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Journalof Southeast Asian Earth Sciences,Vol 4, No 4, pp.

293-335, 1990 0743-9547/90 $3 O0+ 0 00

Pnnted m Great Britain Pergamon Press pie

Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid

rocks in Burma: with special reference to the associated W-Sn
mineralization and their tectonic setting

Applied Geology Department, Postgraduate Training in Mineral Exploration, Rangoon Umverslty,

Thamaing College P O , Thamaing, Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar)

(Received 16 January 1989; acceptedfor pubhcation 11 January 1990)

Abstract--The gramtold rocks m Burma extend over a distance of 1450 km from Putao, Kachm State in the
north, through Mogok, Kyaukse, Yamethm and Pylnmana in the Mandalay Diwslon, to Tavoy and Mergui
areas, Tenasserim Dwision, m the south. The Burmese granitolds can be subdivided into three N-S trending,
major belts viz. western gramtold belt, central graniotold belt and eastern gramtoid belt The Upper
Cretaceous-Lower Eocene western belt gramtoids are characterized by high-level intrusmns associated with
porphyry Cu(Au) related, younger volcamcs; these plutonic and volcanic rocks are thought to have been
emplaced as a magmaUc-volcamc arc (tuner magmatlc-volcamc arc) above an east-dipping, but westwardly
m~gratmg, subductmn zone related to the prolonged plate convergence which occurred during Upper Mesozoic
and Cenozoic.
The central gramtoid belt ~s characterized by mesozonal, mostly Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene plutons
associated w~th abundant pegmat~tes and aphtes, numerous vein-type W-Sn deposits and rare co-magmatic
volcamcs. The country rocks are structurally deformed, metamorphic rocks of greenschist to upper amphibohte
facies ranging m age as early as Upper Precambnan to Upper Paleozoic and locally of fosslliferous, metaclast~c
rocks (Mid Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous). Available K/At radiometnc data Indicate significant and possibly
widespread thermal disturbances m the central granitold belt during the Tertmry (mostly Miocene). In this study,
the distribution, lithologlcal, textural and structural characteristics of the central belt granltoids are reviewed,
and their mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical features are presented A bnef description of W-Sn ore
veins assocmted with these granito~d plutons is also reported.
Present geological, petrological and geochemical ewdences demonstrate that the W-Sn related, central belt
granitoids are mostly granodionte and gramte which are commonly transformed into granito~d gnelsses. These
central belt granitolds were formed from a calc-alkaline magma derived from a source of contanental, smlic
materials Highly potassic characters and high intml SrS7/Srs6 ratms (0 717 __+0.002) and Rb/Sr ratios (0.40-33.10)
with an average value of 6.70, further corroborate their denvaUon from a well estabhshed continental, smhc
basement. Although future chemical and isotopic investigations would be desirable, none of the present evidence
argues the interpretatmn that the granitoid magma was generated by the re-melting of the regionally
metamorphosed country rocks
The close assocmtmn of W-Sn bearing quartz veins and the gramtoid rocks also suggests that the metals were
denved from the same crustal sources as their host granitolds. The central belt gramtoids are considered to have
been emplaced during the continent-arc collision of referred Upper Triassic-Jurassic magmatic-volcanic arc with
the continental foreland to the east at the early stage of westward migratmn of the east-dipping subductmn zone
to the west. The W-Sn related, central belt gramtolds of Upper Mesozoic-Lower Eocene are notably different
from those of mainly Triassic gramtoids from northern Thailand and Permo-Tnassic granites of the Malay
Peninsula, and thus the central belt granitolds were emplaced m a umquely distract geologic and tetomc setting
m the SE Asmn region
Major element data for the central belt gramtoids, which are assocmted with W-Sn mineralizatmn he within
the field of Sn-mmeralizmg granites from New England in Na-K-Ca plot (Jumper and Kleeman, J Geochem
Explor. 11, 321-333, 1979), but largely outside the field on SiO2-CaO + MgO + FeO-Na20 + K20 + A1203 plot.
Trace element abundances of the central belt granitoid rocks suggest that the Sn content of the gramtoids alone
should be used with great caution to discriminate the W-Sn bearing (mineralized) granltold plutons from the
W-Sn poor (barren) plutons m search for the W-Sn depoms m Burma, but trace element data show the tendency
for granitoid plutons which bear W-Sn minerahzaaon to be comparatwely more ennched m Be, Bi, Cu, Mo,
Pb, Sn, Y, and Zn, but less depleted in Ba and Zr than those plutons in which no W-Sn occurrences are recorded.
The eastern belt granitoids are still largely unknown but characterized by medium to coarsely porphyriUc
textures and country rocks of regionally metamorphosed, turbidit~c sediments of Chaung Magy~ Group (Upper
Precambrian). This eastern granitoid belt lies ~mmediately to the north of mostly Triassic granitolds m northern
Thailand, and the Sn-W bearing, mesozonal, Permo-Tnass~c, Mam Range gramto~ds m the western part of the
Malay Peninsula. The latter granitolds were considered to have been emplaced dunng continental colhsmn, but
geologic and tectonic reformation for the eastern belt gramtoids in Burma are still incomplete to confirm this
contenUon Alternatwely, present available geologic evidences cannot rule out the possthdity that the eastern belt
granito~ds were emplaced in a continental margin above an eastward subductmg ocean floor dunng the Lower
According to the criteria given by Chappell and White (Pac~c Geol. 8, 173-174, 1974), the porphyry
Cu(Au)-related, western granitoid belt plutons have I-type characteristics, whereas the W-Sn related, central
granitoid belt contains both the hornblende-bearing I-type granito~ds as older intruswe phases and the W-Sn
beanng, S-type granitoids as younger plutonic phases. The eastern belt granlto~ds cannot be classified as being
of either I- or S-type, as petrochemical data are still lacking.

*Present Address: Centre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Studies, Umversity of Tasmama, G.P.O. Box 252C, Hobart, Tasmania, Austraha.


INTRODUCTION dlorltlC plutons with minor gabbros. Recent K/Ar dating

of the igneous rocks of Salingyi area by The UNDP
THIS paper presents geological, petrological and geo- Geological Survey and Exploration Programme has
chemical characteristics of gramtold rocks in Burma yielded 103 + 4 M a for granites, and 106 z 7 Ma and
with special reference to their tectomc implication and 91 + l l.8Ma for diorites and gabbros respectively
the emplacement of the related W-Sn mmerahzation. (Ahad 1980)
Gramtoid rocks occur m approxlmately N-S trending, The Salingyi gramte is grey or pink, and locally
linear belts over a distance of 1450km from Kachin leucocratic. The rocks are medium-grained, though finer
State m the north to the Tenassenm Dwlslon m the and coarser varieties with porphyriuc texture are noted
south. These belts extend southwards through the in some places. It is essentially composed of quartz,
Malay and Thai Peninsula to Billiton Island of orthoclase, plagioclase, biotite and very minor horn-
Indonesia, and northwards into Yunnan Province m blende. Quartz and feldspars frequently exhibit graphic
China mtergrowths. The granitoid intrusions in the Wuntho
Hutchlson (1977) demonstrated a tectonic subdivision and Pinlebu areas which lie in the northern part of this
of Malaysian granitoids and their detailed mineralogical western granitoid belt of Burma were thought to be
and petrological characters, together with trace element contemporaneous with granites in the Satingyi area. The
abundances, and Clarke and Beddoe-Stephens (1987) volcamc and intrusive rocks in the western belt are
recently gave an account of geochemistry, mineralogy considered to have been emplaced as a magmatlc-
and plate tectonic setting of granitold rocks from volcanic arc above an east-dipping subductlon zone
Sumatra, Indonesia. A similar petrological and miner- during the Upper Mesozoic-Cenozoic
aloglcal investigation of the gramtold plutons in
Thailand was also done (e.g. Pongsaplch and Mahawat 2. Central granitoid belt
1977, Suensilpong et al. 1977, 1983, Ishihara et al. 1980,
Putthapiban 1984, Lehmann and Mahawat 1989), and This belt approximately corresponds to the most
Beckinsale et al. (1979) made a geochronological and westerly granitic belt of Mitchell's (1977) Southeast
geochemical study of granitold rocks in Thailand in Asian tin-bearing granitic belts, the back-arc tm
relation to a plate tectonic model. Petrology and geo- granitoid belt (Mitchell 1981), and the Mogok belt
chemistry of the related Sn-Ta--Nb pegmatite deposits in of Searle and Ba Than Haq (1964). Igneous rocks
Thailand were also recently reported by Suwimonprecha along the Shan Boundary Fault System and Tenasserim
et al. (1987) and Suwimonprecha (1989). gramtolds in the Sino-Burman Ranges recently de-
Recently Schwartz and Askury (1989) also did a scribed by Bender (1983) also lie along this central
detailed geochemical study of Malaysmn tin granites. granlto~d belt.
Cobbing et al. (1986) presented the tectomc emplace- The central gramto~d belt of Burma extends from
ment of the granitoid rocks of the Southeastern Asian tin Putao and the jade mining areas m Myitkyina in the
belt with special reference to Malaysmn gramtoids, and north, through Mogok, Mandalay, Kyaukse, Yamethin,
Mitchell (1977) considered the tectonic settings in which Pylnmana, Taungoo, Loikaw (Kayah State), Tavoy and
Southeast Asian granitoids (including gramtoids of Mergm areas to Kawthaung (Victoria Point) in the south
Shan-Tenasserim region in Burma) were emplaced, but forming a narrow linear belt 1450 km in length and
no mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical ac- 50 km In width. W-Sn mineralization is closely related
counts of gramtold rocks in Burma region were pre- and spatially associated with granitoid rocks in this belt.
viously reported and well documented. Thus, an attempt Notable tungsten-tin deposits are the Hermyingyi and
was made in this paper to fill this gap to understand this Mawchi Mines.
~mportant mineralized granitold province xn the South- The W-Sn related, central gramtold belt is separated
east Asian region. from the porphyry Cu(Au) related, western granitoid
Gramtoid rocks in Burma can be subdivided into belt by the Hninzee-Sagaing Fault System (Dey 1968,
three mare belts as shown in Fig. 1 Win Swe 1972, 1981b) or Sagaing-Namyin Transform
Fault (Mitchell 1981) or Shan Boundary Fault
1 Western granitoid belt System (Bender 1983) which has a Upper Cenozoic
northward dextral movement of about 450km
Granltold intrusions at Salingyi and Wuntho areas (Curray et al. 1979). The age of the major episode of
belong to this belt. Existence of younger volcamcs (e.g. gramto~d emplacement in the central gramtoid belt ~s
Mt Popa) along this belt suggests a high-level (epizonal) Interpreted to be Upper Cretaceous and Lower Eocene
emplacement of these granitoids. The volcanic rocks (see below). Recent geochronologic investigations also
include andesites, dacites, trachytes and rhyolites with suggested that the granitoids in the W-Sn related,
minor basalts. The volcanic activities at Shinmataung in central granitoid belt have suffered significant thermal
the Pokokku area also lie along this gramtold belt disturbances during the Tertiary (Brook and Shelling
Porphyry Cu(Au) mineralization (e.g. Monywa) is no- 1976)
tably associated with younger volcanic rocks in these The gramtold rocks in the central belt were possibly
western belt granitolds. At Salingyi, the granltold rocks emplaced during continent-arc collision at the early stage
occur as marginal differentiates of predominantly of westward migrating, east-dipping subduction zone
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 295

~',~ "1 I 1 ;
l O/
,..~ ./"
i r

.~.~ . re'm-or J'~N; (.9 J OmO.._.~" .

, GRA.ITO,D ] ".'....
. ~ o~, ~9or , ~ Loohlo "~"
!",. ~ /:"
/ S Idoqn~O ! IdANOALAY '''"'~
11 " Sollngyia Sogolng,II .
IL i
+ Xyo~k8! u(~r~, X EASTERN GRANITOID ~.
...... BELT
/ ~ x ( ~ ! ~ . . . . " ~.
I".; Mt f~po a


Mowhl M~nql


RAN_GOON~ ~ a l ~ a l o R ~.


~ Porphyry Cu-roioted,
Woofern Doll 0ronilolds.
;~ - h roJogedoCo0drol
h i t wenltolde.
r ~ W.lkl flilOto4 ~0 F..OaMeA
bol! 4JrORHoJdo
SS Poeell;oo bo~ndoeybetween
|ronffold I)4lte

Moist tomu.
Pook of Mom~tolno
Moist W-b Minn.
~) Moist ~ n l l o l d kodloo IR elre4 bolt
.~o (v0eoq..0op.elm ) J~
I I t ~'

6 |6o ~oo Cm,

Fig. 1. Map showing three gramtotd belts of Burma viz. western, central and eastern granitoid belts. Granitmd plutons
along the central granitoid belt indicate from north to south: (1) Putao-Myitkyina; (2) Kabaing (Mogok); (3)
Taunggyun-Bodawgyi; (4) Kyaukse-Belin; (5) Pyetkaywe; (6) Yinmabin-Payangazu; (7) Pyawbwe-Yamethin; (8)
Pyinmana (Yezin)-Takon; (9) Toungoo-Mawchi; El0) Thaton-Amherst; (l l) Tavoy; (12) MerguL

during the Upper Mesozoic and Lower Eocene. The to have been emplaced during the Upper Mesozoic and
W-Sn related, central belt granitoids and porphyry Lower Cenozoic interval but might not have been strictly
Cu(Au) related, western belt granitoids were considered contemporaneous
296 KHI~; ZA~

3 Eas'tcrn ~ranltotd heir coarser texture. The intrusion of the Tawngpeng gram-
,,old also gave rise to a limited metamorphic aureole in
Granltoid intrusions m the neighbourhood o)" the Chaung Magyl country rocks which have been
Namhsan, the main town of Tawngpeng, m the Mong converted into quartmtes, and sometimes Into
Tung and south Hsenwi area, and in the vicinity of feldspathlc, and mlcaceous slates and phylhtes
Kengtung and Tachileik, he along the eastern granltoid Pascoe (1959) also reported that in places, the Tawng-
belt m Burma. A series of gramtold plutons east ot peng granitold is associated with muscovite gramte and
Bhamo and Myltkylna, Kachm State probably belongs quartz-feldspar porphyry and the Tawngpeng granitoid
to this easternmost granitoid belt and this belt possibly of these parts is intruded by dolerites. The granitoids
extends northward Into the Yunnan Prownce of China exposed along Kengtung-Tachileik road are medium- to
No clear-cut boundary can yet be drawn between the coarse-grained with biotite and locally abundant horn-
eastern and central granltold belts, and geologic and blende. They are geographically correlative with Triassic
tectonic relationships of granitold rocks in the eastern gramtolds m nothern Thailand (Teggin 1975, Besang et
belt are still poorly known a/ 1975) and Permo-Triassic, Main (Western) Range
The Tawngpeng gramtold (La Touche 1913) m the granltolds in Malaysia (Hutchlson 1977). In northern
northern Shan State occurs as a very large intrusion Thlaland, Khuntan granitoid of Lower Jurassic age at
m NE Burma It hes along the eastern granitold Lampang, SE of Chlang Mal (Suensilpong et al. 1977)
belt covering the ranges W of Bawdwin Mine, a vol- and Tak granitoid of Upper Triassic age (Pongsapich
canic-hosted, Ag-rlch, polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu--Ag-Bal and Mahawat 1977) hes lmmedmtely south of the Keng-
masswe sulfide deposit (Khin Zaw 1990). The Tawng- tung-Tachileik granito~d in the eastern granitoid belt m
peng granltold is also exposed in the high country Burma. Suensilpong et al. (1977) reported that Sn de-
around Lol Mong and can be traced to the vlcmity of posits are found in lodes, in pegmatite veins or dissem-
Lol Lem ridge and as far north as the Burmese-Chinese inated in the Khuntan granltoid. Further southwards,
border and it extends northwards into Yunnan. The extensive Sn-W mineralization is associated with
Tawngpeng granitold m the eastern gramto~d belt Permo Triassic granitold rocks in Malaysia
demonstrably Intruded the Chaung Magyl Group o! Present geologic and tectonic information is still
Upper Precambnan age in the mare area of Tawngpeng. insufficient to interpret the granitoid plutons m the
on the north s~de of Lox Pan and along the southern eastern granltold belt in Burma as being the result of
slope of Lol Ling in south Hsenwl. Thus, stratlgraphlc continental collision as suggested by Mitchell (1977)
data indicate that the Tawngpeng granlto~d was era- for slmdar gramtolds in the Malay Peninsula. Data
placed during the Phanerozoic are also insufficient to correlate the eastern belt gram-
Mitchell et al (1977) reported a Rb/Sr whole rock tolds In Burma either w~th gramto~ds )n western
age of 340_+ 34Ma for the Tawngpeng gramtold Malaysia or w~th those in the eastern Malay Peninsula.
exposed along the Kyaukme-Namhsan road, and ac- However, none of the present evidence argues the possi-
cordingly Bender (1983) regarded the Tawngpeng gran- blhty that the eastern belt gramtoid plutons have been
ltold as a Carboniferous mtruswe, but Mitchell et al. emplaced in continental foreland above an east-dipping
(1977) pointed out that this age data must be treated Bemoff zone during the Lower Paleozolc No W-Sn
with caution because of the divergence m the initial mineralization has so far been reported in association
Rb/Sr ratios Slmdar Rb/Sr whole rock analysis with the gramto~d of the eastern gramtoid belt but th~s
indicates a Paleozoic (Cambro-Ordovlcian) age for eastern part of Burma ~s one of the most unexplored
the Tawngpeng granltold K,'Ar dating of biotites parts of the country.
and feldspars suggests that the Tawngpeng granltOld
has suffered significant thermal disturbances m
relatively recent time (post 44 Ma?) (Brook and Snelling DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF
The Tawngpeng gramtoxd consists of quartz, plaglo- GRANITOID BELT
clase, orthoclase (sometimes mlcrocline), muscovtte and
biotite and usually bears evidence of intense crushing. In this paper, the W-Sn bearing central belt granitoids
It ~s generally coarse-grained, often porphyritic, with will be described and their mineralogy, petrology and
phenocrysts up to 3 cm across. Normally it is decom- geochemistry discussed in detail. Twelve major granitoid
posed to a considerable depth. Sphene, apatite, and bodies in the central belt have been named and are
mrcon are found as accessories. Pascoe (1959) also shown in Fig. 1 from north to south vxz.: (1) Putao-
reported sporadic tourmahne and original pyrite as Myitkyina; (2) Kabaing (Mogok); (3) Taunggyun-
accessory constituents. These phases were not observed Bodawgyl; (4) Kyaukse-Belin; (5) Pyetkaywe; (6)
in the few Tawngpeng gramtoid samples studied by the Yinmabin-Payangazu; (7) Pyawbwe-Yamethin; (8)
author The Tawngpeng granltoid has some senc~tiza- Pyinmana-Takon; (9) Taungoo-Mawchl; (I0) Thaton-
tion and saussurmzatlon. The Tawngpeng granitoid in Amherst; (11) Tavoy; (12) Mergui gramtoid plutons.
the main area differs from the adjacent Kabaing These and their country rocks will be reviewed here
(Mogok) granitoid of the W-Sn related, central grani- although data are still scanty and limited for many
told belt m containing no tourmaline and having a gramtoids.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 297

1. Putao-Myitkyina granitoids 2. Kabaing (Mogok) granitoids

Granitoids occur in the Putao township and in the The Kabaing granitoid is one of the most important
jade mining area in the western part of Myitkyina intrusions in the central granitoid belt of Burma and
Township, Kachin State. These granitoid rocks appear forms a great batholith in the Mogok-Momcik area. The
to lie along the central granitoid belt and form as a granitoid rocks intruded the Archean rocks of the
northern continuation of the Kabaing granitoids of the Mogok Series which is mainly made up of high-grade
Mogok area in the south. A brief description of these metamorphic gneisses, calc-silicates and ruby-bearing
granitoids was made by Chhibber (1934), Pascoe (1959) marbles. The Kabaing granitoid is notably associated
and Searle and Ba Than Haq (1964). The Putao grani- with alkaline rocks (mostly aegirine-augite-nepheline
toids represent the northernmost extremity of the central syenites) and ultramafic rocks predominantly of peri-
granitoid belt of Burma. Pascoe (1959) reported three dotites with minor doleritic and noritic rocks. In some
plutons in the Putao area of N Kachin State, viz. the places, the alkaline rocks appear to be fcnitized between
Nam Tamai granitoid, Putao granitoid, and Taron the Mogok marbles and granitoid proper.
granitoid. The Nam Tamai granitoid occupies the centre The Kabaing granitoid and associated plutonic and
of the Tamai Valley and contains little or no biotite. The metamorphic rocks were described by Iyer (1953),
Putao granitoid occupies the mountainous ranges on Chhibber (1934), Pascoe (1959), and Searle and Ba
either side of the Nam Tisang Valley, the rugged terrains Than Haq (1964). The Kabaing granitoid occupies
at the head of the Nam Tisang and Nam Kiu, and NE a large tract of country to the northwest of the Mogok-
of the Putao plain in which Fort Hertz lies. Kyatpyin area. The granitoid is named after the out-
The Putao granitoid is a biotite granite which shows crop of Kabaing Hill. Small apophyses, plugs and
foliation in places and in the Nam Tisang Valley, the dykes of the Kabaing granitoid are also observed to
rocks are porphyritic with large feldspar phenocrysts. the north of Kyatpyin. The Kabaing granitoid is
The Taron granitoid is also a biotite granite and forms medium-grained, grey granite with uniform mineral
a high mountain ridge along the divide between Nam composition and texture, consisting essentially of equal
Hat and Nam Tamai, at the junction of the Nam Tamai amounts of orthoclase, plagioclase (oligoclase) with
with the Taron, and the southern extension of it crops quartz, biotite and a little muscovite. Accessories are
out along the range between the Nam Hat and Nmai apatite and iron ores and myrmekitic growths are
Hha Valleys. The granitoid rocks in the Putao area are occasionally found. At Thabeikkyin, in the area west of
associated with syenites, diorites, pyroxenites, peri- Kin Chaung, biotite in the Kabaing granite occurs as
dotites and andesites, but the genetic relationships irregular flakes, and sericite in the interior of the plagio-
among these rock units have not been studied. Granitoid clase feldspar crystals.
rocks also occur as a series of plutons W of Namya and A tourmaline-bearing, coarse-grained variety is locally
Indaw Chaung in the jade mining area of W Myitkyina. found as a sheet intrusion at the ridge of Konson Taung,
The hill ranges between Nanyaseik and Manwe are and at the south of Mogok. There, the granite is
entirely made up of granitoid rocks which can be traced moderately coarse in texture, consisting of quartz,
for some distance southwest of Manwe and for at least feldspars and idiomorphic tourmaline with a little
18 km N of Nanyaseik. The Myitkyina granitoids are muscovite and biotite. The tourmaline is pink to red
predominantly of medium-grained biotite granite with (rubellite) or blue (indicolite) and is often beautifully
subordinate amount of hornblende granite and mon- zoned. Medium- to coarse-grained pegmatite and aplite
zonite. Basic segregated patches of dioritic composition dykes are not very common as a rule, but have been
are locally abundant. found cutting the Kabaing granitoid and also the Mogok
Pascoe (1959) reported that although the Myitkyina marble in many places. At Sakangyi, a pegmatite
granitoids are generally medium-grained, coarse- dyke of at least 30.5 m wide penetrated the Kabaing
and fine-grained varieties are also recorded, and in granitoid. This pegrnatite contains orthoclase almost
places grade into quartz-biotite monzonite. The granit- coverted entirely into kaolin with large crystals of
oids contain quartz, biotite, and orthoclase and oligo- quartz, lepidolite, biotite, muscovite and topaz
clase are frequently intergrown to form microperthite. (Adam 1926). The dyke had been reported to contain
Sometimes the quartz has a vermicular structure with very minor cassiterite and columbite. Khin Zaw (1990)
minute inclusions of feldspar. Numerous veins of peg- noted many large, primary two-phase (liquid and gas)
matites and aplites traversed the main granitoid plutons. fluid inclusions in quartz and topaz of the Sakangyi
In the jade mining area these granitoids intruded a series pegmatite.
of high-grade metamorphic gneisses, schists, quartzites Searle and Ba Than Haq (1964) also reported that
and bands of crystalline limestones which are assumed some pegmatites N of Kyatpyin contain microperthitic
to be the northern equivalent of the Mogok Series. feldspar, tourmaline, zircon, coarse recrystallized flakes
W-Sn mineralization has not yet been recorded in the of graphite and cubes of the radioactive mineral
Putao and Myitkyina areas of Kachin State although uranothorianite. Although the Sakangyi pegmatite
thin galena veins less than 3 cm occur in the country contains minor cassiteritc, economic W-Sn deposits
rocks (Paleozoic?) close to the granitoids in Kachin have not been reported yet from the Mogok-Momeik
State. area.
29~ KHIr~ ZAW

3 Taunggyun-Bodawgvt granitoids mg The jomtmg is N-S m both the metamorphic rocks

and granitoids at Bodawgyi, but pegmatites and leuco-
A series of small plutons occurs at Taunggyun, granites seem to have intruded along the NNW-SSE
Kaduta, Gawuntaung and Bodawgyi Taung m Smgu trendmg foliation planes of the country rocks. Similar
and Madaya townships as a southern contmuation of the granitoid rocks and associated metamorphic country
Kabamg granitoids at Mogok. Sike Lynn (1982) recently rocks are also exposed at Mandalay Hill as a southern
made a detailed investigation of the granitoid and their contmuauon of the Taunggyun-Bodawgyi granitoids.
associated metamorphic country rocks at Taunggyun. Neither W-Sn occurrences nor W-Sn minerals as minor
and reported that the Taunggyun gramtold is generally constituents have so far been reported in the Taung-
similar to the Kabaing granitoid m mineral composition gyun-Bodawgyi area and Mandalay Hill
and texture. It is usually fine- to me&um-grained, bluish-
grey, slightly porphyrmc and foliated in places. It essen- 4. Kvaukse-Belin gramtoid~
tially consists of quartz, orthoclase, plagloclase, and
b~otlte with minor muscovite, sphene, apatite and iron The granitolds associated with medium- to high-grade
ores. Most feldspars are extensively sericitized. Plaglo- metamorphic rocks are also exposed at Minmwe and
clase Is zoned and some myrmekites are present Belin areas in Kyaukse Township south of Bodawgyi
The Taunggyun gramtold intrudes the country rocks (Pinle-m) area and Mandalay Hill. The detailed mapping
of gneisses, calc-silicates and marbles of the almandme - of the area around Kyaukse and Belin by Myint Thein
amphiblolite facies. Similar metamorphic country rocks (1975) has revealed that two major types of granitolds
are widely exposed at the Chaunggyl area to the north were mtruded into a structurally deformed, narrow zone
between Mogok and Taunggyun (Them Them Oo 1982). which is dommantly made up of regionally metamor-
The Taunggyun and Chaunggyl metamorphic rocks are phosed country rocks of Pre-Carboniferous to possibly
thought to be equivalent to the Mogok metamorphlcs. Lower Paleozoic age.
The contact of the Taunggyun gramtoid w~th the The medium- to coarse-grained, tourmaline-biotite
country rocks is sharp w~th or without a skarn zone. gramtes which are the older granitold type intruded
Smce contact metamorphism of the calcareous member concordantly and were later deformed producing ortho-
of the country rocks also occurs adjacent to the Taung- gneisses with typical augen structures. This is well ex-
gyun granitoid and the contact effect is found to be of posed at Shwethalayaung Hill. The younger, coarse-
lower hornblende-hornfels facies with temperature ap- grained porphyritic to non-porphyritic biotite granites
proximately below 650~C and XCO~ < 0.25 (Slke Lynn are the most abundant type and were emplaced discor-
1982) The regmnally metamorphosed country rocks dantly mto the country rocks of the Belin area which
trend approximately NNW-SSE and occur as roof have been regionally metamorphosed up to the amphi-
pendants The prominent joint set in the Taunggyun bollte facies and include quartzltes, calc-silicates,
gramtoid is ENE-WSE and in metamorphic rocks N-S. marbles, phyllites, schists, and gneisses. The granitoid
No pegmatlte veins are found at Taunggyun intrusion has also resulted in minor contact metamor-
A small pluton occurs of Kaduta (Mya Mya Than phic effects being superimposed on the regionally meta-
1982). Gawuntaung and Bodawgyi Taung (Them Win morphosed country rocks at the eastern part of the
1980) to the south of the Taunggyun gramtoid. The Kyaukse area
Kaduta gramtolds are predominantly biotite granites Migmatitlc rocks and small, ~rregular pods, bands and
locally fohated near the margin of the pluton, but unlike streaks of fels~c granites are also widely distributed in the
the Taunggyun granitold, pegmatltic veins are associated area of the highest grade zone of the metamorphosed
with the Kaduta granitoid. No detailed study of the country rocks suggesting partial melting of the country
gramtoids at Gawuntaung has yet been done but Thein rocks during regional metamorphism. The absolute
Win (1980) recently mapped them and their assocmted age of the metamorphism cannot be ascertained, but
metamorphic rocks at Bodawgyl Taung m the Pinle-in the marble unit at the easternmost part of the Kyaukse
area. The Bodawgyl granitoid occurs as a composite ridge is lithologically similar to a nearby thick marble
pluton of 9 km 2 consisting dominantly of medium- to sequence exposed at Thandawmyet Hill where a relic
coarse-grained, grey to dark brown, biotite granites with fossil of Carboniferous age was obtained (Maung Thein
subordinate hornblende granites. They contain quartz, and Soe Win 1970). Thus the main phase of regional
orthoclase, plagloclase with minor hornblende, sphene, metamorphism would have taken place sometime
apatite, zircon and opaques. Zoning of plagloclase and after the Carboniferous, followed by the granitoid
myrmekltic intergrowths are also found intrusion.
The regionally metamorphosed country rocks at Beryl- and tourmaline-bearing pegmat~tes and aplites,
Bodawgyi Taung are medium- to high-grade calc- and mlcrogranite dykes and veins also cut the granitoids
silicates, marbles and gneisses as in the case of the and the metamorphic country rocks. The pegmatite
Taunggyun area. Them Win (1980) observed very minor dykes vary from 0.3 to 4.5 m in thickness and trend
superimposed contact metamorphic effects. Pegmatites nearly N-S. They contain quartz, perthite, muscovite,
and leucogranites are also common as late-stage dykes, tourmaline and minor garnet and beryl (aquamarine
veins and irregular bodies injected into the granitoid and variety). The pegmatites and aplites are often found as
country rocks. Some pegmatite veins are &opslde-bear- composite dykes and veins, and seem to be commonly
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 299

injected along N-S trending cooling joints of the granit- At the eastern part of the Pyetkaywe batholith along
oid rocks, and to a lesser extent, along the NNW-SSE the west bank of the Pan Laung river, wolframite-
striking foliation planes of the metamorphosed country bearing quartzo-feldspathic veins are closely associated
rocks. Mierogranite dykes of up to 30 m wide are also with medium-grained, felsic granitoids. An E-W trend-
found penetrating the granodioritic and dioritic rocks, ing pegrnatitic vein of about 1 m wide and more than
but no W-Sn deposit has been recorded in the Kyaukse- 150 m in length occurs west of Maunggwe village. The
Belin area. vein contains minor amount of wolframite, fluorite, pale
blue-green beryl and malachite--azurite stains. Small
5. Pyetkaywe granitoids quartz veins trending NW-SE are found at Kyatgyi
Taung, 8 km southwest of Maunggwe. The quartz veins
The Pyetkaywe granitoid pluton in the range north of penetrated felsic granite and contain wolframite crystals
the Yinmabin igneous complex is one of the largest up to 1 mm in length. Garson et al. (1972, 1976) also
bodies in the W-Sn related granitoid belt. It is about reported that at Pedwe Taung located on the southwest
32 km long and has a maximum width of 14 km. Khin of Nyaunggyat village, several small wolframite deposits
Zaw (1970) first mapped and described the granitoids (briefly decribed by Clegg 1944) are found in the biotite
and the related country rocks at Pyetkaywe, and Garson granitoids. The veins here are vertical, narrow, N-S
et al. (1976) investigated the eastern margin of the trending and appear to have formed by infilling of a
Pyetkaywe plutons, and recently a detailed study of the shear zone. The veins are greisenised at the margins and
entire Pyetkaywe pluton was made by Khin Myo Thet wolframite occurs within the veins as lenses and irregular
(1981) and Tin Aung Khaing (1981). pockets.
The most abundant rock type is porphyritic biotite
granite exposed in the central part of the range as a core 6. Yinmabin-Payangazu granitoids
zone. Adamellites crop out mainly in the eastern margin
of the batholith (Garson et al. 1976) and non-porphyritic The igneous complex, about 29 km long and 13 km
granite in the western margin. Minor diorites are associ- wide, is the southern extension of the Pyetkaywe
ated with the granitoids in the northernmost part of the batholith in the north. Maung Thein et al. (1972)
pluton. The diorites and adamellites are observed as mapped and reported that biotite granite, commonly
older intrusive phases and porphyritic ganitoid units as porphyritic, is the most widely distributed rock type.
younger intrusive phases. Metasedimentary country Associated igneous rocks are diorites together with
rocks occur mainly at Buzayit Taung and are locally hornblendites; rhyolites occurring both as lava flows and
exposed as scattered remnants near the western margin dykes; hornblende granites, muscovite granites, felsic
of the range. They consist mainly of banded quartzites granites and pegmatites as younger intrusives. The
and garnetiferous calc-silicate rocks. Dacite porphyry Yinmabin granitoids are medium- to coarse-grained,
and rhyolite are intercalated with the metasedimentary non-porphyritic to porphyritic biotite granites.
rocks; the volcanic rocks are older than the granitoid The prophyritic granites occupying the middle north-
rocks (Khin Myo Thet 1981). The porphyritic biotite ern part of the pluton contain phenocrysts of alkali
granitoids are coarse-grained, porphyritic and are com- feldspar up to 1.2-2.5 cm. Hornblende occurs as a minor
posed essentially of quartz, alkali feldspars, plagioclase constituent and magnetite and garnet are locally present
and biotite. The feldspar phenocrysts are 2-4 cm across. as accessory minerals. The non-porphyritic granites are
Coarse- to medium-grained, non-porphyritic biotite the Yebokson type with "green" biotite and hornblende,
granite consists mainly of quartz, perthite, plagioclase and the Taungnyo type containing brown biotite with
and biotite. little or no hornblende. The Yebokson granites occur in
Felsic medium-grained microgranites, tourmaline the southern part of the Yinmabin pluton. The green
granites, pegmatite and aplite dykes commonly occur at biotites in this granite are completely chloritized biotites
late phases. Dolerite dykes sometimes cut across the which appear as green books, and thus may be easily
granitoid rocks. At Gu Taung, the granitoids occur as a mistaken for true green biotites in hand specimens
satellitic body to the main Pyetkaywe batholith to the (Maung Thein et al. 1972). Hornblende occurs as a
south and numerous pegmatite veins and dykes pene- subordinate mafic mineral. The Taungnyo granite is the
trate the granitoids and the related intrusive rocks. Khin most widely distributed among the granitoid rocks ex-
Zaw (1971) and Kyu Kyu Win (1980) reported more posed in the Yinmabin area. It occupies the eastern part
than 50 major pegmatite veins and dykes in the Gu of the igneous complex in the north and the middle
Taung, and these are 3-6 m wide, 122-152m long, and part in the south of the Yinmabin igneous body. The
trending mostly N-S. A few dykes are traceable for more Taungnyo granite is coarse-grained, slightly prophyritic
than 305 m. The pegmatites consist of quartz, perthitic and possibly grades into a non-phorphyritic variety.
K-feldspars of up to 8-11 cm across and muscovite The Yinmabin granitoids intruded metasedimentary
together with minor biotite, tourmaline (schorlite), beryl rocks of possible Lower Paleozoic and also Jurassic age.
(aquamarine), and garnet. At some localities, wolframite The metasediments are mostly regionally metamor-
is found in the pegrnatites as a minor constituent. Quartz phosed in the greenschist and lower amphibolite facies.
grains from the Gu Taung pegrnatites contain numerous The high-grade metamorphic rocks include banded
two-phase (liquid and gas) fluid inclusions. gneisses and migrnatites with lenticular, white (quartzo-
3()(b KHIN ZA~

leldspathlc) and dark (biotite- and/or hornblende-rich) length and 16 km wide. The granitoid rock units of the
bands (Maung Them et al. 1972). Spotted phyllites and Pyawbwe-Yamethin area are essentially similar to those
schists result from intrusion of ~gneous rocks, but no of the Pyetkaywe and Yinmabin areas The biotite
broad contact metamorphic aureoles have been seen. granite ~s the most abundant type m the Pyawbwe-
The gramtold rocks in the Ymmabln area were also Yamethin area and exhibits a variable texture from
apparently transformed into gramto~d gne~sses due to medmm- to coarse-grained, non-porphyritic to por-
later regional metamorphism Pegmat~te occurs mostly phyritic
as dykes and veins along joints m the granlto~d gnelsses, The porphyritic variety is the most voluminous mtru-
but some are ~rregular m shape. Pegmatite veins of up swe rock in the area and well exposed at Taungkantlant,
to 6 rn thick are found at Indamgtha and Thetkedeik, Thamkbwetaung and in the Nat Taung ranges. The
and at the south and southwestern slopes of Talongyaw porphyritic type commonly contains pink as well as grey
Taung, Taunggwa and the western slope of feldspar phenocrysts up to 2.5 x 4.0 cm m size. Biotite
Moguangmyauk Taung. Maung Them et aL (t972) also is the common mafic mineral and hornblende occasion-
demonstrated that the pegmatJte veins are d~scontinuous ally occurs as a minor constituent. The non-porphyritic
and lentlcular in shape. Pegmatite bodies trending ap- variety occupies Nyaunggaing Taung and the rocks are
proximately E W are common. In some pegmat~tes, generally speckled-grey to pinkish-grey, equigranular
garnet and beryl (aquamarine variety) are present as and slightly porphyritic. Rhyolites, microgranites and
accessory minerals. pegmatites also occur in association with the granitoid
At Payangazu, medaum-gramed, often shghtly por- rocks Pegmatite veins occur as dykes in igneous
phyritic granodaontes and hornblendltes occur as a and metamorphic rocks, the veins being about 1.5 m
small, elongated mass of 5 8 km at the western margin thick although in some places they exceed 6m.
of the mare Ymmabln bathohth. Thein Zaw (198t) The mlcrogranites here are biotitic, medium-grained
reported that the granodiorite unit ~s younger than the and closely resemble those of Yinmabin-Payangazu
dlontes and hornblendites and is exposed as a dyke-like area.
body. and at the Payangazu quarry it intrudes the As m the Yinmabm pluton, the Pyawbwe-Yamethm
metamorphic country rocks of mainly medium-grade granitold rocks intrude metasedimentary country rocks
gne~sses and schists The granodlorltes are hght to dark of possibly Lower Paleozoic and Jurassic age. The
grey. the gram size becomes finer and the colour darker Lower Paleozoic rocks trend N-S or NNW-SSE and are
at the margin of the dyke It consists of variable composed of medium- to high-grade marbles, calc-sili-
proportions of plagloclase, orthoclase and quartz, with cates, quartzites, phyllites, schists and gneisses. The
biottte, sphene, and minor hornblende. The phenocrysts Jurassic rocks trend NW-SE and mainly consist of low-
are mamly quartz, plagloclase and minor orthoclase with grade phyllites, slates, quartzites and metagreywackes.
a maximum length of 1 mm The quartz phenocrysts are Contact metamorphic effects are also observed in both
corroded and embayed, and contain abundant fluid Lower Paleozoic and Jurassic metasediments. Spotted
inclusions. The major joint set in the granodioritles schists can be seen in some places, but the contact
is NNE--SSW but in the dlontes almost E-W Leuco- metamorphic aureoles are neither broad nor pro-
gramtes, pegmatltes, and quartzo-feldspathlc veins pene- nounced. The granitoids also show gneissose texture and
trated the granito~ds and associated metased~mentary appear to have been transformed into gramtoid gneisses
rocks as late-stage d~fferentlates, by later metamorphism and tectonic deformation. The
Yhe pegmat~tes at Payangazu are characterized by geologic structure of the east of Pyawbwe-Yamethin
variable texture, generally coarse, but m places they are area consists of N-S folds and ENE-WSW striking
fine and aphtic or both coarse and fine varieties form en echelon faults. The joints in the porphyritxc biotite
composite dykes The quartz and alkah feldspars (ortho- granites trends N-S.
clase and mtcrocline) and alblte up to 20 cm across occur At Sinmakhwa Hill in Pyawbwe Township, gramtold
as major constituents m the pegmatites and muscovite, rocks occur as an elongated body of 2 4 km trending
biotite, tourmahne, garnet, beryl (aquamarine variety) as NE-SW (Khin Win Kyi 1981). It resembles those of the
accessories. The pegmatlte veins at Payangazu trend Payangazu pluton to the north. Approximately two-
NW-SE and seem to be related to the joints of the latest thirds of the Sinmakhwa Hill area is underlain by biotite
phase of the intrusion (Thein Zaw 1981). Although the gramtes. Diorite occurs as small patches. Banded
Ylnmabm and Payangazu plutons he within the W-Sn gneisses with both biotite and muscovite, granitoid
bearmg central granitoid belt, not a single W-Sn mineral gnelsses and migrnatites are also found as isolated roof
occurrence has so far been reported in assocmtion with pendants which are well exposed along the western
these plutons. Gold occurrences have been recently margin and in the middle part of the Sinmakhwa pluton.
reported at Yinmabm The granitoid gneisses are apparently transformed from
the biotite granites. The biotite granite at Sinmakhwa is
7 P v a w b w e - Y a m e t h m granttoids pale grey, well jointed, non-porphyritic and essentially
composed of quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, and biotite
Aung Mymt Them and Myo Min (1973) mapped and as the chief mafic mineral. Sphene, apatite, magnetite
described the granitold rocks east of Pyawbwe and and zircon are found as accessories. Myrmekitic struc-
Yamethin. The granitoid body here is about 48 km in ture ~s also often noted.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 301

Pegrnatites, aplites, leucogranites and graphic granites 20 W(Sn) individual workings are reported in the
are observed as veins and dykes cutting the biotite area east of Pyinmana and Takon. Wolfram and, to a
granites and granite gneisses. Many of the veins and lesser extent, tin deposits occur in thin quartz veins in the
dykes trend approximately N-S, but some locally trend granitoid and related country rocks. The vein-type
E-W. The dykes are almost vertical or steeply dipping deposits are more commonly distributed than those of
to the west or east. The dykes are 3-4.5 m thick and alluvial and eluvial origins. Notable primary vein-type
30-150 m in length. Pegmatites are also seen as veins. deposits are the Kwedugyi, Tunmataung, Seiphutaung,
Pegmatites and aplites are in places observed as com- Padatchaung, Byingyi and Peinnedaik W-Sn mines.
posite dykes. The Sinmakhwa pegmatites are generally Bateson et al. (1972) reported that W-Sn bearing quartz-
similar to those of Gu Taung (Pyetkaywe) and greisen veins dip steeply (50 or more) and in some
Payangazu (Yinmabin) areas to the north, and princi- groups of quartz veins the productive ones are always
pally consist of quartz, orthoclase, albite, microcline associated with greisen and dip steeply. The later veins
microperthite and muscovite. The quartz crystals from are almost always thinner than the rest, not associated
the Sinmakhwa pegmatites contain abundant two-phase with greisen and dip at low angles (up to 30).
(liquid and gas) fluid inclusions. Tin Kyaw Than (1977) demonstrated that the
Neither metallic sulfide mineralization nor W-Sn wolframite-bearing, greisen-bordered quartz veins at the
occurrences have been found in the Sinmakhwa Hill Kwedugyi Mine are mostly 2-4 cm, but sometimes up to
area, but wolframite with no apparent tin mineralization 10 cm wide, strike E-W and have vertical dips. The veins
is observed in the western margin of the Pyawbwe- traverse both the medium-grained granite and the adja-
Yamethin pluton whereas lead is more frequent in the cent quartzite unit. At the Tunmataung Mine, as in the
metasediments in the east. W(Sn) deposits previously case of the Kwedugyi Mine, the mineralized quartz
reported in the Yamethin area (Clegg 1944) occur at the veins occur along the contact of granite and quartzite.
SE of Yamethin township between east of Pyinmana and The veins have a maximum thickness of 2.5cm
Takon. Thin wolframite-bearing quartz veins cut across and trend approximately E-W and dip 70-80 to the
the porphyritic granitoid rocks, trend NW-SE and dip south. Wolframite and cassiterite are generally associ-
steeply to the west. Wolframite occurs as small pockets ated with minor molybdenite, galena, sphalerite, and
about 4 cm and sometimes up to 1 m in size. The quartz chalcopyrite.
veins also contain subordinate amounts of pyrite,
arsenopyrite, sericite, kaolinite and iron oxide. Surface 9. Taungoo-Mawchi granitoids
exposures are covered by soil but these veins seem to be
continuous along the strike. A notable W(Sn) deposit at The batholith east of Taungoo is the largest in the
SE of Yamethin is the Megon Mine but a detailed central belt, but no systematic geological mapping has
description of the geology of the mine has not been been done to investigate the distribution and relation-
made. ships of the different plutonic units. This is a large,
elongated batholith 240 km long with a maximum width
8. Pyinmana-Takon granitoids of 60 km. Chhibber (1934) reported that two varieties of
granitoids occur at Taungoo East. One is a fine- to
Tin Kyaw Than (1977) mapped the granitoids and the medium-grained sodic (low-Ca) granite consisting of
related metamorphic rocks exposed between the east of quartz, dominantly idiomorphic albite with subsidiary
Pyinmana and Yezin. As in the case of the Pyetkaywe orthoclase and large well-preserved books of biotite.
area, a predominantly biotitic and potassic granite is the The other is a medium-grained K-rich granite composed
most widely distributed rock type. The texture varies of quartz with dominant orthoclase (perthitic), albite,
from medium- to coarse-grained and porphyritic in biotite, and accessory opaque minerals. Aplitic and
many places with phenocrysts of feldspar up to quartzo-feldspathic veins, dolerite dykes and hornblende
2 x 10cm. Diorites, hornblendites, leucogranites, tour- granophyre are reported to occur in association with the
maline granites, and pegmatites are also associated with above types.
the granitoid rocks. Rhyolites, vesicular basalts and The Mawchi granitoid is a very small body
andesite, which are thought to be of Cenozoic age, also 100 x 100m at the eastern margin of the Taungoo
occur in the area. The associated metasediments are batholith probably forming as an apophysis of the
regionally metamorphosed under greenschist to upper Taungoo granitoid body. Khin Zaw and Khin Myo Thet
amphibolite facies conditions. The granites were also (1983) indicate that the granitoids at Mawchi are
transformed into granite gneisses due to later regional bounded by limestones in the northwestern and parts of
metamorphism. the eastern flanks, and sandstones and shales on the
Pegrnatites mostly occur as dykes and veins parallel to southern and western flanks. The Mawchi granitoid
the foliation in the granite gneiss to the north of intrudes a series of sedimentary rocks consisting of
Shwegya and east of Thayetkon. Most are muscovite sandstones, grits, calcareous mudstones, shales and lime-
pegmatites and some are leucocratic pegrnatites. They stones named the Mawchi Group in the mine area. This
show zonal arrangement in which the outer zone is pink group is thought to be equivalent to the Mergui Group
orthoclase-rich and the inner zone is quartz-rich. Peg- (mostly Carboniferous) in the Tavoy and Mergui areas
matites often exhibit boudinage structures. About of Tenasserim Division. The intrusion produced a low-
~,(k-' KHIN ZA~

grade thermal metamorphic aureole of quartmtes, spot- feldspars and accessory sphene, zircon, apatlte, mag-
ted grits, indurated slates and marbles. netite and chatcopyrlte
The Mawchi metasediments trend N W - S E and dip W Sn bearing quartzo-feldspathic veins are reported
steeply to the west. The Mawchl granito~d pluton trends to occur in the Thaton granltOlds and the adjacent
approximately NW-SE, a &rectIon similar to that of the metasedlments. At Zlngyelk, 25 km south of Thaton,
country rocks. However, the contact ~s mostb ~rregular about four parallel veins trend NW-SE, a direction
and discordant. Many apophyses occur along the roof which is parallel to that of the prominent jolntlng in the
zone Thin dykes and veins of aphtes and pegmatltes. granltolds. The veins dip to the NE Their average
which are thought to be related to the late stage of thickness is less than 10cm The veins are pegmatmc
granlto~d emplacement, are seen penetrating the adjacent and contain quartz, muscovite, tourmaline, and
sedimentary rocks. The Mawchi gramtoxd itself Js feldspars In addmon to cass~terlte and wolframite, the
bmtite-bearing and medium-grained but locally ~t ~s veins contain accessory pyrite, chalcopyrlte, arsenopyrite
porphyrmc m texture with large K-feldspar phenocrysts and molybdenite. The veins In the metasediments are
and a little muscowte. It ~s noteworthy that discrete thicker but much less continuous than those m the
grains of cassiterlte are observed m the Mawch~ gramt- granltolds. They dip to the west at comparatwely low
oid, and in many places, ~t ~s strongly tourmahnized and angles An alluvial tm occurrence has also been reported
kaohnized. A few quartz veins in the granno~d carrying at Kadeik, about 16 km southeast of Thaton~
cassitente and wolframite were reported near Kyaukky~ The granltoids of the Amherst (Kyalkkharm) coast
m the Taungoo area but no detailed description of these and Green Island as described by Stamp (1926), are
Sn-W occurrences have been recorded small bodies connected with coastal gramtolds of Tavoy.
Sn-W mineralization Is assocmted with the small, The granltolds intrude black shales (Mergul Group of
satelhtic, Mawchl granito~d pluton. More than 60 major Carboniferous age) with a metamorphic aureole of mica
Sn -W ore veins occur in parallel groups w~thm the apical and mica-hornblende schists The gramtoids contain
zone of the granltold body, whereas some of the veins large numbers of xenoliths, which range m size from
penetrate the slates and hmestones of the adjacent large blocks having the foliation of ordinary mica
metase&mentary rocks for short &stances (Goossens schists, through irregular-shaped masses of all sizes, down
1978, Bender 1983, Khm Zaw and Khin Myo Thet to small fragments. The granitolds are NOtlte granites
1983). Before World War II the Mawch~ Mine was one containing quartz, orthoclase, minor plagloclase and horn-
of the richest and largest Sn-W veins m the world The blende w~th accessory sphene and epldote. Nea~ the
majority of the Sn-W ~exns strike N S. sometimes boundary with the country locks, the gramtolds became
NE-SW, and &p steeply 75-80- to the west The ore banded and fohated Microgranites, mlcrodxorltes and
veins are up to 2.5 m thick with an average thickness of hornblende granites occur as minor mtruswes in the area
1 m, some of the ore veins are traceable for up to 570 m. W--Sn mineralization is reported to occur near Ye to
The veins are drusy and carry casslterlte and wolframite the north of Ta~o~, a) Dawna ,rod Seludaung
intimately intergrown with other minerals such as pyrite, (Taungnyo) ranges, at Bflugyun l~land, and
chalcopyrite, arsenopynte, molybdenite, bxsmuthinite, Kunhnitkwe. The Dawna Range in Karen State is near
sphalerlte, galena, fluorite and scheelate An alluvial tin the Thai border m the east and has been reported to have
deposit ~s also located at Kehmpyu m the v~cmlty of the small wolframlte and tin deposits, but no detailed de-
Mawchl Mine area scription of the deposits has been recorded. At!uwal tin
deposits also occur at the Seludaung (Taungnyo) range
which &wdes the coastal plains of Amherst and the
10. Thaton-Amherst granitotds valley of Ataran river. Alluvial tm deposits are reported
on Bilugyun Island along the lower slopes of the ridge
Granltoid rocks are exposed in Thaton and along the of argillltes, quartmtes, and grey slates of the Mergm
coast of Amherst (Kyaikkhami) and adjacent islands Group which was penetrated by the coarse pegmatlte
The great mass of the highlands east of Thaton, culmi- veins and foliated tourmahne gramte and related
nating in the peak of Kyaikhteyo, is predominantly built quartzo-feldspathic lenses, cassitente ma~ have been
up of coarse-grained biotite granites with very minor derived from these lntrusives
fine- to medium-grained tourmaline granites and rhyo- At Kunhnitkwe, a W-Sn bearing pegmaute vem cross-
lites. At Mokpalin quarry, the Thaton granitoids have cuts the arglllites, quartzltes and slates of the Mergm
apparently transformed into granite gneisses which have Group. It is discontinuous ~ t h a maximum thickness of
been injected by lamprophyres, pregmatites, aplites, and 0.6 m and strikes approximately N W - S E following the
irregular lenses of quartz. The Thaton granitoid ~s in bedding planes of the country rocks. Many antimony
places characterized by marked foliation (e.g. deposits (e.g. Thabyu and Natsan) are associated with
Kyaikhteyo) and jointing with a N W - S E trend. The the metasedlmentary rocks of Mergul Group in the
granitoid rocks in the Thaton area intruded a series of Thaton and Amherst areas of Mon State. The antimony
metasediments made up of quartzites, argillites and deposits are excluswely m the metasediments and appear
slates possibly of Carboniferous age. Chhibber (1934) to be stratabound. There ~s no granltoid rock exposure
reported that the Thaton granite gnelsses are biotite- in the vicinity of the antimony deposits nor is there any
and/or hornblende-bearing and contain quartz and known genetic relatmnshlps with the W-Sn deposits.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 303

11. Tavoy granitoids Kanbauk, Taungphila, Telepe, Pennaichaung and

Yetkanzintaung (Khin Zaw 1984) and Bawapin. Many
Following Brown and Heron (1923), Chhibber (1934) alluvial and eluvial placers also occur in the Tavoy area.
and Pascoe (1959) reported at least six major granitoid A notable example is the Heinda tin placer deposit
plutons in the Tavoy area, but detailed mapping of these (Clegg 1944, Nanda Oo 1980, Bender 1983).
major plutons has yet to be undertaken. The granitoid
plutons intruded the metasedimentary rocks of the 12. Mergui granitoids
Mergui Group (Carboniferous). They are markedly
elongated bodies with their longer axes parallel to the Mergui granitoids are the southern extension of the
NNW-SSE trend of the country rocks, being approxi- granitoid rocks in the Tavoy area and extend as far south
mately 32--64 km in length with a maximum width of as Victoria Point (Kawthaung), the southernmost ex-
16 km. Many smaller granitoid bodies up to 3 km across tremity of Burma. Like the Tavoy granitoids, the gran-
are observed at the margins of the major granitoid itoids of the Mergui and the ad~cent islands intruded
plutons and W-Sn mineralization is notably associated the metasedimentary rocks of the Mergui Group. Sethu
with these satellitic bodies. At the Hermyingyi W-Sn Rama Rao (1930) reported that granitoids in the Mergui
Mine, the mineralization is closely and spatially related area form into three distinct ranges viz. the western
with a NNW-SSE trending small grantioid body of frontier range along the Burma-Thai border, the central
0.5 x 1.2 km, which represents a northern tip of a larger range, and the eastern (coastal) range, but no detailed
major pluton. Brown and Heron (1923) also noted that geological mapping of the Mergui plutons has been
mafic dykes of 6 m across in places cut the granitoids. made. Recently, Maung Thein (1974) and Nyan Thin
Pegmatites, sometimes tourmaline-bearing, are also (1984) made petrological studies of the selected granitoid
found penetrating the granitoids, but the relative age rocks from the Mergui area and its archipelago.
of the mafic dykes and the tourmaline pegmatites is The Mergui plutons are elongated NNW-SSE parallel
unknown. to the trend of the country rocks which are affected by
The granitoids of the Tavoy area vary considerably greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism.
in grain size and texture but are very uniform in The metasedimentary country rocks also exhibit contact
mineral composition. They essentially consist of aureoles but not so pronounced over a large area. Biotite
abundant quartz, orthoclase frequently as large granites together with two mica (biotite and muscovite)
megacrysts, plagioclase, microcline and biotite. Horn- granites are the most abundant rock types with a
blende is rarely present and then only in small subordinate amount of porphyritic biotite granites,
quantity. In the central part of the intrusion, the granit- hornblende granites (adamellites), granodiorites and
oid is generally coarse-grained and porphyritic. Towards minor tourmaline-muscovite granites. On the basis of
the periphery, there is a gradual transition to a finer- field evidences, Sethu Rama Rao (1930) and recently
textured and more uniform rock; biotite becomes scarce Nyan Thin (1984) reported that hornblende-bearing
or absent and gives way to muscovite. Accessories are granitoids appear to be older and are confined to the
sphere, zircon, garnet and opaques. Coarse-grained foli- eastern Burma-Thai border regions whereas W-Sn
ated, porphyritic variety is sometimes noted. Biotite- and bearing biotite-muscovite granitoids as younger intru-
/or muscovite-bearing granitoids are the most abundant sives are more abundant at the western coastal region
types and commonly host the W-Sn deposits. At the in the Tenasserim Division including the Mergui
Hermyingyi W-Sn Mine, granitoid rocks contain quartz, areas.
orthoclase, microcline (perthitic), plagioclase and abun- The texture of the Mergui biotite granite varies from
dant muscovite with minor garnet, zircon, sericite, fluor- coarsely porphyritic to medium-grained, and foliated.
ite and allanite with no apparent biotite under the The biotite granite consists of quartz, microcline partly
microscope, whereas at the Taungphila W-Sn Mine, the sericitized, a little plagioclase, biotite and minor musco-
host rock is biotite granitoid, and at the Peinnaichaung vite and hornblende. The hornblende appears to be
and Yetkanzintaung Prospects, W-Sn veins are hosted mostly chloritized. Tourmaline and muscovite are
by biotite--muscovite granitoid (two mica granitoid). usual accessories found at the margins of the plutons
More than 30 W-Sn occurrences are reported as where biotite becomes scarse. Cassiterite is reported as
primary vein-type in the granitoid as well as alluvial and a minor constituent of the smaller granitoid plutons.
eluvial deposits of secondary origin in the Tavoy area. As in the case of Tavoy area, W-Sn bearing quartz
At Hermyingyi, more than 300 major and branching veins with greisen borders, and pegmatites are notably
wolframite and cassiterite-bearing quartz veins occur in associated with the Mergui granitoids, and medium-
a near vertical and parallel vein system in the apical zone grained, biotite granite appears to be a more favourable
of the granitoid intrusion. The mineralized veins strike host than coarse-grained porphyritic and hornblende-
approximately N-S and dip steeply to the west and bearing granitoids. Pegmatites occur as disconnected,
sometimes to the east. The veins vary from less than 3 cm lenticular veins but trend in a regular direction parallel
to 1 m in width and some of the veins are traceable for to the strike of the country rocks (NNW-SSE). The
more than a kilometer (Clegg 1944, Khin Zaw 1978, pegrnatites contain quartz, orthoclase and muscovite
Nilar Shwe 1980, Bender 1983). Similar primary vein- with accessory tourmaline, garnet, cassiterite and wol-
type occurrences but relatively smaller are found at framite.

More than 50 W-Sn workings have been recorded m

the Mergul area and the adjacent islands. The residual
and detrital tm deposits frequently result from decompo-
smon and weathering of pegmatltes and W Sn quartz
vem_~ Although eluvlal and alluwal cassltente occur-
rences are wldel~ scattered m the Mergm area, some
localmes are ~mportant for W Sn bearing pegmatltes '

and quartz veins which penetrated both gramtolds and

associated metasedlmentar2, country rocks Workable
mmerahzed tourmahne muscovite pegmames are noted
at Kazat, Palaw, Te-Twe, and Yengnan Gre~sen-bor-
dered W-Sn quartz veins are sometimes assocmted w~th
pegmatltes and as m the Tavo~ area, the veins are found / /---I:.o o',, oa \
in parallel groups, mostl} trending N E - S W or some-
times E- W and the &ps are usually high. Notable W-Sn
veto-type deposits are at Tagu, Mahwun, Palauk, and
Yadanabon (Namyen) The Tagu Mme ~ one of the Pl..A~E AI.KJ~l NN.I~P~

largest W-Sn deposits m the Mergm area and is well Flg 2 IUGS classxticatlon &agram (after Streckelsen 1973) for the
known for the width of its quartz veins, some of which normative and modal compositions of the gramtold rocks from the
central gramtold belt, Burma. Sohd dots indicate norms and open
are up to 5 m across, but all veins occur m the granitold orcles modes
At the Mahwun (Checking) Mine, mineralized quartz
vem~ occur m the granitold near ~ts contact w~th the plotted in Fig. 2. The central belt granitotd intrusions are
Mergm sediments and a minor amount of pyrite and associated with minor dirontes (e.g. Pyetkaywe)
arsenopynte has been recorded in the ~elns. in the Gabbro is found to be virtually absent and syenites
Palauk area (Palauk Mine, Mwechaung Chaung Mine represent minor and probably neghgible volumes. Indi-
and Kathy Mine), the W Sn veins generally strake from vidual plutons may contain a complete series ranging
NE SW to E-W and are up to 0 3 m thick The veins are from diorite through granodlorite to granite or in ex-
partl} in the gramto~d and partly in the Mergm sedi- treme cases only the end members, namely diorite and
ments, and contain molybdemte in a small amount No gramte. Thus, petrographic data indicate that the central
b~smuth is found but native bismuth is reported m the belt plutons are dominantly "calc-alkaline".
alluvials of the Palauk area. The Yadanabon (Namyen)
Mine (Goossens 1978, Bender 1983) is one of the richest
W--Sn deposits m the Mergul Division and lies about MINERALOGY
3 krn west of the Burma-Thadand border The mineral-
ized quartz veins and strmgers are found m the decom- Mineralogically, granltoid rock m the central grani-
posed sediments and gramtolds, and trend N E E - S W W toid belt consists of six major minerals i.e. quartz,
w~th gentle dip to the south. Clusters of wolframlte are plagioclase, alkali feldspars, biotite, muscovite, and
scattered m the veins, and cassitente is more evenly hornblende. Minor accessory minerals are zircon, ap-
&str)buted and more finely &ssemmated. Molybdenlte, atite, sphene, tourmaline, garnet, fluorite, topaz,
pyrite, chalcopynte, tourmahne, lepidohte and fluorite ilmenite, diopside, saussurite, sericite, kaohn, chlorite,
are found as accessory minerals in the Yadnanbon W -Sn epidote, galena, calcite, and pyrite. Wolframite and beryl
~,el n': are locally found in the granitoids but no monazlte has
so far been reported to be associated with the granitoids.


A total of 200 granitold samples were collected along Quartz constitutes from 10 to 30 volume per cent in
the W-Sn related, central granitoid bell and thin sec- most granitoid samples. Quartz occurs mostly in a fine-
uons were prepared for petrographical and mineralogi- to medium-grained groundmass but sometimes forms as
cal investigations. Granito~d samples with very coarse- individual grains or phenocrysts up to 3 mm across and
grained textures were cut into slabs and examined by as grains interstitial to feldspar. In many thin sections,
staining methods. Modal analyses were made for all of quartz is seen as myrmekitic or as graphic intergrowths
the samples and modal compositions of the selected with feldspars. In some samples, quartz grains are seen
granitoid samples are presented m Table 1 together with replacing muscovite. Quartz grains are sometimes found
their petrochemtcal data. as strained, composite, anhedral grains with undulatory
The plot of the modal composition of granitoid rocks extmction. Plagioclase is generally subhedral and ranges
on l U G S classification diagram (Fig. 2) after Streckeisen from An6 to An36 in composition, but mostly with an
(1973) indicates that the composition of the granitoid oligoclase--andesine range. Plagioclase occurs as partly
rocks along the central gramtoid belt ranges from gran- corroded to well-formed crystals, and very often shows
ites to granodiorites. Two samples of syenites were also twinning and oscillatory and normal zonings.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 305

The zoned plagioclase is sometimes altered to sericite. At Pyetkaywe, central Burma, orthoclase rarely forms
In some thin sections, plagioclases are seen to be rimmed as poikilitic crystals enclosing hornblende and plagio-
by myrmekites. Alkali feldspars are orthoclase, micro- clase in hornblende--biotite granite samples (Tin Aung
cline (commonly perthitic) and albite. The alkali Khaing 1981). Orthoclase grains often exhibit incipient
feldspars occur both as phenocrysts and groundmass. to strong perthitic texture, but various types of perthitic
The phenocysts are subhedral to euhedral and up to intergrowth are characteristically observed in the associ-
5 x 10mm in size. The alkali feldspar grains are ated microclines. In some samples, microcline perthite
sometimes fractured and strain shadows may be seen. is the most abundant feldspar; the common perthitic
Orthoclase phenocrysts are mostly from 2 x 2 mm to intergrowths are stringer, vein, patch and braided
4 x 3 mm in size and occur as anhedral to subhedral perthites with exsolution lamellae up to 50/~ wide.
forms, and have undulatory extinction in some thin Microcline microperthites are sometimes rimmed by
sections. myrmekites. Microcline has 2 V more than 60 with a

Table 1. Partial chemical compositions, CIPW norms and modal analyses of granitoid rocks from the central granitoid belt, Burma
Kyatpyin Bodawgyi Bodawgyi Bodawgyl Bodawgyl
Location (Mogok) (Pinle-in) (Pinle-in) (Pinle-in) (lhnle-in) Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe
Sample No. 16 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
SiO2 65.58 62.50 68 12 67.06 69.12 72.20 72.74 73 18
A120J 17 94 18 39 17.33 17.41 13.03 16.36 15 77 13 86
Fe203 as total iron 3 99 6 99 4.95 6.30 6.90 3.22 1.52 3 20
TiO 2 0.01 0.15 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0 01 0.01
MnO 0.02 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.11 0.04 0.07
MgO 0.36 0.52 0.66 0.59 0.67 0.44 0.19 0.04
CaO 0.26 0.90 0.50 0.65 1.01 0.23 0.19 0.06
Na20 3 83 5.02 4.95 3.53 3.19 4.61 3 32 4.48
K20 5 88 4 15 1.54 3 26 2.87 1.62 5.49 3.97
Total 97.87 98 77 98 19 98 95 96 99 98 84 99 27 98 87
CIPW norms
Q 18.41 11.85 29.75 29.32 34.45 37 09 31 30 31.02
or 35.61 24.95 9.30 19.54 17 57 9.71 32 72 24 03
ab 33.21 43.22 42.81 30 30 27 97 39 55 28.33 38 82
an 1.32 4.54 2 54 3 27 5 19 1.16 0.95 0.30
C 4.92 2.07 1.75 1 05 1 94 6 70 4.05 1.11
mt 1.65 2.89 2.04 2 59 2.90 1.32 0.61 1.32
11 0.02 0.29 0.02 0 02 0.02 0.10 0 02 0.02
hy 4.86 8.18 6.79 7 90 8.95 4 37 2 02 3 38
Modal analyses
Qtz 9.00 24.59 28.13 25.55 30.75 39.00 33.36 29.50
kfsg 76 25 37.45 26.45 29.00 23.90 16 25 33 33 30.29
plag 11 50 19.85 31.64 32.65 30.62 27.14 25 14 26.69
bi -- 8.96 6.54 4.72 8.35 5 00 5 27 9 32
Mu . . . . . . . .
Hbl -- 6.90 5 42 7.23 3 60 -- 1 00 --
Others 3 25 2.25 1.82 0.85 2 78 2.61 1.90 4.20*
Rock type by Quartz Gnelssose Gneissose Gneissose Gnemsose Biotite BloUte Tourmahne
hand specimen Syenite Granite Granite Granite Gramte Granite Gramte Gramte
Location Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe
Sample No. 65 82 83 85 87 88 89 90
$102 72.84 70.98 71.99 72.68 70.56 72.34 73 12 71.25
Al20 ~ 15.86 16.39 17.64 17.37 16.76 16 16 14 89 14.82
Fe203 as total iron 2.48 3.39 3.03 1.95 5.29 3 36 3 04 3 44
TiO 2 0 00 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 02 000 001
MnO 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.27
MgO 0.01 0.37 0.27 0.12 0 03 0.19 0.04 0.06
CaO 0.67 0.34 0.15 0 12 0.07 0.10 0 09 O.06
Na20 4.02 3.22 3.06 2 96 3.14 2.28 4 05 4.48
K20 4.04 3.29 2 79 2.27 3 36 3.52 2.60 3.20
Total 99.97 98.14 99.00 97.51 99.23 98 01 97.88 97 59
CIPW norms
Q 31.49 37.66 41.94 46.70 37.35 44 57 38.90 29.59
or 23.92 19.86 16.69 13.78 20.08 21.33 15.73 19.35
ab 34.08 27.83 26.21 25.72 26.87 19.73 35.09 41 94
an 3.33 1.72 0.75 0.61 0.35 0.51 0.46 0.30
C 3.66 7.06 9.43 10.09 7 92 8.60 5 38 3.36
rat 1.00 1.41 !.25 0.82 2.17 1.39 1.26 1 42
il -- 0.14 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.04 -- 0.02
hy 2.51 4.32 3.69 2.26 5.23 3.83 3 18 4.02

(Table I continued overleaf)

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G e o l o g i c a l , p e t r o l o g i c a l a n d geochemical characteristics o f g r a n i t o i d rocks, B u r m a 307

Table 1 (cont.)
Modal analyses
Qtz 38.77 18.86 19.06 18.25 32.36 30.25 41.96 41.95
kfsg 27.96 29.24 29.02 62.97 45.30 44.04 15.58 15.59
plag 23.45 29.75 20.87 10.04 14.79 20.55 34.15 34.12
bi 7.09 7.10 14.92 7.19 2 48 4.16 -- --
Mu -- -- -- 1.00 1.98 -- 5.14 6.06
Hbl 2.33 I 1.00 15 00 . . . . .
Others 0.40 4.05 1.11 0.55 3 09* 1.130 3 16 2.27
Porphyritic Porphyritic Porphyritic
Rock type by Biotite Hornblende Hornblende Biotite Tourmaline
hand specimen Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite
Hermylngyi Hermyingyi Hermylngyi Hermyingyl Hermyingyi HermyingyI Hermyingyl Hermyingyl
Location (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy)
Sample No. 31 32 33 34 38 39 41 44
SiO2 70.59 72.89 69.91 72 93 77.59 76.50 77.81 70.42
AI203 15.89 15.38 17.64 14 75 14.12 12.58 10 90 12.75
Fe203 as total iron 3.45 3.26 3.37 2.32 4.01 4.12 4 02 7.54
TiO2 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
MnO 0.32 0.21 0.14 0.15 0.23 0.15 0.35 0.37
MgO 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 01 0.01 0.00 0.01
CaO 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.07 0.06 0.07 0 03 0 07
Na20 3.35 3.02 4.00 4.39 1.40 3.04 3 50 3.79
K20 4.03 3 55 3.81 4.37 1.57 2.53 3 28 3.92
Total 97.70 98.40 99.00 98.99 98 99 99 00 99 89 98 80
CIPW norms
Q 27.13 36 91 30.58 29.73 62.14 47.65 42.95 30.18
or 25 91 21 24 22.80 26.12 9.40 15.15 19.46 23.57
ab 37 27 31 01 34.27 37.58 12.00 26 06 29 73 32 63
an 0.35 0 40 0 55 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.15 0.35
C 3.97 5 50 6.82 2.70 10.14 4.77 1.54 2.18
mt 1.42 1.34 1 38 0 95 1.65 1.69 1.64 3.11
II . . . . . . . .
hy 3.95 3.60 3.60 2 57 4.37 4.33 4.53 7.97
Modal analyses
Qtz 35.39 36 92 36.30 28.66 38.73 31 82 38 06 34.98
kfsg 11.77 15.73 20.90 26.25 12 66 15.48 10.43 17.O1
plag 34.73 38.49 28.25 37.41 38.33 37.84 35 04 35.38
bi . . . . . . . .
Mu 15 86 7.25 13.75 6 50 7 83 12.76 I0 22 9.49
Hbl . . . . . . . .
others 2.25 1.61 0.80 1.18 2 45 2 70 6 25* 2.51

Rock type by
hand specimen Granite Gramte Granite Granite Granite Gramte Granite Granite
* Mostly tourmaline.
t Mostly fluorite and garnet.

were n o t e d at Y i n m a b i n area, central B u r m a viz. blende granite (adamellite) a n d h o r n b l e n d e - - b i o t i t e

b r o w n a n d green biotites ( M a u n g T h e i n et al. 1972). granite. H o r n b l e n d e is c o m m o n l y a s s o c i a t e d with pale
T h e b r o w n variety exhibits p l e o c h r o i c scheme o f b r o w n o r light yellow biotite. B o t h m i n e r a l s m a y alter to
= yellow, /~ = b r o w n , a n d ~ = d a r k b r o w n , whereas chlorites. A t P y e t k a y w e , h o r n b l e n d e has a p l e o c h r o i c
the green biotite shows p l e o c h r o i c f o r m u l a o f a = o r a n g e f o r m u l a o f ~ = yellowish b r o w n , fl = light b r o w n a n d
b r o w n , fl = olive green a n d ? = d a r k green. Biotite is = d a r k green.
f o u n d p a r t i a l l y chloritized in s o m e sections. Biotite is
altered to Belin blue chlorite. A t P y e t k a y w e , clusters o f 2. Accessory minerals
biotite a n d are f o u n d as r e a c t i o n rims to h o r n b l e n d e in
h o r n b l e n d e granite (adamellite) s a m p l e s ( K h i n M y o Z i r c o n , a p a t i t e a n d sphene are the m o s t c o m m o n
T h e t 1981). assessory minerals. U n d e r the m i c r o s c o p e , zircon a n d
M u s c o v i t e f o r m s as a c o m m o n a n d d o m i n a n t mica in a p a t i t e generally occur as inclusions in b i o t i t e a n d the
highly differentiated, late-state leucogranites, p e g m a t i t e s r a d i a t i o n d a m a g e p r o d u c e d b y the zircon inclusions gave
a n d related rocks. It f o r m s as flakes a n d laths. M i n u t e rise to p l e o c h r o i c haloes. A p a t i t e also f o r m s as minute,
i r r e g u l a r flakes (sericites) are also f o u n d as a l t e r a t i o n e u h e d r a l p r i s m a t i c crystals with six-sided b a s a l sections.
p r o d u c t s after feldspars. M u s c o v i t e is f o u n d m o r e c o m - Sphene is r o u n d e d to r h o m b i c s o m e t i m e s with l a m e l l a r
m o n l y a n d a b u n d a n t l y in the W - S n b e a r i n g g r a n i t o i d s twins parallel to 221. S p h e n e is locally o b s e r v e d as the
(e.g. at H e r m y i n g y i Mine, s o u t h e r n Burma). H o r n b l e n d e m o s t a b u n d a n t m i n o r accessory mineral, a n d at the
f o r m s as a m a j o r m i n e r a l in m o r e marie varieties o f the B o d a w g y i area, n o r t h e r n B u r m a , g r a n i t o i d s often c o n -
g r a n i t o i d . H o r n b l e n d e generally m a k e s u p f r o m 1 to 14 tain e u h e d r a l sphene crystal o f u p to 0.2 x 0.5 m m in
v o l u m e p e r cent o f the total m i n e r a l c o n t e n t in h o r n - size (Thein W i n 1980). S p b e n e is s t r o n g l y p l e o c h r o i c
SEAE$ 4 / 4 - - D

(~, : pale brownish yellow, fl = brown and orange biotite-hornblende adamellite east of Kyatgyl pluton.
brown Recent geological investigation of Pyetkaywe indicates
Tourmahne is a dominant assessory mineral in tour-- that dark brown patches and pods associated with the
mahne-bearing granite and highly differentiated felslc Pyetkaywe granitoids which were previously assumed to
granltOld In thin sections, tourmaline occurb as pris- be iron ores or wotframltes are in fact ilmenites. No
matic grams to crystals with triangular outhnes and is clinopyroxene was recognized m the granitoid rocks in
strongly pleochroic from yellowish greep :o orange this present mineraloglc investigation but Garson et al
brown Tourmaline frequently exhibits radiating thin (1976) reported that pale green chnopyroxene (dlopside)
needles forming so-called "tourmaline suns" In the was observed microscopically in the granodiorites south
Mogok-Momelk area at the northern part of the gran- of Busaylt and east of Nyaunggyat at the Pyetkaywe
ltoid belt, the tourmaline granite contains euhedral gem pluton.
varieties such as red (rubelhte) or blue (lndlcohte) At The secondary minerals are also noted as minor
the Mawchl Mine, tourmaline occurs a> ~ dominant constituents in the granltoids. Saussurite is found partly
accessory mineral in the gramtold to the e~cluslon of or completely replacing plagioclase, and sericite and
other ferromagneslan minerals Microscopically. tour- kaolin are noted as alteration products of feldspars.
maline in the Mawchl gramtold is blue or brown, Chlorite is present in the granitold replacing hornblende
occasionally zoned, sometimes replacing quartz aI~d and biotite. Epidote (chnozolsite) is not recorded in this
feldspars mvesugatIon, but epidote is reported in the adamellite at
Garnet, fluorite, topaz and cassttente sporadically Kyatgyl area and in the granodlorltes south and east of
occur as minor accessories m the granitoids, and these Nyaunggyat, central Burma, and galena is also noted in
minerals occur as isolated, irregular or subhedral to the chlorltized and epidotized granodiorite (Garson et al.
anhedral grains of less than 1 mm across Garnet crystals 1976). Epldote up to 2% is noted in the biotite granites
are found m almost all gramtold samples from the and associated diorites and granodlontes at Kyaukse-
Hermymgyl Mine area, southern Burma In thin sec- Behn area, central Burma (Myint Thein 1975). Epidote
tions, garnet mostly occurs as subhedral to anhedral Ls rarely found in the diorites at Sinmakhwa, central
grains of less than 0.03 to 0.9 mm across. No garnet was Burma (Khm Win Kyl 1981) but granitoids at Amherst
recorded in the biotite gramtes or hornblende granites (Kyalkkhaml) and Green Island, southern Burma, con-
(adamelhtes) of other granltold plutons although grains tam abundant accessory epldote (Stamp 1926) At
of garnet are commonly microscopically observed in the Mawchl Mine area, Dunn (1938) reported that epldote,
related leucogranltes and pegmatites (e.g at Pyetkaywe) calcite, magnetite and pyrite are locally present in the
Fluorite IS found only m the Hermylngyl and Mawchi more altered type of the granitoid rocks Monazite
granltold rocks Fluorite forms as rounded, anhedral together with ilmenite, magnetite and garnet are ob-
grains of up to 0.3 mm across are commonly' enclosed m tained from the sands of streams draining the gramtoid
the cracks of garnet grains. ridges m the Mergul area, southern Burma (Pascoe
I o p a z were not found in this investigation, but it is 1959), but monazlte has not been reported in the gram-
reported as minute prisms m altered granitold rocks at told rocks m Burma
Mawchl, southern Burma (Dunn 1938) Casslterite is
recognized in this study as discrete grains in the Mawch~
granito~d. Under the microscope, casslterlte ~s often seen GEOCHEMISTRY
to be zoned and may show a red to colourless pale green
pleochrolsm. It is usually interstitial to quartz and For geochemical study, forty representative gramtotd
feldspars and more closely associated with tourmaline, samples were selected from different granitoid plutons
muscowte and fluorite, and sometimes ~t appears to from Kyatpyin (Mogok) in the north, to the Tavoy
replace quartz and feldspars. Wolframite has been re- area, Tennasserim Division in the south of the central
ported m the granltolds at Mylnmati Mine (Goossens gramtoid belt.
1978) and Nyan Thin (1984) reported rare beryl m the
verx coarse-grained, pegmatitic gramtolds in the 1. Major elements
Tenasserlm area, southern Burma, but these two were
often commonly observed m the associated pegmatlte The major elements compositions of Si, A1 and Fe
veins and dykes (e.g. at Pyetkaywe area, central Burma). were determined by standard wet chemical analysis; Na,
Allanite is reported as a minor constituent m the Hermy- K, Ca, Mg and Mn by atomic absorption spectrometry
xngyl granitoid (Nllar Shwe 1980). and Ti by spectrochemical method. The major element
Rutlle is rarely observed as minute, elongated crystals data are given in Table 1 together with their modal and
penetrating chlorltized biotite. Magnetite and titano- normative compositions. The granitoid rocks of the
magnetite are commonly found as opaque accessory central granitoid belt have a considerable spread in
minerals. Ilmemte was frequently recorded in this study, major element values. The range for SiO 2 is from (64.50)
and at Pyetkaywe area, Garson et aL (1976) reported to (77.81) wt% and for the other elements' A1203
that llmemte was noted in a small amount under the (10.90-18.45); Fe203 as total iron (1.52-7.54); TiO2
microscope in the dyke-like intrusion of hornblende (0.00-0.15); MnO (0.01-0.65); MgO (0.00-1.59); CaO
granodmrtite west of Shablnga Taung. and in the (0.02-1.01); N a 2 0 (1.40-4.95) and K20 (1.54-5 88)
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 309

- - - - - - - . ~ . : .: , ' . . , ~ . ,


~ . : .,.:......-:
g M~
1.g .L
. . ..'. t : t . . . ~ j ~ ,

,,, 0
0.6 . ~ . CaO

" ";c.,~ Fig. 4 A1203-Na20+ K20-CaO plot of the granitoldrocks fromthe
d " ~ . ~
central granitold belt, Burma. Note the granitoid rocks fall in the

0,.2 significant trends. Be, Bi, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sn, Y and Zn have
0 positive correlations whereas Ba and Zr show negative



correlations with SiO~. B, Co, Ga and Ni exhibit no
significant trends with respect to silica Comparison of
the selected trace element distribution of the granitoids
0 I , I ~ I I , I J 1 I I I I I I i
e2 64 68 88 70 72 74 7(I 78 from the central granitoid belt in Burma with those of
Sn related granitoids in other regions is shown in Table
Fig. 3. Variationof majorelementsvs $102in the granitoidrocksfrom 3 together with the quoted average abundance of these
the central gramtoidbelt, Burma Linesare visuallyestimatedbest fit trace elements in all normal granites after Levinson
lines. (1974)
2.1. Boron. Boron shows concentrations below or
The variation diagram for the major elements (Fig. 3) above the detection limit of 50 ppm, and gave a wide
shows that A1203, Fe~O3 (as total iron), TiO~, MgO, range of < 50-700 ppm which is much higher than the
CaO and Na20 have a negative correlation with SiO2, quoted average abundance of 15 ppm B for all normal
while K20 has a positive correlation with silica It is granites (Table 3). It is very variable and exhibits no
noteworthy that MnO shows a slight increase with significant trend with respect to silica, but can be
increasing SiO2. It is well compatible with mineralogical correlated with the presence of tourmaline in the grani-
data that garnet is frequently found as an accessory toids. All granitoid samples which contain tourmaline as
mineral in the granitoids (e.g. Hermyingyi granitoid) and a prominent mineral show high B concentrations.
Mn would have incorporated in the garnet as spessartine The highest values of 700 ppm B are in samples 87 and
molecules. Figure 4 shows a plot of A1203-Na~O + 90, tourmaline granites from the Pyetkaywe pluton, and
K20--CaO for the granitoid rocks from the belt and it Samples 64 and 88 which are also tourmaline-bearing
clearly indicates that the granitoids fall in the peralumi- granites of Pyetkaywe pluton contain 300ppm B.
nous field. Sample 54, a tourmaline granite from the Mawchi Sn-W
Mine, has 500 ppm B, and all other granitoid samples
2. Trace elements have below the detection limit of 50 ppm B. A similar
high B content of 40--300ppm was reported in the
Table 2 lists the trace elements data for this study. tin-bearing granitoids at Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Seventeen trace elements (B, Ba, Be, Bi, Co, Cu, Ga, La, (Sainsbury et al. 1968).
Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sn, W, Y, Zn and Zr) were selected. Co, 2.2. Barium. Barium substitutes for the K + ion, and
Cu, Pb and Zn were analysed by atomic absorption mainly occurs in K-feldspar and, to a lesser extent, in the
spectrophotometry, and other dements by semi-quanita- micas. Ba is variable in concentration from less than 200
rive spectrochemical analysis. Although La, Nb and W to 1500 ppm but shows strong negative correlation with
were determined, no significant values were found, and silica. Samples 4, 52 and 53, hornblende- and biotite-
these elements are present in the granitoid rocks below bearing granitoids from the Yinmabin area, have
the lower detection limit of 50 ppm for La and 200 ppm 200-500 ppm Ba, and samples 58, 59 and 60, the three
for Nb and W, and hence the distribution of these out of four samples from the Bodawgyi pluton, contain
elements can not be considered and assessed. 1000-1500 ppm Ba which is also higher than the quoted
The majority of the other trace elements distributions average value of 600 ppm Ba for the normal granites
(Fig. 5) are also somewhat erratic, but show relatively (Table 3).

All other gramtold samples m this study show Ba recorded in Sn related, Devonian granitold rocks from
contents below the detection limit of 200 ppm Ba. Flinter Nova Scotia, Canada (Smith and Turek 1976). Similarly,
et a! (1972) reported a concentration of < 40-2000 ppm Western (Main) Range granltoids from Malaysia con-
Ba xn Sn-W-Mo-Cu related granltoids from New tain 6-877 ppm Ba with an average of 374ppm Ba
England, Australia. A range of 83-766ppm Ba was (Hutchison 1977).

Table 2 Selected trace elements dlstnbuuons (in ppm) of gramtold rocks from the central gramtold belt, Burma
Bodawgyl Bodawgyz Bodawgyl Bodawgyi
Location (Pmle-m) (Pinle-m) (Pmle-m) (Pmle-m) Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe
Sample_No 5~ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
B < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 300 <. 50
Ba 1500 1500 1000 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Be <-~ <5 ~ ,-5 <5 <5 ~ <5
Bt .-5 --5 ~ <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
Co 2~ 21 24 30 20 16 16 18
Cu 24 28 35 31 27 22 26 ~0
Ga 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 15
La < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Mo <1 <1 <l <l 1 1 <t 2
Nb < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
N~ <I0 <10 <10 < 10 <10 <10 <I0 <10
Pb 98 116 92 86 103 87 89 102
Sn 5 10 10 5 10 3 50 7
W < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Y <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <I0
Zn 105 150 115 145 110 50 45 40
Zr 30 30 30 < 10 20 < 10 < 10 I0
Rock type by Biotite B~ome Tourmahne B~ot~te
hand specimen Granite Granite Gramte Granite Granite Gramte Gramte Granite
Location Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Gu-taung
Sample No 82 83 85 87 88 89 90 35
B < 50 < 50 < 50 700 300 < 50 700 < 50
Ba < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Be <5 <5 5 <5 <5 <5 30 <5
B, <5 <5 <5 10 <5 <5 10 ~5
Co 18 17 16 15 19 17 17 18
Cu 28 29 28 29 63 61 29 ~0
Ga 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 15
La < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Mo ~ 1 2 1 1 1 1 < l
Nb < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Nl <10 <10 <10 <I0 <10 <10 <10 <I0
Pb 107 98 129 106 141 122 63 115
Sn 15 15 15 7 10 15 50 5
W < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Y <10 <10 <10 <10 < 10 <10 <10 <10
Zn 90 60 50 35 45 40 35 70
Zr 50 10 < 10 < 10 10 10 10 < 10
Rock type by Porphyrmc Biotite Biotite Tourmahne Tourmahne Biottte
hand specimen Granite Granite Gramte Granite Granite Gramte Gramte Gramte
Location Yinmabin Yinmabin Yinmabin Ymmabm Payangazu Takon Takon
Sample No 4 51 52 53 6 1
B <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50
Ba < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 500 < 200 < 200
Be <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
B1 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <~
Co 18 -- 17 19 21 --
Cu 30 -- 46 70 34
Ga 15 15 15 15 15 15 l0
La < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Mo <1 <1 2 2 2 2 <1
Nb < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
N~ <10 <10 <10 15 <10 <I0 <10
Pb 115 -- 90 89 87 . . . . .
Sn 5 <1 15 < 1 3 2 2
W <200 <200 <200 <200 <200 <200 <200
Y <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Zn 70 -- 50 80 55 --
Zr <10 <I0 <10 50 <10 10 10
Biotite/ Hornblende/ Porphyritic Porphyritic
Rock type by Hornblende Muscovite Hornblende Biotite Biotite Biotite Hornblende
hand specimen Gramte Granite Granite Granite Gramte Gramte Granite
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 311
Table 2 (cont.)
Yezin Yezin Kyeikhtiyo Hermyingyi Hermyingyi Hermyingyi
Location (Pyinmana) (Pyinmana) Mawdu O'haton) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy)
Sample No. 3 7 54 56 28 30 31
B < 50 < 50 500 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Ba <200 <200 <200 <200 <200 <200 <200
Be <5 <5 5 <5 <5 <5 <5
Bi <5 <5 <5 <5 10 I0 10
Co -- -- 14 16 15 15 16
Cu -- -- 77 25 48 38 74
Ga 10 15 20 15 15 15 15
La < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Mo <I <1 5 1 5 5 1
Nb < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Ni < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10
Pb -- -- 235 62 138 149 288
Sn 2 2 500 < I 50 50 50
W < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Y < 10 < 10 70 < 10 10 10 10
Zn -- -- 165 32 135 160 285
Zr <10 10 10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Rock type by Hornblende BiotRe Tourmaline
hand specimen Gramte Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Gramte
Hermyingyi Hermyingyi Hermyingyi Hermyingyi Hermymgyi Hermyingyi Hermyingyi
Location (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (TarDy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy)
Sample No. 32 33 34 38 39 41 44
B < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Ba < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Be <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
Bi <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 15 <5
Co 17 13 13 16 16 18 14
Cu 38 35 22 24 23 34 79
Ga 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
La < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Mo 2 2 I I 2 2 5
Nb < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Ni l0 < I0 < l0 < l0 10 < I0 l0
Pb 79 154 Ill 213 94 175 125
Sn 30 30 20 15 20 50 70
W < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Y I0 10 l0 l0 20 15 20
Zn 60 95 95 160 205 305 315
Zr < l0 < l0 < 10 < l0 10 < l0 < 10

Rock type by
hand speomen Granite Granite Gramte Gramte Granite Granite Granite

2.3. Beryllium. The majority of the granitoid rocks in W-Sn Mine area. Samples 28, 30 and 31, also from
this study have Be less than the detection limit of 5 ppm, the Hermyingyi area, contain 10 ppm Bi, and samples
a value also quoted for average abundance for all normal 87 and 90, both of tourmaline granites from the
granites (Table 3). A substantial portion of Be is pre- Pyetkaywe pluton, have 10 ppm Bi, but other samples
sumably incorporated in the micas and it is also noted studied show concentrations less than the detection limit
that granitoid rocks in which tourmaline occur as an of 5 ppm Bi.
accessory mineral are enriched in Be. Only four samples 2.5. Cobalt. The granitoids studied have a range of
in this study gave Be contents at or above the detection 13-30 ppm with an average value of 18 ppm which is
limit, and all contain a subordinate amount of tourma- about three times higher than the quoted average abun-
line, and are collected from plutons associated with dance of 5 ppm Co for all normal granites (Table 3).
known W-Sn occurrences. The highest value of 30 ppm Similar Co distribution of 14-33 ppm was reported in the
Be is recorded in sample 90, a tourmaline granite from granitoids from Nova Scotia (Smith and Turek 1976).
the Pyetkaywe pluton, and samples 64 and 87 which are 2.6. Copper. All samples contain more than 20 ppm
also tourmaline granites from Pyetkaywe contain 5 and Cu. Cu content ranges from 22 to 79ppm with an
7 ppm Be respectively. Sample 54, a tourmaline granite average of 38 ppm, which is about four times higher than
from the Mawchi Mine, contains 5 ppm Be. the quoted average value of 10 ppm Cu for all normal
2.4. Bismuth. The distribution of Bi is similar to granites (Table 3). Cu shows a strong correlation with
that of Be. The Bi content ranges from less than the silica. Samples 58-61, from the Bodawgyi pluton in
detection limit of 5-15ppm which is much higher which no W-Sn occurrences were found, contain
than the quoted average abundance of 0.1 ppm Bi for 24-35 ppm Cu and similarly, sample 56, a granitoid
all normal granites (Table 3). The highest value of sample from Kyeikhtiyo where no W-Sn deposits have
15 ppm Bi is recorded in sample 41, from the Hermyingyi so far been reported, also gave a low Cu content of


4r~L ~ %
D ' i E
2o~ Be I
;o . . . . . . . BI 1
. . . . .


Cu I !
20~- Ga!
41" Mo I -I
~ ~ . . . . . . ,> . . ~1~.

C~. 201- N, ]
280 Pb

5OO mm Sn
,,o F

2(~ _ ,__

280 Zn
40 0
o m~ o"
60- Zr
~- i --'-'i-
" - ' - - q - " Y -~. " i ~ .~. . . . . ,.--~ - - t - - - - ~ + . , , i I
62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

Si02 (wt%) )
6 _1 2 g_,:g
Fig 5 Varaat~onof trace elements vs SIO~in the gramtoid rocks from '~"
w v Gv/GG
the central gramto~dbelt, Burma L,nes are wsually esnmated best fit

25 ppm In comparison, the highest Cu content of

79 ppm is observed in sample 44, a granitoid rock from
the Hermyingyi Mine area, and sample 54, a tourmaline
granite from the Mawchi Mine, contains high Cu
(77 ppm). Hence Cu shows tendency to enrich in W-Sn ,=

bearing granitoids.
2.7. Gallium. Gallium shows no distinctive pattern but
varies m a narrow range o f 10-20 ppm. All granitold
samples in this study contain not less than 10 ppm Ga,
but below the quoted average value of 18 ppm Ga for
normal granites (Table 3). Only sample 54, a tourmaline 0

granite from the Mawchi Mine and samples 64 and 90,

tourmaline gramtes from the Pyetkaywe pluton, have
20 ppm Ga. ,,n
2.8. Lead. Lead is probably present mainly in
the feldspars. Like Cu, Pb shows a positive correlation
with silica and varies from 62 to 288 ppm with an
2 =3
average value of 121 ppm, which is six times higher
than the quoted average abundance of 20ppm Pb
for all normal granites (Table 3). The minimum v~ v o*a
value of 6 2 p p m Pb was noted in sample 56, a
Kyeikhttyo granite with which no W - S n deposits
have so far been reported. The Bodawgyi granitoids r-n,
(samples 58-61) in which there is also no W-Sn
mineralization contain 86-116 ppm Pb, whereas granites ,.-1

o f the Pyetkaywe pluton where there are minor tungsten

deposits contain 63-114 ppm Pb. Granitoids from the
Hermyingyi Mine area yielded the highest value of
288 ppm Pb in sample 31 and have a range o f (94-228)
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 313

ppm Pb, whereas a tourmaline granite from the Mawchi The Sn content of the granitoids has been used as a
Mine (sample 54) contains the high value of 235 ppm Pb. guide for the exploration of Sn mineralization. A certain
Hence, like Cu, Pb shows a tendency of enrichment in granitoid which contains Sn more than the quoted
the W-Sn bearing granitoids. average Sn content for all normal granites (Table 3) is
2.9. Molybdenum. Like Cu, Mo shows a positive generally assumed to be indicative of Sn mineralization,
correlation with silica. It tends to combine with sulfur and defined as a tin granitoid or mineralized granitoid.
during magmatic crystallization and occurs exclusively Conversely, a granitoid which has Sn content at or below
as molybdenite. The Mo content in the granitoid the average value for the normal granitoids is considered
rocks in this investigation varies from less than the to be tin-poor or barren pluton. However, many workers
detection limit of 1-5 ppm and are relatively above the (e.g. Flinter 1971, Flinter et al. 1972) argued that the
quoted average value of 2ppm Mo for the normal high value of Sn in the granitoids cannot be considered
granites (Table 3). All granitoid rocks from the Hermy- as an indicator of Sn mineralization.
ingyi Mine area (samples 28, 29-34, 38-39, 41 and 44) The quoted average Sn content for granites has been
yielded a range of 1-5ppm Mo and sample 54, a reported as 1.5-3 ppm (Turekian and Wedepohl 1961),
tourmaline granite from the Mawchi Mine contains 3.5 + 1 ppm (Wedepohl 1969), and 3 ppm (Table 3). A
5 ppm Mo. cut-off value of Sn content to discriminate Sn-bearing
Twelve granitoid samples from the Pyetkaywe pluton from Sn-barren granitoid has also been widely but
in which known tungsten prospects occur give a range of variably quoted in the literature. Barsukov (1957)
< 1-2 ppm Mo, but the Yinmabin-Payangazu granitoid suggested that a Sn-bearing granitoid contains 16-30 pm
rocks (samples 4, 6 and 51-53) which have no associated Sn whereas Sn-barren has 3-5ppm. Ivanova (1963)
W-Sn deposits also have < 1-2 ppm Mo, and all other showed that a Sn-mineralized granitoid has an average
granitoid samples contain less than 1 ppm Mo. Thus, the of 23.4 ppm Sn and Sn-barren 5 ppm, whereas F1inter
Mo content tends to be enriched in the W-Sn bearing (1971) quoted a number of examples and considered that
granites (e.g. Hermyingi granitoids). No discrete grains a stanniferous (mineralized) granitoid contains at least
of molybdenite were found in the granitoids but at the 15 ppm Sn; he chose 10 ppm Sn as a cut-off limit. Beus
Hermyingyi and Mawchi Mines molybdenite flakes are and Grigorian (1977) indicated that mineralized or
noted as a frequent accessory sulfide mineral in the productive granitoids have 15 ppm Sn and the barren or
quartz veins (Khin Zaw 1978, Nilar Shwe 1980, Khin non-productive granitoids 5 ppm Sn.
Zaw and Khin Myo Thet 1983). On the basis of Sn distribution m the gramtoid rocks
An average Mo content of 3.1 ppm with a range of from New England Complex, Australia, Juniper and
2-5 ppm was reported in the Sn-W related granites from Kleeman (1979) mentioned that Sn-bearing or mineral-
Cinovec, Krusnehory Mt (Erzgebirge), Czechoslovakia ized granitoids contain 15-30 ppm Sn and the barren
(Stemprok and Sulcek 1969). A variable but relatively granitoids 5 ppm Sn. Application of the above cut-off
similar Mo content ( < 1-10 ppm) was also found in the limits to discriminate Sn-mineralized from barren grani-
Sn-W bearing granitoids of New England, Australia in toid rocks in this study gave a mixed result. The twelve
which economic vein-type, molybdenite deposits occur granitoid rocks collected from the different plutonic
(Flinter et al. 1972). A higher Mo content of 11-39 ppm phases of the large Pyetkaywe pluton, in which there
was recorded in the granitoids at Nova Scotia (Smith are only minor tungsten occurrences, yielded a wide
and Turek 1976). range of 3-50 ppm Sn. Samples 58-61 collected from the
2.10. Nickel. Like Co, Ni shows no significant trend Bodawgyi granitoids with no recorded W-Sn mineraliz-
with silica and Ni content varies from less than the ation gave 5-10ppm Sn. Similarly, the Yinmabin-
detection limit of 10-15ppm. The highest value of Payangazu granitoids (samples 4, 6, 51-53) in which no
15 ppm Ni was noted in sample 52, a biotite-hornblende W-Sn deposit has so far been reported, contain
granite from the Yinmabin pluton. Sample 59, a granite < 1-15 ppm Sn.
sample from Bodawgyi, and samples 32 and 39, grani- Many W-Sn deposits are reportedly associated
toid rocks from the Hermyingyi Mine area, have 10 ppm with Pyinmana (Yezin)-Takon pluton, but the different
Ni which is higher than the quoted average value of granitoid rock units, porphyric hornblende and/or
4 ppm Ni for normal granites (Table 3), but all other biotite-bearing granitoids (samples 1-3) and biotite
granitoid samples in this study contain less than the granitoid (sample 7), contain only 2ppm Sn each.
detection limit of 10 ppm Ni. In comparison, a range of Although this low concentration of Sn could be ac-
10-33 ppm Ni was reported in the granitoids from Nova counted for by the fact that the Pyinmana (Yezin)-
Scotia (Smith and Turek 1976). Takon granitoid samples were collected a few kilometres
2.11. Tin. Sn is variable in the granitoid rocks from the away from the W-Sn mine-sites or old workings, Sn
central granitoid belt in Burma, but like Cu and Pb, it content in the granitoids alone should be used with
shows a positive correlation with silica. Sn concentration great caution as a guide in search for W-Sn deposits in
mostly varies from less than the detection limit of Burma. The ten granitoid samples collected from the
1-70 ppm. Sample 54, a tourmaline granite from the immediate vicinity of the Hermyingyi Mine area contain
Mawchi Mine, contains the highest content of 500 ppm 15-70 ppm Sn, and a granite sample from the Mawchi
Sn; there are discrete grains of cassiterite in the Mawchi Mine gave 500ppm Sn. The present investigation
granitoids. suggests that granitoid rocks collected from the W-Sn

mine-sites are distinctly enriched in Sn content and the GranltOld samples from the Hermyingyi Mine area
majority of the samples contain above the cut-off limit have 10-20 ppm Y and sample 54, a tourmaline granite
of 15 ppm Sn. from the Mawchl Mine, yielded 70 ppm Y. Other gran-
Comparison of Sn content for Burmese gramtoids ltolds which are assooated with minor W-Sn occur-
with those of other Sn related granitolds elsewhere, rences (e.g. Pyetkaywe granltOlds) or barren granitoids
shows a dwersity of Sn distribution patterns (Table 3). (e.g Yinmabin) contain less Y than the detection limit
A range of 16-32 ppm Sn was reported xn granitolds of 10 ppm. Thus, Y is comparatively more enriched in
from Eastern Transbaikaha, U.S.S.R (Ivanova 1963) gramtold plutons which bear major lode-type W-Sn
and a maximum average value of 32 ppm was found in deposits in Burma. Flinter et al. (1972) also reported that
gramtoids at the Armonc Complex, France (Chaurls Y content of <10-15ppm was found in granitoids
1965) whereas the Carmenelis granite from Cornwall has from New England, Australia, which are related to
a range of 5-30 ppm Sn (Hosking 1967), and granites Sn-W-M o-Cu mineralization. Wedepohl (1969)
from Seward Peninsula, Alaska have 8-35ppm Sn suggests that if apatlte is present, allanite is normal in
(Salnsbury et al. 1968). The Clnovec granite of Variscan composition and Ce-nch, and m the absence of phos-
age, Krusnehory Mt (Erzgeblrge), Czechoslovakia, con- phates, allanite is Y-rich. Apatlte is a common and usual
tains a relatwely high Sn content of 50-180 ppm with an accessory mineral in almost all granltold samples in this
average value of 79ppm (Stemprok and Sulcek 1969k study, and the allanite in the granitolds (e g from the
whereas Flinter et al (1972) reported a range of Hermylngyl Mine area) are expected to be Ce-rich
< l-20 ppm Sn m the New England granites of Upper 2 13. Z m c Like Cu, Pb and Sn, Zn has a strong
Paleozoic age, Australia and Groves (1972) also positive correlation with silica but it shows a wide range
recorded a minimum average of 9 ppm Sn in tin-poor, from 32 to 315 ppm with an average value of 109 ppm
porphyritic biotite granite/adamelhte and a maximum about three times higher than the quoted average abun-
average of 49ppm Sn in tin-rich, biotite-muscovite dance of 40 ppm Zn in all normal granites (Table 3). The
granite from the Blue Tier bathohth of Upper Devonian minimum Zn content of 32 ppm is noted m sample 56,
age, NE Tasmania. A range of 6-28 ppm Snv, as noted a granite sample from Kyeikhtlyo where no W-Sn
in Sn related, Devonian gramtolds, SW Nova Scotia mineralization has so far been recorded and similarly,
(Smith and Turek 1976). the Bodawygi granltolds (samples 58-61) with which no
For comparison with granltoids within the SE W Sn deposits are associated, contained 105-145 ppm
Asian region, a considerably uniform but relatively Zn, and the granitold samples from the Ylnmabln pluton
lower Sn content was reported for tin-bearing, Permian (samples 51-53) gave 50-80 ppm Zn. The highest value
to Triassic Malaysian granltoids. Hutchison (1977) of 315 ppm Zn was observed m sample 44, a granitold
showed that the Sn contents of the Main Range (West- rock from the Hermylngyi Mine area and sample 54, a
ern) granltolds m Malaysia range from 5 to I I ppm with tourmaline granite from the Mawchi Mine, also contains
an average value of 7ppm and the Boundary Range a high value of t65 ppm Zn. Thus, like Cu and Pb, Zn
(Eastern) granltOlds contain 4-6 ppm with an average tends to be enriched in the W-Sn bearing granitolds in
of 5 ppm. In Thailand, a widely variable but signifi- Burma
cantly much higher Sn content of 40-2000 pm with an 2.14 Zirconium Although Zr Is mostl), m zircon,
average value of 510 ppm was observed In tln-stibnite it also can be incorporated m ferromagnesian minerals.
bearing, Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic granitolds of the Zr shows negative correlation w~th silica and two
Khuntan bathohth, Lampang, SE Chmng Mal samples contain up to 50ppm Zr. One ~s sample 52
(Suensilpong et al. 1977). Thus, it is apparent that (biotite-hornblende granite from Yinmabln) and the
Sn m granitold rocks shows different distribution other is sample 82 (porphyritic biotite granite from
patterns in different regions, in various age groups, and Pyetkaywe) The detection limit for Zr is 10 ppm and ~s
also within different plutomc phases of a single considerably below the quoted average value of 180 ppm
bathohth This dwersity may be accounted for by the for all normal granites (Table 3) It is demonstrated that
differences m initial Sn concentration m the parent W-Sn bearing gramtoids contain less Zr (< 10) ppm,
magma and the degree and extent of the fractlonation whereas barren granitolds (e.g. Ylnmabln gramtolds)
process have more Zr (<10-50) ppm A variable amount
2 12 Yttrium. Y behaves like a heavy rare earth 20-300 ppm) of Zr was recorded in the Sn-W-Mo-Cu
element and can be grouped together w~th the lan- related granltoids of New England, Australia (Fhnter
thanides. The main lanthanlde in granitoids is La et at. 1972). Similarly. a range of 60-243 ppm Zr with an
reflected in either monazite or sphene, but La in all average value of 116ppm was noted m the Western
granito~d samples from the central granitoid belt is (Main) Range granitoIds of Malaysia (Hutchison 1977).
below the detection limit of 50 ppm and hence the
abundance of La cannot be assessed. However Y has an
abundance of more than the detection limit of l0 ppm AGE OF EMPLACEMENT
and positive correlation with silica although all granitoid
samples (except sample 54) contain Y below the quoted Both stratigraphlc and radlometnc age data of the
average value of 40ppm for the normal granitoids central belt granitoid rocks in the Shan-Tenasserim-
(Table 3) Mogok regions are herein reviewed and discussed.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 315

Chhibber (1934) demonstrated that the western edge of ment in the central granitoid belt possibly began as early
the Shan Plateau is bordered by an important igneous as Jurassic, but major episodes of intrusion took place
belt although his emphasis was mainly on effusive, during the Upper Cretaceous/Lower Eocene. Hence,
volcanic rocks. On the basis of stratigraphic reasoning, emplacement of the central belt granitoids in Burma was
Chhibber (1934) considered that the igneous belt along significantly later than the Permo-Triassic granites of
the western edge of the Shan Plateau has been emplaced the Eastern range granites and also the Permo-Triassic
during Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene. Maung granites of the Western Range granites of the Malay
Thein et al. (1972) reported that near Yinmabin, the Peninsula (Hutchison 1977), and the largely Triassic
granitoid rocks in this belt intruded metaclastic rocks of granitoids of northern Thailand (Teggin 1975, Besang
possible Jurassic age. Garson et al. (1972, 1976) showed et al. 1975).
that Pyetkaywe--Pyetpyo granitoid in the west of Pan-
laung Valley intruded easterly-dipping clastic fossili-
ferous sediments of the Panlaung Formation of Mid FORM AND INTERNAL STRUCTURE
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age. Bateson et al.
(1972) also showed that similar granitoid rocks at the The granitoid bodies in the W-Sn related, central
Seikphudaug-Padatchaung area, east of Pyinmana, granitoid belt are commonly elongated and trend more
intruded northerly striking terrigenous metaclastic or less parallel to the general trend of the country rocks.
rocks; the unmetamorphosed equivalent of these meta- For example the longer axes of the elongated granitoid
sediments are broadly similar in lithology to the plutons in the Tavoy area are characteristically parallel
Panlaung Formation to the north. to the NNW-SSE trend of the metasedimentary country
The metamorphism and complete upheaval of the rocks of the Mergui Group. Contacts between granitoid
Kalaw-Pinlaung basin (Jurassic-Cretaceous) of the bodies and the country rocks are mostly irregular and
Southern Shan Plateau region was considered to have discordant although concordant granitoid plutons with
been associated with the large-scale emplacement of margins markedly parallel to the bedding or foliation of
granitoid rocks in the central belt mostly during Creta- the country rocks are also seen. No pronounced contact
ceous (Myint Lwin Thein personal communication aureole was found. In some localities, granitoid rocks
1981). Thus, stratigraphic evidences suggest that the age frequently show foliated structures at the margin of the
of granitoid emplacement along the central granitoid intrusions. The foliation was developed during the em-
belt in Burma ranges from Upper Jurassic to Lower placement by segregation of biotite resulting in bands of
Eocene. Recent radiometric dating shows that the time extremely coarse materials, poor in biotite, alternating
span of granitoid intrusion in the central belt broadly with fine-grained bands rich in biotite.
conforms with the stratigraphic evidence. Brook and The minerals exhibit no sign of strain or deformation.
Snelling (1976) dated four mica concentrates from the Xenoliths of the country rocks of all shapes and sizes are
Padatchaung granite, just east of Pyinmana, which gave common in the granitoids, particularly near the periph-
a 56 + 2 Ma Rb/Sr age and (55 + 0.5) Ma K/Ar ages. eries of the intrusions. The xenoliths show surprisingly
The concordance of Rb/Sr and K/Ar ages demonstrates little alteration except for a slight marginal bleaching or
that the granite was intruded in Eocene time and cooled silicification. Many apophyses commonly occur all along
very rapidly to below the blocking temperature for argon the granitoid roofs. Very thin to moderately thick veins
diffusion in micas. and dykes of aplites and pegmatites which are thought
Brook and Snelling (1976) also did a K/Ar dating on to represent more advanced stages of differentiation are
the adamellite (hornblende granite) from Neyaungga, seen penetrating both granitoids and the country rocks.
Pyetkaywe-Pyetpyo range, immediately north of the The central belt granitoids are frequently porphyritic;
Padatchaung area. The K/Ar ages of hornblende and they also show sub-parallel to parallel alignment of
biotite yielded (82 + 2) Ma and (58 _+ 1) Ma respectively. feldspar phenocrysts (e.g. at Pyetkaywe) as a primary
Since hornblende generally retains argon better than lineation structure.
biotite, the age of hornblende can be regarded as a
possible age of the intrusion; this approximates to Upper
Cretaceous, but a total rock Rb/Sr age of (152 + 24) Ma POST-INTRUSIVE THERMAL EVENTS
was obtained for the two granite samples from the
Neyaungga area, and this Rb/Sr age clearly differs from Granitoid rocks in the central granitoid belt of Burma
the K/Ar age estimates. In the Phuket area, just south have been affected by later reheating as evidenced by
of Kawthaung (Victoria Point), four granites have K/Ar ages 18-15Ma (Miocene) determined on the
yielded Upper-Lower Cretaceous Rb/Sr ages (Snelling Kabaing granites (Searle and Ba Than Haq 1964,
et al. 1970) and Rb/Sr whole-rock determinations give a Maung Thein and Ba Than Haq 1969), and of
Lower Cretaceous age for the three dated granites near Thabeikkyin granites (Brook and Snelling 1976). These
Ranong, just east of Kawthaung (Burton and Bignell younger K/Ar ages were caused by argon loss due to
1969). Bender (1983), after H. Lenz, recorded a total thermal disturbances probably related to the Cenzoic
rock Rb/Sr age of 55 Ma for the Hermyingyi granite. faulting along the central granitoid belt or to the con-
Thus, presently available stratigraphic and geo- temporaneous volcanism within the Central Lowlands of
chronologic evidence indicates that granitoid emplace- the western granitoid belt. Biotites from a biotite granite

at Yezm (Pymmana), Lmmedlately south of Padatchaung possibly related to the "Triassic-Jurassic" Indosiman
area. have yielded a 27 + 1 Ma K/Ar age and the blotltes Orogeny, a tectonic event rather widespread in the
from the Yezin gramte have also experienced argon loss regions further south and southeast of Burma. The K/Ar
possibly due to the later thermal &sturbances the age of 185 Ma for hornblende from the gneiss sample at
granltold rocks along the central gramtoid belt appear to Padatchaung area may also give the best estimate of the
have suffered more than one episode of post-intrusive minimum age for the regional metamorphism (Brook
thermal &sturbances but the implication for these and Snelhng 1976) and associated thermal disturbances
younger K/Ar ages ~s not full} understood yet related to this tectonic event. A s~milar age of post-
Hutch~son (1977) interpreted the discordance of K/Ar Plateau hmestones can be assigned for the metamor-
age (Cretaceous Jurassic) and Rb/Sr age (Permo phism of the country rocks of Mawchl and Mergul
-Frla,~b~c) of the Western Main Range granites m Groups (Carboniferous) m the Tennasserim area,
Malaysm to be related to uphftmg of the Mare Range southern Burma.
after the granltOld emplacemem Searle and Ba Than Haq (1964) also considered that
the regional metamorphism of the highly metamoi-
phosed country rocks in the Mogok area along the
COUNTRY ROCKS AND RELATED central granltOld belt must have been post-Paleozoic and
METAMORPHISM almost certainly related to the Himalayan Orogeny. In
contrast, present geologic and tectonic evidences suggest
In the northern part (e.g. at Mogok) of the central that the Alpme-Himalayan Orongeny seems to be more
granitoid belt, the country rocks are older and range in responsible for the rapid uplifting of the granitotds and
age from as early as Precambrmn to Upper Paleozolc. unroofing of related country rocks in the central gram-
They are mainly made up of gneisses, schists, quartzites, toid belt rather than the large-scale metamorphic over-
calc-sihcates, marbles and migmatltes of upper amphibo- printing on the already metamorphosed country rocks.
hte facies. Southwards at Pyetkaywe, the country rocks A K/Ar age of 55 + 1 Ma for the biotite from a gnelss~c
are medium- to high-grade metamorphic rocks of green- country rock of the Padatchaung area and a Miocene
schist to lower amphibohte faoes which occur as isolated thermal event manifested by K/Ar ages of granites and
roof pendants and further south at Ylnmabin, the gnelsses of the Mogok and Thabeikkym areas (Brook
equivalent of these metamorphic rocks occur as a thicker and Snelhng 1976) seem to agree with th~s contention
succession and are found to be Lower Paleozolc to Granitold intrusions also caused the contact meta-
Jurassic (Maung Them et al. 1972) At Pyetkaywe, morphic effect superimposed on the already regionally
fossihferous, metaclastlc sandstones and shales of Mid metamorphosed country rocks. The contact effect ~s
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Panlaung Formation of &splayed by spotted schists and phyllites or narrow
Garson e t al. 1976) also occur as country rocks. skarn zones which contain such contact metamorphic
Further southwards, the country rocks are the slightly minerals as wollastonite, diopside, tremohte, periclase,
metamorphosed Mawchi and Mergui Groups (mostly epldote, and vesuvlanlte, but it IS noted that contact
Carboniferous) of slates and phyllites with minor quartz- aureoles are neither broad nor pronounced. A minor
ites. It has been noted that the country rocks in the metasomatlc (granitization) effect is also locally ob-
southern part of the central granitoid belt are metamor- served (e.g Kyaukse), but ~s merely restricted at the
phosed to a lesser extent than their counterparts m the gramte-metasedlments contact.
northern part. Prior to the major phase of granltOld
intrusions during Upper Mesozoic-Lower Eocene, the
country rocks along the central granltold belt appear to LEVEL OF EMPLACEMENT
have been affected by more than one episode of regional
metamorphism and structural deformation. Brook and The gramtoid rocks In the central granltoid belt are
Snelling (1976) dated two samples of gneisses from the medium- to coarse-grained and frequently porphyritic
metamorphosed country rocks (Nancho Group) from with phenocrysts of up to 4 cm across, although finer-
Padatchaung area m P~lnmana Township and reported grained microgranites do occur in many places. The
a mlmmum K/Ar age of 185 Ma and whole rock Rb/Sr largest phenocrysts are mostly of alkah feldspars. Paral-
model age of c 730 Ma Thus. limited Rb/Sr data lel to sub-parallel ahgnment of the feldspar phenocrysts
suggest that metamorphism of the country rocks has are also very often observed (e.g. at Pyetkaywe pluton).
taken place as early as the Upper Precambnan, and this Microscopically, the alkali feldspars are strongly
view ~s consistent with the presence of unmetamor- perthitic and exhibit perfectly developed, cross-hatched
phosed Lower Paleozo~c se&ments m the nearby Shan twinning suggesting that they are maximum to near-
Plateau. maximum microcline but it has to be confirmed by X-ray
Maung Thein and Soe Win (1970) recently reported methods.
that at the Kyaukse area, a marble sequence contains a The general absence of pronounced contact aureoles,
relict tbssll of Carboniferous age suggesting that the rock scarcity of comagmatic volcanic rocks and miarolitic
sequence had been originally Upper Plateau Limestones cavities and the abundance of associated pegmatites and
and hence the metamorphism of the country rocks in the aplites support a mesozonal emplacement (Buddmgton
area is post-Plateau Limestones (Devonian to Triassic) 1959) for the granitoid rocks from the central granitoid
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 317

Table 4. Some chemical characteristics of granitoid rocks from central granitoid belt, Burma
Kyatpyin Bodawgyi Bodawgyi Bodawgyi Bodawgyl
Location Mogok Pinle-in Pinle-in Pirde-in Pinle-in Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe
Sample No. 16 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
D.I. 92 15 84.09 88.61 86.22 6.40 93.05 96.40 94.98
C.I. 1.97 5.47 3.71 4.32 6 40 1.94 1.29 0.38
K20/Na 20 1.54 0 83 0.31 0.92 0.90 0.35 1 65 0.27
A1203/Na 20 1.80 1.83 2.48 2.34 1 84 2 53 1.75 1.63
Location Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe Pyetkaywe
Sample No 65 82 83 85 87 88 89 90
D.I. 93.16 92.42 94.27 96.29 92.23 94.23 95.01 84.22
C.I. 3 35 2.38 1.23 0.83 0.40 0.85 0 53 0.41
K20/Na20 1.00 1.02 0.91 0.77 1.07 1.55 0 64 0.66
AI2O3/Na20 1.81 2.39 2.94 3.25 2.55 2 73 2.21 1.83
Location Gu-Taung Yinmabin Yinmabin Ymmabm Yinmabm Yinmabin Payangazu (Pyawbwe)
Sample No. 35 4 19 51 52 53 6 23
D.I. 94 57 89.46 94 72 94.47 86.36 86.53 92 17 94 38
C.I. 1.36 2.49 0.19 0.40 4.09 4 56 0 71 0.44
K20/Na20 1 35 1.17 0.37 0.66 0.49 0 89 1.28 1.51
AI203/Na20 1 68 2.98 2.75 1.91 2 34 2.57 2 27 2.27
+ K 20 + CaO
Yezin Yemn Kyeikhtiyo Hermying3n Hermymgyi
Location Takon Takon (Pyinmana) (Pyinmana) Mawchi (Thaton) (Tavoy) (Tavoy)
Sample No. 1 2 3 7 54 56 28 30
D.I. 94 81 86.26 85 77 92.99 91.29 96.75 93.45 94.37
C.I. 0.62 3 99 5 17 1 46 2.90 0 42 0.59 0.44
K20/Na20 1 46 0.95 0.81 0.52 1.48 I. 11 1.09 1 07
A12Oa/Na20 1 77 2.26 2 15 3 20 2 43 2.21 1 64 1 65
+ K 20 + CaO
Hermyingyl Hermymgyl Hermymgyi Herm3nngyi Hermylngyi Hermymgyi Herm3nngyi Hermymgyi
Location (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy) (Tavoy)
Sample No 31 32 33 34 38 39 41 44
D.I. 94.27 94 66 94.47 96.13 93.68 93.63 93.68 88 56
C.I. 0 35 0.42 0.59 0.37 0.32 0.37 0.15 0 37
K20/Na20 1 20 1.18 0.95 1.00 1 12 0.83 0.94 1.03
AI203/Na20 2.13 2.31 2.23 1 67 4.66 2.23 1.60 1.64
+ K20 + CaO
D.I. = Differentiation index of Thornton and Tuttle (1960); C.I. = crystalhzation index of Poldervaart and Parker (1964);
K20/Na20, wt% ratios; AI203 (Na20 + K20 + CaO), wt% ratios.

belt, Burma. The occurrence of muscovite in the highly K20/Na20 ratios (0.31-1.65) with an average value of
differentiated leucogranites in the central belt granitoids 0.99 (see Table 4) is in good agreement with this.
is also indicative of the emplacement at a depth greater Present petrological and geochemical evidences
than 2.5 km (Wones 1981) although muscovite in the demonstrate that the central belt granitoids are calc-
Hermyingyi granitoid may be related to hydrothermal alkaline and relatively strongly differentiated. Regular
alteration. variation of major elements vs SiO2 and D.I. values up
to 96.75 further support that the granitoids are well
fractionated. The plot of normative Q: Ab: Or (Fig. 6)
PETROGENESIS after Tuttle and Bowen (1958) shows a relatively wide
compositional range of the granitoid rocks from the
All analysed granitoid rocks from the central grani- central granitoid belt, but more than fifty per cent of the
toid belt contain normative corundum up to > 1% points and almost all of the average values of the major
(Table 1) suggesting that the granitoids are alumina granitoid bodies fall within the cotectic lines of 0.5 and
saturated and peraluminous (see also Fig. 4). The D.I. 5 kb. Thus, assuming Prho = PtotaJ, the maximum Prho
(differentiation index of Thornton and Tuttle 1960) in allowed by the wider scatter of points is 5 kb. However,
these granitoids ranges from 82.94 to 96.75 and C.I. it is not known whether the wide compositional vari-
(crystallization index of Poldervaart and Parker 1964) ation reflects the heterogeneity of the source materials at
from 0.15 to 6.40, while AI203/(Na20 + K20 + CaO) the site of emplacement or the effect of phenocryst
weight per cent ratios vary from 1.60 to 3.20 (see Table accumulation in the melt of the bulk granitoid compo-
4). The bulk composition of the central belt granitoids sition as the central belt granitoids are frequently
ranges from granite proper through quartz monzonite coarsely porphyritic, sometimes with phenocrysts of
(adamellite) and granodiorite to diorite but the majority feldspars in parallel or sub-parallel alignment.
of the granitoid rocks fall in the granodiorite--quartz Since more than half the points plot in a field centred
monzonite range. A considerably narrow range of on the ternary minimum 0.5 kb (Fig. 6), the granitoid

magma with bulk composition of granodiorite-gramte

/ \ appears to be continental and sialic materials. Rb/Sr
/ , ratios of some gramtoids from the central gramtoid belt
\, range from 0.40 to 33.07 with an average value of 6 70
/ \ (see Table 5) also added further evidence for the den-
~auon of these granitoids from an estabhshed continen-
tal, smhc basement.
It has been exclusively described that the central belt
gramtoid rocks commonly grade into granitoid gneisses
w~th no apparent sharp contact m many places, and are
closely and spatially related to regionally metamor-
phosed, Precambnan to Upper Paleozoic and locally
\\ Cretaceous, medium to high-grade largely gneissic and
sometimes migmatmc country rocks m a narrowly de-
formed zone Thus, although future detailed chemical
studies would be desirable, present geologic, petrologic
v v "~ V V V V V
Or and geochemical evidences together with high initial
Fig 6 Tema~ plot of normaUve Q-Ab-Qr (wt%) composmon of the
rauos of Sr87/Sr86 up to 0 717 +0.002 ~uggest that the
granitoid rocks from the central gramtold belt, Burma The boundary central belt gramtolds were derived from established
curves and minima at 500 kb and 5000 kb are also shown after Tuttle continental, slahc materials, perhaps b~ remelting of
and Bowen (1958). Symbols indicate/~ = Kyatpyln (Mogok) graratold
(only one sample); x = Bodawgyi gramtold (average of four samples), the regionally metamorphosed, Precambrmn to Upper
= Pyetkaywe-Gu Taung granitold (average of twelve samples), Paleozoic metaclasUc rock~
C) =Yinmabm-Payagnazu granitold (average of six samples),
= Sinmakkwa (Pyawbwe) granitold (only one sample); [] = Yezm
(Pyinmana)-Takon gramtold (average of four samples); [] = Mawchl
granitoid (only one sample); A = Kyeikhyo (Thaton) gramtold (only CHARACTERIZATION OF BURMESE
one sample), + = Hermyingyl (Tavoy) gramtold (average of ten GRANITOIDS
samples) Small dots represent all granitoid samples m this study

In the last decade, Chappell and White (1974) mtro-

rocks would have been emplaced at Pn2o of 0.5 kb, and duced the concept of two genetic types of granitoids,
then the liquidus temperature of the granitoid magma is I-type (igneous) and S-type (sedimentary). Since then,
780C (Tuttle and Bowen 1958). If the bulk composition many people working in other regions considered their
is taken as quartz monzonite proper, the liquidus tem- granitoid rocks in the broad context of I-type and S-type
perature of quartz monzonite at 1 kb water pressure is (e.g. Beckmsale et al. 1979 for Thai granitoids). I-type
estimated as 850C (Piwinskii and Wyllie 1970). If it is and S-type granitoids are considered to have been
assumed that the granitoid rocks were emplaced at Pn2o derived by parital melting of two &fferent types of
of 5 kb, the temperature of crystallization of the grani- source materials--igneous and sedimentary. While the
toid rocks would be considerably lower. It has been more positive and critical evidence to distingmsh I-type
already mentioned that the occurrence of perthitic maxi- and S-type are chemical characteristics, the other miner-
mum or near-maximum microcline implied that the alogical and field evidences which reflect the original
central belt granitoids are of the mesozonal, sub-solvus chemical compositions are also given herein.
type of Tuttle and Bowen (1958). The general absence of The available mineralogical, chemical and field data of
pronounced contact aureoles and of comagmatic vol- the western belt granitoids in Burma are compatible with
canics together with abundance of associated pegmatite I-type. Recently Ahad (1980) made a detailed geological
and aplite veins and dykes are in agreement with the investigation of the Salingyi granitoid pluton along the
mesozonal emplacement of these granitoid rocks and western granitoid belt. At Salingyi, the granitoid rocks
further suggest that these granitoid rocks were formed are represented as marginal differentiates of more mafic
from a considerably wet, volatile-rich, moderately high gabbros and diorites. Presence of magnetite with no
temperature melt in a deep-seated environment. The apparent flmenite and of apatite inclusions in the mafic
water-rich melt in this deep-seated condition allows very minerals of biotite and hornblende together with horn-
slow cooling to permit crystallization of maximum blende-bearing xenoliths suggest that the Salingyi grani-
microcline and hydrous minerals such as biotite, toids are I-type. Low AI203/(Na20 + K,,O + CaO) < 1. I
muscovite and hornblende. and low K20/Na20 of the Salingyi granites (unpublished
Tuttle and Bowen (1958) suggested that the quartz data, Khin Zaw 1985) and the existence of porphyry
monzonite magma may have been generated by fusion Cu-Au deposits associated with volcamcs in this grani-
in the crust (crustal anatexis). K-rich characters of toid belt also added to support that the western belt
the central belt granitoid rocks with K20 up to granitoids are I-types. The central belt granitoids gave a
(5.61) wt% (see Table 1) and SrS7/Srs6 values in a range wider range of mineralogical and geochemical variability
(0.711-0.799) with calculated initial SrST/Sr~6ratios up to and share both characteristics of I-type and S-type
(0.717 + 0.002) (Brook and Snelling 1978) seem to ren- granitoids of Chappell and White (1974). Petrographi-
der the proposition that the source of the granitoid cally, the central belt granitoids range from granite
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 319

Table 5. Rb/Sr and imtial SrS7/Sr~ratios of some granitoids from the central granitoid belt, Burma
(after Brook and SneUing 1976)
Sample No. Location Rock type Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) Rb/Sr SrS~/Sr~S
8095A Padatchaung, Granite 691 154 4.48 0.727
8095B Padatchung, Granite 860 26 33.07 0.799
8095F Padatchaung, Gramte 304 182 1.67 0.723
8095G Padatchaung, Granite 473 46 10.28 0.740
7973A Neyangga, Gramte 228 134 1 70 0.722
7973B N e y a n g g a , Hornblende 202 301 0.67 0.715
Pyetkaywe Gramte
7958A Thabeikkym Biotite 157 390 0 40 0 711
7958C Kabaing, Biotite 184 135 1.36 0.717
Mogok Gramte

proper to granodiorite and quartz monzonite. A detailed confined to the east (Khin Zaw 1970, Garson et al. 1976,
petrochemical study of the different granitoid units Khin Myo Thet 1981) and contain hornblende-bearing
within a single pluton along the W-Sn related, central xenoliths while porphyritic to non-porphyritic, some-
granitoid belt has yet to be done, but present geochem- times foliated, biotite _+muscovite granitoids occur as
ical investigations on selected granitoid bodies along the younger intrusive phases containing metasedimentary
entire central belt indicate that many are more akin to xenoliths.
S-type. Thus, both I-type and S-type are present within a
The variation diagrams of the major and trace single pluton in the central granitoid belt, but I-types are
elements of the central belt granitoids (Figs 3 and 5) apparently found as older units and S-types as younger
show that the distributions of most of the elements plutonic granitoid units. This younger plutonic biotite
appear to be irregular. This irregular distribution com- and/or muscovite bearing S-type granitoid notably hosts
bined with relatively high SiO2 contents (64.50-77.81 the greisen-bordered, vein-type W-Sn-F mineralization
wt%) and these granitoids (Table 1) suggest that they are while it is likely to find W-Mo-Cu skarns and remnants
S-type granitoids. Na20 gave a range of 1.40-4.95 wt% or porphyry-type Cu-Mo or Cu-Au mineralization in
and hence Na~O contents alone cannot be used to association with granitoid units with I-type character-
distinguish either I-type or S-type for the central belt istics. Lead sulfide deposits are also sporadically found
granitoids, but relatively high K20/Na20 ratios along the central granitoid belt especially at the northern
(0.31-1.65) and also high AI203/(Na20+K20+ part of the belt, but no investigation has been made on
CaO) ratios (1.60-4.66) (see Table 4) together with whether the Pb-bearing granitoids are I-type or S-type.
normative corundum (1.11-10.14%) (see Table 1) Recent independent studies by Nyan Thin (1984) on the
strongly suggest that central belt granitoids are S-type. Tenasserim granitoids also demonstrated that horn-
High initial SrS7/Sr86 ratios (0.717 _+0.002) of the selected blende-bearing granitoids appear to be older and mostly
granitoid plutons (see Table 5) positively indicate that occur at the eastern Burma-Thai Frontier Ranges while
these granitoids are of the S-types. Thus, present chemi- W-Sn bearing, S-type, two mica granitoids are confined
cal evidences of the W-Sn related, central belt granitoids to the western Coastal Ranges. As geochemical and
broadly conform with S-type characteristics. detailed mineralogical and petrological data are still
Mineralogically, the central belt granitoids cannot lacking the eastern belt granitoids cannot yet be distin-
be unequivocally regarded as I-type or S-type. These guished as I-type or S-type.
granitoids contain biotite _+ hornblende ___sphene _+
magnetite mineral association which is characteristic of
I-type as well as biotite ___muscovite _ garnet + ilmenite RELATIONSHIPS WITH
mineral association which is characteristic of S-type. W-Sn MINERALIZATION
Apatite commonly occurs as an accessory mineral in the
central belt granitoids but it is found as inclusions in The primary W-Sn mineralization is spatially and
biotite and hornblende which is a characteristic feature genetically related with central belt granitoids in Burma,
of I-type while it is also noted as larger discrete euhedral and the W-Sn occurrences are predominantly of thin
grains which is a characteristic feature of S-type. Con- vein to large vein (lode)-type deposits. W-Sn bearing
cerning the field criteria the central belt granitoids pegmatite veins and dykes are sometimes economically
contain not only hornblende-rich xenoliths which is a important particularly in Mergui area (e.g. the Kazat,
feature of I-type but also metasedimentary xenoliths Yengan, Palaw and Tetwe Mines). Sn as scattered
which is a feature of S-type. However, it is noteworthy cassiterite grains (e.g. at the Mawchi Mine, Kayah State
that at Pyetkaywe the diorites and hornblende granites and the Hermyingyi Mine, Tavoy) and W as dissemi-
(adamellites) are clearly observed as older units mostly nated wolframite patches (e.g. at the Myinmati Mine,


east of Pymmana at the border of Shan State) are locally
found an the granitoads, but these disseminations are not i
economac. Although skarn zones of several metres across
are commonly noted along the gramtold and country
rock contacts, no W-Sn bearmg skarn deposit has been
recorded in Burma The W-Sn veins attain a maxamum
width of 5m (e.g. the Tagu Mane, Mergm) and are
traceable for more than a kilometer (e.g. the Hermyingy]
Mine. Tavoy).
The mmerahzed veins form as near-verucal and paral-
lel vein system in the apacal zone of gramtoid plutons
(e.g. the Mawchi Mine, Kayah State and the Hermyingy]
Mine, Tavoy) or along the granitoid-metasediment con-
tact zone (e g. Pennaachaung, Tavoy) or exclusively in
the metasedimentary country rocks (e.g. Yetkanzin-
taung, Tavoy) Gre]sen zones of up to 3 m commonly
bordered the W-Sn quartz veins adjacent to the grani-
toid rocks, but at the Mawchi Mine, quartz-tourmaline
rock mostly occurs at the contact of the W-Sn veins
and the granitotd body. The quartz veins trend N--S,
NNE-SSW and locally NW-SE and E-W. The mineral-
ized veins contain cassiterite and wolframite but sheehte
is also present at the Mawchl Mine. Gangue minerals are
quartz, feldspars, m~ca, calcate, magnetite, bismuth, Fig 7 Schematic models for the emplacement of veto-type, W-Sn
fluorate, tourmaline, and manor beryl and topaz together mmerahzatlon m the central gramto~d belt, Burma
with the sulfide minerals--pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopy-
rate, arsenopynte, molybdenite, bismuthlmte, sphalente nerite:ferberite, h/L rataos) from the selected W-Sn
and galena. It is also noted that wolframate is more deposits was also made and it demonstrates that there is
common in quartz veins proper whereas cassitente no permissible regional correlation nor trend by which
occurs an the bordering grelsen the h/f ratio can be used as a geothermometer. However,
Recent fluid inclusion studies of the W-Sn veto type the regional variation of the h/f ratio in the Burmese
deposats an the central granitoid belt indicate that the wolframite deposits reflects the variation of MnZ+/Fe 2+
majority of the fluid inclusions in vein quartz, fluorite an the ore solutions and/or m the host rocks and
and scheelite and in quartz from the greasen gave a filling changing fO2 and pH during ore deposition (Khin Zaw
temperature range of 120-27OC and locally as high as 1987b).
360 'C and the inclusions are of low sahmty (less than 10 Two traditional notions have been held in relation
NaCI equivalent wt%), and exclusively of two-phase to granitoid rocks and associated W-Sn mineralization
(hqmd and gas) wath no CO2 liquid phase and daughter in Burma that (1) medium- to coarse-grained, biotite-
mmerals (Khan Zaw 1978, Nilar Shwe 1980, Khin Zaw and/or muscovite-bearing S-type granitoids are found
and Khan Myo Thet 1983, Khan Zaw 1984). Character- to be the more favourable hosts than the prophyritic
lSUCS of fluid inclusions in minerals (quartz, beryl and variety or hornblende-bearing granitoids; and (2)
topaz) from the pegmatlte deposits of the central gram- a regional zoning pattern of W-Sn deposits exists,
told belt are broadly similar to those in minerals of Sn increasing from north to south, so conversely
W-Sn ore veins in the same granitoid belt. The fluid W becomes dominant in the north. The first traditional
mclusaons an the minerals of pegmat~tes are also doml- view is descriptive but it has also been noted that
nantl} of two-phase (liquid and gas) with no CO, hquad the highly differentiated, medium- to coarse-grained,
phase and daughter minerals They have yielded a low biotite- and/or muscovite-bearing granitoids which
salinity of (1.0-10.8 NaCI eqmvalent wt%) but higher form small, satellmc intrusions adjacent to the large
temperature range of 213-'C to more than 400-~C (Khin plutons are found to be the major hosts for the
Zaw 1990). most important lode-type deposits (e.g. the Hermyingy]
Thus, fired mclusaon characteristics and geother- Mine and the Mawchi Mine) and some minor primary
mometry suggest that the pegmatite emplacement W-Sn occurrences such as Peinnaichaung Prospect,
occurred under post-magmatic conditions along the Tavoy, described by Khin Zaw (1984). These small,
central granitoad belt and shortly followed by extensive satellitic intrusions are also believed to be genetically
vein-type W-Sn mineralization, but the compositional connected with the nearby main granitoid plutons as
variation and maxing of meteoric waters with magmatic late-stage differentiates, perhaps as tongue-like bodies
sources during the entire post-magmatxc stage still (see Fig. 7).
remains largely unresolved. Detailed study on the It has also been mentioned that the Sn contents of the
primary fluid inclusions in the vein quartz in relation granitoids which occur as host rocks for the major
with the composatlonal variatton of wolframites (hueb- lode-type W-Sn deposits (Hermyingyi and Mawchl
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 321

Mines) are distinctly higher than those of the barren deposits of Yadanapon Mine (Namyen Mine), Mergui,
granitoids or granitoids associated with minor W-Sn at the southernmost part of W-Sn belt. In 1949-1952,
occurrences in the central granitoid belt. The presence of The Yadanapon bed rock deposits produced 348 tons of
free cassiterite in the Mawchi and Hermyingyi granitoids W, 10 tons of Sn, and 17 tons of mixed concentrates.
and of disseminated wolframite patches in the granitoid Thus, the W-Sn belt associated with the central belt
at the Myinmati Mine, due east of Pyinmana (see also granitoids in Burma is a tungsten province with subordi-
Goossens 1978) implies that the post-magrnatic, re- nate Sn mineralization, and a regional variation of
sidual, mineralizing fluid is enriched in Sn and probably W/Sn + W ratios from north to south is recorded in this
W. Hamaguchi and Kuroda (1970) also indicated that W-Sn belt.
Sn is preferentially concentrated in the residual liquid The present geological, petrological and geochemical
during the fractionation of granitoid magma. evidences combined with fluid inclusion data lend sup-
Some workers (e.g. Flinter 1971, Groves 1972) port to the "classical" magmatic-hydrotbermal model
suggested that Sn is more strongly partitioned into for the W-Sn mineralization in the central granitoid belt
biotite and muscovite than into the co-existing quartz, (Fig. 7). Metal-rich brines exsolved from the cooling,
feldspars or hornblende. As the late-stage magmatic now crystalline plutons as late-stage, residual fluids
fractionation proceeds, the mineral constituents of the during the extreme magmatic differentiation. Mineraliz-
granitoids become saturated in Sn, and further extreme ing brines together with accumulating volatiles have
fractionation results in the crystallization of free cassiter- been localized and trapped in the apical zones of small,
ite and ultimately Sn-rich ore fluids as final products. satellitic granitoid intrusions which form as younger,
Thus, strongly differentiated, biotite- and/or muscovite- late-stage differentiates of probable tongue-like bodies
beating granitoids apparently become favourable hosts genetically connected to the nearby very large, major
for the Sn deposits, but further experimental data are plutons (Fig. 7A). The mineralizing brines have ascended
needed to substantiate the geochemical behaviour of tin and infilled the fissures in the apical zones or along the
during magmatic differentiation. The origin and geo- granitoid/metasediment contacts as near-vertical and
chemical nature of W is much more uncertain than that parallel veins.
of Sn, and even the distribution pattern of W in the The possibilities that the ore solutions were meteoric
granitoids in Burma alone is yet to be fully established. waters circulating through the thick pile of largely
In relation to the traditional view of regional zoning argillaceous clastic rocks of Mawchi and Mergui Groups
pattern for W-Sn deposits, the density of Sn deposits or similar metasediments and the upper part of the
evidently increases from north to south (also see Fig. 4 plutons which acted as a "heat engine" (heat-engine
of Mitchell and Garson 1972), but no particular expla- model) (Fig. 7B) and the derivation of some or all of the
nation has previously been given with reference to the metals, particularly W from the metasediments through
primary and/or secondary tin deposits. In addition, this leaching can not be ruled out on the present evidence. At
regional variation is further complicated by the presence the Hermyingyi Mine, decreasing of filling temperatures
of numerous secondary placer tin deposits in Tenasserim of W-Sn ore veins towards the roof of the pluton has
Division, southern Burma. The abundance of secondary been recorded (Khin Zaw 1978), and this progressive
tin deposits does not necessarily mean that Sn is in- cooling reflects the influx of meteoric waters circulated
creased in the south since cassiterite survived during deep into the magrnatic-hydrothermal system at later
different weathering and erosion cycles, and W minerals stages of ore deposition, and mixing of meteoric waters
are mostly destroyed and are not present in appreciable and juvenile (magmatic) waters would have occurred,
amount in the secondary alluvial deposits. In terms of but this evidence is still speculative. Stable isotope
primary vein-type W-Sn mineralization, W deposits with analysis and further detailed geochemical studies of host
no apparent Sn are found at the northern part of the rocks (both granitoids and the argillaceous metasedi-
W-Sn belt (e.g. at Nyaunggyat), and W appears to ments) would be required to ascertain the source and
dominate over Sn in the vein-type deposits of Yamethin sources of metals and hydrothermal fluids and to deter-
and Pyawbwe areas of south of Nyaunggyat although no mine the extent to which the mixing of meteoric and
detailed ore grade and production figures have been magrnatic fluids have occurred.
obtained. Further southwards, except at the Mawchi The close association of W-Sn ore veins, pegmatites
Mine in which the W: Sn metal ratio is 1: 2, W is always and the granitoids in the central granitoid belt at least
more prominent than Sn and the W/Sn + W ratio in- suggests that all of these are derived from the same
creases towards the south in almost all of the bed rock source and hence, as in the case of granitoid rocks, W-Sn
W-Sn deposits rather than the Sn is increased towards metals have a similar crustal origin. The low trace
the south. contents of tin and tungsten in oceanic crust and in
At the Hermyingyi Mine, the average grade of pelagic sediments also support this crustal source for the
the W: Sn metal ratio is 3:1 and at primary vein-type metals. Although tin can be present as an initial, pre-
Pennaichaung Prospect, Khin Zaw (1984) recently mineralization, crustal concentration, Mitchell (1977)
reported a W: Sn metal ratio of 3 : 1. Further southwards argued for such a hypothetical concentration since no
at Tagu Mine, a primary lode-type deposit in the detrital tin has been reported from any of the Lower
Mergui area, a W:Sn metal ratio of 4:1 is noted, and Paleozoic clastic sedimentary rocks in the Southeast
W is still more dominant than Sn at the vein-type W-Sn Asian region, and suggested that the "average" trace

amount of tin m the crust alone can account for the bicarbonate complexes in CO2-rich ore flmds but
source of the metal Manning and Henderson (1984) demonstrated from
In Burma no detrltal tin has been recorded in the thmr experimental works that (WO,)2CI may be
related country rocks of Precambrlan to l,pper Pale- the dominant species at 800"C and 1 kb and low chloride
ozmc sediments in the north or m the mostly Carbonifer- concentrations. However, it is not known whether
ous Mawchi and Mergui sediments m the south (WO~hC1 can be a viable transporting agent for
K rauskopf (1967a) argued that for the source of Cu (e,g the tungsten in the Burmese W-Sn deposits which
m porphyry Cu deposits), an orebody of 1,000,000 tons lormed at lower temperature range (a maximum filling
of metal is equivalent to only 3'0 of that m a 100 km ~ temperature of c 360 C). Although future detaded study
pluton of related andesites and tholentes in which up to on the composition of gases m the inclusion fluids of
150 ppm Cu is reported (Taylor 1968). The distribution the Burmese W-Sn deposits is needed, the lack of
of tm and tungsten m the metasediments associated w~th CO2-hquid rich phases (e.g Nilar Shwe 1980. Khin
gramtolds m Burma has yet to be studied, but ~t has been Zaw and Khin Myo Thet 1983, Khln Zaw 1984) indi-
demonstrated that although no detaded figure for the W cates that concentration of CO2 in the Burmese W-Sn
content m the central belt gramto~ds wa~ obtained they ore flmds is probably low and hence available fluid
nevertheless contain less than the detecnon limit of inclusion data do not lend support for the transport of
200 ppm W and up to 500 ppm Sn Thus, :l,s ,n the case tungsten as well as tm by carbonate and bicarbonate
of Cu. no particular pre-mlnerallzatmn concentration ol complexes during the formation of the Burmese W-Sn
Sn and presumably W ab well m the crustal rocks ~s deposits
needed as a source of these metals Presence of fluorine in the ore-forming environment of
Although volatde transport of tm as tm tetrafluorlde the W Sn deposits m the central granitold belt is evident
and/or tetrachloride (Vogt 1926, Smith 1947) and that of by the presence of fluorite and fluorine-bearing minerals
tungsten as simple halogen compounds of tungsten such as biotite, muscovite, tourmahne and apatite. This
(WF,,, WC16, WOCI4 and WO2C12) have been favoured. abundant fluorine would be responsible for the transport
man~ geochemists (e.g. Krauskopf 1976b) argued for of the W-Sn metals as fluoro-hydroxyl complexes. On
volatde transport of metals mainly on the thermochem> the basis of thermodynamic considerations for the stab-
cal grounds. Simdarly, thermodynamm calculatmns by ihty of different tungsten-bearing complexes in aqueous
I v a n m a (1966) show that the simple halogen com- soluuons under different physicochemmal conditions.
pounds as WF 6, WCIr, WOCI4, and WO:CI, at relevant Ivanova and Khodakovskly (1968, p. 780) concluded
P-T conditions (25 300 C and 1- 1000 atm), are unstable that ff a hydrothermal solution is rich in fluorine, as for
m the presence of several common Na-bearing com- instance, m the process of greisenizatlon, tungsten may
pounds, silica and excess water relative to HF or HCI be transported m the form of complex "oxyfluoro-
Th~s precludes the role of volat~les as agents of tungsten tungstates'"
transport. Low to moderate filling temperatures of nu- Kogarko et al. (1968) have shown experimentally that,
merous fired inclusmns m the assocmted gangue minerals for fels~c silicate melt, separation of fluorine into the gas
of W-Sn deposits m Burma also indicate that the ore phase increases with increase m the acidity (expressed as
flmds together w~th W-Sn metals would have been SiO~/Na~O) of the melt. It was referred that, in alkali-
emplaced at one stage or other under aqueous condition rich melts, the bulk of the fluorine is fixed m the magma
at the deposltional site as Na--F bonds, but m h~ghly sihcic melts ~t acts as a
Other geochemical transports of tin as sodium or depolymerlzer, by forming SI-F bonds, the SiF4 thus
potassmm hydroxyl stannate (NaaK)2Sn (OH, F or formed partitions preferentmtly into the gas phase. In
alkali thiostannate (Smith 1947, see also Taylor 1969, the case of wet melt H F would be formed by interactions
pp a 7 7 4 8 3 ) in alkaline solution were considered, and such as
experimental work by Bryzgalin (1958), and Kraynov et
S1F4 + 4H:O = SI(OH)4 + 4HF
al. (1965) suggested that tungsten could also be trans-
ported m Na-alkahne solution as water soluble alkali and would be available for greisenlzatlon
tungstates, but recent studies m relatmn to physlco- If so, the widespread greisenization and the presence
chemical conditions of ore-forming environments (e g of fluorite and abundant fluorine-bearing minerals in the
Krauskopf 1967b) revealed that the ore-depositing en- W-Sn deposits suggest that fluorine would have been
vironments are neither strongly alkaline nor acidic and ~mportant as a complexing agent m the transportation
are within the range of above or below neutrality. Hence, and deposmon of tungsten. Fluorine is also known to
W-Sn ore transport under alkaline conditions is still complex easily with polyvalent cations such as SP +.
controversial. Recent experimental studies also indicate A1~+, Fe 3+ , W 6+, as well as Sn 4 + Hence, fluorine-bearing
that H : W O , is a d o m m e n t tungsten species at elevated complexes would also have been responsible for the
temperatures in moderately saline solutions (Foster hydrothermal transport of Sn. Experimental work, sum-
1977, Bryzgahn 1976) whereas Wesolowskl et al (1982, marxzed by Holland (1972) and later described by
1984) favoured the HWO~ and WO~ as dominant Eugster (1985) has shown that dwalent ions, such as
species zinc, lead and manganese, are readily leached from
Hlggins (1980), on the basis of fluid inclusion data, granites by hot brines, and are effectly transported as
suggested that tungsten ma> form carbonate and chloride complexes in hydrothermal soluuons
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 323

The role of chlorine as a complexing agent for W and K

Sn as chloride complexes is not adequately known,
but chlorine may also be important in the hydro-
thermal transport of W as well as Sn metals. Recent
thermodynamic calculations made by Eadington (1982)
demonstrated that the Sn ~v can be transported as
Sn(OH)/- and Sn(OH) 2- complexes under alkaline con-
ditions whereas SnCI and SnF are the dominant
species under acidic conditions. Similarly Jackson and
Helgeson (1985a,b) made a thermodynamic calculation
and favoured chloride complexes as a tin transporting
agent and the presence of topaz precludes significant
transport of tin as fluoride complexes for the Southeast
Asian tin deposits. However, topaz is very rare or absent
in the Burmese W-Sn deposits.
Although chloride complexes may be important as
suggested by most of the thermodynamic and exper- Na Ca
imental geologists for the W-Sn deposits, the influence
Fig. 8. System Na-K-Ca for the granitoid rocks from the grantioid
of fluoride complexing cannot be ruled out. This prop- belt, Burma. The solid line indicates field of Sn-minera!izin$granitoids
osition is also suggested by other geologists who made from New England (Juniper and Kleeman 1979). Symbols indicate
petrological and geochemical studies on the W-Sn A = Kyatpyin (Mogok) granitoid (only one sample); x = Bodawgyi
gramtoid (average of four samples); = Pyetkaywe-Gutaung grani-
deposits in the other parts of the Southeast Asian W-Sn toid (average of twelve samples); C) -- Yinmabin-Payagnazu granitoid
belt (Ishihara et al. 1980 for Thai deposits, Clarke and (average of six samples); = Sinmakkwa (Pyawbwe) granitoid (only
Beddoe-Stephens 1987 for Indonesian deposits). Most of one sample); [] = Yezin (Pyinmana)--Takongramtoid (average of four
samples); [] = Mawchi granitoid (only one sample); & = Kyeikhitiyo
the previous thermodynamic and experimental studies of (Thaton) granitoid (only one sample); + -- Hermyingyi (Tavoy) gran-
the W and Sn metals transport in general emphasized ]toid (average of ten samples). Small dots represent all granitoid
either wholly tin or wholly tungsten deposits but not as samples in this study.
tin and tungsten deposits. Further experimental works
are needed to consider the transporting medium for both between chlorine contents of biotite from the intrusions
W-Sn metals in the same hydrothermal fluids and under and that of copper content, and suggested that chlorine
similar physicochemical conditions with particular refer- content may serve as an effective exploration tool.
ence to the CI/F ratio in the deposition of the W-Sn However, Kesler et al. (1973b), using the water-
metals. Thus, although final conclusions should be de- extractable chloride and fluoride to evaluate the ore
ferred until we fully understand the solubilities of tung- potential of granodioritic rocks, found that chloride
sten and tin complexes under the P-T-X conditions of abundance does not appear to be simple and useful in
W-Sn mineralization in Burma, future investigations on distinguishing mineralized and unmineralized intrusions,
the distribution of halogens (F, C1) in the granitoids and but fluoride values in mineralized intrusions are
associated pegmatites and W-Sn deposits in Burma is higher than those in the barren intrusions. Parry and
worth undertaking for further research. Jacobs (1975) also argued that fluorine and chlorine
The possibility that chlorine and fluorine form com- abundances in biotites provide no significant differences
plexes with W-Sn metals, and thereby have a strong between mineralized and non-mineralized, individual
effect on the mobility and transport of W-Sn during the plutons.
post-magmatic stages also suggests that the abundance Thus, although the general efficacy of these two
of chlorine and fluorine in the granitoids from the central halogens in the search for economic mineralization
granitoid belt could be used to distinguish intrusions within particular metallogenetic provinces is still dis-
that have generated W-Sn deposits from the barren puted, future investigation on the fluorine and chlorine
plutons. In the field of applied geochemistry, fluorine abundances in the W-Sn related Burmese granitoids
as an indicator for mineral exploration can be used would provide ore potentials for W-Sn as well as other
successfully to locate fluorite deposits (Friedrich and base and precious metals. As in the case of fluorine and
Pluger 1971, Lalonde 1976), skarn tungsten deposits chlorine, major and trace elements, and ore metal (Sn)
(Cachau-Herreillat and Prouhet 1971), pegmatite abundances in the central belt granitoids are also
deposits (Yusupov 1973), nickel sulphide deposits afforded in this study to distinguish mineralized and
(Robinovich 1973), and mineralized granitoid rocks non-mineralized intrusions. Major element distribution
(Kesler et al. 1973a). Shinpulin et al. (1973) considered indicates that the Na-K-Ca plot of the compositions of
that locating fluorine dispersion haloes should be an the central granitoids (Fig. 8) which are associated with
integral part of all reconnaissance surveys as fluorine is either minor W-Sn occurrences or lode-type W-Sn
an excellent indicator of concealed mineral deposits. deposits fall within the field of Sn-mineralizing granites
Stollery et al. (1971) demonstrated that biotite from from New England (Juniper and Klceman 1979) but in
the ore-bearing intrusions is anomalously high in chlor- contrast a SiO2-CaO + MgO + FeO--Na20 + A1203 plot
ide and similarly Parry (1972) noted the close correlation shows that the majority of the central belt granitoids in
SEAES 4/4----E
q2d kHIN ZAW

workers in recent years (Mitchell 1973, 1977, 1979, 1981,

/ Mitchell and Garson 1972, 1976, Goossens 1978, Curray
~t a/ 1979, 1982, Hla Maung 1980, 1987, Win Swe
90/~ / ~I0
1981a.b, Maung Theln 1983, Bender 1983, Khin Zaw
t 986, 1987a, 1989). The emplacement of granitoid rocks
and associated porphyry Cu(Au) related, younger vol-
cantcs m the western granitoid belt, and of granitoids
and associated W-Sn mineralization in the central gran-
75~ field of Sn--mme~L~ng ~" , .~--"~. 25 ito~d belt in Burma was first considered m the light of
new global tectonics by Mitchell and Garson (1972) and
Mttchell (1973), and later on a broader view by Mitchell
(1977, 1979, 1981) gave the tectonic settings of Burmese
granitoids wtthin east and Southeast Asian regions.
Goossens (1978) proposed, though simplified, a plate
55 45 tectomc model for ore distribution and related intrusive
50 v ~ v ~ ~ v 50
and volcamc rocks in Burma including the granitoid
rocks In a similar manner, Win Swe (1981a) and Maung
F=g 9 System S102=CaO + MgO + FeO-Na20 + K20 + A1203 for Them (1983) argued that the emplacement of granitoids
the gramtoid rocks from the gramtmd belt, Burma The sohd hne m the Burmese region was related to the westwardly
indicates field of Sn-mlnerahzmg gramtolds from New England
(Juniper and Kleeman 1979). The dashed hne re&cares Sn-mlnerahzmg
migrating subductlon zone during Mesozoic and Lower
granitoids defined after Stemprok (1969) Symbols indicate Tertmry
A = Kyatpym (Mogok) gramtold (only one sample), = Bodawgyl In this paper, the tectonic evolution of granitotd rocks
gramtoid (average of four samples); = Pyetkaywe-Gutaung gram-
toid (average of twelve samples); = Ymmabm-Payagnazu gramtold
m Burma will be similarly approached to that made by
(average of six samples), = Smmakkwa (Pyawbwe) gramtold (only Goossens (1978), Wm Swe (1981a) and Maung Thein
one sample); [] = Yezm (Pyinmana)-Takon granitold (average of four (1983), but a more detailed interpretation will be at-
samples); [] = Mawchi gramtold (only one sample); = Kyelkhtlyo
(Thaton) gramtoid (only one sample), + = Hermymgyl (Tavoy) gran-
tempted m accordance wtth the presently available data
ltmd (average of ten samples). Small dots represent all gramto~d on mineralogical, petrological and geochemical charac-
samples m this study tensttcs of the gramtoid rocks. In th~s respect, the
followmg tmportant criteria should be borne m mind for
Burma fall outside the field of Sn-mmeralizing gramtes anyone who would attempt to reconstruct the tectomc
from New England (Fig. 9). evolutton of granito~d rocks in Burma:
Trace element abundances of the central belt grani- (1) The eastern belt gramtolds are of possibly Lower
toids provide no scheme for distinguish intrusions that Paleozo~c age or as young as Triassic although the age
have generated W-Sn deposits from those that have not, of intrusion is still uncertain. The central belt granitoids
which seem to be the goal of exploration geochemlsts, might have been emplaced as early as Jurassic but the
but there is a tendency for the granitoid plutons which bulk of the gramtoid intrusions m thin belt have been
bear W-Sn mineralization to be comparatively more emplaced during the Upper Cretaceous and Lower
enriched in Be, Bi, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sn, Y and Zn but less Eocene and have undergone widespread thermal disturb-
depleted in Ba and Zr than those plutons m which no ances during the Tertiary (mostly Miocene). The western
W-Sn occurrences are recorded. For Sn, it has been belt gramtoids are of Upper Cretaceous age
shown that there is a greater vanabihty and although the (2) The eastern belt granitoids extend southwards and
granitoid rocks collected from the W-Sn mine-sltes show are geographically continuous with Triassic gramtes of
distinct enrichment in Sn (up to 500 ppm), extreme northern Thailand and Sn-W-bearmg, mesozonal,
caution should be borne in mind to use Sn content of the Permo-Triass~c granttoids of western Malay Peninsula
granitoids alone as an indicator to discriminate W-Sn further south. The central belt granitoids are predomi-
bearing (mineralized) intrusions from W-Sn poor (bar- nantly of calc-alkaline intrusions assocmted with abun-
ren) intrusion tn search for W-Sn deposits m Burma. It dant pegmatites and numerous W-Sn ore veins. The
has been mentioned that S-type biotite and/or muscovite western belt granitoids are high-level intrusions associ-
bearing granitoids characteristically host the W-Sn de- ated with porphyry Cu(Au) related volcamcs.
posits in the central granitoid belt and hence future (3) The eastern belt gramtoids intrude the turbi&tic
detailed geochemical charactertzation of the granitoid Chaung Magyl Group of Upper Precambrian age
units as I-type or S-type within the individual plutons whereas the central belt granitmds were emplaced m
would provide potentials for the W-Sn-F mineralization regionally metamorphosed, highly deformed country
and Cu-Mo, Cu-Au or other base and precious metal rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Lower Creta-
deposits in Burma. ceous and forming a N-S trending, narrow, linear zone
The western belt granitoids intrude older basement
(4) Although the eastern belt granitoxds can not be
Plate tectontc interpretations of geological events confirmed yet in terms of I-type or S-type charactertstics,
within the Burmese region have been made by many the central granitoid belt ~s considered to obtain both
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 325

I-type and S-type granitoids, mostly I-type as older Upper Precambrian sediments are slightly metamor-
intrusive phases and S-type as younger intrusive phases, phosed, turbiditic, clastic sediments of the Chaung
and the western belt granitoids have I-type character- Magyi Group, and the Lower Paleozoic rocks are both
istics. clastic and calcareous sediments with minor volcanics
(5) The central belt granitoid plutons are largely whereas the Upper Paleozoic rocks are predominantly
trending N-S or NNW-SSE, mostly elongated and have calcareous (Maung Thein 1973). The eastern granitoid
either concordant or discordant boundaries and like the belt occurs in the eastern part of the Sino-Burman
metamorphosed country rocks, the granitoid plutons Ranges and the central granitoid belt occupies the
form a narrow linear belt. The central belt granitoids are western part of the Sino--Burman Ranges immediatedly
commonly transformed into granitoid gneisses. along the E of the Sagaing Fault.
(6) This narrow deformed zone of central belt grani- During the Lower Precambrian, NE Burma was prob-
toids and the country rocks is located immediately ably a part of the Eurasian or China (Cathaysian) plate,
east of the tectonically distinct Sagaing (transform) and at the beginning of the Upper Precambrian, a
Fault which has a post-Lower Miocene northward subduction zone existed at the depositional site of the
dextral movement of up to 460 km (Curray et al. 1979, Chaung Magyi Beds (Maung Thein 1983), but the nature
1982) along the western margin of the central granitoid and position of this subduction zone is still uncertain. At
belt. the end of the Upper Precambrian, the region was
(7) Denudation of a thick succession of metamorphic uplifted. During the Lower Paleozoic (Cambrian) a
country rocks along the central granitoid belt occurred subduction zone can be reasonably intepreted to exist in
after the emplacement of the granitoids, and hence the NE Burma. Myint Lwin Thein and co-workers (1990, in
granitoid plutons are also extensively uncovered and preparation) recently mapped the extensively folded,
presently elevated up to 3950ft (l.2km) (e.g. at westwardly overturned, slightly metamorphosed, pink to
Pyetkaywe Taung). purple, micaceous sandstones and quartzites with minor
Burma can be sub-divided into 6 N-S tending major slates and subordinate amounts of volcaniclastic sedi-
tectonic domains from west to east: (1) Arakan ments at Bawdwin Mine area in Northern Shan State,
(Rakhine) Coastal Strip as an ensimatic foredeep; (2) NE Burma, and renamed them as the Pangyun Group
Indo--Burman Ranges as an outer arc or fore arc; (3) (Mid Cambrian) according to modern lithostratigraphic
Western Inner-Burman Tertiary Basin as an inter-arc nomenclatures of Hedberg (1976).
basin; (4) Central Volcanic Belt (Central Volcanic Line) Thus, flysch-like, miogeosynclinal sequence and over-
as an inner magmatic-volcanic arc; (5) Eastern Inner- lying felsic volcanics and Lower Paleozoic rocks in NE
Burman Tertiary Basin as back-arc basin; and (6) Shan- Burma are similar to the Cenozoic outer arc or fore arc
Tenasserim Massif as ensialic, Sino-Burman Ranges. and magmatic-volcanic arc succession; this similarity is
The Sagaing Fault forms as a tectonically significant being further supported at the Bawdwin Mine, a vol-
boundary between the Eastern Burman Basin (back-arc canogenic massive sulfide Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Ba deposit
basin) and continental, ensialic Sino--Burman Ranges analogous to the Kuroko deposits of Japan (Khin Zaw
(see Fig. 10) (Khin Zaw 1989 after Bender 1983). 1990). The Paleozoic subduction zone probably extends
The Arakan Coastal Strip represents an ensimatic southward for similar Cambrian and Lower Paleozoic
foredeep made up of Miocene molassic sediments which rocks are noted at Yadanatheingi, Ngwetaung (E of
continue northwards in the Assam Basin of the north- Mandalay), Yeywa, and further south at Pindaya Range,
eastern Indian Ocean. The Indo--Burman Ranges of Southern Shan State, micaceous sandstones and quartz-
Bender (1983) are also known as the Western Ranges ites with minor rhyolitic volcanics of Molohein Group
(Win Swe 1981a, Maung Thein 1983); they can be having Late Cambrian saukiid trilobites (Myint Lwin
demonstrated to be an outer arc or fore arc and are Thein 1973) can be correlated with the Pangyun Group
underlain by Triassic flysch sediments and obducted of Northern Shan State.
ophiolites succession in the east and a tightly folded Maung Thein (1983) suggested a possible Paleozoic
flysch-type sediments of Cretaceous to Lower Eocene trench along the western marginal zone of Shan State
age to the west, mostly dipping east and striking parallel and Tenasserim, and this subduction zone seems to be
to the N-S length of the Ranges. The central Lowlands continuous southwards to the Malay Peninsula since the
or Central Basin which contains up to 15 km of domi- Upper Cambrian Machinchang Formation with rhyo-
nantly Tertiary marine and fluviatile sediments is separ- lites of the Langkawi Islands, W of Peninsular Malaysia
ated into the Western Inner-Burman Basin (inter-arc and the Papulut Quartzites of mainland Malaysia
trough) and the Eastern Inner-Burman Basin (back-arc (Mitchell 1981) and the Upper Cambrian to Ordovician
trough) by the inner magmatic-volcanic arc in which the Grik tufts and volcanics of western Malay Peninsula
western granitoid plutons and associated porphyry (Hutchison 1973) are similar in lithology to the
Cu(Au) related, younger volcanics have emplaced. Cambrian Pangyun Group in Burma. This Paleozoic
The Shan-Tenasserim Massif is also regarded as the subduction zone is considered westward in Malaysia
Eastern Highlands (Maung Thein 1983) and (Hutchison 1973) but eastward in NE Burma by Mitchell
Sino--Burman Ranges (Bender 1983). These Eastern (1977, 1981) who argued that Cambrian volcanics and
Ranges are underlain by Upper Precambrian to Pale- underlying flysch in NE Burma lie at least 300 km from
ozoic sediments and locally by Mesozoic clastics. The any postulated subduction zone to the E. Eastward
32f~ ICs.HIN Z A W
, =
'96*t olG,
.... ~*"~ / S o u t h m ~ Tethys suture

H IMAI. AYAS ~e>.~-"-. ,RX.,..., ~nch=subductu~zone)

i " Ou~ mc (lndo-BurmanRsnscs)
/'J~ Inter-Arc Basra
I i
/ / innervIczuc'n~4pn=c
/J - - (CentralVolcanicLine)

/ 7/ B',ck Arc Basm

/j~,sMajor fault zones


~. ag.'all] g (transeurren0faultzone
,a~ .,~
ol ~nltlenill
,,o"~'" n'zl'l~ l i ~ h e ##

~ ~
~uuc ~r~chngn ~
~a~ c~4
@ o~mh=s
0 100 500kin
I , I

I /C~u\4/e>'7
~ -~
' ~ li;,conlla~ I rl BANGKOK

0 M,
Island~ %0

~ S~a 0

W -'

71t \ , x

L I - "~ ~ "~.SINGAPORE

Fig. 10 Map showing six major tectomc domains of Burma from west to east (1) Arakan Coastal Strip as enslmatic
\ , J
foredeep; (2) Indo-Burman Ranges as outer arc or fore arc; (3) Western Inner-BurmanTernary Basin as rater-arc basin,
(4) Central Volcanic belt (Central Volcamc Line) as tuner magmatie-volcamc arc; (5) Eastern Inner-BurmanTertiary Basin
as back-arc basra, (6) Shan-TennasserimMassif as ensialic, Sino-Burman Ranges (after Bender 1983, Khin Zaw 1989).

subduction o f ocean floor during the Paleozoic in the granitoid magmatism in eastern Burma has not
Burma region is further supported by the overturned yet been conclusively documented, but K/Ar age o f
folds with easterly axial planes and westward-directed Cambro-Ordovician (Brook and Snelling 1976) and a
thrusting of flysch-like, Mid Cambrian Pangyun sedi- doubtful Rb/Sr age o f Carboniferous (Mitchell et al.
ments in N E Burma (Myint Lwin Thein and co-workers 1977, Bender 1983) for the Tawngpeng granitoid in the
1990). eastern granitoid belt might represent a Paleozoic intru-
Granitoid emplacement in the eastern granitold belt in sive event. The Permian to Lower Triassic volcanic and
Burma may be attributed to this paleozoic eastward plutonic rocks o f eastern peninsular Malaysia and the
subduction o f ocean floor (Fig. l lA) The Paleozoic volcanic rocks in central northern Thailand were con-
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 327

A W-S. related P Permo-Triassic, epizonal granitoid plutons in eastern
F gramtold belt peninsular Malaysia were emplaced in a continental
-O-- ~ Trench
crust above an east-dipping subduction zone and the
granitoid plutons in the western Malay peninsula and
northern Thailand were emplaced during continental
OyllOn Plot, collision related to the Upper Triassic "Indosinian
-2OO Km ~ ".~Cont,nent Orogeny".
W Early Poleozoic EJ
The Triassic magmatic event has not yet been
B Magmohc-Volcanic Arc W-Sn related recorded in Burma although the granitoid rocks in the

0 Tre~h
Cu ?-hosted volcomc|
.~...:~. '
F gromtoId belt eastern granitoid belt of Burma geographically lie
strictly north of mostly Triassic granitoid rocks in the
. _ ~ _ ~ . / ~ v ~ v ~ ~ northern Thailand and the Sn-W bearing, mesozonal,
Trou ' A Permo-Triassic granitoids in western Malaysia. Future
detailed geological and geochemical investigation to-
gether with radiometric dating may indicate the existence
.TKm (or) Continent
of the Triassic igneous event and collision-related grani-
,W "~ ~'~ Late TrlalllC toids in eastern Burma but the presently available geo-
W-Sn related ?
C Riling Plato-Outer Arc Mogmohc-Volcanlc Arc logical information is still uncertain to confirm this
with obduct~ ophiohtee Porphyry E gramtmd belt
proposition, and alternatively, the author suggests that
the eastern belt granitoids in Burma were generated as
a subduction-related magma in a continental margin
above an east-dipping Benioff zone during the Lower
The emplacement and evolution of the granitoid rocks
W ~ ~,~ ~rouic E in the central and western granitoid belt can be explained
O ForeArc (or)
Mogmahc-Volcomc Arc W-SIt related W-Sn related ?
Central grQnlto|d
by a westward migrating, east-dipping subduction zone
Outer Arc W gromtold belt --~ F gromtOld belt which lay west of the present day three granitoid belts
belt Porphy~ j
in Burma, and the most probable position of this zone
was at the present Indo-Burman Ranges which formed
as an outer arc or fore arc. As was first favoured by
"~.~ \ c' ~ Co,~oye,~la~ Goossens (1978) and Win Swe (1981a), Maung Thegn
.~o~. ~ " ~ < ' ~ . ' ~ (or,co.,,..., (1983) recently postulated that the locus of this east-dip-
ping subduction zone had shifted to the west throughout
~ ~ \ \Late Cret~ceoul.~ocenl E
_ _ I:~)rphyry Cu- W-Sn mloted~ W-Sn rllateU '~ the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and it was evidenced by the
E Inao-Burma i~angil related, Ceflt~ol ioniteid E gronito~d belt progressive younging of flysch units westward from
( Outer Arc ) W gronltoid P I ~
Triassic in the east through Cretaceous to Eocene in the
west, but this westward migration and plate convergence
does not necessarily rule out the possibility that the
inclination or the angle of dip of the Paleo-Benioff zone
" ~ - ~ i n g (tromlform) Fault has changed from shallow-dipping to steeply dipping as
was suggested by Mitchell and Garson (1972) and
w \ \ ~o,t. e~r~ M~c,.,- ~=,~. E
- Mitchell (1973).
Fig. l I. Schematic presentation of tectonic evolution of western (W), At the beginning of Mesozoic (Triassic), a fore-arc
central, and eastern (E) granitoid belts in Burma. basin or foredeep (trench) was formed along the eastern
part of the present Indo-Burman Ranges due to the
sidered to have been emplaced in a magmatic arc above eastward subduction of the Indian plate below the
eastward subducting ocean floor (Mitchell 1977, overriding Eurasian or China (Cathaysian) plate, and
Hutchison 1978) and collided with the continental fore- flysch-type Triassic sediments were laid down as trench
land to the W in the Upper Triassic. Beckinsale et al. deposits. At the end of the Triassic, a postulated calc-
(1979) also suggested a volcanic arc setting for the alkaline magmatic-volcanic arc complex was initially
Permian and Triassic volcanic rocks in central northern developed at the site of the present day Central Volcanic
Thailand. Line. This inferred magmatic-volcanic arc was probably
In Malaysia, Hutchison (1977) demonstrated on the made up of dioritic and granodioritic plutons with I-type
basis of radiomeric dating that the Sn-W bearing, characteristics at deeper level and porphyry Cu(Au)
mesozonal Main Range granitoids in western Malaysia hosted? volcanics at the upper part and represented a
and the epizonal, Boundary Range granitoids in the microplate since the Phanerozoic history of the SE Asian
eastern Malay Peninsula are predominantly of Permian region was characterized by the involvement of micro-
to Triassic, whereas the Sn related, granitoid rocks in the continents (Burton 1984). The inferred magmatic-
northern Thailand are mostly Triassic (e.g. Teggin 1975, volcanic arc was separated by a local back-arc basin
Besang et al. 1975). Mitchell (1977) maintained that the from the continental margin to the E (see Fig. 1I B).

Turbldmc sediments (e.g Ma-U-Bln Formation) were ued in the westward migrating trench to the west of the
deposited m the local back-arc trough. rising proto-outer arc The flysch sediments were not
Jurassic sediments are presently recorded at Sedawgyl, only scraped off but also dragged down locally as
north of Mandalay at the western margin of Shan lnterbedded units with obducted oceanic crust as ophio-
Plateau (Maung Thein personal communication 1985) lites (ultramafic rocks) due to the downward movement
and hence these Sedawgyl sediments also suggest the of the lithospheric plate against the proto-outer arc.
existence ol the back-arc basm between the inferred They have undergone a high pressure/low temperature
magmatlc ~olcanlc arc and the continental foreland metamorphism (e.g. Kanpetlet Schists) as postulated by
during the Jurassic Neither Jurassic flysch-type sedi- Win Swe (1981a) forming a paired metamorphic belt
ments nor melanges have so far been recorded along the together with the inner high temperature/low pressure
Indo-Burman Ranges, but continued plate convergence metamorphism (e.g. at Mogok) associated with the
during Jurassic was responsible for the obduction of central belt gramto~ds at the western margin of the Shan
down-going oceanic crust as ophlolites which lie uncon- Plateau to the east. In the jade mining areas at the west
formably on the Trlaslc flysch sediments A Jurassic age of Myltkylna Township, northern Burma, jadeite-albite
for the emplacement of the ophlolltes (ultramafic rocks) dykes and glaucophane schists (Soe Win 1968) would
is also suggested by a K/Ar age of 158 _+ 20 Ma for a also represent a blue schist locahty of high pressure/low
hornblende pegmatlte intruding the ophlohtlc sequence temperature metamorphism
(Mitchell 1981 ). Due to the westward mlgranon of the east-dipping
At the end of the Jurassic, the postulated magmatlc- plate convergence along the Indo-Burman Range, the
volcamc arc with presumed porphyry Cu(Au) mineraliz- magmatlc front m the east at the margin of the Shan
ation and the underlying I-type granltoids collided with Plateau was also shifted to the west with the formation
the continental foreland to the east, this collision was of a new magmatlc-volcanlc arc at the site of the present
probably related to the waning stage of the Upper Central Volcanic Line extending from Mt Popa through
Triassic Jurassic Indoslnlan Orogeny of Workman Monywa, Salingyl, and Wuntho to Taungthonlon. This
(1975) During this collision of the continental foreland renewed magmatlc-volcanic arc as characterized by
with the older magmanc-volcanlc arc, the continental older, Upper Cretaceous, eplzonal I-type gramtold plu-
crust thickened and was followed by the underthrustlng tons of the western granitoid belt in the north (e.g.
of the continental margin under the overriding postu- Wuntho) and younger, Mio-Pliocene to sub-recent,
lated older arc and a zone of remeltlng occurred along largely andesitic, porphyry Cu(Au) related volcanlcs
the upper part of the continental, slalic basement (Fig (e g Monywa and Mt Popa) in the south
1IC) A talc-alkaline, anatectlc S-type gramtold magma a,t the beginning of the Oligocene, the entire
was mmally generated by the above remeltmg of the lndo-Burman Range was uplifted, probably related to
older, regionally metamorphosed supracrustal rocks of the first phase of the Himalayan Orogeny. The subduct-
the thick continental foreland. The most likely remelted lng ocean floor to the west of the upheaved Indo--
crustal rocks are medium- to high-grade, strongly meta- Burman Range progressively migrated to the west
morphosed, largely gnelsslc, locally mlgmatitlc Upper During the Miocene, molasse type sediments were de-
Precambrlan to Upper Paleozolc country rocks. posited along the Arakan Coastal Strip, and the east-
Although emplacement of S-type granitoid magma dipping subduction zone to the west of the present
along the central gramtold belt would have been in- Indo-Burman Range continued to migrate westwards
itiated during the Upper Jurasslc~ Lower Cretaceous, the and is presently submerged under the thick Bengal Fan
majority of the S-type granitold plutons were emplaced (or Ganges Cone) which formed as an ensimatic fore-
in the central gramtold belt during the Upper Creta- deep. This postulated trench has recently been named as
ceous Lower Eocene interval. This S-type granitold the Burma-Andaman-Nlcobar trench (Mitchell 1981)
intrusion was probably coincident with the late stage of and it extends southwards west of the Andaman and the
continent or mlcrocontlnent-arc collision It was thought Nlcobar Islands to Indonesia where the ocean floor ~s
to have been enriched in W-Sn metals which were presently suhductlng along the Java trench. Active sub-
incorporated during the partial melting of the crustal ductlon is still going on under the thick Bengal Fan west
and supracrustal rocks Alternatively, W(Sn) metals of the Indo-Burman Range as evidenced by the Phocene
could have been derived through leaching of the mostly to Quarternary volcanism along the Central Volcanic
argillaceous, pehtlc metasedlmentary country rocks by Line, and currently reported deep seismic fool deepening
later hydrothermal fluids and transported as chloride eastwards to a maximum of 200 km in northern Burma
and fluoride complexes during the post-magmatlc stage, along the Himalaya-Burma Orogen and major earth-
and ultimately emplaced as near-vertmal and parallel quakes indicative of both normal and thrust faulting
veins at the apical zone of the plutons (Barazangl and Dorman 1969, Molnar et al. 1973,
During the Cretaceous-Eocene interval, the subduc- Verma et al. 1976).
non zone at the eastern part of the present Indo--Burman During the Upper Cretaceous to sub-Recent nines,
Range was shifted to the west From the end of the the Mt Popa-Monywa-Salingyl-Wuntho-Taungthonlon
Jurassic, the Indo-Burman Range was a proto-outer arc Central Volcanic Line was represented as an Inner
with Triassic flysch sediment and overlying accreted magmatic-volcanic arc probably as a chain of islands
ultramafic rocks The flysch-type sedimentation contm- separating the Central Lowlands into two troughs VlZ.
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 329

inter-arc basin to the west and back-arc basin to the unequivocally accepted, the nature, attitude, and the
east (Fig. liD). The Upper Cretaceous to Eocene precise location of this fault zone was uncertain and the
flysch with Albian limestones comparable to those of problems were further aggravated by workers using
coeval flysch of the Indo-Burman Ranges were de- different terminologies such as Boundary Fault or Shan
posited in the Chindwin Basin (inter-arc basin) at the Scarp Fault (La Touche 1913, Chhibber 1934, Aung
margin of Indo-Burman Ranges, but no strictly Khin et al. 1970), Hninzee Fault (Dey 1968), Sagaing
time equivalent flysch sediments were noted in the Fault (Win Swe 1972, 1981b), Sagaing-Namyim (trans-
back-arc basin to the east although the Panlaung For- form) Fault (Mitchell 1981), and Shan Boundary Fault
mation (Mid Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous) could be (Bender 1983). This fault zone is a normal fault system
coeval turbiditic sediments. located in the alluvial plains a considerable distance
During the Oligo-Miocene, the molassic sediments away from the western margin of the Shan Scarp, as
(Pegu Group) which overlie the older flysch and are reported on the basis of aerial photo interpretation (Dey
coeval with the molasse deposits of the Arakan Coastal 1968) and by gravity data (Aung Khin et al. 1970).
Strip were laid down in two separate basins in the More recent geological investigation along this
Central Lowlands divided by the Central Volcanic Line. Sagaing Fault (Win Swe 1972, 1981b) agrees with its
A distinct facies change has been reported in the molas- location in the plains west of the foot of the Shan Scarp,
sic sediments of the two different basins of the Central but by contrast Win Swe (1972) convincingly reported
Lowlands, being mainly fluvial and deltaic in the north that this fault zone is undoubtedly a strike-slip fault with
and mainly fluvial and marine in the south (Maung a significant lateral displacement and with no apparent
Thein 1973, 1983). During the Pliocene, fluvial sediments dip-slip in the Cenozoic and there are indications that
(Irrawaddy Group) were deposited in the Central it is still active. Mitchell (1981) and many other workers
Basin. The prolonged east-dipping plate convergence at present consider this fault to be a transform fault.
to the west of the already uplifted Indo-Burman Although later workers believe that there was distinctive
Ranges during the Cenozoic is evidenced by the predom- northward dextral movement along the Sagaing Fault,
inantly andesitic volcanics along the Central Volcanic the magnitude of the movement along this fault is
Line (e.g. at Mts Popa and Monywa). At Monywa, disputed.
the largely andesitic volcanics are intercalated with Curray et al. (1979, 1982) demonstrated on the basis
the Miocene Peguan and Pliocene Irrawaddian sedi- of Andaman Sea magnetic anomalies that the displace-
ments. The Pliocene volcanics at Monywa also notably ment along the Sagaing Fault is 460 km whereas Hla
host the presently mined porphyry Cu(Au) deposits Maung (1980) suggested 426 km. In a regional geological
which are emplaced in an ancient island arc environ- study in the Upper Irrawaddy Valley, Myint Thein et al.
ment. At Mt Popa, the volcanic rocks are found to be (1981) considered a possible displacement of 203 km, but
interbedded with Quaternary sediments also reflecting Win Swe (1981b)'s investigation along the Sagaing Fault
the continued present subduction of the Indian Ocean indicates a minimum of 3 km to more than 112 km. On
floor. this basis, the author made a restoration of the granitoid
At the end of the Eocene, the emplacement of the three belts in Burma as a pre-displacement position (Fig. 12)
granitoid belts in the Burmese region was completed, assuming an optimum value of 250 km northward dex-
and the post-Eocene tectonic history of these granitoid tral movement along the Sagaing Fault since post-Lower
belts is profoundly related to the Sagaing Fault System, Miocene. Thus, the western belt granitoids at Salingyi
particularly since Mid Miocene, the time of the first and Wuntho (see Fig. 1) would lie west of the present
northward dextral strike slip movement of the Sagaing Mogok granitoid rocks (see Fig. 12). The Sagaing Fault
Fault as suggested by Curray et al. (1979, 1982) on the was not only responsible for the northerly displacement
basis of geological and geophysical investigations in the of the western Burma together with the western grani-
Andaman Sea. The tectonically distinct Sagaing Fault toid belt but also it has a profound influence on the
has wide implications for the development of the present uplifting, uncovering, and significant thermal disturb-
configuration of the granitoid plutons in the central and ances of the granitoid plutons in Burma. It is conceivable
western granitoid belts of Burma. Mitchell (1977, 1981) that the Sagaing Fault was probably active as early as
pointed out that before the northward dextral movement the Mesozoic and/or Lower Tertiary with a significant
along the Sagaing Fault, western Burma lay south of its vertical movement and was reactivated in Upper Ter-
present position, and thus, the Andaman Basin was tiary (Mid Miocene) to relatively recent times with
presumed to be occupied by the present Pegu Yoma. distinctive strike-slip components.
Hence, the porphyry Cu(Au) related, western granitoid Many workers (e.g. Stamp 1922, Chhibber 1934,
belt also lay south of its present location. The restoration Tainsh 1950) and also Maung Thein (1973, 1983) be-
of the western granitoid belt before the northward lieved that the Central Lowlands was a subsiding graben
dextral displacement position is here attempted. bounded by major fault zones on both sides suggesting
In this instance, the nature and previous investigations the presence of a N-S trending, normal fault at the
of this Sagaing Fault should be discussed. Although the boundary of the Central Lowlands and the western
existence of a major fault zone separating the Central margin of the Shan Plateau (Sino-Burman Ranges or
Lowlands from the Shan Plateau all the way from the Eastern Highlands). This Boundary Fault, being located
north to the south through the Burma region was strictly at the foot of the Shan Scarp, is topographically

~=3==71OO t

,~ ~ ~" (CHINA)
O ~.~.///.-


) eBawdwin (.~'~
'9" i/Toung Lo.hie r~
~thcmlon /
// ~Kyaul ;ASTERN GRANITOID'~ , ~'~

i I)yOwo
forest i (~.~ *='ro=h,elk
('"WESTERN GRANITOID Tak~ ~.*~; -~
9( LT PYlnml )~ r ..~..J t LAOS

~allnoyl ~
rchl Mine
Mr- Peps = \ '
\ '
k /

"" bh~r~t(Kyolkkom,)

J RANGOON Taro] 'i Mine

Porphyry Cu- related,

Western belt granltoids.
W- Sn related, Central
belt gronltolds. GULF OF SIAM
W-Sn related ~,Eoetern I I
b.lt granltold.. I~:~ ~--
/ Possibleboundary between
J gronltold belts, i
F j Fault., /~ aung (Victoria point)

Peek of Mountain., /
"~ Major W-Sn Minis
(~) Major gronltold bod~s in Centr~lbelt.
/ _

20O 3O0 m~lQs

Fig. 12. Map showmg the restorauon of the three gramtold belts of Burma viz. western, central and eastern gramtmd belts
before northward dextral (nght lateral) movement along the Sagaing (transform) Fault at pre-Lower Miocene. Note that
Rangoon is just west of Thaton, and the Salingyi granitoid lies immediately west of Taungoo-Mawchl gramtold pluton
and similarly Wutho granitoid body at the west of the Pyetkaywe pluton
Geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics of granitoid rocks, Burma 331

very distinct and is spatially related with the Sagaing a westwardly migrating, east-dipping subduction zone
Fault to the west which is located mostly in the alluvial during Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and the western
plains. Although their temporal relations are still uncer- belt granitoids are of high-level (epizonal) plutons
tain, these two tectonically significant, N-S trending, associated with porphyry Cu(Au) related, younger
faults (Boundary and Sagaing Faults) presumably be- volcanics. Available geological and petrological data for
long to one and the same system and have a tremendous the Salingyi granites along the western granitoid belt
impact particularly on the uplifting of the granitoid gave characteristics of I-type granitoids.
plutons and the associated country rocks along the A tectonically distinct Sagaing Fault separates the
central granitoid belt which lay at the western margin of porphyry Cu(Au) related western granitoid belt and the
the Sino-Burman Ranges immediately east of the central granitoid belt. A major review was made in this
Boundary Fault; and the Sino-Burman Ranges are study for the granitoid rocks and the related W-Sn
located at the upthrown side while the Central Lowlands deposits in the central granitoid belt of Burma. Geologi-
was being down-faulted. cal investigation indicates that the country rocks in the
Since this uplifting was concurrently accompanied by central belt are medium- to high-grade metasedimentary
extensive erosion and denudation, the thick cover of the rock ranging in age from Upper Precambrian through
metasedimentary country rocks and the associated high- Lower Paleozoic to Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. The
level volcanics were rapidly eroded, and the underlying granitoid rocks are commonly transformed into grani-
granitoid plutons were uncovered, and ultimately elev- toid gncisses with gradational contacts. The central belt
ated to the height of up to 1.2km (e.g. Pyetkaywe granitoids are largely granodiorites and granites with
Taung) and resulted in the present configuration. It has minor diorites. Gabbro is virtually absent. Prior to
been postulated that the Upper Triassic-Jurassic in- granitoid intrusions, the country rocks were regionally
ferred magmatic-volcanic arc with the porphyry Cu- metamorphosed up to the amphibolite facies and struc-
hosted? high-level volcanics and the underlying I-type turally deformed in a narrow zone.
granitoids (granodioritic) intrusions collided with the Present mineralogical, petrological and geochemical
continental foreland and W-Sn bearing, S-type grani- evidences demonstrate that the central belt granitoid
toids were generated by anatexis during this later conti- plutons contain both I-type and S-type. The almost
nent-arc collision. Hence, due to the above concomitant absence of cogenetic volcanic rocks and abundance of
uplifting and denudation along the Boundary and pegmatites, aplites and related quartzo-feldspathic vein
Sagaing Faults, the collision-related, W-Sn bearing S- materials suggest a relatively deeper environment of
type granitoids were also uncovered and exposed. Thus, emplacement. The potash-rich nature of the granitoids
this later uplifting and erosion can account for the combined with high initial ratios of SrSr/Sr87
absence of porphyry Cu deposits, the scarcity of comag- (0.717 + 0.002) and Rb/Sr ratios of (0.40-33.07) with an
matic, high-level volcanics along the central granitoid average value of 6.70 suggest the derivation of the
belt, and also probably explains the presence of horn- central belt granitoid magma from well-established con-
blende-bearing I-type granitoids as older intrusive tinental, sialic materials perhaps by remelting of
phases adjacent to the younger, W-Sn beanng S-type medium- to high-grade, regionally metamorphosed
granitoids. The minor copper occurrences (e.g. Kanse, country rocks.
Myittha township, 21 12'; 96 21') in dacitic tuffaceous The I-type granitoids are found as older plutonic
volcanics and other localities in the country rocks adja- phases and possibly would have been cmplaced at the
cent to the granitoid plutons (see Goossens 1978) along late stage during the development of the inferred Upper
the western margin of the Shan Plateau would also Triassic-Jurassic magmatic-volcanic arc east of the
represent eroded remnants of the older porphyry Cu westwardly migrating, east-dipping subduction zone. At
deposits but this is just a speculation. the end of the Jurassic, this older magmatic-volcanic arc
collided with the continental foreland to the east and
the younger W-Sn bearing, S-type granitoids were exten-
sively emplaced during this continent-arc collision
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS largely at the time of Upper Cretaceous and Eocene.
W-Sn mineralization in the central granitoid belt occurs
The granitoid rocks in Burma extended from Putao, dominantly as near-vertical and parallel, greisen-
Kachin State in the north through Mogok, Mandalay bordered, quartz vein-type deposits at the cusps of small,
Division to Tavoy and Mergui areas, Tenasserim Div- satellitic granitoid plutons or along the granitoid-
ision in the south over a distance of 1450 km. The metasedimentary rocks contact or exclusively in the
Burmese granitoids can be subdivided into three main adjacent metasedimentary country rocks. Related peg-
N-S trending belts viz. western belt, central belt and matite veins and dykes locally may contain W-Sn min-
eastern belt, but presently available information does erals as disseminations and segregations in economic
not allow a detailed comparative study of these three concentrations. Tin as scattered cassiterite grains and
belts since petrologic and tectonic data are still incom- tungsten as disseminated wolframite patches are very
plete and limited for the western and eastern belts. The locally noted in the granitoids, but not in workable
western granitoid belt has been emplaced as a mag- amounts. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that granitoid
matic-volcanic arc (inner magmatic-volcanic arc) above intrusion, pegmatite emplacement, and deposition of
,2 Ktux Zaw

Sn ore veins is a long a n d c o n t i n u o u s process from w o r k a n d e x p l o r a t i o n for W - S n a n d o t h e r base a n d

m a g m a t i c to p o s t - m a g m a t l c stage. precious metal deposits m the eastern g r a n i t o i d belt is
A l t h o u g h W - S n m i n e r a l i z a t i o n in the central g r a m - highly w a r r a n t e d , a n d detailed p e t r o c h e m i c a l studies on
trod belt can be explained by the "'classical'" m a g - these g r a n i t o i d s should be d o n e to characterize them as
m a t i c - - h y d r o t h e r m a l model, the posslblh D that the ore I-type or S-type granitoids. Mitchell (1977) considered
s o l u t m n s were m fact meteoric waters circulating that the g r a m t o i d s in the western part o f the M a l a y
t h r o u g h thick piles o f mostly argillaceous metaclastlc Peninsula continue n o r t h w a r d , including n o r t h e r n
c o u n t r y rocks a n d the u p p e r part o f the p l u t o n s which T h a i l a n d , a n d possibly also the eastern g r a n i t o i d belt o f
acted as " h e a t engine" (heat-engine model) can not be B u r m a has been e m p l a c e d d u r i n g c o n t i n e n t a l collision,
ruled out on the present evidence F u t u r e stable i s o t o p e but m o r e geologic a n d tectonic i n f o r m a t l o n s are needed
analyses a n d detailed geochemical studies would deter- tbr eastern Burma. Alternatively, none o f the present
mine the sources o f metals a n d h y d r o t h e r m a l fluids a n d evidences argue the possibility that the eastern belt
the extent to which the m m n g o f meteoric a n d m a g m a t i c g r a n i t o i d s have been e m p l a c e d in a c o n t i n e n t a l m a r g i n
fluids had occurred A l t h o u g h chloride complexes can be a b o v e an e a s t - d i p p i n g s u b d u c t i o n zone d u r i n g the L o w e r
a w a b l e t r a n s p o r t i n g agent for the W - S n metals, the Paleozom
a b u n d a n c e o f fluorite and fluorine-bearing minerals such
as biotite, m u s c o w t e , t o u r m a h n e , a n d a p a t i t e in the Acknowledgements--I express my sincere gratttude to the late Dr
Myint Lwm Them, Director, Applied Geology Department, Rangoon
central belt g r a m t o i d s and the related W Sn ore veins Umversity, Rangoon, Burma for his encouragement and logistic
suggest the t r a n s p o r t o f the W Sn metals a~ fluoro- support throughout this study Thanks are extended to Dr Maung
h y d r o x y l complexes can not be ruled out The close Them, Professor, Geology Department, Mandalay University, Man-
dalay, Burma, who provided gramtmd samples from Kyatpym,
association o f W - S n d e p o s i t , and the g r a m t o i d rocks Ymmabm, Payangazu and Yezm (Pymmana)-Takon areas, and also
also lmphes that the metals have a similar crustal origin to U Them Win for the Bodawgyi, Daw Kyu Kyu Wm for the Gu
as g r a m t o i d s . The low trace contents o f tm a n d tungsten Taung and Daw Khm Win Kyl for the Smmakhwa areas The author
is indebted to many people for their constructive discussions, partmu-
m the oceanic crust and in the pelagic sediments also larly ~lth U C Thacpaw, U Nyan Thin, Drs Mymt Lwm Thein,
s u p p o r t this crustal source for the metals Maung Them, Win Htem, Ym Ym Nwe and U Aung Pwa, U Tin
Thc central belt g r a m t o i d s o f U p p e r M e s o z o i c - L o w e r Kya~ Than, U Tin Aung Khamg, Daw Khm Myo Thet, DaN D
,Xhad, Daw Slke Lynn, U Soe Them and U Htay Hone, all of Rangoon
Eocene are o b v i o u s l y different from those o f the mainly University and U Win Tin of the Mine Corporation and U Tin Maung
Triassm g r a m t o l d s from n o r t h e r n T h a i l a n d a n d the Lay and U Khin Maung Htwe of the Directorate of Geologmal Survey
P e r m o Triassic granites o f the M a l a y Peninsula and and Exploration (DGSE) The author is very grateful to U Than Htay
of the Technical Service Corporation for the fruitful &scussion on
thus the central belt g r a n i t o l d s were e m p l a c e d in a W -Sn mmerahzatmn and the writer has also benefited from discussion
uniquely distract geologic a n d tectonic setting m the SE ~lth Dr Win Swe of DGSE on tectonic interpretation of the gramtmd
Asian region. M a j o r element d i s t r i b u t i o n indicates that belts in Burma U Shwe Gaung Lay of DGSE assisted m spectro-
graphic analysis The author is very much obliged to Dr A H G
N a - K C a plot o f c o m p o s i t i o n s o f the central belt Mitchell of England and Dr P J Goossens of Belgium for provldmg
g r a m t o l d s which are associated wtth either m i n o r W - S n the necessary published information while the author was m Burma
occurrences o r lode type W Sn deposits fall within the Dr S Ishihara of the Geological Survey of Japan made a comment on
the manuscnpt, and critical reading by Dr Erwm Reed of the
field o f S n - m m e r a h z m g granites from New England. Australian National University and two anonymous reviewers greatly
A u s t r a h a ( J u n i p e r and K l e e m a n 1979) but c o n t r a r i l y improved the manuscript The author is indebted to Dr Ross R Large,
SiO, C a O + M g O + F e O - N a z O + K 2 0 + Al:Ox plot Director, Centre for Ore Depom and Exploration Studies, Umvermy
of Tasmania, for prowdmg facilities to prepare this paper and to Prof
shows that the m a j o r i t y o f the central belt g r a n l t o l d s in D H Green, Drs R R Large, C Burrett, A J Crawford, R Varnes,
B u r m a fall outstde the field o f S n - m i n e r a h z i n g granites R Berry and the late Dr Ramsay Ford, all of the Umversity of
from New E n g l a n d Trace element a b u n d a n c e s o f the Tasmania, for their moral support, but the interpretation and imph-
cations given in th~s paper are the sole responsibility of the author
central g r a m t o i d rocks suggest that the Sn c o n t e n t o f the Special thanks are due to Prof C S Hutchlson of the Umverslty of
g r a m t o i d s should be used with c a u t t o n to d i s c r i m i n a t e Malaya, who helped in the calculation for the normative composmons
tin-bearing ( m m e r a h z e d ) g r a m t o i d p l u t o n s f r o m tin- of the gramtotd samples by his computer programs, and to Dr S F
J Cobblng and N. J Snelhng of the British Geological Survey for
p o o r / b a r r e n ) p l u t o n s in the search for W - S n deposits in allo~mg me to use unpublished Burmese granite age data They wilt
Burma, but reveal the tenden<y that the g r a n t t o i d plu- be too numerous to name individually, but many of the author'~
tons which b e a r W - S n m m e r a h z a t i o n are c o m p a r a t i v e l y colleagues and former students from Burma have contributed refor-
mation, data or discussions, and their collective support has been
m o r e enriched in Be, Bl, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sn. Y a n d Z n b u t greatly appreciated Finally thanks to m~ wife, Nllar Hlamg, for typing
less depleted m Ba and Z r than those p l u t o n s in which the manuscript, without her warm and helpful assistance this
no W S n occurrences were r e c o r d e d manuscript would not have been completed
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