trial run. it.
Never release the machine for re- - Testing and servicing work
commissioning until it is fully func- must be carried out by experts
tioning. only.
- Prior to any testing and servic-
ing work, depressurize the hy-
draulic part of the system.
- To dismantle the accumulator,
always wear goggles and work-
ing gloves.
- Fill accumulator with nitrogen
only, never with compressed air
or oxygen.
- Report any defects or damage
to the machine owner without
- Prior to recommissioning, an in-
spection by a specialist or ex-
pert is essential if the accumu-
lator was damaged or if the ad-
missible operating temperature
or operating pressure was ex-
Never remove or paint over warn-
ing and information plates, rating
plates or type identification mark-
ings. Replace illegible or damaged
plates immediately.

604.06.995.01 01 9

ENGINE 2800609
Assisted starting (jump-starting) -
Engine - repair instructions Safety instructions 2905170

Read and observe: "Repair, safety Risk of explosion

instructions" and operating instruc-
tions for engine before working on Battery gases contain hydrogen
the engine. and are readily flammable. Keep
any potential ignition sources,
Risk of injury from rotating or hot
such as unshielded lights or burn-
engine parts!
ing cigarettes, away from the bat-
Switch off engine and leave to cool teries.
Risk of injury from splashing acid
Do repair work only if machine is and battery gases.
secured as described in section Never lean over the batteries when
"Securing the machine" of these jump-starting a vehicle.
operating instructions. Wear goggles.
Check and change V-belts only Never use assisted starting when
when engine is stationary. the batteries are defective or fro-
Repair work on the engine de- zen.
mands extensive know-how and Never connect batteries (battery as-
special tools. semblies) unless they have the
In cases of doubt, have the repair same voltage.
work carried out by your Dealer. Use only tested jumper cables with
insulated terminal clips and an
adequate lead diameter.
Ensure that the bodies of the sup-
plying and receiving machines are
not in contact. Otherwise a current
flow might result from connecting
the positive poles. Risk of short-
Never use jumper cables with over-
voltage, e.g. two or three batteries
or booster units connected in se-
ries and generating voltages in ex-
cess of 12V.
Never use welding generators or
welding transformers as a source
of current.
Position jumper cables in such a
way that they cannot be caught by
rotating engine components.
Read and observe: "Inspection and
servicing - Safety instructions",
paying special attention to the sec-
tion "Handling batteries".

10 01 604.06.995.01


Welding operations - safety instructions

Never perform welding operations Prior to any welding operations on

unless you are qualified to do so. the machine:
Observe the accident prevention - Disconnect the battery, first the
regulations. negative terminal and then at
the positive terminal.
Any work on receptacles that con-
tain or have contained substances - Disconnect the positive terminal
which are at the alternator.
- combustible or which en- - Protect the disconnected termi-
courage combustion, which nals and plugs from short-cir-
cuiting and soiling by covering
- are susceptible to explosion, or them with foil or adhesive tape.
Apply the welding current terminals
- may develop health-hazardous
very close to the welding point.
gases, vapours, mist or dust
during welding operations The welding current must not flow
through gearboxes, bolted or ar-
must be carried out only under ex-
ticulated joints or hydraulic cylin-
pert supervision and only by exper-
ienced persons authorized to do
such work. On completion of the welding op-
eration, restore all electrical con-
Should you have any problems or
queries, apply to the F-H aftersales
service department. When connecting the battery, first
connect the positive terminal and
then the negative terminal.

604.06.995.01 01 11

Notes 2800145

12 01 604.06.995.01

Service Data General

Service Data W50
Service Data W60
Service Data W70

604.06.995.01 02 1


2 800 990.00 de/en

VORWORT ................................................................................................................................................ 1

FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................. 1

SI - UND WEITERE GROSSEN ................................................................................................................ 3


Raum - und Massegroen ...................................................................................................................... 3
Quantities of space and mass ................................................................................................................ 3
Zeitgroen .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Time-related quantities ............................................................................................................................ 4
Kraft-, Energie- und Leistungsgroen .................................................................................................... 5
Quantities of force, energy and power .................................................................................................... 5

UMRECHNUNGSTABELLEN .................................................................................................................... 6

Umrechnung von Langen-Maen............................................................................................................ 6
Conversion for units of length .................................................................................................................. 6
Umrechnung von Flachenmaen ............................................................................................................ 7
Conversion for units of area .................................................................................................................... 7
Umrechnung von foot (Fuss) und inch (Zoll) in Meter ............................................................................ 8
Conversion from foot (Fuss) and inch (Zoll) to metric measures ............................................................ 8
Umrechnung von Newtonmeter "Nm" in Foot Pounds "" .................................................................. 9
Conversion from newtonmeter "Nm" into foot pounds "" .................................................................. 9
Umrechnungstabelle fur Druckeinheiten von Gasen, Dampfen und Flussigkeiten................................ 17
Conversion table for units of pressure in gases, steam and fluids ........................................................ 17
Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten von Energie, Arbeit und Warmemenge .......................................... 18
Conversion table for units of power, ernergy and heat quantity ............................................................ 18
Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten der mechanischen Spannung (Festigkeit) ...................................... 19
Conversion table for units of mechanical stress (strength) .................................................................... 19
Praktisch gleichwertige Einheiten fur Druck und mechanische Spannung (Festigkeit) ........................ 20
Practically equivalent units for pressure and mechanical stress (strength) .......................................... 20
Temperatur - Einheiten und Umrechungsformeln ................................................................................ 21
Units of temperature and conversion formulas ...................................................................................... 21
Leistung, Energiestrom, Warmestrom .................................................................................................. 22
Power, energy and heat flow ................................................................................................................ 22
Geschwindigkeiten ................................................................................................................................ 23
Speed .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Masseeinheiten (Gewichte) .................................................................................................................. 24
Units of mass (weight) .......................................................................................................................... 24
Volumeneinheiten, Durchflumenge .................................................................................................... 25
Units of volume, flow rates .................................................................................................................... 25
Kraftstoffverbrauch ................................................................................................................................ 26
Fuel consumption .................................................................................................................................. 26

BERECHNUNGSBEISPIELE .................................................................................................................. 27

Steigungswinkel .................................................................................................................................... 27
Angles of slope ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Fahrgeschwindigkeiten.......................................................................................................................... 27
Travel speeds ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Hydraulische Leistungen (Pumpen/Motoren) ........................................................................................ 28
Hydraulic outputs (pumps/motors) ........................................................................................................ 28
Zylinder-Hubzeiten ................................................................................................................................ 28
Stroking times of cylinders .................................................................................................................... 28
Drehzahlen von Hydraulikmotoren ........................................................................................................ 28
Speeds of hydraulic motors .................................................................................................................. 28

Allgemeine Hinweise ............................................................................................................................ 29

General information .............................................................................................................................. 30
Schrauben mit Regelgewinde nach DIN 13 - 13 .................................................................................. 31
Bolts with standard thread DIN 13 - 13.................................................................................................. 31
Schrauben mit metrischem Feingewinde DIN 13 - 13 .......................................................................... 32
Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13 .............................................................................................. 32
Anziehdrehmomente fur SAE Flanschsystem ...................................................................................... 33
Tightening torques for SAE flange-system ............................................................................................ 33
Anzugswinkel ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Tightening angles .................................................................................................................................. 33

Jede Person, die mit der Inbetriebnah- Anyone involved with commissioning,
me, Bedienung, Inspektion und War- operating, inspecting and servicing for
tung dieser Baumaschine befat ist, this construction machine must read
mu - bevor sie die ersten Handgriffe through and acquaint himself with the
ausfuhrt - die "BETRIEBSANLEITUNG" "OPERATING MANUAL" - and especial-
und besonders das Kapitel "GRUND- ly the Section "FUNDAMENTAL SAFE-
gelesen und verstanden haben. work.

Die "Service Daten" enthalten Angaben, die fur Kun-

dendienstmitarbeiter wichtig sind. Maschinendaten, The "Service Data" contains details which are impor-
die an anderer Stelle der Dokumentation aufgefuhrt tant to the service staff. Data included in other parts
sind, werden hier nicht wiederholt. Zur Dokumenta- of the general documentation have been left aside.
tion dieser Baumaschine gehoren: The set of documents for this construction machine
Operating manual
Spare parts list
Zur Dokumentation im weiteren Sinne gehoren auch
"Technische Handbucher" (THB) und "Service Infor- "Technical Handbooks" (THB) and "Service Informa-
mationen" (si). tion" bulletins (si) are, furthermore, to be considered
as supplements to the general documentation.
In dieser Broschure sind die Daten der Hilfsaggregate
zum Betrieb von Zusatz- oder Sonderausrustungen Data regarding auxiliary units for operating ancillary
sowie Daten von Einzelgeraten nicht aufgefuhrt. or special systems, as well as data on machines
produced only in small numbers, have not been inclu-
Die aufgefuhrten Fullmengen der Betriebsmittel sind ded.
ca.-Angaben, die Dispositionshilfe sein sollen. Jedes
Aggregat besitzt geeignete Kontrolleinrichtungen, z. Filling quantities are only approximate figures inten-
B. Peilstab oder Kontrollschrauben, mit denen die ded to help in stockholding the various fluids and
exakte Befullung gepruft wird. agents. Each unit has appropriate checking systems,
e.g. dipstick or checking screws, with which the exact
Die in den Kapiteln aufgefuhrten Sach- filling level can be checked.
Nrn. nicht zum Bestellen von Ersatztei-
len verwenden. Sie sollen nur doku- The Part Nos. given in the sections are
mentieren, auf welches Bauteil sich die not to be used when ordering spare
nachstehenden Daten beziehen. Zur parts. They are only intended to identi-
Ersatzteilbestellung die zur Maschine fy the component being referred to.
gehorende Ersatzteilliste verwenden. When ordering spare parts, use only
the Part Nos. given in the spare parts

2 800 990.00 de/en 1


2 2 800 990.00 de/en



Raum - und Massegroen
Quantities of space and mass
Groe Formel Einheit Umrechnung Erlauterungen
zeichen Unit Conversion und

Quantity Symbol alt old neu new Fur genaue fur uber- Explanations
Rechnungen schlagige and
Rechnungen Remarks

SI-Einheit Auswahl (2 % Unge-

SI-Units weitere naugikeit)
Selection of for exact for rough
additional calculation calculation
units appr. 2 %

Lange I m, mm, cm m m, mm, km

Length dm, m, km

Flache A mm2, cm2, dm2, m2 mm2, cm2

Area m2

Volumen V, Vn mm3, cm3, dm3, m3 mm3, cm3, dm3,

Volume m3, l l

Masse m g, mg, g, kg, kg g, mg, g

Mass Mg=t, (kp s2/m) Mg, t

Dichte g/cm3, kg/dm3, kg/m3 g/cm3, kg/dm3

Density kg/m3,
(kp s2/m4)

Massentragheitsmoment J kp m2, kg m2 Mg m2 1 kp m s2 = 1 kp m s2 =
Inertia moment (kp m s2) 9,81 kg m2 10 kg m2

Spezifisches Volumen v m3/kg, m3/t m3/kg m3/Mg

Specific volume

2 800 990.00 de/en 3


Time-related quantities
Groe Formel Einheit Umrechnung Erlauterungen
zeichen Unit Conversion und

Quantity Symbol alt old neu new Fur genaue fur uber- Explanations
Rechnungen schlagige and
Rechnungen Remarks

SI-Einheit Auswahl (2 % Unge-

SI-Units weitere naugikeit)
Selection of for exact for rough
additional calculation calculation
units appr. 2 %

Zeitdauer t s, min, h, s ms, min, h, d

Time d = day

Frequenz f Hz Hz 1 Hz 1/s

Drehzahl n U/min 1/s 1/min s = min/60

Rate of revolutions

Geschwindigkeit v m/s, km/h m/s km/h


Beschleunigung a m/s2 m/s2


Volumenstrom V m3/s, m3/min, m3/s m3/min,

Volume flow m3/h l/h

Massenstrom m kg/s, kg/min, kg/s

Mass flow kg/h

Warmestrom (kcal/h) W kW, MW 1 kcal/h = 1 kcal/h = 1 W = 1 J/s =

Heat flow 1,163 W 1,2 W 1 Nm/s

Spez. Kraftstoff- b, bs kg/PSh kg/J g/(kW h) 1 g/(PS h) = 1 g/(PS h) =

oder spez. Olver- g/PSh 1,359 g/(kW h) 1,36 g/(kW h)
Specific fuel and
oil consumption

4 2 800 990.00 de/en


Kraft-, Energie- und Leistungsgroen

Quantities of force, energy and power
Groe Formel Einheit Umrechnung Erlauterungen
zeichen Unit Conversion und

Quantity Symbol alt old neu new Fur genaue fur uber- Explanations
Rechnungen schlagige and
Rechnungen Remarks

SI-Einheit Auswahl (2 % Unge-

SI-Units weitere naugikeit)
Selection of for exact for rough
additional calculation calculation
units appr. 2 %

Kraft F (dyn, p) N (Newton) MN, kN, 1 kp = 1 kg x 1 kp = 10 N 1 N = 1 kg x

Force (njuten) mN 9,81m/s2 = 1 m/s2 =
9,81 N 1 kg m/s2

Druck (von Fluiden) P, Pi, (kp/cm2,at,atm,) N/m2, bar, mbar 1 kp/cm2 = 1 kp/cm2=1 bar 1 N/m2=1 Pa
Pressure (of fluids) 0,981 bar
Pe, (mWS, Torr,) Pa (Pascal) 1 atm = 1 mWS = 1Pa = 10-5 bar
1,013 bar 0,1 bar
Pu, Pu (mmHg) 1 mWS = 1 bar =
0,098 bar 105 N/m2

Mechanische Spannung (kp/cm2, N/m2, pa N/mm2 1 kp/mm2 = 1 kp/mm2 = 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa

Mechanical stress kp/mm2) 9,81 N/mm2 10 N/mm2
1 kp/cm2 = 1 kp/cm2 =
9,81 N/mm2 10 N/cm2

Energie, Arbeit W (kpm) J (Joule) MJ, kJ, 1 kpm = 9,81 J 1 kpm = 10 J 3,6 MJ =
Energy (dschul) kW h 1 kWh
1 J = 1 NM = 1

Warmemenge Q (cal, erg) J (Joule) MJ, kJ, 1 kcal = 3,6 MJ =

Heat capacity (dschul) kW h 4,19 kJ 1 kW h
1 J = 1 Nm = 1

Leistung P (PS), W W kW, MW 1 PS = 1 PS = 1 W =1 J/s =

Power 0,735499 kW 0,74 kW 1 Nm/s
1 kW = 1 kW = 1,36 PS
1,359622 PS

Dreh-Biegemoment M (kp m) Nm N cm 1 kp m = 1 kp m =
Torque, bending moment 9,81 N m 10 N m

2 800 990.00 de/en 5

Umrechnung von Langen-Maen
Conversion for units of length
Lange in ft yd mile UK cm m
Length n mile

1 inch (Zoll) 1 0,0833 0,0278 2,54 0,0254

1 foot (Fu) 12 1 0,3333 0,00019 0,00016 30,48 0,3048

1 yard 36 3 1 0,00057 0,00049 91,44 0,9144

1 statute mile (Landmeile) 63 360 5 280 1 760 1 0,86842 1609,3

1 UK nautical mile (engl. Seemei- 72 960 6 080 2 026,7 1,15151 1 1 853,2


1 cm 0,3937 0,0328 0,0109 1 0,01

1m 39,370 3,2808 1,0936 0,00062 0,00054 100 1

6 2 800 990.00 de/en


Umrechnung von Flachenmaen

Conversion for units of area
Flache in2 ft2 yd2 sqmile acre cm2 m2

1 square inch (Quadratzoll) 1 0,0069 6,4516

1 square foot (Quadratfu) 144 1 0,111 929,03 0,0929

1 square yard (Quadratyard) 1 296 9 1 0,00021 8361,3 0,8361

1 square mile (Quadratmeile) 1 640

1 acre 43 560 4 840 0,00156 1 4 046,9

1 cm2 0,1550 1 0,0001

1 m2 1 550,0 10,764 1,1960 10 000 1

2 800 990.00 de/en 7


Umrechnung von foot (Fuss) und inch (Zoll) in Meter

Conversion from foot (Fuss) and inch (Zoll) to metric measures
1 in (inch) = 25,4 mm (genau) 1 ft (foot) = 12 in = 304,8 mm Beispiel: 4 ft 2 in = 1,27 m
1 in (inch) = 25,4 mm (exact) Example: 4 ft 2 in = 1,27 m

ft in

+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11

m m m m m m m m m m m m

0 0,0254 0,0508 0,0762 0,1016 0,1270 0,1524 0,1778 0, 2032 0,2286 0,2540 0,2794

1 0,3048 0,3302 0,3556 0,3810 0,4064 0,4318 0,4572 0,4826 0,5080 0,5334 0,5588 0,5842

2 0,6096 0,6350 0,6604 0,6858 0,7112 0,7366 0,7620 0,7874 0,8128 0,8382 0,8636 0,8890

3 0,9144 0,9398 0,9652 0,9906 1,0160 1,0414 1,0668 1,0922 1,1176 1,1430 1,1684 1,1938

4 1,2192 1,2446 1,2700 1,2954 1,3208 1,3462 1,3716 1,3970 1,4224 1,4478 1,4732 1,4986

5 1,5240 1,5494 1,5748 1,6002 1,6256 1,6510 1,6764 1,7018 1,7272 1,7526 1,7780 1,8034

6 1,8288 1,8542 1,8796 1,9050 1,9304 1,9558 1,9812 2,0066 2,0320 2,0574 2,0828 2,1082

7 2,1336 2,1590 2,1844 2,2098 2,2352 2,2606 2,2860 2,3114 2,3368 2,3622 2,3876 2,4130

8 2,4384 2,4638 2,4892 2,5146 2,5400 2,5654 2,5908 2,6162 2,6416 2,6670 2,6924 2,7178

9 2,7432 2,7686 2,7940 2,8194 2,8448 2,8702 2,8956 2,9210 2,9464 2,9718 2,9972 3,0226

10 3,0480 3,0734 3,0988 3,1242 3,1496 3,1750 3,2004 3,2258 3,2512 3,2766 3,3020 3,3274

11 3,3528 3,3782 3,4036 3,4290 3,4544 3,4798 3,5052 3,5306 3,5560 3,5814 3,6068 3,6322

12 3,6576 3,6830 3,70 3,7338 3,7592 3,7846 3,8100 3,8354 3,8608 3,8862 3,9116 3,9370

8 2 800 990.00 de/en


Umrechnung von Newtonmeter "Nm" in Foot Pounds ""

Conversion from newtonmeter "Nm" into foot pounds ""
Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 7.376 8.113 8.851 9.588 10.326 11.063 11.801 12.539 13.276 14.014
20 14.751 15.489 16.226 16.964 17.701 18.439 19.177 19.914 20.652 21.389
30 22.127 22.864 23.602 24.339 25.077 25.815 26.552 27.290 28.027 28.765
40 29.502 30.240 30.978 31.715 32.453 33.190 33.928 34.665 35.403 36.140
50 36.878 37.616 38.353 39.091 39.828 40.566 41.303 42.041 42.778 43.516
60 44.254 44.991 45.729 46.466 47.204 47.941 48.679 49.417 50.154 50.892
70 51.629 52.367 53.104 53.842 54.579 55.317 56.055 56.792 57.530 58.267
80 59.005 59.742 60.480 61.217 61.955 62.693 63.430 64.168 64.905 65.643
90 66.380 67.118 67.856 68.593 69.331 70.068 70.806 71.543 72.281 73.018
100 73.756 74.494 75.231 75.969 76.706 77.444 78.181 78.919 79.656 80.394
110 81.132 81.869 82.607 83.344 84.082 84.819 85.557 86.295 87.032 87.770
120 88.507 89.245 89.982 90.720 91.457 92.195 92.933 93.670 94.408 95.145
130 95.883 96.620 97.358 98.095 98.833 99.571 100.308 101.046 101.783 102.521
140 103.258 103.996 104.734 105.471 106.209 106.946 107.684 108.421 109.159 109.896
150 110.634 111.372 112.109 112.847 113.584 114.322 115.059 115.797 116.534 117.272
160 118.010 118.747 119.485 120.222 120.960 121.697 122.435 123.173 123.910 124.648
170 125.385 126.123 126.860 127.598 128.335 129.073 129.811 130.548 131.286 132.023
180 132.761 133.498 134.236 134.973 135.711 136.449 137.186 137.924 138.661 139.399
190 140.136 140.874 141.612 142.349 143.087 143.824 144.562 145.299 146.037 146.774
200 147.512 148.250 148.987 149.725 150.462 151.200 151.937 152.675 153.412 154.150
210 154.888 155.625 156.363 157.100 157.838 158.575 159.313 160.051 160.788 161.526
220 162.263 163.001 163.738 164.476 165.213 165.951 166.689 167.426 168.164 168.901
230 169.639 170.376 171.114 171.851 172.589 173.327 174.064 174.802 175.539 176.277
240 177.014 177.752 178.490 179.227 179.965 180.702 181.440 182.177 182.915 183.652
250 184.390 185.128 185.865 186.603 187.340 188.078 188.815 189.553 190.290 191.028
260 191.766 192.503 193.241 193.978 194.716 195.453 196.191 196.929 197.666 198.404
270 199.141 199.879 200.616 201.354 202.091 202.829 203.567 204.304 205.042 205.779
280 206.517 207.254 207.992 208.729 209.467 210.205 210.942 211.680 212.417 213.155
290 213.892 214.630 215.368 216.105 216.843 217.580 218.318 219.055 219.793 220.530
300 221.268 222.006 222.743 223.481 224.218 224.956 225.693 226.431 227.168 227.906
310 228.644 229.381 230.119 230.856 231.594 232.331 233.069 233.807 234.544 235.282
320 236.019 236.757 237.494 238.232 238.969 239.707 240.445 241.182 241.920 242.657
330 243.395 244.132 244.870 245.607 246.345 247.083 247.820 248.558 249.295 250.033
340 250.770 251.508 252.245 252.983 253.721 254.458 255.196 255.933 256.671 257.408
350 258.146 258.884 259.621 260.359 261.096 261.834 262.571 263.309 264.046 264.784
360 265.521 266.259 266.997 267.734 268.472 269.209 269.947 270.684 271.422 272.159
370 272.897 273.635 274.372 275.110 275.847 276.585 277.323 278.060 278.798 279.535
380 280.273 281.010 281.748 282.485 283.223 283.960 284.698 285.436 286.173 286.911
390 287.648 288.386 289.123 289.861 290.598 291.336 292.074 292.811 293.549 294.286
400 295.024 295.761 296.499 297.237 297.974 298.712 299.449 300.187 300.924 301.662
410 302.399 303.137 303.875 304.612 305.350 306.087 306.825 307.562 308.300 309.038
420 309.775 310.513 311.250 311.988 312.725 313.463 314.200 314.938 315.676 316.413
430 317.151 317.888 318.626 319.363 320.101 320.838 321.576 322.313 323.051 323.789
440 324.526 325.264 326.001 326.739 327.477 328.214 328.952 329.689 330.427 331.164
450 331.902 332.639 333.377 334.115 334.852 335.590 336.327 337.065 337.802 338.540
460 339.278 340.015 340.753 341.490 342.228 342.965 343.703 344.440 345.178 345.916
470 346.653 347.391 348.128 348.866 349.603 350.341 351.078 351.816 352.553 353.291
480 354.029 354.766 355.504 356.241 356.979 357.717 358.454 359.192 359.929 360.667
490 361.404 362.142 362.879 363.617 364.354 365.092 365.830 366.567 367.305 368.042
500 368.780 369.517 370.255 370.992 371.730 372.468 373.205 373.943 374.680 375.418
510 376.156 376.893 377.631 378.368 379.106 379.843 380.581 381.318 382.056 382.793
520 383.531 384.269 385.006 385.744 386.481 387.219 387.957 388.694 389.432 390.169
530 390.907 391.644 392.382 393.119 393.857 394.594 395.332 396.070 396.807 397.545
540 398.282 399.020 399.757 400.495 401.232 401.970 402.708 403.445 404.183 404.920
550 405.658 406.396 407.133 407.871 408.608 409.346 410.083 410.821 411.558 412.296
560 413.033 413.771 414.509 415.246 415.984 416.721 417.459 418.196 418.934 419.671
570 420.409 421.147 421.884 422.622 423.359 424.097 424.834 425.572 426.310 427.047
580 427.785 428.522 429.260 429.997 430.735 431.472 432.210 432.948 433.685 434.423
590 435.160 435.898 436.635 437.373 438.111 438.848 439.586 440.323 441.061 441.798
600 442.536 443.273 444.011 444.749 445.486 446.224 446.961 447.699 448.436 449.174
610 449.911 450.649 451.386 452.124 452.862 453.599 454.337 455.074 455.812 456.550
620 457.287 458.025 458.762 459.500 460.237 460.975 461.712 462.450 463.187 463.925
630 464.663 465.400 466.138 466.875 467.613 468.350 469.088 469.826 470.563 471.301
640 472.038 472.776 473.513 474.251 474.989 475.726 476.464 477.201 477.939 478.676
650 479.414 480.151 480.889 481.626 482.364 483.102 483.839 484.577 485.314 486.052
660 486.790 487.527 488.265 489.002 489.740 490.477 491.215 491.952 492.690 493.427
670 494.165 494.903 495.640 496.378 497.115 497.853 498.590 499.328 500.065 500.803
680 501.541 502.278 503.016 503.753 504.491 505.229 505.966 506.704 507.441 508.179
690 508.916 509.654 510.391 511.129 511.866 512.604 513.342 514.079 514.817 515.554
700 516.292 517.030 517.767 518.505 519.242 519.980 520.717 521.455 522.192 522.930

2 800 990.00 de/en 9

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

710 523.667 524.405 525.143 525.880 526.618 527.355 528.093 528.830 529.568 530.305
720 531.043 531.781 532.518 533.256 533.993 534.731 535.469 536.206 536.944 537.681
730 538.419 539.156 539.894 540.631 541.369 542.106 542.844 543.582 544.319 545.057
740 545.794 546.532 547.269 548.007 548.744 549.482 550.220 550.957 551.695 552.432
750 553.170 553.907 554.645 555.383 556.120 556.858 557.595 558.333 559.070 559.808
760 560.545 561.283 562.021 562.758 563.496 564.233 564.971 565.708 566.446 567.184
770 567.921 568.659 569.396 570.134 570.871 571.609 572.346 573.084 573.822 574.559
780 575.297 576.034 576.772 577.509 578.247 578.984 579.722 580.459 581.197 581.935
790 582.672 583.410 584.147 584.885 585.623 586.360 587.098 587.835 588.573 589.310
800 590.048 590.785 591.523 592.260 592.998 593.736 594.473 595.211 595.948 596.686
810 597.423 598.161 598.899 599.636 600.374 601.111 601.849 602.586 603.324 604.062
820 604.799 605.537 606.274 607.012 607.749 608.487 609.224 609.962 610.699 611.437
830 612.175 612.912 613.650 614.387 615.125 615.863 616.600 617.338 618.075 618.813
840 619.550 620.288 621.025 621.763 622.500 623.238 623.976 624.713 625.451 626.188
850 626.926 627.663 628.401 629.138 629.876 630.614 631.351 632.089 632.826 633.564
860 634.302 635.039 635.777 636.514 637.252 637.989 638.727 639.464 640.202 640.939
870 641.677 642.415 643.152 643.890 644.627 645.365 646.102 646.840 647.578 648.315
880 649.053 649.790 650.528 651.265 652.003 652.740 653.478 654.216 654.953 655.691
890 656.428 657.166 657.903 658.641 659.378 660.116 660.854 661.591 662.329 663.066
900 663.804 664.542 665.279 666.017 666.754 667.492 668.229 668.967 669.704 670.442
910 671.179 671.917 672.655 673.392 674.130 674.867 675.605 676.342 677.080 677.817
920 678.555 679.293 680.030 680.768 681.505 682.243 682.980 683.718 684.456 685.193
930 685.931 686.668 687.406 688.143 688.881 689.618 690.356 691.094 691.831 692.569
940 693.306 694.044 694.781 695.519 696.257 696.994 697.732 698.469 699.207 699.944
950 700.682 701.419 702.157 702.895 703.632 704.370 705.107 705.845 706.582 707.320
960 708.057 708.795 709.532 710.270 711.008 711.745 712.483 713.220 713.958 714.696
970 715.433 716.171 716.908 717.646 718.383 719.121 719.858 720.596 721.333 722.071
980 722.809 723.546 724.284 725.021 725.759 726.496 727.234 727.972 728.709 729.447
990 730.184 730.922 731.659 732.397 733.135 733.872 734.610 735.347 736.085 736.822
1000 737.560 738.297 739.035 739.772 740.510 741.248 741.985 742.723 743.460 744.198
1010 744.936 745.673 746.411 747.148 747.886 748.623 749.361 750.098 750.836 751.573
1020 752.311 753.049 753.786 754.524 755.261 755.999 756.736 757.474 758.211 758.949
1030 759.687 760.424 761.162 761.899 762.637 763.375 764.112 764.850 765.587 766.325
1040 767.062 767.800 768.537 769.275 770.012 770.750 771.488 772.225 772.963 773.700
1050 774.438 775.175 775.913 776.651 777.388 778.126 778.863 779.601 780.338 781.076
1060 781.813 782.551 783.289 784.026 784.764 785.501 786.239 786.976 787.714 788.451
1070 789.189 789.927 790.664 791.402 792.139 792.877 793.615 794.352 795.090 795.827
1080 796.565 797.302 798.040 798.777 799.515 800.252 800.990 801.728 802.465 803.203
1090 803.940 804.678 805.415 806.153 806.890 807.628 808.366 809.103 809.841 810.578
1100 811.316 812.053 812.791 813.529 814.266 815.004 815.741 816.479 817.216 817.954
1110 818.691 819.429 820.167 820.904 821.642 822.379 823.117 823.854 824.592 825.330
1120 826.067 826.805 827.542 828.280 829.017 829.755 830.492 831.230 831.968 832.705
1130 833.443 834.180 834.918 835.655 836.393 837.130 837.868 838.605 839.343 840.081
1140 840.818 841.556 842.293 843.031 843.769 844.506 845.244 845.981 846.719 847.456
1150 848.194 848.931 849.669 850.406 851.144 851.882 852.619 853.357 854.094 854.832
1160 855.569 856.307 857.045 857.782 858.520 859.257 859.995 860.732 861.470 862.208
1170 862.945 863.683 864.420 865.158 865.895 866.633 867.370 868.108 868.845 869.583
1180 870.321 871.058 871.796 872.533 873.271 874.009 874.746 875.484 876.221 876.959
1190 877.696 878.434 879.171 879.909 880.646 881.384 882.122 882.859 883.597 884.334
1200 885.072 885.809 886.547 887.284 888.022 888.760 889.497 890.235 890.972 891.710
1210 892.448 893.185 893.923 894.660 895.398 896.135 896.873 897.610 898.348 899.085
1220 899.823 900.561 901.298 902.036 902.773 903.511 904.248 904.986 905.724 906.461
1230 907.199 907.936 908.674 909.411 910.149 910.886 911.624 912.362 913.099 913.837
1240 914.574 915.312 916.049 916.787 917.524 918.262 919.000 919.737 920.475 921.212
1250 921.950 922.687 923.425 924.163 924.900 925.638 926.375 927.113 927.850 928.588
1260 929.325 930.063 930.801 931.538 932.276 933.013 933.751 934.488 935.226 935.963
1270 936.701 937.439 938.176 938.914 939.651 940.389 941.126 941.864 942.602 943.339
1280 944.077 944.814 945.552 946.289 947.027 947.764 948.502 949.240 949.977 950.715
1290 951.452 952.190 952.927 953.665 954.403 955.140 955.878 956.615 957.353 958.090
1300 958.828 959.565 960.303 961.041 961.778 962.516 963.253 963.991 964.728 965.466
1310 966.203 966.941 967.678 968.416 969.154 969.891 970.629 971.366 972.104 972.842
1320 973.579 974.317 975.054 975.792 976.529 977.267 978.004 978.742 979.479 980.217
1330 980.955 981.692 982.430 983.167 983.905 984.642 985.380 986.118 986.855 987.593
1340 988.330 989.068 989.805 990.543 991.281 992.018 992.756 993.493 994.231 994.968
1350 995.706 996.443 997.181 997.918 998.656 999.394 1000.131 1000.869 1001.606 1002.344
1360 1003.082 1003.819 1004.557 1005.294 1006.032 1006.769 1007.507 1008.244 1008.982 1009.719
1370 1010.457 1011.195 1011.932 1012.670 1013.407 1014.145 1014.882 1015.620 1016.357 1017.095
1380 1017.833 1018.570 1019.308 1020.045 1020.783 1021.521 1022.258 1022.996 1023.733 1024.471
1390 1025.208 1025.946 1026.683 1027.421 1028.158 1028.896 1029.634 1030.371 1031.109 1031.846
1400 1032.584 1033.321 1034.059 1034.797 1035.534 1036.272 1037.009 1037.747 1038.484 1039.222

10 2 800 990.00 de/en

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1410 1039.959 1040.697 1041.435 1042.172 1042.910 1043.647 1044.385 1045.122 1045.860 1046.597
1420 1047.335 1048.073 1048.810 1049.548 1050.285 1051.023 1051.760 1052.498 1053.236 1053.973
1430 1054.711 1055.448 1056.186 1056.923 1057.661 1058.398 1059.136 1059.874 1060.611 1061.349
1440 1062.086 1062.824 1063.561 1064.299 1065.036 1065.774 1066.512 1067.249 1067.987 1068.724
1450 1069.462 1070.199 1070.937 1071.675 1072.412 1073.150 1073.887 1074.625 1075.362 1076.100
1460 1076.837 1077.575 1078.312 1079.050 1079.788 1080.525 1081.263 1082.000 1082.738 1083.476
1470 1084.213 1084.951 1085.688 1086.426 1087.163 1087.901 1088.638 1089.376 1090.114 1090.851
1480 1091.589 1092.326 1093.064 1093.801 1094.539 1095.276 1096.014 1096.751 1097.489 1098.227
1490 1098.964 1099.702 1100.439 1101.177 1101.915 1102.652 1103.390 1104.127 1104.865 1105.602
1500 1106.340 1107.077 1107.815 1108.552 1109.290 1110.028 1110.765 1111.503 1112.240 1112.978
1510 1113.715 1114.453 1115.191 1115.928 1116.666 1117.403 1118.141 1118.878 1119.616 1120.354
1520 1121.091 1121.829 1122.566 1123.304 1124.041 1124.779 1125.516 1126.254 1126.991 1127.729
1530 1128.467 1129.204 1129.942 1130.679 1131.417 1132.155 1132.892 1133.630 1134.367 1135.105
1540 1135.842 1136.580 1137.317 1138.055 1138.792 1139.530 1140.268 1141.005 1141.743 1142.480
1550 1143.218 1143.955 1144.693 1145.430 1146.168 1146.906 1147.643 1148.381 1149.118 1149.856
1560 1150.594 1151.331 1152.069 1152.806 1153.544 1154.281 1155.019 1155.756 1156.494 1157.231
1570 1157.969 1158.707 1159.444 1160.182 1160.919 1161.657 1162.394 1163.132 1163.870 1164.607
1580 1165.345 1166.082 1166.820 1167.557 1168.295 1169.032 1169.770 1170.508 1171.245 1171.983
1590 1172.720 1173.458 1174.195 1174.933 1175.670 1176.408 1177.146 1177.883 1178.621 1179.358
1600 1180.096 1180.833 1181.571 1182.309 1183.046 1183.784 1184.521 1185.259 1185.996 1186.734
1610 1187.471 1188.209 1188.947 1189.684 1190.422 1191.159 1191.897 1192.634 1193.372 1194.109
1620 1194.847 1195.585 1196.322 1197.060 1197.797 1198.535 1199.272 1200.010 1200.748 1201.485
1630 1202.223 1202.960 1203.698 1204.435 1205.173 1205.910 1206.648 1207.385 1208.123 1208.861
1640 1209.598 1210.336 1211.073 1211.811 1212.549 1213.286 1214.024 1214.761 1215.499 1216.236
1650 1216.974 1217.711 1218.449 1219.187 1219.924 1220.662 1221.399 1222.137 1222.874 1223.612
1660 1224.349 1225.087 1225.824 1226.562 1227.300 1228.037 1228.775 1229.512 1230.250 1230.988
1670 1231.725 1232.463 1233.200 1233.938 1234.675 1235.413 1236.150 1236.888 1237.625 1238.363
1680 1239.101 1239.838 1240.576 1241.313 1242.051 1242.788 1243.526 1244.264 1245.001 1245.739
1690 1246.476 1247.214 1247.951 1248.689 1249.427 1250.164 1250.902 1251.639 1252.377 1253.114
1700 1253.852 1254.589 1255.327 1256.064 1256.802 1257.540 1258.277 1259.015 1259.752 1260.490
1710 1261.228 1261.965 1262.703 1263.440 1264.178 1264.915 1265.653 1266.390 1267.128 1267.865
1720 1268.603 1269.341 1270.078 1270.816 1271.553 1272.291 1273.028 1273.766 1274.503 1275.241
1730 1275.979 1276.716 1277.454 1278.191 1278.929 1279.667 1280.404 1281.142 1281.879 1282.617
1740 1283.354 1284.092 1284.829 1285.567 1286.304 1287.042 1287.780 1288.517 1289.255 1289.992
1750 1290.730 1291.467 1292.205 1292.943 1293.680 1294.418 1295.155 1295.893 1296.630 1297.368
1760 1298.105 1298.843 1299.581 1300.318 1301.056 1301.793 1302.531 1303.268 1304.006 1304.743
1770 1305.481 1306.219 1306.956 1307.694 1308.431 1309.169 1309.906 1310.644 1311.382 1312.199
1780 1312.857 1313.594 1314.332 1315.069 1315.807 1316.544 1317.282 1318.020 1318.757 1319.495
1790 1320.232 1320.970 1321.707 1322.445 1323.182 1323.920 1324.657 1325.395 1326.133 1326.870
1800 1327.608 1328.345 1329.083 1329.821 1330.558 1331.296 1332.033 1332.771 1333.508 1334.246
1810 1334.983 1335.721 1336.458 1337.196 1337.934 1338.671 1339.409 1340.146 1340.884 1341.622
1820 1342.359 1343.097 1343.834 1344.572 1345.309 1346.047 1346.784 1347.522 1348.260 1348.997
1830 1349.735 1350.472 1351.210 1351.947 1352.685 1353.422 1354.160 1354.897 1355.635 1356.373
1840 1357.110 1357.848 1358.585 1359.323 1360.061 1360.798 1361.536 1362.273 1363.011 1363.748
1850 1364.486 1365.223 1365.961 1366.698 1367.436 1368.174 1368.911 1369.649 1370.386 1371.124
1860 1371.861 1372.599 1373.337 1374.074 1374.812 1375.549 1376.287 1377.024 1377.762 1378.500
1870 1379.237 1379.975 1380.712 1381.450 1382.187 1382.925 1383.662 1384.400 1385.137 1385.875
1880 1386.613 1387.350 1388.088 1388.825 1389.563 1390.301 1391.038 1391.776 1392.513 1393.251
1890 1393.988 1394.726 1395.463 1396.201 1396.938 1397.676 1398.414 1399.151 1399.889 1400.626
1900 1401.364 1402.101 1402.839 1403.576 1404.314 1405.052 1405.789 1406.527 1407.264 1408.002
1910 1408.740 1409.477 1410.215 1410.952 1411.690 1412.427 1413.165 1413.902 1414.640 1415.377
1920 1416.115 1416.853 1417.590 1418.328 1419.065 1419.803 1420.540 1421.278 1422.016 1422.753
1930 1423.491 1424.228 1424.966 1425.703 1426.441 1427.178 1427.916 1428.654 1429.391 1430.129
1940 1430.866 1431.604 1432.341 1433.079 1433.816 1434.554 1435.292 1436.029 1436.767 1437.504
1950 1438.242 1438.979 1439.717 1440.455 1441.192 1441.930 1442.667 1443.405 1444.142 1444.880
1960 1445.617 1446.355 1447.093 1447.830 1448.568 1449.305 1450.043 1450.780 1451.518 1452.255
1970 1452.993 1453.730 1454.468 1455.206 1455.943 1456.681 1457.418 1458.156 1458.894 1459.631
1980 1460.369 1461.106 1461.844 1462.581 1463.319 1464.056 1464.794 1465.531 1466.269 1467.007
1990 1467.744 1468.482 1469.219 1469.957 1470.695 1471.432 1472.170 1472.907 1473.645 1474.382
2000 1475.120 1475.857 1476.595 1477.333 1478.070 1478.808 1479.545 1480.283 1481.020 1481.758
2010 1482.495 1483.233 1483.970 1484.708 1485.446 1486.183 1486.921 1487.658 1488.396 1489.134
2020 1489.871 1490.609 1491.346 1492.084 1492.821 1493.559 1494.296 1495.034 1495.771 1496.509
2030 1497.247 1497.984 1498.722 1499.459 1500.197 1500.934 1501.672 1502.409 1503.147 1503.885
2040 1504.622 1505.360 1506.097 1506.835 1507.573 1508.310 1509.048 1509.785 1510.523 1511.260
2050 1511.998 1512.735 1513.473 1514.210 1514.948 1515.686 1516.423 1517.161 1517.898 1518.636
2060 1519.374 1520.111 1520.849 1521.586 1522.324 1523.061 1523.799 1524.536 1525.274 1526.011
2070 1526.749 1527.487 1528.224 1528.962 1529.699 1530.437 1531.174 1531.912 1532.649 1533.387
2080 1534.125 1534.862 1535.600 1536.337 1537.075 1537.812 1538.550 1539.288 1540.025 1540.763
2090 1541.500 1542.238 1542.975 1543.713 1544.450 1545.188 1545.926 1546.663 1547.401 1548.138
2100 1548.876 1549.613 1550.351 1551.089 1551.826 1552.564 1553.301 1554.039 1554.776 1555.514

2 800 990.00 de/en 11

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2110 1556.251 1556.989 1557.727 1558.464 1559.202 1559.939 1560.677 1561.414 1562.152 1562.889
2120 1563.627 1564.365 1565.102 1565.840 1566.577 1567.315 1568.052 1568.790 1569.528 1570.265
2130 1571.003 1571.740 1572.478 1573.215 1573.953 1574.690 1575.428 1576.166 1576.903 1577.641
2140 1578.378 1579.116 1579.853 1580.591 1581.328 1582.066 1582.803 1583.541 1584.279 1585.016
2150 1585.754 1586.491 1587.229 1587.967 1588.704 1589.442 1590.179 1590.917 1591.654 1592.392
2160 1593.129 1593.867 1594.604 1595.342 1596.080 1596.817 1597.555 1598.292 1599.030 1599.768
2170 1600.505 1601.243 1601.980 1602.718 1603.455 1604.193 1604.930 1605.668 1606.406 1607.143
2180 1607.881 1608.618 1609.356 1610.093 1610.831 1611.568 1612.306 1613.043 1613.781 1614.519
2190 1615.256 1615.994 1616.731 1617.469 1618.207 1618.944 1619.682 1620.419 1621.157 1621.894
2200 1622.632 1623.369 1624.107 1624.844 1625.582 1626.320 1627.057 1627.795 1628.532 1629.270
2210 1630.007 1630.745 1631.482 1632.220 1632.958 1633.695 1634.433 1635.170 1635.908 1636.646
2220 1637.383 1638.121 1638.858 1639.596 1640.333 1641.071 1641.808 1642.546 1643.283 1644.021
2230 1644.759 1645.496 1646.234 1646.971 1647.709 1648.447 1649.184 1649.922 1650.659 1651.397
2240 1652.134 1652.872 1653.609 1654.347 1655.084 1655.822 1656.560 1657.297 1658.035 1658.772
2250 1659.510 1660.247 1660.985 1661.722 1662.460 1663.198 1663.935 1664.673 1665.410 1666.148
2260 1666.885 1667.623 1668.361 1669.098 1669.836 1670.573 1671.311 1672.048 1672.786 1673.523
2270 1674.261 1674.999 1675.736 1676.474 1677.211 1677.949 1678.686 1679.424 1680.162 1680.899
2280 1681.637 1682.374 1683.112 1683.849 1684.587 1685.324 1686.062 1686.800 1687.537 1688.275
2290 1689.012 1689.750 1690.487 1691.225 1691.962 1692.700 1693.437 1694.175 1694.913 1695.650
2300 1696.388 1697.125 1697.863 1698.601 1699.338 1700.076 1700.813 1701.551 1702.288 1703.026
2310 1703.763 1704.501 1705.239 1705.976 1706.714 1707.451 1708.189 1708.926 1709.664 1710.401
2320 1711.139 1711.876 1712.614 1713.352 1714.089 1714.827 1715.564 1716.302 1717.040 1717.777
2330 1718.515 1719.252 1719.990 1720.727 1721.465 1722.202 1722.940 1723.677 1724.415 1725.153
2340 1725.890 1726.628 1727.365 1728.103 1728.841 1729.578 1730.316 1731.053 1731.791 1732.528
2350 1733.266 1734.003 1734.741 1735.479 1736.216 1736.954 1737.691 1738.429 1739.166 1739.904
2360 1740.641 1741.379 1742.116 1742.854 1743.592 1744.329 1745.067 1745.804 1746.542 1747.280
2370 1748.017 1748.755 1749.492 1750.230 1750.967 1751.705 1752.442 1753.180 1753.917 1754.655
2380 1755.393 1756.130 1756.868 1757.605 1758.343 1759.080 1759.818 1760.555 1761.293 1762.031
2390 1762.768 1763.506 1764.243 1764.981 1765.719 1766.456 1767.194 1767.931 1768.669 1769.406
2400 1770.144 1770.881 1771.619 1772.356 1773.094 1773.832 1774.569 1775.307 1776.044 1776.782
2410 1777.520 1778.257 1778.995 1779.732 1780.470 1781.207 1781.945 1782.682 1783.420 1784.157
2420 1784.895 1785.633 1786.370 1787.108 1787.845 1788.583 1789.320 1790.058 1790.795 1791.533
2430 1792.271 1793.008 1793.746 1794.483 1795.221 1795.958 1796.696 1797.434 1798.171 1798.909
2440 1799.646 1800.384 1801.121 1801.859 1802.596 1803.334 1804.072 1804.809 1805.547 1806.284
2450 1807.022 1807.759 1808.497 1809.234 1809.972 1810.710 1811.447 1812.185 1812.922 1813.660
2460 1814.397 1815.135 1815.873 1816.610 1817.348 1818.085 1818.823 1819.560 1820.298 1821.035
2470 1821.773 1822.510 1823.248 1823.986 1824.723 1825.461 1826.198 1826.936 1827.674 1828.411
2480 1829.149 1829.886 1830.624 1831.361 1832.099 1832.836 1833.574 1834.312 1835.049 1835.787
2490 1836.524 1837.262 1837.999 1838.737 1839.474 1840.212 1840.949 1841.687 1842.425 1843.162
2500 1843.900 1844.637 1845.375 1846.113 1846.850 1847.588 1848.325 1849.063 1849.800 1850.538
2510 1851.275 1852.013 1852.750 1853.488 1854.226 1854.963 1855.701 1856.438 1857.176 1857.914
2520 1858.651 1859.389 1860.126 1860.864 1861.601 1862.339 1863.076 1863.814 1864.552 1865.289
2530 1866.027 1866.764 1867.502 1868.239 1868.977 1869.714 1870.452 1871.189 1871.927 1872.665
2540 1873.402 1874.140 1874.877 1875.615 1876.353 1877.090 1877.828 1878.565 1879.303 1880.040
2550 1880.778 1881.515 1882.253 1882.990 1883.728 1884.466 1885.203 1885.941 1886.678 1887.416
2560 1888.153 1888.891 1889.628 1890.366 1891.104 1891.841 1892.579 1893.316 1894.054 1894.792
2570 1895.529 1896.267 1897.004 1897.742 1898.479 1899.217 1899.954 1900.692 1901.429 1902.167
2580 1902.905 1903.642 1904.380 1905.117 1905.855 1906.593 1907.330 1908.068 1908.805 1909.543
2590 1910.280 1911.018 1911.755 1912.493 1913.230 1913.968 1914.706 1915.443 1916.181 1916.918
2600 1917.656 1918.393 1919.131 1919.868 1920.606 1921.344 1922.081 1922.819 1923.556 1924.294
2610 1925.031 1925.769 1926.507 1927.244 1927.982 1928.719 1929.457 1930.194 1930.932 1931.669
2620 1932.407 1933.145 1933.882 1934.620 1935.357 1936.095 1936.832 1937.570 1938.307 1939.045
2630 1939.783 1940.520 1941.258 1941.995 1942.733 1943.470 1944.208 1944.946 1945.683 1946.421
2640 1947.158 1947.896 1948.633 1949.371 1950.108 1950.846 1951.583 1952.321 1953.059 1953.796
2650 1954.534 1955.271 1956.009 1956.747 1957.484 1958.222 1958.959 1959.697 1960.434 1961.172
2660 1961.909 1962.647 1963.385 1964.122 1964.860 1965.597 1966.335 1967.072 1967.810 1968.547
2670 1969.285 1970.022 1970.760 1971.498 1972.235 1972.973 1973.710 1974.448 1975.186 1975.923
2680 1976.661 1977.398 1978.136 1978.873 1979.611 1980.348 1981.086 1981.823 1982.561 1983.299
2690 1984.036 1984.774 1985.511 1986.249 1986.986 1987.724 1988.462 1989.199 1989.937 1990.674
2700 1991.412 1992.149 1992.887 1993.625 1994.362 1995.100 1995.837 1996.575 1997.312 1998.050
2710 1998.787 1999.525 2000.262 2001.000 2001.738 2002.475 2003.213 2003.950 2004.688 2005.426
2720 2006.163 2006.901 2007.638 2008.376 2009.113 2009.851 2010.588 2011.326 2012.063 2012.801
2730 2013.539 2014.276 2015.014 2015.751 2016.489 2017.226 2017.964 2018.701 2019.439 2020.177
2740 2020.914 2021.652 2022.389 2023.127 2023.865 2024.602 2025.340 2026.077 2026.815 2027.552
2750 2028.290 2029.027 2029.765 2030.502 2031.240 2031.978 2032.715 2033.453 2034.190 2034.928
2760 2035.666 2036.403 2037.141 2037.878 2038.616 2039.353 2040.091 2040.828 2041.566 2042.303
2770 2043.041 2043.779 2044.516 2045.254 2045.991 2046.729 2047.466 2048.204 2048.941 2049.679
2780 2050.417 2051.154 2051.892 2052.629 2053.367 2054.104 2054.842 2055.580 2056.317 2057.055
2790 2057.792 2058.530 2059.267 2060.005 2060.742 2061.480 2062.218 2062.955 2063.693 2064.430
2800 2065.168 2065.905 2066.643 2067.380 2068.118 2068.856 2069.593 2070.331 2071.068 2071.806

12 2 800 990.00 de/en

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2810 2072.543 2073.281 2074.019 2074.756 2075.494 2076.231 2076.969 2077.706 2078.444 2079.181
2820 2079.919 2080.656 2081.394 2082.132 2082.869 2083.607 2084.344 2085.082 2085.820 2086.557
2830 2087.295 2088.032 2088.770 2089.507 2090.245 2090.982 2091.720 2092.458 2093.195 2093.933
2840 2094.670 2095.408 2096.145 2096.883 2097.620 2098.358 2099.095 2099.833 2100.571 2101.308
2850 2102.046 2102.783 2103.521 2104.259 2104.996 2105.734 2106.471 2107.209 2107.946 2108.684
2860 2109.421 2110.159 2110.896 2111.634 2112.372 2113.109 2113.847 2114.584 2115.322 2116.059
2870 2116.797 2117.535 2118.272 2119.010 2119.747 2120.485 2121.222 2121.960 2122.698 2123.435
2880 2124.173 2124.910 2125.648 2126.385 2127.123 2127.860 2128.598 2129.335 2130.073 2130.811
2890 2131.548 2132.286 2133.023 2133.761 2134.499 2135.236 2135.974 2136.711 2137.449 2138.186
2900 2138.924 2139.661 2140.399 2141.136 2141.874 2142.612 2143.349 2144.087 2144.824 2145.562
2910 2146.299 2147.037 2147.774 2148.512 2149.250 2149.987 2150.725 2151.462 2152.200 2152.937
2920 2153.675 2154.413 2155.150 2155.888 2156.625 2157.363 2158.100 2158.838 2159.575 2160.313
2930 2161.051 2161.788 2162.526 2163.263 2164.001 2164.738 2165.476 2166.214 2166.951 2167.689
2940 2168.426 2169.164 2169.901 2170.639 2171.376 2172.114 2172.852 2173.589 2174.327 2175.064
2950 2175.802 2176.539 2177.277 2178.014 2178.752 2179.490 2180.227 2180.965 2181.702 2182.440
2960 2183.177 2183.915 2184.653 2185.390 2186.128 2186.865 2187.603 2188.340 2189.078 2189.815
2970 2190.553 2191.291 2192.028 2192.766 2193.503 2194.241 2194.978 2195.716 2196.453 2197.191
2980 2197.929 2198.666 2199.404 2200.141 2200.879 2201.616 2202.354 2203.092 2203.829 2204.567
2990 2205.304 2206.042 2006.779 2207.517 2208.254 2208.992 2209.729 2210.467 2211.205 2211.942
3000 2212.680 2213.417 2214.155 2214.893 2215.630 2216.368 2217.105 2217.843 2218.580 2219.318
3010 2220.055 2220.793 2221.531 2222.268 2223.006 2223.743 2224.481 2225.218 2225.956 2226.693
3020 2227.431 2228.168 2228.906 2229.644 2230.381 2231.119 2231.856 2232.594 2233.332 2234.069
3030 2234.807 2235.544 2236.282 2237.019 2237.757 2238.494 2239.232 2239.969 2240.707 2241.445
3040 2242.182 2242.920 2243.657 2244.395 2245.132 2245.870 2246.608 2247.345 2248.083 2248.820
3050 2249.558 2250.295 2251.033 2251.771 2252.508 2253.246 2253.983 2254.721 2255.458 2256.196
3060 2256.933 2257.671 2258.408 2259.146 2259.884 2260.621 2261.359 2262.096 2262.834 2263.572
3070 2264.309 2265.047 2265.784 2266.522 2267.259 2267.997 2268.734 2269.472 2270.209 2270.947
3080 2271.685 2272.422 2273.160 2273.897 2274.635 2275.372 2276.110 2276.847 2277.585 2278.323
3090 2279.060 2279.798 2280.535 2281.273 2282.010 2282.748 2283.486 2284.223 2284.961 2285.698
3100 2286.436 2287.173 2287.911 2288.648 2289.386 2290.124 2290.861 2291.599 2292.336 2293.074
3110 2293.811 2294.549 2295.287 2296.024 2296.762 2297.499 2298.237 2298.974 2299.712 2300.449
3120 2301.187 2301.925 2302.662 2303.400 2304.137 2304.875 2305.612 2306.350 2307.087 2307.825
3130 2308.562 2309.300 2310.038 2310.775 2311.513 2312.250 2312.988 2313.726 2314.463 2315.201
3140 2315.938 2316.676 2317.413 2318.151 2318.888 2319.626 2320.364 2321.101 2321.839 2322.576
3150 2323.314 2324.051 2324.789 2325.526 2326.264 2327.002 2327.739 2328.477 2329.214 2329.952
3160 2330.689 2331.427 2332.165 2332.902 2333.640 2334.377 2335.115 2335.852 2336.590 2337.327
3170 2338.065 2338.802 2339.540 2340.278 2341.015 2341.753 2342.490 2343.228 2343.966 2344.703
3180 2345.441 2346.178 2346.916 2347.653 2348.391 2349.128 2349.866 2350.604 2351.341 2352.079
3190 2352.816 2353.554 2354.291 2355.029 2355.766 2356.504 2357.241 2357.979 2358.717 2359.454
3200 2360.192 2360.929 2361.667 2362.405 2363.142 2363.880 2364.617 2365.355 2366.092 2366.830
3210 2367.567 2368.305 2369.042 2369.780 2370.518 2371.255 2371.993 2372.730 2373.468 2374.205
3220 2374.943 2375.681 2376.418 2377.156 2377.893 2378.631 2379.368 2380.106 2380.844 2381.581
3230 2382.319 2383.056 2383.794 2384.531 2385.26 9 2386.006 2386.744 2387.481 2388.219 2388.957
3240 2389.694 2390.432 2391.169 2391.907 2392.645 2393.382 2394.120 2394.857 2395.595 2396.332
3250 2397.070 2397.807 2398.545 2399.282 2400.020 2400.758 2401.495 2402.233 2402.970 2403.708
3260 2404.445 2405.183 2405.920 2406.658 2407.396 2408.133 2408.871 2409.608 2410.346 2411.083
3270 2411.821 2412.559 2413.296 2414.034 2414.771 2415.509 2416.246 2416.984 2417.721 2418.459
3280 2419.197 2419.934 2420.672 2421.409 2422.147 2422.884 2423.622 2424.360 2425.097 2425.835
3290 2426.572 2427.310 2428.047 2428.785 2429.522 2430.260 2430.998 2431.735 2432.473 2433.210
3300 2433.948 2434.685 2435.423 2436.160 2436.898 2437.635 2438.373 2439.111 2439.848 2440.586
3310 2441.323 2442.061 2442.799 2443.536 2444.274 2445.011 2445.749 2446.486 2447.224 2447.961
3320 2448.699 2449.437 2450.174 2450.912 2451.649 2452.387 2453.124 2453.862 2454.599 2455.337
3330 2456.075 2456.812 2457.550 2458.287 2459.025 2459.762 2460.500 2461.238 2461.975 2462.713
3340 2463.450 2464.188 2464.925 2465.663 2466.400 2467.138 2467.875 2468.613 2469.351 2470.088
3350 2470.826 2471.563 2472.301 2473.039 2473.776 2474.514 2475.251 2475.989 2476.726 2477.464
3360 2478.201 2478.939 2479.677 2480.414 2481.152 2481.889 2482.627 2483.364 2484.102 2484.839
3370 2485.577 2486.314 2487.052 2487.790 2488.527 2489.265 2490.002 2490.740 2491.478 2492.215
3380 2492.953 2493.690 2494.428 2495.165 2495.903 2496.640 2497.378 2498.115 2498.853 2499.591
3390 2500.328 2501.066 2501.803 2502.541 2503.278 2504.016 2504.754 2505.491 2506.229 2506.966
3400 2507.704 2508.441 2509.179 2509.917 2510.654 2511.392 2512.129 2512.867 2513.604 2514.342
3410 2515.079 2515.817 2516.554 2517.292 2518.030 2518.767 2519.505 2520.242 2520.980 2521.718
3420 2522.455 2523.193 2523.930 2524.668 2525.405 2526.143 2526.880 2527.618 2528.355 2529.093
3430 2529.831 2530.568 2531.306 2532.043 2532.781 2533.518 2534.256 2534.993 2535.731 2536.469
3440 2537.206 2537.944 2538.681 2539.419 2540.156 2540.894 2541.632 2542.369 2543.107 2543.844
3450 2544.582 2545.319 2546.057 2546.794 2547.532 2548.270 2549.007 2549.745 2550.482 2551.220
3460 2551.957 2552.695 2553.433 2554.170 2554.908 2555.645 2556.383 2557.120 2557.858 2558.595
3470 2559.333 2560.071 2560.808 2561.546 2562.283 2563.021 2563.758 2564.496 2565.233 2565.971
3480 2566.708 2567.446 2568.184 2568.921 2569.659 2570.396 2571.134 2571.872 2572.609 2573.347
3490 2574.084 2574.822 2575.559 2576.297 2577.034 2577.772 2578.510 2579.247 2579.985 2580.722
3500 2581.460 2582.197 2582.935 2583.672 2584.410 2585.148 2585.885 2586.623 2587.360 2588.098

2 800 990.00 de/en 13

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3510 2588.835 2589.573 2590.311 2591.048 2591.786 2592.523 2593.261 2593.998 2594.736 2595.473
3520 2596.211 2596.948 2597.686 2598.424 2599.161 2599.899 2600.636 2601.374 2602.112 2602.849
3530 2603.587 2604.324 2605.062 2605.799 2606.537 2607.274 2608.012 2608.750 2609.487 2610.225
3540 2610.962 2611.700 2612.437 2613.175 2613.912 2614.650 2615.387 2616.125 2616.863 2617.600
3550 2618.338 2619.075 2619.813 2620.551 2621.288 2622.026 2622.763 2623.501 2624.238 2624.976
3560 2625.713 2626.451 2627.188 2627.926 2628.664 2629.401 2630.139 2630.876 2631.614 2632.351
3570 2633.089 2633.827 2634.564 2635.302 2636.039 2636.777 2637.514 2638.252 2638.990 2639.727
3580 2640.465 2641.202 2641.940 2642.677 2643.415 2644.152 2644.890 2645.627 2646.365 2647.103
3590 2647.840 2648.578 2649.315 2650.053 2650.791 2651.528 2652.266 2653.003 2653.741 2654.478
3600 2655.216 2655.953 2656.691 2657.428 2658.166 2658.904 2659.641 2660.379 2661.116 2661.854
3610 2662.591 2663.329 2664.066 2664.804 2665.542 2666.279 2667.017 2667.754 2668.492 2669.229
3620 2669.967 2670.705 2671.442 2672.180 2672.917 2673.655 2674.392 2675.130 2675.867 2676.605
3630 2677.343 2678.080 2678.818 2679.555 2680.293 2681.030 2681.768 2682.506 2583.243 2683.981
3640 2684.718 2685.456 2686.193 2686.931 2687.668 2688.406 2689.144 2689.881 2690.619 2691.356
3650 2692.094 2692.831 2693.569 2694.306 2695.044 2695.781 2696.519 2697.257 2697.994 2698.732
3660 2699.469 2700.207 2700.945 2701.682 2702.420 2703.157 2703.895 2704.632 2705.370 2706.107
3670 2706.845 2707.583 2708.320 2709.058 2709.795 2710.533 2711.270 2712.008 2712.745 2713.483
3680 2714.221 2714.958 2715.696 2716.433 2717.171 2717.908 2718.646 2719.384 2720.121 2720.859
3690 2721.596 2722.334 2723.071 2723.809 2724.546 2725.284 2726.021 2726.759 2727.497 2728.234
3700 2728.972 2729.709 2730.447 2731.185 2731.922 2732.660 2733.397 2734.135 2734.872 2735.610
3710 2736.347 2737.085 2737.823 2738.560 2739.298 2740.035 2740.773 2741.510 2742.248 2742.985
3720 2743.723 2744.460 2745.198 2745.936 2746.673 2747.411 2748.148 2748.886 2749.624 2750.361
3730 2751.099 2751.836 2752.574 2753.311 2754.049 2754.786 2755.524 2756.261 2756.999 2757.737
3740 2758.474 2759.212 2759.949 2760.687 2761.424 2762.162 2762.900 2763.637 2764.375 2765.112
3750 2765.850 2766.587 2767.325 2768.062 2768.800 2769.538 2770.275 2771.013 2771.750 2772.488
3760 2773.225 2773.963 2774.700 2775.438 2776.176 2776.913 2777.651 2778.388 2779.126 2779.864
3770 2780.601 2781.339 2782.076 2782.814 2783.551 2784.289 2785.026 2785.764 2786.501 2787.239
3780 2787.977 2788.714 2789.452 2790.189 2790.927 2791.664 2792.402 2793.139 2793.877 2794.615
3790 2795.352 2796.090 2796.827 2797.565 2798.302 2799.040 2799.778 2800.515 2801.253 2801.990
3800 2802.728 2803.465 2804.203 2804.940 2805.678 2806.416 2807.153 2807.891 2808.628 2809.366
3810 2810.103 2810.841 2811.579 2812.316 2813.054 2813.791 2814.529 2815.266 2816.004 2816.741
3820 2817.479 2818.217 2818.954 2819.692 2820.429 2821.167 2821.904 2822.642 2823.379 2824.117
3830 2824.854 2825.592 2826.330 2827.067 2827.805 2828.542 2829.280 2830.018 2830.755 2831.493
3840 2832.230 2832.968 2833.705 2834.443 2835.180 2835.918 2836.656 2837.393 2838.131 2838.868
3850 2839.606 2840.343 2841.081 2841.818 2842.556 2843.293 2844.031 2844.769 2845.506 2846.244
3860 2846.981 2847.719 2848.457 2849.194 2849.932 2850.669 2851.407 2852.144 2852.882 2853.619
3870 2854.357 2855.094 2855.832 2856.570 2857.307 2858.045 2858.782 2859.520 2860.258 2860.995
3880 2861.733 2862.470 2863.208 2863.945 2864.683 2865.420 2866.158 2866.896 2867.633 2868.371
3890 2869.108 2869.846 2870.583 2871.321 2872.058 2872.796 2873.533 2874.271 2875.009 2875.746
3900 2876.484 2877.221 2877.959 2878.697 2879.434 2880.172 2880.909 2881.647 2882.384 2883.122
3910 2883.859 2884.597 2885.334 2886.072 2886.810 2887.547 2888.285 2889.022 2889.760 2890.497
3920 2891.235 2891.973 2892.710 2893.448 2894.185 2894.923 2895.660 2896.398 2897.135 2897.873
3930 2898.611 2899.348 2900.086 2900.823 2901.561 2902.298 2903.036 2903.773 2904.511 2905.249
3940 2905.986 2906.724 2907.461 2908.199 2908.937 2909.674 2910.412 2911.149 2911.887 2912.624
3950 2913.362 2914.099 2914.837 2915.574 2916.312 2917.050 2917.787 2918.525 2919.262 2920.000
3960 2920.737 2921.475 2922.212 2922.950 2923.687 2924.425 2925.163 2925.900 2926.638 2927.375
3970 2928.113 2928.851 2929.588 2930.326 2931.063 2931.801 2932.538 2933.276 2934.013 2934.751
3980 2935.489 2936.226 2936.964 2937.701 2938.439 2939.176 2939.914 2940.652 2941.389 2942.127
3990 2942.864 2943.602 2944.339 2945.077 2945.814 2946.552 2947.290 2948.027 2948.765 2949.502
4000 2950.240 2950.977 2951.715 2952.452 2953.190 2953.927 2954.665 2955.403 2956.140 2956.878
4010 2957.615 2958.353 2959.091 2959.828 2960.566 2961.303 2962.041 2962.778 2963.516 2964.253
4020 2964.991 2965.729 2966.466 2967.204 2967.941 2968.679 2969.416 2970.154 2970.891 2971.629
4030 2972.366 2973.104 2973.842 2974.579 2975.317 2976.054 2976.792 2977.530 2978.267 2979.005
4040 2979.742 2980.480 2981.217 2981.955 2982.692 2983.430 2984.167 2984.905 2985.643 2986.380
4050 2987.118 2987.855 2988.593 2989.331 2990.068 2990.806 2991.543 2992.281 2993.018 2993.756
4060 2994.493 2995.231 2995.969 2996.706 2997.444 2998.181 2998.919 2999.656 3000.394 3001.131
4070 3001.869 3002.606 3003.344 3004.082 3004.819 3005.557 3006.294 3007.032 3007.770 3008.507
4080 3009.245 3009.982 3010.720 3011.457 3012.195 3012.932 3013.670 3014.407 3015.145 3015.883
4090 3016.620 3017.358 3018.095 3018.833 3019.570 3020.308 3021.046 3021.783 3022.521 3023.258
4100 3023.996 3024.733 3025.471 3026.208 3026.946 3027.684 3028.421 3029.159 3029.896 3030.634
4110 3031.371 3032.109 3032.846 3033.584 3034.322 3035.059 3035.797 3036.534 3037.272 3038.010
4120 3038.747 3039.485 3040.222 3040.960 3041.697 3042.435 3043.172 3043.910 3044.647 3045.385
4130 3046.123 3046.860 3047.598 3048.335 3049.073 3049.810 3050.548 3051.285 3052.023 3052.760
4140 3053.498 3054.236 3054.973 3055.711 3056.448 3057.186 3057.924 3058.661 3059.399 3060.136
4150 3060.874 3061.611 3062.349 3063.086 3063.824 3064.562 3065.299 3066.037 3066.774 3067.512
4160 3068.249 3068.987 3069.725 3070.462 3071.200 3071.937 3072.675 3073.412 3074.150 3074.887
4170 3075.625 3076.363 3077.100 3077.838 3078.575 3079.313 3080.050 3080.788 3081.525 3082.263
4180 3083.000 3083.738 3084.476 3085.213 3085.951 3086.688 3087.426 3088.164 3088.901 3089.639
4190 3090.376 3091.114 3091.851 3092.589 3093.326 3094.064 3094.802 3095.539 3096.277 3097.014
4200 3097.752 3098.489 3099.227 3099.964 3100.702 3101.439 3102.177 3102.915 3103.652 3104.390

14 2 800 990.00 de/en

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4210 3105.127 3105.865 3106.603 3107.340 3108.078 3108.815 3109.553 3110.290 3111.028 3111.765
4220 3112.503 3113.240 3113.978 3114.716 3115.453 3116.191 3116.928 3117.666 3118.404 3119.141
4230 3119.879 3120.616 3121.354 3122.091 3122.829 3123.566 3124.304 3125.042 3125.779 3126.517
4240 3127.254 3127.992 3128.729 3129.467 3130.204 3130.942 3131.679 3132.417 3133.155 3133.892
4250 3134.630 3135.367 3136.105 3136.843 3137.580 3138.318 3139.055 3139.793 3140.530 3141.268
4260 3142.005 3142.743 3143.480 3144.218 3144.956 3145.693 3146.431 3147.168 3147.906 3148.643
4270 3149.381 3150.118 3150.856 3151.594 3152.331 3153.069 3153.806 3154.544 3155.281 3156.019
4280 3156.757 3157.494 3158.232 3158.969 3159.707 3160.444 3161.182 3161.919 3162.657 3163.395
4290 3164.132 3164.870 3165.607 3166.345 3167.083 3167.820 3168.558 3169.295 3170.033 3170.770
4300 3171.508 3172.245 3172.983 3173.720 3174.458 3175.196 3175.933 3176.671 3177.408 3178.146
4310 3178.883 3179.621 3180.358 3181.096 3181.833 3182.571 3183.309 3184.046 3184.784 3185.521
4320 3186.259 3186.997 3187.734 3188.472 3189.209 3189.947 3190.684 3191.422 3192.159 3192.897
4330 3193.635 3194.372 3195.110 3195.847 3196.585 3197.322 3198.060 3198.798 3199.535 3200.273
4340 3201.010 3201.748 3202.485 3203.223 3203.960 3204.698 3205.436 3206.173 3206.911 3207.648
4350 3208.386 3209.123 3209.861 3210.598 3211.336 3212.073 3212.811 3213.549 3214.286 3215.024
4360 3215.761 3216.499 3217.237 3217.974 3218.712 3219.449 3220.187 3220.924 3221.662 3222.399
4370 3223.137 3223.875 3224.612 3225.350 3226.087 3226.825 3227.562 3228.300 3229.037 3229.775
4380 3230.512 3231.250 3231.988 3232.725 3233.463 3234.200 3234.938 3235.676 3236.413 3237.151
4390 3237.888 3238.626 3239.363 3240.101 3240.838 3241.576 3242.313 3243.051 3243.789 3244.526
4400 3245.264 3246.001 3246.739 3247.477 3248.214 3248.952 3249.689 3250.427 3251.164 3251.902
4410 3252.639 3253.377 3254.115 3254.852 3255.590 3256.327 3257.065 3257.802 3258.540 3259.277
4420 3260.015 3260.752 3261.490 3262.228 3262.965 3263.703 3264.440 3265.178 3265.916 3266.653
4430 3267.391 3268.128 3268.866 3269.603 3270.341 3271.078 3271.816 3272.553 3273.291 3274.029
4440 3274.766 3275.504 3276.241 3276.979 3277.716 3278.454 3279.191 3279.929 3280.667 3281.404
4450 3282.142 3282.879 3283.617 3284.354 3285.092 3285.830 3286.567 3287.305 3288.042 3288.780
4460 3289.517 3290.255 3290.992 3291.730 3292.468 3293.205 3293.943 3294.680 3295.418 3296.156
4470 3296.893 3297.631 3298.368 3299.106 3299.843 3300.581 3301.318 3302.056 3302.793 3303.531
4480 3304.269 3305.006 3305.744 3306.481 3307.219 3307.956 3308.694 3309.431 3310.169 3310.906
4490 3311.644 3312.382 3313.119 3313.857 3314.594 3315.332 3316.070 3316.807 3317.545 3318.282
4500 3319.020 3319.757 3320.495 3321.232 3321.970 3322.708 3323.445 3324.183 3324.920 3325.658
4510 3326.395 3327.133 3327.870 3328.608 3329.346 3330.083 3330.821 3331.558 3332.296 3333.033
4520 3333.771 3334.509 3335.246 3335.984 3336.721 3337.459 3338.196 3338.934 3339.671 3340.409
4530 3341.146 3341.884 3342.622 3343.359 3344.097 3344.834 3345.572 3346.310 3347.047 3347.785
4540 3348.522 3349.260 3349.997 3350.735 3351.472 3352.210 3352.948 3353.685 3354.423 3355.160
4550 3355.898 3356.635 3357.373 3358.110 3358.848 3359.585 3360.323 3361.061 3361.798 3362.536
4560 3363.273 3364.011 3364.749 3365.486 3366.224 3366.961 3367.699 3368.436 3369.174 3369.911
4570 3370.649 3371.386 3372.124 3372.862 3373.599 3374.337 3375.074 3375.812 3376.550 3377.287
4580 3378.025 3378.762 3379.500 3380.237 3380.975 3381.712 3382.450 3383.187 3383.925 3384.663
4590 3385.400 3386.138 3386.875 3387.613 3388.350 3389.088 3389.825 3390.563 3391.301 3392.038
4600 3392.776 3393.513 3394.251 3394.989 3395.726 3396.464 3397.201 3397.939 3398.676 3399.414
4610 3400.151 3400.889 3401.626 3402.364 3403.102 3403.839 3404.577 3405.314 3406.052 3406.789
4620 3407.527 3408.264 3409.002 3409.740 3410.477 3411.215 3411.952 3412.690 3413.427 3414.165
4630 3414.903 3415.640 3416.378 3417.115 3417.853 3418.590 3419.328 3420.065 3420.803 3421.541
4640 3422.278 3423.016 3423.753 3424.491 3425.229 3425.966 3426.704 3427.441 3428.179 3428.916
4650 3429.654 3430.391 3431.129 3431.866 3432.604 3433.342 3434.079 3434.817 3435.554 3436.292
4660 3437.029 3437.767 3438.504 3439.242 3439.979 3440.717 3441.455 3442.192 3442.930 3443.667
4670 3444.405 3445.143 3445.880 3446.618 3447.355 3448.093 3448.830 3449.568 3450.305 3451.043
4680 3451.781 3452.518 3453.256 3453.993 3454.731 3455.468 3456.206 3456.943 3457.681 3458.419
4690 3459.156 3459.894 3460.631 3461.369 3462.106 3462.844 3463.582 3464.319 3465.057 3465.794
4700 3466.532 3467.269 3468.007 3468.744 3469.482 3470.219 3470.957 3471.695 3472.432 3473.170
4710 3473.907 3474.645 3475.383 3476.120 3476.858 3477.595 3478.333 3479.070 3479.808 3480.545
4720 3481.283 3482.021 3482.758 3483.496 3484.233 3484.971 3485.708 3486.446 3487.183 3487.921
4730 3488.658 3489.396 3490.134 3490.871 3491.609 3492.346 3493.084 3493.822 3494.559 3495.297
4740 3496.034 3496.772 3497.509 3498.247 3498.984 3499.722 3500.459 3501.197 3501.935 3502.672
4750 3503.410 3504.147 3504.885 3505.622 3506.360 3507.098 3507.835 3508.573 3509.310 3510.048
4760 3510.785 3511.523 3512.260 3512.998 3513.736 3514.473 3515.211 3515.948 3516.686 3517.423
4770 3518.161 3518.898 3519.636 3520.374 3521.111 3521.849 3522.586 3523.324 3524.062 3524.799
4780 3525.537 3526.274 3527.012 3527.749 3528.487 3529.224 3529.962 3530.699 3531.437 3532.175
4790 3532.912 3533.650 3534.387 3535.125 3535.862 3536.600 3537.337 3538.075 3538.813 3539.550
4800 3540.288 3541.025 3541.763 3542.500 3543.238 3543.976 3544.713 3545.451 3546.188 3546.926
4810 3547.663 3548.401 3549.138 3549.876 3550.614 3551.351 3552.089 3552.826 3553.564 3554.302
4820 3555.039 3555.777 3556.514 3557.252 3557.989 3558.727 3559.464 3560.202 3560.939 3561.677
4830 3562.415 3463.152 3563.890 3564.627 3565.365 3566.102 3566.840 3567.577 3568.315 3569.052
4840 3569.790 3570.528 3571.265 3572.003 3572.740 3573.478 3574.216 3574.953 3575.691 3576.428
4850 3577.166 3577.903 3578.641 3579.378 3580.116 3580.854 3581.591 3582.329 3583.066 3583.804
4860 3584.541 3585.279 3586.016 3586.754 3587.492 3588.229 3588.967 3589.704 3590.442 3591.179
4870 3591.917 3592.655 3593.392 3594.130 3594.867 3595.605 3596.342 3597.080 3597.817 3598.555
4880 3599.292 3600.030 3600.768 3601.505 3602.243 3602.980 3603.718 3604.456 3605.193 3605.931
4890 3606.668 3607.406 3608.143 3608.881 3609.618 3610.356 3611.094 3611.831 3612.569 3613.306
4900 3614.044 3614.781 3615.519 3616.256 3616.994 3617.731 3618.469 3619.207 3619.944 3620.682

2 800 990.00 de/en 15

Nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4910 3621.419 3622.157 3622.895 3623.632 3624.370 3625.107 3625.845 3626.582 3627.320 3628.057
4920 3628.795 3629.532 3630.270 3631.008 3631.745 3632.483 3633.220 3633.958 3634.695 3635.433
4930 3636.171 3636.908 3637.646 3638.383 3639.121 3639.858 3640.596 3641.333 3642.071 3642.809
4940 3643.546 3644.284 3645.021 3645.759 3646.496 3647.234 3647.971 3648.709 3649.447 3650.184
4950 3650.922 3651.659 3652.397 3653.135 3653.872 3654.610 3655.347 3656.085 3656.822 3657.560
4960 3658.297 3659.035 3659.772 3660.510 3661.248 3661.985 3662.723 3663.460 3664.198 3664.935
4970 3665.673 3666.410 3667.148 3667.886 3668.623 3669.361 3670.098 3670.836 3671.573 3672.311
4980 3673.049 3673.786 3674.524 3675.261 3675.999 3676.736 3677.474 3678.211 3678.949 3679.687
4990 3680.424 3681.162 3681.899 3682.637 3683.374 3684.112 3684.850 3685.587 3686.325 3687.062
5000 3687.800 3688.537 3689.275 3690.012 3690.750 3691.488 3692.225 3692.963 3693.700 3694.438

16 2 800 990.00 de/en


Umrechnungstabelle fur Druckeinheiten von Gasen, Dampfen und Flussigkeiten


Conversion table for units of pressure in gases, steam and fluids

mit 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 kp/m2 = 0,102 kp/m2

Pa bar kp/m2 at atm Torr

1 Pa (= 1 N/m2) = 1 10-5 0,102 0,102 x 10-4 0,987 x 10-5 0,0075

1 bar (= 0,1 MPa) = 100 000 = 105 1

10 200 1,02 0,987 750
(= 1000 mbar)

1 kp/m2 = 9,81 9,81 x 10-5 1 10-4 0,968 x 10-4 0,0736

1 at (= 1 kp/cm2) = 98 100 0,981 10 000 1 0,968 736

1 atm (= 760 Torr) = 101 325 1,013 10 330 1,033 1 760

(= 1013 mbar)

1 Torr (= 1 atm) = 133 0,00133 13,6 0,00136 0,00132 1


2 800 990.00 de/en 17


Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten von Energie, Arbeit und Warmemenge

Conversion table for units of power, ernergy and heat quantity
mit 1 Nm = 1 kp m = 0,102 kp m

J kJ kW h kcal PS h kp m

1 J (= 1 Nm = 1 Ws) = 1 0,001 2,78 x 10-7 2,39 x 10-4 3,77 x 10-7 0,102

1 kJ = 1000 1 2,78 x 10-4 0,239 3,77 x 10-4 102

1 kW h = 3 600 000 3 600 1 860 1,36 367 000

1 kcal = 4 200 4,2 0,00116 1 0,00158 427

1 PS h = 2 650 000 2 650 0,736 632 1 270 000

1 kp m = 9,81 0,00981 2,72 x 10-6 0,00234 3,7 x 10-6 1

18 2 800 990.00 de/en


Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten der mechanischen Spannung (Festigkeit)

Conversion table for units of mechanical stress (strength)
mit 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 kp/m2 = 0,102 kp/m2

Pa N/mm2 daN/cm2 daN/mm2 kp/cm 2 kp/mm2

1 Pa (= 1 N/m2) = 1 10-6 10-5 10-7 0,102 x 10-4 0,102 x 10-6

1 N/mm2 (=1 M Pa) = 1 000 000 1 10 0,1 10,2 0,102

1 daN/cm2 (= 1 bar) = 100 000 0,1 1 0,01 1,02 0,0102

1 daN/mm2 (= 1 hbar) = 10 000 000 10 100 1 102 1,02

1 kp/cm2 (= 1 at) = 98 100 0,0981 0,981 0,00981 1 0,01

1 kp/mm2 = 9 810 000 9,81 98,1 0,981 100 1

2 800 990.00 de/en 19


Praktisch gleichwertige Einheiten fur Druck und mechanische Spannung (Festigkeit)


Practically equivalent units for pressure and mechanical stress (strength)

mit 1 N = 0,1 kp bzw. 1 kp = 10 N = 1 daN

1 daN/mm2 1 daN/cm2 1 kN/cm2 1 kp/mm2 1 kp/cm2

= 1 kp/mm2 _ 1 kp/cm2
~ = 1 daN/mm2 _ 1 daN/mm2
~ = 1 at

= 1 kN/cm2 _ 1 at
~ = 1 hbar _ 1 kN/cm2
~ _ 1 daN/cm2

= 1 hbar = 1 bar _ 1 kp/mm2

~ _ 1 hbar
~ _ 1 bar

1 kbar 1 hbar 1 bar 1 mbar 1 bar

= 1 hN/mm2 = 1 daN/mm2 = 1 daN/cm2 = 1 cN/cm2 = 1 dN/m2

= 10 kN/cm2 = 1 kN/cm2 _ 1 kp/cm2

~ _ 1 p/cm2

= 1 Mp/cm2 _ 1 kp/mm2
~ _ 1 at
~ _ 1 kp/m2

20 2 800 990.00 de/en


Temperatur - Einheiten und Umrechungsformeln 280196

Units of temperature and conversion formulas

Einheiten Umrechnung in
Units Conversion into

o o o
Nomenclature K C R F

Kelvin K 1 (K-273,16o) 4/5 (K-273,16o) 9/5 (K-273,16o)+32o

o o
Celsius C C+273,16o 1 4/5 oC 9/5 oC+32o

Reaumur R 5/4 oR+273,16o 5/4 oR 1 9/4 oR+32o

Fahrenheit F 5/9 (oF-32o)+ 273,16o 5/9 (oF-32o) 4/9 (oF -32o) 1

Beispiel: Umrechnung von o

R in oC : oC = 5/4 oR
Example: Conversion from

Die Grundeinheit der Temperatur ist Kelvin (K).

The fundamental temperature unit is the Kelvin (K).

Als Formelzeichen wird T verwandt.

The symbol used is the T.

Die ebenfalls benutzte absolute Temperatur degree (Grad) Rankin errechnet sich zu:
The equally used Rankine temperature scale for absolute temperatures is related to K
as follows:
Rank = 9/5 K.

2 800 990.00 de/en 21


Leistung, Energiestrom, Warmestrom

Power, energy and heat flow
1 Nm/s = 1 kp m/s = 0,102 kp m/s

W kW kcal/s kcal/h kp m/s PS HP

(= 1 N m/s 1 0,001 2,39 x 10-4 0,860 0,102 0,00136 0,00134
= 1 J/s)

1 kW = 1 000 1 0,239 860 102 1,36 1,341

1 kcal/s = 4 190 4,19 1 3600 427 5,69 5,61

1 kcal/h = 1,16 0,00116 1 1 0,119 0,00158 0,00156


1 kp m/s = 9,81 0,00981 0,00234 8,43 1 0,0133 0,0131

1 PS = 736 0,736 0,176 632 75 1 0,9863

1 HP = 746 0,746 0,178 641,8 76,09 1,0145 1

1 kp m/s = 3600 kp m/h 1 kp m/h = 1 kp m/s

3 600

22 2 800 990.00 de/en


1 km / h = 0,27778 m / s 1m/s = 3,6 km / h
1 mile / h = 1,60934 km / h 1 km / h = 0,62137 mile / h
1 kn (Knoten) = 1,852 km / h 1 km / h = 0,53996 kn
1 ft / min = 0,3048 m / min 1 m / min = 3,28084 ft / min

Umrechnung von Conversion for

km / h m/s km / h mile / h kn ft / min km / h mile / h km / h

(mph) (mph)

in in in in in in in in in
m/s km / h mile / h km / h km / h m / min Zeit / km Zeit / km Zeit / 100 km

10 2,78 36,0 6,21 16,1 18,52 3,05 6 min 3 min 44 s 10 h

20 5,56 72,0 12,4 32,2 37,04 6,10 3 min 1 min 52 s 5h
30 8,33 108 18,6 48,3 55,56 9,14 2 min 1 min 15 s 3 h 20 min
40 11,1 144 24,9 64,4 74,08 12,2 1 min 30 s 55,9 s 2 h 30 min

50 13,9 180 31,1 80,5 92,60 15,2 1 min 12 s 44,7 s 2h

60 16,7 216 37,3 96,6 111 18,3 1 min 37,3 s 1 h 40 min
70 19,4 252 43,5 113 130 21,3 51,4 s 32,0 s 1 h 26 min
80 22,2 288 49,7 129 148 24,4 45 s 28,0 s 1 h 15 min
90 25,0 324 55,9 145 167 27,4 40 s 24,9 s 1 h 6,7 min

100 27,8 360 62,1 161 185 30,5 36 s 22,0 s 1h

110 30,6 396 68,4 177 --- 33,5 32,7 s 20,3 s 54 min 33 s
120 33,4 432 74,6 193 --- 36,6 30 s 18,6 s 50 min
130 36,1 468 80,8 209 --- 39,6 27,7 s 17,2 s 46 min 9 s
140 38,9 504 87,0 225 --- 42,7 25,7 s 16,0 s 42 min 51s

150 41,7 540 93,2 241 --- 45,7 24 s 14,9 s 40 min

160 44,4 576 99,4 257 --- 48,8 22,5 s 14,0 s 37 min 30 s
170 47,2 612 106 274 --- 51,8 21,2 s 13,2 s 35 min 18 s
180 50,0 648 112 290 --- 54,9 20,0 s 12,4 s 33 min 20 s
190 52,8 684 118 306 --- 57,9 18,9 s 11,8 s 31 min 35 s

200 55,6 720 124 322 --- 61,0 18 s 11,2 s 30 min

250 59,4 900 155 402 --- 76,2 14,4 s 8,9 s 26 min
300 83,3 1080 186 483 --- 91,4 12 s 7,5 s 20 min
400 111 1440 249 644 --- 122 9s 5,8 s 15 min
500 139 1800 311 805 --- 152 7,2 s 4,5 s 12 min

600 167 2160 373 966 --- 183 6s 3,7 s 10 min

800 222 2880 497 1287 --- 244 4,5 s 2,8 s 7 min 30 s
1000 278 3600 621 1609 --- 305 3,6 s 2,2 s 6 min
1200 333 1) --- 746 --- --- 366 3s --- 5 min
1400 389 --- 870 --- --- 427 2,6 s --- 4 min 17 s

Die Machzahl Ma (keine gesetzliche Einheit) gibt an, wieviel mal schneller ein Korper sich bewegt als der Schall.
Ma = 1,3 bedeutet also 1,3fache Schallgeschwindigkeit.
The Mach number "Ma" (no official unit of measurement) gives the factor by which a body is faster, than the speed
of sound.
Thus "Ma" = 1.3 means 1.3 times as fast as the speed of sound.
1) Etwa Schallgeschwindigkeit in Luft.
Approximate velocity of sound in the air.

2 800 990.00 de/en 23


Masseeinheiten (Gewichte)
Units of mass (weight)

Umrechnung von Conversion for

grain dram oz lb long cwt sh cwt long tn sh tn

in in in in in in in in
g g g kg kg kg t t

1,0 0,0648 1,77 28,3 0,454 50,8 45,4 1,02 0,907

1,1 0,0713 1,95 31,2 0,499 55,9 49,9 1,12 0,998
1,2 0,0778 2,13 34,0 0,544 61,0 54,4 1,22 1,09
1,3 0,0842 2,30 36,9 0,590 66,0 59,0 1,32 1,18
1,4 0,0907 2,48 39,7 0,635 71,1 63,5 1,42 1,27

1,5 0,0972 2,66 42,5 0,680 76,2 68,0 1,52 1,36

1,6 0,104 2,83 45,4 0,726 81,3 72,6 1,63 1,45
1,7 0,110 3,01 48,2 0,771 86,4 77,1 1,73 1,54
1,8 0,117 3,19 51,0 0,816 91,4 81,6 1,83 1,63
1,9 0,123 3,37 53,9 0,862 96,5 82,2 1,93 1,72

2,0 0,130 3,54 56,7 0,907 102 90,7 2,03 1,81

2,1 0,136 3,72 59,5 0,953 107 95,3 2,13 1,91
2,2 0,143 3,90 62,4 0,998 112 99,8 2,24 2,00
2,3 0,149 4,08 65,2 1,04 117 104 2,34 2,09
2,4 0,156 4,25 68,0 1,09 122 109 2,44 2,18

2,5 0,162 4,43 70,9 1,13 127 113 2,54 2,27

2,6 0,168 4,61 73,7 1,18 132 118 2,64 2,36
2,7 0,175 4,78 76,5 1,22 137 122 2,74 2,45
2,8 0,181 4,96 79,4 1,27 142 127 2,84 2,54
2,9 0,188 5,14 82,2 1,32 147 132 2,95 2,63

3,0 0,194 5,32 85,0 1,36 152 136 3,05 2,72

3,2 0,207 5,67 90,7 1,45 163 145 3,25 2,90
3,4 0,220 6,02 96,4 1,54 173 154 3,45 3,08
3,6 0,233 6,38 102 1,63 183 163 3,66 3,27
3,8 0,246 6,73 108 1,72 193 172 3,86 3,45

4,0 0,259 7,09 113 1,81 203 181 4,06 3,63

4,2 0,272 7,44 119 1,91 213 191 4,27 3,81
4,4 0,285 7,80 125 2,00 224 200 4,47 3,99
4,6 0,298 8,15 130 2,09 234 209 4,67 4,17
4,8 0,311 8,50 136 2,18 244 218 4,88 4,35

5,0 0,324 8,86 142 2,27 254 227 5,08 4,54

5,2 0,337 9,21 147 2,36 264 236 5,28 4,72
5,4 0,350 9,57 153 2,45 274 245 5,49 4,90
5,6 0,363 9,92 159 2,54 284 254 5,69 5,08
5,8 0,376 10,3 164 2,63 295 263 5,89 5,26

6,0 0,389 10,6 170 2,72 305 272 6,10 5,44

6,5 0,421 11,5 184 2,95 330 295 6,60 5,90
7,0 0,454 12,4 198 3,18 356 318 7,11 6,35
7,5 0,486 13,3 213 3,40 381 340 7,62 6,80

8,0 0,518 14,2 227 3,63 406 363 8,13 7,26

8,5 0,551 15,1 241 3,86 432 386 8,64 7,71
9,0 0,583 15,9 255 4,08 457 408 9,14 8,16
9,5 0,616 16,8 269 4,31 483 431 9,65 8,62

Die Tabelle gilt auch fur dezimale Vielfache und Teile.

The table is also valid for decimal multiples and fractions.

Beispiele: 1 lb = 0,454 kg; 5 long ton = 5,08 t; 42 oz = 1190 g.

Example: 1 lb = 0,454 kg; 5 long ton = 5,08 t; 42 oz = 1190 g.

24 2 800 990.00 de/en


Volumeneinheiten, Durchflumenge
Units of volume, flow rates
Umrechnung von Conversion for

in3 ft3 yd3 pt liq pt gal gal ft3 / min

(UK) (US) (UK) (US) cfm

in in in in in in in in
cm3 l m3 l l l l m3 / h

1,0 16,4 28,3 0,765 0,568 0,473 4,55 3,79 1,70

1,1 18,0 31,2 0,841 0,625 0,520 5,00 4,16 1,87
1,2 19,7 34,0 0,918 0,682 0,568 5,46 4,54 2,04
1,3 21,3 36,8 0,994 0,739 0,615 5,91 4,92 2,21
1,4 22,9 39,6 1,07 0,796 0,662 6,36 5,30 2,38

1,5 24,6 42,5 1,15 0,852 0,710 6,82 5,68 2,55

1,6 26,2 45,3 1,22 0,909 0,757 7,27 6,06 2,72
1,7 27,9 48,1 1,30 0,966 0,804 7,73 6,44 2,89
1,8 29,5 51,0 1,38 1,02 0,852 8,18 6,81 3,06
1,9 31,1 53,8 1,45 1,08 0,899 8,64 7,19 3,23

2,0 32,8 56,6 1,53 1,14 0,946 9,09 7,57 3,40

2,1 34,4 59,5 1,61 1,19 0,994 9,55 7,95 3,57
2,2 36,1 62,3 1,68 1,25 1,04 10,0 8,33 3,74
2,3 37,7 65,1 1,76 1,31 1,09 10,5 8,71 3,91
2,4 39,3 68,0 1,83 1,36 1,14 10,9 9,09 4,08

2,5 41,0 70,8 1,91 1,42 1,18 11,4 9,46 4,25

2,6 42,6 73,6 1,99 1,48 1,23 11,8 9,84 4,42
2,7 44,3 76,5 2,06 1,53 1,28 12,3 10,2 4,59
2,8 45,9 79,3 2,14 1,59 1,32 12,7 10,6 4,76
2,9 47,5 82,1 2,22 1,65 1,37 13,2 11,0 4,93

3,0 49,2 85,0 2,29 1,70 1,42 13,6 11,4 5,10

3,2 52,4 90,6 2,45 1,82 1,51 14,6 12,1 5,44
3,4 55,7 96,3 2,60 1,93 1,61 15,5 12,9 5,78
3,6 59,0 102 2,75 2,05 1,70 16,4 13,6 6,12
3,8 62,3 108 2,91 2,16 1,80 17,3 14,4 6,46

4,0 65,6 113 3,06 2,27 1,89 18,2 15,1 6,80

4,2 68,8 119 3,21 2,39 1,99 19,1 15,9 7,14
4,4 72,1 125 3,36 2,50 2,08 20,0 16,7 7,48
4,6 75,4 130 3,52 2,61 2,18 20,9 17,4 7,82
4,8 78,7 136 3,67 2,73 2,27 21,8 18,2 8,16

5,0 81,9 142 3,82 2,84 2,37 22,7 18,9 8,50

5,2 85,2 147 3,98 2,96 2,46 23,6 19,7 8,84
5,4 88,5 153 4,13 3,07 2,56 24,6 20,4 9,18
5,6 91,8 159 4,28 3,18 2,65 25,5 21,2 9,52
5,8 95,1 164 4,43 3,30 2,74 26,4 22,0 9,85

6,0 98,3 170 4,59 3,41 2,84 27,3 22,7 10,2

6,2 102 176 4,74 3,52 2,93 28,2 23,5 10,5
6,4 105 181 4,89 3,64 3,03 29,1 24,2 10,9
6,6 108 187 5,05 3,75 3,12 30,0 25,0 11,2
6,8 111 193 5,20 3,86 3,22 30,9 25,7 11,6

7,0 115 198 5,35 3,98 3,31 31,8 26,5 11,9

7,5 123 212 5,73 4,26 3,55 34,1 28,4 12,7

8,0 131 227 6,12 4,55 3,79 36,4 30,3 13,6

8,5 139 241 6,50 4,83 4,02 38,6 32,2 14,4

9,0 148 255 6,88 5,11 4,26 40,9 34,1 15,3

9,5 156 269 7,26 5,40 4,50 43,2 36,0 16,1

Beispiele: 1 in3 = 16,4 cm3; 3 gal (UK) = 13,6 l

Example: 1 in3 = 16,4 cm3; 3 gal (UK) = 13,6 l

2 800 990.00 de/en 25


Fuel consumption
1 g / PS h = 1,3596 g / kW h 1 g / kW h = 0,7355 g / PS h
1 lb / HP H = 608,277 g / kW h 1 g / kW h = 0,001644 lb / HP H
1 liq pt / HP H = 634,545 cm3 / kW h 1 cm3 / kW h = 0,001576 liq pt / HP H
1 pt (UK) HP H = 762,049 cm3 / kW h 1 cm3 / kW h = 0,001312 pt (UK) / HP H

Umrechnung von Umrechnung von Umrechnung von

Conversion for Conversion for Conversion for

g/PS h g/kW h lb liq pt pt (UK) miles miles

HP H HP H HP H gal (US) gal (UK)

in in in in in in in
g / kW h g / PS h g / kW h cm3 / kW h cm 3 / kW h l / 100 km l / 100 km

100 136,0 73,55 0,10 60,83 63,45 76,20 10 23,5 28,2

120 163,2 88,26 0,15 91,24 95,18 114,3 11 21,4 25,7
140 190,3 103,0 12 19,6 23,5
160 217,5 117,7 0,20 121,7 126,9 152,4 13 18,1 21,7
180 244,7 132,4 0,25 152,1 158,6 190,5 14 16,8 20,2

200 271,9 147,1 0,30 182,5 190,4 228,6 15 15,7 18,8

220 299,1 161,8 0,32 194,6 203,1 243,9 16 14,7 17,7
240 326,3 176,5 0,34 206,8 215,7 259,1 17 13,8 16,6
260 353,5 191,2 0,36 219,0 228,4 274,3 18 13,1 15,7
280 380,7 205,9 0,38 231,1 241,1 289,6 19 12,4 14,9

300 407,9 220,6 0,40 243,3 253,8 304,8 20 11,8 14,1

320 435,1 235,4 0,42 255,5 266,5 320,1 22 10,7 12,8
340 462,3 250,1 0,44 276,6 279,2 335,3 24 9,80 11,8
360 489,5 264,8 0,46 279,8 291,9 350,5 26 9,05 10,9
380 516,6 279,5 0,48 292,0 304,6 365,8 28 8,40 10,1

400 543,8 294,2 0,50 304,1 317,3 381,0 30 7,84 9,42

420 571,0 308,9 0,52 316,3 330,0 396,3 32 7,35 8,83
440 598,2 323,6 0,54 328,5 342,7 411,5 34 6,92 8,31
460 625,4 338,3 0,56 340,6 355,3 426,7 36 6,53 7,85
480 652,6 353,0 0,58 352,8 368,0 442,0 38 6,19 7,43

500 679,8 367,7 0,60 365,0 380,7 457,2 40 5,89 7,06

520 707,0 382,5 0,62 377,1 393,4 472,5 42 5,60 6,73
540 734,2 397,2 0,64 389,3 406,1 487,7 44 5,35 6,42
560 761,4 411,9 0,66 401,5 418,8 503,0 46 5,11 6,14
580 788,6 426,6 0,68 413,6 431,5 518,2 48 4,90 5,88

600 815,8 441,3 0,70 425,8 444,2 533,4 50 4,70 5,65

650 883,7 478,1 0,75 456,2 475,9 571,5 55 4,28 5,14
700 951,7 514,8 0,80 486,6 507,6 609,6 60 3,92 4,71
750 1020 551,6 0,85 517,0 539,4 647,7 70 3,36 4,04
800 1088 588,4 0,90 547,4 571,1 685,8 80 2,94 3,53
900 1224 661,9 0,95 577,9 602,8 723,9 90 2,61 3,14

Beispiel: Beispiel: Beispiel:

Example: Example: Example:
240 g / PS h = 326,3 g / kW h 0,68 liq pt / HP H = 431,5 cm3 / kW h 18 miles / gal (US) = 13,1 l / 100 km

26 2 800 990.00 de/en


Angles of slope

Travel speeds

V = 360 V= km/h
t t = Sekunden auf 100 m
Seconds needed for 100 m

Beispiel: Bei einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit werden fur eine Strecke von 100 m 18 Sekunden benotigt.
Example: At a constant speed, a travel time of 18 seconds is needed for a distance of 100 meters.

V(km/h) = 360 = 20 km/h


2 800 990.00 de/en 27


Hydraulische Leistungen Drehzahlen von Hydraulikmotoren

(Pumpen/Motoren) Speeds of hydraulic motors
Hydraulic outputs (pumps/motors)

P=pQ P= kW n = Vp np n = Drehzahl in U/min (min-1)

600 p = bar VM motor speed in rpm
Q= l/min Vp = Geometrisches Fordervolumen
der Pumpe in cm3/U
geometrical displacement of the
Beispiel: Von einer Pumpe mit einer effektiven For- pump in cm3/revolution
dermenge von Q = 80 l/min soll bei einem np = Drehzahl der Pumpen in U/min
Pumpendruck von p = 300 bar die Lei- (min-1)
stung berechnet werden. turning speed of the pump in rpm
VM= Geometrisches Schluckvolumen
Example: For a pump with an effective discharge
des Motors in cm3/U
rate of Q = 80 l/min, at a pressure of
geometrical displacement of the
p = 300 bar the output is to be calculated.
motor in cm3/rpm

P(kW) = 300 80 = 40 kW
600 Beispiel: Gegeben sind Pumpendrehzahl np = 2150
min-1,geometrisches Fordervolumen Pum-
pe Vp = 11 cm3 /U und das geometrische
Schluckvolumen des Motors VM = 8
Example: For a given pump speed np = 2,150 rpm,
Zylinder-Hubzeiten a geometrical displacement of the pump
Stroking times of cylinders Vp = 11 cm3/rpm and a geometrical dis-
placement of the motor of VM =8 cm3/rpm
we obtain
t = VZyl. 60 t = Sekunden/Seconds
Qp VZyl.= Volumen des(r) Zylinder in dm3
Volume of the cylinder(s) in dm3 n = 11 2150 = 2956 min-1
Qp = theoretische Fordermenge der
Pumpe(n) in l/min
theoretical discharge rate of the
pump(s) in l/min

Beispiel: Gegeben sind Pumpenfordermenge

Qp = 80 l/min und Zylindervolumen
VZyl. = 10 dm3
Example: For a given pump discharge rate of Qp =
80 l/min and a cylinder volume of VZyl. =
10 dm3 we obtain

t(Sek.) = 10 60 = 7,5 Sekunden

80 Seconds

28 2 800 990.00 de/en


Allgemeine Hinweise

In den nachfolgenden Tabellen sind die Anziehdrehmomente fur Schrauben mit metrischem Gewinde
DIN 13 - 13.

Die Konstruktion kann von Fall zu Fall von der Norm abweichende Anziehdrehmomente festlegen. Deshalb
sind die in den Tabellen genannten Werte nur dann anzuwenden, wenn in der Betriebsanleitung Kapitel
"Inspektion und Wartung", im Technischen Handbuch oder in der Zeichnung keine anderen Werte
angegeben sind.

Die Festlegung der Anziehdrehmomente richtet sich nicht nur nach der Schraubenqualitat, sie ist auch von der
Reibung im Gewinde und von der Auflage des Schraubenkopfes abhangig. Deshalb sind bei der Berechnung
von Anziehdrehmomenten je nach Schraubenausfuhrung und Zustand unterschiedliche Reibungszahlen
( gesamt) zu verwenden.

1. Reibungszahl gesamt = 0,10:

Schraube und/oder Mutter galvanisch verzinkt (Oberflachenschutz A3B).

2. Reibungszahl gesamt = 0,12:

Schraube schwarzvergutet oder phoshatiert.
Mutter blank.
Gewinde geolt.

3. Reibungszahl gesamt = 0,16:

Schrauben mit flussiger Schraubensicherung z.B. Loctite 242, 243, entsprechend der Verarbeitungsvorschrift.
Die entsprechenden Zeilen sind in den Tabellen zusatzlich mit einem "L" gekennzeichnet.

Die drei Zahlen sind mittlere Reibungswerte.

Die errechneten Anziehdrehmomente MA gelten fur das Anziehen der Schrauben von Hand.


Die in den Tabellen angegebenen Anziehdrehmomente sind in Nm (Newtonmeter) angegeben. Werden

Drehmomentschlussel alterer Bauart verwendet, mussen die Nm in die fruher verwendete Einheit kpm (Kilo-
pondmeter) umgerechnet werden. Diese Umrechnung ist problemlos, da 1 kpm fast genau 10 Nm entsprechen
(genauer Umrechnungsfaktor 1 kpm = 9,81 Nm). Diese geringfugige Differenz kann vernachlassigt werden, so
da bei einer Umrechnung der in Nm angegebene Wert lediglich durch 10 dividiert werden mu.

Beispiel: 1840
1840 Nm = = 184 kpm

2 800 990.00 de/en 29

General information

The following tables contain the tightening torques for screws with a DIN 13 - 13 metric thread.

The construction dept. may specify in certain cases tightening torques other than those set out in the standard.
The values set out in the tables are therefore applicable unless otherwise specified in the "Inspection
and servicing" chapter of the operating instructions, the Technical Handbook or the drawings.

The tightening torques specified do not only depend on the screw grade, but also on the friction at the thread
and the bearing face of the screw head. Therefore, different friction coefficients ( total) depending on the type
and condition of the screws used must be applied when calculating tightening torques.

1. Friction coefficient total = 0.10:

screw and/or nut electro-galvanized (surface protection A3B).

2. Friction coefficient total = 0.12:

screw black-plated or phosphatized
nut bright
thread oiled

3. Friction coefficient total = 0.16:

screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242, 243, in acc. with application instructions.
The corresponding column is marked in the tables with an "L".

The three figures given are mean friction coefficients.

The calculated tightening torques MA are valid for tightening of the screws by hand

Units of measurement

The tightening torques specified in the tables are expressed in Nm (newtonmeter). If older torque wrenches are
used for tightening, the Nm values must be converted to the formerly used kpm (kilopondmeter) unit. The
conversion is simple since 1 kpm is almost exactly the same as 10 Nm (exact coversion factor: 1 kpm = 9.81
Nm). The small difference can be ignored so that for conversion purposes the Nm value must only be divided
by 10.

Example: 1840
1840 Nm = = 184 kpm

30 2 800 990.00 de/en


Schrauben mit Regelgewinde nach DIN 13 - 13

Bolts with standard thread DIN 13 - 13
Gewinde- Festigkeits- Anziehdrehmomente MA in Nm
Nenn klasse Tightening torques MA in Nm
Thread Material gesamt gesamt gesamt
nominal quality total total total
0,101) 0,122) 0,16 (L)3)

M5 8.8 4,9 5,5 6,5

10.9 7,3 8,1 9,5
12.9 8,5 9,5 11,2

M6 8.8 8,5 9,5 11,2

10.9 12,5 14 16,5
12.9 14,5 16,5 19,5

M8 8.8 20,5 23 27
10.9 30 34 40
12.9 35 40 47

M 10 8.8 41 46 55
10.9 60 68 80
12.9 71 79 94

M 12 8.8 71 79 94
10.9 104 117 140
12.9 195 215 260

M 16 8.8 170 195 230

10.9 250 280 340
12.9 300 330 400

M 20 8.8 350 390 470

10.9 490 560 670
12.9 580 650 780

M 24 8.8 600 670 800

10.9 850 960 1140
12.9 1000 1120 1350

M 30 8.8 1190 1350 1600

10.9 1700 1900 2300
12.9 2000 2250 2700

M 36 8.8 2100 2350 2800

10.9 3000 3300 4000
12.9 3500 3900 4700
Schraube und/oder Mutter galvanisch verzinkt (A3B).
Screw and/or nut electro-galvanized.
Schraube schwarz vergutet oder phosphatiert, Gewinde geolt.
Screw black-plated or phosphatized, thread oiled.
Schrauben mit flussiger Schraubensicherung z.B. Loctite 242, 243.
Screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242, 243.

2 800 990.00 de/en 31


Schrauben mit metrischem Feingewinde DIN 13 - 13

Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13
Gewinde- Festigkeits- Anziehdrehmomente MA in Nm
Nenn klasse Tightening torques MA in Nm
Thread Material gesamt gesamt gesamt
nominal quality total total total
0,101) 0,122) 0,16 (L)3)
M 8x1 8.8 22 24,5 30
10.9 32 36 43
12.9 38 43 51

M 10x1 8.8 45 52 62
10.9 67 76 91
12.9 78 89 107

M 10x1,25 8.8 43 49 58
10.9 64 72 86
12.9 74 84 100

M 12x1,25 8.8 77 87 104

10.9 112 125 150
12.9 130 150 180

M 14x1,5 8.8 121 135 165

10.9 175 200 240
12.9 205 235 280

M 16x1,5 8.8 180 205 250

10.9 270 300 370
12.9 310 360 430

M 20x1,5 8.8 380 430 530

10.9 540 620 750
12.9 630 720 880

M 22x1,5 8.8 510 580 700

10.9 720 820 1000
12.9 840 960 1170

M 24x2 8.8 640 730 890

10.9 920 1040 1250
12.9 1070 1220 1500

M 27x2 8.8 940 1070 1300

10.9 1350 1500 1850
12.9 1550 1800 2150

M 30x2 8.8 1370 1490 1740

10.9 1940 2120 2480
12.9 2270 2480 2900
Schraube und/oder Mutter galvanisch verzinkt (A3B).
Screw and/or nut electro-galvanized.
Schraube schwarz vergutet oder phosphatiert, Gewinde geolt.
Screw black-plated or phosphatized, thread oiled.
Schrauben mit flussiger Schraubensicherung z.B. Loctite 242, 243.
Screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242, 243.

32 2 800 990.00 de/en


Anziehdrehmomente fur SAE Flanschsystem 2801097

Tightening torques for SAE flange-system

Schrauben in mehreren Durchgangen anziehen. * *

Reihenfolge: 1, 2, 3, 4

Tighten bolts in several stages. * *

Sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4

Gewinde SW Anziehdrehmoment
Thread Wrench size Tightening

M 10 11 mm 60 Nm
M 12 13 mm 100 Nm
M 14 15 mm 160 Nm
M 16 19 mm 250 Nm

** Siehe THB "Armaturen, Rohr- und Schlauchleitungen".

See THB "Fittings, pipes and hoses".

Tightening angles

6 = 1 min.
30 = 5 min.
45 = 7,5 min.
60 = 10 min.
90 = 15 min.
135 = 22,5 min.
220 = 36,7 min.

2 800 990.00 de/en 33

Notizen / Notes 2800145

34 2 800 990.00 de/en

A General information ............................................ 30

Allgemeine Hinweise .......................................... 29 Geschwindigkeiten ............................................ 23

Angles of slope .................................................. 27

ANZIEHDREHMOMENTE .................................. 29
Hydraulic outputs (pumps/motors) ...................... 28
Anziehdrehmomente fur SAE Flanschsystem .... 33
Hydraulische Leistungen (Pumpen/Motoren) .... 28
Anzugswinkel...................................................... 33

Kraft-, Energie- und Leistungsgroen .................. 5
BERECHNUNGSBEISPIELE ............................ 27
Kraftstoffverbrauch ............................................ 26
Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13 ............ 32

Bolts with standard thread DIN 13 - 13 .............. 31

Leistung, Energiestrom, Warmestrom ................ 22
CALCULATION EXAMPLES .............................. 27
Conversion for units of area ................................ 7
Masseeinheiten (Gewichte) ................................ 24
Conversion for units of length .............................. 6

Conversion from foot (Fuss) and inch (Zoll) to P

metric measures .................................................. 8
Power, energy and heat flow .............................. 22
Conversion from newtonmeter "Nm" into foot
pounds "" ...................................................... 9 Practically equivalent units for pressure and
mechanical stress (strength) .............................. 20
Conversion table for units of mechanical
stress (strength).................................................. 19 Praktisch gleichwertige Einheiten fur Druck
und mechanische Spannung (Festigkeit) .......... 20
Conversion table for units of power, ernergy
and heat quantity ................................................ 18
Conversion table for units of pressure in gas-
es, steam and fluids............................................ 17 Quantities of force, energy and power .................. 5

CONVERSIONS TABLES .................................... 6 Quantities of space and mass .............................. 3

Drehzahlen von Hydraulikmotoren .................... 28 Raum - und Massegroen .................................... 3

Fahrgeschwindigkeiten ...................................... 27 Schrauben mit metrischem Feingewinde DIN
13 - 13 ................................................................ 32
FOREWORD ........................................................ 1
Schrauben mit Regelgewinde nach DIN 13 -
Fuel consumption .............................................. 26 13........................................................................ 31

SI - AND ADDITIONAL UNITS ............................ 3

SI - UND WEITERE GROSSEN .......................... 3

Speed ................................................................ 23
Speeds of hydraulic motors ................................ 28

Steigungswinkel.................................................. 27

Stroking times of cylinders .................................. 28

Temperatur - Einheiten und Umrechungsfor-
meln .................................................................... 21

Tightening angles .............................................. 33

TIGHTENING TORQUES .................................. 30

Tightening torques for SAE flange-system ........ 33

Time-related quantities ........................................ 4

Travel speeds .................................................... 27

Umrechnung von Flachenmaen ........................ 7

Umrechnung von foot (Fuss) und inch (Zoll) in

Meter .................................................................... 8

Umrechnung von Langen-Maen ........................ 6

Umrechnung von Newtonmeter "Nm" in Foot

Pounds "" ...................................................... 9

Umrechnungstabelle fur Druckeinheiten von

Gasen, Dampfen und Flussigkeiten .................. 17

Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten der

mechanischen Spannung (Festigkeit) ................ 19

Umrechnungstabelle fur Einheiten von Ener-

gie, Arbeit und Warmemenge ............................ 18

UMRECHNUNGSTABELLEN .............................. 6

Units of mass (weight) ........................................ 24

Units of temperature and conversion formulas .. 21

Units of volume, flow rates.................................. 25

Volumeneinheiten, Durchflumenge .................. 25

VORWORT .......................................................... 1

Zeitgroen ............................................................ 4

Zylinder-Hubzeiten ............................................ 28

2 905 272.01 en
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Engine............................................................................................................................................................ 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Rear axle with transfer box gearing ............................................................................................................ 4

Travel speeds................................................................................................................................................ 4

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data .......................................................................................................................... 5
Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit) .......................................................................................................... 7
Triple hydraulic pump.................................................................................................................................. 7
Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit) ...................................................................................................... 8
Hydraulic cylinders ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Service fluids .............................................................................................................................................. 10

Tightening torques .................................................................................................................................... 11

Approx. weights.......................................................................................................................................... 12

Foreword 2800799

Anyone involved with commission- Data regarding auxiliary units for operating an-
ing, operating, inspecting and ser- cillary or special systems, as well as data on
vicing the FH construction machine machines produced only in small numbers, have
must read through and acquaint not been included.
himself with the "OPERATING
MANUAL" - and especially the Sec- Filling quantities are only approximate figures in-
tion "FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY tended to help in stockholding the various fluids
INSTRUCTIONS" - before starting and agents. Each unit has appropriate checking
work. systems, e.g. dipstick or checking screws, with
which the exact filling level can be checked.

The "Service Data" contains details which are The Part Nos. given in the sections
important to the service staff. Data included in are not to be used when ordering
other parts of the general documentation have spare parts. They are only intended
been left aside. to identify the component being re-
ferred to. When ordering spare
parts, use only the Part Nos. given
in the spare parts lists.

2 905 272.01 en 1

2 2 905 272.01 en

Engine 2905272

Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Manufacturer and model Perkins


Rated output DIN 70 020 (at rated speed) kW 41.5

Rated speed (at full load) rpm 2300

Idling speed rpm 800 +_ 25

High idling speed rpm 2590 +_ 25

Firing sequence 1,3,4,2

Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise when looking at


Valve clearance: inlet and exhaust (engine cold) mm / mm 0.35 / 0.35

Compression pressure bar 17.5 : 1

Oil pressure bar 2.86

2 905 272.01 en 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle

No. 190 062 -

Type Planetary axle (with self-locking differential)

Model ASP 50

Ratio i = 17.45

Rear axle with transfer box gearing

No. 190 062 -

Type Planetary axle (without self Planetary axle (with self-

locking differential) locking differential) 1)

Model ASPP V 50

Ratio i = 39.01


Travel speeds
Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Travel range 1 (creep-speed) km / h 0 - 62)

Travel range 2 (working speed) km / h 0 - 202)

at tyre-dimension 14.5-20

4 2 905 272.01 en

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data
Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Hydr. oil temp. (oil reservoir) for checking and adjustments C 60 - 70

Working hydraulic
- primary pressure relief bar 230 +_ 10
- secondary pressure relief tip cylinder piston side bar 235 +_ 5
- secondary pressure relief tip cylinder rod side bar 285 +_ 5
- secondary pressure relief hoist cylinder piston side bar 285 +_ 5

- primary pressure relief bar 175

- secondary pressure relief bar 240 +_ 10

Drive unit
- charge pressure (at speed 2300 min-1) bar 25 -2

- beginning of control action (at speed 1100 min-1 +_ 100) bar 50 +20
- end of control action (at speed 1900 min-1 +_ 100) bar 400
- pressure cut-off bar 430 +_ 10
- 10
- opening pressure high-pressure valve bar 465

- inch valve
- brake pressure at inch begin bar 5 +_ 1
- brake pressure at inch end bar 13 +_ 1
- control begin variable motor bar 260 +_ 10

Hydraulic cylinder hoist times (shovel empty)

- lifting 6 +_ 0.5
- lowering Sec. 3 +_ 0.5
- tipping 1 +_ 0.5

2 905 272.01 en 5

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data

Unit W50
190 062 -

Pump store brake

- store load valve

pressure on-point bar 120+10

pressure off-point bar 150 -10

permissible pressure bar 150+10

- store

pressurization bar 50 +_ 5

pressure switch, accumulator warning bar 98

- pedal valve

permissible operating pressure bar 150 +10

pre pressure bar 60 +_ 4

pressure at multiple-disc brake bar 46 - 3

- switch on valve

pre pressure bar 14- 4

6 2 905 272.01 en

Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit)

Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Type Swashplate pump with over speed


Model A4VG40DA1D8/32R

Displacement cc / rev. 40

Power requirement max. kW 38.5

Drive Direct from engine, i = 1.0

Operating speed (= rated speed of engine) rpm 2300

Oil flow max. l / min. 88.4

Displacement of the feed pump cc / rev. 8.6

Triple hydraulic pump

Unit W 50
No. 190 062 -

Function Working hydraulic fan brake

and steering

Type Gear-type pump

Displacement cc / rev. 23 11 6

Drive Direct drive from variable pump, i = 1.0

Operating speed rpm 2300 2300 2300

Oil flow (at operating speed) l / min 50 24 13

2 905 272.01 en 7

Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit)

Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Type Variable-displacement motor with

high pressure control

Model A6VM80HA1U1/63W

Displacement Q max / Q min cc / rev. 80 / 21.8

Operating speed rpm 1072 - 4309

Oil flow max. l / min 88.4

Throttle pin mm 0.45

8 2 905 272.01 en

Hydraulic cylinders
Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Function Lifting cylinder Tipping cylinder

Number of hydraulic cylinders 2 1

Rod- / piston- mm / mm 40 / 75 40 / 80

Stroke mm 574 430

Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Function Steering cylinder Cylinder for quick-hitch

Number of hydraulic cylinders 1 1

Rod-/piston- mm / mm 32 / 70 22 / 40

Stroke mm 300 70

2 905 272.01 en 9

Service fluids
No. 190 062 -

Approx. quantity Operating hours Grade2)

(litres) between changes

Engine (including filter) 8.51) 5002) CD SE 15W-40

Fuel tank 90 See Engine Oper. Instruction

Hydraulic system 601) 30003) Multigrade


Transfer box gearing 1.01) 10004) LS 5-90

Front axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Rear axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Axle-planetary gears 4 x 0.51) 10004) LS 5-90

Cooling system 15.5 20007)

Lubricating points 26) x for all lube points weekly 2) NLGI-Nr.25)

Filling quantities are valid for oil changes and not for first filling
See Operating Instructions
After 3 years at the latest
After 1 year at the latest
At ambient temperatures below 0C use grease NLGI-No. 1 or 0.
0,4 kg - cartridge
After 2 years at the latest

10 2 905 272.01 en

Tightening torques
No. 190 062 -

Wheel nut Thread size A 20-8

(M 20 x 1,5 / SW 27)
Tightening torque 500 Nm

Cardan shaft Bolt size M 81) / 10.9 / SW 13

Tightening torque 34 Nm

Front axle mounting Bolt size M 241) / 8.8 / SW 36

Tightening torque 670 Nm

Rear axle mounting Bolt size M 121) / 8.8 / SW 19

(Pin mounting)
Tightening torque 79 Nm

Variable pump-engine mounting Bolt size M 163) / 10.9 / SW 14

Tightening torque 250 Nm

Variable motor-transfer mounting Bolt size M 121) / 8.8 / SW 19

box gearing
Tightening torque 71 Nm

Counter weight Bolt size M 201) / 8.8 / SW 30

Tightening torque 390 Nm

Engine bracket Bolt size M 12 / 10.9 / SW 19

Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 14 / 8.8 / SW 22
Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 10 / 10.9 / SW 17
Tightening torque 80 Nm

Hex. hd. screw, lightly oiled
Cyl. hd. screw, lightly oiled
with liquid screw fixer

2 905 272.01 en 11

Approx. weights
Unit W50
No. 190 062 -

Engine kg 210

Front axle kg 180

Rear axle including transfer box gearing kg 250

Cab kg 470

Variable pump kg 30

Variable motor kg 35

Lift frame kg 420

Lifting cylinder kg 30

Cylinder for quick-hitch kg 12

Counter-weight kg 395

Further weights see Dimension Sheet "Technical Data W50".

12 2 905 272.01 en

Notes 2800465

2 905 272.01 en 13

14 2 905 272.01 en

2 905 273.01 en
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Engine............................................................................................................................................................ 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Rear axle with transfer box gearing ............................................................................................................ 4

Travel speeds................................................................................................................................................ 4

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data .......................................................................................................................... 5
Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit) .......................................................................................................... 7
Triple hydraulic pump.................................................................................................................................. 8
Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit) ...................................................................................................... 8
Hydraulic cylinders ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Service fluids .............................................................................................................................................. 10

Tightening torque ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Approx. weights.......................................................................................................................................... 12

Foreword 2800799

Anyone involved with commissio- Data regarding auxiliary units for operating ancil-
ning, operating, inspecting and ser- lary or special systems, as well as data on ma-
vicing the FH construction machine chines produced only in small numbers, have not
must read through and acquaint been included.
himself with the "OPERATING MA-
NUAL" - and especially the Section Filling quantities are only approximate figures in-
"FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY IN- tended to help in stockholding the various fluids
STRUCTIONS" - before starting and agents. Each unit has appropriate checking
work. systems, e.g. dipstick or checking screws, with
which the exact filling level can be checked.

The "Service Data" contains details which are The Part Nos. given in the sections
important to the service staff. Data included in are not to be used when ordering
other parts of the general documentation have spare parts. They are only intended
been left aside. to identify the component being re-
ferred to. When ordering spare
parts, use only the Part Nos. given
in the spare parts lists.

2 905 273.01 en 1

2 2 905 273.01 en

Engine 2905273

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Manufacturer and model Perkins


Rated output DIN 70 020 (at rated speed) kW 45

Rated speed (at full load) rpm 2300

Idling speed rpm 800 +_25

High idling speed rpm 2590 +_25

Firing sequence 1,3,4,2

Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise when looking at


Valve clearance: inlet and exhaust (engine cold) mm / mm 0.35 / 0.35

Compression pressure bar 17.5 : 1

Oil pressure bar 2.86

2 905 273.01 en 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle

No. 218 038 -

Type Planetary axle (with self-locking differential)

Model ASP 50

Ratio i = 23.25

Rear axle with transfer box gearing

No. 218 038 -

Type Planetary axle (without self Planetary axle (with self-lok-

locking differential) king differential)1)

Model ASPP V 50

Ratio i = 47.75


Travel speeds
Einheit W60
No. 218 038 -

Travel range 1 (creep-speed) km / h 0 - 62)

Travel range 2 (working speed) km / h 0 - 202)

at tyre-dimension 14.5-20

4 2 905 273.01 en

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data
Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Hydr. oil temp. (in oil reservoir) for checking and adjustments C approx. 60 - 70

Working hydraulic
- primary relief bar 210 +_ 10
- secondary relief tip cylinder piston side bar 220 +_ 5
- secondary relief tip cylinder rod side bar 285 +_ 5
- secondary relief hoist cylinder piston side bar 285 +_ 5

- primary relief bar 175- 5

- secondary relief bar 240 +_ 10

Drive unit
- charge pressure (at speed 2300 min-1) bar 25 - 2

- beginning of control action (at speed 1100 min-1 +_ 100) bar 50 +20

- end of control action (at speed 1900 min-1 +_ 100) bar 400

- pressure cut-off bar 430 +_ 10

- opening pressure high-pressure valves bar 465- 10

- inch valve
- brake pressure at inch begin bar 5 +_ 1
- brake pressure at inch end bar 13 +_ 1
- control begin variable motor bar 210 +_ 10

Hydraulic cylinder hoist times (shovel empty)

- lifting 5.7 +_0,5
- lowering Sec. 3.2 +_0,5
- tipping Sec. 1.2 +_0,5

2 905 273.01 en 5

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Pump store brake

- store load valve

pressure on-point bar 120 +10

pressure off-point bar 150 -10

permissible pressure bar 150 +10

- store

pressurization bar 50 +_ 5

pressure switch, accumulator warning bar 98

- pedal valve

permissible operating pressure bar 150 +10

pre pressure bar 60 +_ 4

pressure at multiple-disc brake bar 46 - 3

- switch on valve

pre pressure bar 14-4

6 2 905 273.01 en

Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit)

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Type Swashplate pump with over speed


Model A4VG56DA1D8/32R
(with hydr. inch valve)

Displacement cc / rev. 56

Power requirement max. kW 40.5

Drive Direct from engine, i = 1.0

Operating speed (= rated speed of engine) rpm 2300

Oil flow max. l / min 125.4

Displacement of the feed pump cc / rev. 11.4

2 905 273.01 en 7

Triple hydraulic pump

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Function Working hydraulic Fan Service brake

and steering

Type Gear-Type pump

Displacement cc / rev. 27 11 6

Drive Durchtrieb PAG, i = 1,0

Operating speed rpm1 2300 2300 2300

Oil flow (at operating speed) l / min 60 24 13

Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit)

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Type Variable-displacement motor with

high pressure control

Model A6VM80HA1U1/63W

Displacement Qmax / Qmin cc / rev. 80 / 26.3

Operating speed rpm 1541 - 4796

Oil flow max. l / min 125.4

Throttle pin mm 0.45

8 2 905 273.01 en

Hydraulic cylinders
Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Function Lift cylinder Tip cylinder

Number of hydraulic cylinders 2 1

Rod - / piston - mm / mm 45 / 75 45 / 90

Stroke mm 690 450

Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Function Steering cylinder Cylinder for quick-hitch

Number of hydraulic cylinders 1 1

Rod - / piston - mm / mm 32 / 70 25 / 50

Stroke mm 300 75

2 905 273.01 en 9

Service fluids
No. 218 038 -

Approx. quantity Operating hours Grade2)

(litres) between changes2)

Engine (including filter) 8.51) 5002) CD SE 15W-40

Fuel tank 100 See Engine Oper. Instruction

Cooling system 15.5 20007) See Engine Oper. In-


Hydraulic system 651) 30003) Multigrade


Transfer box gearing 1.01) 10004) LS 5-90

Front axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Rear axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Axle-planetary gears 4 x 0.51) 10004) LS 5-90

Lubricating points 2 6) x weekly2) NLGI-Nr.25)

for all lube points

Filling quantities are valid for oil changes and not for first filling
See Operating Instructions
After 3 years at the latest
After 1 year at the latest
At ambient temperatures below 0C use grease NLGI-No. 1 or 0.
0,4 kg - cartridge
After 2 years at the latest

10 2 905 273.01 en

Tightening torque
No. 218 038 -

Wheel nut Thread size A 20-8

(M 20 x 1.5 / SW 27)
Tightening torque 500 Nm

Cardan shaft Bolt size M 81) / 10.9 / SW 13

Tightening torque 34 Nm

Front axle mounting Bolt size M 241) / 8.8 / SW 36

Tightening torque 670 Nm

Rear axle mounting Bolt size M 101) / 10.9 / SW 17

(Pin mounting)
Tightening torque 68 Nm

Variable pump-engine mounting Bolt size M 163) / 10.9 / SW 14

Tightening torque 250 Nm

Variable motor-transfer mounting Bolt size M 121) / 8.8 / SW 19

box gearing
Tightening torque 71 Nm

Counter weight Bolt size M 201) / 8.8 / SW 30

Tightening torque 390 Nm

Engine bracket Bolt size M 12 / 10.9 / SW 19

Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 14 / 8.8 / SW 22
Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 10 / 10.9 / SW 17
Tightening torque 80 Nm

Hex. hd. screw, lightly oiled
Cyl. hd. screw, lightly oiled
with liquid screw fixer

2 905 273.01 en 11

Approx. weights
Unit W60
No. 218 038 -

Engine kg 210

Front axle kg 180

Rear axle including transfer box gearing kg 270

Cab kg 470

Variable pump kg 40

Variable motor kg 35

Lift frame kg 600

Lifting cylinder kg 35

Tip cylinder kg 32

Steering cylinder kg 13

Cylinder for quick-hitch kg 11

Counter-weight kg 413

Further weights see Dimension Sheet "Technical Data W60".

12 2 905 273.01 en

Notes 2800465

2 905 273.01 en 13

14 2 905 273.01 en

2 905 274.01 en
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Engine............................................................................................................................................................ 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Rear axle with transfer box gearing ............................................................................................................ 4

Travel speeds................................................................................................................................................ 4

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data .......................................................................................................................... 5
Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit) .......................................................................................................... 7
Triple hydraulic pump.................................................................................................................................. 8
Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit) ...................................................................................................... 8
Hydraulic cylinders ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Service fluids .............................................................................................................................................. 10

Tightening torque ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Approx. weights.......................................................................................................................................... 12

Foreword 2800799

Anyone involved with commissio- Data regarding auxiliary units for operating ancil-
ning, operating, inspecting and ser- lary or special systems, as well as data on ma-
vicing the FH construction machine chines produced only in small numbers, have not
must read through and acquaint been included.
himself with the "OPERATING MA-
NUAL" - and especially the Section Filling quantities are only approximate figures in-
"FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY IN- tended to help in stockholding the various fluids
STRUCTIONS" - before starting and agents. Each unit has appropriate checking
work. systems, e.g. dipstick or checking screws, with
which the exact filling level can be checked.

The "Service Data" contains details which are The Part Nos. given in the sections
important to the service staff. Data included in are not to be used when ordering
other parts of the general documentation have spare parts. They are only intended
been left aside. to identify the component being re-
ferred to. When ordering spare
parts, use only the Part Nos. given
in the spare parts lists.

2 905 274.01 en 1

2 2 905 274.01 en

Engine 2905274

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Manufacturer and model Perkins


Rated output DIN 70 020 (at rated speed) kW 46.5

Rated speed (at full load) rpm 2500

Idling speed rpm 800 +_25

High idling speed rpm 2740 +_25

Firing sequence 1,3,4,2

Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise when looking at


Valve clearance: inlet and exhaust (engine cold) mm / mm 0.35 / 0.35

Compression pressure bar 17.5 : 1

Oil pressure bar 2.86

2 905 274.01 en 3

Axles and transmission gears

Front axle

No. 303 139 -

Type Planetary axle (with self-locking differential)

Model ASP 50

Ratio i = 23.25

Rear axle with transfer box gearing

No. 303 139 -

Type Planetary axle (without self Planetary axle (with self-lok-

locking differential) king differential)1)

Model ASPP V 50

Ratio i = 49.75


Travel speeds
Einheit W70
No. 303 139 -

Travel range 1 (creep-speed) km / h 0 - 62)

Travel range 2 (working speed) km / h 0 - 202)

at tyre-dimension 14.5-20

4 2 905 274.01 en

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data
Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Hydr. oil temp. (in oil reservoir) for checking and adjustments C approx. 60 - 70

Working hydraulic
- primary relief bar 230 +_ 10
- secondary relief tip cylinder piston side bar 240 +_ 5
- secondary relief tip cylinder rod side bar 285 +_ 5
- secondary relief hoist cylinder piston side bar 285 +_ 5

- primary relief bar 175
- secondary relief bar 240 +_ 10

Drive unit
- charge pressure (at speed 2500 min-1) bar 25 -2

- beginning of control action (at speed 1100 min-1 +_ 100) bar 50 +20

- end of control action (at speed 2100 min-1 +_ 100) bar 400

- pressure cut-off bar 430 +_ 10

- 10
- opening pressure high-pressure valves bar 465

- inch valve
- brake pressure at inch begin bar 5 +_ 1
- brake pressure at inch end bar 13 +_ 1
- control begin variable motor bar 210 +_ 10

Hydraulic cylinder hoist times (shovel empty)

- lifting 5.7 +_0,5
- lowering Sec. 3.2 +_0,5
- tipping Sec. 1.2 +_0,5

2 905 274.01 en 5

Hydraulic system
Checking and setting data

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Pump store brake

- store load valve

pressure on-point bar 120 +10

pressure off-point bar 150 -10

permissible pressure bar 150 +10

- store

pressurization bar 50 +_ 5

pressure switch, accumulator warning bar 98

- pedal valve

permissible operating pressure bar 150 +10

pre pressure bar 60 +_ 3

pressure at multiple-disc brake bar 46 - 2

- switch on valve

pre pressure bar 14-4

6 2 905 274.01 en

Variable pump (PAG = Primary unit)

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Type Swashplate pump with over speed


Model A4VG56DA1D8/32R
(with hydr. inch valve)

Displacement cc / rev. 56

Power requirement max. kW 41.5

Drive Direct from engine, i = 1.0

Operating speed (= rated speed of engine) rpm 2500

Oil flow max. l / min 136.7

Displacement of the feed pump cc / rev. 11.4

2 905 274.01 en 7

Triple hydraulic pump

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Function Working hydraulic Fan Service brake

and steering

Type Gear-Type pump

Displacement cc / rev. 27 11 6

Drive Durchtrieb PAG, i = 1,0

Operating speed rpm1 2500 2500 2500

Oil flow (at operating speed) l / min 64 26 14

Variable motor (SAG = Secondary unit)

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Type Variable-displacement motor

with high pressure control

Model A6VM80HA1U1/63W

Displacement Qmax / Qmin cc / rev. 80 / 29.0

Operating speed rpm 1682 - 4810

Oil flow max. l / min 136.7

Throttle pin mm 0.45

8 2 905 274.01 en

Hydraulic cylinders
Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Function Lift cylinder Tip cylinder

Number of hydraulic cylinders 2 1

Rod - / piston - mm / mm 45 / 75 45 / 90

Stroke mm 690 450

Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Function Steering cylinder Cylinder for quick-hitch

Number of hydraulic cylinders 1 1

Rod - / piston - mm / mm 32 / 70 25 / 50

Stroke mm 300 75

2 905 274.01 en 9

Service fluids
No. 303101 -

Approx. quantity Operating hours Grade2)

(litres) between changes2)

Engine (including filter) 8.51) 5002) CD SE 15W-40

Fuel tank 100 See Engine Oper. Instruction

Cooling system 15.5 20007) See Engine

Oper. Instruction

Hydraulic system 651) 30003) Multigrade


Transfer box gearing 1.01) 10004) LS 5-90

Front axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Rear axle 3.71) 10004) LS 5-90

Axle-planetary gears 4 x 0.51) 10004) LS 5-90

Lubricating points 26) x weekly2) NLGI-Nr.25)

for all lube points

Filling quantities are valid for oil changes and not for first filling
See Operating Instructions
After 3 years at the latest
After 1 year at the latest
At ambient temperatures below 0C use grease NLGI-No. 1 or 0.
0,4 kg - cartridge
After 2 years at the latest

10 2 905 274.01 en

Tightening torque
No. 303 139 -

Wheel nut Thread size A 20-8

(M 20 x 1.5 / SW 27)
Tightening torque 500 Nm

Cardan shaft Bolt size M 81) / 10.9 / SW 13

Tightening torque 34 Nm
Hexagonal nut / M 8 - 10 / 251 793

Front axle mounting Bolt size M 24 / 8.8 / SW 36

Tightening torque 670 Nm

Rear axle mounting Bolt size M 101) / 10.9 / SW 17

(Pin mounting)
Tightening torque 68 Nm

Variable pump-engine mounting Bolt size M 163) / 10.9 / SW 14

Tightening torque 250 Nm

Variable motor-transfer mounting Bolt size M 121) / 8.8 / SW 19

box gearing
Tightening torque 71 Nm

Counter weight Bolt size M 201) / 8.8 / SW 30

Tightening torque 390 Nm

Engine bracket Bolt size M 12 / 10.9 / SW 19

Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 14 / 8.8 / SW 22
Tightening torque 140 Nm
Bolt size M 10 / 10.9 / SW 17
Tightening torque 80 Nm

Hex. hd. screw, lightly oiled
Cyl. hd. screw, lightly oiled
with liquid screw fixer

2 905 274.01 en 11

Approx. weights
Unit W70
No. 303 139 -

Engine kg 210

Front axle kg 180

Rear axle including transfer box gearing kg 270

Cab kg 470

Variable pump kg 40

Variable motor kg 35

Lift frame kg 600

Lifting cylinder kg 35

Tip cylinder kg 32

Steering cylinder kg 13

Cylinder for quick-hitch kg 11

Counter-weight kg 601

Further weights see Dimension Sheet "Technical Data W70".

12 2 905 274.01 en

Notes 2800145

2 905 274.01 en 13

14 2 905 274.01 en

Diesel engine
if required, engine manuals can be orederd.

604.06.995.01 03 1
04 TRAVEL DRIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Hydraulic System, Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................... 1

Explanations of circuit diagrams and illustrations.................................................................................... 1

Depressurizing the hydraulic system ........................................................................................................ 2

Principle: hydrostatic travel drive .............................................................................................................. 3

Hydraulic circuit diagram - travel drive ...................................................................................................... 4

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

Pressure measuring points ........................................................................................................................ 5

Functional description: hydrostatic travel drive of wheel loader W50 / W60 / W70
Travel drive installation .............................................................................................................................. 9
Pressure measuring points ........................................................................................................................ 9

Adjusting work at the hydrostatic travel drive

Mechanical zero position .......................................................................................................................... 10
Checking and adjusting high pressure at travelling .................................................................................. 10
Adjusting cylinder (A13) ............................................................................................................................ 11
High-pressure relief valve (A4).................................................................................................................. 12
High-pressure relief valve (A4), deblockable ............................................................................................ 13
Pressure cutout (A8) ................................................................................................................................ 14
Switching valve (A11), electromagnetically activated .............................................................................. 17
Feed pressure relief valve (A9) ................................................................................................................ 18
Checking and adjusting feed pressure ...................................................................................................... 19
Control valve (A7) .................................................................................................................................... 20
Checking and adjusting the regulation threshold (driving start) ................................................................ 21
Checking regulation end .......................................................................................................................... 21
Axial-piston oil motor (A15) ...................................................................................................................... 22
Checking and adjusting the regulation threshold of the hydraulic motor (displacement switch-over) ...... 23
Inching valve (B10) .................................................................................................................................. 24
Adjusting the inching threshold ................................................................................................................ 25

Repair instructions, hydraulic pump ........................................................................................................ 27

Repair instructions, hydraulic motor ........................................................................................................ 27


04 TRAVEL DRIVE Explanations of circuit diagrams

and illustrations 2800487

Hydraulic System, Safety All circuit diagrams and illustrations in this Work-
Instructions 2800476 shop Manual form one coherent system.
Each component has its own unique part number.
Read and observe the operating in-
In some cases a letter indicating the use is as-
struction: "Inspection and Servic-
signed to the digit for improved clarity.
ing, Safety Instructions".
Before working on the hydraulic Meanings:
system, ensure that the system is A = transmission z. B. A7 = servo-valve
depressurized and that any resid- drive,
ual pressure is discharged. B = braking system, z. B. B1 = brake fluid
Engine off. pump
Secure the machine as described L = steering system, z. B.L1 = steering
in the operating instruction: "Se- cylinder
curing the machine". H = working z. B.H8 = primary valve
Avoid skin contact with hydraulic hydraulics,
oils. Wear gloves and firm working T = tank, filter, z. B. T1 = hydraulic tank
gear. Skin contact with hydraulic cooling system
oils is a health risk.
Part numbers without letters designate general
components, e.g. Part 1 = diesel engine.

Encircled parts, e.g. , designate connections.

They indicate the destination or the origin of the
connection lines. Example indicates that the
connection designated in this way is connected
with the dual pump.

Measuring connections are specified with rectan-

gular boxes.

X1 designates, for example, the measuring point

for control pressure.

604.06.995.01 04 1

Depressurizing the hydraulic

system 2800488

Before starting work, depressurize the hydraulic

- Secure the machine as described under "Se-
curing the machine".
- Move control lever for operating equipment and
3rd function in all directions until the operating
equipment makes no further movement.

The residual pressure in the operating equipment

is then discharged.

2 04 604.06.995.01

Principle: hydrostatic travel drive 2905285

To meet the demands of customers for optimum

performance with simple operation and low-main-
tenance units in small to medium wheel loaders,
they are equipped with hydrostatic drives.

In the W50 - W70 this is a self-contained system,

comprising primarily a variable displacement
pump (A3) driven direct by the diesel engine (1)
and a hydraulic motor (A15) on the rear axle.

In neutral position (i.e. neither forward or reverse

gear engaged) the driving pump (A3) is not swiv-
elled out and pumps no pressure oil to the hy-
draulic motor (A15). The machine is stationary.

When the forward or reverse gear is engaged, Fig. 1

the variable displacement pump (A3) swivels out
in the corresponding direction and the hydraulic Parts
motor (A15) is provided with pressure oil on the
required side. The machine moves forward or in 1 - Diesel engine - drives the system
reverse. A2 - Feed pump - feeds the system with
control and feed oil
The control pressure which makes the driving A3 - Travel pump, variable displacement
pump (A3) swivel out is generated by the feed pump provides the pressure oil for the
pump (A2). At the same time, oil gets from the hydraulic motor
feed circuit via the replenishing valves (A5) to the A4 - Pressure relief valves - limit the high
respective intake side of the variable displace- pressure in the system
ment pump (A3) and thus compensates the A5 - Replenishing valves - allow for
leakages occurring in the high-pressure circuit. follow-up feeding
A9 - Feed pressure relief valve - limits the
Fig. 1 shows a simplified schematic diagram of a feed pressure
hydrostatic drive in a self-contained system. A15 - Reversible hydraulic motor - drives the


The diagram in Fig. 1 is highly simplified and

serves only to explain the functioning principle.

Explanation of terms

High pressure: Pressure generated by the

travel pump to drive the hy-
draulic motor.

Feed pressure: Pressure generated by the

feed pump.

Control pressure: Pressure needed to swivel out

the travel pump.

604.06.995.01 04 3

Hydraulic circuit diagram - travel drive

Fig. 2

4 04 604.06.995.01

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

1 - Diesel engine K1 - Fan pump
2 - Triple pump, steering system / working K2 - Fan motor
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive K3 - Pressure relief valve
9 - Front axle K4 - Replenishing valve
10 - Rear axle
A1 - Feed circuit filter
T1 - Hydraulic tank A2 - Feed pump
T2 - Combined cooler A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump
T3 - Hydraulic oil return-flow filter with A4VG-Da
bypass A4 - High-pressure relief valves, deblockable
T4 - Check valve A5 - Replenishing valves
T5 - Distributor A7 - Servo-valve
T6 - Distributor A8 - Pressure cutout
A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
L1 - Steering cylinder A10 - Restrictor
L2 - Steering valve A11 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
L3 - Secondary valve, steering system valve for forward and reverse travel
L4 - Primary valve, steering A13 - Adjusting cylinder
L5 - Check valve forward/reverse/neutral
L6 - Priority valve A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U
A16 - Check valve
H1 - Lifting cylinder A17 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
H2 - Dumping cylinder valve for slow travel (high displacement)
H3 - Quick-change locking cylinder A18 - Adjusting cylinder for displacement
H4 - Hydraulic cylinder, 3rd function change
H5 - Quick-change locking mechanism
(multiway cock)
H6 - Control block, working hydraulics
H7 - Secondary valve "Rearward tilting" with Pressure measuring points
replenishing valve
H8 - Secondary valve "Dumping" with PH - Pump pressure for working and steering
replenishing valve hydraulics
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve
PSP - Feed pressure
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve
"Lifting/lowering" PHD - High pressure at travelling
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Tilting"
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve "3rd function PHD* - High pressure at travelling
" (at travel motor)
H14 - Control piston "Lifting-lowering-floating"
position Pin - Actual braking pressure
H15 - Control piston "Rearward tilting"
dumping PBL - Braking pressure
H16 - Control piston "3rd function" (for the multiple-disc brakes)
H17 - Hydraulic pump, steering and working
X1 - Control pressure
X2 - Control pressure
B1 - Brake fluid pump
B2 - Accumulator charging valve M1 - Regulation threshold (travel motor)
B4 - Brake accumulator
B5 - Pedal operated brake valve VA - Soiling indicator, return-flow filter
B6 - Pressure switch, braking light
B7 - Pressure switch, accumulator warning
B8 - Sequence valve
B9 - Multiple-disc brake
B10 - Inching valve

604.06.995.01 04 5

Fig. 3

6 04 604.06.995.01

Functional description: hydrostatic travel drive of wheel loader

W50 / W60 / W70
(Figs. 3 - 5)

The variable displacement pump (A3) and the brake pedal reduces the control pressure only
feed pump (A2) are driven by the diesel engine slightly, and the control pressure is directed com-
(1). pletely into the hydraulic tank at a braking pres-
sure (Pin) of ca. 14 bars. As a consequence, the
The feed pump (A2) pumps oil through the feed travelling machine is braked by means of the
circuit filter (A1). travel drive.

The feed pressure is limited to ca. 25 bars by the N.B.:

feed pressure relief valve (A9) and can be Inching means reducing travelling speed (= brak-
checked at the measuring point (PSP). ing) by reducing the control pressure of the travel
Feed oil is directed to the respective suction side pump. The inching is the auxiliary brake of the
(dependent on travel direction) of the variable machine.
displacement pump (A3) via the replenishing
valves (A5) integrated in the high-pressure relief When the machine is travelling, the pressure oil is
valves (A4) to compensate for leakages. pumped to the hydraulic motor (A15) by the travel
pump (A3).
Depending on the speed of the diesel engine (1), In the event of high pressure at travelling exceed-
the feed pump (A2) generates a variable flow. ing a value of ca. 430 bars, the pressure cutout
The variation of flow is determined by sensing the (A8) reduces the control pressure until the high
dynamic pressure at restrictor (A10) . The higher pressure remains constant at the set value.
the dynamic pressure the higher the speed of the In addition to the pressure cutout, the high pres-
drive engine (1). sure at travelling is secured with two pressure
Depending on the dynamic pressure at restrictor relief valves (A4) which respond, however, only at
(A10), control valve (A7) derives a higher or lower ca. 465 bars. Depending on travel direction (for-
amount of control pressure from the feed pres- ward or reverse), one or the other of the pressure
sure. relief valves responds.

N.B.: The switching valve (A17) can direct the high

The control valve (A7) is set in such a way that pressure at travelling to the adjusting cylinder
ca. 50 bars travelling pressure (PHD) are built up (A18). This increases the displacement of the
at an engine speed of ca. 1100 rpm. In the hydraulic motor (A15), resulting in the drive turn-
technical data, this is referred to as regulation ing more slowly but strongly (= creep speed).
threshold. The switching valve (A17) is activated either elec-
trically (with the travel direction switch) or by the
The control pressure is applied to the electromag- high pressure at travelling.
netically activated switching valve (A11). When
the operator activates the travel direction switch, In the case of high-pressure dependent
the switching valve (A11) is electrically activated switchover, the oil pressure goes via one of the
and directs the control pressure to the required check valves (A16) onto the switching valve
side of the adjusting cylinder (A13). The pump (A17).
swivels out and pumps pressure oil to the hy- If the hydraulic motor (A15) is under pressure in
draulic motor (A15). excess of (see Technical Data), the valve (A17)
switches over even if it is not electrically ac-
On activation of the pedal-operated brake valve tivated. This results in the high pressure at travel-
(B5), the generated braking pressure acts on the ling being directed onto the piston base side of
inching valve (B10). the adjusting cylinder (A18).
Depending on the height of the actual braking In practice, this means that the machine switches
pressure, the inching valve (B10) opens a larger automatically to the slower gear from a certain
or smaller connection between the control pres- travelling resistance onwards. It also means that
sure and the tank, so that light application of the the so-called creep speed (= transmission range
1) has to be engaged only if a lower travelling
speed is required. In all other situations, transmis-
sion range 2 is preferable.

604.06.995.01 04 7

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

8 04 604.06.995.01

Travel drive installation Pressure measuring points

K1 - Triple pump steering / working
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive PSP - Feed pressure
K2 - Fan motor
K3 - Pressure relief valve with integrated PHD - High pressure at travelling
replenishing valve
PHD* - High pressure at travelling (at travel
T1 - Hydraulic tank motor)
T2 - Combined cooler
Pin - Actual braking pressure
L2 - Steering valve

B5 - Pedal-operated brake valve

B10 - Inching valve

A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump

A4 - High-pressure relief valve, deblockable
A7 - Control valve
A8 - Pressure cutout
A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
A11 - Electromagnetically activated switching
valve for forward and reverse travel
A13 - Adjusting cylinder,
A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U

604.06.995.01 04 9

Adjusting work at the hydrostatic travel drive 2800479

For all testing and adjusting work on the travel Checking and adjusting high pressure
drive, the hydraulic oil temperatur must be ca. at travelling
60 - 70C.
The high pressure at travelling (PHD) is limited
Mechanical zero position both by the high-pressure relief valves (A4) and
by the pressure cutout (A8).
The mechanical zero position is not normally self-
adjusting. Control or adjustment is therefore ne- N.B.:
cessary only when:
The maximum high pressure is attained only if
- the pump has been dismantled and reassem-
the displacement switchover at the hydraulic mo-
tor (A15) is prevented. For this purpose the regu-
- the operator complains that the loader, despite lation threshold adjusting screw (A15, Part 2)
the travel direction switch being set to neutral must be unturned by ca. 3 turns. On completion
position, is moving in one direction. In this of work, the regulation threshold of the hydraulic
case, however, the functioning of the travel motor must be reset. For all high-pressure mea-
direction switch and the electromagnetically ac- surements, transmission range 2 (driving) must
tivated switching valve (A11) should first be be selected at the travel direction lever.
If resetting of the regulation threshold of the en-
To check the mechanical zero position, a pres- gine is to be avoided, a pressure drop due to
sure gauge (measuring range 600 bars) must be spinning wheels can generally also be avoided by
connected to both measuring points for the high applying the parking brake as far as the limit stop
pressure at travelling (PHD). and preventing the travel drive from being
switched off with the handbrake switch.

The machine must now be secured with appro-

priate measures against forward or reverse move-
ment. The safety instructions must be observed.

The engine is started up, the travel direction

switch is set to neutral.

After slackening the lock nut (A13, Part 9) the

centering rod (A13, Part 5) is turned with a sock-
et wrench 5 mm until the same pressure (in this
case feed pressure) is read off at both measuring
points (PHD).

After adjustment, the centering rod (A13, Part 5)

must be secured with the lock nut (A13, Part 9).

The mechanical zero position is set.

10 04 604.06.995.01

Adjusting cylinder (A13)

Fig. 6

Parts Fig. 6

1 - Cylinder bore in pump housing

.2 - Cap
3 - Adjusting piston
4 - Compression spring
5 - Centering rod
6 - Spring plate
7 - Circlip
8 - Check nut or ring and sleeve
.9 - Lock nut

11 - Vent screw
12 - Dummy screw for control pressure
testing connection (M 12 x 1.5)
13 - Spacer sleeve
14 - O-ring
15 - Bearing bushing

604.06.995.01 04 11

High-pressure relief valve (A4) 2800926

To check the high-pressure relief valves (A4), the N.B.:

adjusting screw for pressure cutout (A8, Part 1)
must first be tightened to the limit stop and a The machine must not be driven for more than 5
pressure gauge (measuring range 600 bars) con- seconds against the high-pressure relief valves
nected at the corresponding measuring point (A4), as they are otherwise damaged by the high
(PHD). temperature.

It is advisable first to measure the dimension "X" The high-pressure relief valves (A4) normally
(Fig. 8) at the adjusting screw (A8, Part 1) and to need virtually no adjustment.
make a note of the measurement for later reset-
ting. Should it nonetheless be necessary to readjust
the high pressure, the valve must be removed
The wheel loader is then driven in transmission and setscrew (A4, Pos. 7) slackened.
range 2 against a wall or a mound of earth, with The pressure can then be set by means of valve
the pressure gauge being observed. The maxi- spindle (A4, Pos. 6).
mum attainable pressure in forward and reverse
direction is ca. 465 bars. After adjustment (1 turn correspond to approx-
imatly 44 bars) the setscrwew (A4, Pos. 7) is
Unblocking at (A4) retightened and the valve refitted in the pump
For towing of the wheel loader, the hydraulic
circuit of the travel motor must be short-circuited Important:
(unblocked), the drive and the wheels being oth-
erwise blocked. Check pressure once again after refitting.

Loosen the lock-nut (Fig. 7, 2) by 1 1/2 to 2 turns.

Hold the lock-nut with a spanner and turn down

the unblocking setscrew (Fig. 7, 1) with an Allan
key until it is flush with the lock-nut (Fig. 7, 2).
Retighten the hex nut.

After towing, loosen the hex nut (Fig. 7, 2). Turn

out the setscrew (Fig. 7, 1) completely and tight-
en the lock-nut (Fig. 7, 2).

12 04 604.06.995.01

High-pressure relief valve (A4), deblockable

Fig. 7

Parts Fig. 7

1 - Deblocking setscrew / bypass adjusting

2 - Lock-nut
3 - Plug
4 - Sealing ring
5 - Spring
6 - Spring plate
7 - Setscrew
8 - Spring
9 - O-ring
10 - Valve disk
11 - Valve spindle
12 - Support ring

604.06.995.01 04 13

Pressure cutout (A8) 2800481

Fig. 8

As the pressure cutout acts both forwards and in N.B.:

reverse, it is sufficient to check the high pressure
in forward direction. For this purpose a pressure This measurement must also be performed in
gauge (measuring range 600 bars) is connected highway gear, as the wheels spin prematurely in
to the forward-travel pressure measuring connec- cross-country gear. To prevent a displacement
tion (PHD) and the wheel loader driven against a switchover at the engine (A15), the regulation
wall or mound of earth. threshold adjusting screw (A15, Part 2) must be
unscrewed by ca. 3 turns in CCW direction. On
completion of the work, the regulation threshold
of the hydraulic motor must be reset.

The pressure cutout can be adjusted in built-in

state at the adjusting screw for pressure relief
(A8.1). The adjustment value of the pressure
cutout is 420 +
_ 10 bars.

14 04 604.06.995.01


Prior to dismantling the pressure cutout (A8), it is

advisable to measure dimension X and to make a
note of it for later resetting.

Parts Fig. 8

1 - Adjusting screw

604.06.995.01 04 15

16 04 604.06.995.01

Switching valve (A11), electromagnetically activated

Fig. 9

Parts Fig. 9

1 - Housing
2 - Control piston
3 - Spring plate
4 - Spring
5 - Magnet
6 - Tappet
7 - Gasket

604.06.995.01 04 17

Feed pressure relief valve (A9) 2800927

Fig. 10

Parts Fig. 10

1 - Valve housing or bore in valve plate

2 - Screw plug
3 - Shim (s)
4 - Lock nut
5 - Spring plate
6 - Valve piston
7 - Compression spring
8 - O-ring or sealing ring
9 - Spring pin
A - Piston surface
B - Sealing edge or control edge
C - Tank channel (into pump housing)

18 04 604.06.995.01

Checking and adjusting feed pressure

The feed pressure is checked at the measuring N.B.:
point (PSP) and adjusted at the feed pressure
relief valve (A9).
At basic setting (e.g. after replacing or disman-
The feed pressure setpoint is 25 +
_ 2 bars at tling the valve), the valve spring must first be
nmof = 2300 min-1. relaxed by removing all shims (A9, Pos. 3) and a
pressure gauge (measuring range 60 bars) con-
If the pressure value has to be corrected, it can nected at the measuring point (PSP).
be adjusted at the adjusting screw (A9, Part 3) of The diesel engine is then started up and the feed
the feed pressure relief valve (A9). pressure measured at the corresponding engine
The feed pressure is reduced by CCW turning speed.
and increased by CW turning. If the feed pressure is too low, the value must be
adjusted by adding the required shims (1 mm =
3,9 bar).

604.06.995.01 04 19

Control valve (A7) 2800483

Fig. 11

Parts Fig. 11

1 - Valve housing 10 - O-ring

2 - Adjusting screw 11 - Piston
3 - Lock nut 12 - Circlip
4 - Spacer ring 13 - Circlip
5 - Lock nut 14 - Shield
15 - Piston housing
7 - Spring plate 16 - Cylindrical piston
17 - Spring
9 - Ring

20 04 604.06.995.01

Checking and adjusting the regulation threshold (driving start)

A pressure gauge must be connected at the mea- Checking regulation end
suring point (PHD) for forward travel (measuring
range 600 bars). To measure the engine speed, If the regulation threshold (driving start) is cor-
an appropriate tachometer (preferably a digital rectly set, the regulation end is yielded automati-
tachometer for clamping to the fuel-injection lines) cally. As for checking and adjusting the regulation
is also connected. threshold, a high-pressure gauge and a tacho-
meter must be connected.
The wheel loader is then driven against a wall or
a mound of earth. The engine speed is now kept At an engine speed of (see Technical Data) the
at 1100 +_ 100 min-1. This must yield a high high pressure at travelling (PHD) is 400 bars.
pressure at travelling (PHD) of 50 bars.
Adjustment is done by turning the adjusting screw
(A7, Part 2) after slackening the lock nut (A7, This measurement must also be performed in
Part 5). If the adjusting screw (A7, Part 2) is highway gear, as the wheels spin prematurely in
turned in CCW direction, the regulation threshold cross-country gear. To prevent a displacement
is changed towards earlier; if it is turned in CW switchover at the engine (A15), the regulation
direction, it is changed towards later. threshold adjusting screw (A15, Part 2) must be
unscrewed by ca. 3 turns in CCW direction. On
When 50 bars high pressure has been set at completion of the work, the regulation threshold
1100 + _ 100 min-1, the lock nut (A7, Part 5) is of the hydraulic motor must be reset.
tightened again.


The regulating valves (A7) for W50, W60 and

W70 have different orifices (Fig. 11, 14) and can
therefore not be interchanged between machines.

604.06.995.01 04 21

Axial-piston oil motor (A15) 2800484

Fig. 12

22 04 604.06.995.01

Checking and adjusting the regulation threshold of the hydraulic motor

(displacement switch-over)
Pressure gauges with a measuring range of Parts Fig. 12
600 bars must be connected at measuring points
(M1) and (PHD) in forward direction. The wheel 1 - Solenoid for displacement switchover
loader is then driven in highway gear against a 2 - Adjusting screw for regulation threshold
wall or a mound of earth. The speed of the diesel 3 - Adjusting screw for swivel angle
engine must then be gradually increased, with the limitation Q min; Do not re-adjust
two pressure gauges being observed at the same 4 - Adjusting screw for swivel angle
time. limitation Q max; Do not re-adjust

The regulation threshold is reached when a first M1 - Measuring point for regulation threshold
pressure rise is observed at the measuring point PHD - Measuring point for high pressure at
(M1). The high pressure at travelling (PHD) read travelling
off simultaneously at the other pressure gauge is
the set value for the regulation threshold (regula-
tion threshold see Technical Data).
If it is too low (regulation threshold too early), the
adjusting screw (A15, Part 2) must be un-
screwed in CCW direction. This tightens the
spring for the regulation theshold.
If the measured value is too high (regulation
threshold too late), the adjusting screw must be
turned in clockwise direction.
Adjustment of the hydraulic motor is completed
when both pressure gauges indicate virtually the
same pressure. This is the case at ca. 10 - 20
bars above regulation threshold.

For adjustment of the regulation threshold of the
hydraulic motor, the high pressure at travelling
can also be measured at measuring point (PHD*).

604.06.995.01 04 23

Inching valve (B10) 2800485

Fig. 13

24 04 604.06.995.01

Adjusting the inching threshold

A pressure gauge with a measuring range of 600 Parts Fig. 13
bars is connected at the measuring point for the
high pressure at travelling (PHD). A further pres- 1 - Slave cylinder
sure gauge with a measuring range of 60 bars 2 - Piston
must be connected at measuring point (Pin). 3 - Venting valve
4 - Relief channels
The wheel loader is then driven in highway gear 5 - Valve housing
against a wall or a mound of earth. The engine 6 - Tappet
speed is kept constant so that the measured high 7 - Control piston
pressure at travelling (PHD) also remains constant. 8 - Adjusting screw
A braking pressure (Pin) of 5 bars is now set. The 9 - Spring
inching valve (B10) is set at the adjusting screw 10 - Spring plate
(B10, Part 8) in such a way that the high pres- 11 - Notch
sure at travelling (PHD) starts to drop at a braking 12 - Gasket
pressure (Pin) of 5 bars.

If the inching threshold has been correctly set,

the inching end is yielded at an actual braking
pressure (Pin) of 13 bars, i.e. at this pressure, it is
only the feed pressure that is measured at the
measuring point for the high pressure at travelling

604.06.995.01 04 25

Notes 2800145

26 04 604.06.995.01

Repair instructions, hydraulic pump 2801129

A 4V G 40 - 56
Baureihe / Serie 32

Repair instructions, hydraulic motor

A 6V M 80 HA1U1
Baureihe / Serie 63

604.06.995.01 04 27

28 04 604.06.995.01


2 800 920.01 en
Preface .............................................................................................................................. 1

Design .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 1
General Working Instructions .................................................................................................................. 2
Notes on working safety .......................................................................................................................... 3
Assembling Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 3
Weights .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Front Axle Components, Screw Qualities, Tightening Torques, Screw Locking...................................... 4
Front Axle ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Axle Drive Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 6
Wheel Hub Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 8
Rear Axle Components, Screw Qualities, Tightening Torques, Screw Locking .................................... 10
Rear Axle Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 10
Axle Drive Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 12
Brake Assembly .................................................................................................................................... 14
Wheel Hub Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 16
Front Axle Drawing ................................................................................................................................ 18
Rear Axle Drawing ................................................................................................................................ 18

Dismantling and Reassembling the Axles

Dismantling............................................................................................................................................ 19
Reassembling........................................................................................................................................ 19

Dismantling the Front Axle

Wheel Hub Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 22
Axle Drive Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 24
Differential Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 25

Dismantling the Rear Axle

Wheel Hub Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 26
Brake Assembly .................................................................................................................................... 26
Axle Drive Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 28
Differential Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 30

Assembling the Front Axle

Wheel Hub Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 31
Differential (Pre-assembling) ................................................................................................................ 42
Complete Axle Drive and Axle Assemblies .......................................................................................... 46

Assembling the Rear Axle

Wheel Hub Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 61
Brake Assembly (Pre-Assembling) ........................................................................................................ 61
Differential Assembly (Pre-Assembling) ................................................................................................ 67
Complete Axle Drive and Axle Assemblies .......................................................................................... 67

GLEASON Toothing Surface Appearances

GLEASON Toothing Surface Appearances .......................................................................................... 84

List of Special Tools .............................................................................................................................. 86

Screw Tightening Torques (DIN tables)

General information .............................................................................................................................. 88

Screw Tightening Torques

Bolts with standard thread .................................................................................................................... 89
Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13 .............................................................................................. 90
Preface 2800496
As far as the assembly procedure is concerned,
all axle versions are of identical design. There The wheel hubs, axles and the transfer box are
may be differences, however, in the transmission not sealed with respect to one another. At in-
ratio and in the number of individual components clined positions, the oil may flow over and then
(e.g. disks in multiple-disk brakes). Items shown return. Oil level checks and oil changing on wheel
in the Illustrations may deviate from the actual hubs, axles and on the transfer box must, in each
conditions. Illustrations of front or rear axles have case, be done separately. Refer to the Operating
been used several times when the same working Instructions.
sequence is concerned.
Intervals for oil level checks and for oil changing
The Technical Handbook is not subjet to perma- are specified in the Operating Instructions.
nent revision. Changes will be incorporated in
Oil specification: API GL-5, SAE 90, LS. Refer
new editions which are identified by the rising
to the Operating Instructions.
index at the end of the 7-digit Part Number.
LS = Limited-slip-additives. They prevent noise
and jerky rolling-off of the wheels as may be
caused by locking differentials.
The multi-disk brake is operated by the oil of
Design the hydraulic system.
The front and rear axles are rigid axles. The Filling Quantities
front axle is firmly bolted to the front chassis of
the loader. A multi-disk self-locking differential is Front axle 3.7 l (1.0 gal)
built in which has a locking factor of approx. 45 Rear axle 3.7 l (1.0 gal)
Wheel hub 4 x 0.6 l (4 x 0.16 gal)
The rear axle is free to float on the rear chassis. Transfer box 1.0 l (0.3 gal)
Two inner multi-disk brakes running in an oil bath
and being operated hydraulically as service brake Cf. machine operating instructions.
and mechanically as parking brake are arranged
The multiple-disk brake is actuated with hydrau-
right and left to the axle drive and the differential,
lic oil from the hydraulic system.
respectively. The transfer box bolted to the axle
housing contains a countershaft stage for the For checking of wear remove plug (104) in the
flange-mounted hydraulic motor. axle tube (101) and measure thickness of inner
disks (84). Cf. machine operating instructions.
The rear and front axles are directly connected
by a propeller shaft. Both axles have planetary
gear systems in their hubs.

2 800 920.01 en 1

General Working Instructions

Thorougly clean the removed axle. As long as all Replace ring gears and pinion drive shafts only in
openings are closed it can be cleaned with water couples.
or with a steam jet.
Replace differential bevel pinions only in sets,
After dismantling, clean the parts in a suitable even though only one of them may need to be
cleaning agent. Do not use water or a steam jet changed. The may have been manufactured by
as this will result in rusting. different methods in the course of time.

Remove old sealing compound. Replace disks for brakes and self-locking differen-
tials only in sets.
Mark bolted parts such as axle housing and axle
tube or differential housing, cap, before separat- Apply oil to shafts, bearings, bushes etc. before
ing them. pressing them in.

Thoroughly check parts which are subject to Always replace sealing elements such as O-rings,
wear, e. g. bearings, thrust washers, disks, if they circlips, shaft rings or collars. Apply grease to the
are to be re-used. Checking antifriction bearings sealing lips of the shaft rings when installing
requires particular special knowledge. them.

Check gears for wear and surface cracks. Strictly observe all specified setting dimensions,
check data and tightening torques for reassem-
Replace bearings damaged or destroyed during bling.
dismantling. For tapered roller bearings, also re-
place the outer roller bearing ring in any case. Alter factory settings only when replacing bear-
ings and/or gears.
If specified, warm up bearings on hot plates or in
heating ovens. Never warm up with a direct Keep the bevel gear couple backlash and surface
flame. appearance unchanged when re-installing them.

Parts shrunk on must be re-driven after cooling In the illustrations, special tools are marked "S"
down to obtain perfect bearing. and bear continuous numbers. In "List of Special
Tools", all tools are listed under their continuous
numbers including their IDs, descriptions and il-
lustrations. They can be ordered under their IDs.

Ersatzteile nur nach der jeweiligen Ersdatzteilliste


Spare-parts order must be based on the relevant

spare-parts list.


All tools and measuring instruments must be in

perfect condition.

Special tools are identified in the illustrations with

the letter "S" and the number. The "List of special
tools" lists all tools by number with P/N, designa-
tion and picture reference. They may be ordered
by the Parts Number P/N.

2 2 800 920.01 en

Notes on working safety Assembling Procedure

The observance of all applicable safety rules and The complete overhauling of the front and rear
regulations is a prerequisite for protecting persons axles is described. According to circumstances,
against harm and injury and to prevent damage operations necessary for partial repair work can
to the product and the environment. be derived from there.

The repair personnel must have the know-how Wheel hubs including the planetary gear systems
and the experience required for the repair of as well as the rear axle transfer box may also be
these axles or of axles of a similar kind. If such repaired with the axle mounted. To repair brakes
know-how is lacking, the repair personnel must and axle drives, the axles must be completely
be trained and instructed beforehand by autho- dismantled. Then, the particular brakes or axle
rized personnel. drives can be laid open by removing the respec-
tive axle tube. The wheel hubs and planetary
Repair work must be carried out only after the gear systems remain enclosed.
Technical Handbook has been read and under-

Secure the machine before carrying out work on

installed axles:
- Park the machine on level and firm ground.
- Stand the working equipment on the ground.
- Apply the parking brake.
- Block the articulated joint or the superstructure.
- Shut off the engine.
- Withdraw the key.
- Secure the machine against inadvertent move-
ments by placing chocks under the wheels.
- Observe the warning and instruction signs on
the machine.

All tools and auxiliary means must be in a safe Fig. 1

state of operation.

For dismantling and reassembling, removed axles

are put in a vertical position, the lower axle tube
being held in a fixture. Wheel hub assembling
should be done on the vertically placed axle

All assembling illustrations show the axle in verti-

cal position.


Front axle, complete: approx. 185 kg (408 lb)

Rear axle incl. transfer box
approx. 265 kg (585 lb)

2 800 920.01 en 3
Front Axle Components, Screw Qualities, Tightening Torques, Screw Locking

Front Axle

Fig. 1

4 2 800 920.01 en

Front Axle

Item Quantity Description

1 1 Front axle

141 16 Wheel nut

142 2 Screw clip

143 4 Hex nut, M 24-8

MA = 710 Nm (524 lbft)

144 4 Lock nut

2 800 920.01 en 5

Axle Drive Assembly

Fig. 2

6 2 800 920.01 en

Axle Drive Assembly

Item Quantity Description

10 1 Axle drive assembly

12 2 Differential pin
13 4 Bevel gear
14 4 Washer
15 2 Bevel gear
16 2 Disk set
17 10 Outer disk
18 8 Inner disk

20 1 Differential housing
21 1 Bevel gear set
22 12 Fillister-head screw, M 12 - 10.9
MA = 129 Nm (95 lbft), LOCTITE 243

23 2 Tapered roller bearing

24 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
25 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
26 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
27 1 Housing
28 1 Cap screw
29 1 Cap screw
30 2 Packing ring

36 1 Tapered roller bearing

37 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
38 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
39 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
40 1 Liner
41 1 Liner
42 1 Liner
43 1 Liner
44 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
45 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
46 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
47 1 Tapered roller bearing
48 1 Shaft ring
49 1 Cap
50 1 Flange
51 1 Collar unit
MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft), LOCTITE 243

2 800 920.01 en 7

Wheel Hub Assembly

Fig. 3

8 2 800 920.01 en

Wheel Hub Assembly

Item Quantity Description

101 2 Axle tube

102 1 Vent plug
103 1 Cap screw

106 32 Hex screw, M 12 - 10.9

MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft), LOCTITE 243

107 2 O-ring
108 2 Drive shaft
109 2 Shaft ring
110 4 Tapered roller bearing
111 4 Hex screw, M 12 - 8.8
MA = 65 Nm (48 lbft)

112 16 Wheel bolt

113 2 Hub
114 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
115 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
116 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
117 2 Snap ring
118 2 Ring gear carrier
119 2 Ring gear
120 16 Hex screw, M 12 - 10.9
MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft), LOCTITE 243

121 6 Spur gear

122 6 Snap ring
123 6 Roller bearing
124 2 Pinion shaft
125 2 Thrust washer,
126 2 O-ring
127 2 Planetary carrier
128 2 Cap screw
129 2 Packing ring

2 800 920.01 en 9

Rear Axle Components, Screw Qualities, Tightening Torques, Screw Locking

Rear Axle Assembly

Fig. 4

10 2 800 920.01 en

Rear Axle Assembly

Item Quantity Description

2 1 Rear axle assembly

141 16 Wheel nut

145 1 Pin

201 1 Hydraulic motor

202 1 Brake line

203 1 Lubrication piping

204 1 Lubrication piping

2 800 920.01 en 11

Axle Drive Assembly

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

12 2 800 920.01 en

Axle Drive Assembly

Item Quantity Description

11 1 Axle drive assembly

12 2 Differential pin
13 4 Bevel gear
14 4 Washer
15 2 Bevel gear
19 2 Washer

20 1 Differential housing
21 1 Bevel gear set
22 12 Fillister-head screw, M 12 - 10.9
MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft), LOCTITE 243

23 2 Tapered roller bearing

24 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
25 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
26 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
27 1 Housing
28 1 Cap screw
29 1 Screw cap
30 2 Packing ring
31 2 Collar bush
32 Spacing washer
33 Spacing washer
34 1 Cap
35 6 Hex screw

36 1 Tapered roller bearing

37 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
38 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
39 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
40 1 Bush
41 1 Bush
42 1 Bush
43 1 Bush
44 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
45 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
46 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
47 1 Tapered roller bearing
48 1 Shaft ring
49 1 Cap
50 1 Flange
51 1 Collar unit
MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft), LOCTITE 243

52 1 Gear
53 2 Housing
54 3 O-ring
55 6 Hex screw
MA = 53 Nm (39 lbft), LOCTITE 243
56 2 Screw cap
57 2 Packing ring

2 800 920.01 en 13

Brake Assembly

Fig. 7

14 2 800 920.01 en

Brake Assembly

Item Quantity Description

70 1 Brake assembly, right-hand

71 1 Brake assembly, left-hand
72 1 Brake plate, right-hand
73 1 Brake plate, left-hand
74 2 O-ring
75 8 Piston
76 8 Piston seal
77 2 Back-up ring
78 4 Pin
79 6 Bush
80 6 Spring
81 6 Fillister-head screw, M 6
MA = 8 Nm (6 lbft), LOCTITE 243

82 2 Disk set
83 12 Outer disk
84 10 Inner disk
85 2 Brake shaft
86 4 Washer
87 2 Needle sleeve
88 2 Needle sleeve
89 2 Washer
90 1 Brake lever, right-hand
91 1 Brake lever, left-hand
92 2 Washer
93 2 Hex screw, M 8 - 8.8
MA = 26 Nm (19 lbft)

94 2 Packing ring
95 2 Reducer
96 2 Vent plug
97 2 Dust protection cap

2 800 920.01 en 15

Wheel Hub Assembly

Fig. 8

16 2 800 920.01 en

Wheel Hub Assembly

Item Qunatity Description

101 2 Axle tube

102 1 Vent plug
103 1 Screw cap
104 2 Screw cap
105 2 Packing ring

106 32 Hex screw, M 12 - 10.9

MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft), LOCTITE 243

107 2 O-ring
108 2 Drive shaft
109 2 Shaft ring
110 4 Tapered roller bearing
111 4 Hex screw, M 12 - 8.8
MA = 65 Nm (48 lbft)

112 16 Wheel pin

113 2 Hub
114 Spacing washer, 0.1 mm
115 Spacing washer, 0.3 mm
116 Spacing washer, 0.5 mm
117 2 Snap ring
118 2 Ring gear carrier
119 2 Ring gear
120 16 Hex screw, M 12 - 10.9
MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft), LOCTITE 243

121 6 Spur gear

122 6 Snap ring
123 6 Roller bearing
124 2 Pinion shaft
125 2 Thrust washer
126 2 O-ring
127 2 Planetary carrier
128 2 Screw cap
129 2 Packing ring

2 800 920.01 en 17

Front Axle Drawing

Fig. 9

Rear Axle Drawing

Fig. 10

18 2 800 920.01 en
Dismantling and Reassembling the Axles
Dismantling Reassembling

Slacken wheel nuts (141, Fig. 1 + 2). Reassemble the axles in the reverse order.

Lift loader and support safely. Drop bucket onto Successively fill oil into wheel hubs, transfer
ground. box (rear axle only) and axle drive assembly.
Refer to Operating Instructions.
Take off wheels.
Vent brake assembly.
Remove propeller shaft.
After adjusting parking brake, tighten brake le-
Move fork-lift truck under axle from the side, lift ver screws (93).
and jack up axle. Tightening torque MA = 26 Nm (19 lbft).

Lubricate self-aligning bearing (rear axle only).

Front Axle:

Remove two screw clips (142 - 144, Fig. 1).

Rear Axle:

Disconnect hydraulic motor (201, Fig. 2) flange

and suspend.

Loosen parking brake bowden cable.

Unscrew service brake pipings (202) and close


Unscrew self-aligning bearing lubrication piping

(203, 204).

Extract pin (145).

Lower fork-lift truck and pull out axle.

2 800 920.01 en 19

Fig. 1

20 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 2

2 800 920.01 en 21
Dismantling the Front Axle
Wheel Hub Assembly
If the repair is restricted to the hub and the Slacken two hex screws (111), lift off planetary
planetary gear set dismantling and reassembling carrier (127) and remove O-ring (126).
may also be done on the wheel-mounted loader
Unlock snap rings (122) and pull off spur gears
with the axle in horizontal position.
(121) incl. bearing (123) with suitable extractor.

Remove thrust washer (125).

Axle Mounted:
- Remove wheel, bleed oil from wheel hub and Extract pinion shaft (124).
drop oil level in axle.

Axle Removed:
- Bleed oil from hubs and axle.
- Mark axle housing (27, Fig. 1) and both axle
tubes (101).
- Slacken hex screws (106).
- Take off axle tubes (101) incl. wheel hubs
and place in vertical position with hub on top.

Fig. 1

22 2 800 920.01 en
Slacken hex screws (120), loosen ring gear Close hole in axle tube (101) with suitable
(119) and carrier (118) by mounting lever, see washer and pull off hub (113) with suitable
Fig. 2, and lift off. extractor.
Recommended: Extract hub (113) with conven-
tional hydraulic press (Lukas). Refer to Fig. 3.

Fig. 2

Unlock snap ring (117), push carrier (118) out

of ring gear (119). Fig. 3

Remove spacing washers (114 - 116). Remove tapered roller bearing (110), lift shaft
ring (109) and remove second tapered roller
bearing (110) from hub (113).

Drive outer rings of bearings (110) out of hub,

if bearings are to be replaced.

Unscrew vent plug (102) and clean.

2 800 920.01 en 23

Axle Drive Assembly

Dismantle complete axle. Refer to "Dismantling Pull drive shaft (108)out of lower axle tube.
and Reassembling the Axles".
Arrest flange (50) with crank S27, slacken col-
Bleed oil from wheel hubs and axle lar unit (51) and pull off flange (50).

Mark axle housing (27, Fig. 4) and both axle Lift shaft ring (48).
tubes (101). Place axle in vertical position so
that - seen in driving direction - the left-hand Drive pinion shaft (21) into axle housing (27),
axle half is on top. At this position, ring gear catch released tapered roller bearing.
(21) is on top. Refer to "Front Axle Drawing". Extract spacing washers (44 - 46), bush (40)
Fix lower axle tube. For holding fixture, refer to and tapered roller bearing (36) from pinion
"List of Special Tools" chapter. shaft.
Slacken hex screws (106) and lift off axle tube Drive outer rings of tapered roller bearings (36
(101). Hub and planetary gear set remain + 47) out of axle housing if bearings are to be
closed. replaced. Remove spacing washers (37 - 39).
Remove O-ring (107).

Extract drive shaft (108).

Lift out complete differential assembly with de-

vice S28.

Fig. 4

24 2 800 920.01 en

Differential Assembly
Mark both halves of differential housing (20,
Fig. 6).

Slacken fillister-head screws (22) and remove

ring gear (21).

Separate differential housing (20), remove pin

(12) with bevel gears (13) and washers (14).

Remove bevel gears (15) and disks (16 - 18)

from casings (20).

Drive both tapered roller bearings (23) off dif-

ferential housing (20). Put suitable punch on
inner bearing rings from inside through oil
holes. Refer to Fig. 5.

Pull rings of tapered roller bearings (23) out of

axle tubes if bearings are to be replaced. Re-
move spacing washers (24 - 26).
Fig. 5

Fig. 6

2 800 920.01 en 25
Dismantling the Rear Axle

Fig. 1

Wheel Hub Assembly

Refer to Chapter "Wheel Hub Assembly". Only Place axle in vertical position and fix at lower
the tube shape differs from the front axle (101, tube. If one brake is to be repaired only the
Fig. 1). latter must be on top.

Slacken hex screws (106, Fig. 1) and lift off

Brake Assembly axle tube (101). Hub and planetary gear set
Remove complete rear axle. Refer to Chapter remain closed.
"Dismantling and Reassembling the Axles".
Remove O-ring (107).
Bleed oil from wheel hubs, axle tubes and axle
Extract drive shaft (108).
Remove disks (83 + 84, Fig. 2) from brake
Mark axle tubes (101, Fig. 2), brakes (72 + 73)
and axle housing (27).

26 2 800 920.01 en
Lift off brake carrier (72/73) and remove O-ring Check brake piston (75) and cylinder for marks
(74). and wear.
Remove second axle half from mount, turn and Check and measure brake disks (83 + 84).
put on axle housing (27). Dismantle axle tube
The disks will have to be replaced if the inner
(101) and brake carrier (72/73) as described
ones (84) have worn down to their minimum
thickness of 4.5 mm. The wear of the lining
Bleed brakes completely (hydraulic oil). must be equal on either side, with a minimum
groove depth of 0.2 mm/side.
Remove fillister-head screws (81), take out
springs (80) and bushes (79). Thickness (mm)
Remove back-up ring (77). Brake disk NEW MIN
Inner disk (84) 4,9-0,1 4,5
Screw fillister-head screws (81) into brake pis- +
tons (75) and pull out latter by hand. Outer disk (83) 3
Remove packing rings (76). The outer disks (83) must be replaced if the
Dismantle lever (90/91), push shaft (85) into surface (steel) is rough or scratched. All inner
brake carrier and drive out needle sleeves disks (84) bzw.
(87 + 88). Replace disks (83 + 84) only in sets.

Fig. 2

2 800 920.01 en 27

Axle Drive Assembly

Remove complete rear axle. Refer to Chapter Remove O-ring (107).
"Dismantling and Reassembling the Axles".
Extraxt drive shaft (108).
Bleed oil from wheel hubs and axle. Mark axle
Lift off complete brake assembly (72, Fig. 3)
tubes (101, Fig. 2), brake carrier (72/73) and
and remove O-ring (74).
axle housing (27).
Lift out spacing washers (24 - 26) and com-
Place axle in vertical position so that - seen in
plete differential assembly with device S28.
driving direction - the right-hand axle half is on
top. At this position, ring gear (21) is on top. Extract drive shaft (108) from lower axle tube.
Refer to Chapter "Rear Axle Drawing". Fix low-
er axle tube. For holding fixture, refer to Chap- Arrest flange (50, Fig. 4) with crank S27, slack-
ter "List of Special Tools" chapter. en collar unit (51) and pull off flange (50).

Lift off hex screws (106, Fig. 1) and axle tube

(101). Hub and planetary gear set remain

Fig. 3

28 2 800 920.01 en
Slacken hex screws (55). Take off transfer box Extract tapered roller bearing (47) from spur
(53) and remove O-ring (54). gear (52).
Drive shaft ring (48) out of housing. Drive outer rings of tapered roller bearings (36
+ 47) out of axle housing if bearings are to be
Pull off spur gear (52). replaced. Remove spacing washers (37 + 39).
Push pinion shaft (21) into axle housing (27),
remove spacing washers (44 - 46), extract
bush (40) and tapered roller bearing (36) from

Fig. 4

2 800 920.01 en 29

Differential Assembly
Refer to Chapter "Differential Assembly". Instead
of the self-locking differential disks, one bearing
ring (19, Fig. 5) is installed on each side in the
rear axle differential.

Fig. 5

30 2 800 920.01 en
Assembling the Front Axle
Wheel Hub Assembly
The following illustrations show axle tube (101) in vertical position, i. e. the complete axle is removed.

Fig. 1

Insert outer ring of tapered roller bearing (110)

into hub (113).

Fig. 2

Apply punch (S11).

Fig. 3

Force bearing outer ring into hub by hydraulic


2 800 920.01 en 31

Fig. 4

Insert tapered roller bearing (110).

Fig. 5

Apply shaft ring (109) so that outer flange faces

top. Refer to Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Apply sealing compound to surface (A) of shaft

ring (109) and hub (113).

Fig. 7

Press in shaft ring (109). Pressing depth is limited

by flange.

32 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 8

Turn over hub.

Insert outer ring of tapered roller bearing (110).

Fig. 9

Press in bearing ring.

Fig. 10

Place axle tube (101) in vertical position.

Apply grease to hub carrier.

Fig. 11

Put hub on axle tube.

2 800 920.01 en 33

Fig. 12

Screw two pins of mounting fixture (S13) into axle

tube (101).

Fig. 13

Apply mounting fixture (S13) with screwed-in cyl-

inder for conventional hydraulic presses (Lukas).

Fully press hub onto axle tube.

Fig. 14

Insert tapered roller bearing (110).

Apply new die of mounting fixture (S13) to bear-

ing ring.

Fig. 15

Increase pressure of hydraulic press to approx.

200 bar (2903 psi). Give hub a few taps with
plastic mallet for settling.

Reduce pressure to 50 bar (726 psi) and turn hub

(113) by hand. This value yields the axial
prestress of 0.05 - 0.15 mm required for new
tapered roller bearings (110).

34 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 16

Measure distance between die of mounting fixture

(S13) and surface (A) on inner ring of tapered
roller bearing (110) with depth gauge.

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

Fig. 17

Subsequently, measure face (B) of axle tube


Difference between A and B = X.

The dismension may be in the positive or nega-

tive range.

Example 1 : X = 0.22 mm.

Example 2 : X = - 0.12 mm.

Record measured value.

Fig. 18

Insert ring gear carrier (118) into ring gear (119).

Fig. 19

Lock in snap ring (117).

2 800 920.01 en 35

Determine difference between recess (C) an an-

nular surface (D) on ring gear carrier (118):

Fig. 20

Measure recess (C).

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

Fig. 21

Measure annular surface (D) of ring gear carrier.

Repeat both measurement with a 180 offset.

Average of between C and D = Y.

Example 1 : Y = 0.50 mm.

Example 2 : Y = 0.48 mm.

Record measured value.

36 2 800 920.01 en

Figs. 22 and 23

Calculating Spacing Washers (114 - 116)

Example 1:

X 0.22 mm
Y + 0.50 mm

0.72 mm
Pre-tension + 0.03 mm

0.75 mm
Rounded up 0.80 mm

1 no. of spacing washer 0.50 mm

1 no. of spacing washer 0.30 mm

Example 2:

X - 0.12 mm
Y + 0.48 mm

0.36 mm
Pre-tension + 0.03 mm

0.39 mm
Rounded up 0.40 mm

1 no. of spacing washer 0.30 mm

1 no. of spacing washer 0.10 mm

Always round up the value calculated.

Spacing washers (114 - 116) 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 mm

If possible, keep the number of spacing washers

Fig. 24

Moisten eight tapped holes of axle tube (101)

with LOCTITE 243.

2 800 920.01 en 37

Fig. 25

Put on spacing washer(s) (114 - 116) determined.

Fig. 26

Put on ring gear carrier (118) with ring gear


Fig. 27

Drive ring gear carrier fully down on bearing sur-

face with punch (S14).

Fig. 28

Crosswise tighten hex screws (120).

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

38 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 29

Put thrust washer (125) with LOCTITE 243 in

planetary carrier (127) and drive in with suitable

Fig. 30

Put up spur gears (121) with their big bevels


Put on spur gear new roller bearing (123) in PVC

sleeve with radius in inner ring down and centre

Fig. 31

Firmly press PVC sleeve onto spur gear.

Quickly push roller bearing (123) into spur gear

with suitable punch until snap ring (123.1) locks
into spur gear groove from bearing middle.

Fig. 32

Fitting position.

2 800 920.01 en 39

Fig. 33

Warm up in oven spur gears (121) with bearing

for approx. 30 minutes at maximum of 100C

Put warm spur gear on planetary carrier pivot

with big bevel down.

Fig. 34

Fully drive in bearing with punch (S15).

Fig. 35

Lock in snap rings (122).

Fig. 36

Put on O-ring (126).

40 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 37

Attach complete planetary carrier assembly. Mind

small holes for hex screws (111, Fig. 38).

In case of partial repair of the installed axle, axle

shaft (108) and pinion shaft (124) must be in-
stalled before hand.

Fig. 38

Turn in two hex screws (111) and tighten.

Fig. 39

Fixture for lifting the pre-assembled wheel hubs.

2 800 920.01 en 41

Differential (Pre-assembling)

Fig. 40

Self-locking differential (front axle):

Put in each housing half (20)

4 outer disks (17),
3 inner disks (18).

Fig. 41

Insert alternately, beginning with an outer disk


Put new disks in LS 5-90 gear oil for 30 minutes

before inserting.

Fig. 42

Open differential (rear axle):

Instead of disks (17 + 18), apply grease to one

washer (19) and put in each housing half (20).

42 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 43

Insert bevel gears (15).

Fig. 44

Put bevel gears (13) and washers (14) on dif-

ferential pin (12).

Bevel gears and washers should be slightly oiled.

Fig. 45

Insert complete differential cross and press down.

Pins must fully rest.

Fig. 46

Attach second housing half so that markings

agree. Hold bevel gear (15) with your thumb
when doing so.

2 800 920.01 en 43

Fig. 47

Attach bevel gear (21). Turn in four fillister-head

screws (22) with LOCTITE 243 and slightly tight-
en crosswise.

Fig. 48

Slip over hand crank (S1) and turn differential. To

make the gears and pins settle give the bevel
gear a few taps with a plastic mallet.

Fig. 49

Turn in remaining fillister-head screws (22) with

LOCTITE 243. Tighten all screws.

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

Drive on tapered roller bearing (23).

Fig. 50

Turn over differential and put on suitable punch.

44 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 51

Drive on second tapered roller bearing (23).

2 800 920.01 en 45

Complete Axle Drive and Axle Assemblies

Fig. 52

An information field for stamping in the ID and

dimensions is located between the filler cap and
the drain plug.

The deviation from the nominal dimension (e. g.

0.10) or the complete dimension (e. g. 120.10) is
stamped in.

Fig. 53

Compare the figures engraved in the pinion shaft

and in bevel gear (21). The mating number
(e. g. 23) must, by all means, agree. The value
(e. g. +0.10) given only on the pinion shaft is the
deviation from the nominal dimension.

Fig. 54

Determine spacing washer(s) (37-39), refer to

next page, and insert.

46 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 6

Calculating Spacing Washers (37-39) Example 1:

a 120.00 mm
Original Dimensions (Fig. 55): a1 + 0.10 mm
a : Bearing seat nominal dimensions = 120.10 mm
120 +02 mm b - 23.00 mm
c - 96.50 mm
a1 : For deviation to be read off housing (27), 0.60 mm
refer to Fig. 52. c1 = + 0.10 -> - 0.10 mm
0.50 mm
b : Measure width of tapered roller bearing
1 no. of spacing washer 0.5 mm
Example 2:
c : Pinion shaft nominal dimension =
(96.5 mm). a 120.00 mm
a1 + 0.10 mm
c1 : Read deviation (+ or -) off pinion shaft (21). 120.10 mm
Refer to Fig. 53. b - 23.00 mm
c - 96.50 mm
0.60 mm
c1 = - 0.10 -> + 0.10 mm
0.70 mm
2 nos. of spacing washers 0.3 mm
1 no. of spacing washer 0.1 mm
Spacing washers (37 - 39): 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 mm
If possible, keep number of inserted spacing wash-
ers small.

2 800 920.01 en 47

Fig. 56

Drive in outer ring of taperde roller bearing (36).

Fig. 57

Insert outer ring of tapered roller bearing (47). Do

not add spacing washer

Fig. 58

and drive in with punch (S20).

Fig. 59

Place axle housing (27) onto left-hand side -

seen in driving direction. Oil pocket (206) to face

Moisten tapped holes of right-hand flange with

LOCTITE 243. Apply a bead of sealing com-

48 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 60

Lift right-hand axle tube (101) with pre-assembled

wheel hub.

Fig. 61

Put O-ring (107) on flange of axle tube (101).

Fig. 62

Slip over axle tube (101). Prior to dismantling,

mind marks made on axle housing (27) and axle
tube (101).

Align axle tube (101) with two guide pins (S21)

so that mounting surfaces will later be in parallel
with second axle tube.

Fig. 63

Crosswise tighten hex screws (106).

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

Remove guide pins (S21) and turn in screws


2 800 920.01 en 49

Fig. 64

Put completed axle half on wheel hub after turn-

ing over 180 and hold in a fixture.

Fig. 65

Push tapered roller bearing (36) and bush (40)

onto test shaft (S22).

Put on a 0.1 + 0.3 + 0.5 mm thick spacing

washer (44-46) each as a basis for later com-
pensation of the bearing friction torque.

Fig. 66

Insert test shaft (S22) into axle housing from

inside. Insert tapered roller bearing (47) from out-

Fig. 67

Put lock (S23) on test shaft.

50 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 68

Push on bush of test shaft (S22) to substitute

flange (50).

Screw on collar unit (51) and tighten.

Tightening torque MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft).

Fig. 69

Measure bearing friction torque with suitable test

unit or spring balance.

Desired value 2 ... 3 Nm (1.5 ... 2.2 lbft).

Measured value greater: Insert spacing washer

Measured value smaller: Remove spacing wash-
er. Minor corrections can be achieved by short-
ening (grinding) bush (40).

Remove test shaft (S22).

Fig. 70

Change tapered roller bearing (36) to pinion shaft

(21) and drive on. Then, drive on bush (40). (New
bushes (40-43) are available with different lengths
from 42.0 to 42.9 mm.)

Fig. 71

Change spacing washers (44-46) from test shaft

to pinion shaft (21).

Insert pinion shaft into housing from inside.

2 800 920.01 en 51

Fig. 72

Insert tapered roller bearing (47).

Fig. 73

Place prop (S25) against pinion shaft (21) from


Fig. 74

Drive tapered roller bearing (47) onto pinion shaft.

Fig. 75

Put shaft ring (48) on punch (S26). Apply sealing

compound, and drive in shaft ring

Shaft ring filled 50 % with grease. Apply grease

to sealing lips.

52 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 76

Drive on flange (50) incl. cap (49).

Fig. 77

Arrest flange (50) with crank (S27).

Screw on collar unit (51) with LOCTITE 243 and


Tightening torque MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft).

Swing crank (S27) forth and back and remove.

Fig. 78

Insert a spacing washer (24-26) 0.5+0.3+0.1 mm

thick each into the mounted axle tube as a basis
for backlash correction.

Insert specific ring (S30) for tapered roller bearing


Fig. 79

Bearing ring (S30) with reduced outer diameter

can be inserted and removed by hand in case
spacing washers (24-26) need to be changed.

2 800 920.01 en 53

Fig. 80

Apply marking blue to the sides of a few teeth of

bevel gear (21).

Insert pre-assembled differential with fixture


The teeth with the marking blue should be op-

posite to the pinion shaft.

Fig. 81

Push original outer ring of tapered roller bearing

(23) into fixture (S29).

Attach fixture and fasten with two screws.

Fig. 82

Tighten 46 size hex screw and strike screw head

with a heavy plastic mallet at the same time.

Slacken screw 1/4 turn and slightly re-tighten.

Fig. 83

Move bevel gear by hand.

Check backlash.

54 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 84

Apply holder with dial gauge to axle housing and

put magnet on bevel gear.

Backlash 0.15 ... 0.25 mm.

Backlash too small: Insert additional spacing

washer (24-26, Fig. 78).

Backlash too big: Remove spacing washer.

If possible, keep number of spacing washers


To check surface appearance turn pinion shaft in

either direction by means of crank (S27) so that
bevel gear makes several revolutions. "Brake"
bevel gear when doing so.

Fig. 85

Apply depth gauge to fixture (S29) and measure

with respect to housing rim, surface (A).

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

Fig. 86

Measure with respect to outer ring of tapered

roller bearing (23), surface (B), with depth gauge
through bore in fixture (S29). Refer to Fig. 95.

Difference between A and B = X.

Example: X = 1.60 mm.

Record measured value.

Remove fixture (S29).

2 800 920.01 en 55

Fig. 87

Lift out differential. Check surface appearance on

bevel gear. Refer to Chapter "GLEASON Tooth-
ing Surface Appearances". For major deviations,
shift pinion shaft by changing spacing washers

Fig. 88

Remove bearing ring (S30).

Insert original outer ring of tapered roller bearing


Fig. 89

and drive in with punch (S31).

Fig. 90

Put together with stiff grease pinion shaft (124)

and drive shaft (108) and fit down into planetary
gear set.

56 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 91

Insert differential. Fit in drive shaft and differential

when doing so.

Fig. 92

Measure distance between suitable sheet metal

gauge and flange of pre-assembled left-hand axle
tube (101), surface (C), by means of depth

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

Fig. 93

Subsequently, measure with respect to bearing

seat, surface (D).

Difference between C and D = Y.

Example: Y = 1.05.

Record measured value.

2 800 920.01 en 57

Figs. 94 and 95

Calculating Spacing Washers (24-26)

Example 1:

X 1.60 mm
Y - 1.05 mm

0.55 mm
Pre-tension +0.03 mm

0.58 mm
Rounded up 0.60 mm

2 nos. of spacing washers 0.3 mm

Round up the value calculated.

Spacing washers (24-26): 0.1-0.3-0.5 mm thick.

If possible, keep number of inserted spacing

washers small.

Fig. 96

Lift left-hand axle tube (101).

Stick with grease into axle tube (101) spacing

washer(s) (24-26) determined.

58 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 97

Drive in outer ring of tapered roller bearing (23).

Fig. 98

Moisten tapped holes in axle housing (27) with


Apply a bead of sealing compound.

Fig. 99

Put on O-ring (107).

Fig. 100

Push pinion shaft (124) onto drive shaft (108) and

fit up into planetary gear set.

2 800 920.01 en 59

Fig. 101

Lower axle tube (101) and fit drive shaft (108)

into differential.

Mind marks on axle housing (27) and axle tube.

Fig. 102

Align axle tube (101) with two guide pins (S21)

so that mounting surfaces are in parallel with axle
tube mounted first.

Fig. 103

Crosswise tighten hex screws (106).

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

Remove guide pins (S21) and turn in screws


Screw in vent plug (102).

60 2 800 920.01 en
Assembling the Rear Axle
Wheel Hub Assembly
Refer to Chapter "Wheel Hub Assembly".

Brake Assembly (Pre-Assembling)

Fig. 1

Place piston (75) so that M6 centering hole is on

top. Put on long mounting sleeve (S5) and insert
O-ring (76.1) twist-free into free piston groove.

Fig. 2

Push piston seal (76.2) into groove using expan-

sion sleeve (S7).

Fig. 3

Piston seal fitting position (76).

2 800 920.01 en 61

Fig. 4

Put on short mounting sleeve (S6) and insert

O-ring (76.1) twist-free into upper piston groove.

Fig. 5

Push piston seal (76.2) into groove using expan-

sion sleeve (S7).

Fig. 6

Slightly lubricate piston seals with hydraulic oil.

Push sizing sleeve (S8) over both piston seals

Leave piston in sleeve for about 5 minutes.

Fig. 7

Drive needle sleeve (88) into brake carrier. Pack-

ing ring in needle sleeve to be on outer side.

62 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 8

Push washers (86) and needle sleeve (87) onto

brake shaft (85).

Fig. 9

Insert brake shaft (85) into brake carrier from


Fig. 10

Screw impact extractor (S10) - M 8 thread - into

brake shaft and drive out shaft.

Fig. 11

Lubricate cylindrical bores in brake carrier (hy-

draulic oil) and insert piston (75). M 6 centering
hole in piston to be on top.

2 800 920.01 en 63

Fig. 12

Carefully drive piston (75) fully into cylindrical

bores using a plastic punch.

Fig. 13

Insert two guide pins (78).

Fig. 14

Insert back-up ring (77).

64 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 15

Insert three bushes (79).

Fig. 16

Insert three springs (80).

Fig. 17

Turn in three fillister-head screws (81) with LOC-

TITE 243.

Fig. 18

Crosswise tighten fillister-head screws (81).

Tightening torque MA = 8 Nm (6 lbft).

2 800 920.01 en 65

Fig. 19

Put washer (89) and lever (90/91) on brake shaft.

Align lever 90 with respect to axle centre line
(92) and fasten with washer (92) and screw (93).

For installing the pre-assembled brake carrier and the brake disks, refer to Chapter "Complete Axle Drive
and Axle Assemblies".

66 2 800 920.01 en

Differential Assembly (Pre-Assembling)

Refer to Chapter "Differential Assembly".

Complete Axle Drive and Axle Assemblies

Fig. 20

An information field for stamping in the ID and

dimensions is located between the filler cap and
the drain plug or on the flange. Refer to arrow in
Fig. 25.

The deviation from the nominal dimension (e. g.

0.10) or the complete dimension (e. g. 120.10) is
stamped in.

Fig. 21

Compare the figures engraved in the pinion shaft

and in bevel gear (21). The mating number (e. g.
23) must, by all means, agree. The value
(e. g. +0.10) given only on the pinion shaft is the
deviation from the nominal dimension.

Fig. 22

Determine spacing washer(s) (37-39), refer to

next page, and insert.

2 800 920.01 en 67

Fig. 7

Calculating Spacing Washers (37-39) Example 1:

a 120.00 mm
Original Dimensions (Fig. 23): a1 + 0.10 mm
a : Bearing seat nominal dimensions = 120.10 mm
120 +02 mm b - 23.00 mm
c - 96.50 mm
a1 : For deviation to be read off housing (27), 0.60 mm
refer to Fig. 20. c1 = + 0.10 -> - 0.10 mm
0.50 mm
b : Measure width of tapered roller bearing
1 no. of spacing washer 0.5 mm
Example 2:
c : Pinion shaft nominal dimension =
(96.5 mm) a 120.00 mm
a1 + 0.10 mm
c1 : Read deviation (+ or -) off pinion shaft (21). 120.10 mm
Refer to Fig. 21. b - 23.00 mm
c - 96.50 mm
0.60 mm
c1 = - 0.10 -> + 0.10 mm
0.70 mm
2 nos. of spacing washers 0.3 mm
1 no. of spacing washer 0.1 mm
Spacing washers (37 - 39): 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 mm
If possible, keep number of inserted spacing wash-
ers small.

68 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 24

Drive in outer ring of tapered roller bearing (36).

Fig. 25

Put left-hand brake carrier (73) on axle housing

(27) and fasten provisionally with two screws.
When dismantling, mind marks made.

Fig. 26

Place axle housing with brake carrier (27) down-

side onto a suitable working table or onto left-
hand axle tube (101).

Drive in outer ring of tapered roller bearing (47).

Do not insert any spacing washers.

Fig. 27

Drive tapered roller bearing (36) onto pinion shaft


2 800 920.01 en 69

Fig. 28

Drive bush (40) onto pinion shaft (21) with same


(New bushes (40-43) are available with different

lengths from 42.0 to 42.9 mm.)

Put on a 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.1 mm thick spacing

washer (44-46) each as a basis for possible com-
pensation when adjusting the bearing friction

Fig. 29

Drive tapered roller bearing (47) onto spur gear


Fig. 30

Insert pinion shaft (21) with bearing, bush and

spacing washers into housing.

Push spur gear (52) - bearing (47) to face hous-

ing - and flange (50) onto shaft.

Fig. 31

Screw on collar unit (51). Arrest flange (50) with

crank (S27).

Tighten collar unit (51).

Tightening torque MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft).

Swing crank forth and back and remove.

70 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 32

Measure bearing friction torque with suitable test

unit or spring balance.
Desired value 2 ... 3 Nm (1.5 ... 2.2 lbft).
Measured value greater: Insert spacing washer
Measured value smaller: Remove spacing wash-
er. Minor corrections can be achieved by short-
ening (grinding) bush (40).
Remove collar unit (51) and flange (50).
Put O-ring (54) on flange of housing (27).

Fig. 33

Apply sealing compound to flange of housing


Screw on housing (53), lock hex screws (55) with


Tightening torque MA = 53 Nm (39 lbft).

Fig. 34

Put shaft ring (48) on punch (S34), apply sealing

compound and drive in shaft ring.

Shaft ring filled 50 % with grease. Apply grease

to sealing lips.

Fig. 35

Re-insert flange (50) incl. cap (49), screw on

collar unit (51) with LOCTITE 243. Arrest flange
with crank (S27) and tighten collar unit.

Tightening torque MA = 200 Nm (148 lbft).

Swing crank forth and back and remove.

2 800 920.01 en 71

Fig. 36

Put a 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.1 mm thick spacing washer

(24-26) each in brake carrier as a basis for back-
lash correction.

Insert specific ring (S30) for tapered roller bearing


Fig. 37

Bearing ring (S30) with reduced outer diameter

can be inserted and removed by hand in case
spacing washers (24-26) need to be changed.

Fig. 38

Apply marking blue to the sides of a few teeth of

bevel gear (21).

Insert pre-assembled differential. The teeth with

the marking blue should be opposite to the pinion

Fig. 39

Push original outer ring of tapered roller bearing

(23) into fixture (S29).

Apply fixture and fasten with two screws.

72 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 40

Tighten 46 size hex screw and strike screw head

with a heavy plastic mallet at the same time.

Slacken screw 1/4 turn and slightly re-tighten.

Fig. 41

Move bevel gear by hand.

Check backlash.

Fig. 42

Apply holder with dial gauge to axle housing and

put magnet on bevel gear.

Backlash 0.15 ... 0.25 mm.

Backlash too small: Insert additional spacing

washer (24-26, Fig. 36).
Backlash too big: Remove spacing washer.

If possible, keep number of spacing washers


To check surface appearance turn pinion shaft in

either direction by means of crank (S27) so that
bevel gear makes several revolutions.

Fig. 43

Apply depth gauge to fixture (S29) and measure

with respect to housing rim, surface (A).

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

2 800 920.01 en 73

Fig. 44

Measure with respect to outer ring of tapered

roller bearing (23), surface (B), with depth gauge
through bore in fixture (S29). Refer to Fig. 52.
Difference between A and B = X.
Example: X = 1.60 mm.
Record measured value.

Remove fixture (S29).

Fig. 45

Lift out differential.

Check surface appearance on bevel gear. Refer
to Chapter "GLEASON Toothing Surface Appear-
ances". For major deviations, shift pinion shaft by
changing spacing washers (37-39).

Fig. 46

Remove bearing ring (S30).

Insert original outer ring of tapered roller bearing

Fig. 47

and drive in with punch (S31).

74 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 48

Re-insert differential.

Fig. 49

Measure distance between suitable sheet metal

gauge and flange of right-hand brake carrier (72),
surface (C), by means of depth gauge.

(Digital meter to be set to "0".)

Fig. 50

Subsequently, measure with respect to bearing

seat, surface (D).

Difference between C and D = Y.

Example: Y = 1.03.

Record measured value.

2 800 920.01 en 75

Figs. 51 and 52

Calculating Spacing Washers (24-26)

Example 1:

X 1.60 mm
Y - 1.05 mm

0.55 mm
Pre-tension +0.03 mm

0.58 mm
Rounded up 0.60 mm

2 nos. of spacing washers 0.3 mm

Round up value calculated.

Spacing washers (24-26): 0.1-0.3-0.5 mm thick.

If possible, keep number of inserted spacing

washers small.

Fig. 53

Put spacing washer(s) determined (24-26) in pre-

assembled brake carrier (72).

76 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 54

Drive in outer ring of tapered roller bearing (23).

Fig. 55

Put O-ring (74) on brake carrier.

Fig. 56

Moisten tapped holes in axle housing (27) with


Apply a bead of sealing compound (D).

Fig. 57

Attach brake carrier (72). Mind marks made dur-

ing dismantling and positions of brake levers.

Put on O-ring (107).

2 800 920.01 en 77

Fig. 58

Apply sealing compound.

Fig. 59

Alternately insert 6 outer disks (83) and 5 inner

disks (84), beginning with an outer disk (83).

Bring teeth of inner disks (84) and five oil ex-

change holes into perfect congruence.

Put new inner disks (84) in LS 5-90 gear oil for

30 minutes before inserting.

(Air gap = 0.16 mm/friction surface.)

(Air gap = 1.16 mm/brake.)

Fig. 60

Insert drive shaft (108). Shift inner disks (84) with

punch when doing so.

Fig. 61

Slip over pinion shaft (124).

78 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 62

Attach axle tube (101) with pre-assembled wheel

hub. Fit drive shaft into planetary gear set.

Mind marks made on axle housing, brake carrier

and axle tube. Brake lever (90) and vent plug
(102) to be located one upon the other.

Fig. 63

Crosswise tighten hex screws (106).

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

Fig. 64

Place completed axle half onto wheel hub after

turning over 180. Remove left-hand brake carrier
(73). Moisten tapped holes in axle housing with

Apply sealing compound.

Fig. 65

Put on O-ring (74).

2 800 920.01 en 79

Fig. 66

Put on brake carrier (73). Mind marks made dur-

ing dismantling.

Put on O-ring (107).

Fig. 67

Apply sealing compound.

Fig. 68

Alternately insert 6 outer disks (83) and 5 inner

disks (84), beginning with an outer disk (83).

Bring teeth of inner disks (84) and five oil ex-

change holes into perfect congruence.

Put new inner disks (84) in LS 5-90 gear oil for

30 minutes before inserting.

(Air gap = 0.16 mm/friction surface.)

(Air gap = 0.16 mm/brake.)

Fig. 69

Insert drive shaft (108).

80 2 800 920.01 en

Fig. 70

Slip over pinion shaft (124).

Fig. 71

Attach axle tube (101) with pre-assembled wheel

hub. Fit drive shaft into planetary gear set.

Mind marks made on axle housing, brake carrier

and axle tube. Vent plug (102) and brake lever
(91) and to be located one upon the other.

Fig. 72

Crosswise tighten hex screws (106).

Tightening torque MA = 120 Nm (89 lbft).

Screw in vent plug (102).

Fig. 73

Drive in self-aligning bearing collar bush (31).

2 800 920.01 en 81

Fig. 74

Drive second collar bush (31) into cap (34).

Insert spacing washers (32, 33) removed during


Checking the Brake for Tightness

Connect hydraulic hand pump (Lukas) with stopcock separately to each brake. It must be ensured that
the hand pump is filled with unobjectionable, clean hydraulic oil. For specification, refer to the Operating
Instructions manual of the wheel-mounted loader.

Vent the brake assembly and operate it several times.

Build up a pressure of 100 bar (1451 psi) and close the stopcock. The pressure must remain constant for
5 minutes.

Repeat the test with a pressure of 5 bar (73 psi).

82 2 800 920.01 en
GLEASON Toothing Surface Appearances

2 800 920.01 en 83

GLEASON Toothing Surface Appearances

Ideal tooth-contact pattern

Coast side (concave)

Fig. 1
Drive side (convex)

Fig. 2

84 2 800 920.01 en

Pinion distance must be increased. Pinion distance must be decreased.

Fig. 3 Fig. 6

Fig. 4 Fig. 7

Fig. 5 Fig. 8

2 800 920.01 en 85
List of Special Tools

Fig. 1

Fixture for vertical axle mounting. Recommended

for reproduction.

Serial No. Page Fig. ID Description


S1 44 48 72181229 Hand crank

S2 44 49 72181230 Punch
45 51
S5 61 1 72181231 Mounting sleeve
S6 62 4 72181232 Mounting sleeve
S7 61 2 72181233 Expansion sleeve
S8 62 6 72181234 Sizing sleeve
S9 62 7 72181235 Punch
S 10 63 10 72181236 Impact extractor
S 11 31 2 72181237 Punch
33 9
S 12 32 7 72181238 Punch
S 13 34 13 72181239 Wheel hub mounting fixture
34 15
S 14 38 27 72181240 Punch
S 15 40 34 72181241 Punch
S 16 41 39 72181242 Lifting racket fixture
S 17 41 39 72181243 Ring nut
S 20 48 58 72181244 Punch
S 21 60 102 72181245 Guide pins
S 22 50 65 72181246 Test shaft
S 23 50 67 72181247 Lock

86 2 800 920.01 en

Serial No. Page Fig. ID Description


S 24 51 70 72181248 Punch
52 74
69 27
S 25 52 73 72181249 Prop
S 26 52 75 72181250 Punch
S 27 53 77 72181251 Crank
70 31
S 28 54 80 72181252 Lifting fixture
74 45
S 29 54 82 72181253 Mounting fixture
72 40
S 30 53 79 72181254 Bearing outer ring
72 37
S 31 56 89 72181255 Punch
77 54
S 32 69 26 72181256 Punch
S 33 70 29 72181257 Punch
S 34 71 34 72181258 Punch

2 800 920.01 en 87
Screw Tightening Torques (DIN tables) 2800497

General information Units of measurement

The following tables contain the tightening tor- The tightening torques specified in the tables are
ques for screws with a DIN 13 - 13 metric thread. expressed in Nm (newtonmeter). If older torque
wrenches are used for tightening, the Nm values
must be converted to the formerly used kpm
The construction dept. may specify in certain (kilopondmeter) unit. The conversion is simple
cases tightening torques other than those set out since 1 kpm is almost exactly the same as 10
in the standard. The values set out in the ta- Nm (exact coversion factor: 1 kpm = 9.81 Nm).
bles are therefore applicable unless otherwise The small difference can be ignored so that for
specified in the "Inspection and servicing" conversion purposes the Nm value must only be
chapter of the operating instructions, the divided by 10.
Technical Handbook or the drawings.
Example: 1840
1840 Nm = = 184 kpm
The tightening torques specified do not only de- 10
pend on the screw grade, but also on the friction
at the thread and the bearing face of the screw
head. Therefore, different friction coefficients ( to-
tal) depending on the type and condition of the
screws used must be applied when calculating
tightening torques.

1. Friction coefficient total = 0.10:

screw and/or nut electro-galvanized (surface
protection A3B).

2. Friction coefficient total = 0.12:

screw black-plated or phosphatized
nut bright
thread oiled

3. Friction coefficient total = 0.16:

screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242,
243, in acc. with application instructions.
The corresponding column is marked in the
tables with an "L".

The three figures given are mean friction coeffi-

The calculated tightening torques MA are valid for
tightening of the screws by hand

88 2 800 920.01 en
Screw Tightening Torques

Bolts with standard thread DIN 13, sheet 33 (e.g. DIN 912, 931, 934)

Thread Material Tightening torques MA in Nm

nominal quality total total total
0.101) 0.122) 0.16 (L)3)

M5 8.8 4.9 5.5 6.5

10.9 7.3 8.1 9.5
12.9 8.5 9.5 11.2

M6 8.8 8.5 9.5 11.2

10.9 12.5 14 16.5
12.9 14.5 16.5 19.5

M8 8.8 20.5 23 27
10.9 30 34 40
12.9 35 40 47

M 10 8.8 41 46 55
10.9 60 68 80
12.9 71 79 94

M 12 8.8 71 79 94
10.9 104 117 140
12.9 195 215 260

M 16 8.8 170 195 230

10.9 250 280 340
12.9 300 330 400

M 20 8.8 350 390 470

10.9 490 560 670
12.9 580 650 780

M 24 8.8 600 670 800

10.9 850 960 1140
12.9 1000 1120 1350

M 30 8.8 1190 1350 1600

10.9 1700 1900 2300
12.9 2000 2250 2700

M 36 8.8 2100 2350 2800

10.9 3000 3300 4000
12.9 3500 3900 4700

Screw and/or nut electro-galvanized.
Screw black-plated or phophatized, thread oiled.
Screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242, 243.

2 800 920.01 en 89

Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13

Thread Material Tightening torques MA in Nm

nominal quality total total total
0.10 0.122) 0.16 (L)3)
M 8x1 8.8 22 24.5 30
10.9 32 36 43
12.9 38 43 51

M 10x1 8.8 45 52 62
10.9 67 76 91
12.9 78 89 107

M 10x1.25 8.8 43 49 58
10.9 64 72 86
12.9 74 84 100

M 12x1.25 8.8 77 87 104

10.9 112 125 150
12.9 130 150 180

M 14x1.5 8.8 121 135 165

10.9 175 200 240
12.9 205 235 280

M 16x1.5 8.8 180 205 250

10.9 270 300 370
12.9 310 360 430

M 20x1.5 8.8 380 430 530

10.9 540 620 750
12.9 630 720 880

M 22x1.5 8.8 510 580 700

10.9 720 820 1000
12.9 840 960 1170

M 24x2 8.8 640 730 890

10.9 920 1040 1250
12.9 1070 1220 1500

M 27x2 8.8 940 1070 1300

10.9 1350 1500 1850
12.9 1550 1800 2150

M 30x2 8.8 1370 1490 1740

10.9 1940 2120 2480
12.9 2270 2480 2900

Screw and/or nut electro-galvanized.
Screw black-plated or phophatized, thread oiled.
Screws with liquid screw fixer, e.g. Loctite 242, 243.

90 2 800 920.01 en
Notes 2800145

2 800 920.01 en 91

92 2 800 920.01 en
A List of Special Tools .......................................... 86

Assembling Procedure ........................................ 3

Assembling the Front Axle .................................. 31
Maintenance ........................................................ 1
Assembling the Rear Axle .................................. 61

Axle Drive Assembly ................ 6, 7, 12, 13, 24, 28

Notes on working safety ...................................... 3
Bolts with metric fine thread DIN 13 - 13 ............ 90
Bolts with standard thread .................................. 89
Preface ................................................................ 1
Brake Assembly...................................... 14, 15, 26

Brake Assembly (Pre-Assembling) .................... 61 R

Rear Axle Assembly .................................... 10, 11
Rear Axle Components, Screw Qualities,
Complete Axle Drive and Axle Assemblies .. 46, 67 Tightening Torques, Screw Locking .................. 10

Rear Axle Drawing.............................................. 18

D Reassembling .................................................... 19
Design .................................................................. 1

Differential (Pre-assembling) .............................. 42 S

Differential Assembly .................................... 25, 30 Screw Tightening Torques .................................. 89

Differential Assembly (Pre-Assembling) ............ 67 Screw Tightening Torques (DIN tables).............. 88

Dismantling ........................................................ 19 Survey .................................................................. 4

Dismantling and Reassembling the Axles .......... 19

Dismantling the Front Axle ................................ 22
Weights ................................................................ 3
Dismantling the Rear Axle .................................. 26
Wheel Hub Assembly .. 8, 9, 16, 17, 22, 26, 31, 61

Front Axle ........................................................ 4, 5

Front Axle Components, Screw Qualities,

Tightening Torques, Screw Locking .................... 4

Front Axle Drawing ............................................ 18

General ................................................................ 1

General information ............................................ 88

General Working Instructions .............................. 2

GLEASON Toothing Surface Appearances .. 83, 84

06 STEERING ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Hydraulic System, Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................... 1

Explanations of circuit diagrams and illustrations.................................................................................... 1

Depressurizing the hydraulic system ........................................................................................................ 1

Hydraulic circuit diagram - steering hydraulics ........................................................................................ 2

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

Pressure measuring points ........................................................................................................................ 3

Overview of the steering system ................................................................................................................ 4

Functional description ................................................................................................................................ 5

Triple pump (2) of the steering and working hydraulics and the brake system .................................... 6

Priority valve (L6) ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Steering cylinder (L1) .................................................................................................................................. 8

Steering valve (L2) ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Installing the steering system .................................................................................................................. 14

Testing and adjusting the steering system .............................................................................................. 17


Hydraulic System, Safety Depressurizing the hydraulic
Instructions 2800476 system 2800488

Read and observe the operating in- Before starting work, depressurize the hydraulic
struction: "Inspection and Servic- system:
ing, Safety Instructions". - Secure the machine as described under "Se-
Before working on the hydraulic curing the machine".
system, ensure that the system is
- Move control lever for operating equipment and
depressurized and that any resid-
3rd function in all directions until the operating
ual pressure is discharged.
equipment makes no further movement.
Engine off.
Secure the machine as described The residual pressure in the operating equipment
in the operating instruction: "Se- is then discharged.
curing the machine".
Avoid skin contact with hydraulic
oils. Wear gloves and firm working
gear. Skin contact with hydraulic
oils is a health risk.

Explanations of circuit diagrams

and illustrations 2800487

All circuit diagrams and illustrations in this Work-

shop Manual form one coherent system.
Each component has its own unique part number.
In some cases a letter indicating the use is as-
signed to the digit for improved clarity.
A = transmission z. B. A7 = servo-valve
B = braking system, z. B. B1 = brake fluid
L = steering system, z. B.L1 = steering
H = working z. B.H8 = primary valve
T = tank, filter, z. B. T1 = hydraulic tank
cooling system

Part numbers without letters designate general

components, e.g. Part 1 = diesel engine.

Encircled parts, e.g. , designate connections.

They indicate the destination or the origin of the
connection lines. Example indicates that the
connection designated in this way is connected
with the dual pump.

Measuring connections are specified with rectan-

gular boxes.

X1 designates, for example, the measuring point

for control pressure.

604.06.995.01 06 1

Hydraulic circuit diagram - steering hydraulics 2905287

Fig. 1

2 06 604.06.995.01

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

1 - Diesel engine K1 - Fan pump
2 - Triple pump, steering system / working K2 - Fan motor
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive K3 - Pressure relief valve
9 - Front axle K4 - Replenishing valve
10 - Rear axle
A1 - Feed circuit filter
T1 - Hydraulic tank A2 - Feed pump
T2 - Combined cooler A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump
T3 - Hydraulic oil return-flow filter with A4VG-Da
bypass A4 - High-pressure relief valves, deblockable
T4 - Check valve A5 - Replenishing valves
T5 - Distributor A7 - Servo-valve
T6 - Distributor A8 - Pressure cutout
A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
L1 - Steering cylinder A10 - Restrictor
L2 - Steering valve A11 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
L3 - Secondary valve, steering system valve for forward and reverse travel
L4 - Primary valve, steering A13 - Adjusting cylinder
L5 - Check valve forward/reverse/neutral
L6 - Priority valve A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U
A16 - Check valve
H1 - Lifting cylinder A17 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
H2 - Dumping cylinder valve for slow travel (high displacement)
H3 - Quick-change locking cylinder A18 - Adjusting cylinder for displacement
H4 - Hydraulic cylinder, 3rd function change
H5 - Quick-change locking mechanism
(multiway cock)
H6 - Control block, working hydraulics
H7 - Secondary valve "Rearward tilting" with Pressure measuring points
replenishing valve
H8 - Secondary valve "Dumping" with PH - Pump pressure for working and steering
replenishing valve hydraulics
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve
PSP - Feed pressure
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve
"Lifting/lowering" PHD - High pressure at travelling
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Tilting"
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve "3rd function PHD* - High pressure at travelling
" (at travel motor)
H14 - Control piston "Lifting-lowering-floating"
position Pin - Actual braking pressure
H15 - Control piston "Rearward tilting"
dumping PBL - Braking pressure
H16 - Control piston "3rd function" (for the multiple-disc brakes)
H17 - Hydraulic pump, steering and working
X1 - Control pressure
X2 - Control pressure
B1 - Brake fluid pump
B2 - Accumulator charging valve M1 - Regulation threshold (travel motor)
B4 - Brake accumulator
B5 - Pedal operated brake valve VA - Soiling indicator, return-flow filter
B6 - Pressure switch, braking light
B7 - Pressure switch, accumulator warning
B8 - Sequence valve
B9 - Multiple-disc brake
B10 - Inching valve

604.06.995.01 06 3

Overview of the steering system 2800939

Fig. 2

4 06 604.06.995.01

Functional description
The hydraulic pump (H17), which is operated by The primary valve of the steering system (L4)
the Diesel engine (1), pumps the oil from the ensures that the pressure of the hydraulic fluid in
hydraulic fluid tank (T1) to the priority valve (L6). the steering system does not exceed approx. 175
If the steering system is not actuated, no signal bars.
pressure is sent from the steering gear (L2) to
the priority valve and the delivered fluid can be In the secondary circuit the pressure of the steer-
used by the working hydraulics. ing system is limited to 240 bars by two secon-
dary valves (L3).
If the steering system is actuated, pressure gath-
ers in the signal line, which causes the change- When the steering cylinder (L1) has been ac-
over piston of the priority valve (L6) to switch. tuated, the hydraulic fluid flows back to the hy-
Depending on the amount of the signal pressure, draulic fluid tank (T1) over the steering valve (L2),
the priority valve (L6) conveys different quantities the distributor (T5) and through the return filter
of oil to the steering valve (L2). (T3).
The check valve (T4) prevents the unfiltered
steering fluid from flowing back to the hydraulic
fluid tank (T1).

The check valve (T4) allows the steering valve (in

case of pump damage etc.) to such oil out of the
hydraulic tank (T1) and makes a emergency
steering possible.

604.06.995.01 06 5

Triple pump (2) of the steering and working hydraulics and the brake
system 2905288

Fig. 3

Parts Fig. 3

4 - Drive shaft
5 - Connection of the fan motor

B1 - Brake pump
B2 - Accumulator charging valve

H6 - Control block
H17 - Pump of the steering and working hydraulics

K1 - Fan pump
K2 - Fan motor

L2 - Steering valve
L6 - Priority valve

6 06 604.06.995.01

Priority valve (L6) 2800933

Fig. 4

Parts Fig. 4

5 - Valve housing
6 - Pressure spring
7 - Spring retainer; MA = 100 - 105 Nm
8 - Oil seal
9 - Valve piston
10 - Filler plug; MA = 75 - 81 Nm
11 - Nozzle 0.7 mm
12 - Nozzle 1.0 mm; MA = 3.5 - 4.5 Nm

L2 - Steering valve

H6 - Control block
H17 - Steering and working hydraulics

604.06.995.01 06 7

Steering cylinder (L1) 2800941

Fig. 5

Parts Fig. 5

1 - Cylinder tube
2 - Piston rod 32 mm
3 - Locking ring
4 - Supporting ring
5 - Locking ring
6 - Guide bush
7 - Piston 70 mm
8 - Hexagon nut

Mounting information

Stroke: 300 mm
Fluid connections: L12W DIN 3 653
Connection thread: M 18 x 1,5

8 06 604.06.995.01

604.06.995.01 06 9

Steering valve (L2) 2800935

Fig. 6

10 06 604.06.995.01

Steering valve (L2)

Parts Fig. 6

1 - Inside thread M 10 x 1,5

2 - Bolt
3 - Bolt
4 - Date of manufacture Week/Year
5 - Washer
6 - O-Ring
7 - O-Ring
8 - Oil seal
9 - Wheel assembly
10 - Cover
11 - Washer
12 - Shaft
13 - Pin
14 - Ring
15 - Washer
16 - Plug
17 - Ball
18 - Pin
19 - Ball
22 - Pin
23 - Cover
24 - O-Ring
25 - Ring
26 - Set of springs

L1 - Steering cylinder
L2 - Steering valve
L3 - Secondary valve
L4 - Primary valve
L5 - Check valve
L6 - Priority valve

T1 - Tank

604.06.995.01 06 11

Steering valve (L2)

Fig. 7

12 06 604.06.995.01

Steering valve (L2)

Parts Fig. 7

1 - Inside thread M 10 x 1,5

2 - Bolt
3 - Bolt
4 - Date of manufacture Week/Year
5 - Washer
6 - O-Ring
7 - O-Ring
8 - Oil seal
9 - Wheel assembly
10 - Cover
11 - Washer
12 - Shaft
13 - Pin
14 - Ring
15 - Washer
16 - Plug
17 - Ball
18 - Pin
19 - Ball
22 - Pin
23 - Cover
24 - O-Ring
25 - Ring
26 - Set of springs

L1 - Steering cylinder
L2 - Steering valve
L3 - Secondary valve
L4 - Primary valve
L5 - Check valve
L6 - Priority valve

T1 - Tank

604.06.995.01 06 13

Installing the steering system 2905289

Fig. 8

14 06 604.06.995.01

Installing the steering system

Parts Fig. 8

1 - Steering column, top

2 - Steering column, bottom
3 - Pin
4 - Washer
5 - Shaft, bottom
6 - Universal joint
7 - Screw M 8 x 35
8 - Nut M 8
9 - Screw M 6
10 - Bracket
11 - Locking nut M 6
12 - Gas spring
13 - Pin
14 - Washer
15 - Spacer
16 - Screw M 3 x 45
17 - Washer
18 - Nut M 3
19 - Multifunct. lever
20 - Bracket plate
21 - Screw M 5 x 45
22 - Washer
23 - Cable harness
24 - Washer
25 - Nut M 5
26 - Clamp
27 - Gasket
28 - Damper
29 - Spacer
30 - Screw M 10 x 30
31 - Washer
32 - Washer
33 - Screw M 10 x 25
34 - Washer
35 - Paneling
36 - Screw M 6 x 20
37 - Nylon washer
38 - Spring
39 - Paneling
40 - Control panel
41 - Paneling
42 - Self-tapping screw M 3,9 x 9
43 - Steering wheel complete
44 - Steering wheel
45 - Cap
46 - Button
47 - Woodruff key
48 - Washer
49 - Screw M 18 x 1,5, MA = 40 Nm

604.06.995.01 06 15

16 06 604.06.995.01

Testing and adjusting the steering system 2800937

- Primary pressure Repairs

A pressure gauge must be connected to the All repairs on the steering system which go fur-
measuring point (PH). If the steering wheel is ther than checking the primary pressure must be
put to full lock, the pressure gauge reads the carried out with great care.
maximum value (approx. 175 bars). Repairs on the steering valve must be performed
If the primary pressure in the steering system is by trained personnel only.
not reached, the condition of the pump must
first be checked by measuring the primary
pressure in the working hydraulics (see section
"Working hydraulics"). If this pressure is at-
tained, the primary valve (L4) of the steering
system is probably defective.
- Secondary pressure
Measuring the secondary pressure is a more
complicated step. Steering cylinders that give
way when the machine with the articulated joint
in a collapsed state is being driven into a pile,
indicate a defective secondary valve.
To check the secondary valves without remov-
ing them, a measuring point with a pressure
gauge must be connected to the line, which
leads to the steering cylinders. By turning the
steering wheel against the limit stop, the maxi-
mum primary pressure can be generated.
Higher pressure might be attained by driving
into a pile while the articulated joint is in a
collapsed state and without actuating the steer-
ing system.
Nevertheless the secondary pressure of 240
bars cannot be reached in this way. To mea-
sure the exact secondary pressure, an addi-
tional T-piece can be installed into the lines of
the steering cylinders. Pressure can then be
carefully introduced from outside, while the
steering sytem is not actuated.
The maximum pressure which can be attained,
is the secondary pressure of the steering sys-

604.06.995.01 06 17

Notes 2800145

18 06 604.06.995.01
07 BRAKES .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Safety instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 1

Explanations of circuit diagrams and illustrations.................................................................................... 1

Braking system, circuit diagram ................................................................................................................ 2

Braking system, legend

Pressure measuring points ........................................................................................................................ 3

Functional description of the braking system

Service brake (pump-storage brake) .......................................................................................................... 4
Auxiliary brake ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Parking brake .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Accumulator charging valve (B2) ................................................................................................................ 6

Testing and adjusting the service brake

Accumulator charging valve (B2) ................................................................................................................ 7
Accumulator (B4), Technical data .............................................................................................................. 8
Accumulator (B4) ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Accumulators, safety instructions................................................................................................................ 9
Pedal-type brake valve (B5) ...................................................................................................................... 10
Connecting valve (B8) .............................................................................................................................. 11
Inching valve (B10) .................................................................................................................................. 12
Manometric switches (B6, B7) .................................................................................................................. 14

Checking the brake disks .......................................................................................................................... 15

Testing and adjusting operations on the auxilliary brake ...................................................................... 15

Testing and adjusting operations on the parking brake ........................................................................ 16

Bleeding the braking system

Bleeding .................................................................................................................................................... 18

07 BRAKES 2800627

Safety instructions

Personnel Disposal
Never do repair work on brakes un- Never let hydraulic oil penetrate
less you are qualified to work on into the soil; it contaminates the
brake systems. ground water.
Catch any emerging hydraulic oil
and dispose of it separately from
other waste in the interests of envi-
Securing the machine ronmental protection. Never mix
Never do repair work on brakes un- with used oil.
less the machine is secured as de- Dispose of cloths saturated with
scribed in the section "Securing hydraulic oil and removed parts
the machine". separately from other waste in the
Block the articulated joint when interests of environmental protec-
carrying out work on the brake tion
Explanations of circuit diagrams
and illustrations 2800487

Health protection
All circuit diagrams and illustrations in this Work-
Always store hydraulic oil in the shop Manual form one coherent system.
original containers.
Each component has its own unique part number.
Swallowing hydraulic oil is a se- In some cases a letter indicating the use is as-
vere health hazard. signed to the digit for improved clarity.
If hydraulic oil is swallowed, induce Meanings:
vomiting immediately and go
straight to a hospital. A = transmission z. B. A7 = servo-valve
Always keep hydraulic oil away
from the eyes. If the eyes are B = braking system, z. B. B1 = brake fluid
splashed, rinse immediately with
plenty of clear water and consult L = steering system, z. B.L1 = steering cylin-
an ophthalmologist. der
Never let hydraulic oil come into H = working hydrau- z. B.H8 = primary valve
contact with the skin; wear rubber lics,
gloves. T = tank, filter, cool- z. B. T1 = hydraulic tank
ing system
If contact with the skin cannot be
avoided, protect the skin with a Part numbers without letters designate general
barrier cream. components, e.g. Part 1 = diesel engine.
Contact with the skin must be as
brief as possible. Afterwards, wash Encircled parts, e.g. , designate connections.
your hands thoroughly with soap They indicate the destination or the origin of the
and water. Then apply a barrier connection lines. Example indicates that the
cream. connection designated in this way is connected
with the dual pump.

Measuring connections are specified with rectan-

gular boxes.

X1 designates, for example, the measuring point

for control pressure.

604.06.995.01 07 1

Braking system, circuit diagram 2905292

Fig. 1

2 07 604.06.995.01

Braking system, legend

1 - Diesel engine K1 - Fan pump
2 - Triple pump, steering system / working K2 - Fan motor
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive K3 - Pressure relief valve
9 - Front axle K4 - Replenishing valve
10 - Rear axle
A1 - Feed circuit filter
T1 - Hydraulic tank A2 - Feed pump
T2 - Combined cooler A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump
T3 - Hydraulic oil return-flow filter with by- A4VG-Da
pass A4 - High-pressure relief valves, deblockable
T4 - Check valve A5 - Replenishing valves
T5 - Distributor A7 - Servo-valve
T6 - Distributor A8 - Pressure cutout
A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
L1 - Steering cylinder A10 - Restrictor
L2 - Steering valve A11 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
L3 - Secondary valve, steering system valve for forward and reverse travel
L4 - Primary valve, steering A13 - Adjusting cylinder forward/reverse/neu-
L5 - Check valve tral
L6 - Priority valve A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U
A16 - Check valve
H1 - Lifting cylinder A17 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
H2 - Dumping cylinder valve for slow travel (high displacement)
H3 - Quick-change locking cylinder A18 - Adjusting cylinder for displacement
H4 - Hydraulic cylinder, 3rd function change
H5 - Quick-change locking mechanism (mul-
tiway cock)
H6 - Control block, working hydraulics
H7 - Secondary valve "Rearward tilting" with Pressure measuring points
replenishing valve
H8 - Secondary valve "Dumping" with replen- PH - Pump pressure for working and steering
ishing valve hydraulics
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve
PSP - Feed pressure
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Lift-
ing/lowering" PHD - High pressure at travelling
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Tilting"
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve "3rd function PHD* - High pressure at travelling
" (at travel motor)
H14 - Control piston "Lifting-lowering-floating"
position PBS - Accumulator braking pressure
H15 - Control piston "Rearward tilting" dump-
ing Pin - Actual braking pressure
H16 - Control piston "3rd function"
PBL - Braking pressure
H17 - Hydraulic pump, steering and working
(for the multiple-disc brakes)
X1 - Control pressure
B1 - Brake fluid pump
B2 - Accumulator charging valve X2 - Control pressure
B4 - Brake accumulator
B5 - Pedal operated brake valve M1 - Regulation threshold (travel motor)
B6 - Pressure switch, braking light
B7 - Pressure switch, accumulator warning VA - Soiling indicator, return-flow filter
B8 - Sequence valve
B9 - Multiple-disc brake
B10 - Inching valve

604.06.995.01 07 3

Functional description of the braking system 2801912

Fig. 2

Service brake (pump-storage brake)

The brake fluid pump (B1, Fig. 2) pumps brake When a braking pressure above 3.5 bars is
fluid to the accumulator charging valve (B2). reached, the braking light switch (B6) responds.

When the pressure in the accumulator (B4) drops If the reached braking pressure is less than 14
below 120 bars, the accumulator charging valve bars, the braking pressure is not transmitted to
(B2) switches on the accumulator charging sys- the multiple disc brakes (B9) in the rear axle (10).
tem. Instead, the pressure is directed onto the inching
valve (B10) and therefore activates only the auxil-
At an accumulator pressure of 150 bars, the ac- iary brake.
cumulator charging system is switched off and
the fluid from the braking fluid pump flows back It is only when a higher pressure than the con-
via the hydraulic motor housing to the hydraulic necting pressure (14 - 4 bars) is reached that it
tank (T1). can pass the connecting valve (B8) and then
activates the multiple disc brakes (B9). The
If the accumulator pressure drops below 98 bars, reached braking pressure minus the connecting
the warning switch (B7) switches on the central pressure is now applied to the multiple-disc
warning lamp and the acoustic warning (buzzer) brakes.
in the drivers cab.
The braking action is also transmitted to the front
When the pedal-type brake valve (B5) is acti- axle via the cardan shafts. If the pedal-type brake
vated, the pressure in the accumulator (B4) is valve (B5) is now released, the pressure can now
directed into the brake line to the connecting be released into the hydraulic tank (T1).
valve (B8). The braking pressure is limited to
max. 60 bars by the pedal-type brake valve (B5).

4 07 604.06.995.01

Auxiliary brake Parking brake

If a pressure of less than 14 bars is reached with The parking brake acts by cable control on the
the pedal-type brake valve (B5), the braking pres- multiple disc brakes of the rear axle. The layout
sure is transmitted only to the inching valve of the individual components is shown in Fig. 11.
(B10), as the connecting valve (B8) transmits only
the pressure in excess of 14 bars to the multiple- Note that the drive is switched off by the hand-
disc brakes (B9). brake switch (Fig. 3) when the handbrake lever is
Depending on the level of the pressure reached,
the inching valve (B10) opens a larger or smaller a = position at rest max. 6,0 mm
throttling channel which connects the control b = switching point 5,5 mm
pressure of the driving pump (cf. Transmission
Drive section) with the hydraulic tank (T1).

This results in the driving pump swivelling to-

wards minimum pumping as a result of the brake
being applied and the driving motion thus being
reduced, i.e. the machine is braked.

One great advantage of this inching is that most

of the engine output can be supplied to the op-
erating hydraulics once the driving pump has
swivelled back.

The functioning of the inching valve is shown in

the hydraulic diagram Driving Operation.

Fig. 3


The handbrake switch is located below the hand-

brake lever (1, Fig. 11).
- To check the lining thickness, see Multiple-disc
- To replace the brake linings, see section on

604.06.995.01 07 5

Accumulator charging valve (B2) 2801913

Fig. 4

6 07 604.06.995.01

Testing and adjusting the service brake

For all testing and adjusting operations on the Connecting pressure: 120+10 bars
braking system, the temperature of the hydraulic Cutout pressure: 150-10 bars
oil must be ca. 65C.

Accumulator charging valve (B2) Parts Fig. 4

1 - Braking/flushing changeover piston
When the engine is running, an accumulator 2 - Cutout piston
pressure (cutout pressure) of 140 to 150 bars 3 - Throttle
builds up.This pressure can be measured at mea- 4 - Check valve
suring point (PBS). 5 - Setting cutout pressure

The accumulator is then lowered by repeated A15 - M 16 x 1,5 / 40+5 Nm

application of the service brake. When the pres- B1 - M 18 x 1,5 / 50+5 Nm
sure gauge (B3) indicates a value of 120 - 130 B4 - M 16 x 1,5 / 40+5 Nm
bars, accumulator recharging sets in and the ac-
cumulator is charged again until the cutout
threshold is reached.

If cutout pressure is not correct, the cutout pres-

sure can be set at the setscrew (B2.5) of the
accumulator charging valve.

604.06.995.01 07 7

Accumulator (B4), Technical data

Fig. 5

Capacity: 0.75 l

Admissible operating pressure: 210 bars

Filled gas: Nitrogen

Filled-gas pressure: 50 +_ 1 bars

Weight: 2.8 kg

8 07 604.06.995.01

Accumulator (B4) Accumulators, safety instructions

The accumulator (B4, Fig. 5) has a preliminary
pressure of 50 bars. To check the preliminary Accumulators are installed in the
pressure, the diesel engine (1) is switched off hydraulic system. These accumula-
and the accumulator emptied by operating the tors contain nitrogen under high
brake pedal. initial pressure.

The last pressure value indicated by the built-in Even when the hydraulic pressure
pressure gauge before the accumulator pressure in the system is reduced, the nitro-
fails is the preliminary pressure of the accumula- gen remains in the accumulator.
tor. The accumulators are completely
safe in operation. If incorrectly han-
If the preliminary pressure is too low, the accu- dled, however, there is a risk of
mulator can be brought to the correct pressure explosion.
with an appropriate filling device. Older accumula-
tors and those losing their pressure within a short
time of being filled must be replaced. - Never handle accumulator me-
chanically, never weld or solder
Important: it.
- Testing and servicing work
If the braking system is working correctly, the must be carried out by experts
machine can be braked at least 20 times with the only.
engine stationary and the accumulator filled be-
fore the accumulator pressure fails. - Prior to any testing and servic-
ing work, depressurize the hy-
draulic part of the system.
- To dismantle the accumulator,
always wear goggles and work-
ing gloves.
- Fill accumulator with nitrogen
only, never with compressed air
or oxygen.
- Report any defects or damage
to the machine owner without
- Prior to recommissioning, an in-
spection by a specialist or ex-
pert is essential if the accumu-
lator was damaged or if the ad-
missible operating temperature
or operating pressure was ex-
Never remove or paint over warn-
ing and information plates, rating
plates or type identification mark-
ings. Replace illegible or damaged
plates immediately.

604.06.995.01 07 9

Pedal-type brake valve (B5) 2800492

Fig. 6

To check the braking pressure, a pressure gauge Parts Fig. 6

must be connected at the measuring point (Pin).
Depressing the brake pedal must cause the in- 1 - Setscrew for braking pressure
dicated pressure to rise in proportion to pedal (set braking pressure = 60 bars)
travel until a maximum of 60 bars is reached. B6 - Braking light switch

When testing the braking pressure, press the Connection designations on housing
pedal down slowly, keeping an eye on the con-
nected pressure gauge. 1 - Power intake
21 - Service brake
Important: 24 - Braking light control
51 - Return flow connection
If the pedal type brake valve (Fig. 6) is incorrectly
set, a 60-bar pressure gauge may be damaged
by pressing the pedal down too far.

The maximum braking pressure is set at the stop

screw of the pedal-type brake valve (B5, Part 1).

10 07 604.06.995.01

Connecting valve (B8)

Preliminary pressure 14 bars

Fig. 7

To check that the connecting valve (B8, Fig. 7) is Adjust the setscrew (B8, Pos. 8) with a big
working properly, a further pressure gauge must screwdriver through the opening in the thread-
be connected to the measuring connection (PBL) ed conntion piece (B8, Pos.7)
in addition to the pressure gauge at the measur- - turned clockwise = preliminary pressure low-
ing connection (Pin). er
On actuation of the brake pedal, no reaction must - turned counter-clockwise = preliminary pres-
be recorded at the pressure gauge (PBL) until the sure higher
preliminary pressure of 14 - 4 bars is exceeded on
the pressure gauge (Pin). Refit threaded connection piece, measuring
The maximum pressure attainable on the pres- point and hose and bleed brake system
sure gauge (PBL) is calculated from the maximum Check the preliminary pressure repeating the
braking pressure set at the pedal-type brake adjusting procedure if necessary.
valve minus the actual value of the preliminary
pressure at the connecting valve. Parts Fig. 7
If the preliminary pressure is not correct, it can be
re-adjusted with set screw (B8, Part 8). In case of 1 - Vent, intake side
valve replacement, the flow direction of the valve 2 - Vent, discharge side
must be observed and the brake be bleed after 3 - Valve piston
installing the new component (see section on 4 - Gasket
bleeding the braking system). 5 - Ball
6 - Valve housing
To correct the adjusted pressure proceed as fol- 7 - Socket
lows: 8 - Setscrew for preliminary
Remove the connection at the multiple-disk
brake (B9) including measuring point and
threaded connection piece.

604.06.995.01 07 11

Inching valve (B10)

Fig. 8

12 07 604.06.995.01

Inching valve (B10)

Parts Fig. 8

1 - Slave cylinder
2 - Piston
3 - Vent valve
4 - Relief channels
5 - Valve chamber
6 - Tappet
7 - Control piston
8 - Setscrew
9 - Spring
10 - Spring plate
11 - Notch
12 - Gasket
B8 - Connecting valve

Pin - Actual braking pressure

For valve setting operations, see Section 04 -

Hydraulic Travel Drive, subsection Adjusting Op-
erations on the Travel Drive.

604.06.995.01 07 13

Manometric switches (B6, B7)

The braking light switch (B6(S18)) is mounted on
the pedal-type brake valve (B5, Fig. 6).

Response pressure = 3.5 bars

Function = normally open contact
Connecting thread = M 12 x 1.5

The warning switch (B7(S17.1), Fig. 2) for the

accumulator pressure responds when the pres-
sure drops below 100 bars.

Response pressure = 98 bars

Function = changeover contact
Connecting thread = M 10 x 1, tapered

For function checking, the accumulator is pumped

empty by depressing the brake pedal. For mon-
otoring purposes , a pressure gauge is attached
to measuring port PBS.

If the accumulator pressure drops below 100

bars, the central warning lamp must start flashing
and thr buzzer sounding. Apart from the central
warning lamp, the brake pressure warning lamp
lights up on the dashboard.


If the braking system is working correctly, the

machine can be braked at least five times with
the engine stationary and the accumulator filled
before the central warning lamp responds.

14 07 604.06.995.01

Checking the brake disks 2800493 Testing and adjusting operations

Every time the oil is changed in the rear axle,
on the auxilliary brake
check the thickness of the brake disks. These operations are described in the section
Stop machine as detailed in the section "Secur- Travel drive - Adjusting the inching threshold.
ing the machine".

When gearbox oil is drained off, unscrew

screws (10.1, Fig. 9).

Apply parking brake.

Fig. 9

Check for wear. The interior disks with friction

lining must be replaced if they are worn down
to a minimum ( S,Fig. 10) of 4.5 mm.
Consult your Dealer.

Fig. 10

604.06.995.01 07 15

Testing and adjusting operations on the parking brake 2800494

The parking brake must be set in such a way that The length of the handbrake lever path is deter-
it is fully applied after four notches of the hand- mined by shortening or extending the cable
brake lever (1, Fig. 11). length between the levers (2). Corrections of up
to one notch on the handbrake lever can also be
For this purpose it must first be ensured that both made on the cable control to the handbrake lever
levers (2) are correctly mounted on the rear axle at the setscrews (4) located there.
and are in reciprocally mirrored position both in
released position and at the pressure points. Major corrections must be made by adjusting the
cable length between the levers (2). If adjust-
If this is not the case, the position of the levers ments on such a large scale are necessary, the
(2) can be corrected after slackening the screws thickness of the brake disc linings must also be
(3). checked in all events (see section on Multiple-
disc Brakes).

Fig. 11

16 07 604.06.995.01

Bleeding the braking system 2801058

The system must be bled when air has penet- Vent (5) at inching valve.
rated into the line system. This occurs when Fig. 3 applies to the W50 loader.
brake lines are loosened or parts of the braking
system are replaced or dismantled.

Two persons are needed to bleed the braking


Bleeding must be done in the following sequence:

Right vent valve at rear axle.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4 applies to the W60 / W70 loader.

Fig. 1

Left vent valve (1, Fig. 1) at rear axle.

Vent (4, Fig. 2) at connecting valve (on brake


Vent (3) at connecting valve (on pedal side).

Fig. 4

Fig. 2

604.06.995.01 07 17

For bleeding, a hose (2) must be attached to the
respective bleeding valve and the other end let
into a suitable vessel filled with hydraulic oil (for
example Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

While the first person now operates the brake

pedal and keeps it pressed down with the engine
running, the second person opens the vent by ca.
1/2 turn and closes it only when the hydraulic oil
emerges bubble-free in the vessel. Only then
does the first person release the brake again.

To ensure that all air is definitely removed from

the system, this procedure must be carried out at
least twice.

18 07 604.06.995.01
08 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 1

Hydraulic System, Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................... 1

Explanations of circuit diagrams and illustrations.................................................................................... 1

Depressurizing the hydraulic system ........................................................................................................ 1

Hydraulic circuit diagram - working hydraulics ........................................................................................ 2

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

Pressure measuring points ........................................................................................................................ 3

Functional description, working hydraulics .............................................................................................. 5

Control block (H6) ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Triple pump (2) of the steering and working hydraulics and the brake system .................................. 10

Lifting cylinder (H1) .................................................................................................................................... 11

Dumping cylinder (H2) .............................................................................................................................. 12

Quick change locking cylinder (H3) .......................................................................................................... 13

Hydraulic tank (T1) / Hydraulic filter (T3) .................................................................................................. 14

Hydraulic filter (T3), function

Hydraulic filter - application ...................................................................................................................... 17
Hydraulic filter functions ............................................................................................................................ 17

Hydraulic circuit diagram - cooling .......................................................................................................... 18

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

Pressure measuring points ...................................................................................................................... 19

Functional description of hydraulic system cooling .............................................................................. 21

Praktical checking ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Combined cooler (T2) ................................................................................................................................ 22

Distributor (T5) ............................................................................................................................................ 24

Distributor (T6) ............................................................................................................................................ 25

Testing and adjustment work

Pressure testing and adjustment .............................................................................................................. 26
Practical testing ........................................................................................................................................ 27

Pipe-burst protection (optional)

Lifting cylinder load-holding valve (optional) ............................................................................................ 29
Dumping cylinder load-holding valve (optional) ........................................................................................ 31

Hydraulic System, Safety Depressurizing the hydraulic
Instructions 2800476 system 2800488

Read and observe the operating in- Before starting work, depressurize the hydraulic
struction: "Inspection and Servic- system:
ing, Safety Instructions". - Secure the machine as described under "Se-
Before working on the hydraulic curing the machine".
system, ensure that the system is
- Move control lever for operating equipment and
depressurized and that any resid-
3rd function in all directions until the operating
ual pressure is discharged.
equipment makes no further movement.
Engine off.
Secure the machine as described The residual pressure in the operating equipment
in the operating instruction: "Se- is then discharged.
curing the machine".
Avoid skin contact with hydraulic
oils. Wear gloves and firm working
gear. Skin contact with hydraulic
oils is a health risk.

Explanations of circuit diagrams

and illustrations 2800487

All circuit diagrams and illustrations in this Work-

shop Manual form one coherent system.
Each component has its own unique part number.
In some cases a letter indicating the use is as-
signed to the digit for improved clarity.
A = transmission z. B. A7 = servo-valve
B = braking system, z. B. B1 = brake fluid
L = steering system, z. B.L1 = steering
H = working z. B.H8 = primary valve
T = tank, filter, z. B. T1 = hydraulic tank
cooling system

Part numbers without letters designate general

components, e.g. Part 1 = diesel engine.

Encircled parts, e.g. , designate connections.

They indicate the destination or the origin of the
connection lines. Example indicates that the
connection designated in this way is connected
with the dual pump.

Measuring connections are specified with rectan-

gular boxes.

X1 designates, for example, the measuring point

for control pressure.

604.06.995.01 08 1

Hydraulic circuit diagram - working hydraulics 2905290

Fig. 1

2 08 604.06.995.01

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

1 - Diesel engine B8 - Sequence valve
2 - Triple pump, steering system / working B9 - Multiple-disc brake
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive B10 - Inching valve
9 - Front axle
10 - Rear axle K1 - Fan pump
K2 - Fan motor
T1 - Hydraulic tank K3 - Pressure relief valve
T2 - Combined cooler K4 - Replenishing valve
T3 - Hydraulic oil return-flow filter with
bypass A1 - Feed circuit filter
T4 - Check valve A2 - Feed pump
T5 - Distributor A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump
T6 - Distributor A4VG-Da
A4 - High-pressure relief valves, deblockable
L1 - Steering cylinder A5 - Replenishing valves
L2 - Steering valve A7 - Servo-valve
L3 - Secondary valve, steering system A8 - Pressure cutout
L4 - Primary valve, steering A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
L5 - Check valve A10 - Restrictor
L6 - Priority valve A11 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
valve for forward and reverse travel
H1 - Lifting cylinder A13 - Adjusting cylinder
H2 - Dumping cylinder forward/reverse/neutral
H3 - Quick-change locking cylinder A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U
H4 - Hydraulic cylinder, 3rd function A16 - Check valve
H5 - Quick-change locking mechanism A17 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
(multiway cock) valve for slow travel (high displacement)
H6 - Control block, working hydraulics A18 - Adjusting cylinder for displacement
H7 - Secondary valve "Rearward tilting" with change
replenishing valve
H8 - Secondary valve "Dumping" with Pressure measuring points
replenishing valve
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve PH - Pump pressure for working and steering
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Tilting" PSP - Feed pressure
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve "3rd function
PHD - High pressure at travelling
H14 - Control piston "Lifting-lowering-floating" PHD* - High pressure at travelling
position (at travel motor)
H15 - Control piston "Rearward tilting"
dumping Pin - Actual braking pressure
H16 - Control piston "3rd function"
H17 - Hydraulic pump, steering and working PBL - Braking pressure
hydraulics (for the multiple-disc brakes)
H18 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H19 - secondary valve "3rd function" X1 - Control pressure
H20 - secondary valve lifting with
replenishing valve X2 - Control pressure

B1 - Brake fluid pump M1 - Regulation threshold (travel motor)

B2 - Accumulator charging valve VA - Soiling indicator, return-flow filter
B4 - Brake accumulator
B5 - Pedal operated brake valve
B6 - Pressure switch, braking light
B7 - Pressure switch, accumulator warning

604.06.995.01 08 3

Fig. 2

4 08 604.06.995.01

Functional description, working hydraulics 2905291

The hydraulic oil pumped by the gear pump To ensure that sufficient oil reaches the rod end
(H17) is fed to the working hydraulics and the of the lifting cylinder during rapid lowering move-
steering system. ments, hydraulic oil is drawn in from the tank
reflow when required by means of the replenish-
The priority valve (L6) gives the steering system ing valve (H10).
oiling priority for safety reasons, so that the steer- The lifting function is pressure-limited by secon-
ing system is always supplied first when steering dary valve (H20) to prevent damage due to ex-
system and working hydraulics are activated si- cessive forces.
multaneously, and in this case only the residual The secondary valve is equipped with an inte-
oil goes to the working hydraulics (cf. section on grated replenishing valve which sucks in oil from
Steering System). the tank return line if needed.
(Pressure setting (H20), see chapter 02, Service-
The measuring connection at which the pumping Data).
pressure of the gear pump (H17) or the setting of
the primary valve (H9) can be controlled is lo- The rearward tilting and dumping function is con-
cated direct at the priority valve (L6). trolled by means of the control rod (H15). To
prevent damage due to excessive external forces,
From the priority valve (L6) the oil goes into the the rearward tilting line is secured by the secon-
control block (H6). dary valve (H7) and the dumping line by the
The maximum pumping pressure is limited here secondary valve (H8).
by the primary valve (H9) to 230 bars (W50 and
W70), 210 bar (W60). Both secondary valves also operate as replenish-
ing valves and can draw oil from the tank reflow
If no working hydraulics function is activated, the as required.
hydraulic oil flows back through the control block
(H6) to the distributor (T6) and via the return-flow The control piston (H16) switches the 3rd function
filter (T3) into the tank (T1). (H4) and the quick changer (H3).
When the multiway cock (H5) is opened, the
If one of the control pistons (H14, H15, H16) is changer cylinder is pressurized with the pressure
shifted, the hydraulic oil is directed into the cor- oil (H3).
responding hydraulic cylinder and the required The cylinder movements of the 3rd function are
function is executed. pressure-limited by secondary valves (H18) and
(H19) to prevent damage due to excessive
The control piston (H14) controls the oil for the
lifting and lowering function. If the operating lever
(Pressure setting (H18), (H19), see chapter 02
is pressed beyond the lowering position, the pis-
ton engages into floating position.
In floating position, the hydraulic oil is returned When the multiway cock (H5) is closed, the oil is
unpressurized to the tank and the rod and piston available for the 3rd function and the changer
ends of the lifting cylinder (H1) are interconnected cylinder (H3) is locked.
via the control channels of the control piston
(H14). All three control pistons (H14, H15, H16) have an
In this position, the bucket or the operating equip- upstream pump-side check valve (H11, H12,
ment is supported with its own weight on the H13) which acts as a pressure-retaining valve to
ground. prevent inadvertent movements (stalling of the
lifting cylinder or emptying of the bucket).

After passing the control block (H6), the oil flows

back via distributor (T6) and return-flow filter (T3)
to the hydraulic tank (T1).

604.06.995.01 08 5

Control block (H6) 2800944

Fig. 3

6 08 604.06.995.01

Control block (H6)

Parts Fig. 3
H6 - Control block
H7 - Secondary valve, dumping
H8 - Secondary valve, rearward tilting
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve, lifting / lowering
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve, rearward tilting / dumping
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve, 3rd function
H14 - Control piston, lifting / lowering
H15 - Control piston, rearward tilting / dumping
H16 - Control piston, 3rd function
H18 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H19 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H20 - secondary valve lifting with replenishing valve

Connection designations

Designation at block Use Thread

A Oil to operating equipment / cylinder M 18 x 1.5

B Oil to operating equipment / cylinder M 18 x 1.5

P Pressure oil from priority valve M 22 x 1.5

T Tank reflow via distributor (part T6) M 26 x 1.5

604.06.995.01 08 7

Fig. 4

8 08 604.06.995.01

Control block (H6)

Parts Fig. 4
H6 - Control block
H7 - Secondary valve, dumping
H8 - Secondary valve, rearward tilting
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve, lifting / lowering
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve, rearward tilting / dumping
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve, 3rd function
H14 - Control piston, lifting / lowering
H15 - Control piston, rearward tilting / dumping
H16 - Control piston, 3rd function
H18 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H19 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H20 - secondary valve lifting with replenishing valve

Connection designations

Designation at block Use Thread

A Oil to operating equipment / cylinder M 18 x 1.5

B Oil to operating equipment / cylinder M 18 x 1.5

P Pressure oil from priority valve M 22 x 1.5

T Tank reflow via distributor (part T6) M 26 x 1.5


To replace the pressure back-up valves (H11) -

(H13), the control blocks must be fixed by means
of a parallel clamp because the tie rod (Z) must
be removed.
Fitting: The tightening torque for the tie rod nuts
is 28 +_ 1.4 Nm

604.06.995.01 08 9

Triple pump (2) of the steering and working hydraulics and the brake
system 2905288

Fig. 5

Parts Fig. 5

4 - Drive shaft
5 - Connection of the fan motor

B1 - Brake pump
B2 - Accumulator charging valve

H6 - Control block
H17 - Pump of the steering and working hydraulics

K1 - Fan pump
K2 - Fan motor

L2 - Steering valve
L6 - Priority valve

10 08 604.06.995.01

Lifting cylinder (H1) 2905293

Fig. 6

Parts Fig. 6

1 - Cylinder
2 - Piston rod
3 - Guide
4 - Piston
5 - Round circlip
6 - Supporting plate
7 - Circlip
8 - Grooved nut M 30 x 1.5
9 - Pivot bearing

Technical data W50 W60 W70

Piston 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm
Rod 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm
Stroke 574 mm 690 mm 690 mm
Oil connections
Connection thread M 16 x 1.5 M 16 x 1.5 M 16 x 1.5
MA Nut (Part No. 8) 600 Nm 600 Nm 600 Nm

604.06.995.01 08 11

Dumping cylinder (H2)

Fig. 7

Parts Fig. 7

1 - Cylinder
2 - Piston rod
3 - Guide
4 - Piston
5 - Round circlip
6 - Supporting plate
7 - Circlip
8 - Hexagon nut M 30 x 1.5
9 - Hooked circlip
10 - Pivot bearing

Technical data W50 W60 W70

Piston 80 mm 90 mm 90 mm
Rod 40 mm 40 mm 45 mm
Stroke 430 mm 450 mm 450 mm
Oil connections L 15 DIN 3853 AS 15 L DIN 3853 AS 15 L DIN 3853
Connection thread M 22 x 1.5 M 22 x 1.5 M 22 x 1.5
MA Nut (Part No. 8) 600 Nm 800 Nm 800 Nm

12 08 604.06.995.01

Quick change locking cylinder (H3)

Fig. 8

Parts Fig. 8
1 - Cylinder pipe
2 - Piston rod
3 - Hexagon nut M 18 x 1.5
4 - Piston
5 - Guide bushing
6 - Locking pin
7 - Compensating channel

Technical data W50 W60 W70

Stroke 70 mm (per side) 75 mm (per side) 75 mm (per side)

Piston 40 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Rod 22 mm 25 mm 25 mm
Service pressure 230 bars 210 bars 210 bars
Compressive force 28.9 kN 41.2 kN 45.1 kN
Tractive force 20.1 kN 30.9kN 33.8 kN

604.06.995.01 08 13

Hydraulic tank (T1) / Hydraulic filter (T3) 2905294

Fig. 9

14 08 604.06.995.01

Parts Fig. 9

T1 - Hydraulic tank
T3 - Hydraulic filter

1 - Oil gauge
2 - Cap
3 - Gasket
4 - Filter cartridge
5 - Filter housing
6 - O-ring
7 - Pressure indicator (filter soiling)
8 - Venting filter
9 - Connection for thermostat, hydraulic oil

604.06.995.01 08 15

Hydraulic filter (T3), function 2905376

Fig. 10


Fig. 11

16 08 604.06.995.01

Items in filter function diagrams Figs. 10 and 11

1 - Oil returning to the hydraulic tank

2 - Precharged oil for feed pump A2
QR - Return-flow oil from working hydraulics
QS - micro-filtered precharged oil for the feed pump A2
QR>QS - Condition: return flow greater than suction flow

A - return line, filter inlet, port A

B - suction line, filter outlet, port B
FE - filter element
V1 - precharging valve
V2 - by-pass valve
V3 - replenishing valve
T - tank inlet/emergency suction

Hydraulic filter - application Hydraulic filter functions

Return-flow/suction filters RKM are used in ma- The return-flow of the working hydraulics is led to
chines with open hydraulic circuit (e.g. working the filter via port (A) where it is cleaned by the
hydraulics) and also in those with closed hydro- filter element (full-flow return filtration).
static drive (e.g. travel drive). RKM filters combine The precharging valve (V1) generates a pressure
the functions of the open-circuit return-flow filter (standard 0.5 bar) which ensures the amount
with those of the closed drive suction filter in one needed by the feed pump of the hydrostat can be
filter unit. taken via port (B) from the filtered return-flow
(full-flow return filtration).
The return flow Q R must always be greater than Excessive amounts are released via the prechar-
the volume flow Q S of the feed pump. ging valve against the tank (port T). In the event
of high dynamic pressures, the volume flow is
returned to the tank via by-pass valve (V2) (stan-
dard 2.5 bar). (Pressure limiting: No unfiltered oil
flows to the suction pump). Inadmissibly high
pressures in the return line / housing of the hy-
drostatic drive are thus avoided (Protection of
shaft seals especially when performing cold
The replenishing valve (V3) can supply oil from
the tank shortly to the suction side (emergency

604.06.995.01 08 17

Hydraulic circuit diagram - cooling 2905295

Fig. 12

18 08 604.06.995.01

Hydraulic circuit diagram, legend

1 - Diesel engine B8 - Sequence valve
2 - Triple pump, steering system / working B9 - Multiple-disc brake
hydraulics / braking system / fan drive B10 - Inching valve
9 - Front axle
10 - Rear axle K1 - Fan pump
K2 - Fan motor
T1 - Hydraulic tank K3 - Pressure relief valve
T2 - Combined cooler K4 - Replenishing valve
T3 - Hydraulic oil return-flow filter with
bypass A1 - Feed circuit filter
T4 - Check valve A2 - Feed pump
T5 - Distributor A3 - Variable displacement axial-piston pump
T6 - Distributor A4VG-Da
A4 - High-pressure relief valves, deblockable
L1 - Steering cylinder A5 - Replenishing valves
L2 - Steering valve A7 - Servo-valve
L3 - Secondary valve, steering system A8 - Pressure cutout
L4 - Primary valve, steering A9 - Feed pressure relief valve
L5 - Check valve A10 - Restrictor
L6 - Priority valve A11 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
valve for forward and reverse travel
H1 - Lifting cylinder A13 - Adjusting cylinder
H2 - Dumping cylinder forward/reverse/neutral
H3 - Quick-change locking cylinder A15 - Axial-piston oil motor A6VM - HA 1U
H4 - Hydraulic cylinder, 3rd function A16 - Check valve
H5 - Quick-change locking mechanism A17 - Electromagnetically activated switchover
(multiway cock) valve for slow travel (high displacement)
H6 - Control block, working hydraulics A18 - Adjusting cylinder for displacement
H7 - Secondary valve "Rearward tilting" with change
replenishing valve
H8 - Secondary valve "Dumping" with Pressure measuring points
replenishing valve
H9 - Primary valve
H10 - Replenishing valve PH - Pump pressure for working and steering
H11 - Pressure-maintaining valve
H12 - Pressure-maintaining valve "Tilting" PSP - Feed pressure
H13 - Pressure-maintaining valve "3rd function
PHD - High pressure at travelling
H14 - Control piston "Lifting-lowering-floating" PHD* - High pressure at travelling
position (at travel motor)
H15 - Control piston "Rearward tilting"
dumping Pin - Actual braking pressure
H16 - Control piston "3rd function"
H17 - Hydraulic pump, steering and working PBL - Braking pressure
hydraulics (for the multiple-disc brakes)
H18 - secondary valve "3rd function"
H19 - secondary valve "3rd function" X1 - Control pressure
H20 - secondary valve lifting with
replenishing valve X2 - Control pressure

B1 - Brake fluid pump M1 - Regulation threshold (travel motor)

B2 - Accumulator charging valve VA - Soiling indicator, return-flow filter
B4 - Brake accumulator
B5 - Pedal operated brake valve
B6 - Pressure switch, braking light
B7 - Pressure switch, accumulator warning

604.06.995.01 08 19

Fig. 13

20 08 604.06.995.01

Functional description of Praktical checking

hydraulic system cooling The hydraulic cooling system is a simple system
The wheel-loader is equipped with an external requiring normally no special maintenance.
cooling system for hydraulic-oil and engine-oil
In the event of cooling problems, perform a func-
tional check and a visual inspection of the oil and
The hydraulic system is composed of a gear water cooler.
pump (K1) and a fan motor (K2) with parallel
If the cooling performance remains insufficient
pressure-limiting valve with integrated replenish-
even with a clean oil and water cooler, the speed
ing valve (K3).
of the fan must checked.
Pump (K1) takes in oil from the hydraulic tank
The fan speed is measured by means of an
(T1) and directly drives the fan motor (K2) by
optical rev counter.
means of an oil motor. The oil reflows to tank
(T1). At maximum speed of the diesel engine, the
measured speed of the fan must be at least
The fan speed can be adjusted by setting the
2750 min-1.
pressure-limiting valve (K3) on the fan motor to
the appropriate value.

Fig. 14

Legend Fig. 14:

A = Measuring point
B = Setscrew (K3)

Type of machine Pressure

W50 68 +_1 bar

W60 70 +_1 bar

W70 70 +_1 bar

If the Diesel engine (1) is stopped, gear pump

(K1) stops, too, so that no oil is flowing.
To avoid cavitation damage to the fan motor (k2)
when it is still turning, the system is equipped
with a replenishing valve (K4).

604.06.995.01 08 21

Combined cooler (T2) 2905296

Fig. 15

22 08 604.06.995.01

Parts Fig. 15

T1 - Hydraulic tank
T2 - Combined cooler
T3 - Hydraulic filter

K1 - Fan pump
K2 - Fan motor

3 - Tube fitting
4 - Gasket
5 - Bearing
6 - Grub screw M 10 x 20
7 - Bracket
8 - Hex. hd. screw M 10 x 25
9 - Washere
10 - Hexagonal nut M 10 - 8
11 - Hex. hd. screw M 10 x 35

604.06.995.01 08 23

Distributor (T5)

Fig. 16

24 08 604.06.995.01

Distributor (T6)

Fig. 17

604.06.995.01 08 25

Testing and adjustment work 2905297

For all testing and adjustment work at the hydrau-
lic system, the temperature of the hydraulic oil Set what? How Where?
must be ca. 60 - 70C. high?

Pressure testing and adjustment Primary pressure 210 +_ 5 Primary valve (H9)
An appropriate pressure gauge must be connect-
ed at the measuring connection (PH). Secondary valve, 220 +_ 5 Secondary valve
The working hydraulics are moved to the limit rearward tilting bars (H7)
stop with the lifting function. The primary pressure
Secondary valve, 285 +_ 5 Secondary valve
of 230 bars (W50 and W70), 210 bars (W60)
dumping bars (H8)
must not be read off at the pressure gauge.
The primary pressure is adjusted at the primary Secondary valve, 285 +_ 5 Secondary valve
valve (H9). lifting bars (H20)
The best way to check the secondary relief
valves is the following procedure: Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve
3rd function bars (H18)
1. Correct a pressure gauge to the ring side of
the dump cylinder. Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve
2. Bring the lifting frame in horizontal position. 3rd function bars (H19)
3. Dump the bucket against block.
4. Lift the lifting frame without using the dump- W70
ing cylinder.
Now you can read the pressure of the dump Set what? How Where?
relief valve at the pressure gauge. high?

To check the roll back relief valve, the hoses at Primary pressure 230 +_ 5 Primary valve (H9)
the dump cylinder have to be changed. Now the bars
positions 2 - 4 of the procedure have to be done
again. Secondary valve, 245 +_ 5 Secondary valve
rearward tilting bars (H7)
Secondary valve, 285 +_ 5 Secondary valve
Set what? How Where? dumping bars (H8)
Secondary valve, 285 +_ 5 Secondary valve
Primary pressure 230 Primary valve (H9) lifting bars (H20)
Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve
Secondary valve, 235 Secondary valve 3rd function bars (H18)
rearward tilting bars (H7)
Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve
Secondary valve, 285 Secondary valve 3rd function bars (H19)
dumping bars (H8)

Secondary valve, 285 +_ 5 Secondary valve For checking of the secondary valve "Lifting"
lifting bars (H20) (H20), replace by adjusted secondary valve
"Dumping" (H8) and then repeat points 2 through
Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve 4.
3rd function bars (H18)

Secondary valve, 200 +_ 5 Secondary valve

3rd function bars (H19)

26 08 604.06.995.01

Practical testing Causes of a higher lowering rate may be:

The correct setting of the primary and secondary Cause Remedy

pressure alone is not a confirmation that the hy-
draulic system is in order. Lifting cylinder (H1) Seal cylinder
To be sure of this, the throughput must also be leaking
checked. As this is, however, a very complex
Dumping cylinder (H2) Seal cylinder
measurement and the necessary measuring
equipment is often not available, the stroke time
can be determined as an option. Control block (H6) Replace control block
At top motor speed the stroke time should be ca. leaking excessively or control piston
6.0 seconds (W50) and 5.7 seconds (W60, W70).
Fault in secondary valve Adjust, clean or
N.B.: for rearward tilting (H7) replace secondary
The precondition for this testing is that the drive
motor is correctly set: Outward leakage Seal
low idling: see techn. data
high idling: see techn. data Summary:

If the stroke time is clearly exceeded, this may Check what? Where? Setpoint?
indicate a defective priority valve (L6) or a defec-
tive hydraulic pump (H17). Stroke time at -- W50: 6.0 seconds
max. engine W60: 5.7 seconds
Another test is measuring of the falling-off time. speed W70: 5.7 seconds
For this purpose the machine must be equipped
with a standard bucket and the lifting arm and Lowering rate of Bucket tip 60 mm/15 min.
bucket must be positioned approximately horizon- working
tally. hydraulics
The motor is then switched off.
In 15 minutes, the tip of the bucket may fall by
ca. 60 mm. If the falling rate is higher, check
whether the fault is in the lifting or in the tilting
The lifting cylinders may yield by ca. 15 mm
(measured at the piston rod) during this time.


During these measurements, suitable precautions

must be taken to protect third parties and the
mechanic taking the measurements from any lift-
ing gear which may drop down.
The safety instructions must be observed.

604.06.995.01 08 27

Pipe-burst protection (optional) 2905298

Fig. 18

28 08 604.06.995.01

Lifting cylinder load-holding valve

Items Fig. 18

1 - Load-holding valve, set pressure 250

2 - Throttle-screw size SW 10 for valve
Do not turn throttle-screw beyond maxi-
mum. Before adjusting the screw, loosen
the locknut by an appropriate amount to
prevent the integrated sealing ring from
being damaged by the thread.

H1 - Lifting cylinder
H6 - Working hydraulics control block

604.06.995.01 08 29

Fig. 19

30 08 604.06.995.01

Dumping cylinder load-holding valve

Items Fig. 19

1 - Load-holding valve, set pressure 250

2 - Throttle screw size SW 10 for valve
Do not turn throttle screw beyond maxi-
mum. Before adjusting the screw, loosen
the locknut by an appropriate amount to
prevent the integrated sealing ring from
being damaged by the thread.

H2 - Dumping cylinder
H6 - Working hydraulics control block

604.06.995.01 08 31

Notes 2800145

32 08 604.06.995.01


Electrical components in circuit diagram, P/No. 3 004 800

Technical handbook "Fundamentals of electrical engineering"

Technical handbook "Interpretation of wiring diagrams"

604.06.995.01 09 1

Fundamentals of electrical engineering

2 800 950.00 en
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Important instructions .............................................................................................................................. 1

Electrical systems in general

The atom ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Structure of atoms .................................................................................................................................. 2
Free electron .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Electromagnetic field .............................................................................................................................. 4
Alternating current diagram .................................................................................................................... 5

Power generation
Power generation in motor vehicles ........................................................................................................ 6
Battery charging ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Claw-pole alternator ................................................................................................................................ 8
Circuit with fault indication on interruption in the exciter circuit .............................................................. 8
Testing the charging system .................................................................................................................. 9

Main components of automotive electrical systems

Battery .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Types of batteries .................................................................................................................................. 11
Maintenance-free starter battery .......................................................................................................... 11
Low-maintenance batteries .................................................................................................................. 12
Checking the battery ............................................................................................................................ 12
Density values of diluted sulphuric acid ................................................................................................ 12
Mixing fresh battery acid ...................................................................................................................... 13
Mixing instructions ................................................................................................................................ 13
Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 14
Function of the alternator ...................................................................................................................... 16
Alternator .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Type designation .................................................................................................................................. 16
Alternator .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Claw-pole alternator .............................................................................................................................. 17
Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Electric motors ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Principle of the electric motor ................................................................................................................ 18
Starting motor (starter) .......................................................................................................................... 20
Function of the starter .......................................................................................................................... 20
Engaging .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Engaged ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Checking the vehicle starter system ...................................................................................................... 21
Starter.................................................................................................................................................... 21
Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Lubrication ............................................................................................................................................ 22

Fundamentals of automotive electrical systems

Current, voltage, resistance and power ................................................................................................ 23
Current (I) .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Voltage (U) ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Resistance (R) ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Power (W) ............................................................................................................................................ 23

Measurements with the multimeter

Adjustment of the multimeter ................................................................................................................ 24
Measuring voltage ................................................................................................................................ 24
Measuring current ................................................................................................................................ 24
Measuring resistance ............................................................................................................................ 24
Ohmmeter ............................................................................................................................................ 24

Series and parallel connection of electrical components

Batteries ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Resistors .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Series connection .................................................................................................................................. 25
Parallel connection ................................................................................................................................ 25
Capacitors ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Series connection .................................................................................................................................. 25
Parallel connection ................................................................................................................................ 25
Electrolytic capacitors............................................................................................................................ 25

Voltage losses and cables

Table 1 - Admissible loss of voltage ...................................................................................................... 27
Remarks: .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Calculation of lines ................................................................................................................................ 28
Quantities and units .............................................................................................................................. 28
Computation .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Lines and wires in automotive electrical systems .................................................................................. 29
Table 2 - Electrical copper wires for motor vehicles .............................................................................. 29
Design example .................................................................................................................................... 29
Example: .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Headlamps adjustment hints ................................................................................................................ 30
Floodlamps ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Bulbs .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Malfunctions of the lighting system and their causes ............................................................................ 30
Transition resistance in electrical circuits .............................................................................................. 30

Special circuits in automotive electrical systems

The diode .............................................................................................................................................. 31
The "free-wheeling" diode .................................................................................................................... 31
Electrical circuit with a diode used as a "free-wheeling" diode. ............................................................ 31
Varistors ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Voltage rectification in three-phase bridge circuits ................................................................................ 32
Alternator regulator................................................................................................................................ 34

Fuses in motor vehicles ........................................................................................................................ 35

Designation of individual components ................................................................................................ 36

Standardized designations of terminals

Terminal designation ............................................................................................................................ 37
Generator and generator regulator ........................................................................................................ 39
Turn-signal indicator (flasher relay) ...................................................................................................... 39
Symbols used in electrical engineering ................................................................................................ 40
Symbols for directions of motion .......................................................................................................... 47

Preface 2440033 Important instructions

Electrical systems for construction machinery Observe the accident prevention regulations.
have developed far beyond their original applica-
The personnel executing work must have the
tions as starting and lighting devices. The new
necessary expertise.
tasks are essentially monitoring and control func-
tions. This has entailed an inevitable increase in Tools, lifting gear and other equipment must be
the number of circuits, so that the overall system in a secure, safe state.
appears complex and unclear to the non electri-
cian. Prior to servicing or inspection work, secure the
machine and equipment against unauthorized
This technical handbook applies to electrical sys- starting, e.g. chock the vehicle wheels and low-
tems for motor vehicles as well as to low-voltage er the working equipment to the ground.
and medium-voltage systems on construction ma-
chines. Attention must be paid in all events to the Protective devices of moving machine compo-
relevant accident prevention regulations, whose nents must not be opened or removed except
requirements vary with the different service vol- when the machine is stationary and secured
tages. against inadvertent starting.

Metal objects such as rings, watches etc. must

be removed prior to any work on automotive
electrical systems.

Direct current (d.c.) must be prevented from

flowing through the human body.

2 800 950.00 en 1

Electrical systems in general Structure of atoms

To make electrical systems comprehensible, we The number of protons corresponds to the num-
need a slight grasp of the physics of electrotech- ber of electrons, i.e. it is electrically neutral.

The atom
All substances are composed of atoms.

An atom consists of a positively charged nucleus.

Negatively charged electrons orbit the nucleus at
vast speed.

The nucleus itself is composed of positively

charged protons and of neutrons with neutral

The number of protons and neutrons depends on

Fig. 1
the structure of the atom.

If an atom possesses the same number of elec- The large quantity of atoms in the substances
trons and protons, the atom is electrically neutral. may well result in an electron being the same
distance from another nucleus as from its own.
All atoms are bound to their nucleus by magnetic
forces. If an electron is missing for some reason, If this is the case, the magnetic force of attraction
i.e. the nucleus has one proton too many in of the electrons own nucleus is eliminated. Such
numerical terms, the atom is positive. an electron is no longer bound to its own nu-
cleus, i.e. it is free. We refer to such electrons as
"free electrons".

2 2 800 950.00 en

Free electron

If an electron has left its path and is equally far A relatively large number of free electrons are
from another nucleus as from its own, it is no present in noble metals and non-ferrous metals. If
longer bound to its nucleus - it is free. a conductor (e.g. a copper wire) is moved in a
magnetic field, the free electrons are forced into
one direction or another.

The type of curve characterising alternating or

direct current is known as a sine curve. If current
and voltage are in phase, both reach their peak
value at the same time. The oscillations in one
second are referred to as frequency (). The
number of oscillations per second are stated in
Hertz (Hz).

Fig. 2

The electron of nucleus A has entered a neutral

path. As atom B is electrically neutral and atom C
electrically non neutral (one electron is missing),
the electron is attracted by nucleus C, and nu-
cleus A thus becomes non-neutral.

It attracts another electron which has entered a

neutral path. If an electron from nucleus C, which
is now neutral, returns to a neutral path, it is also
attracted by a non-neutral nucleus (etc.).

Fig. 3

2 800 950.00 en 3

Electromagnetic field
When current is flowing in a conductor, a mag- The outcome is that an electric potential is built
netic field is formed round the conductor as up alternately at the ends of the conductor. This
shown in the diagram below. is known as electric voltage and is measured in
volts (V). If this conductor is now formed as a
closed circuit, the electron flow moving through
the conductor can be measured. This electron
flow, known as electric current, is measured in
amperes (A).

Fig. 4

Resistor "R" in the above diagram serves only to

prevent a short circuit in the system.

If a conductor is shaped into a coil with several Fig. 6

turns, a magnetic field will spread round the coil
as shown in the diagram below. The strength of N.B.: The build-up of a constantly changing po-
the magnetic field depends on the current flowing tential in a conductor is known as alternat-
through the coil and on the number of turns. ing voltage, and the current flowing in the
process as alternating current (a.c.), i.e.
the current is continuously changing its di-
rection and strength.

The alternating current or alternating voltage can

be visualized by means of a visual display unit.
Current and voltage are normally isochronous.
The term used when current is not isochronous
with voltage is phase shift.

Fig. 5

To strengthen the magnetic field, an iron core

with a preferred direction of magnetization is nor-
mally used as a winding support. The electromag-
netic force is thus sufficient to attract a hydraulic
switching piston, for example.

4 2 800 950.00 en

Alternating current diagram

T Duration of one full cycle (period) in s, f

frequency in Hz ( = 1/T)

Peak value (amplitude) of the current,

u Peak value (amplitude) of the voltage,

Radian frequency in 1/s ( = 2 )

Phase shift angle (phase shift means: current

and voltage attain their peak value or their zero
crossing at different times) between current and

Fig. 7

2 800 950.00 en 5

Power generation in motor vehicles

Power generation
Some years ago, so-called d.c. generators were
installed in motor vehicles. Because of their size
If the fact is exploited that a magnetic field is and output, they were replaced by a.c. gener-
formed round a conductor when a current flows ators.
through it, it is relatively easy to build an electric
generator. The principle is shown in the diagram In an a.c. generator, three alternating currents,
below. Windings (2) supplied with direct current each phase-shifted by 120, are generated. This
(3) are mounted on a rotor (1), resulting in a alternating current is rectified in the vehicle by
magnetic field (4). The windings (6) mounted on means of diodes, and we have direct current. The
the stator (5) of our theoretical generator are cut direct current is regulated to the required charg-
by the magnetic field (4) of the rotor as the rotor ing current with a regulator. The resulting direct
is turned. This generates electric voltage in the current is needed to recharge the battery, i.e. the
stator winding. battery is recharged while the engine is running.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Fig. 3

6 2 800 950.00 en

Battery charging
If voltage is applied to the field winding mounted As the generator is used in the motor vehicle to
on the rotor, the current flows. This current in- recharge the battery, the alternating current must
duces a magnetic field large enough to cut the be converted into direct current. This is done with
stator windings as the rotor turns. rectifier diodes as shown in the circuit diagram
As the rotor turns, alternating current is generated
1 Field diodes
in each coil. Three equally large voltages are
2 Main diodes
formed in the three coils. These voltages are,
3 Regulator
however, out of phase by 1/3 period, i.e. the
phase shift is 120. If the coils are uniformly
loaded, the phase angle between the currents is
also 120.

Three alternating currents, each phase-shifted

by 120 are known as three-phase alternating
current or rotary current.

Fig. 4

The field diodes have the task of converting the

alternating current into direct current. This direct
current is then conducted via the regulator to the
field winding, which ensures that the field current
is limited or cut out when the charging voltage is
reached. The main diodes are interconnected to
form a so-called bridge. The output terminal (B+)
of this diode bridge is firmly connected with the
battery pole (+).

2 800 950.00 en 7

Claw-pole alternator Circuit with fault indication on interruption in

the exciter circuit
1 - Slip-ring end shield
2 - Rectifier heat-sink 1 = Alternator
3 - Power diode 2 = Charge monitoring lamp
4 - Exciter diode 3 = Resistor R
5 - Transistorized regulator in hybrid technique 4 = Ignition switch
6 - Stator with three-phase winding 5 = Battery
7 - Stator with claw poles
8 - Fan
9 - Pulley
10 - Drive end shield with mounting flanges

Fig. 6

The sole functions of the charging control lamp

are to ensure that the alternator is pre-magne-
tized and to monitor the exciter circuit. If the
charging control lamp lights up while the alterna-
tor is running, it means that no exciter current is
present and thus that no battery charging is being

Fig. 5 Important:

Important: The charging control lamp must not be re-

placed except with an equivalent one, in gen-
The battery must not be disconnected from the eral 1.2 W with 12 V systems and 2 W with
alternator when the alternator is running. 24 V systems.

The functions of the charging control are based

on the system shown in Fig. 6. If the ignition
switch (4) is closed, current flows from the battery
(5) through the lamp (2) via a resistor to ground.
The resistor (3) has such a resistance value that
the lamp lights up. If the diesel engine is then
started and the alternator thus driven, a positive
voltage will result at terminal (D +) of the alterna-
tor. When there is a positive voltage on both
sides of the lamp, the charging control lamp will
be extinguished. The resistor must be mounted
immediately adjacent to the lamp.

8 2 800 950.00 en

Testing the charging system

To test the charging system, the voltmeter must
be connected direct to the battery. The engine
must then be run up to top speed. After ca. 2
minutes, the required charging voltage must be
attained. This is between 13 and 14.5 V for a
12 V system, and 26 to 29 V for a 24 V system.

If the voltmeter indicates a higher value, the regu-

lator is defective. If the measured value is lower,
however, the fault is in the charging system.

Important: The voltmeter must be switched to

the d.c. voltage measuring range.

2 800 950.00 en 9

Main components of automotive electrical systems

The battery is basically needed only for starting
and lighting of the parked machine.

In operation, power is supplied by the alternator

which charges at the same time the battery.

The most commonly used batteries in motor ve-

hicles are 12-volt batteries. By connecting 6 cells
(with 2 volts each) in series, we obtain the nomi-
nal voltage of 12 volts.

Fig. 2

Basic design of a lead-acid cell.

Fig. 1

The battery nominal voltage depends on the num-

ber of cells connected in series.

UB = n UZ

n = number of cells
UB = nominal voltage of battery
UZ = nominal voltage of cell

10 2 800 950.00 en

Types of batteries
Batteries used today are mostly maintenance- Important:
free. On account of metallurgical improvements,
The designation "maintenance-free in accordance
the water decomposition under normal operating
with DIN" only means that a battery does not
conditions of the vehicle electrical system (U =
exceed certain limits concerning water consump-
constant) has been reduced to such an extent
tion. It is by no means a guarantee that refilling
that the electrolyte reserve above the plates
with water can be dispensed with during the ser-
should be sufficient for the whole service life of
vice life of the battery. Moreover, this definition
the battery.
does not concern other aspects of maintenance.
If such a battery is to be recharged after it has For these reasons, both the DIN designation and
been disconnected from the electrical system, it also certain publicity statements with regard to
must be ensured that the charging voltage per freedom from maintenance are misleading.
cell is limited to 2.4 volts max. (2.3 to 2.4 volts).

Maintenance-free starter battery

1 - One-piece cover
2 - Terminal post cover
3 - Direct cell strap
4 - Terminal post
5 - Frit
6 - Plate strap
7 - Battery case
8 - Base frame
9 - Positive electrodes in separating foils
10 - Negatives electrodes

Fig. 3

2 800 950.00 en 11

Low-maintenance batteries Checking the battery

The electrolyte level of low-maintenance batteries 1) Acid density is the most important indicator of
should be checked at least once a year. If the battery charge. The degree to which a battery
electrolyte level drops below the "min" mark, the is charged can therefore be determined by
cells must be topped up with distilled water. measuring the acid density. The acid density
is measured with a hydrometer. The density
If the battery is disconnected from the vehicle can be read on the scale of this hydrometer.
electrical system for recharging, it must be
charged with a current corresponding to 1/10 of Density values of diluted sulphuric acid
the nominal capacity of the battery.
Charge Type of Acid density Freezing point
Important: condition battery kg/l1) C
During the charging process, batteries give off
charged normal type 1.28 - 68
highly explosive gases. Batteries must only be
charged in well ventilated rooms provided for tropicalized 1.23 - 40
this purpose. Fire, unshielded light and smok-
ing are prohibited. half charged normal type 1.16 / 1.20 - 17 ... - 27
The safety regulations pertaining to battery tropicalized 1.13 / 1.16 - 13 ... - 17
handling must always be observed. type
discharged normal type 1.04 / 1.12 - 3 ... - 11
tropicalized 1.03 / 1.08 - 2 ... - 8

2) Starting test
Starting tests are carried out by measuring the
battery voltage under load conditions with a
battery tester.
For batteries of the one-piece cover type, bat-
tery testers for 12 volts are used. The battery
tester measures the voltage by applying a
load resistor across the battery terminals, so
that a current of 300 A flows for abt. 5 sec-
onds through this resistor. The voltage is an
approximate measure of the batterys starting
capability. The admissible minimum voltage
limit is fixed at 8 V = 1.33 V/cell. When the
voltage is measured with the battery tester, it
is important that the measuring probes and
the terminal posts are in good contact.

3) Measuring results
If the acid density is insufficient, but if the
starting test is satisfactory, the battery will in
most cases only need recharging.
If the acid density and the starting test are
unsatisfactory, the battery must only be
charged with a low current of 6 A.
If the acid density is sufficient (e.g. after suc-
cessful charging), but if the starting test is
unsatisfactory, the battery is in most cases no
longer useful.
If the acid densities of the cells or the battery
voltages during the starting test differ consi-
derably when the batteries are charged, or if
they are even unsatisfactory, it is recommen-
ded to discard the battery.

12 2 800 950.00 en

Mixing fresh battery acid Maintenance

Important: The term "maintenance" encompasses all mea-
When mixing new battery acid, care must be sures of battery care required for an optimal func-
taken that concentrated sulphuric acid is al- tion of the battery over its whole lifetime.
ways poured into the distilled water and never
the other way round to avoid back-splashing Topping up the electrolyte level
of sulphuric acid. Wear goggles and protec- Periodic recharging during storage
tive clothes and observe the accident preven-
tion rules. Immediate recharging after discharges

The volumetric ratio of concentrated sulphuric Avoiding overcharging

acid (96 %) to distilled water is set out in the
Avoiding exhaustive discharging
table below.

Mixing instructions

Desired Volumetric ratio of concentrated

acid density sulphuric acid (96 %) to
kg/l distilled water

1.23 1 : 3,8
1.26 1 : 3,2
1.28 1 : 2,8
1.30 1 : 2,6
1.34 1 : 2,3

2 800 950.00 en 13


Trouble Cause Remedy

1. Acid level too low Overcharging, evaporation Top up with distilled or

(particularly during the summer demineralized water
months) (when the battery is charged)

2. Acid leaks out of the vent plug 1. Charging voltage too high Check and adjust voltage
regulator or have it replaced
2. Acid level too high Draw off excessive acid with
the hydrometer

3. Acid density too low 1. Battery discharged Charge the battery

2. Alternator malfunction Have alternator checked
3. Short-circuit in wiring Have electrical system checked

4. Too much water in acid Have acid density re-adjusted

due to incorrect servicing

4. Acid density too high Too much acid Have acid density adjusted

5. Battery output power insufficient. 1. Battery discharged Recharge battery

Heavy voltage drop
2. Charging voltage too low Re-adjust or replace voltage
3. Connection terminals Clean terminals and apply a
loose or corroded thin layer of acid-protection
grease Ft 40 v 1 on the
underside; tighten terminal
4. Battery capacity Use greater battery. If required,
insufficient (too many install also stronger alternator;
consumers) consult specialized workshops
5. Excessive self-discharge Replace the battery
of the batteries due to
impurities in the battery
6. Battery "sulphated" Charge battery with low current
(grey-white layer on the to induce decomposition of the
positive and negative layer. If the output is still
plates) insufficient after repeated
charging and discharging,
replace the battery
7. Battery used up, plate Replace the battery
substance no longer active
8. Acid level below upper Top up with distilled or de-
edge of plates mineralized water to the
prescribed level

14 2 800 950.00 en
Trouble Cause Remedy

6. Insufficient service life of the 1. Battery too often and Use battery with greater
battery exhaustively discharged capacity considering using
special "S" type batteries

2. Battery gets too warm Install at a better suited


3. Battery vibrations too Install at a better suited location


4. Battery possibly cf. 5.6


5. Battery acid containing Replace the battery


7. Battery charge permanently 1. Defective alternator, Increase alternator capacity or

insufficient voltage regulator or line repair resp. replace alternator
connections and voltage regulator; fasten
connections properly

2. V-belt loose Retension the belt or replace

3. Too many consumers Install bigger battery. Consider

connected to the battery using a stronger alternator;
consult specialized workshops

8. Permanent overcharge Voltage regulator and possibly Replace voltage regulator or

alternator defective change regulator setting; check

9. Switch contacts in voltage Battery incorrectly connected Connect battery with correct
regulator burnt (in case of d.c. (wrong polarity) polarity. Replace voltage
generators) regulator

10. Rectifier diodes destroyed (in Battery incorrectly connected Connect battery with correct
case of alternators) (wrong polarity) polarity. Replace rectifier

2 800 950.00 en 15

Function of the alternator

The alternator has the function to meet the en- Type designation
ergy demands of the electrical consumers. More-
over, it has to ensure that the batteries are being
charged when power is at the same time supplied N1 14 V 36 / 80 A
to permanent consumers, and even when the
engine is running at low speed (idling). The al- max. current in A
ternator has to supply a constant voltage under
all operating and loading conditions. at 1500 1/min
In doing so, the alternator is assisted by the
regulator which maintains the voltage between 13 Voltage
and 14.5 volts independent of alternator load and
alternator speed. Claw-pole alternator

1 - Housing
Depending on type, our machines are equipped
2 - Diode carrier
with alternators for 12 volts resp. 28 volts.
3 - Power diode
4 - Excitation winding (rotor)
5 - Regulator
6 - Stator winding (stator)
7 - Rotor

Fig. 4

16 2 800 950.00 en

Alternator Claw-pole alternator

The alternator is a self-excited 12-pole synchro- 1 - Slip ring end shield

nous claw-pole alternator with incorporated silicon 2 - Rectifier heat-sink
rectifier diodes. The three-phase winding is in the 3 - Power diode
stator and the exciter winding in the rotor. 4 - Excitation winding (rotor)
5 - Transistor regulator with incorporated
The exciter current is supplied from the rectifier carbon brushes
via D+, the regulator, two brushes and the slip 6 Stator with three-phase winding
rings to the exciter winding in the rotor. The 7 - Rotor with claw poles
stator winding is connected to the silicon rectifier 8 - Fan
diodes by means of a three-phase bridge circuit. 9 - Pulley
10 - Drive end shield with mounting flanges
The rectified current is supplied to the consumers
and the battery via the B+ terminal. The D+
terminal must only be loaded with the regulator
current, the charging monitor and an additional
current of 0.5 A (e.g. start inhibit relay).
In 24 V systems the charge monitoring lamp must
be a 2 W type to ensure the appropriate excita-
tion of the alternator. The voltage is regulated by
the incorporated electronic field rheostat.

Fig. 5

Alternators installed in modern vehicles are large-
ly maintenance-free. The V-belt tension should be
checked once every month depending on the use
of the machine.

The carbon brushes should be checked once

every year. The slip-rings must also be visually
inspected and polished with ultra-fine polishing

2 800 950.00 en 17

Electric motors
In motor vehicles, d.c. motors (starter motors,
windscreen-wiper motors, fan motors, etc.) are
used almost exclusively. The principle of these
motors will therefore be discussed in greater de-

Principle of the electric motor

An electric motor is a device that converts elec-
trical energy (voltage times current) into mechani-
cal energy (speed times torque). This is based on
the fact that a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field experiences a force. The force is
proportional to the strength of the magnetic field
and the magnitude of the current, and is greatest Fig. 7
when the magnetic field and the conductor plane
are in alignment. Fig. 7 = Torque imparted to a loop of wire

For practical purposes, the conductor has the If it can be ensured that the flow of current is
form of a rotating loop of wire (Fig. 6). The reversed in the loop of wire after every half turn,
magnetic field lines extend from pole to pole the torque has always the same sense of rotation
(pole-shoe to pole-shoe). and can therefore cause the loop to turn continu-
If the conductors are under the pole-shoes, i.e.
inside the magnetic field, the torque imparted to The current is reversed by means of a commuta-
the loop of wire is constant and has a certain tor consisting of two separate halves of a split-
direction. After a half turn, when each conductor ring to which two ends of the wire loop are
comes under the influence of the opposite mag- connected. Two collectors, called carbon brushes,
netic field, the torque remains the same but its are connected to the current source and slide on
direction is reversed. If the loop is perpendicular the split-ring segments (Figs. 6 and 8).
to the pole shoe, the torque becomes zero (Fig.
7). In order to obtain a uniform torque, an electric
motor makes use of many wire loops (Fig. 8).
Fig. 9 shows the individual torques for three sym-
metrically arranged loops and the resulting overall
torque. In this case, the commutator has six in-
dividual segments, which are also called lamina-
tions. In reality, the number of loops is even
higher since the torque increases with the num-
ber of wire loops installed.

Fig. 6

Fig. 6 = Schematic diagram of an electric motor

with a loop of wire

18 2 800 950.00 en

Fig. 8 Fig. 9

Fig. 8 = Schematic diagram of an electric motor Fig. 9 = Torque of three wire loops
with three wire loops

2 800 950.00 en 19

Starting motor (starter)

Function of the starter Engaging

When the starter switch is operated, the starting

motor solenoid and the engaging lever push the
pinion along the spiral spline into the ring gear
(Fig. 10).

When the starting motor solenoid reaches its end

position, the main current contact is closed
(Fig. 11).

The pull-in winding is now without current and the

pinion kept in engagement by the hold-in winding.

When the motor starts, the pinion is pushed back

into its original position by the armature-return
spring when the starting switch is released. Fig. 10


Fig. 11

20 2 800 950.00 en

Checking the vehicle starter system

Checking the battery (cf. under "Battery").

Checking the battery cables and connections for proper contact.
Measuring the voltage drop (0.5 V).
Measuring the minimum pull-in voltage at solenoid switch terminal 50 (8.0 V).


1 - Armature-return spring 14 - Armature

2 - Hold-in winding 15 - Exciter winding
3 - Pull-in winding 16 - Armature winding
4 - Starting motor solenoid 17 - Guide ring
5 - Contact 18 - Stop
6 - Mounting stud 19 - Roller-type overrunning clutch
7 - Contact bridge 20 - Armature shaft
8 - Collector bearing 21 - Pinion
9 - Brush spring 22 - Driver
10 - Collector 23 - Brake disk
11 - Carbon brush 24 - Engaging spring
12 - Pole housing 25 - Engaging lever
13 - Pole shoe

Fig. 12

2 800 950.00 en 21

Maintenance Lubrication
1) Basic rules Both bearings of pre-engaged-drive starting mo-
tors are self-lubricating. This means that they
Working on the electrical part of the starting
must not be lubricated. This type of bearing must
motor involves the risk of short-circuits. It is
not be treated with fat-dissolving detergents.
therefore recommended to disconnect the
ground terminal from the battery before un- Carbon brushes and brush holders must be free
dertaking such work. Do not place tools on from oil and grease. If these parts are contami-
the battery. nated or jamming, they must be cleaned with a
clean and petrol-stained cloth (do not use clean-
2) Carbon brushes
ing wool because it is not lint-free) and well dried.
The carbon brushes must be checked from Do not treat the bright metal sliding surface of the
time to time for condition (cf. figure). After carbon brushes with emery-paper, files or knives.
removing the end cover, the spring pressing Brush holders must be blown clean. If a carbon
the carbon brush against the collector is lifted brush is broken, unsoldered or worn out to such
with a hook. Do not bend spring sideways an extent that the spring or the stranded wire
and do not lift more than necessary before soldered into the brush threatens to contact the
checking whether the carbon brushes move brush holder, the carbon brush must be replaced.
easily in the brush-holder guide. When inserting the carbon brush, care must be
taken that the spring does not tap on the brush
3) Collector
The collector should present a uniform and Carbon brushes should always be replaced dur-
smooth surface of greyish black colour and ing general repairs of the motor.
must be free from oil and grease. Contami-
The collector should be repaired by turning off on
nated collectors must be cleaned with a
a lathe whenever the carbon brushes are re-
clean and petrol-stained cloth (do not use
cleaning wool) and properly dried. Collectors
presenting scoring and out-of-roundness due
to wear must be repaired by turning off on a
lathe in a specialized workshop. Under no
circumstances must collectors be treated with
emery-paper or a file.

Fig. 13

22 2 800 950.00 en

Fundamentals of automotive electrical systems

Current, voltage, resistance and power
Current (I) Power (W)

Electric current is the flow of free electrons in a Electric power is the current flowing through a
conductor. The current is measured with an am- consumer at a constant voltage. Power is symbol-
meter which must be connected in series with the ized by "P" and the unit of measure is symbolized
consumer. The quantity of electric current is des- by "W" (watt).
ignated by "I" and the unit of current is symbol-
ized by "A" (ampere).

Voltage (U)

Voltage is the potential difference existing be-

tween two conductors. Voltage is measured with
a voltmeter which must be connected in parallel
with the consumer or across the two points of
different potential. The quantity of electric voltage
is designated by "U" and the unit of voltage is
symbolized by "V" (volt).

Resistance (R)

Electric resistance is the resistance offered to the

electric current. The electric resistance depends
on the material of the resistor and its dimensions.
The quantity of electric resistance is designated
by "R" and the unit of resistance is symbolized by
" " (ohm). Fig. 1

2 800 950.00 en 23

Measurements with the multimeter

Adjustment of the multimeter Measuring current
Before connecting the meter to a circuit the fol-
lowing steps must be taken:

1) Set the meter to d.c. current or to a.c. cur-

rent, resp. voltage.

2) Select the highest measuring range.

3) Connect the instrument and switch down to

the measuring range offering the greatest
possible scale reading for the measurement
in question.

Fig. 2

Measuring voltage Important:

If current is to be measured, the current-carrying
conductor must be separated and the instrument
connected in series, so that the current flows
through the measuring instrument.

Measuring resistance

Fig. 1

A voltmeter is always connected in parallel with
the consumers resp. across the voltage source.

Fig. 3

If resistance is to be measured, the component to
be measured must always be free from any vol-
tage. Components in a circuit can only be mea-
sured after removing them from the circuit.

24 2 800 950.00 en

Series and parallel connection of electrical components

Batteries Capacitors
If two or more batteries are connected in series, Series connection
the voltages of the individual batteries add up to
give the total voltage. If capacitors are connected in series, the total
capacitance (Ctot) is less than the smallest in-
If two or more batteries are connected in parallel dividual capacitance.
(the batteries having the same voltage rating, of
course), the total voltage remains the same. The
battery capacity, however, is the sum of the in-
dividual capacities.
Parallel connection
Observe the polarity when connecting batteries to If capacitors are connected in parallel, the
each other. capacitances add, i.e. the total capacitance (Ctot)
is the sum of the individual capacitances.

The results obtained for series or parallel connec-
tion are just the opposite of those found for resis-
Resistors tors.

Series connection
If two or more resistors are connected in series,
the total resistance (Rtot) is the sum of the in- Electrolytic capacitors
dividual resistances.
Electrolytic capacitors have the same behaviour
as the above-mentioned capacitors with the ex-
ception, however, that their polarity is of impor-
Parallel connection tance. The polarity is marked on the capacitor.
If two or more resistors are connected in parallel, Important:
the total resistance (Rtot) is less than the smallest Electrolytic capacitors must never be used with
of the individual resistances. When connecting wrong polarity. Risk of accident.
two resistors with the same resistance together,
the total resistance is half that of the individual
resistor. Remarks:
Further components or their schematic symbols
can be found in section 12.1.

2 800 950.00 en 25

Battery series connection

Battery parallel connection

Resistor series connection

Resistor parallel connection

Capacitor series connection

Capacitor parallel connection

Electrolytic capacitor
series connection

Electrolytic capacitor
parallel connection

26 2 800 950.00 en

Voltage losses and cables

The values for Uvl set out in table 1 can be used The Uvg values indicated are check values which
for computing positive leads. The voltage loss in cannot be used for line calculations, as they take
the return lead to ground is not considered here. into account - beside the lines themselves - also
If the ground lead is insulated, however, the line the contact resistance of switches, fuses, etc.
length to be considered is equal to the total
length of the positive and the return lines.

Table 1 - Admissible loss of voltage

Type of line Adm. voltage drop Adm. voltage drop in Remarks

in positive lead overall circuit
Uvl Uvg

Lighting lines
from lighting switch terminal 30 0.1 V 0.6 V Current at
to lamps > 15 W nominal voltage
to trailer receptacle and nominal power
from trailer receptacle
to lamps

from lighting switch terminal 30 0.5 V 0,9 V ---

to lamps > 15 W
to trailer receptacle

from lighting switch terminal 30 0.3 V 0.6 V ---

to head lamps

Charging line
from alternator
terminal B 0.4 V at 12 V --- - current at nominal
to battery 0.8 V at 24 V --- - and nominal power

Control lines
from alternator 0.1 V at 12 V --- - At maximum
to regulator
(terminals D+, D-, DF) 0,2 V at 24 V --- - exciter current
(remark 1)

Starter main line 0.5 V at 12 V --- - Starter short-circuit

1.0 V at 24 V --- at +20C
(remarks 2 and 3)

Starter control line

from starter switch to starter
terminal 50 1.4 V at 12 V 1.7 V at 12 V Max. control current
Engaging relay with simple 2.0 V at 24 V 2.5 V at 24 V (remarks 4 and 5)
Engaging relay with pull-in 1.5 V at 12 V 1.9 V at 12 V
and hold-in winding 2.2 V at 24 V 2.8 V at 24 V

Other control lines

from switches to relays, 0.5 V at 12 V 1.5 V at 12 V Current at
horn, etc. 1.0 V at 24 V 2.0 V at 24 V nominal voltage

2 800 950.00 en 27

Remarks: Calculation of lines

1) All three control lines, if possible, of the Quantities and units
same length and resistance.
Quan- Unit
2) In special cases and very long starter main tity
lines, the Uvl value can be exceeded for re-
I Electric current A
duced limit starting temperatures.
l Line length m
3) In case of an insulated return of the starter P Power consumption of consumer W
main line, the voltage drop in the return line q Line cross-section mm2
must not exceed that of the positive line. R Resistance (consumer)
Admissible values for each line are 4 % of S Current density in the line A/mm2
nominal voltage, i.e. 8 % altogether. UN Nominal voltage V
Uvl Admissible voltage drop of insulated V
4) The Uvl values are applicable to engaging
Uvg Admissible voltage drop in overall V
relay temperatures between 50 and 80 C. circuit
Resistivity mm2/m
5) If required, the line from the starting switch
must be accounted for.


When determining the line cross-section, the volt-

age drop and the temperature rise must be taken
into consideration.

1) Determine the electric current I flowing

through the consumer
I = P/UN = UN2/R

2) Calculate line cross-section q based on the

Uvl values in table 2
(for copper = 0.0185 mm2/m)
A=I I/Uvl

3) Round up q to the next higher line cross-

section according to table 1. Individual lines
below a cross-section of less than 1 mm2 are
not recommended because of insufficient me-
chanical resistance.

4) Compute the effective voltage drop Uvl

Uvl = I I/A and

5) check current density S to avoid inadmissible

warming (for short-time operation S < 30
A/mm2, values for permanent operation cf.
table 1).
S = I/A

28 2 800 950.00 en

Lines and wires in automotive electrical systems

Table 2 - Electrical copper wires for motor vehicles

Single-conductor, untinned, PVC-insulated

Nominal Resistance Diameter Diameter Admissible permanent Admissible

cross-section per meter of conductor of cable current current
(recommended value) density
at 20C Largest Largest at + 30C at + 50C Permanent
dimension dimension operation
mm2 m /m mm mm A A A/mm2

0,5 37,1 1,0 2,3 11 7,8 10

0,75 24,7 1,2 2,5 15 10,6 10
1 18,5 1,4 2,7 19 13,5 10
1,5 12,7 1,6 3,0 24 17,0 10
2,5 7,6 2,1 3,7 32 22,7 10
4 4,71 2,7 4,5 42 29,8 10
6 3,14 3,4 5,2 54 38,3 6
10 1,82 4,3 6,6 73 51,8 6
16 1,16 6,0 8,1 98 69,6 6
25 0,743 7,5 10,2 129 91,6 4
35 0,527 8,8 11,5 158 112 4
50 0,368 10,3 13,2 198 140 4
70 0,259 12,0 15,5 245 174 3
95 0,196 14,7 18,0 292 207 3
120 0,153 16,5 19,8 344 244 3

Design example
If an electrical component is to be installed in With reference to table 2 and for an ambient
addition to those existing, we must know the temperature of 50C (always used for calcula-
cross-section of the cable to be used. tions, as it cannot be excluded that the cable
crosses the engine compartment), we can use a
Example: cable having a conductor cross-section of 0.5
Installation of a floodlamp (two bulbs) mm2.

The following characteristics must be known: op- Important:

erating voltage of the vehicle and power con- The cables should be laid in a flexible tubing to
sumption of the floodlamp. In our example, we avoid chafing or squeezing.
assume the operating voltage to be 24 volts (28
volts) and the power consumption of one flood-
lamp bulb to be 70 W. When retrofitting electrical components, it must be
ensured that only "brown" cables are used for
The first step consists in calculating the current ground connections or negative leads. It must not
flowing through the bulb (cf. chapter 4 - variations be forgotten to protect all circuits with suitable
of ohms law). fuses. If switches are used, the contacts must be
designed for the currents expected.
J= P 70
- = --- W = 2.9 A
U 24 W

The current flowing through one of the bulbs

would be 3 A. As we are installing two lamps in
our example, we have to take twice this current
(6 Ampere).

2 800 950.00 en 29

Vehicle lighting is of particular importance for the Malfunctions of the lighting system and
operating safety of the vehicle. The vehicles their causes
headlamps must be designed and installed in
accordance with the Federal Motor-Vehicle Safety Important:
Standards. Always remember that the lighting installation is
part of the vehicles operating safety. The operat-
The headlamps must be adjusted in accordance ing safety must be checked before using the
with the Motor-Vehicle Traffic Regulations. If they vehicle.
are incorrectly adjusted, oncoming traffic may be
dazzled by the headlamps.
One of the most frequent deficiencies of head-
lamps is that their light is "yellowish" and not
white as it usually should be. If the power supply
Headlamps adjustment hints is o.k., the main cause of this deficiency is an
inadmissibly high ground transition resistance, so
1) The vehicle must be parked on a level sur- that the allowed voltage drop is exceeded (cf.
face. chapter 7).
2) The tyre pressure must be checked.

Headlamps should only be adjusted with a head-

light setter after the two above-mentioned require- Transition resistance in electrical
ments have been met. circuits
Transition resistances are most often found in
cable connections, ground connections and de-
Floodlamps fective switches. A transition resistance in a cir-
Floodlamps may only be switched on for working. cuit causes a loss of voltage.
They are mostly installed on a mobile mount and The admissible voltage losses are set out in the
can be turned to the required direction. table of chapter 7.

Light bulbs exist for electrical systems having 6,
12 and 24 volts. To avoid confusion, the bulbs
are equipped with different bases. Voltage and
wattage are marked on the bulb. Halogen bulbs
are designated by the symbols H 1 .... H 4.
Compared to conventional bulbs, the light effi-
ciency of halogen bulbs has been improved by 70
% on average.

Bulbs must only be replaced by those stated in
the circuit diagram.

30 2 800 950.00 en

Special circuits in automotive electrical systems

The diode The "free-wheeling" diode
Diodes are mainly made of germanium or silicon The term "free-wheeling" used in connection with
(both semi-conductors). They are mainly used in a diode, only makes sense if considered in con-
electronics and in automotive electrical systems. junction with a circuit including wire coils as in-
Diodes are components permit the current to flow
only in one direction, comparable to the non- Electrical circuit with a diode used as a
return valves in hydraulics. The two connections "free-wheeling" diode.
are designated as the anode and the cathode.

If a positive voltage is applied to the cathode of

such a diode, the current cannot flow to the
anode because the diode is in a non-conducting
state (operation in reverse direction). In the op-
posite case, the anode is connected to the posi-
tive supply, so that the current can flow to the
cathode (operation in forward direction). For a
negative voltage, the diodes behaviour is just the Fig. 1
opposite of that with a positive voltage. 1 = Solenoid valve
2 = Free-wheeling diode
3 = Switch
Positive voltage at the cathode -
4 = Fuse
diode in non-conducting state.
Negative voltage at the cathode - When the solenoid valve is switched off, the coil
diode in conducting state. produces an inductive voltage with a polarity op-
Positive voltage at the anode - posite to that of the supply voltage. This voltage
diode in conducting state. is so high that - when a switch is opened - an
Negative voltage at the anode - electric arc is struck which is capable of welding
diode in non-conducting state. the switch contacts together.

As the induced voltage is negative at switch-off

and as this voltage is applied to the cathode, the
diode is in a conducting state for this voltage.
The inductive voltage is short-circuited to ground
which is an efficient protection against melting of
the switch contacts.

2 800 950.00 en 31

Varistors Voltage rectification in three-phase

bridge circuits
A varistor is a voltage-dependent resistor which Since the alternator in a motor vehicle generates
fulfils on principle the same function as a free- a three-phase alternating current, this current
wheeling diode and which is used in circuits in must be rectified if it is to be used for charging
the same way. the battery.

If the three-phase alternating voltage generated

by the alternator is displayed on an oscilloscope,
we obtain 3 sine curves phase-shifted by 120
each. This is dependent on generator design.
Basic behaviour of a varistor: the higher the vol-
tage the smaller the resistance.

Fig. 2

Let us first consider one of the curves. The curve

rises to the highest voltage value U+ max (plus)
and then drops to the lowest voltage value U-
max (minus) after crossing the "0" line.

If we now apply this alternating voltage to the

anode of a diode, the negative half-wave is
blocked and the positive one is allowed to pass.

32 2 800 950.00 en

Anode input voltage Cathode output voltage

As we see from the diagram, only the positive If we consider the principle of rectifying three-
(plus) voltage is left at the cathode. phase currents, we see that several diodes are
connected to form a bridge, as can be seen from
the diagram below.
Three-phase current
Input Direct current

Three-phase current - Input Direct current - Output

into the bridge circuit from bridge circuit

As we have seen from the above diagrams, only This d.c. current is used to buffer the battery.
positive half-waves are left at the rectifier bridge
output, which means that the output carries only Important:
d.c. currents or d.c. voltages. The individual diodes of this bridge are desig-
nated by the term of "main diodes".

2 800 950.00 en 33

Alternator regulator
The alternator regulator regulates the current from The charge monitoring lamp (2) serves the pur-
the field windings of the alternator in such a way pose of pre-magnetizing the alternator. If the igni-
that in spite of varying alternator speeds there is tion switch is closed, the current flows from the
always a constant voltage for charging the battery battery through the regulator and the field winding
depending on battery condition. The field current to ground. The lamp circuit is now closed and the
is produced by the main windings of the alterna- lamp lights up.
tor (4) and converted to direct current by means
of the so-called field diodes. This d.c. voltage The current causes a weak magnetic field to build
passes to the regulator (1) which controls the up in the field winding. When the alternator starts
field current of the alternator. to turn, the main winding produces three-phase
alternating current which is rectified in the field
diodes (5). This direct current is then returned in
a controlled state to the field winding where it
generates a greater magnetic field depending on
battery condition. At the same time, the field volt-
age is present at the regulator and charge moni-
toring lamp.

As the voltage on both sides of the lamp is now

positive, the lamp goes out. Terminal "W" carries
an alternating voltage which can be used for
control purposes. The winding terminals of the
alternator (4) are designated by U, V and W.

Fig. 3

1 Voltage regulator
2 - Charge monitoring lamp
3 - Ignition switch
4 - Alternator
5 - Field diode

Fig. 4

34 2 800 950.00 en

Fuses in motor vehicles

Type Nominal current Colour coding


Round fuses 5 yellow

8 black
8 white

16 red
25 blue

25 white

Strip fuses 25 white

30, 50, 100 grey

125, 150, 250

35, 60, 100 grey

Plug-in 3 violet
type fuses 4 pink
5 beige / transparent
7,5 brown
10 red
15 blue
20 yellow
25 neutral / white
30 green

Glas 5 red
fuses 10 yellow
15 blue
20 green
25 silver

Radio 2 transparent

2 800 950.00 en 35

Designation of individual components

Extract from DIN 40 719

Letter Designation Examples

A Assembly, sub-assemblies Amplifiers, magnetic amplifiers, assembly

B Conversion of non-electrical to electrical Measuring transducers, thermo-electric
quantities (and vice versa) probes, thermo cells, photo-electric cells,
dynamometers, quartz cristals,
phase-sequence transmitters, phase-angle
C Capacitors ---
D Time-delay elements, storage devices, logic elements, bi-stable elements,
binary elements mono-stable elements
E Miscellaneous Lighting devices, heating devices
F Protective devices Fuses, surge voltage protectors, blocking
devices, isolated fuses, protective relays,
tripping elements
G Alternators Rotating alternators, rotating frequency
Power supply converters, battery, power supply units,
H Signalling equipment Optical and acoustical signalling equipment
I ---
K Relays, contactors Power contactors, auxiliary contactors,
auxiliary relays, flasher relays, timer relays
L Inductors Chokes
M Motors ---
P Measuring instruments, testers Indicating, recording and counting meters,
pulse transmitters, clocks
Q Power-current switching relays Power switches, disconnectors, protective
switches, motor protection switches, circuit
breakers, fuse switches
R Resistors Variable resistors, potentiometers, rheostats
S Switches, selectors Pushbuttons, limit switches, control switches,
signal transmitters
T Transformers voltage transformers, current transformers
U Modulators, converters Frequency converters, transducers,
invertors, changers, d.c. inverters, power
W Transmission lines, wave-guides Wires, cables, bus bars
X Terminals, plugs, receptacles Plugs and receptacles, test connectors,
terminal strips, soldering strips
Y Electrically operated mechanical devices Brakes, couplings, valves

Z Terminations, Equalizers, filters, limiters, Cable equivalents


36 2 800 950.00 en

Standardized designations of terminals

Terminal designation
(extract from DIN 72 552)

Designations of terminals are not identical to cable designations as appliances with different terminal
designations can be connected to both ends of a line. If the terminal designations are insufficient
(multi-pole connectors), the terminals are designated by running numbers or letters for which no function
is standardized.

Terminal Designation Terminal Designation

1 Ignition coil, Electric motors

ignition distributor 32 Return line 1)
Low voltage 33 Main connection 1)
33 a Limit stop shut-off
Ignition distributor with two separate 33 b Shunt field
circuits 33 f for second lower speed
1a to contact breaker I 33 g for third lower speed
1b to contact breaker II 33 h for fourth lower speed
33 L Lefthand sense of rotation
2 Short-circuit terminal 33 R Righthand sense of rotation
(magnetic ignition)
4 Ignition coil, ignition distributor 45 Separate starter relay, output; starter,
high-voltage input (main current)
Ignition distributor with two separate Double starter parallel operation
circuits Starter relay for engaging current
4a from ignition coil I, 45 a Output starter I,
terminal 4 input starters I and II
4b from ignition coil II, 45 b Output starter II
terminal 4
48 Terminal at starter and at start repeat
15 Switched positive behind battery, relay
(output ignition switch) Start monitor
15 a Output at ballast resistor to ignition Flasher relay
coil and starter (pulse transmitter)
49 Input
Glow-starting switch 49 a Output
17 Starting 49 b Output, 2nd flasher relay
19 Preheating 49 a Output, 3rd flasher relay
Battery Starter
30 Input from battery Plus, direct 50 Starter control
Battery change-over relay 12/24 V
30 a Input from battery II Plus Battery change-over relay
50 a Output for starter control
Return line to battery
31 b Minus or ground, via switch or relay Starter control
(switched negative) 50 b for parallel operation of two starters
with sequential control
Battery change-over relay 12/24 V
31 a Return line to battery II Minus Starter relay for sequential control of
31 c Return line to battery I Minus enganging current in parallel operation
of two starters
50 a Input to starter relay for starter I
50 d Input to starter relay for starter II

2 800 950.00 en 37
Terminal Designation Terminal Designation

Start inhibit relay Alternator

50 e Input (Magnetic ignition alternator)
50 h Output 59 Alternating voltage, output, rectifier,
Alternator 59 a Charging armature, output
51 D.c. voltage at rectifier 59 b Tail-lamp armature, output
51 e D.c. voltage at rectifier with choke 59 c Stop-lamp armature, output

Trailer signals 61 Alternator monitor

52 General signalling from trailer to
tractor vehicle Tone-sequence switch
71 Input
53 Wiper motor 71 a Output to horn 1 + 2 low-tones
Input (+) 71 b Output to horn 1 + 2 high-tones
53 a Wiper (+), limit stop
53 b Wiper (shunt winding) 72 Alarm switch
53 c Electrical washer pump (Rotary beacon)
53 e Wiper
(Brake winding) 75 Radio, cigarette lighter
53 i Wiper motor with permanent magnet
and third brush (for higher speed) 76 Loudspeaker

Stoplight 77 Door-valve control

54 for lamp clusters and trailer
connectors Switch
Trailer signal normally closed and change-over
54 g Compressed-air valve for permanent contacts
brake, electro-magnetically operated 81 Input
81 a 1st output, break contact
55 Fog lamp 81 b 2nd output, break contact

56 Headlamps Make contact

56 a Main beam and main beam warning 82 Input
56 b Dipped beam 82 a 1st output
56 d Flasher contact 82 b 2nd output
82 z 1st input
57 Position lamp for motor-cycles (in 82 y 2nd input
foreign countries also for cars, trucks,
etc.) Multi-point switch
57 a Parking lamp 83 Input
57 L Parking lamp, left 83 a Output, position 1
57 R Parking lamp, right 83 b Output, position 2
83 L Output, position left
58 Position, tail, licence plate and 83 R Output, position right
instrument-panel lamps
58 b Tail lamp change-over for single-axle Current relay input
trailers 84 Input,
58 c Trailer connectors for tail lamp drive and relay contact
connected with single-conductor 84 a Output,
cable, fuse-protected in trailer drive
58 d Adjustable instrument panel 84 b Output,
illumination, tail and position lamp relay contact
58 L left
58 R right, Switching relay
licence-plate lamp 85 Output, drive
(end of winding minus and ground)
Input, drive
86 Beginning of winding
86 a Beginning of winding or 1st winding
86 b Winding tap or 2nd winding

38 2 800 950.00 en
Terminal Designation Generator and generator regulator
Relay contact for normally closed and B+ Battery plus
change-over contacts
87 Input B- Battery minus
87 a 1st output (break contact side) D+ Dynamo plus
87 b 2nd output D- Dynamo minus
87 c 3rd output DF Dynamo field
87 z 1st input DF 1 Dynamo field 1
87 y 2nd input
87 x 3rd input DF 2 Dynamo field 2

Relay contact for normally open Alternator

operation U, V, W Alternator terminals
88 Input

Relay contact for normally open and

change-over operation
(break contact side)
88 a 1st input Turn-signal indicator (flasher relay)
88 b 2nd output
88 c 3rd output
C First monitoring lamp
Relay contact for normally open
operation C0 Main connection for control
88 z 1st input circuits separated from flasher
88 y 2nd input C2 Second monitoring lamp
88 x 3rd input C3 Third monitoring lamp (e.g. for
double-trailer operation)
1) L Turn-signal lamp, left
Polarity change terminal 32 - 33 possible
R Turn-signal lamp, right

2 800 950.00 en 39

Symbols used in electrical engineering

Extract from DIN 40 900.

Direct current

Alternating current

3-phase alternating current

Ground, general

Lines, variable line thickness for emphasized ele-


Grounding N, formerly Mp

Protective earth PE, formerly SL


Loose cable end

Grouping of lines for simplified representation in

circuit diagrams.
Lines in arbitrary order, lines must be identified

Line crossings without connection

Crossings and branches with connection

Connection, firm (soldered)

Connection, detachable, general (terminal or plug)

Male plug

Female plug

40 2 800 950.00 en

Plug-in type connector with male plug and female


Switching element, two-way make contact with

three switch positions

Mechanical link

Driven by human force, generally hand-driven


Notch with number of notch position

Example: hand-operated make contact with notch

Identification of positions with numbers. The

ground position can be identified as "0"
Application cf. under "Switches"

Hand operation, pushing, pulling

Hand operation, turning, toggling

Foot operation

Removable hand-operated element, e.g. key

Driven by pressure

Driven by temperature

Indirect drive, e.g. limit switch

2 800 950.00 en 41

Multi-pole connector (terminal strips)

Modular terminals (terminal strips, lamp-wire con-

nectors), also with firm or detachable connection

Sliding contact

Primary element. Battery in general; battery with

several cells (if required)

Fuse, general

Voltage surge protector

(lightning arrester)

Switch make contact

Switch break contact

Switch change-over contact

Fuse with thermally operated tripping (automatic)

42 2 800 950.00 en

Example: ignition switch

(notched in Pos. 0 and 1)

Electromechanical drive, e.g. with indication of an

effective coil

Example: relay with make and break contacts

Resistor, general; also symbol for glow-plugs and

heating resistors

Variable resistor, e.g. potentiometer

Capacitor, general

Electrolytic capacitor

Light bulb

Bulb with two filaments, e,g. Bilux

V = Voltmeter
A = Ammeter
= Ohmmeter
W = Wattmeter

D.C. Generator

Alternator, general

2 800 950.00 en 43

Alternator with rectifier set (3-phase alternating

current generator)

Symbol for motors, starters (motor vehicles)

Windscreen wiper with motor drive

A.c. motor

Solenoid valve


Electrical fan


Operating-hours meter

Electrical clock

Spark gap, e.g. spark plug

44 2 800 950.00 en

Ground, general

Winding, inductor, general (e.g. chokes)

Winding with magnetic core (choke with core)

Transformer, converter, general

Symbol for 3-phase motor with squirrel cage

Shield with ground connection

Diode rectifier, forward bias for positive current in

the direction of the arrow point

Z diode (suitable for operation at breakdown volt-



Light-ermitting diode

PNP transistor
E = Ermitter Switching resp. regulating
C = Collector } connections
B = Base (control connection)

2 800 950.00 en 45

NPN transistor


Temperature-dependent resistor

Voltage-dependent resistor, e.g. NTC

Electronic amplifier

Operational amplifier (amplifies the voltage be-

tween E1 and E2)

D.c. converter

Voltage converter (24 to 15 volts)



46 2 800 950.00 en

Symbols for directions of motion

2 800 950.00 en 47
Notes 2800145

48 2 800 950.00 en

Automotive electrical systems

in construction machinery
Interpretation of wiring diagrams

2 800 960.00 en
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. 1

NOTES ON SAFETY .................................................................................................................................. 2

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................ 3

THE WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 4

Explanation of the wiring diagram

Current paths .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Main circuits ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Branches ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Relay contacts ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Cross reference to other current paths .................................................................................................... 5
Contacts of plug-in connectors ................................................................................................................ 5
Cable cross-section ................................................................................................................................ 7
Identification of contacts .......................................................................................................................... 7
Cable number .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Electronic units (Fig. 3) ............................................................................................................................ 7

WIRING DIAGRAM LEGEND .................................................................................................................... 8

Explanation of legend
Part .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Quantity .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Description and function .......................................................................................................................... 9
Current path ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Location .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Part number ............................................................................................................................................ 9


Solenoid-valve tester ............................................................................................................................ 10
Test lamp .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Multimeter.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Testers .................................................................................................................................................. 11


Voltage checks ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Checking the continuity ........................................................................................................................ 13
Checking the coil of a solenoid .............................................................................................................. 14

Notes on troubleshooting in automotive electrical systems .................................................................. 15
Example of systematic troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 15
Fault-finding diagram ............................................................................................................................ 16
ANNEX .................................................................................................................................................... 20

Identification of components ................................................................................................................ 20

Schematic symbols
Electrical Connections .......................................................................................................................... 22
Switches, contacts ................................................................................................................................ 23
Indicators, measuring devices .............................................................................................................. 26
Motors, alternators ................................................................................................................................ 27
Semiconductors .................................................................................................................................... 28
Miscellaneous........................................................................................................................................ 29
Symbols for directions of motion .......................................................................................................... 30

Fuse links .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Fuse strips ............................................................................................................................................ 31

PREFACE 2732947

Electrical systems for construction machinery This has led to some differences between the old
have developed far beyond their original applica- and the new circuit diagrams.
tions as starting and lighting devices. The new
tasks are essentially monitoring and control func- The interpretation of these new CAD circuit dia-
tions. This has entailed an inevitable increase in grams and their accompanying documents will be
the number of circuits, so that the overall system explained in the following description.
appears complex and unclear to the non-electri-
cian. The present Technical Handbook applies to auto-
motive electrical systems in construction machin-
This impression was reinforced by the schematic ery. The relevant accident prevention rules and
block diagrams used in the past. the different requirements depending on various
operating voltages must always be observed.
For this reason our company, like the automobile These rules are not part of the handbook.
industry, has opted for another type of diagram,
the circuit diagram.

This new type of diagram has proved very suc-

cessful. Our company has now taken a further
step in this direction with the decision to establish
its documentation by means of a specially devel-
oped CAD system.

2 800 960.00 en 1


Before working on the Wear gloves, firm working clothing

electrical system and goggles when working on bat-
The repair personnel must have
If the skin has come into contact
knowledge and experience in the
with acid, rinse thoroughly with wa-
repair of electrical systems of this
ter and consult a doctor.
or similar machines.
When acid has splashed into the
In case of insufficient knowledge,
eyes, rinse thoroughly with large
the candidates must be thoroughly
amounts of water and go immedi-
instructed by experienced repair
ately to a doctor.
Do not place tools on the battery.
Before undertaking any mainten-
They may produce a short-circuit
ance and repair work, the machine
destroying the battery and causing
must be secured as follows:
- Park the machine on level and
Do not wear necklaces, bracelets
stable ground.
or watch straps of metal when
- Stand working equipment on the working on the battery. Metal parts
ground. can cause short-circuits with the
- Block the articulated joint. risk of resulting burns.
- Shut off the engine. Dispose of used batteries separate-
- Withdraw the key from the elec- ly from other waste and without
trical system key-switch. polluting the environment.
- Protect the machine against roll-
ing away by placing chocks un-
der the wheels. Alternator -
- Disconnect the battery before Handling instructions
undertaking work on the elec- Never disconnect electrical cables
trical system or before carrying from alternators, regulators and
out welding work. battery when the engine is running
Disconnect the negative terminal to avoid damage to the alternator
and then the positive terminal. and regulator.
After the work: Do not mix up cables when con-
necting the batteries (observe po-
Connect first the positive and then
the negative terminal.
Always use measuring instrument
for voltage and continuity testing.
Battery handling Never use a "test lamp".
Batteries give off explosive gases. Never "tap against ground".
Avoid fire and unshielded light in This causes a short circuit with
the vicinity of batteries and do not consequent damage to the alterna-
smoke. tor and regulator.
Battery acid is toxic and caustic. When the engine is started, the al-
ternator is pre-excited by an elec-
Avoid contact of battery acid with
tronic circuit.
the skin, the mouth, the eyes and
This circuit ensures that the
the clothes. Do not spill battery
alternator can supply power.
acid and do not inhale the gases.
The circuit is part of the Central
Electronic System in the control

2 2 800 960.00 en

An LED in the control panel
(charge control) indicates the cor-

rect functioning of the alternator. For organizational reasons, the documentation for
This LED must light up when the the electrical system of the machine has been
keyswitch is turned to the "ON" po- annexed to the spare-parts list. The documenta-
sition. It goes out when the engine tion includes:
is running. If this is not the case,
either the alternator circuit or the - the circuit diagram
control panel are defective. - the circuit diagram legend with the electrical
To prevent further damage, the components.
causes of the fault must be located
and rectified as fast as possible. The components are identified in accordance with
Contact your nearest dealer ser- DIN 40 719 by letters. An extract of this standard
vice. is given in the ANNEX.

Fuses With the help of the above-mentioned documents

and the present Technical Handbook, a qualified
Working on the fuse holder in-
electrician should be able to rectify faults in the
volves the risk of sparking and
electrical system.
Therefore: Simple works on the electrical system, e.g.
Remove fuses only after the circuit
- the replacement of bulbs,
has been de-energized:
Shut off the engine and turn the - of fuses and
key-switch of the electrical system - of relays
to 0.
For machines with main battery are described in the operating instructions of the
switch: machine.
Switch off main battery switch.
Replace defective fuses only by
those of the same current rating.

2 800 960.00 en 3


The wiring diagram is a schematic representation The representation makes use of symbols in acc.
of the electrical system and its detailed compo- with DIN 40 900.
nents. The diagram shows the interconnection of
electrical components and the operation of an All components are identified by capital letters in
electrical system. acc. with DIN 40 719.

The wiring diagram consists of several individual Extracts of these DIN standards can be found at
sheets (see lower right corner of the sheet shown the end of the present Technical Handbook.
in fig. 1) representing functional groups.
The wiring layout plan shows the location of com-
All components are shown in a no-voltage resp. ponents and connectors of the machine.
no-current state and with none of the elements
being actuated.

Fig. 1

4 2 800 960.00 en

Explanation of the wiring diagram 2732951

(sample page shown in fig. 1 is sheet 1 of 19 sheets)

Page 1/2

1. Current paths 4. Relay contacts

The current-path numbers are given at the upper Numbers on the relay contacts indicate the sheet
margin of the path diagram sheet. They appar- number of the wiring diagram and the current
ently subdivide the sheet into ten vertical columns path where the exciter coil for this contact can be
(0 to 9). found.

Reference to the sheet number and the current- Example:

path number facilitates the search of components
and the orientation in the wiring diagram. Label K5 means:
The exciter coil for this make contact can be
2. Main circuits found in current path 3 on the same sheet of the
current diagram.
The main circuits are shown as horizontal lines at
the top and the bottom of the wiring diagram.
Positive potential main circuits are shown at the 5. Cross reference to other current
top and negative potential circuits are shown at paths
the bottom.
Relays whose make, break or change-over con-
Example: tacts are located in other current paths have
numbers under the current path of the exciter coil
30/2.0 = Plus (switched). The main circuit con- indicating in which current paths these contacts
tinues on sheet 2 of the circuit dia- are located.
gram with current path 0.
15/2.0 = Plus (switched). The main circuit con- Example:
tinues on sheet 2 of the circuit
diagram with current path 0. The wiring diagram lable indicates that the relay
K 1.5 on the same sheet of the current wiring
31/2.0 = Minus (ground). The main circuit con- diagram in current circuit path has a make con-
tinues on sheet 2 of the circuit dia- tact at circuit path 2.
gram with current path 0.

6. Contacts of plug-in connectors

3. Branches
Plug-in connectors are identified by the number of
Current-path branches together with the letters the connector and the number of the plug-in con-
and numbers indicate the additional connection of tact.
current paths on other sheets of the wiring dia-
gram. Example:

Example: Label X101/2 refers to:

Label Z5 means: contact 2 in connector X101.

This branch is connected to point Z5 in current
path 9 on page 3 of the wiring diagram.

2 800 960.00 en 5

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

6 2 800 960.00 en
Page 2/2

7. Cable cross-section 9. Cable number

The following number refers to the cross-section The cable number (94 in this case) is printed on
of the cable 10 meaning that this cable has a the insulation at intervals of several centimeters.
conductor cross-section of 10 mm2. This number together with number of the connec-
tor permits easy identifaction of a cable even in a
cable harness or by the connector (e.g. for con-
8. Identification of contacts tinuity checking). The connectors are also marked
with their specific number (e.g X101). The con-
The numbers at relay contacts or at switch con- nection tables showing the pin assignment of
nections at contacts are identical with the num- each connector can be found after the wiring
bers found on the components themselves. diagram (e.g. X101, Fig. 4).
If a cable is defective and if you dont know
Example: which components are linked by this specific ca-
ble, then this can be determined from the con-
Label S113, 1,4 means:
nection tables.
The switch is the S113 with connections at con-
The example (Fig. 2 and 4) shows how to identify
tacts 1 and 4.
cable 94 in connector X 101:
One end is connected to terminal 5 of switch
S 1.7 (cable cross-section 1.5 mm2) and the other
end to solenoid valve Y 1.3 (cable cross-section
2.5 mm2). The cable is connected to pin 12 of the
connector which is part of the "engine cable har-
ness". The exact location of the connector at the
machine and the corresponding order number are
set out in the "WIRING DIAGRAM LEGEND".

Fig. 4

10.Electronic units (Fig. 3)

Electronic units (e.g. Central Electronic Unit, Load
Limit Governor) are displayed in the wiring dia-
gram as black boxes.

2 800 960.00 en 7


The legend "Electrical components in wiring dia-

gram" (Fig. 1) gives a systematic overview which
supplements the circuit diagram. The legend per-
mits to find electrical components in the circuit
diagram and on the machine. The legend also
contains the part numbers of the components.

31.050 -
Electrical components in wiring diagram
Wiring diagram No. 2459343 T 2459344 - 000
B 2459343 - 010
Part Quantity Description and Function Curr. Path Location Part-No


A10X4 1,000 FLANGE 4 - 2/18 - CONTROL PANEL 73172589
A100 1,000 2 - 1/16 - CAB 73172003
B10.1 1,000 SPEED SENSOR 2 - 9/92 - ENGINE
B13.1 1,000 COOLING-WATER TEMPERATURE 2 - 1/94 - ENGINE 73172594
E1 1,000 LH HEADLIGHT 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172595
E1 1,000 BULB 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172596
E1 1,000 HOUSING 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172597
E1 1,000 PLUG 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172598
E1 2,000 COUNTER-SUNK SCREW 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172599
E1 2,000 LOCKING NUT 6 - 0/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172600
E2 1,000 RH HEDADLIGHT 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172595
E2 1,000 BULB 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172596
E2 1,000 HOUSING 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172597
E2 1,000 PLUG 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172598
E2 2,000 COUNTER-SUNK SCREW 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172599
E2 2,000 LOCKING NUT 6 - 1/87 - SUPERSTRUCTURE 73172600
E3 1,000 WORKING LIGHT, BOOM LEFT 6 - 2/87 - BOOM 73172602
E3 1,000 BULB 6 - 2/87 - BOOM 73172510
E4 1,000 WORKING LIGHT, BOOM LEFT 6 - 3/87 - BOOM 73172602
E4 1,000 BULB 6 - 3/87 - BOOM 73172510
E9 1,000 INTERIOR LIGHT 4 - 1/74 - CAB 73171604
E9 1,000 BULB 4 - 1/74 - CAB 73172605
F1 1,000 FUSE BOX, GREEN 4 - 1/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172606
F2 1,000 FUSE BOX, BLACK 1 - 7/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172606
F3 1,000 2 - 0/18 - CONTROL PANEL 73172606
F4 1,000 FUSE BOX, BLACK 5 - 1/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172607
F5 1,000 FUSE BOX, NATURAL 5 - 5/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172608
F9 1,000 FUSE BOX, GREEN 1 - 4/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172607
F10 1,000 FUSE BOX, BLACK 6 - 6/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172606
F11 1,000 FUSE BOX, NATURAL 4 - 0/16 - CONTROL PANEL 73172606

Fig. 1

8 2 800 960.00 en

Explanation of legend (Fig. 1) 2732953

Part Location
The part column lists all components of the elec- The "Location" column indicates the place of in-
trical system in alphabetical order. The letters stallation of the component in the machine.
represent the type of component installed in acc.
with DIN 40 719. This information facilitates the location of compo-
(Extracts of DIN 40 719 cf. "ANNEX"). nents in the machine, e.g. when searching for
Part number
Indicates how many of the components are in-
stalled in the machine. Order numbers for spare parts
If no part number is indicated, the component is
Description and function connected to the electrical system, but part of
another assembly. The part number for this com-
Refer to the kind of component and to its function ponent can then be found in the corresponding
(e.g. cooling-water temperature sensor). spare-parts sheet.

Current path Example:

The current-paths numbers are indicated at the Part numbers for solenoid valves can be found in
upper margin of the wiring diagram sheets. These the "Hydraulic system" section of the spare-parts
numbers permit to find electrical components in list.
the wiring diagrams.


Load limit governor

In the "Current path" column, we have: 2-0/61.
This means that the load limit governor can be
found on wiring diagram sheet 2 in current path
Figure 61 is an internal CAD system coordinate
which is of no importance for the interpretation of
the documentation.

2 800 960.00 en 9


All methods of fault detection described in the Test lamp

present Technical Handbook can be carried out
with simple measuring instruments and testers.

The use of these devices is explained in this

handbook by means of the step-by-step method
(cf. section "Basic measuring and testing proce-

The present handbook will not deal with techni-

cally more complicated testing devices for auto-
motive electrical systems. These devices have
their own operating instructions with detailed in-
formation about how to handle them. The operat-
ing instructions must therefore be read before
using such equipment.
Fig. 2
Depending on the manufacturer, the testing
equipment used in the field can differ from the Important:
instruments shown in this handbook. Due to the Never use the test lamp for testing on circuit
large number of commercially available types it is boards equipped with electronic components.
impossible to show all the types in this handbook. Sensitive electronic components may be
For this reason, the handbook dispenses with damaged by the strong current flowing
brand names and names of manufacturers. through the test lamp. The housing of the test
lamp is metallic and therefore conducts elec-
tric currents. The housing may therefore
cause a short-circuit between two adjacent
Solenoid-valve tester components on the board.

The test lamp lights up when the tested compo-

nent is under tension.

Test lamps are manufactured for different system

voltages. The test lamp must be designed for the
voltage of the electrical system, as a 12-volt test
lamp will be damaged if it is used in 24-volt

Fig. 1

The solenoid-valve tester indicates whether the

coil of a solenoid valve or a relay produces a
magnetic field.

The magnetic field is generated when current

flows through the coil.

Operation of the solenoid tester shown requires

two batteries (1.5 V, type AAA).

10 2 800 960.00 en

Multimeter Testers

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

The following quantities can be measured with Important:

multimeters: Never use the test buzzer for testing on circuit
- voltage, boards equipped with electronic components.
Sensitive electronic components may be
- current, damaged by the strong current flowing
- resistance. through the test buzzer.

Many multimeters have additional functions, e.g.: Testers indicate by means of

- capacitance measurement, - optical signals (lamp) and
- diode and transistor testing, - acoustical signals (buzzer)
- testing facilities (continuity check). whether a current flows through a component
(e.g. cable, fuse, bulb). In this case, we say that
Measuring instruments display the measured val- the component "lets the current pass".
ue in two ways:
- as analogue devices with pointer-type instru- Acoustical continuity checks have the advantage
ments and that the person carrying out the test can con-
centrate on the test prods. It is not necessary to
- as digital devices with numerical read-out watch a lamp, so that incorrect measurements
(Fig. 3). due to a displaced testing prod are excluded.
Read the operating instructions before using the The continuity tester requires batteries for opera-
instruments. These measuring instruments are tion (number and type of the battery depend on
highly precise but also very sensitive devices the type of tester used).
which may be damaged if operated incorrectly.

2 800 960.00 en 11


Risk of injury
Some testing procedures must be
carried out with the electrical sys-
tem under tension.
Therefore protect the machine
against inadvertent movements be-
fore carrying out work on electrical
systems under tension.
Close the door of the drivers cab
or place a warning sign at an easi-
ly visible place inside the cab.
Fig. 1

Voltage checks 2. Checking with the multimeter (Fig. 2)

In the present example we are going to check Switch multimeter to the "voltage mode" and
whether the coil of solenoid (Y 1.3) for the flame- select the suitable measuring range.
glow pre-heating system of an diesel - engine is
Connect the ground terminal to vehicle ground.
under tension.
Press the positive test prod against the positive
component terminal (plus +).
1. Checking with the test lamp (Fig. 1) The instrument indicates the magnitude of the
Select a suitable test lamp (12 V or 24 V). voltage present.

Connect the ground terminal of the test lamp to

vehicle ground.

Press the tip of test lamp against the live com-

ponent terminal (positive terminal).
The test lamp lights up if the component is
under tension.

If the test lamp has a needle tip, it is possible to

penetrate the insulation of the connecting cable. If
the test lamp lights up, the connection cable is
under tension.

Fig. 2

12 2 800 960.00 en

Checking the continuity

Risk of short-circuit
Never carry out continuity checks
on components under tension.
Checking may cause short-circuits
or overloading with resulting dam-
age to the component or test
The component to be tested must
therefore be de-energized. To do
so, disconnect all electrical con-
nections from the component.

Fig. 3
Continuity checks permit show whether a current
flows through a component.
This check is always recommended if invisible 2. Checking with the multimeter (Fig. 4)
interruptions of conductors inside a component
are suspected as the cause of trouble (e.g. in Switch the multimeter to the "resistance mode".
cables, coils, contacts, bulbs). Attach the ground connector to one end of the
In the present example we will check whether the
conductors of a cable allow current to pass or Hold the test prod to the other end of the
whether they are interrupted. conductor (observe insulation colour coding).

The instrument now shows the resistance of the

1. Checking with the tester (Fig. 3) conductor in ohms.
Connect the ground terminal of the continuity If nothing is indicated, the conductor is inter-
tester to one end of the conductor. rupted.
Hold the test prod against the other end of the
same conductor (observe insulation colour cod-

In this example, the continuity tester and the

component under test form a closed current cir-

The continuity tester checks the conductor with

low voltage. If the conductor is continuous, the
current circuit is closed. The lamp lights up and
the buzzer sounds.

Fig. 4

2 800 960.00 en 13

Checking the coil of a solenoid

In this case we will check whether the coil of the
switching magnet of the "start boost system"
(Y 1.1) generates a magnetic field when under

Fig. 5

Using the solenoid valve tester (Fig. 5)

Hold the test prod of the solenoid valve tester

to the coil.

The signal lamp of the tester lights up if a mag-

netic field is generated by the coil.

This test does not permit a statement about the

mechanical function of the component. It is still
possible that the switching pin jams although the
coil itself is o.k.

14 2 800 960.00 en


Notes on troubleshooting in automotive electrical systems

In order to rectify faults fast and safely, it is Required documents:
important to proceed systematically when search-
- operating instructions,
ing for faults.
Beside the technical qualification of the electri- - wiring diagram with legend and
cian, knowledge of the following facts is required
- spare-parts list.
for successful troubleshooting:
- Which assembly is defective? Measuring and testing devices

- Which is the location of the assembly in the Recommended measuring and testing devices
machine? are described in the "Measuring and testing de-
- Which is the correct function of the assembly? vices" section.

- Which components are interacting? Measuring and testing procedures

- In which way do the components interact? How to carry out testing with simple means is
- Where are the components located in the ma- described in the "Basic measuring and testing
chine? procedures" section.

- Under which conditions and in which operation- Wiring diagrams

al state is the fault present?
Knowledge and understanding of the wiring dia-
Questions to the operator of the machine: grams and the symbols used in these diagrams
- Which warning signs have preceded the fault? are an essential prerequisite for successful
troubleshooting in automotive electrical systems.
- Which maintenance or repair works have been The symbols used in the wiring diagrams are
carried out beforehand? listed in the annex.
- Has the fault already been observed before?
Even more important than locating the defective
- Can the fault be rectified with the troubleshoot- component is the determination of the cause of
ing tables in the operating instructions? trouble.
In many cases, faults and defects repeat them-
- Has the machine been wrongly operated?
selves if the cause of the fault is not recognized
and eliminated.

Example of systematic troubleshooting

Starting situation:
- batteries fully charged,
- system voltage normal,
- tank filled with fuel,
- starter turns the engine with start - speed.

- engine does not fire.

2 800 960.00 en 15

Fault-finding diagram (example)

The sequence of troubleshooting operations is If the answer is "Yes", the next testing step can
represented by means of a diagram. be performed.
Faul finding is divided into individual steps mak- If the answer is "No", the line leads to a square-
ing it clear and easy to follow. shaped symbol. This symbol indicates the repair
work to be carried out.
How to work with the fault-finding diagram.
Such a diagram must basically be read from top If the fault has been rectified after such repair,
to bottom. The top mentions the kind of fault. fault-finding ends here. If the fault persists, fault
This is the starting point for further actions de- detection must be continued with the next step.
scribed in the following symbols.
Electrical connections between the components
Diamond-shaped symbols contain a request to mentioned are set out in the circuit diagram
check the situation. This check can be answered (Fig. 1 and 3). Each testing step has a reference
with "Yes" or "No". Depending on the result of the to the corresponding position in the wiring dia-
check, follow either the "Yes" or the "No" line. gram.

Fig. 1

16 2 800 960.00 en
Page 1/2

Fig. 2

2 800 960.00 en 17

Fig. 3

18 2 800 960.00 en
Page 2/2

Fig. 4

2 800 960.00 en 19

ANNEX 2732957

Identification of components
(Exerpt from DIN 40719)

Letter Designation Examples

A Assembly group, parts of groups Control unit, switch unit, magnetic amplifi-
ers, combinations of devices

B Transformation from non-electrical into Metering transformers: rev. transmitter, pres-

electrical magnitudes (and vice versal) sure sensor, pressure switch, thermic
sensors, photo-electric cells, pulse gener-
ator, inclinometers

C Capacitors ---

D Binary elements, memories Digital unit, integrated circuit, impulse coun-


E Miscellaneous Lights, heaters

F Safety devices Fuses, overload guards, interlocks, circuit

breakers, safety relays, releases

G Generator Rotary generators, rotary frequency convert-

Electrical supplies ers, batteries, power supplies, oscillators

H Monitors Monitoring lamp, buzzer

K Relays, contactors Power contactors, auxiliary contactors, auxil-

iary relays, blinker relays, time-lag relays

L Inductive devices Throttle coils, coils

M Motors Fan motor, wiper motor

20 2 800 960.00 en

Letter Designation Examples

P Meters, testers Indicating, recording and metering instru-

ments, impulse initiators, clocks

R Resistances Pre-glow plug, flame-glow plug, shunt,


S Switches, selectors Buttons, limit switches, control switches, sig-

nal ermitters

T Transformers Transformers, converters

U Modulators, converters Frequency converters, converters, inverters,

tansverters, demodulators, reversing con-

V Semiconductors Cancelling diodes for solenoid valves,


W Conductive paths, hollow conductors Switch lines, cables, busbar, antenna

X Terminals, plug, sockets Isolating plugs/sockets, test sockets, termi-

nal strips, solder strips

Y Electrically actuated mechanical devices Brakes, coupling, valves

Z Filters Interference suppression assembly

2 800 960.00 en 21

Schematic symbols (Exerpt from DIN 40900) 2732958

Electrical Connections

22 2 800 960.00 en

Switches, contacts

2 800 960.00 en 23

Switches, contacts

24 2 800 960.00 en

Switches, contacts

2 800 960.00 en 25

Indicators, measuring devices

26 2 800 960.00 en

Motors, alternators

2 800 960.00 en 27


28 2 800 960.00 en


2 800 960.00 en 29

Symbols for directions of motion

30 2 800 960.00 en

Fuses 2732959

Fuse links (DIN 72 581)

Type Nominal current, amperes Colour of fuse insulation

3 violet
4 pink
5 lightbrown
7,5 brown
10 red
15 lightblue
20 yellow
25 white (nature)
30 lightgreen
Fuse link, flat type

5 yellow
8 white
16 red
25 blue
Fuse link, round type

Fuse strips (DIN 72 581)

Nominal current, amperes


2 800 960.00 en 31
Notes 2800145

32 2 800 960.00 en
A Identification of components .............................. 20

ANNEX .............................................................. 20 Identification of contacts ...................................... 7

Indicators, measuring devices ............................ 26

DURES .............................................................. 12
Location ................................................................ 9
Branches .............................................................. 5

Main circuits.......................................................... 5
Cable cross-section .............................................. 7
Miscellaneous .................................................... 29
Cable number ...................................................... 7
Motors, alternators.............................................. 27
Multimeter .......................................................... 11
Checking the coil of a solenoid .......................... 14

Checking the continuity ...................................... 13 N

Contacts of plug-in connectors ............................ 5 NOTES ON SAFETY ............................................ 2
Cross reference to other current paths ................ 5 Notes on troubleshooting in automotive elec-
trical systems ...................................................... 15
Current path.......................................................... 9

Current paths ........................................................ 5

Part ...................................................................... 9
Part number .......................................................... 9
Description and function ...................................... 9

E PREFACE ............................................................ 1
Electrical Connections ........................................ 22
Quantity ................................................................ 9
Electronic units (Fig. 3) ........................................ 7

Example of systematic troubleshooting .............. 15

Explanation of legend .......................................... 9
Relay contacts ...................................................... 5
Explanation of the wiring diagram ........................ 5

Schematic symbols ............................................ 22
Fault-finding diagram .......................................... 16
Semiconductors .................................................. 28
Fuse links .......................................................... 31
Solenoid-valve tester .......................................... 10
Fuse strips .......................................................... 31
Switches, contacts .................................. 23, 24, 25
Fuses .................................................................. 31
Symbols for directions of motion ........................ 30
Test lamp ............................................................ 10

Testers................................................................ 11

THE WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................... 4

Voltage checks .................................................. 12

WIRING DIAGRAM LEGEND .............................. 8
10 FRAME ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Repairing the loader frame

Exchanging the main pivot parts ................................................................................................................ 3
Dismantling ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Mounting .................................................................................................................................................... 5


604.06.995.01 10 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

2 10 604.06.995.01

Repairing the loader frame 2801061

Exchanging the main pivot parts

The articulated joint links the front frame with the Remove screws (1, Fig. 2) and take off lids (2).
rear frame of the chassis.
Give the bottom of pin (8) a blow with a ham-
It consists of: mer to detach split rings (3).
Remove lower split rings (3) and ring (4).
- pin (8)
Drive out pin (8) from the bottom using a hy-
- joint bearings (9)
draulic device fo this work.
- tapered split rings (3)
Attention: When pressing pivot pin out or in
- rings (4) release rear section in the main pivot from load
- lids (2) and screws (1) burden or center the main pivot.
Make sure the front and rear frames do not jam
Dismantling when pressing the pin in or out. The pin bores
must be in alignment.
Note: For replacing the pivot pin parts separate
the front frame section from the rear frame sec- Note: Use pivot secure when the loader is
tion. transported by loading or shipping or in case of
maintenance or resp. repairs.
Place loader on solid and level ground. Relieve
bucket from load burden. Separate front and rear frame and secure
against inadvertent movements.
Separate both steering cylinders from front fra-
me section by removing the pins. Remove hose Remove screws (5) and take off lid (6) and disk
holding brackets. (7).
Remove universal shaft from gear-box. Take a sleeve or a piece of pipe and hold
against the outer ring of lower joint bearing (9).
Block up with wood under booth sides of oscil-
Drive bearing upwards with caution until an
lating axle.
extractor can be applied between upper joint
Block up under front frame section. Place mobi- bearing (9) and sleeve (10).
le jack under rear frame section near the main Note: Do not drive lower joint bearing out of its
pivot and take rear frame section at lift with a seat. The bearing can then no longer be remo-
mobile crane and remove rear frame section. ved from the frame.
Attention: Before removing the pivot parts se-
Withdraw upper joint bearing (9).
cure front and rear frame against tilting, articu-
lating and rolling away. Withdraw lower joint bearing and remove slee-
ve (10).

604.06.995.01 10 3

Fig. 3

4 10 604.06.995.01


For reassembly the disassembly should be re- Push front and rear frame towards each other
versed. and align.
Note: Clean all contact faces of component Drive pin (8) fully down from above.
and oil slightly. Use oils without molybdenum
disulphide (MoS2) additive only. Measure projection of pin (8) at the top (X, de-
tail S) and at the bottom (Y, detail V). The
Drive upper joint bearing (9, Fig. 3) fully in. measured length must be the same.
Measure dimensions "t" and "t1" (Detail U). Install rings (4) and split rings (3) in the posi-
Eliminate play "a" (a = t - t1) between joint tion shown on the drawing.
bearing (9) and lid (6) by inserting spacer (7).
Fit lids (2) and tighten srews (1) uniformly and
Turn in screws (5) and tighten with a torque of crosswise.
MA = 75 Nm. Tightening torque MA = 105 Nm.
Install sleeve (10) and lower joint bearing (9). Grease the articulated joint.
Note: Sleeve (10) must be centered and rest
without play on the internal rings of both joint
bearings (9).

604.06.995.01 10 5

Notes 2800145

6 10 604.06.995.01

Fittings, pipes and hoses

2 800 970.00 en
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1

FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 2

Warnings and symbols ............................................................................................................................ 2

Organizational measures ........................................................................................................................ 2

Selection and qualification of personnel ................................................................................................ 3


Standard operation .................................................................................................................................. 3

MAINTENANCE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................. 4


Electric energy ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Gas, dust, steam and smoke .................................................................................................................. 5
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment ...................................................................................................... 6
Noise ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Oil, grease and other chemical substances ............................................................................................ 6

TRANSPORTING AND TOWING - RECOMMISSIONING ........................................................................ 6

WORKING EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................ 7

Assembling working equipment - safety instructions .......................................................................... 7

Repair work - safety instructions ............................................................................................................ 9

LINES FOR VARIOUS MEDIA ................................................................................................................ 11

Materials for pipes and hoses................................................................................................................ 11

Conditions and deviations in the line system ...................................................................................... 11

Steel pipes .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Hoses ...................................................................................................................................................... 14

Plastic pipes ............................................................................................................................................ 16

CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Pipe couplings
Sealing pipe couplings .......................................................................................................................... 21

Bulkhead couplings ................................................................................................................................ 22

Stud couplings and male nipples
Stircomatic seal rings ............................................................................................................................ 23

Swivel couplings
Swivel couplings .................................................................................................................................... 24
Swivel coupling with straight male thread acc. to DIN .......................................................................... 24
Swivel coupling with long male adaptor ................................................................................................ 24

Fixed angle couplings ............................................................................................................................ 25

Banjo couplings
Banjo coupling ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Banjo coupling with long male adaptor .................................................................................................. 26


Flanged pipe couplings - Flanit system (F-system) .............................................................................. 27
Flanged pipe couplings - Zako system (Z-system) ................................................................................ 27

Flanged hose couplings ........................................................................................................................ 28

Sealing and connecting components

Flanges.................................................................................................................................................. 29
Wedge rings .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Seal rings .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Double-hex bolts .................................................................................................................................. 30

Assembly aids for wedge rings

Pre-assembly device for F-rings ............................................................................................................ 31
Inserter for Z-rings ................................................................................................................................ 31
Inserting the Z-ring ................................................................................................................................ 32

Assembling flange couplings

Flange coupling - pipe / connection surface, F-system ........................................................................ 33
Zako-system .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Flange coupling hose / connection surface .......................................................................................... 36
Flange coupling - pipe / hose ................................................................................................................ 36
Flange coupling - hose / hose .............................................................................................................. 38
Flange coupling - pipe / pipe ................................................................................................................ 39

Table 1: Seal rings for flange couplings ................................................................................................ 41
Table 2: Double - Hex. Bolts.................................................................................................................. 42

Pre-assembly aids for pipe flange couplings ........................................................................................ 43
Flanges-90 .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 3: Parts Nos. for 90 flanges ...................................................................................................... 44
Gauge connections .............................................................................................................................. 45
Table 4: Parts Nos. for gauge connections and accessories ................................................................ 45


The various units of a machine are intercon-

nected by pipe or hose lines so that the transfer
of consumables, energy and control commands
becomes possible. The hydraulic, brake and fuel
supply systems of a machine are just such units.

Numerous line and coupling systems are avail-

able, especially in the spheres of hydraulics and

This handbook is intended to give an impression

of the pipe and hose lines, as well as their cou-
pling elements. Working directions are also in-
cluded for servicing procedures which involve the
re-routing or changing of such line and coupling

2 800 970.00 en 1


Warnings and symbols 2800455

The following signs are used in the manual to For reasons of security, long hair must be tied
designate instructions of particular importance: back or otherwise secured, garments must be
close-fitting and no jewellery, such as rings, may
Precautionary rules and measures be worn. Injury may result from being caught up
designed to protect the machine in the machinery or from rings catching on mov-
operator and other persons from ing parts.
life-threatening danger or injuries
Use protective equipment wherever required by
and to prevent extensive damage.
the circumstances or by law.
Information and precautionary mea- Observe all safety instructions and warnings at-
sures designed to prevent damage tached to the machine.
to the machine or other property.
See to it that safety instructions and warnings
attached to the machine are always complete and
perfectly legible.

In the event of safety-relevant modifications or

Organizational measures 2800456
changes in the behaviour of the machine during
operation, stop the machine immediately and re-
The operating instructions must always be at
port the malfunction to the competent author-
hand at the place of use of the machine, e.g. by
stowing them in the tool compartment or tool-box
provided for such purpose. Never make any modifications, additions or con-
versions which might affect safety without the
In addition to the operating instructions, observe
suppliers approval. This also applies to the in-
and instruct the user in all other generally ap-
stallation and adjustment of safety devices and
plicable legal and other mandatory regulations
valves as well as to welding work on load-bearing
relevant to accident prevention and environmental
Spare parts must comply with the technical re-
These compulsory regulations may also deal with
quirements specified by the manufacturer. Spare
the handling of hazardous substances, issuing
parts from original equipment manufacturers can
and/or wearing of personal protective equipment
be relied to do so.
or traffic regulations.
Replace hydraulic hoses within stipulated and ap-
The operating instructions must be supplemented
propriate intervals, even if no safety-relevant de-
by instructions covering the duties involved in
fects have been detected.
supervising and notifying special organizational
features, such as job organization, working se- Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified
quences or the personnel entrusted with the in the operating instructions for routine checks
work. and inspections.
Personnel entrusted with work on the machine For the execution of maintenance work, tools and
must have read the operating instructions and in workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand
particular the chapter on safety before beginning are absolutely indispensable.
work. Reading the instructions after work has be-
gun is too late. This applies especially to persons The personnel must be familiar with the location
working only occasionally on the machine, e.g. and operation of fire extinguishers.
during setting up or maintenance.
Observe all fire-warning and fire-fighting proce-
Check - at least from time to time - whether the dures.
personnel is carrying out the work in compliance
with the operating instructions and paying atten-
tion to risks and safety factors.

2 2 800 970.00 en

Selection and qualification of OPERATING SAFETY

Any work on and with the machine must be ex- Standard operation
ecuted by reliable personnel only. Statutory mini-
mum age limits must be observed. Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudi-
cial to safety.
Employ only trained or instructed staff and set out
clearly the individual responsibilities of the per- Before beginning work, familiarize yourself with
sonnel for operation, set-up, maintenance and re- the surroundings and circumstances of the site,
pair. such as obstacles in the working and travelling
area, the soil bearing capacity and any barriers
Make sure that only authorized personnel works separating the construction site from public roads.
on or with the machine.
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that
Define the machine operators responsibilities - the machine is used only when in a safe and
also with regard to observing traffic regulations - reliable state.
giving the operator the authority to refuse instruc-
tions by third parties that are contrary to safety. Operate the machine only if all protective and
safety-oriented devices, such as removable safety
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed devices, emergency shut-off equipment, sound-
or persons taking part in a general training proofing elements and exhausters, are in place
course to work on or with the machine without and fully functional.
being permanently supervised by an experienced
person. Check the machine at least once per working
shift for obvious damage and defects. Report any
Work on the electrical system and equipment of changes (incl. changes in the machines working
the machine must be carried out only by a skilled behaviour) to the competent organization/person
electrician or by instructed persons under the su- immediately. If necessary, stop the machine im-
pervision and guidance of a skilled electrician and mediately and lock it.
in accordance with electrical engineering rules
and regulations. In the event of malfunctions, stop the machine
immediately and lock it. Have any defects recti-
Work on chassis, brake and steering systems fied immediately.
must be performed by skilled personnel only,
which has been specially trained for such work. Start the machine from the drivers seat only.

Work on the hydraulic system must be carried out During start-up and shut-down procedures always
only by personnel with special knowledge and watch the indicators in accordance with the op-
experience of hydraulic equipment. erating instructions.

Before setting the machine in motion, make sure

that nobody is at risk.

Before starting work or travelling with the ma-

chine, check that the braking, steering, signalling
and lighting systems are fully functional.

Before setting the machine in motion always

check that the accessories have been safely
stowed away.

When travelling on public roads, ways and places

always observe the valid traffic regulations and, if
necessary, make sure beforehand that the ma-
chine is in a condition compatible with these reg-

In conditions of poor visibility and after dark al-

ways switch on the lighting system.

2 800 970.00 en 3

Persons accompanying the driver must be seated MAINTENANCE SAFETY

on the passenger seats provided for this purpose.
When crossing underpasses, bridges and tunnels
or when passing under overhead lines always Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspec-
make sure that there is is sufficient clearance. tion activities and intervals set out in the operat-
ing instructions, including information on the re-
Always keep at a distance from the edges of placement of parts and equipment. These
building pits and slopes. activities may be executed by skilled personnel
Avoid any operation that might be a risk to ma-
chine stability. Brief operating personnel before beginning spe-
cial operations and maintenance work, and ap-
Never travel across slopes; always keep the point a person to supervise the activities.
working equipment and the load close to the
ground, especially when travelling downhill. In any work concerning the operation, conversion
or adjustment of the machine and its safety-ori-
On sloping terrain always adapt your travelling ented devices or any work related to mainten-
speed to the prevailing ground conditions. Never ance, inspection and repair, always observe the
change to a lower gear on a slope but always start-up and shut-down procedures set out in the
before reaching it. operating instructions and the information on
maintenance work.
Before leaving the drivers seat always secure the
machine against inadvertent movement and un- Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately
authorized use. secured.

If the machine is completely shut down for main-

tenance and repair work, it must be secured
against inadvertent starting by:
- removing the ignition key and
- attaching a warning sign.

Carry out maintenance and repair work only if the

machine is positioned on stable and level ground
and has been secured against inadvertent move-
ment and buckling.

To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts

and large assemblies being moved for replace-
ment purposes should be carefully attached to
lifting tackle and secured. Use only suitable and
technically perfect lifting gear and suspension
systems with adequate lifting capacity. Never
work or stand under suspended loads.

The fastening of loads and the instructing of

crane operators should be entrusted to experi-
enced persons only. The marshaller giving the
instructions must be within sight or sound of the

For carrying out overhead assembly work always

use specially designed or otherwise safety-ori-
ented ladders and working platforms. Never use
machine parts as a climbing aid.

4 2 800 970.00 en

Wear a safety harness when carrying out main- WARNING OF SPECIAL

tenance work at greater heights.
Keep all handles, steps, handrails, platforms,
landings and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice. Electric energy
Clean the machine, especially connections and Use only original fuses with the specified current
threaded unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or rating. Switch off the machine immediately if
preservatives before carrying out maintenance/re- trouble occurs in the electrical system.
pair. Never use aggressive detergents. Use lint-
free cleaning rags. When working with the machine, maintain a safe
distance from overhead electric lines. If work is to
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet be carried out close to overhead lines, the work-
(high-pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover or ing equipment must be kept well away from them.
tape up all openings which - for safety and func- Caution, danger! Check out the prescribed safety
tional reasons - must be protected against water, distances.
steam or detergent penetration. Special care must
be taken with electric motors and switchgear If your machine comes into contact with a live
cabinets. wire
- do not leave the machine
Ensure during cleaning of the machine that the
temperature sensors of the fire-warning and fire- - drive the machine out of the hazard zone
fighting systems do not come into contact with - warn others against approaching and touching
hot cleaning agents as this might activate the the machine
fire-fighting system.
- have the live wire de-energized
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes ap-
- do not leave the machine until the damaged
plied for that purpose.
line has been safely de-energized.
After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, and
The electrical equipment of machines is to be
hydraulic fluid lines for leaks, loose connections,
inspected and checked at regular intervals. De-
chafe marks and damage. Any defects found
fects such as loose connections or scorched
must be rectified without delay.
cables must be rectified immediately.
Always tighten any screwed connections that
have been loosened during maintenance and re-
Gas, dust, steam and smoke
Any safety devices removed for set-up, main-
tenance or repair purposes must be refitted and Operate internal combustion engines and fuel-
checked immediately upon completion of the operated heating systems only on adequately
maintenance and repair work. ventilated premises. Before starting the machine
on enclosed premises, make sure that there is
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts sufficient ventilation.
are disposed of safely and with minimum envi-
ronmental impact. Observe the regulations in force at the respective

Carry out welding, flame-cutting and grinding

work on the machine only if this has been ex-
pressly authorized, as there may be a risk of
explosion and fire.

Before carrying out welding, flame-cutting and

grinding operations, clean the machine and its
surroundings from dust and other inflammable
substances and make sure that the premises are
adequately ventilated. RISK OF EXPLOSION.

2 800 970.00 en 5

Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment TRANSPORTING AND TOWING -

Check all lines, hoses and screwed connections RECOMMISSIONING
regularly for leaks and obvious damage. Repair
damage immediately. Splashed oil may cause in- The machine must be towed, loaded and trans-
jury and fire. ported only in accordance with the operating
Depressurize all system sections and pressure
pipes (hydraulic system, compressed-air system) For towing the machine observe the prescribed
to be removed in accordance with the specific transport position, admissible speed and itinerary.
instructions for the unit concerned before carrying
Use only appropriate means of transport and lift-
out any repair work.
ing gear of adequate capacity.
Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid
The recommissioning procedure must be strictly
and fitted properly. Ensure that no connections
in accordance with the operating instructions.
are interchanged. The fittings, lengths and quality
of the hoses must comply with the technical re-

During operation, all sound baffles of the machine
must be closed.

Always wear the prescribed ear protectors.

Oil, grease and other chemical

When handling oil, grease and other chemical
substances, observe the product-related safety

Be careful when handling hot consumables (risk

of burning or scalding).

6 2 800 970.00 en


Assembling working equipment - safety instructions

Personnel Tools and auxiliaries

Assembly work may be carried out Tools, hoists, slings, chocks and
only by operating or maintenance other devices must be in a reliable,
personnel who have the necessary safe state.
know-how at their disposal. Metal splinters may cause injury
The operating manual, and in par- when accessory bolts are being
ticular the section headed "Funda- driven in or out. A brass or copper
mental Safety Instructions", must mandrel should therefore be used
have been read and understood. for this purpose, and goggles must
Only such persons may start up be worn.
the machine during assembly work Use steps and handrails when
in order to adjust the attachments. climbing onto or off the machine.
Incorrect operation of the machine Always keep steps and platforms
or the attachments may give rise to in a non-slip state. Remove any oil,
life-threatening situations. grease, earth, clay, snow, ice and
other foreign matter immediately.

Personal protective gear and

working clothing Securing working equipment
Stand working equipment on the
Wear closely fitting working cloth-
ground in such a way that no
ing when working on the machine.
movements can be made if me-
Loose, wide garments may catch
chanical or hydraulic connections
on machine parts and result in in-
become detached.
When working in jointed areas,
Wear a safety helmet, safety foot-
block off the joints. Remove the
wear and gloves.
blocks on finishing work.
Secure any equipment or compo-
nent which is to be mounted or
dismantled, or whose position is to
be changed, with hoists or appro-
priate slinging/supporting devices
to prevent them from moving, slip-
ping or falling inadvertently.

2 800 970.00 en 7

Securing the machine

Carry out work on the attachment
only if the machine is secured as
decribed in the section "Securing
the Machine".

Selecting the attachments

The machine can be equipped with
various attachments. The compo-
nents of the attachments are as-
sembled with hydraulic cylinders
and connectors. Components can
be combined in various ways for
optimum adaptation of the attach-
ments to the specific application.
Operate the machine only with the
equipment and component combi-
nations expressly approved.
Cf. the "Technical Data" section.

8 2 800 970.00 en

Repair work - safety instructions 2800608

Operating instructions Prestressed units

Never carry out repair work without Never open defective prestressed
having read and understood the units but replace them as an en-
operating instructions. tirety.
Pay special attention to: In exceptional cases, open only
when the system and the operating
"Fundamental Safety Instructions",
sequence are precisely known and
"Inspection and servicing - safety
any special tools required are
instructions" and all warnings and
safety instructions attached to the
machine. The operating manual contains no
information on this point.
The descriptions of job sequences
provide only experienced person-
nel with the necessary instructions. Dismantling components
The operating manual must be kept
Never dismantle while the machine
with the machine at all times.
is at operating temperature.
Oils, greases, brake fluid or cool-
ants may have a high temperature
Repair personnel and result in burning or scalding.

Repair personnel must have know- Leave time for the machine to cool
how and experience relevant to re- down.
pairing this or comparable ma- Before starting work, depressurize
chines. piping and hoses, cylinders, radia-
In the absence of such know-how, tor, hydraulic tank, air-brake reser-
meticulous training must be given voir and other systems or units.
by experienced repair personnel. Replace defective components in
good time to prevent major da-
Clean the defective component
Working at greater heights carefully before dismantling it.
Always wear safety harnesses Mark the dismantled parts in the
when working at greater heights. correct sequence to facilitate as-
Wear an approved safety harness; sembly.
it must be equipped with stabilizers When dismantling the component,
and safety cables. close off exposed hose and piping
connections, exposed drill holes
and housing carefully to prevent
any dust from penetrating.
Blocking the articulated joint
When carrying out repair work in
the pivoting range, block the articu- Never remove lead seals
lated joint. Remove the block on
completing work. Never change the rated pressure of
pressure relief.
Never remove lead seals from pres-
sure relief valves and accumula-

2 800 970.00 en 9

After the repair work

To prevent corrosion, coat all
bright metal machine parts with a
grease film.
On completing the work, reassem-
ble all protective devices, covers,
and sound- and vibration-insulation
Never start up the driving motor
while work is being done on the
Check the repaired components
and all machine functions with a
trial run.
Never release the machine for re-
commissioning until it is fully func-

10 2 800 970.00 en


Depending upon the purpose for which they are Conditions and deviations in the
intended, a distinction is made between lines for line system
The efficiency of a hydraulic system and the an-
hydraulic oil ticipated permanent operating temperature of the
brake fluid pressure fluid during continuous operation depend
compressed air upon the line dimensions, the way the line is
fuel routed and the arrangement of bends and con-
cooling water nection points in the system.
combustion air
engine exhausts Any change of direction or cross section in a line
lubricating oil or hose alters the flow resistance, and can there-
grease fore lead to eddy formation and pressure losses
in the system. Every effort is therefore made to
keep line and hose systems as simple and clearly
Materials for pipes and hoses arranged as possible, with a minimum of coupl-
The material used (copper, steel or plastic pipe, ings.
armoured rubber or plastic hoses) is chosen ac-
The line system is, moreover, arranged in such a
cording to the structural and operational condi-
way that any components which require setting,
tions intended, as well as with regard to easy
servicing or regular changing, e.g. valves, pres-
installation in order to keep assembly and servic-
sure gauges, breathers and filters, are easily ac-
ing costs to a minimum.
Pressure, return and intake lines in hydraulic sys-
tems are generally made up using seamless pre-
cision steel pipe according to DIN 2391 (annealed
and scale-free).

Pressure hoses are generally made of oil-resis-

tant, synthetic rubber.

Some types of hose have a steel wire spiral

between the textile braiding in order to improve
strength and bending resistance.

They are also often used as intake hoses in

systems in which the pressure within the hose is
lower than atmospheric pressure.

Depending upon the pressure range to which

they are to be subjected, high-pressure hoses
have a number of tear-resistant textile braid in-
lays to absorb bursting, tensional and pressure
forces. Extra high-pressure hoses have, additional
steel wire inlays vulcanised into their covering
Practically all types of hose have an external
covering of oil-resistant, synthetic rubber which
makes them especially wear-resistant.

2 800 970.00 en 11

Steel pipes
Pressure, return and intake lines are practically
always made up of precision steel pipe according
to DIN 2391 - annealed and scale-free.

Cold bending:

When cold bending with mechanical bending ma-

chines, or when using spindles for manual bend-
ing, certain minimum dimensions are to be ob-
served. These minimum dimensions are given in
Table 1 and illustrated in Figs. 1 - 3.

All dimensions in mm.

Fig. 2
The maximum permissible bending angle is 180

Fig. 3
Fig. 1

Pipe Wall Bending radius r I min A min A1 min Minimum length e for
outside thickness couplings1)
s LL L S

10 1.5 30 70 130 135 25 32 35

12 2.0 37,5 70 145 135 26 32 36
14 2.0 45 70 160 135 -- -- 40
15 1.5 45 70 160 135 30 35 --
16 2.0 45 70 160 135 -- -- 42
18 1.5 50 70 170 135 32 36 --
20 2.0 60 75 195 135 -- -- 48
22 2.0 85 75 245 135 33 41 --
25 3.0 90 85 265 135 -- -- 53
30 3.5 100 95 295 135 -- -- 59
35 2.0 125 115 365 135 -- 48 --
38 4.0 120 115 355 135 -- -- 65
42 2.0 100 130 330 135 -- -- --
50 2.0 150 155 455 135 -- -- --
50 6.0 160 155 475 135 -- -- --

Table 1: Minimum dimensions for pipe bends LL = extra light; L = light; S = heavy duty

12 2 800 970.00 en

Cutting pipes:

Pipes are always to be cut at right angles to their After cutting, deburr the pipe inside and out
longitudinal axes (Figs. 4 & 5). A pipe cutting (Figs. 6 and 7).
clamp, as shown in Fig. 3 (P/N 73171493) facili-
tates the cutting of pipes at right angles. Any metal particles inside the pipe
must be removed.
Pipe cutters are not to be used on account of the
cold deformation of the pipe which occurs.

Fig. 6
Fig. 4

Fig. 7
Fig. 5

2 800 970.00 en 13

Hoses must be carefully chosen for the applica-
tion to which they are to be put. Operating pres-
sure, pressure peaks, fluid temperature, hose
length, bend angles and radii must be taken into
consideration. The hoses must be resistant to
mineral oil, water and their emulsions, as well as
to gas and air bubbles. Only the manufacturer of
a machine is able to determine such demands
exactly, e.g. as are made upon EHP hoses in a
hydraulic system.

Hoses are delivered ready to be installed. They

may have screw couplings (Fig. 1)
Fig. 3

Hoses may alter their length slightly when sub-

jected to high pressure. Permissible tolerances
range from -4 % to +2 %, based on nominal

Examples for fitting hoses

Hoses must be installed free of tension and

kinks. Damage can otherwise occur to the hose
itself and to its end couplings. What is more, the
restoring torque of a hose installed incorrectly can
lead to the coupling loosening and leaking.

Fig. 1 Hoses installed in a straight line with both coupl-

ings lying at the same level must be allowed to
or SAE flange fittings (Fig. 2) at each end, "sag" slightly. Only then is it possible for fluc-
tuations in length - due to pressure and tempera-
ture deviation - to be taken up by the hose itself.

Fig. 4 shows examples of correct hose installa-


Fig. 2

or may have one screw coupling and one SAE

flange fitting (Fig. 3).

Fig. 4

14 2 800 970.00 en

Fig. 5 shows mistakes to be avoided. Fig. 6 shows examples of good installation of

Hoses subjected to alternating bending stress
during operation must be installed in such a way
that high stressing does not occur on couplings
or to the hoses themselves. The following must
therefore be considered:

Fig. 6

Fig. 7 shows mistakes which must be avoided.

Fig. 5

the hose bend radius must be large enough

sufficient hose material must be available to

take up the motion

suitable couplings, e.g. angle couplings, must

be used when sharp bends are required in the
hose routing

Fig. 7

2 800 970.00 en 15

Plastic pipes Cutting and installing

Pipelines for compressed air, e.g. in brake sys- When installing new pipes, make sure that the
tems, are often made up of plastic pipe sections. cut edge is at right angles to the pipes longitudi-
nal axis. If a pipe cutter is not available, a sharp
Such plastic pipes can be used within the tem- knife can be used to cut the plastic pipes.
perature range of -140F to +212F. Make sure that cut ends are de-burred before
During repair work, make sure that the pipes are installation.
not exposed to excessive temperatures which
might cause damage. When welding, the pipes Installation
are to be covered over to protect them against
sparks, flames, welding spatter and welding slag. First push the union nut (1, Fig. 1) and then the
If extensive work is to be carried out, the plastic clamping ring (2) onto the pipe. The shallow taper
pipes should be removed beforehand. (3) of the clamping ring must be towards the end
of the pipe. Push insert sleeve (4) fully into the
Damaged plastic pipes must be pipe until edge (5) aligns with pipe end.
changed - even if they have only
been slightly penetrated by welding
Plastic pipes must not be installed
near exhaust pipes or other sour-
ces of heat.

Bending and straightening

During fitting, plastic pipes can be bent for in-

stallation at ambient temperatures of at least
+ 68F.

As plastic pipes are not permanently deformed Fig. 1

during bending, and return to their original shape
when released, they must be clamped in the Push end of pipe, with insert
required position. sleeve, fully into the coupling until
Plastic pipes can be straightened again by being it is up against end stop (6).
immersed in hot water (at least 158F). They then
return automatically to their original, linear shape.
Push clamping ring (2) into the coupling and tight-
en union nut (1) by hand. To avoid damaging the
pipe, never tighten the union nut too hard. 1.5 to
1.75 turns are sufficient to tighten up the nut.
After tightening, edge (7) of union nut must reach
approximately to the thread run-out (8) of the
coupling piece.

16 2 800 970.00 en

Pipe and hose connections must meet the follow-
ing requirements:

They must be able to be disconnected and

reconnected numerous times.

They must not leak whatever the operating


The through-flow cross sections must be as

near as possible to that of the respective pipe
or hose line.

The strength of the connection must, on ac-

count of possible pressure peaks and vibra- Fig. 2
tions, be at least as high as that of the pipe it

Connections on machines:

1. Pipe couplings

2. Bulkhead couplings

3. Stud couplings and male nipples

4. Swivel couplings

5. Flange connections

Fig. 3

Pipe couplings
The best-known of the detachable pipe couplings
are those which make use of cutting rings. These
are supplied as:

straight couplings (Fig. 1),

angle couplings (Fig. 2),

"T" couplings (Fig. 3) and

"X" or cross couplings (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

DIN 2353 gives a summary of the shapes and

dimensions of such couplings.
Besides different shapes, the couplings are also
manufactured in three pressure categories, name-

Series LL = extra light duty

Series L = light duty
Series S = heavy duty

Fig. 1

2 800 970.00 en 17

The individual components of a cutting ring cou- The wedging of the cutting ring between pipe wall
pling (Figs. 1 - 7) are: and inner cone prevents the cutting ring from
being pushed too far into the pipe wall and possi-
1 - Coupling body bly breaking off the end of the pipe. At the other
2 - Cutting ring (DIN 3861) end, underneath the nut, the pipe is wedged firm-
3 - Union nut (DIN 3871) ly in the cylindrical bore of the cutting ring. This
provides additional strength and relieves the cut
Function area of dynamic stress.

Fig. 5 shows a pipe connection prior to the union Fig. 6 shows the completed connection with the
nut being tightened. When the nut (3) is tight- union nut tightened.
ened, the pre-formed, hardened cutting ring (2) is
pushed into the internal cone of the coupling
body (1) and thereby cuts its way into the pipe, at
the same time throwing up a ridge of cut material.
The pipe is held firmly against the end shoulder
of the coupling body and cannot therefore move
while cutting is taking place.

Fig. 6

DIN 3861 does not specify a particular shape of

cutting edge for cutting rings. This is left open to
the manufacturer. Minor fluctuations are therefore

Fig. 5 Cutting ring and coupling body

should always be of the same
It is absolutely essential that the pipe lie firmly make.
against this shoulder in the coupling - cutting
cannot otherwise take place.
A cutting ring coupling can be disconnected and
re-connected several times.

18 2 800 970.00 en

Fitting instructions

Pipe couplings with large diameters should be

assembled in a vice if possible. A wrench with a
grip approximately 15 times longer than the jaw
width should be used.

1. Cut pipe end at right angles and de-burr - see

section "Steel pipes"

2. Lightly oil (do not grease):

thread and internal cone (Figs. 1 + 2)
cutting ring all round (Fig. 3)
inside of union nut (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4

3. First push union nut and then cutting ring onto

the pipe (Fig. 5).
The thicker shoulder of the cutting ring must
point towards the union nut (Fig. 6).

Fig. 1

Fig. 5

Fig. 2

Fig. 6

Fig. 3

2 800 970.00 en 19
4. Push pipe into inner cone of coupling body Fig. 10 shows the coupling before tightening the
until it lies up against shoulder end stop union nut:
(Fig. 7). 1 - Coupling body
2 - Cutting ring
3 - Union nut
4 - Pipe
A - End stop in inner cone
B - Inner cone

Fig. 7

5. Tighten union nut by hand until resistance is

noticed (Fig. 8). The cutting ring must come
firmly into its position between union nut and
inner cone of the coupling body.
Fig. 10

7. Tighten union nut with a wrench / spanner

(Fig. 11).
Pipe outside diameter up to 18 mm: 1 turn
Pipe outside diameter over 20 mm: 1 turn
The edge of the cutting ring thereby cuts into
the pipe wall and throws up a visible ridge of
cut material.

Fig. 8

6. Make chalk marks on union nut and pipe

(Fig. 1) so that assembly can be checked
more easily.

Fig. 11

Fig. 9

20 2 800 970.00 en

Fig. 12 shows the coupling after tightening the

union nut.

Fig. 14

Fig. 12 9. Assemble the coupling again. Tighten union

nut until resistance is noticed and then a fur-
8. Loosen union nut and check the cut of the ther 1/6 of a turn (Fig. 14).
cutting ring (Fig. 13).
The ridge of material thrown up should cover
70 - 80 % of the cutting ring front edge. If this Sealing pipe couplings
is not the case, tighten the union nut further.
It does not matter if the ring can be rotated on If properly assembled, a leaking coupling can
the pipe. usually be sealed again by tightening the union
nut by approx. 1/2 a turn further. If the leak
cannot be stopped in this way, open up the cou-
pling and check that the pipes are aligned, check
whether couplings or pipes are distorted, scored
or cracked, check whether the connecting surface
of the other component is in order, check whether
any seal element is in order.

If it is still not possible to stop the leakage, then

the whole coupling is to be changed.

Fig. 13

2 800 970.00 en 21

Bulkhead couplings Stud couplings and male nipples

Male thread and seals
Straight bulkhead couplings (Fig. 1), angled bulk-
head couplings (Fig. 2) and welded bulkhead Whitworth pipe thread (cylindrical) DIN 259
couplings (Fig. 3) are used when lines are to be
routed through the walls of structural components. Metric ISO thread (cylindrical) DIN 13
The couplings are secured to the structural com-
Cylindrical male threads are generally sealed with
ponent by tightening the nuts 5 (Figs. 1 and 2),
a sealing edge according to DIN 3852, Form B
or by welding into place.
(metal-to-metal, without seal disk). See Fig. 4.

Fig. 1
Fig. 4

In special cases, it is advantageous to seal the

male thread with a soft seal (Fig. 5).

Fig. 2

Fig. 5

Fig. 3

The assembly of connecting lines (pipes, cutting

rings, union nuts) is as described under "Pipe

22 2 800 970.00 en

Male nipples with metric or Imperial (inch) threads Stircomatic seal rings
require a recess to accommodate the O-ring to
seal the nipple (Fig. 6). Stircomatic seal rings have been developed for
control units, port plates, valves, threaded flanges
and other connecting elements. They can be
used with hydraulic oil, water and emulsions.

Fig. 1 shows the shape and construction of a

Stircomatic seal ring:
1 - Cutting edge
2 - Textile inlay
3 - Rubber

Fig. 6

In hydraulic systems, straight male nipples with

sealing rings are often used. The ring is then
rectangular in cross section (Stircomatic ring) or
round (O-ring). Fig. 7 shows:
1 - Straight male nipple
2 - Stircomatic or O-ring
3 - Component to be sealed

If leakages occur, the nipple (1) should first be Fig. 1

tightened up. If no improvement is reached, the
seal ring must be changed. Stircomatic seal rings have long-term pressure
stability and high resistance to deformation.

O-rings previously used at such points can be

replaced by Stircomatic rings.

Fig. 7

2 800 970.00 en 23

Swivel couplings
Swivel couplings Swivel coupling with long male adaptor
(Fig. 2)
Application: in hydraulics for pipes with 25, 30
and 38 mm outside diameter The swivel coupling positioned on the adaptor (6,
Fig. 2) is made up of the same components as
Swivel coupling with straight male stated under "Swivel coupling with straight male
thread acc. to DIN (Fig. 1) thread acc. to DIN".

Components: Any leakages are to be remedied in the same

1 - Coupling body manner as given under "Swivel coupling with
2 - Union nut straight male thread acc. to DIN". The coupling is
3 - Cutting and wedging ring sealed in area "C" with a steel sealing ring (9).
4 - Union nut
5 - O-ring If sealing ring or male adaptor are damaged, they
6 - Straight male thread acc. to DIN are to be replaced.
7 - Component to be sealed
8 - Retaining ring body/nut

Leakages can be remedied as follows:

In area A; sealed with cutting and wedging ring
as described under "Sealing pipe coupl-

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

In area B; sealed with O-ring

tighten up by hand - otherwise change

in area C; sealed with sealing edge

tighten male nipple. Should this not
help, check sealing surface of main
component for pitting, grooving or
scoring - rework with a spot facer if
necessary. Male nipple to be changed
if sealing edge is damaged.

24 2 800 970.00 en

Fixed angle couplings (Fig. 1) Banjo couplings

Application: in hydraulics for pipes with outside Application : in hydraulics for pipes with outside
diameters from 6 to 22 mm diameters of 16 - 38 mm

Components: Banjo coupling (Fig. 2)

1 - Coupling body
2 - Union nut The banjo coupling comprises:
3 - Cutting and wedging ring 1 - Body
4 - Straight male nipple 2 - Hollow screw
5 - Component to be sealed 3 - Sealing ring
4 - Union nut
5 - Cutting and wedging ring
6 - Sealing ring
7 - Connecting surface

The banjo coupling is sealed by the cutting edges

of the sealing rings (3 and 6, Fig. 2). Leakages
can be remedied by tightening up the hollow
screw (2, Fig. 2) on its hex. head, or by following
the steps stated under "Swivel couplings".

Fig. 1

Leakages can be remedied as follows:

In area A; sealed with cutting and wedging ring

as described under "sealing pipe

In area C; sealed with sealing edge

tighten male nipple. Should this not Fig. 2
help, check sealing surface of main
component for pitting, grooving or When tightening the hollow screw, make sure that
scoring - rework with a spot facer if body (1) is at right angles to connecting surface
necessary. Male nipple to be changed (7) or nipple (8, Fig. 3), as the sealing rings (3)
if sealing edge is damaged. and (6) cannot otherwise fulfil their function. The
connecting surface must be clean, even and at
right angles to the threaded port for the hollow
screw. Before tightening the hollow screw (2), it is
advisable to loosen the union nut (4) slightly so
that no stress forces are transferred through body
(1) into the connected pipe.

On the pipe side, the coupling is sealed with the

cutting and wedging ring (5). Measures to remedy
leakages have already been described.

2 800 970.00 en 25

Banjo coupling with long male adaptor

(Fig. 3)

The banjo coupling screwed into the adaptor

(8, Fig. 3) comprises the same components as
described under "Banjo coupling".

Leakages in area A can be remedied by tighten-

ing the adaptor (8) or by undertaking measures
as described under "Swivel coupling". Loosen
hollow screw (2) and union nut (4) slightly before
tightening up the adaptor.

Fig. 3

26 2 800 970.00 en


Flanged pipe couplings - Flanit system Flanged pipe couplings - Zako system
(F-system) (Z-system)
These couplings are for pipes between 25 x 3 These couplings are used for pipes 50 x 6
and 50 x 2. (1", 6000 psi).

Fig. 1 shows the components of the F-system; Fig. 1 shows the components of the Z-system;
Fig. 2 a finished coupling. The components are: Fig. 2 a finished coupling. The components are:
1 - Connection surface 1 - Connection surface
2 - Seal ring 2 - Seal ring
3 - F-ring (wedge ring) 3 - Z-ring (wedge ring)
4 - Flange 4 - Flange
5 - Double-hex bolt 5 - Double-hex bolt
6 - Pipe 6 - Pipe

In the F-system, the wedge ring (F-ring) is push-

ed onto the pipe

The secure connection of wedge ring and pipe is

achieved by tightening the double-hex bolts. A
pre-assembly device is not needed.

Gap dimension "L" is used to check whether the

connection has been correctly established.

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 2

2 800 970.00 en 27

In the Z-system, the wedge ring (Z-ring) is Flanged hose couplings

pressed into the pipe with a hydraulic tool. This
causes the pipe to be stretched. The high surface Hydraulic hoses are supplied with ready-assem-
pressure in the stretched area guarantees opti- bled SAE coupling fittings. These always have a
mum sealing of the joint. Further advantages are: seal ring groove.

high resistance to pressure peaks and vibration The fitting is connected to the counter-component
using two flange halves.
maximum safety against pipe tearing out - the
pipe being firmly held between ring and flange Fig. 3 shows:
simple final assembly 1 - Connection surface
Z-rings can be re-used 2 - Seal ring
5 - Double-hex bolt
9 - Flange halves (2 in all)
10 - Hyd. hose with SAE flange fitting

Fig. 3

28 2 800 970.00 en

Sealing and connecting components

In the case of flanged pipe couplings, one-part Used Z-rings can be removed from their pipe
flanges are used. Flanges of the same size, but seating and fitted to another pipe section. During
different systems (Flanit/Zako) differ mainly in the this repeated assembly, attention must be given
contour of the middle bore. that the cutting edges of the Z-ring are free of
metal chippings.
Flanged hose couplings are assembled with two-
part flanges. These are referred to as flange F-rings cannot be re-used.
Seal rings
The flanges can be used several times.
The seal rings are one-part plastic rings (Fig. 2).
Wedge rings They can be used several times and can be
installed in all connections previously sealed with
Wedge rings for flanged pipe couplings are avail- the old type of 2-part seal ring.
able in two designs.
Table 1 (Appendix) lists all of the available sizes,
Fig. 1 (F-system, for example) together with their appropriate Part Nos.
3 - Wedge ring with seal ring groove
7 - Wedge ring without seal ring groove

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

When making pipe/pipe connections with either

the new F-system or the Z-system, a wedge ring
with seal ring groove must always be mated op-
posite a wedge ring without a seal ring groove .

In the original F-system, nearly all connections

were made up of two wedge rings with grooves.
In such installations, a centre disk (see Section
"Centre disks") is necessary. Such a centre disk
is also to be used with other systems in excep-
tional cases in which two wedge rings with
grooves need to be mated together.

Direct assembly of two wedge ONLY rings with

seal ring grooves is permitted in cases of emer-
gency as a permanent seal cannot be achieved.

2 800 970.00 en 29

Double-hex bolts (Fig. 3)

When limited space is available, and therefore Double-hex bolts bring the following advantages:
whenever SAE flange couplings are being used,
- high rust resistance - bolts are galvanized
double-hexagon bolts are used. They have metric
threads (DIN 13), material quality 10.9 (DIN 267) - small wrench sizes, e.g. M 10 requires only
and surface protection A3B (DIN 267). wrench size 11 (the same size of hex. bolt
requires size 17)
- tidy, positive tightening using standard ring
spanners and socket spanners
- no danger of head becoming clogged, as with
hexagon sockets
- easier positioning of wrench, due to twelve-
sided head

Sizes of bolts available can be found in Table 2


Fig. 3

30 2 800 970.00 en

Assembly aids for wedge rings

Pre-assembly device for F-rings Inserter for Z-rings
In series assembly, the F-ring should be fitted to Following tools are required (Fig. 2)
the pipe with a pre-assembly device. The relevant
operating instructions are therefore to be ob- 8 - Electro-hydraulic control unit (450 bar)
served. with hoses
9 - Assembly cylinder
Final assembly is direct on the respective ma- 10 - Jaws for pipe 50 x 6
chine component, as with manual assembly.
A manual pump can also be used instead of the
Fig. 1 shows a pre-assembly device, whereby: electro-hydraulic unit (8).

1 - Counter ring Detailed description - see Appendix.

2 - Assembly cone
3 - F-ring (wedge ring)
4 - Flange
6 - Pipe

Detailed description - see Appendix.

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

2 800 970.00 en 31

Inserting the Z-ring

Working procedures are illustrated in Figs. 3 - 6: 5. Lay jaws (10) around pipe (6) and push into
yoke cone of cylinder (9).
1. Pipe prepared for installation (see "Steel
The straight pipe end must be at least
135 mm long before any bend occurs (Fig. 3).

Fig. 5

6. Push Z-ring hydraulically into pipe until shoul-

der of ring lies up against end of pipe (Fig. 6).
Inserting the ring stretches the pipe, whereby
Fig. 3
the circular cutting edges of the Z-ring cut into
2. Oil Z-ring (3) and inner contour of flange (4) the pipe wall.
A gap of 1 mm is permissible between ring
3. Push flange (4) onto pipe (5)
shoulder and the end of the pipe (max. gap).
4. Insert Z-ring (3, Fig. 4) and push, together
with pipe (6, Fig. 5), against pressure plate of
cylinder (9)

Fig. 6

Fig. 4

32 2 800 970.00 en

Assembling flange couplings

The descriptions cover the following flange coupl- Assembly:
1. Pipe preparation
1 - Pipe / connection surface Saw the pipe off at right-angles (do not use
2 - Hose / connection surface pipe cutters). De-burr pipe inside and out.
3 - Pipe / hose
4 - Hose / hose 2. Oil threads of double-hex bolts (5) and inside
5 - Pipe / pipe contour of flange (4) to reduce assembly
Flange coupling - pipe / connection 3. Push flange (4) and wedge ring (3) onto pipe
surface, F-system (6). If wedge ring has a seal groove, fit seal
Figs. 1 & 2 show:
Do NOT grease ring or groove.
1 - Connection surface
2 - Seal ring Push pipe (6) against shoulder of
3 - F-ring (wedge ring) wedge ring (3) and then push
4 - Flange flange (4), with wedge ring, against
5 - Double-hex bolt connection surface (1). Insert dou-
6 - Pipe ble-hex bolts (5) and tighten as far
as possible by hand.
Pipe (6) must be free of tension
and at right-angles to surface (1).

4. Tighten double-hex bolts (5) diagonally in

stages of max. 1/2 turn each time.
The coupling is correctly assembled when the
gap between parallel faces of connection sur-
face and flange edge is 2-0.5 mm (Fig. 3) (gap
for first installation/assembly).

Fig. 1

Fig. 3

Fig. 2

2 800 970.00 en 33
Leakage between wedge ring and pipe (oil
leaks between flange and pipe)
- Check that gap is parallel and smaller than
2 mm. Re-tighten otherwise.
- If above measure does not help, tighten bolts
by one stage, i.e. reduce existing gap by
0.2 mm. If leakage is only reduced, tighten
up a further stage.
- If coupling still leaks, change pipe, wedge
ring and seal ring (gap as for first assembly:
2-0.5 mm). If gap is smaller than 0.3 mm,
replace flange too.

Fig. 4

Figs. 5 & 6 show:

Check the gap at at least 3 separate points (see
arrows). Difference must not be greater than
1 - Connection surface
0.3 mm.
2 - Sealring
Repeated assembly: 3 - Z-ring (wedge ring)
4 - Flange
When a coupling is assembled a second (or fur- 5 - Double-hex bolt
ther) time, the gap must be at least 0.2 mm 6 - Pipe
smaller than the previous one.
Gaps must therefore be measured before coupl-
1. Pipe prepared for assembly (see "Inserting
ings are loosened.
the Z-ring")
A subsequent assembly or installation is not per- 2. Place seal ring (2) into Z-ring
mitted when the gap is smaller than 0.3 mm
3. Press pipe (6), with Z-ring (3), against the
In case of leakage: connection surface.
Leakage on seal ring (oil leaks between con-
Pipe (6) must be free of tension
nection surface and flange)
and at right-angles to surface (1).
- Check that gap is parallel and smaller than
2 mm. Re-tighten otherwise.
- If above measure does not help, check seal 4. Push flange (4), with bolts (5), against sur-
ring and connection surface. If necessary, face. Tighten up bolts as far as possible by
change seal ring. Re-assemble coupling. hand.
- If coupling still leaks, change pipe, wedge
Flange (4) must be at right-angles
ring and seal ring (gap as for first assembly:
to pipe axis and parallel to the con-
2-0.5 mm). If gap is smaller than 0.3 mm,
nection surface. Permissible de-
replace flange too.
viation from parallel: max. 0.3 mm
Check visually.

5. Tighten bolts (5) diagonally and evenly.

Tightening torque: 250 Nm (185 lbft) (final
It is not necessary to check gap dimension.

34 2 800 970.00 en

In case of leakage:

Tighten up bolts (5) evenly. Torque = 250 Nm

(185 lbft). Otherwise change seal ring (2).

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

2 800 970.00 en 35

Flange coupling hose / connection In case of leakage:

surface Tighten up bolts (5) to prescribed torque. Other-
Fig. 1 shows: wise change seal ring (2).

1 - Connection surface Flange coupling - pipe / hose

2 - Seal ring
5 - Double-hex bolt
9 - Flange half Fig. 1 shows:
10 - Hyd. hose with SAE flange fitting
2 - Seal ring
4 - Flange (one-part)
1. Fit seal ring (2) into seal ring groove (see 5 - Double-hex bolt
"Seal rings") 6 - Pipe
7 - F-ring (wedge ring) without seal ring
2. Push hose (10) up against connection sur- groove1)
face. Face of fitting must make contact over 9 - Flange half
whole circumference. 10 - Hydraulic hose with SAE flange fitting
11 - Hex. nut
3. Fit the two flange halves (9) one after the
other. Screw in bolts (5) as far as possible by 1)
If F-ring has a seal ring groove (3, Fig. 3), a
hand. centre disk (8) and a second seal ring (2) must
4. Tighten up bolts (5) diagonally to the torques be used.
specified. The required torques (final torques)
can be found in Table 2.

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

Table 2: Tightening torques for double-hex bolts

Thread Wrench size Tightening

Nm (lbft)

M 10 11 60 (44)

M 12 13 100 (74)

M 14 15 160 (118)
Fig. 3
M 16 19 250 (185)

It is not necessary to check the gap dimension.

36 2 800 970.00 en


1. Prepare pipe for assembly.

2. Oil bolts (5, Fig. 2) and inner contour of

flange (4).

3. Push F-ring (7) and flange (4) onto pipe.

4. Place seal ring (2) into groove. If necessary,

fit a second seal ring (2) and centre disk (8).

5. Push hydraulic hose (10) up against pipe (6)

with F-ring (7) and fit the two flange halves
(9) into position.

6. Insert bolts (5), fit nuts (11) and tighten up Fig. 4

bolts as far as possible by hand.
Flanges (4, 9) must be at right an-
gles to pipe or hose axes, and 1. Prepare pipe for assembly (see " Inserting the
must be parallel to one another. Z-ring")
Permissible deviation from parallel
2. Oil bolts (5) and inner contour of flange (4)
= 0.3 mm.
Check visually. 3. Fit seal ring (2) into seal groove

4. Press hydraulic hose (10) up against pipe (6)

7. Tighten bolts (5) diagonally and evenly to pre- with Z-ring (7) and fit both flange halves (9).
scribed torque. The tightening torques re-
5. Fit bolts (5), add nuts (11) and tighten bolts
quired can be found in Table 2 (final torques).
as far as possible by hand.
It is not necessary to check the gap dimen-
Flanges (4 + 9) must be at right
In case of leakage: angles to the pipe or hose axes.
Permissible deviation from parallel
Tighten up bolts (5) to prescribed torque. = 0.3 mm.
Otherwise change seal ring (2). Check visually.
6. Tighten bolts (5) evenly and diagonally. Tight-
Fig. 4 shows: ening torque = 250 Nm (185 lbft) (final torque)
It is not necessary to check the gap dimen-
2 - Seal ring sion.
4 - Flange (one-part)
5 - Double-hex bolt
6 - Pipe
7 - Z-ring (wedge ring) without seal groove
9 - Flange half
10 - Hydraulic hose with SAE flange fitting
11 - Hex. nut

2 800 970.00 en 37

In case of leakage:

Tighten up bolts (5) to prescribed torque. Other-

wise renew seal ring (2).

Fig. 5 Fig. 6

4. Tighten bolts (5) diagonally and evenly to rel-

Flange coupling - hose / hose
evant torque. The required torques (final tor-
Fig. 1 shows: ques) can be found in Table 3 below.

1 - Seal ring
Table 3: Tightening torques for double-hex bolts
2 - Double-hex bolt
3 - Centre disk Thread Wrench size Tightening
9 - Flange half torque
10 - Hydraulic hose with SAE flange fitting Nm (lbft)
11 - Hex. nut
M 10 11 60 (44)
M 12 13 100 (74)
1. Fit seal rings (2)

2. Oil bolts (5) M 14 15 160 (118)

3. Press the hose ends, with fittings, against one M 16 17 250 (185)
another, fit the flange halves (9), position the
bolts (5), add nuts (11) and tighten bolts as
It is not necessary to check the gap dimension.
far as possible by hand.
In case of leakage:
Flanges (9) must be at right angles
to the axis. Their faces must be Tighten bolts (5) to the prescribed torque. Other-
parallel. wise renew seal ring (2).
Check visually.

38 2 800 970.00 en

Flange coupling - pipe / pipe 4. Push pipes (6) against shoulders of F-rings (3
& 7). F-rings must lie firmly against one an-
F-system other and must be seated securely in the
flanges (4).
Figs. 1 and 2 show:
5. Insert bolts (5) and tighten as far as possible
2 - Seal ring by hand.
3 - F-ring (wedge ring) with seal ring groove
4 - Flange(one-part)
5 - Double-hex bolt
6 - Pipe
7 - F-ring (wedge ring) without seal ring
11 - Hex. nut
If the second F-ring also has a seal ring
groove (3, Fig. 3), a centre disk (8) and a
second seal ring (2) must be used.

Fig. 3

Flanges (4) must be at right angles

to the pipe axes and parallel to one
Tighten double-hex bolts (5) diag-
onally in stages of max. 1/2 a turn

The coupling has been assembled correctly when

Fig. 1 the gap between the parallel faces of the flanges
is 4-1 mm (gap for first assembly).

Exception: If a centre disk (8) is being used, the

gap dimension increases by the thick-
ness of the relevant disk.

Check gap at least three separate points (see

arrows, Fig. 4). The difference must not be great-
er than 0.3 mm.

Fig. 2


1. Prepare pipe for assembly.

2. Oil bolts (5) and inner contours of flanges (4).

3. Push flanges (4) and F-rings (3 & 7) onto

pipes. Place seal ring (2) into groove. If nec-
essary, fit a second seal ring (2) and centre Fig. 4
disk (8).

2 800 970.00 en 39

Z-system Assembly:

Figs. 5 and 6 show: 1. Prepare pipe for assembly (see "Inserting the
2 - Seal ring
2. Oil bolts (5) and inner contour of flanges (4)
3 - Z-ring (wedge ring) with seal groove
4 - Flange (one-part) 3. Fit seal ring (2) into seal ring groove. Press
5 - Double-hex bolt both pipes (6), with flanges (4), against each
6 - Pipe other. Fit bolts (5), position nuts (11) and
7 - Z-ring (wedge ring) without seal groove tighten up bolts as far as possible by hand.
11 - Hex. nut
Flanges (4) must be at right angles
to the pipe axes.
Permissible deviation from parallel
= 0.3 mm
Check visually.

4. Tighten bolts (5) diagonally and evenly. Tight-

ening torque = 250 Nm (185 lbft) (final
torque). It is not necessary to check the gap

In case of leakage:

Tighten up bolts (5) evenly to prescribed torque.

Fig. 5 Otherwise change seal ring (2).

Fig. 6

40 2 800 970.00 en


Table 1: Seal rings for flange couplings

Size DN a b+0.4 c+0.1 Parts No.

/2 " 13 25.4+0.1 4 2.8 73170952

/4" 20 31.75+0.1 4 2.8 73170341

1" 25 39.6+0.1 4 2.8 73170327

1 1/4" 32 44.45+0.1 4 2.8 73170346

1 1/2 " 40 53.7+0.2 4 2.8 73170350

2" 50 63.3+0.2 4 2.8 73170468

(DN = nominal diameter; dimensions a, b, c - see Fig. 2, Page 27)

2 800 970.00 en 41

Table 2: Double - Hex. Bolts

d1 x l1 Part No. SW l1 l2 d2 h s Tightening torque

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Nm (lbft)

M 10 x 30 73170470 11 30 20 17 7 4

M 10 x 45 73171494 11 45 26 17 7 4

M 10 x 55 73171495 11 55 26 17 7 4 60 (44)

M 10 x 80 73171496 11 80 26 17 7 4

M 10 x 100 73171497 11 100 26 17 7 4

M 12 x 30 73170469 13 30 22 19 8 5

M 12 x 50 73171498 13 50 30 19 8 5

M 12 x 65 73171499 13 65 30 19 8 5 100 (74)

M 12 x 90 73171500 13 90 30 19 8 5

M 12 x 120 73171501 13 120 30 19 8 5

M 14 x 60 73171502 15 60 34 21 9 6

M 14 x 105 73171503 15 105 34 21 9 6 160 (118)

M 14 x 150 73170356 15 150 40 21 9 6

M 16 x 40 73171504 19 40 35 24 19 6

M 16 x 70 73171505 19 70 38 24 10 6

M 16 x 90 73171506 19 90 38 26 10 4 250 (185)

M 16 x 100 73171507 19 100 38 24 10 6

M 16 x 120 73170351 19 120 44 24 10 6

M 20 x 120 73171508 22 120 52 30 12 6 490 (362)

Strength class: 10.9, Surface protection : A3B

42 2 800 970.00 en

Pre-assembly aids for pipe flange couplings
1. Flanit system 2. Zako system

Following pre-assembly units can be used: Following pre-assembly units can be used:

Parts No. 73175994 Parts No. 73175996

electro-hydraulic unit, comprising electro-hydraulic unit, comprising

- control unit with foot switch - control unit with foot switch
- assembly cylinder - assembly cylinder
- connecting hose - connecting hose

Parts No. 73175995 Parts No. 73175997

manual hydraulic unit, comprising manual hydraulic unit, comprising

- hand pump - hand pump
- assembly cylinder - assembly cylinder
- connecting hose - connecting hose

In addition, the following pre-assembly jaw blocks In addition, a set of jaws for pipe 50 x 6, Parts
and counter-rings are also necessary. No. 73175998, is also required.

Pre-assembly jaw Counter-ring


Size Parts No. Pipe Parts No.

/4" 73175999 25 x 3 73176146
28 x 2 73176147

1" 73176000 30 x 3,5 73176148

1 1/4" 73176001 35 x 2 73176149

38 x 4 73176150

1 1/2 " 73176002 42 x 2 73176151

2" 73176003 50 x 2 73176152

2 800 970.00 en 43

90 flanges (Fig. 1) are used in cases in which
there is little or no room for a pipe or hose bend
(e.g. on hydraulic cylinders).

They are each provided with 4 through and 4

threaded holes, as well as with a seal ring groove
(seal ring - see Section "Flange coupling - pipe /
hose" ).

Parts Nos. for the various flange sizes, as well as

for the appropriate fixing bolts, can be taken from
Table 3 below.

Fig. 1

Table 3: Parts Nos. for 90 flanges

Size DN Pressure range Parts No. Parts No. Parts No.
(mm) (bar) (psi) 90-flange Double-hex bolt Hex. bolt
/4" 20 --- --- --- --- ---

420 6000 73175988 73171494 73175327

1" 25 210 3000 73175989 73171495 73175214

420 6000 73170357 73171498 73170360

1 1/4" 32 210 3000 73175990 73171495 73175987

420 6000 73171366 73171502 73171367

1 1/2 " 40 210 3000 73175991 73171439 73171187

420 6000 73175993 73171505 73175986

2" 50 210 3000 73175992 73171499 73171346

--- --- --- --- ---

44 2 800 970.00 en

Gauge connections
As it is often necessary, when checking over The gauge connections can be installed between
hydraulic systems, to undertake pressure mea- lines (pipes or hose) and relevant component
surements in large-diameter lines, special gauge (e.g. travel motor) - see Fig. 2. For this purpose,
connections (Fig. 1) have been developed. additional, longer double-hex bolts, as well as a
seal ring (see Section "Seal rings") are neces-
This type of connection allows manometers with sary.
mini measuring ports (M 14 x 1.5 - Parts No.
73715985) to be connected. Parts Nos. for such components can be found in
Table 4 below.

Fig. 1
Fig. 2

Table 4: Parts Nos. for gauge connections and accessories

Size DN Pressure range Parts No. Parts No. Parts No.
(mm) (bar) (psi) Gauge conn. Double-hex bolt Seal ring
/4" 20 210 3000 --- --- ---
420 6000 73175976 73171497 73170341

1" 25 210 3000 73175978 73171496 73170327

420 6000 73175979 73171494 73170327

1 1/4" 32 210 3000 73175980 73171496 73170346

420 6000 73175981 73171503 73170346

1 1/2 " 40 210 3000 73175982 73171500 73170350

420 6000 73175983 73170351 73170350

2" 50 210 3000 73175984 73171500 73170468

420 6000 --- --- ---

2 800 970.00 en 45
Notes 2800145

46 2 800 970.00 en
Flanged pipe couplings - Zako system (Z-
system) .............................................................. 27
Flanges .............................................................. 29
Accessories ........................................................ 43
Flanges-90 ........................................................ 44
Appendix ............................................................ 41
Assembling flange couplings .............................. 33

Assembling working equipment - safety G

instructions .......................................................... 7
Gas, dust, steam and smoke ................................ 5
Assembly aids for wedge rings .......................... 31
Gauge connections ............................................ 45

Banjo coupling .................................................... 25
Hoses ................................................................ 14
Banjo coupling with long male adaptor .............. 26
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment .................... 6
Banjo couplings .................................................. 25

Bulkhead couplings ............................................ 22

Inserter for Z-rings .............................................. 31
Inserting the Z-ring ............................................ 32
Conditions and deviations in the line system ...... 11
INTRODUCTION .................................................. 1
CONNECTIONS ................................................ 17

LINES FOR VARIOUS MEDIA .......................... 11
Double-hex bolts ................................................ 30

Electric energy ...................................................... 5
Materials for pipes and hoses ............................ 11

Fixed angle couplings ........................................ 25
Noise .................................................................... 6
Flange coupling - hose / hose ............................ 38

Flange coupling - pipe / connection surface,

F-system ............................................................ 33
Oil, grease and other chemical substances .......... 6
Flange coupling - pipe / hose ............................ 36
Flange coupling - pipe / pipe .............................. 39
Organizational measures ...................................... 2
Flange coupling hose / connection surface ........ 36


PATTERN .......................................................... 27 P

Flanged hose couplings...................................... 28 Pipe couplings .................................................... 17

Flanged pipe couplings - Flanit system (F- Plastic pipes ...................................................... 16

system) .............................................................. 27 Pre-assembly aids for pipe flange couplings ...... 43

Pre-assembly device for F-rings ........................ 31

Repair work - safety instructions .......................... 9

Seal rings............................................................ 29

Sealing and connecting components .................. 29

Sealing pipe couplings........................................ 21

Selection and qualification of personnel .............. 3

Standard operation .............................................. 3

Steel pipes .......................................................... 12

Stircomatic seal rings ........................................ 23

Stud couplings and male nipples ........................ 22

Swivel coupling with long male adaptor .............. 24

Swivel coupling with straight male thread acc.

to DIN ................................................................ 24

Swivel couplings ................................................ 24

Table 1: Seal rings for flange couplings.............. 41

Table 2: Double - Hex. Bolts .............................. 42

Table 3: Parts Nos. for 90 flanges .................. 44

Table 4: Parts Nos. for gauge connections and

accessories ........................................................ 45


MISSIONING ........................................................ 6

WARNING OF SPECIAL DANGERS .................. 5

Warnings and symbols ........................................ 2

Wedge rings ...................................................... 29

WORKING EQUIPMENT ...................................... 7

Zako-system ...................................................... 34

Sealing, protective, testing and

cleaning agents

2 800 980.00 en
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1

FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 1

Warnings and symbols ............................................................................................................................ 1

Safety Instructions.................................................................................................................................... 2

Rust inhibitor .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Application to gearboxes and axles without oil filling .............................................................................. 5
Preservation period ................................................................................................................................ 5
Gearboxes and axles with oil filling ........................................................................................................ 5
Protective finishes .................................................................................................................................. 5


Corrosion inhibitor .................................................................................................................................. 6
Consumption of inhibitor.......................................................................................................................... 6
Application of inhibitor ............................................................................................................................ 6
Removing the inhibitor ............................................................................................................................ 6
Renewing the inhibitor ............................................................................................................................ 6

Corrosion protection for pins and bearings (bushings and hubs)

Part nos. for Voler A.C............................................................................................................................. 7
Application of Voler A.C. ........................................................................................................................ 7

S0LUTION 1 CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR CYLINDER ROD THREADS.............................................. 8



WKT black - H ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Loctite 573 (proprietary brand from Loctite Ltd.,) .................................................................................... 9

HYLOMAR SQ 32/M SEALING AGENT (THREAD SEALER) ................................................................ 10

LIQUID THREAD ADHESIVES ................................................................................................................ 10

METAL ADHESIVES ................................................................................................................................ 11


Acrylic cyanide (Loctite IS 414) ............................................................................................................ 12

ADHESIVE FOR O-RINGS ...................................................................................................................... 12

Solid lubricating paste .......................................................................................................................... 13
Solid lubricant paste spray .................................................................................................................... 13
Compound spray .................................................................................................................................. 13
Mineral-based lubricating paste ............................................................................................................ 14
Lithium soap grease .............................................................................................................................. 14

SOLID LUBRICANT FOR MOLYCOTE-COATED BOLTS ...................................................................... 15

SILICON-CORUNDUM POWDER (REDURIT) ........................................................................................ 15

P3 COLD CLEANER ................................................................................................................................ 16

SURFACE CRACK CHECKING AGENT (METAL-CHECK) .................................................................. 17



This Technical Handbook (THB) provides a com-

pilation of the directions for using recommended

sealing, protective, testing and cleaning agents. Warnings and symbols
All of these agents are necessary for various The following signs are used in the manual to
assembly procedures. designate instructions of particular importance:

The agents can all be ordered from this Spare Precautionary rules and measures
Parts Service. designed to protect the machine
operator and other persons from
Products from other manufacturers are only to be life-threatening danger or injuries
used when they possess the same characteristics and to prevent extensive damage.
and qualities as those of the agents stated.

If in doubt, ask the After-Sales Service. Information and precautionary mea-

sures designed to prevent damage
Further descriptions and directions (over and to the machine or other property.
above those given here) are to be found in the
relevant manufacturers instructions and literature.

2 800 980.00 en 1

Safety Instructions

Personnel Personnel
The machine must not be started Personal protective gear and work-
by unauthorized persons. ing clothing:
It must therefore be secured. Wear a safety helmet, safety foot-
Observe the accident prevention wear, gloves and safety glasses.
regulations. Wear closely fitting working cloth-
The machine may be operated, ser- ing when working on the machine.
viced or repaired only by specially Loose, wide garments may catch
trained and authorized personnel on machine parts and result in in-
with the appropriate technical jury.
know-how. If the work to be carried out re-
If such know-how is lacking, me- quires auxiliaries, e.g. foreman, the
ticulous instruction must be given duties of each individual helper
by experienced personnel. must be clearly defined before-
The personnel must have read and hand.
understood the operating instruc- The individual responsibilities must
tions and in particular the chapter be meticulously observed to avoid
"Fundamental Safety Instructions". misunderstanding and unsafe ac-
Only such persons may start up tivity.
the machine during assembly work
in order to adjust the attachments.
Incorrect operation of the machine
Tools and auxiliaries
or the attachments may give rise to Tools, hoists, slings, jackstands
life-threatening situations. and other devices must be in a reli-
During all works, always observe able, safe condition.
the start-up and shut-down proce- Metal splinters may cause injury
dures prescribed in the operating when attachment bolts are being
instructions. driven in or out.
A brass or copper punch should
therefore be used for this purpose,
and safety glasses must be worn.
For climbing onto or off the ma-
chine, use only the ladders, steps,
platforms and handrails provided
for this purpose.
Always keep ladders, steps and
platforms in a non-slip condition.
Remove any oil, grease, dirt, clay,
snow, ice and other foreign mate-
rial immediately.

2 2 800 980.00 en

Securing the working Hydraulic and lubricating

equipment system
Before carrying out assembly work, Always observe the safety regula-
the machine and the attachments tions applicable to the product
must be secured against inadver- when handling oils, greases and
tent and unauthorized starting, e.g. other chemical substances.
by placing chocks under the Unused but open containers, pipe-
wheels or tracks and by resting the lines and hose connections must
working equipment on the ground. be closed in a pressure- tight man-
Rest the working equipment on the ner.
ground in such a way that no Refill collected hydraulic oil back
movements can be made when me- into the hydraulic system only
chanical or hydraulic connections through the return-flow filters.
are detached.
Dispose of waste oil without pollut-
Secure any equipment or compo- ing the environment.
nent which is to be mounted or
dismantled or whose position is to Observe the correct working se-
be changed using hoists or appro- quence when fitting or replacing
priate slinging/supporting devices components or equipment.
to prevent them from moving, slip- The working sequence has been
ping or falling inadvertently. specified and tested by qualified
Systems and units (e.g. pipes, ac- experts.
cumulators, etc.) must be properly Replace defective, mechanically
depressurized before being prestressed units (e.g. nitrogen ac-
opened. cumulators) only as an entirety.
Protective devices on moving ma- Never open them.
chine parts may be opened or re- In exceptional cases, open only
moved only when the drive unit is when the system and the operating
stationary and protected against in- sequence are precisely known. The
advertent starting. Technical Manual contains no in-
Before recommissioning, all protec- formation on such work. When the
tive devices must be refitted. machine is at operating tempera-
ture, the consumables are at least
at the same temperature. Precau-
tions must therefore be taken to
Sealing, protective, testing
prevent burning or scalding.
and cleaning agents
Be careful when handling acids,
The safety instructions contained e.g. battery acid. Acid splashes
in this Technicel Handbook with re- may injure the eyes and the skin.
spect to accident prevention and
Do not smoke when handling flam-
those set out on the packing of the
mable liquids.
above-mentioned agents must be
observed. Be careful with open flames and
unprotected lighting.
Not only fuel but also other con-
sumables often have a low flash
point and catch fire easily.

2 800 980.00 en 3

Conversions or modifications Recommissioning

to the machine Prior to recommissioning:
Unauthorized conversions or modi- - Grease all lubricating points.
fications of the machine are forbid- - Check all oil levels and make
den for reasons of safety. the necessary corrections.
The nominal pressure of pressure - Carry out function checks of all
relief valves must not be modified. repaired components.
Do not remove the lead seals from - Check all functions of the ma-
pressure-relief valves and pressure chine including the brakes dur-
accumulators. ing a test run. Release the hy-
draulic excavator for
recommissioning only after all
functions have been found to
work perfectly.

4 2 800 980.00 en

Scope Preservation period
The following specifications apply to the internal The preservation measures protect against rust
protection of gearboxes and axles that are to be for
stored individually without oil in them, or that are
installed in machines (and therefore filled with oil) 2 years when stored indoors
that are to be decommissioned for a long period 1 year when stored in the open
of lay-up.
Whatever the type of storage, gearboxes and
axles must be protected against dampness and
Rust inhibitor dirt.
A thin, solvent-based product, soluble in mineral-
oil based lube oils and as specified in Part No. Gearboxes and axles with oil filling
73171464 is to be used.
Upon installation of the gearboxes into machines,
Such an inhibitor contains: 55% solids a trial run of the machine, and therefore of the
45% solvent gearbox/axle, is to be carried out. The gear oil
then flushes the rust inhibitor off the internal
The solids content (which increases on account parts. Because the gear oil remains in the gear-
of solvent evaporation) must not exceed 75% as box/axle during the lay-up, those components and
rust inhibition is then no longer ensured. surfaces lying above the oil level do not have any
protection against rust.
The solids content can be determined by carrying
out an evaporation test in a measuring beaker. For this reason, the machine is to be moved
every 3 - 4 weeks. This coats all of the gear-
Such a test can be carried out by the manufac- box/axle components with fresh oil and provides
turer using approx. 0.5 litres of the rust inhibitor. temporary protection for all motors and hydraulic
Application to gearboxes and axles
without oil filling Protective finishes
The internal surfaces of gearboxes and axle
1. Clean the gearbox or axle externally using housings are given a rust protection in our works.
diesel fuel or cold cleaner. This protection is reached by:
2. Drain gear oil while still warm following a trial
run. 1. sand blasting the housing sections before as-
Allow the gearbox to cool down to 20 - 25C sembly
(68 - 77F).
2. priming the housing sections before assem-
3. Fill rust inhibitor up to oil-level marker. bly
4. Run the gearbox load free to circulate the 3. coating the assembled components with an
inhibitor through all internal chambers and oil- and acidresistant synthetic resin paint
- yellow RAL 1009 or
5. Drain off the rust inhibitor. The inhibitor can - yellow RAL 1017 Part No. 73171465
be used again.
6. Allow the gearbox to dry off for approx. 30 Check the paint finish during any repair/overhaul-
minutes. ing work. Before touching up the paint finish,
remove any rust or oil/grease from the areas to
7. Carefully seal up all openings on the gearbox be painted. Apply paint with a brush to give a
using oil paper, plastic plugs or other suitable complete cover coat.
8. Brush or spray rust inhibitor onto all blank Choose a colour that agrees with the originally
external surfaces of the gearbox. applied primer coating so that it does not "show
through". Carry out a trial application if necessary.
9. When commissioning the gearbox, do not re-
move the film of rust inhibitor. Only fill the
gearbox with the prescribed gear oil.

2 800 980.00 en 5


Scope Preservation period
The following specifications apply to all machines. The inhibitor protects piston rods against corro-
Preservation should be carried out to protect ex- sion for:
posed piston rods against fret corrosion and ag-
gressive environmental influences both before 12 months when stored indoors
storage and before dispatch of a machine for sea 6 months when stored in the open
Removing the inhibitor
Corrosion inhibitor The inhibitor is scraped off by the cylinder wiper
rings when the piston rod is retracted - special
For piston rods of machines in storage and be-
procedures are not necessary.
fore the shipment - exception sea transport - a
special long-term lubricating grease acc. to part Any inhibitor that should get into the cylinder(s) is
no. 73176179 is to be used. absolutely harmless to the hydraulic system.
For sea transport a product which is viscous, Renewing the inhibitor
contains solvent and is soluble in hydraulic oils,
danger class II, parts no. 73171466 is to be used When machines are stored in the open air, the
as coorosion preventive. protective coating of inhibitor is to be renewed at
the latest after 6 months. The piston rods must
The inhibitor can be removed with diesel fuel, be cleaned beforehand.
petrol, petroleum and the like.
The inhibitor coating must also be renewed if the
Consumption of inhibitor cylinder/s has/have been actuated.
The amount required depends upon the type (and
Do NOT put machines into stock
therefore size) of the machine.
without a coating of inhibitor on
Example: approx. 20 g are needed to coat the their piston rods.
exposed rod ends on the machine.

Application of inhibitor

1. Retract all cylinder piston rods as far as pos-

2. Allow the exposed rod ends to cool to am-
bient temperature and then clean them with a
fiber-free cloth. Remove any fret corrosion.
3. Apply the rust inhibitor with a soft brush.

6 2 800 980.00 en

Corrosion protection for pins and bearings (bushings and hubs) 2801916

Application of Voler A.C.

Use Voler A.C. anti-corrosive agent
only. Clean off grease, oil, dirt and corrosion protec-
Other agents are not approved. tion agents from pins and bearings using white
spirit or diesel fuel.
Rust patches must be thoroughly removed, if
All pins and bearings (bushings and hubs) of the any.
working equipment or in equipment components
must be treated with Voler A.C. anti-corrosive All parts must present a dry, bright metal sur-
agent before fitting. face.

Voler A.C.: Apply a thin layer of Voler A.C. on pins and all
bearings using a brush or a spray can. Pin
permits easy fitting and dismantling shafts and bearings must be completely co-
vered by the protective layer.
protects against rust, oxidation and similar wear
If the protective layer of a pin already treated
prevents seizing and fretting corrosion in non- with Voler A.C. is damaged, these areas must
moving parts of bearings. be touched up before fitting the part.

This is achieved by aluminium and copper par- Fitting and securing of pins
ticles forming a protective layer on the metal. This If the pin is too heavy to be fitted manually,
layer removes surface irregularities and does not apply Voler A.C. at first only on abt. a quarter
sweat, seize or harden. of the pins length
Part nos. for Voler A.C. Then position pin by means of a lifting gear
ready for fitting.
P/N 73171461 - 0,5 l spray can (CFC-free)
Apply Voler A.C. on the remaining length of pin
P/N 73171462 - 0,5 kg tin shaft, fit pin and secure.

P/N 73171463 - 4,5 kg bucket

Available from the Spare-Parts Service.

2 800 980.00 en 7


Part No.: 73171467 Part No.: 73171468

Application: Application:

To prevent corrosion, e.g. between bearing eye To prevent corrosion in/on electrical systems and
and piston rod of hydraulic cylinders components. Prevents failure due to corrosion
and leakage currents following moisture ingres-
Properties: sion.

Prevents corrosion, especially fret corrosion, Not to be used on computers and

where different types of materials are mated. millivolt contacts.

Apply with brush, roller or spray. Application:

On hydraulic cylinders, for example, apply to
threaded end of piston rod, thread run-out, heads Thoroughly clean the parts to be treated.
and exposed ends of bearing eye clamping bolts. Apply inhibitor with a spray pistol or brush.
On "split" eyes, also into the "split" itself.
Flash point:
+47C (+117F)
Storage stability:
Unlimited storage when in tightly sealed contain-
Petroleum spirits, aromatics ers
Flash point: Flash point +47C (+117F).
Containers are therefore to be
+38C (+100F)
stored cool and tightly sealed.
Drying time: Smoking forbidden during applica-
Dust dry in 40 to 50 min. at +20C (68F)
Care is to be taken in small, en-
Removal: closed rooms where evaporation
fumes could displace the oxygen
Can be washed off with a cleaner supply.
Splashes in the eyes are to be
Storage stability: flushed out of the eyes, then rinsed
in abundant water.
Unlimited storage when in tightly sealed
containers If high fume concentrations are in-
haled, adequate fresh air must be
Flash point of solvent is +38C obtained immediately.
Containers are therefore to be
stored cool and tightly sealed.
Smoking, naked lights and fire are
forbidden during application.
Residues must not be allowed to
get into the ground water or into
the sewerage.

8 2 800 980.00 en


WKT black - H Loctite 573 (proprietary brand from
Loctite Ltd.,)
Part No.: 73171469
Part No.: 73171469
To seal gearbox housing sections.
as above WKT black - H.
Application :
Clean the surfaces to be sealed using a grease
solvent. Allow solvent to evaporate fully and then Clean the surfaces to be sealed using a grease
apply an approx. 1 mm thick layer of WKT black- solvent. Allow solvent to evaporate fully and then
H to one of the surfaces. apply adequate Loctite 573 to one of the sur-
When using a pistol, apply a cord of the sealer. faces. Apply with a foam or short-pile roller, with
The sealer then spreads itself out when the two a brush or directly from the tube.
surfaces are pressed together. When using a roller, pour sufficient (e.g. as much
as is needed in one day) into a plastic tray and
Consumption: then apply with the slightly moist roller.
Prevent dirt getting into the Loctite 573.
approx. 3 ml/150 of surface
Do NOT pour unused Loctite 573 back into the
Re-using: container.

Possible, providing the surface is free of dirt and Consumption:

grease. Points at which the sealer has crumbled
approx. 1 m1/150 of surfaces.
away can be covered with fresh sealer. The
sealer vulcanizes itself with the older, hardened Hardening time:
sealing agent without any kind of treatment being
necessary. Sealing effect is immediate on level surfaces.
Final hardness reached after 12 - 24 hours.
When vulcanized (hardened), the film of sealing
agent can be pulled off the surface. Hardened Loctite 573 does not need to be re-
moved from surfaces after disassembly. Before
re-assembly, clean the sealing surfaces with a
grease colvent. The solvent must be allowed to
evaporate completely.
Apply a small quantity of Loctite 573 evenly to
one of the two sealing surfaces.

2 800 980.00 en 9


AGENT (THREAD SEALER) The following products are approved for securing
Part No.: 73171471 (medium tight) and sealing threaded connections:

Application: 1. Loctite 242 / P/No. 73171473

2. Omnifit Rapid 100 M / P/No. 73171473
For permanently elastic sealing of threads, IC
engines, gearboxes etc., Threaded connections treated with these securing
adhesives are resistant against vibrations al-
Properties: though they can still be loosened.

Elastic at temperatures between -50C (-122F) Application:

and +300C (+572F). Prevents element formation
between differing metal surfaces. Is not flamma- 1. Screws and bolts can be used in the con-
ble, non-toxic and is a bad conductor of heat. dition in which they are delivered.

2. Very dirty threads are to be cleaned with a
Resistant to all oils and lubricants, all fuels, air, grease solvent.
water, gases, water/glycol and water/methanol The solvent must be allowed to evaporate
mixtures, and to continuous vibration. completely.

Application: 3. a) For screws and bolts, apply a ring of the

adhesive to the first three thread pitches.
Brush or spread onto cleaned, oil-free surfaces.
Wait approx. 10 minutes between application and b) For blind-end threaded holes, coat the in-
assembly to allow the solvent content time to ternal thread.
evaporate. c) For threaded through-holes, apply the ad-
hesive to the screw/bolt thread.

Possible, provided that sealing surface is free of 4. Tighten the screw/bolt to the prescribed
dirt and grease. torque.
Points at which sealing film has broken away can
be re-sealed with fresh sealer. Hardening:
Fresh sealer vulcanizes with older sealer without
any special treatment being necessary. When using Loctite 242 to secure threaded com-
ponents, following hardening times can be as-
Removal: sumed:
- hand tight after 15 - 30 minutes
Hylomar is alcohol-soluble and can therefore be
removed by, for example, using a cloth saturated - final hardness after 3 hours
in methylated spirits.
If shorter hardening times are required, activator
"T" is to be used. First apply activator "T" to the
screws/bolts and allow it to dry completely. Then
apply Loctite 242 to the threads.
Hardening time is shortened to 20 minutes. Ac-
tivator "TN" P/No. 73171475.

Resecuring a threaded connection:

Remove hardened thread adhesive with com-

pressed air or a wire brush. Apply fresh adhesive
as described under "Application".

10 2 800 980.00 en

The following products are approved: Tighten the bolts within 30-45 minutes.
Hardening begins after adhesive has been ap-
Omnifit Rapid 200 H / P/No. 73171476 plied and has contact to the air.
Application: Re-tighten the bolts after 50-60 operating hours
and in the intervals given in the machines Servic-
Swing bearing and track pad mountings. ing and Inspection Instructions.

Application: Disassembly:

Clean all traces of paint and grease from all Before lifting off a swing bearing, loosen it at
contact surfaces using AK-PHTH-thinner DV 2404 several points using a crowbar.
(P/No. 73171477). On small swing bearings, it is usually sufficient to
Apply a continuous strip, approx. 1 mm thick, in a hit the undercarriage or superstructure mounting
ring around each bolt hole. Keep the ring a slight surfaces with a hammer. Large swing bearings
distance away from the bolt hole to prevent the can be lifted off as soon as the bolts have been
adhesive from being squeezed into the thread loosened.
when the bolts are tightened up. Once the bolts have been removed, the small
fissures in the adhesive film (due to unevenness)
increase in size and cause the adhesive to crum-
ble away.

Fig. 1

2 800 980.00 en 11


Acrylic cyanide (Loctite IS 414) Part No.: 73171480

Part No.: 73171478 Application:

Application: As an adhesive to form endless rubber piping (as

supplied) into O-rings.
Plastic to plastic
Plastic to rubber Application:
The adhesive contains acrylic cyanide ester
which brings about an instantaneous adhesion. 1. Place the rubber piping into the groove and
Humidity should be between 50 and 60% during cut off slightly longer than required.
Hardening time: 2 - 5 seconds 2. Cut one end at a right angle (do not cham-
fer it) by pulling a sharp, clean, grease-free
Temperature range: blade through it.

-60C (-140C) to +80C (+176F) 3. Cut the other end to length with a straight
cut. Cut the rubber material 1 - 2 mm shorter
Storage stability:
than needed so that the O-ring lies with light
6 months at +22C (+72F). tension in the groove and does not fall out.

Storage in a refrigerator +5C (+41F) lengthens Greater tension of the ring twisting in its
the storage life. Fresh adhesive can be freeze groove during installation causing leakages.
4. Glue the two ends together in a butt joint.
Solubility: Push the two ends together (with the hands)
for at last 20 seconds
In acetone, methylene-chloride, nitro-methane
The adhesive must NOT be allowed
Avoid any contact with skin and to come into contact with the skin
eyes. Keep working areas well ven- as it can lead to the skin flaking
tilated. away.

12 2 800 980.00 en

Solid lubricating paste Compound spray
Part No.: 73171481 Part No.: 73171483

Application: Special lubricant, grease and bitumen free, with

EP additives and an especially high viscosity.
High-perfomance lubricant for reducing friction
and wear, among others for fitting and trouble- Application:
free removal of ball/roller bearings, bushings etc.,
Lubricant for swing bearings, exposed gear
Solid lubricant: wheels, racks, guides etc.,

Molybdenum disulphide Solid constituent:

Method of application: Graphite

Brush Adhesion and plasticity:

Temperature range: Very tough, no fracture formation

-25C (-77C) to +45C (+113F) Temperature range:

Solid lubricant paste spray -15C (-59C) to +65C (+149F)

Part No.: 73171482 Method of application:

Application: Spray

High-perfomance lubricant for reducing friction Do NOT inhale solvents. Keep

and wear where low coefficients of friction are work-places well ventilated. Do
encounted, among others for fitting and removal NOT spray into open flames.
of bearings, bushings etc., and for badly acces- Store spray cans at temperatures
sible points. below +50C (+122F).

Method of application:



Molybdenum disulphide and other solid lubricants.

Temperature range:

-35C (-95C) to +45C (+113F)

Skin contact:

no objections

2 800 980.00 en 13

Mineral-based lubricating paste Lithium soap grease

Part No.: 73171484 Part No.: 73171485

Application: Application:

Assembly paste for reduction of friction and fret Lithium soap grease with solid constituent (e.g.
corrosion on press and bearing seatings, pins, Molycote multi-purpose grease), resistant to wa-
splines, V-rollers etc., ter, consistency 2 for highly stressed plain and
roller/ball bearings.
Compatibility to seal rings:
Method of application:
Brush, grease gun
Method of application:
Temperature range:
-30C (-86) to +130C (+266F)
Temperature range:

+30C (-86) to +150C (+302F)

Skin contact:

No objection, except in cases of allergy

14 2 800 980.00 en


Part No.: 73171486 Part No.: 73171487

In series assembly, Molycote-coated bolts are Application:

use for all bolt sizes of M 36 and above. The
Molycote coating lowers the coefficient of friction Track pads of crawler excavators
and therfore the necessary tightening torque.
Before re-inserting such a bolt, coat the thread
and the turning seating (bolt head or nut) with Sand down the contact surfaces between chain
Molycote, P/No. 73171486. link and track pad.
The contact surface of the chain link must have a
smooth finish.

Brush a light film of petroleum onto the track pad

and scatter a thin coating of silicon-corundum
powered (grain size 150 - 250) onto it.

Fit and tighten up track pad.

Tighten up track pad bolts after 50 - 60 operating


2 800 980.00 en 15

Part No.: 73171488 Using P 3:

Application: P 3 is first to be diluted with petroleum or diesel

(fuel) oil. The concentration of the resulting solu-
P 3 cold cleaner is a concentrated cleaning liquid tion depends upon the degree of dirt to be re-
that is used (at room temperature) diluted with moved. It is usually sufficient to dilute with 2 to 4
either petroleum or diesel (fuel) oil. parts of petroleum.
If the degree of dirt is low, a seven-to-one dilution
P 3 cold cleaner has a neutral characteristic so with diesel (fuel) oil is sufficient.
that all metal and alloys can be treated without
being endangered by corrosion formation. The part to be cleaned is usually placed into the
solution. After a suitable cleaning time, it is then
P 3 cold cleaner is suitable for cleaning grease taken out of the solution and washed down with a
and oil from dirty and oiled machine and engine strong water jet.
components. Flash point approx. +60C (140F). The cleaning solution itself must not come into
contact with water as this affects the cleaning
Cleaning is always carried out cold. The time for
cleaning depends upon the amount of dirt to be
removed. 20 to 30 minutes are usually adequate.
Very dirty, encrusted parts should be left in the
solution over night.
To clean large or fixed components, the cold
cleaner can be sprayed on. P 3 cold cleaner is to
be diluted and sprayed onto the component. If a
spray pistol is not available, the P 3 solution can
be applied with a brush. After the cleaning period,
the component is to be washed down with a
water jet.

P 3 cleaner must NOT come into contact with

sensitive lacquer/paint finishes.

Gloves should be worn for continuous use, resp.

when spraying or brushing on the P 3 cold clean-

16 2 800 980.00 en


Cracks and other faults in metal plates, forged Checking:
and cast steel parts can be localized using a
dye-penetration check. This is the simplestmethod 1. Clean the area to be checked.
of testing.

Further tests, e.g. magnaflux (magnetic-powder) 2. Spray on the red penetration fluid and allow
or ultra-sonic testing, require specialist knowledge 5 - 10 minutes for it to penetrate.
and special apparatus.
3. Remove the red penetration fluid using the
The dye-penetration (metal-check) test requires special cleaner.
only the following:

red penetration fluid - P/No. 73171489 4. Spray on the white developer.

Any cracks/faults show up as red "veins"
special cleaner - P/No. 73171491 against the white background. The extent of
the "veining" and the time allowed for devel-
white developer fluid - P/No. 73171492 opment provide indications as to the depth of
the cracks/faults.
Wipe off the developer with a cloth.

2 800 980.00 en 17
Notes 2800145

18 2 800 980.00 en
A METAL ADHESIVES .......................................... 11

Acrylic cyanide (Loctite IS 414) .......................... 12 Mineral-based lubricating paste .......................... 14

ADHESIVE FOR O-RINGS ................................ 12

ADHESIVES FOR PLASTICS ............................ 12
P3 COLD CLEANER .......................................... 16
Application of inhibitor .......................................... 6
Part nos. for Voler A.C. ........................................ 7
Application of Voler A.C. ...................................... 7
Application to gearboxes and axles without oil
RODS .................................................................. 6
filling .................................................................... 5
PRESERVATION OF GEARBOXES .................... 5

C Preservation period .............................................. 5

Compound spray ................................................ 13 Protective finishes ................................................ 5

Consumption of inhibitor ...................................... 6

Corrosion inhibitor ................................................ 6
Removing the inhibitor .......................................... 6
Corrosion protection for pins and bearings
(bushings and hubs) ............................................ 7 Renewing the inhibitor .......................................... 6


F TOR FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS .................... 8

FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........ 1 Rust inhibitor ........................................................ 5

Gearboxes and axles with oil filling ...................... 5 S0LUTION 1 CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR
CYLINDER ROD THREADS ................................ 8

H Safety Instructions ................................................ 2


(THREAD SEALER) .......................................... 10
ED BOLTS .......................................................... 15
I Solid lubricant paste spray ................................ 13
INTRODUCTION .................................................. 1 Solid lubricating paste ........................................ 13


L (METAL-CHECK) .............................................. 17
LIQUID THREAD ADHESIVES .......................... 10 SURFACE SEALING AGENTS ............................ 9
Lithium soap grease .......................................... 14

Loctite 573 (proprietary brand from Loctite W

Ltd.,) .................................................................... 9 Warnings and symbols ........................................ 1
LUBRICANTS .................................................... 13 WKT black - H ...................................................... 9

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