Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

I welcome you all to the

Pan African Women meeting
Such programmes like this, cant commence without involving
Let us invite . to
take us through an opening prayer session.
Can we give her a round of applause, She is the first lady of this
ministry and she deserves a better applause.
Music interlude
We are gathered here for a reason, let us kindly invite Mrs.
Beatrice Frimpong (African-Women Committee) to give us the
purpose of gathering
Deborah Edinam will introduce the first speaker for this august
occasion. Let us welcome her with a resounding clap

Music interlude..

Second talk shall be presented by Dr. Felix Awindago

Weve gotten to a very important stage. Let us kindly break into

groups for a workshop on the theme Women at their working

We have a man of God in our mists , who is a father to me, and

the overseer of Soul Care Assemblies of God. He will serve us
from the table of God with the food God has for us. We humbly
invite Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Ayeh at this moment.

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