Manual Difco Ingles PDF
Manual Difco Ingles PDF
Manual Difco Ingles PDF
ISBN 0-9727207-0-7
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
ATCC is a trademark of the American Type Culture Collection. CHROMagar is a trademark of Dr. A. Rambach.
Bacto, Bactrol, BiTek, CultureSwab and Difco are trademarks of Difco Laboratories, Inc., subsidiary of Becton,
Dickinson and Company.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company unless otherwise
noted. 2003 BD.
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ v
About This Manual .......................................................................................................................................... vii
History of BD Diagnostic Systems ..................................................................................................................... ix
Section I: Monographs ....................................................................................................................................... 1
History of Microbiology and Culture Media ................................................................................................. 3
Microorganism Growth Requirements ........................................................................................................... 4
Functional Types of Culture Media ................................................................................................................ 5
Culture Media Ingredients Agars ................................................................................................................. 6
Culture Media Ingredients Peptones and Hydrolysates ............................................................................... 7
Media Sterilization ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Quality Control Organisms .......................................................................................................................... 15
Typical Analyses ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Section II: General Technical Information ........................................................................................................ 19
Dehydrated Culture Media........................................................................................................................... 21
Prepared Plated Media ................................................................................................................................. 25
Prepared Tubed, Bottled and Mycoflask Media ......................................................................................... 27
Section III: Culture Media and Ingredients ....................................................................................................... 31
Section IV: Reference Guide ........................................................................................................................... 643
Culture Media for Specific Groups of Microorganisms .............................................................................. 645
Application Tables ...................................................................................................................................... 652
Agar Selection Guide ............................................................................................................................... 652
Antimicrobial/Preservative Effectiveness Testing ..................................................................................... 653
Cosmetic Testing ..................................................................................................................................... 654
Dairy Testing ........................................................................................................................................... 655
Environmental Sampling and Disinfectant Testing .................................................................................. 657
Fermentation ........................................................................................................................................... 658
Food and Beverage Testing ...................................................................................................................... 659
Media and Reagents Recommended for Campylobacter ......................................................................... 663
Media and Reagents Recommended for E. coli O157:H7 ...................................................................... 664
Media and Reagents Recommended for Listeria ..................................................................................... 665
Media and Reagents Recommended for Salmonella................................................................................ 666
Media and Reagents Recommended for Vibrio cholerae ......................................................................... 667
Membrane Filtration Testing ................................................................................................................... 668
Microbial Limit Testing .......................................................................................................................... 669
Molecular Genetics ................................................................................................................................. 670
Pharmaceutical Testing ........................................................................................................................... 671
Sterility Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 673
Veterinary Testing ................................................................................................................................... 674
Vitamin Assays ........................................................................................................................................ 676
Water/Wastewater Testing ....................................................................................................................... 676
Product Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 679
Bactrol Plus Quality Control Organisms .............................................................................................. 679
Culture Media Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing ............................................................................. 681
Culture Media General-Purpose ........................................................................................................... 681
Culture Media Supplements/Selective Agents ....................................................................................... 682
Peptones and Hydrolysates (product listing) ........................................................................................... 683
Peptones by Category .............................................................................................................................. 684
Peptones for Cell Culture ........................................................................................................................ 685
Typical Analyses Peptones and Hydrolysates ....................................................................................... 686
Product Index ................................................................................................................................................. 689
The introduction of this, the first edition of the Difco & BBL Manual, marks the beginning of a new tradition. The Difco & BBL
Manual replaces the Difco Manual, 11th ed. (1998) and the Manual of BBL Products and Laboratory Procedures, 6th ed.
(1988), manuals which were first published in 1927 and 1948, respectively. This new manual, devoted exclusively to culture
media and associated reagents, presents in one volume descriptions of the media currently offered by BD as Difco and BBL
brands of dehydrated culture media and BBL brand prepared plated, tubed and bottled media. In this manual, over 170 years
of combined media experience is brought together in an educational and reference text.
The reader is advised that these products are for use by or under the supervision of microbiologists and other professionals
qualified by training and experience to handle pathogenic microorganisms and samples and specimens containing or suspected to
contain them. Also, it is expected that the user will be thoroughly familiar with the intended uses of the formulations presented
and will follow test procedures outlined in the applicable official compendia and standard texts or the procedure manual of the
using laboratory.
In addition to providing this manual as an educational resource, BD Diagnostic Systems offers an array of educational materials
and services:
Catapult a newsletter propelling applications development in the areas of biopharmaceutical production, QA/QC and
environmental monitoring.
LabO a newsletter providing the latest microbiology news and ideas to the clinical laboratory.
Technical and Product Support a dedicated group of specialists available to answer questions about any of our products
or procedures.
Our web site,
Grateful acknowledgement is made of the encouragement and support received from microbiologists throughout the world. Our
appreciation is extended, also, to those who have contributed their talents and time to the creation of this manual and its
predecessors. It is our desire to continue to extend our services to the advancement of microbiology and related sciences.
About This Manual
About This Manual, cont.
For many prepared media, icons are provided denoting the listing of these media in selected publications describing microbiologi-
cal procedures:
BS10 Bailey & Scotts Diagnostic Microbiology, 10th ed.12
CMPH Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook (ASM)13
MCM7 Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed. (ASM)14
NCCLS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards15-17
Because procedures specified in these publications may differ from one another and from those included in this manual, these
publications should be consulted when adherence to specific procedures is preferred or required.
Technical inquiries about BD products should be directed to BD Diagnostic Systems Technical Services in the United States at
800-638-8663 or consult for your local BD Diagnostic Systems office.
1. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
3. Health Canada. 2001. The compendium of analytical methods. Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
4. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
5. Council of Europe. 2002. European Pharmacopeia, 4th ed. Council of Europe, Strasbourgh, France.
6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water: criteria and procedures, quality assurance, 4th ed. Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Water, Technical Support Division, USEPA, Cincinnati, Ohio.
7. International Organization for Standardization. 2002. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
8. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
9. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
10. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
11. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
12. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
13. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
14. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
15. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M2-A7. Performance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
16. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M7-A5. Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
17. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1997. Approved standard: M11-A4. Methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria, 4th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
History BD Diagnostic Systems
BD Diagnostic Systems A Tradition of Excellence
Difco Laboratories, originally known as Ray Chemical, was founded in 1895. The company
produced high quality enzymes, dehydrated tissues and glandular products. Ray Chemical
acquired the Digestive Ferments Company, a company that specialized in producing digestive
enzymes for use as bacterial culture media ingredients. This merger lead to the preparation of
a line of peptones, beginning with Bacto Peptone, and dehydrated culture media. In 1913,
the company moved to Detroit, Michigan, and dropped the Ray Chemical name.
In 1934, the Digestive Ferments Company chose the acronym Difco to rename the company.
The focus of Difco Laboratories was to develop new and improved bacteriological culture
media, many of which were adopted as standard formulations in water, dairy, food, pharma-
ceutical and other industrial microbiology laboratories. Difco Laboratories grew through the
acquisition, in 1974, of Lee Laboratories, one of the largest manufacturers of bacteriological
antisera. The Paul A. Smith Company, later known as Pasco, which manufactured a semi-
automated instrument used for bacterial identification and susceptibility testing, was acquired
Original Difco Laboratories
Manufacturing facility. in 1983.
BDs original microbiology products division, acquired in 1955, was founded in 1935 as a partnership between Theodore J.
Carski and Dr. Einar Leifson, employees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Named the Baltimore Biologi-
cal Laboratory, the laboratory undertook a study of the preparation of peptones, and it began production of three new culture
media: Selenite-F Enrichment, Desoxycholate Agar and Desoxycholate-Citrate Agar. The acronym BBL was often used and
became the brand name for products offered by the company.
The Baltimore Biological Laboratory received increased impetus from the inventions and encouragement of Dr. John Brewer.
Brewers early pipetting machines were produced by the company, and the Brewer anaerobic jar, the forerunner of the GasPak
jar, made the performance of routine anaerobic bacteriology practical and safe.
New discoveries rapidly followed. Incorporation of the reducing chemical sodium thioglycollate resulted in the introduction of
thioglycollate media for the cultivation of anaerobes. Other new formulations were added resulting in the development of a full
line of culture media. Many of these media utilize peptones of known derivation, such as Trypticase Peptone, a pancreatic
digest of casein, and Phytone Peptone, a papaic digest of soybean meal, ingredients which are employed in Trypticase Soy Agar,
Trypticase Soy Broth and many other media.
In 1952, the formulation of the U.S. version of Lowenstein-Jensen Medium was introduced, launching the prepared tubed
media line. In 1960, the line of prepared culture media was completed by introducing commercially-prepared plated media.
Over the years, BDs microbiology division grew through a series of mergers and acquisitions. In 1972 and 1979, BD purchased
two more Baltimore-based microbiology companies Hynson Wescott and Dunning (HW&D) and Johnston Laboratories, Inc.,
respectively. HW&D brought with it the Macro-Vue RPR, RUBAscan and CMVscan card test kits and the Directigen line
of immunomicrobiology systems for the direct non-growth-dependent detection of antigens in patient specimens. Johnston
Laboratories was the developer and manufacturer of the BACTEC line of automated blood culturing and detection systems.
The BACTEC Blood Culture System, launched in 1971, was the first automated blood culture system to appear on the market.
The media lines were strengthened by the acquisition in 1987 of GIBCO Laboratories of Madison, Wisconsin. Many specialty
media formulations were added to the existing BBL brand prepared plated and tubed media product lines.
In 1989, when Marion Laboratories decided to divest its Marion Scientific divisions microbiology product lines, it selected BDs
microbiology division as the new provider of products such as the Culturette brand collection and transport systems,
Bio-Bag Environmental systems and CULTURETTE CDT kit for rapid Clostridium difficile testing.
History BD Diagnostic Systems, cont.
In 1992, the division acquired the worldwide microbiology business of Roche Diagnostic Systems, adding the
SEPTI-CHEK blood culture bottles, SEPTI-CHEK AFB mycobacteria culture system and Enterotube and
Oxi/Ferm identification products.
Finally, in June 1997, BD announced the acquisition of Difco Laboratories, Inc. The merger of this subsidiary with BDs
Microbiology Systems division brought together the leading providers of microbiology products to industrial and clinical
microbiology laboratories worldwide, with a combined total of over 170 years of culture media experience. Today, both
businesses comprise BD Diagnostic Systems, which is headquartered in Sparks, Maryland, near the city of Baltimore.
BD Diagnostic Systems offers a total spectrum of microbiology laboratory products from dehydrated culture media to fully
automated instrumentation for the rapid identification of clinically relevant bacteria. BD Diagnostic Systems continues to focus
on the missions and needs of both industrial and clinical microbiology laboratories.
The businesses that now constitute BD Diagnostic Systems were founded by entrepreneurs whose ideas, diligence and foresight
have contributed to the creation of BD as one of the worlds leaders in the health care field. Through its products and services,
BD is committed to helping all people live healthy lives.
Section I
History of Microbiology
History of Microbiology
Section I
History of Microbiology, cont.
A booming development of microbiology began after material. This study and other similar studies started a
World War II. Molecular biology, biotechnology and the biotechnology revolution that has gained momentum over
study of genetics were fields of extraordinary growth. By the years.
1941, the study of microbiology and genetics came together
In the 1980s, instrumentation entered the microbiology
when Neurospora crassa, a red bread mold, was used to
laboratory. Manual procedures could be replaced by fully
study microbial physiology. The study of bacterial genetics
automated instruments for bacterial identification, suscep-
moved dramatically forward during the 1940s following the
tibility testing and blood culture procedures. Immunoas-
discovery of antibiotic resistance. The birth of molecular
says and probe technologies broadened the capabilities of
biology began in 1953 after the publication by Watson
the microbiologist.
and Crick of the structure of DNA.
Significant advances continued in the 1990s. The use of chro-
In 1953, viruses were defined by Luria as submicroscopic
mogenic substrates in culture media was shown to enhance
entities, capable of being introduced into specific living
microbial identification capabilities directly from the culture
cells and of reproducing inside such cells only. The work
medium. In 1995, J. Craig Venter, Claire Fraser and Hamilton
of John Enders on culturing viruses lead to the develop-
Smith published the DNA sequence of the first free-living
ment of vaccines. Enders demonstrated that a virus could
organism, Haemophilus influenzae.
be grown in chick embryos and would lose its ability to
cause disease after successive generations. Using this tech- With rapid advances in technologies and instrumentation,
nique, Salk developed the polio vaccine. the basic culture media and ingredients listed in this
Manual remain some of the most reliable and cost effec-
One organism that has made a great contribution to mo-
tive tools in microbiology today.
lecular biology is Escherichia coli. In 1973, Herbert Boyer
and Stanley Cohen produced recombinant DNA through References
plasmid transformation. The researchers found that the 1. Marti-Ibanez (ed.). 1962. The epic of medicine. Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York, N.Y.
2. Wainwright and Lederberg. 1992. In Lederberg (ed.), Encyclopedia of microbiology, vol 2.
foreign gene not only survived, but copied the genetic Academic Press Inc., New York, N.Y.
Functional Types of Media
Solidifying agents, including agar, gelatin and albumin, can Protective Agents and Growth Factors
be added to a liquid medium in order to change the consis- Calcium carbonate, soluble starch and charcoal are examples
tency to a solid or semisolid state. of protective agents used in culture media to neutralize and
absorb toxic metabolites produced by bacterial growth.
Chromogens and fluorogens are substrates incorporated into
culture media to allow organism differentiation and identifica- Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD (V factor) and hemin
tion. When these substrates are degraded by specific enzymes, (X factor) are growth factors required by certain bacteria; e.g.,
they release differently colored or fluorescent compounds. An Haemophilus species, and for enhanced growth of Neisseria
example of the latter is 4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide species.
or MUG. Surfactants, including polysorbate 80, lower the interfacial
tension around bacteria suspended in the medium. This activ-
Environmental Factors in Culture Media ity permits more rapid entry of desired compounds into the
Atmosphere bacterial cell and can increase bacterial growth.
Most bacteria are capable of growth under ordinary conditions
of oxygen tension. Obligate aerobes require the free admission Reference
of oxygen, while anaerobes grow only in the absence of atmo- 1. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
spheric oxygen. Between these two groups are the
Section I
Functional Types of Media, cont.
include Trypticase Soy Agar (nonenriched) and Trypticase Soy Many culture media formulations combine the properties of
Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (enriched). selectivity and differentiation due to their inclusion of a variety
A selective medium favors the recovery of specific types or of chemicals. Chromogenic media fall into this category. In
genera of microorganisms and inhibits other members of a addition to selective agents, these unique formulations con-
mixed flora. Selectivity is usually achieved with a chemical tain chromogenic substrates which release differently colored
agent, dye or antibiotic. Group A Selective Strep Agar with compounds upon degradation by specific enzymes. This
5% Sheep Blood (ssA) is an example of a selective medium enzymatic reaction produces distinct colony colors that
as it preferentially isolates group A streptococci from throat allows for easy differentiation and identification. For example,
cultures due to the inclusion of a combination of selective on BBL CHROMagar Staph aureus medium, Staphylo-
agents. Culture media differ in their degree of selectivity, and coccus aureus produces mauve-colored colonies while most
the highly selective ones may inhibit some strains of the gram-positive organisms, if not inhibited, produce white,
organisms the recovery of which is desirable. For example, blue, green or blue-green (aqua) colonies. Gram-negative
when attempting isolation of enterics, several media possess- organisms and yeasts are partially to completely suppressed.
ing varying degrees of selectivity should be utilized. The isolation of microorganisms from clinical materials fre-
A differential medium is one which possesses certain ingredi- quently requires the use of enriched broth media in addition
ents that enable presumptive identification of a specific genus to the selective, differential and nonselective plated media
or species either from a pure or mixed culture. Identification normally used for primary isolation. The use of liquid back
is usually based on the organisms appearance; i.e., colony up media reduces the possibility of completely missing an
color or the presence of a precipitate. For example, TSI Agar etiological agent that is present in low numbers, slow grow-
(Triple Sugar Iron Agar) is a differential medium for gram- ing on plated media, susceptible to selective agents, or sensi-
negative enteric organisms on the basis of their ability to tive to unfavorable incubation conditions.
ferment dextrose, lactose and sucrose and to produce sulfides.
Peptones and Hydrolysates
Essential freedom from metabolically useful chemicals such taminants to be trapped, then washed from the agar, eliminat-
as peptides, proteins and fermentable hydrocarbons ing the contaminants. Detailed manufacturing methods are
Low and regular content of electronegative groups that described in references.2,5
could cause differences in diffusion of electropositive mol-
ecules (e.g., antibiotics, nutrients) Product Applications
For specific product applications, refer to the product
Freedom from toxic substances (bacterial inhibitors)
descripton for Agars.
Freedom from hemolytic substances that might interfere
with normal hemolytic reactions in culture media References
Freedom from contamination by thermophilic spores 1. Tsend. 1946. In Alexander (ed.). Colloid Chemistry. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, N. Y.
2. Selby and Selby. 1959. In Whister (ed.)., Industrial gums. Academic Press Inc., New York, N.Y.
Agars are normally used in final concentrations of 1-2% for 3.
Hitchens and Leikind. 1939. J. Bacteriol. 37:485.
Koch. 1882. Berl. Klin. Wochenschr. 19:221.
solidifying culture media. Smaller quantities of agar (0.05- 5. Armisen. 1991. Hydrobiol. 221:157.
6. Hesse. 1894. Mitt. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesh. Berlin 2:182.
0.5%) are used in culture media for motility studies (0.5% w/v) 7. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States Pharmacopeia 25/The
national forumulary 20 2002. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
and growth of anaerobes (0.1%) and microaerophiles.2
Section I
Peptones and Hydrolysates, cont.
Proteolytic enzymes hydrolyze proteins more gently than materials and to clarify and concentrate the material. The
acids, do not require the high temperature used for acid peptone solution may be vacuum-evaporated to rapidly con-
hydrolysis, and usually are specific to the peptide bonds they centrate the peptone. The peptone syrup, which contains
will break. The resulting material from a proteolytic digestion approximately 67% solids, may undergo further processing
is a mixture of amino acids and polypeptides of varying lengths. for pH adjustment or filtration. The final drying step of the
The enzyme pepsin will cut an amino acid chain where there process further concentrates the protein by spray drying or by
is a phenylalanine or leucine bond.3 Papain will cut the chain pan drying in vacuum ovens, which readies the material for
adjacent to arginine, lysine and phenylalanine,3 and pancre- packaging.
atin shows activity at arginine, lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan,
phenylalanine and leucine bonds.3 Casein Peptones
The casein peptones are so named because of their starting
Microbial proteases, proteolytic enzymes secreted by microor-
material, milk. Milk is a very complex material, consisting of
ganisms, are becoming more widely used in peptone produc-
water, lactose, lipids, salts and proteins. The protein portion
tion. Proteases from bacterial, algal, fungal and yeast sources
of milk provides the starting material for the casein peptones.
cover a wide variety of enzyme activities, can be produced in
After the milk has had the cream fraction removed and it is
large scale and usually require only simple purification.4
acidified (there are several methods available to accomplish
Meat Peptones this from the addition of acid to enzymatic and bacterial pro-
cesses), the protein composition of milk can be separated out.5,6
Meat peptones are proteins from animal sources that have been
The soluble portion, known as whey protein, can be found in
hydrolyzed, or broken down into amino acids and peptides, to
the supernatant. The insoluble portion, which precipitates out,
provide nitrogen for microorganisms. Meat peptones can be
consists of a group of heterogeneous phospho-proteins that
tailored to specific nutritive needs of microorganisms by
exist together in a colloidal particle called a micelle. This group
controlling the quality and origin of the protein, the quality and
of phosphoproteins is collectively known as casein. The casein
source of the enzyme used to digest the protein, and the meth-
micelle can be broken down into four component classes, based
ods used for hydrolysis, concentration and drying the peptone.
in order of their decreasing mobility when separated by elec-
Sources of animal protein include meat from muscular tissue trophoresis at pH 7, designated as s1, s2, and casein.
or offal (waste parts, entrails) and gelatin. Muscular tissue Casein, which can make up to 3% of the total components in
and offal are utilized fresh, frozen or dried. Gelatin is extracted bovine milk, is one of the most nutritive of the milk proteins,
by boiling collagen, the fibrous protein found in connective as it contains all of the common amino acids and is rich in the
tissue, bone and cartilage. essential ones.
A variety of proteolytic enzymes, or proteases, may be used to The casein recovered is known as acid casein and is insoluble
accomplish enzymatic hydrolysis of animal protein. Pepsin and in water. Generally, the acid casein is dissolved in a suitable
trypsin are widely used for animal peptone manufacture. hydroxide such as NaOH, to make it soluble in water. The
Pepsin is isolated from porcine or other animal stomach. resulting sodium caseinate is then used as the basis for hydro-
Trypsin, along with chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase A, lyzed caseins. Sodium caseinate typically consists of between
carboxypeptidase B, and elastase, are enzymes isolated from 87% to 90% protein.7 Hydrolyzed caseins are manufactured
animal pancreas. by one of two processes, acid hydrolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis.
Peptone manufacture includes the following steps: hydroly- Many acids can be utilized in the acid hydrolysis of casein,
sis/digestion, centrifugation, filtration, concentration, and but hydrochloric acid is most commonly used in the process.
drying. Animal tissues are chopped in order to prepare for This process leads to complete hydrolysis of the casein to amino
digestion, and demineralized water is added to the starting acids and other compounds of relative chemical simplicity.
constituent(s) to form a thick suspension of protein material. However, not all of the amino acids survive intact. Tryptophan
The material is placed in large-capacity digestion vessels, which is typically destroyed in the process, as is cystine. Other amino
are stirred continuously. Base or acid is added to bring the pH acids, such as serine and threonine are reduced. Asparagine
of the protein suspension to the optimum for the specific and glutamine undergo hydrolysis to yield aspartic acid and
enzyme being used. For example, pepsin is most effective at glutamic acid.
pH 2.0 and trypsin shows maximum activity at pH 8.5.2 The
In the enzymatic hydrolysis of casein, enzymes from the pan-
enzyme is added when the pH and temperature are optimal.
creas are utilized to manufacture these peptones. While the
The amount of enzyme necessary, time for digestion, and
pancreas contains a battery of enzymes from the protease,
control of pH and temperature are dependent on the degree
lipase and amylase groups, it is the proteases that are used in
of hydrolysis intended.
the hydrolysis of casein. The proteases found in the pancreas
Once protein digestion is complete, the suspension may be consist of trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase A, carbox-
heated to inactivate the enzymes. The protein/enzyme slurry ypeptidase B and elastase. However, trypsin and chymotrypsin
is then centrifuged and/or filtered to remove the insoluble make up the greatest percentage of the total amount of
Peptones and Hydrolysates, cont.
proteases and carry out the bulk of the work. Both of these facturers have found that the more highly aerated a culture,
proteases have the ability to digest proteins into peptides, but the higher the final product yield.12
they do not have the ability to break the protein down into its
The process of manufacturing bakers yeast extract is unique
component amino acids. The carboxypeptidases do have this
compared to the manufacture of other peptones. Yeast extract
ability. However, they are not present in large enough amounts
is an autolysate. Cell hydrolysis is performed by the
to accomplish this task to any great degree. Generally, in the
endogenous enzymes of the Saccharomyces organism. Autoly-
digestion process of animals, these peptides would be broken
sis is usually begun by either a controlled temperature shock
down into amino acids through the actions of peptidases found
or, for the food industry, an osmotic shock, which causes the
in the epithelial cells of the small intestine.8 Thus, one of the
yeast cells to expire. The temperature shock is not high enough
characteristics of pancreatic digest of casein, as opposed to
to inactivate the proteases of the yeast cell, which proceed to
the acid hydrolysis of casein, is a peptone that consists of
degrade the cell. Autolysis can proceed from 10 to 60 hours.
greater amounts of peptides.
After autolysis, soluble material is separated from insoluble
by means of centrifugation and several filtration steps.12 The
Soy Peptones
final filtration product is concentrated and then spray dried,
Soy peptones are all enzymatic digests of soy flour. Since soy
or can be left in the concentrated paste form, which contains
contains a tryptic inhibitor, before the digestion begins the
approximately 60-80% solids.
soy flour is thoroughly washed to eliminate the inhibitor. Soy
flour is rich in high-quality protein, carbohydrates, calcium Temperature, pH, addition of other enzymes, type of medium
and B vitamins.9 The enzymes used in the digestion of the soy substrate for the growth of the Saccharomyces and duration
flour should be from animal-free sources or sourced from of autolysis are all variations that create the large variety of
microorganisms that have been grown in animal-free media. yeast extracts available.
Sometimes the organism from which the enzymes have been
sourced has been stored with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Peptone Performance
All of these factors should be taken into consideration when The raw materials and manufacturing conditions for protein
selecting for animal-free peptones. hydrolysis are controlled to produce consistent peptone prod-
ucts. Ingredients used for peptone manufacture, including the
Yeast Products protein, agent of hydrolysis, and any buffering agents used,
Yeast extract is defined in the USP as a water-soluble, peptone- are selected based on specific purity and quality standards.
like derivative of yeast cells (Saccharomyces).10 Yeast extract is The conditions of the hydrolysis, such as the amount of
readily available in the U.S. as a spray-dried powder. In Europe, enzyme used, the time for digestion, and the pH and temperature
pharmaceutical companies use it as a liquid or paste, as well at which hydrolysis is conducted, determine the degree of
as in the powdered form. hydrolysis and the quality of the hydrolysate. Therefore, these
conditions must be carefully controlled throughout the manu-
Yeast extract is used by the health food industry as an inex-
facturing process. Purification, concentration and drying steps
pensive source for many of their vitamins. Yeast extract has
are carefully regulated due to their bearing on the character-
long been recognized as a major source of B-complex vitamins.
istics of a peptone. Finally, each batch of protein hydrolysate
Yeast extract, as a substrate in a media formulation, supplies
is tested for an array of physical, chemical, analytical and
not only vitamins, but also proteins, carbohydrates and some
growth support tests to ensure product quality and lot-to-lot
There are many kinds of yeast extract. The two principle
Peptones/hydrolysates are available as original premium
sources of yeast extract are brewers yeast and bakers
Bacto formulations, or as Difco, BBL or BiTek brands.
yeast. Brewers yeast is a by-product from the brewing industry.
The BiTek brand was developed for production-grade
It requires de-bittering (removal of hop resins) before it is
products where a premium product is not required.
suitable for fermentation use.2 A wide variety of strains and
growth processes have been used in the manufacture of the Applications
brewers yeast, thus precluding any consistency of the final Cell Culture
In the biopharmaceutical industry, concerns over using
Bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is defined as a primary animal-derived components have prompted investigation into
yeast because the yeast is grown for the specific purpose of new forms of supplementation. Traditionally, cell culture
being used as a substrate in a bioprocess or as a food product/ media have been supplemented by the addition of serum or
flavoring. Manufacture of bakers yeast is a reproducible and serum-derived components. While this helped to complete
controlled process. The yeast organism is grown on a molasses- the diverse nutritional and growth requirements of the cells,
based medium optimized for the specific yeast.11 Commercial the high product cost and variability between lots were diffi-
yeast fermentations are always fed-batch type fermentations cult obstacles to overcome. New concerns over infectious
lasting from 12-20 hours.12 Commercial bakers yeast manu- agents such as viruses, mycoplasma, and prion diseases like
Section I
Peptones and Hydrolysates, cont.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/Transmissible Spongiform are lower yields and greater expense, especially if the list of
Encephalopathy (BSE/TSE) demonstrated the need for an media components include growth factors and vitamins.18
alternative form of supplementation.13 The advantages of complex media are that they are inexpensive,
Throughout the years the successful use of meat-based pep- they support a wide variety of growth from a large group of
tones to replace serum in various cell culture applications has microorganisms, they promote growth of the more fastidious
been widely accepted.14,15 Peptones are more versatile and less organisms that will not grow on a chemically-defined
expensive than serum products and have been shown to medium, they stimulate toxin production and they routinely
perform just as well. In addition to their nutritional proper- produce higher yields than many defined media. The disadvan-
ties, meat-based peptones have exhibited many growth related tages of complex media are that the downstream processing may
properties such as the stimulation of both DNA synthesis and be more difficult and reproducibility can sometimes be com-
mitosis.16 Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3 is a porcine-based promised.
supplement that has shown great success as an alternative to When developing a new medium formulation, care should be
serum in many systems. Since porcine-based products are in a taken in choosing the peptones for the new formulation. Indi-
lower BSE/TSE risk category than bovine-based products, vidual experimentation with a variety of peptones is suggested
Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3 provides a way to reduce the to select the optimum peptone or combination of peptones.
risk of BSE/TSE while taking advantage of the complex prop-
erties of meat-based peptones.16 With increasing concerns over BSE/TSE, a prime directive for
the development of new fermentation products has been to
Yeast and soy-based peptones are used when it is necessary to either source the mediums raw materials from a country free
eliminate all animal derived components. Yeast Extract and from TSEs or reformulate the medium using animal-free com-
TC Yeastolate products are industry standards for use in insect ponents. BD began reformulating media formulations from
cell cultures. Select Soytone and Phytone Peptone products animal components to non-animal components in 1997. In
are excellent for growth promotion and protein production, 1998, Select APS (alternative protein source) products were
as well as good, non-animal alternatives to serum. CHO and introduced. These non-animal formulations provide growth
Hybridoma systems also benefit from the various soy products support characteristics comparable, and in some cases supe-
available. rior, to classical animal formulations.
Since every cell line is different, it is necessary to test an
assortment of peptones at a variety of concentrations to Culture Media Ingredients
optimize their performance. Peptones can also be used to Beef Extract
optimize cell proliferation. The right combination of peptones, Bacto Beef Extract, Desiccated
as well as a consideration of feed strategy, is essential in order Beef Extract Powder
to optimize every portion of the manufacturing process. Since The beef extract products are replacements for infusion of
lot-to-lot consistency is always a concern when using peptones, meat. They provide nitrogen, vitamins, amino acids and
evaluations of multiple lots and a clear understanding of the carbon in microbiological culture media. Beef extract is
product specifications is critical. usually employed in concentrations of 0.3 to 1.0% in culture
Purification requirements are greatly reduced when peptones media. Bacto Beef Extract, Desiccated, the dried form of
are used as a replacement for serum or any of its derived Beef Extract, was developed to provide a product for ease
proteins. The benefits achieved when peptones are used as a of use in handling. Beef Extract is in the paste form. The
serum substitute will be enhanced if they are used with an products are used in a one for one substitution. Beef Extract
optimized base medium, such as BD Cell, a specialized Powder is a meat extract dried to a powdered form.
hybridoma medium for high level antibody yield. Bacto Beef Heart for Infusion
In summary, peptones are used to provide additional amino acid Bacto Beef Heart for Infusion is prepared from fresh beef
supplementation to cell cultures or as a replacement for serum. heart tissue and is recommended for preparing heart
The concentration used should be optimized for each system. infusion media. It provides nitrogen, amino acids and vita-
mins in microbiological culture media. Bacto Beef Heart for
Infusion is processed from large volumes of raw material,
Fermentation media formulations are of two types: defined
retaining all the nutritive and growth stimulating properties
and complex. Defined media are made by the addition of of fresh tissue.
chemically defined ingredients to water for injection (WFI) or
distilled water. Complex media are made with peptone digests Biosate Peptone
or extracts of plant or animal origin.17 Biosate Peptone is a mixed hydrolysate of casein and yeast
The advantages of chemically defined media are greater extract. The product provides nitrogen, amino acids and
reproducibility, cleaner downstream processing steps and sim- vitamins in microbiological culture media. The combination
plicity in the analysis of the end product. The disadvantages of pancreatic digest of casein and yeast extract, at a ratio of
65:35, provides nutritional benefits that are not provided by
the components alone.
Peptones and Hydrolysates, cont.
Section I
Peptones and Hydrolysates, cont.
Media Sterilization
Sterilization is any process or procedure designed to Sterilization with Heat1
entirely eliminate viable microorganisms from a material The principal methods of thermal sterilization include 1) moist
or medium. Sterilization should not be confused with heat (saturated steam) and 2) dry heat (hot air) sterilization.
disinfection, sanitization, pasteurization or antisepsis Heat kills microorganisms by protein denaturation and
which are intended to inactivate microorganisms, but may coagulation. Moist heat has the advantage of being more rapid
not kill all microorganisms present. Sterilization can be and requiring lower temperatures than dry heat. Moist heat
accomplished by the use of heat, chemicals, radiation or is the most popular method of culture media sterilization.
filtration. 1 When used correctly, it is the most economical, safe and
reliable sterilization method.
Media Sterilization, cont.
Moist Heat Sterilization In autoclave operation, all of the air in the chamber must be
Water boils at 100C, but a higher temperature is required to expelled and replaced by steam; otherwise, hot spots and
kill resistant bacterial spores in a reasonable length of time. A cold spots will occur. Pressure-temperature relations of a
temperature of 121C for 15 minutes is an accepted standard properly operated autoclave are shown in the table below.
condition for sterilizing up to one liter of culture medium. The
definition of autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes refers to Pressure-Temperature Relations in Autoclave4
the temperature of the contents of the container being held at (Figures based on complete replacement of air by steam)
121C for 15 minutes, not to the temperature and time at which PRESSURE IN POUNDS TEMPERATURE (C) TEMPERATURE (F)
the autoclave has been set.2 The steam pressure of 15 pounds
5 109 228
per square inch at this temperature aids in the penetration of
the heat into the material being sterilized. If a larger volume is 10 115 240
to be sterilized in one container, a longer period should be 15 121 250
employed. Many factors can affect sterility assurance, includ- 20 126 259
ing size and contents of the load and the drying and cooling
25 130 267
time. Certain products may decompose at higher temperature
and longer cycles. For this reason, it is important that all loads 30 135 275
be properly validated.
Over-sterilization or prolonged heating will change the compo-
The basic principles for validation and certification of a steril-
sition of the medium. For example, carbohydrates are known to
izing process are enumerated as follows:3
break down in composition upon overheating. Over-sterilizing
1. Establish that the processing equipment has the capability media can cause a number of problems, including:
of operating within the required parameters.
Incorrect pH
2. Demonstrate that the critical control equipment and
instrumentation are capable of operating within the pre- A decrease in the gelling properties of agar
scribed parameters for the process equipment. The development of a nontypical precipitate
3. Perform replicate cycles representing the required opera- Carmelization or darkening of the medium
tional range of the equipment and employing actual or Loss of nutritive value
simulated product. Demonstrate that the processes have Loss of selective or differential properties
been carried out within the prescribed protocol limits
and, finally, that the probability of microbial survival There are certain media (e.g., Hektoen Enteric Agar and
in the replicate processes completed is not greater than Violet Red Bile Agar) that should not be autoclaved. To
dissolve these media formulations, heat to boiling to dissolve
the prescribed limits.
completely. It is important to follow all label directions for
4. Monitor the validated process during routine operation.
each medium. Media supplements should be sterile and added
Periodically as needed, requalify and recertify the equipment.
aseptically to the sterilized medium, usually at 45-55C.
5. Complete the protocols and document steps 1-4, above.
For a complete discussion of process validation, refer to appro- Dry Heat Sterilization1
priate references. Dry heat is employed for materials such as metal instruments
Ensuring that the temperature is recorded correctly is vital. that could be corroded by moist heat, powders, ointments
and dense materials that are not readily penetrated by steam.
The temperature must reach all parts of the load and be main-
Because dry heat is effective only at considerably higher
tained for the desired length of time. Recording thermometers
temperatures and longer times than moist heat, dry heat steril-
are employed for the chamber and thermocouples may be
ization is restricted to those items, unlike culture media, that
buried inside the load.
will withstand higher temperatures. The dry heat time for
For best results when sterilizing culture media, plug tubes or sterilization is 120 minutes at 160C.
flasks of liquids with nonabsorbent cotton or cap loosely. Tubes
should be placed in racks or packed loosely in baskets. Flasks Chemical Sterilization1
should never be more than two-thirds full. It is important to Chemical sterilization employs gaseous and liquid sterilants for
not overload the autoclave chamber and to place contents so certain medical and industrial instruments. The gases include
that there is a free flow of steam around the contents. After ethylene oxide, formaldehyde and beta-propiolactone. The
sterilizing liquids, the chamber pressure must be reduced slowly liquid sterilants include glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide,
to atmospheric pressure. This allows the liquid to cool below peracetic acid, chlorine dioxide and formaldehyde. Chemical
the boiling point at atmospheric pressure before opening the sterilization is not employed in the preparation of culture
door to prevent the solution from boiling over. media due to unfavorable affects upon performance. For a com-
plete discussion of this topic, consult appropriate references.
Section I
Media Sterilization, cont.
Radiation Sterilization1 the size of the pores to determine their screening effective-
Radiation sterilization is an optional treatment for heat-sensitive ness. Electrostatic forces are also important. A membrane
materials. This includes ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation. filter with an average pore size of 0.8 m will retain par-
ticulate matter as small as 0.05 m. For removing bacteria,
Ultraviolet light is chemically active and causes excitation of
a pore size of 0.2 m is commonly used. For retention of
atoms within the microbial cell, particularly the nucleic acids,
viruses and mycoplasmas, pore sizes of 0.01-0.1 m are
producing lethal mutations. This action stops the organism
recommended. Cocci and bacilli range in size from about
from reproducing. The range of the ultraviolet spectrum that
0.3 to 1 m in diameter. Most viruses are 0.02-0.1 m,
is microbiocidal is 240-280 nm. There is a great difference
with some as large as 0.25 m.
in the susceptibility of organisms to ultraviolet radiation;
Aspergillus niger spores are 10 times more resistant than Rating the pore size of filter membranes is by a nominal rat-
Bacillus subtilis spores, 50 times more resistant than Staphy- ing that reflects the capability of the filter membrane to retain
lococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and 150 times more microorganisms of size represented by specified strains. Ster-
resistant than influenza virus. ilizing filter membranes are membranes capable of retaining
100% of a culture of 107 microorganisms of a strain of
Because most materials strongly absorb ultraviolet light,
Pseudomonas diminuta (ATCC 19146) per square centimeter
it lacks penetrating power and its applications are limited
of membrane surface under a pressure of not less than 30 psi.
to surface treatments. Much higher energy, 100 to millions
These filter membranes are nominally rated 0.22 m or 0.2 m.
of times greater, is generated by ionizing radiations. These
include gamma-rays, high energy X-rays and high energy Bacterial filter membranes (also known as analytical filter
electrons. membranes), which are capable of retaining only larger
microorganisms, are labeled with a nominal rating of 0.45 m.
Ionizing radiation, unlike ultraviolet rays, penetrates deeply
into atoms, causing ionization of the electrons. Ionizing Membrane filters are used for the commercial production of a
radiation may directly target the DNA in cells or produce number of pharmaceutical solutions and heat-sensitive
active ions and free radicals that react indirectly with DNA. injectables. Serum for use in bacterial and viral culture media
are often sterilized by filtration, as well as some sugars that
Gamma radiation is used more often than x-rays or high- are unstable when heated. Membrane filtration is useful in
energy electrons for purposes of sterilization. Gamma rays testing pharmaceutical and medical products for sterility.
are generated by radioactive isotopes, cobalt-60 being the usual
source. Gamma radiation requires many hours of exposure Sterility Assurance1
for sterilization. Validation of a gamma irradiation procedure Sterility Assurance is the calculated probability that a micro-
includes:4 organism will survive sterilization. It is measured as the SAL,
Establishment of article materials compatibility Sterility Assurance Level, or degree of sterility. For sterility
assurance, Bacillus stearothermophilus which contains steam
Establishment of product loading pattern and comple-
heat-resistant spores is employed with steam sterilization at
tion of dose mapping in the sterilization container
Establishment of timer setting
Demonstration of the delivery of the required steriliza- Testing Sterilizing Agents1,5
tion dose Sterilization by moist heat (steam), dry heat, ethylene oxide
The advantages of sterilization by irradiation include low chemi- and ionizing radiation is validated using biological indicators.
cal reactivity, low measurable residues, and few variables to con- The methods of sterilization and their corresponding indica-
trol.3 Gamma irradiation is used for treating many heat-sensi- tors are listed below:
tive products that can also be treated by gaseous sterilization,
including medical materials and equipment, pharmaceuticals, STERILIZATION METHOD BIOLOGICAL INDICATOR
biologicals and laboratory equipment. BD utilizes gamma irra-
Steam Bacillus stearothermophilus
diation in the manufacturing of BBL Sterile Pack media for
Dry heat Bacillus subtilis var. niger
environmental monitoring of critical environments.
Ethylene oxide Bacillus subtilis var. globigii
Filtration Pseudomonas diminuta
Sterilization by Filtration1,3
Filtration is a useful method for sterilizing liquids and gases.
Filtration excludes microorganisms rather than destroying For moist heat sterilization, paper strips treated with chemicals
them. Two major types of filters may be used, depth filters that change color at the required temperature may be used.
and membrane filters.
The membrane filter screens out particles, while the depth
filter entraps them. Membrane filters depend largely on
Quality Control Organisms
The heat-resistant spores of B. stearothermophilus are dried Process validation is establishing documented evidence that a
on paper treated with nutrient medium and chemicals. After process does what it purports to do.
sterilization, the strips are incubated for germination and
Sterility Assurance Level is generally accepted when materials
growth, and a color change indicates whether they have or
are processed in the autoclave and attain a 10-6 microbial
have not been activated. Spore strips should be used in every
survivor probability; i.e., assurance of less than one chance
sterilization cycle.
in one million that viable microorganisms are present in the
sterilized article.3
Bioburden is the initial population of living microorganisms Sterilization process is a treatment process from which the
in the product or system being considered. probability of microorganism survival is less than 10-6, or one
in a million.
Biocide is a chemical or physical agent intended to produce
the death of microorganisms. Thermal Death Time and Thermal-Chemical Death Time are
terms referring to the time required to kill a specified microbial
Calibration is the demonstration that a measuring device
population upon exposure to a thermal or thermal-chemical
produces results within specified limits of those produced
sterilizing agent under specified conditions. A typical thermal
by a reference standard device over an appropriate range of
death time value with highly resistant spores is 15 minutes at
121C for steam sterilization.
Death rate is the rate at which a biocidal agent reduces the
number of cells in a microbial population that are capable of References
1. Block. 1992. Sterilization. Encyclopedia of microbiology, vol. 4. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego,
reproduction. This is determined by sampling the population Calif.
initially, during and following the treatment, followed by plate 2. Cote and Gherna. 1994. In Gerhardt, Murray, Wood and Krieg (ed.), Methods for general and
molecular bacteriology. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
counts of the surviving microorganisms on growth media. 3. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
4. Perkins. 1969. Principles and methods of sterilization in health sciences, 2nd ed. Charles C.
D value stands for decimal reduction time and is the time Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
required in minutes at a specified temperature to produce a 5. Leahy. 1986. In Carleton and Agalloco (ed.), Validation of aseptic pharmaceutical processes. Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York, N.Y.
90% reduction in the number of organisms. 6. Simko. 1986. In Carleton and Agalloco (ed.), Validation of aseptic pharmaceutical processes. Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Microbial death is the inability of microbial cells to metabolize
and reproduce when given favorable conditions for reproduc-
Section I
Quality Control Organisms, cont.
7. If the frozen cultures will be used to inoculate test media, 5. Perform a plate count of the organism suspension to con-
adjust suspension to a 0.5 McFarland standard (1-2 108 firm a colony count of 1-2 108 CFU/mL.
CFU/mL). For fastidious organisms, adjust to a 1 To Test Cultural Response
When qualifying a new lot of culture medium, always test the
8. Dispense 0.5-1.0 mL into sterile glass or plastic freezing
new lot of medium in parallel with an approved lot of me-
vials. Prepare enough vials for one year of storage. Assume
only one freeze/thaw cycle per vial. Assume at least one fresh
culture every four weeks. Non-Selective Media
9. Store vials at or below 50C (freezer) for one year. Or- Dilute the cell suspension 1:100 in normal saline or purified
ganisms will keep longer (indefinitely) if stored in an ultra- water. Inoculate each plate with 0.01 mL (10 L loopful) to
low-temperature freezer or in a liquid nitrogen tank. give 1-2 104 CFU/plate. Reduce the inoculum ten-fold, if
necessary, to obtain isolated colonies.1
To use a frozen culture:
1. Thaw the vial quickly. Selective Media and Tubed Media
2. Use the culture directly or subculture. Dilute the cell suspension 1:10 in normal saline or purified
3. Discard any unused cell suspension. Never refreeze water. Streak each plate with 0.01 mL (10 L loopful) of the
cultures for later use. suspension to provide 1-2 105 CFU/plate. Reduce the
inoculum ten-fold, if necessary, to avoid overwhelming some
Working Cultures selective media.1
1. Inoculate an agar slant or plate with the frozen stock Special Applications
culture and incubate overnight. Media used for special applications should be qualified
2. Store the working culture at 2-8C or at room tempera- accordingly. For example, prior to using Fluid Thioglycollate
ture for up to four weeks. Medium and/or Soybean-Casein Digest Medium (Tryptic Soy
3. Check for purity and appropriate colony morphology. Broth and Trypticase Soy Broth) for sterility testing, the
NOTE: Prepare no more than three serial subcultures from media should be tested for growth promotion according to
the original working culture. the specifications outlined in The United States Pharmacopeia2
Or or a comparable reference standard.
Use the frozen culture directly as a working culture. Results
Maintain anaerobic cultures in Cooked Meat Medium or an- For general-purpose (non-selective) media, sufficient, charac-
other suitable anaerobic medium. Alternatively, use frozen teristic growth and typical colony morphology should be ob-
anaerobic cultures. tained with all test strains. For selective media, growth of
designated organisms is inhibited and adequate growth of
Test Procedure desired organisms is obtained. Color and hemolytic reaction
1. Inoculate an agar plate from the working culture. criteria must be met.
2. Incubate overnight.
3. Suspend 3-5 isolated colonies with typical appearance in a References
1. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1996. Approved standard M22-A2. Quality
small volume (0.5-1.0 mL) of TSB. Incubate 4-5 hours in assurance for commercially prepared microbiological culture media, 2nd ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
an appropriate atmosphere and temperature. 2. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
4. Adjust the turbidity to 0.5 McFarland (0.08-0.1 absorbance
units at 625 nm). Alternatively, a suspension may be made
from an overnight culture and adjusted to a 0.5 McFarland.
Typical Analyses
Typical Analyses
Typical chemical compositions have been determined on may reduce stability. In the presence of high moisture and
the peptones and hydrolysates used in microbiological culture high ambient temperatures, chemical interactions will cause
media. The typical analysis is used to select products for darkening of the product and falling pH. These characteristics
research or production needs when specific nutritional charac- indicate product deterioration. Loss on Drying determinations
teristics are required. The specifications for the typical analysis were based on the method described in The United States
include: Pharmacopoeia1 (with some modifications to the procedure).
Nitrogen content NaCl: The sodium chloride (NaCl) content may reflect
Physical characteristics significant pH adjustments during processing; e.g., acid
Inorganics hydrolysates (see Ash). Sodium Chloride was determined by
silver nitrate/potassium thiocyanate titration method.
Amino acids
pH: pH was measured in a 2% solution after autoclaving and
For typical peptone and hydrolysate analyses, refer to the table equilibrating to room temperature. Hydrolysates vary in their
in the Reference Guide section of this manual. To obtain pH resistance according to their inherent buffering (phosphate)
Certificates of Analysis on specific lots of peptones and capacity.
hydrolysates, visit
Glossary and Methods Elemental analysis (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium)
Nitrogen Content was determined by ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) using a
Total nitrogen (TN) was measured using a modified Kjeldhal Thermo Jarrell Ash instrument.
digestion method. Not all organic nitrogen is nutritive. Phosphate, chloride and sulfate percentages were determined
Percent (%) nitrogen 6.25 % proteins, peptides or amino by ion chromatography.
acids present. Amino Acids
The amino nitrogen (AN) value shows the extent of protein Free Amino Acids are defined as amino acids that are not part
hydrolysis by measuring the increase in free amino groups. of a protein or peptide chain. The amino acids were measured
This is a nutritionally meaningful value. using the Waters AccQTag* Method. The AccQTag
Method is based on the derivatizing reagent 6-aminoquinolyl-
The AN/TN ratio gives an estimate of the degree of protein N-hydroxysuccinimide-activated heterocyclic carbamate.
Total Amino Acids were measured by the same method as the
Physical Characteristics Free Amino Acids after an acid hydrolysis at 110C for 20
Ash: The higher the ash content, the lower the clarity of the hours. Cysteine and tryptophan are destroyed during the
prepared ingredient. Ash values refer to the non-combustible hydrolysis. The cysteine and tryptophan values are not reported
portion of the sample and roughly correspond to the mineral for Total Amino Acids.
content of the sample. The ash content includes sodium chlo-
ride, sulfate, phosphates, silicates and metal oxides. Acid- Reference
insoluble ash is typically from silicates found in animal fodder. 1. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 202002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
Ash values were measured after a minimum of 4 hours * AccQTag is a trademark of Waters Corporation.
heating at 600C.
Moisture (Loss on Drying): Lower moisture levels (<5%) are
preferred. Higher moisture levels in dehydrated ingredients
Section I
Section II
Dehydrated Culture Media
Dehydrated Culture Media
Section II
Dehydrated Culture Media, cont.
Dehydrated culture media are hygroscopic. When bottles of VIII. Materials Provided
dehydrated media have been opened for initial use, they should Dehydrated Culture Medium
be tightly closed as soon as possible to protect them from Supplements and Enrichments (if applicable)
Provision should be made for rotating the stock of dehydrated IX. Materials Required But Not Provided
media to ensure product freshness, obviating the use of aged Glassware
materials, and discarding of media which is outdated. Measuring scale
pH meter
V. Expiration Date Autoclave
The expiration date applies to the products in their intact con- Purified water, pH 5.5-7.5
tainers when stored as directed. Do not use a product if it fails Water bath
to meet specifications for identity and performance. Incubator
Sterile Petri dishes or tubes
VI. Product Deterioration Ancillary culture media, reagents and laboratory equipment
Verify that the physical characteristics of the powder are typical. as required.
Hydration can lead to caking and/or microbial contamination
which render the culture medium unusable. X. Procedures
VII. Specimen/Sample Collection and The procedure employed for dissolving dehydrated culture
Transport media very often determines the clarity and performance of
The success of a microbiological isolation procedure does not the finished product. Homogeneity of the solution and minimal
depend solely on the quality of the culture media utilized. heat exposure are important considerations.
Proper specimen/sample collection and transport are crucial
Prior to use, examine the dehydrated material. Caked or dis-
steps in the isolation process. A variety of transport systems
colored material should not be used for the preparation of
and holding media have been devised to prolong the survival
culture media batches.
of microorganisms when a significant delay is expected
between collection and definitive culturing. Add the precise amount of powdered material to approximately
Clinical Specimens one-half of the volume of purified water. After thorough mix-
For clinical specimens, BBL CultureSwab and Port-A-Cul ing, add the remainder of the water with care being taken to
collection and transport products are available. For trans- wash down the sides of the container (preferably an Erlenmeyer
port and growth of the pathogenic Neisseria, Transgrow, flask that is at least 2-3 the volume of medium). Dissolution is
Gono-Pak and JEMBEC* systems containing Modified enhanced by allowing agar preparations to stand for 5 min-
Thayer-Martin (MTM II), Martin-Lewis or GC-Lect Agars utes with occasional agitation prior to boiling. Formulae that
are recommended. Specimens should be obtained before do not contain agar, gelatin or cystine will dissolve without
antimicrobial therapy has been administered. Provision must heating, but heat is required to dissolve others so that they can
be made for prompt delivery to the laboratory. be dispensed and sterilized. When heating is required, heat
should be applied gently and the preparation agitated as
The clinical laboratory must be furnished with sufficient required to prevent scorching. However, care should be taken
patient information to enable the microbiologist to select the to avoid media eruptions that may occur when agitating a flask
most suitable media and appropriate techniques. For detailed of medium which is at or very near the boiling point. Boil as
information, appropriate references should be consulted.
briefly as possible to obtain solution; 1 minute is usually suffi-
* JEMBEC is a trademark of Miles Scientific.
cient. Exposure for longer periods can darken the medium and
Industrial Samples severely reduce its growth promotion properties. In no case
Sterile containers should be used to collect samples. For should powdered medium be added to water and immediately
environmental monitoring, samples can be collected using placed into an autoclave since layering and separation of
BD Sterile Pack Swabs. ingredients, precipitate formation and darkening are likely to
Samples must represent the mass of the material being exam- occur with diminution of performance.
ined. Samples may require special handling, including refrig- Sterilization
eration, to prevent the direct contamination of the sample by
Follow label directions for length and temperature of steriliza-
microorganisms and the subsequent growth of such contami-
tion. The recommended sterilization times assume a volume
nants during sampling, transportation and storage before
of one liter (1000 mL) or less. For larger volumes, the steril-
examination. For detailed information, appropriate references
ization time should be extended but the temperature should
should be consulted.
Dehydrated Culture Media, cont.
not be raised. When larger volumes are used, validation studies When they have cooled, tighten the caps of media that are
should be performed to determine the optimum sterilization contained in screw-capped tubes or bottles; store all tubes and
cycle for each unique container size/volume combination. Au- bottles under appropriate conditions, usually at ambient room
toclave media containing carbohydrates at a temperature not temperature. The shelf life of some media, such as Lowenstein-
exceeding 116-118C to avoid caramelization of the carbohy- Jensen Medium, may be prolonged by refrigeration.
drate. It is important that physical parameters of the sterilizer Prepared media that have been refrigerated should be removed
and the efficacy of kill be monitored frequently through the from refrigeration and equilibrated to room temperature prior
use of calibration instrumentation and biological indicators. to inoculation to allow water of condensation to evaporate or
Do not autoclave media that should not be heat-sterilized. There dissipate and to avoid temperature shock to the inoculum.
are numerous formulations available that can merely be
dissolved and used directly. The performance of such media XI. User Quality Control
is seriously impaired by subjecting them to heat. For media prepared in-house, each lot of every medium must
be tested. When qualifying a new lot of culture medium,
Adding Enrichments and Supplements
always test the new lot of medium in parallel with an approved
Enrichments and supplements tend to be heat sensitive. Cool lot of medium. Quality control organisms must be maintained
the medium to 45-55C in a water bath prior to adding appropriately and inoculum preparation should be performed
enrichments or supplements. Ensure adequate mixing of the according to published guidelines (refer to the monograph
basal medium with enrichments or supplements by swirling to Quality Control Organisms). Maintain appropriate records
mix thoroughly. and report deficiencies to the manufacturer.
Sterile broths may be cooled to room temperature before add- Comments on BD User Quality Control
ing enrichment. In the product descriptions, the User Quality Control section
pH contains procedures for identity (Identity Specifications) and
Commercial dehydrated culture media are designed to fall performance (Cultural Response). Differences in the Identity
within the specified pH range after steam sterilization. Specifications and Cultural Response testing for media offered
as both Difco and BBL brands may reflect differences in the
For filter sterilization, adjust the pH, if necessary, prior to
development and testing of media for industrial and clinical
applications, per the referenced publications.
Measure pH at room temperature (25C). Avoid excessive
For Identity Specifications, the expected appearance of the
pH adjustments.
powder, and of the solution following the addition of the
Dispensing and Storage of Prepared Media powder to purified water and boiling, when appropriate, are
After sterilization, media prepared in the laboratory should be indicated. The prepared (finished) medium appearance and fi-
removed from the autoclave as soon as the pressure has fallen nal pH, both determined at 25C, are specified.
to zero. Hastening the opening of the autoclave before zero For Cultural Response, test organisms, inocula and results are
pressure is reached can result in the ejection of media from the provided. Except for those media which are tested with fresh
sterilization vessels with considerable loss of contents. cultures (undiluted agar or broth cultures), the number of
For preparing plates, cool the medium to 50-55C prior to colony forming units (CFU) per plate is provided. Under
dispensing to reduce water evaporation. Ensure gentle mixing Recovery, growth on Difco and BBL plated media may be
during dispensing and dispense quickly. If using an automatic reported as None, Poor (growth in quadrant one), Fair (growth
plate dispenser, dispense general-purpose media before dis- in quadrants one and two) and Good (growth in quadrants
pensing selective media. Invert filled and cooled (solidified) three and four). Similar terms may be used for tubed media.
Petri dish bottoms over their off-set lids and allow to sit for The cultures listed are the minimum that should be used for
1-2 hours to obtain a dry surface. It is advisable to use freshly performance testing.
poured plated media on the day of preparation. Alternatively,
plates should be placed in the refrigerator as soon as they XII. Limitations of the Procedure
have solidified (agar side up) and several representative plates Detergent residues can compromise media. After washing
incubated at 35 2C as a sterility check. If storage of plates glassware, check for alkali or acid residue with a few drops
is for more than several days, it is recommended that they of bromthymol blue pH indicator (yellow is acidic; blue is
be wrapped in plastic or otherwise protected to prevent alkaline).
moisture loss. Most media, and especially those containing Quantities of media in excess of one liter may require an
dyes or indicators, should be protected from light during extended autoclave time to achieve sterilization. Longer ster-
storage. ilization cycles can cause nutrient concentration changes and
generation of inhibitory substances.
Section II
Dehydrated Culture Media, cont.
Since the nutritional requirements of organisms vary, a single specimens/samples cultured on nonselective media to obtain
medium is rarely adequate for detecting all organisms of additional information and help ensure recovery of potential
potential significance in a clinical specimen or industrial sample. pathogens and other significant organisms.
The agents in selective media may inhibit some strains of the
desired species or permit growth of a species they were XIII. Reference
1. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
designed to inhibit, especially if the species are present in large Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
numbers in the specimen/sample. Cultures of specimens/samples No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
A Deteriorated Dehydrated Medium D Incorrect Weighing G Repeated Remelting
B Improperly Washed Glassware E Incomplete Mixing H Dilution by a Too Large Inoculum
Prepared Plated Media
The 150 15 mm-style dish is offered in packages of 8 or If excessive moisture is observed, invert the bottom over an
boxes of 24 dishes containing Mueller Hinton Agar, with and off-set lid and allow to air dry in order to prevent formation of
without blood, and other media for use in the standardized a seal between the top and bottom of the plate during incubation.
Bauer-Kirby method of antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Observe aseptic techniques and established precautions against
NOTE: The catalog numbers for prepared plates listed under microbiological hazards throughout all procedures, since it
Availability for each of the media descriptions are 100 15 must be assumed that all specimens/samples collected might
mm-style unless another size is indicated. contain infectious microorganisms. After use, prepared plates,
specimen/sample containers and other contaminated materials
Prepared Plated Media for Environmental Monitoring
must be sterilized before discarding.
BD RODAC (Replicate Organism Detection and Counting) and
Contact plates are 60 mm-style plates used for surface sampling To minimize the risk in microbiology laboratories of working
for microbial contamination. The base of the RODAC plate with infectious microorganisms and specimens and samples
has inward-sloping walls and a convex bottom designed to keep suspected to contain them, the United States Department of
the agar bed in place during transit and use. Health and Human Services has published guidelines for han-
dling these agents and materials.1 The guidelines describe four
In addition, BD Hycheck hygiene contact slides are used to
biosafety levels, some of which are mentioned in this manual
assess the microbiological contamination of surfaces or fluids.
in association with specific microorganisms:
Contained in a tightly sealed tube with screw cap, the double-
sided design features a hinged paddle that bends for easy sam- Biosafety Level 1 is applicable when work is done with
pling; one paddle produces selective and nonselective results or defined and characterized strains of viable organisms not
surface samples can be obtained from two separate sites. known to consistently cause disease in healthy adult
BD also offers four lines of prepared sterile pack plated media
for critical environments. Because the entire double-bagged Biosafety Level 2 practices are applicable to laboratories
product is subjected to a sterilizing dose of gamma irradia- in which work is done with the broad spectrum of indig-
tion, the contents inside the outer bag are sterile (refer to the enous moderate-risk agents that are associated with
monograph Media Sterilization). This allows the inner bag human disease; activities can be performed on the open
to be aseptically removed and brought into an environmen- bench provided the potential for producing splashes or
tally-controlled area without introducing contaminants. A third aerosols is low.
sterile rolled-up inner bag is included and may be employed as Biosafety Level 3 practices are applicable to laboratories
a transport container from the critical environment. The four working with agents with a potential for respiratory trans-
options offered are: mission and which may cause serious and potential lethal
Sterile Pack RODAC plates for monitoring the micro- infection. All laboratory manipulations should be
bial load on impervious surfaces.
Section II
Prepared Plated Media, cont.
Prepared Tubed, Bottled Media
XII. Limitations of the Procedure to inhibit, especially if the species are present in large numbers
Some diagnostic tests may be performed with the primary plate in the specimen/sample. Cultures of specimens/samples grown
(e.g., BBL CHROMagar media). However, a pure culture on selective media should, therefore, be compared with
is recommended for the majority of biochemical tests and other specimens/samples cultured on nonselective media to obtain
identification procedures. Consult appropriate references for additional information and help ensure recovery of potential
further information. pathogens and other significant organisms.
Since the nutritional requirements of organisms vary, a single XIII. References
medium is rarely adequate for detecting all organisms of poten- 1. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
tial significance in a clinical specimen or industrial sample. The No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
agents in selective media may inhibit some strains of the 2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1996. Approved standard: M22-A2, Quality
assurance for commercially prepared microbiological culture media, 2nd ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
desired species or permit growth of a species they were designed
Section II
Prepared Tubed, Bottled Media, cont.
bacilli and fungi is offered. The Mycoflask bottles special bench provided the potential for producing splashes or
features include: aerosols is low.
A deep offset well to contain a deep culture bed Biosafety Level 3 practices are applicable to laboratories
working with agents with a potential for respiratory trans-
Surface area of 5.4 cm2 for cultivation
mission and which may cause serious and potential
Horizontal incubation to flood agar surface with inoculum
lethal infection. All laboratory manipulations should be
Flat-sided bottle which keeps bottle stable, reduces performed in a biological safety cabinet or other enclosed
chances of breakage equipment to protect personnel and the environment from
Tightly fitted screw caps which prevent the loss of mois- exposure to potentially infectious aerosols.
ture even when incubation is extended to 8 weeks or more Biosafety Level 4 practices are applicable for work with
Mycoflask media are packaged in specially designed trays for highly dangerous agents which may be transmitted via
ease in handling and incubation; these Unit Boxes contain 10 the aerosol route, for which there is no available vaccine
bottles. The Shelf-Pack contains 10 Unit Boxes (10 10 or therapy and for which specialized equipment and
bottles). facilities are required.
Consult the reference for specific recommendations on the
II. Formulae practices, equipment and facilities of the four biosafety levels.1
Formulae for BBL and Difco brands of prepared tubed, bottled
and Mycoflask media are included in product inserts or the IV. Storage Instructions
BBL Quality Control and Product Information Manual for On receipt, media should be stored according to label instruc-
Plated and Tubed Media or on product carton labels (bottled tions. Freezing and overheating must be avoided. Allow the
media). medium to warm to room temperature before inoculation.
Prepared Tubed, Bottled Media, cont.
The clinical laboratory must be furnished with sufficient XI. User Quality Control
patient information to enable the microbiologist to select the Quality control procedures for BBL brand prepared tubed
most suitable media and appropriate techniques. For detailed and Mycoflask media are included in product inserts or the
information, appropriate references should be consulted. BBL Quality Control and Product Information Manual for
* JEMBEC is a trademark of Miles Scientific.
Plated and Tubed Media.
Industrial Samples
If a culture medium being subjected to quality-control testing
Sterile containers should be used to collect samples. For envi- is a formulation to which the National Committee for Clinical
ronmental monitoring, samples can be collected using
Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) standard, Quality Assurance
BD Sterile Pack Swabs.
for Commercially Prepared Microbiological Culture Media,2
Samples must represent the mass of the material being exam- applies, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) control
ined. Samples may require special handling, including refrig- strains specified by the document are utilized; additional ATCC
eration, to prevent the direct contamination of the sample by and other organism strains may be also employed. If no standard
microorganisms and the subsequent growth of such contami- exists for the particular medium, the organisms used represent
nants during sampling, transportation and storage before strains from our stock culture collection. Except for NCCLS-
examination. For detailed information, appropriate references specified strains, cultures employed in testing procedures may
should be consulted. be added or changed from time to time as strains are found
that provide a greater challenge. Clinical isolates are included
VIII. Materials Provided periodically for various formulations so as to check perfor-
Prepared tubed or bottled medium. mance with wild strains.
IX. Materials Required But Not Provided An uninoculated tube of medium always should be incubated
Ancillary culture media, reagents and laboratory equipment with the inoculated tubes for purposes of comparison (e.g.,
as required. color changes, turbidity) following the incubation period. This
procedure should be adopted both for quality control and test
X. Procedures specimen evaluations.
In some tubes, the agar may become distorted during ship- A single electrode of sufficiently small size to fit into the tubes
ment (e.g., semisolid formulations used for motility studies). should be used to determine the pH potentiometrically of tubed
Additionally, media (including all thioglycollate-containing and Mycoflask media. The tip of the electrode should be placed
media) may become oxidized within the tube or bottle during below the surface of broth media, and positioned in the cen-
shipment. These can be restored to their proper condition by tral portion of the agar mass in semisolid or solid media. Warm
bringing to 100C in a boiling water bath and resolidifying in all media to room temperature (25C) prior to measuring pH.
the appropriate position; screw caps should be slightly loos-
ened prior to boiling. The boiling also serves to reduce media XII. Limitations of the Procedure
intended for the cultivation of anaerobic organisms; caps Some diagnostic tests may be performed with the primary
should be tightened during cooling to room temperature. Con- culture. However, a pure culture is recommended for biochemi-
sult product label for specific instructions. cal tests and other identification procedures. Consult appro-
Tubed media in deeps (pour tubes) must be boiled, cooled to priate references for further information.
45-50C, poured into sterile Petri dishes and allowed to harden Since the nutritional requirements of organisms vary, a single
for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to use. medium is rarely adequate for detecting all organisms of
NOTE: Use of a microwave oven to melt tubed and bottled potential significance in a clinical specimen or industrial
media is not recommended. sample. The agents in selective media may inhibit some strains
of the desired species or permit growth of a species they were
Cultures requiring prolonged incubation, for example, myco-
designed to inhibit, especially if the species are present in large
bacteria and fungi, should be incubated with caps tightly closed
numbers in the specimen/sample. Cultures of specimens/
to prevent dehydration and consequent inhibition of growth.
samples grown on selective media should, therefore, be com-
The United States Pharmacopeia requires that Fluid pared with specimens/samples cultured on nonselective media
Thioglycollate Medium and Soybean-Casein Digest Medium to obtain additional information and help ensure recovery of
(Tryptic Soy Broth and Trypticase Soy Broth) be incubated potential pathogens and other significant organisms.
under aerobic conditions. Aerobic conditions can be main-
tained during incubation by insertion of a venting needle that Culture media sometime contain dead organisms derived from
is left in place during incubation or by incubating the tubes or medium constituents, which may be visible in smears of
bottles with the caps slightly loosened. culture media. Other sources of dead organisms visible upon
Section II
Prepared Tubed, Bottled Media, cont.
Gram staining include staining reagents, immersion oil, glass XIII. References
slides and the specimens used for inoculation. If there is 1. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
uncertainty about the validity of the Gram stain, the culture No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1996. Approved standard: M22-A2, Quality
should be reincubated for another hour or two and the test assurance for commercially prepared microbiological culture media, 2nd ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
repeated before a report is given.
Section III
A Culture Media and Ingredients
A-1 Medium
A-1 Medium
Intended Use NOTE: For 10 mL water samples, prepare double-strength
A-1 Medium is used for detecting fecal coliforms in water. medium to ensure ingredient concentrations are not reduced
below those of the standard medium.4
Summary and Explanation
Since the early 1900s enumeration of coliform organisms, User Quality Control
specifically Escherichia coli, has been used to determine water
purity. Elevated-temperature, most-probable-number (MPN) Identity Specifications
Difco A-1 Medium
methods are routinely used for the analysis of water and food
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, lumpy.
samples for the presence of fecal coliforms. One limiting factor
Solution: 3.15% solution, soluble in purified
in using E. coli is the length of time required for complete iden- water upon boiling. Solution is light
tification.1 A-1 Medium was formulated to hasten the recovery amber, opalescent immediately after
of E. coli and reduce the incidence of false positive cultures. autoclaving. Upon cooling clear, may
have a flocculent precipitate.
In 1972 Andrews and Presnell developed A-1 Medium. A-1 Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear, may have a floccu-
Medium recovers E. coli from estuarine water in 24 hours lent precipitate.
instead of 72 hours, and in greater numbers without the Reaction of 3.15%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.1
preenrichment step.2 Using a 3-hour preincubation step for
the enumeration of coliforms in chlorinated wastewater gave Cultural Response
results that were statistically comparable to those obtained in Difco A-1 Medium
the two-step MPN technique.3 Prepare the medium per label directions. Prepare tubes by placing
fermentation vials and 10 mL amounts of medium into tubes. Inocu-
A-1 Medium can be used in a single-step procedure for the late and incubate at 35 2C for 3 hours. Transfer tubes to a 44.5C
detection of fecal coliforms in source water, seawater, treated water bath for 21 2 hours.
wastewater and foods. Prior enrichment in a presumptive INOCULUM
medium is not required.4 A-1 Medium conforms to standard ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY GAS
methods for the isolation of fecal coliforms in water and foods.4,5 Bacillus subtilis 6633 102 None
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 102 Poor to good*
Principles of the Procedure Enterococcus faecalis 19433 102 None to poor
Escherichia coli 25922 102 Good +
Peptone provides the nitrogen, vitamins, minerals and amino Escherichia coli 13762 102 Good +
acids in A-1 Medium. Lactose is the carbon source and, in *May or may not produce gas.
combination with salicin, provides energy for organism growth.
Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium.
Triton* X-100 is a surfactant.
*Triton is a trademark of Rohm and Haas Company.
Difco A-1 Medium
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptone ................................................................... 20.0 g
Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Salicin ........................................................................ 0.5 g
Triton X-100 ............................................................... 1.0 mL
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
A A-1 Medium, cont.
A7 Agar, Modified
Intended Use The medium is particularly useful for detection and identifica-
A7 Agar, Modified is used for the cultivation, identification tion of U. urealyticum in primary cultures of urine and urethral
and differentiation of Ureaplasma urealyticum and other exudates. The medium, by incorporation of a direct test for
members of the genus Ureaplasma from other members of urease in colonies of Ureaplasma, provides for a simple and
the Mycoplasmatales. rapid differentiation of the genus from other Mycoplasmatales.
Using an extract from swabs, or the specimen itself, streak the
surface of the medium. Incubate plates in a moist anaerobic
atmosphere supplemented with CO2 (BBL GasPak EZ
container or equivalent system) at 35-37 C. Incubate plates
for 48 hours or longer. Examine plates for colonies of
U. urealyticum with the culture plate inverted on the micro-
scope stage, under low power (100).2
Expected Results
Isolated colonies should give results consistent with those of
the quality control stains. Colonies of U. urealyticum are small
(usually 16-18 mm), dark, golden brown or deep brown with
a light background color of the medium. Species of Ureaplasma
are the only members of the Mycoplasmatales known to
AC Broth
produce urease, upon which the specific color reaction Availability
depends.1,2 BBL A7 Agar, Modified
References Cat. No. 215048 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
1. Shepard and Lunceford. 1976. J. Clin. Microbiol. 3:613. 292211 Prepared Plates (60 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 10*
2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
*Store at 2-8C.
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
3. Shepard. 1983. In Razin and Tulley (ed.), Methods in mycoplasmology, vol. 1. Academic Press, Inc.,
New York, N.Y.
4. Waites and Taylor-Robinson. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
AC Broth
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
AC Broth is used for cultivating a wide variety of microorgan- Peptone, beef extract and malt extract provide the carbon and
isms and for the sterility testing of turbid or viscous solutions nitrogen sources required for good growth of a wide variety of
and other materials not containing mercurial preservatives. organisms. Vitamins and cofactors required for growth as well
as additional sources of nitrogen and carbon are provided by
Summary and Explanation yeast extract. Dextrose is a carbon energy source. Ascorbic
AC Broth possesses growth-promoting properties for a wide acid is added to clarify the solution.
variety of microorganisms. Christensen1 and Malin and Finn2
reported that AC Medium does not exhibit the toxicity shown Formula
by media containing sodium thioglycollate. Several early Difco AC Broth
studies reported on the wide variety of organisms able to grow Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 20.0 g
on AC Medium.3-5 AC Broth is suitable for use in the detection
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
of obligately aerobic contaminants in biologicals and other Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
products. AC Broth is also useful in the isolation and cultiva- Malt Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
tion of many common pathogenic and saprophytic aerobes.6 Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Ascorbic Acid ............................................................. 0.2 g
The medium can be used to test the sterility of biologicals and *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
solutions that do not contain mercurial preservatives. Fluid
Thioglycollate Medium should be employed for the sterility Directions for Preparation from
testing of solutions containing mercurial preservatives. Dehydrated Product
1. Dissolve 34 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
User Quality Control 2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
3. Store prepared medium at 15-30C.
Identity Specifications 4. After prolonged storage, reheat in flowing steam or a boil-
Difco AC Broth ing water bath for a few minutes to drive off dissolved gases.
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Cool without agitation.
Solution: 3.4% solution, soluble in purified
water. Solution is medium to dark
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
amber, clear to very slightly opalescent. stable, typical control cultures.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear to very
slightly opalescent. Procedure
Reaction of 3.4% See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Section III
A AC Broth, cont.
References Availability
1. Christensen. 1944. Paper read at New York Meeting. American Public Health Association.
2. Malin and Finn. 1951. J. Bacteriol. 62:349.
Difco AC Broth
3. Reed and Orr. 1943. J. Bacteriol. 45:309. Cat. No. 231710 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Schneiter, Dunn and Caminita. 1945. Public Health Rep. 60:789.
5. Kolb and Schneiter. 1950. J. Bacteriol. 59:401.
6. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
1. Arret and Kirshbaum. 1959. J. Milk Food Technol. 22:329.
2. Richardson (ed.). 1985. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 15th ed.
American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.
Section III
A APT Agar, cont.
Directions for Preparation from triplicate at monthly intervals. One of the transfers is saved
Dehydrated Product for the preparation of stock cultures. The others are used to
Difco APT Agar prepare inoculum in APT Broth for assay as needed. Follow-
1. Suspend 61.2 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix ing incubation at 35-37C for 24-48 hours, store stock cul-
thoroughly. tures at 2-8C.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Expected Results
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Avoid overheating. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
1. Evans and Niven. 1951. J. Bacteriol. 62:599.
2. Deibel, Evans and Niven. 1957. J. Bacteriol. 74:818.
Difco APT Broth 3. Hall, Ledenbach and Flowers. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the
microbiological examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington,
1. Suspend 46.2 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix D.C.
2. Warm slightly to completely dissolve the powder. Availability
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Avoid overheating. Difco APT Agar
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using COMPF USDA
Cat. No. 265430 Dehydrated 500 g
stable, typical control cultures.
Difco APT Broth
Procedure Cat. No. 265510 Dehydrated 500 g
For maintaining stock cultures of Weissella viridescens ATCC
12706 prepare a stab inoculation. Prepare stock cultures in
Acetamide Agar
Intended Use Expected Results
Acetamide Agar is used in the differentiation of nonfermentative Deamination of the acetamide is indicated by a pronounced
gram-negative bacteria, particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa. purplish-red color of the medium.
Complete identification requires determination of the Gram
Summary and Explanation
reaction, cellular morphology, biochemical reactions, etc.
Assimilation studies by Gilardi and others using basal mineral
Appropriate references may be consulted for further infor-
media showed that acetamide was utilized by a wide variety of
mation.10, 11
nonfermenting organisms.1,2 However, few organisms are
reported to deaminate acetamide.3,4 A variety of media Limitations of the Procedure
formulations have been developed to determine the ability of
Some strains deaminate acetamide slowly and may require as
various nonfermenting gram-negative organisms to deaminate
long as 7 days to yield a positive test result.
acetamide for purposes of identification.5-8 The formulation
of this medium is the one recommended in Standard Methods Only about 37% of apyocyanogenic strains of P. aeruginosa
for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.9 will produce a positive reaction. Therefore, this test should
not be relied upon as a sole criterion for identification.11
Principles of the Procedure
The ability to deaminate acetamide (acylamidase activity) has References
1. Gilardi. 1974. Antonie van Leewenhoek. J. Microbiol. Serol. 39:229.
been found to be most actively accomplished by P. aeruginosa, 2. Stainier, Palleroni and Doudoroff. 1966. J. Gen. Microbiol. 43:159.
3. Pickett and Pedersen. 1970. Can. J. Microbiol. 16:351.
Comamonas acidovorans, Achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. 4. Pickett and Pedersen. 1970. Can. J. Microbiol. 16:401.
5. Hedberg. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 17:481.
xylosoxidans (Alcaligenes xylosoxidans) and Alcaligenes 6. Smith and Dayton. 1972. Appl. Microbiol. 24:143.
faecalis (odorans).8 Deamination of acetamide produces am- 7. Buhlmann, Vischer and Bruhin. 1961. J. Bacteriol. 82:787.
8. Oberhofer and Rowen. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 28:720.
monia which increases the pH of the medium causing a corre- 9. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.) 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
sponding color change from yellow-orange to purplish-red. 10. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
11. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Procedure American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Acetate Differential Agar
Acetate Differential Agar
Intended Use Procedure
Acetate Differential Agar is used for the differentiation of Inoculate the agar slant surfaces with pure cultures of unknown
Shigella species from Escherichia coli. organisms. Incubate all tubes for up to 7 days at 35 2C in
an aerobic atmosphere.
Summary and Explanation
Organic acids have been used widely as an aid to the differen- Expected Results
tiation of Enterobacteriaceae, usually in formulae that Bacteria capable of utilizing acetate as the sole carbon source
contained organic nitrogen sources. Most bacteria, however, will grow on the medium and produce an alkaline reaction
can use citrate and acetate in the presence of organic nitrogen. (blue color). For a listing of organisms capable of utilizing
acetate, consult appropriate texts.4-6
The citrate media of Koser1 and Simmons2 were free of organic
nitrogen and, therefore, were a true measure of citrate utiliza-
Limitations of the Procedure
tion. In a further extension of this approach, Trabulsi and Ewing
Some strains of E. coli utilize acetate slowly or not at all and
developed Acetate Differential Agar, a chemically defined medium
may give a false-negative reaction. Sodium acetate is utilized
utilizing sodium acetate that enables the differentiation of
as a sole source of carbon by some biotypes of S. flexneri 4a.4
Shigella spp. from E. coli, particularly anaerogenic, nonmotile
biotypes.3,4 Their basal medium was Simmons Citrate Agar in
which sodium acetate was substituted for sodium citrate. User Quality Control
Identity Specifications
Principles of the Procedure Difco Acetate Differential Agar
Acetate Differential Agar consists of a mixture of salts and Dehydrated Appearance: Medium yellowish-tan to light green,
sodium acetate, as a sole source of carbon, in a chemically free-flowing, homogeneous.
defined medium devoid of organic nitrogen. Solution: 2.92% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is emerald
Typical cultures of Shigella are unable to utilize acetate and green, slightly opalescent.
fail to grow; therefore, the medium remains unchanged. Most Prepared Appearance: Emerald green to green, slightly opal-
cultures of E. coli and closely related organisms grow well escent.
Reaction of 2.92%
within 24-48 hours, but some strains grow more slowly and a
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.1
few cannot use the acetate as a source of carbon. The blue
color of the bromthymol blue is due to the production of Cultural Response
alkaline products from the utilization of the sodium acetate. Difco Acetate Differential Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
Formula and incubate at 35 2C for 2-7 days. Acetate utilization is indicated
by a color change of the slant from green to blue.
Difco Acetate Differential Agar
Sodium Acetate ......................................................... 2.0 g Escherichia coli 25922 Good Positive (blue)
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.1 g Shigella sonnei 25931 Poor to good Negative (green)
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Monoammonium Phosphate ...................................... 1.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.0 g
Bromthymol Blue ....................................................... 0.08 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
A Acetate Differential Agar, cont.
References Availability
1. Koser. 1923. J. Bacteriol. 8:493.
2. Simmons. 1926. J. Infect. Dis. 39:209.
Difco Acetate Differential Agar
3. Trabulsi and Ewing. 1962. Public Health Lab. 20:137. BAM COMPF SMD
4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
Cat. No. 274210 Dehydrated 500 g
5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md. BBL Acetate Differential Agar
6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, BAM COMPF SMD
7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 221375 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10
Acidicase Peptone
(See Casamino Acids)
Actinomyces Broth
Intended Use Formula
Actinomyces Broth is used as a liquid medium or, with the BBL Actinomyces Broth
addition of 7 or 20 g/L of agar, as a semisolid or solid medium, Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Heart Muscle, Infusion from (solids) ........................... 2.0 g
respectively, for the maintenance or cultivation of Actinomyces Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
species. Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Summary and Explanation Dipotassium Phosphate ............................................ 13.0 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.0 g
Actinomyces Broth is a basic medium modified from the Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Actinomyces Maintenance Medium of Pine and Watson.1 It is Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 1.0 g
recommended for use in the growth and maintenance of L-Cysteine HCl ........................................................... 1.0 g
Soluble Starch ............................................................ 1.0 g
members of the genus Actinomyces.2 Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.2 g
Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.01 g
Principles of the Procedure *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Actinomycete Isolation Agar
References Availability
1. Pine and Watson. 1959. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 54:107.
2. Ajello, Georg, Kaplan and Kaufman. 1963. CDC laboratory manual for medical mycology. PHS BBL Actinomyces Broth
Publication No. 994. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Cat. No. 210920 Dehydrated 500 g
Streptomyces lavendulae 8664 102-103 Good Cat. No. 228210 Bottle 100 g
228220 Bottle 500 g
Section III
A Agars
Bacto Agar Agar, Grade A Agar, Granulated
Agar, Technical Agar, Noble Agarose Agar, Select
Intended Use used in media for motility studies (0.5% w/v) and for growth
Bacto Agar is a solidifying agent in which extraneous matter, of anaerobes (0.1%) and microaerophiles.3
pigmented portions and salts have been reduced to a minimum. The use of small amounts of agar in media for sterility testing
Bacto Agar is used in preparing microbiological culture media. was recommended by Falk et al.4 and has been incorporated
Agar, Grade A is a high-grade agar, specially processed for into Fluid Thioglycollate Medium for sterility testing by
microbiological purposes. It is routinely used as a solidifying standard procedures.5
agent in microbiological media. Specifications for bacteriological grade agar include good
Agar, Granulated is a solidifying agent used in preparing clarity, controlled gelation temperature, controlled melting
microbiological culture media. temperature, good diffusion characteristics, absence of toxic
bacterial inhibitors and relative absence of metabolically
Agar, Technical is a solidifying agent used in preparing micro-
useful minerals and compounds.
biological culture media. Although Agar, Technical has wider
quality control parameters than other bacteriological agars, Principles of the Procedure
solubility, gelation temperature and solidity are carefully
Bacto Agar is optimized for beneficial calcium and magne-
monitored to permit its use.
sium content. Detrimental ions such as iron and copper are
Agar, Noble is a solidifying agent that is essentially free of reduced. Bacto Agar is recommended for clinical applications,
impurities. It is used in electrophoretic and nutritional proce- auxotrophic studies, bacterial and yeast transformation
dures and in preparing microbiological culture media when studies and bacterial molecular genetics applications.6,7
increased purity is required.
Grade A Agar is a select grade of agar containing essential
Agarose is a complex galactose polysaccharide of near neutral minerals for bacterial growth. When utilized as an ingredient,
charge. It is specially prepared and is intended mainly for use most media formulations demonstrate improved growth and
in gel electrophoresis. test reactions.
Agar, Select is recommended for molecular genetics testing. Granulated Agar is qualified for culturing recombinant strains
of Escherichia coli (HB101) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Summary and Explanation Agar, Granulated may be used for general bacteriological
Agar is a phycocolloid extracted from a group of red-purple purposes where clarity is not a strict requirement.
marine algae (Class Rhodophyceae) including Gelidium,
Technical Agar is suitable for many bacteriological applica-
Pterocladia and Gracilaria. Gelidium is the preferred source
tions. This agar is not highly processed, has broader technical
for agars. Impurities, debris, minerals and pigment are reduced
specifications than other agars and is not recommended for
to specified levels during manufacture.
growth of fastidious organisms.
Agar was first suggested for microbiological purposes in 1881
Noble Agar is extensively washed and bleached. This agar
by Fannie Hesse.1,2 By the early 1900s, agar became the
should be used for applications where extreme clarity and high
gelling agent of choice over gelatin because agar remains firm
purity are required. Noble Agar is suitable for immunodiffu-
at growth temperatures for many pathogens. Agar is also
sion, some electrophoretic applications, and as a substrate for
generally resistant to a breakdown by bacterial enzymes. The
mammalian or plant tissue culture.
use of agar in microbiological media significantly contributed
to the advance of microbiology, paving the way for pure Agarose is the low sulfate, neutral gelling fraction of agar.
culture isolation and study. During the fractionation of agar, the agarose-portion is
separated from the highly charged polysaccharides (high
Agar is a gel at room temperature, remaining firm at tempera-
sulfate, nongelling portion), purified and dried. Because of its
tures as high as 65C.3 Agar melts at approximately 85C, a
method of preparation, Agarose is considerably purer than the
different temperature from that at which it solidifies, 32-40C.
special kinds of agar, with respect to ionic groups, rendering
This property is known as hysteresis. Agar is generally
it more valuable for gel electrophoresis.8 In addition to
resistant to shear forces; however, different agars may have
high chemical purity, Agarose must exhibit certain physical
different gel strengths or degrees of stiffness.
properties; e.g., high gel strength and high gel clarity.8 The
Agar is typically used in a final concentration of 1-2% for suggested concentration for use is 0.5-1.2%.
solidifying culture media. Smaller quantities (0.05-0.5%) are
Agars, cont.
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications
Dehydrated Very light beige, Light to medium, Very light beige Very light to medium White to White to light tan, Light cream to
Appearance free-flowing, yellow-cream to light tan, beige, free-flowing, off-white, homogeneous, free tan, homo-
homogeneous to cream-tan, free-flowing, homogeneous. free-flowing, of extraneous geneous, free
granules. homogenous, free of homogeneous homogeneous material. of extraneous
extraneous material. granules. fine granules. material.
Solution Concentration 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 1.5%
Solution Solution is very Solution is Solution is very Solution is very Solution is Solution is Solution is pale
Appearance* light amber, very colorless to tan, light to medium light to medium colorless, clear to colorless. to light yellow
slightly to slightly slightly hazy amber, slightly amber, slightly very slightly to tan, clear to
opalescent. (minute to small opalescent to opalescent to opalescent. moderately hazy
cream particles opalescent. opalescent. (minute to fine
may be present). cream particles
may be present).
pH at 25C N/A 5.5-7.5 N/A N/A N/A 6.1-7.1 5.5-7.5
Loss on Drying (LOD) 16-20% 5-11% 20% 20% 20% 10% 5-10%
Ash5 6.5% 3.0-6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 2% 1.0% 2.0-6.5%
Calcium g/g (ppm) 300-3,000 ppm N/A 300-2,500 ppm 3,000 ppm 1,000 ppm N/A N/A
Magnesium g/g (ppm) 50-1,000 ppm N/A 50-1,000 ppm 1,300 ppm 200 ppm N/A N/A
Melting Point 83-89C 80-90C 83-89C 85C 85C N/A 80-90C
Gelation Point 32-39C 33-38C 32-39C 32-39C 32-39C N/A 33-38C
Agar Gel Electrophoresis N/A N/A N/A N/A Satisfactory Satisfactory N/A
*Soluble in purified water upon boiling.
Cultural Response
Prepare the agar formulation of Nutrient Broth or LB Broth, Miller by adding 1.5% agar.
Inoculate with 102-103 CFU of the indicated test organisms and incubate at 35 2C for
18-24 hours (18-72 hours for LB Broth, Miller). Record recovery.
Nutrient Broth with:
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Good Good Good
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 Good Good Good
LB Broth, Miller with:
Escherichia coli ATCC 33694 (HB101) Good
Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 Good
*To evaluate for growth in tissue culture, prepare TC Medium 199 with 10% fetal calf serum and 0.5% Noble Agar. Adjust pH to
7.4-8.0. Inoculate tissue culture flasks with Vero cells and observe for attachment and division.
Select Agar is a key ingredient used in molecular genetics work Expected Results
for determining bacteriophage lambda titers. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
See appropriate references for specific procedures using Bacto
Agar, Grade A Agar, Granulated Agar, Technical Agar, Noble
Agar, Agarose or Select Agar.
Section III
A Agars, cont.
Typical Analyses
Physical Characteristics
Concentration (%) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5
Ash (%) 3.6 3.0-6.5 3.4 4.1 1.3 < 1.0 2.0-6.5
Clarity (NTU)* 4.3 < 10 5.3 26.2 3.7 < 10 N/A
Color (430 nm, adsorbance) N/A < 0.2 N/A N/A N/A < 0.2 N/A
Loss on Drying (%) 17.3 < 10 12.2 18.2 16.0 < 10 N/A
pH 6.5 5.5-7.5 6.6 6.9 5.7 6.0-7.0 5.5-7.5
Gel Strength (g/cm2) 600 600-800 560 613 700 800-1200 N/A
Gelation Point (C) 35 35-39 35 36 35 35-39 33-38
Melting Point (C) 88 80-90 88 88 87 80-90 80-90
Resistivity (ohms) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A > 50,000 N/A
-mr (electrophoretic)** N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.55 < 0.25 N/A
Inorganics (%)
Calcium 0.179 0.23 0.133 0.110 0.015 0.03 N/A
Chloride 0.021 N/A < 0.005 0.172 < 0.050 N/A N/A
Cobalt < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Copper < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Iron 0.002 < 0.0060 0.003 0.002 < 0.001 < 0.0050 N/A
Lead < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Magnesium 0.068 0.10 0.041 0.093 0.002 0.01 N/A
Manganese < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Nitrate < 0.005 N/A < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.050 N/A N/A
Phosphate < 0.005 0.02 0.010 0.015 < 0.050 0.08 N/A
Potassium 0.121 0.03 0.079 0.124 0.022 0.015 N/A
Sodium 0.837 1.8 0.776 0.932 0.335 < 0.1 N/A
Sulfate 1.778 N/A 1.710 0.367 0.663 N/A N/A
Sulfur 0.841 0.7 0.868 0.646 0.333 0.1 N/A
Tin < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Zinc < 0.001 N/A < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N/A N/A
Biological Testing (CFU/g)
Spore Count < 1,000 20 < 1,000 4,300 < 1,000 N/A N/A
Standard Plate Count < 1,000 N/A < 1,000 2,725 < 1,000 N/A N/A
*Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
**Unit of relative electroendosmosis.
Alkaline Peptone Water
Agar, 1.5%
Intended Use and allowed to solidify. This procedure provides a method of
Agar, 1.5% is used in the alternative agar-overlay method of evenly distributing an inoculum onto a plated medium.
inoculation for antimicrobial disc diffusion susceptibility
testing. It may also be used in other microbiological proce- Procedure
dures, such as colony counts, that require an agar preparation Because this product can be used for a variety of purposes, the
free from additives. instructions will vary according to use. For details on preparing
the agar overlay for the disc diffusion technique of determining
Summary and Explanation antimicrobial susceptibility, consult appropriate references.2,3
The Bauer-Kirby method of antimicrobial susceptibility testing
is well standardized and accurate.1 However, the method for Expected Results
standardizing the inoculum introduces some subjective Following incubation of the plates, zones of inhibition
variability. surrounding the discs may be measured and compared with
published standards.3,4
In 1970, Barry et al. introduced an agar-overlay procedure as
a modification of the method described by Bauer et al.2 They Limitations of the Procedure
found that placing the discs onto a double pour plate, consist- The agar overlay method is not applicable to tests with fastidi-
ing of a base layer of Mueller Hinton Agar overlaid with a ous or slow-growing organisms.4 The method is not described
thin layer of inoculated 1.5 percent agar produced more clearly in more recent editions of NCCLS standard M2.
defined zone edges for more precise zone measurements than
the Bauer-Kirby method of placing the discs directly onto References
inoculated Mueller Hinton Agar. The overlay procedure 1. Bauer, Kirby, Sherris and Turck. 1966. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 45:493.
2. Barry, Garcia and Thrupp. 1970. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 53:149.
also facilitated standardization of susceptibility testing by 3. Barry and Thornsberry. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
providing a reproducible inoculum. 4. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1990. Approved standard M2-A4, Perfor-
mance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 4th ed. NCCLS, Villanova, Pa.
Section III
A Alkaline Peptone Water, cont.
BBL Alkaline Peptone Water
Cat. No. 297814 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (D Tubes) Pkg. of 10
Amino Acid Assay Media, cont.
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications
Difco Lysine Assay Medium, Methionine Assay Medium or Cystine Assay Medium
Dehydrated Appearance: White to off-white, homogeneous, may have a tendency to clump.
Solution: 5.25% (single strength) solution, soluble in purified water upon boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, clear, may have
a slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Single strengthLight to medium amber, clear, may have a slight precipitate
Reaction of 5.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Lysine Assay Medium, Methionine Assay Medium or Cystine Assay Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. These media support the growth of Pediococcus acidilactici ATCC 8042 when prepared in single strength and
supplemented with the appropriate amino acid. Lysine Assay Medium should produce a standard curve when tested with L-Lysine at 0.0 to 300 g per 10
mL. Methionine Assay Medium should produce a standard curve when tested with DL-Methionine at 0.0 to 60 g per 10 mL. Cystine Assay Medium
should produce a standard curve when tested with L-Cystine at 0 to 50 g per 10 mL. Incubate tubes with caps loosened at 35-37C for 16-20 hours.
Read the percent transmittance at 660 nm.
Preparation of inoculum dilution, amino acid stock and working solution.
Cystine Assay Pediococcus acidilactici 1 mL + 19 mL L-cystine 1 g + 100 mL + 1 mL 1 mL + 99 mL 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 0.0, 5, 10, 15, 20,
Medium ATCC 8042 HCl heated, then cooled, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 25, 30, 40, 50
add up to 1,000 mL
Lysine Assay Pediococcus acidilactici 1 mL + 19 mL L-lysine 6 g + 1,000 mL 1 mL + 99 mL 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 0.0, 30, 60, 90, 120,
Medium ATCC 8042 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 150, 180, 240, 300
Methionine Assay Pediococcus acidilactici 1 mL + 19 mL DL-methionine 1.2 g + 1,000 mL 1 mL + 99 mL 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 0.0, 6, 12, 18, 24,
Medium ATCC 8042 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 30, 36, 48, 60
In addition to the ingredients listed on the previous page, the 4. Add standard or test samples.
media contain per liter*: 5. Adjust tube volume to 10 mL with purified water.
Lysine Assay Medium 6. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes.
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.1 g
DL-Methionine ........................................................... 0.2 g Procedure
Methionine Assay Medium Stock Culture and Inoculum
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.1 g
L-Lysine Hydrochloride ............................................... 0.5 g Stock cultures of Pediococcus acidilactici ATCC 8042 are
Cystine Assay Medium prepared by stab inoculation into tubes of Lactobacilli Agar
DL-Methionine ........................................................... 0.2 g AOAC or Micro Assay Culture Agar. Incubate cultures at
L-Lysine Hydrochloride ............................................... 0.5 g 35-37C for 24 hours. Store stock cultures at 2-8C. Make
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
transfers at monthly intervals in triplicate.
Precautions The inoculum for assay is prepared by subculturing the test
Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of media or organism into 10 mL Lactobacilli Broth AOAC or Micro
glassware in microbiological assay procedures. Extremely small Inoculum Broth. Incubate at 35-37C for 16-24 hours. After
amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give erroneous incubation, centrifuge the cells under aseptic conditions and
results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from detergents and decant the liquid supernatant. Wash the cells 3 times with
other chemicals must be used. Glassware must be heated to 10 mL sterile 0.85% NaCl solution. After the third wash,
250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic residues that resuspend the cells in 10 mL sterile 0.85% NaCl solution.
might be present. Take precautions to keep sterilization and Dilute the 10 mL cell suspension with the appropriate amount
cooling conditions uniform throughout the assay. of sterile 0.85% NaCl solution. (See the table under User
Quality Control, Cultural Response.) One drop of the diluted
Directions for Preparation from inoculum suspension is used to inoculate each of the assay
Dehydrated Product tubes.
1. Suspend 10.5 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. Amino Acid Solution
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes to
Prepare stock solutions of each amino acid as described in Table
completely dissolve the powder.
1. If the DL form is used, twice the concentration of the amino
3. Dispense in 5 mL amounts into tubes, evenly dispersing
acid is required. Prepare the stock solutions fresh daily.
the precipitate.
Section III
A Amino Acid Assay Media, cont.
Increasing amounts of the standard or the unknown and Limitations of the Procedure
sufficient purified water to give a total volume of 10 mL per 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
tube are added to the tubes containing 5 mL of the rehydrated must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
medium. The appropriate volumes of the standards and their for this purpose.
final concentrations are listed in the table. 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
Measure the growth response turbidimetrically or titrimetrically. procedure.
Turbidimetric readings are made after incubation at 35-37C 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
for 16-20 hours. Titrimetric readings are made after incubation having different nutritional requirements that will not give
at 35-37C for 72 hours. a satisfactory response.
4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time the assay must be followed precisely.
an assay is run. Conditions of autoclaving and temperature of
incubation that influence the standard curve readings cannot Reference
always be duplicated. 1. Steel, Sauberlich, Reynolds and Baumann. 1949. J. Biol. Chem. 177:533.
solution by interpolation from the standard curve. Difco Cystine Assay Medium
3. Calculate the concentration of amino acid in the sample Cat. No. 246710 Dehydrated 100 g*
*Store at 2-8C.
from the average of these volumes. Use only those values
that do not vary more than 10% from the average. Use
the results only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more
than 10%.
Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood
Incubate for at least 48 hours and, if no growth occurs, continue Availability
incubation for up to 7 days. BBL Anaerobe CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Cat. No. 297165 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Expected Results BBL Anaerobe CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood//
In order to determine the relationship to oxygen of each colony Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood KV Agar
type, follow established procedures.4,6 Those colony types that Cat. No. 297041 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
prove to be obligate anaerobes can be further studied using *Store at 2-8C.
1. Ellner, Granato and May. 1973. Appl. Microbiol. 26:904.
2. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
3. Estevez. 1984. Lab. Med. 15:258.
4. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
6. Mangels. 1994. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1., supp. 1.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Rodloff, Hillier and Moncla. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
The addition of antimicrobial agents facilitates the recovery of Limitation of the Procedure
anaerobic microorganisms from specimens containing mixed The concentration of vancomycin (7.5 mg/mL) may be inhibi-
flora. The kanamycin and vancomycin enable the selective tory to asaccharolytic Porphyromonas species.7
isolation of gram-negative anaerobic bacilli by inhibiting
facultatively and obligately anaerobic gram-positive bacteria.2 References
1. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
Laking the blood improves pigmentation of the pigmenting 2. Finegold, Miller and Posnick. 1965. Ernahrungsforschung 10:517.
3. Finegold and Citron. 1980. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Truant (ed.), Manual of clinical microbi-
Porphyromonas-Prevotella species.3 Fluorescence is visible ology, 3rd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
when the colonies are exposed to long-wave UV light. microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
6. Mangels. 1994. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1, suppl. 1.
Procedure American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Jousimies-Somer, Summanen and Finegold. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken
The medium should be reduced immediately prior to inocula- (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
tion by placing under anaerobic conditions for 6-24 hours.4
Incubate plates immediately after inoculation, with plates in
BBL Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood KV Agar//
an inverted position (agar side up), under anaerobic condi- Anaerobe CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
tions at 35C, or place the medium in a holding jar flushed Cat. No. 297041 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
with oxygen-free gas(es) until a sufficient number of plates is
BBL Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood KV Agar//
accumulated (no longer than 3 hours).5 An efficient and easy CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with PEA
way to obtain suitable anaerobic conditions is through the use Cat. No. 299611 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
A Anaerobe Neomycin
Anaerobic Agar
Intended Use bacteremia.5,6 Anaerobic bacteria are the predominant flora
Anaerobic Agar is used for cultivating anaerobic microorganisms. colonizing the skin and mucous membranes of the body.3
Anaerobes vary in their sensitivity to oxygen and nutritional
Summary and Explanation requirements.2 Anaerobic bacteria lack cytochromes and thus
Brewer1 described a special Petri dish cover that allowed are unable to use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor.3
surface growth of anaerobes and microaerophiles without
anaerobic equipment. The microorganisms were grown on Principles of the Procedure
an agar-based medium having a low oxidation-reduction Peptone provides the nitrogen, vitamins and amino acids in
potential. Anaerobic Agar is a modification of Brewers Anaerobic Agar. Dextrose is a carbon source. Sodium chloride
original formula. This medium is suitable for standard plating maintains the osmotic equilibrium. Sodium thioglycollate
procedures used in cultivating anaerobic bacteria.2-4 and sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate are reducing agents.
Methylene blue serves as an indicator of anaerobiosis with
Anaerobic bacteria cause a variety of infections in humans,
a blue color indicating the presence of oxygen. Agar is the
including otitis media, oral infections, endocarditis, meningitis,
solidifying agent.
wound infections following bowel surgery or trauma, and
Anaerobic Agar, cont.
Formula Brewer Anaerobic Agar Plates
Difco Anaerobic Agar 1. Dispense 50-60 mL of Anaerobic Agar into a standard
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Petri dish. For best results use porous tops to obtain a dry
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g surface.
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g 2. Inoculate the surface of the medium by streaking; avoid
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g the edges of the plates.
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 2.0 g 3. Replace the standard Petri dish lid with a sterile Brewer
Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate .............................. 1.0 g
Methylene Blue .......................................................... 2.0 mg anaerobic Petri dish cover. The cover should not rest on the
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Petri dish bottom. The inner glass ridge should seal against
the uninoculated periphery of the agar. It is essential that
Directions for Preparation from the sealing ring inside the cover is in contact with the
Dehydrated Product medium. This seal must not be broken before the end of
1. Suspend 58 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix the incubation period. A small amount of air is caught over
thoroughly. the surface of the medium; however, the oxygen in this space
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to reacts with reducing agents in the medium to form an
completely dissolve the powder. anaerobic environment.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. 4. Incubate aerobically as desired.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using For a complete discussion on anaerobic and microaerophilic
stable, typical control cultures. bacteria from clinical specimens, refer to the appropriate
procedures outlined in the references.2-5 For the examination
Procedure of anaerobic bacteria in food, refer to standard methods.7-9
Standard Petri Dishes2
1. Inoculate a properly obtained specimen onto the medium Expected Results
using the pour plate technique. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
2. Immediately incubate anaerobically at 35C.
3. Examine at 24 hours if incubating plates in an anaerobic Limitations of the Procedure
chamber. Examine at 48 hours if incubating plates in an 1. Clinical specimens must be obtained properly and trans-
anaerobic jar or anaerobic pouch. ported to the laboratory in a suitable anaerobic transport
4. Extended incubation may be necessary to recover some container.2
anaerobes. 2. The microbiologist must be able to verify quality control
of the medium and determine whether the environment is
User Quality Control anaerobic.2
3. The microbiologist must perform aerotolerance testing on
Identity Specifications
each isolate recovered to ensure that the organism is an
Difco Anaerobic Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
neous. 4. Methylene blue is toxic to some anaerobic bacteria.
Solution: 5.8% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light References
amber, slightly opalescent when hot, 1. Brewer. 1942. Science 95:587.
2. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
changing to green when cooled. Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Prepared Appearance: Light green, slightly opalescent. 3. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
Book, Inc. St. Louis, Mo.
Reaction of 5.8% 4. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.). Manual of clinical
microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Cultural Response 6. Smith. 1975. The pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, 2nd ed. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
Difco Anaerobic Agar International, Gaithersburg, Md.
8. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
technique and incubate at 35 2C under anaerobic conditions for 9. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
18-48 hours. Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
CFU RECOVERY Availability
Bacteroides fragilis 25285 2
10 -10 3
Good Difco Anaerobic Agar
Clostridium perfringens 13124 102-103 Good Cat. No. 253610 Dehydrated 500 g
Fusobacterium mortiferum 9817 102-103 Good
Section III
A Antibiotic Assay Media
Antibiotic Assay Media, cont.
Also Known As
Antibiotic Medium 1 Penassay Seed Agar Medium 1 Agar Medium A
Antibiotic Medium 2 Penassay Base Agar Medium 2 Agar Medium C
Antibiotic Medium 3 Penassay Broth Antibiotic Assay Broth Medium 3 Broth Medium A
Antibiotic Medium 4 Yeast Beef Agar Medium 4 Agar Medium B
Antibiotic Medium 5 Streptomycin Assay Agar Medium 5 Agar Medium E
Antibiotic Medium 8 Medium 8 Agar Medium D
Antibiotic Medium 9 Polymyxin Base Agar Medium 9
Antibiotic Medium 10 Polymyxin Seed Agar Medium 10
Antibiotic Medium 11 Neomycin Assay Agar Medium 11 Agar Medium J
Antibiotic Medium 12
Sabouraud Liquid Broth, Modified Medium 13 Broth Medium B
Antibiotic Medium 19 Medium 19
Difco Antibiotic Tan, free-flowing, 1.75% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light to medium
7.0 0.05
Medium 3 homogeneous. boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, clear. amber, clear.
BBL Antibiotic Assay Fine, homogeneous, 1.75% solution, soluble in purified water upon Pale to light,
Broth (Antibiotic free of extraneous boiling. Solution is very pale to light, yellow to tan, yellow to tan, clear 7.0 0.2
Medium 3) material. clear to slightly hazy. to slightly hazy.
Light tan, 2.65% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light amber, very
Difco Antibiotic
free-flowing, boiling. Solution is light amber, very slightly slightly to slightly 6.55 0.05
Medium 4
homogeneous. opalescent. opalescent.
Light tan, 2.55% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light to medium
Difco Antibiotic
free-flowing, boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, very amber, slightly 7.9 0.1
Medium 5
homogeneous. slightly to slightly opalescent. opalescent.
Light tan, 2.55% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light to medium
Difco Antibiotic
free-flowing, boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, very amber, slightly 5.85 0.05
Medium 8
homogeneous. slightly to slightly opalescent. opalescent.
Light to medium
Light beige, 5.0% solution, soluble in purified water upon
Difco Antibiotic amber, slightly
free-flowing, boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, slightly 7.25 0.05
Medium 9 opalescent with slight
homogeneous. opalescent, may have a slight flocculent precipitate.
flocculent precipitate.
5.2% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light to medium
Difco Antibiotic homogeneous,
boiling. Solution is light to medium amber, very amber, slightly 7.25 0.05
Medium 10 moist with a
slightly to slightly opalescent. opalescent.
tendency to clump.
BBL Sabouraud
Fine, homogeneous, 3.0% solution, soluble in purified water upon Light to medium,
Liquid Broth,
free of extraneous boiling. Solution is light to medium, yellow to tan, yellow to tan, 5.7 0.1
Modified (Antibiotic
material. clear to slightly hazy. clear to slightly hazy.
Medium 13)
Section III
A Antibiotic Assay Media, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Antibiotic Medium 1 Antibiotic Medium 9
Difco Antibiotic Medium 2 Antibiotic Medium 10
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate by the pour plate Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate by the pour plate
method and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. method and incubate at 35 2C for 40-48 hours.
Staphylococcus aureus 6538P 30-300 Good Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 30-300 Good
Antibiotic Medium 5
Antibiotic Medium 8
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate by the pour plate
method and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 30-300 Good
BBL Antibiotic Assay Broth (Antibiotic Medium 3) Difco Antibiotic Medium 9 (Polymyxin Base Agar)
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 1.5 g Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.5 g Soy Peptone ............................................................... 3.0 g
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ....................................... 5.0 g Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.5 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 3.5 g Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 3.68 g Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.32 g Difco Antibiotic Medium 10 (Polymyxin Seed Agar)
Difco Antibiotic Medium 4 (Yeast Beef Agar) Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
Beef Extract ................................................................ 1.5 g Soybean Peptone ....................................................... 3.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.5 g
Peptone ..................................................................... 6.0 g Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
Difco Antibiotic Medium 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar) Polysorbate 80 ......................................................... 10.0 g
Same as Medium 2, except for the final pH after autoclaving. Difco Antibiotic Medium 11 (Neomycin Assay Agar)
Difco Antibiotic Medium 8 Same as Medium 1, except for the final pH after autoclaving.
Same as Medium 2, except for the final pH after autoclaving.
Antibiotic Assay Media, cont.
Selection of Media for the Microbiological Assay of Antibiotics2
Amikacin Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Amphotericin B Cylinder Plate Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 19 19
Bacitracin Cylinder Plate Micrococcus luteus 10240 1 2 1
Candicidin Turbidimetric Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 19 2 13
Capreomycin Turbidimetric Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 1 3
Carbenicillin Cylinder Plate Pseudomonas aeruginosa 25619 1 9 10
Cephalothin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 2 1
Cephapirin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 2 1
Chloramphenicol Turbidimetric Escherichia coli 10536 1 3
Chlortetracycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Cloxacillin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 2 1
Colistimethate, sodium Cylinder Plate Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 1 9 10
Colistin Cylinder Plate Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 1 9 10
Cycloserine Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Demeclyocycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Dihydro- Cylinder Plate Bacillus subtilis 6633 32* 5 5
streptomycin Turbidimetric Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 1 3
Doxycycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Erythromycin Cylinder Plate Micrococcus luteus 9341 1 11 11
Gentamicin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 11 11
Gramicidin Turbidimetric Enterococcus hirae 10541 3 3
Kanamycin Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Methacycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Nafcillin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 2 1
Neomycin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 11 11
Neomycin Turbidimetric Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 1 39**
Netilmicin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 11 11
Novobiocin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 2 1
Nystatin Cylinder Plate Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2601 19 19
Oxytetracycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Paromomycin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 11 11
Penicillin G Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 2 1
Polymyxin B Cylinder Plate Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 1 9 10
Rolitetracycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Sisomicin Cylinder Plate Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 1 11 11
Streptomycin Turbidimetric Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 1 3
Tetracycline Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Tobramycin Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 29737 1 3
Troleandomycin Turbidimetric Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 1 3
Tylosin Turbidimetric Staphylococcus aureus 9144 3 39**
Vancomycin Cylinder Plate Bacillus subtilis 6633 32* 8 8
* Same as Medium 1, except for the additional ingredient of 300 mg of manganese sulfate.
** Same as Medium 3, except that the final pH after autoclaving is 7.9 0.1.
Section III
A Antibiotic Assay Media, cont.
Arylsulfatase Broth
References Difco Antibiotic Medium 5
1. Grove and Randall. 1955. Assay methods of antibiotics. Medical Encyclopedia, Inc. New York, N.Y. AOAC USP
2. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The Cat. No. 227710 Dehydrated 500 g
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
3. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 1. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Difco Antibiotic Medium 8
4. Abraham, Chain, Fletcher, Florey, Gardner, Heatley and Jennings. 1941. Lancett ii:177. AOAC USP
5. Foster and Woodruff. 1943. J. Bacteriol. 46:187.
6. Schmidt and Moyer. 1944. J. Bacteriol. 47:199.
Cat. No. 266710 Dehydrated 500 g
7. Council of Europe. 2002. European pharmacopeia, 4th ed. Council of Europe, Strasbourgh, France.
8. Kirshbaum and Arret. 1967. J. Pharm. Sci. 56:512. Difco Antibiotic Medium 9
9. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American EP USP
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 246210 Dehydrated 500 g
Azide Blood Agar Base
Azide Blood Agar Base
Intended Use Azide Blood Agar Base is used in the isolation of gram-
Azide Blood Agar Base is used for isolating streptococci and positive organisms from clinical and nonclinical specimens.
staphylococci and, supplemented with blood, for determining Azide Blood Agar Base can be supplemented with 5-10% sheep,
hemolytic reactions. rabbit or horse blood for isolating, cultivating and determining
hemolytic reactions of fastidious pathogens.
Summary and Explanation
In 1933, Edwards1 used a liquid medium containing crystal Principles of the Procedure
violet and sodium azide as a selective broth in the isolation of Peptones and beef extract provide nitrogen, vitamins, carbon
mastitis streptococci. Snyder and Lichstein2,3 reported that and amino acids. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance.
0.01% sodium azide in blood agar prevented the swarming Sodium azide is the selective agent, suppressing the growth
of Proteus species, and permitted the isolation of streptococci of gram-negative bacteria. Agar is the solidifying agent.
from mixed bacterial populations. Packer4 modified Edwards Supplementation with 5-10% blood provides additional growth
medium and prepared Infusion Blood Agar containing 1:15,000 factors for fastidious microorganisms, and is used to
sodium azide and 1:500,000 crystal violet for the study determine hemolytic patterns of bacteria.
of bovine mastitis. Mallmann, Botwright and Churchill5
reported that sodium azide exerted a bacteriostatic effect Formula
on gram-negative bacteria. The Azide Blood Agar Base formu- Difco Azide Blood Agar Base
lation was based on the work of these researchers. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 4.0 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.8 g
User Quality Control Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Identity Specifications Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.2 g
Difco Azide Blood Agar Base Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, homogeneous. *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Solution: 3.3% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light Directions for Preparation from
to medium amber, very slight to
slightly opalescent.
Dehydrated Product
Prepared Appearance: PlainLight to medium amber, very
1. Suspend 33 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
slightly opalescent. Mix thoroughly.
With 5% bloodCherry red, opaque. 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Reaction of 3.3% completely dissolve the powder.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. To prepare blood agar, aseptically add 5% sterile defibrinated
Cultural Response
blood to the medium when cooled to 45-50C. Mix well.
Difco Azide Blood Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions, without and with 5% sterile
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
defibrinated sheep blood. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C under stable, typical control cultures.
appropriate atmospheric conditions for 18-48 hours.
INOCULUM Procedure
ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY HEMOLYSIS 1. Process each specimen as appropriate, and inoculate directly
Enterococcus onto the surface of the medium. Streak for isolation with
faecalis 19433 102-103 Good Alpha/gamma
an inoculating loop, then stab the agar several times to
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Inhibition
deposit beta-hemolytic streptococci beneath the agar
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Beta surface. Subsurface growth will display the most reliable
Staphylococcus hemolytic reactions demonstrating both oxygen-stable and
epidermidis 12228 102-103 Good Gamma oxygen-labile streptolysins.6
Streptococcus 2. Incubate plates aerobically, anaerobically or under condi-
pneumoniae 6305 102-103 Good Alpha
tions of increased CO2 in accordance with established
pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good Beta laboratory procedures.
Section III
A Azide Blood Agar Base, cont.
Azide Dextrose Broth, cont.
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications
Difco Azide Dextrose Broth
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.47% (single strength) solution,
soluble in purified water. Solution
is light amber, clear to very slightly opal-
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to very slightly
Reaction of 3.47%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Azide Dextrose Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 102-103 Good Uninoculated Enterococcus faecalis
Tube ATCC 29212
Escherichia coli 25922 3102-103 Inhibition
Procedure5 References
1. Rothe. 1948. Illinois State Health Department.
1. Inoculate a series of Azide Dextrose Broth tubes with 2. Mallmann and Seligmann. 1950. Am. J. Public Health 40:286.
appropriately graduated quantities of sample. Use sample 3.
Larkin, Litsky and Fuller. 1955. Appl. Microbiol. 3:98.
Splittstoesser, Wright and Hucker. 1961. Appl. Microbiol. 9:303.
quantities of 10 mL or less. Use double-strength broth for 5. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
10 mL inocula. Consult an appropriate reference for 6. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
suggested sample sizes.5
2. Incubate inoculated tubes at 35 2C for 20-48 hours. Availability
3. Examine each tube for turbidity at the end of 24 2 hours. Difco Azide Dextrose Broth
If no turbidity is evident, reincubate and read again at the SMWW
end of 48 3 hours. Cat. No. 238710 Dehydrated 500 g
Expected Results
A positive test is indicated by turbidity (cloudiness) in the broth.
A negative test remains clear.
All Azide Dextrose Broth tubes showing turbidity after 24- or
48-hours of incubation must be subjected to the Confirmed
Test Procedure. Consult appropriate references for details
of the Confirmed Test Procedure5 and further identification
of Enterococcus.5,6
Section III
B B12 Assay Medium
B12 Culture Agar
Procedure the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
Follow assay procedures as outlined in USP1 or AOAC.2 Use not vary more than 10% from the average and use the
levels of B12 in the preparation of the standard curve according results only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more
to these references. It is essential that a standard curve be con- than 10%.
structed each time an assay is run. Autoclave and incubation
conditions can influence the standard curve reading and cannot Limitations of the Procedure B
always be duplicated. Generally satisfactory results are obtained 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
with B12 at the following levels: 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
0.125, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 ng per assay tube (10 mL). for this purpose.
2. For successful results to these procedures, all conditions of
Stock cultures of L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis ATCC 7830 are
the assay must be followed precisely.
prepared by stab inoculation into 10 mL of B12 Culture Agar
3. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
or Lactobacilli Agar AOAC. After 16-24 hours incubation at
35-37C, the cultures are kept refrigerated. The inoculum for
4. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
assay is prepared by subculturing a stock culture of
having different nutritional requirements and will not give
L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis into 10 mL of B12 Inoculum Broth.
a satisfactory response.
For a complete discussion on B12 Culture Agar and B12
Inoculum Broth, refer to USP.1 References
1. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
Expected Results national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
2. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. II. AOAC
1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Section III
B B12 Culture Agar, cont.
Reaction of 3.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.1
Cultural Response
Difco B12 Culture Agar or B12 Inoculum Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 16-24 hours.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii
subsp. lactis 7830 3102 -103 Good
BAGG Broth
BAGG Broth
Intended Use SF Medium enhanced dextrose fermentation by Enterococcus
faecalis. Decreasing the concentration of bromcresol purple
BAGG Broth is used for presumptively identifying and
confirming fecal streptococci. allowed for easier detection of a color change within 24 hours. B
The BAGG Broth formulation made the original SF Medium
Summary and Explanation more useful in testing for fecal contamination of water and
In developing Buffered Azide Glucose Glycerol (BAGG) other materials.
Medium, Hajna1 modified the formula of SF Broth as speci-
fied by Hajna and Perry.2 Hajna found that adding glycerol to Principles of the Procedure
BAGG Broth contains peptones as sources for carbon,
User Quality Control nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Dextrose is a fermentable
carbohydrate. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance
Identity Specifications of the medium. Sodium azide inhibits gram-negative bacteria.
Difco BAGG Broth Bromcresol purple is a pH indicator.
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige with a slight green tint,
free-flowing, homogeneous. Enterococci grow in the presence of azide and ferment glucose,
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified producing an acid pH that changes the color of the medium.
water containing 0.5% glycerol.
Solution is purple, clear. Formula
Prepared Appearance: Purple, clear. Difco BAGG Broth
Reaction of 3.6% Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2 Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 6.0 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 8.0 g
Cultural Response Soybean Peptone ....................................................... 4.0 g
Difco BAGG Broth Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.0 g
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate tubes in duplicate Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
and incubate one set at 35 2C and the other set at 45 1C for Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g
18-48 hours. Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
INOCULUM Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.5 g
ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY ACID Bromcresol Purple .................................................... 15.0 mg
Enterococcus *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
faecalis 19433 102-103 Good + (yellow)
Enterococcus Directions for Preparation from
faecium 27270 102-103 Good + (yellow)
Dehydrated Product
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition 1. Dissolve 36 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water con-
Streptococcus taining 5 mL of glycerol. Rehydrate with proportionally
pyogenes 19615 103-2103 Marked to less water when liquid inocula will exceed 1 mL.
complete inhibition
2. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
1. Inoculate duplicate tubes with sample. Use single-strength
medium for inocula of 1 mL or less. Use double-strength
medium for inocula of 10 mL.
2. Incubate one set of tubes at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Incubate the second set at 45 1C for 18-48 hours.
3. Read tubes for growth and acid production.
Expected Results1-3
1. A positive test is indicated by the production of a yellow color
(acid) throughout the medium. This result is presumptive
evidence of the presence of fecal streptococci. Further testing
must be performed to confirm this result. Consult appropri-
Uninoculated Enterococcus faecalis
Tube ATCC 29212 ate references for further identification of Enterococcus.3
2. A negative result is indicated by no change in the medium
(purple color).
Section III
B BAGG Broth, cont.
References Availability
1. Hajna. 1951. Public Health Lab. 9:80.
2. Hajna and Perry. 1943. Am. J. Public Health 33:550.
Difco BAGG Broth
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, Cat. No. 211841 Dehydrated 500 g
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Difco Glycerol
BCYE Agars
BCYE Agar Base BCYE Agar BCYE Differential Agar
BCYE Selective Agars (CCVC, PAC, PAV)
Intended Use BCYE Differential Agar is used for the presumptive identifica-
These media are used in qualitative procedures for isolation of tion and differentiation of Legionella spp. based on colony
Legionella species from clinical specimens and nonclinical morphology and color.5 This medium is based on the formu-
(environmental) samples. lation of Vickers et al.,6 and consists of the dyes bromcresol
purple and bromthymol blue added to BCYE Agar.
Summary and Explanation BCYE Selective Agar w/CCVC is highly selective medium
BCYE Agar is based on Edelsteins modification of previously consisting of BYCE Agar supplemented with cephalothin,
described media. In 1979, Feely et al. described Charcoal Yeast colistin, vancomycin and cycloheximide. This medium is based
Extract (CYE) Agar as a modification of an existing medium, on the formulation of Bopp et al.7 They obtained improved
F-G Agar.1,2 They replaced the starch in the F-G Agar with recovery of L. pneumophila by using the selective medium
activated charcoal and substituted yeast extract for casein in conjunction with an acid wash treatment to reduce the
hydrolysate, resulting in better recovery of L. pneumophila. contaminating microbial flora present in environmental water
In 1980, Pasculle reported that CYE Agar could be improved samples.
by buffering the medium with ACES Buffer.3 A year later,
Edelstein further increased the sensitivity of the medium by BCYE Selective Agar with PAC was developed by Edelstein
adding alpha-ketoglutarate (BCYE Agar).4 for isolation of Legionella spp. from specimens containing
Legionella pneumophila
User Quality Control ATCC 33152
Identity Specifications
BBL BCYE Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine to coarse, homogeneous, free of
extraneous material.
Solution: 3.83% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is dark,
black-green to gray-black, moderately
hazy to opaque.
Prepared Appearance: Dark, black-green to gray-black, mod-
erately hazy to opaque.
Reaction of 3.83%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.85 0.1
Cultural Response
BBL BCYE Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. For E. coli, inoculate and
incubate at 35 2C for 66-72 hours. For Legionella spp., inoculate test
and control lots of medium with serial 10-fold dilutions of the test
organisms and incubate at 35 2C for 66 - 72 hours. Growth on the
test lot should be within 1 log of the control lot.
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good
Legionella bozemanii 33217 N/A Good (white-gray to Blue-white
blue-gray colonies)
Legionella pneumophila 33152 N/A Good Yellow green
BCYE Agars, cont.
mixed flora.4 He found that BYCE Agar supplemented with 5. Cool to 45 - 50C and add 4 mL of a 10% filter-sterilized-
polymyxin B, cefamandole and anisomycin enhanced the solution of L-cysteine HCl.
recovery of L. pneumophila from contaminated clinical 6. Mix thoroughly. Check pH; if not 6.85 0.1, adjust using
specimens. In conjunction with an acid wash treatment to 1 N HCl or KOH.
reduce microbial flora, it also facilitated the recovery of the 7. Dispense into Petri dishes. Agitate while dispensing to keep
bacterium from potable water. charcoal in suspension. B
8. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
BCYE Selective Agar with PAV is similar to the Edelstein
stable, typical control cultures.
formula, above, except that the concentration of polymyxin B
is reduced by half, and vancomycin is substituted for
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
Principles of the Procedure specimens and samples.
These media consist of a base medium (BCYE) supplemented Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar side up) at
with antibiotics or dyes. Antibiotics improve the recovery 35 2C for a minimum of 3 days. Growth is usually visible
of Legionella spp. by inhibiting the growth of contaminating within 3-4 days, but may take up to 2 weeks to appear.
organisms. Dyes facilitate differentiation and identification
of Legionella spp. Expected Results
On BCYE Agar and the selective media, Legionella
The base medium contains yeast extract to supply the nutrients
pneumophila produces small to large, smooth, colorless to pale,
necessary to support bacterial growth. L-cysteine HCl, ferric
blue-gray, slightly mucoid colonies that fluoresce yellow-green
pyrophosphate and alpha-ketoglutarate are incorporated to
under long-wave UV light. Consult references for morphology
satisfy the specific nutritional requirements of Legionella
and color of fluorescence of other species.8,9
species. The activated charcoal decomposes hydrogen peroxide,
a toxic metabolic product, and may also collect carbon dioxide On BCYE Differential Agar, L. pneumophila produces light
and modify surface tension. The addition of the buffer helps main- blue colonies with a pale green tint. L. micdadei produces
tain the proper pH for optimal growth of Legionella species. blue-gray to dark blue colonies.
Antibiotics incorporated in the various formulations have A Gram stain, biochemical tests and serological procedures
different spectra of activity. Vancomycin inhibits gram-posi- should be performed to confirm findings.
tive bacteria; colistin and polymyxin B inhibit gram-negative
bacteria, except for Proteus spp.; and cephalothin and References
1. Feely, Gibson, Gorman, Langford, Rasheed, Mackel and Baine. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 10:437.
cefamandole inhibit both gram-positive and gram-negative 2. Feely, Gorman, Weaver, Mackel and Smith. 1978. J. Clin. Microbiol. 8:320.
3. Pasculle, Feely, Gibson, Cordes, Myerowitz, Patton, Gorman, Carmack, Ezzell and Dowling. 1980.
bacteria. Anisomycin and cycloheximide are antifungal agents. J. Infect. Dis. 191:727.
4. Edelstein. 1981. J. Clin. Microbiol. 14:298.
BCYE Differential Agar contains the dyes bromcresol purple 5. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
and bromthymol blue to aid in the differentiation and identifi- 6. Vickers, Brown and Garrity. 1981. J. Clin. Microbiol. 13:380.
7. Bopp, Sumner, Morris and Wells. 1981. J. Clin. Microbiol. 13:714.
cation of Legionella species. 8. Winn. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
9. Weaver. 1978. In Jones and Herbert (ed.), Legionnaires: the disease, the bacterium and method-
Formula ology. DHEW, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
Directions for Preparation from Cat. No. 297881 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Section III
B BG Sulfa Agar
BG Sulfa Agar
SBG Sulfa Enrichment
Intended Use Many of these cases of Salmonella-related gastroenteritis
BG Sulfa Agar is used for isolating Salmonella. are due to improper handling of poultry products. Various
poultry products are routinely monitored for Salmonella
SBG Sulfa Enrichment is used for enriching Salmonella prior
before their distribution for human consumption, but in many
to isolation procedures.
instances, contaminated food samples elude detection.
Summary and Explanation BG (Brilliant Green) Sulfa Agar is a highly selective medium.
Salmonellosis continues to be an important public health Osborne and Stokes1 added 0.1% sodium sulfapyridine to
problem worldwide, despite efforts to control the prevalence Brilliant Green Agar to enhance the selective properties of this
of Salmonella in domesticated animals. Infection with medium for Salmonella. This formula is recommended as
non-typhi Salmonella often causes mild, self-limiting illness. a selective isolation medium for Salmonella following enrich-
The illness results from consumption of raw, undercooked or ment.2 It is also recommended for direct inoculation with
improperly processed foods contaminated with Salmonella. primary specimens for Salmonella isolation.
Identity Specifications
Difco BG Sulfa Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 5.9% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is very dark
amber, very slightly to slightly opales-
Prepared Appearance: Orange-brown to dark reddish-amber,
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 5.9%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2
Difco SBG Sulfa Enrichment
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 2.42% solution, soluble in purified
water. Solution is green, opalescent,
may have a precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Green, opalescent without significant
Reaction of 2.42%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco BG Sulfa Agar Difco SBG Sulfa Enrichment
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 Prepare the enrichment per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
2C for 18-48 hours. 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After incubation, subculture onto plates
COLOR OF of MacConkey Agar and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
faecalis 29212 103-2103 None /no change
Escherichia coli 25922 102-3102 None Pink, if any
Escherichia coli 25922 102-3102 None to Yellow-green/
to poor
poor Yellow-green
Salmonella choleraesuis
Proteus vulgaris 13315 102-3102 None /no change
subsp. choleraesuis
Salmonella choleraesuis serotype Enteritidis 13076 102-3102 Good Colorless
subsp. choleraesuis
Salmonella choleraesuis
serotype Enteritidis 13076 102-3102 Good Pink-white/
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-3102 Good Colorless
Salmonella choleraesuis
Shigella sonnei 9290 102-3102 None Colorless
subsp. choleraesuis
to fair
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-3102 Good Pink-white/
BG Sulfa Agar, cont.
For food testing, BG Sulfa Agar has been used for detection of Directions for Preparation from
Salmonella in low and high moisture foods.3,4 It has also been Dehydrated Product
used for detecting Salmonella in feeds and feed ingredients.5 This Difco BG Sulfa Agar
medium is recommended when testing foods for Salmonella 1. Suspend 59 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
following USDA guidelines.6-8
SBG (Selenite Brilliant Green) Sulfa Enrichment is prepared
Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
according to the formula described by Stokes and Osborne.9 completely dissolve the powder.
The researchers found that whole egg and egg yolk reduced 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Avoid overheating,
the selective properties of selenite brilliant green enrichment.1 which will decrease selectivity.
They also found that the addition of sulfapyridine (SBG Sulfa 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Enrichment) restored these selective properties.1 stable, typical control cultures.
SBG Sulfa Enrichment is a selective enrichment for the isola- Difco SBG Sulfa Enrichment
tion of Salmonella species, especially from egg products. The 1. Suspend 24.2 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
shell and the contents of the egg at the time of oviposition are Mix thoroughly.
generally sterile or harbor very few microorganisms. Contami- 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 5-10 minutes
nation of the shell occurs afterwards from nesting material, to completely dissolve the powder. Avoid overheating.
floor litter and avian fecal matter.10-12 DO NOT AUTOCLAVE.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure stable, typical control cultures.
In BG Sulfa Agar, peptone and yeast extract provide nitrogen,
vitamins and minerals. Lactose and sucrose are the sources Procedure
of carbohydrates in the medium. Brilliant green and sodium Refer to appropriate references for specific procedures for the
pyridine are complementary in inhibiting gram-positive bacte- isolation and cultivation of Salmonella from meat, poultry and
ria and most gram-negative bacilli other than Salmonella spp. egg products and other foods.2,7,8
Phenol red is the pH indicator that turns the medium a yellow
color with the formation of acid when lactose and/or sucrose Expected Results
is fermented. Agar is the solidifying agent. BG Sulfa Agar
The typical Salmonella colonies appear as pink-white to red
Peptone provides the nitrogen, minerals and amino acids in
opaque colonies surrounded by a brilliant red medium. The
SBG Sulfa Enrichment. Yeast extract is the vitamin source.
few lactose and/or sucrose fermenting organisms that grow
D-Mannitol is the carbon source to stimulate organism growth.
are readily differentiated due to the formation of a yellow-
The phosphates act as buffers in the enrichment. Sodium
green colony surrounded by an intense yellow-green zone.
taurocholate, sodium selenite and brilliant green are the selective
BG Sulfa Agar is not suitable for the isolation of S. typhi or
agents. The selective agents are used to inhibit gram-positive
Shigella; however, some strains of S. typhi may grow forming
organisms and enteric bacteria other than Salmonella. Sodium
red colonies.
sulfapyridine is added to increase selectivity.
SBG Sulfa Enrichment
Formulae Examine prepared media for growth. Positive tubes should be
Difco BG Sulfa Agar subcultured onto prepared media for isolation and identifica-
Approximate Formula* Per Liter tion of bacteria.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g Limitations of the Procedure
Saccharose ............................................................... 10.0 g 1. On BG Sulfa Agar colonies of Salmonella spp. vary from
Sodium Sulfapyridine ................................................. 1.0 g red to pink to white depending on length of incubation and
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g strain.13
Brilliant Green .......................................................... 12.5 mg 2. BG Sulfa Agar is normally orange-brown in color;
Phenol Red ................................................................. 0.08 g however, on incubation, it turns bright red and returns to
Difco SBG Sulfa Enrichment normal color at room temperature.13
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 3. S. typhi does not grow adequately on BG Sulfa Agar.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Peptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g Shigella spp. do not grow on BG Sulfa Agar.13
D-Mannitol ................................................................. 5.0 g 4. Do not autoclave BG Sulfa Agar longer than 15 minutes;
Sodium Taurocholate .................................................. 1.0 g longer periods decrease the selectivity of the medium.
Sodium Sulfapyridine ................................................. 0.5 g
Sodium Selenite ......................................................... 4.0 g
5. Since BG Sulfa Agar is highly selective, it is recommended
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.65 g that less selective media, such as MacConkey Agar, be used
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.02 g simultaneously.
Brilliant Green ............................................................ 5.0 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
B BG Sulfa Agar, cont.
10. Brooks and Taylor. 1955. Rep. Rd. Invest., Bd. 60, H. M. S. O. London, England.
6. SBG Sulfa Enrichment should be used in conjunction with 11. Forsythe, Ayres and Radlo. 1953. Food Technol. 7:49.
a selective prepared medium for bacterial identification. 12. Stadelman, Ikeme, Roop and Simmons. 1982. Poultry Sci. 61:388.
13. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
1. Osborn and Stokes. 1955. Appl. Microbiol. 3:295. Availability
2. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. Difco BG Sulfa Agar
3. DAoust, Maishment, Burgener, Conley, Loit, Milling and Purvis. 1980. J. Food Prot. 43:343.
4. DAoust. 1984. J. Food Prot. 47:588.
5. DAoust, Sewell and Boville. 1983. J. Food Prot. 46:851. Cat. No. 271710 Dehydrated 500 g
6. Moats. 1981. J. Food Prot. 44:375.
7. Federal Register. 1996. Fed. Regist. 61:38917. Difco SBG Sulfa Enrichment
8. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. USDA
9. Osborn and Stokes. 1955. Appl. Microbiol. 3:217. Cat. No. 271510 Dehydrated 500 g
BiGGY Agar
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
BiGGY (Bismuth Sulfite Glucose Glycine Yeast) is a selective Candida species, through a process of substrate reduction,
and differential medium used in the detection, isolation and produce sulfide and bismuth which combine to produce brown
presumptive identification of Candida species. to black pigmented colonies and zones of dark precipitate in
the medium surrounding colonies of some species. Dextrose
Summary and Explanation and yeast extract provide the nutrients in the formulation.
BiGGY Agar is based on the formulation of Nickerson.1
NOTE: A decrease in pH is normal and does not affect per-
Nickerson developed the medium in 1953 following a study
of sulfite reduction by Candida species.
Differentiation of Candida is based on growth patterns and Formula
pigmentation of isolated colonies. The bismuth sulfite acts BBL BiGGY Agar
as an inhibitory agent to suppress bacterial growth, which Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Bismuth Ammonium Citrate ....................................... 5.0 g
enables the recovery of isolated colonies of Candida. Candida Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 3.0 g
species reduce the bismuth sulfite, resulting in pigmentation Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
of colonies and, with some species, pigmentation in the Glycine ..................................................................... 10.0 g
surrounding medium. Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 16.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Identity Specifications
Dehydrated Appearance: Medium fine, homogeneous, free of
extraneous material.
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium, cream yellow, hazy to cloudy.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, cream yellow, hazy to
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2
Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 25 2C for 18-24 hours (3-5 days if necessary).
Candida albicans 10231 Good Brown to black/
Candida kefyr 8553 Good Reddish brown/
Candida tropicalis 1369 Good Brown to black, metallic
sheen/Brown to black
Escherichia coli 25922 Partial to /
complete inhibition
Bacteroides Bile Esculin
BBL Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBE)
United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221836 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 251972 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
BBL Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBE)//
CDC Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood Agar with KV
Cat. No. 297022 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
297260 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
Formulae Procedure
Difco Baird-Parker Agar Base Food samples are macerated in suitable broth medium, diluted
Approximate Formula* Per 950 mL as desired and the dilutions spread-inoculated onto the agar
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Beef Extract ................................................................ 5.0 g
surfaces, which should be dry when inoculated. Incubate plates
aerobically for 24 hours at 35 2C. Consult references for
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0
Glycine ..................................................................... 12.0
g detailed instructions.7,8
Sodium Pyruvate ...................................................... 10.0 g
Lithium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g Expected Results
Difco EY Tellurite Enrichment
Typical colonies of S. aureus are black, shiny, convex and
Egg yolk emulsion containing potassium tellurite consists of surrounded by clear zones (egg yolk reaction) of approximately
30% egg yolk suspension with 0.15% potassium tellurite. 2-5 mm. Coagulase-negative staphylococci generally do not
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. grow well; if some growth occurs, the typical clear zones are
absent. The majority of other organisms are inhibited but some
Directions for Preparation from
may grow sparsely, producing white to brown colonies with
Dehydrated Product no clearing of the egg yolk.
1. Suspend 63 g of the powder in 950 mL of purified water.
Mix thoroughly. Limitation of the Procedure
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Baird-Parker Agar is selective for coagulase-positive staphylo-
completely dissolve the powder. cocci, but other bacteria may grow. Microscopic examination
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. and biochemical tests will differentiate coagulase-positive sta-
4. Cool to 45-50C and aseptically add 50 mL of EY Tellurite phylococci from other organisms.
Enrichment. Mix thoroughly but gently.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Identity Specifications
Difco Baird-Parker Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 6.3 g/95 mL solution, soluble in puri-
fied water upon boiling. Solution is light
to medium amber, slightly opalescent.
Appearance (Final): Yellow, opalescent.
Reaction of 6.3 g/95 mL
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.1
Difco EY Tellurite Enrichment
Cultural Response
Difco Baird-Parker Agar Base with EY Tellurite
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 24-50 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 103 None to poor Brown
Proteus mirabilis 25933 103 Good Brown
aureus 25923 102 Good Black +
epidermidis 14990 102 Poor to good Black
Section III
B Baird-Parker Agar, cont.
6. Baer. 1971. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 54:732. AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF EP ISO SMD SMWW USDA USP
7. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 1. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
United States and Canada
8. United States Phamacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The na- Cat. No. 297214 Prepared Plates (complete) Pkg. of 20*
tional formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md. 297725 Prepared Plates (complete) Ctn. of 100*
Availability Cat. No. 255084 Prepared Plates (complete) Pkg. of 20*
Difco Baird-Parker Agar Base Mexico
AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF EP ISO SMD SMWW USDA USP Cat. No. 223950 Prepared Plates (complete) Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 276840 Dehydrated 500 g *Store at 2-8C.
276810 Dehydrated 2 kg
Beef Heart
the equivalent of 500 g of fresh heart tissue. Beef Heart for Principles of the Procedure
Infusion supplies the nutritional requirements for growth of Beef Heart for Infusion provides nitrogen, amino acids and
microorganisms in Heart Infusion media. vitamins in microbiological culture media.
One of the first media used for the cultivation of bacteria was
Typical Analysis
a liquid medium containing an infusion of meat. Huntoon1
Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of this
used fresh beef heart and Bacto Peptone to prepare a hormone
broth to retain growth-promoting substances. Highly patho-
genic organisms, such as meningococci and pneumococci, could
Directions for Preparation from
be grown on infusion medium without enrichments.1
Dehydrated Product
Beef Heart for Infusion is a component of Heart Infusion Infusions can be prepared using 50 g of Beef Heart for
media. Heart Infusion media are used in the mass production Infusion per liter of purified water. For best results, infuse
of microorganisms for vaccine production and are specified at 50 C for 1 hour. Heat the infusion to boiling for a few
in standard methods for other multiple applications.2-7 minutes to coagulate some of the proteins and filter. Add
peptone and remaining ingredients of the medium to the
User Quality Control filtrate. Adjust the pH to 7.5-7.8. Boil the medium and filter
before autoclaving. Consult appropriate references for further
Identity Specifications
Difco Beef Heart for Infusion
directions on preparation of specific products.
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan to medium brown, fine, homoge-
neous. Procedure
Solution: 5.0% solution, not completely soluble See appropriate references for specific procedures using Beef
in purified water. Solution, after Heart for Infusion.2-4
filtration, is light to medium amber,
clear to slightly opalescent, may have
a precipitate. Expected Results
Reaction of 5.0% Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.5-7.8
Cultural Response 1. Huntoon. 1918. J. Infect. Dis. 23:168.
2. Ruoff. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
Difco Beef Heart for Infusion 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Prepare a 5% solution of Beef Heart for Infusion. Infuse for one hour 3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
at 50 2C. Heat to boiling for 3-5 minutes and filter. Add 2% Pro- 4. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
teose Peptone No. 3, 0.5% sodium chloride and 0.005% dextrose to tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
the filtrate. Adjust pH to 7.5-7.8. Boil and filter before autoclaving. 5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational
water quality indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia coli. EPA-821/R-97/004. Office of Water,
Inoculate and incubate tubes at 35 2C for 18-48 hours. USEPA, Washington, D.C.
6. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
7. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
Klebsiella pneumoniae 13883 102-103 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Availability
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good Difco Beef Heart for Infusion
Cat. No. 213210 Dehydrated 500 g
Biosate Peptone
Intended Use digest of casein and yeast extract has been used successfully
Biosate Peptone is used as a component in microbiological as components in media which supported the hatching and
culture media or in fermentation applications. culture of Giardia spp. from cysts and the first-time culturing
of a nematode without the need of its symbiotic bacteria.3,4
Summary and Explanation
Biosate Peptone is a mixed hydrolysate comprised of casein Principles of the Procedure
and yeast extract at a ratio of 65:35. The synergistic effect of Biosate Peptone provides nitrogen, amino acids and vitamins
two or more types of hydrolysates is well documented and has in microbiological culture media. In addition, the yeast
been utilized for decades in culture media formulation. The extract component of the product provides proteins, carbohy-
combination of pancreatic digest of casein and yeast extract drates and some micronutrients.
provides nutritional benefits that are not provided by the
components alone. It has been reported that the combined use Typical Analysis
of these two peptones has shown improved toxin production Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of
in clostridia.1,2 Additionally, the combination of pancreatic this manual.
Section III
B Biosate Peptone, cont.
Precautions5 Availability
1. Biosafety Level 2 practices, containment equipment and BBL Biosate Peptone
facilities are recommended for activities with clinical Cat. No. 211862 Dehydrated 454 g
294312 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
specimens of human or animal origin containing or poten-
tially containing pathogenic Brucella spp.
2. Biosafety Level 3 practices, containment equipment and User Quality Control
facilities are recommended for all manipulations of cultures Identity Specifications
of the pathogenic Brucella spp. and for experimental BBL Biosate Peptone
animal studies. Dehydrated Appearance: Yellow-tan powder, fine, homoge-
neous, free of extraneous material.
Directions for Preparation from Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified
Dehydrated Product water. Solution is light to medium,
yellow to tan, clear to slightly hazy.
Refer to the final concentration of Biosate Peptone in the formula
Reaction of 2.0%
of the medium being prepared. Add product as required. Solution at 25C: pH 6.3-7.5
Biotin Assay Medium, cont.
Section III
B Biotin Assay Medium, cont.
Employing this medium in the routine laboratory examina- For food testing, the use of Bismuth Sulfite Agar is specified
tion of fecal and urine specimens, these same authors8 obtained for the isolation of pathogenic bacteria from raw and pasteur-
40% more positive isolations of S. typhi than were obtained ized milk, cheese products, dry dairy products, cultured milks
on Endo medium. Gunther and Tuft,9 employing various and butter.1,13-15 The use of Bismuth Sulfite Agar is also recom-
media in a comparative way for the isolation of typhoid from mended for use in testing clinical specimens.16,17 In addition,
stool and urine specimens, found Bismuth Sulfite Agar most Bismuth Sulfite Agar is valuable when investigating outbreaks B
productive. On Bismuth Sulfite Agar, they obtained 38.4% of Salmonella spp., especially S. typhi.18-20
more positives than on Endo Agar, 33% more positives than
Bismuth Sulfite Agar is used for the isolation of S. typhi and
on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, and 80% more positives than
other Salmonella from food, feces, urine, sewage and other
on the Desoxycholate media. These workers found Bismuth
infectious materials. The typhoid organism grows luxuriantly
Sulfite Agar to be superior to Wilsons original medium.
on the medium, forming characteristic black colonies, while
Bismuth Sulfite Agar was stable, sensitive and easier to
gram-positive bacteria and members of the coliform group are
prepare. Green and Beard,10 using Bismuth Sulfite Agar, claimed
inhibited. This inhibitory action of Bismuth Sulfite Agar
that this medium successfully inhibited sewage organisms. The
toward gram-positive and coliform organisms permits the use
value of Bismuth Sulfite Agar as a plating medium after
of a much larger inoculum than possible with other media
enrichment has been demonstrated by Hajna and Perry.11
employed for similar purposes in the past. The use of larger
Since these earlier references to the use of Bismuth Sulfite Agar, inocula greatly increases the possibility of recovering the
this medium has been generally accepted as routine for pathogens, especially when they are present in relatively small
the detection of most Salmonella. The value of the medium is numbers. Small numbers of organisms may be encountered in
demonstrated by the many references to the use of Bismuth the early course of the disease or in the checking of carriers
Sulfite Agar in scientific publications, laboratory manuals and and releases.
texts. Bismuth Sulfite Agar is used in microbial limit testing as
recommended by the USP. In this testing, pharmaceutical Principles of the Procedure
articles of all kinds, from raw materials to the finished forms, In Bismuth Sulfite Agar, beef extract and peptone provide
are evaluated for freedom from Salmonella spp.12 nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Dextrose is an energy source.
Identity Specifications
Difco Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige to light green, free-flowing,
Solution: 5.2% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
green, opaque with a flocculent precipi-
tate that can be dispersed by swirling
contents of flask.
Prepared Appearance: Light gray-green to medium green,
opaque with a flocculent precipitate.
Reaction of 5.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.7 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 40-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103 Marked to
complete inhibition typhimurium
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Partial inhibition Brown to green ATCC 14028
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhi 19430 102-103 Good Black with sheen
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Black or greenish-gray,
may or may not
have sheen
Section III
B Bismuth Sulfite Agar, cont.
Disodium phosphate is a buffering agent. Bismuth sulfite these heavy growth areas, this organism frequently appears as
indicator and brilliant green are complementary in inhibiting small light green colonies. This fact emphasizes the importance
gram-positive bacteria and members of the coliform group, of inoculating plates so that some areas are sparsely populated
while allowing Salmonella to grow luxuriantly. Ferrous with discrete S. typhi colonies. Other strains of Salmonella
sulfate is included for detection of H2S production. When produce black to green colonies with little or no darkening of
H2S is present, the iron in the formula is precipitated, giving the surrounding medium.
positive cultures the characteristic brown to black color with
Generally, Shigella spp. other than S. flexneri and S. sonnei are
metallic sheen. Agar is the solidifying agent.
inhibited. S. flexneri and S. sonnei strains that do grow on this
medium produce brown to green, raised colonies with depressed
Formula centers and exhibit a crater-like appearance.
Difco Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Escherichia coli is partially inhibited. Occasionally a strain will
Beef Extract ................................................................ 5.0 g be encountered that will grow as small brown or greenish
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
glistening colonies. This color is confined entirely to the colony
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 4.0 g itself and shows no metallic sheen. A few strains of Enterobacter
Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.3 g aerogenes may develop on this medium, forming raised,
Bismuth Sulfite Indicator ............................................ 8.0 g
mucoid colonies. Enterobacter colonies may exhibit a silvery
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
Brilliant Green .......................................................... 25.0 mg sheen, appreciably lighter in color than that produced by
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. S. typhi. Some members of the coliform group that produce
hydrogen sulfide may grow on the medium, giving colonies
Directions for Preparation from similar in appearance to S. typhi. These coliforms may be readily
Dehydrated Product differentiated because they produce gas from lactose in differ-
1. Suspend 52 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix ential media, for example, Kligler Iron Agar or Triple Sugar
thoroughly. Iron Agar. The hydrolysis of urea, demonstrated in Urea Broth
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to or on Urea Agar Base, may be used to identify Proteus sp.
completely dissolve the powder. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE.
3. Evenly disperse the precipitate when dispensing. Use the To isolate S. typhi for agglutination or fermentation studies,
medium the same day it is prepared. pick characteristic black colonies from Bismuth Sulfite Agar
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using and subculture them on MacConkey Agar. The purified colo-
stable, typical control cultures. nies from MacConkey Agar may then be picked to differential
tube media such as Kligler Iron Agar, Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Procedure or other satisfactory differential media for partial identifica-
For isolation of Salmonella spp. from food, samples are tion. All cultures that give reactions consistent with Salmo-
enriched and selectively enriched. Streak 10 L of selective nella spp. on these media should be confirmed biochemically
enrichment broth onto Bismuth Sulfite Agar. Incubate plates as Salmonella spp. before any serological testing is performed.
for 24-48 hours at 35C. Examine plates for the presence Agglutination tests may be performed from the fresh growth
of Salmonella spp. Refer to appropriate references for the on the differential tube media or from the growth on nutrient
complete procedure when testing food samples.1,13-15 agar slants inoculated from the differential media. The growth
on the differential tube media may also be used for inoculat-
For isolation of Salmonella spp. from clinical specimens, ing carbohydrate media for fermentation studies.
inoculate fecal specimens and rectal swabs onto a small area
of one quadrant of the Bismuth Sulfite Agar plate and streak Limitations of the Procedure
for isolation. This will permit the development of discrete 1. It is important to streak for well-isolated colonies. In heavy
colonies. Incubate plates at 35C. Examine at 24 hours and growth areas, S. typhi appears light green and may be
again at 48 hours for colonies resembling Salmonella spp. misinterpreted as negative growth for S. typhi.21
For additional information about specimen preparation 2. S. typhi and S. arizonae are the only enteric organisms to
and inoculation of clinical specimens, consult appropriate exhibit typical brown zones on the medium. Brown zones
references.16-20 are not produced by other members of the Enterobacteri-
aceae. However, S. arizonae is usually inhibited.21
Expected Results 3. Colonies on Bismuth Sulfite Agar may be contaminated with
The typical discrete S. typhi surface colony is black and other viable organisms; therefore, isolated colonies should
surrounded by a black or brownish-black zone which may be be subcultured to a less selective medium (e.g., MacConkey
several times the size of the colony. By reflected light, preferably Agar).21
daylight, this zone exhibits a distinctly characteristic metallic 4. Typical S. typhi colonies usually develop within 24 hours;
sheen. Plates heavily seeded with S. typhi may not show this however, all plates should be incubated for a total of
reaction except near the margin of the mass inoculation. In 48 hours to allow growth of all typhoid strains.21
Blood Agar Base
the microbiological examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washing-
5. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. Heating this medium for a pe- ton, D.C.
riod longer than necessary to just dissolve the ingredients 15. Andrews. 2000. In Horwitz (ed.), Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed.
AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
destroys its selectivity. 16. Washington. 1981. Laboratory procedures in clinical microbiology. Springer-Verlag, New York,
17. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
References Book, Inc. St. Louis, Mo.
1. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the exami-
nation of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
18. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
19. Cintron. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American
2. Wilson and Blair. 1926. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:310. Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Wilson and Blair. 1927. J. Hyg. 26:374. 20. Grasmick. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American
4. Wilson and Blair. 1931. J. Hyg. 31:138. Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Wilson. 1923. J. Hyg. 21:392. 21. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
6. Wilson. 1928. Br. Med. J. 1:1061. vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
7. Cope and Kasper. 1937. J. Bacteriol. 34:565.
8. Cope and Kasper. 1938. Am. J. Public Health 28:1065.
9. Gunther and Tuft. 1939. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 24:461.
10. Green and Beard. 1938. Am. J. Public Health 28:762.
11. Hajna and Perry. 1938. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 23:1185. Difco Bismuth Sulfite Agar
12. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md. AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF SMWW USP
13. Andrews, June, Sherrod, Hammack and Amaguana. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, Cat. No. 273300 Dehydrated 500 g
8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
14. Andrews, Flowers, Silliker and Bailey. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for
Expected Results
Colonial morphology on blood agar containing 5% sheep
blood is as follows:
1. Hemolytic streptococci may appear as translucent or opaque,
grayish, small (1 mm), or large matte or mucoid (2-4 mm)
colonies, encircled by a zone of hemolysis. Gram stains should
be made and examined to check the macroscopic findings.
pneumoniae (Other organisms which may cause hemolysis include
ATCC 6305
Listeria, various corynebacteria, hemolytic staphylococci,
Bordet Gengou Agar
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas.) Approximate The use of sheep blood has been suggested to obviate this
quantitation of the number of colonies of hemolytic problem since sheep blood is deficient in pyridine nucleotides
streptococci may be helpful to the clinician. and does not support growth of H. haemolyticus.5
2. Pneumococci usually appear as very flat, smooth, translu-
cent, grayish and sometimes mucoid colonies surrounded References
by a narrow zone of green (alpha) hemolysis. 1. Snavely and Brahier. 1960. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 33:511.
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
3. Staphylococci appear as opaque, white to gold-yellow national, Gaithersburg, Md.
3. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
colonies with or without zones of beta hemolysis. foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. Atlas. 1993. Handbook of microbiological media. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
4. Listeria may be distinguished by their rod shape in stains, 5. Ruoff, Whiley and Beighton. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
and by motility at room temperature. Small zones of beta 6. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld (ed.). 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
hemolysis are produced.
5. Other organisms representing minimal flora and clinically
significant isolates can also be expected to grow on this
BBL Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)
nonselective formulation.
Cat. No. 211037 Dehydrated 500 g
Limitation of the Procedure 211038 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
Colonies of Haemophilus haemolyticus are beta-hemolytic on Difco Blood Agar Base No. 2
horse and rabbit blood agar and must be distinguished from BAM ISO
colonies of beta-hemolytic streptococci using other criteria.6 Cat. No. 269620 Dehydrated 500 g
Identity Specifications
Difco Bordet Gengou Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.0% solution, soluble upon boiling in
purified water containing 1% glycerol.
Solution is light to medium amber, opal-
escent, may have a slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Plain Light to medium amber, opales-
cent, may have a precipitate.
With 15% blood Cherry red, opaque.
Reaction of 3.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Bordet Gengou Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 48-72 hours.
Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 30-300 Good
Bordetella parapertussis 15311 30-300 Good
Bordetella pertussis 8467 30-300 Good parapertussis
ATCC 15311
Section III
B Bordet Gengou Agar, cont.
Principles of the Procedure tions of the agar that contain spreading colonies or molds.
Bordet Gengou Blood Agar contains potato infusion and Colonies of B. pertussis may not be visible without the aid of a
glycerol to supply the nutrients necessary to support the growth microscope for 2-4 days. Plates may be discarded as negative
of B. pertussis. Defibrinated animal blood supplies additional after incubation for 7 days.
nutrients and enables the detection of hemolytic reactions,
which aid in the identification of B. pertussis. Expected Results
Bordetella pertussis produces small, domed, glistening
Formula colonies that resemble bisected pearls. The colonies are
Difco Bordet Gengou Agar Base usually surrounded by a zone of hemolysis; however, some
Approximate Formula* Per Liter strains of B. pertussis are not hemolytic. Gram stains, bio-
Potato, Infusion from 125 g ....................................... 4.5 g chemical tests and serological procedures should be performed
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.5 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g to confirm findings.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Limitation of the Procedure
Directions for Preparation from Some Haemophilus spp. will grow on Bordetella isolation
Dehydrated Product media and cross-react with B. pertussis antisera. It may be
1. Suspend 30 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water prudent to rule out X and V factor dependence.
containing 10 g of glycerol. Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to References
1. Hoppe. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology
completely dissolve the powder. 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. 2. Bordet and Gengou. 1906. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 20:731.
3. Kendrick and Eldering. 1934. Am. J. Public Health 24:309
4. Aseptically add 15% sterile, defibrinated blood to the
medium at 45-50C. Mix well. Availability
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Difco Bordet Gengou Agar Base
stable, typical control cultures. BS10 CMPH
Cat. No. 248200 Dehydrated 500 g
Procedure Difco Glycerol
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from speci- Cat. No. 228210 Bottle 100 g
mens. Incubate plates in an inverted position (agar side up) in 228220 Bottle 500 g
a moist chamber at 35 2C for 7 days. Examine the plates BBL Bordet Gengou Blood Agar
daily with and without a dissecting microscope (oblique illu- BS10 CMPH
mination) to detect the presence of Bordetella pertussis and Cat. No. 297876 Prepared Plates with Glycerol
and 15% Sheep Blood Pkg. of 10*
spreading colonies or molds that could mask the presence of *Store at 2-8C.
this species. Use a sterile scalpel or needle to remove the por-
Bovine Albumin 5%
Intended Use Bovine Albumin can be added to normally sterile specimens,
Bovine Albumin 5% is used to enrich media for cultivating tissues and body fluids for direct inoculation onto culture
a large variety of microorganisms and tissue cells. Bovine media used for isolating mycobacteria. BSA is also used as an
albumin is also known as bovine serum albumin or BSA.1 enrichment when contaminated specimens are digested.
Bovine Albumin 5%, modified with added sodium chloride
Summary and Explanation and dextrose, is available as Dubos Medium Albumin.
Davis and Dubos2 recommended the use of bovine albumin at
a final concentration of 0.5% in liquid media for culturing Principles of the Procedure
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this study, bovine albumin Bovine Albumin 5% is a filter sterilized solution of bovine
neutralized the toxicity of fatty acids and permitted more albumin fraction V. BSA is suggested as a culture media
luxuriant growth of M. tuberculosis. enrichment because its buffering capacity and detoxifying
Ellinghausen and McCullough3 used bovine albumin fraction effect on specimen sediment.1 Bovine Albumin 5% also
V at a final concentration of 1% in liquid, semisolid and solid increases adhesion of the specimen to solid media.1
media for culturing leptospires. Morton et al.4 demonstrated
that 1% bovine albumin stimulated growth of Mycoplasma
Brain Heart CC Agar
intracellulare 13950 102-103 Good Availability
Mycobacterium Difco Bovine Albumin 5%
tuberculosis H37Ra 25177 102-103 Good Cat. No. 266810 Prepared Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 12
Candida albicans
User Quality Control ATCC 10231
Identity Specifications
BBL Brain Heart CC Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 5.2% solution, soluble in purified wa-
ter upon boiling. Solution is light to me-
dium, yellow to tan, clear to moderately
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, clear to
moderately hazy.
Reaction of 5.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Brain Heart CC Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 25 2C under appropriate atmospheric conditions for
7 days.
Aspergillus niger 16404 Partial to complete inhibition
Candida albicans 10231 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 Partial to complete inhibition
mentagrophytes 9533 Good
Brain Heart Infusion Broths
Availability BBL Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 10% Sheep Blood,
Gentamicin and Chloramphenicol
BBL Brain Heart (Infusion) CC Agar
Section III
B Brain Heart Infusion Broths, cont.
water upon boiling. Solution is light Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
to medium amber, clear. material.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear. Solution: 3.8% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
Reaction of 3.5%
to medium, yellow to tan, clear to
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
slightly hazy.
Brain Heart Infusion Broths, cont.
Expected Results Cat. No. 211866 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Growth in the tubes is indicated by the presence of turbidity 220810 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL 1 bottle*
220811 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL Pkg. of 6*
compared to an uninoculated control. If growth appears,
*Store at 2-8C.
cultures should be examined by Gram stain and subcultured
onto appropriate media; e.g., a Trypticase Soy Agar with
5% Sheep Blood and/or Chocolate II Agar plate, EMB Agar
or MacConkey II Agar plate. If anaerobes are suspected,
subcultures should be incubated anaerobically, as in a GasPak
EZ anaerobic system.
Enterococci will grow in the 6.5% NaCl broth within 24-48
hours. Nonenterococcal group D streptococci fail to grow in
the medium after 48 hours of incubation.3
Section III
B Brain Heart Infusion Agars
BHI Agar has proven to be effective in the cultivation of Directions for Preparation from
a wide variety of microorganisms, including many types of Dehydrated Product
pathogens. BHI Agar can be used as a general medium for
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
aerobic bacteriology and for the primary recovery of fungi from
Difco Brain Heart Infusion Agar 52 g;
clinical specimens.2 Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 10% Sheep
BBL Brain Heart Infusion Agar 52 g;
Blood can be used to isolate systemic fungi that may grow
BBL Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified 53 g.
poorly on the nonenriched medium. Antimicrobial agents,
Mix thoroughly.
including chloramphenicol, gentamicin, and penicillin in
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
combination with streptomycin, can be incorporated to
completely dissolve the powder.
improve the recovery of pathogenic fungi from specimens
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
heavily contaminated with bacteria (see Selective Brain Heart
4. Before use, agitate gently to distribute the precipitate
Infusion Agars).3
uniformly throughout the medium.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure
stable, typical control cultures.
BHI Agar derives its nutrients from the brain heart infusion,
peptone and dextrose components. The peptones and infusion
are sources of organic nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, vitamins and
trace substances. Dextrose is a carbohydrate source that
Brain Heart Infusion Agars, cont.
lective medium. Incubate the plates at 25-30C in an inverted Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with
position (agar side up) with increased humidity. For isolation 5% defibrinated sheep blood (SB). Inoculate using pour plates and
of fungi causing systemic mycoses, two sets of media should incubate at 35 2C for 48 hours.
be inoculated, with one set incubated at 25-30C and a dupli- INOCULUM RECOVERY RECOVERY
cate set at 35 2C. All cultures should be examined at least
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 N/A Good
weekly for fungal growth and should be held for 4-6 weeks
before being reported as negative. aureus 25923 103-104 Good Good
BHI Agar slants primarily are used for the cultivation and Streptococcus
pyogenes 19615 103-104 Good Good
maintenance of pure cultures of microorganisms.
Section III
B Brain Heart Infusion Agars, cont.
2. Chapin and Murray. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical BS10 CMPH MCM7
microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Reisner, Woods, Thompson, Larone, Garcia and Shimizu. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover Cat. No. 297199 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, 296067 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
Washington, D.C.
BBL Brain Heart Infusion Agar with 10% Sheep Blood
Availability BS10 CMPH MCM7
United States and Canada
Difco Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Cat. No. 296125 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF MCM7 SMD SMWW USDA 221843 Prepared Plates (Deep Fill) Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 241820 Dehydrated 100 g
241830 Dehydrated 500 g Europe
241810 Dehydrated 2 kg Cat. No. 255544 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
BBL Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified
Brain Heart Infusion with PABA
Formula Procedure
Bacto Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine See appropriate references for specific procedures using Brain
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Heart Infusion.
Pork Brains, Infusion from 200 g ................................ 7.7 g
Pork Heart, Infusion from 250 g ................................. 9.8 g
Expected Results
Pork Peptone No. 2 .................................................. 10.0
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0
g Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results. B
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 2.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
1. Rosenow. 1919. J. Dent. Res. 1:205.
2. Hayden. 1923. Arch. Int. Med. 32:828.
Directions for Preparation from 3. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Dehydrated Product 4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
national, Gaithersburg, Md.
1. Suspend 37 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 5. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
thoroughly. 6. Horwitz (ed). 2000. Official methods of analysis, AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com-
pletely dissolve the powder. Availability
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Bacto Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 256120 Dehydrated 500 g
stable, typical control cultures. 256110 Dehydrated 10 kg
Section III
B Brain Heart Infusion w/PABA, cont.
tion of 0.1% agar results in a medium with improved ability 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com-
to support the growth of certain microorganisms (e.g., anaer- pletely dissolve the powder.
obes and microaerophiles). 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure stable, typical control cultures.
Unsupplemented BHI broth supports the growth of a broad
spectrum of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, due Procedure
to its content of nutritive ingredients, including brain heart With liquid specimens, tubed media should be inoculated
infusion, peptones and dextrose. Sodium chloride maintains with 1-2 drops of the specimen using a sterile pipette. Swab
osmotic equilibrium. PAB(A) neutralizes, by competitive specimens may be inserted into broth after inoculation of plated
inhibition, the effect of sulfonamides in the inoculum. The media.
inclusion of agar minimizes oxygen distribution by restricting
Liquid tubed media for anaerobic incubation should be
convection currents.
reduced prior to incubation by placing the tubes, with caps
loosened, under anaerobic conditions for 18-24 hours prior to
use. An efficient and easy way to obtain suitable anaerobic
Difco Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
conditions is through the use of BBL GasPak EZ anaerobic
Calf Brains, Infusion from 200 g ................................ 7.7 g system or an alternative anaerobic system. Alternatively,
Beef Heart, Infusion from 250 g ................................. 9.8 g liquid media may be reduced immediately prior to use by
Proteose Peptone ..................................................... 10.0 g boiling with caps loosened and cooling with tightened caps to
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g room temperature before inoculation.
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 2.5 g
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ................................................. 0.05 g Expected Results
Agar ........................................................................... 1.0 g
Examine tubes at intervals for up to 7 days for growth, which
BBL Brain Heart Infusion with PABA
is indicated by the presence of turbidity compared to an
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Brain Heart, Infusion from (solids) .............................. 6.0 g uninoculated control.
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 6.0 g
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ..................................... 14.5 g
If growth appears, cultures should be examined by Gram stain
Dextrose ..................................................................... 3.0 g and subcultured onto appropriate media; e.g., a Trypticase Soy
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g Agar with 5% Sheep Blood and/or Chocolate II Agar plate, Eosin
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 2.5 g Methylene Blue Agar, Levine, or MacConkey II Agar plates.
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ................................................. 0.05 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. If anaerobes are suspected, subcultures should be incubated
anaerobically, as in a BBL GasPak EZ anaerobic system.
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product Availability
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: Difco Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar
Difco Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar 38 g; Cat. No. 249910 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL Brain Heart Infusion with PABA 37 g (for blood BBL Brain Heart Infusion with PABA
culture work, add 0.5 to 1.0 g of agar). Cat. No. 211069 Dehydrated 500 g
220842 Prepared Tubes with 0.1% Agar, 20 mL
Mix thoroughly. (A Tubes) Pkg. of 10
Brewer Anaerobic Agar, cont.
Procedure Availability
Standard Petri Dishes 2 Difco Brewer Anaerobic Agar
Cat. No. 227920 Dehydrated 500 g
1. Inoculate a properly obtained specimen onto the medium,
and streak to obtain isolated colonies.
2. Immediately incubate anaerobically at 35 2C.
Section III
B Brilliant Green Agar
Brilliant Green Agar Modified
References Availability
1. Kristensen, Lester and Jurgens. 1925. Br. J. Exp. Pathol. 6:291.
2. Kauffmann. 1935. Z. Hyg. Infektionskr. 117:26.
Difco Brilliant Green Agar
3. Downes and Ito (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th EP SMWW USP
ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
Cat. No. 228530 Dehydrated 500 g
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
BBL Brilliant Green Agar
Cat. No. 295963 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Difco Brilliant Green Agar Modified
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 5.0 g
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 1.0 g
Monosodium Phosphate ............................................ 0.6 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
Sucrose .................................................................... 10.0 g
Phenol Red ................................................................. 0.09 g
Brilliant Green ............................................................ 4.7 mg
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
B Brilliant Green Agar Modified, cont.
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Identity Specifications
Difco Brilliant Green Bile Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light purple, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 2.06% solution, soluble in purified water B
upon boiling. Solution is bluish-purple,
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Bluish-purple, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 2.06%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Brilliant Green Bile Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate
technique and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 102-103 Good Pink
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Deep red with
bile precipitate
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis Salmonella
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Colorless to Escherichia coli enteritidis
light pink ATCC 25922 ATCC 13076
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Section III
B Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 48 hours.
aerogenes 13048 102-103 Good +
faecalis 19433 103-2103 Partial to
complete inhibition Uninoculated Escherichia coli
Tube ATCC 25922
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good +
aureus 25923 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
m Brilliant Green Broth
Escherichia coli
User Quality Control ATCC 25922
Identity Specifications
Difco m Brilliant Green Broth
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 7.6% solution, soluble in purified
water. Solution is greenish-red, slightly
Prepared Appearance: Greenish-red, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 7.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco m Brilliant Green Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the membrane
filter technique and incubate at 35 2C in a humid atmosphere for
18-24 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 20-80 Good Yellow
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Enteritidis 13076 20-80 Good Pink to red
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 20-80 Good Pink to red
ATCC 14028
Section III
B m Brilliant Green Broth, cont.
Brucella Media
Brucella Agar Brucella Agar with 5% Horse Blood
Brucella Broth
Intended Use bisulfite is a reducing agent, and sodium chloride maintains
Brucella Agar is a culture medium for the cultivation of Brucella the osmotic equilibrium. Agar is the solidifying agent in
organisms. With the addition of 5% horse blood, the medium is Brucella Agar.
used in qualitative procedures for the isolation and cultivation In BBL Brucella Agar with 5% Horse Blood plates, the horse
of nonfastidious and fastidious microorganisms from a variety blood supplies both the X and V factors which are growth
of clinical and nonclinical specimens. requirements for certain organisms; e.g., Haemophilus
Brucella Broth is used for the cultivation of Brucella species influenzae.3 Sheep and human blood are not suitable for this
and for the isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of purpose because they contain enzymes that inactivate the nico-
fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms. tinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) which is the V factor.4
Defibrinated horse blood may give hemolytic reactions differ-
Summary and Explanation ent than sheep blood.5 Some streptococci (e.g., group D) give
Brucella Agar was developed for the cultivation of Brucella hemolytic reactions on horse blood but not on sheep blood
species from diagnostic specimens, such as blood, and from and may be mistakenly reported as group A. If a hemolytic
foods and other potentially contaminated material. Brucella reaction is obtained, the organism should be tested with a
Agar with 5% Horse Blood plates are particularly useful for Taxo A bacitracin (0.04 unit) disc and it also should be
the cultivation of the more fastidious aerobic and anaerobic grouped serologically or tested by the fluorescent antibody
microorganisms,including streptococci, pneumococci, Listeria, method. 6 Beta-hemolytic streptococci and Haemophilus
Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae. haemolyticus may be differentiated by performing a Gram stain
Brucella Broth may be used for the isolation and cultivation on a smear prepared from the colony.
of a wide variety of microorganisms including nutritionally
fastidious specimens.1 This medium is recommended for Formulae
the cultivation of Brucella species and was recommended as BBL Brucella Agar
one of several media suitable for use as the liquid medium Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
component of biphasic blood culture bottles.1,2 It is also used Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g
to cultivate Campylobacter spp.3 Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.0 g
Principles of the Procedure Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Bisulfite ......................................................... 0.1 g
Brucella Agar and Brucella Broth support the growth of Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
fastidious microorganisms due to their content of peptones, BBL Brucella Broth
dextrose and yeast extract. The peptones supply organic Consists of the same ingredients without the agar.
nitrogen. The yeast extract is a potent source of the B-complex *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Precautions7 Procedure
1. Biosafety Level 2 practices, containment equipment and Agar (without or with added blood)
facilities are recommended for activities with clinical speci- Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
mens of human or animal origin containing or potentially specimens.
containing pathogenic Brucella spp.
Since many pathogens require carbon dioxide on primary
2. Biosafety Level 3 practices, containment equipment and
isolation, incubate plates at 35 2C for 24-72 hours in an
facilities are recommended for all manipulations of cultures
aerobic atmosphere supplemented with carbon dioxide.
of the pathogenic Brucella spp. and for experimental
animal studies. Broth
For liquid specimens, use a sterile inoculating loop to transfer
Directions for Preparation from a loopful to the broth medium. Swab specimens may be
Dehydrated Product inserted into the broth after the inoculation of plated media.
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: Incubate tubes for up to 7 days at 35 2C in an aerobic atmo-
BBL Brucella Agar 43 g; sphere with or without supplementation with carbon dioxide.
BBL Brucella Broth 28 g.
Mix thoroughly. For the preparation of biphasic blood culture bottles, aseptically
2. For the agar, heat with frequent agitation and boil for add sterile Brucella Broth to a blood culture bottle containing
1 minute to completely dissolve the powder. For the broth, solidified sterile Brucella Agar, with increased agar at a final
heat slightly, if necessary, to obtain solution. concentration of 2.5%. The bottles should contain 5-10% CO2
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. and be vented. Blood cultures should be incubated at 35C for
4. For preparation of blood plates, add 5 to 10% sterile up to 30 days with subcultures prepared every 4 to 5 days.1,2
defibrinated blood to sterile agar which has been cooled to
Expected Results
Agar (without or with added blood)
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
After incubation, most plates will show an area of confluent
stable, typical control cultures.
growth. Because the streaking procedure is, in effect, a
dilution technique, diminishing numbers of microorganisms
are deposited on the streaked areas. Consequently, one or more
Section III
B Brucella Media, cont.
1. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
2. Moyer, Holcomb and Hausler. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg, and Shadomy (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Chapin and Murray. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Krumweide and Kuttner. 1938. J. Exp. Med. 67:429.
5. Vera and Power. 1980. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Truant (ed.), Manual of clinical microbi-
ology, 3rd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Vera. 1971. Health Lab. Sci. 8:176.
7. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Brucella Broth with 20% Glycerol
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received gate anaerobes can be further studied using appropriate iden-
in the laboratory. Minimize exposure to air. With liquid tification methods. Consult appropriate texts for additional
specimens, media should be inoculated with one drop of the information.10,11
specimen. Tissue specimens should be minced and then ground
in sterile broth such as BBL Enriched Thioglycollate Medium References
before inoculation. Inoculation is then performed as for liquid 1.
Dowell. 1975. Am. J. Med. Technol. 41:402.
Finegold, Miller and Posnick. 1965. Ernahrungsforschung 10:517.
3. Van Winkelhoff and de Graaff. 1983. J. Clin. Microbiol. 18:1282.
specimens. Swab specimens may be rolled onto the first 4. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
quadrant of plated media and then used to inoculate liquid 5. Estevez. 1984. Lab. Med. 15:258.
6. Dowell and Hawkins. 1987. Laboratory methods in anaerobic bacteriology. CDC laboratory manual.
media. Alternately, the swab may be scrubbed in a small HHS Publication No. (CDC) 87-8272. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
7. Seip and Evans. 1980. J. Clin. Microbiol. 11:226.
volume of reduced broth and the broth used to inoculate 8. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
9. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
media as performed with liquid specimens. microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
10. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schreckenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
An enrichment broth such as BBL Enriched Thioglycollate microbiology, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
11. Jousimies-Somer, Summanen and Finegold. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken
Medium should be inoculated at the same time as the primary (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington,
isolation plates.
Incubate immediately under anaerobic conditions or place in a Availability
holding jar flushed with oxygen-free gas(es) until sufficient plates BBL Brucella Agar with 5% Sheep Blood,
are accumulated (but no longer than 3 hours).8 Incubation should Hemin and Vitamin K1
be at 35 2C for at least 48 hours and up to 7 days. Regardless BS10 CMPH MCM7
United States and Canada
of anaerobic system used, it is important to include an indicator Cat. No. 297848 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
of anaerobiosis such as a GasPak anaerobic indicator. 297716 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Expected Results Cat. No. 255509 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 20*
Examine colonies using a dissecting microscope and with a BBL Brucella Laked Sheep Blood Agar
long-wave UV lamp to detect fluorescence. Colonies of the with Kanamycin and Vancomycin
pigmenting Bacteroides group should fluoresce orange to brick- BS10 MCM7
Cat. No. 297840 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
red under long-wave UV light. Fluorescence is visible before
pigmentation. BBL Brucella 5% Sheep Blood Agar with Hemin
Section III
B Buffered Listeria Enrichment
Bushnell-Haas Broth
Bushnell-Haas Broth
Intended Use carbon source which allows for the addition of alternative
Bushnell-Haas Broth is used for studying microbial utilization hydrocarbons such as kerosene, light and heavy mineral oils,
of hydrocarbons. paraffin wax and gasoline.
Bushnell-Haas Broth was recommended for the microbiologi-
Summary and Explanation cal examination of fuels by the Society for Industrial Microbi-
Bushnell-Haas Broth (Bushnell-Haas marine salts broth), ology (SIM) Committee on Microbiological Deterioration of
prepared according to the formula described by Bushnell and Fuels.2 The medium was used to enumerate total heterotrophs
Haas1, is used to evaluate the ability of microorganisms and hydrocarbon degradation by microorganisms during
to decompose hydrocarbons. It is formulated without a bioremediation of Prince William Sound following the Exxon
Valdez oil spill.3,4
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications Principles of the Procedure
Difco Bushnell-Haas Broth
Magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride and ferric chloride
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige with pink tint, free-flowing, provide trace elements necessary for bacterial growth.
homogeneous. Potassium nitrate is a nitrogen source, while monopotassium
Solution: 0.327% solution, partially soluble phosphate and diammonium hydrogen phosphate provide
in purified water, white precipitate buffering capability.
remains. Solution, after autoclaving,
is colorless to very light amber,
clear supernatant over yellow-orange Formula
precipitate. Difco Bushnell-Haas Broth
Prepared Appearance: Colorless to very light amber, clear Approximate Formula* Per Liter
supernatant over yellow-orange Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.2 g
precipitate. Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.02 g
Reaction of 0.327% Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2 Diammonium Hydrogen Phosphate ............................ 1.0 g
Potassium Nitrate ....................................................... 1.0 g
Cultural Response Ferric Chloride ............................................................ 0.05 g
Difco Bushnell-Haas Broth *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Procedure References
1. Bushnell and Haas. 1941. J. Bacteriol. 41:653.
1. Inoculate the collected sample directly into the broth. 2. Allred, DeGray, Edwards, Hedrick, Klemme, Rogers, Wulf and Hodge. 1963. Proposed procedures
2. Overlay the broth with a sterile hydrocarbon source. for microbiological examination of fuels. SIM Special Publications, No. 1. Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Research Laboratories, Rahway, N.J.
3. Incubate aerobically at 25-30C. 3. Bragg, Roffall and McMillen. 1990. Column flow studies of bioremediation in Prince William Sound.
Exxon Production Research Co., Houston, Tex.
4. Examine tubes daily for growth for up to one week. 4. Brown and Braddock. 1990. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:3895.
CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar
Section III
C CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar, cont.
CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar CDC Anaerobe Agar with Laked Sheep Blood and KV
Clostridium perfringens Bacteroides fragilis Porphyromonas levii Bacteroides fragilis
ATCC 13124 ATCC 25285
ATCC 29147 ATCC 25285
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in the
laboratory. Minimize exposure to air. With liquid specimens,
media should be inoculated with one drop of the specimen.
Tissue specimens should be minced and then ground in sterile
broth, such as BBL Enriched Thioglycollate Medium, before
inoculation. Inoculation is then performed as for liquid speci-
mens. Swab specimens may be rolled onto the first quadrant
CDC Anaerobe 5% SB Agar, cont.
of plated media and then used to inoculate liquid media. Organisms failing to grow on the aerobic subculture plates
Alternatively, the swab may be scrubbed in a small volume may be presumed to be obligately anaerobic in terms of their
of reduced broth and the broth used to inoculate media as oxygen requirements.
performed with liquid specimens.
These media should be reduced immediately prior to inoculation 1. Dowell. 1975. In Balows (ed.), Clinical microbiology. How to start and when to stop Charles
by placing under anaerobic conditions for 18-24 hours.3 An effi- C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
2. Dowell, Lombard, Thompson and Armfield. 1977. Media for isolation, characterization, and
cient and easy way to obtain suitable anaerobic conditions is identification of obligately anaerobic bacteria. CDC laboratory manual. Center for Disease
Control, Atlanta, Ga.
through the use of BBL GasPak EZ anaerobic systems or an 3. Dowell and Hawkins. 1987. Laboratory methods in anaerobic bacteriology. CDC laboratory
manual. HHS Publication (CDC) 87-8272. Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
alternative anaerobic system.14 4. Forbes and Granato. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Plated media should be inoculated using the streak plate method
in order to obtain pure cultures from specimens containing
5. Rodloff, Applebaum and Zabransky. 1991. Cumitech 5A, Practical anaerobic bacteriology. Coord.
ed., Rodloff. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Star, Killgore and Dowell. 1971 Appl. Microbiol. 22:655.
7. Finegold, Miller, and Posnick. 1965. Ernahrungsforschung. 10:517.
mixed flora. 8. van Winkelhoff and de Graaf. 1983. J. Clin. Microbiol. 18:1282.
9. Finegold and Citron. 1980. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Truant (ed.), Manual of clinical
An enrichment broth, such as BBL Enriched Thioglycollate microbiology, 3rd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
10. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
Medium, should be inoculated at the same time as the primary 11. Wilkins, Chalgren, Jimenez-Ulate, Drake and Johnson. 1976. J. Clin. Microbiol. 3:359.
12. Estevez. 1984. Lab. Med. 15:258.
isolation plates. 13. Dowell, Hill and Altemeir. 1964. J. Bacteriol. 88:1811.
14. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
Incubate immediately under anaerobic conditions or place in a 15. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler, and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
holding jar flushed with oxygen free gas(es) until sufficient plates
are accumulated (but no longer than 3 hours).14 Incubation Availability
should be at 35 2C for at least 48 hours and up to 7 days. BBL CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Expected Results United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221733 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Examine colonies using a dissecting microscope and a longwave
221734 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
UV lamp (colonies of the pigmenting Porphyromonas-
Prevotella species should fluoresce orange to brick-red under Cat. No. 256506 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
UV light). Fluorescence is visible before pigmentation. Japan
Cat. No. 251733 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
In order to determine the relationship to oxygen of each colony 251584 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 24*
type present on anaerobic solid media, inoculate the following
BBL CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with
media:15 Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV)
1. One anaerobe blood agar plate to be incubated anaero- CMPH MCM7
bically. Cat. No. 221735 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221736 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
2. One aerobic blood agar (or chocolate agar) plate to be
incubated in an aerobic atmosphere enriched with carbon BBL CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with
Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA)
dioxide. The chocolate agar is particularly needed to BS10 CMPH MCM7
distinguish nutritionally-fastidious Haemophilus species and Cat. No. 221739 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
other bacteria which will grow on anaerobe blood agar BBL CDC Anaerobe Agar with Laked Sheep Blood
without added carbon dioxide. CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with PEA
4. Tubes of Enriched Thioglycollate Medium and/or Cooked Cat. No. 297646 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Meat Medium and a tube of Peptone Yeast Extract Glucose BBL CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with KV//
Section III
C CIN Agar Base
Prepared Appearance:
Reddish-orange, very slightly to
orange rose, clear to slightly hazy,
with up to a large amount of C
slightly opalescent. suspended insolubles.
Reaction of 5.95% Prepared Appearance: Medium to dark, tan orange to tan
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2 orange rose, clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 5.75%
Difco Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Dehydrated Appearance: Lyophilized, white, homogeneous
Cultural Response
Solution: Soluble on rehydration with 10 mL
BBL CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Selective Agar Base)
purified water. Solution is colorless,
clear. Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
25 2C for 18-24 and 42-48 hours.
Cultural Response INOCULUM COLONY
Difco Yersinia Selective Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at Escherichia coli 25922 104-105 Partial to
30 2C for 18-48 hours. complete inhibition
INOCULUM COLONY enterocolitica 9610 107 Good Bulls eye reaction
(translucent colonies
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 10 Inhibition with dark pink centers)
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Inhibition
Proteus mirabilis 12453 103 Inhibition
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 103 Inhibition
Yersinia enterocolitica 9610 102 Good Colorless
with dark pink
1. Schiemann. 1979. Can. J. Microbiol. 25:1298.
centers, may have 2. Head, Whitty and Ratnam. 1982. J. Clin. Microbiol. 16:615.
bile precipitate 3. Weissfeld and Sonnenwirth. 1982. J. Clin. Microbiol. 15:508.
4. Aleksic and Bockemuhl. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
Yersinia enterocolitica clinical microbiology. 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
ATCC 9610
Difco Yersinia Selective Agar Base
Cat. No. 218172 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Selective Agar Base)
Cat. No. 212309 Dehydrated 500 g
Difco Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN
Cat. No. 231961 Vial 6 10 mL*
BBL CIN Agar (Yersinia Selective Agar)
United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221848 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
299579 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Cat. No. 254056 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
254088 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120*
Cat. No. 251139 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 230550 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
Intended Use CLED Agar is recommended for use in plates or in urine
CLED Agar is used for the isolation, enumeration and presump- dipsticks for detecting significant bacteriuria by quantitative
tive identification of microorganisms from urine. culture of urine. For reliable results, inoculation of the
medium must occur as soon after collection as possible.
Summary and Explanation Confluent or semiconfluent growth of bacteria will occur on
In 1960, Sandys reported on the development of a new method of the surface of the dipstick medium when bacterial counts are
preventing the swarming of Proteus on solid media by restricting greater than 105 per mL of urine, as confirmed by plates inocu-
the electrolytes in the culture medium.1 Previous chemical lated by the calibrated-loop or duplicate-dilution pour-plate
methods used to inhibit swarming by Proteus included the methods.4 Once the medium has been inoculated by immersion
addition of chloral hydrate, alcohol, sodium azide, surface-active of the dipstick or by pouring the urine over the surface of the
agents, boric acid and sulfonamides to the culture medium.1 medium if only a small volume is available, the dipstick may be
held 48 hours or longer, refrigerated or at room temperature
This electrolyte-deficient medium of Sandys was modified by
until received in the laboratory. On receipt, the dipstick should
Mackey and Sandys2 for use in urine culture by substituting
be incubated at 35 2C for 18-24 hours, to allow colonies to
lactose and sucrose for the mannitol and increasing the
develop on the medium.
concentrations of the bromthymol blue indicator and of the
agar. These two investigators further modified the medium by
Principles of the Procedure
the incorporation of cystine in order to enhance the growth of
The nutrients in CLED Agar are supplied by peptones, pancreatic
cystine-dependent dwarf colony coliforms and by deletion
digests of gelatin and casein, and beef extract. Lactose is included
of sucrose.3 They designated the new medium as Cystine-
to provide an energy source for organisms capable of utilizing it
Lactose-Electrolyte-Deficient (CLED) medium and reported it
by a fermentative mechanism. The cystine permits the growth
to be ideal for dip-inoculum techniques and for urinary
of dwarf colony coliforms. Bromthymol blue is used as a pH
bacteriology in general.
Staphylococcus aureus Proteus vulgaris
User Quality Control ATCC 25923 ATCC 8427
Identity Specifications
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogenous, free of extraneous
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is medium,
yellow green to blue green, clear to
slightly hazy, with up to a large amount
of minute suspended insolubles.
Prepared Appearance: Medium, yellow green to blue green,
clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 3.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 42-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-104 Good Yellow
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good Yellow Enterococcus
faecalis Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae 33495 103-104 Good With or ATCC 29212 ATCC 25922
without green to
yellow reaction
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 103-104 Good With or without
blue reaction
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-104 Good Yellow
Proteus vulgaris 8427 103-104 Good Blue
CLED Agar, cont.
indicator to differentiate lactose fermenters from lactose Typical colonial morphology on CLED Agar is as follows:
nonfermenters. Organisms that ferment lactose will lower the Escherichia coli ............................... Yellow colonies, opaque,
pH and change the color of the medium from green to yellow. center slightly deeper yellow
Electrolyte sources are reduced in order to restrict the swarming of Klebsiella ........................................ Yellow to whitish-blue
Proteus species. colonies, extremely mucoid
Proteus .......................................... Translucent blue colonies
Bacteriuria is determined by inoculating the surface of an agar
medium using 0.1 mL of a 10-2 dilution of the urine sample or Pseudomonas aeruginosa ................ Green colonies with typical
matted surface and rough
using a calibrated loop (0.001 mL) of the undiluted sample.5 periphery
Current guidelines are that for a single isolate a density of >105 Enterococci .................................... Small yellow colonies,
CFU/mL indicates infection, <104 CFU/mL indicates urethral about 0.5 mm in diameter
or vaginal contamination, and between 104 and 105 CFU/mL Staphylococcus aureus .................... Deep yellow colonies, C
needs to be evaluated based on clinical information.6 uniform in color
Staphylococci coagulase-negative .... Pale yellow colonies, more
Formula opaque than E. faecalis
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Limitations of the Procedure
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ....................................... 4.0 g Factors that may cause urine counts from infected patients to
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 4.0 g be low include: rapid rate of urine flow, prior initiation of
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g antimicrobial therapy, a urine pH of less than 5 and a specific
L-Cystine ................................................................ 128.0 mg gravity of less than 1.003.7
Bromthymol Blue ....................................................... 0.02 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g References
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
1. Sandys. 1960. J. Med. Lab. Technol. 17:224.
2. Mackey and Sandys. 1965. Br. Med. J. 2:1286.
Directions for Preparation from 3.
Mackey and Sandys. 1966. Br. Med. J. 1:1173.
Benner. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 19:409.
Dehydrated Product 5. Barry, Smith and Turck. 1975. Cumitech 2, Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections. Coord.
ed., Gavan. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
1. Suspend 36 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 6. Clarridge, Pezzlo and Vosti. 1987. Cumitech 2A, Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections.
Coordinating ed., Weissfeld. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
thoroughly. 7. Finegold and Martin. 1982. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 6th ed. The C.V. Mosby
Company, St. Louis, Mo.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Availability
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. BBL CLED Agar
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 212218 Dehydrated 500 g
stable, typical control cultures. United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221850 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Procedure 221530 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Inoculate the medium as soon as possible after the specimen is Europe
received in the laboratory. It is recommended that quantitative Cat. No. 254003 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
methods be used for culturing urine specimens.5 Incubate at 254070 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120*
35 2C for 24-48 hours. Japan
Cat. No. 251953 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
251530 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Expected Results *Store at 2-8C.
Count the number of colonies on the plate or dipstick. Multiply
by an appropriate number to convert the count to CFU per
mL of sample.
Contaminant bacteria usually appear in low numbers which
vary in colonial morphology. Urinary pathogens will usually
yield high counts having uniform colonial morphology and should
be subcultured directly to routine media for identification and
susceptibility testing.5,7
Section III
C CTA Agar
CTA Agar
Intended Use Directions for Preparation from
CTA Agar is primarily used for carbohydrate fermentation tests Dehydrated Product
with corynebacteria and especially for differentiation of 1. Suspend 40 g of the powder in 1 L purified water. Mix
C. diphtheriae from related species. thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Summary and Explanation completely dissolve the powder.
CTA Medium, a semi-solid formulation, was developed 3. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes.
by Vera and is widely used for fermentation and motility 4. If desired, add 2 drops of sterile rabbit serum per tube prior
determinations by a wide variety of microorganisms.1 CTA to solidification in order to enhance the recovery of
Agar is the solid form of CTA Medium and, when employed C. diphtheriae.
as a plated medium and used in conjunction with BBL Taxo 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
carbohydrate discs, is useful in the speciation of Corynebac- stable, typical control cultures.
terium isolates of medical importance.2 Supplemented with
carbohydrates and prepared as slants, it is used for the differ- Procedure
entiation of Neisseria species.3 Inoculate a pure culture of the organism onto the surface of
the plated medium using a swab technique to inoculate the
Principles of the Procedure entire surface. Taxo carbohydrate discs are then applied to
CTA Agar utilizes peptone as a carbohydrate-free source of the agar surface using no more than four discs per plate.
nutrients. Inorganic salts are included in order to supply
Incubate plates for 18-48 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic
essential ions. Phenol red is an indicator of pH changes in the
medium surrounding the Taxo carbohydrates discs, which are
applied to the surface of inoculated plates.
Expected Results
Formula Typical diphtheria bacilli ferment dextrose and maltose, but
not sucrose.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Typical carbohydrate reactions for selected corynebacteria on
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g
CTA Agar plates containing Taxo carbohydrate discs are as
Agar ......................................................................... 14.0 g follows:
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.5 g CORYNEBACTERIUM SPECIES DEXTROSE MALTOSE SUCROSE
Phenol Red ............................................................... 17.0 mg C. diphtheriae + +
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. C. pseudodiphtheriticum
C. xerosis + + +
C. jeikeium + v
User Quality Control
+ = acid (yellow zone reaction)
= no acid produced
Identity Specifications v = variable reaction
Current schemes recommended for the identification of medi-
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
material. cally significant corynebacteria include carbohydrate utilization
Solution: 4.0% solution, soluble in purified as part of the testing regimen. Appropriate references should be
water upon boiling. Solution is medium, consulted for a discussion of the other tests, which enable a
orange-red to red-rose, clear to slightly definitive identification of the above-named organisms as well
as other clinically important species of corynebacteria.4,5
Prepared Appearance: Orange-red to red-rose, slightly hazy.
Reaction of 4.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
1. Vera. 1948. J. Bacteriol. 55:531.
2. Alberti, Ortali and Turia. 1965. Ann. 1st. Superiore di Sanita. 1:349.
Cultural Response 3. Morello, Janda and Doern. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
BBL CTA Agar 4. Funke and Bernard. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures 5. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours. Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
CTA Medium
Summary and Explanation For clostridia, bacilli, common micrococci, enteric bacilli and
This formulation was developed by Vera as a simple semi-solid other organisms not generally considered to be nutritionally
medium for the identification and maintenance of the fastidious, the use of Trypticase Agar Base is recommended
gonococcus and other bacteria.1 instead of this formulation.
Section III
C CTA Medium, cont.
The phenol red indicator changes from reddish-orange to 3. For fermentation tests with members of the genus Neisseria,
yellow when the amount of acid produced by carbohydrate only the surface of the tubed medium is inoculated. For
fermentation is greater than the alkaline end products of facultative organisms, such as streptococci and strictly anaero-
peptone degradation. The color change with phenol red bic organisms, inoculate by stabbing the center of the
occurs around pH 6.8, near the original pH of the medium. medium with an inoculating needle to about 1/2 the depth
of the medium.
Formulae 4. Repeat for each tube to be inoculated.
Difco Cystine Tryptic Agar 5. Incubate at 35 2C with loosened caps aerobically or
Approximate Formula* Per Liter anaerobically depending upon the organisms being tested;
Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g Neisseria should be incubated with tight caps4 especially if
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g tubes must be incubated in a CO2 incubator,5,6 or with loose
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.5 g caps in a non-CO 2 incubator.7,8 Examine periodically up
Agar ........................................................................... 2.5 g
Phenol Red ............................................................... 17.0 mg
to 24 hours for growth (turbidity), evidence of motility,
BBL CTA Medium and acid production in carbohydrate-containing medium
Approximate Formula* Per Liter (yellow color in upper layer of medium). A few strains
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g may require incubation for up to 48-72 hours.9
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g 6. Many fastidious organisms, including Neisseria, Pasteurella,
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.5 g streptococci, Brucella, corynebacteria and vibrios, may
Agar ........................................................................... 2.5 g be readily cultivated in this medium, no added carbon
Phenol Red ............................................................... 17.0 mg dioxide, serum or other enrichments being required.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
7. For more rapid growth and also for more rapid fermentation
Directions for Preparation from reactions, anaerobic cultures preferably should be incubated
Dehydrated Product in the presence of carbon dioxide as well as hydrogen or
Difco Cystine Tryptic Agar nitrogen. Some strict anaerobes fail to grow or grow poorly
1. Suspend 28.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. in the absence of carbon dioxide.
Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Expected Results
A yellow color either in the upper one-third or throughout the
completely dissolve the powder.
medium indicates acid production; i.e., fermentation of the
3. Autoclave at not over 118C for 15 minutes.
4. To prepare fermentation medium, add 5-10 g of carbohy- carbohydrate. A red (alkaline) to orange (neutral) color
drate before autoclaving or dissolve medium in 900 mL indicates that the carbohydrate has not been degraded and
water, autoclave, and aseptically add 100 mL sterile 5-10% that only the peptone has been utilized. Inoculated medium
carbohydrate solution. (without carbohydrate) also exhibits a red to orange color.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Motile organisms show growth out from the line of stab-
stable, typical control cultures. inoculation. Nonmotile organisms only grow along the stab
BBL CTA Medium
line with the surrounding agar remaining clear.
1. Suspend 28.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
Limitations of the Procedure
Add carbohydrate (0.5 to 1.0%) if desired, and adjust the
1. CTA requires a heavy inoculum.10
pH if necessary. Mix thoroughly.
2. Prolonged incubation may lead to changes in pH indicator
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute or until
or abnormal lactose/sucrose reactions with Neisseria
solution is complete.
3. Tube and autoclave at not over 118C for 15 minutes. Cool
3. Neisseria species usually produce acid only in the area of
in the upright position.
stabs (upper third). If there is a strong acid (yellow color)
4. Store at room temperature. Do not refrigerate unless in
throughout the medium, a contaminating organism may
tightly closed, screw-capped tubes.
be present. If in doubt about a tube containing a Neisseria
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
species, a Gram stain and oxidase test should be performed
stable, typical control cultures.
on the growth.10
1. Loosen caps, boil, tighten caps and cool before use. 1. Vera. 1948. J. Bacteriol. 55:531.
2. Remove fresh colony growth from the surface of a suitable 2. Vera and Petran. 1954. Bull. Nat. Assoc. Clin. Labs. 5:90.
3. Morello, Janda and Doern. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.),
culture medium; e.g., Chocolate Agar, not from a selective, Manual of clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Kellogg. 1974. In Lennette, Spaulding and Truant (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 2nd ed.
primary isolation plate.3 American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Yu and Washington. 1985. In Washington (ed.), Laboratory procedures in clinical microbiology,
2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y.
6. Morse and Knapp. 1987. In Wentworth (ed.), Diagnostic procedures for bacterial infections, 7th
ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Campylobacter Agars
7. Center for Disease Control. 1978. Laboratory methods in clinical bacteriology. CDC, Atlanta, Ga. BBL CTA Medium with Carbohydrates
8. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-
Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Cat. No. 297731 Prepared Tubes with Arabinose Pkg. of 10*
9. Finegold and Martin. 1982. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 6th ed. The C.V. Mosby 297732 Prepared Tubes with Cellobiose Pkg. of 10*
Company, St. Louis, Mo.
10. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, 221633 Prepared Tubes with Dextrose Pkg. of 10*
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md. 221634 Prepared Tubes with Dextrose Ctn. of 100*
11. Faur, Weisburd and Wilson. 1975. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1:294. 296001 Prepared Tubes with Fructose Pkg. of 10*
12. Applebaum and Lawrence. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 9:598.
221635 Prepared Tubes with Lactose Pkg. of 10*
221637 Prepared Tubes with Maltose Pkg. of 10*
Availability 221639 Prepared Tubes with Mannitol Pkg. of 10*
Difco Cystine Tryptic Agar 297101 Prepared Tubes with Raffinose Pkg. of 10*
AOAC 297102 Prepared Tubes with Rhamnose Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 252310 Dehydrated 500 g 221641 Prepared Tubes with Salicin Pkg. of 10*
221643 Prepared Tubes with Sorbitol Pkg. of 10*
BBL CTA Medium
296002 Prepared Tubes with Starch Pkg. of 10*
AOAC 221645 Prepared Tubes with Sucrose Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 211096 Dehydrated 500 g 297033 Prepared Tubes with Trehalose Pkg. of 10*
221631 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10* 221647 Prepared Tubes with Xylose Pkg. of 10*
221632 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100* *Store at 2-8C.
Campylobacter Agars
Campylobacter Agar Base Campylobacter Agar
with 5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep Blood (Blaser)
Campy CSM Agar Campy CVA Agar Skirrows
Medium Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement
Skirrow Camplyobacter Antimicrobic Supplement
Intended Use inhibition of normal fecal flora for easier detection of C. jejuni
Campylobacter Agar Base, when supplemented with blood or than the selective blood agar plate developed previously.
other additives and antimicrobial agents, is used for the primary Karmali et al., in 1986, evaluated a blood-free, charcoal-based
isolation and cultivation of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. selective medium (designated CSM) in parallel with a Skirrow-
jejuni from human fecal specimens. Several prepared selective type selective medium containing lysed horse blood. They
media formulations are provided for the same purpose. reported that the quality of Campylobacter growth on CSM
(luxuriant growth with smooth and effuse colonies) was similar
Summary and Explanation to that seen on blood-based media and was significantly more
In 1972, Dekeyser et al. reported that C. jejuni was isolated from selective than Skirrow medium.8
the feces of patients with diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis using
a filtration technique and a blood-containing selective medium Principles of the Procedure
with antimicrobics to suppress the normal enteric flora.1 These media support the growth of Campylobacter species due
Subsequently, Skirrow and other investigators reported similar to their content of peptones, yeast extract and other digests,
blood-based selective media that differed in the numbers and types extracts and components specific for the individual formula-
of antimicrobics.2-6 Bolton et al. reported that charcoal can tions provided. Campylobacter isolation relies, in addition,
effectively replace the blood in selective media for campylobacters.7 on a mediums selectivity, which depends on the antimicrobial
In 1978, Blaser et al. reported success in isolating C. jejuni agents in the medium, a microaerophilic environment and the
with a medium containing four antimicrobics incorporated into incubation temperature of 42C, which suppresses the growth
Brucella Agar supplemented with 10% defibrinated sheep of most normal bacteria.9
blood.3,4 Subsequently, cephalothin was incorporated to The antimicrobial agents required to make Skirrows and
increase its ability to inhibit the normal bacterial flora Blasers formulations are provided as Campylobacter Antimi-
associated with fecal specimens.5 crobic Supplement Skirrow and Campylobacter Antimicrobic
In 1983, Reller et al. introduced an improved selective Supplement Blaser, respectively.
medium containing cefoperazone, vancomycin and amphot- Campylobacter Agar with 5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep
ericin B (CVA) for isolation of C. jejuni.6 They reported that Blood supports the growth of Campylobacter species due to
this combination of antimicrobial agents provided better its content of peptones, dextrose, yeast extract and blood. The
Section III
C Campylobacter Agars, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Campylobacter Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions; e.g., with 10% sterile defibrinated
sheep blood and antimicrobic supplements (Skirrow or Blaser). Inoculate and
incubate at 42C under microaerophilic conditions for 40-48 hours.
jejuni subsp. jejuni 29428 102-103 Good Good
jejuni subsp. jejuni 33291 102-103 Good Good
Candida albicans 10231 103 Good Inhibition
Enterococcus faecalis 33186 103 Inhibition Inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Inhibition Inhibition
Campylobacter Agars, cont.
peptones supply nitrogenous compounds, carbon, sulfur and Directions for Preparation from
trace ingredients. Yeast extract is a source of the B-complex Dehydrated Product
vitamins. Dextrose is utilized as an energy source. Sheep blood 1. Suspend 39.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
supplies additional nutrients. The incorporation of the anti- Mix thoroughly.
microbial agents (amphotericin B, cephalothin, polymyxin B, 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
trimethoprim and vancomycin) suppresses the growth of the completely dissolve the powder.
normal microbial flora in fecal specimens, thereby facilitating 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool the medium to
isolation of C. jejuni. 45-50C.
Skirrows Medium contains, in addition to the usual nutritional 4. Aseptically add 5-7% sterile lysed horse blood or 10%
components, laked horse blood, which supplies the X factor sterile defibrinated sheep blood. Mix thoroughly.
(heme) and other growth requirements. Vancomycin inhibits 5. To prepare Skirrows medium: aseptically rehydrate one
vial of Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Skirrow
gram-positive bacteria, polymyxin B inhibits most gram-
negative bacilli except Proteus and trimethoprim is inhibitory with 5 mL of sterile purified water. Rotate in an end-
for Proteus spp. over-end motion to dissolve the contents completely. Store
the rehydrated vials at 2-8C. Use within 24 hours after
Campy CSM Agar consists of Columbia Agar Base supple-
mented with activated charcoal, hematin, sodium pyruvate and
To prepare Blasers medium: aseptically rehydrate one vial
three antimicrobial agents (cefoperazone, cycloheximide and
of Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Blaser with 5
vancomycin). The charcoal, hematin and sodium pyruvate
mL of sterile purified water. Rotate in an end-over-end mo-
improve the aerotolerance of Campylobacter species; it has
tion to dissolve the contents completely. Store the rehydrated
been suggested that these supplements act as quenching agents
vials at 2-8C. Use within 24 hours after rehydration.
of photochemically-produced toxic oxygen derivatives.8
Cefoperazone is a cephalosporin antibiotic that suppresses Aseptically add 1% of the desired antimicrobic supplement
the growth of gram-negative enteric bacilli and some gram- (10 mL of supplement to 1 L or 5 mL of supplement to
positive species. Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that 500 mL of medium base). Mix thoroughly, avoiding the for-
inhibits many species of gram-positive bacteria. Cycloheximide mation of air bubbles and dispense into sterile Petri dishes.
is an antifungal agent. 6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Campy CVA Agar consists of Brucella Agar, a general-purpose
medium that supports the growth of Campylobacter species. Procedure
Defibrinated sheep blood provides additional nutrients. Anti- Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
microbial agents are incorporated to suppress the growth of specimens. If immediate inoculation of a Campylobacter agar
normal fecal flora that could mask the presence of C. jejuni. cannot be performed, the use of a suitable holding medium
Cefoperazone is a cephalosporin antibiotic that suppresses the (e.g., Campylobacter Thioglycollate Medium with 5
growth of gram-negative enteric bacilli and some gram-positive Antimicrobics) is recommended. Incubate inoculated plates at
species. Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that inhibits 42C in an atmosphere conducive to the primary isolation and
many species of gram-positive bacteria. Amphotericin B is an cultivation of microaerophilic organisms. This atmosphere can
antifungal agent. be achieved by using one BBL CampyPak or CampyPak
Plus disposable gas generator envelope in a GasPak 100 jar,
Formulae three envelopes in a GasPak 150 jar or using the BBL
Difco Campylobacter Agar Base
CampyPouch, Bio-Bag Type Cfj or GasPak EZ Campy
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 15.0 g systems. Alternatively, the atmosphere can be achieved using
Liver Digest ................................................................ 2.5 g evacuation of GasPak vented jars and replacement with
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g cylinder gases, or by using the Fortner principle.10
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g Examine plates at 24 and 48 hours.
Difco Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement
Skirrow NOTE: If plates are to be examined after 24 hours of incubation,
Formula Per 5 mL Vial treat plates as if they were anaerobic cultures; i.e., examine plates
Vancomycin ................................................................ 5.0 mg quickly and place them back into a reduced oxygen atmosphere
Polymyxin B .......................................................... 1250.0 units immediately after examination.
Trimethoprim ............................................................. 2.5 mg
Difco Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Blaser Expected Results
Formula Per 5 mL Vial
Vancomycin ................................................................ 5.0 mg Campylobacter jejuni produces two types of colonies. One is
Polymyxin B .......................................................... 1250.0 units small, raised, grayish-brown, smooth and glistening with an
Trimethoprim ............................................................. 2.5 mg entire translucent edge. The other colony type is flat, mucoid,
Cephalothin ............................................................... 7.5 mg
Amphotericin B .......................................................... 1.0 mg translucent, grayish and has an irregular edge.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
C Campylobacter Agars, cont.
A small percentage of strains may appear tan or slightly pinkish.11 Difco Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement
Colonies tend to spread, especially when initially isolated from Skirrow
fresh clinical specimens. Cat. No. 214891 Vial 6 5 mL
1. Due to the presence of 15 mg/L of cephalothin, growth of SMWW
C. fetus subsp. fetus will be inhibited on Campylobacter Cat. No. 214890 Vial 6 5 mL
Agar with 5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep Blood; there- BBL Campylobacter Agar with 5 Antimicrobics
fore, this medium is not recommended for the isolation or and 10% Sheep Blood (Blaser)
culture of this subspecies. BS10 CMPH COMPF MCM7 SMWW
2. Since C. jejuni is thermophilic, it is important to incubate United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221727 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
the plates at 42C; otherwise, growth will be delayed. Also,
221728 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
the higher temperature improves selectivity by inhibiting
the normal flora. Cat. No. 254001 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
254069 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120*
References Japan
1. Dekeyser, Gossuin-Detrain, Butzler and Sternon. 1972. J. Infect. Dis. 125:390. Cat. No. 251727 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
2. Skirrow. 1977. Br. Med. J. 2:9.
3. Blaser, Cravens, Powers and Wang. 1978. Lancet ii:979. BBL Campy CSM Agar
4. Blaser, Berkowitz, LaForce, Cravens, Reller and Wang. 1979. Ann. Intern. Med. 91:179.
5. Wilson and Wang. October 13, 1979. Background and culture techniques for Campylobacter fetus BS10 CMPH MCM7 SMWW
subsp. jejuni. Information flier, Campylobacter Laboratory, Veterans Administration Hospital,
Denver, Co.
Cat. No. 299614 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
6. Reller, Mirrett and Reimer. 1983. Abstr. C274. Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1983.
7. Bolton and Coates. 1983. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 54:115. BBL Campy CVA Agar
8. Karmali, Simor, Roscoe, Fleming, Smith and Lane. 1986. J. Clin. Microbiol. 23:456. BS10 MCM7
9. Grasmick. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American
Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. Cat. No. 297246 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
10. Karmali and Fleming. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 10:245. 297713 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
11. Kaplan. 1980. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Truant (ed.). 1980. Manual of clinical microbi-
ology, 3rd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. BBL Skirrows Medium
Availability Cat. No. 297793 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Difco Campylobacter Agar Base *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
C Candida BCG Agar Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Candida BCG Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige to blue-green, free-flowing,
Solution: 6.6% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is blue-
green to green-blue, slightly opalescent
to opalescent, may have a precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Blue-green to green-blue, slightly opal-
escent to opalescent.
Reaction of 6.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.1 0.1
Cultural Response
Difco Candida BCG Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
30 2C for 24-72 hours.
Candida albicans 10231 102-103 Good Yellow
Candida tropicalis 9968 102-103 Good Yellow tropicalis
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Inhibition Green ATCC 3869
50-55C. Mix well. Cat. No. 296241 Prepared Plates (complete) Pkg. of 20*
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using *Store at 2-8C.
stable, typical control cultures.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
specimens. Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar
side up) at 30 2C for up to 72 hours.
Candida Isolation Agar
Candida albicans
User Quality Control ATCC 10231
Identity Specifications
Difco Candida Isolation Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.1% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium blue,
very slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Medium blue, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 4.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Candida Isolation Agar
Prepare the medium per label instructions. Inoculate and incubate
aerobically at 30 2C for 18-24 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 102-103 Good
Candida albicans 10231 102-103 Good +
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good
Section III
C Candida Isolation Agar, cont.
References Availability
1. Fung and Liang. 1988. Bull. Inf. Lab. Serv. Vet. (France) 29/30:1.
2. Goldschmidt, Fung, Grant, White and Brown. 1991. J. Clin. Microbiol. 29:1095.
Difco Candida Isolation Agar
3. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. Cat. No. 250710 Dehydrated 500 g
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Casamino Acids
Bacto Casamino Acids Bacto Casamino Acids,
Technical Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay
Acidicase Peptone
Intended Use extent. Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical is recommended for
Bacto Casamino Acids and Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical use in culture media where amino acid mixtures are required
are used in preparing microbiological culture media. for a nitrogen source and the sodium chloride content is slightly
increased. It is particularly valuable in studying the growth
Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay is used in vitamin assay
requirements of bacteria.
Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical is prepared according to the
Acidicase Peptone is used as a nutritional supplement in
method suggested by Mueller1 for use in the preparation of
vitamin assay, susceptibility testing and other laboratory
diphtheria toxin. Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical has been
media and microbial fermentation where the high salt content
used in a medium for primary isolation of gonococcus and
will not interfere.
meningococcus, in agar-free media for the isolation of Neisseria,
in a tellurite medium for the isolation of Corynebacterium and
Summary and Explanation
in the preparation of a medium for the testing of disinfectants.6-8
Bacto Casamino Acids is an acid hydrolysate of casein, prepared
according to the method described by Mueller and Miller.1 The Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay is an acid digest of casein spe-
method described reduces the sodium chloride and iron cially treated to markedly reduce or eliminate certain vitamins.
content of the hydrolyzed casein. This hydrolyzed casein, It is recommended for use in microbiological assay media and
supplemented with inorganic salts, growth factors, cystine, in studies of the growth requirements of microorganisms.
maltose and an optimum amount of iron was used by Mueller Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay is commonly used as the amino
and Miller to prepare diphtheria toxin. Bacto Casamino Acids acid source in early phases of nutrition work.9 Casamino
duplicates this specially treated hydrolyzed casein. Acids, Vitamin Assay was used as the acid hydrolyzed casein
in studies on p-aminobenzoic acid and p-teroylglutamic acid
Bacto Casamino Acids, due to the nearly complete hydrolysis
as growth factors for Lactobacillus species.10
of casein and the low sodium chloride and iron content, makes
an excellent supplement for many media formulations where Several media containing Casamino Acids are specified in
nitrogen requirements are minimal. This product has been standard methods for multiple applications.11-16
recommended as a compromise for the replacement of pure Acidicase Peptone is a hydrochloric acid hydrolysate of casein.
amino acids in a defined medium for the growth of Lactoba- The manufacturing process produces a casein hydrolysate that
cillus, thus eliminating the complexity of preparation.2 Addi- has a high salt content of approximately 37% and nitrogen
tionally, it has been successfully used, along with Tryptone content of approximately 8%. The hydrolysis of the casein, a
Peptone, in nutritional studies to determine a bacteriums milk protein rich in amino acid nitrogen, is carried out until
growth requirement for peptides or amino acids.3,4 It also works all the nitrogen is converted to amino acids or other compounds
well as a component in laboratory media. It has been utilized of relative simplicity. It is deficient in cystine, because casein
in such diverse applications as TYI-S-33 media for the para- contains little cystine, and in tryptophan, which is destroyed
site Entamoeba histolytica and LCM medium for the growth by the acid treatment.
of a nematode-bacterium complex.5
Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical is an acid hydrolysate of Principles of the Procedure
casein. The hydrolysis is carried out as in the preparation Bacto Casamino Acids, Bacto Casamino Acids, Technical,
of Bacto Casamino Acids, but the sodium chloride and iron Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay and Acidicase Peptone are acid
content of this product have not been decreased to the same hydrolyzed casein. Casein is milk protein and a rich source of
Casamino Acids, cont.
Casein Agar
(See Nocardia Differentiation Media)
Casein Digest
Intended Use Casein Digest is contained in the formulas of NZ media
Casein Digest is used in preparing microbiological culture media. (NZCYM Broth, NZYM Broth and NZM Broth), which are
used for cultivating recombinant strains of Escherichia coli.
Summary and Explanation E. coli grows rapidly in these rich media because they provide
Casein Digest, an enzymatic digest of casein similar to N-Z- amino acids, nucleotide precursors, vitamins and other
Amine A, was developed for use in molecular genetics media. metabolites that the cells would otherwise have to synthesize.1
This product is digested under conditions different from other Consult appropriate references for recommended test proce-
enzymatic digests of casein, including Tryptone and Casitone. dures using NZ media.1,2
Identity Specifications
Bacto Casitone
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, granules.
Solution: 1.0%, 2.0% and 10.0 % solutions, soluble in purified water. 1.0% solution is light amber, clear. 2.0% solution is light to
medium amber, clear, may have a slight precipitate. 10.0% solution is medium to dark amber, clear to very slightly opales-
cent, may have a precipitate.
Reaction of 1.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8-7.4
Bacto Tryptone
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 1.0%, 2.0% and 10.0% solutions, soluble in purified water. 1.0% solution is very light to light amber, clear. 2.0%
solution is light to medium amber, clear. 10.0% solution is medium to dark amber, clear to slightly opalescent,may have a
slight precipitate.
Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5-7.5
BiTek Tryptone
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Casitone, Bacto Tryptone or BiTek Tryptone
Prepare a sterile solution as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol Production 0.1% with 0.5% dextrose Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
subsp. choleraesuis serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Casitone, Bacto Tryptone or BiTek Tryptone
Prepare a sterile solution with 2.0% Bacto Casitone, Bacto Tryptone or BiTek Tryptone, 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to
7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known strain.
Section III
C Casitone, cont.
Identity Specifications
BBL Trypticase Peptone
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous material.
Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified water. Solution is clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5-7.5
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
BBL Trypticase Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 29552 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol Production 0.1% with 0.5% dextrose Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Citrobacter freundii 8454 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Growth Response
BBL Trypticase Peptone
1. Prepare a sterile solution of peptone agar without (plain) and with 5% sheep blood (SB) using 10 g Trypticase Peptone, 2.5 g sodium chloride and
6.5 g agar in 500 mL of purified water. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C for 3 days (incubate streptococci with CO2).
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 103-104 Good N/A
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good N/A
Staphylococcus aureus 6538P 103-104 Good N/A
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 103-104 Good N/A
Streptococcus agalactiae 12386 103-104 N/A Good, beta hemolysis
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 103-104 N/A Good, alpha hemolysis
Streptococcus pyogenes 49117 104-105 Good Good, beta hemolysis
2. Prepare a sterile solution of chocolate peptone agar using Trypticase Peptone. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C
for 3 days with CO2.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 19424 103-104 Good
Bacto Casitone can be used as a component in microbiological tions. It has been used successfully with commonly used
culture media or in fermentation applications. A recent publica- organisms, such as Escherichia coli,13 as well as uncommon organ-
tion has also reported that the stability of lyophilized influenza isms, such as the diatom Nitzschia laevis.14
virus vaccine was augmented by the addition of 2% Casitone.1
BiTek Tryptone is prepared similarly to Bacto Tryptone but
Trypticase Peptone is the primary nitrogen source in Trypticase the final product goes through fewer refinement steps during
Soy Broth and Agar. This product is recommended for use in processing. This product provides some of the same benefits
media formulations, where good growth of fungi and bacteria is as Bacto Tryptone in instances where a less refined hydroly-
required. Trypticase Peptone is referenced in Official Methods sate can be utilized.
of Analysis of AOAC International and meets specifications in
the USP for pancreatic digest of casein.2,3 Principles of the Procedure
Bacto Casitone, Trypticase Peptone, Bacto Tryptone and BiTek
Bacto Tryptone was developed by Difco Laboratories while
Tryptone are pancreatic digests of casein. Casein is the main
investigating a peptone particularly suitable for the elabora-
milk protein and a rich source of amino acid nitrogen.
tion of indole by bacteria. It is also notable for the absence of
detectable levels of carbohydrates. Bacto Tryptone has been
Typical Analysis
used in conjunction with casamino acids in nutritional studies
Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of this
to determine amino acids vs. peptide utilization.4,5 It is included
in standard methods applications and is listed in the reagent
section of the USP as meeting the specifications for pancre- Precautions15
atic digest of casein, a component in many of the media 1. Biosafety Level 2 practices, containment equipment and
listed.2,3,6-11 The European Pharmacopoeia also lists pancreatic facilities are recommended for activities with clinical
digest of casein as a component in many of the recommended specimens of human or animal origin containing or poten-
media.12 Bacto Tryptone also works well in fermentation applica- tially containing pathogenic Brucella spp.
Casman Agar Base
8. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
2. Biosafety Level 3 practices, containment equipment and wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
facilities are recommended for all manipulations of cultures 9. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
of the pathogenic Brucella spp. and for experimental 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational
water quality indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia coli. EPA-821/R-97/004. Office of Water,
animal studies. Washington, D.C.
11. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
Directions for Preparation from 12. Council of Europe. 2002. European pharmacopoeia, 4th ed. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.
13. Sivakesavs, Chen, Hackett, Huang, Lam, Lam, Siu, Wong and Wong. 1999. Process Biochem.
Dehydrated Product 34:893.
14. Wen and Chen. 2001. Enzyme Microbia Technol. 29:341.
Refer to the final concentration of Bacto Casitone, Trypticase 15. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
Peptone, Bacto Tryptone and BiTek Tryptone in the formula of No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
the medium being prepared. Add appropriate product as required.
Procedure Bacto Casitone
See appropriate references for specific procedures using Bacto COMPF SMD SMWW USDA
Cat. No. 225930 Dehydrated 500 g
Casitone, Trypticase Peptone, Bacto Tryptone and BiTek 225910 Dehydrated 10 kg
BBL Trypticase Peptone
Expected Results Cat. No. 211921 Dehydrated 454 g
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results. 211922 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
211923 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
References Bacto Tryptone
1. Yannarell, Goldberg and Hjorth. 2001. J. Virol. Methods (in press).
2. Horowitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC AOAC BAM COMPF EP EPA SMD SMWW USDA USP
International, Gaithersburg, Md. Cat. No. 211705 Dehydrated 500 g
3. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
211699 Dehydrated 2 kg
4. Takahashi and Yamada. 2000. J. Bacteriol. 182:4704.
5. Nagel, Oostra, Tramper and Rinzema. 1999. Process Biochem. 35: 69.
BiTek Tryptone
6. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of Cat. No. 251420 Dehydrated 10 kg
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
To improve the recovery of H. influenzae on this medium, horse Directions for Preparation from
or rabbit blood should be used instead of human blood, since Dehydrated Product
they contain less NADase.4 1. Suspend 43 g of powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Principles of the Procedure 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Casman Agar Base is a nonselective, peptone-based medium. completely dissolve the powder.
The peptones and beef extract provide amino acids and other 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
complex nitrogenous nutrients. Yeast extract is a source of 4. Cool to 45-50C and add 5% sterile blood and 0.15% blood
the B-complex vitamins. solution, made by lysing 1 part of blood with 3 parts of
Supplementing Casman Agar Base with blood supplies the water. Alternatively, add 5% partially lysed blood.
growth factors required by H. influenzae hemin, or X factor, 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), or V factor. stable, typical control cultures.
Horse and rabbit bloods are preferred by some laboratories
because they are relatively free of NADase, an enzyme that Procedure
destroys the V factor. The addition of lysed blood stimulates For a complete discussion on the isolation and identification
the growth of some strains of N. gonorrhoeae. Nicotinamide of Neisseria and Haemophilus, consult appropriate references.5,6
is incorporated into the medium to inhibit the nucleotidase of
erythrocytes that destroys the V factor. Expected Results
H. influenzae produces colorless to gray, transparent, moist
Cornstarch is incorporated to prevent fatty acids from inhibiting colonies with a characteristic mousy odor. N. gonorrhoeae
the growth of N. gonorrhoeae and to facilitate -hemolytic produces small, translucent, raised, moist, colorless to grayish-
reactions by neutralizing the inhibitory action of dextrose. A white colonies.
small amount of dextrose is added to enhance the growth of
pathogenic cocci. Gram staining, biochemical tests and serological procedures
should be performed to confirm findings.
BBL Casman Agar Base References
1. Casman. 1947. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 17:281.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 2. Casman. 1942. J. Bacteriol. 43:33.
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 11.5 g 3. Casman. 1947. J. Bacteriol. 53:561.
4. Krumweide and Kuttner. 1938. J. Exp. Med. 67:429.
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 5.0 g 5. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.5 g Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g 6. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Nicotinamide .............................................................. 0.05 g
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ................................................. 0.05 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.5 g Availability
Cornstarch ................................................................. 1.0 g BBL Casman Agar Base
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g Cat. No. 211106 Dehydrated 500 g
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Identity Specifications
Difco Cetrimide Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.53% solution with 1% glycerol,
soluble in purified water upon boiling.
Solution is light amber, opalescent, with
a precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, opalescent, with precipitate.
Reaction of 4.53%
Solution with 1%
glycerol at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 C
Cultural Response
Difco Cetrimide Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Inhibition
aeruginosa 27853 103 Good Yellow-green
to blue
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Inhibition
Section III
C Cetrimide Agar Base, cont.
6. Gilardi. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical BBL Pseudosel Agar
microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Hitchins, Tran and McCarron. 1995. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC AOAC BAM BS10 EP MCM7 USP
International, Gaithersburg, Md. United States and Canada
8. United States Pharmaceutical Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmaceutical Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md. Cat. No. 297882 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
9. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc., 221344 Tubed Slants Pkg. of 10
St. Louis, Mo.
10. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 1. AOAC
221345 Tubed Slants Ctn. of 100
International, Gaithersburg, Md. Europe
11. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md. Cat. No. 254419 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20
12. Goto and Enomoto. 1970. Jpn. J. Microbiol. 14:65.
13. Lowbury and Collins. 1955. J. Clin. Pathol. 8:47.
Mexico (Cetrimide Agar)
Cat. No. 252626 Prepared Plates (60 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 10*
257506 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Difco Cetrimide Agar Base Difco Glycerol
Cat. No. 228210 Bottle 100 g
228220 Bottle 500 g
Cat. No. 285420 Dehydrated 500 g
*Store at 2-8C.
Cultural Response
Difco Chapman Stone Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 30 2C for 18-48 hours. Add bromcresol purple indicator to determine mannitol
fermentation (yellow = positive).
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good + +
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 102-103 Good +
Charcoal Agar
Charcoal Agar
Intended Use The genus Bordetella consists primarily of four species:
Charcoal Agar is used for cultivating fastidious organisms, Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. bronchiseptica and
especially Bordetella pertussis, for vaccine production and stock B. avium; additional species have recently been described.2 All
culture maintenance. Bordetella are respiratory pathogens, residing on the mucous
membranes of the respiratory tract. B. pertussis is the major
Summary and Explanation cause of whooping cough or pertussis. B. parapertussis is
Charcoal Agar is prepared according to the method of associated with a milder form of the disease.3 B. bronchiseptica
Mishulow, Sharpe and Cohen.1 The authors found this medium is an opportunistic human pathogen associated with both
to be an efficient substitute for Bordet-Gengou Agar in the respiratory and non-respiratory infections, often occurring in
patients having close contact with animals.2 B. bronchiseptica
production of B. pertussis vaccines.
Identity Specifications
Difco Charcoal Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Gray, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 6.25% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is black, opaque
with a precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Black, opaque.
Reaction of 6.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Charcoal Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C under 5-10% CO2 for 18-72 hours.
Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 102-103 Good
Bordetella parapertussis 15237 102-103 Good
Bordetella pertussis 8467 102-103 Good
Section III
C Charcoal Agar, cont.
has not been reported to cause pertussis. There have been no 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
reports of recovery of B. avium from humans.2 4. Mix thoroughly during dispensing to uniformly distribute
the charcoal.
Charcoal Agar supplemented with Horse Blood is used for the
cultivation and isolation of Haemophilus influenzae.4 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Principles of the Procedure
Infusion from beef heart and peptone provide the nitrogen, Procedure
carbon and amino acids in Charcoal Agar. Yeast extract is a For a complete discussion on the isolation and maintenance of
vitamin source. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance. fastidious microorganisms refer to the procedures described
Agar is the solidifying agent. Soluble starch and Norit SG, char- in appropriate references.2,4,5
coal, neutralize substances toxic to Bordetella species, such as
fatty acids. Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Difco Charcoal Agar Limitation of the Procedure
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Charcoal has a tendency to settle out of the medium. Swirl the
Beef Heart, Infusion from 500 g ............................... 12.0 g
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
flask gently when dispensing to obtain a uniform charcoal
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g suspension.4
Soluble Starch .......................................................... 10.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.5 g References
Norit SG ..................................................................... 4.0 g 1. Mishulow, Sharpe and Cohen. 1953. Am. J. Public Health, 43:1466.
Agar ......................................................................... 18.0 g 2. Hoppe. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Linneman and Pery. 1977. Am. J. Dis. Child. 131:560.
4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
Directions for Preparation from vol 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
5. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Dehydrated Product Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Chocolate II Agar
Chocolate II Agar slants primarily are used for the cultivation
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neisseria meningitidis
ATCC 43069 ATCC 13090 and maintenance of pure cultures. The slants should be inocu-
lated with a pure culture.
Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin and Chocolate II Agar
with Pyridoxal
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in
the laboratory. The streak plate is used primarily to isolate
pure cultures from specimens containing mixed flora.
Alternatively, if material is being cultured directly from a swab,
roll the swab over a small area of the surface at the edge; then
streak from this inoculated area. Incubate plates at 35 2C C
for 18-24 hours in an aerobic atmosphere enriched with
5-10% carbon dioxide.
Expected Results
Chocolate II Agar
Typical colonial morphology on Chocolate II Agar is as follows:
Haemophilus influenzae ... Small (1 mm), moist, pearly with
a characteristic mousy odor
Streptococcus Haemophilus Neisseria gonorrhoeae ..... Small, grayish-white to colorless,
pneumoniae influenzae mucoid
ATCC 6305 ATCC 10211
Neisseria meningitidis ....... Medium to large, blue-gray,
Principles of the Procedure
Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin and Chocolate II Agar
Chocolate II Agar contains an improved GC Agar base (GC II with Pyridoxal
Agar Base), bovine hemoglobin and IsoVitaleX Enrichment. After a minimum of 18 hours of incubation, the plates should
GC II Agar Base contains nitrogenous nutrients in the form of show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth
casein and meat peptones, phosphate buffer to maintain pH in areas of heavy inoculation.
and corn starch, which neutralizes toxic fatty acids that may
be present in the agar. Hemoglobin provides X factor (hemin) Haemophilus may appear as small (1 mm), moist, pearly colo-
for Haemophilus species. IsoVitaleX Enrichment is a defined nies with a characteristic mousy odor.
supplement which provides V factor (nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide, NAD) for Haemophilus species and vitamins, References
1. Carpenter and Morton. 1947. Proc. N.Y. State Assoc. Public Health Labs. 27:58.
amino acids, co-enzymes, dextrose, ferric ion and other factors 2. Carpenter, Bucca, Buck, Casman, Christensen, Crowe, Drew, Hill, Lankford, Morton, Peizer, Shaw
and Thayer. 1949. Am. J. Syphil. Gonorrh. Venereal Diseases 33:164.
which improve the growth of pathogenic Neisseria. 3. Martin, Billings, Hackney and Thayer. 1967. Public Health Rep. 82:361
4. Vastine, Dawson, Hoshiwara, Yonega, Daghfous and Messadi. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 28:688.
Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin is a selective medium for the 5. Chapin and Doern. 1983. J. Clin. Microbiol. 17:1163.
6. Chapin and Murray. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
isolation of Haemophilus species from specimens containing microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Reimer and Reller. 1981. J. Clin. Microbiol. 14:329.
mixed flora. Bacitracin is a polypeptide antibiotic that inhibits 8. Garrod and OGrady. 1971. Antibiotics and chemotherapy, 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins, Balti-
more, Md.
gram-positive bacteria and Neisseria.8
Chocolate II Agar with Pyridoxal is an enriched medium that Availability
supports the growth of nutritionally variant streptococci, as BBL Chocolate II Agar (GC II Agar with Hemoglobin
well as Haemophilus and other fastidious microorganisms. and IsoVitaleX)
Pyridoxal is a vitamin B6 compound that is required for the
United States and Canada
growth of certain strains of streptococcus.7 Cat. No. 221169 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221267 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Procedure 295872 Prepared Slants (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Chocolate II Agar Japan
Cat. No. 251169 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in 251267 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
the laboratory. Place the culture in an aerobic environment 251578 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 200*
enriched with carbon dioxide. Incubate at 35 2C and BBL Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin
examine after overnight incubation and again after approxi- United States and Canada
mately 48 hours. Subcultures for identification of Cat. No. 296271 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
N. gonorrhoeae should be made within 18-24 hours. Japan
Cat. No. 256271 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Section III
C Chocolate II Agar, cont.
Cat. No. 297259 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100* with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
BBL Chocolate II Agar//Martin-Lewis Agar United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221302 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 297060 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* 221303 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
297245 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
BBL Chocolate II Agar//Modified Martin-Lewis Agar Cat. No. 251302 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 298513 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* 251303 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
298206 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
BBL Chocolate II Agar//Trypticase Soy Agar
with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)//MacConkey II Agar
Cat. No. 297140 Prepared Y Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
299580 Prepared Y Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
Chopped Meat Broth, PR II
Directions for Preparation from The concentration of choline required for the preparation
Dehydrated Product of the standard curve may be prepared by dissolving 0.5 g
1. Suspend 5.7 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. choline chloride in 1,000 mL purified water. This is the stock
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes to solution (500 g per mL). Dilute the stock solution by adding
completely dissolve the powder. 1 mL to 99 mL purified water. Use 0.0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL
3. Dispense 10 mL amounts into flasks, evenly dispersing the of this diluted solution per flask. Prepare the stock solution
precipitate. fresh daily.
4. Add standard or test samples.
5. Adjust flask volume to 20 mL with purified water. Expected Results
6. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes. 1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plot-
ting the response readings against the amount of standard
in each tube, disk or cup.
Remove 1 loop of spores from a 48-72 hour culture of 2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
N. crassa ATCC 9277 grown on Neurospora Culture Agar solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
(per liter: Proteose Peptone No. 3, 5.0 g; Yeast Extract, 5.0 g; 3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
Maltose, 40.0 g; Agar, 15.0 g; pH 6.7 0.2) and suspend it in the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
100 mL sterile saline. Add 1 drop of this spore suspension to not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
each flask of medium. Incubate at 25-30C for 3 days. At the only if two thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%.
end of the incubation period, steam the flask at 100C for
5 minutes. Remove all the mycelium from the flask using a Limitations of the Procedure
stiff wire needle or glass rod, press dry between paper towels, 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
and roll into a small pellet. Dry the pellet at 100C in a vacuum must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
oven for 2 hours. (A glazed porcelain spot plate is convenient for this purpose.
for handling the mycelium during drying and weighing.) Weigh 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay pro-
to the nearest 0.5 mg. A standard curve is then constructed cedure.
from the weights obtained, and the unknown determined by 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
interpolation. In the assay for choline, 50 mL Erlenmeyer flasks having different nutritional requirements that will not give
containing a total volume of 10 mL each are used. a satisfactory response.
4. For successful results to these procedures, all conditions of
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time the assay must be followed precisely.
an assay is run. Autoclave and incubation conditions can
influence the standard curve reading and cannot always be Reference
duplicated. The standard curve is obtained by using choline at 1. Horowitz and Beadle. 1943. J. Biol. Chem. 150:325.
Section III
C Chopped Meat Broth, PR II, cont.
Principles of the Procedure appropriate primary plating media. Prepare tissues and other
Pre-reduced medium provides an anaerobic nitrogen and solid specimens by mincing and grinding the specimen in 0.5
hydrogen atmosphere. The tubes are packaged under oxygen- to 1.0 mL sterile, reduced broth. For swab specimens, scrape
free conditions and sealed to prevent aerobiosis. the swab in sterile, reduced broth.
Meat pellets and enzymatic digest of casein provide amino acids Incubate the tubes at 35 2C for up to a week before discard-
and other nitrogenous substances to support bacterial growth. ing as negative. For suspected actinomycoses, osteomyelitis,
Yeast extract primarily provides the B-complex vitamins, and endocarditis and other serious infections, incubate the tubes
the phosphate is incorporated to maintain the pH of the for up to two weeks before discarding as negative.
medium. Carbohydrates provide energy sources. Hemin and
vitamin K1 are required by certain anaerobic species for growth Expected Results
and may improve the growth of other species.5 Examine the medium for blackening of meat particles, indi-
cating digestion. Consult references for information needed
The reducing action of the meat particles and L-cysteine binds
for chromatographic analyses and tests for indole production,
molecular oxygen. The reducing agents are required to maintain
toxin production and spore formation.2-4, 6, 7
a low Eh. Resazurin is an oxidation-reduction indicator used
to detect changes in the Eh of the medium. The medium References
remains colorless if the Eh remains low; increased oxidation 1. Hungate. 1969. Methods of microbiology. Academic Press, New York, N.Y.
2. Moore, Cato and Moore (ed.). 1987. Anaerobe laboratory manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic
causes the medium to become pink. Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
3. Reischelderfer and Mangels. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook,
vol. 1. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Procedure 4. Allen, Emery and Siders. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Before inoculating, disinfect the septum of the cap. To inoculate, 5. Gibons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
6. Summanen, Baron, Citron, Strong, Wexler and Finegold. 1993. Wadsworth anaerobic bacteriol-
insert needle through the septum and inject the specimen into the ogy manual, 5th ed. Star Publishing Co., Belmont, Calif.
7. Rodloff, Applebaum and Zabransky. 1991. Cumitech 5A, Practical anaerobic bacteriology.
medium. Withdraw the needle slowly to avoid introducing air Coordinating ed., Rodloff. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
into the tube.
Organisms for subculture should first be isolated in pure culture Availability
BBL Chopped Meat Carbohydrate Broth, PR II
on an appropriate solid medium. Prepare a suspension of the
pure culture in 0.5 to 1.0 mL of sterile, reduced broth and Cat. No. 297307 Prepared Tubes (Hungate cap) Pkg. of 10
inoculate with one or two drops.
BBL Chopped Meat Glucose Broth, PR II
For enrichment purposes, inoculate the pre-reduced medium Cat. No. 297305 Prepared Tubes (Hungate cap) Pkg. of 10
with one or two drops of the specimen after inoculating
CHROMagar Candida
Intended Use species on the isolation plate.1-3 Colonies of C. albicans
BBL CHROMagar Candida* medium is for the isolation appear light to medium green, C. tropicalis colonies appear
and differentiation of Candida albicans, C. tropicalis and dark blue to metallic-blue, and C. krusei colonies appear light
C. krusei.1 Due to the differences in morphology and colors of rose with a whitish border. Other yeasts may develop either
the yeast colonies, this medium facilitates the detection of mixed their natural color (cream) or appear light to dark mauve (e.g.,
yeast cultures in specimens.2,3 It may also be used as a selective C. glabrata and other species).
isolation medium for other yeasts and for filamentous fungi BBL CHROMagar Candida medium is a selective and
instead of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar or similar media. differential medium deveolped by A. Rambach and is sold by
*U.S. Patent Nos. 5,716,799 and 5,962,251 BD under a licensing agreement with CHROMagar, Paris,
Summary and Explanation
The usefulness of a selective and differential medium for the Principles of the Procedure
primary isolation of Candida species has long been noted. In
Specially selected peptones supply the nutrients in BBL
1953, Nickerson developed a medium following a study of
CHROMagar Candida medium. The chromogen mix consists
sulfite reduction by Candida species.4 In 1958, Pagano et al.
of artificial substrates (chromogens), which release differently
added triphenyl tetrazolium chloride to Sabouraud Dextrose
colored compounds upon degradation by specific enzymes. This
medium to differentiate C. albicans from other yeasts. 5
permits the differentiation of certain species, or the detection
With the inclusion of chromogenic substrates in the medium, of certain groups of organisms, with only a minimum of
the colonies of C. albicans, C. tropicalis and C. krusei produce confirmatory tests. Chloramphenicol inhibits most bacterial
different colors, thus allowing the direct detection of these yeast contaminants.
CHROMagar Candida, cont.
Mixed Yeast
ATCC 1231
Section III
C CHROMagar O157
CHROMagar O157
Intended Use undercooked beef; other foods have also been implicated.1-3 In
BBL CHROMagar O157* medium is designed for the selec- addition, transmission can occur person to person, as well as,
tive isolation and presumptive identification of Escherichia coli from recreational water sources. 1-3
O157 from clinical, food, veterinary and environmental sources. With the inclusion of chromogenic substrates in BBL
NOTE: Product under development at the time of printing. CHROMagar O157 medium, colonies of E. coli O157
Consult package insert for a complete description of this product. should produce a mauve color, thus allowing presumptive
*U.S. Patent No. 6,165,743 identification from the primary isolation plate.
BBL CHROMagar O157 medium is a selective and differ-
Summary and Explanation
ential medium developed by A. Rambach and is sold by BD
E. coli O157:H7 is the most frequently isolated pathogen from
under a licensing agreement with CHROMagar, Paris, France.
bloody stools. 1-3 In addition to bloody diarrhea, this serotype
can also cause hemolytic uremic syndrome and death.1-3 Trans- Principles of the Procedure
mission most often occurs through ingestion of raw or
Specially selected peptones supply the nutrients. The chromogen
Escherichia coli O157 Enterobacter mix consists of artificial substrates (chromogens), which
ATCC 43895 cloacae (blue) release an insoluble colored compound when hydrolyzed by a
ATCC 13047
specific enzyme. This permits the differentiation of E. coli O157
from other organisms. Several antimicrobial agents are incor-
porated to enhance the selectivity of this medium.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from speci-
mens. Incubate plates aerobically at 35 2C for 18-24 hours
in an inverted position (agar-side up). Minimize exposure to
light both before and during incubation.
1 Moe. 2002. In Hurst, Crawford, Knudsen, McInerney and Stetzenbach (ed.), Manual of environ-
mental microbiology, 2nd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
2. Doyle, Zhao, Meng and Zhao. 1997. In Doyle, Beuchat and Montville (ed.), Food microbiology
fundamentals and frontiers. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
3. Bopp, Brenner, Wells and Strockbine. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
BBL CHROMagar O157
Escherichia coli Cat. No. 214984 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
O157 (mauve) *Store at 2-8C.
ATCC 43895
CHROMagar Orientation
Intended Use Due to the different antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of
BBL CHROMagar Orientation* medium is a nonselective the microorganisms involved, identification to the species level
medium for the isolation, differentiation and enumeration of is necessary for effective antimicrobial therapy. The most
urinary tract pathogens. frequently isolated species or organism groups produce
*U.S. Patent Nos. 5,716,799 and 5,962,251 characteristic enzymes. Thus, it is possible to identify these
organisms to the species level with a limited number of
Summary and Explanation substrate fermentation or utilization tests.1
Escherichia coli, enterococci, the Klebsiella-Enterobacter-
Some of the organisms encountered in UTIs produce enzymes
Serratia (KES) and the Proteus-Morganella-Providencia (PMP)
either for the metabolism of lactose or glucosides or both. Other
groups are frequently encountered organisms in urinary tract
organisms produce none of these enzymes. For example, E. coli
infections (UTI). Most UTIs are caused by E. coli alone, or in
contains enzymes for lactose metabolism but is -glucosidase
combination with enterococci. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
negative. Some members of the family Enterobacteriaceae are
and Streptococcus agalactiae may be isolated from females,
-glucosidase positive but do not contain enzymes necessary
although less frequently.
CHROMagar Orientation, cont.
for lactose fermentation; others may contain both types of colony appearance on BBL CHROMagar Orientation
enzymes or none of them. -glucosidases are also found in medium is as follows:
gram-positive cocci, such as S. agalactiae and enterococci. E. coli ........................................ Dark rose to pink, transparent
Tryptophan deaminase (TDA) is an enzyme characteristically colonies, with or without
found in the Proteus-Morganella-Providencia group. halos in the surrounding
BBL CHROMagar Orientation medium was developed by KES group ................................. Medium-blue to dark blue
A. Rambach and is sold by BD under a licensing agreement PMP group ................................ Pale to beige colonies
with CHROMagar, Paris, France. surrounded by brown halos*
Enterococcus ............................. Blue-green small colonies
Principles of the Procedure S. agalactiae .............................. Blue-green to light blue,
Specially selected peptones supply the nutrients in BBL
pinpoint to small colonies,
with or without halos C
CHROMagar Orientation medium. The chromogen mix S. saprophyticus (most strains) .. Light pink to rose, small
consists of artificial substrates (chromogens) which release opaque colonies with or
without halos
differently colored compounds upon degradation by specific Other including yeasts ............... Natural (cream) pigmentation
microbial enzymes, thus assuring the differentiation of certain *About 50% of P. vulgaris strains produce blue colonies on a brownish medium.
species or the detection of certain groups of organisms, with Key: KES = Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia group;
PMP = Proteus-Morganella-Providencia group.
only a minimum of confirmatory tests.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that BBL CHROMagar
Procedure Orientation medium has advantages over other differential me-
A dilution of the specimen on the plate (by using calibrated dia used in the isolation, differentiation and enumeration of
loops or other techniques commonly used for plating urine UTI pathogens, such as CLED Agar or a combination of Blood
specimens) is required to obtain isolated colonies with typical and MacConkey Agars.2-4 BBL CHROMagar Orientation
colors and morphology. Incubate plates aerobically at medium allows the differentiation of E. coli and enterococci
35 2C for not less than 20-24 hours in an inverted position without confirmatory testing. Presumptive identification of
(agar-side up). Do not incubate in an atmosphere supplemented S. saprophyticus, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia (KES) and
with carbon dioxide. Avoid exposure to light during incuba- the Proteus-Morganella-Providencia (PMP) groups is possible
tion as light may destroy the chromogens. Once the colony by means of colony morphology, pigmentation and medium
color develops, exposure to light is permissible. discoloration.
Section III
C CHROMagar Orientation, cont.
CHROMagar Salmonella
Intended Use chromogenic substrates in the medium facilitates detection of
BBL CHROMagar Salmonella* is a selective medium for Salmonella species from other normal flora.
the isolation and differentiation of Salmonella species from BBL CHROMagar Salmonella medium was developed by
other coliform and non-coliform bacteria directly from clini- A. Rambach and is sold by BD under a licensing agreement
cal and industrial samples. with CHROMagar, Paris, France.
*U.S. Patent Nos. 5,098,832 and 5,194,374
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
specimens. Incubate plates aerobically at 35 2C in an
inverted position (agar-side up) and examine plates after
18-24 hours and 48 hours of incubation.
Expected Results
After proper incubation, read plates against a white background.
Salmonella enteritidis and other Salmonella species will ap-
pear as light mauve to mauve-colored colonies. Citrobacter
freundii and other coliforms will appear as light blue-green to
blue-green colored colonies. Some organisms that do not hy-
drolyze any of the chromogenic compounds may appear as
colorless colonies.
may not be completely inhibited and colonies may exhibit light chromogens. Keep plates within the original sleeve wrapping
mauve to mauve pigmentation. Salmonella choleraesuis and cardboard box for the entire storage period.
subspecies arizonae isolates positive for lactose and beta-
glucosidase may appear as blue-violet colonies. Slow-growing References
1. Bopp, Brenner, Wells and Strockbine. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.),
Salmonella strains may require a full 48 hours of Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
incubation. BBL CHROMagar Salmonella is not designed 2. DAoust, Mauer and Bailey. 2001. In Doyle, Beuchat and Montville (ed.), Food microbiology:
fundamentals and frontiers, 2nd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
for the isolation of intestinal pathogens other than Salmonella.
Minimize exposure of BBL CHROMagar Salmonella to light Availability
before and during incubation, as light may destroy the BBL CHROMagar Salmonella
Cat. No. 214983 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
CHROMagar Staph aureus
Intended Use With the inclusion of chromogenic substrates in the medium,
BBL CHROMagar Staph aureus* medium is designed colonies of S. aureus produce a mauve color, thus allowing
for the isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus identification on the primary isolation plate.
without the use of confirmatory testing from clinical sources. BBL CHROMagar Staph aureus medium is a selective and
BBL CHROMagar Staph aureus medium can be utilized differential medium developed by A. Rambach and is sold by
for the isolation and identification of S. aureus from food and BD under a licensing agreement with CHROMagar, Paris,
environmental sources. France.
*Patent Pending
Expected Results
After incubation, read plates against a white background.
S. aureus produces mauve to orange-mauve colored colonies
on the medium. Most gram-positive organisms, if not inhibited,
will produce white, blue, green or blue-green (aqua) colonies.
Gram-negative organisms and yeasts are partially to completely
BBL CHROMagar Staph aureus
Cat. No. 214982 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Clostrisel Agar
References Availability
1. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
BBL Clostridium difficile Selective Agar
2. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168. Cat. No. 222228 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
3. George, Rolfe and Finegold. 1982. J. Clin. Microbiol. 15:1049.
4. Baron. 1989. Clin. Microbiol. Newsl. 11:118. *Store at 2-8C.
Clostrisel Agar
Intended Use Formula
Clostrisel Agar is a highly selective medium for the isolation BBL Clostrisel Agar
of pathogenic clostridia from specimens containing mixed flora; Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
e.g., from wounds, soil, feces and other materials.
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 3.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 6.0 g
Summary and Explanation Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
Clostrisel Agar was developed by Vera to provide improved Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 1.8 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.25 g
selectively for the recovery of clostridia from clinical and Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate .............................. 1.0 g
nonclinical materials.1 Neomycin Sulfate ....................................................... 0.15 g
Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.20 g
Principles of the Procedure Agar ......................................................................... 14.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
The nutrient base for Clostrisel Agar is BBL Trypticase Soy
Broth. The reducing agents, sodium thioglycollate and sodium Directions for Preparation from
formaldehyde sulfoxylate, provide a low oxidation-reduction Dehydrated Product
potential enabling the growth of obligate anaerobes. 1. Suspend 45 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Selective inhibition of organisms, other than clostridia, is thoroughly.
achieved by the neomycin and sodium azide. These ingredients 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
are inhibitory to members of the genus Bacillus, to coliforms completely dissolve the powder.
and other enteric bacilli and to Proteus and Pseudomonas 3. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes.
species as well. Most cocci are inhibited, with the exception 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
of E. faecalis and E. faecium, which can be distinguished from stable, typical control cultures.
clostridia by Gram staining and by their colonial morphology.2
User Quality Control For best recovery in Clostrisel Agar, place molten medium in
tubes, cool to 45-50C, inoculate with the specimen, tighten
Identity Specifications caps, rotate the tubes to obtain a homogeneous suspension
BBL Clostrisel Agar and allow to solidify prior to incubation. Plates of Clostrisel
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Agar can also be used. The agar surface should be inoculated
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified water
by the streak technique.
upon boiling. Solution is pale to light, It is recommended that Clostrisel Agar be used in parallel with
yellow to tan, trace hazy to moderately
hazy. a nonselective medium such as CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood
Prepared Appearance: Pale to light, yellow to tan with a faint Agar or BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood. A
pink top, trace hazy to moderately kanamycin 30 mg disc should be placed on the area of heaviest
hazy. inoculation. The antibiotic inhibits growth of some other
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2 organisms, and anaerobes are sometimes found in pure
culture within a zone surrounding the disc.
Cultural Response
Incubate tubes or plates for 24-48 hours at 35 2 C in an
BBL Clostrisel Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate tubes with fresh
anaerobic atmosphere.
broth cultures and incubate anaerobically at 35 2C for 42-48 hours.
Expected Results
Due to the highly selective nature of Clostrisel Agar, most
Clostridium histolyticum 19401 Good
Clostridium perfringens 13124 Good
bacterial species are inhibited and primarily clostridia are
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 Good recovered; however, most strains of the butyl-butyric groups
Clostridium tetani 19406 Good fail to grow, but they are not of great medical importance.2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 Partial to Further testing of typical colonies should be conducted to
complete inhibition confirm the presence of clostridia and to speciate members of
the genus Clostridium.
Section III
C Clostrisel Agar, cont.
References Availability
1. Vera. 1962. Presented Pa. Soc. Med. Tech. York, Pa.
2. Vera. 1969. J. Am. Med. Technol. 31:62.
BBL Clostrisel Agar
Cat. No. 211114 Dehydrated 500 g
Columbia Agars
Columbia Agar Base Columbia Blood Agar Base
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH Columbia Agar with
5% Sheep Blood Columbia Agar with Fildes
Enrichment and Bacitracin
Intended Use supplementing nutrient agar with a digest of sheep blood sup-
Columbia Agar Base, without or with the addition of 5% (or 10%) plied both of these factors and the medium would support the
sheep blood, is a highly nutritious, general-purpose medium for growth of H. influenzae.2,3 The inclusion of bacitracin makes the
the isolation and cultivation of nonfastidious and fastidious enriched Columbia Agar medium selective for the isolation of
microorganisms from a variety of clinical and nonclinical Haemophilus species from clinical specimens, especially from
materials. the upper respiratory tract.4
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH (Enhanced Hemolysis) is used Principles of the Procedure
with blood in isolating and cultivating fastidious microorganisms.
Columbia Agar Base supplemented with sheep, rabbit or horse
Columbia Agar with Fildes Enrichment and Bacitracin is used blood derives its superior growth-supporting properties from
in qualitative procedures for isolation and cultivation of the combination of peptones prepared from pancreatic digest
Haemophilus species from clinical specimens. of casein, peptic digest of animal tissue and beef extract. Yeast
extract and corn starch are also included in the formulation
Summary and Explanation and serve as energy sources with yeast extract being a supplier
Ellner et al.,1 in 1966, reported the development of a blood of the B-complex vitamins.
agar formulation, which has been designated as Columbia Agar.
It should be noted that Columbia Sheep Blood Agar has a rela-
The base achieves the more rapid and luxuriant growth obtained
tively high carbohydrate content and, therefore, beta-hemolytic
from casein hydrolysate media with the sharply defined hemolytic
streptococci may produce a greenish hemolytic reaction that
reactions, more typical colonial morphology and improved
may be mistaken for alpha hemolysis.
pigment production achieved with media containing infusion
peptone. Fildes enrichment is prepared by the action of the enzyme pepsin
on defibrinated sheep blood. Bacitracin is a polypeptide anti-
The Columbia Agar Base is utilized as the base for media
biotic that is active mainly against gram-positive bacteria.
containing blood and for selective media formulations in which
various combinations of antimicrobial agents are used as Formulae
additives. Difco Columbia Blood Agar Base
Sheep blood allows detection of hemolytic reactions and supplies Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
the X factor (heme) necessary for the growth of many bacterial Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
species but lacks V factor (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
since it contains NADase which destroys the NAD. For this Beef Heart Digest ....................................................... 3.0 g
reason, Haemophilus influenzae, which requires both the X and Corn Starch ................................................................ 1.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
V factors, will not grow on this medium. Fildes found that Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Section III
C Columbia Agars, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Columbia Blood Agar Base Difco Columbia Blood Agar Base EH
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous. Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.4% solution, soluble in purified water Solution: 3.9% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium upon boiling. Solution is light to medium
amber, opalescent with fine precipitate. amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Plain Light to medium amber, slightly Prepared Appearance: Plain Light to medium amber, clear
opalescent to opalescent with fine to slightly opalescent.
precipitate. With sheep blood Medium to bright
With sheep blood Cherry red, cherry red, opaque, no hemolysis.
opaque, no hemolysis. Reaction of 3.9%
Reaction of 4.4% Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Columbia Blood Agar Base or Columbia Blood Agar Base EH
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 5% sheep blood (SB) for Columbia Blood Agar Base and with 5% sheep blood for
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C with 5-10% CO2 for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good Good Beta
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 30-300 Good Good Gamma (none)
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good Good Beta
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 30-300 Good Good Alpha
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 30-300 Good Good Beta
Streptococcus Streptococcus
pneumoniae pyogenes
ATCC 6305 ATCC 19615
Columbia Agars, cont.
Section III
C Columbia Agars, cont.
Columbia Broth
References Availability
1. Ellner, Granato and May. 1973. Appl. Microbiol. 26:904.
2. Jousimies-Somer, Summanen and Finegold. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken
BBL Columbia Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
(ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. Cat. No. 221928 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
3. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
4. Dowell. 1975. In Balows (ed.), Clinical microbiology. How to start and when to stop. Charles C.
221929 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Thomas, Springfield, Ill. *Store at 2-8C.
5. Isenberg, Schoenknecht and von Graeventiz. 1979. Cumitech 9, Collection and processing of bacte-
riological specimens. Coord. ed., Rubin. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
7. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Columbia Broth
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Columbia Broth is used for cultivating fastidious microor- Peptones and yeast extract provide nitrogen, carbon, vitamins
ganisms. and trace nutrients essential for growth. Dextrose is added
to the formula as a carbon energy source. The medium is
Summary and Explanation buffered with Tris. Corn starch is omitted to reduce opales-
Columbia Broth is prepared according to the formulation cence.1 Cysteine is the reducing agent. Magnesium and iron
described by Morello and Ellner.1 In their study Columbia are added to facilitate organism growth.
Broth, a medium developed for blood cultures, was superior
to a commonly used general purpose broth for faster growth
of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and streptococci Difco Columbia Broth
(viridans and enterococcus groups). Columbia Broth, in the Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
presence of CO2 and supplemented with SPS, is an excellent Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
blood culture medium.2 In the study by Morello and Ellner,1 Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
the addition of sodium polyanetholsulfonate (SPS) in Columbia Tryptic Digest of Beef Heart ........................................ 3.0 g
Broth was emphasized. SPS is an anticoagulant that inhibits L-Cysteine HCl .......................................................... 0.1 g
serum bactericidal activity against many bacteria, inhibits Dextrose .................................................................... 2.5 g
Sodium Chloride ....................................................... 5.0 g
phagocytosis, inactivates complement, and neutralizes Magnesium Sulfate (anhydrous) ................................ 0.1 g
lysozymes and the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics.2 Ferrous Sulfate .......................................................... 0.02 g
Sodium Carbonate ..................................................... 0.6 g
Tris (Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane ......................... 0.83 g
User Quality Control Tris (Hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane HCl ................... 2.86 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Identity Specifications
Difco Columbia Broth
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Dehydrated Product
Solution: 3.5% solution, soluble in purified
1. Suspend 35 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
water upon warming. Solution is light thoroughly.
amber, clear to very slightly opales- 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
cent, may have a slight amount of fine
completely dissolve the powder.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to very slightly opal-
3. OPTIONAL: Sodium polyanetholesulfonate (SPS) may
escent, may have a slight amount of be added at this time with agitation to ensure a uniform
fine precipitate. solution. The culture medium should contain 0.025 to
Reaction of 3.5%
0.05% SPS.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.5 0.2
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Cultural Response 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Difco Columbia Broth stable, typical control cultures.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C under appropriate conditions for 18-48 hours. Incubate Procedure
Bacteroides fragilis anaerobically. Process clinical specimens from different body sites as described
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY in Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook,2 Manual of
Bacteroides fragilis 25285 102-103 Good Clinical Microbiology3 or according to laboratory procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 102-103 Good
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 102-103 Good Expected Results
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good
Section III
C Columbia Broth, cont.
Columbia CNA Agar, cont.
Enterococcus faecalis
User Quality Control ATCC 29212
Identity Specifications
BBL Columbia CNA Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 4.25% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium, tan to
yellow, hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Tan to yellow, hazy.
Reaction of 4.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Columbia CNA Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C with 3-5% CO2 for 18-24 hours.
Proteus mirabilis 12453 104-105 Partial to
complete inhibition
aureus 25923 103-104 Good Beta
pneumoniae 6305 103-104 Good Alpha
pyogenes 19615 103-104 Good Beta, slight greening
may be present
Section III
C Cooke Rose Bengal Agar
Identity Specifications
Difco Cooke Rose Bengal Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pinkish-tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is pinkish red,
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Deep pink, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 3.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.0 0.2
Difco Antimicrobic Vial A
Cultural Response
Difco Cooke Rose Bengal Agar and Antimicrobic
Vial A
Prepare the medium with 35 g per mL chlortetracycline (Antimicrobic
Vial A added aseptically) per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
25-30C for up to 72 hours.
Candida albicans
Aspergillus niger 16404 Undiluted Good ATCC 26790
Candida albicans 26790 30-300 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Inhibition
Saccharomyces cerevisae 9763 30-300 Good
Cooked Meat Medium
Cat. No. 233331 Vial 6 x 10 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
C Cooked Meat Medium, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Cooked Meat Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 40-48 hours.
Uninoculated Clostridium sporogenes
Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 102-103 Good
Clostridium novyi 7659 102-103 Good
Clostridium perfringens 12924 102-103 Good
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 102-103 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good
Corn Meal Agar
Candida albicans
Identity Specifications ATCC 10231
BBL Corn Meal Agar
Cultural Response
BBL Corn Meal Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Test for chlamydospore production.
Using fresh cultures, streak two parallel lines approximately 1.5 cm long each
and 1.0 cm apart. Make an S-shape by lightly streaking back and forth
across the two parallel streak lines. Place a coverslip over the streak marks.
Incubate at 25 2C for 4 days and examine microscopically.
Aspergillus niger 16404 Good N/A
Candida albicans 10231 Good Present
Candida albicans 60193 Good Present
Candida kefyr 8553 Good None
Section III
C Corn Meal Agar, cont.
The addition of dextrose enhances fungal growth and pigment Test for the production of chlamydospores on medium
production.4 Corn Meal Agar with Dextrose is commonly used containing polysorbate 80 using the Dalmau plate method.6
in the differentiation of Trichophyton species based on chromo- With a sterile inoculating needle, lightly touch the yeast colony,
genesis.5 and then make two separate streaks approximately 1.5 cm long
each and 1.0 cm apart. Do not dig into the agar. Flame the
Principles of the Procedure needle, allow to cool. Then lightly make an S-shaped streak
Corn Meal Agar is a relatively simple medium, consisting back and forth across the two original streak lines. Flame a
of an infusion of corn meal and agar. The infusion product coverslip and, after it cools, place it over the central area of
contains sufficient nutrients to support the growth of fungal the stab marks to provide slightly reduced oxygen tension.3
species. The polysorbate 80 is a mixture of oleic esters which, Incubate the plates at room temperature (25 2C) for 24-48
when added to the basal medium, stimulates the production hours. If the test is negative, reincubate plates an additional
of chlamydospores.3 Dextrose is added to Corn Meal Agar to 48-72 hours and examine again.7
provide an energy source to enhance fungal growth and chromo-
genesis. Expected Results
Observe cultures for growth and morphology. After 24-48
Formula hours on medium containing polysorbate 80, most strains of
BBL Corn Meal Agar C. albicans and C. stellatoidea will have formed typical chlamy-
Approximate Formula* Per Liter dospores.3 Invert the plate and examine microscopically (low
Corn Meal Infusion from (Solids) ................................ 2.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g and high power objectives) for chlamydospore formation along
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. the edge of the coverslip.
Directions for Preparation from On Corn Meal Agar with 1% Dextrose, macroscopically
observe chromogenesis.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 17 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Limitation of the Procedure
Add 1% polysorbate 80, or 1% dextrose, if desired. Mix
Corn Meal Agar with Dextrose is not recommended for detect-
ing the production of chlamydospores by Candida species.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. References
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. 1. Pollack and Benham. 1960. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 50:313.
2. Walker and Huppert. 1960. Tech. Bull. Reg. Med. Technol. 30:10.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 3. McGinnis. 1980. Laboratory handbook of medical mycology. Academic Press, New York, N.Y.
4. Conant, Smith, Baker and Callaway. 1971. Manual of clinical mycology, 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders
stable, typical control cultures. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
5. Haley and Callaway. 1978. Laboratory methods in medical mycology. HEW Publication No.
(CDC) 78-8361. Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
Procedure 6. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
To prepare plated media from agar deeps, place the agar deeps 7. Campbell and Stewart. 1980. The medical mycology handbook. John Wiley & Sons, New York,
in a boiling water bath until the medium becomes liquefied
(clear). Pour the molten medium into a sterile Petri dish and
allow to solidify before use. Organisms to be cultivated for
BBL Corn Meal Agar
identification must first be isolated in pure culture on an Cat. No. 211132 Dehydrated 500 g
appropriate medium. 297379 Prepared Pour Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 10
Using an inoculating needle, streak the medium with growth BBL Corn Meal Agar with Polysorbate 80
from a pure culture and incubate at 25 2C. Examine at BS10
Cat. No. 221854 Prepared Plates (Deep Fill) Pkg. of 10*
intervals for up to 28 days for growth and pigmentation.
297235 Prepared Pour Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 10
Corn Meal Agar with 1% Dextrose should be incubated for up BBL Corn Meal Agar with 1% Dextrose
to 4 weeks to allow sufficient time for pigmentation to develop. Cat. No. 297229 Prepared Pour Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 10
*Store at 2-8C.
Cystine Heart Agar
Cultural Response
Difco Cystine Heart Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions without and with hemoglobin.
Incubate inoculated medium at 35 2oC aerobically for 66-72 hours.
Incubate Neisseria meningitidis under increased CO2.
Francisella tularensis
(BD 16223)* 102-103 N/A Good
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 102-103 Good Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good
pneumoniae 6303 102-103 Good Good
*Minimally, one strain of F. tularensis should be used for performance testing. F. tularensis ATCC 29684 can be
substituted for BD Diagnostic Systems strain 16223.
Section III
C Cystine Heart Agar, cont.
Precautions Procedure
Francisella tularensis is a Biosafety Level 2 pathogen that can 1. Inoculate and streak specimens as soon as possible. For a
be transmitted by aerosols or by penetration of unbroken skin.5 complete discussion on the inoculation and identification
Wearing of gowns, gloves and masks is advocated for labora- of Francisella, consult appropriate references.
tory staff handling suspected infectious material.6 2. Overgrowth by contaminating organisms can be reduced
by incorporating 100-500 units penicillin per mL into the
Directions for Preparation from medium.1
Dehydrated Product
Enriched Medium Expected Results
1. Suspend 10.2 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to References
1. Wong and Shapiro. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
completely dissolve the powder. microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
2. Francis. 1928. JAMA 91:1155.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to 50-60C. 3. Shaw. 1930. Zentr. Bakt. I. Abt. Orig. 118:216.
4. Rhamy. 1933. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 3:121.
4. Add 100 mL sterile 2% hemoglobin solution and mix well. 5. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol.1. American Society for
Use: Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Hemoglobin Solution 2%; or, Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Prepare a 2% hemoglobin solution as follows: Place 2 g
of hemoglobin powder in a dry flask. Add 100 mL of Availability
cold purified water while agitating vigorously. Continue Difco Cystine Heart Agar
intermittent agitation for 10-15 minutes until solution Cat. No. 247100 Dehydrated 500 g
is complete. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool BBL Hemoglobin, Bovine, Freeze-Dried
to 50-60C. Cat. No. 212392 Dehydrated 500 g
5. Dispense into sterile Petri dishes or tubes. BBL Hemoglobin Solution 2%
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 211874 Bottle 10 100 mL
stable, typical control cultures.
Unenriched Medium
1. Suspend 51 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Czapek-Dox Broth, cont.
Difco Czapek-Dox Broth
Cat. No. 233910 Dehydrated 500 g
1. Dissolve 35 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
Intended Use both; e.g., Proteus vulgaris, as well as typical coliforms.
DCLS Agar (Desoxycholate Citrate Lactose Sucrose Agar) is This permits the more accurate selection of members of the
a moderately selective culture medium for the isolation of genera Shigella and Salmonella, which form colorless or nearly
Salmonella and Shigella from fecal specimens. colorless colonies on DCLS Agar.
Identity Specifications
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous powder.
Solution: 5.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium to
dark, red-orange to orange-rose, clear
to slightly hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Medium to dark, red-orange to orange-
rose, clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 5.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 24 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 104-105 Good Pink to
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 103-104 Good Colorless to
pale pink
Shigella flexneri 12022 103-104 Good Colorless to
pale pink
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 104-105 None
D/E Neutralizing Agar
3. Cool the medium to approximately 45C and pour into Expected Results
plates using about 20 mL per plate. The plates may be used Typical colonial appearance on DCLS Agar is as follows:
at once or refrigerated for a few days. Escherichia coli ................. Large, flat, pink to rose red with
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using a zone of precipitated bile salts
stable, typical control cultures. Enterobacter/Klebsiella ..... Large, mucoid, pink
Proteus ............................. Colorless to red
Salmonella ....................... Colorless to pale pink
Procedure Shigella ............................ Colorless to pale pink
Inoculate and incubate plates, protected from light, at 35 Pseudomonas ................... Colorless to brown or green
2C for 18-24 hours. If negative after 24 hours, reincubate an Gram-positive bacteria ..... No growth
additional 24 hours.
A nonselective medium should also be streaked to increase 1. Leifson. 1935. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 40:581.
2. Hajna and Damon. 1956. Appl. Microbiol. 4:341.
the chance of recovery when the population of gram-negative
organisms is low and to provide an indication of other Availability
organisms present in the specimen. BBL DCLS Agar
Cat. No. 211144 Dehydrated 500 g
Cat. No. 254012 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* D
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
D D/E Neutralizing Agar, cont.
Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 25923 Summary and Explanation
Environmental contact sampling plates (RODAC plates) are
specially constructed so that the D/E Neutralizing Agar
medium can be over-filled, producing a meniscus or dome-
shaped surface that can be pressed onto a surface for sampling
its microbial burden. These plates are used in a variety of
programs to establish and monitor cleaning techniques and
schedules.2-5 After touching the surface to be sampled with the
medium, the dish is covered and incubated at an appropriate
temperature. The presence and number of microorganisms is
determined by the appearance of colonies on the surface of the
agar medium. Collection of samples from the same area
before and after cleaning and treatment with a disinfectant
permits the evaluation of the efficacy of sanitary procedures
because of the neutralizing ability of the medium.
The Hycheck hygiene contact slide is a double-sided paddle
containing two agar surfaces for immersing into fluids or
sampling surfaces. There are two slides containing D/E
Neutralizing Agar: one slide contains D/E Neutralizing Agar
on both sides; and another slide contains D/E Neutralizing
Agar along with Tryptic Soy Agar.
D/E Neutralizing Broth is used for environmental sampling
where neutralization of the chemical is important to determine
its bactericidal or bacteriostatic activity. This medium will
neutralize a broad spectrum of antiseptic and disinfectant
chemicals, including quaternary ammonium compounds,
phenolics, iodine and chlorine preparations, mercurials, form-
aldehyde and glutaraldehyde.1
and not pre-existing microorganisms in the medium that may Grid method:
have been introduced during manufacture. The plate has a marked
1. Subdivide surface (floor or wall) into 36 equal squares
grid to facilitate counting organisms.
per 100 square feet of area by striking five equidistant
Due to the high concentration of lecithin in the broth medium dividing lines from each of two adjacent sides.
(which renders the medium opaque), turbidity cannot be used 2. These dividing lines intersect at twenty-five points.
to detect growth. Therefore, bromcresol purple and dextrose 3. Number these intersections consecutively in a serpentine
are added to the medium. Those organisms that ferment configuration.
dextrose will turn the medium from purple to yellow. Growth 4. Use red numerals for odd numbers, black numerals for
of Pseudomonas species, which do not ferment dextrose, can even numbers.
be detected by the formation of a pellicle on the surface of the 5. Omit number 13 which falls in the center of the total area.
broth.1 6. Sample odd points at one sampling period, even points at
the next sampling period.
Formulae 7. For areas greater than 100 square feet, extend grid to
Difco D/E Neutralizing Agar include entire area.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 8. For areas smaller than 25 square feet, divide the areas
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
into twenty-five equal squares (sixteen intersections).
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.5
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0
g Sample eight even-numbered or odd-numbered intersec- D
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 1.0 g tions at each sampling period.
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 6.0 g
Sodium Bisulfite ......................................................... 2.5 g
9. For areas smaller than 25 and 100 square feet, divide into
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 5.0 g 36 equal squares as in #1.
Lecithin ...................................................................... 7.0 g 10. Mark plates with intersection numbers.
Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 0.02 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g Incubate exposed plates at 35-37C for 48 hours, and 25C
Difco D/E Neutralizing Broth for 7 days as required.
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Add 1 mL of disinfectant solution to one tube of D/E Neutral-
Directions for Preparation from izing Broth. Add culture as desired. Incubate tubes at 35C.
Dehydrated Product Examine for growth, indicated by a color change from purple
Difco D/E Neutralizing Agar to yellow or by pellicle formation.
1. Suspend 54 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix To determine whether viable organisms are present in a
thoroughly. bacteriostatic or bactericidal solution, inoculate samples
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to from the broth onto D/E Neutralizing Agar or Standard
completely dissolve the powder. Methods Agar plates. Incubate plates at 35-37C for 48 hours.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Expected Results
stable, typical control cultures. Agar
Difco D/E Neutralizing Broth
After incubation, count visible colonies on plated medium.
1. Dissolve 39 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix Counting of plates containing a profusion of growth can lead
thoroughly. to considerable error. A basic decision to be made is whether
2. Warm slightly to completely dissolve the powder. distinct colony margins can be observed. Spreading colonies
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. should be counted as one but care taken to observe other
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using distinct colonies intermingled in the growth around the plate
stable, typical control cultures. periphery or along a hair line. These should also be counted
as one colony, as should bi-colored colonies and halo-type
Procedure spreaders.
Agar It is generally agreed that 200 colonies is the approximate
Selected surfaces are sampled by firmly pressing the agar maximum that can be counted on these plates. Colony counts
medium against the test area. Hold the plates with thumb and may be recorded by:
second finger and use index finger to press plate bottom firmly
against surface. Pressure should be the same for every sample. 1. Simply keeping individual counts.
Do not move plate laterally; this spreads contaminants over 2. Number of viable particles per square foot (agar area of
the agar surface making resolution of colonies difficult. Slightly RODAC plates is 3.97 square inches).
curved surfaces may be sampled with a rolling motion. Areas 3. Means and standard deviations.
(walls, floors, etc.) to be assayed may be divided into sections
or grids and samples taken from specific points within the grid.
Section III
D D/E Neutralizing Agar, cont.
gamma radiation sterilization of medical devices. AAMI, Arlington, Va. Cat. No. 290411 D/E Neutralizing Agar//D/E Neutralizing Agar (20 slides)*
290391 D/E Neutralizing Agar//Tryptic Soy Agar (20 slides)*
*Store at 2-8C.
Summary and Explanation DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue contains a metachro-
The DNase test is used to detect the degradation of deoxyri- matic dye to eliminate the necessity of reagent addition to the
bonucleic acid (DNA).1,2 The test is useful for differentiating agar following incubation.6 Toluidine blue may be toxic to
Serratia from Enterobacter, Staphylococcus aureus from some gram-positive cocci and, therefore, should be used
coagulase-negative staphylococci, and Moraxella catarrhalis primarily with Enterobacteriaceae.
from Neisseria species.1
Principles of the Procedure
In 1957, Jeffries et al. described a rapid agar plate method Peptones provide amino acids and other complex nitrogenous
for demonstrating DNase activity of microorganisms.3 This substances to support bacterial growth. Sodium chloride
procedure utilized a semi-synthetic medium with nucleic acid maintains osmotic equilibrium. DNA is the substrate for DNase
solution incorporated in the medium. Enzymatic activity is activity. DNase is an extracellular enzyme that breaks the DNA
detected by flooding the plate with 1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl). down into subunits composed of nucleotides.
A clear zone surrounding growth indicates a positive reaction.
The depolymerization of the DNA may be detected by flood-
DNase Test Agar is based on a medium developed by DiSalvo ing the surface of the medium with 1 N HCl and observing for
to adapt the rapid plate method for staphylococci.4 Rather than clear zones in the medium surrounding growth. In the absence
using semi-synthetic medium, DiSalvo incorporated DNA into of DNase activity, the reagent reacts with the intact nucleic
acid, resulting in the formation of a cloudy precipitate.
DNase Test Agars, cont.
The HCl reagent is not needed to detect DNase activity on DNase complex. In the presence of nucleotides produced from the
Agar with Methyl Green. Methyl green forms a complex with DNase depolymerization, the dye takes on its metachromatic
intact (polymerized) DNA to form the green color of the color, forming pink to red zones around bacterial growth.
medium. DNase activity depolymerizes the DNA, breaking down A negative test is indicated when the medium remains blue.
the methyl green-DNA complex, which results in the formation
of colorless zones around colonies of the test organism. A Formulae
negative test is indicated by the absence of a colorless zone around Difco DNase Test Agar
the colonies. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
The HCl reagent is not needed to detect DNase activity Deoxyribonucleic Acid ................................................ 2.0 g
on DNase Agar with Toluidine Blue. Toluidine blue forms a Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
complex with intact (polymerized) DNA. In the intact DNA
complex, the toluidine blue has the normal blue color. DNase
activity depolymerizes the DNA, breaking down the dye-DNA
Section III
D DNase Test Agars, cont.
ATCC 12228
DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue BBL DNase Test Agar
Serratia marcescens
ATCC 13880 Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 5.0 g
Deoxyribonucleic Acid ................................................ 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Difco DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Deoxyribonucleic Acid ................................................ 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Methyl Green ............................................................. 0.05 g
BBL DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal ................................ 10.0 g
Deoxyribonucleic Acid ................................................ 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Toluidine Blue ............................................................. 0.1 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Procedure References
1. Washington. 1985. Laboratory procedures in clinical microbiology, 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, New
Inoculate by making a single streak line using inoculum from York, N.Y.
an agar slant or plate. One plate may be inoculated with up to 2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
eight isolates by spot inoculation (1/8 to 1/4 inch) or streak 3. Jeffries, Holtman and Guse. 1957. J. Bacteriol. 73:590.
4. DiSalvo. 1958. Med. Tech. Bull. U.S. Armed Forces Med. J. 9:191.
inoculation (a single 1- to 2-inch line). 5. Schreier. 1969. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 51:711.
6. Smith, Hancock and Rhoden. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 18:991.
Incubate at 35 2C for 24-48 hours. Plates should be
incubated in an inverted position. Incubate tubes with loosened Availability
caps. Difco DNase Test Agar
Following incubation, flood DNase Test Agar plates with 1N Cat. No. 263220 Dehydrated 500 g
HCl reagent and observe for reaction. Reagent addition is not
BBL DNase Test Agar
required with DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green or with
DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue. Cat. No. 211179 Dehydrated 500 g
Expected Results Cat. No. 255506 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
A clear area surrounding growth (band/spot inocula) on DNase Mexico
Test Agar after the addition of 1N HCl indicates a positive
reaction, DNase activity. A negative reaction is indicated by
Cat. No. 227450 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Difco DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green
no clearing and a cloudy precipitate around colonies and Cat. No. 222020 Dehydrated 500 g
throughout medium due to precipitated salts in the medium. BBL DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green
United States and Canada
A positive reaction on DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green
Cat. No. 297202 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
is a distinct clear zone surrounding growth in an otherwise
green-colored medium. The color of the medium remains Cat. No. 252573 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
unchanged if the test is negative.
BBL DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue
Intended Use The concentration of rose bengal is reduced from 50 g/mL to
DRBC Agar is used for the enumeration of yeasts and molds. 25 g/mL as found in Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar for
optimal performance with dichloran. Chloramphenicol is
Summary and Explanation included in this medium to inhibit the growth of bacteria present
DRBC (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol) Agar is based in environmental and food samples. Inhibition of growth of
on the Dichloran Rose Bengal Chlortetracycline Agar formula bacteria and restriction of spreading of more-rapidly growing
described by King, Hocking and Pitt.1 DRBC Agar conforms molds aids in the isolation of slow-growing fungi by preventing
with APHA guidelines for the mycological examination of foods, their overgrowth by more-rapidly growing species. In addition,
containing chloramphenicol rather than chlortetracycline as rose bengal is taken up by yeast and mold colonies, which
originally proposed.2 DRBC Agar is a selective medium that allows these colonies to be easily recognized and enumerated.
supports good growth of yeasts and molds. Reduced recovery of yeasts may be encountered due to increased
activity of rose bengal at pH 5.6.1 Agar is the solidifying agent.
Principles of the Procedure Formula
Peptone provides nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Dextrose
Difco DRBC Agar
is a carbohydrate source. Phosphate is a buffering agent.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Magnesium sulfate is a source of divalent cations and sulfate. Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
The antifungal agent, dichloran, is added to the medium to Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
reduce colony diameters of spreading fungi. The pH of the Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
medium is reduced from 7.2 to 5.6 for improved inhibition Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.5 g
of the spreading fungi.1 The presence of rose bengal in the Dichloran ................................................................... 2.0 mg
Rose Bengal ............................................................. 25.0 mg
medium suppresses the growth of bacteria and restricts the Chloramphenicol ........................................................ 0.1 g
size and height of colonies of the more rapidly growing molds. Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
D DRBC Agar, cont.
Aspergillus niger
User Quality Control ATCC 1015
Identity Specifications
Difco DRBC Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.16% solution, soluble in purified wa-
ter upon boiling.Solution is reddish pink,
very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Bright pink, very slightly to slightly opal-
Reaction of 3.16%
Solution at 25C: pH 5.6 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco DRBC Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
25 2C for up to 5 days. For A. niger, spot inoculate.
Aspergillus niger 1015 Undiluted Good
Candida albicans 10231 102-103 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 103 None to poor
Micrococcus luteus 10240 103 None to poor
Decarboxylase Differential Media
Section III
D Decarboxylase Differential, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Decarboxylase Base Moeller
Dehydrated Appearance: Light to medium tan, free-flowing,
Solution: 1.05% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is yellow-
ish-red, slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Yellowish-red, very slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 1.05%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.0 0.2
Difco Decarboxylase Medium Base
Cultural Response
Difco Decarboxylase Base Moeller
Prepare the medium per label directions with and without 1% L-lysine
HCl. Inoculate tubes, overlaying with sterile mineral oil, and incubate at
35 2C for 18-48 hours. Purple color indicates a positive decarboxylase
reaction; a yellow color is negative.
ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY LYSINE LYSINE Uninoculated Salmonella Proteus vulgaris
Tube typhimurium ATCC 13315
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Good Yellow Purple ATCC 14028
Shigella flexneri 12022 103 Good Yellow Yellow Decarboxylase Medium Base
Decarboxylase Differential, cont.
the test is invalid; i.e., either improperly performed or the test reaction (yellow color of medium) in 24 hours when
organisms can degrade the peptone sufficiently to produce an Decarboxylase Medium Base is used.4
alkaline reaction in the absence of a specific amino acid.
The medium becomes purple to violet if the reaction is posi- 1. Moeller. 1954. Acta. Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. 34:102.
tive (alkaline). A yellow color indicates a negative test; i.e., the 2.
Moeller. 1954. Acta. Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. 34:259.
Moeller. 1955. Acta. Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. 36:158.
organism does not produce the appropriate enzyme. 4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. I. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
5. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
Limitations of the Procedure St. Louis, Mo.
6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
1. If isolated or received on a selective medium, the organism 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Mutters. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
should be subcultured to Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
8. Kiska and Gilligan. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
Sheep Blood or other suitable culture medium before attempt- microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
9. Falkow. 1958. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 29:598.
ing to determine decarboxylase or dihydrolase activity. 10. Ewing, Davis and Edwards. 1960. Publ. Health Lab. 18:77.
11. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-
2. Biochemical characteristics of the Enterobacteriaceae serve Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
to confirm presumptive identification based on cultural, 12. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
morphological, and/or serological findings. Therefore, 13. Harmon, Kautter, Golden and Rhodehamel. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th
ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
biochemical testing should be attempted on pure culture 14. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
isolates only and subsequent to differential determinations. 15. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
3. The decarboxylase reactions are part of a total biochemical 16. MacFaddin. 2000. Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria, 3rd ed. Lippincott
profile for members of the Enterobacteriaceae and related Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
determination of lysine decarboxylase activity with the two BAM COMPF SMD SMWW
genera Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Cat. No. 211759 Dehydrated 500 g
9. The lysine decarboxylase activity in Salmonella is used Pasco Mineral Oil
to differentiate this group from Citrobacter freundii. Cat. No. 266631 Bottle 60 mL
Salmonella partyphi A, however, gives an atypical negative *Store at 2-8C.
Demi-Fraser Broth Base, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Demi-Fraser Broth Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 24-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Partial to complete
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Inhibition Uninoculated Listeria monocytogenes
Listeria monocytogenes 19114 102-103 Good/blackening Tube ATCC 19114
of the medium
Listeria monocytogenes 19115 102-103 Good/blackening
of the medium
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Inhibition
Section III
D Demi-Fraser Broth Base, cont.
Desoxycholate Agar
4. Cool to 50C and add gentamicin sulfate and chloramphenicol Inoculation onto conventional media is recommended for
(0.1 g of each per L). definitive identification of isolates presumptively identified as
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using dermatophytes.
stable, typical control cultures.
Limitation of the Procedure
Procedure The complete classification of dermatophytes depends on
Inoculate the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in microscopic observations of direct and slide culture prepara-
the laboratory. Implant cutaneous specimens by gently pressing tions along with biochemical and serological tests.6
the samples into the agar surface.
For isolation of fungi from potentially contaminated specimens, 1. Isenberg. 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for Microbi-
a nonselective medium should be inoculated along with the ology, Washington, D.C.
2. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
selective medium. Incubate plates at 22-25C in an inverted St. Louis, Mo.
3. Kane and Summerbell. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
position (agar side up) with increased humidity and tubes with clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Kwon-Chung and Bennett. 1992. Medical mycology. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa.
caps loosened to allow air to circulate. 5. Taplin, Zaias, Rebell and Blank. 1969. Arch. Dermatol. 99:203-209.
6. Larone. 1995. Medically important fungi: a guide to identification, 3rd ed. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Expected Results
Dermatophytes produce typical morphology and a pink to red Availability D
color in the medium around the colony within 10-14 days of BBL Dermatophyte Test Medium Base
incubation. Disregard color changes after the fourteenth day Cat. No. 212330 Dehydrated 500 g
of incubation because they may be caused by contaminating BBL Dermatophyte Test Medium, Modified
Desoxycholate Agar
Intended Use of normal intestinal bacteria ferment lactose (red colonies),
Desoxycholate Agar is a slightly selective and differential while Salmonella and Shigella species do not ferment lactose
plating medium used for isolating and differentiating gram- (colorless colonies).
negative enteric bacilli.
Summary and Explanation Difco Desoxycholate Agar
Desoxycholate Agar as formulated by Leifson demonstrated Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
improved recovery of intestinal pathogens from specimens Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
containing normal intestinal flora. The medium was an Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 1.0 g
improvement over other media of the time because the Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
chemicals, citrates and sodium desoxycholate, in specified Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.0 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 1.0 g
amounts, worked well as inhibitors. This medium has been
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 1.0 g
used to screen for Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. from clinical Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
specimens.2 Neutral Red ................................................................ 0.03 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Principles of the Procedure
Peptone provides nitrogen and carbon for general growth Directions for Preparation from
requirements. Lactose is the fermentable carbohydrate. Sodium Dehydrated Product
chloride and dipotassium phosphate maintain the osmotic 1. Suspend 45 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
balance of the medium. Sodium desoxycholate, ferric citrate thoroughly.
and sodium citrate inhibit growth of gram-positive bacteria. 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Neutral red is a pH indicator. Agar is the solidifying agent. completely dissolve the powder. Avoid overheating. DO
Differentiation of enteric bacilli is based on fermentation NOT AUTOCLAVE.
of lactose. Bacteria that ferment lactose produce acid and, in 3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
the presence of neutral red, form red colonies. Bacteria that stable, typical control cultures.
do not ferment lactose form colorless colonies. The majority
Section III
D Desoxycholate Agar, cont.
Enterobacter aerogenes
User Quality Control ATCC 13048
Identity Specifications
Difco Desoxycholate Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pinkish beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is reddish-orange,
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Orange, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Desoxycholate Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good Pink w/bile
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 30-300 Good Colorless
Procedure Availability
For a complete discussion on the isolation of enteric bacilli, Difco Desoxycholate Agar
refer to appropriate procedures outlined in the references.2-4 COMPF SMWW
Cat. No. 227310 Dehydrated 500 g
Expected Results Europe
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.2-4 Cat. No. 254010 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 251550 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
References 251507 Prepared RODAC Plates Pkg. of 30*
1. Leifson. 1935. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 40:581.
2. Grasmick. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American *Store at 2-8C.
Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Identity Specifications
Difco Desoxycholate Citrate Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pinkish-beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 7.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is orange-red, very
slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Orange-red, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 7.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.5 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Desoxycholate Citrate Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked to
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Partial to Pink
complete with bile
inhibition precipitate
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Fair to good Colorless +
Shigella flexneri 12022 102-103 Fair Colorless
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 70 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Difco Desoxycholate Citrate Agar
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Cat. No. 227410 Dehydrated 500 g
completely dissolve the powder. Avoid overheating. DO
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
D Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Identity Specifications
Difco Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pinkish beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.25% solution, soluble in purifed water
upon boiling. Solution is pinkish-red, very
slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Pinkish-red, very slightly to slightly
Reaction of 4.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 ~103 Inhibition
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 30-300 Good Pink, may
have slight bile
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 ~103 Inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good Pink w/bile
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 30-300 Good Colorless
Dextrose Agar
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.2,3
Section III
D Dextrose Agar, cont.
Dextrose Agar and Dextrose Broth are specified in the 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examina- 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
tion of Foods.3 stable, typical control cultures.
Principles of the Procedure OPTIONAL: To prepare blood agar, aseptically add 5%
Beef extract and peptones provide nitrogen, amino acids sterile defibrinated blood to the medium at 45-50C. Mix well
and vitamins. Dextrose is a carbon source, and the increased and dispense as desired.
concentration is a distinguishing characteristic of this medium
Difco Dextrose Broth
from other formulations used as blood agar bases. Agar is the
solidifying agent. 1. Dissolve 23 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Supplementation with 5% blood provides additional growth 3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
factors for fastidious microorganisms. stable, typical control cultures.
Formulae OPTIONAL: To prepare medium with agar, add 1-2 g of agar
Difco Dextrose Agar
per liter of medium.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g Procedure
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 2.0 g For a complete discussion on microorganism isolation and
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ....................................... 3.0 g
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g identification, refer to appropriate references.
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g Expected Results
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Difco Dextrose Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g References
1. Norton. 1932. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 17:558.
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 2.0 g 2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ....................................... 3.0 g vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g 3. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Availability
Difco Dextrose Agar
Directions for Preparation from COMPF
Dehydrated Product Cat. No. 267100 Dehydrated 500 g
Difco Dextrose Agar
Difco Dextrose Broth
Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Section III
D Dextrose Tryptone Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light, greenish-beige, free-flowing,
Solution: 3.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is purple, slightly
Prepared Appearance: Purple, slightly opalescent without
significant precipitate.
Reaction of 3.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate plates by the pour
plate method and incubate at 55 2C for 40-48 hours.
Bacillus coagulans 7050 102-103 Good + (yellow)
stearothermophilus 7953 102-103 Good + (yellow)
Differential Reinforced, cont.
Procedure References
1. Gibbs and Freame. 1965. J. Appl. Microbiol. 28:95.
1. Prepare serial 10-fold dilutions of the sample in 1/4 strength 2. Miller, Gerrett and Prickett. 1939. Food Res. 4:447.
Ringers solution or 0.1% peptone water.
2. Depending on the amount of the initial sample, transfer Availability
1 mL or 0.1 mL of the appropriate dilution, prepared in Difco Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
step 1, to the bottom of a molten (45-50C) DRCA tube. Cat. No. 264120 Dehydrated 500 g
Prepare a duplicate tube using the same procedure.
3. Tighten the caps on the tubes.
Clostridium septicum
User Quality Control ATCC 12464
Identity Specifications
Difco Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.25% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium amber, clear to slightly opales-
cent while hot; upon cooling, solution
becomes light red.
Prepared Appearance: Light pink, clear to slightly opalescent
without significant precipitate.
Reaction of 4.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C in an anaerobic atmosphere for 72 hours.
Clostridium bifermentans 638 102-103 Good +
Clostridium perfringens 12924 102-103 Good +
Clostridium septicum 12464 102-103 Good +
Section III
D Dubos Media
Dubos Media
Dubos Broth Base Dubos Medium Albumin
Dubos Oleic Agar Base Dubos Oleic Albumin
Complex Dubos Broth, Enriched
Intended Use Mycobacteria grow more rapidly in broth media. Primary
Dubos Broth Base is used with Dubos Medium Albumin for culture of all specimens in broth media is recommended.10
rapidly cultivating pure cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Polysorbate 80 in the medium acts as a surfactant, dispersing
the bacilli, which increases growth.
Dubos Oleic Agar Base is used with Dubos Oleic Albumin
Complex and penicillin for isolating and determining the Dubos Broth, Enriched is a modified medium based on the
susceptibility of M. tuberculosis. formulation of Dubos et al.4 This formulation differs from the
original in that it has a strong buffering system and an acid
Dubos Broth, Enriched is a prepared medium used for the
pH.11 The particular value of Dubos Broth, Enriched is that
cultivation of pure cultures of M. tuberculosis.
it provides dispersed growth, free of excessive clumps, which
can be used to prepare a relatively uniform suspension of
Summary and Explanation
mycobacteria for use in bacterial studies. It is also used as a
Mycobacterial infections, particularly tuberculosis, are a
subculture and enrichment medium for the rapid cultivation
worldwide health problem. Almost three million people
of M. tuberculosis and other mycobacterial species from treated
worldwide die of tuberculosis each year.1 During the mid
clinical specimens and from direct inoculation of specimens
1980s, the number of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the U.S.
that may yield pure cultures; e.g., cerebrospinal fluid.12
began increasing. Prior to this time, the number of cases
in the U.S. had been decreasing, reaching a low in 1984.2
Principles of the Procedure
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections have also increased
Peptone and asparagine are sources of nitrogen. Disodium
since the mid 1980s.3
phosphate and monopotassium phosphate are sources of
Dubos Broth is prepared according to the Dubos, Fenner and phosphates and, along with calcium chloride, help maintain
Pierce4 modification of the medium originally described the pH of the medium. Magnesium sulfate, ferric ammonium
by Dubos and Davis5 and Dubos and Middlebrook.6 sulfate, zinc sulfate and copper sulfate are sources of trace
Dubos and Middlebrook6 described Dubos Oleic Medium metals and sulfates. Polysorbate 80, an oleic acid ester,
Albumin as suitable for primary isolation and cultivation of supplies essential fatty acids for the replication of mycobac-
the tubercle bacillus and for studying colony morphology. teria. Bovine albumin acts as a protective agent by binding
In comparative studies, Dubos Oleic Albumin Agar Medium free fatty acids that may be toxic to mycobacteria. The
was superior to other media studied for primary isolation.7,8 albumin is heat-treated to inactivate lipase, which may
release fatty acids from the polysorbate 80. Phosphate
There are two types of solid culture media for the primary buffers maintain the pH of the medium. Agar is the solidify-
isolation of mycobacteria, those that have coagulated egg as a ing agent.
base and those that have agar. Lowenstein formulations are
examples of media that contain egg; Middlebrook and Dubos Formulae
formulations contain agar. Difco Dubos Broth Base
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Agar based media are not liquefied by contaminating
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 0.5 g
proteolytic organisms but overgrowth may occur. These Asparagine ................................................................. 2.0 g
media are recommended for specimens from nonsterile sites.9 Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 0.2 g
The medium is clear so colonies of mycobacteria can be viewed Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
Disodium Phosphate (anhydrous) ............................... 2.5 g
through a stereo microscope even if contaminating organisms Ferric Ammonium Citrate ......................................... 50.0 mg
are present. Colonies can be observed in 10-12 days. Magnesium Sulfate .................................................. 10.0 mg
Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.5 mg
Drugs may be added to Dubos media in exact concentrations Zinc Sulfate ................................................................ 0.1 mg
because the medium is solidified with agar rather than by Copper Sulfate ........................................................... 0.1 mg
inspissation. Also, there is less drug inactivation when egg Difco Dubos Medium Albumin
ingredients are not present. A 5% solution of albumin fraction V from bovine plasma and
7.5% dextrose in normal saline (0.85%).
Dubos Media, cont.
Section III
D Dubos Media, cont.
Procedure References
1. Musser. 1995. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 8:496.
The test procedures are recommended by the Centers for 2. Klietmann. 1995. Clin. Microbiol. Newsl. 17:65.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for primary isolation 3. Metchock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
from specimens containing mycobacteria.13 N-acetyl-L-cysteine- 4. Dubos, Fenner and Pierce. 1950. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 61:66.
5. Dubos and Davis. 1946. J. Exp. Med. 83:409.
sodium hydroxide (NALC-NaOH) solution is recommended 6. Dubos and Middlebrook. 1947. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 56:334.
7. Roberts, Wallace and Erlich. 1950. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 61:563.
as a gentle, but effective digesting and decontaminating agent. 8. Byham. 1950. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 20:678.
These reagents are provided in the BBL MycoPrep Specimen 9. Isenberg (ed.). 1994. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, suppl. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Digestion/Decontamination Kit. For detailed decontamination 10. Tenover, Crawford, Huebner, Geiter, Horsburgh and Good. 1993. J. Clin. Microbiol. 31:767.
11. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
and culturing instructions, consult an appropriate text.3,9,12,13,15 vol. 1 Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
12. Cernoch, Enns, Saubolle and Wallace. 1994. Cumitech 16A, Laboratory diagnosis of the mycobac-
terioses. Coord. Ed. Weissfeld, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Specimens that are less likely to be contaminated with other 13. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III laboratory. USDHHS,
microorganisms (cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid, tissue Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
14. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
biopsy, etc.) may be inoculated directly into the medium. Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Consult appropriate texts for recommended procedures.3,9,12,13,15 15. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Incubate the tubes at 35 2C in a CO2-enriched atmosphere.
Keep the tube caps loosened for at least one week to permit Availability
circulation of CO2, but tighten the caps thereafter to prevent Difco Dubos Broth Base
dehydration. Loosen briefly once a week to replenish CO2. Cat. No. 238510 Dehydrated 500 g
Six to eight weeks of incubation may be necessary for evidence Difco Dubos Medium Albumin
Growth of mycobacterial colonies on the agar medium or in Cat. No. 237310 Dehydrated 500 g
broth media, as indicated by turbidity compared to an Difco Dubos Oleic Albumin Complex
Limitations of the Procedure Cat. No. 295697 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
1. Negative culture results do not rule-out active infection *Store at 2-8C.
by mycobacteria. Some factors that are responsible for
unsuccessful cultures are:
The specimen was not representative of the infectious
material; i.e., saliva instead of sputum.
The mycobacteria were destroyed during digestion and
decontamination of the specimen.
Gross contamination interfered with the growth of the
Proper aerobic conditions and increased CO2 tension
were not provided during incubation.
2. Mycobacteria are strict aerobes and growth is stimulated
by increased levels of CO2. Screw caps on tubes or bottles
should be handled as directed for exchange of CO2.
m E Agar
EC Medium
7. Cabelli. 1981. Health effects criteria for marine recreational waters. U.S. Environmental Protection
Expected Results1 Agency. EPA-600/1-80-031. Cincinnati, Ohio.
8. Dufour. 1983. Health effects criteria for fresh recreational waters. U.S. Environmental Protection
Pink to red enterococci develop a black or reddish-brown pre- Agency. Cincinnati, Ohio.
cipitate on the underside of the filter. Count colonies using a 9. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. EPA method 1600: Membrane filter test method for
enterococci in water. USEPA. EPA-821-R-97-004. Washington, D.C.
fluorescent lamp and a magnifying lens. Report results as esti-
mated number or organisms per 100 mL of water. Availability
Difco m E Agar
Limitations of the Procedure SMWW
1. m E Agar and Esculin Iron Agar should be used in sequence. Cat. No. 233310 Dehydrated 100 g
2. Incubation at 41 0.5C is recommended. 233320 Dehydrated 500 g
3. Approximately 10% false-positive esculin reactions may be Difco Esculin Iron Agar
expected. When used as m EI Agar, USEPA reports a 6.0% SMWW
Cat. No. 248810 Dehydrated 100 g
false positive and 6.5% false negative rate with m E Agar.
BBL Esculin Iron Agar
References SMWW
1. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and Cat. No. 298118 Dehydrated 500 g
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Slanetz and Bartley. 1957. J. Bacteriol. 74:591. Difco TTC Solution 1%
3. American Society for Testing and Materials. 1996. Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 11,
Water and environmental technology. PCN: 01-110296-16. ASTM, West Conshohocken, Pa. SMWW
4. Kenner, Clark and Kabler. 1960. Appl. Microbiol. 9:15. Cat. No. 231121 Tube 30 mL*
5. Isenberg, Goldberg and Sampson. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 20:433.
6. Levin, Fischer and Cabelli. 1975. Appl. Microbiol. 30:66. *Store at 2-8C.
EC Medium
Intended Use and nut meats and reported that the test worked optimally
EC Medium is a culture medium for the detection of coliform when conducted at 45.5C with incubation being limited to
bacteria at 35C and of Escherichia coli at an elevated tem- 24 hours.3
perature (44.5 or 45.5C). EC Medium is recommended for use in the fecal coliform Most
Probable Number (MPN) procedure for the examination of
Summary and Explanation water, wastewater and foods.4,5 The procedure employing EC
EC Medium was devised by Hajna and Perry1 and is used for Medium provides information regarding the source of the
the examination of water, milk, shellfish and other material coliform group (fecal or nonfecal) when used as a confirma-
for evidence of fecal pollution. Tennant et al. reported on the tory test.6 It should not be used for the direct isolation of
use of this medium for the estimation of E. coli densities in coliforms since prior enrichment in a presumptive medium for
seawater and shellfish.2 Fishbein and Surkiewicz used the EC optimal recovery of fecal coliforms is required.
confirmation test for recovery of E. coli from frozen foods
Cultural Response
Difco EC Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate tubes
with fermentation vials at 44.5 0.2C for 24 2 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 103 Inhibition
Uninoculated Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Good + Tube ATCC 25922
Escherichia coli 8739 103 Good +
Section III
E EC Medium, cont.
EC Medium with MUG, cont.
Formula of E. coli are positive for both gas production and fluorescence.
Difco EC Medium with MUG Non-E. coli coliforms that grow may exhibit fluorescence but
Approximate Formula* Per Liter will not produce gas.
Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g Strains of Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia that produce
Bile Salts No. 3 ........................................................... 1.5 g glucuronidase may be encountered. These strains must be
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g distinguished from E. coli on the basis of other parameters;
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g i.e., gas production, growth at 44.5C.
MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide) ............ 0.05 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Limitations of the Procedure
1. Strains of E. coli that fail to grow in EC Medium with
Directions for Preparation from
MUG, fail to produce gas, or fail to produce glucuronidase
Dehydrated Product may infrequently be encountered.
1. Dissolve 37.1 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. 2. The presence of endogenous glucuronidase in shellfish
Mix thoroughly. samples may cause false positive fluorescent reactions at
2. Warm slightly to completely dissolve the powder. the presumptive stage. To prevent this problem, the use of
3. Dispense into test tubes containing inverted fermentation EC Medium with MUG in the confirmatory stage has been
vials. recommended.5
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using References
stable, typical control cultures. 1. Hajna and Perry. 1943. Am. J. Public Health 33:550.
2. Feng and Hartman. 1982. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 43:1320.
3. Robison. 1984. App. Environ. Microbiol. 48:285.
Procedure 4. Moberg. 1985. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 50:1383.
5. Koburger and Miller. 1985. J. Food Prot. 48:244.
Follow the methods and procedures as stated in appropriate 6. Federal Register. 1991. National primary drinking water regulation; analytical techniques; coliform
bacteria. Fed. Regist. 56:636.
references.6-8 7. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
8. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
Expected Results national, Gaithersburg, Md.
Cultural Response
Difco EC Medium with MUG
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate tubes in duplicate
with fresh 18-24 hour cultures. Incubate the first set at 35 2C for
24 2 hours and the second set at 44.5 0.2C for 24 2 hours.
Read fluorescence under a long-wave UV light.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 Good/ Inhibition to good/
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 Inhibition/ Inhibition to good/
Escherichia coli 25922 Good/+ Good/+ + Escherichia coli
ATCC 25922
Section III
E EC Medium, Modified
EC Medium, Modified
Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
Intended Use Formulae
EC Medium, Modified is used with Novobiocin Antimicrobic Difco EC Medium, Modified
Supplement in the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Approximate Formula* Per Liter
meat and poultry products. Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g
Bile Salts No. 3 ........................................................... 1.12 g
Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g
Summary and Explanation Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g
EC Medium, Modified and Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supple- Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g
ment are based on the formula for modified EC broth with Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
novobiocin (mEC+n) as described by Okrend and Rose.1 In Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
modifying the EC Medium formula, Okrend and Rose reduced Formula Per 10 mL Vial
the Bile Salts No. 3 from 1.5 grams per liter to 1.12 grams per Sodium Novobiocin .................................................. 20.0 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
liter and added 20 milligrams per liter of sodium novobiocin.
Okrend et al. reported that mEC+n was useful in the
Directions for Preparation from
enrichment and detection of E. coli O157:H7 from meats and
poultry products.2-4 Dehydrated Product
Difco EC Medium, Modified
Principles of the Procedure 1. Dissolve 36.6 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
Peptone supports good growth of E. coli O157:H7 and is rich 2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to room
in peptides and nitrogen. Lactose is an additional source of temperature.
carbon for organisms, such as E. coli, that can ferment this 4. Aseptically add 10 mL rehydrated Novobiocin Antimicrobic
sugar. Dipotassium phosphate and monopotassium phosphate Supplement. Mix well.
are buffers that facilitate recovery of injured cells. Sodium 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
chloride provides a suitable ionic environment for growth of stable, typical control cultures.
Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
Selectivity of the medium is achieved by the incorporation of Bile
1. Aseptically add 10 mL sterile purified water to the vial.
Salts No. 3 into the base medium and by the addition of sodium
2. Shake to dissolve the contents.
novobiocin to the complete medium. These agents suppress the
growth of nuisance organisms commonly found in foods.
The sodium novobiocin is provided in the freeze-dried state as Procedure
Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement. This supplement is Many procedures and systems have been described for the
rehydrated before use with sterile purified water. use of Modified EC Medium with novobiocin in the selective
and differential enrichment of E. coli O157:H7 in meat and
User Quality Control poultry samples. Consult appropriate references.4-6 Listed
below is the U.S. Department of Agricultures recommended
Identity Specifications procedure for the enrichment and detection of E. coli
Difco EC Medium, Modified O157:H7 in meat and poultry samples using EC Medium,
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Modified, with novobiocin.2-4
Solution: 3.66% solution, soluble in purified
water. Solution is light to medium 1. Inoculate 25 g of meat sample into 225 mL of EC Medium,
amber, clear. Modified, with novobiocin in a stomacher bag. Blend or
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear. stomach as required (i.e., 2 minutes) for thorough mixing.
Reaction of 3.66% 2. Incubate at 35C for 24 hours.
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2
3. Dilute cultures 10-fold in Butterfields Phosphate Diluent
Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
and inoculate 0.1 mL of appropriate dilutions using a spread
Lyophilized Appearance: White cake.
plate technique onto MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (MSA) and
Rehydrated Appearance: Colorless solution.
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar with BCIG (5-bromo-4-chloro-
Cultural Response 3-indoxyl--D-glucuronide) agar plates.
Difco EC Medium, Modified 4. Incubate plates at 42C for 24 hours.
Prepare the medium (without added novobiocin) per label directions. 5. Examine MSA plates for sorbitol-negative colonies (white)
Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for a maximum of 24 hours. and MSA-BCIG plates for sorbitol-negative, BCIG-negative
Enterococcus faecalis 33186 103 None to poor 6. Subculture sorbitol-negative colonies to respective plates of
Escherichia coli O157:H7 35150 10-102 Good EMB Agar and Phenol Red Sorbitol (PRS) Agar containing
MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide).
EE Broth Mossel
7. Incubate EMB and PRS-MUG Agar plates at 35C for 18- on EMB Agar are indicative of E. coli O157:H7. These cultures
24 hours. Examine plates for sorbitol fermentation, MUG should be tested serologically and with additional biochemical
reaction (fluorescence), and typical E. coli growth on EMB testing to confirm their identity as E. coli O157:H7.
Expected Results 1. Okrend and Rose. 1989. Isolation and identification of E. coli O157:H7 from meat. USDA Food
Safety Inspection Service. Rev. 3 of Laboratory Communication no. 38. E. coli O157:H7. 20
Growth in EC Medium, Modified, with novobiocin is demon- December 1989. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
2. Okrend, Rose and Bennett. 1990. J. Food Prot. 53:249.
strated as an increase in turbidity. Colonies of E. coli O157:H7 3. Okrend, Rose and Lattuada. 1990. J. Food Prot. 53:941.
4. Okrend, Rose and Matner. 1990. J. Food Prot. 53:936.
appear white on MacConkey Sorbitol and MacConkey 5. Hawkins and Orme. 1995. Proc. West. Sec., Amer. Soc. Animal Sci. vol. 46.
6. Johnson, Durham, Johnson and MacDonald. 1995. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:386.
Sorbitol-BCIG Agars. Fermentation of sorbitol in Phenol Red
Sorbitol Broth is demonstrated by the production of a yellow Availability
color in the medium. With sorbitol nonfermenters, the color Difco EC Medium, Modified
of the medium remains red to reddish purple. Positive MUG COMPF USDA
reactions are demonstrated as a blue fluorescence in the Cat. No. 234020 Dehydrated 500 g
medium under long-wave UV light. Colonies of E. coli on EMB 234010 Dehydrated 2 kg
Agar appear blue-black to dark purple. A green metallic sheen Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
may also be present. COMPF USDA
Cat. No. 231971 Vial 6 10 mL*
Cultures that are sorbitol-negative, MUG-negative and produce
*Store at 2-8C.
blue-black to dark purple colonies with a green metallic sheen
EE Broth Mossel E
Intended Use The enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae is of great concern in
EE Broth Mossel is used for selectively enriching and detecting monitoring the sanitary condition of food. Enterobacteriaceae
Enterobacteriaceae, particularly from foods. can be injured in food-processing procedures, which include
exposure to low temperatures, sub-marginal heat, drying,
Summary and Explanation radiation, preservatives or sanitizers.2 Recovery relies on proper
EE Broth Mossel is prepared according to the formula of Mossel, resuscitation of damaged cells.
Visser and Cornelissen.1 The formula contains dextrose to
facilitate growth of most Enterobacteriaceae, thus ensuring the Principles of the Procedure
detection of Salmonella and other lactose-negative organisms. Peptones provide nitrogen, vitamins and amino acids. Dextrose
EE Broth Mossel should be used as an enrichment broth, is a carbon source. Disodium phosphate and monopotassium
followed by a selective medium; e.g., Violet Red Bile Agar. phosphate are buffering agents. Brilliant green and oxgall
are selective agents.
Cultural Response
Difco EE Broth Mossel
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours and up to 48 hours if necessary.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 102-103 Good + (yellow)
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good + (yellow)
Shigella boydii 12030 102-103 Good Uninoculated Escherichia coli
Tube ATCC 25922
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Section III
E EE Broth Mossel, cont.
Formula 4. Prepare plates such as Violet Red Bile Agar for streaking. To
Difco EE Broth Mossel
ensure recovery of dextrose fermenters, add 1% dextrose
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
before boiling.
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 12.0 g 5. Streak a loopful of the enrichment culture onto the
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 8.0 g prepared plates.
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g 6. Incubate the plates for 18-24 hours at 35-37C. Examine
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 8.0 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.0 g
for the presence of coliforms which appear pink to
Brilliant Green .......................................................... 13.5 mg purplish-red on Violet Red Bile Agar. The color of coliform
Oxgall ....................................................................... 10.0 g colonies may vary if a different medium is used.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
For a complete discussion on Enterobacteriaceae in food
Directions for Preparation from testing, refer to procedures in appropriate references.3,4
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 45 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Expected Results
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1-2 minutes to Acid production causes the color of EE Broth Mossel to
completely dissolve the powder. become yellow. A negative reaction results in no color change
3. Heat at 100C (water bath or flowing steam) for 30 minutes. and the medium remains green.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
1. Mossel, Vissar and Cornellisen. 1963. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 26:444.
stable, typical control cultures. 2. Hartman and Minnich. 1981. J. Food Prot. 44:385.
3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
national, Gaithersburg, Md.
Procedure 4. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
1. Inoculate flasks of EE Broth Mossel with approximately
10 g of homogenized food or other material to be tested.
2. Shake the inoculated medium thoroughly for a few seconds to
Difco EE Broth Mossel
mix well.
3. Incubate for a total of 20-24 hours at 35-37C. Shake the
Cat. No. 256620 Dehydrated 500 g
flasks after the first 3 hours of incubation.
mEI Agar
Intended Use In 1997, the USEPA improved on the mE agar formulation
mEI Agar is a selective culture medium used for the chromogenic by reducing the triphenyltetrazolium chloride component and
detection and enumeration of enterococci in water by the adding the chromogen, indoxyl--D-glucoside. The new
single-step membrane filtration technique. It conforms with U.S. medium, mEI Agar,1,5 was developed as a single-step proce-
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Approved Method dure that does not require the transfer of the membrane filter
1600: Enterococci in Water by Membrane Filtration Using to another substrate. Observation of a blue halo around
membrane-Enterococcus Indoxyl--D-Glucoside Agar (mEI). colonies in 24 hours is confirmatory for the presence of
enterococci. A wide range of sample volumes or dilutions can
Summary and Explanation be tested by this single-step MF procedure for the detection
Enterococci are found in the feces of humans and other warm- and enumeration of enterococci in potable, fresh, estuarine,
blooded animals. Although some strains are ubiquitous and marine and shellfish-growing waters.
are not related to fecal pollution, the presence of enterococci BD mEI Agar conforms to the 1986 revisions to the bacterio-
in water is an indication of fecal pollution and the possible logical ambient water quality criteria, that included the
presence of enteric pathogens.1 In epidemiological studies indicator bacteria E. coli and enterococci, which provide
conducted by the USEPA, it was found that the presence better correlation with swimming-associated gastrointestinal
of enterococci had a higher correlation with swimming- illness. In response to this health risk, the USEPA established
associated gastroenteritis in fresh and marine water environ- the Beaches Environmental Assessment Closure and Health
ments than fecal coliforms.2 In 1986, the USEPA recommended (Beach) Program. This method is published for use in the Beach
that both Escherichia coli and enterococci be used as bacterial Program.5
water quality indicators to monitor recreational waters.3
The USEPA published false-positive rate is 6.0% and false-
A two-step membrane filter (MF) method4 was developed by negative rate is 6.5%.5 Colonies having a blue halo can be
Levin et al. to measure enterococci in fresh and marine recre- verified as enterococci by appropriate biochemical procedures
ational waters. Using mE agar, the method required a 48-hour in instances where required in evidence gathering or for
incubation and a transfer of the membrane to another substrate performing quality control for the initial use of the test.5
medium, Esculin Iron Agar, to differentiate enterococci.
mEI Agar, cont.
Principles of the Procedure 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes and cool in a 50C water
mEI Agar contains peptone that supplies nitrogen and carbon bath.
compounds. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic equilibrium. 4. Prepare a solution of 0.24 g of nalidixic acid in 5 mL
Esculin is hydrolyzed by enterococci to form esculetin and of purified water. Add a few drops of 0.1 N NaOH to
dextrose. Cycloheximide inhibits fungi. Sodium azide acts as a dissolve. Add this solution to 1 L of mEI medium.
selective agent to inhibit gram-negative bacteria. Yeast extract 5. Add 0.02 g of triphenyltetrazolium chloride separately to
provides trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. The the mEI medium and mix well.
addition of the chromogen indoxyl--D-glucoside results in 6. Dispense 5 mL amounts into 9 50 mm or 15 60 mm
the production of an insoluble indigo blue complex by plates and allow to solidify.
-D-glucosidase-positive enterococci, which diffuses into the 7. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
surrounding medium, forming a blue halo around the colony.6 stable, typical control cultures.
Agar is incorporated into the medium as the solidifying agent.
Formula 1. Collect and prepare water samples in accordance to
Difco mEI Agar
recommended guidelines.7,8
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 2. Test sample volumes following the membrane filtration
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g procedure described in Standard Methods for the Exami-
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 15.0 g
Esculin ........................................................................ 1.0 g nation of Water and Wastewater.7 Select sample volumes
Cycloheximide ............................................................ 0.05 g to produce 20-60 colonies on the membrane filter.
Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.15 g 3. After sample has been filtered, aseptically remove membrane
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 30.0 g
Indoxyl--D-glucoside ................................................ 0.75 g filter from filter base and roll it onto mEI Agar to avoid the
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g formation of bubbles between the membrane and the agar
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. surface. E
4. Invert inoculated plates and incubate for 24 2 hours at
Directions for Preparation from
41 0.5C.
Dehydrated Product 5. After incubation, count and record the number of colonies
1. Suspend 72 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. with a blue halo using an illuminated lens with a 2-5
Mix thoroughly. magnification.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 6. Calculate and report the number of enterococci colonies
completely dissolve the powder. per 100 mL of sample.
Enterococcus faecalis
User Quality Control ATCC 19433
Identity Specifications
Difco mEI Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light to medium beige, free-flowing,
Solution: 7.2% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium to dark
amber, very slightly to slightly opales-
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear to very
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 7.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco mEI Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 41
0.5C for 24 2 hours. Count all colonies with blue halos.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 20-80 Good Blue halo
Enterococcus faecium 19434 20-80 Good Blue halo
Escherichia coli 25922 20-80 Marked to
complete inhibition
Section III
E mEI Agar, cont.
3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Bacteriological ambient water quality criteria:
Expected Results availability. Fed. Reg. 51(45):8012.
4. Levin, Fischer and Cabelli. 1975. Appl. Microbiol. 30:66.
Colonies with a blue halo regardless of color may be presump- 5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Method 1600: Enterococci in water by membrane
tively identified as enterococci. Refer to the USEPA Microbiology filtration using membrane-enterococcus indoxyl--D-glucoside agar (mEI). Publication EPA-821-
R-02-022. USEPA Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology, USEPA, Washington, DC.
Methods Manual, Part II, Section C, 3.5 for general counting 6. Messer and Dufour. 1998. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:678.
7. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
rules.9 wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
8. ASTM International. 2002. Annual book of ASTM standards. Water and environmental
technology. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
Limitations of the Procedure 9. Bordner, Winter and Scarpino (ed.). 1978. Microbiological methods for monitoring the
environment: water and wastes. Publication EPA-600/8-78-017. Environmental Monitoring and
1. Choose a water sample size that will result in 20-60 colonies Support Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
per filter.
2. Minimize the exposure of mEI Agar to light before and Availability
during incubation, as light may destroy the chromogen. Difco mEI Agar
3. Overheating may cause darkening of the medium.2 EPA
Cat. No. 214885 Dehydrated 100 g
References 214881 Dehydrated 500 g
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. Method 1600: Membrane filter test method for en-
terococci in water. Publication EPA-821-R-97-004a. Office of Water, USEPA, Washington, D.C.
BBL mEI Agar
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational Cat. No. 215045 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
water quality indicators: enterococci and Escherichia coli. Publication EPA/821/R-97/004. Office
of Science and Technology, USEPA, Washington, D.C.
215047 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
EVA Broth
Intended Use selective agents and formulated a medium using ethyl violet
EVA (Ethyl Violet Azide) Broth is used for detecting and and sodium azide as selective agents. The medium known as
confirming enterococci in water and other specimens as an Ethyl Violet Azide (EVA) Broth is specific for enterococci. In
indication of fecal contamination. conjunction with Azide Dextrose Broth, EVA Broth is used
to confirm the presence of enterococci.
Summary and Explanation
The presence of enterococci in water and other specimens
Principles of the Procedure
indicates fecal contamination. Mallmann and Seligmann1 EVA Broth contains peptones as sources of carbon, nitrogen,
compared various enrichment media for detecting fecal strep- vitamins and minerals. Dextrose is the carbohydrate. Sodium
tococci and found that Azide Dextrose Broth presumptively azide and ethyl violet inhibit gram-positive bacilli and
identified the streptococci. However, because gram-positive gram-positive cocci other than enterococci. Monopotassium
bacteria other than enterococci grow in that medium, confir- and dipotassium phosphates buffer the medium. Sodium
mation is necessary. Litsky et al.2 studied various dyes and chloride provides osmotic balance.
Cultural Response
Difco EVA Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 102-103 Good
Uninoculated Enterococcus faecalis
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 102-103 Good Tube ATCC 29212
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Inhibition
Egg Meat Medium
Formula Procedure
Difco EVA Broth See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 8.0 g Expected Results
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 12.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g Growth of enterococci.
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.7 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.7 g References
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 1. Mallmann and Seligmann. 1950. Am. J. Pub. Health 40:286.
Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.4 g 2. Litsky, Mallmann and Fifield. 1953. Am. J. Pub. Health 43:873.
Ethyl Violet ................................................................. 0.83 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Availability
Difco EVA Broth
Directions for Preparation from Cat. No. 212107 Dehydrated 500 g
Dehydrated Product
1. Dissolve 35.8 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
E Egg Meat Medium, cont.
Procedure References
1. Rettger. 1903. Am. J. Physiol. 8:284.
Refer to AOAC5 for detailed procedures to determine presence 2. Rettger. 1906. J. Biol. Chem. 2:71.
or absence of sporicidal activity of disinfectants against specified 3.
Reddish and Rettger. 1923. J. Bacteriol. 8:375.
Reddish and Rettger. 1924. J. Bacteriol. 9:13.
spore-forming bacteria. 5. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. I,
6.3.05A(a)(4). AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Principles of the Procedure Examine for growth after 48 hours of incubation. Cultures
Enzymatic digests of casein and soybean meal supply amino should not be regarded as negative until after 7 days of
acids and other complex nitrogenous substances. Yeast extract incubation.
primarily provides the B-complex vitamins. Hemin improves
the growth of anaerobic microorganisms. L-cystine is a reducing Expected Results
agent and an essential amino acid. After a minimum of 48 hours of incubation, the plates should
show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth
An egg yolk suspension is incorporated to detect the production in areas of heavy inoculation.
of lecithinase and lipase and proteolytic activity. Lecithinase
degrades the lecithin present in the egg yolks, producing an Examine for lecithinase and lipase production and proteolytic
insoluble, opaque precipitate in the medium surrounding activity. Plates with isolates negative for lipase should be held
growth. up to 7 days. Examine colonial morphology and a Gram stain
of the organism to confirm presumptive identification.
Lipase breaks down free fats present in the egg yolks, causing
an iridescent, oil on water sheen to form on the surface of
the colonies. Since the lipase reaction may be delayed, plates
should be kept up to 7 days before regarding them as negative
for lipase production.
Elliker Broth
References Availability
1. McClung and Toabe. 1947. J. Bacteriol. 53:139.
2. Dowell, Lombard, Thompson and Armfield. 1977. Media for isolation, characterization and iden-
BBL Egg Yolk Agar, Modified
tification of obligately anaerobic bacteria. CDC laboratory manual. Center for Disease Control, BS10 CMPH MCM7
Atlanta, Ga.
3. Dowell and Hawkins. 1987. Laboratory methods in anaerobic bacteriology. CDC laboratory manual.
Cat. No. 297873 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
HHS Publication No. (CDC) 87-8272. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga. *Store at 2-8C.
4. Allen, Emery and Siders. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Jousimies-Somer, Summanen and Finegold. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken
(ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington,
6. Holdeman, Cato and Moore (ed.). 1977. Anaerobe laboratory manual, 4th ed. Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University Anaerobe Laboratory, Blacksburg, Va.
7. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
8. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
Elliker Broth
Intended Use Directions for Preparation from
Elliker Broth, also known as Lactobacilli Broth, is used for Dehydrated Product
cultivating streptococci and lactobacilli, particularly in dairy 1. Suspend 48.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
procedures. thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Summary and Explanation completely dissolve the powder.
Testing for lactic acid bacteria in dairy products may be useful 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
for various reasons.1 These include determining the cause of
acid defects in dairy products, evaluating lactic starter cultures
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
and controlling the quality of cured cheese, cultured milks and
uncultured products.1 Lactic acid bacteria found in dairy Procedure
products are primarily Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc For a complete discussion on the isolation and identification
and Lactobacillus.1 of streptococci and lactobacilli, refer to standard methods in
Elliker Broth is prepared according to the formulation of Elliker, food testing.1,4-6
Anderson and Hannesson,2 and modified by McLaughlin.3 This
slightly acidic medium contains nutrients to support the growth Expected Results
of streptococci and lactobacilli. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Section III
E Elliker Broth, cont.
References Availability
1. Frank, Christen and Bullerman. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the examination of
dairy products. 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Difco Elliker Broth
2. Elliker, Anderson and Hannesson. 1956. J. Dairy Sci. 39:1611. SMD
3. McLaughlin. 1946. J. Bacteriol. 51:560.
4. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Cat. No. 212183 Dehydrated 500 g
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
national, Gaithersburg, Md.
6. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th. ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Endo Agar
Endo Agar
Intended Use The original formula has been modified extensively since
Endo Agar is a differential and slightly selective culture its introduction. The meat infusions have been replaced by a
medium for the detection of coliform and other enteric micro- peptic digest of animal tissue. The dye composition and
organisms. concentration also have been adjusted.
Over the years, Endo Agar has been an important medium
Summary and Explanation in the microbiological examination of potable water and
The majority of the enteric plating media developed in the early wastewater, dairy products and foods; however, the current
years of the 20th century utilized either mixtures of bile salts compendia of standard methods for the examination of these
or individual salts as selective agents to achieve inhibition of materials recommend alternative media formulations.3-5
gram-positive species. In 1904, Endo reported the develop-
ment of a culture medium for the differentiation of lactose Principles of the Procedure
fermenters from the nonfermenters in which no bile salts were The selectivity of Endo Agar is due to the sodium sulfite/basic
used.1 Inhibition of gram-positive microorganisms was achieved fuchsin combination, which results in the suppression of
by the sodium sulfite and basic fuchsin contained in the gram-positive microorganisms. It is classified as only slightly
formulation. Endos Fuchsin Sulphite Infusion Agar was the selective since other media contain more potent inhibitors
original name for this medium,2 which is known today as Endo of the gram-positive microorganisms. Coliforms ferment the
Agar. It was developed initially in order to facilitate the lactose, produce pink to rose-red colonies and similar coloration
isolation and identification of the typhoid bacillus. of the medium. The colonies of organisms that do not ferment
Section III
E Endo Agar, cont.
B-complex vitamins, which stimulate bacterial growth. Lactose Escherichia coli 25922 30-80 Good Red with
is the carbohydrate. Phosphates are buffering agents. Sodium sheen
Salmonella choleraesuis
chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Sodium subsp. choleraesuis
desoxycholate and sodium lauryl sulfate are added as inhibi- serotype Typhimurium 14028 30-80 Good Pink
tors. Basic fuchsin is a pH indicator. Sodium sulfite is added to Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103 Marked to
decolorize the basic fuchsin solution. Agar is the solidifying complete inhibition
m Endo Broth MF
m Endo Broth MF
Intended Use bacteria are defined as bacteria that produce a red colony with
m Endo Broth MF* is used for enumerating coliform organ- a metallic sheen within 24 hours incubation at 35C on an
isms in water by membrane filtration. Endo-type medium.
*MF is a trademark of Millipore Corporation. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency specifies using
m Endo Broth MF in the total coliform methods for testing
Summary and Explanation
water using single-step, two-step and delayed incubation
m Endo Broth MF is prepared according to the formulation of
membrane filtration methods.4,5
the Millipore Corporation1 for selectively isolating coliform
bacteria from water and other specimens using the membrane Principles of the Procedure
filtration technique. The medium is a combination of the former
m Endo Broth MF contains peptones as sources of carbon,
m HD Endo Medium and Lauryl Tryptose Broth.
nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Yeast extract supplies
The American Public Health Association (APHA) specifies B-complex vitamins, which stimulate bacterial growth.
using m Endo Broth MF in the standard total coliform Lactose is the carbohydrate. Phosphates are buffering agents.
membrane filtration procedure for testing water2 and bottled Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium.
water.3 APHA also specifies using m Endo Broth MF in the Sodium desoxycholate and sodium lauryl sulfate are added as
delayed-incubation total coliform procedure by adding sodium inhibitors of gram-positive bacteria. Basic fuchsin is a pH
benzoate to make m Endo preservative medium.2 The coliform indicator. Sodium sulfite is added to decolorize the basic fuchsin
Section III
E m Endo Broth MF, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco m Endo Broth MF
Dehydrated Appearance: Pinkish purple, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 4.8% solution, partially soluble in puri-
fied water containing 2% ethanol upon
boiling. Solution is pinkish-red, opalescent
with precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Pinkish-red, opalescent with precipitate.
Reaction of 4.8%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.1
Cultural Response
Difco m Endo Broth MF
Prepare the medium per label directions. Use the membrane filter tech-
nique to inoculate filters. Incubate on pads saturated with m Endo Broth
MF at 35 2C for 24 2 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 20-80 Good Red with green
metallic sheen
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 20-80 Good Colorless to pink
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Marked
solution. The ethanol additive increases the antibacterial 3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
nature of the formulation. stable, typical control cultures.
Lactose-fermenting bacteria produce acetaldehyde that reacts CAUTION: Protect from light. Use immediately.
with the sodium sulfite and fuchsin to form red colonies. The
development of a metallic sheen occurs when the organism Procedure
produces aldehydes with the rapid fermentation of lactose. 1. Place a membrane filter absorbent pad inside a sterile
If the inoculum is too heavy, the sheen will be suppressed. 60 mm Petri dish.
Lactose-nonfermenting bacteria form clear, colorless colonies. 2. Add 1.8-2.0 mL m Endo Broth MF to each pad.
3. Filter the water sample through a membrane filter.
Formula 4. Place filter top side up on the pad using a rolling motion to
Difco m Endo Broth MF avoid entrapping air bubbles.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 5. Invert the dish and incubate for 22-24 hours at 35 0.5C.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.5 g 6. Observe and count all colonies that are red and have a
Casitone ..................................................................... 5.0 g metallic sheen.
Thiopeptone ............................................................... 5.0 g
Tryptose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 12.5 g Expected Results
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.1 g All colonies that are red and have the characteristic metallic
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.375 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.375 g sheen are considered coliforms. The sheen may cover the
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g entire colony, may only be in the center or may appear only
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.05 g around the edges.
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 2.1 g
Basic Fuchsin .............................................................. 1.05 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Limitations of the Procedure
Occasionally, noncoliform organisms may produce typical
Directions for Preparation from sheen colonies. Coliform organisms may also occasionally
Dehydrated Product produce atypical colonies (dark red or nucleated colonies
1. Dissolve 48 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water without sheen). It is advisable to verify both colony types.2
containing 20 mL nondenatured ethanol.
2. Heat to boiling but avoid over-heating. DO NOT
Enteric Fermentation Base
References Availability
1. Fifield and Schaufus. 1958. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 50:193. Difco m Endo Broth MF
2. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. COMPF EPA SMD SMWW
3. Kim and Feng. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 274920 Dehydrated 100 g
4. Bordner and Winter (ed). 1978. Microbiological methods for monitoring the environment, water 274930 Dehydrated 500 g
and wastes. EPA-600/8-78-017. Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Office of Re-
search and Development, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
5. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Manual for the certification of laboratories analyz-
ing drinking water. EPA-814B-92-002. Office of Ground Water and Technical Support Division,
USEPA, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cultural Response
Difco Enteric Fermentation Base
Prepare the medium per label directions, without and with 1% dextrose.
Inoculate with fresh cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Acid production is indicated by a change in color from light amber to
dark pink or red. Check for gas production in at least 3% of the volume Uninoculated Escherichia Escherichia
of the fermentation vial. Tube coli coli
Escherichia coli 25922 Good / +/+
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 Good / +/+
Shigella flexneri 12022 Good / +/
Section III
E Enteric Fermentation Base, cont.
Formulae 2. For agar, heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute
BBL Enterococcosel Agar to completely dissolve the powder. For broth, heat if neces-
Approximate Formula* Per Liter sary to completely dissolve the powder.
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 3.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Oxgall ....................................................................... 10.0 g stable, typical control cultures.
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Esculin ........................................................................ 1.0 g Procedure
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.5 g
Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.25 g Agar
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 1.0 g Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g
specimens. Incubate plates 24-48 hours at 35 2C in and
BBL Enterococcosel Broth aerobic atmosphere.
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Broth
Colonies, from a primary isolation plate, suspected of being
Directions for Preparation from enterococci or group D streptococci can be emulsified in 2 mL
Dehydrated Product of Enterococcosel Broth and incubated at 35 2C in an
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: aerobic atmosphere.
BBL Enterococcosel Agar 56 g;
BBL Enterococcosel Broth 43 g.
Mix thoroughly.
Enterococcus faecalis
User Quality Control ATCC 33186
Identity Specifications
BBL Enterococcosel Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Medium fine, homogeneous, may contain
some tan specks.
Solution: 5.6% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium, tan with
a trace blue cast, clear to moderately hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Medium, tan with a trace blue cast, clear
to moderately hazy.
Reaction of 5.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
BBL Enterococcosel Broth
Cultural Response
BBL Enterococcosel Agar or Enterococcosel Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. For agar, inoculate as described
below. For broth, inoculate with fresh cultures. Incubate at 35 2C for
48 hours (agar) or 24 hours (broth).
Section III
E Enterococcosel Agar, cont.
isms are inhibited or do not turn the medium black. Modified with Sheep Blood
Cat. No. 297413 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
Limitations of the Procedure BBL Enterococcosel Broth
Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus bovis group, Pediococcus Cat. No. 212207 Dehydrated 500 g
221383 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
and staphylococci may also grow on Enterococcosel Agar. However,
*Store at 2-8C.
staphylococci do not produce black zones. Other organisms
m Enterococcus Agar
Intended Use perform, not requiring confirmation and permitting a direct
m Enterococcus Agar, also referred to as m Azide Agar, is used count of enterococci in 48 hours. Burkwell and Hartman4 added
for isolating and enumerating enterococci in water and other 0.2% sodium carbonate and 0.05% polysorbate 80 to
materials by membrane filtration or pour plate technique. m Enterococcus Agar to increase the sensitivity for the direct
plating method.
Summary and Explanation
The enterococcus group is a subgroup of the fecal streptococci Principles of the Procedure
that includes E. faecalis, E. faecium, E. gallinarum, and Peptone provides nitrogen, minerals and amino acids. Yeast
E. avium.1 Enterococci are differentiated from other strepto- extract is the vitamin source and dextrose supplies carbon.
cocci by their ability to grow in 6.5% sodium chloride, at pH Dipotassium phosphate acts as a buffer for the medium.
9.6 and at 10C and 45C.1 The enterococcal portion of the Sodium azide is the selective agent to suppress the growth of
fecal streptococcus group is a valuable bacterial indicator for gram-negative organisms. Agar is the solidifying agent.
determining the extent of fecal contamination of recreational Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) is the dye used as an
surface waters.1 m Enterococcus Agar is used in standard meth- indicator of bacterial growth. TTC is reduced to the insoluble
ods for the detection of fecal streptococcus and enterococcus formazan inside the bacterial cell, resulting in the production
groups using the membrane filtration technique.1 of red colonies.
m Enterococcus Agar was developed by Slanetz et al.2 for Formula
the enumeration of enterococci by the membrane filtration
Difco m Enterococcus Agar
technique. A modification of m Enterococcus Agar, adding Approximate Formula* Per Liter
triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC), was described by Slanetz Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
and Bartley3. This modified medium proved to be a superior Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0 g
membrane filtration medium for the enumeration of entero- Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g
cocci. Increased recovery and larger colonies were obtained Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.4 g
by incubating the inoculated membranes on the agar surface Agar ......................................................................... 10.0 g
2,3,5-Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride .......................... 0.1 g
instead of on pads saturated with liquid medium. The mem-
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
brane filtration method has the advantages of being simpler to
Section III
E m Enterococcus Agar, cont.
Directions for Preparation from 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Dehydrated Product stable, typical control cultures.
1. Suspend 42 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
thoroughly. Procedure
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Collect water samples as described in Standard Methods for
completely dissolve the powder. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Section 90601 or
3. Cool to 45-50C and dispense into 50 x 9 mm Petri dishes by laboratory policy.
to a depth of 4-5 mm (approximately 4-6 mL). Membrane filtration procedure
1. Follow the membrane filtration procedure as described in
User Quality Control Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater, Section 9230C.1
Identity Specifications 2. Choose a sample size so that 20-60 colonies will result.
Difco m Enterococcus Agar 3. Transfer the filter to agar medium in a Petri dish, avoiding
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
air bubbles beneath the membrane.
Solution: 4.2% solution, soluble in purified
4. Let plates stand for 30 minutes.
water upon boiling. Solution is light 5. Invert plates and incubate at 35 0.5C for 48 hours.
amber, slightly opalescent.
Direct plating procedure
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 4.2%
1. Inoculate medium with a specimen using the streak plate
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 method.
2. Incubate plates at 35 2C for 24-48 hours.
Cultural Response
Difco m Enterococcus Agar Expected Results1
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the membrane Count all light and dark red colonies as enterococci. Count
filter technique. Incubate in humid atmosphere at 35 0.5C for
40-48 hours. colonies using a fluorescent lamp and a magnifying lens.
1. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 20-60 Good Light pink wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
to red 2. Slanetz, Bent and Bartley. 1955. Public Health Rep. 70:67.
3. Slanetz and Bartley. 1957. J. Bacteriol. 74:591.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 20-60 Good Light pink 4. Burkwell and Hartman. 1964. Appl. Microbiol. 12:18.
to red
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Marked to Availability
complete inhibition
Difco m Enterococcus Agar
Enterococcus faecalis
Cat. No. 274610 Dehydrated 100 g
274620 Dehydrated 500 g
Enterococcus Screen Agar
Expected Results
Following a full 24 hours of incubation, observe plates for
growth. Growth on Quadrant I (BHIA Control) indicates
viable test organisms in the inoculum broth suspension and
the test is valid. If there is no growth, the test is invalid and
must be repeated.
Section III
E Enterococcus Screen Agar, cont.
1. Jett, Huycke and Gilmore. 1994. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 7:462.
2. Moellering. 1992. Clin. Infect. Dis. 14:1173.
3. Emori and Gaynes. 1993. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 6:428.
4. Landry, Kaiser and Wenzel. 1989. Am. J. Infect. Control 17:323.
5. Moellering, Korzeniowski, Sande and Wennersten. 1979. J. Infect. Dis. 140:203.
6. Murray. 1990. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 3:46.
7. Mandell. 1984. Ann. Intern. Med. 100:904.
8. Moellering and Weinberg. 1971. J. Clin. Invest. 50:2580.
9. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M7-A5. Meth-
ods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed. NCCLS,
Wayne, Pa.
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, cont.
Escherichia coli
User Quality Control ATCC 25922
Identity Specifications
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, may contain up to
a large amount of minute to small dark
red purple particles.
Solution: 3.74% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is medium
to dark, green orange brown, hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Medium to dark, green orange brown,
Reaction of 3.74%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
BBL EMB Agar, Levine, without Lactose
Cultural Response
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine or EMB Agar, Levine, without Lactose
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 104-105 Partial inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good
Klebsiella pneumoniae 33495 103-104 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis serotype Typhi 19430 103-104 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis serotype Typhimurium 14028 103-104 Good
Shigella dysenteriae 9361 103-104 Good
Shigella flexneri 12022 103-104 Good
Directions for Preparation from Follow established procedures when using the medium without
Dehydrated Product lactose.
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine 37.4 g; Expected Results
BBL EMB Agar, Levine, without Lactose 27.4 g. Typical colonial morphology on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar,
Mix thoroughly. Levine is as follows:
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Escherichia coli ..................... Large, blue-black, green
completely dissolve the powder. metallic sheen
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Enterobacter/Klebsiella ......... Large, mucoid, blue-black
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Proteus ................................. Large, colorless
stable, typical control cultures. Salmonella ........................... Large, colorless
Shigella ................................ Large, colorless
Pseudomonas ....................... Irregular, colorless
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
specimens. A nonselective medium should also be streaked Gram-positive bacteria ......... No growth to slight growth
to increase the chance of recovery when the population of
gram-negative organisms is low and to provide an indication Results obtained with Levine EMB Agar without Lactose are
of other organisms present in the specimen. Incubate plates, dependent upon the substituted carbohydrate.
protected from light, at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. If negative
after 24 hours, reincubate an additional 24 hours.
Section III
E Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, cont.
4. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
5. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, Cat. No. 295618 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The Na- BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine//
tional formulary 20 2002. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Rockville, Md.
7. Baron, Spilman and Carey. 1959. Abstr. G7, p. 29. Bacteriol. Proc. 59th Gen. Meet. Soc. Am.
MacConkey II Agar
Bacteriologists 1959. Cat. No. 295969 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine//
Availability Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine Cat. No. 221286 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 211221 Dehydrated 500 g
211222 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
221170 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221268 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Esculin Agar
the bacterial cells when the pH drops. Salmonella and Shigella Procedure
colonies are colorless or have a transparent amber color. Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
Escherichia coli colonies may show a characteristic green specimens. A nonselective medium should also be streaked to
metallic sheen due to the rapid fermentation of lactose. increase the chance of recovery when the population of gram-
Some gram-positive bacteria, such as fecal streptococci, negative organisms is low and to provide an indication of other
staphylococci and yeasts, will grow on this medium and organisms present in the specimen. Incubate plates, protected
usually form pinpoint colonies. A number of non-pathogenic, from light, at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. If negative after 24
lactose-nonfermenting gram-negative bacteria will grow on this hours, reincubate an additional 24 hours.
medium and must be distinguished from the pathogenic
bacterial strains by additional biochemical tests. Expected Results
Typical colonial morphology on EMB Agar, Modified is as
Formula follows:
BBL Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified, Holt-Harris Escherichia coli ................. Large, blue-black, green
and Teague metallic sheen
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Enterobacter/Klebsiella ..... Large, mucoid, blue-black
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ..................................... 10.0 g Proteus ............................. Large, colorless
Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g Salmonella ....................... Large, colorless to amber
Sucrose ...................................................................... 5.0 g Shigella ............................ Large, colorless to amber
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.0 g Pseudomonas ................... Irregular, colorless
Eosin Y ....................................................................... 0.4 g Gram-positive bacteria ..... No growth to slight growth
Methylene Blue ........................................................ 65.0 mg
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g References
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 1. Endo. 1904. Zentralbl. Bakteriol., Abt. I Orig. 35:109.
2. Holt-Harris and Teague. 1916. J. Infect. Dis. 18:596.
Esculin Agar
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Esculin Agar is a differential medium for demonstrating escu- Animal tissue peptones and infusions from heart muscle provide
lin hydrolysis by various microorganisms. amino acids or other nitrogenous substances that support bacte-
rial growth. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic equilibrium.
Summary and Explanation
Esculin is a glycoside incorporated as a differential agent
Esculin hydrolysis is recommended in the differentiation and
to facilitate the identification of various organisms, including
identification of a variety of organisms.1-3 If the test organism
Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci and anaerobes. Hydrolysis of
does not hydrolyze esculin, the medium remains unchanged
esculin yields esculetin and dextrose. In the presence of an iron
and the esculin will fluoresce when subjected to long-wave UV
salt, esculetin forms a brown-black complex that diffuses into
light at 360 nm. When hydrolyzed, the medium turns black
the surrounding medium.3
and fluorescence is lost.1
Section III
E Esculin Agar, cont.
Procedure References
1. Shigei. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Soci-
Organisms to be tested must first be isolated in pure culture ety for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
on an appropriate solid medium. Using a sterile inoculating 2. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
loop or needle, inoculate esculin agar with several isolated 3. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schreckenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
microbiology, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
colonies. Incubate tubes at 35C with caps loosened for up to
48 hours. Availability
BBL Esculin Agar
Expected Results Cat. No. 295951 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
Blackening of the agar medium in the area of growth indicates *Store at 2-8C.
esculin hydrolysis.
Eugon Agar
Intended Use enrichment. Enriched with blood, Eugon Agar supports the
Eugon Agar is a general-purpose medium used for cultivating growth of pathogenic fungi including Nocardia, Histoplasma
a wide variety of microorganisms. and Blastomyces. With the addition of Supplement B, excellent
growth of Neisseria, Francisella and Brucella is achieved. The
Summary and Explanation unenriched medium supports rapid growth of lactobacilli
Eugon Agar is prepared according to the formula described associated with cured meat products, dairy products and other
by Pelczar and Vera.1 Eugon Agar and Eugon Broth were foods.
developed to obtain eugonic (luxuriant) growth of fastidious Niven3 reported the use of Eugon Agar for the detection of
microorganisms.2 Eugon Agar can be used with or without lactic acid in cured meats, and recommended it for investigat-
ing spoilage in meats. Harrison and Hansen4 employed the
User Quality Control medium for plate counts of the intestinal flora of turkeys. Frank5
showed its usefulness in germinating anaerobic spores pasteur-
Identity Specifications
ized at 104C.
Difco Eugon Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous. Eugon Agar is included in the Compendium of Methods for
Solution: 4.54% solution, soluble in purified the Microbiological Examination of Foods.6
water upon boiling. Solution is light
amber, very slightly to slightly opales-
cent, cystine precipitate may be visible.
Principles of the Procedure
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent, Peptones provide the nitrogen, vitamins and amino acids in
precipitate may be visible. Eugon Agar. The high concentration of dextrose is the energy
Reaction of 4.54% source for rapid growth of bacteria. L-Cystine and sodium
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
sulfite are added to stimulate growth. Sodium chloride main-
Cultural Response tains the osmotic balance of the media. The high carbohydrate
Difco Eugon Agar content along with high sulfur (cystine) content improves
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate the growth with chromogenicity.2 Agar is the solidifying agent in
medium unsupplemented for 18-48 hours. Candida albicans and Eugon Agar.
Aspergillus niger should be incubated at 30 2C; all other cultures
should be incubated at 35 2C.
Difco Eugon Agar
Aspergillus niger 16404 102-103 Fair to good Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Brucella abortus 11192* 102-103 Good Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 7.5 g
Candida albicans 26790 102-103 Good Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 7.5 g
Lactobacillus fermentum 9338 102-103 Good Soy Peptone ............................................................... 5.0 g
Shigella flexneri 12022 102-103 Good Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.5 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.7 g
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 4.0 g
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.2 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Eugon Broth
Section III
E Eugon Broth, cont.
medium unsupplemented at 35 2C (Aspergillus niger and Candida Cat. No. 297424 Prepared Tubes Ctn. of 100*
albicans at 30 2C) for up to 72 hours.
*Store at 2-8C.
Aspergillus niger 16404 102-103 Fair to good
Brucella abortus 11192* 102-103 Good
Candida albicans 26790 102-103 Good
Lactobacillus fermentum 9338 102-103 Good
Shigella flexneri 12022 102-103 Good
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
m FC Agar
5.2% solution, soluble in purified water
the membrane filter technique, inoculate and incubate plates at 44.5
0.5C for 24 2 hours. F
upon boiling. Without 1% Rosolic Acid:
blue, very slightly to slightly opalescent, ORGANISM ATCC
may have a slight precipitate. With 1%
Rosolic Acid: cranberry red, slightly opal-
faecalis 19433 103-2103 Marked to
escent, may have a slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Without 1% Rosolic AcidBlue, slightly inhibition
opalescent. Escherichia coli 25922 20-80 Good Blue
With 1% Rosolic AcidCranberry red,
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 5.2% Escherichia coli
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2 (without 1% Rosolic Acid) ATCC 25922
Section III
FG m FC Agar, cont.
Colonies of fecal coliforms are blue; non-fecal coliforms and Difco m FC Broth
other organisms are gray to cream-colored. 1. Prepare the broth medium from the dehydrated base
according to the label directions and with the addition of
Formulae the Rosolic Acid solution.
Difco m FC Agar 2. Add 2 mL of the cooled broth to sterile absorbent pads in
Approximate Formula* Per Liter special tight-fitting plastic dishes.
Tryptose ................................................................... 10.0 g
3. Roll the membrane filter used to collect the water sample
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g onto the moistened absorbent pad, so as to avoid the
Lactose ..................................................................... 12.5 g formation of air bubbles between the filter and the pad.
Bile Salts No. 3 ........................................................... 1.5 g 4. Place the dishes in plastic bags and incubate, by immersion,
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g in a water bath at 44.5 0.2C for 24 2 hours.
Aniline Blue ................................................................ 0.1 g
Difco m FC Broth Base Expected Results
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar. Colonies of fecal coliforms will be various shades of blue.
Difco Rosolic Acid Non-fecal coliforms are gray to cream-colored.
Rosolic Acid ................................................................ 1 g/vial
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Limitation of the Procedure
A few non-fecal coliform colonies may be observed on m FC
Directions for Preparation from
media due to the selective action of the elevated temperature
Dehydrated Product and the addition of the Rosolic Acid. It may be useful to
Difco m FC Agar
elevate the temperature to 45 0.2C to eliminate Klebsiella
1. Suspend 52 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix strains from the fecal coliform group.6
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to References
completely dissolve the powder. 1. Geldreich, Huff and Best. 1965. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 57:208.
2. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
3. Add 10 mL of a 1% solution of Rosolic Acid in 0.2N NaOH. wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
3. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
Continue heating for 1 minute. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. tional. Gaithersburg, Md.
4. If necessary, adjust to pH 7.4 with 1N HCl. 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing
drinking water. EPA-814B-92-002. Office of Ground Water and Technical Support Division, USEPA,
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cincinnati, Ohio.
5. Bordner, Winter and Scarpino (ed.). 1978. Microbiological methods for monitoring the environment:
stable, typical control cultures. water and wastes. Publication EPA-600/8-78-017. Environmental Monitoring and Support Labora-
tory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
6. Eaton, Clesceri and Greenberg (ed.). 1995. Standard methods for the examination of water and
Difco m FC Broth Base wastewater, 19th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
1. Suspend 3.7 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water.
2. Add 1 mL of a 1% solution of Rosolic Acid in 0.2N NaOH. Availability
3. If necessary, adjust to pH 7.4 with 1N HCl. Difco m FC Agar
5. Cool before dispensing. Cat. No. 267710 Dehydrated 100 g
267720 Dehydrated 500 g
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures. Difco m FC Broth Base
Difco Rosolic Acid Cat. No. 288320 Dehydrated 100 g
Prepare a 1% solution, dissolving 1 g in 100 mL of 0.2N NaOH. 288330 Dehydrated 500 g
Difco Rosolic Acid
Procedure Cat. No. 232281 Vial 6 1 g
Difco m FC Agar
m FC Basal Medium
m FC Basal Medium
Intended Use Medium superior to LES Endo Medium in recovering coliforms
m FC Basal Medium is used with MUG or BCIG for cultivating and equivalent to FC-BCIG Medium in recovering E. coli.
and enumerating fecal coliforms by the membrane filter tech-
nique at elevated temperatures. Principles of the Procedure
m FC Basal Medium contains peptones as sources of carbon,
Summary and Explanation nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Yeast extract supplies B-complex
Ciebin et al.1 described a modification of m FC Medium, called vitamins that stimulate bacterial growth. Bile Salts No. 3 inhibits
FC Basal Medium, in which the chromogenic substrate the growth of gram-positive microorganisms. Agar is the solidi-
5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl--D-glucuronide (BCIG) is added fying agent.
for quantitative recovery of Escherichia coli from untreated
water samples to show fecal contamination using membrane Formula
filter methods. Difco m FC Basal Medium
Standard method procedures use media with the fluorogenic Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptose ................................................................... 10.0 g
substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide (MUG) to
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
enumerate E. coli by membrane filter methods.2 Disadvantages Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
of using MUG include the requirement of ultraviolet light, Bile Salts No. 3 ........................................................... 1.5 g
possible diffusion of fluorescence from the colony to the Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
surrounding medium and background fluorescence of membrane Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
filters.3 Using BCIG in place of MUG to detect -glucuronidase *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
activity gives visible blue colonies and an indigo-blue complex Directions for Preparation from
that remains within the colony. Ciebin et al.1 found FC-BCIG
Medium comparable to standard MUG-based media for
Dehydrated Product
detection of -glucuronidase activity of E. coli. 1. Suspend 39.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
In another study, Ciebin et al.4 formulated DC Medium using 2. Add 100 mg of MUG or BCIG, as desired, and boil to com-
FC Basal Medium supplemented with lactose, BCIG and
cefsulodin. It is a differential coliform medium for the
pletely dissolve the powder. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. F
3. If necessary, adjust to pH 7.4 with 1N HCl.
enumeration of coliforms and E. coli in potable water using
membrane filtration. Ciebin et al. compared DC Medium to 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using G
LES Endo Medium and FC-BCIG Medium. They found DC stable, typical control cultures.
Escherichia coli
User Quality Control ATCC 25922
Identity Specifications
Difco m FC Basal Medium
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.95% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light amber, very
slightly to slightly opalescent, may have
slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 3.95%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco m FC Basal Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions (with the addition of 0.01% MUG).
Using the membrane filter technique, inoculate and incubate at 44.5
0.5C for 24 2 hours.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 30-200 Inhibition
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 3102-103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 30-200 Good + (blue-white)
Section III
FG m FC Basal Medium, cont.
Procedure m FC-BCIG
1. Filter duplicate water samples through membrane filtration -glucuronidase-positive organisms produce a visible blue
apparatus. colony.
2. Transfer each membrane to the surface of the m FC Basal -glucuronidase-negative organisms produce a non-blue colony.
Medium plate. Place cultures in waterproof plastic bags.
Submerge Petri dishes in waterbath. Incubate one set of plates References
at 35 2C and one set at 44.5 0.2C for 24 2 hours. 1. Ciebin, Brodsky, Eddington, Horsnell, Choney, Palmateer, Ley, Joshi and Shears. 1995. Appl. Environ.
Microbiol. 61:3940.
3. Count number of colonies and record observations. m FC-MUG 2. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
plates are read under long-wavelength (366 nm) ultraviolet light. 3. Farber. 1986. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Tech. J. 19:34.
4. Ciebin, Schop and Brodsky. 1997. Q-152. Abstr. 97th Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1997.
Expected Results
Difco m FC Basal Medium
-glucuronidase-positive organisms produce a blue-white Cat. No. 269810 Dehydrated 500 g
fluorescence; e.g., E. coli.
-glucuronidase-negative organisms do not fluoresce; e.g.,
E. aerogenes, E. faecalis, S. typhimurium, S. flexneri.
FLN Agar
Intended Use Procedure
FLN (Fluorescence Lactose Nitrate) Agar was developed to Specimens must first be isolated in pure culture on an appro-
provide a screening procedure for partial identification of priate medium. The isolate should be Gram-stained and
nonfermentative gram-negative bacilli. examined to confirm that morphology is appropriate for the
gram-negative bacilli.
Summary and Explanation
Using a sterile inoculating needle, streak the slant surface and
Pickett and Pedersen observed that over 50% of 183 strains of
stab the butt with several colonies from the subculture medium.
nonfermentative bacilli from clinical specimens consisted of
Incubate the tubes, with caps loosened, at 35C for 18-24 hours.
only 3 (of 17) species.1 These species were Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Pseudomonas maltophilia (now Stenotrophomonas If the isolate fails to grow, reincubate at 25-30C for up to 1
maltophilia), and Achromobacter anitratus (now Acinetobacter week; examine daily for growth and pigment production. If
baumannii). This observation led to the development of media pigmentation fails to develop after the initial 24 hours of incu-
and tests to differentiate and partially identify the species. bation, reincubate the cultures at 22C for 1 or more days.
FLN Agar provides a means to test for fluorescence, lactose Expected Results
oxidation and denitrification. Further differentiation can be
Examine FLN Agar under UV light for fluorescin, a greenish-
obtained by testing for oxidase, lysine decarboxylation and
yellow fluorescent pigment in the colonies and surrounding
fructose oxidation.1
medium. Observe butt of slant for presence of gas bubbles as
evidence of denitrification. Yellow color on slant indicates
Principles of the Procedure
oxidation of lactose.
To demonstrate the ability of isolates to produce fluorescin
pigment, to reduce nitrate to nitrite to nitrogen gas and to oxidize References
lactose, medium B of King (Pseudomonas Agar P/Tech Agar)2 1. Pickett, and Pedersen. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:1631.
2. King, Ward, and Raney. 1954. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 44:301.
was modified.1 The ability of isolates to produce fluorescin and 3. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schreckenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
to reduce nitrate or nitrite to nitrogen gas are two important microbiology, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fildes Enrichment
1. Larsen, Pope, Johnson and Kennedy (ed.). 1998. A manual of tests for syphilis, 9th ed. American
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. F
Availability G
BBL FTA Hemagglutination Buffer
Cat. No. 211248 Dehydrated 500 g
Fildes Enrichment
Intended Use Summary and Explanation
Fildes Enrichment may be used to enrich a variety of media Fildes Enrichment is a peptic digest of sheep blood used to
for the cultivation of various microorganisms. enhance the growth of fastidious organisms. It may be added
to Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth or Agar in a final concentra-
User Quality Control tion of 5% for cultivation of Haemophilus influenzae.1,2
Identity Specifications Stokes and Willis both recommended that 5% Fildes Enrich-
BBL Fildes Enrichment
ment and 20% human serum be added to Nutrient Agar for
Appearance: Dark brown and hazy with fine dark Nagler plates for C. perfringens and C. bifermentans.3,4
brown sediment.
Principles of the Procedure
Cultural Response Fildes Enrichment is a rich source of growth factors stimula-
BBL Fildes Enrichment
tory to various microorganisms, including the X (hemin) and
Prepare medium with added Fildes Enrichment. Inoculate with fresh
cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 2 days with CO2. V (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD) factors necessary
for the growth of H. influenzae.
Haemophilus influenzae 10211 Good
Neisseria meningitidis 700344 Good
Fildes Enrichment is prepared by the action of the enzyme
pepsin on defibrinated sheep blood.
Section III
FG Fildes Enrichment, cont.
Fletchers Media
Fletcher Medium Base Fletchers Medium
Fletchers Medium with 5-FU
Intended Use thereafter, leptospires may be isolated by direct culture of
Fletchers Medium is an enriched, semisolid medium used for undiluted urine specimens. At autopsy, leptospires may be
the cultivation of Leptospira. isolated from kidney and liver tissues as well as from blood
and urine.
Fletchers Medium with 5-FU contains 5-fluorouracil for
selective recovery and cultivation of Leptospira from clinical Fletcher developed an enriched medium for the cultivation of
specimens. Leptospira from clinical specimens (urine, blood, kidney and
liver tissues).3 Peptone and a rabbit serum enrichment
Summary and Explanation support the growth of leptospires.
Leptospirosis is an acute, febrile disease caused by members of When supplemented with 5-fluorouracil, the medium is
the genus Leptospira.1,2 Direct culture of blood is the most recommended for urine and other specimens containing mixed
reliable way to detect Leptospira during the first week of microbial flora to provide selective inhibition of bacterial
illness. After the first week of illness and for several months contaminants without inhibiting the growth of leptospires.4
Fluid A
Directions for Preparation from 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions. Consult appropriate texts for
Dehydrated Product detailed information about the processing and inoculation of
1. Suspend 2.5 g of the powder in 920 mL of purified water. tissues and other specimens.1,2
Mix thoroughly. Incubate tubes in the dark at 25-30C for up to 6 weeks.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Expected Results
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Examine tubes for growth every 5-7 days. Growth occurs as a
4. Aseptically add 80 mL sterile normal rabbit serum at 56C. ringed-area (disk) 1-3 cm below the surface of the medium.
Mix well. The absence of a ringed area of growth does not necessarily
5. Determine pH; if necessary, aseptically adjust to pH 7.9 mean leptospires are not present. Remove a small amount of
0.1 with 1N HCl or 1N NaOH. growth from the disk area and examine microscopically (the
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Gram stain is not satisfactory). Microcolonies can be fixed
stable, typical control cultures. with methanol and stained with Giemsa stain to show rod
Cultures should be held for up to 6 weeks before discarding as
Prepare the medium from Fletcher Medium Base per label
directions and aseptically dispense into sterile screw-cap tubes
in 5-7 mL amounts. Store at room temperature overnight.
Inactivate the whole medium the day following its prepara- 1. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
tion by placing the tubes in a water bath at 56C for 1 hour. St. Louis, Mo.
Allow the medium to cool before inoculation. 2. Weyant, Bragg and Kaufmann. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Fletcher. 1927-28. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg. 21:265.
Inoculate the medium with one or two drops of blood or urine 4. Johnson and Rogers. 1964. J. Bacteriol. 87:422.
5. Weinman. 1981. In Balows and Hausler (ed.), Diagnostic procedures for bacterial, mycotic and
per tube and distribute throughout the medium. Leptospires parasitic infections, 6th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
are most likely to be isolated from blood during the first week
of illness. Thereafter, they are more likely to be isolated from Availability
urine. Both undiluted and 10-fold diluted urine specimens Difco Fletcher Medium Base
should be cultured because the undiluted urine may contain
growth-inhibiting substances. Repeat the inoculation proce-
Cat. No. 298710
BBL Fletchers Medium
Dehydrated 500 g
dures to obtain optimal recovery of Leptospira, since they may Cat. No. 297242 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 5 mL Pkg. of 10* G
be shed sporadically. BBL Fletchers Medium with 5-FU
Leptospira may also be cultured from liver and kidney tissues.
Cat. No. 297243 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 5 mL Pkg. of 10*
Aseptically macerate tissue specimens and inoculate using 1:1, *Store at 2-8C.
Flo Agar
(See Pseudomonas Agars)
Fluid A Fluid D
Intended Use is performed using the membrane filtration or direct testing
Fluid A and Fluid D conform with specifications of The United methods, depending upon sample type and size.
States Pharmacopeia (USP). Fluid A and Fluid D are used for diluting or rinsing when perform-
Fluid A (peptone water) is used for diluting or rinsing when ing sterility testing. These fluids aid in the complete rinsing of the
performing sterility testing. Fluid D (peptone water with membrane filter apparatus and are not toxic to microorganisms.
polysorbate 80) is used for diluting or rinsing samples con- Fluid D contains polysorbate 80, which acts as a surfactant to
taining lecithin or oil when performing sterility testing. break down the lecithin or oils present.
Section III
FG Fluid A, cont.
Formulae Procedure
Difco Fluid A Fluid A and Fluid D are provided as prepared, ready-to-use
Approximate Formula* Per Liter diluents in a variety of bottle sizes and closures. Consult
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 1.0 g
appropriate references for detailed information and recom-
Difco Fluid D
mended procedures.1,2
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 1.0 g
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 1.0 mL Expected Results
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Consult appropriate references for further information.1,2
Principles of the Procedure Follow assay procedures as outlined in the reference.1 It is
Folic Acid AOAC Medium is a folic acid-free dehydrated essential that a standard curve be set up for each separate
medium containing all other nutrients and vitamins essential assay. Autoclaving and incubation conditions that can influ-
for the cultivation of E. hirae ATCC 8043. The addition of folic ence the standard curve readings cannot always be duplicated.
acid in specified increasing concentrations gives a growth re- The standard curve is obtained by using folic acid at levels of
sponse that can be measured turbidimetrically or titrimetrically. 0.0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ng per assay tube (10 mL). Folic AOAC
Medium may be used for both turbidimetric and titrimetric F
Difco Folic AOAC Medium
analysis. Turbidimetric readings should be taken after incuba-
tion at 35-37C for 16-18 hours. Titrimetric determinations
Approximate Formula* Per Liter are best made following incubation at 35-37C for 72 hours.
Vitamin Assay Casamino Acids ................................. 10.0 g
L-Asparagine .............................................................. 0.6 g The folic acid required for the preparation of the standard
L-Tryptophan .............................................................. 0.2 g
L-Cysteine Hydrochloride ........................................... 0.76 g
curve may be prepared as follows:
Dextrose ................................................................... 40.0 g A. Dissolve 50 mg dried folic acid in about 30 mL 0.01N
Adenine Sulfate ....................................................... 10.0 mg
Guanine Hydrochloride ............................................ 10.0 mg NaOH and 300 mL purified water.
Uracil ........................................................................ 10.0 mg B. Adjust the pH reaction to 7.5 0.5 with diluted HCl
Xanthine .................................................................. 20.0 mg solution.Dilute to 500 mL with purified water.
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ................................................. 1.0 mg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ............................................ 4.0 mg C. Add 2 mL of the solution to 50 mL purified water. Adjust
Thiamine Hydrochloride ......................................... 400.0 g the pH reaction to 7.5 0.5. Dilute to 100 mL with puri-
Calcium Pantothenate ............................................ 800.0 g fied water. This yields a stock solution containing 2 g folic
Nicotinic Acid ......................................................... 800.0 g
Biotin ....................................................................... 20.0 g
acid per mL.
Riboflavin ................................................................... 1.0 mg D. Prepare the stock solution fresh daily.
Glutathione ................................................................ 5.2 mg
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 0.1 g The standard solution for the assay is made by diluting 1 mL
Sodium Citrate ......................................................... 52.0 g of this stock solution to 1 liter with purified water. This solution
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 6.4 g contains 2 ng folic acid per mL. Use 0.0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.4 g
Manganese Sulfate .................................................. 20.0 mg 5 mL per assay tube.
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 20.0 mg
Ferrous Sulfate ......................................................... 20.0 mg
Some laboratories may wish to alter the concentration of folic
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. acid recommended above for the standard curve. This is
permissible if the concentration used is within the limits
specified by AOAC.1
Section III
FG Folic AOAC Medium, cont.
Expected Results 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting having different nutritional requirements that will not give
the response readings against the amount of standard in a satisfactory response.
each tube, disk or cup. 4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay the assay must be followed precisely.
solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from Reference
1. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC international, 17th ed., vol. II. AOAC
the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do International, Gaithersburg, Md.
not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%. Availability
Difco Folic AOAC Medium
Limitations of the Procedure AOAC
Cat. No. 212169 Dehydrated 100 g*
1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
*Store at 2-8C.
must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
for this purpose.
2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
Folic Acid Assay Medium, cont.
Prepare the folic acid stock solution required for the standard
User Quality Control
curve as follows:
Identity Specifications 1. Dissolve 50 mg dried Folic Acid USP Reference Standard
Difco Folic Acid Assay Medium
or equivalent in about 30 mL of 0.01N NaOH and 300 mL
Dehydrated Appearance: Off white to very light beige, free-
flowing, homogeneous. purified water.
Solution: 3.75% (single strength) or 7.5% 2. Adjust to pH 7.5 0.5 with diluted HCl solution. Add
(double strength) solution, soluble in purified water to give a volume of 500 mL.
purified water upon boiling for 2-3 3. Add 2 mL of the solution from step 2 to 50 mL purified
minutes. Single strength solution is
light amber, may have a slight precipi- water. Adjust the pH to 7.5 0.5 with HCl solution. Dilute
tate. to 100 mL with purified water to give a stock solution con-
Prepared Appearance: Very light amber, clear, may have a taining 2 g folic acid per mL. Prepare the stock solution
very slight precipitate. fresh daily.
Reaction of 3.75%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2 Prepare the standard solution for the assay by diluting 1 mL of
this stock solution in 1 liter with purified water. This solution
Cultural Response contains 2 ng folic acid per mL. Use 0.0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and
Difco Folic Acid Assay Medium 5 mL per assay tube.
Prepare the medium per label directions. The medium supports the
growth of Enterococcus hirae ATCC 8043 when prepared in single Following incubation, place the tubes in the refrigerator for
strength and supplemented with folic acid. The medium should 15-30 minutes to stop growth. The growth can be measured
produce a standard curve when tested using a folic acid reference
standard at 0.0 to 10.0 ng per 10 mL. Incubate tubes with caps by a turbidimetric method and the curve constructed from the
loosened at 35-37C for 18-24 hours. Read the percent transmittance values obtained. The most effective assay range is between the
using a spectrophotometer at 660 nm. levels of 2 and 10 ng folic acid per 10 mL tube.
Expected Results
Directions for Preparation from 1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting
Dehydrated Product the response readings against the amount of standard in
1. Suspend 7.5 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. each tube, disk or cup.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes. 2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay F
3. Dispense in 5 mL amounts into tubes, evenly dispersing
the precipitate.
solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
4. Add standard or test samples. the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
5. Adjust the tube volume to 10 mL with purified water. not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
6. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes. only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%.
Procedure Limitations of the Procedure
Prepare stock cultures of E. hirae ATCC 8043 by stab inocula- 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
tion of Lactobacilli Agar AOAC. Incubate at 35-37C for 24-48 must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
hours. Store tubes in the refrigerator. Make transfers at monthly for this purpose.
intervals. Prepare the inoculum for assay by subculturing a stock 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay pro-
culture of E. hirae ATCC 8043 into a tube containing 10 mL cedure.
of Lactobacilli Broth AOAC. After incubation at 35-37C for 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
18-24 hours, centrifuge the cells under aseptic conditions and having different nutritional requirements that will not give
decant the supernatant. Wash the cells three times with 10 mL a satisfactory response.
of sterile 0.85% saline. After the third wash, dilute the cell 4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
suspension 1:100 with sterile 0.85% saline. Use one drop of the assay must be followed precisely.
this latter suspension to inoculate each of the assay tubes.
It is essential that a standard curve be set up for each separate 1. Capps, Hobbs and Fox. 1948. J. Bacteriol. 55:869.
assay. Autoclaving and incubation conditions that influence
the standard curve readings cannot always be duplicated. Availability
The standard curve is obtained by using folic acid at levels of Difco Folic Acid Assay Medium
0.0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ng per 10 mL assay tube. Turbidimetric Cat. No. 231810 Dehydrated 100 g*
readings should be made after incubation at 35-37C for *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
FG Folic Acid Casei Medium
Folic Acid Casei Medium, cont.
5. Add standard or test samples. 3. If the test is not begun immediately, place tubes in a freezer
6. Adjust tube volume to 10 mL with purified water. and hold below -20C.
7. Autoclave at 121C for 5 minutes. Preparation of Serum Specimen
1. Thaw the serum containing ascorbic acid.
2. Add 5 mL of the uniform sample to 45 mL rehydrated folic
Preparation of Stock Cultures and Inoculum
buffer solution (see Preparation of the Standard).
Prepare stock cultures of the test organism, L. rhamnosus ATCC
3. Incubate the serum-buffer solution at 37C for 90 minutes.
7469, by stab inoculation into prepared tubes of Lactobacilli Agar
Autoclave the incubated mixture at 121C for 2.5 minutes.
AOAC. Incubate the cultures at 35-37C for 18-24 hours. Store
4. Remove the coagulated protein by centrifuging and transfer
cultures in the refrigerator at 2-8C. Stock transfers are made at
the clear supernatant to a clean dry tube. The clear solution
monthly intervals.
is the sample to use in the folic acid assay.
Prepare the inoculum for assay by subculturing from a stock
Procedure for Total Folic Acid
culture of L. rhamnosus into a tube containing 10 mL prepared
1. Use 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mL or other volumes of the prepared serum
Micro Inoculum Broth. Incubate at 35-37C for 16-18 hours.
extracts as described above.
Under aseptic conditions, centrifuge the tubes to sediment the
2. Fill each assay tube with 5 mL of rehydrated Folic Acid
cells and decant the supernatant. Wash the cells in 10 mL sterile
Casei Medium and sufficient purified water to give a total
single-strength Folic Acid Casei Medium. Resediment the cells
volume of 10 mL per tube.
by centrifuging aseptically and decant the supernatant. Repeat
3. Autoclave tubes at 121C for 5 minutes.
washing two more times. After the third washing, resuspend
4. Add 1 drop of inoculum described under Preparation of
the cells in 10 mL sterile single-strength medium and dilute
Stock Cultures and Inoculum to each assay.
1 mL with 99 mL of the same medium. One drop of this
5. Incubate at 35-37C for 18-24 hours. Tubes are refrigerated
suspension is used to inoculate each of the assay tubes. Read
for 15-30 minutes to stop growth before reading turbidi-
the growth response of the assay tubes turbidimetrically after
18-24 hours incubation at 35-37C. (Some laboratories use
0.85% saline instead of the single-strength basal medium to Expected Results
wash and dilute the inoculum.)
The amount of folic acid in the test samples can be determined
Preparation of the Standard by interpolating the results with the values obtained on the F
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed for each sepa- standard curve, taking into consideration the dilutions of the
rate assay. Autoclave and incubation conditions can influence samples. G
the standard curve readings and cannot always be duplicated.
The standard curve may be obtained by using folic acid at levels Limitations of the Procedure
of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 ng per assay tube (10 mL). 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
The folic acid required for preparation of the standard curve
for this purpose.
may be prepared as follows:
2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
Dissolve 50 mg dried folic acid in about 30 mL 0.01N NaOH procedure.
and 300 mL purified water. Adjust to pH 7-8 with 0.05N HCl 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
and dilute to 500 mL with purified water. Dilute 10 mL of this having different nutritional requirements that will not give
solution with 500 mL purified water. Further dilute 1 mL in 1 a satisfactory response.
liter purified water to make a stock solution containing 2 ng 4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
per mL folic acid. Prepare the standard solution containing the assay must be followed precisely.
0.2 ng per mL folic acid by diluting 10 mL of stock solution
with 90 mL of folic buffer solution (consisting of per liter: References
1. Flynn, Williams, ODell and Hogan. 1951. Anal. Chem. 23:180.
monopotassium phosphate 10.656 g, dipotassium phosphate 2. Baker, Herbert, Frank, Pasher, Hunter, Wasserman and Sobotka. 1959. Clin. Chem. 5:275.
3.744 g and ascorbic acid 1.0 g and having a final pH at 25C 3. Waters and Molin. 1961. J. Clin. Pathol. 14:335.
Section III
FG Fraser Broth Base
Cultural Response
Difco Fraser Broth Base and Fraser Broth Supplement Uninoculated Listeria monocytogenes
Prepare the medium per label directions. Add Fraser Broth Supplement. Tube ATCC 19114
Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C and read for growth and blackening
at 18-24 and 42-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition
Listeria monocytogenes 19114 102-103 Good +
Listeria monocytogenes 19115 102-103 Good +
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition
GBNA Medium
Selectivity is provided by the presence of lithium chloride, 3. Transfer 0.1 mL of the incubated broth to Fraser Broth.
nalidixic acid and acriflavine in the formula. The high salt Incubate at 35C for 26 2 hours.
tolerance of Listeria is used as a means to inhibit growth of 4. At 24 and 48 hours, streak the Fraser Broth culture to
enterococci. Modified Oxford Agar.
5. Incubate the Modified Oxford plates at 35C for 24-48
Formulae hours.
Difco Fraser Broth Base
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Expected Results
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
1. Examine agar plates for suspect colonies. For further identifi-
Beef Extract ................................................................ 5.0 g cation and confirmation of Listeria spp., consult appropriate
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g references.8,10-12
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 20.0 g
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 9.6 g 2. Rapid slide and macroscopic tube tests can be used for
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.35 g definitive serological identification.
Esculin ........................................................................ 1.0 g
Nalidixic Acid ............................................................. 0.02 g Limitations of the Procedure
Acriflavine HCl ......................................................... 24.0 mg
Lithium Chloride ........................................................ 3.0 g 1. Since Listeria species other than L. monocytogenes can grow
Difco Fraser Broth Supplement
on these media, an identification of Listeria monocytogenes
Per 10 mL Vial must be confirmed by biochemical and serological
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.5 g testing.11,12
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
2. Poor growth and a weak esculin reaction may be seen after
Directions for Preparation from 40 hours incubation for some enterococci.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 55 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 1. Murray, Webb and Swann. 1926. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:407.
2. Monk, Clavero, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1994. J. Food Prot. 57:969.
thoroughly. 3. Wehr. 1987. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 70:769.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 4. Bremer and Osborne. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:604.
5. Grau and Vanderlinde. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:4.
completely dissolve the powder. 6. Patel, Hwang, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:244.
7. Fraser and Sperber. 1988. J. Food Prot. 51:762.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to room
8. Lee and McClain. 1994. Laboratory Communication No. 57 (revised February 8, 1994). Food
Safety and Inspection Service, Microbiology Division, USDA, Bethesda, Md.
9. Kramer and Jones. 1969. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 32:381.
4. Aseptically add 10 mL Fraser Broth Supplement. Mix well.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
10. Ryser and Donnelly. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
11. Bille, Rocourt and Swaminathan. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
stable, typical control cultures. 12. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the exami-
nation of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Procedure Availability
To isolate Listeria monocytogenes from processed meats and
Difco Fraser Broth Base
poultry, the following procedure is recommended by the U.S. COMPF ISO SMD USDA
Department of Agriculture.8 Cat. No. 211767 Dehydrated 500 g
211766 Dehydrated 2 kg
1. Add 25 g of test material to 225 mL of UVM Modified
Listeria Enrichment Broth and mix or blend thoroughly. Difco Fraser Broth Supplement
2. Incubate for 20-24 hours at 30C.
Cat. No. 211742 Vial 6 10 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
GBNA Medium
Intended Use replacing the agar with a self-gelling, highly-purified
GBNA (Gum Base Nalidixic Acid) Medium is used for the heterosaccharide biopolymer, gellan gum,2 resulted in a trans-
isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from clinical and parent medium (GBNA). The substitution greatly aided in
nonclinical specimens. colonial visualization and identification of Listeria using
Henrys Oblique Light System.3 The addition of nalidixic acid
Both selective and nonselective media have been used to isolate
combined with a reduction in the nutrient level resulted in the
and cultivate L. monocytogenes. Colonies of this organism, when
inhibition of undesirable organisms without reducing the
viewed by special optical illumination, have a definite color and
efficiency of isolating L. monocytogenes.1
distinctive colonial characteristics, but the opaqueness of agar
media greatly interferes with the optical system. Martin et al.1
experimented with various media formulations and found that
Section III
FG GBNA Medium, cont.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.7 g
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 1.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.83 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 1.7 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.83 g
Magnesium Chloride .................................................. 0.33 g
Nalidixic Acid ............................................................. 0.05 g
Gellan Gum ................................................................ 8.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
GC Medium Base
Identity Specifications
Difco GC Medium Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
to medium amber, opalescent, may
have a slight precipitate, ground
glass appearance.
Prepared Appearance: With Hemoglobin and Supplement,
chocolate brown, opaque.
Reaction of 3.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Difco Supplement B with Reconstituting Fluid
Lyophilized Appearance: Tan to reddish brown, lyophilized
powder or cake.
Rehydrated Appearance: Medium to dark amber, very to slightly
parainfluenzae Reconstituting Fluid
ATCC 7901 Appearance: Colorless, clear liquid.
Difco Supplement VX with Reconstituting Fluid
The growth rate of Neisseria and Haemophilus is improved
Lyophilized Appearance: Pink powder or cake.
with the addition of 1% nutritive enrichment, providing the
Rehydrated Appearance: Pink, clear.
growth factors glutamine and cocarboxylase. Supplement B
Reconstituting Fluid
contains yeast concentrate, glutamine, coenzyme (V factor), Appearance: Colorless, clear solution.
cocarboxylase, hematin (X factor) and growth factors. Supple- Difco Antimicrobic CNV
ment VX is a defined lyophilized concentrate of essential growth Lyophilized Appearance: Pale yellow, dry cake or powder.
factors; i.e., vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, dextrose and Rehydrated Appearance: Off-white to pale yellow, opalescent
other factors to improve the growth of Haemophilus and to opaque, even suspension.
Neisseria species. IsoVitaleX Enrichment provides V factor
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD) for Haemophilus Cultural Response
Difco GC Medium Base, Hemoglobin and
species and vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, dextrose, ferric Supplement B or Supplement VX
ion and other factors which improve the growth of pathogenic Prepare Chocolate Agar with GC Medium Base per label directions.
Neisseria. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C under 3-5% CO2 for 18-48 hours.
GC Medium Base, cont.
Lyophilized Appearance: White to off-white, complete and dry, Candida albicans 60193 30-300 Inhibition (partial)
with scum-like disk evident. Neisseria gonorrhoeae 43069 30-300 Good
Reconstituted Appearance: Colorless, clear to moderately hazy. Neisseria meningitidis* 13090 30-300 Good
Proteus mirabilis* 43071 30-300 Inhibition (partial)
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 30-300 Inhibition (partial)
*Only used on VCAT-containing medium.
Section III
FG GC Medium Base, cont.
GC Medium Base, cont.
recommended for complete identification. Consult appro- Cat. No. 212269 Lyophilized 10 10 mL**
priate references for further information. BBL VCAT Inhibitor
2. Improper specimen collection, environment, temperature, Cat. No. 212404 Lyophilized 10 10 mL**
CO2 level, moisture and pH can adversely affect the growth *Store at 2-8C.
**Store at -20 to + 8C.
and viability of the organisms.
3. Inactivation or deterioration of antibiotics in selective
media may allow growth of contaminants.
4. GC agar medium bases have sufficient buffering capacity
to offset the very low pH of the small amount of nutritive
enrichments added. However, the pH of some media may
have to be adjusted with 1% NaOH after the addition of
these enrichments.
Section III
FG GC II Agar with IsoVitaleX
GC-Lect Agar
8. Apply the discs by means of an antimicrobial disc dispenser, visible growth that can be detected with the unaided eye.
using aseptic precautions. Most antimicrobial agents Disregard faint growth of tiny colonies that can be detected
produce larger zones of inhibition when tested against with difficulty near the edge of the obvious zone of inhibition.
N. gonorrhoeae compared with other organisms; therefore, 3. Refer to the Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards in the
no more than 9 discs per 150 mm plate are recommended. NCCLS publication for interpretation of results obtained
After discs have been placed on the agar, tamp them with a with clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoeae.3 Results may be
sterile needle or forceps to make complete contact with the reported as resistant, intermediate or susceptible depending
medium surface. This step is not necessary if the discs on the zone diameters obtained. Organisms testing positive
are deposited using the Sensi-Disc Self Tamping 12-Place for -lactamase production should be considered resistant
Dispenser (tampers will not descend from holes lacking to penicillin regardless of the zone diameters obtained.
Consult references for additional information.4-6
9. Within 15 minutes after the discs are applied, invert the
plates and incubate for 20-25 hours at 35C in an aerobic References
atmosphere enriched with 5-7% carbon dioxide. 1. Centers for Disease Control. 1987. Antibiotic-resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: policy
guidelines for detection, management, and control. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 36(Suppl.):1S.
2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M2M7. Per-
Expected Results formance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
3. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. M100S10 (M2), Disk diffusion
1. Examine the plates after 20-24 hours of incubation. A supplemental tables. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
4. Neumann, Sahm, Thornsberry and McGowan. 1991. Cumitech 6A, New developments in antimi-
confluent lawn of growth should be obtained. If only crobial agent susceptibility testing: a practical guide. Coordinating ed., McGowan. American Soci-
ety for Microbiology, Washington D.C.
isolated colonies grow, the inoculum was too light and the 5. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schreckenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
microbiology, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
test should be repeated. 6. Jorgensen, Jurnidge and Washington. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.)
2. Measure the diameter of the zone of complete inhibition (as Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington. D.C.
IsoVitaleX Enrichment also provides vitamins, amino acids, 3. Place the culture as soon as possible in an aerobic environ-
coenzymes, dextrose, ferric ion and other factors that improve ment enriched with carbon dioxide.
the growth of pathogenic Neisseria. 8 In addition, GC-Lect Agar With the JEMBEC System: With sterile forceps remove a
permits the growth of some vancomycin-sensitive gonococcal CO2-generating tablet from its foil wrapper and place it in
strains which are inhibited on standard MTM Agar.9 the specially designed well in the plate. Place inoculated
plates in the polyethylene bag provided (one plate per bag).
To improve the selectivity of GC-Lect Agar, a combination of
five antimicrobial agents was developed to inhibit gram posi-
by pressing down on the zipper at the end of the bag
tive bacteria, including vancomycin-resistant S. epidermidis,
with fingers and slide along to the opposite end. Be sure
gram-negative species, including Proteus and Capnocytophaga,
that the bag is sealed completely. After the bag is sealed,
as well as fungi, including Candida albicans.9
incubate in an inverted position (agar side up) at 35C for
In the JEMBEC system, a tablet consisting of a mixture of 18-48 hours.11
citric acid and sodium bicarbonate is placed in a well within To transport the culture after incubation, place the sealed
the plate and is activated by the moisture (humidity) produced JEMBEC system in a suitable mailing or shipping container.
by the culture medium within the sealed plastic bag. The CO2 Care should be taken to protect the culture from extreme
levels generated are sufficient for the growth of Neisseria heat or cold and to ensure delivery to the testing labora-
gonorrhoeae.7 tory as soon as possible.
4. Incubate at 35 2C and examine after overnight incuba-
Procedure tion and again after approximately 48 hours.
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in 5. Subculture for identification of N. gonorrhoeae should
the laboratory. If material is being cultured directly from a be made within 18-24 hours. If shipped after incuba-
swab, proceed as follows.10 tion, colonies should be subcultured before performing
1. Roll swab directly on the medium in a large Z to provide biochemical identification tests in order to ensure that
adequate exposure of swab to the medium for transfer of adequate viability is achieved.
2. Cross-streak the Z pattern with sterile wire loop, prefer- Expected Results
ably in the clinic. If not done previously, cross-streaking After a minimum of 18 hours of incubation, the plates should
should be done in the laboratory. show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth
in areas of heavy inoculation. Some strains may require up to
72 hours of incubation before visible colonies appear.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae appears as small, grayish-white to
colorless mucoid colonies. N. meningitidis forms a colony
similar to N. gonorrhoeae, but larger and bluish-gray.
A presumptive identification may be made by performing a Gram
stain and an oxidase test.12 Biochemical tests and other identifi-
cation procedures should be performed to confirm findings.
GN Broth
Section III
FG GN Broth, cont.
buffers are incorporated to maintain the pH of the medium. directly into the broth. For stool specimens, use 1 g of feces or
Sodium citrate and sodium desoxycholate are added to inhibit 1 mL of liquid stool per tube. Consult appropriate references
gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. for information about the processing and inoculation of other
clinical specimens or food samples.6-9
Proteus, Pseudomonas and coliforms do not overgrow
Salmonella and Shigella in GN Broth during the first 6 hours Incubate the tubes with loosened caps at 35 2C and subcul-
of incubation. ture onto selective and differential media after 6-8 hours of
incubation and again after 18-24 hours of incubation.10
Difco GN Broth, Hajna Expected Results
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Growth in broth media is indicated by turbidity compared to
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 12.0 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 8.0 g
an uninoculated control. Subculture onto appropriate selective
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g and differential media to isolate pathogens for identification.
D-Mannitol ................................................................. 2.0 g
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 5.0 g Limitation of the Procedure
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.5 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g Enrichment broths should not be used as the sole isolation
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g medium. They are to be used in conjunction with selective
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g and nonselective plating media to increase the probability of
BBL GN Broth isolating pathogens, especially when they may be present in
Approximate Formula* Per Liter small numbers. Consult references for detailed information
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g and recommended procedures.6-9
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
D-Mannitol ................................................................. 2.0 g References
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 5.0 g 1. Hajna. 1955. Public Health Lab. 13:59.
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.5 g 2. Hajna. 1955. Public Health Lab. 13:83.
3. Croft and Miller. 1956. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 26:411.
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g 4. Taylor and Schelhart. 1967. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 48:356.
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g 5. Taylor and Schelhart. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:1383.
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 6. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 7. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Directions for Preparation from 8. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dehydrated Product 9. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
10. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
1. Suspend 39 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
2. Dispense and autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Availability
3. Alternatively, the broth may be steamed for 30 minutes at Difco GN Broth, Hajna
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 248610 Dehydrated 500 g
stable, typical control cultures. BBL GN Broth
Procedure Cat. No. 211279 Dehydrated 500 g
221729 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Inoculate the broth as soon as possible after the specimen 221730 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
arrives at the laboratory. Swab specimens may be inserted *Store at 2-8C.
Intended Use This innovation, a solid culture method, became the foundation
Gelatin is used in preparing microbiological culture media. for investigation of the propagation of bacteria.1 However, gelatin-
based media were soon replaced by media containing agar as the
Summary and Explanation solidifying agent.
Gelatin is a protein of uniform molecular constitution derived Gelatin is used in culture media for determining gelatinolysis
chiefly by the hydrolysis of collagen.1 Collagens are a class of (elaboration of gelatinases) by bacteria. Levine and Carpenter2
albuminoids found abundantly in bones, skin, tendon, cartilage and Levine and Shaw3 employed gelatin media in their studies
and similar animal tissues.1 of gelatin liquefaction. Garner and Tillett4 used culture media
Koch1 introduced gelatin into bacteriology when he invented prepared with gelatin to study the fibrinolytic activity of
the gelatin tube method in 1875 and the plate method in 1881. hemolytic streptococci.
Gelatin, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Gelatin
Prepare a 12% Gelatin solution in 0.8% Nutrient Broth. Dispense into tubes
and autoclave. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C under appropriate
atmospheric conditions for 18-48 hours or for up to 2 weeks for the
gelatinase test. To read gelatinase, refrigerate until well-chilled and com-
pare to uninoculated tubes. Tubes positive for gelatinase will remain liquid. Uninoculated Bacillus subtilis
Tube ATCC 6633
2 3
Bacillus subtilis 6633 10 -10 Good +
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 102-103 Good +
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good
Section III
FG Gelysate Peptone
Gelysate Peptone
Intended Use Typical Analysis
Gelysate Peptone is used for cultures requiring low carbohydrates, Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of this
cystine and tryptophan levels in cell culture and bacterial fermen- manual.
Directions for Preparation from
Summary and Explanation Dehydrated Product
Gelatin hydrolysate is high in proline residues.1 Gelysate Pep- Refer to the final concentration of Gelysate Peptone in
tone is deficient in carbohydrates and is characterized by low the formula of the medium being prepared. Add product as
cystine, methionine and tryptophan content. When used alone required.
as a basic nutrient, it is suitable for preparing media for organ-
isms not particularly fastidious in their nutritional requirements. Procedure
Consult standard methods manuals for media formulations See appropriate references for specific procedures using
containing Gelysate Peptone.2,3 Gelysate Peptone.
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
BBL Gelysate Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of Gelysate Peptone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoclate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 29552 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Negative
Acetylmethylcarbinol Production 0.1% with 0.5% dextrose Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Citrobacter freundii 8454 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Growth Response
BBL Gelysate Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of 10 g of Gelysate Peptone, 2.5 g of sodium chloride and 6.5 g of agar in 500 mL of purified water. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4.
Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C for 2-3 days (incubate S. pyogenes with 3-5% CO2).
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-104 Good
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 103-104 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 6538P 103-104 Good
Streptococcus pyogenes 49117 104-105 Good
Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
Cultural Response
Difco Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate (overlaying with sterile
paraffin wax or mineral oil) and incubate at 35 2C for 40-48 hours.
INOCULUM Uninoculated Escherichia coli Staphylococcus
Escherichia coli 25922 3
10 -210 3
Inhibition No blackening ATCC 6538
Micrococcus luteus 10240 103-2103 Inhibition No blackening
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 102-103 Good Black
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Black
Section III
FG Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base, cont.
Procedure References
1. Giolitti and Cantoni. 1966. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 29:395.
1. Inoculate 1 g or 1 mL of test sample (0.1 g or 0.1 mL when 2. Mossel, Harrewijn and Elzebroek. 1973. UNICEF.
testing meat or meat products) and 1 mL aliquots of each 3. International Dairy Federation. 1978. IDF Standard 60A:1978. International Dairy Federation,
Brussels, Belgium.
of a suitable decimal dilution series of the test sample into 4. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.). Standard methods for the micro-
biological examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington,
duplicate tubes. D.C.
2. Overlay each tube with 5 mL sterile molten paraffin wax
to an approximate height of 2 cm. Availability
3. Incubate at 35 2C 40-48 hours. Difco Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
4. Examine daily. COMPF SMD
Cat. No. 218091 Dehydrated 500 g
Read tubes for blackening of the medium (a positive reaction) Cat. No. 211917 Tube 20 mL
Group A Selective Strep Agar
Section III
FG Group A Selective Strep Agar, cont.
plate, such as Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA References
II) also be inoculated to assure the recovery of microorganisms 1. Evans and ONeill, 1984. Abstr. C-136. Abstr. 84th Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. 1984.
2. Carlson, Merz, Hansen, Ruth and Moore. 1985. J. Clin. Microbiol. 21:307.
that may be inhibited on the selective medium. 3. Ruoff, Whiley and Beighton. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Incubate inoculated plates at 35 2C in an atmosphere enriched 4. Facklam and Washington. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
with carbon dioxide. If plates are incubated without carbon
dioxide, the beta-hemolytic zones and colony size will be smaller Availability
and fewer colonies may be apparent. BBL Group A Selective Strep Agar with
5% Sheep Blood (ssA)
Expected Results BS10 MCM7
United States and Canada
After 18-24 hours of incubation in an atmosphere enriched Cat. No. 221779 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
with carbon dioxide, group A streptococci (S. pyogenes) 221780 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
will appear as translucent or opaque, white to gray, small Europe
(1- 2 mm) colonies surrounded by a zone of beta hemolysis. Cat. No. 254050 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
A decrease in size as compared to a nonselective control Japan
is typical. Pinpoint or very small colonies of alpha-, non- Cat. No. 212498 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
hemolytic or other beta-hemolytic streptococci may grow in BBL Group A Selective Strep Agar with
small numbers, but they should not interfere with the recovery 5% Sheep Blood (ssA)//Trypticase Soy Agar
with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
of group A streptococci or interpretation of the results. Cat. No. 221783 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Neisseria species, viridans streptococci, staphylococci, gram- *Store at 2-8C.
negative rods and most beta-hemolytic streptococci other than
groups A and B are inhibited. Bacitracin susceptibility may be
used to differentiate group A streptococci from group B. Fair
to heavy growth of beta-hemolytic colonies demonstrating a
zone of inhibition around the Taxo A disc on this medium
may be presumptively reported as S. pyogenes. A PYR
(pyroglutamic acid) test may also be performed. It is more
specific than the bacitracin test for this purpose.4 Gram stains
should be made and examined.
A serological grouping test procedure may be performed if
sufficient well-isolated beta-hemolytic colonies are present.
HC Agar Base
m HPC Agar
Intended Use investigators.6-8 The volume of inoculum is limited with both
m HPC Agar is used for enumerating heterotrophic organisms pour and spread plate techniques while the membrane filter
in treated potable water and other water samples with low method enables the use of large samples, which is desirable for
counts by membrane filtration. water with low counts.
m HPC Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco m HPC Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 6% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. (Add 1% glycerol after
boiling.) With glycerol, solution is light
amber, slightly opalescent to opalescent,
may have a slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, opalescent, may have a pre-
Reaction of 6% Solution
with Glycerol at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco m HPC Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the membrane
filtration technique. Incubate at 35 2C for 40-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 20-200 Growth
Escherichia coli 25922 20-200 Growth
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 20-200 Growth
Directions for Preparation from divide by the sample volume to give colonies per milliliter. If
Dehydrated Product there are more than 20 colonies per square, record count as
1. Suspend 6 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. > 2,000 divided by the sample volume. Report averaged counts
Mix thoroughly. as estimated colony-forming units. Make estimated counts only
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to when there are discrete, separated colonies.5
completely dissolve the powder.
3. Add 1 mL of glycerol. Limitations of the Procedure
4. Autoclave at 121C for 5 minutes. Cool to 45-50C. 1. m HPC Agar is intended for use only with the membrane
5. Dispense 5 mL portions into 50 9 mm Petri dishes. filter method.
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 2. m HPC Agar is recommended for testing treated water.
stable, typical control cultures. 3. Longer incubation times may be necessary to recover slow- H
growing bacteria.
4. This medium may not be sterile; use with care to avoid
Water samples should be collected and handled as described contamination. K
in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste-
water, Section 9060.5 References
1. Taylor and Geldreich. 1979. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 71:402.
2. Means, Hanami, Ridgway and Olson. 1981. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 73:585.
1. The volume to be filtered will vary with the sample. Select 3. Nagy and Olson. 1982. Can. J. Microbiol. 28:667.
4. Haas, Meyer and Paller. 1982. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 74:322.
a maximum sample size to give 20-200 CFU per filter. 5. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
2. Filter the appropriate volume through a sterile 47 mm, 0.45 wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6. Lechevallier, Seidler and Evans. 1980. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40:922.
m, gridded membrane filter, under partial vacuum. Rinse 7. Stapert, Sokolski and Northam. 1962. Can. J. Microbiol. 8:809.
8. Saleem and Schlitzer. 1983. Abstr. Q 126, p. 281. Abstr. 83rd Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol.
funnel with three 20-30 mL portions of sterile dilution water. 1983.
Interpretive criteria for the antimicrobial susceptibility testing 3. A rapid -lactamase test should be utilized for rapid detection
of Haemophilus are provided with the NCCLS document M2.1 of strains that are resistant to penicillin, ampicillin or
This document should be consulted for further details. amoxicillin.
4. Prepare a suspension of the test organism in Mueller Hinton
Principles of the Procedure Broth, Mueller Hinton II Broth or 0.9% saline. This suspen-
The Bauer-Kirby procedure is based on the diffusion through sion should be adjusted to the turbidity of the 0.5 McFarland
an agar gel of antimicrobial substances which are impregnated standard using a photometric device. This suspension will
on paper discs. In contrast to earlier methods, which used contain approximately 1-4 108 CFU/mL. Care must be
discs of high and low antimicrobial concentrations and the exercised in preparing this suspension because higher
presence or absence of inhibition zones for their interpretation, inoculum concentrations may lead to false-resistant results
this method employs discs with single concentration of with some -lactam antibiotics, particularly when
antimicrobial agent and zone diameters are correlated with -lactamase-producing strains of H. influenzae are tested.1
minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs).1-3,8 5. Alternative methods of inoculum preparation involving
In the test procedure, a standardized suspension of the organism devices that permit direct standardization of inocula without
is swabbed over the entire surface of the medium. Paper discs adjustment of turbidity, such as the BBL Prompt Inocu-
impregnated with specified amounts of antibiotic or other lation System, have been found to be acceptable for
antimicrobial agents are then placed on the surface of the medium, routine testing purposes.10 This system has also been found
the plate is incubated and zones of the inhibition around each to be satisfactory for testing H. influenzae.11
disc are measured. The determination as to whether the or- Consult the product literature or the NCCLS Approved Standard
ganism is susceptible, resistant or intermediate in its response M21 for details on plate inoculation and use of antimicrobial discs.
to the agent is made by comparing zone diameters obtained to
those provided with NCCLS document M2.1 Expected Results
1. Examine the plates after 16-18 hours of incubation. A
Various factors have been identified as influencing disc diffu-
confluent lawn of growth should be obtained. If only
sion susceptibility tests. These include the medium, agar depth,
isolated colonies grow, the inoculum was too light and the
disc potency, inoculum concentration, pH and beta-lactamase
rest should be repeated.
production by test organisms.1,5,8,9
2. Measure the diameter of the zones of complete inhibition
Procedure (as judged by the unaided eye), including the diameter of
1. Prepare a Gram stain before starting susceptibility testing the disc, to the nearest whole millimeter, using calipers, a
to confirm culture purity and to confirm tentative identifi- ruler, or a template prepared for this purpose. The measuring
cation of Haemophilus. device is held on the back of the plate, which is held over a
black, non-reflecting background and illuminated from
2. Use several well-isolated colonies taken directly from an
overnight (preferably 20-24 hours) Chocolate Agar plate above. The endpoint should be taken as the area showing H
as the source of the inoculum. no obvious visible growth that can be detected with the -
unaided eye. Disregard faint growth of tiny colonies which
can be detected with difficulty near the edge of the obvious
ATCC 49247 zone of the inhibition.
3. Consult the product literature or the NCCLS Approved
Standard M21 for details on interpretation of results.
1. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M2-A7. Perfor-
mance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
2. Bauer, Kirby, Sherris and Turck. 1966. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 45:493.
3. Ryan, Schoenknecht, and Kirby. 1970. Hospital Practice 5:91.
4. Barry, Garcia, and Thrupp. 1970. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 53:149.
5. Neumann, Sahm, Thornsberry and McGowan. 1991. Cumitech 6A, New developments in antimi-
crobial agent susceptibility testing, A practical guide. Coord. ed., McGowan. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Jorgensen, Redding, Maher and Howell. 1987. J. Clin. Microbiol. 25:2105-2113.
7. Jorgensen, Howell and Maher. J. Clin. Microbiol. 28:985-988.
8. Ericsson and Sherris. 1971. Acta. Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. Sect. B, Suppl. 217:1.
9. Jorgensen, Turnidge and Washington. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
10. Baker, Thornsberry and Hawkinson. 1983. J. Clin. Microbiol. 17:450.
11. Marsik, Evans, Fowler and Thompson. 1989. Abstr. C-67, p. 404. Abstr. 89th Annu. Meet. Am.
Soc. Microbiol. 1989.
Section III
H-K Haemophilus Test Medium, cont.
Availability Europe
Cat. No. 254058 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
BBL Haemophilus Test Medium Agar (HTM Agar)
BS10 CMPH NCCLS Cat. No. 251992 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
United States and Canada 251954 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 8*
Cat. No. 221992 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10* *Store at 2-8C.
221954 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 8*
counts of inoculum suspensions to confirm that the inoculum 3. H. influenzae may be susceptible, intermediate or resistant
contains approximately 1 108 CFU/mL. for a given antimicrobial agent depending on the MIC value.
4. The inoculum prepared above must be used within 15 minutes Interpretive standards for MIC values with various drugs
after preparation. It is diluted in HTM Broth to achieve a final may be found in NCCLS standard M71 or may be obtained
inoculum level in each tube or well of 5 105 CFU/mL from the drug manufacturer.
(not CFU per well).
5. Following inoculation, the tubes or trays are incubated for References
1. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M7-A5. Meth-
20-24 hours at 35C in an aerobic atmosphere. To maintain ods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically. 5th ed., NCCLS,
Wayne, Pa.
the same incubation temperature for all cultures, 2. Fleming. 1929. Br. J. Exp. Pathol. 10:225.
microdilution trays are not to be stacked more than four 3. Ericsson and Sherris. 1971. Acta. Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. Sect B, Suppl. 217:1.
4. Yao and Moellering. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
high. To prevent drying out, the trays should be covered with microbiology, 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1985. Approved standard: M7-A. Meth-
plastic tape, a tight-fitting lid or placed in a plastic bag.1 ods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically. NCCLS,
Villanova, Pa.
6. Jorgensen, Redding, Maher and Howell. 1987. J. Clin. Microbiol. 25:2105.
Expected Results 7. Neumann, Sahm, Thornsberry and McGowan, 1991. Cumitech 6A, New developments in antimi-
crobial agent susceptibility testing: a practical guide. Coord. ed., McGowan, American Society for
1. Examine the tubes or trays after 20-24 hours of incuba- Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
8. Jorgensen, Turnidge and Washington. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.),
tion. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
2. The MIC is the lowest concentration of antimicrobial that
completely inhibits growth of the organism as detected by Availability
the unaided eye. Viewing devices that make it easier to read BBL Haemophilus Test Medium Broth (HTM Broth)
microdilution tests are available. The amount of growth in CMPH MCM7 NCCLS
the wells or tubes containing the agent is compared with the Cat. No. 221966 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 10 mL Pkg. of 10*
amount of growth in the growth-control wells or tubes (no *Store at 2-8C.
Identity Specifications
Difco Heart Infusion Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium
amber, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Plain Light to medium amber, slightly
With 5% sheep blood Cherry red,
Reaction of 4%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Heart Infusion Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 5% sheep
blood (SB). Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Good Beta
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good Beta Streptococcus
Streptococcus ATCC 19615
pneumoniae 6305 102-103 Fair Good Alpha
pyogenes 19615 102-103 Fair Good Beta
Hektoen Enteric Agar
See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
1. Huntoon. 1918. J. Infect. Dis. 23:169.
2. Elliott, Kaysner, Jackson and Tamplin. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed.
AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
3. Vanderzant and Splittstoesser (ed.). 1992. Compendium of methods for the microbiological exami-
nation of foods, 3rd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. Ruoff. 1995. In Murray, Baron Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.)., Manual of clinical microbiology,
6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Atlas. 1997. Handbook of microbiological media, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla.
Availability H
Bacto Heart Infusion Broth
Cat. No. 238400 Dehydrated 500 g
Uninoculated Escherichia coli 238100 Dehydrated 2 kg
Tube ATCC 25922
292844 Dehydrated 10 kg
Hektoen Enteric Agar, cont.
citrate and sodium thiosulfate in the medium enable the Expected Results
detection of hydrogen sulfide production, thereby aiding in After incubation most plates will show an area of confluent
the differentiation process due to the production of black- growth. Because the streaking procedure is, in effect, a dilu-
centered colonies. The indicator system, consisting of acid tion technique, diminishing numbers of microorganisms are
fuchsin and bromthymol blue, has a lower toxicity than that deposited on the streaked areas. Consequently, one or more of
of many other enteric media, resulting in improved recovery these areas should exhibit isolated colonies of the organisms
of enteric pathogens. contained in the specimen. Better isolation is obtained due to
the inhibitory action of the medium.
Difco Hektoen Enteric Agar Limitation of the Procedure
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Proteus species may resemble salmonellae or shigellae. Further
Proteose Peptone ..................................................... 12.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g testing should be conducted to confirm the presumptive identi-
Bile Salts No. 3 ........................................................... 9.0 g fication of organisms isolated on this medium.
Lactose ..................................................................... 12.0 g
Saccharose ............................................................... 12.0 g References
Salicin ........................................................................ 2.0 g 1. King and Metzger. 1967. Abstr. M99, p. 77. Bacteriol. Proc. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1967.
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 2. King and Metzger. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:577.
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 5.0 g 3. King and Metzger. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:579.
4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 1.5 g vol. l. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Agar ......................................................................... 14.0 g 5. Chapin and Murray. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
Bromthymol Blue ..................................................... 65.0 mg microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard Methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. Ameri-
Acid Fuchsin ............................................................... 0.1 g can Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
BBL Hektoen Enteric Agar International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 8. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. I. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 12.0 g 9. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Bile Salts ..................................................................... 9.0 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 12.0 g
Sucrose .................................................................... 12.0 g
Salicin ........................................................................ 2.0 g Difco Hektoen Enteric Agar
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF MCM7 SMD
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 5.0 g
Cat. No. 285340 Dehydrated 500 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 1.5 g
285310 Dehydrated 2 kg
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g
285320 Dehydrated 10 kg
Bromthymol Blue ..................................................... 64.0 mg
Acid Fuchsin ............................................................... 0.1 g BBL Hektoen Enteric Agar
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
H-K Hemo ID QUAD Plate
quirement only for V factor. Alternatively, an isolate that fails ** X factor requirement occasionally may be observed on primary isolation but will be lost on
subculture. Gram staining, biochemical tests and/or additional identification procedures should be
to grow on quadrant II, but grows on quadrants I, III and IV performed to confirm findings.4-6
Herrolds Egg Yolk Agar
influenzae Availability
ATCC 10211 BBL Hemo (Haemophilus) Identification (ID)
QUAD Plate
United States and Canada
Cat. No. 297890 Prepared Plates (QUAD) Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 251142 Prepared Plates (QUAD) Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
H-K Herrolds Egg Yolk Agar, cont.
3. Inoculate tubes of Herrolds Egg Yolk ANV Agar with and caps and re-incubate. Examine tubes weekly for the presence
without Mycobactin J with no more than 0.25 mL (5-7 of growth. Acid-fast cultures that grow only in the presence of
drops from a sterile transfer pipette) of the final processed Mycobactin J are identified as M. paratuberculosis.
and decontaminated material.
4. Incubate tubes at 35-37C in a slanted position with the Limitations of the Procedure
caps loose. Subcultures of M. paratuberculosis may occasionally lose their
5. Tighten caps when medium surface is dry (1-2 weeks) and dependency on Mycobactin. Reduced growth of the organism
place in an upright position in the incubator. may be observed after multiple transfers.
6. Read and evaluate tubes for growth and contamination
every week for up to 16 weeks. References
1. Chiodini, van Kruinigen and Merkal. 1984. Cornell Vet. 74: 218.
2. Twort. 1910. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. 83: 156.
Expected Results 3.
Twort and Ingram. 1912. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. 84: 517.
Whipple, Callihan and Jarnagin. 1991. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 3: 368.
Colonies appearing should be evaluated for typical acid-fast- 5. Whitlock, Rosenberger and Spencer. 1989. Proc. Annu. Meet. U.S. Animal Health Assn. 93: 382.
6. Whitlock and Sweeney. 1990. Proc. Annu. Meet. Livestock Conservation Inst., p. 24.
ness and morphological appearance of M. paratuberculosis. 7. Stabel. 1997. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 9: 375.
8. Merkal and McCullough. 1982. Curr. Microbiol. 7: 333.
M. paratuberculosis-like colonies should not appear on the 9. Thoen and Baum. 1988. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 192: 1609.
medium lacking Mycobactin J.
To confirm Mycobactin J dependency, suspend suspected colonies
BBL Herrolds Egg Yolk Agar with Mycobactin J
in 0.5 mL autoclaved purified water so that the turbidity and ANV
is equivalent to a No. 1 McFarland nephelometer standard. Cat. No. 222232 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
Dilute the specimen 100-fold in autoclaved purified water. 222233 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
Inoculate 0.1 mL of the suspension onto a single tube of BBL Herrolds Egg Yolk Agar without Mycobactin J
Herrolds Egg Yolk ANV Agar with Mycobactin J and 0.1 mL with ANV
onto a single tube of the medium without Mycobactin J. Incu- Cat. No. 222240 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
222241 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
bate tubes for 1 week with loosened caps at 35-37C. Tighten
*Store at 2-8C.
ISP Medium 1 is also referred to as Tryptone-Yeast Extract Broth. Difco ISP Medium 4
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
ISP Medium 2 is also referred to as Yeast Extract-Malt Extract Soluble Starch .......................................................... 10.0 g
Agar. Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.0 g
Magnesium Sulfate USP ............................................. 1.0 g
ISP Medium 4 is also referred to as Inorganic Salts-Starch Agar. Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 1.0 g
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 2.0 g
Calcium Carbonate .................................................... 2.0 g
Principles of the Procedure Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 1.0 mg
Peptone and yeast extract provide nitrogen, vitamins, carbon Manganous Chloride .................................................. 1.0 mg
and amino acids in ISP Medium 1. Zinc Sulfate ................................................................ 1.0 mg
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
Yeast extract and malt extract provide nitrogen, amino acids *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
and vitamins in ISP Medium 2. Dextrose is the carbon source.
Agar is the solidifying agent.
ISP Medium 4 is composed of many inorganic salts and soluble
starch to provide essential nutrients for organism growth. Agar
is the solidifying agent.
Indole Nitrite Medium
Section III
H-K Indole Nitrite Medium, cont.
to 48-hour cultures. Potassium nitrate serves as the substrate for various lengths of time. Incubate tubes with loosened caps
for determining the ability of microorganisms to reduce at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere. The caps of tubes
nitrates to nitrites. inoculated with obligate anaerobes should be tightened dur-
ing incubation.
1. Indole Test
BBL Indole Nitrite Medium (Trypticase Nitrate Broth)
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
The test for indole may be performed as soon as heavy growth
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g has taken place, usually after 18 to 48 hours of incubation.
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 2.0 g The test may be performed by any suitable method, such as
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g with Kovacs reagent (add 0.5 mL, Cat. No. 261185) or
Agar ........................................................................... 1.0 g
Potassium Nitrate ....................................................... 1.0 g Ehrlichs reagent employing p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde.2
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Testing for indole may be made after 24 hours of incuba-
tion; if negative, the test should be repeated on another
Directions for Preparation from culture incubated for 48 hours.
Dehydrated Product 2. Nitrite Test
1. Suspend 25 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Add The test for nitrites may be performed at several intervals
2 g of agar for use as a motility medium. Mix thoroughly. during the incubation process if replicate tubes were
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to inoculated. The presence of nitrites may be detected by any
completely dissolve the powder. of several methods.2 Addition of approximately 5 drops
3. Dispense in regular test tubes, filing them half full. Autoclave each of sulfanilic acid (Cat. No. 261197) and N, N-dim-
at 121C for 15 minutes. ethyl-1-naphthylamine (Cat. No. 261198) reagents permits
4. If the medium is more than 2 days old at the time of use, the detection of nitrites. If prior tests are negative, a final
boil and cool prior to use. test should be conducted at 48 hours of incubation.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures. Expected Results
1. Indole Test
Procedure The production of a pink to red color following addition
Inoculate the tubes with pure cultures of the organisms being of the reagent is a positive test for indole formation.
evaluated. Replicate tubes should be inoculated if it is desired 2. Nitrite Test
to test for the presence of indole or nitrites after incubation A pink to red color develops, after addition of the reagents,
if nitrite is present, and indicates that nitrate reduction has
User Quality Control occurred. Since some organisms further reduce nitrite to
Identity Specifications ammonia, add a small amount of zinc dust (Cat. No.
BBL Indole Nitrite Medium (Trypticase Nitrate 261207) to tubes exhibiting no color. A pink color in this
Broth) part of the test indicates no nitrate reduction. A colorless
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extrane- reaction indicates that nitrates have been completely
ous material. reduced.
Solution: 2.5% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light Consult appropriate references for an explanation of the
to medium, yellow to tan, trace hazy reactions involved and expected results with specific microor-
to hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, trace
hazy to hazy.
Limitations of the Procedure
Reaction of 2.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 Indole Nitrite Medium should not be used for detecting indole
production by members of the Enterobacteriaceae. The tubed
Cultural Response medium should be boiled for 2 minutes and cooled, without
BBL Indole Nitrite Medium (Trypticase Nitrate agitation, before use.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh broth
cultures diluted 1:10 and incubate at 35 2C for 2 days under appro-
1. Smith, Rogers and Bettge. 1972. Appl. Microbiol. 43:423.
priate atmospheric conditions. 2. MacFaddin. 2000. Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria, 3rd ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
ORGANISM ATCC RECOVERY NITRATE INDOLE 3. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Clostridium perfringens 13124 Good + 4. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Clostridium bifermentans 17836 Good + American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Infusion Broth
Cat. No. 211299 Dehydrated 500 g Cat. No. 261198 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50
221655 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
Difco/BBL Nitrate C Reagent
Difco/BBL Indole Reagent Cat. No. 261207 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50
Cat. No. 261185 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50 *Store at 2-8C.
Infusion Broth
Intended Use Formula
Infusion Broth is a general purpose medium that supports the BBL Infusion Broth
growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Heart Muscle, Infusion from (solids) ........................... 2.0 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 13.0 g
Summary and Explanation Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Infusion Broth is one of many liquid media that support Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
the growth of fastidious as well as nonfastidious microbial *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
H-K Inhibitory Mold Agar
Candida albicans
User Quality Control ATCC 10231
Identity Specifications
BBL Inhibitory Mold Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium,
yellow to tan, slightly hazy to hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, slightly
hazy to hazy.
Reaction of 3.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Inhibitory Mold Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
(undiluted or diluted as described below) and incubate at 25 2C for 7
days under appropriate atmospheric conditions.
Candida albicans 10231 Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 104-105 Partial to complete
mentagrophytes 9533 Undiluted Good
Inositol Assay Medium
Section III
H-K Inositol Assay Medium, cont.
Formula sterile saline. Wash the cells three times with 10 mL sterile
Difco Inositol Assay Medium 0.85% saline. After the third wash, resuspend the cells in 10
Approximate Formula* Per Liter mL 0.85% saline. Dilute 1 mL of the cell suspension in 1000
Dextrose ................................................................. 100.0 g mL of sterile 0.85% saline. This diluted suspension is the
Potassium Citrate ..................................................... 10.0 g
Citric Acid .................................................................. 2.0 g inoculum. Use 1 drop of inoculum suspension to inoculate each
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.1 g assay flask.
Potassium Chloride .................................................... 0.85 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.25 g The concentrations of inositol required for the preparation
Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.25 g of the standard curve may be prepared by dissolving 200 mg
Manganese Sulfate .................................................. 50.0 mg inositol in 100 mL purified water. Mix thoroughly. Dilute
Ferric Chloride .......................................................... 50.0 mg
DL-Tryptophan ......................................................... 80.0 mg 1 mL of this solution with 999 mL purified water to make a
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.1 g final solution containing 2 g inositol per mL. Use 0.0, 0.5, 1,
L-Isoleucine ................................................................ 0.5 g 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL per flask. Prepare this stock solution fresh
L-Leucine .................................................................... 0.5 g
L-Lysine ...................................................................... 0.5 g daily.
L-Methionine .............................................................. 0.2 g
DL-Phenylalanine ........................................................ 0.2 g
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time
L-Tyrosine ................................................................... 0.2 g an assay is run. Autoclave and incubation conditions can
L-Asparagine .............................................................. 0.8 g impact the standard curve readings and cannot always be
DL-Aspartic Acid ........................................................ 0.2 g
DL-Serine ................................................................... 0.1 g
duplicated. The standard curve is obtained by using inositol at
Glycine ....................................................................... 0.2 g levels of 0.0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 g per assay flask (10 mL).
DL-Threonine ............................................................. 0.4 g
L-Valine ...................................................................... 0.5 g Following inoculation, flasks are incubated at 25-30C for
L-Histidine .............................................................. 124.0 mg 20-24 hours. Place flasks in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes
L-Proline ..................................................................... 0.2 g to stop growth. Growth is measured turbidimetrically using
DL-Alanine ................................................................. 0.4 g
L-Glutamic Acid ......................................................... 0.6 g any suitable spectrophotometer.
L-Arginine .................................................................. 0.48 g
Thiamine Hydrochloride ......................................... 500.0 g Expected Results
Biotin ....................................................................... 16.0 g
1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting
Calcium Pantothenate ................................................ 5.0 mg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ............................................ 1.0 mg the response readings against the amount of standard in
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. each tube, disk or cup.
2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
Precautions solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of media 3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
or glassware in microbiological assay procedures. Extremely the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
small amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
erroneous results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%.
detergents and other chemicals must be used. Glassware must
be heated to 250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic Limitations of the Procedure
residues that might be present. Take precautions to keep 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
sterilization and cooling conditions uniform throughout the must be grown and maintained on media recommended
assay. for this purpose.
2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
Directions for Preparation from procedure.
Dehydrated Product 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
1. Suspend 12.2 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. having different nutritional requirements that will not give
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to a satisfactory response.
completely dissolve the powder. 4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
3. Dispense 5 mL amounts into tubes. the assay must be followed precisely.
4. Add standard or test samples.
5. Adjust tube volume to 10 mL. Reference
6. Autoclave at 121C for 5 minutes. 1. Atkin, Schultz, Williams and Frey. 1943. End. & Eng. Chem., Ann. Ed. 15:141.
Procedure Availability
Remove a loopful of culture from a stock culture slant of Difco Inositol Assay Medium
Cat. No. 212222 Dehydrated 100 g*
S. cerevisiae ATCC 9080 and suspend it in 10 mL sterile 0.85%
*Store at 2-8C.
saline. Centrifuge cells at moderate speed for 10 minutes.
Decant the supernatant and resuspend cells in 10 mL 0.85%
KF Streptococcus Agar
Identity Specifications
Difco KF Streptococcus Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light greenish-beige, free-flowing,
Solution: 7.64% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
purple, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light purple, very slightly to slightly
Reaction of 7.64%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Difco TTC (powder)
Cultural Response
Difco KF Streptococcus Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate
technique and incubate at 35 2C for 46-48 hours.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 3102-103 Marked to complete inhibition
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 30-300 Good Red to pink centers
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 30-300 Good Red to pink centers
Escherichia coli 25922 3102-103 Marked to complete inhibition
In this medium, the addition of 1% triphenyltetrazolium chlo- 3. Aseptically add 10 mL TTC Solution 1% to the medium
ride (TTC) causes enterococci to develop a deep red color. cooled to 50C. Mix well.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Formula stable, typical control cultures.
Difco KF Streptococcus Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Procedure
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Pour Plate Technique
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 1. Prepare appropriate dilutions of the test material.
Sodium Glycerophosphate ....................................... 10.0 g 2. Place the selected volume of sample in a Petri dish.
Maltose .................................................................... 20.0 g
3. Pour 15 mL of the prepared medium at 45-50C into each
Lactose ....................................................................... 1.0 g
Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.4 g plate.
Bromcresol Purple .................................................... 15.0 mg 4. Thoroughly mix the medium and sample to uniformly
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g disperse the organisms.
TTC Solution 1% 5. Allow the agar to solidify.
Formula Per 100 mL
6. Incubate plates in the inverted position at 35 2C for
2, 3, 5-Triphenyltetratolium Chloride ......................... 1.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
46-48 hours.
Membrane Filter Procedure
Directions for Preparation from 1. Filter a suitable volume of sample through a sterile membrane.
Dehydrated Product 2. Place the inoculated membrane filter on the solidified agar
1. Suspend 76.4 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix in the Petri dish, inoculum side up.
thoroughly. 3. Incubate the plates, inverted, at 35 2C for 46-48 hours.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Expected Results
2. Heat an additional 5 minutes. Avoid overheating which Enterococci will appear as red or pink colonies. The use of a
could decrease the productivity of the medium. DO NOT stereoscopic microscope with 15 magnification can aid in
AUTOCLAVE. counting colonies.
KF Streptococcus Broth
KF Streptococcus Broth
Intended Use The addition of 1% TTC (2,3,5-Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chlo-
KF Streptococcus Broth is used for isolating fecal streptococci. ride), in the membrane filter procedure, causes the enterococci
to have a deep red color as a result of tetrazolium reduction to
Summary and Explanation an acid azo dye.
Kenner et al. developed KF (Kenner Fecal) Streptococcal Broth
for the detection and enumeration of enterococci in waters.1,2 Formula
They found that this formulation was superior to other liquid Difco KF Streptococcus Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
media in the recovery of enterococci in Most Probable Num- Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
ber (MPN) test systems. The medium is not specific for pre- Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
sumptive identification of group D streptococci. Other tests Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Glycerophosphate ....................................... 10.0 g
are required.2-4
Maltose .................................................................... 20.0 g
Lactose ....................................................................... 1.0 g
Principles of the Procedure Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.4 g
Peptone provides a source of nitrogen, amino acids and carbon. Bromcresol Purple .................................................... 15.0 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Yeast extract is a source of trace elements, vitamins and amino
acids. Maltose and lactose are the fermentable carbohydrates
and carbon sources. Sodium azide is the selective agent.
Bromcresol purple is the indicator dye.
Cultural Response
Difco KF Streptococcus Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Supplement with TTC Solution
1%. Using the membrane filter technique, inoculate and incubate at
35 1C in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor for 46-48 hours.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 3102-103 Inhibition
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 30-200 Good Red
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 30-200 Good Red
Escherichia coli 25922 3102-103 Inhibition
Section III
H-K KF Streptococcus Broth, cont.
Procedure Availability
MPN Procedure Difco KF Streptococcus Broth
1. Inoculate tubes of the KF Streptococcus Broth with the appropri- Cat. No. 212226 Dehydrated 500 g
ate amount of inoculum. Difco TTC Solution 1%
2. Incubate tubes at 35 1C, with loosened caps, for 46-48 Cat. No. 231121 Tube 30 mL
hours. 264310 Bottle 25 g
KL Virulence Agar
KL Virulence Enrichment KL Antitoxin Strips
Intended Use duction. Incorporating Proteose Peptone into the test medium
KL (Klebs-Loeffler) Virulence Agar is used with KL Virulence assured consistent results. The authors used rabbit, sheep and
Enrichment, Tellurite Solution 1% and KL Antitoxin Strips in horse serum as enrichments, finding human serum to be
differentiating virulent (toxigenic) from nonvirulent strains of unsatisfactory. To overcome irregularities encountered in
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. previous formulations, Hermann, Moore and Parsons3 refined
the medium used for the in vitro KL Virulence Test, simplify-
Summary and Explanation ing the basal medium and developing a nonserous enrichment.
Elek1 was the first to describe the agar plate diffusion tech- The medium and enrichment described by these authors have
nique for demonstrating the in vitro toxigenicity (virulence) of been standardized for use in the KL Virulence Test.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. King, Frobisher and Parsons2 KL Virulence Agar and KL Virulence Enrichment are prepared
expanded on Eleks technique and, by using a carefully according to the formulation of Hermann, Moore and
standardized medium, obtained results in agreement with ani- Parsons.3
mal inoculation tests. These authors demonstrated that
Proteose Peptone possessed properties essential for toxin pro-
KL Virulence Agar, cont.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
User Quality Control ATCC 8028
Identity Specifications
Difco KL Virulence Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige with some small dark specks,
free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.75% solution, soluble in purified wa- H
ter upon boiling. Solution is light to me- -
dium amber, very slightly to slightly opal-
escent with precipitate. K
Prepared Appearance: Light medium amber, slightly opalescent,
may have a slight precipitate.
Reaction of 3.75%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.8 0.2
Difco KL Virulence Enrichment
Cultural Response
Difco KL Virulence Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions, including KL Virulence Enrichment,
Tellurite Solution 1% and one KL Antitoxin Strip per plate. Inoculate with a
single line streak across the plate perpendicular to the strip and incubate at
35 2C under CO2 for up to 72 hours. Precipitate lines are graphically enhanced for
ORGANISM ATCC REACTION demonstration purposes (see Expected Results).
Section III
H-K KL Virulence Agar, cont.
form an arc of identity with the precipitin line produced by an Cat. No. 231740 Vial 12 strips*
adjacent positive control strain.6 Nontoxigenic strains of C. BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
diphtheriae will show no lines of precipitation. Cat. No. 211917 Tube 20 mL
*Store at 2-8C.
Kligler Iron Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
Uninoculated Echerichia coli Morganella Salmonella
BBL Kligler Iron Agar Tube ATCC morganii typhimurium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Stab inoculate with fresh cultures 25922 ATCC 8019 ATCC 14028
and incubate at 35 2C for 24 hours.
Formula Procedure
BBL Kligler Iron Agar To inoculate, carefully touch the center of an isolated colony
Approximate Formula* Per Liter on an enteric plated medium with a cool, sterile needle, stab H
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g
into the medium in the butt of the tube, and then streak back -
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
and forth along the surface of the slant. Several colonies from
each primary plate should be studied separately, since mixed
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g infections may occur. Incubate tubes with loosened caps for
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.5 g
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.5 g 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere.
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg To enhance the alkaline condition in the slant, free exchange
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. of air must be permitted through the use of a loose closure. If
the tube is tightly closed, an acid reaction (caused solely by
Directions for Preparation from dextrose fermentation) will also involve the slant.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 52 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix Expected Results
thoroughly. After incubation, record the reaction in the slant and butt,
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- noting gas formation and hydrogen sulfide production.
pletely dissolve the powder.
Typical reactions produced by members of the Enterobacteri-
3. Dispense and autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
aceae (majority of the species in the particular genus) are
4. Cool in a slanted position such that deep butts are formed.
presented in the following table.5
For best results, the medium should be used on the date of
preparation or melted and resolidified before use.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
H-K Kligler Iron Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
1. Lennox. 1955.Virology 1:190.
Difco LB Agar, Lennox or LB Broth, Lennox
2. Ausubel, Brent, Kingston, Moore, Seidman, Smith and Struhl (ed.). 1994. Current protocols in
molecular biology, vol. 1. Green Publishing Associates, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 3. Miller. 1972. Experiments in molecular genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor,
35 2C for 18-24 hours. N.Y.
4. Sambrook, Fritsch and Maniatis. 1989. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual, 2nd ed. Cold
RECOVERY RECOVERY Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
Escherichia coli 23724 (C600) 102-3102 Good N/A Availability
Escherichia coli 33694 (HB101) 102-3102 Good Good Difco LB Agar, Lennox
Escherichia coli 33849 (DH1) 102-3102 Good N/A Cat. No. 240110 Dehydrated 500 g
Escherichia coli 39403 (JM103) 102-3102 Good Good
Difco LB Broth, Lennox
Escherichia coli 47014 (JM107) 102-3102 Good N/A
Cat. No. 240230 Dehydrated 500 g
Escherichia coli 53868 (DH5) 102-3102 Good Good
240210 Dehydrated 2 kg
240220 Dehydrated 10 kg
Section III
L LB Agar, Miller
Difco LB Agar, Miller
Cat. No. 244520 Dehydrated 500 g
244510 Dehydrated 2 kg
Difco LB Broth, Miller
Cat. No. 244620 Dehydrated 500 g
244610 Dehydrated 2 kg
LBS Agar
Section III
L LBS Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco LPM Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, homogeneous, may have a
tendency to clump.
Solution: 5.05% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium amber, very slightly to slightly
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, slightly opal-
Reaction of 5.05%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
BBL Listeria Selective Supplement
Cultural Response
Difco LPM Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions with Listeria Selective Supple-
ment. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 103 Partial inhibition
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition
Listeria monocytogenes 19114 102-103 Good (at 40-48 hours)
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103 Marked to complete inhibition
Section III
L LPM Agar Base, cont.
References Availability
1. Murray, Webb and Swann. 1926. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:407.
2. Monk, Clavero, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1994. J. Food Prot. 57:969.
Difco LPM Agar Base
3. Wehr. 1987. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 70:769. AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF SMD
4. Bremer and Osborne. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:604.
5. Grau and Vanderlinde. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:4. Cat. No. 222120 Dehydrated 500 g*
6. Patel, Hwang, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:244. 222110 Dehydrated 2 kg*
7. Ryser and Donnelly. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. BBL Listeria Selective Supplement
8. Kramer and Jones. 1969. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 32:381.
9. Lee and McClain. 1986. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:1215. AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF SMD
10. Bille, Rocourt and Swaminathan. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual Cat. No. 212402 Vial 10 2 mL*
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
11. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the exami- *Store at 2-8C.
nation of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
12. Hitchins. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg,
Lactobacilli MRS Agar
Formulae Inoculum
Difco Lactobacilli Agar AOAC
1. Subculture from a 16-24 hour stock culture into 10 mL
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Lactobacilli Broth AOAC.
Peptonized Milk ....................................................... 15.0 g 2. Incubate at 35-37C for 16-24 hours or as specified in
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
specific assay procedures.
Tomato Juice (from 100 mL) ....................................... 5.0 g 3. Centrifuge the culture and decant the supernatant.
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.0 g 4. Resuspend cells in 10 mL of sterile 0.9% NaCl solution or
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 1.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 10.0 g
sterile single-strength basal assay medium.
5. Wash the cells by centrifuging and decanting the supernatant
Difco Lactobacilli Broth AOAC
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar.
two additional times unless otherwise indicated.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 6. Dilute the washed suspension 1:100 with sterile 0.9% NaCl
or sterile single-strength basal assay medium or as indicated.
Precautions Where applicable, inoculum concentration should be ad-
Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of media or justed according to limits specified in the references.1,5
glassware used for microbiological assay procedures. Extremely
For a complete discussion on vitamin assay methodology refer
small amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give
to appropriate procedures outlined in the references.1,5
erroneous results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from
detergents and other chemical must be used. Glassware must
Expected Results
be heated to 250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic
Refer to appropriate references for vitamin assay results.1,5
residues that might be present. Take precautions to keep
sterilization and cooling conditions uniform. Limitations of the Procedure
1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
Directions for Preparation from
must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
Dehydrated Product for that purpose.
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the vitamin
Difco Lactobacilli Agar AOAC 48 g; assay procedure.
Difco Lactobacilli Broth AOAC 38 g. 3. The use of altered or deficient media may result in mutants
Mix thoroughly. with different nutritional requirements that will not give a
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes to satisfactory response.
completely dissolve the powder. 4. For a successful completion of these procedures, all condi-
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. tions of the assay must be adhered to meticulously.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures. References
1. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 2. AOAC
Procedure International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. Loy. 1958. J. Assoc. Off. Agri. Chem. 4:61.
Stock Cultures 3. Mickle and Breed. 1925. Technical Bulletin 110, N.Y. State Agriculture Ex. Station, Geneva, N.Y.
4. Kulp and White. 1932. Science 76:17.
1. Prepare stock cultures in one or more tubes of sterile 5. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The na-
tional formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
Lactobacilli Agar AOAC.
2. Inoculate the medium using an inoculating needle. Availability
3. Incubate at 30-37C for 18-24 hours.
4. Store at 2-8C.
Difco Lactobacilli Agar AOAC
5. Transfer at weekly or twice monthly intervals. Cat. No. 290010 Dehydrated 100 g*
Difco Lactobacilli Broth AOAC
Cat. No. 290110 Dehydrated 100 g*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
L Lactobacilli MRS Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Lactobacilli MRS Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 7.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium amber,
clear to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, very slightly to slightly
Reaction of 7.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5 0.2
Difco Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Cultural Response
Difco Lactobacilli MRS Agar or Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate Lactobacilli MRS Agar
and incubate in a 5% CO2 atmosphere at 35 2C for 24- 72 hours.
Inoculate Lactobacilli MRS Broth and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24
Lactobacillus delbrueckii
subsp. lactis 7830 102-103 Good
Lactobacillus fermentum 9338 102-103 Good
Lactobacillus johnsonii 11506 102-103 Good
Lactose Broth
4. Alternatively, plates of Lactobacilli MRS Agar can be used Limitation of the Procedure
for direct recovery of organisms using the streak inocula- Organisms other than lactobacilli may grow in these media.
tion technique. Isolates must be confirmed as lactobacilli by appropriate
5. Incubate agar plates at 35C for 3 days, or at 30C for 5 biochemical testing.
days, in an aerobic atmosphere supplemented with carbon
dioxide. References
1. deMan, Rogosa and Sharpe. 1960. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 23:130.
Broth Enrichment 2. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
1. Samples can be inoculated directly into Lactobacilli MRS 3. Downes and Ito(ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Incubate broth tubes at 35C for 3 days, or at 30C for 5 Availability
days, in an aerobic atmosphere. Difco Lactobacilli MRS Agar
3. Subculture growth in broth tubes to appropriate solid media. COMPF SMD
Cat. No. 288210 Dehydrated 500 g*
Expected Results Difco Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Lactose Broth
Intended Use
This medium conforms with specifications of The United States
Pharmacopeia (USP).
Lactose Broth is used for detection of the presence of coliform
organisms, as a pre-enrichment broth for salmonellae and in
the study of lactose fermentation of bacteria in general.
Section III
L Lactose Broth, cont.
Directions for Preparation from Turbidity of the medium accompanied by formation of gas in
Dehydrated Product any amount in the Durham tubes within 48 3 hours is a
1. Dissolve 13 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. positive presumptive test for the presence of coliforms in the
2. Dispense in test tubes containing inverted Durham tubes, sample. The result should be confirmed by additional standard
in 10 mL amounts for testing samples of 1 mL or less. For testing.
testing 10 mL quantities of samples, dissolve 26 g of the
powder in 1 L of purified water and distribute in 10 mL References
1. American Public Health Association. 1946. Standard methods for the examination of water and
amounts. The concentration of the medium should be sewage, 9th ed. APHA, New York, N.Y.
2. American Public Health Association. 1948. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products,
varied according to the size of the test samples. The 9th ed. APHA, New York, N.Y.
3. Rand, Greenberg and Taras (ed.). 1976. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste-
concentration of broth plus sample should approximate 1 water, 14th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
for proper performance. (In broth concentrations higher 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
that 2, a reduction in clarity may be noticed.) 5. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The na-
tional formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
3. Autoclave at 121C not exceeding 15 minutes.
4. After autoclaving, cool the broth as quickly as possible. Availability
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Difco Lactose Broth
stable, typical control cultures. AOAC BAM COMPF EP EPA SMD USP
Cat. No. 243000 Dehydrated 100 g
Procedure 211835 Dehydrated 500 g
241000 Dehydrated 2 kg
Refer to the official test procedures for the detection of 242000 Dehydrated 10 kg
coliforms in the compendia of methods for the microbiological 290701 Bottle, 90 mL (Wide Mouth) Pkg. of 10*
examination of foods and pharmaceutical articles.4,5 BBL Lactose Broth
Expected Results Cat. No. 211333 Dehydrated 500 g
After incubation at 35 2C for 24 2 hours, examine tubes 211334 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
212255 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
for turbidity and for gas production in the Durham tubes. If
*Store at 2-8C.
no gas has formed and been trapped in the inverted tube,
reincubate and reexamine after 48 3 hours.
Lactose Peptone Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG
Directions for Preparation from However, clarity is not important because only gas production
Dehydrated Product is significant.
Difco Lauryl Tryptose Broth
1. Suspend 35.6 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Procedure
Mix thoroughly. Refer to the official test procedures for the detection of
2. Warm slightly to completely dissolve the powder. coliforms in the compendia of methods for microbiological
3. Dispense required amounts into tubes containing inverted examination of foods, dairy products and waters.2-5
fermentation vials (see table).
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool the broth as
Expected Results
After incubation of the tubes with loosened caps at 35 0.5C
quickly as possible.
for 24 hours, examine for turbidity and for gas production in
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
the Durham fermentation tubes. If no gas has formed and
stable, typical control cultures.
been trapped in the inverted tube, reincubate and reexamine
BBL Lauryl Sulfate Broth after 48 hours.2-5
1. Suspend 35.6 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
Turbidity of the medium accompanied by formation of gas in
2. Dispense in test tubes, containing inverted Durham tubes,
any amount in the Durham tubes within 48 hours is a positive
in 10 mL amounts for testing samples of 1 mL or less. For
presumptive test for the presence of coliforms in the sample.2-5
testing 10 mL quantities of samples, dissolve 71.2 g of the
The result should be confirmed by additional standard testing.
powder in 1 L of purified water and distribute in 10 mL
amounts. The concentration of the medium should be
varied according to the size of the test samples (see table). 1. Mallmann and Darby. 1941. Am. J. Public Health 31:127.
2. Downes and Ito. 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods. 4th
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. After autoclaving, cool ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
the broth as quickly as possible. 3. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 4. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
stable, typical control cultures. 5. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional. Gaithersburg, Md.
Preparation of Lauryl Tryptose (Sulfate) Broth4
1 10 or more 11 or more 35.6
Cat. No. 224140 Dehydrated 100 g
10 10 20 71.2
224150 Dehydrated 500 g
10 20 30 53.4 224120 Dehydrated 2 kg
20 10 30 106.8 224130 Dehydrated 10 kg
100 50 150 106.8
BBL Lauryl Sulfate Broth
100 35 135 137.1
100 20 120 213.6
Cat. No. 211338 Dehydrated 500 g
NOTE: Refrigerated broth generally becomes cloudy or forms 211339 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
294369 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
precipitates but clears upon warming to room temperature.
Section III
L Lauryl Tryptose with MUG, cont.
spp., and 40% of Shigella spp., while all other genera tested to yield a fluorescent end product, 4-methylumbelliferone.1,2
were negative; most reactions occurred within 4 hours, but some Development of fluorescence permits the detection of E. coli
weakly -glucuronidase-positive strains required overnight in pure or mixed cultures within 4-24 hours following
incubation.1 In the presence of large numbers of Proteus inoculation and incubation of the medium.
vulgaris, which may suppress gas production by E. coli, fluo-
rescence due to E. coli was detected within 15 hours.1 Formulae
Difco Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG
In a comparison, with conventional methods, Robison reported Approximate Formula* Per Liter
94.8% agreement, a false-positive rate of 4.8%, attributable Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
to the presence of streptococci in the samples, and no false- Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g
negatives.2 Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.75 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.75 g
These media are included in the compendia of methods for the Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.1 g
detection and enumeration of coliform organisms in food 3 MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide) ............ 0.05 g
and dairy 4 products and in the Official Methods of Analysis BBL Lauryl Sulfate Broth with MUG
of AOAC International.5 Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g
Principles of the Procedure Lactose ....................................................................... 5.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.75 g
Lactose is a source of energy for organisms. Peptone provides Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.75 g
additional nutrients. The phosphate compounds provide Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
buffering capacity. Sodium lauryl sulfate is inhibitory to many Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.1 g
organisms but not for coliforms. 4-Methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide ....................... 0.05 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
The substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl--D-glucuronide is hydro-
lyzed by an enzyme, -glucuronidase, possessed by most
E. coli and a few strains of Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia,
Lecithin Lactose Agar
Media should be reduced prior to inoculation by placing ORGANISM PRODUCTION FERMENTATION
under anaerobic conditions for 6 to 24 hours prior to use.5 An C. perfringens + +
efficient and easy way to obtain suitable anaerobic conditions C. sordellii +
is through the use of BBL GasPak or BBL GasPak EZ C. novyi +
anaerobic systems or an alternative anaerobic system. C. septicum +
C. histolyticum
Incubate immediately under anaerobic conditions or place in
a holding jar flushed with oxygen-free gas(es) until sufficient Additional testing may be performed to differentiate the above
plates are accumulated (but no longer than 3 hours).6 Incuba- species.7,8
tion should be at 35 2C for at least 48 hours. Regardless of
anaerobic system used, it is important to include an indicator
1. McClung and Toabe. 1948. J. Bacteriol. 53:139.
of anaerobiosis such as a GasPak anaerobic indicator. 2. Willis and Hobbs. 1959. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 77:511.
3. Willis. 1960. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 80:379.
4. Ellner and ODonnell. 1971. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 56:197.
Expected Results 5. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Martin. 1971. Appl. Microbiol. 22:1168.
Plates may be examined after a minimum of 48 hours incuba- 7. Summanen, Baron, Citron, Strong, Wexler and Finegold. 1993. Wadsworth anaerobic bacteriology
tion under anaerobic conditions. manual, 5th ed. Star Publishing Co., Belmont, Calif.
8. Allen, Emery and Siders. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
On Lecithin Lactose Agar the production of a zone of opalescence
around colonies indicates lecithinase production; a yellow color Availability
around colonies indicates lactose fermentation. Typical reactions BBL Lecithin Lactose Agar
are listed in the following table. Cat. No. 221858 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Leptospira Medium EMJH
Cultural Response
Difco Leptospira Medium EMJH with Enrichment
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate tubes with undiluted
Uninoculated Leptospira interrogans
fresh cultures of Leptospira and incubate at 30 2C for up to 7 days. Tube serotype australis
ATCC 23605
Leptospira interrogans
serotype australis 23605 2-3 Loopfuls Good
Leptospira interrogans
serotype canicola 23470 2-3 Loopfuls Good
Leptospira kirschneri
serotype grippotyphosa 23604 2-3 Loopfuls Good
Section III
L Leptospira Medium EMJH, cont.
Cat. No. 279510 Bottle 6 x 100 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
Letheen Agar, cont.
Letheen Agar and Letheen Broth are specified for use by the
User Quality Control
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in the
Identity Specifications Standard Test Method for Preservatives in Water-Containing
Difco Letheen Agar Cosmetics.4
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, moist appearance, with a few
clumps. Principles of the Procedure
Solution: 3.2% solution, soluble in purified Letheen Agar contains beef extract and peptone which
water upon boiling. Solution is light
to medium amber, clear to slightly provide the carbon and nitrogen sources required for growth
opalescent, may have a slight, fine of a wide variety of organisms. Dextrose is provided as a source
precipitate (opalescent immediately of fermentable carbohydrate. Agar is the solidifying agent.
after autoclaving).
Lecithin and polysorbate 80 are added to neutralize surface
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, slightly opal-
escent, may have a slight precipitate.
disinfectants.2,5,6 Lecithin is added to neutralize quaternary
Reaction of 3.2%
ammonium compounds and polysorbate 80 is incorporated
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2 to neutralize phenols, hexachlorophene, formalin and, with
Difco Letheen Broth lecithin, ethanol.7
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, appears moist, with a tendency Letheen Broth contains peptone and beef extract which provide
to clump.
the carbon and nitrogen sources necessary for growth. Lecithin
Solution: 2.57% solution, soluble in purified
and polysorbate 80 are added as surface active disinfectant
water upon boiling. Solution is light
amber, clear to slightly opalescent neutralizing agents.2,5,6 Sodium chloride is included to maintain
(opalescent when hot). May have a osmotic balance.
very slight precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear to Formulae
slightly opalescent, may have a slight Difco Letheen Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Reaction of 2.57% Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2 Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
Cultural Response Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Difco Letheen Agar Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 7.0 g
Lecithin ...................................................................... 1.0 g
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 40-48 hours. Difco Letheen Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 5.0 g
2 3
Escherichia coli 11229 10 -10 Good Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 102-103 Good Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 5.0 g
Lecithin ...................................................................... 0.7 g
Difco Letheen Broth Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
35 2C for 40- 48 hours.
Directions for Preparation from
Escherichia coli 11229 2
10 -10 3
Good Dehydrated Product
Salmonella choleraesuis 1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhi 6539 102-103 Good
Difco Letheen Agar 32 g; L
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 102-103 Good
Difco Letheen Broth 25.7 g.
Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Letheen Broth was developed as a subculture medium for completely dissolve the powder.
the neutralization of quaternary ammonium compounds in 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
disinfectant testing. Quisno, Gibby and Foter2 found that the 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
addition of lecithin and polysorbate 80 to F.D.A. Broth stable, typical control cultures.
resulted in a medium that neutralized high concentrations of
NOTE: The dehydrated Letheen Agar has a characteristic
quaternary ammonium salts. The resulting medium, termed
brown sugar appearance and may seem moist. This does
Letheen (a combination of Lecithin and Tween), was easy
not indicate deterioration.
to prepare and clear in appearance, which aided in visual
inspection for growth. Letheen Broth is recommended in the
Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International3 for
Letheen Agar and Letheen Broth are used in a variety of proce-
use with disinfectants containing cationic surface active
dures. Consult appropriate references for further information.3,4
Section III
L Letheen Agar, cont.
chloride provides a suitable osmotic environment. In Letheen Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, homogeneous, appears moist
Broth, Modified sodium chloride is provided by the Letheen with a tendency to clump.
Broth component. Both media also contain polysorbate 80, Solution: 4.28% solution, soluble in purified
lecithin and sodium bisulfite to partially neutralize the preser- water upon boiling. Solution is medium
amber, clear to slightly opalescent, may
vative systems commonly found in cosmetics. Agar is included have slight fine precipitate.
in Letheen Agar, Modified as the solidifying agent. Prepared Appearance: Medium-dark amber, slightly opales-
cent, may have a slight fine precipitate.
Formulae Reaction of 4.28%
Difco Letheen Agar, Modified Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Letheen Agar ........................................................... 32.0 g Cultural Response
Tryptone ................................................................... 10.0 g Difco Letheen Agar, Modified or Letheen Broth,
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g Modified
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.0 g Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 35 2C for 24-48 hours.
Sodium Bisulfite ......................................................... 0.1 g
Difco Letheen Broth, Modified INOCULUM RECOVERY RECOVERY
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 25-100 Good Good
Letheen Broth .......................................................... 25.7 g
Tryptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g Salmonella choleraesuis
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g subsp. choleraesuis
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.0 g serotype Typhi 6539 25-100 N/A Good
Sodium Bisulfite ......................................................... 0.1 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Lim Broth
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- Modified only if there is no growth on the primary Letheen
pletely dissolve the powder. Agar, Modified plates.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Expected Results
stable, typical control cultures. Examine plates for evidence of growth and characteristic colonial
morphology. Determine colony counts and subculture each colony
Procedure 1 type onto Letheen Agar, Modified and MacConkey Agar (also Baird-
1. Prepare and dilute samples in Letheen Broth, Modified in Parker or Vogel-Johnson Agar, if used in step 2).
accordance with established guidelines. Determine Gram reaction, cell morphology and catalase reac-
2. Using the spread plate technique, inoculate in duplicate 0.1 tions. Identify bacterial isolates in accordance with established
mL of the diluted samples onto Letheen Agar, Modified, procedures.1
Potato Dextrose Agar (or Malt Extract Agar) containing
chlortetracycline, Baird-Parker Agar (or Vogel-Johnson Reference
1. Hitchins, Tran and McCarron. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
Agar, optional), Anaerobic Agar, and a second set of Letheen International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Agar, Modified plates.
3. Incubate one set of Letheen Agar, Modified plates at 30 2C Availability
for 48 hours and the other set at 35 2C under anaerobic Difco Letheen Agar, Modified
conditions for 2-4 days. Incubate the Potato Dextrose Agar BAM
Cat. No. 263110 Dehydrated 500 g*
(or Malt Extract Agar) plates at 30 2C for 7 days and the
Baird-Parker Agar (or Vogel-Johnson Agar) plates, if inocu- Difco Letheen Broth, Modified
lated, at 35 2C for 48 hours. BAM
Cat. No. 263010 Dehydrated 500 g*
4. Incubate the diluted samples from step 1 at 35 2C for 7
*Store at 2-8C.
days. Subculture enriched samples onto Letheen Agar,
Lim Broth
Intended Use sheep blood agar.1 Lim Broth is prepared from Todd Hewitt
Lim Broth us used for the selective enrichment of group B strepto- Broth by the addition of colistin and nalidixic acid, at the
cocci (Streptococcus agalactiae), especially from genital specimens. recommended concentrations, plus yeast extract for enhanced
growth of group B streptococci.2
Summary and Explanation Group B streptococci have also been found in cases of sepsis
Since its emergence in the 1970s, neonatal group B streptococcal in nonparturient women and men, and in joint infections,
disease has become the major infectious cause of illness and death osteomyelitis, urinary tract infections and wound infections.
among newborns. Prior to 1994, an estimated 7600 episodes They are associated with endocarditis, pneumonia and pyelo- L
of invasive group B streptococcal disease, primarily sepsis and nephritis in immunosuppressed patients.7
meningitis, occurred in newborns each year in the United States,
with approximately 80% of those episodes representing Principles of the Procedure
early-onset disease occurring within the first week of life.1 The Todd Hewitt Broth base is a general-purpose medium primarily
disease is spread to newborns through vertical transmission used for the cultivation of -hemolytic streptococci, especially
from a mother who carries B streptococci in her anorectum or for serologic studies.8
genital tract. Lim and colleagues combined the use of an enriched,
selective broth medium and slide coagglutination test to rapidly The peptones, dextrose and salts provide an excellent nutritional
screen such maternity patients.2-5 base for the growth of streptococci. The added yeast extract is
a rich source of B-complex vitamins. Dextrose stimulates
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has hemolysin production. Disodium phosphate and sodium
published guidelines for screening and use of intrapartum carbonate provide buffering action to counteract the acidity
chemoprophylaxis for prevention of neonatal group B strep- produced during the fermentation of the carbohydrate, thereby
tococcal disease.6 The use of Todd Hewitt Broth with colistin protecting the hemolysin from inactivation by the acid.
and nalidixic acid is a medium recommended to maximize the
likelihood of recovering group B streptococci upon plating on Nalidixic acid and colistin suppress growth of gram-negative
Section III
L Lim Broth, cont.
Listeria Enrichment Broth
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris.10 Identification Directions for Preparation from
of Listeria is based on successful isolation of the organism, Dehydrated Product
biochemical characterization and serological confirmation. 1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
Listeria Enrichment Broth is based on the formula developed Difco Listeria Enrichment Broth 36.1 g;
Difco Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified 36.1 g;
by Lovett et al.11 in which Tryptic Soy Broth is supplemented
Difco Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base 48 g.
with yeast extract for optimum growth of Listeria. Listeria Mix thoroughly.
Enrichment Broth, Modified is a modification of Listeria 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Enrichment Broth in which the concentration of one of the completely dissolve the powder.
selective agents, acriflavine, has been reduced from 15 mg to 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
10 mg per liter. This modification reflects the lower concen- 4. For Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base, prepare
tration specified by the IDF for isolation of L. monocytogenes filter-sterilized solutions of the following agents and add to
from milk and milk products. the base as directed under Procedure:
Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base is a modification of 1% (w/v) cycloheximide in 40% (v/v) solution of ethanol
Listeria Enrichment Broth with added buffering strength. The in water;
addition of selective agents is delayed until after four hours of 0.5% (w/v) acriflavine HCl in purified water;
enrichment with this formula.2 0.5% (w/v) nalidixic acid in purified water.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure stable, typical control cultures.
Peptones and yeast extract provide nitrogen, vitamins and
minerals. Dextrose is a carbohydrate source. Sodium chloride Procedure
maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Phosphates Listeria Enrichment Broth
provide buffering capacity. Sodium pyruvate aids in resuscita- For food samples, use Listeria Enrichment Broth in recom-
tion of stressed organisms. Nalidixic acid inhibits growth of mended laboratory procedures for isolating Listeria.
gram-negative organisms. Acriflavine HCl suppresses the Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
growth of gram-positive bacteria. Cycloheximide is incorpo- For dairy samples, the IDF1 selective enrichment method is as
rated to inhibit saprophytic fungi. follows:
Litmus Milk
8. Patel, Hwang, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:244.
Expected Results 9. Ryser and Donnelly. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
1. Examine agar plates for typical Listeria colonies. 10. Kramer and Jones. 1969. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 32:381.
2. Consult appropriate references for selection of biochemical 11. Lovett, Frances and Hunt. 1987. J. Food Prot. 50:188.
12. Bille, Rocourt and Swaminathan. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). Manual
and/or serological tests for confirmation of Listeria of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
13. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the exami-
spp.1,2,9,12,13 nation of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Litmus Milk
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Litmus Milk is used for the maintenance of lactic acid bacteria Skim milk is the substrate that particular species of bacteria
and as a differential medium for determining the action of attack in different ways to produce various metabolic products.
bacteria on milk. Azolitmin serves as a pH indicator with a color range of pink
(below pH 4.5) to purple (in middle of pH range) to blue (above
Summary and Explanation pH 8.3) and also functions as an Eh (oxidation-reduction)
Litmus Milk has been used for many years for determining the indicator.1
metabolic activities of microorganisms in milk as an aid to
The action of bacteria on milk can be categorized as follows:
the identification of bacterial species. It is especially useful in
species differentiation within the genus Clostridium. 1. No change (no carbohydrate fermentation and no change
of litmus indicator).
This medium is also of value in the maintenance and propaga-
tion of lactic bacteria.
10.0% solution, soluble in purified water.
Solution is medium, purple gray, opaque.
Prepared Appearance: Medium, purple gray, opaque.
Reaction of 10.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Litmus Milk
Uninoculated Bacillus subtilis Clostridium Lactobacillus
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures Tube ATCC 6633 perfringens rhamnosus
diluted 1:10 and incubate at 35 2C for 7 days. ATCC 12924 ATCC 7469
Clostridium perfringens 13124 Stormy
fermentation (gas),
clot or curd,
reduction (white)
Lactobacillus acidophilus 4356 Acid (pink),
clot or curd
Section III
L Litmus Milk, cont.
2. Fermentation of lactose and/or dextrose in the milk 2. Autoclave at 115C for 20 minutes or by fractional steam
with production of acid (pink color), including stormy sterilization for 30 minutes on three successive days. Avoid
fermentation (strong evolution of gas) by certain strains overheating and the consequent caramelization which
of Clostridium. occurs.
3. Action of proteolytic enzymes on lactalbumin with 3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
production of ammonia or basic amines resulting in an stable, typical control cultures.
alkaline reaction (blue color).
4. Coagulation of casein as evidenced by the formation of Procedure
a curd or clot. If the casein is converted to paracasein by Inoculate tubes of Litmus Milk with 18- to 24-hour pure
the enzyme rennin, a clear, watery liquid called whey is cultures. For the study of anaerobic organisms, sterile mineral
produced at the top of a thoroughly coagulated tube.1 oil can be layered over the medium following inoculation. In-
5. Peptonization due to digestion of the milk protein as cubate tubes at 35 2C for up to 14 days and record
evidenced by a clearing of the medium and dissolution reactions at various intervals during the incubation process.
of the clot.
6. Reduction of the litmus in the depths of the tube due to the Expected Results
action of reductase enzymes with the resultant removal of Consult an appropriate reference for the expected reactions
oxygen to form the decolorized leucolitmus compound. for specific microbial species.2
Formula References
1. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
BBL Litmus Milk
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 2. Sneath and Holt (ed.). 1986. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology, vol. 2. Williams &
Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Skim Milk ............................................................... 100.0 g
Azolitmin ................................................................... 0.5 g
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.5 g Availability
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. BBL Litmus Milk
Cat. No. 211343 Dehydrated 500 g
Directions for Preparation from 221657 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
Dehydrated Product *Store at 2-8C.
Identity Specifications
Difco Littman Oxgall Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Grayish-blue, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 5.5% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is blue, very
slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Blue, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 5.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Littman Oxgall Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with the
addition of streptomycin. Inoculate and incubate at 25-30C for up to 72
Candida albicans 10231 102-103 Good Good
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Fair to good Inhibition
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 102-103 Good Good
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9080 102-103 Good Good Trichophyton
Trichophyton mentagrophytes 9533 102-103 Fair to good Fair to good ATCC 28185
4. Add 30 g streptomycin per mL of medium. using one or more of the following techniques to corrobo-
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using rate cultural findings: direct microscopic examination of
stable, typical control cultures. the specimen; animal inoculation; biochemical determina-
tion; or serological procedures.
Procedure 2. Do not use to culture Nocardia asteroides, Streptomyces
See appropriate references for specific procedures. or any other microorganism sensitive to streptomycin.3
*Minimally, one strain of Brucella should be used for performance testing. These ATCC strains Cat. No. 226920 Dehydrated 500 g
should be used if available.
Liver Veal Agar
Lowenstein Media
3. Additional culture, biochemical identification and toxi- Cat. No. 220906 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
genicity tests must be performed for differentiation and
Lowenstein Media
Lowenstein Medium Base Lowenstein-Jensen
Medium Lowenstein-Jensen Medium, Gruft
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with Iron
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with Pyruvic Acid
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with 5% Sodium Chloride
Intended Use rusty-brown colonies and a tan discoloration in the medium.6
Lowenstein Medium and Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) Medium are M. chelonae and slow-growing species do not take up the iron.7
used for the isolation and cultivation of mycobacteria and as Hughes 8 and Dixon and Cuthbert 9 reported that the addition
bases for selective, differential and enriched media for myco- of pyruvic acid to egg-based media resulted in improved
bacteria. recovery of tubercle bacilli compared to recovery on egg-based
LJ Medium, tubed as deeps, is used for the semi-quantitative media supplemented only with glycerol. Dixon and Cuthbert
catalase test. recommended using pyruvic acid-egg medium in addition to
media supplemented with glycerol for optimum recovery of
LJ Medium, Gruft, is a selective medium used for the isolation
tubercle bacilli from clinical specimens.9
and cultivation of mycobacteria.
Additionally, the medium is available with the addition of 5%
LJ Medium with Iron is used to determine iron uptake for
sodium chloride. Most rapid growers, the slowly growing
differentiation and identification of mycobacteria.
M. triviale and some strains of M. flavescens grow on NaCl-
LJ Medium with Pyruvic Acid is an enrichment medium used
for enhanced growth of mycobacteria.
containing media. The inability of M. chelonae subsp. chelonae
to grow helps differentiate it from other members of the
LJ Medium with 5% sodium chloride is used to characterize M. fortuitum complex (e.g., M. chelonae subsp. abscessus).6,10
certain strains of mycobacteria. In the semi-quantitative catalase test, mycobacteria can be
differentiated into groups, based upon catalase activity. 6,11,12
Summary and Explanation
LJ Medium is an inspissated, egg-based medium developed from Principles of the Procedure
Jensens modification of Lowensteins formula.1,2 Lowenstein Medium Base is a relatively simple formulation
Gruft modified LJ Medium by adding penicillin and nalidixic that requires supplementation in order to support the growth
acid for selective isolation of mycobacteria.3 Gruft also found of mycobacteria. Glycerol and egg mixture are added prior to
that the addition of ribonucleic acid (RNA) increased the the inspissation process. These substances provide fatty acids
percentage of tubercle bacilli recovered from clinical specimens and protein required for the metabolism of mycobacteria. The
compared to recovery on the standard LJ Medium.4 coagulation of the egg albumin during sterilization provides a
solid medium for inoculation purposes. Malachite green
Wayne and Doubek differentiated rapidly-growing from selectively inhibits contaminants.
slow-growing mycobacteria based on iron intake.5 The rapid-
growing mycobacteria take up iron in the medium, producing
Section III
L Lowenstein Media, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Lowenstein Medium Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C under appropriate atmospheric conditions for up to 21 days.
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Partial inhibition
Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra 25177 102-3102 Good Uninoculated Mycobacterium
Tube fortuitum
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 27294 102-3102 Good ATCC 6841
Mycobacterium kansasii Group I 12478 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium scrofulaceum Group II 19981 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium intracellulare Group III 13950 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium fortuitum Group IV 6841 102-3102 Good
Lowenstein Media, cont.
5. Admix base and egg gently until mixture is uniform and Stained smears may show acid-fast bacilli, which are reported
without bubbles. only as acid-fast bacilli unless definitive tests are performed.
6. Distribute in suitable sterile containers such as screw-capped
Bottles may be examined by inverting the bottles on the stage
of a dissecting microscope. Read at 10-60 with transmitted
7. Arrange tubes in slanted position, then coagulate and
light. Scan rapidly at 10-20 for the presence of colonies.
inspissate at 85C for 45 minutes.
Higher magnification (30-60) is helpful in observing colony
8. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
morphology; i.e., serpentine cord-like colonies.
stable, typical control cultures.
Examine LJ Medium with Iron for rusty-brown colonies with
Procedure a tan discoloration in the surrounding medium, indicating
The test procedures are those recommended by the Centers for uptake of the iron.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for primary The presence or absence of growth in the tube of medium con-
isolation from specimens containing mycobacteria.6 N-Acetyl-L- taining 5% NaCl aids in the differentiation of mycobacterial
cysteine-sodium hydroxide (NALC-NaOH) solution is isolates. The salt tolerance test is positive when numerous
recommended as a gentle but effective digesting and decontami- colonies appear on the control medium and more than 50 colo-
nating agent. These reagents are provided in the BBL MycoPrep nies grow on the medium containing 5% NaCl.6,15 Colonies on
Mycobacterial Specimen Digestion/Decontamination Kit. For the control medium, but no visible growth on the test medium
detailed decontamination and culturing instructions, consult an after a total of 4 weeks of incubation constitutes a negative
appropriate reference.6,7,12,14,15 test.6,12,15
Following inoculation, keep test containers shielded from light In the semi-quantitate catalase test, mycobacteria fall into two
and place them in a suitable system providing an aerobic groups with M. tuberculosis falling into the group producing
atmosphere enriched with carbon dioxide. Incubate at 35 2C. a column of bubbles less than 45 mm in height.6
Slanted and bottled media should be incubated in a horizontal
plane until the inoculum is absorbed. Tubes and bottles should Limitations of the Procedure
have screw caps loose for the first 3 weeks to permit the circula- 1. Negative culture results do not rule-out active infection
tion of carbon dioxide for the initiation of growth. Thereafter, by mycobacteria. Some factors that are responsible for
to prevent dehydration, tighten caps; loosened briefly once a unsuccessful cultures are:
week. Stand tubes upright if space is a problem. The specimen was not representative of the infectious
material; i.e., saliva instead of sputum.
NOTE: Cultures from skin lesions suspected to be M. marinum
The mycobacteria were destroyed during digestion and
or M. ulcerans should be incubated at 25-33C for primary
decontamination of the specimen.
isolation; cultures suspected to contain M. avium or M. xenopi
Gross contamination interfered with the growth of the
exhibit optimum growth at 40-42C.6 Incubate a duplicate
culture at 35-37C.
Proper aerobic conditions and increased CO2 tension
For LJ Medium with Iron, specimens must first be isolated in were not provided during incubation.
pure culture on an appropriate solid medium. Inoculate LJ 2. Mycobacteria are strict aerobes and growth is stimulated
Medium with Iron with one drop of a barely turbid suspen- by increased levels of CO2. Screw caps on tubes or bottles
sion of the culture to be tested. should be handled as directed for exchange of CO2.
For the semi-quantitative catalase test, 1 mL of a 1:1 mixture
of 10% polysorbate 80 and 30% hydrogen peroxide is added
References L
1. Lowenstein. 1931. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Orig.120:127.
to each inoculated tube after 2 weeks of incubation. The height 2.
Jensen. 1932. Zentralb. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 125:222.
Gruft. 1971. Health Lab. Sci. 8:79.
of the column of bubbles is recorded after 5 minutes as <45 4. Gruft. 1963. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 88:412.
5. Wayne and Doubek. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:925.
mm or >45 mm.6,7 6. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide to the level III laboratory. USDHHS.
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
7. Metchock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
Expected Results of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
8. Hughes. 1966. J. Clin. Pathol. 19:73.
Cultures should be read within 5-7 days after inoculation and 9. Dixon and Cuthbert. 1967. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 96:119.
10. Silcox, Good and Floyd. 1981. J. Clin. Micobiol. 14:686.
once a week thereafter for up to 8 weeks. 11. Wayne. 1962. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 86:651.
12. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. In Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
Record Observations: 13. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
1. Number of days required for colonies to become macro- No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
14. Cernoch, Enns, Saubolle and Wallace. 1994. Cumitech 16A, Laboratory diagnosis of the mycobac-
scopically visible. Rapid growers have mature colonies terioses. Coord. ed., Weissfeld. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
15. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
within 7 days; slow growers require more than 7 days for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
mature colony forms.
2. Pigment production
White, cream to buff = Nonchromogenic (NC)
Lemon, yellow, orange, red = Chromogenic (Ch) 317
Section III
L Lowenstein Media, cont.
221388 Prepared Slants (C Tubes) Ctn. of 100* Cat. No. 297270 Prepared (Transgrow-style bottle) Ctn. of 100*
221257 Prepared Deeps (A Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
221115 Mycoflask Bottle Pkg. of 10* BBL Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with 5% Sodium
Section III
L Lysine Iron Agar, cont.
4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Expected Results Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
Lysine decarboxylation is detected in the butt by an alkaline 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
(purple) reaction. Lysine deamination is detected by a red slant. 6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiol-
ogy, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Hydrogen sulfide production is detected by the formation of 7. Johnson, Kunz, Barron and Ewing. 1966. Appl. Microbiol. 14:212.
8. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
a black precipitate. A negative reaction (purple slant and vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
yellow butt) indicates fermentation of dextrose only.8
Hydrogen sulfide may not be detected in this medium by
Difco Lysine Iron Agar
organisms that are negative for lysine decarboxylase activity AOAC BAM BS10 CCAM CMPH MCM7 SMD SMWW USDA
since acid production in the butt may suppress its formation.8 Cat. No. 284920 Dehydrated 500 g
For this reason H2S-producing Proteus species do not blacken BBL Lysine Iron Agar
Cat. No. 211363 Dehydrated 500 g
References 220952 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
1. Edwards and Fife. 1961. Appl. Microbiol. 9:478. 220953 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
2. Ewing and Edwards. 1960. Int. Bull. Bacteriol. Nomencl. Taxon. 10:1.
*Store at 2-8C.
3. Edwards and Ewing. 1962. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis,
Section III
M M9 Minimal Salts
M9 Minimal Salts, 5
Intended Use for cellular systems. Sodium chloride provides essential ions.
M9 Minimal Salts, 5 is used in preparing M9 Minimal Glucose may be added as a source of carbohydrate. Supple-
Medium which is used for cultivating recombinant strains of menting the medium with magnesium and calcium increases
Escherichia coli. the growth of recombinants.
Section III
M Bacto M Broth
Bacto M Broth
Intended Use screening procedures for the presence of Salmonella and
Bacto M Broth is used for cultivating Salmonella in foods and positive results must be confirmed by culture.
feeds by the accelerated enrichment serology (ES) procedure.
Principles of the Procedure
Summary and Explanation Yeast extract is a source of B-complex vitamins. Peptone
M Broth, prepared according to the formula of Sperber and provides organic nitrogen. D-Mannose and sodium citrate are
Diebel,1 contains all the nutrients necessary for good growth fermentation energy sources. Mannose prevents fimbrial
and flagella development of Salmonella. agglutination.1 Sodium chloride helps maintain osmotic
equilibrium, while dipotassium phosphate acts as a buffer. The
Fantasia, Sperber and Deibel2 compared the enrichment serology
inorganic salts stimulate bacterial growth. Polysorbate 80 is a
(ES) procedure with the traditional procedure that was outlined
surfactant and dispersing agent.
in the Bacteriological Analytical Manual3 (BAM) and reported
excellent agreement between the two. They found the ES Formula
procedure not only to be faster and less complicated but also Bacto M Broth
as accurate and sensitive as the BAM procedure. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
M Broth also conforms to the testing standards recommended Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 12.5 g
by the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological D-Mannose ................................................................ 2.0 g
Examination of Foods4 (APHA) for the isolation and identifi- Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 5.0 g
cation of foodborne Salmonella. Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 5.0 g
Both monoclonal and polyclonal enzyme immunoassay (EIA) Manganese Chloride .................................................. 0.14 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.8 g
methods have been described in Official Methods of Analysis Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.04 g
of AOAC International5 using M Broth. These methods are Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 0.75 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Cultural Response
Bacto M Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Uninoculated Salmonella choleraesuis
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis serotype
Choleraesuis var. kunzendorf 12011 102-103 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good
MI Agar
Directions for Preparation from 7. Add 0.1 mL pooled Salmonella H Antiserum to one of the
Dehydrated Product Kahn tubes (above). Add 0.1 mL 0.85% NaCl solution to
1. Suspend 36.2 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix the other tube. Shake the tubes gently. Incubate in a 50C
thoroughly. water bath for 1.5 hours.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Expected Results
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Agglutination in the Kahn tube containing antiserum indicates
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using the presence of Salmonella. Agglutination in the Kahn tube
stable, typical control cultures. containing 0.85% NaCl solution (control tube) indicates a
rough culture which should be streaked for isolation, passed
Procedure through Motility GI Medium to enhance flagella and then
1. Prepare a 10% suspension of the test sample in Lactose retested with pooled antiserum.
Broth. Incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
2. Transfer 1 mL of the above preenrichment culture to 9 mL Alternative Testing Procedures
of Selenite Cystine Broth and 1 mL to 9 mL of Tetrathionate Refer to Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International5
Broth. Incubate both enrichment media at 35 2C for 24 for screening procedures using enzyme immunoassay or DNA
hours. hybridization to detect Salmonella antigen in test samples.
3. Inoculate one 10 mL tube of M Broth, tempered to 35C,
with one drop from each of the above cultures. Incubate at
1. Sperber and Deibel. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 17:533.
35 2C for 6-8 hours. 2. Fantasia, Sperber and Deibel. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 17:540.
3. Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 2nd ed. 1969. USDHEW, Washington, D.C.
4. Prepare a formalin-salt solution by adding 4.2 g of NaCl 4. Andrews, Flowers, Silliker and Bailey. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.). Compendium of methods for
the microbiological examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washing-
and 3 mL of formalin to 100 mL of purified water. Place ton, D.C.
5. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
one drop in each of two Kahn tubes. tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
5. Carefully insert a pipette about 1 inch below the surface of
the M Broth culture and transfer 0.85 mL of culture to Availability
each of the above Kahn tubes containing formalin-salt Bacto M Broth
solution. AOAC COMPF
6. Prepare a pooled antiserum by combining together 0.5 mL Cat. No. 294020 Dehydrated 500 g*
294010 Dehydrated 2 kg*
each of rehydrated Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D *Store at 2-8C.
and Salmonella H Antiserum z6 (Salmonella H Antisera
Spicer-Edwards Set) in 11.5 mL of 0.85% NaCl.
MI Agar
Intended Use indicator of fecal contamination and the possible presence of
MI Agar* is a chromogenic/fluorogenic medium used to enteric pathogens.
detect and enumerate Escherichia coli and total coliforms in Chromogens or fluorogens have been used for many years
drinking water by the membrane filtration technique. It to detect and identify total coliforms (TC) and E. coli. Some
conforms with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) methods use liquid media in a multiple-tube-fermentation
Approved Method 1604: Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli (MTF) test, a presence-absence (PA) format or other tube tests.
in Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Simultaneous Agar media are also used for direct plating or membrane
Detection Technique (MI Medium). filtration (MF) technology. However, standard MF technology
* U.S. Patent No. 6, 063, 590. Manufactured under license. Commercialization of dehydrated culture
medium as prepared medium is prohibited.
for the detection of TC and fecal coliforms requires the use of
several different types of media and two different incubation
Summary and Explanation temperatures.1
Coliform bacteria are species that inhabit the intestines of The newest technology developed by the USEPA when using
warm-blooded animals or occur naturally in soil, vegetation MI Agar for testing water is a single membrane technique where
and water. They are usually found in fecally-polluted water no membrane filter transfers are required.1-4 The medium
and are often associated with disease outbreaks. Although these is named after the two enzyme substrates included in the
bacteria are not usually pathogenic themselves, their presence formulation: the fluorogen, 4-Methylumbelliferyl--
in drinking water indicates the possible presence of other D-galactopyranoside (MUGal) and a chromogen, Indoxyl--
pathogens. E. coli is one species in this group of coliform D-glucuronide (IBDG). MI Agar can simultaneously detect and
bacteria. Since it is always found in feces, it is a more direct enumerate both TC and E. coli in water samples in 24 hours
Section III
M MI Agar, cont.
Ambient Ultraviolet
User Quality Control Light Light
Identity Specifications
Difco MI Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.65% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium tan, very slightly to slightly opal-
escent, without significant precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light tan, clear to very slightly opales-
cent, without significant precipitate.
Upon removal from 2-8C storage, plates
may exhibit a crystal precipitate that
disappears upon warming to room tem-
perature. This is a typical characteristic
of the medium and is acceptable.
Reaction of 3.65%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.95 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco MI Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
0.5C for approximately 20-24 hours. Count all blue or indigo colonies
under ambient light. Expose MI Agar plates to long-wave ultraviolet light
(366 nm) and count all fluorescent colonies. Escherichia coli
ATCC 25922
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 20-80 Good Tan/blue-white
Escherichia coli 25922 20-80 Good Blue/blue-green
Proteus mirabilis 43071 20-80 Marked to Tan/none
complete inhibition
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 20-80 Good Tan/none
or less based on their specific enzyme activities. MI Agar capabilities. Sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium desoxycholate are
detects the presence of the bacterial enzymes -galactosidase selective against gram-positive bacteria. E. coli that produce the
and -glucuronidase produced by TC and E. coli, respectively. enzyme -D-glucuronidase cleave the chromogen indoxyl--D-
glucuronide (IBDG) to form a blue- or indigo-colored compound.
MI Agar is approved for use by certified drinking water labo-
The -galactosidase produced by total coliforms cleaves the
ratories for microbial analysis of potable water. Other uses
fluorogen 4-methylumbelliferyl--D-galactopyranoside (MUGal),
include recreational, surface or marine water, bottled water,
producing 4-methylumbelliferone, a fluorescent compound when
groundwater, well water, treatment plant effluents, water from
exposed to long-wave UV light (366 nm). Agar is the solidifying
drinking water distribution line, drinking water source water
and possibly foods.5
As referenced in USEPA method 1604, this method has a Formula
detection limit of one E. coli and/or one total coliform per Difco MI Agar
sample volume or dilution tested.5 The false-positive and false- Approximate Formula* Per Liter
negative rates for E. coli are both 4.3%.5 Specificity for E. coli Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
is 95.7% and for total coliforms is 93.1%.5 The single lab D-Lactose ................................................................... 1.0 g
recovery of E. coli is 97.9% of the heterotrophic plate count 4-Methylumbelliferyl--D-galactopyranoside
(pour plate) and 115% of the R2A spread plate count.5 For (MUGal) ..................................................................... 0.1 g
Indoxyl--D-glucuronide (IBDG) .................................. 0.32 g
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter aerogenes recoveries are Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 7.5 g
87.5% and 85.7% of the heterotrophic plate count and 89.3% Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 3.3 g
and 85.8% of the R2A spread plate method, respectively.5 Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.2 g
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.1 g
Principles of the Procedure Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
MI Agar contains peptone as a source of nitrogen, carbon and *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
MI Agar, cont.
Directions for Preparation from 2. Water samples containing colloidal or suspended particulate
Dehydrated Product material can clog the membrane filter, preventing adequate
1. Suspend 36.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. filtration or causing the spread of bacterial colonies. This
Mix thoroughly. could interfere with identification of the target colonies.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to However, the blue E. coli colonies can often be counted on
completely dissolve the powder. plates with heavy particulate matter or high concentrations
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes and cool in a 50C water of total bacteria.1
bath. 3. The presence of some lateral diffusion of blue color away
4. Add 5 mL of a freshly prepared 1 mg/mL filter-sterilized from the target E. coli colonies can affect enumeration and
solution of cefsulodin per liter of tempered agar medium colony picking on plates with high concentrations of
(final concentration of 5 g/mL). E. coli. This problem should not affect filters with low
5. Dispense 5 mL amounts into 9 50 mm or 15 60 mm counts, such as those obtained with drinking water or
plates and allow to solidify. properly diluted samples.1
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 4. Colonies that are tiny, flat or peaked pinpoint blue, with a
stable, typical control cultures. size of less than 0.5 mm in diameter on filters containing
less than 200 colonies may be due to species other than
NOTE: Upon removal from 2-8C storage, plates may E. coli. These colonies occur occasionally in low numbers
exhibit a crystal precipitate that disappears upon warming and should be excluded from the count of E. coli colonies,
to room temperature. This is a typical characteristic of the which are usually much larger in size (1 - 3 mm in diameter).
medium and is acceptable. The small colonies have never been observed in the absence
of typical E. coli, but, if they should occur, the sample should
Procedure not be considered E. coli-positive unless at least one colony
1. Collect and prepare water samples in accordance to
has been verified by another method.1
recommended guidelines.6,7
5. Bright green, fluorescent, non-blue colonies, observed along
2. Test recommended sample volumes following the membrane
with the typical blue/white or blue/green fluorescent
filtration procedure described in Standard Methods for
TC colonies, may be species other than coliforms. These
the Examination of Water and Wastewater.6 Select sample
colonies generally occur in low numbers ( 5%) and can
volumes to produce 20-80 colonies on the membrane filter.
usually be distinguished from the total coliforms. An
3. After sample has been filtered, aseptically remove membrane
increase in the number of bright green colonies may
filter from filter base and roll it onto MI Agar to avoid the
indicate an unusual sample population or a breakdown of
formation of bubbles between the membrane and the agar
the cefsulodin in the medium.1
6. Minimize the exposure of MI Agar to light before and
4. Invert inoculated plates and incubate for 20-24 hours at
during incubation, as light may destroy the chromogen.
35 0.5C.
5. After incubation, count and record the number of blue or References
indigo colonies under normal/ambient light. 1. Brenner, Rankin, Roybal, Stelma, Scarpino and Dufour. 1993. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:3534.
2. Brenner, Rankin and Sivaganesan. 1996. J. Microbiol. Methods 27:111.
6. Expose each MI Agar plate to long-wave ultraviolet light 3. Brenner, Rankin, Sivaganesan and Scarpino. 1996. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:203.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Membrane filter method for the simultaneous detec-
(366 nm), and count all fluorescent colonies. Record the tion of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in drinking water. Publication EPA 600-R-00-013.
data. Office of Research and Development, USEPA, Cincinnati, Ohio.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Method 1604: Total coliforms and Escherichia coli
7. Calculate and report the number of E. coli and total coliform in water by membrane filtration using a simultaneous detection technique (MI medium). Publica-
tion EPA-821-R-02-024. USEPA Office of Water (4303T), Washington, DC.
colonies per 100 mL of sample. 6. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
7. ASTM International. 2002. Annual book of ASTM standards. Water and environmental technology.
Expected Results 8.
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
Bordner, Winter and Scarpino (ed.). 1978. Microbiological methods for monitoring the environment:
E. coli produces blue or indigo colonies under normal/ambient water and wastes. Publication EPA-600/8-78-017. Environmental Monitoring and Support Labora-
tory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
light. Total coliforms produce blue/green fluorescence (E. coli),
blue/white fluorescence (total coliforms other than E. coli) and Availability
blue/green with fluorescent edges (also E. coli). Add any blue, Difco MI Agar
non-fluorescent colonies (if any) found on the same plate to EPA
the TC count.1 Cat. No. 214882 Dehydrated 100 g
214883 Dehydrated 500 g
Refer to the USEPA Microbiology Methods Manual, Part II,
Section C, 3.5 for general counting rules.8
Cat. No. 214986 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Limitations of the Procedure 214985 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
1. Choose a water sample size that will result in 20-80 colonies *Store at 2-8C.
per filter.
Section III
M MIL Medium
MIL Medium
Intended Use Formula
MIL Medium is used for differentiating Enterobacteriaceae Difco MIL Medium
based on motility, lysine decarboxylation, lysine deamination Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
and indole production. Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Summary and Explanation L-Lysine HCl ............................................................. 10.0 g
MIL (Motility-Indole-Lysine) Medium, prepared according to Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
the formula of Reller and Mirrett,1 is a single culture medium Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.5 g
Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 0.02 g
that provides four differentiating biochemical reactions. When Agar ........................................................................... 2.0 g
used in conjunction with Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) and Urea *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Cultural Response
Difco MIL Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Stab inoculate using fresh
cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After reading the
lysine decarboxylase, motility and lysine deaminase reactions, add Indole
Reagent Kovacs to determine the indole reaction.
Escherichia coli 25922 + + + Tube coli flexneri
ATCC 25922 ATCC 12022
Providencia alcalifaciens 9886 + + All with Indole Reagent
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Enteritidis 13076 + +
Shigella flexneri 12022
MIO Medium
3. After incubation, examine tubes for evidence of lysine Positive and negative reactions are based on 90% or more
deaminase, motility, lysine decarboxylase reactions and, occurrences. When an aberrant reaction occurs, subcultures
after addition of Indole Reagent Kovacs, indole production. should be plated on differential media to ensure the purity
of the culture.
Expected Results
Lysine deaminase is indicated by a red or red-brown color in Limitations of the Procedure
the top centimeter of the medium. 1. Do not add Indole Reagent Kovacs until the final lysine
deaminase, lysine decarboxylase and motility results have
Motility is indicated by a clouding of the medium or by growth
been interpreted.
extending from the inoculation line.
2. Occasionally, the indole test produces false-negative or
Lysine decarboxylase is indicated by a purple color throughout falsely weak reactions.4
the medium. This color may vary in intensity and may be
bleached out to a pale light color due to reduction of the References
indicator. Lysine-negative cultures produce a yellow medium 1. Reller and Mirrett. 1975. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2:247.
2. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken. (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
that may be purple or red on the top. Tubes that show a purple American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey and Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby Inc.,
reaction with a red color on top should be incubated for a St. Louis, Mo.
4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
longer period of time. vol.1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Cultural Response
Difco MIO Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
using an inoculating needle and incubate with caps loosened at 35
2C for 24-48 hours. Detect the presence of indole by the addition of
3-4 drops of Kovacs Reagent.
Uninoculated Enterobacter Escherichia coli
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 + + Tube aerogenes ATCC 25922
ATCC 13048
Escherichia coli 25922 + + +
Klebsiella pneumoniae
subsp. pneumoniae 13883
Proteus mirabilis 25933 + +
Section III
M MIO Medium, cont.
Principles of the Procedure from a primary isolation plate or other pure culture. Incubate
Peptones, yeast extract and dextrose provide amino acids and all tubes for 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere.
other nitrogenous and carbonaceous substances, vitamins
and minerals essential for bacterial metabolism. Motility can Expected Results
be read because of the semi-solid consistency of the medium. Read motility and decarboxylase activity prior to the addition
Organisms that possess the enzyme tryptophanase degrade of the reagent for the detection of indole production.
the amino acid tryptophan to indolepyruvic acid, from which 1. Motility is indicated by growth extending from the line of
indole can be formed through deamination.3 When ornithine inoculation. Nonmotile organisms grow only along the line
decarboxylase is present, the ornithine is decarboxylated to of inoculation.
putrescine which causes a rise in the pH and corresponding 2. Decarboxylation of ornithine is indicated by the develop-
color change of the bromcresol purple from yellow to purple. ment of a turbid purple to a faded yellow-purple color. A
negative reaction is indicated by a yellow color.
Formula 3. Indole production is indicated by the formation of a pink
Difco MIO Medium to red color after the addition of three or four drops of
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Kovacs reagent to the surface of the medium and gentle
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g shaking. A negative reaction is indicated by the develop-
Tryptone ................................................................... 10.0 g ment of a yellow color.
L-Ornithine HCl .......................................................... 5.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g Refer to appropriate texts for typical reactions produced by
Agar ........................................................................... 2.0 g various members of the Enterobacteriaceae.4-6
Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 0.02 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Directions for Preparation from 1. Ederer and Clark. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 2:849.
2. Oberhofer and Hajkowski. 1970. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 54:720.
Dehydrated Product 3. MacFaddin. 2000. Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria, 3rd ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
1. Suspend 31 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., New York, N.Y.
thoroughly. 5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
completely dissolve the powder.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Availability
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Difco MIO Medium
stable, typical control cultures. BAM
Cat. No. 273520 Dehydrated 500 g
Procedure BBL Motility Indole Ornithine Medium
To prepare the stored medium for use in motility studies, loosen BAM
caps, heat the medium to boiling and cool to room tempera- Cat. No. 221517 Prepared Deeps (K Tubes), 5 mL Pkg. of 10*
ture prior to inoculation. Inoculate tubes of medium by a single 221518 Prepared Deeps (K Tubes), 5 mL Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
stab to 1/4 inch from the bottom of the tube using growth
MR-VP Medium, cont.
User Quality Control
NOTE: Differences in the Identity Specifications and Cultural Response testing for media offered as both Difco and BBL brands may reflect differences
in the development and testing of media for industrial and clinical applications, per the referenced publications.
1. Voges and Proskauer. 1898. Z. Hyg. 28:20.
2. Clark and Lubs. 1915. J. Infect. Dis. 17:160.
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. I. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
Enterobacter Enterobacter Escherichia coli Escherichia coli 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
aerogenes aerogenes ATCC 25922 ATCC 25922 7. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1 American Society for
ATCC 13048 ATCC 13048 MR Test VP Test Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
MR Test VP Test 8. Barritt. 1936. J. Pathol. 42:441.
Expected Results Difco MR-VP Medium
a. Positive red color at surface of the medium. Cat. No. 216300 Dehydrated 500 g
Certain species within Enterobacteriaceae genera may react Difco/BBL Voges-Proskauer Reagent A
differently or give variable results. Consult appropriate texts Cat. No. 261192 Droppers Ctn. of 50
for reactions of specific species.3-6 Difco /BBL Voges-Proskauer Reagent B
MYP Agar
MYP Agar
Antimicrobic Vial P
Intended Use colonies that are yellow. Bacteria that produce lecithinase
MYP Agar is used with Egg Yolk Enrichment 50% and Antimi- hydrolyze the lecithin and a zone of white precipitate forms
crobic Vial P for enumerating Bacillus cereus from foods. around the colonies. B. cereus is typically mannitol-negative
(pink-red colonies) and lecithinase-positive (zone of precipitate
Summary and Explanation around the colonies).
Mossel et al.1 formulated Mannitol-Egg Yolk-Polymyxin
(MYP) Agar to isolate and enumerate Bacillus cereus from
Difco MYP Agar
foods. This medium differentiates B. cereus from other bacteria
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
based on its resistance to polymyxin, lack of mannitol fermen- Beef Extract ................................................................ 1.0 g
tation and presence of lecithinase.2,3 B. cereus is commonly Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
found in nature, on vegetables and in some processed foods.4 D-Mannitol ............................................................... 10.0 g
Under favorable circumstances the microorganism grows to Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 10.0 g
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg
sufficient numbers and causes gastrointestinal illness.4 Out- Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
breaks of foodborne illness have been associated with boiled
Difco Antimicrobic Vial P
and cooked rice, cooked meats and cooked vegetables. 5
Approximately 30,000 units polymyxin B per vial.
MYP Agar is a recommended medium for testing foods.4-6 *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Identity Specifications
Difco MYP Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 46 g soluble in 900 mL purified water
upon boiling. Solution is red, slightly
Prepared Appearance: Red, very slightly to slightly opalescent
without significant precipitate.
Reaction of 46 g/900 mL
at 25C: pH 7.2 0.1
Difco Antimicrobic Vial P
Cultural Response
Difco MYP Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Supplement with Egg Yolk
Enrichment 50% and Antimicrobic Vial P. Inoculate and incubate at 30
2C for 18-48 hours. Lecithinase reaction is read as a zone of precipitate.
Colonies that ferment mannitol are yellow.
Bacillus cereus 13061 30-300 Good + ATCC 13061
Bacillus subtilis 6633 30-300 Good +
aeruginosa 27853 103-2103 Inhibition
Section III
M MYP Agar, cont.
5. Bennett and Belay. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to 45-50C. examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
5. Aseptically add 12.5 mL Egg Yolk Enrichment 50% and 6. Andrews. 2000. In Horwitz (ed.), Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed.,
vol. I. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
4.1 mL Antimicrobic Vial P rehydrated with 5 mL sterile
water (25,000 units of polymyxin B). Mix thoroughly. Availability
Difco Antimicrobic Vial P (Polymyxin B)
Difco MYP Agar
1. To rehydrate, aseptically add 5 mL sterile purified water
Cat. No. 281010 Dehydrated 500 g
(to achieve the desired concentration for MYP Agar).
2. Rotate in an end-over-end motion to dissolve the contents Cat. No. 257004 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
completely. Japan
Cat. No. 251264 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Procedure 251265 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Consult appropriate references.4-6 Difco Antimicrobic Vial P
Expected Results Cat. No. 232681 Vial 6 10 mL*
Consult appropriate references.4-6 Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
MacConkey Agars
MacConkey Agar MacConkey Agar Base
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt
MacConkey Agar without Salt
Intended Use Summary and Explanation
MacConkey Agar conforms with the specifications of The MacConkey Agar is based on the bile salt-neutral red-lactose
United States Pharmacopeia (USP). agar of MacConkey.8
MacConkey agars are slightly selective and differential plating The original MacConkey medium was used to differentiate
media mainly used for the detection and isolation of gram-negative strains of Salmonella typhosa from members of the coliform
organisms from clinical,1 dairy,2 food,3,4 water,5 pharmaceutical6 group. Formula modifications improved the growth of Shigella
and industrial7 sources. and Salmonella strains. These modifications included the addi-
tion of 0.5% sodium chloride, decreased agar content, and
MacConkey Agar is used for isolating and differentiating lactose-
altered bile salts and neutral red concentrations. The formula
fermenting from lactose-nonfermenting gram-negative enteric
improvements gave improved differential reactions between
these enteric pathogens and the coliform group.
MacConkey Agar Base is used with added carbohydrate in
MacConkey Agar contains crystal violet and bile salts that
differentiating coliforms based on fermentation reactions.
inhibit gram-positive organisms and allow gram-negative
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet is used for isolating organisms to grow. Isolated colonies of coliform bacteria are
and differentiating enteric microorganisms while permitting brick red in color and may be surrounded by a zone of precipi-
growth of staphylococci and enterococci. The medium can tated bile. This bile precipitate is due to a local pH drop around
be used also to separate Mycobacterium fortuitum and the colony due to lactose fermentation. Colonies that do not
M. chelonae from other rapidly growing mycobacteria. ferment lactose (such as typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt and MacConkey bacilli) remain colorless. When lactose nonfermenters grow
Agar without Salt are used for isolating and differentiating in proximity to coliform colonies, the surrounding medium
gram-negative bacilli while suppressing the swarming of most appears as cleared areas. It is recommended in the USP for use
Proteus species. in the performance of Microbial Limit Tests.6
MacConkey Agars, cont.
User Quality Control
NOTE: Differences in the Identity Specifications and Cultural Response testing for media offered as both Difco and BBL brands may reflect differences
in the development and testing of media for industrial and clinical applications, per the referenced publications.
MacConkey Agar Base is prepared without added carbohydrates, MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt and MacConkey
which permits their addition either individually or in combina- Agar without Salt (which also lacks crystal violet) are differen-
tion. It is recommended that carbohydrates such as sucrose or tial media used for isolating and cultivating gram-negative
lactose be added in a concentration of 1% to the basal enteric organisms and gram-positive cocci from waters, feces
medium. and other sources suspected of containing these organisms, as
well as limiting the swarming of Proteus species.
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet is a differential
medium that is less selective than MacConkey Agar. The lack
Principles of the Procedure
of crystal violet permits the growth of Staphylococcus and
Peptones are sources of nitrogen and other nutrients. Lactose
Enterococcus. Staphylococci produce pale pink to red colonies
is a fermentable carbohydrate. When lactose is fermented, a
and enterococci produce compact tiny red colonies either on
local pH drop around the colony causes a color change in the
or beneath the surface of the medium. The medium is used
pH indicator (neutral red) and bile precipitation. Bile salts,
also to separate Mycobacterium fortuitum and M. chelonae
bile salts no. 3, oxgall and crystal violet are selective agents
from other rapidly growing mycobacteria.9,10
that inhibit growth of gram-positive organisms. Agar is the
solidifying agent.
Section III
M MacConkey Agars, cont.
For procedures on the isolation and identification of enteric
organisms consult the appropriate references.
Expected Results
Lactose-fermenting organisms grow as pink to brick-red colonies
with or without a zone of precipitated bile. Lactose-nonfermenting
organisms grow as colorless or clear colonies.
Proteus Salmonella Swarming by Proteus spp. is reduced on MacConkey agars
mirabilis typhimurium
ATCC 12453 ATCC 14028 without salt.
BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet On MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet and MacConkey
Approximate Formula* Per Liter agars without salt, staphylococci produce pale pink to red
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g colonies and enterococci produce tiny red colonies; these
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
organisms are inhibited on MacConkey Agar.
Bile Salts ..................................................................... 5.0 g On MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet, potentially
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g pathogenic rapid growers of the M. fortuitum complex
Neutral Red ................................................................ 0.05 g usually grow in 5-11 days, while the commonly saprophytic
Difco MacConkey Agar without Salt species are inhibited.9,10
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Peptone ................................................................... 20.0 g On MacConkey agars without salt, the swarming of Proteus
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g is reduced.
Bile Salts ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
Neutral Red .............................................................. 75.0 mg
Limitations of the Procedure
1. Although MacConkey media are selective primarily for
BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
gram-negative enteric bacilli, biochemical and, if indicated,
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ..................................... 10.0 g serological testing using pure cultures are recommended
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g for complete identification. Consult appropriate references
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
Oxgall ......................................................................... 5.0 g
for further information.1,3
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.2 g 2. Incubation of MacConkey Agar plates under increased CO2
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g has been reported to reduce the growth and recovery of a
Neutral Red .............................................................. 75.0 mg
number of strains of gram-negative bacilli.11
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
3. Some strains of M. smegmatis from humans may grow on
Directions for Preparation from MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet, but these strains
Dehydrated Product can be differentiated from M. fortuitum complex by the
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: 3-day arylsulfatase test.9
Difco MacConkey Agar 50 g;
BBL MacConkey Agar 50 g;
Difco MacConkey Agar Base 40 g;
Difco MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet 52 g;
BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet 52 g;
BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt
47.3 g;
Difco MacConkey Agar without Salt 47 g.
Mix thoroughly.
Section III
M MacConkey Agars, cont.
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
7. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
Cat. No. 247010 Dehydrated 500 g
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
8. MacConkey. 1905. J. Hyg. 5:333. BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet
9. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III laboratory. USDHHS, Cat. No. 211393 Dehydrated 500 g
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
10. Master. 1994. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1, suppl. 1. American Europe
Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
11. Mazura-Reetz, Neblett and Galperin. 1979. Abstr. C179, p. 339. Abstr. Annu. Meet. American
Cat. No. 256008 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Society for Microbiology 1979.
BBL MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt
Cat. No. 294584 Dehydrated 500 g
Availability 297901 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Difco MacConkey Agar
Difco MacConkey Agar without Salt
Cat. No. 233120 Dehydrated 500 g
Cat. No. 212123 Dehydrated 500 g
233110 Dehydrated 10 kg
212122 Dehydrated 2 kg
275300 Dehydrated 10 kg
Cat. No. 256009 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Cultural Response
BBL MacConkey II Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 104-105 Partial to
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good Pink to red +
Proteus mirabilis 12453 103-104 Good, Colorless
inhibition of
aeruginosa 10145 103-104 Good Colorless
to blue to green
to pink
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 103-104 Good Colorless
BBL MacConkey II Agar//Columbia CNA Agar with 5% BBL MacConkey II Agar//Columbia PNA Agar with 5%
Sheep Blood Sheep Blood
BS10 CMPH MCM7 Cat. No. 297272 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
Cat. No. 221600 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
BBL MacConkey II Agar//Chocolate II Agar//Trypticase
221601 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
BBL MacConkey II Agar//Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Cat. No. 297140 Prepared Y Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
Sheep Blood (TSA II) 299580 Prepared Y Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
BBL MacConkey II Agar with MUG
United States and Canada
Cat. No. 221938 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Cat. No. 221290 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
221291 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100* BBL MacConkey II Agar with MUG//Trypticase Soy
Europe Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
Cat. No. 251290 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* Cat. No. 221949 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
BBL MacConkey II Agar//Levine EMB Agar BBL MacConkey II Agar with MUG//Brucella Agar with
Cat. No. 295969 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100* 5% Horse Blood
Cat. No. 298303 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar, cont.
User Quality Control
NOTE: Differences in the Identity Specifications and Cultural Response testing for media offered as both Difco and BBL brands may reflect differences
in the development and testing of media for industrial and clinical applications, per the referenced publications.
Formulae Procedure
Difco MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Prepare plated medium from tubed agar deeps by liquefying
Approximate Formula* Per Liter the medium in boiling water, cooling to 45-50C and pouring
Peptone ................................................................... 15.5 g into sterile Petri dishes.
Proteose Peptone ....................................................... 3.0 g
D-Sorbitol ................................................................. 10.0 g Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
Bile Salts ..................................................................... 1.5 g specimens. Incubate plates, protected from light, in an inverted
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g position (agar side up) at 35 2C for 18-24 hours in an aerobic
Neutral Red ................................................................ 0.03 g atmosphere without additional CO2.
Crystal Violet .............................................................. 1.0 mg
BBL MacConkey II Agar with Sorbitol Expected Results
Approximate Formula* Per Liter After 18-24 hours of incubation, the plates should show isolated
Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ..................................... 17.0 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 1.5 g colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth in areas of
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 1.5 g heavy inoculation.
D-Sorbitol ................................................................. 10.0 g
Bile Salts ..................................................................... 1.5 g Sorbitol fermenters produce pink to red colonies, some surrounded
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g by zones of precipitated bile, while sorbitol nonfermenters
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g produce colorless colonies.
Neutral Red ................................................................ 0.03 g
Crystal Violet .............................................................. 1.0 mg Most fecal flora will be partially to completely inhibited on
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
M MacConkey Sorbitol Agar, cont.
MacConkey Broth
Intended Use Summary and Explanation
MacConkey Broth is used for cultivating gram-negative, lactose- MacConkey Broth is a modification of the original bile salt broth
fermenting bacilli in water and foods as a presumptive test for recommended by MacConkey1 that contained 0.5% sodium
coliform organisms. taurocholate and litmus as an indicator. In later publications,2,3
Cultural Response
Difco MacConkey Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good + + Uninoculated Escherichia coli
Salmonella choleraesuis Tube ATCC 25922
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Choleraesuis
var. kunzendorf 12011 102-103 Good
Key: + = positive, yellow for acid, gas
= negative, no change for acid, no gas
Malonate Broth
MacConkey suggested variations of this formulation using 2. Dispense in test tubes containing Durham tubes.
neutral red indicator instead of litmus. Childs and Allen4 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
demonstrated the inhibitory effect of neutral red and substi- 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
tuted the less inhibitory bromcresol purple. Oxgall in the stable, typical control cultures.
medium replaces the original sodium taurocholate to inhibit
growth of gram-positive organisms. Procedure
Inoculate tubes with the test specimen. Incubate tubes for
Principles of the Procedure 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere.
Peptone provides amino acids and other growth factors.
Lactose is a carbon energy source for gram-negative lactose- Expected Results
fermenting bacilli. Oxgall inhibits the growth of gram-
Lactose-fermenting organisms grow very well in MacConkey
positive organisms. Bromcresol purple is the indicator.
Broth and produce acid, causing the medium to turn yellow.
Formula Gas is also produced, which collects in the Durham tubes.
Difco MacConkey Broth Nonfermenting organisms produce good growth but will not
Approximate Formula* Per Liter produce acid or gas.
Oxgall ......................................................................... 5.0 g
Peptone ................................................................... 20.0 g References
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g 1. MacConkey. 1901. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. 29:740.
Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 0.01 g 2. MacConkey. 1905. J. Hyg. 5:333.
3. MacConkey. 1908. J. Hyg. 8:322.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
4. Childs and Allen. 1953. J. Hyg. Camb. 51:468.
Malonate Broth
Intended Use Formula
Malonate Broth is used for differentiating Enterobacter from Difco Malonate Broth
Escherichia based on malonate utilization. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 2.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.6 g
Summary and Explanation Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 0.4 g
Malonate Broth, prepared according to the formula described Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g
by Leifson,1 is a liquid medium containing ammonium sulfate Sodium Malonate ....................................................... 3.0 g
Bromthymol Blue ..................................................... 25.0 mg
as the only source of nitrogen and malonate as the only source *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
of carbon. Leifson was able to demonstrate that the
Enterobacter group utilizes malonate whereas the Escherichia Directions for Preparation from
group is unable to grow on the medium. Dehydrated Product
Malonate Broth is further described for differentiating Enterobac- 1. Suspend 8 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
teriaceae in food and dairy products.2,3 More often, the medium thoroughly.
referenced is the modified Edwards and Ewing4 formulation that 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
contains yeast extract and dextrose. The modification permits completely dissolve the powder.
growth of organisms that would otherwise fail on the 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
unsupplemented Leifson medium. 4. Avoid introducing extraneous carbon and nitrogen.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure stable, typical control cultures.
Malonate Broth contains ammonium sulfate, which is the sole
source of nitrogen in the medium; sodium malonate is the sole Procedure
source of carbon. Dipotassium phosphate and monopotassium 1. Inoculate tubes with a loopful of test organism.
phosphate provide buffering capability. Sodium chloride 2. Incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Increased 3. Examine tubes for a change in the color of the medium
alkalinity resulting from malonate utilization causes the indi- from green to blue.
cator, bromthymol blue, to change color from green to blue.
Section III
M Malonate Broth, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Malonate Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Formulae Procedure
Difco Malonate Broth, Modified Inoculate tubes, using a light inoculum, with growth from an
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 18- to 24-hour pure culture. Incubate tubes with loosened
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0 g
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 2.0 g
caps for 18-48 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere.
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.6 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 0.4 g Expected Results
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g Bacterial genera in which the majority of species yield a
Sodium Malonate ....................................................... 3.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.25 g positive alkaline reaction (light blue to Prussian blue color
Bromthymol Blue ..................................................... 25.0 mg throughout the medium) include:
BBL Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified Enterobacter
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0 g
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 2.0 g Citrobacter
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.6 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 0.4 g Genera in which the majority of species yield a negative reac-
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g tion (color of medium is unchanged or yellow) include:
Sodium Malonate ....................................................... 3.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.25 g Escherichia Serratia
Bromthymol Blue ..................................................... 25.0 mg Salmonella Morganella
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Shigella Proteus
Directions for Preparation from Edwardsiella Providencia
Dehydrated Product Yersinia
1. Dissolve 9.3 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
Limitation of the Procedure
2. Dispense and autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Some malonate-positive organisms produce only slight alkalinity.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Compare any tube in question with an uninoculated malonate tube.
stable, typical control cultures.
Any trace of blue color after a 48-hour incubation period denotes
a positive test. Before making a final negative interpretation, be
sure that test tubes have been incubated for 48 hours.3
Section III
M Malonate Broth, Modified, cont.
References Availability
1. Leifson. 1933. J. Bacteriol. 26:329.
2. Ewing, Davis and Reavis. 1957. Public Health Lab. 15:153.
Difco Malonate Broth, Modified
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, AOAC BAM COMPF SMD USDA
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Cat. No. 256910 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified
Cat. No. 211399 Dehydrated 500 g
221322 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10
Malt Agar
Intended Use organisms. Agar is the solidifying agent. The acidic pH of Malt
Malt Agar is used for isolating and cultivating yeasts and molds Agar allows for optimal growth of molds and yeasts while
from food and for cultivating yeast and mold stock cultures. restricting bacterial growth.
Malt Extract
Uninoculated Aspergillus niger
Plate ATCC 16404 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Avoid overheating
(and consequent hydrolysis and darkening of the agar with
failure to solidify). Note: To lower the pH, add sterile 1:10
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
1. Reddish. 1919. Abstr. Bacteriol. 3:6.
2. Thom and Church. 1926. The aspergilli. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Candida Saccharomyces 3. Fulmer and Grimes. 1923. J. Bacteriol. 8:585.
albicans cerevisiae 4. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. I. AOAC
ATCC 10231 ATCC 9763 International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Difco Malt Agar
Cat. No. 224200 Dehydrated 500 g
224100 Dehydrated 10 kg
BBL Malt Agar
Cat. No. 211401 Dehydrated 500 g
Section III
M Malt Extract, cont.
Procedure Availability
See appropriate references for specific procedures using Bacto Bacto Malt Extract
Malt Extract.
Cat. No. 218630 Dehydrated 500 g
218610 Dehydrated 10 kg
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Mannitol Salt Agar
Directions for Preparation from Procedure
Dehydrated Product See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Difco Malt Extract Agar
Difco Mannitol Salt Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Beef Extract ................................................................ 1.0 g
D-Mannitol ............................................................... 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 75.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg
BBL Mannitol Salt Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 5.0 g
Beef Extract ................................................................ 1.0 g
D-Mannitol ............................................................... 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 75.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
ATCC 25923
Section III
M Mannitol Salt Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Marine Agar 2216
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
20-25C for 40-72 hours.
Vibrio fischeri 7744 102-103 Good
Vibrio harveyi 14126 102-103 Good
Section III
M Marine Agar 2216, cont.
Martin-Lewis Agar, cont.
developed for the selective isolation of pathogenic Neisseria, (humidity) produced by the culture medium within the sealed
which is more inhibitory to gram-positive bacteria and yeasts plastic bag and generates CO 2 levels sufficient for
than Thayer-Martin agars.8,9 The concentration of vancomycin the growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae on the selective media
is increased from 3.0 mg/mL to 4.0 mg/mL for greater inhibi- provided with the system.15
tion of gram-positive bacteria, and anisomycin is substituted
In the JEMBEC system, a tablet consisting of a mixture of
for nystatin for improved inhibition of Candida albicans. This
citric acid and sodium bicarbonate is placed in a well within
organism has been shown to inhibit N. gonorrhoeae.10,11
the plate and is activated by the moisture (humidity) produced
Martin-Lewis Agar, Modified has the same formulation as by the culture medium within the sealed plastic bag. The CO2
Martin-Lewis Agar except that the concentration of vancomycin levels generated are sufficient for the growth of N. gonorrhoeae
has been reduced to 3.0 mg/mL. on the selective media provided with the system.15
Gono-Pak is the name given to a selective medium resealable
polyethylene bag CO2 generating tablet system described by
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in
Holston et al. for the isolation of N. gonorrhoeae. It was found
the laboratory. If material is cultured directly from a swab,
to be comparable to the candle jar method for the isolation of
proceed as follows:16
N. gonorrhoeae from clinical specimens.12,13 The Gono-Pak
system obviates the need both for a separate carbon dioxide 1. Roll swab directly on the medium in a large Z to provide
system and for transferring the specimen from the transport adequate exposure of swab to the medium for transfer of
system to a culture plate. It has been reported to be superior to organisms.
Transgrow (Modified Thayer-Martin Agar with a CO2-enriched 2. Cross-streak the Z pattern with a sterile wire loop, prefer-
atmosphere in a bottle) as a transport system.14 ably in the clinic. If not done previously, cross-streaking
should be done in the laboratory.
The JEMBEC* style plate was developed by John E. Martin,
3. Place the culture as soon as possible in an aerobic environ-
Jr., of the Centers for Disease Control in association with Ames
ment enriched with carbon dioxide.
Laboratories and was designed to provide a self-contained CO2
a. With the Gono-Pak System:
environment through the use of a CO2-generating tablet placed
Place inoculated plates in the polyethylene bag provided
in a specially designed well provided in the plate.15 The
(one or two plates per bag). Cut off the corner of one foil-
JEMBEC system is recommended for the growth and trans-
wrapped CO2 tablet to expose the tablet and place in the
portation of N. gonorrhoeae and has the advantage over other
transport systems of obviating the necessity of transferring the
To seal the bag, simply press down on the zipper at the
specimen from the transport system to a culture plate.
end of the bag with fingers and slide along to the opposite
*JEMBEC is a trademark of Miles Scientific.
end. Be sure that the bag is sealed completely. After the bag
Principles of the Procedure is sealed, incubate in an inverted position (agar bed up) at
Martin-Lewis Agar is based on Chocolate II Agar which 35C for 18 to 48 hours.7,17
contains an improved GC Agar base, bovine hemoglobin To transport the culture after incubation, place the sealed
and BBLIsoVitaleX Enrichment. The GC base contains Gono-Pak system in a suitable mailing or shipping con-
nitrogenous nutrients in the form of casein and meat peptones, tainer. Care should be taken to protect the culture from
phosphate buffer to maintain pH and corn starch, which extreme heat or cold and to ensure delivery to the testing
neutralizes toxic fatty acids that may be present in the agar. laboratory as rapidly as possible.
Hemoglobin provides X factor (hemin) for Haemophilus
b. With the JEMBEC System:
species. IsoVitaleX Enrichment is a defined supplement which
With sterile forceps, remove a CO2-generating tablet from
provides V factor (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD)
its foil wrapper and place it in the specially designed well
for Haemophilus species and vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes,
in the plate. Place inoculated plates in the polyethylene bag
dextrose, ferric ion and other factors which improve the growth
provided (one plate per bag). DO NOT ADD WATER
of pathogenic Neisseria.
TO THE TABLET. Seal the bag by pressing down on the
This selective medium contains the antimicrobial agents vanco- zipper at the end of the bag with fingers and slide along
mycin, colistin, anisomycin (V-C-A Inhibitor) and to the opposite end. Be sure that the bag is sealed
trimethoprim, to suppress the normal flora. Vancomycin is completely. After the bag is sealed, incubate in an inverted
active primarily against gram-positive bacteria. Colistin inhibits position (agar bed up) at 35C for 18-48 hours.7,17
gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, but
To transport the culture after incubation, place the sealed
is not active against Proteus species. Anisomycin inhibits yeasts.
JEMBEC system in a suitable mailing or shipping container.
Trimethoprim inhibits Proteus.
Care should be taken to protect the culture from extreme
In the Gono-Pak system, a tablet consisting of a mixture of heat or cold and to ensure delivery to the testing laboratory
citric acid and sodium bicarbonate is activated by the moisture as soon as possible.
Section III
M Martin-Lewis Agar, cont.
Colonies may be selected for Gram staining, subculturing or Cat. No. 221804 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
other diagnostic procedures. 299602 Prepared Plates (with white patient label on bottom)
Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
McBride Listeria Agar
Formula Procedure
Difco Maximum Recovery Diluent Consult appropriate references for dilution procedures when
Approximate Formula* Per Liter testing foods.1-4
Peptone ..................................................................... 1.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 8.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product References
1. DeMello, Danielson and Kiser. 1951. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 37:579.
1. Dissolve 9.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. 2. Gunter. 1954. J. Bacteriol. 67:628.
3. Straka and Stokes. 1957. Appl. Microbiol. 5:21.
2. Dispense into final containers and cap loosely. 4. Patterson and Cassells. 1963. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 26:493.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Availability
stable, typical control cultures. Difco Maximum Recovery Diluent
Cat. No. 218971 Dehydrated 500 g
Formula When isolating Listeria from raw milk and food samples,
Difco McBride Listeria Agar
refer to appropriate references.7,12
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptose ................................................................... 10.0 g Expected Results
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g Observe colonies under oblique transmitted light. Listeria
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Glycine ..................................................................... 10.0 g
colonies should display a gray to blue color with a ground
Lithium Chloride ........................................................ 0.5 g glass appearance.
Phenylethanol ............................................................ 2.5 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g References
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 1. Murray, Webb and Swann. 1926. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:407.
2. Monk, Clavero, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1994. J. Food Prot. 57:969.
Directions for Preparation from 3.
Wehr. 1987. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 70:769.
Bremer and Osborne. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:604.
Dehydrated Product 5.
Grau and Vanderlinde. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:4.
Patel, Hwang, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:244.
1. Suspend 46 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 7. Ryser and Donnelly. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
thoroughly. 8. Kramer and Jones. 1969. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 32:381.
9. McBride and Girard. 1960. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 55:153.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 10. Pezzlo. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Soci-
completely dissolve the powder. ety for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
11. Hayes, Feeley, Graves, Ajello and Fleming. 1986. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 51:438.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. 12. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the exami-
nation of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
4. To enhance selectivity and/or differentiation, aseptically add
0.2 g/L cycloheximide and/or sterile defibrinated blood to Availability
the medium at 45-50C. Mix well. Difco McBride Listeria Agar
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using COMPF SMD
stable, typical control cultures. Cat. No. 212156 Dehydrated 500 g*
*Store at 2-8C.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Expected Results
completely dissolve the powder. Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
3. Dispense 90 mL amounts into flasks and autoclave at 121C
for 15 minutes. References
4. Cool to 50C and aseptically add 10 mL of Egg Yolk 1. McClung and Toabe. 1947. J. Bacteriol. 53:139.
2. Labbe. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological examina-
Enrichment 50% to each 90 mL of base. Mix thoroughly. tion of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
5. Dispense into sterile Petri dishes in approximately 15 mL 3. Rhodehamel and Harmon. 1995. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Availability
stable, typical control cultures. Difco McClung Toabe Agar Base
Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50% Cat. No. 294110 Dehydrated 500 g
Shake gently to resuspend the precipitate. Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
3. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
Alternatively, use the turbidity standard to standardize Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
electrometric turbidimeters. 4. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved Standard: M7-A5. Methods for
dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
5. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved Standard: M2-A7.
Performance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
Expected Results 6. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1997. Approved Standard: M11-A4.
Methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria, 4th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
Use of the McFarland 0.5 standard will enable the preparation of
standardized inocula for use in the performance of standardized
antimicrobial susceptibility testing procedures.4-6
BBL McFarland Turbidity Standard No. 0.5
References Cat. No. 297298 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
1. Lorian (ed.). 1986. Antibiotics in laboratory medicine, 2 ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
2. McFarland. 1907. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 49:1176.
Microbial Content Test Agar
Formulae 3. Store at 2-8C.
Difco Micro Assay Culture Agar 4. Transfer cultures at weekly or twice-monthly intervals.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g Assay Inoculum
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 20.0 g 1. Subculture from a 16-24 hour stock culture of lactobacilli
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g in Micro Assay Culture Agar into a 10 mL tube of Micro
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.0 g
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 0.1 g Inoculum Broth.
Agar ......................................................................... 10.0 g 2. Incubate at 35-37C for 16-24 hours or as specified in the
Difco Micro Inoculum Broth assay procedure.
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar. 3. Centrifuge the culture and decant the supernatant.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
4. Resuspend cells in 10 mL of sterile 0.9% NaCl solution or
Precautions sterile single strength basal assay medium.
Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of media or 5. Wash the cells by centrifuging and decanting the supernatant
glassware used in microbiological assay procedures. Extremely two additional times unless otherwise indicated.
small amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give 6. Dilute the washed suspension 1:100 with sterile 0.9% single
erroneous results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from deter- strength basal assay medium or as indicated. Where appli-
gents and other chemicals must be used. Glassware must be cable, adjust inoculum concentration according to limits
heated to 250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic specified in the references.1,2
residues that might be present. Take precautions to keep steril- For a complete discussion of vitamin assay methodology, refer
ization and cooling conditions uniform throughout the assay. to appropriate procedures.1,2
Section III
M Middlebrook 7H9 Broth
Middlebrook 7H10 Agar
Precaution8 Limitations of the Procedure
Biosafety Level 2 practices and procedures, containment equip- 1. Negative culture results do not rule-out active infection
ment and facilities are required for non-aerosol-producing by mycobacteria. Some factors that are responsible for
manipulations of clinical specimens such as preparation of unsuccessful cultures are:
acid-fast smears. All aerosol-generating activities must be The specimen was not representative of the infectious
conducted in a Class I or II biological safety cabinet. Biosafety material; i.e., saliva instead of sputum.
Level 3 practices, containment equipment and facilities are The mycobacteria were destroyed during digestion and
required for laboratory activities in the propagation and decontamination of the specimen.
manipulation of cultures of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis. Gross contamination interfered with the growth of the
Animal studies also require special procedures. mycobacteria.
Proper aerobic conditions and increased CO2 tension
Directions for Preparation from were not provided during incubation.
Dehydrated Product 2. Mycobacteria are strict aerobes and growth is stimulated
1. Suspend 4.7 g of the powder in 900 mL of purified water by increased levels of CO2. Screw caps on tubes or bottles
(containing 2 mL glycerol or 0.5 g polysorbate 80, if should be handled as directed for exchange of CO2.
2. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes. References
1. Middlebrook. 1955. Fitzsimmons Army Hospital Report No. 1, Denver, Colo.
3. Aseptically add 100 mL of Middlebrook ADC Enrichment 2. Middlebrook and Cohn. 1958. Am. J. Public Health. 48:844.
3. Middlebrook, Cohn and Schaefer. 1954. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 70:852.
to the medium when cooled to 45C. 4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 5.
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Washington (ed.). 1985. Laboratory procedures in clinical microbiology, 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag,
stable, typical control cultures. New York, N.Y.
6. Metchock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Procedure 7.
Middlebrook, Cohn, Dye, Russel and Levy. 1960. Acta. Tuberc. Scand. 38:66.
U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with appropriate supplements is Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
primarily used for growth of pure cultures of mycobacteria 9. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III laboratory.
USDHHS. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
for use in laboratory studies. Place inoculated tubes in a BBL
GasPak EZ container operated with a GasPak EZ carbon Availability
dioxide generator sachet, or other suitable system providing Difco Middlebrook 7H9 Broth
an aerobic atmosphere enriched with carbon dioxide. Incu- AOAC SMWW
bate at 35 2C for up to 8 weeks. Keep the caps of the tubes Cat. No. 271310 Dehydrated 500 g
loosened for at least 1 week to permit circulation of CO2, but BBL Middlebrook 7H9 Broth
tighten the caps thereafter to prevent dehydration, loosening BS10 CMPH MCM7
briefly once a week to replenish CO2. Cat. No. 295939 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
NOTE: Cultures from skin lesions suspected to be M. marinum BBL Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Glycerol
or M. ulcerans should be incubated at 25-33C for primary
Cat. No. 221832 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
incubation. Cultures suspected to contain M. avium or
BBL Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Polysorbate 80
M. xenopi exhbit optimum growth at 40-42C.9 Incubate a
Cat. No. 297151 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
duplicate culture at 35-37C.9
BBL Middlebrook ADC Enrichment
Cultural Response
Difco Middlebrook 7H10 Agar with Uninoculated Mycobacterium
BBL Middlebrook OADC Enrichment Tube fortuitum
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 ATCC 6841
2C under approximately 10% CO2 for up to 21 days.
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked inhibition
Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra 25177 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium kansasii, Group I 12478 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium scrofulaceum, Group II 19981 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium intracellulare, Group III 13950 102-3102 Good
Mycobacterium fortuitum, Group IV 6841 102-3102 Good
mental in the development of a number of formulations which bacilli against toxic agents and, therefore, it enhances their
contained oleic acid and albumin as key ingredients to aid in recovery on primary isolation; dextrose is an energy source;
the growth of the tubercle bacilli and to protect the organisms and catalase destroys toxic peroxides that may be present in
against a variety of toxic agents.1 Subsequently, Middlebrook the medium. Partial inhibition of bacteria is achieved by the
and Cohn improved the formulation of oleic acid-albumin agar presence of the malachite green dye.
and obtained faster, more luxuriant growth of Mycobacterium
species on their medium designated as 7H10.2,3 The oleic acid Formulae
and bovine albumin, along with sodium chloride, dextrose and Difco Middlebrook 7H10 Agar
catalase, are provided by the Middlebrook OADC Enrichment. Approximate Formula* Per 900 mL
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 0.5 g
It has been reported that the 7H10 medium tends to grow Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g
fewer contaminants than the egg-based media commonly used Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 1.5 g
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 0.4 g
for the cultivation of mycobacteria.4 Magnesium Sulfate .................................................. 25.0 mg
Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.5 mg
Prepared plates of the complete medium are deep-filled to Zinc Sulfate ................................................................ 1.0 mg
reduce the effects of drying during prolonged incubation. Copper Sulfate ........................................................... 1.0 mg
L-Glutamic Acid (sodium salt) ..................................... 0.5 g
Principles of the Procedure Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.04 g
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ............................................ 1.0 mg
Middlebrook and Cohn 7H10 Agar Base contains a variety of Biotin ......................................................................... 0.5 mg
inorganic salts that provide substances essential for the growth Malachite Green .................................................... 250.0 g
of mycobacteria. The sodium citrate, when converted to citric Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
acid, serves to hold certain inorganic cations in solution. BBL Middlebrook OADC Enrichment
Glycerol is an abundant source of carbon and energy. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 8.5 g
Supplementation of the agar base is required in order to obtain Dextrose ................................................................... 20.0 g
Bovine Albumin (Fraction V) ..................................... 50.0 g
mycobacterial growth. In the enriched medium, sodium chloride Catalase ..................................................................... 0.03 g
maintains osmotic equilibrium; oleic acid, as well as other long Oleic Acid ................................................................... 0.6 mL
chain fatty acids, can be utilized by tubercle bacilli and plays *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
M Middlebrook 7H10 Agar, cont.
Availability Europe
Cat. No. 254520 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Difco Middlebrook 7H10 Agar
Milk Agar
Intended Use Poor cleaning of the milking equipment may cause contamina-
Milk Agar is recommended by the British Standards Institute1 tion with micrococci, streptococci, coliforms or heat resistant
and the International Dairy Federation2 for the enumeration Bacillus strains, giving an increase of the bulk milk count of
of microorganisms in liquid milk, ice cream, dried milk and >5 104 organisms/mL. Spoilage of pasteurized or raw milk by
whey. proteolytic psychrotrophic bacteria can occur on prolonged
storage below 7C.
Summary and Explanation Milk Agar conforms to the EEC Commission for the examina-
Liquid milk is a highly perishable foodstuff with a shelf life tion of ice cream.3 Milk Agar is recommended for performing
of only 5-10 days after pasteurization. Contamination of raw plate count tests on milks, rinse waters and dairy products.4
milk may arise from either the soiled or diseased udder or
inadequately cleaned milking or storage equipment. Bovine Principles of Procedure
mastitis or udder inflammation may cause contamination with Peptone and yeast extract provide essential nutrients while skim
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia milk powder is a source of casein. Dextrose is the carbon
coli or, more rarely, Yersinia enterocolitica and Leptospira energy source. Agar is the solidifying agent.
species. Excretion of these organisms can increase the bulk
milk count by 105 organisms/mL. Proteolytic bacteria will be surrounded by a clear zone from
the conversion of casein into soluble nitrogenous compounds.1
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications Difco Milk Agar
Difco Milk Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous. Tryptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.5 g
Solution: 2.2% solution, soluble in purified
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
water upon boiling. Solution is light
Skim Milk Powder (antibiotic free) ............................. 1.0 g
amber, clear to slightly opalescent, no Agar ......................................................................... 12.5 g
significant precipitate. *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, opalescent, no signifi-
cant precipitate. Directions for Preparation from
Reaction of 2.2% Dehydrated Product
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.1
1. Suspend 22 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Cultural Response thoroughly.
Difco Milk Agar 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate completely dissolve the powder.
technique and incubate at 30 2C for up to 72 hours. 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 9595 30-300 Good stable, typical control cultures.
Lactococcus lactis 19435 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good Procedure
Streptococcus thermophilus 19258 30-300 Good Total counts may be carried out using either pour plates or
surface counting techniques.
Minerals Modified Glutamate
1. Prepare milk dilutions of 1/10, 1/100, 1/1,000 in 1/4- Proteolytic psychrotrophic colonies may be enhanced by flood-
strength Ringers solution. Use this inoculum within 15 ing the plates with a solution of 1% hydrochloric acid or 10%
minutes. acetic acid. Pour off the excess acid solution and count the
2. Pour Plates: Pipette 1 mL of each dilution into Petri dishes. colonies surrounded by clear zones.
Add 10-12 mL of molten Milk Agar, cooled to 45C, and
mix thoroughly. References
1. Methods of microbiological examination for dairy purposes. Diluents, media and apparatus and
Spread Plates: Spread 1 mL of milk dilution over the sur- their preparation and sterilisation. BS4285, Sec. 1.2.
2. International Dairy Federation. 1993. Milk and milk products preparation of samples and
face of the solidified medium in a Petri dish. dilutions for microbiological examination. Standard 122A: 1988.
3. Incubate at 30 2C for 72 hours. 3. Klose. 1968. Susswaren. 14:778.
4. Ministry of Health. 1937. Bacteriological tests for graded milk. Memo 139/Foods. H.M.S.O.,
London, England.
Expected Results
Select plates containing 10-300 colonies. Results are expressed Availability
as colonies per mL of product tested. Difco Milk Agar
Cat. No. 218591 Dehydrated 500 g
Minerals Modified Glutamate Broth has been used in the modified For more polluted waters, inoculate the water sample into the
direct plate method for enumeration of Escherichia coli biotype medium in the following volumes:
1 in foods.6 According to this method, 15 grams of agar are
1. 5 1 mL of sample into 5 5 mL of single-strength medium;
added per liter of single strength broth before autoclaving. The
2. 5 1 mL of a 1:10 dilution of the sample into 5 5 mL of
medium is poured in 12-15 mL amounts into sterile Petri dishes.
single-strength medium.
This resuscitation agar is used for the recovery of damaged
cells from frozen or dried foodstuffs. Incubate the tubes at 35 2C. Examine after 18-24 hours
incubation and again at 48 hours.
Principles of the Procedure
Sodium glutamate and sodium formate are the basis of a defined Expected Results
minimal medium for the enumeration of coliform organisms in All tubes demonstrating acid production, indicated by the
water. Lactose is the carbohydrate source in Minerals Modified medium turning yellow, and gas, either in the inverted
Glutamate Broth. The addition of B-complex vitamins, certain fermentation vial or by effervescence on shaking, may be re-
amino acids and magnesium ions allows an increased rate of garded as presumptive positive reactions. Each presumptive
fermentation. Phosphate acts as a buffering agent. The addition positive tube should be confirmed in Brilliant Green Bile 2%,
of ammonium chloride allows increased gas production by the as well as with additional biochemical tests.
test organism. Bromocresol purple is present as a pH indicator. The most probable number of organisms in 100 mL of the
original water sample can be calculated using the following
Formula table.7
Difco Minerals Modified Glutamate Broth
Sodium Glutamate ..................................................... 6.4 g NUMBER OF TUBES USED 1 2 OF COLIFORMS IN 100 mL IN SAMPLE
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g 0 0 0
Sodium Formate ......................................................... 0.25 g
Number of Tubes 0 1 1
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.02 g
L(-) Aspartic Acid ...................................................... 24.0 mg Giving Positive 0 2 2
L(+) Arginine .............................................................. 0.02 g Reaction 0 3 4
Thiamine .................................................................... 1.0 mg 0 4 5
Nicotinic Acid ............................................................. 1.0 mg 0 5 7
Pantothenic Acid ........................................................ 1.0 mg 1 0 2
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate .............................. 0.1 g 1 1 3
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.01 g
Calcium Chloride Dihydrate ....................................... 0.01 g 1 2 6
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.9 g 1 3 9
Bromocresol Purple .................................................... 0.01 g 1 4 16
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 1 5 +18
Minimal Agar Davis
Minimal Agar Davis
Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose
Intended Use delayed enrichment. Both Lederberg1 and Davis2 described
Minimal Agar Davis is used for isolating and characterizing a third technique using penicillin. Nutritional mutants of
nutritional mutants of Escherichia coli. B. subtilis can be isolated by these three techniques and by a
modification of the penicillin technique described by Nester,
Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose is used with added
Schafer and Lederberg.3
dextrose in isolating and characterizing nutritional mutants of
Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. After the mutants are isolated, they are characterized biochemi-
cally by growth in minimal broth supplemented with specific
Summary and Explanation growth factors or groups of growth factors. It is generally best
Lederberg1 described the Davis formulation for Minimal Agar to classify mutants according to their requirements for amino
Davis. Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose is the same acids, vitamins, nucleic acids or other substances. This is done
formulation without dextrose and agar. Both media support by supplementing the minimal medium with Vitamin Assay
the growth of nutritional mutants of E. coli while Minimal Casamino Acids plus tryptophan, or a mixture of water soluble
Broth Davis without Dextrose with added dextrose also vitamins, alkaline-hydrolyzed yeast, nucleic acid or yeast
supports the growth of nutritional mutants of B. subtilis. extract, depending on the particular mutants desired. The
supplemented minimal broth is inoculated with a slightly
Lederberg1 described two techniques for isolating nutritional
turbid suspension of the mutant colonies and incubated for 24
mutants of E. coli, one by random isolation and the other by
hours at 35C. Growth with Vitamin Assay Casamino Acids
indicates a vitamin requirement. When a major growth factor
User Quality Control
group response is obtained, the characterization is carried
Identity Specifications further by the same general procedure to subgroups and
Difco Minimal Agar Davis finally to individual growth substances.
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 2.66% solution, soluble in purified Principles of the Procedure
water upon boiling. Solution is medium Minimal Agar Davis and Minimal Broth Davis without Dex-
amber, very slightly to slightly opales-
cent. trose contain citrate and phosphates as buffers. Ammonium
Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, very slightly to slightly sulfate is the nitrogen source. Magnesium is a cofactor for many
opalescent. metabolic reactions. Minimal Agar Davis contains dextrose as
Reaction of 2.66% the carbohydrate energy source. Agar is the solidifying agent.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Difco Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose Formulae
Dehydrated Appearance: White, free-flowing, homogeneous. Difco Minimal Agar Davis
Solution: 1.06% solution, soluble in purified Approximate Formula* Per Liter
water. Solution is colorless, clear. Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
Prepared Appearance: Colorless, clear. Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 7.0 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 2.0 g
Reaction of 1.06%
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 0.5 g
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.1 g
Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 1.0 g
Cultural Response Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Difco Minimal Agar Davis Difco Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate by the pour plate
Consists of the same ingredients without the dextrose and agar.
method and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Escherichia coli 6883 102-103 Good Directions for Preparation from
Escherichia coli 9637 102-103 Good Dehydrated Product
Difco Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose Difco Minimal Agar Davis
Prepare the medium per label directions with the addition of 1% 1. Suspend 26.6 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
dextrose. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. thoroughly.
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Bacillus subtilis 6633 102-103 Good completely dissolve the powder.
Escherichia coli 6883 102-103 Good 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Escherichia coli 9637 102-103 Good 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
M Minimal Agar Davis, cont.
Difco Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose 6. Irradiate the suspension with a low pressure mercury
1. Dissolve 10.6 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. ultraviolet lamp for a sufficient time to give a cell survival
2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. of 1 104 cells per mL.
3. If desired, aseptically add 10 mL of 10% dextrose solution 7. Incubate the suspension at room temperature for 4-18
at room temperature. Mix thoroughly. hours in the minimal medium with appropriate substances
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using added to allow for the growth of desired mutants.
stable, typical control cultures. 8. Wash the culture in sterile minimal medium.
9. Centrifuge and resuspend in the same medium.
Procedure 10. Dilute 1 to 10 with sterile minimal medium.
Random Technique 11. Let stand for 60 minutes to starve the mutants.
1. Irradiate a cell suspension of wild type E. coli. 12. Add penicillin to give a concentration of 2,000 units per
2. Dilute the suspension 100-500. mL.
3. Culture on a complete agar medium containing all the 13. Incubate 15 minutes.
necessary growth requirements. 14. Plate the culture on nutrient agar for colony isolation.
4. Incubate the cultures at 35 2C for 24 hours. 15. Identify the nutrition mutants by transferring colonies
5. Select isolated colonies and inoculate into Minimal Broth by replicate plating onto plates of minimal agar which
Davis and a nutritionally complete broth. has been supplemented with the appropriate nutritional
6. Incubate at 35 2C for 24 hours. substances.
7. Observe growth in both media.
Delayed Enrichment Method
Expected Results
Random Technique
1. Prepare plates of Minimal Agar Davis by pouring a 15-20
mL base layer in a 95 mm sterile Petri dish followed by a 5 Growth in the nutritionally complete medium and no growth
mL seed layer. in the Minimal Broth indicates a mutant.
2. Inoculate with a diluted irradiated E. coli suspension. Delayed Enrichment Method
3. Pour a 5-10 mL layer of uninoculated Minimal Agar Davis Mutant colonies will grow as small colonies after the addition
over the seed layer. of the complete medium which diffuses through the Minimal
4. Incubate for 24 hours or longer to allow for the growth of Agar.
prototroph cells (wild type cells). Penicillin Method
5. Pour a layer of a complete agar medium over the minimal Mutant colonies grow after the addition of penicillin.
agar medium to develop the mutant cells.
6. Incubate at 35 2C for 6-12 hours. Bacillus subtilis Method
Mutant colonies grow on Nutrient Agar after the addition of
Penicillin Method penicillin.
1. Wash an irradiated E. coli suspension with sterile saline
and dilute to 20 the original volume in sterile minimal Limitation of the Procedure
broth. Strains vary in their sensitivity to penicillin. Adjustments to
2. Dispense into tubes in desired amounts. the time of treatment and concentration of penicillin may be
3. Add freshly prepared penicillin to each tube to give a final necessary.1
concentration of 200 units per mL.
4. Incubate at 35 2C for 4-24 hours on a shaker. References
5. Spread 0.1 mL, 0.01 mL and 0.001 mL samples onto 1. Lederberg. 1950. Methods in Med. Res. 3:5.
2. Davis. 1949. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 35:1.
complete agar plates. 3. Nester, Schafer and Lederberg. 1963. Genetics 48:529.
Mitis Salivarius Agar
Mitis Salivarius Agar
Tellurite Solution 1%
Intended Use and most gram-positive bacteria except streptococci. Trypan
Mitis Salivarius Agar is used with Tellurite Solution 1% in blue gives the colonies a blue color. Agar is the solidifying agent.
isolating Streptococcus mitis, S. salivarius and enterococci,
particularly from grossly contaminated specimens. Formulae
Difco Mitis Salivarius Agar
Summary and Explanation Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 6.0 g
S. mitis, S. salivarius and Enterococcus species are part of the Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 9.0 g
normal human flora. S. mitis and S. salivarius are known as Proteose Peptone ....................................................... 5.0 g
viridans streptococci. These organisms play a role in cariogenesis Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g
Saccharose ............................................................... 50.0 g
and infective endocarditis and cause an increasing number of Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g
bacteremias.1 Enterococci cause urinary tract infections, wound Trypan Blue .............................................................. 75.0 mg
infections and bacteremia.2 These organisms can colonize the Crystal Violet .............................................................. 0.8 mg
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
skin and mucous membranes.
BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
Chapman3-5 investigated methods for isolating streptococci and Sterile 1% solution of Potassium Tellurite.
formulated Mitis Salivarius Agar. The medium facilitates isola- *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Identity Specifications
Difco Mitis Salivarius Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Bluish-beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 9.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is deep royal blue,
very slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Deep royal blue, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 9.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
Cultural Response
Difco Mitis Salivarius Agar with BBL Tellurite
Solution 1%
Prepare the complete medium per label directions. Inoculate and
incubate under 5-10% CO2 at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 102-103 Good Blue/black
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Partial to Brown, if any salivarius
complete inhibition ATCC 9758
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103 Partial to
complete inhibition
Streptococcus mitis 9895 102-103 Good Blue
Streptococcus salivarius 9758 102-103 Good Blue gum
drop shape
Section III
M Mitis Salivarius Agar, cont.
4. Add 1 mL of Tellurite Solution 1%. DO NOT HEAT THE 2. Molds will grow on the medium after two days incubation.
COMPLETE MEDIUM. 3. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae produces colorless, circular,
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using convex colonies.
stable, typical control cultures. 4. Beta-hemolytic streptococci produce colonies that resemble
S. mitis.
See appropriate references for specific procedures. References
1. Ruoff, Whiley and Beighton. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C.
Expected Results 2. Facklam, Sahm and Teixeira. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
S. mitis produces small or minute blue colonies. These colonies 3. Chapman. 1944. J. Bacteriol. 48:113.
4. Chapman. 1946. Am. J. Dig. Dis. 13:105.
may become easier to distinguish with longer incubation. 5. Chapman. 1947. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. (Series 2) 10:45.
6. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
S. salivarius produces blue, smooth or rough gum drop vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
colonies, 1-5 mm in diameter depending on the number of
colonies on the plate. Enterococcus species form dark blue or Availability
black, shiny, slightly raised, 1-2 mm colonies. Difco Mitis Salivarius Agar
Cat. No. 229810 Dehydrated 500 g
Limitations of the Procedure BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
1. If coliforms grow on the medium, they produce brown Cat. No. 211917 Tube 20 mL
Motility GI Medium
Intended Use Formula
Motility GI Medium is used for detecting motility of microor- Difco Motility GI Medium
ganisms and for separating organisms in their motile phase. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Heart, Infusion from 500 g ............................... 10.0 g
Tryptose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Summary and Explanation Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Motility GI Medium is prepared according to the formulation Gelatin ..................................................................... 53.4 g
of Jordan, Caldwell and Reiter.1 It is a semisolid gelatin-heart Agar ........................................................................... 3.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
infusion medium that is adaptable to use in both tubes and plates
for motility studies. Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product
Principles of the Procedure 1. Suspend 81.4 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Beef heart infusion, peptone and gelatin provide nitrogen, vita- thoroughly.
mins and amino acids. Agar is the solidifying agent. Motility is 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
evidenced by the presence of diffuse growth away from the completely dissolve the powder.
line or spot of inoculation. Nonmotile organisms grow only 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
along the line of inoculation. 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Cultural Response
Difco Motility GI Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate tubes of the medium
with fresh cultures by stabbing with an inoculating wire and incubate at
35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Uninoculated Escherichia coli Klebsiella
ATCC 13883
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 Good +
Escherichia coli 25922 Good +
Klebsiella pneumoniae 13883 Good
Proteus mirabilis 25933 Good +/*
*Motility of Proteus is temperature dependent, being more pronounced at 20C and possibly
absent at 35C.
Section III
M Motility GI Medium, cont.
The medium is also used for indirect eveidence of motility by Tubes may be examined for motility after 3-8 hours. If tubes
nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli. are negative, reincubate and examine again after 24-48 hours.
The opacity of the medium should be compared to an
Principles of the Procedure uninoculated tube.
Enzymatic digests of casein and heart infusion supply amino To test for nitrate reduction (on cultures incubated 42-48
acids and other complex nitrogenous substances. Yeast extract hours):
suppplies the B-complex vitamins. Agar is added to demon-
a. Add 0.5 mL of sulfanillic acid solution (Cat. No. 261197)
strate motility of the organism along a stab line of inoculation.
b. Add 0.5 mL of N, N-dimethly-1-naphthylamine solution
Growth of motile organisms extends out from the line of
(Cat. No. 261198).
Section III
M Motility Nitrate Medium, cont.
In the nitrate reduction test, a pink to red color develops after Cat. No. 261197 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50
addition of the reagents if nitrite is present, and indicates that Difco /BBL Nitrate B Reagent
nitrate reduction has occurred. Since some organisms further Cat. No. 261198 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50
reduce nitrite to ammonia, add a small amount of zinc dust Difco /BBL Nitrate C Reagent
(Cat. No. 261207) to tubes exhibiting no color. A pink color in Cat. No. 261207 Droppers, 1 g Ctn. of 50
this part of the test indicates no nitrate reduction. A colorless *Store at 2-8C.
reaction indicates that nitrates have been completely reduced.
Consult appropriate references for an explanation of the reactions
involved and expected results with specific microorganisms.6-8
Mucate Agar
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications
BBL Motility Test Medium
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 2.2% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is pale to light,
yellow to tan, clear to slightly hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Pale to light, yellow to tan, clear to
slightly hazy.
Reaction of 2.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Motility Test Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Stab inoculate with fresh
cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 2 days.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 Good + Uninoculated Escherichia coli Klebsiella
Escherichia coli 25922 Good + Tube ATCC 25922 pneumoniae
ATCC 13883
Klebsiella pneumoniae 33495 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 Good +
Shigella flexneri 9199 Good
Proteus vulgaris 8427 Good +
Procedure References
1. Kauffman and Petersen. 1956. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. 38:481.
Organisms to be tested must first be isolated in pure culture 2. Ellis, Edwards and Fife. 1957. Pub. Health Lab. 15:89.
on an appropriate solid medium. Inoculate mucate media with 3. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
a 3 mm loopful of a broth culture incubated overnight. Incu- 4. Krieg and Holt (ed.). 1984. Bergeys manual of systematic bacteiology, vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins,
Baltimore, Md.
bate mucate media at 35C for up to 48 hours. 5. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiol-
ogy, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Flowers, Andrews, Donnelly and Koenig. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the
Expected Results examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Mueller Hinton Agars, cont.
of the starch during autoclaving provides a small amount of
User Quality Control
dextrose, which is a source of energy. Agar is the solidifying
Identity Specifications agent.
Difco Mueller Hinton Agar
The Bauer-Kirby procedure is based on the diffusion through
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
an agar gel of antimicrobial substances which are impregnated
Solution: 3.8% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light on paper discs.16 In contrast to earlier methods which used discs
to medium amber, slightly opalescent, of high and low antimicrobial concentrations and which used
may have a slight precipitate. the presence or absence of inhibition zones for their interpre-
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, slightly opal- tation, this method employs discs with a single concentration
of antimicrobial agent and zone diameters are correlated with
Reaction of 3.8%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.1 minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC).1,2,4,7,16
BBL Mueller Hinton II Agar
In the test procedure, a standardized suspension of the organism
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, dry, homogeneous, free of is swabbed over the entire surface of the medium. Paper discs
extraneous material.
impregnated with specified amounts of antibiotic or other
Solution: 3.8% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
antimicrobial agents are then placed on the surface of the
to medium, yellow to tan, trace hazy medium, the plate is incubated and zones of inhibition around
to slightly hazy. each disc are measured. The determination as to whether the
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, trace organism is susceptible, intermediate or resistant to an agent
hazy to slightly hazy.
is made by comparing zone sizes obtained to those in the
Reaction of 3.8%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.1
NCCLS Document M100(M2).4
Various factors have been identified as influencing disc diffusion
Cultural Response susceptibility tests. These include the medium, excess surface
Difco Mueller Hinton Agar or
BBL Mueller Hinton II Agar
moisture on the medium, agar depth, disc potency, inoculum con-
Prepare the medium per label directions. Using the organisms listed centration, pH and -lactamase production by test organisms.7,13,16
below, inoculate plates, add antibiotic disks and incubate as recom-
mended by NCCLS.4 Measure zone diameters and compare to the Formulae
NCCLS recommended zone ranges.4
Difco Mueller Hinton Agar
ORGANISM ATCC Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Enterococcus faecalis 33186 Beef Extract Powder ................................................... 2.0 g
Acid Digest of Casein ............................................... 17.5 g
Escherichia coli 25922
Starch ......................................................................... 1.5 g
Escherichia coli 35218 Agar ......................................................................... 17.0 g
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853
BBL Mueller Hinton II Agar
Staphylococcus aureus 25923
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Staphylococcus aureus 43300
Beef Extract ................................................................ 2.0 g
Acid Hydrolysate of Casein ....................................... 17.5 g
Starch ......................................................................... 1.5 g
Mueller Hinton agar complies with requirements of the World Agar ......................................................................... 17.0 g
Health Organization14 and is specified in the FDA Bacterio- *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
logical Analytical Manual for food testing.15
Directions for Preparation from
Unsupplemented Mueller Hinton agar, although adequate for
Dehydrated Product
susceptibility testing of rapidly growing aerobic pathogens, is
1. Suspend 38 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
not adequate for more fastidious organisms such as
S. pneumoniae. The NCCLS Document M2, Performance Stan-
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
dards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests, recommends
completely dissolve the powder.
Mueller Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. DO NOT OVERHEAT.
blood. Details of quality control procedures and interpretive
OPTIONAL: Cool medium to 45-50C and aseptically add
criteria for use with S. pneumoniae and other Streptococcus
5% sterile defibrinated sheep blood.
spp. are contained in supplemental tables.5 These documents
4. Pour cooled Mueller Hinton agar into sterile Petri dishes
should be consulted for additional details.4,5
on a level, horizontal surface to give a uniform depth of
Principles of the Procedure about 4 mm (60-70 mL of medium for 150 mm plates and
25-30 mL for 100 mm plates) and cool to room temperature.4
Acid hydrolysate (digest) of casein and beef extract supply
5. Check prepared medium to ensure the final pH is 7.3 0.1
amino acids and other nitrogenous substances, minerals,
at 25C.
vitamins, carbon and other nutrients to support the growth of
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
microorganisms. Starch acts as a protective colloid against
stable, typical control cultures.
toxic substances that may be present in the medium. Hydrolysis
Section III
M Mueller Hinton Agars, cont.
Procedure mm from the edge of the Petri dish, and their centers are at
A. Standard Method 4 least 30 mm apart. Avoid placing such discs adjacent to one
1. Perform a Gram stain before starting a susceptibility test another. After discs have been placed on the agar, tamp
to confirm culture purity and to determine appropriate them with a sterile needle or forceps to make complete
test battery. contact with the medium surface. This step
2. Select at least three to five well-isolated similar colonies is not necessary if the discs are deposited using the
and transfer with an inoculation needle or loop into 4-5 Sensi-Disc 12-place self-tamping dispenser.
mL of suitable broth. 9. Within 15 minutes after the discs are applied, invert the
3. Incubate the broth at 35C until it achieves or just exceeds plates and place them in a 35C incubator. With
the turbidity of the 0.5 McFarland barium sulfate stan- nonfastidious organisms, plates should not be incubated
dard (usually 2-6 hours). This results in a suspension con- under an increased concentration of carbon dioxide.
taining approximately 1 to 2 108 CFU/mL (for E. coli 10. Examine plates after 16-18 hours incubation. A full 24
ATCC 25922). hours incubation is recommended for Staphylococcus
4. Adjust the turbidity to be equivalent to the barium sulfate aureus with oxacillin to detect methicillin-resistant
standard. For the diluent, use sterile broth or sterile S. aureus (MRSA) and for Enterococcus spp. when tested
saline. The turbidity of the standard and the test inoculum with vancomycin to detect vancomycin-resistant strains.
should be compared by holding both tubes in front of Growth within the apparent zone of inhibition is indica-
a white background with finely drawn black lines or a tive of resistance.
photometric device can be used. A confluent lawn of growth should be obtained. If only
5. Within 15 minutes after adjusting the turbidity of the inocu- isolated colonies grow, the inoculum was too light and the
lum, immerse a sterile cotton swab into the properly diluted test should be repeated. Measure the diameter of the zones of
inoculum and rotate it firmly several times against the complete inhibition (as judged by the unaided eye), including
upper inside wall of the tube to express excess fluid. the diameter of the disc, to the nearest whole millimeter, using
6. Inoculate the entire agar surface of the plate three times, sliding calipers, a ruler, or a template prepared for this
rotating the plate 60 between streakings to obtain even purpose. The measuring device is held on the back of the
inoculation. As a final step, swab the rim of the agar bed. inverted plate over a black, non-reflecting background, and
7. The lid may be left ajar for 3-5 minutes and the plate held illuminated from above.
at room temperature for no longer than 15 minutes to
allow any surface moisture to be absorbed before apply- The endpoint should be taken as the area showing no obvious
ing the antimicrobial agent-impregnated discs. visible growth that can be detected with the unaided eye. Dis-
8. Apply the discs by means of an antimicrobial disc dispenser, regard faint growth of tiny colonies which can be detected
using aseptic precautions. Deposit discs so that the centers with difficulty near the edge of the obvious zone of inhibition.
are at least 24 mm apart. It is preferable to deposit penicillin Staphylococcus aureus when tested with oxacillin discs is an
and cephalosporin discs so that they are not less than 10 exception, as are enterococci when tested with vancomycin. In
Mueller Hinton Agars, cont.
these cases, transmitted light should be used to detect a haze Isolates of S. pneumoniae with oxacillin zone diameters of 20
of growth around the disc which is shown by occult resistant mm are susceptible (MIC 0.06 mg/mL) to penicillin. NCCLS
MRSA strains17 or vancomycin-resistant enterococci.4 With Document M100 (M2) should be consulted for other antimi-
Proteus species, if the zone of inhibition is distinct enough to crobial agents to which penicillin-susceptible isolates may also
measure, disregard any swarming inside the zone. With be considered susceptible.4
trimethoprim and the sulfonamides, antagonists in the medium
NOTE: Informational supplements to NCCLS Document
may allow some slight growth; therefore, disregard slight
M2, containing revised tables of antimicrobial discs and inter-
growth (20% or less of the lawn of growth) and measure the
pretive standards are published periodically. The latest tables
more obvious margin to determine the zone diameter.
should be consulted for current recommendations. The com-
B. Direct Method4 plete standard and informational supplements can be ordered
The direct colony suspension method should be used when from the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
testing S. pneumoniae. Observe aseptic techniques. Standards, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, PA
19087-1898. Telephone: (610) 688-1100.
1. Suspend growth from an overnight (16-18 hour) sheep
blood agar plate in saline or broth, such as Mueller Hinton Refer to other texts for additional information on antimicrobial
broth. Adjust the turbidity to be equivalent to the 0.5 susceptibility testing.19,20 Protocols developed by the NCCLS
McFarland barium sulfate standard. For the diluent, use and used by manufacturers to evaluate the performance of
sterile broth or sterile saline. The turbidity of the standard Mueller Hinton Agar in comparison to a reference medium
and the test inoculum should be compared by holding both are published in NCCLS document M6-A.21
tubes in front of a white background with finely drawn
black lines or a photometric device can be used. Limitations of the Procedure
NOTE: Alternative methods of inoculum preparation in- 1. Numerous factors can affect results: inoculum size; rate of
volving devices that permit direct standardization of inocula growth; medium formulation and pH, length of incuba-
without adjustment of turbidity, such as the BBL Prompt tion and incubation environment; disc content and drug
Inoculation System, have been found to be acceptable for diffusion rate; and measurement of endpoints. Therefore,
routine testing purposes.18 strict adherence to protocol is required to ensure reliable
2. Within 15 minutes of adjusting the turbidity of the inocu- results.22
lum, dip a sterile swab into the properly diluted inoculum 2. When Mueller Hinton agar is supplemented with blood,
and rotate it firmly several times against the upper inside the zone of inhibition for oxacillin and methicillin may be
wall of the tube to express excess fluid. 2-3 mm smaller than those obtained with unsupplemented
3. Inoculate onto Mueller Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood agar.23 Conversely, sheep blood may markedly increase the
by streaking the entire agar surface of the plate three times, zone diameters of some cephalosporins when they are tested
rotating the plate 60 between streakings to obtain even against enterococci.24 Sheep blood may cause indistinct
inoculation. As a final step, swab the rim of the agar bed. zones or a film of growth within the zones of inhibition
4. Replace the lid of the plate and hold the plate at room tempera- around sulfonamide and trimethoprim discs.23
ture for at least 3 minutes, but no longer than 15 minutes, to 3. Mueller Hinton agar deeper than 4 mm may cause false-
allow surface moisture to be absorbed before applying the resistant results, and agar less than 4 mm deep may be
drug-impregnated discs. Use no more than nine discs per associated with a false-susceptibility report.23
150 mm plate, or four discs per 100 mm plate. 4. A pH outside the range of 7.3 0.1 may adversely affect
5. Incubate for 20-24 hours at 35C in an atmosphere of 5% susceptibility test results. If the pH is too low,
CO2. aminoglycosides and macrolides will appear to lose potency;
others may appear to have excessive activity.23 The oppo-
Expected Results site effects are possible if the pH is too high.23
Zone diameters measured around discs should be compared
with those in the NCCLS Document M100 (M2). Results ob-
tained with specific organisms may then be reported as resis-
tant, intermediate or susceptible.
With Mueller Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, the zone
of growth inhibition should be measured, not the zone of inhi-
bition of hemolysis. The zones are measured from the upper
surface of the agar illuminated with reflected light, with the
cover removed. Zone diameters for the agents specified under
Intended Use should be compared with those in the NCCLS
Document M100 (M2), which provides interpretive criteria.5
Results obtained may then be reported as resistant, intermediate
or susceptible.
Section III
M Mueller Hinton Agars, cont.
Expected Results
After a minimum of 18 hours of incubation, the plates should
BBL Mueller Hinton Chocolate Agar
show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth United States and Canada
in areas of heavy inoculation. Cat. No. 221860 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221869 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style plates)
The growth of Haemophilus appears as small (1 mm), moist, Pkg. of 8*
pearly colonies with a characteristic mousy odor. 221802 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style plates)
Box of 24*
Cat. No. 251860 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
251802 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 24*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
M Mueller Hinton Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions, supplementing with calcium ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
and magnesium ions according to NCCLS standard M7.2 Prepare broth Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103 Good
microdilution trays, inoculate (with the organisms listed below) and Enterococcus faecalis 33186 103 Good
incubate as recommended by NCCLS.2 Compare the MIC (lowest con- Escherichia coli 25922 103 Good
centration of antimicrobial that inhibits growth of the test bacterium)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 103 Good
of the antimicrobials tested to the NCCLS standard.2
Staphylococcus aureus 29213 103 Good
Enterococcus faecalis 29212
Escherichia coli 25922
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853
Staphylococcus aureus 29213
Mueller Hinton II Broth
Formulae the isolation medium to Mueller Hinton Broth using standard
Difco Mueller Hinton Broth bacteriologic techniques.3,4
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract Powder ................................................... 2.0 g
For enrichment purposes, inoculate the specimen onto primary
Acid Digest of Casein ............................................... 17.5 g media and then into the broth, according to recommended
Starch ......................................................................... 1.5 g procedures.
BBL Mueller Hinton Broth
Incubate the tubes at 35C under conditions appropriate for
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g the organism being cultured.
Acid Hydrolysate of Casein ....................................... 17.5 g
Starch ......................................................................... 1.5 g Expected Results
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
For broth dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing, refer to
Directions for Preparation from appropriate references for results.2,5
Dehydrated Product Growth in broth media is indicated by the presence of turbidity
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: compared with an uninoculated control.
Difco Mueller Hinton Broth 21 g;
BBL Mueller Hinton Broth 22 g. References
1. Mueller and Hinton. 1941. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 48:330.
Mix thoroughly. 2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved Standard: M7-A5.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed.
NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
pletely dissolve the powder. 3. Jorgensen, Turnidge and Washington. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Autoclave at 116-121C for 10-15 minutes (consult product 4. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
label). DO NOT OVERHEAT. 5. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
4. Check prepared medium to ensure the final pH is 7.3 0.1 Microbiology, Washington , D.C.
at 25C.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Difco Mueller Hinton Broth (Not cation-adjusted)
stable, typical control cultures. NCCLS
Cat. No. 275730 Dehydrated 500 g
Procedure 275710 Dehydrated 2 kg
For a complete discussion on broth dilution antimicrobial BBL Mueller Hinton Broth (Not cation-adjusted)
susceptibility testing, refer to the appropriate procedures Cat. No. 211443 Dehydrated 500 g
outlined in the references.2-5 296195 Prepared Tubes, 2 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
296164 Prepared Tubes, 2 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
Organisms to be subcultured must first be isolated in pure 297220 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10
culture on an appropriate solid medium. Transfer growth from 295834 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (C Tubes) Ctn. of 100
297868 Prepared Bottle 100 mL
susceptibility testing and the relationship of dilution and concentration at the site of infection that is two to four times
diffusion methods.3 greater than the MIC value, while for urinary tract infections, a
peak urine concentration of 10-20 times the MIC value should
Rammelkamp and Maxon were among the earliest to use
be achieved.9 However, effective antimicrobial therapy also
the tube dilution test to determine the in vitro antimicrobial
depends on many other factors.10
susceptibility of bacteria isolated from clinical specimens.4 The
development of this test resulted from the need to know why Cation-adjusted Mueller Hinton Broth is the medium usually
some patients infected with S. aureus did not respond to peni- used for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests. This me-
cillin therapy. dium is supplemented with calcium and magnesium salts to
produce correct MICs with aminoglycosides and Pseudomo-
The tube dilution test (broth dilution) involves exposing bacteria
nas aeruginosa.1 However, this medium is not satisfactory for
to decreasing concentrations of antimicrobial agents in liquid
fastidious organisms such as S. pneumoniae. Cation-adjusted
media, usually by serial two-fold dilution. The mixture, consisting
Mueller Hinton Broth supplemented with 2-5% lysed horse
of microorganisms, nutrient medium and antimicrobial agent,
blood is the medium recommended for susceptibility testing of
is incubated at 35C for 16-20 hours. The lowest concentra-
S. pneumoniae.1
tion of antimicrobial agent at which no visible growth occurs
is defined as the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Thornsberry and McDougal reported that adding 2% sodium
chloride to cation-adjusted Mueller Hinton Broth improved the
The term microdilution appeared in the literature in 1970
reliability of MIC tests using oxacillin for detecting methicillin-
to describe the minimal inhibitory concentration tests
resistant S. aureus (MRSA).11 In addition, they recommend
performed with volumes of 0.1 mL or less of antimicrobial
the alternative direct inoculum standardization procedure (see
solution.5 Correlations between MIC values using microdilution
Procedure, step 2) and incubation of the inoculated MIC trays
and tube dilution methodologies have been reported to be
or tubes for a full 24 hours.11
between 85 and 96%.6,7
The qualitative disc diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility Principles of the Procedure
procedure has been standardized since 1966.8 The rationale for Acid hydrolysate of casein and beef extract provide nutrients
an MIC susceptibility test rather than the disc diffusion test is for growth of test organisms. These ingredients are selected
that it gives quantitative information. It provides a relationship for low thymine and thymidine content as determined by MIC
between the amount of antimicrobial agent required to inhibit values with Enterococcus faecalis and sulfamethoxazole-
the growth of an organism in vitro and the achievable concentra- trimethoprim (SXT). Calcium and magnesium ion concentra-
tions in the blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or bile, under tions are adjusted to provide the amounts recommended by
various dosage conditions. It has been suggested that in the treat- NCCLS to give the correct MIC values with aminoglycosides
ment of systemic infections, the drug dosage should yield a peak and P. aeruginosa.1 The pH has been adjusted to the specifica-
tion in NCCLS standard M7.
User Quality Control Mueller Hinton II Broth with Lysed Horse Blood contains the
Identity Specifications nutrients necessary to support the growth of S. pneumoniae.
BBL Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) MRSA cultures often consist of two populations, one that is
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extrane- susceptible and one that is resistant (so-called occult resis-
ous material.
tant strains). The methicillin-resistant population grows more
Solution: 2.2% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is pale slowly and prefers a high salt concentration as contained in
to light yellow, clear to trace hazy. Mueller Hinton II Broth with 2% NaCl. In addition, the lower
Prepared Appearance: Pale to light yellow, clear to trace hazy. pH of this medium (6.9) improves the stability of -lactam
Reaction of 2.2% antibiotics during storage of prepared MIC test tubes or trays.12
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.1
Calcium: 20-25 mg/L Antimicrobial agents are prepared in serial two-fold dilutions
Magnesium: 10-12.5 mg/L in Mueller Hinton II Broth (with or without lysed horse blood)
and are inoculated with the test culture to give a final concen-
Cultural Response tration of 5 105 CFU/mL. Following incubation at 35C,
BBL Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) the presence of turbidity indicates growth of the organism.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with approximately The lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent showing no
105 of the test organisms, dispense into an antimicrobial susceptibility
test system and incubate at 35 2C for 16-20 hours. growth is the MIC of that organism for that agent. The inter-
pretation as to whether the organism is susceptible, intermedi-
ate, or resistant in its response to the agent is made by
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 Satisfactory MIC values
comparing the MIC to those in the MIC interpretive standards
Escherichia coli 25922 Satisfactory MIC values
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 Satisfactory MIC values in NCCLS standard M7.1,13
Staphylococcus aureus 29213 Satisfactory MIC values
Mueller Hinton II Broth, cont.
Various factors have been identified as influencing broth dilution II Broth with 2% NaCl. Suspensions of test organisms must
susceptibility tests. These include the medium, antimicrobial be used within 15 minutes of standardization.
potency, inoculum concentration, pH, antimicrobial stability and 3. Inoculation of Antimicrobial Dilutions
mechanisms of resistance by the test organisms.3,14,15 The amount of inoculum depends on the procedure used.1
The standardized inoculum prepared above will contain
Formula approximately 1-2 108 CFU/mL. The final concentration
BBL Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) in a well (or tube) should be 5 105 CFU/mL (not CFU/tube
Approximate Formula* Per Liter or well).
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Acid Hydrolysate of Casein ....................................... 17.5 g a. Macrodilution (tube) method
Starch ......................................................................... 1.5 g If the volume of antimicrobial solution in the tube is
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required with appropriate salts to provide 20-25 mg/L of calcium 1 mL, dilute the standardized inoculum 1:100 in Mueller
and 10-12.5 mg/L of magnesium and as additionally required to meet performance criteria.
Hinton II Broth (0.1 mL to a 10-mL tube of broth).
Directions for Preparation from Add 1.0 mL of the adjusted inoculum to each tube con-
Dehydrated Product taining an antimicrobial agent and 2.0 mL to a sterile
1. Suspend 22 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix empty tube for a growth control.
thoroughly. b. Microdilution method
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- In this method, the antimicrobial dilutions are made in
pletely dissolve the powder. sterile plastic trays with round or conical-shaped wells.
3. Autoclave at 116-121C for 10 minutes. DO NOT OVER- The volume is either 0.05 or 0.1 mL in each well. If the
HEAT. volume in the well is 0.1 mL, dilute the inoculum 1:10
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using and add 0.005 mL of the inoculum per well, using a
stable, typical control cultures. replicator. One well in each tray should contain 0.1 mL
of broth without any antimicrobial agent (growth
Procedure control well).
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) may be used for If a dropper (0.05 mL) is used for the inoculum and the
inoculum preparation for MIC tests and for preparation of volume of antimicrobial solution is 0.05 mL, this
antimicrobial dilutions for the microdilution or macrodilution results in a 1:2 dilution. Therefore, dilute the inoculum
procedure. Details for the preparation of antimicrobial agents 1:100 and add 0.05 mL to each well to obtain the final
are provided in reference 1. concentration of 5 105 CFU/mL (5 104 CFU/well).
Add 0.05 mL of broth without any antimicrobial agent
1. Inoculum Standardization (for rapidly growing bacteria)
(growth control well). After the trays are inoculated,
a. Using aseptic technique, pick 3-5 isolated colonies of
cover with tape or a tight-fitting lid to prevent evapo-
the same organism from an 18- to 24-hour Trypticase
Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II) plate and
4. Incubation
inoculate into 5 mL of Mueller Hinton II Broth.
Incubate the tubes or trays (stacked no more than four high)
b. Incubate 2-6 hours at 35C. Periodically check turbidity
at 35C for 16-20 hours for Mueller Hinton II Broth,
against the 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard.
20-24 hours for Mueller Hinton II Broth with Lysed Horse
If comparable, go to step 3, Inoculation of Antimi-
Blood (S. pneumoniae) and a full 24 hours for Mueller
crobial Dilutions.
Hinton II Broth with 2% Sodium Chloride (MRSA). Do
If too turbid, dilute aseptically with additional
not use a CO2 incubator. To prevent drying out, the trays
Mueller Hinton II Broth and repeat turbidity check.
should be covered with plastic tape, a tight fitting lid, or
If turbidity is comparable to the standard, go to step
placed in a plastic bag.1
3, Inoculation of Antimicrobial Dilutions.
Control cultures should be included each time a suscepti-
If not turbid enough, continue incubation. When
bility test is performed or weekly if satisfactory performance
turbidity is comparable to the standard, go to step
can be documented according to the NCCLS standard.1 The
3, Inoculation of Antimicrobial Dilutions.
correct quality control MIC ranges will be found in M100
Suspensions of test organisms must be used within 15 minutes
of standardization.
2. Alternative Direct Inoculum Standardization (for rapidly Expected Results
growing bacteria, S. pneumoniae and MRSA) The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antimicrobial
A stationary phase culture may also be used. In this method, agent for a specific organism is the lowest concentration which
skip step number 1b and simply suspend enough colonies will inhibit the growth of the organism. Growth is indicated by
in the broth to equal the turbidity of the 0.5 McFarland turbidity or sediment. Some microorganisms when tested against
standard. For S. pneumoniae, use Mueller Hinton II Broth trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or sulfonamides alone do not
with Lysed Horse Blood. For MRSA, use Mueller Hinton always give clear-cut end points. In the case of doubling dilutions
Section III
M Mueller Hinton II Broth, cont.
Refer to other texts for additional information on antimicrobial BBL Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) with
Lysed Horse Blood
susceptibility testing.16,17
Cat. No. 220500 Prepared Tubes, 10 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
BBL Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) with 2%
Sodium Chloride
Cat. No. 297311 Prepared Bottle (pH 6.9) 250 mL
Mycobacteria 7H11 Agar
3. Transfer 10 mL samples to 100 mL Muller Kauffmann
User Quality Control
Tetrathionate Broth and to 100 mL SBG Sulfa Enrichment.
Identity Specifications 4. Incubate Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth at 42-43C
Difco Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base and the SBG Sulfa Enrichment at 37C.
Dehydrated Appearance: Off-white to light beige, free-flowing, 5. Subculture broths after 18-24 hours and 48 hours onto
Brilliant Green Agar.
Solution: 10.58% solution, slightly soluble in
purified water. Solution is very pale
6. Incubate overnight.
green with white precipitate. 7. Examine for the growth of typical colonies of Salmonella spp.
Prepared Appearance: Very pale green with white precipitate. Sewage-Polluted Natural Waters
Reaction of 10.58% Solution, This procedure is applicable to the isolation of Salmonella spp.
with additives, at 25C: pH 8.0 0.2
other than S. typhi.
Cultural Response 1. Inoculate 25 mL aliquots of the sample into 25 mL of double
Difco Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base strength Buffered Peptone Water. Incubate at 37C for 18
Prepare the medium per label directions, with the addition of 1.9 mL
iodine solution and 0.95 mL brilliant green solution per 100 mL of hours.
medium. Inoculate and incubate at 42-43C for 18-24 hours. Subcul- 2. Transfer 1 mL samples into 10 mL of Muller Kauffmann
ture to Brilliant Green Agar. Incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. Tetrathionate Broth.
INOCULUM COLONY 3. Incubate at 43C for 48 hours.
4. Subculture broths after 18-24 and 48 hours onto Brilliant
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 None to poor
Green MacConkey Agar, prepared by adding 10 mL of a
Proteus vulgaris 13315 103-2103 None to poor
Salmonella choleraesuis
0.33% (w/v) aqueous solution of brilliant green to
subsp. choleraesuis MacConkey Agar without Salt to give a final concentration
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Red of 0.033 g/L.
Salmonella senftenburg 5. Incubate at 37C overnight.
(NCTC 10384) 102-103 Good Red
6. Examine for colonies typical of Salmonella spp.
Expected Results
Directions for Preparation from Salmonella spp. will produce red colonies with good growth.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 105.8 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water and Limitations of the Procedure
boil gently. 1. The complete medium is unstable and should be used
2. Cool to below 45C. immediately. It may be stored at 2-8C in the dark for no
3. Add 19 mL of iodine solution (20 g iodine and 25 g potas- more than 7 days.
sium iodide in 100 mL water) and 9.5 mL brilliant green 2. Due to the nutritional requirements and inhibitory charac-
solution (0.1 g brilliant green in 100 mL water). teristics of the organisms themselves, organisms other than
4. Adjust the pH of the complete medium to 7.0 0.2 using salmonellae, such as Morganella morganii and some
1N HCl. Enterobacteriaceae may grow in the medium.
5. Dispense into sterile tubes, mixing well to evenly disperse 3. Confirmatory tests, such as fermentation and
the calcium carbonate. seroagglutination reactions, should be carried out on all
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using presumptive Salmonella colonies that are recovered.
stable, typical control cultures.
Procedure 1. Muller. 1923. C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris) 89:434.
2. Kauffmann. 1935. Ztschr. F. Hyg. 117:26.
Meat and Meat Products 3. International Organization for Standardization. 1974. (Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 3565).
Geneva, Switzerland.
1. Weigh 25 g of the sample into a sterile blender jar and 4. Public Health Laboratory Service. 1974. Monograph Series No. 8. Public Health Laboratory
Service, London, England.
add 225 mL of Buffered Peptone Water and macerate for 5. Harvey and Price. 1976. J. Hyg. Camb. 77:333.
sufficient time to give 10,000-15,000 revolutions.
2. Transfer contents of the blender jar aseptically to a 500 mL Availability
flask. Incubate at 37C 0.1C for 16-20 hours. Difco Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
Cat. No. 218531 Dehydrated 500 g
Section III
M Mycobactosel L-J Medium
Mycological Media
References Availability
1. Lowenstein. 1931. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infectionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 120:127.
2. Lowenstein. 1933. Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 50:161.
BBL Mycobactosel L-J Medium
3. Metchock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (eds.), Manual CMPH MCM7
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Jensen. 1932. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I. Orig. 125:222.
Cat. No. 221413 Prepared Slants (A Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
5. Petran and Vera. 1971. Health Lab. Sci. 8:225. 221414 Prepared Slants (A Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
6. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
*Store at 2-8C.
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
7. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III laboratory.
USDHHS. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
8. Cernoch, Enns, Saubolle and Wallace. 1994. Cumitech 16A, Laboratory diagnosis of the mycobac-
terioses. Coord. ed., Weissfeld. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
9. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
10. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Mycological Media
Mycological Agar Mycophil Agar
Mycophil Agar with Low pH
Intended Use Formulae
Mycological media are used for the cultivation and mainte- Difco Mycological Agar
nance of fungi, for the demonstration of chromogenesis and Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Soy Peptone ............................................................. 10.0 g
for obtaining yeast and mold counts. Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
Summary and Explanation BBL Mycophil Agar
Many different culture media have been developed for the Approximate Formula* Per Liter
growth of fungi. In comparison with media for the majority Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal ................................ 10.0 g
of bacterial strains, fungal media are of simple composition, Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 16.0 g
usually consisting of a peptone, dextrose and agar. Selectivity
BBL Mycophil Agar with Low pH
is achieved by lowering the pH, incorporating dyes or adding
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
antimicrobial agents. Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal ................................ 10.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Mycological Agar and Mycophil Agar are nonselective media Agar ......................................................................... 18.0 g
of value in general work with yeasts and molds rather than *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
for isolation from materials possessing mixed flora. It is often
desirable to use these media in parallel with selective media as Directions for Preparation from
some of the selective agents are inhibitory for certain fungi. Dehydrated Product
Difco Mycological Agar
Mycophil Agar with Low pH has had its base adjusted to
1. Suspend 35 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
approximately pH 4.7, which obviates the need for pH adjust-
ment with lactic or tartaric acids in the laboratory. It also
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
differs from Mycophil Agar in that an additional 2 g/L of agar
completely dissolve the powder.
has been incorporated so that the medium may be sterilized
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
and remelted without losing its ability to solidify.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Wetzler et al. employed Mycophil Agar with Low pH for stable, typical control cultures.
enumeration of yeasts and molds in poultry processing plants.1
BBL Mycophil Agar
The formulation also has been recommended for isolation of
1. Suspend 36 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
yeasts and most filamentous fungi from clinical material.2
Principles of the Procedure 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
The peptone and dextrose ingredients supply sufficient completely dissolve the powder.
nutrients for the metabolism of fungal species. 3. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes.
4. For yeast and mold counts, adjust the pH to 4.0 by adding
15 mL of sterile 10% lactic acid to each L of sterile melted
medium prior to plating.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
M Mycological Media, cont.
Inoculate plated media with test specimens or materials so as can be counted to determine the level of contamination in the
to obtain isolated colonies. Consult appropriate references for test sample. Biochemical tests and serological procedures
information about the processing and inoculation of specimens.3,4 should be performed to confirm findings.5
For isolation of fungi from potentially contaminated specimens,
also inoculate a selective medium. Incubate plates at 25-30C in References
1. Wetzler, Musick, Johnson and MacKenzie. 1962. Am. J. Public Health 52:460.
an inverted position (agar side up) with increased humidity. For 2. Von Riesen and Jensen. 1958. Am. J. Med. Technol. 24:123.
3. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
isolation of fungi causing systemic mycoses, two sets of media Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
should be inoculated, with one set incubated at 25-30C and a 4. Merz and Roberts. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (eds.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
duplicate set at 35 2C. All cultures should be examined at 5. Larone. 1995. Medically important fungi: a guide to identification, 3rd ed. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
least weekly for fungal growth and should be held for 4-6 weeks
before being reported as negative. Availability
Difco Mycological Agar
Expected Results Cat. No. 240520 Dehydrated 500 g
After sufficient incubation, the plates should show isolated BBL Mycophil Agar
colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth in areas of Cat. No. 211445 Dehydrated 500 g
heavy inoculation. Examine plates for fungal colonies exhib-
BBL Mycophil Agar with Low pH
iting typical color and morphology. Yeast and mold colonies Cat. No. 211450 Dehydrated 500 g
Mycosel Agar
Mycoplasma Media
(See PPLO Media)
Mycosel Agar
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Mycosel Agar is a highly selective medium containing cyclo- The nutritive properties of Mycosel Agar are supplied by the
heximide and chloramphenicol. It is recommended for the iso- peptone prepared from soybean meal. Dextrose is an energy
lation of pathogenic fungi from materials having a large amount source for the metabolism of fungi. Cycloheximide inhibits
of flora of other fungi and bacteria.1,2 BBL prepared plates most saprophytic molds. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum
of Mycosel Agar are deep-filled to reduce the effects of drying antibiotic which inhibits a wide range of gram-positive and
during prolonged incubation. gram-negative bacteria.
Candida albicans
User Quality Control ATCC 10231
Identity Specifications
BBL Mycosel Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 3.6% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium,
yellow to tan, clear to moderately hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, clear to
moderately hazy.
Reaction of 3.6%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.9 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Mycosel Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 25 2C for 7 days.
Aspergillus niger 16404 Partial to
complete inhibition
Aureobasidium pullulans 9348 Partial to
complete inhibition
Blastomyces dermatitidis 56218 Good
Candida albicans 10231 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 Partial to
complete inhibition
Microsporum audouinii 9079 Good
Penicillium roquefortii 9295 Partial to
complete inhibition
Phialophora verrucosa 10223 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 Complete inhibition
Streptomyces rimosus 10970 Partial to
complete inhibition
Trichophyton mentagrophytes 9533 Good
Section III
M Mycosel Agar, cont.
Procedure Availability
Consult appropriate references for information about the pro- BBL Mycosel Agar
cessing and inoculation of specimens.1-3 BS10 CMPH MCM7
Cat. No. 211462 Dehydrated 500 g
For isolation of fungi from potentially contaminated specimens, United States and Canada
a nonselective medium should be inoculated along with the Cat. No. 221847 Prepared Plates (Deep Fill) Pkg. of 20*
selective medium. Incubate the containers at 25-30C with 220966 Prepared Tubed Slants (A Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
220967 Prepared Tubed Slants (A Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
increased humidity. 297456 Prepared Tubed Slants (C Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
221130 Mycoflask Bottles Pkg. of 10*
For isolation of fungi causing systemic mycoses, two sets of 221131 Mycoflask Bottles Ctn. of 100*
media should be inoculated, with one set incubated at 25-30C 296233 Prepared 1 oz Bottles Pkg. of 10*
and a duplicate set at 35 2C. All cultures should be exam- 295698 Prepared 1 oz Bottles Ctn. of 100*
ined at least weekly for fungal growth and should be held for Europe
4-6 weeks before being reported as negative. Cat. No. 254417 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Expected Results
After sufficient incubation, the plates and Mycoflask bottles
should show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent
growth in areas of heavy inoculation.
Examine containers for fungal colonies exhibiting typical color
and morphology.4 Biochemical tests and serological proce-
dures should be performed to confirm findings.
NIH Thioglycollate Broth
Section III
As soon as possible after the specimen is received in the Availability
BBL Neomycin Blood Agar
laboratory, inoculate the specimen onto a Neomycin Blood Unites States and Canada
Agar plate by firmly rolling swab over a third of the agar Cat. No. 221792 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
surface. Streak the remainder of the plate with a sterilized Europe
inoculating loop to obtain isolated colonies. Without re-sterilizing Cat. No. 254444 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Bacto Neopeptone
Intended Use Ifediba and Vanderberg4 reported that neopeptone, in addition
Bacto Neopeptone is used in preparing microbiological to calf serum, was used as an inexpensive replacement for
culture media. human serum in cultivation of Plasmodium falciparum,
the causative agent of human malaria. Cushion and Ebbets5
Summary and Explanation utilized neopeptone in their investigations of various media
Neopeptone is recommended for use in media for detection for cultivating Pneumocystis carinii without feeder cells.
of fungi.1 Apodaca and McKerrow2 used neopeptone for the Optimal replication of P. carinii separated from host fungi cells
cultivation of Trichophyton rubrum for study of its proteolytic was observed in media with neopeptone and N-acetylglucosamine
activity. Neopeptone has been cited as a component of culture at low pH.
media used for cultivation of human pathogens, notably, Media formulations containing Bacto Neopeptone are specified
Bordetella pertussis and group A streptococci. in standard methods for multiple applications.1,6-9
Neopeptone has also been reported to provide nutrients for
support of spirochetes and protozoa. Wyss et al.3 used
neopeptone as a component of a medium for cultivation of
Treponema maltophilum sp. nov., a fastidious oral anaerobe.
Section III
N Neopeptone, cont.
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Neopeptone
Prepare a sterile solution of Bacto Neopeptone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Neopeptone
Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Neopeptone, 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates
at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
New York City (NYC) Medium
Neutralizing Buffer
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Neutralizing Buffer is recommended for detection of microor-
ganisms found on dairy and food equipment disinfected with
Monopotassium phosphate provides the buffering capability.
Sodium thiosulfate inactivates the effect of chlorine compounds.
chlorine or quaternary ammonium compounds. The aryl sulfonate complex neutralizes the effects of quater-
nary ammonium compounds.
Summary and Explanation
Neutralizing Buffer has the ability to inactivate the bacteri- Formula
cidal and bacteriostatic effect of chlorine as well as quaternary Difco Neutralizing Buffer
ammonium compounds. Neutralizing Buffer is recommended Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Monopotassium Phosphate ...................................... 42.5 mg
for use in the microbiological examination of surfaces in Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.16 g
standard methods for the examination of dairy products Aryl Sulfonate Complex ............................................. 5.0 g
and foods.1,2 Neutralizing Buffer is also recommended for the *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
N Niacin Assay Medium, cont.
Nitrate Broth
Intended Use gram-negative bacilli. The end product of reduction depends
Nitrate Broth is recommended as an aid in the identification upon the bacterial species.2
of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram-negative microor- Nitrate Broth is a basal medium containing potassium nitrate.
ganisms by means of the nitrate reduction test. The microorganism under evaluation is inoculated into the
medium and after incubation, nitrate reduction may be deter-
Summary and Explanation mined. An inverted Durham fermentation tube in the prepared
Microorganisms may be differentiated according to their me- tubed medium serves to trap nitrogen gas produced through
tabolism of certain substrates. The ability to reduce nitrate to denitrification. The medium is evaluated for nitrate reduction
nitrite is characteristic of the family Enterobacteriaceae.1 by the addition of two reagents, Nitrate A Reagent (0.8% sul-
Nonfermenters and other miscellaneous gram-negative bacilli fanilic acid in 5N acetic acid) and Nitrate B Reagent (0.6% N,
vary in their ability to reduce nitrates. Some members of this N-dimethyl-alpha-naphthylamine in 5N acetic acid), which
group are capable of denitrification, which is a reduction detect the presence of a catabolic end product, and by the
of nitrate to nitrogen gas. The production of gas from nitrate addition of Nitrate C Reagent, zinc dust, which detects the
is an important differential test for glucose-nonfermenting absence of remaining nitrate in the medium.2
Cultural Response
Difco Nitrate Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours. Test for nitrate reduction using Nitrate A Reagent,
Nitrate B Reagent and Nitrate C Reagent following label directions.
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 19606 102-103 Good
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 102-103 Good + Uninoculated Acinetobacter Escherichia coli
Tube calcoaceticus ATCC 25922
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good + ATCC 19606
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 102-103 Good +
Nitrate Broth, cont.
Examine the tubes after 18-24 and 42-48 hours for growth Cat. No. 261207 Droppers, 1 g Ctn. of 50
Expected Results
If growth is apparent after 24-48 hours of incubation, examine
for presence of gas in the Durham tube. If gas is present
and the test organism is a nonfermenter, the test is positive for
denitrification (nitrate was reduced to nitrogen gas). If the
organism is a fermenter, gas may or may not be present. Add
10 drops of Nitrate A Reagent and 10 drops of Nitrate B Reagent
to the tube. Development of a red color within 2 minutes
denotes a positive test for nitrate. If there is no color develop-
ment, add a small amount (approximately 20 mg on the tip of
Section III
N Nocardia Differentiation Media
Nocardia ID QUAD
Nocardia ID QUAD
Intended Use Quadrant III contains Tyrosine Agar (tyrosine and nutrient
The Nocardia ID QUAD plate is a four-sectored plate agar) for testing the ability of isolates to decompose tyrosine.
containing four different media used for differentiation and Quadrant IV contains Xanthine Agar (xanthine and nutrient
identification of Nocardia species and other aerobic actino- agar) for testing the ability of isolates to decompose xanthine.
mycetes isolated from clinical specimens.
Principles of the Procedure
Summary and Explanation The four biochemical media contained in the Nocardia ID
The most frequently encountered aerobic actinomycetes, QUAD plates offer a convenient means of conducting four
members of the order Actinomycetales, include the genera tests used in the differentiation and identification of Nocardia
Nocardia, Streptomyces, Actinomadura, Nocardiopsis, species following observation of staining reactions and micro-
Rhodococcus and Dermatophilus. The testing algorithm that scopic characteristics.1,2
permits identification of most aerobic actinomycetes consists
of direct microscopic techniques and a minimum number of Decomposition of casein in Quadrant I may be detected by
biochemical reactions.1 observing clear zones in the white, opaque skim milk around
the inoculum. Growth without clearing around the inoculum
Quadrant I contains Casein Agar (skim milk and agar) for is considered to be a negative test result.
determining the ability of isolates to hydrolyze casein.
The ability of isolates to break down and utilize starch may be
Quadrant II contains Starch Agar (potato starch and nutrient detected in Quadrant II. Starch hydrolysis may be detected by
agar) for testing the ability of isolates to utilize starch.
colorless zones surrounding colonies after the plate is flooded Examine Quadrant I for the presence of a clear halo in the
with Grams iodine. Blue or purple zones surrounding colo- white opaque medium around the inoculum, which indicates
nies indicate a negative test. a positive reaction. N. brasiliensis decomposes casein and gives
a positive reaction. N. asteroides shows a negative reaction or
The decomposition of tyrosine can be detected in Quadrant
no clearing around the inoculum.
III. A clear halo around a colony is a positive test. Growth
without the presence of clear halos or growth with the pro- To determine starch utilization, flood Quadrant II with Grams
duction of melanin-like pigment is a negative test. or Lugols iodine and observe the plate for colorless zones
around the inoculum, which indicates a positive reaction, such
The ability of isolates to decompose xanthine may be detected
as that obtained with S. rimosus. N. asteroides and
in Quadrant IV. A clear halo around a colony is a positive
N. brasiliensis give a negative reaction with no clear zones;
test. Growth without the presence of clear halos or growth
blue or purple zones surround colonies.
with the production of a melanin-like pigment is a negative
test. The decomposition of tyrosine in Quadrant III is indicated by
clear halos around colonies. There are no clear halos around
Procedure colonies in a negative test. N. brasiliensis decomposes tyrosine,
Inoculate each sector with a pure culture of the isolate. Use a whereas N. asteroides does not.
small sterile spatula to obtain approximately 1 mm of the
The ability of isolates to decompose xanthine in Quadrant IV
colony from a pure culture. Using the spatula, cut a small groove
is shown by a clear halo around colonies, such as that
through the agar to the bottom of the plate, depositing the
obtained with S. rimosus. The absence of clear halos or the
inoculum near the bottom of the groove. Alternatively, the tip
production of a melanin-like pigment indicates a negative test.
of a sterile wooden applicator stick can be used to make a well
Both N. asteroides and N. brasiliensis give a negative reaction.
through the agar to the bottom of the plate, depositing the
inoculum at the bottom of the well. References
1. Land. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol.1. American Society
Incubate the plates at 30C in an inverted position (agar side for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
up) under aerobic conditions and observe every 3-4 days for 2. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schrechenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
microbiology, 5th ed. Lippencott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
14-21 days.1
Expected Results BBL Nocardia ID QUAD
Examine plates for growth periodically for 14-21 days of BS10 CMPH MCM7
incubation. Cat. No. 298309 Prepared Plates (QUAD) Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Nutrient Agar
Intended Use User Quality Control
Nutrient Agar is used for the cultivation of bacteria and for
the enumeration of organisms in water, sewage, feces and other Identity Specifications
materials. Difco Nutrient Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Summary and Explanation Solution: 2.3% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium
Early in the 20th century, the American Public Health Asso- amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
ciation published the formula for a general purpose medium Prepared Appearance: Light amber, very slightly to slightly
for the growth of a wide variety of nonfastidious microorganisms.1 opalescent.
This was in recognition of the need for a standardized medium Reaction of 2.3%
for the use in the examination of water and wastewater, dairy Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2
products and various foods. This relatively simple formula-
Cultural Response
tion has stood the test of time, and with the name of Nutrient
Difco Nutrient Agar
Agar, is still specified in current compendia of methods for Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
the microbiological examination of a broad spectrum of 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
materials.2-5 Additionally, it is used in the laboratory for the ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
cultivation and maintenance of nonfastidious species. Enterococcus faecalis 19433 102-103 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 102-103 Good
Nutrient Agar 1.5%
Principles of the Procedure Tubed slants are used primarily for the cultivation and main-
Nutrient Agar consists of peptone, beef extract and agar. This tenance of pure cultures. They should be inoculated with an
relatively simple formulation provides the nutrients necessary inoculating loop and incubated under the same conditions as
for the replication of a large number of microorganisms that the plated medium.
are not excessively fastidious. The beef extract contains water-
soluble substances including carbohydrates, vitamins, organic Expected Results N
nitrogen compounds and salts. Peptones are the principle Examine plates for growth.
sources of organic nitrogen, particularly amino acids and long- Growth from tubes inoculated with pure cultures may be used
chained peptides. Agar is the solidifying agent. for biochemical and/or serological testing.
Formula References
Difco Nutrient Agar 1. American Public Health Association. 1917. Standard methods of water analysis, 3rd ed. American
Public Health Association, New York, N.Y.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Peptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g 3. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g 4. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 1. AOAC
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. International, Gaithersburg, Md.
5. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product Availability
1. Suspend 23 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix Difco Nutrient Agar
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Cat. No. 212000 Dehydrated 100 g
213000 Dehydrated 500 g
completely dissolve the powder. 211665 Dehydrated 2 kg
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
BBL Nutrient Agar
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF ISO SMWW USDA
stable, typical control cultures. United States and Canada
Cat. No. 297801 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Procedure 220968 Prepared Pour Tubes Pkg. of 10
220971 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100
Liquefy the agar if prepared tubes are used, cool to 45-50C
and pour into Petri dishes. Allow to solidify for at least 30 Cat. No. 256035 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
minutes. Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies Mexico
from specimens. Incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-24 hours Cat. No. 257500 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
and 42-48 hours, if necessary. *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
N Nutrient Agar 1.5%, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Nutrient Agar 1.5%
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige to light tan, free-flowing, homo-
Solution: 3.1% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium
amber, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, very slightly to
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 3.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Nutrient Agar 1.5%
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 5% sheep
blood (SB). Inoculate and incubate the plates at 35 2C for 40-48 hours
under appropriate atmospheric conditions.
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Good Beta
meningitidis 13090 102-103 Good Good Gamma Streptococcus Streptococcus
pneumoniae pyogenes
Staphylococcus ATCC 6305 ATCC 19615
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good Beta
pneumoniae 6305 102-103 Good Good Alpha
pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good Good Beta
Nutrient Agar with MUG, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Nutrient Agar with MUG
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 2.31% solution, soluble in purified N
water upon boiling. Solution is light
amber, clear to very slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 2.31%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Nutrient Agar with MUG
Prepare the medium per label directions. After incubation on m Endo
Agar LES using the membrane filter technique, aseptically transfer the
membrane to Nutrient Agar with MUG. Incubate 4-24 hours at 35 2C.
Examine for fluorescence under long-wave (approximately 366 nm) UV
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 30-300
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 +
Section III
N Nutrient Broth
Nutrient Broth
Intended Use Formula
Nutrient Broth is used for the cultivation of many species of Difco Nutrient Broth
nonfastidious microorganisms. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Peptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Summary and Explanation *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Nutrient Broth has the formula originally designed for use
in the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste- Directions for Preparation from
water. It is not a recommended bacteriological medium in Dehydrated Product
later editions of this publication. It is one of several nonselec- 1. Dissolve 8 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
tive media useful in routine cultivation of microorganisms.1-3 2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Principles of the Procedure stable, typical control cultures.
This relatively simple formulation supports the growth of
nonfastidious microorganisms due to its content of peptone Procedure
and beef extract. Inoculate tubes of the broth medium with the test samples.
Incubate tubes for 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic
User Quality Control atmosphere.
Nutrient Gelatin
Intended Use bacteria. The use of Nutrient Gelatin for determining gelatin
Nutrient Gelatin is used for the detection of gelatin liquefac- liquefaction patterns is considered to be the standard method
tion by microbial species. for taxonomic studies, since the rate of liquefaction is impor-
tant in the characterization of groups within the Enterobacte-
Summary and Explanation riaceae family as well as other groups of microorganisms.2,3
Nutrient Gelatin is made in accordance with the formula Edwards and Ewing consider gelatin liquefaction to be an
formerly used in the examination of water, sewage, and other essential test for differentiation of enteric bacilli.4
materials of sanitary importance.1 Gelatin liquefaction is one Nutrient Gelatin is used chiefly for identification of pure
of the characteristics used in the classification of members cultures of bacteria that are not particularly fastidious in
of the Enterobacteriaceae and nonfermenting gram-negative regard to nutritional requirements.
Nutrient Gelatin, cont.
Principles of the Procedure ing needle directly down the center of the medium to a depth
The peptone and beef extract supply sufficient nutrients for of approximately one-half an inch from the bottom of the tube.
the growth of nonfastidious bacterial species. The gelatin is Incubate tubes, including an uninoculated control, at 35 2C
the substrate for the determination of the ability of an organ- for 24-48 hours and up to 14 days.
ism to produce gelatinases, which are proteolytic-like enzymes
active in the liquefaction of gelatin. Expected Results N
At various intervals during the incubation process, examine
Formula the tubes for growth (turbidity) and liquefaction. Use
Difco Nutrient Gelatin uninoculated control tubes for comparison. At each interval,
Approximate Formula* Per Liter tighten caps and transfer the tubes to a refrigerator or ice bath
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g for a sufficient time period to determine whether liquefaction
Peptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Gelatin ................................................................... 120.0 g has or has not occurred. It is important that the tubes not be
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. shaken during the transfer from incubator to refrigerator. When
reading results, invert the chilled tubes to test for solidifica-
Directions for Preparation from tion or liquefaction.3
Dehydrated Product
Consult appropriate texts for results with specific organisms.3-6
1. Suspend 128 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
2. Warm to 50C to completely dissolve the powder.
Limitations of the Procedure
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
1. This medium is not recommended for determination
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
of gelatin liquefaction by fastidious species and obligate
stable, typical control cultures.
2. Gelatin is liquid at temperatures above 20C. If tubes are
incubated at 35C, they must be refrigerated in order to
Using a heavy inoculum (growth from an 18-24 hour pure
read for liquefaction. Include an uninoculated tube in the
culture), stab the tubes of Nutrient Gelatin with an inoculat-
test procedure for comparison.
3. Growth and liquefaction frequently occur only at the
User Quality Control surface of the tube. To prevent a false-negative interpreta-
Identity Specifications tion, handle tubes carefully when warm so that liquified
Difco Nutrient Gelatin gelatin remains at the surface of the tube.3
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, fine granular, free-flowing.
Solution: 12.8% solution, soluble in purified References
water upon warming in a 50-55C 1. American Public Health Association. 1960. Standard methods for the examination of water and
sewage, 9th ed. American Public Health Association, New York, N.Y.
water bath. Solution is light to 2. MacFaddin. 2000. Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria, 3rd ed. Lippincott
medium amber, clear to slightly opal- Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
escent, may have a slight precipitate. 3. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, clear to slightly opal- 4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
escent, may have a slight precipitate. 5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteri-
Reaction of 12.8% ology, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
6. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2 American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Section III
OP OF Basal Medium
Cultural Response
Difco OF Basal Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 1% dextrose.
Inoculate tubes in duplicate with fresh cultures using an inoculating needle
and add an overlay of mineral oil to one set of tubes. Incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Uninoculated Acinetobacter Escherichia Pseudomonas
Acinetobacter Tube calcoaceticus coli aeruginosa
ATCC 19606 ATCC 25922 ATCC 27853
calcoaceticus 19606 K K A K
Enterobacter Tubes above are closed, with Dextrose
aerogenes 13048 K K A, G A, G
Escherichia coli 25922 K K A, G A, G
aeruginosa 27853 K K A K
Shigella flexneri 12022 K K A A
K = alkaline reaction, green medium
A = acid reaction, yellow medium
G = gas production
OGYE Agar Base
Typical reaction patterns are as follows.2-4 BBL OF Basal Medium with Carbohydrates
(See PC Agar)
Oatmeal Agar
Intended Use spores are called macroconidia, macroaleuriospores or
Oatmeal Agar is used for cultivating fungi, particularly for macrospores and are produced by aerial sporulation.2
macrospore formation.
The detection of fungi is a great concern in the pharmaceutical,
food and cosmetic industry.
Summary and Explanation
Fungi are extremely successful organisms, as evidenced by their
Principles of the Procedure
ubiquity in nature. Of the estimated 250,000 species, fewer
Oatmeal is a source of nitrogen, carbon, protein and nutrients.
than 150 are known primary pathogens of humans.1
Agar is the solidifying agent.
Identification and classification of fungi is primarily based on
the morphologic differences in their reproductive structures.2
Fungi reproduce by producing spores.2 Large, multi-celled
Orange Serum Agar
Section III
OP Orange Serum Agar, cont.
Oxacillin Screen Agar
References Availability
1. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, BBL Orange Serum Agar
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Hays. 1951. Proc. Fla. State Hortic. Soc. 54:135. COMPF
3. Murdock, Folinazzo and Troy. 1952. Food Technol. 6:181.
4. Stevens. 1954. Food Technol. 8:88.
Cat. No. 211486 Dehydrated 500 g
5. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, Mexico
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Cat. No. 252613 Prepared Plates (60 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 20*
Difco Orange Serum Broth Concentrate 10
Cat. No. 251810 Ampule 6 x 100 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
Oxacillin Screen Agar P
Intended Use modified PBPs, which lowers the organisms affinity for
Oxacillin Screen Agar (originally named MRSA Screen Agar) -lactam antibiotics.3
was developed for the detection of methicillin-resistant Characteristics that might help differentiate the three types of
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These strains are resistant to oxacillin (methicillin) resistance can be found outlined in the
penicillinase-resistant penicillins (PRPs), such as methicillin, Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed., p. 1566.3
oxacillin and nafcillin. Since the method to detect MRSA uses
the same inoculum as the Bauer-Kirby antimicrobial disc Strains that possess the mec gene (classic resistance) are either
susceptibility test procedure, the oxacillin screen test may be homogeneous or heterogeneous in their expression of
conveniently performed on isolates at the same time as routine resistance. With homogeneous expression, virtually all cells
susceptibility testing. express resistance when tested by standard in vitro tests. With
heteroresistant expression, some cells appear susceptible and
Summary and Explanation others appear resistant. Often, only 1 in 104 to 1 in 108 cells
Resistance to penicillin in S. aureus was observed soon after in the test population express resistance. Heterogeneous
the introduction of penicillin in the late 1940s.1 By the late expression occasionally results in MICs that appear to be
1960s, methicillin/oxacillin-resistant strains of S. aureus borderline; i.e., oxacillin MICs of 4 to 8 g/mL. Isolates that
began to be isolated in the United States.2 have classic resistance are usually resistant to other agents such
as erythromycin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline,
Three different resistance mechanisms contribute to oxacillin trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, a quinolone, or an
resistance in S. aureus. These are (1) the classic type, which aminoglycoside.3
involves production of a supplemental penicillin-binding
protein (PBP) that is encoded by a chromosomal mecA gene, Resistance mediated by hyper -lactamase production or the
(2) hyper -lactamase production, and (3) production of presence of modified PBPs also results in borderline resistance.
Isolates that are resistant by either hyper -lactamase production
Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 33592 or the modified PBP mechanism usually do not have multiple-
drug resistance.3 Additionally, these isolates are unlikely to grow
on the agar screen plate.3-5
The methicillin-resistant population grows more slowly,
prefers a lower temperature of incubation and a high salt
1. Prepare the inoculum by suspending several well-isolated
colonies of the S. aureus test isolate from an 18- to 24-hour
plate culture into a tube of suitable broth medium, such as
Section III
OP Oxacillin Screen Agar, cont.
Trypticase Soy Broth and adjust the turbidity to a 0.5 2. In-house studies have shown that there is a difference in
McFarland turbidity standard, or use the BBL Prompt inoculum size between inoculating with 10 L of the test
inoculation system. suspension using a micropipette and inoculating the plate
2. Spot inoculate with 10 L of test suspension using with a swab. The likelihood of the emergence of the
micropipette. resistant sub-population is greater in a large population of
3. Alternatively, saturate a cotton swab with the test suspension bacterial cells. Detection of resistance, especially with the
and gently press out excess fluid against the inner wall heterogeneous resistant population, is improved with the
of the tube. Streak plate by drawing swab over an approxi- larger inoculum obtained by using a micropipette and
mately 1 inch (2.54 cm) area. inoculating the plate with 10 L.9
4. Include a Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA 3. Any isolate that grows on this medium should be tested
II) plate as a nonselective growth control. quantitatively by broth or agar dilution to confirm oxacillin
5. The test and control plates may be divided into several resistance and also resistance to other antimicrobial agents
wedge-shaped sectors by marking the bottom of the plate. that are characteristic of MRSA, such as chloramphenicol,
Several isolates may be tested on each plate. However, use clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin and tetracycline.
and incubate each plate only once. DO NOT REUSE AND 4. The use of Oxacillin Screen Agar for the detection of
REINCUBATE a BBL Oxacillin Screen Agar plate. methicillin/oxacillin resistant coagulase-negative staphylo-
6. Incubate plates at 30-35C for a full 24 hours. Do not cocci is not recommended.7
exceed 35C.
Expected Results 1. Chain, Florey and Jennings. 1949. In Florey, Chain, Heatley, Jennings, Sanders, Abraham and
Florey (ed.), Antibiotics, vol. II. Oxford University Press, London.
Following incubation, observe plates for growth. Any growth, 2. Barrett, McGehee and Finland. 1968. N. Engl. J. Med. 279:444.
3. Swenson, Hindler and Peterson. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
even one colony, indicates that the isolate is methicillin (oxacillin) of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Leitch and Boonlayangoor. 1994. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures manual, vol.
resistant. No growth indicates that the organism is susceptible to 1 (suppl. 1). American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Harberberger, Kallen, Driscoll and Wallace. 1998. Lab. Med. 29:302.
PRPs (methicillin, nafcillin and oxacillin). Isolates that grow on 6. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M2-A7.
Performance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
Oxacillin Screen Agar should be reported as resistant to all 7. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Disk diffusion supplemental tables,
-lactam antimicrobial agents, including -lactam/ -lactamase M100-S10 (M2). NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
8. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. MIC testing supplemental tables:
inhibitor combinations and cephalosporins. M100-S10 (M7). NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
9. Data on file, BD Diagnostic Systems.
Oxford Medium Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Oxford Medium Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 5.75% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium amber,
slightly opalescent with a blue ring at the
surface of the liquid.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, very slightly to
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 5.75% O
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Difco Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
Appearance: Yellow cake may be broken; yellow
solution upon rehydration.
Difco Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
Appearance: White cake may be broken; colorless
solution with a pale yellow tint upon
Cultural Response
Difco Oxford Medium or Modified Oxford Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition Marked to complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to complete inhibition Marked to complete inhibition
Listeria monocytogenes 19114 102-103 Good at 40-48 hours, black colonies Good at 40-48 hours, black colonies
The most common contaminating bacteria found in food Selectivity is increased by adding various antimicrobial agents
sources potentially containing Listeria are streptococci, espe- to the base. Incorporating these agents into Oxford Medium
cially the enterococci, micrococci and Bacillus species, Escheri- Base will completely inhibit gram-negative organisms and most
chia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris.10 gram-positive organisms after 24 hours of incubation. The most
widely recognized antimicrobial agent combinations are
Identification of Listeria is based on successful isolation of
the Oxford Medium formulation11 and the Modified Oxford
the organism, biochemical characterization and serological
Medium formulation.2 The Oxford Medium formulation
contains cycloheximide, colistin sulfate, acriflavine, cefotetan
Oxford Medium Base is prepared according to the formulation and fosfomycin (available as Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement).
of Curtis et al.11 who originally described the medium and its The Modified Oxford Medium formulation contains
use in the selective isolation of Listeria from mixed cultures. moxalactam and colistin methane sulfonate or colistin sulfate
(available as Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement).
Principles of the Procedure
Peptones and beef heart digest provide nitrogen, carbon, amino Modified Oxford Medium is recommended for isolating and
acids and vitamins. Agar is the solidifying agent. Sodium identifying Listeria monocytogenes from processed meat and
chloride maintains the osmotic balance. poultry products.2 Oxford Medium is recommended for isolat-
ing Listeria from enrichment broth cultures.13
Ferric ammonium citrate aids in the differentiation of Listeria
spp. Since all Listeria spp. hydrolyze esculin, the addition Formulae
of ferric ions to the medium will detect the reaction. A black- Difco Oxford Medium Base
ening of the colony and surrounding medium in cultures Approximate Formula* Per Liter
containing esculin-hydrolyzing bacteria results from the Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 8.9 g
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 4.4 g
formation of 6,7-dihydroxycoumarin which reacts with the Yeast Extract .............................................................. 4.4 g
ferric ions.12 Tryptic Digest of Beef Heart ........................................ 2.7 g
Starch ......................................................................... 0.9 g
Selectivity is provided by the presence of lithium chloride in Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 4.4 g
the formula. The high salt tolerance of Listeria is used as a Esculin ........................................................................ 1.0 g
means to markedly inhibit growth of enterococci. Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.5 g
Lithium Chloride ...................................................... 15.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.3 g
Section III
OP Oxford Medium Base, cont.
Difco Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement For further information when testing food samples or clinical
Formula Per 10 mL Vial specimens for Listeria, consult appropriate references.1,2,9,13,14
Acriflavine .................................................................. 5.0 mg
Cefotetan ................................................................... 2.0 mg
Colistin Sulfate ......................................................... 20.0 mg Expected Results
Cycloheximide ........................................................ 400.0 mg Select esculin-positive colonies and confirm their identity by
Fosfomycin ............................................................... 10.0 mg further biochemical testing. Use macroscopic tube and rapid
Difco Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement slide tests for definitive serological identification. For addi-
Formula Per 10 mL Vial tional information, refer to appropriate references.1,2,9,13,14
Colistin Sulfate ......................................................... 10.0 mg
Moxalactam ............................................................. 20.0 mg
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Limitations of the Procedure
1. Since Listeria spp. other than L. monocytogenes can grow
Directions for Preparation from on these media, an identification of L. monocytogenes must
Dehydrated Product be confirmed by biochemical and serological testing.14
2. Use freshly prepared antimicrobial agent solutions or
1. Suspend 57.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
aliquot portions and store at -20C or below.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 3. Poor growth and a weak esculin reaction may be seen after
completely dissolve the powder. 40 hours incubation for some enterococci.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes. Cool to 45-50C.
4. To prepare Oxford Medium: Aseptically rehydrate one vial References
1. Hitchins. 1995. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg,
of Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement with 5 mL of reagent Md.
2. McClain and Lee. May 24, 1989. Laboratory communication No. 57. Microbiology Division, Food
grade ethanol and 5 mL of sterile purified water. Rotate in Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md.
an end-over-end motion to dissolve the contents completely. 3. Murray, Webb and Swann. 1926. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 29:407.
4. Monk, Clavero, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1994. J. Food Prot. 57:969.
Add 10 mL of rehydrated Oxford Antimicrobic Supple- 5. Wehr. 1987. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 70:769.
6. Bremer and Osborne. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:604.
ment to 1 L of molten Oxford Medium Base (45-50C). 7. Grau and Vanderlinde. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:4.
Mix thoroughly. 8. Patel, Hwang, Beuchat, Doyle and Brackett. 1995. J. Food Prot. 58:244.
9. Ryser and Donnelly. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiologi-
To prepare Modified Oxford Medium: Aseptically cal examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
10. Kramer and Jones. 1969. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 32:381.
rehydrate one vial of Modified Oxford Antimicrobic 11. Curtis, Mitchell, King and Emma. 1989. Appl. Microbiol. 8:95.
Supplement with 10 mL of sterile purified water. Rotate in 12. Fraser and Sperber. 1988. J. Food Prot. 51:762.
13. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, vol. 1. AOAC Interna-
an end-over-end motion to dissolve the contents completely. tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
14. Bille, Rocourt and Swaminathan. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
Add 10 mL of rehydrated Modified Oxford Antimicrobic of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Supplement to 1 L of Oxford Medium Base (45-50C). Mix
thoroughly. Availability
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Difco Oxford Medium Base
stable, typical control cultures. AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF ISO SMD USDA
Cat. No. 222530 Dehydrated 500 g
Procedure 222510 Dehydrated 2 kg
The USDA method2 involves enrichment of the food sample in Difco Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth (one part sample to BAM COMPF ISO SMD
nine parts broth) at 30C. After incubation, a portion of the Cat. No. 211755 Vial 6 x 10 mL*
enrichment mixture is plated onto Oxford or Modified Difco Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
M-PA-C Agar
Intended Use number (MPN) procedures result in satisfactory recovery
M-PA-C Agar is used for the selective recovery and enumera- levels of P. aeruginosa, but are not usable for the testing of
tion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from water. large-volume water samples and lack precision. These two
deficiencies are eliminated in membrane filter (MF) techniques.
Summary and Explanation Many of the membrane filter media used for the recovery of
A variety of methods have been used for the enumeration of P. aeruginosa lacked specificity and were of limited value when
P. aeruginosa from water samples, some of which have been large heterogeneous microbial flora were present in the water
more widely accepted than others. The most-probable- samples. Levin and Cabelli devised M-PA Agar as a selective
M-PA-C Agar, cont.
Cat. No. 298153 Dehydrated 500 g
Section III
OP PALCAM Medium Base
Identity Specifications
Difco PALCAM Medium Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 6.8% solution, soluble in purified water upon
boiling. Solution is dark red, slightly opales-
Prepared Appearance: Dark red, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 6.8 %
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Difco PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement
Lyophilized Appearance: White, free-flowing, homogeneous
Rehydrated Appearance: Colorless solution.
Cultural Response
Difco PALCAM Medium Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 48 hours in a microaerophilic environment.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Inhibition
Listeria monocytogenes 19114 102-103 Good +
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Inhibition
PALCAM Medium Base, cont.
Section III
OP PALCAM Medium Base, cont.
References Availability
1. Van Netten, Perales, Van de Moosalijk, Curtis and Mossel. 1989. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 8:299.
2. Lassociation franaise de normalisation (AFNOR). 1993. Food microbiology detection of Listeria
Difco PALCAM Medium Base
monocytogenes routine method, V 08-055. AFNOR, Paris, France. BAM CCAM COMPF ISO
3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
Cat. No. 263620 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Canadian Food Directorate. 2001. The compendium of analytical methods. Polyscience Publications, 263610 Dehydrated 2 kg
Laval, Quebec, Canada.
5. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, Difco PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6. International Dairy Federation. 1990. Milk and milk productsDetection of Listeria monocytogenes. BAM CCAM COMPF ISO
IDF Provisional International Standard no. 143. International Dairy Federation, Brussels, Belgium. Cat. No. 263710 Vial 3 10 mL*
7. Farber, Warburton and Babiuk. 1994. Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from all food and envi-
ronmental samples. Health Protection Branch Ottawa, MFHPB-30. Polyscience Publications, Laval, Europe
Quebec, Canada. Cat. No. 254539 Prepared Plates (complete) Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
PKU Test Agar
specimens. Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar-
United States and Canada
side up) at 30-35C for a minimum of 4 days to allow Cat. No. 299970 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
sufficient time for colony development and for the color of the Europe
indicator change.6,7 Cat. No. 254481 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
PPLO Media
8. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1997. Approved standard LA4-A3. Blood
Limitations of the Procedure collection on filter paper for neonatal screening programs, 3rd ed. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
9. Aldis, Hoffman and Therrell. 1993. In Therrell (ed.), Laboratory methods for neonatal screening.
(See the product insert packaged with PKU Test components American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
for a complete list.)
1. Positive results obtained by this methodology require Availability
confirmation by quantitative blood assay. Difco PKU Test Agar
2. PKU Test Agar must not be overheated. Bring to a boil and Cat. No. 298010 Dehydrated 500 g
mix gently during heating. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. Difco PKU Test Agar without Thienylalanine
3. Do not add spores if the temperature of the medium is above Cat. No. 247410 Dehydrated 500 g
55C. Distribute the spores uniformly in the medium BBL -2-thienylalanine, 171 mg% aqueous solution
5. Caution and proper controls should be used when utilizing 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 mg%
components purchased individually or from other suppliers. Cat. No. 231110 Strips Pkg. of 10*
BBL PKU Test Specimen Cards
References Cat. No. 231111 Cards Pkg. of 1000
1. Folling. 1934. Hoppe Seyler Z. Physiol. Chem. 227:169.
2. Jervis. 1939. J. Ment. Sci.. 85:719.
3. Guthrie and Tieckelmann. 1960. London Conference on the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency,
BBL PKU Tray, complete with template for placing disks
London, England. Cat. No. 260435 One
4. Guthrie. 1961. JAMA 178:863.
5. Demain. 1958. J. Bacteriol. 75:517. *Store at 2-8C.
6. Guthrie and Susi. 1963. Pediatrics 32:338.
7. Ambrose. 1969. Clin. Chem. 15:15.
Section III
OP PPLO Media, cont.
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge- Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
neous. material.
Solution: 2.1% solution, soluble in purified water. Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified water
Solution is light amber, clear to very upon warming. Solution is light to me-
slightly opalescent. dium, yellow to tan, clear to slightly hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to very slightly opal- Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, clear
escent. to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 2.1% Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.8 0.2 Solution at 25C: pH 7.8 0.2
Difco Mycoplasma Supplement
BBL Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey)
Desiccated Appearance: Straw-colored, dried button, may be Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
dispersed. material.
Rehydrated Appearance: Light to dark straw-colored, clear to Solution: 2.25% solution, soluble in purified water.
slightly opalescent. Solution is light to medium, yellow to tan,
clear to slightly hazy.
Cultural Response Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, clear
Difco PPLO Agar or PPLO Broth
to slightly hazy.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate agar plates with Reaction of 2.25%
0.1 mL of serial dilutions of the test organisms. Incubate plates under Solution at 25C: pH 7.7 0.2
5-10% CO2 at 35 2C for up to 7 days. Inoculate tubes of broth with BBL Mycoplasma Enrichment without Penicillin
selective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Growth in a dilution
containing 103 CFU/mL
Mycoplasma gallisepticum 19610 Undiluted Good
Mycoplasma synoviae 25204 Undiluted Good
PPLO Media, cont.
Section III
OP PPLO Media, cont.
After subculture to plates of PPLO (Mycoplasma) Agar, posi- Cat. No. 211456 Dehydrated 500 g
tive broth cultures produce colonies exhibiting the typical mor- Difco PPLO Broth (Mycoplasma Broth)
phology; i.e., fried egg appearance. Cat. No. 255420 Dehydrated 500 g
255410 Dehydrated 10 kg
Limitation of the Procedure BBL Mycoplasma Broth Base (PPLO Broth Base)
Thallium acetate can partially inhibit some mycoplasmas.13 Cat. No. 211458 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey)
References Cat. No. 212346 Dehydrated 500 g
1. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
Book, Inc. St. Louis, Mo. 212347 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
2. Morton, Smith and Leberman. 1951. Am. J. Syphilis Gonorrh. 35:361.
3. Morton and Lecce. 1953. J. Bacteriol. 66:646. Difco Mycoplasma Supplement
4. Chanock, James, Fox, Turner, Mufso and Hayflick. 1962. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 110:884.
5. Craven, Wenzel, Calhoun, Hendley, Hamory and Gwaltney. 1976. J. Clin. Microbiol. 4:225.
Cat. No. 283610 Vial 6 x 30 mL*
6. Gregory and Cundy. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 19:268.
7. Adler and Da Massa. 1967. Appl. Microbiol. 15:245. BBL Mycoplasma Enrichment w/o Penicillin
8. Leland, Lapworth, Jones and French. 1982. J. Clin. Microbiol. 16:709. Cat. No. 212292 Vial 10 x 30 mL*
9. Frey, Hanson and Anderson. 1968. Am. J. Vet. Res. 29:2163.
10. Hayflick. 1965. Tex. Rep. Biol. Med. 23:285. *Store at 2-8C.
11. Chanock, Hayflick and Barile. 1962. Proc. Nat. Acad. Science 48:41.
Peptone provides the carbon and nitrogen required for good Candida albicans 26790 ~107 Good Cream to light pink
Candida albicans 36232 ~107 Good Pink to light red
growth of a wide variety of organisms. Yeast extract provides
Candida krusei 34135 ~107 Good White to light
vitamins and cofactors. Dextrose is an energy source. Agar is pink, spreading
the solidifying agent. TTC Solution 1%, added to the basal Escherichia coli 25922 ~108 Inhibition
medium, facilitates the differentiation of yeast colonies based
on the color change that occurs when a microorganism
reduces TTC. Neomycin added to the base inhibits the growth
of most bacteria.
Pantothenate Assay Medium
Formula Procedure
Difco Pagano Levin Base Inoculate the surface of the medium with the specimen and
Approximate Formula* Per Liter incubate at 25-30C for 48-72 hours.
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 40.0 g Expected Results
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g C. albicans colonies appear cream-colored to light pink,
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. smooth, round, raised, opaque and glistening. Typical
C. albicans colonies can be confirmed on Chlamydospore Agar
Directions for Preparation from
or Rice Extract Agar based on chlamydospore production.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 66 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix References O
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
1. Pagano, Levin and Trejo. 1958. Antibiot. Annu. 1957-1958:137.
2. Yamane and Saitoh. 1985. J. Clin. Microbiol. 21:276.
3. Samaranayake, MacFarlane and Williamson. 1987. J. Clin. Microbiol. 25:162.
completely dissolve the powder.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to 50-55C. Availability
4. Aseptically add 10 mL TTC Solution 1% (100 g 2,3,5- Difco Pagano Levin Base
triphenyltetrazolium chloride per mL of medium) and Cat. No. 214110 Dehydrated 500 g
500 g of neomycin per mL of medium. Mix thoroughly. Difco TTC Solution 1%
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 231121 Tube 30 mL
264310 Bottle 25 g
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
OP Pantothenate Assay, cont.
Directions for Preparation from duplicated. The standard curve is obtained by using calcium
Dehydrated Product pantothenate solution at levels of 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04,
1. Suspend 7.3 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.1 g per assay tube (10 mL). Turbidi-
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes to metric determinations are made after 18-24 hours incubation
completely dissolve the powder. at 35-37C. Construct a standard curve and determine the
3. Dispense in 5 mL amounts into tubes, evenly dispersing concentration of the unknown by interpolation from the
the precipitate. standard curve.
4. Add standard or test samples. The concentration of pantothenic acid required for the prepa-
5. Adjust tube volume to 10 mL with purified water. ration of the standard curve may be prepared by dissolving 50
6. Autoclave at 121C for 10 minutes. mg dried calcium pantothenate in a solution containing
approximately 500 mL purified water, 10 mL 0.2N acetic acid
Procedure and 100 mL 0.2N sodium acetate. Dilute to 1,150 mL
Prepare stock cultures of L. plantarum ATCC 8014 in tripli- with additional water to make the calcium pantothenate
cate by stab inoculation of Lactobacilli Agar AOAC. Incubate concentration 43.47 g per mL; one mL equals 40 g
cultures for 18-24 hours at 35-37C. Store the tubes at 2-8C. pantothenic acid.
Prepare a fresh stock culture every week. Do not use a culture
older than 1 week for this assay. This solution is diluted by adding 25 mL to a solution
containing 500 mL purified water, 10 mL 0.2N acetic acid
Inoculum and 100 mL 0.2N sodium acetate. Dilute to 1 liter with
Subculture from a stock culture of Lactobacillus plantarum purified water to make a stock solution containing 1.0 g
ATCC 8014 to 10 mL of sterile single-strength Pantothenate pantothenic acid per mL. The standard solution is made by
Assay Medium supplemented with 0.02 g pantothenate. diluting 2 mL of the stock solution to 100 mL with purified
Incubate for 18-24 hours at 35-37C. Centrifuge the cells water. This solution contains 0.02 g pantothenic acid per mL.
under aseptic conditions and decant the supernatant. Wash Use 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mL per assay
the cells three times with 10 mL sterile 0.85% saline. After the tube. Prepare the stock solution fresh daily.
third wash, resuspend the cells with sterile 0.85% saline and
adjust to a turbidity of 40-45% transmittance when read on a Expected Results
spectrophotometer at 660 nm. Aseptically inoculate each 1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting
assay tube with one drop of the cell suspension. the response readings against the amount of standard in each
Standard Curve tube, disk or cup.
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time 2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
an assay is run. Autoclave and incubation conditions can solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
influence the standard curve readings and cannot always be 3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
User Quality Control
only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%.
Identity Specifications
Difco Pantothenate Assay Medium Limitations of the Procedure
Dehydrated Appearance: Very light beige, homogeneous with 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
a tendency to clump.
must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
Solution: 3.65% (single-strength) solution,
soluble in purified water upon boiling
for this purpose.
for 2-3 minutes. Single-strength 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
solution is light amber, clear, may have procedure.
a slight precipitate.
3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
Prepared Appearance: (Single strength) light amber, clear,
having different nutritional requirements that will not give
may have a slight precipitate.
a satisfactory response.
Reaction of 3.65%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.1 4. For successful results to these procedures, all conditions of
the assay must be followed precisely.
Cultural Response
Difco Pantothenate Assay Medium Reference
Prepare the medium per label directions. The medium supports the 1. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The na-
growth of Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 when prepared in single tional formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
Pantothenate AOAC
Section III
OP Pantothenate AOAC, cont.
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Peptone or BiTek Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of Bacto Peptone or BiTek Peptone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-
48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~10 Negative Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive Negative to
slight positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive Negative to
Production subsp. choleraesuis slight positive
serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Peptone or BiTek Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Peptone or BiTek Peptone, 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and
incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational
Procedure water quality indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia coli. EPA-821/R-97/004. Office of Water,
Washington, D.C.
See appropriate references for specific procedures using Bacto 13. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter-
Peptone and BiTek Peptone. national, Washington, D.C.
14. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
15. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
Expected Results and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
16. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results. Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
1. Iwanaga, Yamamoto, Higa, Ichinose, Nakasone and Tanabe. 1986. Microbiol. Immunol. 30:1075. Availability
2. Benkerroum, Misbah, Sandine and Elaraki. 1993. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:607.
3. Blamey, Chiong, Lopez and Smith. 1999. J. Microbiol. Methods. 38:169. Bacto Peptone
4. Taylor, Dworkin, Pumper and Evans. 1972. Exp. Cell Res. 74:275. AOAC BAM COMPF EP EPA SMD SMWW USDA USP
5. Sakoda and Fukusho. 1998. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 34:53.
6. Feldman and Krishnan. 1995. Environ. Health Perspect. 103 Suppl 7:129. Cat. No. 211840 Dehydrated 100 g
7. Miller, Bottema, Stathis, Tokes and Feldman. 1986. Endocrinology. 119:1362. 211677 Dehydrated 500 g
8. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
211820 Dehydrated 2 kg
9. Horowitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC 211830 Dehydrated 10 kg
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
10. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and BiTek Peptone
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
11. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Cat. No. 254820 Dehydrated 10 kg
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Peptone Iron Agar
1. Obtain a pure culture of a test organism. Pick the center of
a single colony with an inoculating needle.
2. Inoculate a tube of Peptone Iron Agar by the stab method.
Stab the needle to within 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the bottom.
Withdraw the needle following the initial line of inoculation.
3. Incubate tubes at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Uninoculated Escherichia coli Salmonella 4. Read tubes for growth and hydrogen sulfide production.
Tube ATCC 25922 enteritidis
ATCC 13076
Expected Results
Any blackening of the medium along the line of inoculation or
throughout the butt indicates hydrogen sulfide production.
For a complete discussion of the identification of coliform bacteria,
refer to appropriate references.4-6
Section III
OP Peptone Iron Agar, cont.
References Availability
1. Levine, Vaughn, Epstein and Anderson. 1932. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 29:1022.
2. Levine, Epstein and Vaughn. 1934. Am. J. Public Health 24:505.
Difco Peptone Iron Agar
3. Tittsler and Sandholzer. 1937. Am. J. Public Health 27:1240. Cat. No. 289100 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Peptone Water
Intended Use Formula
Peptone Water is used for cultivating nonfastidious organisms, Difco Peptone Water
for studying carbohydrate fermentation patterns and for Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
performing the indole test. Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Summary and Explanation
The formulation of Peptone Water makes it useful for cultivating Directions for Preparation from
nonfastidious organisms.1 This nonselective medium has been used Dehydrated Product
as a basal medium for biochemical tests such as carbohydrate 1. Dissolve 15 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
fermentation patterns and production of indole.1,2 2. Warm slightly with frequent agitation to completely
dissolve the powder.
Principles of the Procedure 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Peptone Water contains peptone as a source of carbon, nitrogen, 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
vitamins and minerals. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic stable, typical control cultures.
balance of the medium. For Determining Carbohydrate Fermentation Patterns
1. Add 1.8 mL 1% phenol red solution to 1 liter rehydrated
User Quality Control Peptone Water. Mix thoroughly.
Identity Specifications 2. Dispense into test tubes containing inverted Durham vials.
Difco Peptone Water 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Dehydrated Appearance: Cream-white to light tan, free-flowing, 4. Aseptically add sufficient sterile carbohydrate solution to
homogeneous. yield a 1% final concentration. Rotate each tube to
Solution: 1.5% solution, soluble in purified water thoroughly distribute the carbohydrate.
upon warming with frequent agitation.
Solution is light amber, clear to very
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to slightly opales-
For Determining Carbohydrate Fermentation Patterns
cent. 1. Inoculate tubes with test organisms.
Reaction of 1.5% 2. Incubate tubes at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2 3. Observe for color change.
Cultural Response For Performing the Indole Test
Difco Peptone Water 1. Inoculate tubes with test organisms.
Growth/Indole Reaction 2. Incubate tubes at 35 2C for 24 or 48 hours.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with a fresh culture 3. Using an inoculation loop, spread a loopful of culture over
and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours. Indole reaction is read using
the BBL DrySlide Indole test slide (Cat. No. 231748).
the reaction area of a BBL DrySlide Indole slide.
4. Examine the reaction area for appearance of a pink color
Escherichia coli 25922 Good Positive
Expected Results
Carbohydrate Fermentation For Determining Carbohydrate Fermentation Patterns
Prepare the medium per label directions with the addition of phenol
red and dextrose. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Acid is produced when carbohydrates are fermented. This is
indicated by a yellow color in the medium. Gas production is indi-
ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY PRODUCTION cated by the presence of gas bubbles in the fermentation tube.
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Positive For Performing the Indole Test
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Positive
Observe for the formation of a pink color in the DrySlide reaction
area, which indicates a positive test for indole production.
Petragnani Medium
References Availability
1. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Difco Peptone Water
2. Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.). 1991. Manual of clinical microbiology, ISO
5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 218071 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL DrySlide Indole
Petragnani Medium
Intended Use Slanted media should be incubated in a horizontal plane until
Petragnani Medium is used in qualitative procedures for the inoculum is absorbed. Tubes should have screw caps loose P
the isolation and cultivation of mycobacteria from clinical for the first 3 weeks to permit circulation of carbon dioxide
specimens. for the initiation of growth. Thereafter, to prevent dehydration,
tighten caps; loosen briefly once a week. Stand tubes upright
Summary and Explanation if space is a problem.
Petragnani Medium was described by Norton et al. in their NOTE: Cultures from skin lesions suspected to contain
paper regarding culture methods for tubercle bacilli.1,2 M. marinum or M. ulcerans should be incubated at 25-33C
Petragnani Medium is glycerolated egg medium made with a for primary isolation; cultures suspected to contain M. avium
milk base containing malachite green. Somewhat more inhibi- or M. xenopi exhibit optimum growth at 40-42C.3 Incubate
tory than ATS and Lowenstein-Jensen media because of higher a duplicate culture at 35-37C.
dye content, Petragnani Medium is particularly recommended
for old specimens and for use in parallel with other media for Expected Results
isolation of tubercle bacilli.2,3 Cultures should be read within 5-7 days after incubation and
once a week thereafter for up to 8 weeks.
Principles of the Procedure Record Observations.3
The casein peptone, potato flour and skim milk contain amino
acids, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the growth of 1. Number of days required for colonies to become macro-
mycobacteria. The glycerol is a source of energy. Asparagine scopically visible. Rapid growers have mature colonies
promotes the initiation of growth and increases the growth within 7 days. Slow growers require more than 7 days for
rate. Egg yolk is a source of lipids for mycobacterial metabo- mature colony forms.
lism. Partial inhibition of bacteria is achieved by the presence 2. Pigment production
of the malachite green dye. White, cream or buff = Nonchromogenic (NC)
Lemon, yellow, orange, red = Chromogenic (Ch)
Laboratory procedures involving mycobacteria require special Stained smears may show acid-fast bacilli, which are reported
equipment and techniques to minimize biohazards.4 only as acid-fast bacilli unless definitive tests are performed.
Procedure References
1. Norton, Thomas and Broom. 1932. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 25:378.
The test procedures are those recommended by the Centers for 2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for primary isolation 3. Cernoch, Enns, Saubolle and Wallace. 1994. Cumitech 16A, Laboratory diagnosis of the mycobac-
terioses. Coord. ed., Weissfeld. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
from specimens containing mycobacteria.3 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine- 4. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health, 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
sodium hydroxide (NALC-NaOH) solution is recommended No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
as a gentle but effective digesting and decontaminating agent. 5. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
These reagents are provided in the BBL MycoPrep Myco- 6. Metchnock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
bacterial Specimen Digestion/Decontamination Kit. For
detailed decontamination and culturing instructions, consult Availability
an appropriate reference.3,5,6 BBL Petragnani Medium
Media may be inoculated up to the expiration date and Cat. No. 221389 Prepared Slants (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
incubated for up to 8 weeks. Following inoculation, keep test
containers shielded from light and place them in a suitable
system providing an aerobic atmosphere enriched with
carbon dioxide. Incubate at 35 2C.
Section III
OP Phenol Red Agar Media
Phenol Red Agar Media, cont.
Prepared Appearance:
Red to orange-red, slightly opalescent.
dark, red-orange to rose, clear to
slightly hazy. O
Reaction of 4.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Prepared Appearance: Medium to dark, red-orange to rose,
clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 3.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Phenol Red Mannitol Agar Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate slant tubes with BBL Phenol Red Agar Base
fresh cultures by stabbing the butt and streaking the slant surface. Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
Incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours. 35 2C for 12-18 hours.
Procedure 2. When inoculating tubes, stab gently and do not use a loop.
1. Inoculate the medium by stabbing into the butt and streak- Rough stabbing or using a loop to stab may give the false
ing the surface of the slant. If desired, inoculate obligate appearance of gas production when mechanical splitting
anaerobic bacteria into melted medium that has been cooled of the medium is what actually occurred.
to 45C. Allow the agar to solidify prior to incubation.
2. Incubate at 35 2C for 4-48 hours (or anaerobically for References
1. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th edition. Mosby,
24-72 hours). Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
3. Examine periodically for growth, acid production and gas 2. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken. (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th
edition. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
formation. 3. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams. 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th edition. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
4. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th edition. Elsevier Sci-
Expected Results ence Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
For expected reactions with organisms on Phenol Red Agar Cat. No. 210310 Dehydrated 500 g
Base supplemented with various carbohydrates, refer to
appropriate references.1-5
Section III
OP Phenol Red Broth Base
Cultural Response
BBL Phenol Red Broth Base or Phenol Red Broth with Dextrose or Lactose or Mannitol or Sucrose
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 42-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 K AG AG AG
Enterococcus faecalis 33186 A A A
Proteus vulgaris 8427 K A K AG
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 K K
Salmonella typhimurium* 14028 K K K
Shigella flexneri 9199 K A K A K
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 A
*S. choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis serotype Typhimurium
KEY: A = growth with acid (yellow color)
K = growth with alkaline reaction (red color)
G = gas formation
For quality control organisms for prepared tubes of Phenol Red Broth with the various carbohydrates, consult the BBL Quality Control and Product
Information Manual for Plated and Tubed Media.4
Phenol Red Broth Base, cont.
fermentable carbohydrate.3 The pH indicator, phenol red, is inoculate tubes of media with growth from an 18- to 24-hour
used to detect acid production. pure culture using an inoculating loop. Incubate tubes with
loosened caps at 35 2C for 18-48 hours either in an aerobic
Phenol Red Broths, prepared with a final concentration of
or anaerobic atmosphere depending on the organism being
one-half percent carbohydrate, are convenient for the deter-
evaluated. Incubation up to 30 days may be necessary for a
mination of fermentation reactions. Most of the end products
negative result.
of carbohydrate fermentation are organic acids which, in the
presence of phenol red, produce a color change in the medium
Expected Results
from red to yellow.1 If gas is produced during the fermentation
Examine the unsupplemented tubes at intervals during the
reaction, it is collected in the inverted Durham tube.
incubation process for growth. If supplemented with carbo-
No yellow color should occur in the control tube. If it does, hydrate, observe for the presence of acid (yellow color) and O
the results cannot be correctly interpreted since acid has been
produced without fermentation.
gas (as evidenced by displacement of the liquid in the Durham P
Dehydrated Product
BBL Phenol Red Broth Base Availability
1. Dissolve 15 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. BBL Phenol Red Broth Base
Cat. No. 211506 Dehydrated 500 g
2. Add carbohydrate (5-10 g) , if desired. Agar (0.5-1.0 g) 221897 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
may be added if it is desirable to minimize convection
BBL Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
currents in the broth. When agar is added, the medium Cat. No. 211514 Dehydrated 500 g
should be boiled briefly.
BBL Phenol Red Lactose Broth
3. Dispense in suitable tubes and insert Durham tubes when
Cat. No. 211519 Dehydrated 500 g
gas fermentation is to be recorded.
4. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes. Tubes should be packed BBL Phenol Red Mannitol Broth
Durham Tube
stable, typical control cultures.
Cat. No. 221671 Prepared Tubes with Adonitol Pkg. of 10*
BBL Phenol Red Broth with Dextrose or Lactose or 221673 Prepared Tubes with Arabinose Pkg. of 10*
Mannitol or Sucrose 221675 Prepared Tubes with Cellobiose Pkg. of 10*
221677 Prepared Tubes with Dextrose Pkg. of 10*
1. Dissolve 20 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Agar 221679 Prepared Tubes with Dulcitol Pkg. of 10*
(0.5-1.0 g) may be added if it is desirable to minimize con- 221681 Prepared Tubes with Glycerol Pkg. of 10*
vection currents in the broth. When agar is added, the 221683 Prepared Tubes with Inositol Pkg. of 10*
221685 Prepared Tubes with Inulin Pkg. of 10*
medium should be boiled briefly. 221687 Prepared Tubes with Lactose Pkg. of 10*
2. Dispense and insert Durham tubes for detection of gas 221688 Prepared Tubes with Lactose Ctn. of 100*
formation. 221689 Prepared Tubes with Maltose Pkg. of 10*
221691 Prepared Tubes with Mannitol Pkg. of 10*
3. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes. 221693 Prepared Tubes with Raffinose Pkg. of 10*
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 221695 Prepared Tubes with Rhamnose Pkg. of 10*
stable, typical control cultures. 221697 Prepared Tubes with Salicin Pkg. of 10*
221699 Prepared Tubes with Sorbitol Pkg. of 10*
221701 Prepared Tubes with Sucrose Pkg. of 10*
Procedure 221703 Prepared Tubes with Trehalose Pkg. of 10*
If Taxo Carbohydrate Discs are being used with tubes of 221705 Prepared Tubes with Xylose Pkg. of 10*
Phenol Red Broth Base, aseptically add the appropriate disc to *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
OP Phenylalanine Agar
Phenylalanine Agar
Ferric Chloride Reagent
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Phenylalanine Agar is used for the differentiation of enteric The phenylalanine serves as the substrate for enzymes which
bacilli on the basis of their ability to produce phenylpyruvic are able to deaminate it to form phenylpyruvic acid. The addition
acid by oxidative deamination. Ferric Chloride Reagent is used of 3-5 drops of a 10% aqueous ferric chloride solution (or a
to visualize the phenylalanine deamination reaction. 12% aqueous ferric chloride solution acidified with 2.5 mL
of concentrated HCl per 100 mL of reagent) to the cultures
Summary and Explanation following incubation results in the appearance of a light
Henrickson initially demonstrated that Proteus species were to deep green color (positive reaction) or no color change (nega-
able to transform phenylalanine to phenylpyruvic acid.1 Singer tive reaction). In a positive reaction, any phenylpyruvic acid
and Volcani,2 Hamida and LeMinor3 and others studied the present will react with the ferric salt in the reagent to give a
reaction and emphasized its usefulness in the taxonomy of the green color.
Buttiaux et al. developed a culture medium containing
Difco Phenylalanine Agar
phenylalanine in their study of the characteristic biochemical
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
properties of the Proteus and Providencia genera. 4 This DL-Phenylalanine ........................................................ 2.0 g
medium was designed to differentiate members of the Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Proteeae from other members of the Enterobacteriaceae Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.0 g
by the ability of organisms in the genera within the Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
Proteeae to deaminate phenylalanine to phenylpyruvic BBL Phenylalanine Agar
acid by enzymatic activity. 5 Proteus, Providencia and Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Morganella species possess this capability. This formula DL-Phenylalanine ........................................................ 2.0 g
conforms to the modified formula of Ewing et al.6 Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Ferric Chloride Reagent is used to determine if a specific Sodium Phosphate ..................................................... 1.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
microorganism is capable of producing phenylpyruvic acid
from phenylalanine.5
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate slant tubes and
incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After reading for growth, add
Cultural Response
3-5 drops of a 10% aqueous solution of ferric chloride and gently BBL Phenylalanine Agar
rotate to loosen the growth. Read reactions after 1-5 minutes. Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate slant tubes and
incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After reading growth, add 3-5
drops of a 10% aqueous solution of ferric chloride and gently rotate to
loosen the growth. Read reactions after 1-5 minutes.
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 102-103 Good
Proteus vulgaris 13315 102-103 Good + (green) INOCULUM COLOR
Providencia alcalifaciens 9886 102-103 Good + (green) 2 3
Escherichia coli 25922 10 -10 Good
Proteus vulgaris 8427 102-103 Good + (green)
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
Difco/BBL Ferric Chloride Reagent Droppers 35 2C for 4 hours or 18-24 hours. If the inoculum is suffi-
Contain 0.5 mL of 10% ferric chloride in aqueous solution. ciently heavy, a 4-hour incubation period should be adequate.5
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Difco Phenylalanine Agar
Cat. No. 274520 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL Phenylalanine Agar
Cat. No. 211537 Dehydrated 500 g
221342 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
Difco/BBL Ferric Chloride Reagent (10%)
Uninoculated Proteus vulgaris Cat. No. 261190 Droppers, 0.5 mL Ctn. of 50
Tube with Reagent ATCC 13315
*Store at 2-8C.
Staphylococcus aureus
User Quality Control ATCC 25923
Identity Specifications
BBL Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Slightly moist and softly clumped,
resembling brown sugar in consis-
tency and appearance.
Solution: 4.25% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light
to medium, yellow to tan, clear to
slightly hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, yellow to tan, clear to
slightly hazy.
Reaction of 4.25%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C with 3-5% CO2 for 18-24 hours.
Proteus mirabilis 12453 104-105 Partial to complete
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-104 Good
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 103-104 Good, alpha hemolysis
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 103-104 Good, beta hemolysis
Expected Results
Examine plates for growth of gram-positive organisms.
Phosphate Buffered Saline
magnesium chloride is recommended. In the APHA publica- Directions for Preparation from
tion, Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Ex- Dehydrated Product
amination of Foods,3 this product is referred to as Butterfieldss 1. Prepare a stock solution, according to standard procedure,
Buffered Phosphate Diluent and does not contain magnesium by dissolving 34.0 g in purified water and make up to 1 L.
chloride. The Bacteriological Analytical Manual4 describes the 2. Dispense and sterilize, if desired. Store under refrigeration.
product as Butterfields Phosphate Buffered Dilution Water 3. Prepare a working solution for use in dilution blanks, ac-
(also without magnesium chloride). cording to standard procedure, by adding 1.25 mL of stock
phosphate buffer solution to purified water* and make up
Principles of the Procedure to 1 L (1:800).
Phosphate buffer is used in the preparation of dilution blanks
for use in microbiological testing rather than unbuffered
4. Dispense in bottles or tubes to provide a post-autoclaving
volume of 99 2.0 mL or 9 0.2 mL or other appropriate
water in order to standardize this potential variable due to quantity. P
the wide variation in the pH of purified water from multiple 5. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. The working solution
sources. pH will vary depending on glassware used and may require
additional adjustment to achieve 7.2 0.5 after autoclaving.
BBL Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 *NOTE: If desired, add 5.0 mL of magnesium chloride
Approximate Formula* Per Liter solution (81.1 g MgCl6 H2O per liter of purified water).
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ............................ 26.22 g
Sodium Carbonate ..................................................... 7.78 g References
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 1. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wasterwater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
User Quality Control Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
3. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Identity Specifications 4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
BBL Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2
Dehydrated Appearance: White, fine, homogeneous, free of extra-
neous material.
BBL Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2
Solution: 3.4% solution, soluble in purified water.
Solution is colorless, clear to trace hazy. AOAC BAM COMPF SMD SMWW USDA
Cat. No. 211544 Dehydrated 500 g
Prepared Appearance: Colorless, clear to trace hazy.
Reaction of 3.4% Solution
(after autoclaving) at 25C: pH 7.2 0.5
Section III
OP Phosphate Buffered Saline, cont.
References Availability
1. Farmer, Wells, Griffin and Wachsmuth. 1987. In Wentworth (ed.), Diagnostic procedures for
bacterial infections, 7th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
BBL Phosphate Buffered Saline
2. Ewing. 1986. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science Cat. No. 297485 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
3. Greenwood, Flanigan, Pickett and Martin. 1975. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2:559.
4. Eiss. 1975. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 7:249.
5. Toma and Deidrick. 1975. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2:478.
6. Pai, Sorger, LaFleur, Lackman and Marks. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 9:712.
7. Swaminathan, Harmon and Mehlman. 1982. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 52:151.
8. Mehlman, Aulisio and Sanders. 1978. J. Assoc. Anal. Chem. 61:761.
Identity Specifications
Difco Select Soytone
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, homogeneous powder.
Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified water. Solution is clear to moderately hazy.
Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5-7.5
Bacto Soytone
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Soytone
Prepare sterile solutions of Bacto Soytone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~107 Slight positive
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Soytone
Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Soytone, 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at
35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
Phytone Peptone, cont.
Identity Specifications
BBL Phytone Peptone
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous powder.
Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified water. Solution is clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5-7.5
BBL Phytone Peptone, UF
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous powder.
Solution: 2.0% solution, soluble in purified water. Solution is clear to slightly hazy, no flocculation.
Reaction of 2.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5-7.5 O
Cultural Response P
Biochemical Reactions
BBL Phytone Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of Phytone Peptone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 29552 ~107 Positive
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Citrobacter freundii 8454 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Growth Response
BBL Phytone Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of peptone agar without (plain) and with 5% sheep blood (SB) using 10 g of Phytone Peptone, 2.5 g of sodium chloride and
6.5 g of agar in 500 mL of purified water. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C for 2-3 days (incubate streptococci with
3-5% CO2).
Staphylococcus aureus 6538P 103-104 Good N/A
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 103-104 N/A Good, alpha hemolysis
Streptococcus pyogenes 49117 104-105 Good Good, beta hemolysis
fungi and fastidious types of bacteria, such as members of the Media formulations containing Phytone Peptone or Bacto
Clostridium and Neisseria genera.1 It has been used in cell Soytone are specified in various standard methods for
culture applications due to its high carbohydrate content. multiple applications.4-8
Phytone Peptone, UF is an ultra-filtered peptone that was
Principles of the Procedure
developed specifically for the tissue culture market. Its nitrogen
Phytone Peptone, Phytone Peptone, UF, Select Soytone and Bacto
content combined with the naturally occurring vitamins has
Soytone are enzymatic digests of soybean meal. The nitrogen
demonstrated remarkable growth support with monoclonal
source in the soy peptones contains naturally occurring high
antibodies and protein expression. It has an endotoxin level
concentrations of vitamins and carbohydrates of soybean.
of less than 500 EU/g, which makes it an ideal substitute or
supplement for fetal bovine serum in cell culture applications.
Typical Analysis
Select Soytone demonstrates excellent growth support for Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of this
Escherichia coli. Select Soytone is also used in molecular manual.
genetics media such as Select APS Super Broth. Subtle differ-
ences in the hydrolysation process give Select Soytone improved Precautions9
performance in cell culture. 1. Biosafety Level 2 practices, containment equipment and
facilities are recommended for activities with clinical speci-
Bacto Soytone was found to be effective in the recovery of
mens of human or animal origin containing or potentially
stressed E. coli.2 It was found that Bacto Soytone with the
containing pathogenic Brucella spp.
addition of 7 vitamins replaced yeast extract as an economical
2. Biosafety Level 3 practices, containment equipment and
alternative for the production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus
facilities are recommended for all manipulations of cultures
rhamnosus.3 It should be noted that Bacto Soytone utilizes an
of the pathogenic Brucella spp. and for experimental
enzyme in the digestion of the soy flour that has been sourced
animal studies.
from animal.
Section III
OP Phytone Peptone, cont.
6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational
Directions for Preparation from water quality indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia coli. EPA-821/R-97/004. Office of Water,
USEPA, Washington, D.C.
Dehydrated Product 7. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C.
Refer to the final concentration of Phytone Peptone, Phytone 8. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
Peptone, UF, Select Soytone and Bacto Soytone in the formula and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
9. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
of the medium being prepared. Add appropriate product as Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Procedure BBL Phytone Peptone
See appropriate references for specific procedures using Phytone AOAC BAM EPA SMWW USDA
Peptone, Phytone Peptone, UF, Select Soytone and Bacto Cat. No. 211906 Dehydrated 454 g
Soytone. 298147 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
292450 Dehydrated 10 kg
Plate Count Agar
Plate Count Agar and Standard Methods Agar are made ac-
Directions for Preparation from
cording to the American Public Health Association (APHA)
formulation.1 They are recommended for obtaining plate
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 23.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water.
counts for milk and other dairy products and may also be used
Mix thoroughly.
to determine the sanitary quality of foods, water and other
materials.1-5 Uninoculated Pasteurized
Plate Milk
Each lot of dehydrated medium base is subjected to the APHA
quality control test and has met the APHA requirements.1,6
Appropriate references should be consulted for standard plate count
procedures recommended by the APHA and other agencies.1-5
The Hycheck hygiene contact slide is a double-sided paddle
containing two agar surfaces for immersing into fluids or
sampling surfaces. There are two slides with Plate Count Agar:
one contains Plate Count Agar on one side of the slide and the
medium with triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) on the other
side; the second slide contains Plate Count Agar with TTC on
both sides.
Section III
OP Plate Count Agar, cont.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate
method and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Cultural Response
BBL Standard Methods Agar
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate
Lacbobacillus johnsonii 11506 30-300 Good method and incubate Bacillus stearothermophilus at 55-60C and 35
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good 2C for all other organisms for 18-48 hours.
Bacillus subtilis 6633 30-300 Good
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Bacillus stearothermophilus 7953 30-300 Good
completely dissolve the powder. Enterococcus hirae 10541 30-300 Good
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Lactobacillus rhamnosus 7469 30-300 Good
stable, typical control cultures. Lactobacillus delbruecki
subsp. lactis 122315 30-300 Good
Consult appropriate references for information regarding the
processing and inoculation of food, water samples and other
Difco Plate Count Agar
Liquefy the medium in pour tubes and bottles by heating in Cat. No. 247930 Dehydrated 100 g
247940 Dehydrated 500 g
boiling water. Cool to 45-50C. 247910 Dehydrated 2 kg
247920 Dehydrated 10 kg
Usually 1 mL samples of appropriate dilutions of the test sample
are pipetted into sterile Petri dishes and molten, cooled Difco Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
medium is added followed by gently mixing to distribute the Cat. No. 290531 Plate Count Agar // Plate Count Agar with
TTC (20 slides)*
sample dilution throughout the agar. Incubate hardened plates 290451 Plate Count Agar with TTC // Plate Count Agar
for 48 3 hours at 32 1C (dairy products) or 35 0.5C with TTC (20 slides)*
(foods) in an aerobic atmosphere. BBL Standard Methods Agar
Expected Results Cat. No. 212455 Dehydrated 100 g
Follow recommended procedures for the counting of colonies 211638 Dehydrated 500 g
211641 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
and the reporting of results.1-5 298084 Dehydrated, LitrePak 20 1.0 L
United States and Canada
References Cat. No. 297030 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
1. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American 221030 Prepared Pour Tubes Pkg. of 10
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, 299094 Prepared Bottles 10 200 mL
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 299102 Prepared Bottles 10 500 mL
3. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. Europe
4. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. vol. 1. AOAC Cat. No. 254483 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Inter- Japan
national, Gaithersburg, Md.
6. Marth (ed.). 1978. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 14th ed. American
Cat. No. 251536 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 251543 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
251546 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 24*
251506 Prepared RODAC Plates Pkg. of 30*
*Store at 2-8C.
Polypeptone Peptone
Polypeptone Peptone
Intended Use utilized in culture media for the production of trypsin inhibitor
Polypeptone Peptone is used as a component in microbiological by Cephalosporium sp.,1 in the production of bacterial cellulose
culture media. by Acetobacter sp. A92 and in the production of succinic acid
from whey by Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens.3 In
Summary and Explanation addition, Polypeptone Peptone has been used in the mass
Researchers have found that Polypeptone Peptone meets production of luciferase-bacterial magnetic particles by
the nutritional requirements of various bacteria, fungi and recombinant Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-14 and the
mammalian cells, where a single source of casein meat production of a novel tumor-killing factor by human
peptone has been unsatisfactory. Polypeptone Peptone has been macrophage-monocyte hybridomas.5
Section III
OP Polypeptone Peptone, cont.
Media formulations containing Polypeptone Peptone are speci- digest of animal tissue. Polypeptone Peptone provides nitrogen,
fied in standard methods for various applications.6-11 amino acids and vitamins in microbiological culture media.
Identity Specifications
Difco Potato Dextrose Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.9% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light amber,
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 3.9%
pH 5.6 0.2
Solution at 25C:
Difco Potato Dextrose Broth
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homogeneous. P
Solution: 2.4% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is very, very light
amber, clear to very slightly opalescent .
Prepared Appearance: Very, very light amber, clear to very
slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 2.4%
Solution at 25C: pH 5.1 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Potato Dextrose Agar Saccharomyces Trichophyton
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at cerevisiae mentagrophytes
ATCC 9763 ATCC 9533
25-30C for 18-48 hours (up to 7 days for T. mentagrophytes).
Aspergillus niger 16404 103-104 Good
Candida albicans 10231 103-104 Good
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 103-104 Good
Trichophyton mentagrophytes 9533 Undiluted Good
Section III
OP Potato Dextrose Agar, cont.
Tubed slants are used primarily for the cultivation and Limitations of the Procedure
maintenance of pure cultures. They should be inoculated with 1. Heating Potato Dextrose Agar after acidifying hydrolyzes
an inoculating loop and incubated under the same conditions the agar and may destroy the solidifying properties.
as the plated medium. 2. Potato Dextrose Agar is not a differential medium.
For isolation of fungi from potentially contaminated specimens, Perform microscopic examination and biochemical tests to
a selective medium should be inoculated along with the identify isolates to genus and species if necessary.
nonselective medium. For isolation of fungi causing systemic
mycoses, two sets of media should be inoculated, with one set References
1. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
incubated at 25-30C and a duplicate set at 35 2C. All foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Marshall, (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
cultures should be examined at least weekly for fungal growth Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
3. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
and should be held for 4-6 weeks before being reported as national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
negative. vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
5. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Inoculation of Potato Dextrose Broth with pure cultures of American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
yeasts can assist in their identification. Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Potato Infusion Agar
fungi, while permitting the growth of pathogenic species. Gen- Expected Results
tamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that inhibits growth of Examine the media for growth. Microscopic examination of
gram-negative bacteria. the colony aids in identification.6
Procedure References
Consult appropriate references for information about the 1. Rinaldi. 1982. J. Clin. Microbiol. 15:1159.
2. Merz and Roberts. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
processing and inoculation of specimens such as tissues, skin microbiology, 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-Year
scrapings, hair, nail clippings, etc.3-5 Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
4. Kwon-Chung and Bennett. 1992. Medical mycology. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa.
For isolation of fungi causing cutaneous mycoses, a nonselective 5. Koneman, Allen, Janda, Schreckenberger and Winn. 1997. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic
microbiology, 5th ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
medium should be inoculated along with a selective medium.
Incubate the plates at 25-30C in an inverted position (agar side
6. Larone. 1995. Medically important fungi: a guide to identification, 3rd ed. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C. O
up) with increased humidity. For isolation of fungi causing Availability P
systemic mycoses, two sets of media should be inoculated with BBL Potato Flakes Agar
one set incubated at 25-30C and a duplicate set at 35 2C. BS10 CMPH MCM7
Cat. No. 298328 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
All cultures should be examined at least weekly for fungal
growth and should be held for 4-6 weeks before being reported BBL Potato Flakes CC Agar
and Gentamicin
Cat. No. 292259 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
OP Potato Infusion Agar, cont.
Precautions3 Procedure
1. Biosafety Level 2 practices, containment equipment and Incubate plates at 35 2C in 5-10% CO2 for 10 days.1 For a
facilities are recommended for activities with clinical speci- complete discussion on the inoculation and identification of
mens of human or animal origin containing or potentially Brucella spp., consult appropriate references.1,2
containing pathogenic Brucella spp.
2. Biosafety Level 3 practices, containment equipment and Expected Results
facilities are recommended for all manipulations of cultures Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
of the pathogenic Brucella spp. and for experimental
animal studies. References
1. Shapiro and Wong. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical
microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Directions for Preparation from 2. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Dehydrated Product 3. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
1. Suspend 49 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Presence-Absence Broth
Intended Use Formula
Presence-Absence Broth is used for detecting coliforms in Difco Presence-Absence Broth
treated water. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Peptone ..................................................................... 5.0 g
Summary and Explanation Lactose ....................................................................... 7.46 g
The Presence-Absence (P-A) test is a presumptive detection test Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.90 g
for coliforms in water. The test is a simple modification of the Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 3.93 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.35 g
multiple-tube procedure.1 One test sample, 100 mL, is inoculated Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.35 g
into a single culture bottle to obtain qualitative information on Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.46 g
the presence or absence of coliforms based on the presence or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.05 g
Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 8.5 mg
absence of lactose fermentation.1 This test is based on the prin- *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
ciple that coliforms and other pollution indicator organisms should
not be present in a 100 mL water sample.2-8 Directions for Preparation from
Comparative studies with the membrane filter procedure Dehydrated Product
indicate that the P-A test may maximize coliform detection in 1. Suspend 91.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water to
samples containing many organisms that could overgrow prepare at triple strength. Mix thoroughly.
coliform colonies and cause problems in detection.1 The P-A 2. Warm gently to completely dissolve the powder.
test is described in standard methods for water testing1 and by 3. Dispense 50 mL amounts into screw cap 250 mL milk
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.9 dilution bottles.
4. Autoclave at 121C for 12 minutes, with total autoclave
Principles of the Procedure time not to exceed 30 minutes.
Beef extract and peptones provide the nitrogen, vitamins and 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
amino acids in Presence-Absence Broth. Lactose is the carbon stable, typical control cultures.
source in the formula. The potassium phosphates provide buff-
ering capacity; sodium chloride provides essential ions. Sodium
lauryl sulfate is the selective agent, inhibiting many organisms
except coliforms. Bromcresol purple is used as an indicator
dye; lactose-fermenting organisms turn the medium from purple
to yellow with or without gas production.
Presence-Absence Broth, cont.
Section III
OP Proteose Peptone
Section III
OP Proteose Peptone, cont.
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Proteose Peptone, BiTek Proteose Peptone, Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 2,
Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3 or Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 4
Prepare a sterile solution as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production with 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Proteose Peptone, BiTek Proteose Peptone Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 2
or Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 4 Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 2, 0.5%
1. Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Proteose Peptone, BiTek sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate
Proteose Peptone or Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 4, 0.5% sodium and incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-48 hours under appropriate
chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and atmospheric conditions.
incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-48 hours under appropriate
atmospheric conditions.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 30-300 Good** *If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6303 30-300 Good
Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3, 0.5%
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
**Fair to good for BiTek Proteose Peptone. sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate
and incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-48 hours under appropriate
2. For Bacto Proteose Peptone and Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 4 only, atmospheric conditions.
prepare KL Virulence Agar from individual ingredients using 2 g of Bacto
Proteose Peptone or Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 4. Sterilize, cool to ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
55-60C and add KL Virulence Enrichment. Dispense into Petri dishes Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
containing Taxo KL Antitoxin Strips. Inoculate with a loopful of sur- Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
face growth and incubate at 35 2C for 72 hours. Examine at 24, 48
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6303 30-300 Good
and 72 hours.
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 30-300 Good
ORGANISM ATCC RESULT *If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
biotype intermedius 8032 Precipitin line
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
biotype gravis 8028 Precipitin line
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
biotype mitis 8024 Precipitin line
Proteose No. 3 Agar
Section III
OP Proteose No. 3 Agar, cont.
Pseudomonas Agars
Pseudomonas Agar F Flo Agar
Pseudomonas Agar P Tech Agar
Intended Use the medium, thereby enhancing production of the fluorescent
These media conform with specifications of The United States pigment. Magnesium sulfate provides essential ions for
Pharmacopeia (USP). fluorescin production.5
Pseudomonas Agar F, also known as Flo Agar, is used for the Pseudomonas Agar P (Tech Agar) contains enzymatic digest of
enhancement of fluorescin production and Pseudomonas Agar gelatin to provide amino acids and other essential nitrogenous
P, also known as Tech Agar, is used for the enhancement of substances. The gelatin peptone is low in phosphorous to
pyocyanin production by Pseudomonas. minimize the inhibitory action on pyocyanin production.5
Magnesium, potassium and sulfate ions promote pyocyanin
Summary and Explanation production.5
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is widely distributed in soil, water Both media contain glycerol, which acts as a source of energy
and foods. It is frequently isolated from infusion fluids, and enhances pigment production.
disinfectants and cosmetics. The organism causes disease in
humans; e.g., ocular infections, burn wound infections and Formulae
respiratory tract infections.1 Difco Pseudomonas Agar F
Most strains of P. aeruginosa produce pyocyanin, a blue, Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
water- and chloroform-soluble, nonfluorescent pigment that Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
diffuses into the surrounding medium.2 P. aeruginosa is the Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.5 g
only Pseudomonas species known to produce this pigment. Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 1.5 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
(However, certain strains are apyocyanogenic.)
Difco Pseudomonas Agar P
Some strains of P. aeruginosa produce other pigments, such as Approximate Formula* Per Liter
the brown-black pyomelanin, the red pyorubin or the yellow Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin ..................................... 20.0 g
Magnesium Chloride .................................................. 1.4 g
pyoverdin. Pyoverdin is a water soluble fluorescent pigment Potassium Sulfate ..................................................... 10.0 g
often produced by P. aeruginosa and other pseudomonads Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
isolated from humans.2 The presence of these pigments can, *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Pseudomonas Agars, cont.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
User Quality Control ATCC 9027
Cultural Response
Difco Pseudomonas Agar F or Pseudomonas Agar P
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 30-300 Good Greenish yellow Blue
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 30-300 Good Greenish yellow Blue
Pseudomonas cepacia 25609 30-300 Good No pigment No pigment
Section III
OP Pseudomonas Agars, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Very light beige, homogeneous, free-
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified water
containing 2% glycerol upon boiling.
Solution is light to medium amber, very
slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
aeruginosa 10145 102-103 Good Green to
aeruginosa 27853 102-103 Good Green to
Purple Agar Base
Pseudosel Agar
(See Cetrimide Agar Base)
Section III
OP Purple Agar Base, cont.
Uninoculated Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Uninoculated Typical positive Typical negative
Tube ATCC 25922 ATCC 25922 Tube reaction with acid reaction with
+ Dextrose No Dextrose and gas growth
Purple Agar Base Purple Broth Base
Purple Lactose Agar
Section III
OP Purple Lactose Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Purple Lactose Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate agar slants with fresh
cultures by stabbing the butt and streaking with an inoculating needle.
Uninoculated Escherichia Salmonella
Incubate tubes at 35 2C for 40-48 hours. Acid production is indicated Tube coli typhi
by a yellow color. ATCC 25922 ATCC 19430
For a complete discussion on the expected reactions of specific
Enterobacteriaceae species, refer to appropriate references.2-4
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Pyridoxine Y Medium
Pyridoxine Y Medium
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Pyridoxine Y Medium is used for determining pyridoxine Pyridoxine Y Medium is free from pyridoxine, but contains
concentration by the microbiological assay technique. all other nutrients and vitamins essential for the growth of
S. cerevisiae ATCC 9080. The addition of pyridoxine in
Summary and Explanation specified increasing concentrations gives a growth response that
Vitamin assay media are prepared for use in the microbiological can be measured turbidimetrically or titrimetrically.
assay of vitamins. Three types of media are used for this
purpose: Formula O
1. Maintenance Media: For carrying the stock culture to Difco Pyridoxine Y Medium P
preserve the viability and sensitivity of the test organism Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Dextrose ................................................................... 40.0 g
for its intended purpose; L-Asparagine .............................................................. 4.0 g
2. Inoculum Media: To condition the test culture for immediate Ammonium Sulfate .................................................... 4.0 g
use; Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 3.0 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 1.0 g
3. Assay Media: To permit quantitation of the vitamin under Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.49 g
test. They contain all the factors necessary for optimum DL-Methionine ......................................................... 40.0 mg
growth of the test organism except the single essential DL-Tryptophan ......................................................... 40.0 mg
DL-Isoleucine ............................................................ 40.0 mg
vitamin to be determined. DL-Valine .................................................................. 40.0 mg
Pyridoxine Y Medium is patterned after the formulation of L-Histidine Hydrochloride ......................................... 20.0 mg
Riboflavin ................................................................. 20.0 mg
Campling and Nixon,1 and modified by Hurley2 and Parrish, Biotin Salt ................................................................... 8.0 mg
Loy and Kline.3 This medium is used in the microbiological Inositol ....................................................................... 5.0 mg
assay of pyridoxine using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC Ferrous Sulfate ....................................................... 500.0 g
Thiamine Hydrochloride ......................................... 400.0 g
9080 as the test organism. Calcium Pantothenate ............................................ 400.0 g
Nicotinic Acid ......................................................... 400.0 g
User Quality Control Boric Acid ............................................................... 200.0 g
Potassium Iodide .................................................... 200.0 g
Identity Specifications Ammonium Molybdate ............................................ 40.0 g
Manganese Sulfate .................................................. 80.0 g
Difco Pyridoxine Y Medium Copper Sulfate ......................................................... 90.0 g
Dehydrated Appearance: White to off-white, fine, free-flowing, Zinc Sulfate .............................................................. 80.0 g
homogeneous. *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Solution: 5.3% (double strength) solution,
soluble in purified water upon boil- Precautions
ing for 2-3 minutes. Solution 2.65%
Great care must be taken to avoid contamination of media
(single strength) is colorless to very,
very light amber, clear, may have a or glassware in microbiological assay procedures. Extremely
slight precipitate. small amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give
Prepared Appearance: (Single strength) colorless to very light erroneous results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from
amber, clear, may have a slight pre-
detergents and other chemicals must be used. Glassware must
be heated to 250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic
Reaction of 2.65%
Solution at 25C: pH 4.4 0.2 residues that might be present. Take precautions to keep
sterilizing and cooling conditions uniform throughout assay.
Cultural Response
Difco Pyridoxine Y Medium Directions for Preparation from
Prepare the medium per label directions. The medium supports the
growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9080 when prepared in
Dehydrated Product
single strength and supplemented with pyridoxine hydrochloride. The 1. Suspend 5.3 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water.
medium should produce a standard curve when tested using a pyridox- 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes to
ine hydrochloride reference standard at 0.0 to 10.0 ng per 10 mL.
completely dissolve the powder.
Incubate the tubes with caps loosened at 25-30C for 22 hours. Read
the percent transmittance using a spectrophotometer at 660 nm. 3. Dispense in 5 mL amounts into flasks, evenly dispersing
the precipitate.
4. Add standard or test samples.
5. Adjust flask volume to 10 mL with purified water.
6. Steam at 100C for 10 minutes.
Section III
OP Pyridoxine Y Medium, cont.
1. Dissolve 50 mg dried pyridoxine hydrochloride in about Difco Pyridoxine Y Medium
100 mL 25% ethyl alcohol. Cat. No. 295110 Dehydrated 100 g*
2. Dilute to 500 mL with additional 25% ethyl alcohol. *Store at 2-8C.
R2A Agar
R2A Agar
Intended Use absorbing toxic metabolic by-products. Sodium pyruvate
R2A Agar is used for enumerating heterotrophic organisms in increases the recovery of stressed cells. Potassium phosphate is
treated potable water. used to balance the pH and provide phosphate. Magnesium
sulfate is a source of divalent cations and sulfate. Agar is the
Summary and Explanation solidifying agent.
R2A Agar was developed by Reasoner and Geldreich1 for
bacteriological plate counts of treated potable water. A low Formula
nutrient medium, such as R2A Agar, in combination with Difco R2A Agar
a lower incubation temperature and longer incubation Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 0.5 g
time stimulates the growth of stressed and chlorine-tolerant Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 0.5 g
bacteria.1 Nutritionally rich media, such as Plate Count Casamino Acids ......................................................... 0.5 g
Agar (Standard Methods Agar), support the growth of fast- Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.5 g
growing bacteria but may suppress slow growing or stressed
Soluble Starch ............................................................ 0.5
Sodium Pyruvate ........................................................ 0.3
g Q
bacteria found in treated water. When compared with nutri-
tionally rich media, R2A Agar has been reported to improve
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.3
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.05
g R
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
the recovery of stressed and chlorine-tolerant bacteria from
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
drinking water systems.2-4
R2A Agar is recommended in standard methods for pour plate, Directions for Preparation from
spread plate and membrane filter methods for heterotrophic Dehydrated Product
plate counts.5,6 1. Suspend 18.2 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Principles of the Procedure 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Yeast extract provides a source of trace elements and vitamins. completely dissolve the powder.
Peptone and casamino acids provide nitrogen, vitamins, amino 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
acids, carbon and minerals. Dextrose serves as a carbon source. 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Soluble starch aids in the recovery of injured organisms by stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
QR R2A Agar, cont.
Report counts as colony forming units (CFU) per mL and report References
variables of incubation such as temperature and length of time. 1. Reasoner and Geldreich. 1985. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49:1.
2. Fiksdal, Vik, Mills and Staley. 1982. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 74:313.
3. Kelly, Justice and Nagy. 1983. Abstr. Q122, p. 280. Abstr. 83rd Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol.
Limitations of the Procedure 4. Means, Hanami, Ridgway and Olson. 1981. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 53:585.
5. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
1. R2A Agar is intended for use only with treated potable wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
water since it is recommended for compromised bacteria. 6. Kim and Feng. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Use of the pour plate method is discouraged because 7. Van Soestberger and Lee. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 18:1092.
8. Klein and Wu. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:429.
recovery of stressed bacteria may be compromised by the
heat shock (44-46C) and low oxygen tension that are part Availability
of the procedure.7,8 Difco R2A Agar
3. Incubation time longer than indicated may be necessary to COMPF EPA SMWW
recover additional slow-growing bacteria. Cat. No. 218262 Dehydrated 100 g
4. R2A Agar performs best with the spread plate technique; 218263 Dehydrated 500 g
218261 Dehydrated 2 kg
however, that procedure is limited to a small sample
volume. BBL R2A Agar
5. Fast-growing bacteria may produce smaller size colonies
United States and Canada
on R2A Agar than on nutritionally rich media. Cat. No. 292341 Prepared Sterile Pack Settling Plates
6. R2A Agar is a low nutrient medium intended for culturing (100 15 mm-style) Ctn. of 100*
compromised microorganisms. Good growth of standard, 299436 Prepared Bottle, 500 mL Pkg. of 10*
Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium was developed from a formulation Prepared Appearance: Medium to dark amber, clear to
slightly opalescent.
suggested by Saha, Sondag and Middlekauff,1 who tested a
Reaction of 7.49%
range of ingredients for their ability to stimulate growth of Solution at 25C: pH 5.4 0.2
lactic acid bacteria. Polysorbate 80, liver extract, maltose,
N-acetyl glucosamine and yeast extract were found to stimu- Cultural Response
late growth. Tomato juice, free fatty acids and lyophilized beer Difco Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
solids (all of which are found in several media formulations Prepare the medium per label directions (with the addition of 3 g/L
phenylethanol and 7 mg/L cycloheximide, adjusted for potency). In-
for lactic acid bacteria) were inhibitory. oculate, overlay with 4 mL of sterile medium and incubate anaerobi-
cally at 27-30C for 18-48 hours.
In comparative studies using in-process beer samples, Raka-Ray
media gave higher colony counts for lactobacilli than Tomato ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
Juice Agar, W-L Differential Agar and Universal Beer Agar, with Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 None to poor
larger colonies developing after 2-4 days of anaerobic incuba- Lactobacillus brevis 367 30-300 Good
Lactobacillus buchneri 11307 30-300 Good
Pediococcus acidilactici 8042 30-300 Good
Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium yields larger lactic acid bacterial
colonies than Universal Beer Agar.3 Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
also suppressed the growth of non-lactic acid, facultative
bacteria, such as Aerobacter aerogenes and Flavobacterium
proteus that are often associated with lactic beer spoilage
Rapid Fermentation Medium
Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium is also recommended by the European 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Avoid overheating,
Brewing Congress Analytical Microbiologica for enumeration which will cause a softer medium.
of lactobacilli and pediococci.4 The agar may be made more 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
selective by the addition of 3 g of 2-phenylethanol and 7 mg of stable, typical control cultures.
cycloheximide dissolved in a small quantity of acetone per
liter of medium before autoclaving. Yeasts and gram-negative Procedure
bacteria are suppressed, facilitating enumeration of the lactic Overlay Technique for Enumeration of Lactic Acid
bacterial flora. Bacteria
1. Inoculate 0.1 mL of the beer sample onto well-dried plates
Principles of Procedure containing 15-20 mL Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium. Five repli-
Polysorbate 80, liver concentrate, maltose and other sugars, cates of each sample are recommended.
N-acetyl glucosamine and yeast extract stimulate the growth 2. Spread over the surface of the medium using a sterile glass
of lactobacilli. The optional addition of cycloheximide provides rod.
increased selectivity against yeasts and gram-negative bacteria. 3. Overlay the surface with 4 mL of the molten sterilized
medium cooled to 50C.
Difco Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
4. Incubate plates at 27-30C in an anaerobic (H2/CO2)
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g Expected Results
Tryptone ................................................................... 20.0 g
Liver Concentrate ....................................................... 1.0 g Lactobacilli are visible after 48 hours incubation as smooth,
Maltose .................................................................... 10.0 g moist colonies that are 1 mm in diameter. Incubate the
Fructose ..................................................................... 5.0 g medium for a total of 7 days to allow development of slow-
Glucose ...................................................................... 5.0 g
Betaine Hydrochloride ................................................ 2.0 g
growing Pediococcus strains.
Diammonium Citrate .................................................. 2.0 g If the number of colonies on each plate exceeds 300, the sample
Potassium Aspartate .................................................. 2.5 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.98 g should be diluted 1:10 in sterile physiological saline and
Manganese Sulfate .................................................... 0.42 g retested.
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.0 g
N-Acetyl Glucosamine ................................................ 0.5 g
Potassium Glutamate ................................................. 2.5 g
1. Saha, Sondag and Middlekauff. 1974. An improved medium for the selective culturing of lactic acid
Agar ......................................................................... 16.0 g bacteria. Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 9th Congress, p. 9.
2. VanKeer, Van Melkebeke, Vertriest, Hoozee and Van Schoonenberghe. 1983. J. Inst. Brewing 89:360.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 3. Report of the Technical Subcommittee. 1976. Microbiological Controls. J. Am. Soc. Brewing Chemists
4. European Brewing Congress Analytica Microbiologica. 1981. J. Inst. Brewing 87:314.
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product Availability
1. Suspend 74.9 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water Difco Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
containing 10 mL polysorbate 80. Mix thoroughly. Cat. No. 218671 Dehydrated 500 g
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com-
pletely dissolve the powder. To increase selectivity, add 3 g
2-phenylethanol and 7 mg cycloheximide per liter prior to
Identity Specifications
Difco Rappaport-Vassiliadis Medium, Semisolid
Dehydrated Appearance: Pale green, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.16% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is blue, clear to
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Blue, slightly opalescent, semisolid.
Reaction of 3.16%
Solution at 25C: pH 5.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Rappaport-Vassiliadis Medium, Semisolid
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 42
0.5C for 18-24 hours.
Citrobacter freundii 8090 103-2103 Marked
Proteus mirabilis 9240 103-2103 None
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 103-2103 None
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Enteritidis 13076 102-103 Good +
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good +
Salmonella senftenberg
(NCTC 10384) 102-103 Good +
Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement Negative: Medium remains blue-green around the drops, with
Rehydrate with 10 mL sterile purified water. Mix well. no gray-white, turbid zone extending out from the
drop. Test sample is considered negative for motile
Procedure3,6 Salmonella.
To confirm a presumptive identification of Salmonella:3
1. Add 25 g of cocoa or chocolate to 225 mL of sterile recon-
Rapid serologic confirmation
stituted nonfat dry milk with 0.45 mL of a 1% aqueous
1. Inoculate M Broth with growth from migration edge on
brilliant green dye solution; mix well.6
MSRV, Semisolid Modification plate.
2. Incubate at 35C for 20 2 hours.3
2. Incubate at 35C for 4-6 hours (until turbid). M Broth
Selective Enrichment3 culture can be held for up to 24 hours at 35C.
3. Inoculate 10 mL Tetrathionate Broth (prewarmed to 35C) 3. Test with Salmonella O and H antisera.
with 1 mL of the pre-enrichment culture.
Culture confirmation
4. Incubate at 35C for 8 0.5 hours.
1. Transfer a loopful of growth from the migration edge on
Motility Enrichment on MSRV, Semisolid Modification3 MSRV, Semisolid Modification plate onto Hektoen Enteric
5. After selective enrichment incubation, mix the broth culture. Agar and streak for isolation.
Inoculate 3 drops at separate spots on an MSRV plate. 2. Incubate at 35C for 24 2 hours.
6. Incubate at 42 0.5C for 16 0.5 hours. 3. From colonies of Hektoen agar that show colony appearance
typical of Salmonella (green colonies with black centers),
Expected Results perform biochemical tests to confirm the identification.
Positive: Growth of migrated cells is visible as a gray-white,
turbid zone extending out from the inoculated drop. Limitation of the Procedure
Test sample is considered presumptively positive for The combination of malachite green, magnesium chloride and
motile Salmonella. a low pH may inhibit certain Salmonella, such as S. typhi and
S. choleraesuis. Isolation techniques should include a variety
of enrichment broths and isolation media.
Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth
References Availability
1. DeSmedt, Bolderdijk, Rappold and Lautenschlaeger. 1986. J. Food Prot. 49:510.
2. DeSmedt and Bolderdijk. 1987. J. Food Prot. 50:658.
Difco Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium,
3. DeSmedt, Bolderdijk and Milas. 1994. J. AOAC Int. 77:365. Semisolid Modification
4. Dusch and Altwegg. 1995. J. Clin. Microbiol. 33:802.
5. Aspinall, Hindle and Hutchinson. 1992. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 11:936.
6. Andrews, June, Sherrod, Hammack and Amaguana. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, Cat. No. 218681 Dehydrated 500 g
8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Difco Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
Cat. No. 231971 Vial 6 10 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
QR Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10, cont.
Bordetella pertussis
User Quality Control ATCC 9797
Identity Specifications
BBL Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous
Solution: 5.1% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is charcoal black,
homogeneous, opaque.
Prepared Appearance: Charcoal black, homogeneous, opaque.
Reaction of 5.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh broth
cultures diluted 1:0 and incubate at 35 2C for 7 days.
Bordetella pertussis
Bordetella parapertussis
Good R
Riboflavin Assay Medium
Section III
QR Riboflavin Assay Medium, cont.
After 24-48 hours incubation at 35-37C, the stock cultures the diluted stock solution per tube. Prepare the stock solution
are kept in the refrigerator. Transfers are made at monthly fresh daily.
intervals in triplicate.
Expected Results
1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by
Inoculum for assay is prepared by subculturing a stock culture
plotting the response readings against the amount of stan-
of L. rhamnosus ATCC 7469 into 10 mL of Lactobacilli Broth
dard in each tube, disk or cup.
AOAC or Micro Inoculum Broth. Following incubation
2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
for 16-24 hours at 35-37C, the culture is centrifuged under solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
aseptic conditions and the supernatant liquid decanted. After 3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
washing 3 times with 10 mL sterile 0.85% saline, the cells are the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
resuspended in 10 mL sterile 0.85% saline. The cell suspen- not vary more than 10% from the average and use the
sion is then diluted with sterile 0.85% saline, to a turbidity of results only if two-thirds of the values do not vary by more
35-40% transmittance when read on the spectrophotometer than 10%.
at 660 nm. One drop of this latter suspension is then used to
inoculate each of the assay tubes. Limitations of the Procedure
Riboflavin Assay Medium may be used for both turbidimetric 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
and titrimetric determinations. Turbidimetric readings should must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
be made after 18-24 hours incubation at 35-37C, whereas for this purpose.
titrimetric determinations are best made after 72 hours incu- 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
bation at 35-37C. Using Riboflavin Assay Medium, the most procedure.
effective assay range is between 0.025 and 0.15 g riboflavin. 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
having different nutritional requirements that will not give
Standard Curve
a satisfactory response.
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time
4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
an assay is run. Conditions of autoclaving and temperature
the assay must be followed precisely.
of incubation, which influence the standard curve readings,
5. Maintain pH below 7.0 to prevent loss of riboflavin.
cannot be duplicated exactly from assay to assay. The
standard curve is obtained by using Riboflavin USP Reference References
Standard or equivalent at levels of 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 1. Snell and Strong. 1939. Ind. Eng. Chem. 11:346.
0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.3 g riboflavin per assay tube (10 mL). 2. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. II. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Rogosa SL Agar
Formula Procedure
BBL Rice Extract Agar 1. For use in the detection of chlamydospore formation.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Inoculate the culture by cutting slits into the agar with an
White Rice, Extract from (solids) ................................. 5.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
inoculating needle. Cover the inoculated slits with sterile
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. coverslips. Seal the plates to avoid moisture loss and
incubate at room temperature for 24-48 hours and up to
Directions for Preparation from 14 days before discarding as negative.
Dehydrated Product 2. For use in the promotion of chromogenesis in T. rubrum.
1. Suspend 25 g of the powder in 1 L purified water. To Streak-inoculate tubed medium slants. Tighten caps after
promote chlamydospore formation, suspend 13 g of the inoculation and then loosen slightly. After incubation for
powder in 1 L of purified water. 2-3 days, caps should be retightened to prevent further
2. Add 10 mL polysorbate 80. Mix until a uniform suspension evaporation of water. Incubate tubes at room temperature
is obtained. for up to 14 days.
3. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Expected Results
4. Dispense and autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
After 24-48 hours, most strains of C. albicans and
C. stellatoidea will have formed typical chlamydospores.3 Invert
stable, typical control cultures. the plate and examine microscopically (100 magnification) for R
chlamydospore formation along the line of inoculation.
User Quality Control Growth of T. rubrum is pink to red on medium containing
dextrose and, therefore, it is distinguishable from
Identity Specifications
T. mentagrophytes.
BBL Rice Extract Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extrane-
ous material. Limitation of the Procedure
Solution: 1.3% solution, soluble in purified Polysorbate 80 enhances chlamydospore production by
water upon boiling. Solution is pale, C. albicans and C. stellatoidea; however, it also enhances chlamy-
yellow to tan, moderately hazy to hazy. dospore formation in other Candida species. Therefore, it is
Prepared Appearance: Pale, yellow to tan, moderately hazy necessary to use additional media for species identification.4
to hazy.
Reaction of 1.3%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.6 0.2
1. Taschdjian. 1953. Mycologia 45:474.
2. Taschdjian. 1957. Mycologia 49:332.
Cultural Response 3. Cooper and Silva-Hutner. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
clinical microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
BBL Rice Extract Agar 4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Prepare the medium per label directions and test for chlamydospore pro-
duction. Using fresh cultures, streak two parallel lines approximately 1.5
cm long and 1.0 cm apart. Make an S-shaped streak lightly back and Availability
forth across the two parallel streak lines. Place a coverslip over the streak BBL Rice Extract Agar
marks. Incubate at 20-25C for 3-5 days and examine microscopically. Cat. No. 211567 Dehydrated 100 g
Candida albicans 10231 Good + Cat. No. 254420 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Candida albicans 60193 Good _ *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
QR Rogosa SL Agar, cont.
Rose Bengal Agar Base
Section III
QR Rose Bengal Agar Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Rose Bengal Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige to faint pink, free-flowing, homo-
Solution: 3.2% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is reddish pink,
very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Bright pink, very slightly to slightly opal-
Reaction of 3.2%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Rose Bengal Antimicrobic Supplement C
Lyophilized Appearance: White cake, may be dispersed.
Rehydrated Appearance: Colorless, clear.
Solubility: Soluble in 2 mL ethanol.
Cultural Response
Difco Rose Bengal Agar Base with Antimicrobic
Supplement C
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate Candida
technique (for Aspergillus niger, inoculate the surface of an agar slant) ATCC 10231
and incubate aerobically at 25-30C for up to 7 days.
Aspergillus niger 1015 102-3102 Good White
Candida albicans 10231 102-3102 Good Pink
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Micrococcus luteus 10240 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Rose Bengal Agar Base, cont.
Section III
S SF Medium
SF Medium SF Broth
Intended Use effect on gram-negative bacteria through its inhibitory action
SF (Streptococcus Faecalis) Medium (Broth) is used for the on enzymes in the electron transport system. Bromcresol purple
differentiation of Enterococcus species from the Streptococcus serves as a pH indicator.
bovis group and other streptococci.
Summary and Explanation Difco SF Medium
The formulation of SF Medium was developed by Hajna and Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptone ................................................................... 20.0 g
Perry1 as a result of their comparative study of presumptive Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
and confirmatory media for the detection of coliforms and Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 4.0 g
fecal streptococci. It was recommended for use in the exami- Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
nation of waters and other materials for the presence of fecal Sodium Azide ............................................................. 0.5 g
streptococci as an indicator of pollution. The use of SF Bromcresol Purple .................................................... 32.0 mg
Medium in sanitary bacteriology has been replaced by more *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
References Availability
1. Hajna and Perry. 1943. Am J. Public Health. 33:550.
2. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Difco SF Medium
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. AOAC
3. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 231510 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. BBL SF Broth
Cat. No. 221712 Prepared Tubes Ctn. of 100
Identity Specifications
Difco SFP Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 47 g, soluble in 900 mL purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium to dark
amber, slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance (Final): Canary yellow, opaque.
Reaction of 47g/900 mL
Solution at 25C: pH 7.6 0.2
Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
Section III
S SFP Agar Base, cont.
Dehydrated Product
Difco SFP Agar Base Availability
Base Layer: Difco SFP Agar Base
1. Suspend 47 g of the powder in 900 mL of purified water.
Cat. No. 281110 Dehydrated 500 g
Mix thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Difco Antimicrobic Vial K
4. Add 100 mL Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%, 10 mL of Cat. No. 232681 Vial 6 10 mL*
rehydrated Antimicrobic Vial P (30,000 units polymyxin Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
SIM Medium
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
SIM Medium is used to differentiate enteric bacilli on the The ingredients in SIM Medium enable the determination of
basis of sulfide production, indole formation and motility. three activities by which enteric bacteria can be differentiated.
Sodium thiosulfate and ferrous ammonium sulfate are indicators
Summary and Explanation of hydrogen sulfide production. The ferrous ammonium
Hydrogen sulfide production, indole formation and motility sulfate reacts with H2S gas to produce ferrous sulfide, a black
are distinguishing characteristics which aid in the identification precipitate.1 The casein peptone is rich in tryptophan, which is
of the Enterobacteriaceae, especially Salmonella and Shigella. attacked by certain microorganisms resulting in the production
SIM Medium, therefore, is useful in the process of identification of indole. The indole is detected by the addition of chemical
of enteric pathogens.
SIM Medium, cont.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- Availability
pletely dissolve the powder. BBL SIM Medium
3. Dispense and autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Cat. No. 211578 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 221010 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10
stable, typical control cultures. 221011 Prepared Tubes Ctn. of 100
Loosen caps, boil and cool before use. Using growth from
a pure culture, stab an inoculating needle two-thirds of the
distance to the bottom in the center of the tube. Incubate
tubes with loosened caps for 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an
aerobic atmosphere.
Section III
S SOB Medium
SOB Medium
Intended Use stress of transformation and grow well. Sodium chloride and
SOB Medium is used for cultivating recombinant strains of potassium chloride provide essential ions. Magnesium sulfate
Escherichia coli. is a source of magnesium ions required in a variety of
enzymatic reactions, including DNA replication.
Summary and Explanation
SOB Medium was developed by Hanahan1 as a nutritionally Formula
rich growth medium for preparation and transformation of Difco SOB Medium
competent cells. Transformation requires making perforations Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptone ................................................................... 20.0 g
in the bacterium (i.e., making the cells competent) to allow Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
the introduction of foreign DNA into the cell. To survive this Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 0.5 g
process, competent cells need a rich, isotonic environment. Magnesium Sulfate (anhydrous) ................................. 2.4 g
Potassium Chloride ................................................ 186.0 mg
SOC Medium, used in the final stage of transformation, may *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
SPS Agar
Intended Use Sulfadiazine (SPS) Agar and used it to quantitate C. perfringens
SPS Agar is used for detecting and enumerating Clostridium in foods.
perfringens in food. C. perfringens is found in raw meats, poultry, dehydrated soups
and sauces, raw vegetables and other foods and food ingredients.
Summary and Explanation Occurrences of foodborne illness from C. perfringens are
In the 1950s, Mossel1 and Mossel et al.2 proposed media for usually associated with cooked meat or poultry products.4
enumerating anaerobic sulfite-reducing clostridia in foods. Spores of some strains that may resist heat during cooking
Angelotti et al.3 modified the formula as Sulfite Polymyxin germinate and grow in foods that are not adequately refriger-
SPS Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco SPS Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.1% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium amber, very slightly to slightly
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, slightly opal-
Reaction of 4.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco SPS Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the pour plate
technique and incubate anaerobically at 35 2C for 24-48 hours.
Clostridium perfringens 12919 102-103 Good Black
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 102-103 None to fair Black
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Marked to
complete inhibition Staphylococcus
Salmonella choleraesuis ATCC 25923
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Marked to S
complete inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Fair to good White
ated.5 Enumerating the microorganism in food samples plays Directions for Preparation from
a role in epidemiological investigation of outbreaks of Dehydrated Product
foodborne illness.4 1. Suspend 41 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Principles of the Procedure 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
SPS Agar contains peptone as a source of carbon, nitrogen, completely dissolve the powder.
vitamins and minerals. Yeast extract supplies B-complex 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
vitamins which stimulate bacterial growth. Ferric citrate and 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
sodium sulfite are H2S indicators. Clostridia reduce the sulfite stable, typical control cultures.
to sulfide, which reacts with the iron from ferric citrate to form
a black iron sulfide precipitate. Polysorbate 80 is a dispersing Procedure
agent. Polymyxin B sulfate and sulfadiazine are inhibitors to 1. Dispense inoculum into sterile Petri dish.
organisms other than Clostridium spp. Sodium thioglycollate 2. Pour medium cooled to 50-55C over the inoculum.
is a reducing agent. Agar is the solidifying agent. 3. Gently but thoroughly mix the inoculum and medium.
Allow to solidify on a flat surface.
Formula 4. Incubate anaerobically at 35 2C for 24-48 hours.
Difco SPS Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Expected Results
Tryptone ................................................................... 15.0 g Clostridium perfringens will grow as black colonies with good
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
Ferric Citrate .............................................................. 0.5 g growth.
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 0.5 g
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.1 g Limitation of the Procedure
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 0.05 g
Sulfadiazine ................................................................ 0.12 g The high degree of selectivity of SPS Agar may inhibit some
Polymyxin B Sulfate .................................................... 0.01 g strains of C. perfringens while other strains that grow may fail
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g to produce distinguishing black colonies.4
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
S SPS Agar, cont.
References Availability
1. Mossel. 1959. J. Sci. Food Agric. 19:662.
2. Mossel, DeBruin, van Diepen, Vendrig and Zoutewelle. 1956. J. Appl. Microbiol. 19:142.
Difco SPS Agar
3. Angelotti, Hall, Foster and Lewis. 1962. Appl. Microbiol. 10:193. Cat. No. 284530 Dehydrated 500 g*
4. Labbe. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination
of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. *Store at 2-8C.
5. Rhodehamel and Harmon. 1995. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
SS Agar, cont.
Expected Results
Typical colonial morphology on Salmonella Shigella Agar is
as follows:
Escherichia coli ................. Slight growth, pink or red
Enterobacter/Klebsiella ..... Slight growth, pink
Proteus ............................. Colorless, usually with black center
Salmonella ....................... Colorless, usually with black center
Shigella ............................ Colorless
Pseudomonas ................... Irregular, slight growth
Gram-positive bacteria ..... No growth
Section III
S SXT Blood Agar
Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in
the laboratory. For swab specimens, inoculate the medium by
rolling the swab over a third of the agar surface and streaking
the remainder of the plate to obtain isolated colonies. Stab the
medium several times with the inoculating loop in the area of
the heaviest inoculation to enhance detection of beta hemolysis.
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion
Identity Specifications
Difco Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 5.9% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is medium amber,
very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, very slightly to slightly
Reaction of 5.9%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 10%
sheep blood (SB). Inoculate and incubate at 30 2C for 18-48 hours
and up to 7 days for Trichophyton.
Aspergillus niger 16404 102-103 Good
Candida albicans 10231 102-103 Good
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Marked to Saccharomyces
complete inhibition cerevisiae
ATCC 9763
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 102-103 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-2103 Marked to
complete inhibition
mentagrophytes 9533 102-103 Good
Section III
S Sabouraud Brain Heart, cont.
growth and should be held for 4-6 weeks before being reported BBL Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Sheep Blood Agar
as negative. with Chloramphenicol
Cat. No. 296307 Mycoflask Bottles Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Sabouraud Media, cont.
Candida albicans
Identity Specifications ATCC 10231
BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extrane-
ous material, may contain a large
number of minute to small tan specks.
Solution: 6.5% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is pale to medium,
yellow to tan, clear to slightly hazy.
Prepared Appearance: Pale to medium, yellow to tan, clear
to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 6.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 5.6 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 25 2C for 7 days.
Aspergillus niger 16404 Good
Aureobasidium pullulans 9348 Good
Blastomyces dermatitidis 56218 Good
Candida albicans 60193 Good
Cryptococcus neoformans 32045 Good
Microsporum audouinii 9079 Good
Nocardia asteroides 19247 Good
Penicillium roquefortii 9295 Good
Trichophyton mentagrophytes 9533 Good
Section III
S Sabouraud Media, cont.
15. Favero, Gabis and Vesley. 1984. In Speck (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological Europe
examination of foods, 2nd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
16. Quisno, Gibby and Foter. 1946. Am. J. Pharm. 118: 320. Cat. No. 254039 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
17. Erlandson and Lawrence. 1953. Science 118: 274 254083 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120*
18. Brummer. 1976. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 32: 80. Japan
19. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. 1984. Process control guidelines for
gamma radiation sterilization of medical devices. Association for the Advancement of Medical Cat. No. 251180 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Instrumentation, Arlington, Va.
20. Larone. 1995. Medically important fungi: a guide to identification, 3rd ed. American Society for BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Chloramphenicol
295699 Bottles, 1 oz. Ctn. of 100* Cat. No. 242910 Dehydrated 500 g
*Store at 2-8C.
Sabouraud Agar, Modified, cont.
Formulae Prepared tubed slants primarily are intended for use with pure
Difco Sabouraud Agar, Modified
cultures for maintenance or other purposes.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter For isolating fungi from potentially contaminated specimens,
Enzymatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 20.0 g
a selective medium should be inoculated along with the nonse-
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g lective medium. Incubate the plates at 25-30C in an inverted
BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons position (agar side up) with increased humidity. For isolation
Approximate Formula* Per Liter of fungi causing systemic mycoses, two sets of media should
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g be inoculated, with one set incubated at 25-30C and a dupli-
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 5.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 20.0 g
cate set at 35 2C.
Agar ......................................................................... 17.0 g All cultures should be examined at least weekly for fungal
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
growth and should be held for 4-6 weeks before being reported
Directions for Preparation from as negative.
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
Expected Results
After sufficient incubation, the plates or tubes should show
Difco Sabouraud Agar, Modified 50 g;
growth with or without isolated colonies. Transfer of growth
BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons 47 g.
from tubes to plated media may be required in order to obtain
Mix thoroughly.
pure cultures of fungi.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder. Examine plates or tubes for fungal colonies exhibiting typical
3. Autoclave at 118-121C for 15 minutes. color and morphology.6 Biochemical tests and serological
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using procedures should be performed to confirm findings.
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
S Sabouraud Agar, Modified, cont.
Using a sterile pipette, adjust the turbidity of a culture to be
equivalent to a standard, such as a McFarland (barium
sulfate) turbidity standard.3,4
Schaedler Media
Schaedler Media
Schaedler Agar Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1
and 5% Sheep Blood Schaedler K-V Agar with
5% Sheep Blood Schaedler Broth Schaedler Broth
with Vitamin K1
Intended Use Summary and Explanation
Schaedler Agar is a base for several media formulations used In 1965, Schaedler, Dubos and Costello1 reported on the
for the recovery of anaerobic microorganisms. bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract of mice. In these
studies, several new media formulations were introduced.
Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1 and 5% Sheep Blood is used
The majority of these contained inhibitors of specific bacterial
for the isolation and cultivation of fastidious aerobes and anaer-
species or groups since the authors indicated the need for
obes from a variety of clinical and nonclinical specimens. It is
selective media when processing specimens which contain large
especially useful for the recovery of the fastidious anaerobic
numbers of a heterogeneous bacterial population. The basal
bacteria such as Bacteroides, Prevotella and Porphyromonas
medium, without inhibitors, is the original version of the
species. Schaedler K-V Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, containing
medium designated as Schaedler Agar. It was formulated to
kanamycin and vancomycin, is especially useful in the selective
support the growth of fastidious anaerobic microorganisms
isolation of Bacteroides and Prevotella species.
such as lactobacilli, streptococci, clostridia and Bacteroides.
Schaedler Broth and Schaedler Broth with Vitamin K1 are media
Mata and coworkers,2 studying the fecal microflora in healthy
used for the cultivation of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic
persons in Central America, modified Schaedler Agar to
produce a number of new formulations. The modifications in
the basal medium of Schaedler included adjustments in the
Section III
S Schaedler Media, cont.
specks. Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate anaero-
Solution: 2.84% solution, soluble in purified bically at 35 2C for up to 7 days (incubate S. pyogenes aerobically).
water upon boiling. Solution is light ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RESULT
to medium, tan to yellow, clear to
slightly hazy. Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 103 Growth
Clostridium novyi A 7659 103 Growth
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, tan to yellow, clear
to slightly hazy. Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 103 Growth
Reaction of 2.84%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.6 0.2
peptone content, since Trypticase Soy Broth was substituted for The addition of the antimicrobial agents kanamycin and vanco-
the Trypticase peptone component of the original formulation, mycin in the agar medium renders the medium selective for
and an increase in the sodium chloride content. Additionally, the gram-negative microorganisms. The kanamycin inhibits
dextrose concentration was reduced to avoid interference with protein synthesis in susceptible organisms, whereas the vanco-
hemolytic reactions and the yeast extract level lowered to avoid mycin inhibits gram-positive bacteria by interfering with cell
darkening of the medium.3 wall synthesis.8
The inclusion of vitamin K1, is an additional modification and Using Schaedler media, fastidious aerobes and anaerobes grow
was added since it is a growth requirement for some strains of well; however, the type of organisms recovered is dependent
Prevotella melaninogenica (Bacteriodes melaninogenicus)4 and on the environment utilized in the incubation process (aerobic,
is reported to enhance the growth of some strains of Bacteroides aerobic supplemented with carbon dioxide or anaerobic
and gram-positive nonsporeformers.5 conditions).
The combination of kanamycin and vancomycin in Schaedler
K-V Agar with 5% Sheep Blood is used for the selective isolation
BBL Schaedler Agar
of gram-negative anaerobes.6 Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Schaedler Broth has the same formula as Schaedler Agar except Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 8.2 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................... 2.5 g
that the agar is omitted. Stalons et al.7 found Schaedler Broth Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 1.0 g
to be the most effective medium of nine broth media tested for Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.8 g
the growth of obligately anaerobic bacteria when incubated in Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 1.7 g
an anaerobic atmosphere. The incorporation of vitamin K1 Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.8 g
broadens the spectrum of organisms that can be cultivated in L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.4 g
Schaedler Broth. Hemin ........................................................................ 0.01 g
Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane ........................... 3.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g
Principles of the Procedure
BBL Schaedler Broth
The combination of three peptones derived from both animal Consists of the same ingredients without the agar.
and vegetable sources, dextrose and yeast extract render the *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
basic formulation highly nutritious by providing nitrogenous
growth factors, carbohydrates as energy sources and vitamins.
The sheep blood and hemin also are important in stimulating
the growth of fastidious microorganisms. As discussed above,
the vitamin K1 additive is crucial for the recovery of certain
Selective Seven H11 Agar
Directions for Preparation from Incubate tubes at 35 2C in the appropriate atmosphere (aerobic,
Dehydrated Product anaerobic, or supplemented with carbon dioxide) for up to 7 days.
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
BBL Schaedler Agar 41.9 g; Expected Results
BBL Schaedler Broth 28.4 g. Agars
Mix thoroughly. In order to determine the relationship to oxygen of each colony
2. If desired, add 1 mL of a 1% vitamin K1 solution in absolute type present on the medium, follow established procedures.10
ethanol. The colony types that prove to contain obligate anaerobes can
3. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- be further studied.11
pletely dissolve the powder. Broths
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Growth in tubes is indicated by the presence of turbidity
5. For the agar medium, cool to approximately 45C and add compared to an uninoculated control. If growth appears,
5% sterile defibrinated sheep blood when required. cultures should be examined by Gram stain and subcultured
6. Test samples of the finished product for performance using onto appropriate media (e.g., a TSA II and/or Chocolate II
stable, typical control cultures. Agar plate, etc.). If obligate anaerobes are suspected, subcultures
should be incubated anaerobically.
Agars References
These media should be reduced immediately prior to inoculation 1. Schaedler, Dubos and Costello. 1965. J. Exp. Med. 122:59.
2. Mata, Carrillo and Villatoro. 1969. Appl. Microbiol. 17:596.
by placing them under anaerobic conditions for 18-24 hours.9 3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
4. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from speci- 5. Finegold, Sutter, Attebery and Rosenblatt. 1974. In Lennette, Spaulding and Truant (ed.), Manual
mens. Inoculate an enrichment broth, such as Enriched
Thioglycollate Medium, at the same time as the primary plates
of clinical microbiology, 2nd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
6. Finegold, Miller and Posnick. 1965. Ernahrungsforschung 10:517.
7. Stalons, Thornsberry and Dowell. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:1098.
8. Estevez. 1984. Lab. Med. 15:258.
to detect small numbers of anaerobes. 9. Dowell. 1975. In Balows (ed.). Clinical microbiology. How to start and when to stop. Charles C.
Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
10. Allen, Siders and Marler. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
Incubate plates and tubes immediately after inoculation, with clinical microbiology, 4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
plates in an inverted position (agar side up) under anaerobic 11. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
conditions at 35C, or place the media in a holding jar flushed
with oxygen-free gas(es) until a sufficient number of plates Availability
and tubes is accumulated (no longer than 3 hours). Incubate BBL Schaedler Agar
for at least 48 hours and, if no growth occurs, continue Cat. No. 212189 Dehydrated 500 g
incubation for up to 7 days. It is recommended that an indicator BBL Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1 and
Section III
S Selective Streptococcus Agar
Directions for Preparation from Incubate tubes with loosened caps at 35 2C for up to
Dehydrated Product 24 hours. Subcultures should be made after 12-18 hours of
1. Suspend 23 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. incubation, if possible. Coliforms will tend to overgrow the
2. Heat to boiling. Avoid overheating. DO NOT AUTO- pathogens if incubated longer than 24 hours.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Expected Results
stable, typical control cultures. After incubation, there should be an increase in the number
of pathogens that the medium is designed to select for and
Procedure enrich. Subculture onto appropriate selective and differential
For feces and other solid materials, suspend 1-2 g of the media (e.g., MacConkey Agar, Hektoen Enteric Agar, XLD
specimen in the broth (approximately 10-15% by volume) and Agar, XLT4 Agar, CHROMagar Salmonella) to isolate
emulsify with an inoculating needle, if necessary. pathogens for identification.
Seven H11 Agars
1. Albers. 1947. U.S. Naval Med. Bull. 47:33.
2. Funke and Bernard. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). Manual of clinical
microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
BBL Serum Tellurite Agar
Cat. No. 221183 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221024 Tubed Slants Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
Section III
S Seven H11 Agars, cont.
that grow poorly (or not at all) on 7H10 Agar or other widely- tuberculosis H37Ra
used media.1,2 ATCC 25177
Proper aerobic conditions and increased CO2 tension BS10 CMPH MCM7
were not provided during incubation. Cat. No. 297250 Prepared Bi-Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
2. Mycobacteria are strict aerobes and growth is stimulated Difco Glycerol
by increased levels of CO2. Screw caps on tubes or bottles Cat. No. 228210 Bottle 100 g
should be handled as directed for exchange of CO2. 228220 Bottle 500 g
BBL Taxo TB Niacin Test Strips and Control
Cat. No. 231741 Vial 25 strips*
231735 Cartridge, Control 50 discs*
*Store at 2-8C.
Simmons Citrate Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
BBL Simmons Citrate Agar
Uninoculated Enterobacter Escherichia coli
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures Tube aerogenes ATCC 25922
and incubate at 35 2C for 4 days. ATCC 13048
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 Good Alkaline (blue)
Escherichia coli 25922 Partial to
complete inhibition
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Shigella flexneri
33495 Good
9199 Complete inhibition
Alkaline (blue)
respectively, will grow on this medium and produce an alkaline Procedure
reaction as evidenced by a change in the color of the bromthymol Inoculate slants with growth from a pure culture using a light
blue indicator from green (neutral) to blue (alkaline). inoculum. Incubate all tubes for 4 days at 35 2C in an
aerobic atmosphere.
BBL Simmons Citrate Agar Expected Results
Approximate Formula* Per Liter A positive reaction is indicated by growth with an intense blue
Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate ........................... 1.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.0 g color in the slant. A negative reaction is evidenced by no growth
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g to trace growth with no change in color (medium remains dark
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 2.0 g green).
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.2 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g Consult appropriate texts for additional differentiating
Bromthymol Blue ....................................................... 0.08 g characteristics.4,5
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
S Skim Milk
Snyder Test Agar
Skirrows Medium
(See Campylobacter Agars)
Cultural Response
Difco Snyder Test Agar Uninoculated Lactobacillus
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 Tube fermentum
ATCC 9338
2C for 18-72 hours.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 9595 102-103 Good +
Lactobacillus fermentum 9338 102-103 Good +
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 None to poor
Section III
S Snyder Test Agar, cont.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Alban Modification
completely dissolve the powder. a. No color change
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. b. Color beginning to change to yellow from top of medium
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using down (+)
stable, typical control cultures. c. One half of medium yellow (++)
d. Three fourths of medium yellow (+++)
Procedure e. The entire medium is yellow (++++)
Specimens should be collected preferably before breakfast, The final report is a composite of the daily readings, for
lunch, or dinner, and before the teeth are brushed. This proce- example; , +, ++, +++. The readings indicate the rapidity and
dure can be done just before lunch or dinner. amount of acid production.
Snyder Procedure3,4
1. Collect specimens of saliva in a sterile container while Limitations of the Procedure
patient is chewing paraffin for 3 minutes. 1. The data indicate only what is happening at the time the
2. Shake specimens thoroughly and transfer 0.2 mL to a specimen was collected.
tube of sterile Snyder Test Agar melted and cooled to 45C. 2. At least two specimens collected within 2-4 days must be
(Prepared medium in tubes is heated in a boiling water bath obtained to establish a base-line or reference point.
for 10 minutes and cooled to 45C.) 3. Only when two or more specimens have been cultured can
3. Rotate the inoculated tubes to mix the inoculum uniformly any reliability or prediction be obtained.
with the medium and allow to solidify in an upright 4. The clinician must study enough cases by use of periodic
position. laboratory data to establish the value or significance for
4. Incubate at 35C. Observe color at 24, 48 and 72 hours. the purpose intended.
Alban Modification5
1. Collect enough unstimulated saliva to just cover the medium 1. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
in the tube. When specimen collection is difficult, dip a 2. Lewis and Ismail. 1995. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 152:836.
sterile cotton swab into the saliva under the tongue or rub 3. Snyder. 1941. J. Dent. Res. 20:189.
4. Snyder. 1941. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 28:44.
on tooth surfaces and place the swab just below the surface 5. Alban. 1970. J. Dent. Res. 49:641.
of the medium.
2. Incubate the inoculated tubes and an uninoculated control Availability
at 35C. Difco Snyder Test Agar
Cat. No. 224710 Dehydrated 500 g
3. Examine tubes daily for 4 days.
4. Observe daily color change compared to control tube.
Expected Results
Snyder Procedure
Observe tubes for a change in color of the medium from bluish-
green (control) to yellow. A positive reaction is a change in
color so that green is no longer dominant; record as ++ to
++++. A negative reaction is no change in color or only a slight
change (green is still dominant); record as 0 to +.
Principles of the Procedure 4. If positive (initial precipitate does not clear within 15
Heart muscle infusion and animal tissue peptone supply the minutes), ferric ion is not in excess and must be titrated to
variety of nutrients required for the growth of a majority determine the optimal amount of solution required to be in
of bacterial species. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic equi- excess.
librium. Sodium hippurate serves as a substrate for the If titration is necessary, rapidly add 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mL
measurement of hippurate hydrolysis. amounts of ferric chloride solution to small negative control
tubes #2 through #5 each containing 1.0 mL of the incubated
Procedure uninoculated broth. Immediately shake gently. Let stand
Inoculate tubes with one or two drops of an 18- to 24-hour 10-15 minutes with occasional shaking. The smallest amount
pure broth culture of a confirmed beta-hemolytic Streptococcus of FeCl3 solution giving a clear solution indicates that ferric
or with one to two isolated colonies from an original isolation ion is in excess. Use this amount in the evaluation of the test
plate. Include an uninoculated tube as a negative control and cultures.
a positive control (S. agalactiae). Incubate tubes with loosened
caps for 48 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere. Add the appropriate amount of the ferric chloride solution to
all tubes containing 0.8 mL of incubated test and positive
Following incubation, centrifuge all cloudy cultures and use control cultures.
the supernatant in the test. Aseptically transfer an aliquot of
culture (or its supernatant) to small test tubes using 0.8 mL Expected Results
of the test organism cultures. Set up five negative controls. A positive test for hippurate hydrolysis is indicated by produc-
Add 0.8 mL from the incubated negative control tube to small tion of a brown flocculating, insoluble precipitate that persists
negative control tube #1 and 1.0 mL aliquots to small on shaking. The amount of the precipitate is related to the
negative control tubes #2 through #5. degree of hippurate hydrolysis.
Before adding ferric chloride solution to tubes containing test A negative test (hippurate not hydrolyzed) is indicated by the S
organism or positive cultures, use the small, negative control lack of precipitate formation or the formation of a precipitate
tubes to determine the amount of ferric chloride to add by that dissolves on shaking.
means of the following procedure.
Consult an appropriate text for additional differentiating
1. To small negative control tube #1 containing 0.8 mL of characteristics.4
incubated broth, add 0.2 mL of the 12% ferric chloride
solution and immediately shake gently. References
2. Allow the tube to stand 10-15 minutes before reading the 1. Ayers and Rupp. 1922. J. Infect. Dis. 30:388.
2. Facklam, Padula, Thacker, Wortham and Sconyers. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:107.
result. 3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
3. If negative (initial precipitate clears within 15 minutes), the 4. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
ferric ion is in excess and the ferric chloride solution can be
used in the testing of the test cultures.
BBL Sodium Hippurate Broth
Cat. No. 221618 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
(See Phytone Peptone)
Section III
S Special Yeast and Mold Medium
Spirit Blue Agar
Identity Specifications
Difco Spirit Blue Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Grayish-beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 3.5% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is royal blue,
slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Plain Royal blue, opalescent.
With 3% Lipase Reagent Pale blue,
Reaction of 3.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.8 0.2
Difco Lipase Reagent
Cultural Response
Difco Spirit Blue Agar and Lipase Reagent
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for up to 72 hours.
Proteus mirabilis 25933 102-103 Good epidermidis
ATCC 12228
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good +
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 102-103 Good +
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 102-103 Good +
Section III
S Spirit Blue Agar, cont.
Spirolate Broth
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Spirolate Broth was developed for mass culture of the Reiter The casein peptone, dextrose and yeast extract supply nitrog-
treponeme in a medium without agar. It can be used for culti- enous growth factors, carbon, minerals and vitamins required
vating other spirochetes. for the metabolism of Reiter treponemes. Sodium chloride aids
in the maintenance of the osmotic equilibrium of the medium.
Summary and Explanation Sodium thioglycollate reduces the oxygen tension to a
In 1956, Omata and Disraely developed FM Medium as a level conducive to the growth of treponemes. L-Cysteine
selective medium for the growth of oral fusobacteria.1 BBL hydrochloride is a reducing agent and is slightly inhibitory to
Spirolate Broth is a modification of that medium and is fusobacteria.1
recommended for bulk production of Reiter treponemes for use
The addition of ether-soluble pure palmitic, stearic, oleic and
in antigen production or research studies. Supplementation
linoleic acids, in equal amounts at a total fatty acid concentra-
with fatty acids has a stimulatory effect on growth of the Reiter
tion of 0.20-0.25 mg/mL of medium, provides fatty acids which
enhance the growth of Reiter treponemes.2
User Quality Control Formula
Identity Specifications BBL Spirolate Broth
BBL Spirolate Broth Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extrane-
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.0 g
ous material.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Solution: 2.9% solution, soluble in purified Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
water upon boiling. Solution is light Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
to medium, tan to yellow, clear to L-Cysteine HCl ........................................................... 1.0 g
slightly hazy. *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium, tan to yellow, clear
to slightly hazy. Directions for Preparation from
Reaction of 2.9% Dehydrated Product
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
1. Suspend 29 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Cultural Response thoroughly. (Add equal quantities of palmitic, stearic, oleic
BBL Spirolate Broth and linoleic acids to a total fatty acid concentration of 0.20-
Prepare the medium per label directions (with 10% inactivated rabbit 0.25 g/L, if desired.)
serum). Inoculate with a fresh culture and incubate at 35 2C for 7 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder.
ORGANISM RECOVERY 3. Dispense in test tubes, filling them half full, using 15-
Reiter treponeme Good 20 mL in 6-inch tubes, preferably with screw caps. If larger
containers are used, the ratio of surface to volume should
be similar to that for tubes.
Standard Methods Agar
4. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Close caps upon 7 days at 35 2C in an anaerobic atmosphere (BBL GasPak
removal from the autoclave. EZ anaerobic system or equivalent).
5. Cool and add sterile inactivated sheep, rabbit or bovine
serum, 10% by volume, to each tube. Tighten caps. Expected Results
6. Store at room temperature, not in the refrigerator, unless After obtaining sufficient growth, process the cultures accord-
in sealed containers. ing to the particular method being utilized.
7. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures. References
1. Omata and Disraely. 1956. J. Bacteriol. 72: 677.
2. Power and Pelczar. 1959. J. Bacteriol. 77: 789.
Inoculate containers of Spirolate Broth with 0.05-mL aliquots Availability
of a 7-day pure culture in Thioglycollate Medium without BBL Spirolate Broth
Indicator-135C supplemented with 15% inactivated sheep, Cat. No. 211636 Dehydrated 500 g
rabbit or bovine serum. Incubate containers for a minimum of
Section III
S Standard Methods Agar, cont.
Formula For use in the sampling of surfaces, remove the top of the plate.
BBL Standard Methods Agar with Lecithin and Apply the agar surface to a flat surface, pressing down gently
Polysorbate 80 but firmly and making certain that the entire agar meniscus
Approximate Formula* Per Liter touches the surface. Use a rolling uniform pressure on the
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.5 g back of the plate to effect contact. Lift the plate straight up
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g from the surface, being careful not to allow it to slide along
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g the surface. Replace the top of the plate. Incubate plates with
Lecithin ...................................................................... 0.7 g
Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 5.0 g
the agar side up at 32C for 24-48 hours depending upon
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. whether contamination is heavy or light.1,2
m Staphylococcus Broth
Intended Use m Staphylococcus Broth, with the addition of sodium azide, is
m Staphylococcus Broth is used for isolating staphylococci by used in a multiple-tube procedure to monitor swimming pool
the membrane filtration technique. water for the presence of S. aureus.1
Cultural Response
Difco m Staphylococcus Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Use the membrane filtration technique with the test organisms. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C under humid
conditions for 40-48 hours. Observe the membranes for recovery and pigment production. Detect mannitol fermentation by adding a drop of bromthymol
blue to the site where a colony was removed. A yellow color indicates a positive result for mannitol fermentation.
Escherichia coli 25922 20-200 Inhibition N/A
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 20-200 Good + +
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 20-200 Good
Section III
S Staphylococcus Medium 110, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Staphylococcus Medium 110
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours. To observe mannitol fermentation, remove a colony from
the medium and add a drop of 0.04% bromthymol blue to the area from which the colony was removed. Observe for the formation of a yellow color
(positive reaction).
To observe the gelatinase reaction, flood the plate with 5 mL of saturated ammonium sulfate solution and incubate at 35 2C for 10 minutes. Observe
for a zone of clearing around the colonies (positive reaction).
2 2
Escherichia coli 25922 10 -310 Marked to complete N/A N/A
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-3102 Good + + +
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 102-3102 Good +
*Pigment is seen as a yellow to orange color.
Starch Agar
Starch Agar
(For Nocardia, see Nocardia Differentiation Media)
Starch Agar
Intended Use Formula
Starch Agar is used for cultivating microorganisms being tested Difco Starch Agar
for starch hydrolysis. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Soluble Starch .......................................................... 10.0 g
Summary and Explanation Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g
In 1915,1 Vedder formulated Starch Agar for cultivating *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
S Starch Agar with Bromcresol Purple
Formula References
1. Ayers and Johnson. 1924. J. Bacteriol. 9:111.
Difco Stock Culture Agar 2. Atlas. 1997. Handbook of microbiological media, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Beef Heart, Infusion from 500 g ............................... 10.0 g
Proteose Peptone ..................................................... 10.0 g
Gelatin ..................................................................... 10.0 g Difco Stock Culture Agar
Isoelectric Casein ........................................................ 5.0 g Cat. No. 254100 Dehydrated 500 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.5 g
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 4.0 g
Sodium Citrate ........................................................... 3.0 g User Quality Control
Agar ........................................................................... 7.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. Identity Specifications
Difco Stock Culture Agar
Directions for Preparation from Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homoge-
Dehydrated Product neous.
Solution: 5.0% solution, soluble in purified
1. Suspend 50 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix water upon boiling. Solution is
thoroughly. medium amber, opalescent.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, opalescent.
completely dissolve the powder. Reaction of 5%
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. Solution at 25C: pH 7.5 0.2
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Cultural Response
stable, typical control cultures.
Difco Stock Culture Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Stab inoculate with fresh
Procedure cultures and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 Good
Expected Results Staphylococcus aureus 25923 Good
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results. Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 Good
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 Good
Intended Use of 62 enterococci were able to grow and split esculin, whereas
The Streptococcus Identification Quadrant plate is a four-sectored other streptococci could not.3 Swan used a bile esculin
plate that is used with a battery of tests for the differentiation and medium containing 40% bile and reported that a positive
presumptive identification of streptococci. reaction on this medium correlated with a serological group D
precipitin reaction.4 Facklam and Moody evaluated Swans
Summary and Explanation medium and concluded that the bile-esculin test provided
Quadrant I contains Trypticase Soy Agar, Modified (TSA II) a reliable means of identifying and differentiating group D
supplemented with the antibiotic bacitracin. TSA II is a nutritious, streptococci.5
general-purpose medium that provides excellent growth of a Quadrant IV contains Blood Agar Base with 6.5% sodium
wide variety of microorganisms, including streptococci. TSA II chloride for the determination of salt tolerance. Enterococcal
with bacitracin is used for the presumptive differentiation streptococci may be easily differentiated from other strepto-
of group A streptococci (S. pyogenes) from non-group A strep- cocci by their ability to grow in the presence of salt.6
tococci based on susceptibility to bacitracin.
Quadrant II contains TSA II enriched with sheep blood to Principles of the Procedure
provide appropriate hemolytic reactions and the erythrocytes Quadrants I and II contain TSA II as a basal medium. TSA II
needed for performing the CAMP test. The CAMP test contains digests of casein and soybean meal to supply amino
enables the presumptive identification of group B streptococci.1 acids and other complex nitrogenous substances.
Quadrant III contains Bile Esculin Agar for the rapid selective The polypeptide antibiotic bacitracin is incorporated in quadrant
detection and enumeration of group D streptococci. Rochaix I for presumptive differentiation of group A from non-group
initially noted the value of esculin hydrolysis in the identifica- A beta-hemolytic streptococci. Group A beta-hemolytic
tion of enterococci.2 The enterococci are able to hydrolyze streptococci are inhibited by the bacitracin while non-group A
esculin while other streptococci cannot. Meyer and Schonfeld beta-hemolytic streptococci are resistant.
incorporated bile into the esculin medium and showed that 61
Section III
S Strep ID QUAD, cont.
Defibrinated sheep blood is incorporated in quadrant II to control. This procedure should be practiced with known
enable the detection of hemolytic reactions. Defibrinated sheep cultures before using it to identify unknown isolates.
blood is the most widely-used and efficient blood for enriching
Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar side up) in an
agar-based media. Hemolytic reactions are proper, and
aerobic atmosphere at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. Do not
Haemophilus haemolyticus, a bacterium commonly found
incubate anaerobically or in a CO2 incubator. False-positive
in nose and throat specimens that is indistinguishable from
CAMP test results may occur with group A streptococci when
beta-hemolytic streptococci, is inhibited.1
incubation is in an anaerobic or CO2-enriched atmosphere.1,8
The CAMP test is based on the formation of a zone of synergistic
hemolysis at the junction of perpendicular streak inocula of Expected Results
Staphylococcus aureus and group B streptococci. The reaction Interpret results in conjunction with hemolytic reactions of
is caused by the sphingomyelinase (beta-toxin) of S. aureus the isolate.
reacting with sphingomyelin in the sheep erythrocyte mem- Quadrant I (bacitracin): Streptococci strains susceptible to
brane to produce ceramide. A non-enzymatic protein (CAMP bacitracin are inhibited on quadrant I while bacitracin-resistant
protein), produced by group B streptococci (S. agalactiae), binds strains exhibit growth. A bacitracin-susceptible strain may be
to the ceramide and leads to disorganization of the lipid presumptively identified as a group A streptococcus.
bilayer of the sheep erythrocyte membrane, resulting in an area
of complete lysis that is shaped like an arrowhead or Quadrant II (CAMP test): A definite arrowhead or crescent-
crescent.1,7 shaped clearing at the junction of S. aureus and the isolate
indicates a positive reaction. The absence of clearing indicates
Bile Esculin Agar enables the differentiation of group D from a non-group B streptococcus. Bacitracin-resistant, CAMP-positive,
non-group D streptococci. The bile in the esculin medium in beta-hemolytic streptococci may be identified presumptively as
quadrant III inhibits most gram-positive organisms other than group B streptococci. CAMP-positive group A streptococci may
group D streptococci. Esculin is incorporated as a differential be differentiated from group B streptococci by hemolysis,
agent. Hydrolysis of esculin by group D species results in the bacitracin susceptibility and hippurate hydrolysis. Group B
production of esculetin and dextrose. The esculetin reacts with streptococci generally have smaller hemolytic zones than group
the iron salt in the medium, producing a dark brown to black A streptococci.
complex that appears as zones around the group D colonies.
Quadrant III (Bile Esculin Agar): The presence of brownish-
Enterococcal species may be differentiated in quadrant IV by black to black pigmentation of the medium indicates that
the 6.5% NaCl tolerance test. Enterococci usually grow heavily; the isolate may be presumptively identified as a group D
nonenterococcal species do not grow in the salt-supplemented streptococcus. Any blackening of the medium is enough to
medium. However, salt tolerant, nonenterococcal streptococci report as a positive esculin reaction. The test is negative if
do grow occasionally.1 there is no blackening of the medium.
Procedure Quadrant IV (6.5% sodium chloride): Growth indicates a
Subculture the organism to be tested onto a plate of Trypticase positive reaction. No growth indicates a negative reaction. A
Soy Agar enriched with sheep blood, or another suitable bile esculin positive, salt-tolerant isolate may be presumptively
medium, streaking to obtain isolated colonies. Incubate for identified as an enterococcus.
18-24 hours in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Using a sterile
inoculating loop, choose one or two isolated colonies and References
1. Ruoff. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
perform a Gram stain, examining to confirm that the 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
2. Rochaix. 1924. Comt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 90:771.
morphology of the isolate is appropriate for streptococci. 3. Meyer and Schonfeld. 1926. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infectionskr. Hyg. Abt. Orig.
Choose three or four well-isolated colonies and streak the 4. Swan. 1954. J. Clin. Pathol. 7:160.
5. Facklam and Moody. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 20:245.
surface of quadrants I, III, and IV of the Strep ID QUAD plate. 6. Facklam, Padula, Thacker, Wortham and Sconyers. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:107.
7. Bernheimer, Linder and Avigard. 1979. Infect. Immun. 23:838.
8. Darling. 1975. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1:171.
Inoculate quadrant II by streaking Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 33862 across the widest area of the quadrant. If a
loop is used, do not use it parallel to the agar surface, since the
streak will be too wide and results will not be satisfactory. Cat. No. 297891 Prepared Plates (QUAD) Pkg. of 10*
Then, streak the unknown isolate perpendicular to the S. aureus *Store at 2-8C.
culture, leaving 2-3 mm space between the two streak lines.
Alongside the unknown isolate, streak a known S. agalactiae
strain as a positive control and S. pyogenes as a negative
Sulfite Agar
Sulfite Agar
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Sulfite Agar is used for detecting thermophilic, H2S-producing Sulfite Agar contains peptone as a source of carbon, nitrogen,
anaerobes, particularly in foods. vitamins and minerals. Sodium sulfite, upon reduction,
produces hydrogen sulfide. Agar is the solidifying agent.
Summary and Explanation
Iron nails or iron strips will combine with any dissolved
Sulfide spoilage of foods is due to three factors: high spore
oxygen in the medium and provide an anaerobic environment.
counts, the heat resistance of the spores and subjecting the
finished product to elevated temperatures. The last factor may Formula
occur if the processed food is not cooled adequately.1 Difco Sulfite Agar
Clark and Tanner described the thermophilic organisms that Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
cause spoilage in canned foods as flat-sour spoilage organisms, Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 1.0 g
thermophilic anaerobes and sulfide-spoilage organisms. They Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
used Sulfite Agar to study sulfide-spoilage organisms in sugar *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
and starch.
Directions for Preparation from
Both beet and cane sugar can carry spores of the thermophilic Dehydrated Product
bacteria that are spoilage agents. 3 Desulfotomaculum 1. Suspend 31 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
nigrificans, first classified as Clostridium nigrificans, causes thoroughly.
spoilage in non-acid canned foods such as vegetables and 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
infant formula.1 The growth of D. nigrificans occurs in the completely dissolve the powder. S
range of pH 6.2-7.8, with the best growth occurring at pH 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
6.8-7.3. Scanty growth can be observed at pH 5.6. The reaction 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
of most vegetables, except corn and peas, falls below pH 5.8, stable, typical control cultures.
so sulfide spoilage is rare.1
Sulfite Agar is a recommended standard methods medium for
detecting sulfide spoilage bacteria.1,3
Cultural Response
Difco Sulfite Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate molten medium,
solidify and incubate aerobically at 55 2C for 18-48 hours.
ORGANISM ATCC CFU RECOVERY REDUCTION Uninoculated Bacillus Desulfotomaculum
Tube stearothermophilus nigrificans
Bacillus ATCC 10149 ATCC 19858
stearothermophilus 10149 30-100 Good
thermosaccharolyticum 7956 30-100 Good +
nigrificans 19858 30-100 Good +
Section III
S Sulfite Agar, cont.
Procedure1 Cream
Sugar 1. Mix 2 g of gum tragacanth and 1 g of gum arabic in 100 mL
1. Place 20 g of dry sugar in a dry, sterile, graduated 250 mL of water in an Erlenmeyer flask.
Erlenmeyer flask closed with a rubber stopper. 2. Autoclave at 121C for 20 minutes.
2. Add sterile water to the 100 mL mark and shake to 3. Transfer 20 mL of cream sample to a sterile, graduated
dissolve. 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
3. Replace the stopper with a sterile cotton plug, bring 4. Add sterilized gum mixture to the 100 mL mark.
the solution rapidly to a boil, and continue boiling for 5 5. Shake carefully using a sterile rubber stopper.
minutes. 6. Loosen the stopper. Autoclave at 5 pounds pressure for 5
4. Replace evaporated liquid with sterile water. minutes.
5. Cool immediately in cold water. Soy Protein Isolates
NOTE: For liquid sugar, prepare as for dry sugar, except 1. Prepare a 10% suspension of soy protein isolate in sterile
determine the amount of liquid sugar needed on the basis of 0.1% peptone water in milk dilution or similar bottles.
degree Brix in order to be equivalent to 20 g of dry sugar.3 2. Adjust to pH 7.0 0.1.
3. Steam in an autoclave at 5 pounds pressure for 20 minutes.
6. Divide 20 mL of heated sugar solution among 6 screw-cap 4. Add 1 mL of soy protein isolate suspension to each of 10
tubes (20 150 mm) containing approximately 10 mL of tubes containing freshly autoclaved, still molten Sulfite Agar
freshly autoclaved, still molten Sulfite Agar and a nail. and a nail. If using already prepared medium, heat the tubes
7. Make the inoculations into freshly autoclaved medium, and immediately before inoculation to eliminate oxygen.
cool and solidify immediately in cold water. 5. Mix tubes.
8. Preheat the tubes to 50-55C. 6. Solidify in an ice water bath.
9. Incubate at 50-55C for 24-48 hours. 7. Overlay with vaspar (one part mineral oil combined with
Starch and Flour two parts petroleum jelly, heated in an oven at 191C for 3
1. Place 20 g of starch or flour in a dry, sterile, graduated hours).
250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. 8. Preheat the tubes to 55C.
2. Add sterile water to the 100 mL mark, swirling occasionally. 9. Incubate at 55C for 14 days. Take preliminary counts at
3. Close the flask with a sterile rubber stopper. 48 hours, 7 days and 14 days in case tubes become com-
4. Shake well to obtain a uniform, lump-free suspension. pletely blackened.
Add sterile glass beads to the sample mixture to aid in thor- 10.Count the blackened areas for each tube and report as the
oughly mixing during shaking. number of spores per gram of soy isolate.
5. Divide 20 mL of the starch or flour suspension among 6
screw-cap tubes (20 150 mm) containing approximately Expected Results
10 mL of freshly autoclaved, still molten Sulfite Agar and a Hydrogen sulfide production from the reduction of sulfite
nail. causes a blackening of the medium.
6. Swirl the tubes several times to ensure even dispersion of Sulfide spoilage spores should be present in not more than
the starch or flour in the medium. Heat in a boiling water two of five samples tested (40%) with not more than 5 spores
bath for 15 minutes, continuing to swirl the tubes. per 10 g in any one sample.1
7. Cool and solidify immediately in cold water.
8. Preheat the tubes to 50-55C. Limitations of the Procedure
9. Incubate at 50-55C for 24-48 hours. 1. Nails or iron strips should be cleaned in hydrochloric acid
Nonfat Dry Milk and rinsed well to remove any rust before being placed into
tubes of medium.
1. Place 10 g of nonfat dry milk in a sterile, graduated 250 mL
2. If iron nails or iron strips are not available, substitute 10 mL
Erlenmeyer flask.
of 5% ferric citrate solution.
2. Add .02N sodium hydroxide to the 100 mL mark.
3. Spoiled peas may not show discoloration but will show
3. Shake to completely dissolve.
blackening with a dark-colored brine.
4. Autoclave at 5 pounds pressure for 10 minutes.
4. Spangling of the enamel may occur as a result of the inter-
5. Cool immediately.
action of dissolved hydrogen sulfide with the iron of the
6. Transfer 2 mL of nonfat dry milk solution to each of two
screw-cap tubes (20 150 mm) containing freshly auto-
claved, still molten Sulfite Agar and a nail.
7. Gently swirl several times.
8. Cool and solidify immediately in cold water.
9. Preheat the tubes to 50-55C.
10.Incubate at 50-55C for 24-48 3 hours.
Synthetic Broth AOAC
References Availability
1. Donnelly and Hannah. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbio-
logical examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Difco Sulfite Agar
2. Clark and Tanner. 1937. Food Res. 2:27. AOAC COMPF
3. Andrews. 2000. In Horwitz (ed.), Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed.
AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Cat. No. 297210 Dehydrated 500 g
1. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
Difco Synthetic Broth AOAC
Cat. No. 235220 Dehydrated 500 g
Section III
T TAT Broth Base
TC Yeastolate
Cultural Response
Bacto TC Yeastolate
Prepare a sterile solution containing TC Medium 199 with 0.1% Bacto
TC Yeastolate and 5% fetal calf serum in tissue culture flasks. Inoculate
flasks with epithelial and fibroblast cell lines and observe for toxicity. No
toxicity should be evident after two passages and at least 14 days of
incubation at 35 2C.
Intended Use of gram-positive bacteria is achieved by the incorporation of
Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose Agar (TCBS Agar) is used oxgall, which is a naturally occurring substance containing a
for the selective isolation of cholera vibrios and Vibrio mixture of bile salts, and sodium cholate, a pure bile salt.
parahaemolyticus from a variety of clinical and nonclinical Sodium thiosulfate serves as a sulfur source and, in combina-
specimens.1,2 tion with ferric citrate, detects hydrogen sulfide production.
Saccharose (sucrose) is included as a fermentable carbohydrate
Summary and Explanation for the metabolism of vibrios. The alkaline pH of the medium
Vibrio species are most widely recognized for their role in hu- enhances the recovery of V. cholerae. Thymol blue and
man intestinal infections. Diarrheas caused by Vibro cholerae bromthymol blue are included as indicators of pH changes.
and V. parahaemolyticus are important worldwide.3 The isola-
tion of Vibrio species has been enhanced by the development of Formula
media which are highly selective for vibrios. Difco TCBS Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
TCBS is the primary plating medium universally used for the Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
selective isolation of vibrios that cause cholera, diarrhea and Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 10.0 g
Sodium Citrate ......................................................... 10.0 g
food poisoning. It was developed by Kobayashi et al.4, who Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................. 10.0 g
modified the selective medium of Nakanishi.5 The combination Oxgall ......................................................................... 8.0 g
of alkaline peptone water and TCBS Agar is used in many Saccharose ............................................................... 20.0 g
procedures for the isolation of V. cholerae and other Vibrio Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 10.0 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 1.0 g
species from feces.1-3,6,7 Bromthymol Blue ....................................................... 0.04 g
Thymol Blue ............................................................... 0.04 g
TCBS Agar Deeps (pour tubes) are provided in a 20 mL fill so Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
that the medium may be liquefied and poured into a Petri dish. *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
This provides a convenient source of medium with a longer
shelf-life than pre-poured plated media. Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product
Principles of the Procedure 1. Suspend 89 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
TCBS Agar is highly selective for the isolation of V. cholerae thoroughly.
and V. parahaemolyticus as well as other vibrios. Inhibition 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
completely dissolve the powder.
TCBS Agar, cont.
Vibrio cholerae
User Quality Control ATCC 14033
Identity Specifications
Difco TCBS Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan with greenish cast, free-flow-
ing, homogeneous.
Solution: 8.9% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is forest green,
very slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Green, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 8.9%
Solution at 25C: pH 8.6 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco TCBS Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures (E. coli
grown in TSB; vibrios grown in BHI) and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24
Escherichia coli 25922 None
Vibrio alginolyticus 17749 Good Yellow
Vibrio cholerae El Tor 14033 Good Yellow
Vibrio parahemolyticus 17802 Good Blue green
3. Cool to 45-50C and use immediately. DO NOT AUTO- 3. TCBS is an unsatisfactory medium for oxidase testing of
CLAVE. Vibrio spp.10
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 4. A few strains of V. cholerae may appear green or colorless
stable, typical control cultures. on TCBS due to delayed sucrose fermentation.9
Procedure References
To prepare plated media, place agar deeps with caps loosened 1. Downes and Ito. 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
in a boiling water bath until the medium becomes liquefied. 2. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Pour the molten medium into a sterile Petri dish. Allow the 3. Tison. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
medium to solidify. Store the plates, protected from light, in 4. Kobayashi, Enomoto, Sakazaki and Kuwahara. 1963. Jap. J. Bacteriol. 18: 387.
5. Nakanishi. 1963. Modern Media 9: 246.
an inverted position (agar side up) at 2-8C until ready to use. 6. Furniss, Lee and Donovan. 1978. The vibrios. Public Health Laboratory Service Monograph
Series no. 11. Maidstone Public Health Laboratory. H.M.S.O., London, England.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from speci- 7. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.
St. Louis, Mo.
mens. Incubate the plates, protected from light, in an inverted 8. Bottone and Robin. 1978. J. Clin. Microbiol. 8:760.
9. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
position (agar side up) at 35C for 24-48 hours. vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
10. Morris, Merson, Huq, Kibrya and Black. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 9:79.
Expected Results
Typical colonial morphology on TCBS Agar is as follows:
Difco TCBS Agar
V. cholerae ........................... Large yellow colonies. AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF ISO MCM7 SMWW
V. parahaemolyticus ............. Colonies with blue to green Cat. No. 265020 Dehydrated 500 g
V. alginolyticus ..................... Large yellow colonies. BBL TCBS Agar
Proteus/Enterococci .............. Partial inhibition. If growth, AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF ISO MCM7 SMWW
colonies are small and yellow to United States and Canada
translucent. Cat. No. 221872 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Pseudomonas/Aeromonas .... Partial inhibition. If growth, 297437 Prepared Pour Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 10*
colonies are blue.
Cat. No. 254432 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Limitations of the Procedure Japan
1. On initial isolation, V. parahaemolyticus may be confused Cat. No. 251143 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
with Aeromonas hydrophila, Plesiomonas shigelloides and 251137 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Pseudomonas species.8 Mexico
2. Sucrose-fermenting Proteus species produce yellow colonies Cat. No. 226850 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
which may resemble those of Vibrio.9
Section III
T m TEC Agar
m TEC Agar
Intended Use dipotassium phosphate offer buffering capabilities. Lactose is a
m TEC Agar is used for isolating, differentiating and rapidly fermentable carbohydrate and carbon source. Sodium lauryl
enumerating thermotolerant Escherichia coli from water by sulfate and sodium desoxycholate are selective against gram-
membrane filtration and an in situ urease test. positive bacteria. Bromcresol purple and bromphenol red are
indicator components. Agar is the solidifying agent.
Summary and Explanation
m TEC is an acronym for membrane Thermotolerant E. coli. Formula
Escherichia coli is widely used as an indicator of fecal pollution Difco m TEC Agar
in water, and there are many procedures for enumerating Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g
E. coli based on its ability to grow at elevated temperatures Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
and produce indole from tryptophan.1,2 The determination Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
of indole production in conjunction with the most-probable- Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 7.5 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
number procedure often requires the use of another medium Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 3.3 g
and additional incubation time. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ................................................ 0.2 g
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.1 g
In 1981, Dufour et al. developed a simple, accurate, nonlethal Bromcresol Purple ...................................................... 0.08 g
membrane filter technique for the rapid enumeration of E. coli.3 Bromphenol Red ........................................................ 0.08 g
This medium, m TEC Agar, quantifies E. coli within 24 hours Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
without requiring subculture and identification of isolates. The
authors reported that they were able to recover E. coli from Directions for Preparation from
marine, estuarine and fresh water samples. Dehydrated Product
m TEC Agar and urea substrate are recommended for use in 1. Suspend 45.3 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
the detection of E. coli when evaluating the microbiological thoroughly.
quality of recreational waters.4,5 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com-
pletely dissolve the powder.
Principles of the Procedure 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. (Cool to 45-50C and
m TEC Agar contains sufficient nutrients to support the growth dispense 4-5 mL amounts into 50 10 mm Petri dishes
of E. coli. Peptone is a source of nitrogen, amino acids, carbon and allow to solidify; store in the refrigerator.)
and amino acids. Yeast extract provides trace elements, 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
vitamins and amino acids. Monopotassium phosphate and stable, typical control cultures.
Escherichia coli
User Quality Control ATCC 8739
Identity Specifications
Difco m TEC Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Green to grayish tan, free-flowing,
Solution: 4.53% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is deep
purple with red cast, slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Deep purple with red cast, slightly opal-
Reaction of 4.53%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco m TEC Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the membrane
filter technique and incubate the plates at 35 2C for 2 hours. Transfer
plates and incubate at 44.5 0.5C for 22 2 hours. After incubation,
remove filters and place over pads saturated with approximately 2 mL of
urease substrate. Count yellow to yellow-brown colonies (urease nega-
tive) after 15-20 minutes.
Escherichia coli 8739 20-80 Good Yellow to yellow-brown
mTEC Agar, Modified
Section III
T mTEC Agar, Modified, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Modified mTEC Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Solution: 4.56% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light to medium
tan, very slightly to slightly opalescent,
without significant precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Light tan, clear to very slightly opales-
cent, without significant precipitate.
Upon removal from 2-8C storage,
plates may exhibit a crystal precipitate
that disappears upon warming to room
temperature. This is a typical character-
istic of the medium and is acceptable.
Reaction of 4.56%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.3 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Modified mTEC Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35C
for 2 hours. Transfer plates and incubate at 44.5 0.2C for approxi-
mately 22-24 hours. Count all red or magenta colonies.
Enterococcus faecalis 19433 20-80 Marked to
complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 13762 20-80 Good Purple, reddish-purple
Proteus mirabilis 25933 20-80 Good Tan
TPEY Agar Base
6. After the 22-24 hour incubation, remove the plates from References
the water bath and count and record the number of red or 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Ambient water quality criteria for bacteria - 1986.
Publication EPA-440/5-84/002. Office of Water, Regulations and Standards. Criteria and Standards
magenta colonies using an illuminated lens with a 2-5 Division, USEPA, Washington, D.C.
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Bacteriological ambient water quality criteria: avail-
magnification or a stereoscopic microscope. ability. Fed. Reg. 51(45):8012.
3. Mara. 1973. J. Hyg. 71:783.
7. Calculate and report the number of E. coli colonies per 4. Pugsley, Evision, and James. 1973. Water Res. 7:1431.
5. Eaton, Clesceri, and Greenberg (ed.). 1995. Standard methods for the examination of water and
100 mL of sample. wastewater. 19th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6. Dufour, Strickland and Cabelli. 1981. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 41:1152.
7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Improved enumeration methods for the recreational
Expected Results water quality indicator: enterococci and Escherichia coli. Publication EPA/821/R-97/004. Office of
Science and Technology, USEPA, Washington, D.C.
Red to magenta colonies may be presumptively identified as 8. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Method 1603: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in water by
membrane filtration using modified membrane-thermotolerant Escherichia coli agar (modified
E. coli. Refer to the USEPA Microbiology Methods Manual, mTEC). Publication EPA-821-R-02-023. USEPA Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology,
Part II, Section C, 3.5 for general counting rules.11 Washington, DC.
9. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Limitations of the Procedure 10. ASTM International. 2002. Annual book of ASTM standards. Water and environmental technology.
ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
11. Bordner, Winter and Scarpino (ed.). 1978. Microbiological methods for monitoring the environment:
1. The 35C incubation step is required to resuscitate stressed water and wastes. Publication EPA-600/8-78/017. Environmental Monitoring and Support Labora-
organisms. The 44.5C incubation temperature is required tory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cultural Response
BBL TPEY Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 42-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 104-105 Complete inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103-104 Good Black colonies, zone of precipitation
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 104-105 Partial to complete inhibition Gray to black colonies
Section III
T TPEY Agar Base, cont.
a wide variety of microorganisms including coagulase-negative 3. No zone or halo around the colony, but precipitate (opacity)
staphylococci. beneath the colony.
Coagulase-negative cocci, after 24 hours of incubation, usually
produce small (pinpoint to 0.5-mm diameter) white, gray or
BBL TPEY Agar Base
Approximate Formula* Per 930 mL
black colonies with a gray periphery. They do not produce
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g any clearing or precipitation of the egg yolk. If colonies are
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g crowded, there may be a diffuse egg yolk reaction unlike those
D-Mannitol ................................................................. 5.0 g listed above. After longer incubation, an occasional strain may
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 20.0 g
Lithium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g develop colonies resembling those of coagulase-positive strains.
Polymyxin B ................................................................ 4.0 mg
Agar ......................................................................... 15.5 g Limitations of the Procedures
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
1. Mannitol-positive and/or tellurite-positive staphylococcal
Directions for Preparation from strains that are coagulase-negative are occasionally found.
Dehydrated Product Difinitive identification of S. aureus, therefore, should be
1. Suspend 57.5 g of the powder in 930 mL of purified water. based primarily on the coagulase reaction, with mannitol
Mix thoroughly. fermentation and tellurite reduction being used only for
2. Heat with frequent agitation just until the medium boils. confirmation.3
3. Autoclave at 118C for 15 minutes. 2. The prepared medium becomes less inhibitory to coagulase-
4. Cool to 50C and add 10 mL of sterile 1% potassium tellurite negtive strains of staphylococci if stored for longer than
solution and 60 mL of sterile 50% emulsion of egg yolk in one week.
saline. 3. Graves and Frazier4 showed that Bacillus spp. able to grow
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using on TPEY Agar produce an antibiotic that inhibits growth
stable, typical control cultures. of staphylococci.
Procedure References
1. Crisley, Angelotti and Foter. 1964. Public Health Rep. 79: 369.
Streak cultures or specimens onto the surface of TPEY Agar 2. Crisley, Peeler and Angelotti. 1965. Appl. Microbiol. 13: 140.
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteira,
plates. Incubate plates for 24-48 hours at 35 2C in an vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
4. Graves and Frazier. 1963. Appl. Microbiol. 11:513.
aerobic atmosphere.
Expected Results BBL TPEY Agar Base
Coagulase-positive staphylococci form black or dark-gray colonies Cat. No. 211688 Dehydrated 500 g
with three types of egg yolk precipitation reactions as follows:
BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
1. A discrete zone of precipitation around and beneath the Cat. No. 211917 Tube 20 mL*
colonies. Difco Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
2. A clear zone or halo, often with a zone of precipitation Cat No. 233471 Tube 12 10 mL*
(opacity) beneath the colony. 233472 Bottle 6 100 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
TSN Agar
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
TSN (Trypticase Sulfite Neomycin) Agar is used for the se- Neomycin and polymyxin are inhibitory for gram-negative
lective isolation of Clostridium perfringens. enteric bacilli. Neomycin at the concentration employed at
least partially inhibits C. bifermentans. The relatively high
Summary and Explanation incubation temperature of 46C renders the medium highly
TSN Agar was developed by Marshall et al. as a medium that specific for C. perfringens. The colonies are black due to the
could achieve rapid enumeration of Clostridium perfringens.1 formation of ferric sulfide as a result of the reduction of the
The formulation is a modification of Mossels medium for the sulfite.
enumeration of sulfite-reducing clostridia in foods.2 The 46C
temperature of incubation for TSN Agar permits specific and
quantitative results.
TT Broth Base, Hajna
Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 46 1C anaerobically for 18-24 hours.
Clostridium bifermentans 17836 Undiluted Partial to complete inhibition With or without blackening
Clostridium perfringens 3624 Undiluted Good Blackening
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Enteritidis 13076 104-105 Partial to complete inhibition No blackening
Formula Procedure
Use on the day of preparation. Inoculate tubes or plates of the
Approximate Formula* Per Liter medium by stabbing deep tubes or streaking plates with the
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 1.0 g
test specimen. Incubate containers for 18-24 hours at 46
Neomycin Sulfate ....................................................... 0.05 g 0.1C in an anaerobic atmosphere (BBL GasPak or GasPak
Polymyxin Sulfate ....................................................... 0.02 g EZ anaerobic system or equivalent).
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
Ferric Citrate .............................................................. 0.5 g
Agar ......................................................................... 13.5 g Expected Results
C. perfringenes produces black colonies at 46C. C. perfringens
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
and C. bifermentans produce black colonies on TSN Agar at T
Directions for Preparation from 37C; however, C. bifermentans is inhibited at 46C.1
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 40 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix References
thoroughly. 1. Marshall, Steenbergen and McClung. 1965. Appl. Microbiol. 13:559.
2. Mossel. 1959. J. Sci. Food Agric. 10:662.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com-
pletely dissolve the powder. Availability
3. Dispense and autoclave at 118C for 12 minutes. Do not BBL TSN Agar
overheat. Cat. No. 211690 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
T TT Broth Base, Hajna, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco TT Broth Base, Hajna
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After incubation, plate the inoculated broth onto MacConkey
Agar and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
TT Broth Base, Hajna is used in testing Salmonella in egg 2. Heat to boiling. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE. Cool to below
processing plants.7 It is included in procedures for the isola- 50C.
tion and identification of Salmonella from meat and poultry 3. Add 40 mL iodine solution (5 g iodine crystals and 8 g
as well as egg products.8 potassium iodide dissolved in 40 mL of purified water) and
mix well.
Principles of the Procedure 4. Dispense into sterile tubes while keeping suspension well
Peptone provides nitrogen and amino acids. Yeast extract mixed. Do not heat the medium after adding iodine.
supplies growth factors and vitamins. Dextrose and mannitol 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
are fermentable carbohydrates. Selectivity is accomplished stable, typical control cultures.
by the combination of sodium thiosulfate and tetrathionate,
suppressing coliform organisms.6 Tetrathionate is formed in Procedure
the medium by the addition of a solution containing iodine After preparation, add 1-3 g of fecal specimen to each tube
and potassium iodide. Organisms containing the enzyme (heavy inoculum). Incubate tubes for 12-24 hours at 35 2C
tetrathionate reductase will proliferate in this medium. in an aerobic atmosphere.
Sodium desoxycholate and brilliant green are selective agents
Expected Results
that suppress coliform bacteria and inhibit gram-positive
Growth is indicated by turbidity in the medium. Subculture to
organisms. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of
selective and differential enteric plating media for further in-
the medium. Calcium carbonate is a neutralizer that absorbs
toxic metabolites.
Formula References
1. Hartman and Minnich. 1981. J. Food Prot. 44:385.
Difco TT Broth Base, Hajna 2. Sorrells, Speck and Warren. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 19:39.
3. Gray. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 2.0 g 4. Hajna and Damon. 1956. Appl. Microbiol. 4:341.
5. Kauffman. 1930. Zentralb. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abr. I Orig. 113:148.
Tryptose ................................................................... 18.0 g 6. Knox, Gell and Pollack. 1942. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 54:469.
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.5 g 7. Catalano and Knable. 1994. J. Food Prot. 57:587.
D-Mannitol ................................................................. 2.5 g 8. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety
and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
Sodium Desoxycholate ............................................... 0.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................. 38.0 g Availability
Calcium Carbonate .................................................. 25.0 g Difco TT (Tetrathionate) Broth Base, Hajna
Brilliant Green ............................................................ 0.01 g USDA
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Cat. No. 249120 Dehydrated 500 g
249110 Dehydrated 2 kg
Directions for Preparation from
Dehydrated Product
1. Suspend 91.5 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
Tellurite Glycine Agar
Tech Agar
(See Pseudomonas Agars)
Cultural Response
Difco Tellurite Glycine Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Marked to
complete inhibition
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 30-300 Marked to
complete inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good Black
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 30-300 Partial inhibition Gray, if any
Section III
T Tellurite Glycine Agar, cont.
For a complete discussion on the isolation and identification BBL Tellurite Solution 1%
of coagulase-positive staphylococci from clinical specimens Cat. No. 211917 Tube 1 20 mL*
*Store at 2-8C.
Terrific Broth
Intended Use User Quality Control
Terrific Broth is used with glycerol in cultivating recombinant
strains of Escherichia coli. Identity Specifications
Difco Terrific Broth
Summary and Explanation Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Terrific Broth is a highly enriched medium developed by Tartoff
Solution: 4.76% solution, soluble in purified
and Hobbs to improve yield in plasmid-bearing E. coli.1 water. Solution is light to medium
Recombinant strains have an extended growth phase in the amber, clear.
medium. The addition of extra peptone and yeast extract in Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, clear.
the medium allows higher plasmid yield per volume. Glycerol Reaction of 4.76%
is used as the carbohydrate source in this formulation. Unlike Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Consult appropriate references for recommended test proce-
Cultural Response
Difco Tetrathionate Broth Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. After incubation, subculture onto MacConkey Agar plates
and incubate plated media at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Little or no increase in Pink with bile
number of colonies precipitate
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Colorless
Section III
T Tetrathionate Broth Base, cont.
higher percentage of isolates.4,5 The medium is specified in liquid specimen (approximately 10% by volume) and emul-
standard methods.6-8 sify with an inoculating needle, if necessary. Incubate tubes
for 18-24 hours at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere.
Principles of the Procedure
Peptones provide nitrogen, vitamins, amino acides and carbon. Expected Results
Oxgall inhibits gram-positive microorganisms. Tetrathionate, Growth is indicated by turbidity in the medium. Subculture
which is formed in the medium by the addition of the iodine- to selective and differential enteric plating media for further
iodide solution, inhibits the normal intestinal flora of fecal investigations.
specimens.9 Calcium carbonate neutralizes and absorbs toxic
metabolites. Limitation of the Procedure
Enrichment broths should not be used as the sole isolation
Formula medium. They are to be used in conjunction with selective
Difco Tetrathionate Broth Base and nonselective plating media to increase the probability of
Approximate Formula* Per Liter isolating pathogens, especially when they may be present in
Proteose Peptone ....................................................... 2.5 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 2.5 g
small numbers. Consult references for detailed information
Oxgall ......................................................................... 1.0 g and recommended procedures.6-8,10
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................. 30.0 g
Calcium Carbonate .................................................. 10.0 g References
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 1. Hartman and Minich. 1981. J. Food Prot. 44:385.
2. Sorrells, Speck and Warren. 1970. Appl. Microbiol. 19:39.
Directions for Preparation from 3.
Mueller. 1923. C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris) 89:434.
Kaufman. 1930. Zentrabl. Bakteriol. Parsitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. I Orig. 113:148.
Dehydrated Product 5.
Kaufman. 1935. Z. Hyg. Infektionskr. 117:26.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
1. Suspend 4.6 g of the powder in 100 mL of purified water. 7. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
2. Heat to boiling. Cool to below 60C. foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
8. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
3. Add 2 mL of iodine solution (6.0 g of iodine crystals and national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmaceopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
9. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
5.0 g of potassium iodide in 20.0 mL of water). DO NOT vol. 1, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
10. Murray, Baron, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American
REHEAT MEDIUM AFTER ADDING IODINE. DO NOT Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Use immediately. Availability
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Difco Tetrathionate Broth Base
stable, typical control cultures. AOAC BAM COMPF SMD SMWW USP
Cat. No. 210430 Dehydrated 500 g
210420 Dehydrated 2 kg
Inoculate tubes with a swab or loopful of specimen or, where
the tube volume permits, add feces, other solid sample or
Gono-Pak is the name given to a selective medium-resealable vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, dextrose, ferric ion and other
polyethylene bag-CO2 generating tablet system described by factors which improve the growth of pathogenic Neisseria.
Holston et al. for the isolation of N. gonorrhoeae. It was found
These selective media contain the antimicrobial agents,
to be comparable to the candle jar method for the isolation of
vancomycin, colistin and nystatin (V-C-N inhibitor) to
N. gonorrhoeae from clinical specimens.9,10 The Gono-Pak
suppress the normal flora. Vancomycin is active primarily
system obviates the need both for a separate carbon dioxide
against gram-positive bacteria. Colistin inhibits gram-
system and for transferring the specimen from the transport
negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas spp., but is not
system to the culture plate. It has been reported to be superior
active against Proteus spp. Nystatin inhibits fungi.
to Transgrow (Modified Thayer-Martin Agar with CO2-enriched
atmosphere in a bottle) as a transport system.11 Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM II) Agar also contains
trimethoprim for the inhibition of Proteus spp.
The JEMBEC* style plate was developed by John E. Martin,
Jr., of the Centers for Disease Control in association with Ames In the Gono-Pak system, a tablet consisting of a mixture of
Laboratories and was designed to provide a self-contained CO2 citric acid and sodium bicarbonate is activated by the moisture
environment through the use of a CO2-generating tablet placed (humidity) produced by the culture medium within the sealed
in a specially designed well provided in the plate.12 plastic bag and generates CO2 levels sufficient for the growth
of Neisseria gonorrhoeae on the selective medium provided
The JEMBEC system is recommended for the growth and trans-
with the system.10
portation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and has the advantage over
other transport systems of obviating the necessity of transferring In the JEMBEC system, a tablet consisting of a mixture of
the specimen from the transport system to a culture plate. citric acid and sodium bicarbonate is placed in a well within
*JEMBEC is a trademark of Miles Scientific.
the plate and is activated by the moisture (humidity) produced
by the culture medium within the sealed plastic bag. The CO2
Principles of the Procedure levels generated are sufficient for the growth of Neisseria
Thayer-Martin Selective Agar and Modified Thayer-Martin gonorrhoeae on the selective medium provided with the system.12
(MTM II) Agar are based on Chocolate II Agar, which contains
an improved GC Agar base, bovine hemoglobin and IsoVitaleX Procedure
Enrichment. The GC II base contains nitrogenous nutrients Streak the specimen as soon as possible after it is received in
in the form of casein and meat peptones, phosphate buffer to the laboratory. If material is being cultured directly from a
maintain pH and corn starch, which neutralizes toxic fatty swab, proceed as follows:12 T
acids that may be present in the agar. Hemoglobin provides X 1. Roll swab directly on the medium in a large Z to provide
factor (hemin) for Haemophilus spp. IsoVitaleX Enrichment is adequate exposure of swab to the medium for transfer of
a defined supplement which provides V factor (nicotinamide organisms.
adenine dinucleotide, NAD) for Haemophilus species and 2. Cross-streak the Z pattern with a sterile wire loop, pref-
Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM II) Agar erably in the clinic. If not done previously, cross-streaking
Neisseria gonorrhoeae should be done in the laboratory.
ATCC 43069
3. Place the culture as soon as possible in an aerobic environ-
ment enriched with carbon dioxide.
a. With the Gono-Pak System:
Place inoculated plates in the polyethylene bag provided
(one or two plates per bag). Cut off the corner of one foil-
wrapped CO2 tablet to expose the tablet and place in the
To seal the bag, simply press down on the zipper at the
end of the bag with fingers and slide along to the opposite
end. Be sure that the bag is sealed completely. After the
bag is sealed, incubate in an inverted position (agar bed
up) at 35C for 18-48 hours.7, 13
To transport the culture after incubation, place the sealed
Gono-Pak system in a suitable mailing of shipping
container. Care should be taken to protect the culture from
extreme heat or cold and to ensure delivery to the testing
laboratory as rapidly as possible.
b. With the JEMBEC System:
With sterile forceps, remove a CO2-generating tablet from
its foil wrapper and place it in the specially designed well
Section III
T Thayer-Martin Agar, cont.
in the plate. Place inoculated plates in the polyethylene Some strains of Capnocytophaga species may grow on these
bag provided (one plate per bag). DO NOT ADD WATER selective media when inoculated with oropharyngeal speci-
TO THE TABLET. Seal the bag by pressing down on the mens.17
zipper at the end of the bag with fingers and slide along
to the opposite end. Be sure that the bag is sealed References
1. Martin, Billings, Hackney and Thayer. 1967. Public Health Rep. 82:361.
completely. After the bag is sealed, incubate in an inverted 2. Thayer and Martin. 1966. Pub. Health Rep. 81:559.
position (agar bed up) at 35C for 18-48 hours.7,13 3.
Mitchell, Rhoden and Marcus. 1966. Am. J. Epidem. 83:74.
Martin, Armstrong and Smith. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:802.
To transport the culture after incubation, place the sealed 5. Center for Disease Control. January 2, 1975. Memorandum: recommendation to use the same
medium, Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM), in both plates and bottles for the GC culture screening
JEMBEC system in a suitable mailing or shipping container. program. U. S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, Ga.
6. Seth. 1970. Br. J. Vener. Dis. 46:201.
Care should be taken to protect the culture from extreme 7. Evangelista and Beilstein. 1993. Cumitech 4A, Laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhoea. Coord. ed.,
Abramson. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
heat or cold and to ensure delivery to the testing labora- 8. Kanpp and Koumans. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of
tory as soon as possible. clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
9. Holston, Hosty and Martin. 1974. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 62:558.
4. Incubate at 35 2C and examine after overnight incuba- 10. DeVaux, Evans, Arndt and Janda. 1987. J. Clin. Microbiol. 25:571.
11. Lewis and Weisner. 1980. Lab. Management. 18:33.
tion and again after approximately 48 hours. 12. Center for Disease Control. 1975. Criteria and techniques for the diagnosis of gonorrhea. U. S.
Public Health Service, Atlanta, Ga.
5. Subculture for identification of N. gonorrhoeae should be 13. Lewis. 1992. In Isenberg (ed.), Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American
Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
made within 18-24 hours. 14. Cross, Hoger, Neibaur, Pasternack and Brady. 1971. HSMHA Health Rep. 86:990.
15. Phillips, Humphrey, Middleton and Nicol. 1972. Br. J. Vener. Dis. 48:287.
16. Edberg. 1974. J. Clin. Pathol. 62:445.
Expected Results 17. Reichart, Rupkey, Brady and Hook. 1989. J. Clin. Microbiol. 27:808.
Thermoacidurans Agar
Intended Use Thermoacidurans Agar can also be used to isolate mesophilic
Thermoacidurans Agar is used for isolating and cultivating spore-forming anaerobes (Clostridium spp.) from foods. These
Bacillus coagulans (Bacillus thermoacidurans) from foods. microorganisms tolerate high heat, grow in the absence of oxygen
and grow over the range of temperatures used in canned and
Summary and Explanation processed foods. They are of primary importance in spoilage of
Stern et al.1 described a medium for isolating B. coagulans low-acid foods packed in hermetically sealed containers.2
(B. thermoacidurans), which causes flat sour spoilage in
tomato juice and other canned foods. Bacterial growth results Principles of the Procedure
in a 0.3-0.5 drop in pH; the ends of the can remain flat. Thermoacidurans Agar contains peptone to provide the
B. coagulans is a soil microorganism that can be found in carbon and nitrogen for general growth requirements. Yeast
canned tomato products and dairy products. Conditions extract supplies B-complex vitamins which stimulate bacterial
favorable to multiplication of the organism can result in growth. Dextrose is the carbohydrate source. Agar is the
spoilage of the food product.2 solidifying agent.
Thiamine Assay Medium
Difco Thermoacidurans Agar
Cat. No. 230310 Dehydrated 500 g
Weissella) viridescens ATCC 12706 as the test organism. This Guanine Hydrochloride ............................................ 20.0 mg
Uracil ........................................................................ 20.0 mg
medium is known as Thiamine Assay Medium LV. Riboflavin ............................................................... 200.0 g
Calcium Pantothenate ............................................ 200.0 g
Principles of the Procedure Niacin ..................................................................... 200.0 g
Thiamine Assay Medium and Thiamine Assay Medium LV are Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ........................................ 200.0 g
free from thiamine, but contain all other nutrients and p-Aminobenzoic Acid ............................................. 200.0 g
vitamins essential for the growth of the test organisms. The Folic Acid ................................................................... 5.0 g
Biotin ......................................................................... 0.8 g
addition of thiamine in specified increasing concentrations gives Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 1.0 g
a growth response that can be measured turbidimetrically. Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.4 g
Formulae Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 20.0 mg
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium Ferrous Sulfate ......................................................... 20.0 mg
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Manganese Sulfate .................................................. 20.0 mg
Thiamine-Free Tryptone ............................................ 22.0 g Difco Thiamine Assay Medium LV
Vitamin Assay Casamino Acids ................................... 5.0 g Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Dextrose ................................................................... 40.0 g Thiamine-Free Yeast Extract ..................................... 10.0 g
Sodium Acetate ....................................................... 15.0 g Thiamine-Free Tryptone ............................................ 20.0 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.2 g Dextrose ................................................................... 20.0 g
Adenine Sulfate ....................................................... 20.0 mg Sodium Citrate ......................................................... 10.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate ............................................ 10.0 g
Sodium Chloride ...................................................... 10.0 g
User Quality Control Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 1.6 g
Manganese Sulfate .................................................... 0.28 g
Identity Specifications Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.08 g
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 2.0 g
Dehydrated Medium: Beige, homogeneous, tendency to *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Solution: 4.25% (single strength) and 8.5% Precautions
(double strength) solution, soluble in Great care to avoid contamination of media or glassware must
purified water upon boiling 2-3
minutes. 4.25% solution is light amber, be taken in microbiological assay procedures. Extremely small
clear, may have a slight precipitate. amounts of foreign material may be sufficient to give errone-
Prepared Appearance: 4.25% solution is light amber, clear, ous results. Scrupulously clean glassware free from detergents
may have a slight precipitate. and other chemicals must be used. Glassware must be heated
Reaction of 4.25% to 250C for at least 1 hour to burn off any organic residues
Solution at 25C: pH 6.5 0.2
that might be present. Take precautions to keep sterilization
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium LV and cooling conditions uniform throughout the assay.
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, homogeneous, tendency to
Solution: 4.2% (single strength) and 8.4%
Directions for Preparation from
(double strength) solution, soluble in Dehydrated Product
purified water upon boiling 2-3 1. Suspend the powder in 100 mL of purified water:
minutes. 4.2% solution is light amber,
clear, may have a slight precipitate. Difco Thiamine Assay Medium - 8.5 g;
Prepared Appearance: 4.2% solution is light amber, clear, Difco Thiamine Assay Medium LV - 8.4 g.
may have a slight precipitate. 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 2-3 minutes.
Reaction of 4.2% 3. Dispense in 5 mL amounts into tubes, evenly dispensing
Solution at 25C: pH 6.0 0.2 the precipitate.
4. Add standard or test samples.
Cultural Response
5. Adjust the volume to 10 mL with purified water.
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. The medium supports the 6. Autoclave at 121C for 5 minutes.
growth of Lactobacillus fermentum ATCC 9338 when prepared in
single strength and supplemented with thiamine. The medium should Procedure
produce a standard curve when tested using a thiamine hydrochloride
Thiamine Assay Medium
reference standard at 0.0 to 0.05 g per 10 mL. Incubate tubes with
caps loosened at 35-37C for 16-18 hours. Read the percent transmit- Prepare stock cultures of the test organism, Lactobacillus
tance using a spectrophotometer at 660 nm. fermentum ATCC 9338, by stab inoculation on Lactobacilli
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium LV Agar AOAC or Micro Assay Culture Agar. After 24-48 hours
Prepare the medium per label directions. The medium supports the incubation at 35-37C, keep the tubes in the refrigerator. Make
growth of Weissella viridescens ATCC 12706 when prepared in single transfers in triplicate at monthly intervals.
strength and supplemented with thiamine. The medium should
produce a standard curve when tested using a thiamine hydrochloride Prepare the inoculum by subculturing a stock culture of the
reference standard at 0.0 to 25.0 ng per 10 mL. Incubate tubes with
caps loosened at 30 2C for 16-20 hours. Read the percent transmit- test organism in 10 mL of Lactobacilli Broth AOAC or Micro
tance using a spectrophotometer at 660 nm. Inoculum Broth. After 16-18 hours incubation at 35-37C,
centrifuge the cells under aseptic conditions and decant the
Thiamine Assay Medium, cont.
supernatant liquid. Wash the cells three times with 10 mL This is obtained by using 0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL
sterile 0.85% NaCl. After the third wash, resuspend the cells of the standard solution, which contains 5 ng (0.005 g)
in 10 mL sterile 0.85% NaCl. Add 0.5 mL of this suspension thiamine hydrochloride per mL. The most effective assay range
to 100 mL sterile 0.85% NaCl. Use one drop of the resulting is between 2.5 and 20 ng per tube.
suspension to inoculate the assay tubes.
The solution for preparing the standard curve for Thiamine
A standard curve should be run with each assay because con- Assay Medium LV may be prepared as follows:
ditions of heating and incubation temperature that influence
1. Dissolve 50 mg of thiamine hydrochloride in 500 mL
the standard curve readings cannot always be duplicated.
purified water (100 g/mL).
The tubes for the Thiamine Assay Medium standard curve 2. Add 1 mL of the solution in Step 1 to 99 mL purified water
contain 0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 g (1 g/mL).
of thiamine hydrochloride per 10 mL tube. The most effective 3. Add 1 mL of the solution in Step 2 to 199 mL purified water
assay range for Thiamine Assay Medium is between 0.005 and to give a final concentration of 5 ng (0.005 g) per mL.
0.03 g thiamine.
Following incubation of W. viridescens ATCC 12706 at 30
Prepare the stock solution of thiamine required for the prepa- 2C for 16-20 hours, the growth response is measured turbidi-
ration of the standard curve in Thiamine Assay Medium as metrically.
Expected Results
1. Dissolve 0.1 g of thiamine hydrochloride in 1,000 mL of
Thiamine Assay Medium and Thiamine Assay Medium LV
purified water (100 g/mL).
1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by plotting
2. Add 1 mL of the solution in Step 1 to 99 mL purified water
the response readings against the amount of standard in
(1 g/mL).
each tube, disk or cup.
3. Add 1 mL of the solution in Step 2 to 99 mL purified water
2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
to give a final concentration of 10 ng (0.010 g/mL). Use
solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
0.0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL of this final solution per
3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
tube. Prepare fresh stock solution daily.
the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
After 20-24 hours incubation at 35-37C, L. fermentum ATCC not vary more than 10% from the average and use the
9338 is capable of using the pyrimidine and thiazole moieties
of the thiamine molecule. It is essential that the growth
results only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more
than 10%.
response be measured turbidimetrically prior to this time.
Incubate the tubes at 35-37C for 16-18 hours, then place in Limitations of the Procedure
the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes to stop growth. The growth 1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
can then be measured by any suitable nephelometric method. must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
Thiamine Assay Medium LV for this purpose.
Prepare stock cultures of the test organism, W. viridescens 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the micro-
ATCC 12706, by stab inoculation on APT Agar or Lactobacilli biological assay procedure.
Agar AOAC. After 24-48 hours incubation at 30 2C, keep 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
the tubes in the refrigerator. Make transfers in triplicate at having different nutritional requirements which will not give
monthly intervals. a satisfactory response.
4. For successful results, all conditions of the assay must be
Prepare the inoculum by subculturing a stock culture of the followed exactly.
test organism to 10 mL APT Broth or Lactobacilli Broth AOAC.
After 16-20 hours incubation at 30 2C, centrifuge the cells References
under aseptic conditions and decant the supernatant liquid. 1. Sarett and Cheldelin. 1944. J. Biol. Chem. 155:153.
2. Deibel, Evans and Niven. 1957. Abstr. A68, p. 28. Bacteriol. Proc. 57th Gen. Meet. Soc. Am.
Wash the cells three times with 10 mL sterile 0.85% NaCl. Bacteriologists. 1957.
3. Evans and Niven. 1951. J. Bacteriol. 62:599.
After the third wash, resuspend the cells in 10 mL sterile 0.85% 4. Diebel, Evans and Niven. 1955. Abstr. G56, p. 48. Bacteriol. Proc. 55th Gen. Meet. Soc. Am.
Bacteriologists. 1955.
NaCl. Add 1 mL of this cell suspension to 100 mL sterile 0.85%
NaCl. Use one drop of this suspension to inoculate the assay
Difco Thiamine Assay Medium
A standard curve should be run with each assay because Cat. No. 232610 Dehydrated 100 g*
conditions of heating and incubation temperature that influ- Difco Thiamine Assay Medium LV
ence the standard curve readings cannot always be duplicated. Cat. No. 280810 Dehydrated 100 g*
*Store at 2-8C.
The standard curve for Thiamine Assay Medium LV is
obtained by using thiamine at levels of 0.0, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10,
15, 20 and 25 ng of thiamine hydrochloride per 10 mL tube.
Section III
T Thioglycollate Media
Thioglycollate Media
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium NIH Thioglycollate
Broth Sterility Test Broth Thioglycollate Medium,
Brewer Modified Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with
Beef Extract Thioglycollate Medium without
Dextrose Thioglycollate Medium (Fluid), without
Dextrose or (Eh) Indicator Thioglycollate Medium
without Indicator (135C) Fluid Thioglycollate
Medium, Enriched Enriched Thioglycollate Medium
Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate
Enriched Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium
Intended Use Enriched Thioglycollate Medium when supplemented with
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium and NIH Thioglycollate Broth/ sodium bicarbonate or a marble chip is used to prepare a
Sterility Test Broth conform with specifications of The United standardized inoculum by the growth method for antimicrobial
States Pharmacopeia (USP). susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria.
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM) is used for the sterility Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate and
testing of biologics and for the cultivation of anaerobes, Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched, with Calcium Carbonate
aerobes and microaerophiles. are recommended for the maintenance of stock cultures.
NIH Thioglycollate Broth and Sterility Test Broth (USP Summary and Explanation
Alternative Thioglycollate Medium) may be used for sterility
Quastel and Stephenson1 found that the presence of a small
testing instead of FTM.
amount of a compound containing an SH group (cysteine,
Thioglycollate Medium, Brewer Modified is used for the thioglycollic acid, glutathione) permitted aerobic growth of
cultivation of obligate anaerobes, microaerophiles and facul- Clostridium sporogenes in tryptic digest broth.
tative organisms.
Falk, Bucca and Simmons2 pointed out the advantages of
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef Extract is used in using small quantities of agar (0.06-0.25%) in detecting
cultivating microorganisms from normally sterile biological contaminants during sterility testing of biologicals. The value
products. of combining a small amount of agar and a reducing substance
was demonstrated by Brewer.3 Brewers experiments revealed
Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose and Thioglycollate
that in a liquid medium containing 0.05% agar, anaerobes grew
Medium (Fluid), without Dextrose or (Eh) Indicator are used
equally well in the presence or absence of sodium thioglycollate.
as bases for fermentation studies of anaerobes, as well as for
Marshall, Gunnish and Luxen4 reported satisfactory cultiva-
detecting microorganisms in normally sterile materials,
tion of anaerobes in Brewers Thioglycollate Medium in the
especially those containing mercurial preservatives.
presence of a mercurial preservative. Nungester, Hood and
Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator (135C) is an enriched Warren5 and Portwood6 confirmed the neutralization of the
general-purpose medium for the recovery of a wide variety bacteriostatic effect of mercurial compounds by sodium
of microorganisms, particularly obligate anaerobes, from thioglycollate. Incorporation of casein peptone was introduced
clinical specimens and other materials. by Vera.7 Malin and Finn8 reported the commonly used medium
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched and Enriched containing thioglycollate is inhibitory to some organisms in the
Thioglycollate Medium are general-purpose media used in presence of a carbohydrate. In 1941, the National Institutes
qualitative procedures for the cultivation of fastidious, as well of Health specified the use of two thioglycollate media in
as nonfastidious microorganisms, including aerobic and anaerobic sterility testing, the Brewer Formula and the Linden Formula.9
bacteria, from a variety of clinical and nonclinical specimens. The Linden Formula was later referred to as Modified Brewer
Thioglycollate Media, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge- Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
neous. neous.
Solution: 2.98% solution, soluble in purified Solution: 2.4% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. When hot, solu- water upon boiling. When hot, solu-
tion is light amber, clear. tion is light amber, clear to very slightly
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent, 10% opalescent.
or less of upper layer may be medium Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent, 10%
pink. After shaking solution becomes or less of upper layer is green.
pink throughout. Reaction of 2.4%
Reaction of 2.98% Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2
Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose or
Difco NIH Thioglycollate Broth Indicator
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homoge- Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
neous. neous.
Solution: 2.9% solution, soluble in purified water Solution: 2.4% solution, soluble in purified
upon boiling. When hot, solution is light water upon boiling. When hot, solu-
amber, clear to very slightly opalescent, tion is light amber, clear.
may have a slight precipitate. Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to very slightly opal- Reaction of 2.4%
escent, may have a slight precipitate. Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Reaction of 2.9%
Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator
Solution at 25C: pH 7.1 0.2 Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free-flowing, homoge-
Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef
Solution: 2.9% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. When hot, solu-
Dehydrated Appearance:
Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
3.47% solution, soluble in purified
tion is light amber, clear. T
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, slightly opalescent.
water upon boiling for 1-2 minutes.
When hot, solution is medium amber, Reaction of 2.9%
clear. Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 30- Extract
35C for 18-48 hours (up to 72 hours, if necessary). To test for growth Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
promotion according to the USP/EP, inoculate using organisms marked 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
with (*) and incubate aerobically at 30-35C for up to 5 days.
INOCULUM USP/EP Bacillus subtilis 6633 10-102 Good
Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 10-102 Good
Clostridium novyi 7659 10-10 Good N/A
Candida albicans 10231 10-102 Good
Clostridium perfringens 13124 10-102 Good N/A
Clostridium chauvoei 10092 10-102 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 10-102 Good N/A
Clostridium perfringens 13124 10-102 Good
Bacillus subtilis* 6633 10-102 N/A Growth
Clostridium sporogenes 19404 10-102 Good
Bacteroides vulgatus* 8482 10-102 N/A Growth
Micrococcus luteus 9341 10-102 Good
Clostridium sporogenes* 11437 10-102 N/A Growth
Clostridium sporogenes* 19404 10-102 N/A Growth Mercurial Neutralization Test To perform, add 1% Merthiolate to
Micrococcus luteus* 9341 10-102 N/A Growth medium, inoculate (103 CFU) with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P
and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615, and incubate at 30-35C
Pseudomonas aeruginosa* 9027 10-102 N/A Growth
for 18-48 hours. Recovery of organisms indicates that Merthiolate has
Staphylococcus aureus* 6538 10-102 N/A Growth been neutralized.
Mercurial Neutralization Test To perform, add 1% Merthiolate* to Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose,
medium, inoculate (103 CFU) with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator* or
and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615, and incubate at 30-35C
Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose or
for 18-48 hours. Recovery of organisms indicates that Merthiolate has
been neutralized.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
Difco NIH Thioglycollate Broth 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate duplicate tubes
and incubate at 30-35C for 18-48 hours (up to 72 hours, if necessary) ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
under anaerobic conditions (tight caps). Bacteroides fragilis 25285 10-102 Poor to fair
Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 10-102 Poor to fair
Clostridium novyi 7659 10-102 Good
Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 10-102 Poor to good
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 10-102 Good
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 10-102 Poor to good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 10-102 Good
Clostridium sporogenes 19404 10-102 Poor to good
*Mercurial Neutralization Test To perform, add 1% Merthiolate to
Mercurial Neutralization Test To perform, add 1% Merthiolate to medium, inoculate (103 CFU) with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P
medium, inoculate (103 CFU) with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615, and incubate at 30-35C
and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615, and incubate at 30-35C for 18-48 hours. Recovery of organisms indicates that Merthiolate has
for 18-48 hours. Recovery of organisms indicates that Merthiolate has been neutralized.
been neutralized.
*Merthiolate is a trademark of Eli Lilly and Company.
Medium without Dextrose or Indicator may be used with added to be required by certain anaerobes for growth.19,20 The addition
carbohydrates for fermentation studies. of calcium carbonate enhances the maintenance of stock
cultures by neutralizing acids produced during growth.16 The
Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator (135C) is the
Enriched Thioglycollate Medium (Broth) recommended by the
medium of choice for diagnostic work because the lack of
NCCLS for inoculum preparation for susceptibility tests of
indicator avoids possible toxicity to organisms.11 This medium
anaerobes consists of Enriched Thioglycollate Medium
supports a minimal inoculum with early visibility of growth.
(Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator [135] with 1 g/
When used as an enrichment broth to support plated media, mL of Vitamin K1 and 5 g/mL of hemin) supplemented with
thioglycollate media are often supplemented with hemin and 1 mg/mL of sodium bicarbonate or a marble chip to neutralize
vitamin K1.16 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched is BBL acids produced during growth of the test organisms.21
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium supplemented with vitamin
K1 and hemin. Enriched Thioglycollate Medium is BBL Principles of the Procedure
Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator-135C supplemented Dextrose, peptone, L-cystine and yeast extract provide the
with vitamin K1 and hemin. Enriched broth media are recom- growth factors necessary for bacterial replication. Sodium
mended for use in the isolation and cultivation of fastidious or chloride provides essential ions. Sodium thioglycollate is a
slow growing, obligately anaerobic microorganisms present reducing agent that prevents the accumulation of peroxides
in clinical materials.17,18 They are also recommended for the which are lethal to some microorganisms. The L-cystine is
isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of aerobic and facul- also a reducing agent, since it contains sulfhydryl groups which
tatively anaerobic microorganisms. Enriched Thioglycollate inactivate heavy metal compounds and maintain a low redox
Medium is prepared with an anaerobic head space and is potential, thereby supporting anaerobiosis. Methylene blue is
provided in screw-capped tubes in accordance with CDC an indicator of the level of oxidation/reduction in the medium;
recommendations.17 Vitamin K1 and hemin have been shown increased oxidation raises the Eh, causing the methylene blue
Thioglycollate Media, cont.
Section III
T Thioglycollate Media, cont.
indicator to become green. Resazurin is an oxidation-reduc- BBL Thioglycollate Medium, Brewer Modified
tion indicator, being pink when oxidized and colorless when Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.5 g
reduced. The small amount of agar assists in the maintenance Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 2.5 g
of a low redox potential by stabilizing the medium against Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
convection currents, thereby maintaining anaerobiosis in the Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 1.0 g
lower depths of the medium. The USP lists 5.5g/L of dextrose Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.0 g
in the formulations for Fluid Thioglycollate Medium and Methylene Blue .......................................................... 2.0 mg
Alternative Thioglycollate Medium; some of the following Agar ........................................................................... 0.5 g
formulations include the anhydrous form of dextrose (5.0g/L). Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef Extract
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Vitamin K1 is a growth requirement for some strains of Beef Extract ............................................................... 5.0 g
Prevotella melaninogenica18 and is reported to enhance the Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
growth of some strains of Bacteroides species and gram- Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.5 g
positive nonsporeformers.22 Hemin is the source of the X Sodium Chloride ....................................................... 2.5 g
factor, which stimulates the growth of many microorganisms. L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
Calcium carbonate neutralizes acids produced during growth, Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g
which helps to maintain the viability of fastidious organisms; Resazurin ................................................................... 1.0 mg
e.g., pneumococci, gram-negative cocci, Clostridium Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose
perfringens and other acid-sensitive bacteria. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Dipotassium phosphate is a buffering agent. Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.25 g
Formulae Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
Difco Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Methylene Blue .......................................................... 2.0 mg
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g or Indicator
Dextrose ..................................................................... 5.5 g
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.25 g
Resazurin ................................................................... 1.0 mg
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
BBL Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g
Approximate Formula* Per Liter BBL Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid, without Dextrose
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g or Eh Indicator
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 5.0 g
Dextrose (anhydrous) ................................................. 5.0 g Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 20.0 g
L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.5 g
Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g L-Cystine .................................................................... 0.5 g
Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g Sodium Thioglycollate ................................................ 0.5 g
Resazurin ................................................................... 1.0 mg Agar ........................................................................... 0.75 g
Thioglycollate Media, cont.
Section III
T Thioglycollate Media, cont.
Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose or BBL Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched
Indicator Cat. No. 297642 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
Cat. No. 243210 Dehydrated 500 g
BBL Enriched Thioglycollate Medium
BBL Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid, without Dextrose BS10 CMPH MCM7 NCCLS
or Eh Indicator Cat. No. 221741 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 211727 Dehydrated 500 g 221742 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
221398 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100* 221787 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
221788 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
Difco Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator 297289 Prepared Tubes, 10 mL (D Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 243010 Dehydrated 500 g 297292 Prepared Tubes, 10 mL (D Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
BBL Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator 135C BBL Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium
BS10 CMPH Carbonate Chip
Cat. No. 211720 Dehydrated 500 g Cat. No. 298518 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
211723 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
221199 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10* BBL Enriched Thioglycollate Medium with
Thiotone E Peptone
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good
pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good Good
Antibiotic concentrations up to 100 units of penicillin or 1,000 g of streptomycin.
Thiotone E Peptone
Intended Use organisms. Thiotone E Peptone is used in Modified HL5
Thiotone E Peptone is used as a component in microbiological Medium, one of the main media used for culturing the cellular
culture media. slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum.
Media formulations containing Thiotone E Peptone are
Summary and Explanation specified in standard methods for various applications.2,4,5
Thiotone E Peptone has been recommended for use in blood
agar formulae for hemolysis studies with pneumococci and Principles of the Procedure
streptococci. Thiotone E Peptone is high in sulfur amino Thiotone E Peptone is an enzymatic digest of animal tissue.
acids and can be used in media to detect hydrogen sulfide Thiotone E Peptone contains a wide range of peptide sizes,
production. Tortora1 utilized Thiotone E Peptone as the nitro- including the large molecular weight peptides, which support
gen source in a medium promoting sporulation of Clostridium fastidious organisms. This ingredient provides nitrogen, amino
perfringens strains. Thiotone E Peptone is recommended for acids and vitamins in microbiological culture media.
use in media for testing water samples for coliforms.2 Kwinn3
utilized Thiotone E Peptone as a supplement to her medium Typical Analysis
for Corynebacterium glutamicum to make the cells Refer to Product Tables in the Reference Guide section of this
electrocompetent for transformations. Thiotone E Peptone has manual.
also been cited as an ingredient in media for nonbacterial
Section III
T Thiotone E Peptone, cont.
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
BBL Thiotone E Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of Thiotone E Peptone as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 29552 ~107 Positive
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose aerogenes
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Citrobacter freundii 8454 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Growth Response
BBL Thiotone E Peptone
Prepare a sterile solution of peptone agar without (plain) and with 5% sheep blood (SB) using 10 g of Thiotone E Peptone, 2.5 g of sodium chloride and
6.5 g of agar in 500 mL of purified water. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at 35 2C for 2-3 days (incubate streptococci with
3-5% CO2).
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-104 Good N/A
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 103-104 N/A Good Alpha
Streptococcus pyogenes 49117 104-105 Good Good Beta
Procedure Availability
See appropriate references for specific procedures using BBL Thiotone E Peptone
Thiotone E Peptone. AOAC BAM SMWW
Cat. No. 212302 Dehydrated 500 g
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Identity Specifications
Difco Tinsdale Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Light beige, free flowing, homoge-
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is light to
medium amber, slightly opalescent to
Prepared Appearance: Light to medium amber, slightly
opalescent to opalescent.
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Difco Tinsdale Enrichment Desiccated
Desiccated Appearance: Light to dark tan cake; variations may
Solution: Soluble in purified water. Solution is
light to dark amber, clear to opalescent,
may have a slight precipitate.
Cultural Response
Difco Tinsdale Agar Base with Tinsdale Enrichment
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate to obtain discrete
colonies and stab several times using an inoculating needle; incubate at
35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
biotype gravis 8028 102-103 Good Brown with halos
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
biotype mitis 8024 102-103 Good Brown with halos
Klebsiella pneumoniae 13883 102-103 Marked to complete T
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Poor to fair Brown to black without halos
C. diphtheriae. This formulation distinguished between L-cystine and sodium thiosulfate are H2S indicators. Potassium
C. diphtheriae and diphtheroids which exhibited similar tellurite is a selective agent. The formation of black to brown
characteristics. The differential principle is based on the halos surrounding the colony results from the reduction of
capacity of C. diphtheriae to produce a brown or black halo potassium tellurite to metallic tellurite.
around the colonies.
Stabbing the medium with an inoculating needle accentuates
Billings4 simplified Tinsdale Basal Medium by using Proteose darkening of the medium by C. diphtheriae.
Peptone No. 3 as a nutrient source. This modification improved
the differential qualities and recovery of C. diphtheriae. Tinsdale Formulae
Agar Base and Tinsdale Enrichment are prepared according to Difco Tinsdale Agar Base
the Billings4 modification. Moore and Parsons5 confirmed Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ........................................... 20.0 g
the halo formation of C. diphtheriae with one exception; Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
C. ulcerans occasionally produced colonies similar to Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
C. diphtheriae and required biochemical identification. Difco Tinsdale Enrichment Desiccated
Contains Bovine Serum, L-Cystine, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium
Tinsdale Enrichment Desiccated contains bovine serum, sodium Thiosulfate and Potassium Tellurite at pH 8.0-10.0.
hydroxide, L-cystine, sodium thiosulfate and potassium *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
tellurite in the quantity and proportion described by Billings.4
Directions for Preparation from
Principles of the Procedure Dehydrated Product
Peptone provides the nitrogen, vitamins, carbon and amino Difco Tinsdale Agar Base
acids in Tinsdale Agar Base. Sodium chloride maintains the 1. Suspend 45 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
osmotic balance of the medium. Agar is the solidifying agent. thoroughly.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Tinsdale Enrichment contains bovine serum, which provides
completely dissolve the powder.
essential growth factors. Sodium hydroxide maintains the pH.
Section III
T Tinsdale Agar Base, cont.
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 103 Growth
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6303 102-103 Good Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 103 Growth
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 102-103 Good Streptococcus, Group B 12386 103 Growth
Group B streptococci have also been found in cases of sepsis BBL Todd Hewitt Broth
in nonparturient women and in men and in joint infection, Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Heart, Infusion from (solids) ....................................... 3.1 g
osteomyelitis, urinary tract infection and wound infection. They Peptonen ................................................................. 20.0 g
are associated with endocarditis, pneumonia and pyelonephritis Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g
in immunosuppressed patients.7
Sodium Phosphate ..................................................... 0.4
Sodium Carbonate ..................................................... 2.5
Principles of the Procedure *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Todd Hewitt Broth is highly nutritious due to its content of
peptones, dextrose and salts. Dextrose stimulates hemolysin Directions for Preparation from
production. Sodium phosphate and sodium carbonate Dehydrated Product
provide buffering action to counteract the acidity produced 1. Dissolve the powder in 1 L of purified water:
during fermentation of dextrose, thereby protecting the hemol- Bacto Todd Hewitt Broth 30 g;
ysin from inactivation by the acid.4 BBL Todd Hewitt Broth 30 g.
2. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes.
Selectivity for group B streptococci is obtained by the inclu-
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
sion of gentamicin and nalidixic acid in the medium. Selective
stable, typical control cultures.
enrichment broths include the advantages of both enrichment
and selection by providing conditions conducive to the growth
of group B streptococci while inhibiting the growth of
Incubate throat swabs in loosely-capped tubes of Todd Hewitt
Broth at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere with or without
Formulae added carbon dioxide for 2-5 hours prior to use in fluorescent
antibody procedures for the identification of group A strepto-
Bacto Todd Hewitt Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter cocci. Incubation may be continued for approximately 24 hours
Heart, Infusion from 500 g ......................................... 3.1 g prior to streaking for isolation on blood agar plates. Pure
Neopeptone ............................................................. 20.0 g cultures of streptococci may be cultured in Todd Hewitt Broth
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 2.0 g
prior to the preparation of extracts for serological typing.
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 0.4 g Consult appropriate references for specific serological test
Sodium Carbonate ..................................................... 2.5 g
Incubate tubes of Todd Hewitt Broth with Gentamicin and
Nalidixic Acid in an aerobic atmosphere with or without added
carbon dioxide. If turbidity is observed, subculture from the
Section III
T Todd Hewitt Broth, cont.
Identify organisms suggestive of group B streptococci (- or Cat. No. 211735 Dehydrated 100 g
211736 Dehydrated 500 g
non-hemolytic, gram-positive and catalase negative). Specific 297778 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 0.5 mL Pkg. of 10
identification may be performed; e.g., using streptococcal grouping 221713 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 5 mL Pkg. of 10
sera, the CAMP test or other procedures. 221714 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 5 mL Ctn. of 100
BBL Todd Hewitt Broth with Gentamicin and
References Nalidixic Acid
1. Todd and Hewitt. 1932. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 35:973. Cat No. 299486 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
2. Updyke and Nickle. 1954. Appl. Microbiol. 2:117.
3. Jones, Hebert and Cherry. 1978. Fluorescent antibody techniques and bacterial applications, HEW *Store at 2-8C.
Publication (CDC) No. 78-8364. Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.
4. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
5. Federal Register. 1994. Prevention of group B streptococcal disease: a public health perspective.
Fed. Regist. 59:64764.
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2002. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. 51(No. RR-11): 1.
7. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
8. Facklam and Washington II. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Hermann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.),
Manual of clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
9. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Solution at 25C: pH 5.0 0.2 Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at
35 2C for 18-72 hours.
Difco Tomato Juice Broth
Dehydrated Appearance: Tan, free-flowing, homogeneous and ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY
may contain dark particles. Lactobacillus rhamnosus 9595 102-103 Good
Solution: 4.1% solution, soluble in purified Lactobacillus delbrueckii
water upon boiling. Solution is dark subsp. lactis 4797 102-103 Good
amber, clear. Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9080 102-103 Good
Prepared Appearance: Dark amber, clear. Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 102-103 Good
Reaction of 4.1%
Solution at 25C: pH 6.7 0.2 T
Uninoculated Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Plate ATCC 9595 Formulae
Difco Tomato Juice Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tomato Juice (from 400 mL) ..................................... 20.0 g
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Peptonized Milk ....................................................... 10.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 11.0 g
Difco Tomato Juice Agar Special
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tomato Juice (from 400 mL) ..................................... 20.0 g
Peptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Peptonized Milk ....................................................... 10.0 g
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g
Difco Tomato Juice Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tomato Juice (from 400 mL) ..................................... 20.0 g
Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 0.5 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 0.5 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.1 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 0.01 g
Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.01 g
Manganese Sulfate .................................................... 0.01 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
T Tomato Juice Media, cont.
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 238910 Dehydrated 500 g*
stable, typical control cultures. Difco Tomato Juice Broth
Cat. No. 251720 Dehydrated 500 g*
Procedure 251710 Dehydrated 10 kg*
See appropriate references for specific procedures. *Store at 2-8C.
Transport Media
Transport Medium Amies Transport Medium Amies
without Charcoal Transport Medium (Stuart, Toshach
and Patsula) Cary and Blair Transport Medium
Intended Use Due to its high pH, Cary and Blair Transport Medium is also
Transport Medium Amies, Transport Medium Amies without effective in maintaining the viability of Vibrio cultures for up
Charcoal and Transport Medium (Stuart, Toshach and Patsula) to four weeks.8 Cary and Blair Transport Medium is currently
are used for collecting, transporting and preserving microbio- recommended for fecal and rectal samples.
logical specimens. Amies9 confirmed Cary and Blairs observations that an
Cary and Blair Transport Medium is used for collecting, trans- inorganic salt buffer was superior to the glycerophosphate.
porting and preserving microbiological specimens, particularly He further modified the formulation by using a balanced salt
those containing Vibrio cholerae. solution containing inorganic phosphate buffer, omitting the
methylene blue and adding charcoal. This modified medium
Summary and Explanation yielded a higher percentage of positive cultures than the
Transport media are chemically defined, semisolid, nonnutritive, transport medium of Stuart. Transport Medium Amies, avail-
phosphate buffered media that provide a reduced environment. able with and without charcoal, is recommended for throat,
Transport media are formulated to maintain the viability of vaginal and wound samples. Amies media are especially suited
microorganisms without significant increase in growth. for specimens containing Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
In 1948, Moffett, Young and Stuart described a medium for
Principles of the Procedure
transporting gonococcal specimens to the laboratory.1 Stuart,
In the formulations, potassium chloride, calcium chloride,
Toshach and Patsula improved this formulation, introducing
magnesium chloride and sodium chloride provide essential ions
what is now known as Stuarts Transport Medium.2 The
that help maintain osmotic balance while controlling perme-
ability of Stuarts medium to maintain the viability of gonococci
ability of bacterial cells. Monopotassium phosphate and
during transport3,4 led other researchers to explore its use with
disodium phosphate provide buffering capabilities. Sodium
a variety of specimens. This medium is currently recommended
thioglycollate suppresses oxidative changes and provides a
for throat, vaginal and wound samples.
reduced environment. Sodium glycerophosphate is a buffer for
In 1964, Cary and Blair modified Stuarts medium by substi- use with calcium chloride. Methylene blue is a colorimetric
tuting inorganic phosphates for glycerophosphate and raising pH indicator of the oxidation-reduction state. Charcoal
the pH to 8.4.5 The modified medium was effective in maintaining neutralizes fatty acids that are toxic to microorganisms. Agar
the viability of Salmonella and Shigella6,7 in fecal samples. makes the media semi-solid.
Transport Media, cont.
Section III
T Transport Media, cont.
of the swab stick. Tightly screw the lid on the bottle or vial. Cat. No. 211743 Dehydrated 500 g*
3. Label the bottle or vial and send to the laboratory with BBL Cary and Blair Transport Medium
minimum delay. Specimens may be refrigerated until ready Cat. No. 211102 Dehydrated 500 g*
297611 Prepared Tubed Deeps, 10 mL (D Tubes)
for shipment. Ctn. of 100
4. Submit to laboratory within 24 hours for culture and analysis. *Store at 2-8C.
Trichophyton Agars 1 7
Trichophyton Agars 1 7
Intended Use isolate requires inositol, thiamine or both. Trichophyton Agar
Trichophyton Agars are differential media used in the presump- 5, equivalent to Trichophyton Agar 1 with added nicotinic acid
tive identification of Trichophyton species based on nutritional (2 mg/L), is used with medium 1 to determine the requirement
requirements. for nicotinic acid, and medium 7 is used with medium 6 to
determine the requirement for histidine.
Summary and Explanation
Members of the genus Trichophyton have specific nutritional Principles of the Procedure
requirements that are essential for definitive identification.1-3 Nutritional requirements are determined by inoculating a
Georg and Camp devised a set of chemically-defined media control medium and a medium enriched with a specific
for differentiation and identification of Trichophyton isolates vitamin or amino acid with Trichophyton isolates that have
based on specific vitamin and amino acid requirements.4 These been presumptively identified by gross colony characteristics
requirements are determined by comparing growth in a basal and microscopic morphology.1-6 Moderate to heavy growth in
medium (Trichophyton Agar 1 or 6) with the amount of growth the vitamin- or amino acid-enriched medium compared to little
obtained by providing a specific nutrient. Trichophyton Agar or no growth in the basal medium indicates that the isolate
2, 3 and 4 are used with medium 1 to determine whether an requires that nutrient.
Cultural Response
Difco Trichophyton Agars 1, 2 or 3
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 30 2C for up to 2 weeks.
ORGANISM ATCC AGARS 1 & 2 AGAR 3 Uninoculated Trichophyton
Tube schoenleinii
Trichophyton concentricum 9358 Good Good ATCC 4822
Trichophyton schoenleinii 4822 Good Good
Trichophyton verrucosum 34470 None to poor Good
Section III
T Trichophyton Agars 1 7, cont.
Formulae Procedure
Difco Trichtophyton Agar 1 Using a sterile inoculating loop or needle, remove a small
Approximate Formula* Per Liter amount of colony growth from the isolation medium and streak
Vitamin Assay Casamino Acids ................................... 2.5 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 40.0 g
the agar surface. A small inoculum should be used to prevent
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.8 g carry-over of essential nutrients from the isolation medium.
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.1 g
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g Incubate medium at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Difco Trichtophyton Agar 2
stable, typical control cultures. Cat. No. 296245 Prepared Slants (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Difco Trichophyton Agar 4
Trichosel Broth, Modified
Cat. No. 252410 Dehydrated 500 g Cat. No. 297500 Prepared Slants (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
BBL Trichophyton Agar 6
Cat. No. 297499 Prepared Slants (C Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures
and incubate at 35 2C for 5 days.
BBL Trichosel Broth, Modified
Cat. No. 211747 Dehydrated 500 g
Candida albicans 10231 Good
BBL Trichosel Broth, Modified, with 5% Horse Serum
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 Partial to complete inhibition
Cat. No. 298323 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
Trichomonas vaginalis 30001 Good; microscopic examination
reveals typical morphology and motility *Store at 2-8C.
Section III
T Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Triple Sugar Iron Agar, cont.
Formulae Procedure
Difco Triple Sugar Iron Agar To inoculate, carefully touch only the center of an isolated
Approximate Formula* Per Liter colony on an enteric plated medium with a cool, sterile needle,
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
stab into the medium in the butt of the tube, and then streak
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g back and forth along the surface of the slant. Several colonies
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g from each primary plate should be studied separately, since
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g mixed infections may occur.
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
Sucrose .................................................................... 10.0 g Incubate with caps loosened at 35C and examine after 18-24
Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.2 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g hours for carbohydrate fermentation, gas production and
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.3 g hydrogen sulfide production. Any combination of these reactions
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g may be observed. Do not incubate longer than 24 hours
Phenol Red ............................................................... 24.0 mg
because the acid reaction in the slant of lactose and sucrose
BBL TSI Agar fermenters may revert to an alkaline reaction.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g Expected Results
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g Compare reactions produced by the unknown isolate with those
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g produced by the known control organisms.
Sucrose .................................................................... 10.0 g
Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate ........................................ 0.2 g Carbohydrate fermentation is indicated by a yellow coloration
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.2 g of the medium. If the medium in the butt of the tube becomes
Agar ......................................................................... 13.0 g yellow (acidic), but the medium in the slant becomes red
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg (alkaline), the organism being tested only ferments dextrose
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Directions for Preparation from A yellow (acidic) color in the slant and butt indicates that
Dehydrated Product the organism being tested ferments dextrose, lactose and/or
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: sucrose.
Difco Triple Sugar Iron Agar 65 g;
A red (alkaline) color in the slant and butt indicates that the
BBL TSI Agar 59.4 g.
Mix thoroughly.
organism being tested is a nonfermenter. T
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Hydrogen sulfide production results in a black precipitate in
completely dissolve the powder. the butt of the tube.
3. Dispense into tubes and autoclave at 118-121C (per label Gas production is indicated by splitting and cracking of the
directions) for 15 minutes. medium.
4. Cool in a slanted position so that deep butts are formed.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using For final identification, perform biochemical tests and other
stable, typical control cultures. identification procedures with a pure culture of the organism.
Consult appropriate references for further information.5-7
Section III
T Triple Sugar Iron Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco Tryptic Nitrate Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-24 hours; incubate Clostridium sporogenes anaerobically. Test
for nitrate reduction using Difco/BBL Nitrate A, B and C Reagents.
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 102-103 Good Uninoculated Escherichia coli Clostridium
Tube ATCC 25922 sporogenes
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good + ATCC 11437
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good +
Tryptic Soy Agar
violet color within 1-2 minutes indicates that nitrate has Cat. No. 261198 Droppers 50 0.5 mL
been reduced to nitrite. Difco /BBL Nitrate C Reagent
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Good Beta INOCULUM RECOVERY RECOVERY
meningitidis 13090 102-103 Good Good None Candida albicans 10231 103-104 N/A Good None
Staphylococcus Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 N/A Good Beta
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good Beta Listeria
Streptococcus monocytogenes 19115 103-104 N/A Good Beta (+/-)
2 3
pneumoniae 6305 10 -10 Good Good Alpha Pseudomonas
Streptococcus aeruginosa 10145 103-104 Good N/A
2 3
pyogenes 19615 10 -10 Good Good Beta Shigella flexneri 12022 103-104 Good N/A
CAMP Test medium with 5% sheep blood Perform using S. aureus ATCC 33862, Streptococcus Staphylococcus
sp. group B ATCC 12386 (positive) and S. pyogenes ATCC 19615 (negative).
aureus 25923 103-104 Good Good Beta
Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus pneumoniae 6305 103-104 Good Good Alpha
ATCC 25922 ATCC 25923 Streptococcus
pyogenes 19615 103-104 Good Good Beta
CAMP Test medium with 5% sheep blood Perform using S. aureus ATCC 25923, Streptococcus
sp. group B ATCC 12386 (positive) and S. pyogenes ATCC 19615 (negative).
Since TSA does not contain the X and V growth factors, it can
conveniently be used in determining the requirements for these
growth factors by isolates of Haemophilus by the addition of
X, V and XV Factor Strips to inoculated TSA plates.3 The 150
mm plate provides a larger surface area for inoculation,
making the satellite growth around the strips easier to read.
With the Sterile Pack and Isolator Pack plates, the entire double-
wrapped (Sterile Pack) or triple-wrapped (Isolator Pack) product
is subjected to a sterilizing dose of gamma radiation, so that the
contents inside the outer package(s) are sterile.9 This allows the
inner package to be aseptically removed without introducing
contaminants. Since the agar medium has been sterilized after
packaging, the presence of microbial growth after sampling and
incubation can be relied upon to represent true recovery and
Streptococcus Streptococcus not pre-existing medium contaminants. A third rolled sterile
pneumoniae pyogenes
ATCC 6305 ATCC 19615 bag is included as a transport device. Isolator Pack plates have
been validated to protect the medium from vaporized hydrogen
peroxide when used in an Isolator System.
Tryptic Soy Agar, cont.
The Hycheck hygiene contact slide is a double-sided paddle Trypticase Soy Agar (150 mm plates) for Haemophilus
containing two agar surfaces for immersing into fluids or The initial specimens should be inoculated onto Chocolate II
sampling surfaces. There are three slides containing TSA along Agar or another suitable medium and incubated for 18-24
with another medium: D/E Neutralizing Agar; Violet Red hours in an aerobic atmosphere supplemented with carbon
Bile Glucose Agar; or Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar. A dioxide. Choose one or two well-isolated colonies that
fourth slide contains TSA with 0.01% TTC and Rose Bengal resemble Haemophilus species and perform a Gram stain to
Chloramphenicol Agar. confirm that the isolate is a gram-negative rod or cocco-
bacillus. Suspend 1-2 colonies in 5 mL sterile, purified water
Principles of the Procedure or Trypticase Soy Broth and vortex to mix. Dip a swab in the
The combination of casein and soy peptones in TSA renders suspension and inoculate the entire surface of the plate with
the medium highly nutritious by supplying organic nitrogen, the swab. With sterile forceps, place a Taxo X factor strip, a
particularly amino acids and longer-chained peptides. The V factor strip and a XV strip on the plate, at least 20 mm
sodium chloride maintains osmotic equilibrium. Agar is the apart.
solidifying agent. Incubate plates at 35 2C for 24 hours in an aerobic atmo-
Haemophilus species may be differentiated by their require- sphere supplemented with carbon dioxide.
ments for X and V factors. Paper strips impregnated with
these factors are placed on the surface of the medium after Expected Results
inoculation with the test organism. Following incubation, a After incubation, it is desirable to have isolated colonies of
zone of growth around the strip indicates a requirement for organisms from the original sample. Subculture colonies of
the factor(s). interest so that positive identification can be made by means
of biochemical and/or serological testing.3,10,11
Formulae Consult appropriate texts for the growth patterns produced
Difco Tryptic Soy Agar
by the various strains of Haemophilus.3,12
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
Enzymatic Digest of Soybean Meal ............................ 5.0 g References
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g 1. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g 2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
3. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby Inc.,
St. Louis, Mo.
4. Nash and Krenz. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 5.0 g 5. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
8. Curry, Joyce and McEwen. 1993. CTFA microbiology guidelines. The Cosmetic, Toiletry and
Directions for Preparation from Fragrance Association, Inc., Washington, D.C.
9. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. 1984. Process control guidelines for
Dehydrated Product gamma radiation sterilization of medical devices. AAMI, Arlington, Va.
10. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
1. Suspend 40 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
11. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriology,
thoroughly. 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to 12. Campos. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiol-
ogy, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
completely dissolve the powder.
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. DO NOT OVER- Availability
HEAT. Difco Tryptic Soy Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar)
4. For preparation of blood plates, add 5-10% sterile, AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF EP ISO SMD SMWW USDA USP
defibrinated blood to the sterile agar which has been cooled Cat. No. 236940 Dehydrated 100 g
236950 Dehydrated 500 g
to 45-50C.
236920 Dehydrated 2 kg
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using 236930 Dehydrated 10 kg
stable, typical control cultures. BBL Trypticase Soy Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar)
Procedure Cat. No. 211043 Dehydrated 500 g
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from 211046 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
211047 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
specimens. Since many pathogens require carbon dioxide on
primary isolation, plates may be incubated in an atmosphere
containing approximately 3-10% CO2. Incubate plates at
35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Section III
T Tryptic Soy Agar, cont.
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar) BBL Trypticase Soy Agar, Sterile Pack
AOAC BAM CCAM COMPF EP ISO SMD SMWW USDA USP Cat. No. 221236 Prepared Settling Plates Pkg. of 10*
United States and Canada 222205 Prepared Settling Plates Ctn. of 100*
Cat. No. 221185 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* 221237 Prepared Settling Plates
221283 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100* (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 5*
221803 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 24* 222206 Prepared Settling Plates
221082 Prepared Pour Tubes, 20 mL Pkg. of 10 (150 15 mm-style) Ctn. of 45*
221086 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10 292257 Prepared Plates, heavy fill Pkg. of 10*
221087 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100 292396 Prepared Plates, heavy fill Ctn. of 100*
299099 Prepared Bottles, 500 mL Pkg of 10
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar, Isolator Pack
Europe Cat. No. 292651 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
Cat. No. 254051 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* 292652 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
254086 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120* 292272 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 5*
25007 Prepared Contact Plates Pkg. of 33*
Difco Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
Cat. No. 251167 Prepared Plates (5 4) Pkg. of 20* Cat. No. 290391 Tryptic Soy Agar//D/E Neutralizing Agar (20 slides)*
251185 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* 290371 Tryptic Soy Agar//Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
251540 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* (20 slides)*
251260 Prepared Plates (150 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 24* 290381 Tryptic Soy Agar//Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol
251812 Prepared Plates (60 15 mm-style) Ctn. of 240* Agar (20 slides)*
251355 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* 290461 Tryptic Soy Agar with 0.01% TTC//Rose Bengal
Chloramphenicol Agar (20 slides)*
*Store at 2-8C.
TSA with Lecithin & Poly 80, cont.
so that the contents inside the outer package(s) are sterile.13 BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin and
This allows the inner package to be aseptically removed Polysorbate 80
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
without introducing contaminants. Since the agar medium has Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g
been sterilized after packaging, the presence of microbial growth Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 5.0 g
after sampling and incubation can be relied upon to represent Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Lecithin ...................................................................... 0.7 g
true recovery and not pre-existing medium contaminants. A third Polysorbate 80 ........................................................... 5.0 g
rolled sterile bag is included as a transport device. Isolator Pack Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g
plates have been validated to protect the medium from vapor- *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
T TSA with Lecithin & Poly 80, cont.
Areas (walls, floors, etc.) to be assayed may be divided into Limitation of the Procedure
sections or grids and samples taken from specific points within The effectiveness of preservative neutralization with this
the grid. medium depends on both the type and concentration of the
Grid method: preservative(s).
1. Subdivide surface (floor or wall) into 36 equal squares per References
100 square feet of area by striking five equidistant dividing 1. Vesley and Michaelson. 1964. Health Lab. Sci. 1:107.
2. Pryor and McDuff. 1969. Exec. Housekeeper, March.
lines from each of the two adjacent sides. 3. Dell, L. A. 1979. Pharm. Technol. 3:47.
2. These dividing lines intersect at twenty-five points. 4. Hickey, Beckelheimer and Parrow. 1993. In Marshall (ed.), Standard methods for the examination
of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
3. Number these intersections consecutively in a serpentine 5. Orth. 1993. Handbook of cosmetic microbiology. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, N.Y.
6. Hall and Hartnett. 1964. Public Health Rep. 79:1021.
configuration. 7. McGowan. 1985. In Lennette, Balows, Hausler and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
4th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
4. Use red numerals for odd numbers, black numerals for even 8. Bryan. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology,
6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
numbers. 9. Favero, Gabis and Vesley. 1984. In Speck (ed.), Compendium of methods for the microbiological
5. Omit number 13 which falls in the center of the total area. examination of foods, 2nd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
10. Quisno, Gibby and Foter. 1946. Am. J. Pharm. 118:320.
6. Sample odd points at one sampling period, even points at 11. Erlandson and Lawrence. 1953. Science 118:274.
12. Sveum, Moberg, Rude and Frank. 1992. In Vanderzant and Splittstoesser (ed.), Compendium of
the next sampling period. methods for the examination of foods, 3rd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington,
7. For areas greater than 100 square feet, extend grid to in- 13. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. 1984. Process control guidelines for
gamma radiation sterilization of medical devices. AAMI, Arlington, Va.
clude entire area.
8. For areas smaller than 25 square feet, divide the areas into
twenty-five equal squares (sixteen intersections). Sample
Difco Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin and
eight even-numbered or odd-numbered intersections at each Polysorbate 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
sampling period. Cat. No. 255320 Dehydrated 500 g*
9. For areas between 25 and 100 square feet, divide into 36 255310 Dehydrated 2 kg*
equal squares as in #1. BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin and
10.Mark plates with intersection numbers. Polysorbate 80
Cat. No. 211764 Dehydrated 500 g*
Incubate exposed plates at 35-37C for 48 hours, and 25C 212263 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)*
for 7 days or as required. 296033 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)*
TSA Blood Agars
Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No. 2 and Tryptic Soy Blood Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II) prepared
Agar Base EH (enhanced hemolysis) are additional options plates provide excellent growth and beta hemolysis by
when hemolytic reactions are important. Tryptic Soy Blood Streptococcus pyogenes (Lancefield group A) and also
Agar Base No. 2 provides clear hemolytic reactions with group provide excellent growth and appropriate hemolytic reactions
A streptococci, while Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH with other fastidious organisms. This medium is suitable for
provides dramatic, improved hemolysis. performing the CAMP test for the presumptive identification
Section III
T TSA Blood Agars, cont.
TSA Blood Agars, cont.
Trypticase Soy Agar with 10% Sheep Blood (TSA II) prepared Directions for Preparation from
plates are provided for those laboratories preferring the Dehydrated Product
increased blood content. This medium is not recommended 1. Suspend 40 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix
for performance of the CAMP test. Additionally, the increased thoroughly.
blood content can make hemolytic reactions less distinct and 2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
more difficult to read. completely dissolve the powder.
Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Horse Blood (TSA II) prepared 3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. DO NOT OVER-
plates supply both the X and V factors which are growth HEAT.
requirements for certain organisms; e.g., Haemophilus 4. For preparation of blood plates, add 5-10% sterile,
influenzae. Sheep and human blood are not suitable for defibrinated blood to sterile agar which has been cooled to
this purpose because they contain enzymes that inactivate 45-50C. Mix well.
the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which is the 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
V factor.5 stable, typical control cultures.
Defibrinated horse blood may give hemolytic reactions different Procedure
from sheep blood.3 Some streptococci (e.g., group D) give Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
hemolytic reactions on horse blood, but not on sheep blood specimens. After streaking, stab the agar several times to
and may be mistakenly reported as group A. If a hemolytic deposit beta-hemolytic streptococci beneath the agar surface.
reaction is obtained, the organisms should be tested with Subsurface growth will display the most reliable hemolytic
a Taxo A disc and grouped serologically or tested by the reactions owing to the activity of both oxygen-stable and
fluorescent method. 6 Beta-hemolytic streptococci and oxygen-labile streptolysins.9
Haemophilus hemolyticus may be differentiated by perform-
ing a Gram stain on a smear prepared from the colony.7 Incubate plates at 35 2C for 18-72 hours. Since many
pathogens require carbon dioxide on primary isolation, plates
Defibrinated rabbit blood is also used for enriching agar-based may be incubated in an atmosphere containing approximately
media.8 Hemolytic reactions on Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% 5% CO2.
Rabbit Blood (TSA II) prepared plates are similar to those on
sheep blood. However, rabbit blood does not inhibit CAMP Test10
Non-hemoytic, bile-esculin negative streptococci or bacitracin-
Haemophilus haemolyticus, a bacterium inhibited by sheep
blood that produces colonies indistinguishable from those of resistant beta-hemolytic streptococci may be tested by the T
beta-hemolytic streptococci. CAMP test for presumptive identification as S. agalactiae
(Lancefield group B). The inoculum may be taken from an
Formulae overnight broth culture or from colonies picked from a blood
Difco Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No. 2 agar plate. Make a single streak of Staphylococcus aureus
Approximate Formula* Per Liter ATCC 33862 across the center of a blood agar plate. If a loop
Tryptone H ............................................................... 15.0 g is used, do not use it parallel to the agar surface, since the
Soytone ...................................................................... 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g streak will be too wide and the results will not be satisfactory.
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g The streptococcal isolates to be tested are inoculated by
Difco Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH making a simple streak perpendicular to the S. aureus line
Approximate Formula* Per Liter coming as close as possible (2-3 mm), but not touching it.
Tryptone H Plus ........................................................ 15.0 g Several streptococcal isolates may be tested on the same plate.
Soytone ...................................................................... 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g Perpendicular streptococcal streaks should be 5-8 mm apart.
Agar ......................................................................... 15.0 g Include a known S. agalactiae for a positive control and
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar, Modified (TSA II) S. pyogenes as a negative control. The procedure should be
Approximate Formula* Per Liter practiced with known cultures before using it to identify
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 14.5 g unknown isolates.
Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 5.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g NOTE: Studies on the CAMP Test have shown that the
Agar ......................................................................... 14.0 g
reaction is most reliable early in the shelf life of some lots of
Growth Factors .......................................................... 1.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. the prepared plated medium. It is recommended that
S. agalactiae ATCC 12386 be included along with patient
isolates to verify satisfactory performance.
Incubate plates in an aerobic atmosphere at 35 2C for
18-24 hours. Do not incubate anaerobically or in a CO2
incubator. False-positive results may occur with group A strep-
tococci when incubation is in an anaerobic or CO2-enriched
Section III
T TSA Blood Agars, cont.
TSA II with Ampicillin
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Horse Blood (TSA II)
(TSA II)//MacConkey II Agar United States and Canada
BS10 CMPH MCM7 Cat. No. 221372 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
United States and Canada Europe
Cat. No. 221290 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* Cat. No. 212099 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
221291 Prepared I Plate Dishes Ctn. of 100*
BBL Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Rabbit Blood (TSA II)
Cat. No. 251290
Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20* Cat. No. 221356 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from
specimens. Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar
side up) at 35 2C in an aerobic atmosphere for 18-48 hours.
Section III
T TSA II with Gentamicin
Tryptic Soy Broth, cont.
Uninoculated Staphylococcus
Tube epidermidis
ATCC 12228
Section III
T Tryptic Soy Broth, cont.
Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose, a low carbohydrate Tryptic Soy Broth and Trypticase Soy Broth are provided
formulation of Tryptic Soy Broth, is used for cultivating as prepared media in a variety of bottle styles. In addition,
fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms. Tryptic Soy Broth is provided as a Sterile Pack Bottle; i.e., the
bottle has been terminally sterilized inside of autoclavable
Summary and Explanation double-bags. All varieties of bottled TSB conform with
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Broth (TSB) is a nutritious medium requirements for Ready-To-Use Media as described in the USP.
that will support the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms,
including common aerobic, facultative and anaerobic bacteria and Formulae
fungi.1-4 Because of its capacity for growth promotion, this Bacto Tryptic Soy Broth
formulation is included in the USP as a sterility test medium Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
and for use in performing microbial limit testing.5 Enzymatic Digest of Soybean Meal ............................ 3.0 g
TSB was chosen by the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g
Service for detecting viable bacteria in live vaccines.6 It is used in Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.5 g
the coliphage detection procedure, a methodology in Standard BBL Trypticase Soy Broth
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.7 Approximate Formula* Per Liter
TSB is recommended for testing bacterial contaminants in Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
cosmetics8 and complies with established standards in the food Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal .................................. 3.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
industry.9-11 Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.5 g
TSB is also recommended, because of growth promotion, for
use as the inoculum broth for disc diffusion and agar dilution Bacto Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
antimicrobial susceptibility testing as standardized by the Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g
National Committeee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Enzymatic Digest of Soybean Meal ............................ 3.0 g
(NCCLS).12,13 Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g
Trypticase Soy Broth with 6.5% Sodium Chloride is used to *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
For use in sterility testing, consult the USP for procedural BBL Trypticase Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest
details and specifications for volume of medium relative to Medium)
container size.5
For use in the preparation of standardized inocula for antimi- Cat. No. 211768 Dehydrated 500 g
296264 Sterile, Dehydrated 500 g
crobial susceptibility testing, refer to the NCCLS standards.12,13 211771 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
211772 Dehydrated 25 lb (11.3 kg)
Expected Results 298131 Dehydrated LitrePak 20 1.0 L
Growth in broth media is indicated by the presence of turbid- 297294 Prepared Tubes, 0.5 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
295634 Prepared Tubes, 1 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
ity compared to an uninoculated control. Broth cultures should 221815 Prepared Tubes, 2 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
be held for at least a week before discarding as negative. 297979 Prepared Tubes, 3 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
297482 Prepared Tubes, 4 mL (D Tubes) Ctn. of 100
221715 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
References 221716 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
1. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md. 297342 Prepared Tubes, 5 mL (D Tubes) Ctn. of 100
2. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American 221092 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 221093 Prepared Tubes, 8 mL (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
3. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby, Inc.
St. Louis, Mo. 297354 Prepared Tubes, 10 mL (D Tubes) Ctn. of 100
4. Fredette and Forget. 1961. The sensitivity of several media to small inocula. Extract from a paper 221823 Prepared Tubes, 15 mL (A Tubes) Ctn. of 100
presented at the Canadian Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting, June 12-15. Kingston, Ontario,
297811 Prepared Tubes, 21 mL (A Tubes) Pkg. of 10
5. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The 297380 Prepared Bottle 30 mL
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md. 299107 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL (serum bottle) Pkg. of 10
6. Federal Register. 1992. Fed. Regist. 21:113.26.
7. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
299416 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL
wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. (septum screw cap) Pkg. of 10
8. Curry, Joyce and McEwen. 1993. CTFA microbiology guidelines. The Cosmetic, Toiletry and 299113 Prepared Bottles, 500 mL Pkg. of 10
Fragrance Association, Inc., Washington, D.C.
9. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC BBL Trypticase Soy Broth with 6.5% Sodium Chloride
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
10. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis AOAC International, 17th ed., vol. 1. AOAC Cat. No. 221351 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
11. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of BBL Trypticase Soy Broth with Fildes Enrichment
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
12. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M2-A7. Per- Cat. No. 221403 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Pkg. of 10*
formance standards for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests, 7th ed., NCCLS, Wayne, Pa. 221404 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes) Ctn. of 100*
13. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M7-A5.
Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed. Bacto Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose
NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
Cat. No. 286220 Dehydrated 500 g
14. Facklam, Sahm and Teixeira. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
15. Fildes. 1920. Br. J. Exp. Pathol. 1:129.
286210 Dehydrated 10 kg T
*Store at 2-8C.
Bacto Tryptic Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest
Cat. No. 211824 Dehydrated 100 g
211825 Dehydrated 500 g
211822 Dehydrated 2 kg
211823 Dehydrated 10 kg
290631 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL
(septum screw cap) Pkg. of 10
290612 Prepared Bottles, 90 mL (wide mouth) Pkg. of 10
290613 Prepared Bottles, 100 mL (wide mouth) Pkg. of 10
257213 Sterile Pack Bottles (double bagged),
100 mL Pkg. of 10
Section III
T TSB with 0.15% Agar, cont.
Supplementing TSB with agar is useful for the cultivation of Expected Results
anaerobes. The agar in the medium retards the absorption of Growth in tubes is indicated by the presence of turbidity com-
oxygen by reducing convection currents in the medium. pared to an uninoculated control.
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Uninoculated Pasturized
User Quality Control Plate Milk
Identity Specifications
Difco Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Light to medium tan, free-flowing,
homogeneous. T
Solution: 2.4% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light amber,
clear to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Light amber, clear to slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 2.4%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Difco m TGE Broth
Dehydrated Appearance: Light tan, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 1.8% solution, soluble in purified
water. Solution is light to medium
amber, clear to very slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Medium amber, clear to very slightly
Reaction of 1.8%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.0 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions in parallel with a control (ap-
proved) lot of medium. Inoculate with serial dilutions of pasteurized and
raw milk samples using the pour plate technique and incubate at 32
1C for 47-49 hours. Recovery of bacteria from the milk samples should
be comparable for both the test and control lots.
Difco m TGE Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate using the membrane
filter technique and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours in a humid
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
Section III
T Tryptone Glucose Extract, cont.
Consult the reference for information regarding the process- Availability
Difco Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
ing and inoculation of bottled water samples.10
Agar (Pour Plate) Cat. No. 223000 Dehydrated 500 g
Usually 1 mL samples of appropriate dilutions of the test sample Difco m TGE Broth
are pipetted into sterile Petri dishes and molten, cooled Tryptone COMPF
Glucose Extract Agar is added followed by gentle mixing to Cat. No. 275010 Dehydrated 100 g
275020 Dehydrated 500 g
distribute the sample dilution throughout the agar. Incubate
Tryptone Water
Intended Use Principles of the Procedure
Tryptone Water is recommended for use in the detection Tryptone Water contains both tryptone (1%) and sodium chlo-
of Escherichia coli in food and water samples based on indole ride. Due to its high tryptophan content, tryptone is suitable
production. for use in detecting indole production by bacteria. Tryptophan
is hydrolyzed and deaminated to produce indole, pyruvic acid
Summary and Explanation and ammonia.4 Indole can then be detected by the addition
Tryptone Water is based on the Tryptone Water formula of either Kovacs or Ehrlichs Reagent, which contain an
described in an ISO standard.1 In this procedure, Tryptone aldehyde group. The aldehyde group combines with indole to
Water is used with Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% to determine produce a red color in the alcohol layer. Sodium chloride is added
the most probable number (MPN) of E. coli present in meat to the medium to provide a suitable osmotic environment.
and meat products. Growth and gas production in Brilliant
Green Bile Broth 2% and indole production in Tryptone Formula
Water following incubation of both media at 44 1C is used Difco Tryptone Water
as the basis for this presumptive E. coli test. Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptone ................................................................... 10.0 g
Tryptone Water may also be used for differentiation of other Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
bacteria based on indole production. Production of indole *Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Section III
T Tryptose
Bacto Tryptose
Intended Use Tryptose is the major ingredient and only peptone in the
Bacto Tryptose is an enzymatic digest of protein used in pre- formulation for Tryptose Phosphate Broth (TPB), an often-
paring microbiological culture media. used medium for various culture applications. Hata and
Kojima6 have shown TPB to be a useful supplement in cultur-
Summary and Explanation ing the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis. TPB was also
Tryptose was originally developed as a peptone particularly reported as a supplement to a medium for cultivating a proto-
adapted to growth requirements of Brucella. Tryptose is very zoan parasite, which parasitizes vectors of Chagas disease, on
useful for cultivation of streptococci, pneumococci, meningo- its insect cell host.7 Spodoptera frugiperda, a cotton pest in
cocci and other fastidious organisms, and was found to be Argentina8 and several tick cell lines have also been grown
superior to meat infusion peptone media previously used for using a TPB-supplemented medium.9 Tryptose Phosphate Broth
these organisms.1,2 Mobley et al.3 reported that Tryptose Broth has been reported as a suitable supplement for growth of baby
was the preferred medium for strains of Bordetella hamster kidney cells10 and porcine kidney cells.11
bronchiseptica in studies of phosphatase activity. Media formulations containing Bacto Tryptose are specified
Tryptose has been reported as beneficial for cell culture applica- in standard methods for various applications.12-17
tions. Litwin4 found Tryptose to be suitable for supplementing
a serum-free medium to grow human diploid fibroblasts. Vaughn Principles of the Procedure
and Fan5 established that Tryptose provided free amino acids Bacto Tryptose is a mixed enzymatic hydrolysate with distinc-
necessary for growth of Spodoptera frugiperda and Lymantria tive nutritional properties. The digestive process of Bacto
dispar insect cell lines. Tryptose is often used as a biomass Tryptose results in assorted peptides of higher molecular weight
enhancer for recombinant E. coli production. suitable for long chain amino acid requirements. Bacto Tryptose
Cultural Response
Biochemical Reactions
Bacto Tryptose
Prepare a sterile solution of Bacto Tryptose as directed below. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Fermentable Carbohydrates 2% Escherichia coli 25922 ~107 Negative
Indole Production 0.1% Escherichia coli 29552 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Acetylmethylcarbinol 0.1% with Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
Production 0.5% dextrose
Hydrogen Sulfide Production 1% Salmonella choleraesuis 14028 0.1 mL, undiluted Positive
subsp. choleraesuis serotype Typhimurium
Growth Response
Bacto Tryptose
Prepare a sterile solution with 2% Bacto Tryptose, 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar. Adjust final pH to 7.2-7.4. Inoculate and incubate plates at
35 2C for 18-48 hours.
Brucella suis 4314* Undiluted Good
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 30-300 Good
Streptococcus pneumoniae 6303 30-300 Good
Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 30-300 Good
*If this strain is not available, verify performance with a known isolate.
Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Section III
T Tryptose Blood Agar Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 3.3% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is light amber, very
slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Plain Light amber, slightly opalescent.
With 5% sheep blood Cherry red,
Reaction of 3.3%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions without (plain) and with 5%
sterile defibrinated sheep blood (SB). Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C
for 18-48 hours (blood plates under 5-10% CO2).
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good Good Beta
Neisseria Streptococcus Streptococcus
meningitidis 13090 102-103 None to poor Good None pneumoniae pyogenes
ATCC 6305 ATCC 19615
aureus 25923 102-103 Good Good Beta
pneumoniae 6305 102-103 Fair to good Good Alpha
pyogenes 19615 102-103 Fair to good Good Beta
Tryptose Agar
Section III
T Tryptose Agar, cont.
Methodologies for the multiple applications using tryptose
media are outlined in the references.
Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Bacto Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Tryptose ................................................................... 20.0 g
Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.0 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 2.5 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Expected Results
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Section III
T Tryptose Phosphate Broth, cont.
References Availability
1. Bennett and Weaver. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC International,
Gaithersburg, Md.
Bacto Tryptose Phosphate Broth
2. Ginsberg, Gold and Jordan. 1955. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 89:66. BAM
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Cat. No. 260300 Dehydrated 500 g
260100 Dehydrated 2 kg
260200 Dehydrated 10 kg
Tween 80 Water
Intended Use Procedure
Tween * 80 Water may be used to restore and/or inoculate Follow those procedures or test methods requiring the use of
microdilution panels. water with 0.02% polysorbate 80.
*Tween is a trademark of ICI Americas.
Summary and Explanation 1. Thrupp. 1986. In Lorian (ed.), Antibiotics in laboratory medicine, 2nd ed. Williams & Wilkins,
Baltimore, Md.
Tween 80 (polysorbate 80) is a surface active agent that is
recommended for use at a 0.02% concentration in routine Availability
inoculum preparation and dispensing procedures in various BBL Tween 80 Water
microdilution systems.1 Cat. No. 297381 Prepared Tubes (D Tubes), 12.5 mL Ctn. of 100
296207 Prepared Tubes (A Tubes), 25 mL Pkg. of 10
Principles of the Procedure 296184 Prepared Tubes (A Tubes), 25 mL Ctn. of 100
Tyrosine Agar
(See Nocardia Differentiation Media)
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment
Section III
U-Z UVM Modified Listeria, cont.
Universal Preenrichment Broth
Procedure Availability
See appropriate references for specific procedures. Difco Universal Beer Agar
Cat. No. 285610 Dehydrated 500 g
Expected Results Mexico
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results. Cat. No. 252644 Prepared Plates (60 15 mm-style) Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Cultural Response
Difco Universal Preenrichment Broth
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 Uninoculated Salmonella
2C for 18-24 hours. Tube typhimurium
ATCC 14028
Listeria monocytogenes 19115 10-102 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp.
choleraesuis serotype Enteritidis 13076 10-102 Good
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp.
choleraesuis serotype Typhimurium 14028 10-102 Good
Section III
U-Z Universal Preenrichment, cont.
Formula Procedure
Difco Universal Preenrichment Broth Procedures for the preenrichment of Salmonella and Listeria
Approximate Formula* Per Liter are provided in appropriate references.1,2
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Proteose Peptone ....................................................... 5.0 g
Monopotassium Phosphate ...................................... 15.0 g Expected Results
Disodium Phosphate .................................................. 7.0 g Salmonella and Listeria demonstrate good growth and
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g recovery following preenrichment in this broth.
Dextrose ..................................................................... 0.5 g
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.25 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate ........................................... 0.1 g References
Sodium Pyruvate ........................................................ 0.2 g 1. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. 2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. October
2001. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Directions for Preparation from 3. Bailey and Cox. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:256.
4. Bailey, Fletcher and Cox. 1990. J. Food Prot. 53:473.
Dehydrated Product 5. Juven, Cox, Bailey, Thomson, Charles and Shutze. 1984. J. Food Prot. 47:299.
Urea Media
Urea Agar Base Urea Agar Base Concentrate 10
Urea Agar Urea Broth Urease Test Broth
Urease Broth Concentrate 10
Intended Use subsp. morganii, Providencia rettgeri, and a few Providencia
Urea Agar and Urease Test Broth are used for the differentiation stuartii strains with the reclassification of the members of the
of organisms, especially the Enterobacteriaceae, on the basis Proteeae.
of urease production. Urease base is also supplied as a filter sterilized 10 concen-
trated solution for use in preparing Urease Test Broth in the
Summary and Explanation laboratory.
Urea Agar was devised by Christensen for use as a solid medium
for the differentiation of enteric bacilli.1 It differentiates between Principles of the Procedure
rapid urease-positive Proteeae organisms (Proteus spp., The urea medium of Rustigian and Stuart3 is particularly suited
Morganella morganii subsp. morganii, Providencia rettgeri, for the differentiation of Proteus species from other gram-
and some Providencia stuartii) and other urease-positive negative enteric bacilli capable of utilizing urea;1 the latter are
organisms: Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Klebsiella and unable to do so in Urease Test Broth because of limited
bacteria other than Enterobacteriaceae; i.e., some Bordetella nutrients and the high buffering capacity of the medium. To
and Brucella spp.2 provide a medium with greater utility, Urea Agar was devised
The base is also supplied as a filter-sterilized 10 concentrated by Christensen1 with peptone and dextrose included and
solution in tubes for use in preparing Urea Agar slants in the reduced buffer content to promote more rapid growth of many
laboratory. of the Enterobacteriaceae and permit a reduction in incuba-
tion time. The complete Urea Agar contains 15.0 g/L of agar
Urease Test Broth was developed by Rustigian and Stuart.3 It
in addition to the ingredients in the base medium.
may be used for the identification of bacteria on the basis of
urea utilization and it is particularly recommended for the When organisms utilize urea, ammonia is formed during
differentiation of members of the genus Proteus from those of incubation which makes the reaction of these media alkaline,
Salmonella and Shigella in the diagnosis of enteric infections.4 producing a red-pink color. Consequently, urease production
The medium is positive for Proteus, Morganella morganii may be detected by the change in the phenol red indicator.
Urea Media, cont.
Uninoculated Proteus vulgaris Escherichia coli Uninoculated Proteus vulgaris Escherichia coli
Tube ATCC 13315 ATCC 25922 Tube ATCC 13315 ATCC 25922
Urea Agar Urea Broth
Section III
U-Z Urea Media, cont.
V Agar
3. Rustigian and Stuart. 1941. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 47:108.
4. Ewing. 1985. Edwards and Ewings identification of Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science Cat. No. 221096 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10*
Publishing Co, Inc., New York, N.Y. 221097 Prepared Slants Ctn. of 100*
5. Holt, Krieg, Sneath, Staley and Williams (ed.). 1994. Bergeys Manual of determinative bacteriol-
ogy, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md. Difco Urea Broth
6. Farmer. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiol-
ogy, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. AOAC BAM COMPF SMD
7. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, Cat. No. 227210 Dehydrated 500 g*
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
BBL Urease Test Broth
Cat. No. 211795 Dehydrated 500 g* Cat. No. 221098 Prepared Tubes Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.
V Agar
Intended Use diffuse beta hemolysis after 48 hours of incubation in an
V Agar is an enriched medium used in qualitative procedures aerobic atmosphere supplemented with carbon dioxide.
for the isolation and differentiation of Gardnerella vaginalis
from clinical specimens. References
1. Ellner, Stoessel, Drakeford and Vasi. 1966. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 45:502.
2. Greenwood, Pickett, Martin and Mack. 1977. Health Lab Sci. 14:102.
Summary and Explanation 3.
Greenwood and Pickett. 1980. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 30:170.
Piot, Van Dyck, Goodfellow and Falkow. 1980. J. Gen. Microbiol. 119:373.
In 1966, Ellner et al. developed an improved blood agar base 5.
Greenwood and Pickett. 1979. J. Clin. Microbiol. 9:200.
Funke and Bernard. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed), Manual of clinical
formulation, which has been designated as Columbia Agar.1 microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from speci-
mens. Since G. vaginalis requires carbon dioxide on primary
isolation, plates should be incubated in an aerobic atmosphere
containing approximately 3-10% CO2 at 35 2C for 48 hours.6
Expected Results
Typical colonies of G. vaginalis appear small and white, yield
gram-variable diphtheroid-like forms and exhibit distinctive
Section III
U-Z VJ Agar
Identity Specifications
Difco VJ Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 6.0% solution, soluble in purified water
upon boiling. Solution is red, very slightly
to slightly opalescent, may have a slight
white precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Red, slightly opalescent, may have a
slight white precipitate.
Reaction of 6.0%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.2 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco VJ Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Escherichia coli 25922 3102-103 Marked to
complete (translucent) (red)
Proteus mirabilis 25933 3102-103 Partial to + Staphylococcus aureus
complete (black) (red) ATCC 25923
inhibition with Potassium Tellurite
aureus 25923 102-3102 Good + +
(black) (yellow)
epidermidis 12228 3102-103 Fair to good
(translucent (red)
to black)
Vancomycin Screen Agar
Section III
U-Z Vancomycin Screen Agar, cont.
to which the isolate has demonstrated susceptibility results in 2. Spot inoculate the plate with 10 L of the adjusted
both in vitro and in vivo synergism producing a bactericidal suspension.12
effect.7 This synergistic effect is thought to be due to the 3. Allow the inoculum spot to absorb into the agar surface.
penicillin or vancomycin damaging the integrity of the cell wall, 4. Inoculate a growth control plate, such as a Trypticase Soy
thus allowing the aminoglycoside to penetrate and inhibit Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, in the same manner.
bacterial protein synthesis.8 The emergence of resistance 5. Incubate plates at 35 2C aerobically for a full 24 hours.
to vancomycin ( 6 g/mL)9 may result in the failure of
vancomycin-aminoglycoside combinations to eradicate the Expected Results
infecting organisms. Therefore, testing for resistance to Following a full 24 hours of incubation, observe plates for
vancomycin is important. The use of a Brain Heart Infusion growth.
Agar (BHIA) containing vancomycin (6 g/mL) is recom- Growth control plate: Growth indicates viable test organisms
mended by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory in the inoculum broth suspension and the test is valid. If there
Standards (NCCLS) for testing resistance.10, 11 is no growth, the test is invalid and must be repeated.
Principles of the Procedure BHIA with vancomycin (Yellow): Growth (> one colony)
The Brain Heart Infusion Agar base is a general-purpose indicates that the antimicrobial agent may not be synergistic
medium suitable for the cultivation of a wide variety of micro- in combination therapy. No growth ( one colony) indicates
organisms. that synergy may be predicted.11
The meat infusion solids and peptones are sources of organic References
nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, vitamins and trace substances. 1. Jett, Huycke and Gilmore. 1994. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 7:462.
2. Moellering. 1992. Clin. Infect. Dis. 14:1173.
Dextrose is a carbohydrate source. The medium is buffered 3. Emori and Gaynes. 1993. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 6:428.
through the use of disodium phosphate. Vancomycin at 6 g/mL 4. Landry, Kaiser and Wenzel. 1989. Am. J. Infect. Control. 17:323.
5. Moellering, Korzeniowski, Sande and Wennersten. 1979. J. Infect. Dis. 140:203.
is used to detect resistance to vancomycin.11 The Food, Drug 6. Murray. 1990. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 3: 46.
7. Mandell. 1984. Ann. Intern. Med. 100:904.
& Cosmetic (FD & C) dye is inert and added for easy visual 8. Moellering and Weinberg. 1971. J. Clin. Invest. 50:2580.
9. Johnson, Uttley, Woodford and George. 1990. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 3:280.
identification of this vancomycin-containing medium. 10. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. Approved standard: M7-A5.
Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically, 5th ed.
NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
Procedure 11. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 2000. M100-S10 (M7). MIC testing supple-
mental tables. NCCLS, Wayne, Pa.
1. Prepare the inoculum by suspending several well-isolated 12. Sahm and Torres. 1988. J. Clin. Microbiol. 26:250.
Violet Red Bile Agar
AGAR Availability
Neisseria meningitidis 13090 102-103 Good Good AOAC BAM COMPF
Staphylococcus Cat. No. 234310 Dehydrated 500 g
Streptococcus mitis
Difco Veal Infusion Broth U
Cat. No. 234420 Dehydrated 500 g
pneumoniae 6305 102-103 Good Good
234410 Dehydrated 10 kg Z
Section III
U-Z Violet Red Bile Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Violet Red Bile Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Reddish-beige, homogeneous, free-
Solution: 4.15% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is reddish-
purple, slightly opalescent, without
significant precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Reddish-purple, slightly opalescent, no
significant precipitate.
Reaction of 4.15%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Violet Red Bile Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 32
1C for 24 2 hours.
aerogenes 13048 30-300 Good Red, may have
slight red precipitate Escherichia coli
around colonies ATCC 25922
Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG
References Availability
1. Christen, Davidson, McAllister and Roth. 1993. In Marshall (ed.). Standard methods for the micro-
biological examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washing-
Difco Violet Red Bile Agar
2. Kornacki and Johnson. 2001. In Downes and Ito (ed.). Compendium of methods for the microbio-
logical examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 211695 Dehydrated 500 g
3. Hitchins, Feng, Watkins, Rippey and Chandler. 1995. In FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 211687 Dehydrated 2 kg
8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Cat. No. 254484 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
*Store at 2-8C.
Escherichia coli
User Quality Control ATCC 25922
Identity Specifications
Difco Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG
Dehydrated Appearance: Reddish beige, free-flowing, homoge- U
neous. -
Solution: 4.16% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is reddish-
purple, clear to slightly opalescent,
without significant precipitate.
Prepared Appearance: Reddish-purple, clear to slightly opales-
cent, no significant precipitate.
Reaction of 4.16%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 32
2C for 22-26 hours.
aerogenes 13048 30-300 Good Pink, may +
have bile ppt.
Escherichia coli 25922 30-300 Good Deep red,
with bile ppt.
aureus 25923 3102-103 Marked to
complete inhibition
Section III
U-Z Violet Red Bile with MUG, cont.
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink-beige, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 4.15% solution, soluble in purified
water upon boiling. Solution is red to
purple, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Red to purple, very slightly to slightly
Reaction of 4.15%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Using the pour plate method,
inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Acinetobacter baumanii 19606 ~103 None to poor Colorless to red
colonies, no bile
Escherichia coli 25922 102-3102 Good Red to purple colonies
with bile precipitate
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-3102 Good Red to purple colonies
with bile precipitate
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 ~103 None to poor Colorless to red
colonies, no bile
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to
Difco Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
completely dissolve the powder. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE.
3. Test samples of the finished product for performance using Cat. No. 218661 Dehydrated 500 g
stable, typical control cultures. Europe
Cat. No. 254486 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
Procedure 257042 Prepared Contact Plate Pkg. of 33*
This medium can be used in spread or pour plate procedures, Difco Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
with or without an overlay. In addition, this medium can Cat. No. 290371 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar//Tryptic Soy Agar
be used as an overlayer for spread plates to both prevent (20 slides)*
*Store at 2-8C.
swarming colonies and to provide semi-anaerobic conditions
that suppress the growth of nonfermentative gram-negative
organisms. Stab inoculation procedures can also be used with
this medium.
Section III
U-Z Vitamin B12 Assay Medium
Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution
Inoculum for the assay is prepared by subculturing a stock of a standard concentration should be used which, after incuba-
L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis ATCC 4797 or 7830 into a tube tion, will give a titration at the 5 mL level of 8-12 mL 0.1N
containing 10 mL of Lactobacilli Broth AOAC or B12 Inocu- sodium hydroxide.
lum Broth. After incubation at 35-37C for 18-24 hours,
Inoculate and incubate at 35-37C for 18-24 hours. For turbi-
the cells are centrifuged under aseptic conditions and the
dimetric determinations, place tubes in a refrigerator at 2-8C
supernatant liquid decanted. The cells are washed by
for 15-20 minutes to stop growth. The growth can be measured
resuspending in 10 mL of sterile 0.85% saline solution and
by a nephelometric method. Titrimetric determinations of
centrifuging. The washing is repeated for a total of 3 times.
growth are made after incubation at 37C for 72 hours. The
Finally the cells are resuspended in 10 mL of sterile 0.85%
curve is then constructed from the values obtained.
saline. The cell suspension is then diluted 1:100 with sterile
0.85% saline. One drop is used to inoculate each assay tube. Expected Results
It is essential that a standard curve be constructed each time 1. Prepare a standard concentration response curve by
an assay is run. Conditions of autoclaving and temperature of plotting the response readings against the amount of
incubation that influence the standard curve readings cannot standard in each tube, disk or cup.
always be duplicated. 2. Determine the amount of vitamin at each level of assay
solution by interpolation from the standard curve.
The concentrations required for the preparation of the stan-
3. Calculate the concentration of vitamin in the sample from
dard curve are obtained by adding sufficient 25% ethanol to
the average of these volumes. Use only those values that do
an accurately weighed amount of USP Cyanocobalamin
not vary more than 10% from the average. Use the results
Reference Standard (resulting in a solution containing 1.0 g
only if two-thirds of the values do not vary more than 10%.
of cyanocobalamin per mL). This stock solution is stored
in the refrigerator and should be used within 60 days. In the
Limitations of the Procedure
preparation of the standard curve, further dilutions of this stock
1. The test organism used for inoculating an assay medium
solution (1 g/mL) are made as follows:
must be cultured and maintained on media recommended
A. Add 1 mL stock solution to 99 mL purified water (1 mL = for this purpose.
10 ng). 2. Aseptic technique should be used throughout the assay
B. Add 1 mL of the solution from step A to 199 mL purified procedure.
water (1 mL = 0.05 ng). 3. The use of altered or deficient media may cause mutants
An acceptable standard curve can be obtained by using the having different nutritional requirements that will not give
USP Cyanocobalamin Reference Standard at levels of 0.0, a satisfactory response.
0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 ng per assay tube. This is 4. For successful results of these procedures, all conditions of
accomplished by adding 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL of the 0.05 the assay must be followed precisely.
ng/mL solution per assay tube and sufficient purified water to U
make 10 mL volume per tube. References -
1. Capps, Hobbs and Fox. 1949. J. Biol. Chem. 178:517.
2. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
A standard concentration is used which, after incubation, gives national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
a transmittance value at the 5 mL level of not less than that
which corresponds to a dry cell weight of 1.25 mg (see USP2 Availability
for method of calibration of a spectrophotometer and Difco Vitamin B12 Assay Medium
determination of dry cell weight). For the titrimetric method, Cat. No. 236010 Dehydrated 100 g*
*Store at 2-8C
Formula Procedure
BBL Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution is a ready-to-use solution. The
Approximate Formula* Per Liter solution cannot be heated and must be added aseptically in
Hemin ........................................................................ 0.5 g
Sodium Hydroxide ...................................................... 0.4 g
the proper amounts to media that have been autoclaved and
Phytomenadione (Vitamin K1) .................................... 0.05 g cooled to 50-55C.
Ethyl Alcohol, 95% .................................................. 10.0 mL
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution is usually employed in prepared
media at a final concentration of 5% for optimal results. Add
Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution as required.
User Quality Control
Identity Specifications Expected Results
BBL Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution
Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Appearance: Dark blackish-brown, opaque.
Cultural Response 1. Dowell, Lombard, Thompson and Armfield. 1977. Media for isolation, characterization and iden-
tification of obligately anaerobic bacteria. CDC laboratory manual. CDC, Atlanta, Ga.
BBL Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution 2. Jousimies-Somer, Summanen and Finegold. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken
Prepare medium with added Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution. Inoculate and (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Gibbons and MacDonald. 1960. J. Bacteriol. 80:164.
incubate at 35-37C for up to 4 days under appropriate atmospheric 4. Finegold, Sutter, Attebery and Rosenblatt. 1974. In Lennette, Spaulding and Truant (ed.), Manual
conditions. of clinical microbiology, 2nd ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
5. Murray and Citron. 1991. In Balows, Hausler, Herrmann, Isenberg and Shadomy (ed.), Manual of
ORGANISM ATCC INOCULUM CFU RECOVERY clinical microbiology, 5th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Prepare the medium per label directions. Using the pour plate technique,
inoculate and incubate for 42-72 hours at 35 2C for bacteria and at
30 2C for yeasts.
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Fair to good
Lactobacillus fermentum 9338 102-103 Fair to good
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 102-103 Good
Section III
U-Z WL Nutrient Medium, cont.
Formulae 2. Heat the agar media with frequent agitation and boil for 1
Difco WL Nutrient Medium minute to completely dissolve the powder.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter 3. Autoclave agar and broth media at 121C for 15 minutes.
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 4.0 g 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ........................................ 5.0 g
Dextrose ................................................................... 50.0 g stable, typical control cultures.
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 0.55 g
Potassium Chloride ................................................ 425.0 mg Procedure
Calcium Chloride ................................................... 125.0 mg
Magnesium Sulfate ................................................ 125.0 mg
See appropriate references for specific procedures.
Ferric Chloride ............................................................ 2.5 mg
Manganese Sulfate .................................................... 2.5 mg Expected Results
Agar ......................................................................... 20.0 g Refer to appropriate references and procedures for results.
Bromcresol Green ..................................................... 22.0 mg
Difco WL Nutrient Broth References
Consists of the same ingredients without the agar. 1. Green and Gray. 1950. Wallerstein Lab. Commun. 12:43.
2. Green and Gray. 1950. Wallerstein Lab. Commun. 13:357.
Difco WL Differential Medium
3. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Consists of the same ingredients as WL Nutrient Medium with
the addition of 4.0 mg cycloheximide.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Difco WL Nutrient Medium
Directions for Preparation from Cat. No. 242420 Dehydrated 500 g
Dehydrated Product Difco WL Nutrient Broth
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: Cat. No. 247110 Dehydrated 500 g
Difco WL Nutrient Medium* 80 g; Difco WL Differential Medium
Difco WL Differential Medium* 80 g; Cat. No. 242510 Dehydrated 500 g
Difco WL Nutrient Broth** 60 g.
Mix thoroughly.
* If desired, the pH may be adjusted to 6.5 0.2 by adding approximately 27-32 mL (see label
directions) of 1% sodium carbonate solution per liter of purified water prior to dissolving the
** If desired, add fermentation vials to tubes before autoclaving to assess gas production.
Wallenstein Medium
Intended Use Procedure
Wallenstein Medium is used in qualitative procedures for The test procedures are those recommended by the Centers for
the isolation and cultivation of mycobacteria from clinical Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for primary isolation
specimens. from specimens containing mycobacteria.5 N-acetyl-L-cysteine,
sodium hydroxide (NALC-NaOH) solution is recommended
Summary and Explanation as a gentle but effective digesting and decontaminating agent.
Wallenstein Medium is a glycerolated egg yolk medium These reagents are provided in the BBL MycoPrep Myco-
containing malachite green.1,2 Somewhat more inhibitory than bacterial Specimen Digestion/Decontamination Kit. For
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium because of the higher malachite detailed decontamination and culturing instructions, consult
green content, this medium is particularly recommended an appropriate reference.3,5-7
for use in parallel with other media for isolation of tubercle
Following inoculation, keep test containers shielded from light
and place in a suitable system providing an aerobic atmosphere
enriched with carbon dioxide. Incubate at 35 2C.
Principles of the Procedure
Egg yolk is a source of energy and enhances the growth of Slanted and bottled media should be incubated in a horizontal
Mycobacterium species. Inhibition of bacteria is achieved by plane until the inoculum is absorbed. Tubes and bottles should
the presence of malachite green dye. have screw caps loose for the first 3 weeks to permit circulation
of carbon dioxide for the initiation of growth. Thereafter, to
Precaution prevent dehydration, tighten caps; loosen briefly once a week.
Laboratory procedures involving mycobacteria require special Stand tubes upright if space is a problem.
equipment and techniques to minimize biohazards.4,5
NOTE: Cultures from skin lesions suspected to be M. marinum
or M. ulcerans should be incubated at 25-33C for primary
isolation. Incubate a duplicate culture at 35-37C.5
Wilkins-Chalgren Agar
Expected Results Bottles may be examined by inverting the bottles on the stage
Cultures should be read within 5-7 days after incubation and of a dissecting microscope. Read at 10-60 with transmitted
once a week thereafter for up to 8 weeks. light. Scan rapidly at 10-20 for the presence of colonies.
Higher magnification (30-60) is helpful in observing colony
Record Observations5
morphology; i.e., serpentine cord-like colonies.
1. Number of days required for colonies to become macroscopi-
cally visible. Rapid growers have mature colonies within 7 References
1. Wallenstein. 1941. Am. J. Clin. Pathol., Tech. Sect. 11, 108.
days. Slow growers require more than 7 days for mature 2. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria,
colony forms. vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
3. Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld. 1998. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 10th ed. Mosby,
2. Number of colonies (bottles): Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
4. U.S. Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of
No colonies = Negative Health. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed. HHS Publication
No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Less than 50 colonies = Actual Count 5. Kent and Kubica. 1985. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III laboratory.
USDHHS. CDC, Atlanta, Ga.
50 to 100 colonies = 1+ 6. Cernoch, Ennis, Saubolle and Wallace. 1994. Cumitech 16A, Laboratory diagnosis of the myco-
100 to 200 colonies = 2+ bacterioses. Coord. ed., Weissfeld. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Metchock, Nolte and Wallace. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual
Almost confluent (200 to 500) = 3+ of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
3. Pigment production
White, cream or buff = Nonchromogenic (NC) Availability
Lemon, yellow, orange, red = Chromogenic (Ch) BBL Wallenstein Medium
Cat. No. 295857 Prepared Bottles Ctn. of 100*
Stained smears may show acid-fast bacilli, which are reported *Store at 2-8C.
only as acid-fast bacilli unless definitive tests are performed.
Intended Use Reagent
Water may be used in laboratory procedures; e.g., preparation Purified water.
of dilutions of reagents and suspensions of microorganisms.
Summary and Explanation 1. Baron, Peterson and Finegold. 1994. Bailey & Scotts diagnostic microbiology, 9th ed. Mosby-
Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
Water has been recommended for numerous uses in the microbi- 2. Wickerham. 1951. Taxonomy of yeasts. U. S. Department of Agriculture technical bulletin 1029.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
ology laboratory.1 It is utilized in serial dilutions for test cultures,
in preparing stock solutions of reagents and in the preparation of Availability
the base medium for yeast assimilation studies.2 U
BBL Water
Cat. No. 297345 Prepared Tubes (K Tubes), 5 mL Ctn. of 100
Principles of the Procedure Z
The water in these tubes is purified (deionized) water that is ready
and convenient for use as a diluent or suspending medium.
Section III
U-Z Wilkins-Chalgren Agar, cont.
XL Agar Base
References Availability
1. Wilkins and Chalgren. 1976. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 10:926.
2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. 1993. Methods for antimicrobial suscepti-
Difco Wilkins-Chalgren Agar
bility testing of anaerobic bacteria. Approved standard M11-A3. NCCLS, Villanova, Pa. NCCLS
3. Wexler and Doern. 1995. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). Manual of clinical
microbiology, 6th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
Cat. No. 218051 Dehydrated 500 g
4. Isenberg (ed.). 1995. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol 1. American Society for
Microbiology, Washington, D.C. Difco Anaerobe Broth MIC
Cat. No. 218151 Dehydrated 500 g
Section III
U-Z XL Agar Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
Difco XLD Agar
Dehydrated Appearance: Pink, free-flowing, homogeneous.
Solution: 5.7% solution, soluble in purified water upon boiling. Solution is red, very slightly to slightly opalescent.
Prepared Appearance: Red, slightly opalescent.
Reaction of 5.7%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.4 0.2
Cultural Response
Difco XLD Agar
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103-2103 Partial inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103-2103 Partial inhibition Yellow with or
without bile precipitate
Providencia alcalifaciens 9886 102-103 Good Red
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Red with black centers
Shigella flexneri 12022 102-103 Good Red
XL Agar Base, cont.
Identity Specifications
BBL XL Agar Base
Dehydrated Appearance: Fine, homogeneous, free of extraneous material.
Solution: 4.5% solution, soluble in purified water upon boiling. Solution is dark medium to dark, red to rose-red, clear to slightly
Prepared Appearance: Dark medium to dark, red to rose-red, clear to slightly hazy.
Reaction of 4.5%
Solution at 25C: pH 7.5 0.2
Cultural Response
BBL XL Agar Base
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours (up to 48 hours if necessary).
Escherichia coli 25922 103-104 Good Yellow without precipitate
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 103-104 Good Red to yellow without
precipitate, black centers to
predominately black
Shigella flexneri 12022 103-104 Good Red
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 2C for 18-24 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 104-105 Partial to complete inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 104-105 Partial to complete inhibition If growth, yellow with or without bile precipitate
Klebsiella pneumoniae 33495 103-104 Good Yellow with or without bile precipitate
Proteus vulgaris 8427 103-104 Good Yellow with or without bile precipitate
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 103-104 Good Red
Salmonella choleraesuis U
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhi 19430 103-104 Good Red with black centers
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Paratyphi 9150 103-104 Good Red
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 103-104 Good Red with black centers
Shigella boydii 9207 103-104 Good Red
Shigella flexneri 12022 103-104 Good Red
Directions for Preparation from 5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Dehydrated Product stable, typical control cultures.
BBL XL Agar Base Difco and BBL XLD Agar
1. Suspend 45 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water:
thoroughly. Difco XLD Agar 57 g;
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- BBL XLD Agar 55 g.
pletely dissolve the powder. Add brilliant green, if desired. Mix thoroughly.
3. Autoclave at 118C for 10 minutes. Cool to 55-60C. 2. Heat with agitation just until the medium boils. DO NOT
4. Add 20 mL of an aqueous solution containing 34% OVERHEAT. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE.
sodium thiosulfate and 4% ferric ammonium citrate. 3. Cool to 45-50C in a water bath and use immediately.
For XLD agar, add 25 mL of 10% aqueous sodium Overheating causes precipitation.
desoxycholate. Pour into plates. 4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
stable, typical control cultures.
Section III
U-Z XL Agar Base, cont.
Procedure References
1. Taylor. 1965. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 44:471.
Use standard procedures to obtain isolated colonies from 2. Taylor and Harris. 1965. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 44:476.
specimens. A nonselective medium should also be streaked to 3.
Taylor and Harris. 1967. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 48:350.
Taylor and Schelhart. 1967. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 48:356.
increase the chance of recovery when the population of gram- 5. Taylor and Schelhart. 1968. Appl. Microbiol. 16:1387.
6. Pollock and Dahlgren. 1974. Appl. Microbiol. 27:197.
negative organisms is low and to provide an indication of other 7. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. 2001. The United States pharmacopeia 25/The
national formulary 20 2002. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., Rockville, Md.
organisms present in the specimen. Incubate plates, protected 8. U.S. Food and Drug Adminsitration. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC
from light, at 35 2C for 18-24 hours. Colonies on XLD agar International, Gaithersburg, Md.
9. Horwitz (ed.). 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International, 17th ed. AOAC Interna-
may require 48 hours incubation for full color development. tional, Gaithersburg, Md.
10. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Expected Results 11. Marshall (ed.). 1993. Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, 16th ed. American
Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
12. Clesceri, Greenberg and Eaton (ed.). 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and
Degradation of xylose, lactose and sucrose generates acid prod- wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
ucts, causing a color change in the medium from red to yellow.
Hydrogen sulfide production under alkaline conditions causes Availability
colonies to develop black centers. This reaction is inhibited by BBL XL Agar Base
the acid conditions that accompany carbohydrate fermentation. Cat. No. 211836 Dehydrated 500 g
Lysine decarboxylation in the absence of lactose and sucrose Difco XLD Agar
fermentation causes reversion to an alkaline condition and the AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF EP MCM7 SMD
color of the medium changes back to red. SMWW USP
Cat. No. 278850 Dehydrated 500 g
Typical colonial morphology and reactions on XLD Agar are 278820 Dehydrated 2 kg
as follows: 278830 Dehydrated 10 kg
E.coli ................................... Large, flat, yellow; some strains BBL XLD Agar
may be inhibited AOAC BAM BS10 CMPH COMPF EP MCM7 SMD
Enterobacter/ Klebsiella ....... Mucoid, yellow SMWW USP
Proteus ................................ Red to yellow; most strains have Cat. No. 211838 Dehydrated 500 g
black centers 212266 Dehydrated 5 lb (2.3 kg)
Salmonella .......................... Red-yellow with black centers
United States and Canada
Shigella, Salmonella
Cat. No. 221192 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
H2S-negative ....................... Red
221284 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
Pseudomonas ...................... Red
Gram-positive bacteria ........ No growth to slight growth Europe
Cat. No. 254055 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
254090 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 120*
Limitations of the Procedure
1. Red, false-positive colonies may occur with some Proteus Cat. No. 251159 Prepared Plates Ctn. of 100*
and Pseudomonas species.
BBL XLD Agar//Hektoen Enteric Agar
2. Incubation in excess of 48 hours may lead to false-positive
Cat. No. 295646 Prepared I Plate Dishes Pkg. of 20*
results. *Store at 2-8C.
3. S. paratyphi A, S. choleraesuis, S. pullorum and S. gallinarum
may form red colonies without black centers, thus resembling
Shigella species.
4. Some Proteus strains will give black-centered colonies on
XLD Agar.
XLT4 Agar Base, cont.
Salmonella typhimurium
Identity Specifications ATCC 14028
Difco XLT4 Agar Base
Cultural Response
Difco XLT4 Agar Base with XLT4 Agar Supplement
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35
2C for 18-48 hours.
Enterococcus faecalis 29212 103 Marked inhibition
Escherichia coli 25922 103 Partial inhibition Yellow
Proteus mirabilis 25933 103 Inhibition
Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. choleraesuis
serotype Typhimurium 14028 102-103 Good Yellow to red
with black centers
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 103 Inhibition
recovery of non-typhi Salmonella from chicken and farm Difco XLT4 Agar Supplement
environmental drag-swab samples. A 27% solution (approximate) of the surfactant Tergitol** 4
(7-ethyl-2-methyl-4-undecanol hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt).
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Principles of the Procedure **Tergitol is a trademark of Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology Corporation.
Colonies of H2S-negative Salmonella strains appear pinkish- 3. Freshly inoculated plates and plates held over several days
yellow. may develop multicolored, metallic looking crystals/flecks
on the surface. These crystals/flecks do not interfere with
Most Citrobacter colonies that grow on this medium are yellow
the performance of the medium.
without evidence of blackening. Growth of Enterobacter
aerogenes and Escherichia coli is markedly inhibited; colonies
that do grow appear yellow without evidence of blackening. 1. Miller and Tate. 1990. The Maryland Poultryman April:2.
Growth of Proteus, Pseudomonas, Providencia, Alteromonas 2.
Miller, Tate, Mallinson and Schemer. 1991. Poultry Science 70:2429.
Miller, Tate, Mallinson and Schemer. 1992. Poultry Science 71:398.
putrefaciens, Yersinia enterocolitica and Acinetobacter 4. Tate, Miller and Mallinson. 1992. J. Food Prot. 55:964.
5. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed., Food Safety and
calcoaceticus is markedly to completely inhibited on XLT4 Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C.
6. Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.). 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed.
Agar. Shigella species are partially inhibited and colonies ap- American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
7. Downes and Ito (ed.) 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods,
pear red. 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Xanthine Agar
(See Nocardia Differentiation Media)
YM Agar YM Broth
Intended Use ents. Peptone is an additional source of carbon and provides
YM Agar and YM Broth are used for cultivating yeasts, molds nitrogen and amino acids. Dextrose provides carbon. Agar is
and other aciduric microorganisms. the solidifying agent.
YPD Agar
Section III
U-Z YPD Agar, cont.
Difco YPD Agar
Cat. No. 242720 Dehydrated 500 g
242710 Dehydrated 2 kg
Difco YPD Broth
Cat. No. 242820 Dehydrated 500 g
242810 Dehydrated 2 kg
2YT Medium
Intended Use acids, nucleotide precursors, vitamins and other metabolites
2YT Medium is used for cultivating recombinant strains of that the cell would otherwise have to synthesize.2
Escherichia coli.
Principles of the Procedure
Summary and Explanation Peptone and yeast extract provide the necessary nutrients and
2YT (Yeast Extract Tryptone) Medium is a nutritionally rich cofactors required for excellent growth of E. coli. Sodium chlo-
growth medium designed for growth of recombinant strains ride is included to provide a suitable osmotic environment.
of Escherichia coli. This medium is also used for propagation
of M13 bacteriophage for sequencing and phage display re- Formula
search.1-3 The components of 2YT Medium provide nitro- Difco 2YT Medium
gen and growth factors that allow bacteriophage to reproduce Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 16.0 g
in large quantities without exhausting the host. E. coli grows Yeast Extract ............................................................ 10.0 g
more rapidly in this rich medium because it provides amino Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Yeast Extract
Yeast Extract Glucose Agar
Section III
U-Z Yeast Extract Glucose Agar, cont.
Yeast Fermentation Broth
Section III
U-Z Yeast Media
Yeast Media
Yeast Morphology Agar Yeast Carbon Base Yeast
Nitrogen Base Yeast Nitrogen Agar Yeast Nitrogen
Base w/o Amino Acids Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o
Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate
Intended Use Alternate methods of applying the carbohydrates to the agar
Yeast Morphology Agar is used for classifying yeasts based on surface have been used. The dry carbohydrates used by
colonial characteristics and cell morphology. Beijerinck may be replaced with filter-paper discs impregnated
with carbohydrates (Taxo carbohydrate discs), by placing
Yeast Carbon Base is used for classifying yeasts based on
drops of carbohydrate solution onto the agar, or by placing
nitrogen assimilation.
the carbon sources in wells cut in the agar surface.9
Yeast Nitrogen Base and Yeast Nitrogen Agar are used for
Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids, which lacks the
classifying yeasts based on carbon assimilation.
amino acids histidine, methionine and tryptophan, and Yeast
Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids is used for classify- Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate,
ing yeasts based on amino acid and carbohydrate requirements. which lacks amino acids and ammonium sulfate, are prepared
Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium according to Guenters10 modification of Wickerhams Yeast
Sulfate is used for classifying yeasts based on carbon and Nitrogen Base formulation.
nitrogen requirements. These media are included in many applications for the study
of yeasts in molecular genetics.11,12
Summary and Explanation
Yeasts are unicellular, eukaryotic, budding cells that are generally Principles of the Procedure
round-to-oval or elongate in shape.1 They multiply principally by Yeast Morphology Agar contains all essential nutrients and
the production of blastoconidia (buds).1 Yeast colonies are moist vitamins necessary for the cultivation of yeasts, including a
and creamy or glabrous to membranous in texture.1 Yeasts are source of carbohydrate.
considered opportunistic pathogens.1
Yeast Carbon Base contains all essential nutrients and vita-
The yeast media cited are prepared according to the formulas mins necessary for the cultivation of yeasts except a source of
of Wickerham.27 nitrogen.
Yeast Carbon Base tests the ability of yeasts to assimilate Yeast Nitrogen Base contains all essential nutrients and vita-
nitrogen by the addition of various nitrogen sources. The mins necessary for the cultivation of yeasts except a source of
inclusion of vitamins aids in the utilization of nitrogen-con- carbohydrate.
taining compounds by certain yeasts which cannot assimilate
Prepared plated Yeast Nitrogen Agar is composed of a defined
these compounds in the absence of vitamins.
set of nutrients, including a nitrogen source, amino acids, min-
Yeast Nitrogen Base is a suitable medium for studying strains erals and vitamins required for the growth of yeasts, but with-
of yeast that require certain vitamins. out any energy source. This medium is used to determine the
Prepared plated Yeast Nitrogen Agar, which is Yeast Nitrogen ability of a yeast species to utilize a carbohydrate that is added
Base plus 13.0 g/L of agar, is prepared according to Wickerham to the medium as the sole source of carbon.9
and Burtons formulation for use in an auxanographic tech- Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids contains all essen-
nique for determining patterns of carbohydrate assimilation.7 tial vitamins and inorganic salts necessary for the cultivation
In the auxanographic technique originally devised by Beijerinck, of yeasts except histidine, methionine, tryptophan and a source
small amounts of dry carbohydrates are placed on the surface of carbohydrate.
of a heavily seeded synthetic agar medium.8 Growth in the
Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium
area surrounding a carbohydrate indicates that the yeast
Sulfate contains all essential nutrients and vitamins necessary
assimilated that sugar as a carbon source. The pattern of
for the cultivation of yeasts except amino acids and a source
utilized carbohydrates is an auxanogram.
of nitrogen and carbohydrate.
Yeast Media, cont.
Section III
U-Z Yeast Media, cont.
Yeast Media, cont.
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and 4. Prepare the final medium by aseptically pipetting 0.5 mL of
Ammonium Sulfate the 10 solution into 4.5 mL of purified water. Mix well.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using
Biotin ......................................................................... 2.0 g stable, typical control cultures.
Calcium Pantothenate ............................................ 400.0 g
Folic Acid ................................................................... 2.0 g Procedure
Inositol ................................................................ 2,000.0 g
Difco Yeast Morphology Agar
Niacin ..................................................................... 400.0 g
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ............................................. 200.0 g Inoculate plates using the Dolman technique. This is an excel-
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride ........................................ 400.0 g lent method for studying the hyphae of filamentous yeasts.
Riboflavin ............................................................... 200.0 g
Thiamine Hydrochloride ......................................... 400.0 g 1. Near one side of the plate (from the relative positions of 10
Compounds Supplying Trace Elements oclock to 2 oclock), lightly inoculate a single streak taken
Boric Acid ............................................................... 500.0 g
from a slant culture.
Copper Sulfate ......................................................... 40.0 g
Potassium Iodide .................................................... 100.0 g 2. In addition to the single streak, inoculate two points near
Ferric Chloride ........................................................ 200.0 g the other side of the plate (at the 4 oclock and 8 oclock
Manganese Sulfate ................................................ 400.0 g positions).
Sodium Molybdate ................................................. 200.0 g
Zinc Sulfate ............................................................ 400.0 g 3. Cover a central section of the streak inoculation and one
Salts point inoculation with cover glasses, as follows:
Monopotassium Phosphate ........................................ 1.0 g a. With forceps, remove a cover glass from absolute alco-
Magnesium Sulfate .................................................... 0.5 g hol, drain momentarily, and burn off excess alcohol by
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 0.1 g
Calcium Chloride ....................................................... 0.1 g passing over a low flame.
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria. b. When the cover glass has cooled, place one edge on the
agar and allow it to fall across the central portion of the
Directions for Preparation from inoculated streak. Place a second cover glass over one point
Dehydrated Product inoculation.
Difco Yeast Morphology Agar 4. Incubate at 25-30C for 6-7 days.
1. Suspend 35 g of the powder in 1 L of purified water. Mix 5. After incubation, observe with a high dry objective.
Difco Yeast Carbon Base, Yeast Nitrogen Base, Yeast
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to com- Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Yeast Nitrogen
pletely dissolve the powder. Base without Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate
3. Autoclave at 121C for 15 minutes. 1. Inoculate the prepared tubed medium very lightly with the
4. Test samples of the finished product for performance using test organism.
stable, typical control cultures. 2. Incubate at 25C for 6-7 days.
Difco Yeast Carbon Base, Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base, 3. After incubation (6-7 days and, if necessary, 20-24 days), U
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids or shake the tubes to suspend growth. -
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and
Ammonium Sulfate
4. Read for growth.
BBL Yeast Nitrogen Agar
1. To facilitate filtration, prepare a 10 solution as follows:
Difco Yeast Carbon Base Dissolve 11.7 g of base and a 1. Subculture the isolate to be identified onto a Sabouraud
nitrogen source in 100 mL of purified water (with warm- Dextrose Agar or Mycophil Agar slant. Incubate at 30C
ing, if necessary). Mix well. until good growth is observed (24-48 hours).
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base Dissolve 6.7 g of base and 5 g 2. Using a sterile cotton swab, remove the growth from the
of dextrose or equivalent amount of other carbohydrate in subculture and suspend in 9 mL sterile water. Using a new
100 mL of purified water (with warming, if necessary). Mix sterile swab, uniformly inoculate the medium with the yeast
well. suspension.
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids Dis- 3. Following inoculation, place carbohydrate discs onto the
solve 6.7 g of base, 5 g of dextrose or equivalent amount of surface of the medium. Press each disc with sterile forceps
other carbohydrate and 5-10 mg% of the desired amino to make good contact with the agar surface.
acid in 100 mL of purified water (with warming, if neces- 4. Incubate the plates in an inverted position (agar side up) at
sary). Mix well. 25C for 4872 hours.
Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and Carbon Assimilation Test
Ammonium Sulfate Dissolve 1.7 g of base plus nitrogen Refer to the procedure described in the Manual of Clinical
and carbon sources as required in 100 mL of purifed water Microbiology.9
(with warming, if necessary). Mix well.
2. Filter sterilize. Nitrogen Assimilation Test
3. Store at 2-8C. Refer to the procedure described in the Manual of Clinical
Section III
U-Z Yeast Media, cont.
gen in the form of protein. Possible errors due to this reserve Cat. No. 239210 Dehydrated 100 g
are eliminated by making two serial transfers in the complete BBL Yeast Nitrogen Agar
medium. When the first transfer is seven days old, the culture Cat. No. 295977 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20*
is shaken and one loopful is transferred to a second tube of the Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids
complete medium containing the same source of nitrogen. If a Cat. No. 291940 Dehydrated 100 g
positive test is obtained when the second culture is seven days 291920 Dehydrated 2 kg
291930 Dehydrated 10 kg
old, the organism being tested assimilates this particular nitro-
gen source. Difco Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids and
Ammonium Sulfate
Cat. No. 233520 Dehydrated 100 g
233510 Dehydrated 10 kg
*Store at 2-8C.
Section IV
Reference Guide
Media for Specific Groups
Anaerobes Anaerobic Agar Actinomyces Broth Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Cooked Meat Medium
(exclusive of clostridia): Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Anaerobic Agar Cooked Meat Medium CTA Medium
Actinomyces Brewer Anaerobic Agar Brewer Anaerobic Agar CTA Medium w/Carbohydrates Thioglycollate Medium w/o
Bacteroides Brucella Laked Blood Agar CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Indole Nitrite Medium Indicator-135C
Bifidobacterium w/KV Columbia Anaerobic Sheep Blood Sulfite Agar
Eubacterium CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Agar Thioglycollate Media
Fusobacterium CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Cooked Meat Medium
Lactobacillus w/KV Liver Veal Agar
Peptostreptococcus CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Schaedler Agar/Broth
Porphyromonas w/PEA Sulfite Agar
Prevotella CDC Anaerobe Laked Blood Thioglycollate Media
Proprionibacterium Agar w/KV Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media
Veillonella Columbia Anaerobic Sheep
Blood Agar
Cooked Meat Medium
Liver Infusion Agar/Broth
Liver Veal Agar
Schaedler Agar/Broth
Sulfite Agar
Thioglycollate Media
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media
Bordetella Bordet Gengou Agar Base Bordet Gengou Agar Base Blood Agar Bordet Gengou Agar Base
Charcoal Agar Charcoal Agar Heart Infusion Agar
Chocolate Agar Chocolate Agar MacConkey Agar
Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar Litmus Milk
Base Motility Test Medium
Nitrate Broth
Urea Agar Base
Urease Test Broth
Brucella Brucella Agar/Broth Brucella Agar/Broth CTA Medium CTA Medium
Eugon Agar Eugon Agar Urea Agar Base Nutrient Agar
Liver Infusion Agar/Broth Eugon Broth/Eugonbroth Urease Test Broth
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media Liver Infusion Agar/Broth
Tryptose Broth Potato Infusion Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media
Clostridium Anaerobic Agar Anaerobic Agar Clostridium difficile Selective Cooked Meat Medium
CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Agar Thioglycollate Medium w/o
CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar Columbia Anaerobic Cooked Meat Medium Indicator-135C
w/PEA Blood Agar Differential Reinforced Tryptic/Trypticase Agar
Clostridium difficile Selective Cooked Meat Medium Clostridial Agar Base
Agar Differential Reinforced Clostridial Egg Yolk Agar, Modified
Clostrisel Agar Agar Indole Nitrite Medium
Cooked Meat Medium Egg Yolk Agar, Modified Lecithin Lactose Agar
Lecithin Lactose Agar Egg Meat Medium Litmus Milk
Liver Infusion Agar/Broth McClung Toabe Agar McClung Toabe Agar
McClung Toabe Agar Reinforced Clostridial Medium SFP Agar
Reinforced Clostridial Agar SFP Agar SPS Agar
SFP Agar SPS Agar Sulfite Agar
SPS Agar Schaedler Agar/Broth Thioglycollate Media
Schaedler Agar/Broth Thioglycollate Media Tryptic/Trypticase Agar Base
TSN Agar Trypticase Soy Broth with 0.1%
Thioglycollate Media Agar
Section IV
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Corynebacterium Loeffler Medium Brain Heart Infusion Agar CTA Agar Blood Agar Base +
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Loeffler Medium Indole Nitrite Medium 5% Rabbit Blood
Serum Tellurite Agar Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar KL Virulence Agar CTA Medium
Tinsdale Base KL Virulence Enrichment Nutrient Agar
Tinsdale Enrichment, Taxo KL Antitoxin Strips Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Desiccated Nitrate Broth
Trypticase Tellurite Agar Base Serum Tellurite Agar
Starch Agar
Trypticase Tellurite Agar Base
Urea Agar
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Enterococci Azide Dextrose Broth Brain Heart Infusion BAGG Broth Brain Heart Infusion
Group D Streptococci BAGG Broth Brain Heart Infusion Agar Bile Esculin Agar CTA Medium
Bile Esculin Agar SF Broth/Medium CTA Medium w/Carbohydrates Stock Culture Agar
Columbia CNA Agar Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media mEI Agar Trypticase Soy Agar w/
M-E Agar Base Enterococcosel Agar/Broth 5% Sheep Blood
mEI Agar KF Streptococcal Agar /Broth
Enterococcosel Agar MacConkey Agar w/o CV
Esculin Iron Agar Salt Broth, Modified
Ethyl Violet Azide (EVA) Broth SF Broth/Medium
KF Streptococcal Agar/Broth Trypticase Soy Broth w/6.5%
m-Enterococcus Agar NaCl
MacConkey Agar w/o CV
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
SF Broth/Medium
Streptosel Agar/Broth
Section IV
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Gardnerella vaginalis HBT Bilayer Medium Chocolate Agar HBT Bilayer Medium Casman Agar Base +
V Agar Columbia CNA Agar Sodium Hippurate Broth 5% Rabbit Blood
Casman Agar Base + Starch Agar w/
5% Rabbit Blood Bromcresol Purple
V Agar
Haemophilus Casman Agar Base Casman Agar Base Hemo Quad ID Chocolate II Agar
Chocolate II Agar Chocolate II Agar Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar CTA Medium
GC Agar Base GC Agar Base with Taxo X, V and XV
GC II Agar Base GC II Agar Base Factor Strips
Lactobacillus APT Agar/Broth APT Agar/Broth Esculin Agar Slants CTA Medium
Leuconostoc Eugon Agar Chocolate II Agar Indole Nitrite Medium Eugon Agar
Lactobacillus MRS Agar/Broth Elliker Broth Litmus Milk Lactobacilli MRS Broth
LBS Agar/Broth Eugon Agar Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Tomato Juice Agar
MRS Agar/Broth LBS Agar/Broth w/ Arginine
Orange Serum Agar MRS Agar/Broth MRS Broth
Raka Ray No. 3 Broth/Medium Rogosa SL Agar/Broth Trypticase Soy Broth w/
Reinforced Clostridial Agar Tomato Juice Agar 6.5% NaCl
Snyder Agar Tomato Juice Agar, Special
Thayer Martin Agar Trypticase Soy Agar w/
5% Sheep Blood
Universal Beer Agar (UBA)
Legionella BCYE Agar Base BCYE Agar BCYE Agar BCYE Agar
BCYE Agar BCYE Differential Agar
BCYE Differential Agar Sodium Hippurate Broth
BCYE Selective Agar w/PAC
BCYE Selective Agar w/PAV
BCYE Selective Agar w/CCVC
Legionella Agar Enrichment
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey) A7 Agar, Modified A7 Agar, Modified Mycoplasma Agar Base
Ureaplasma PPLO Agar Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey)
PPLO Broth w/o CV PPLO Agar
PPLO Broth w/o CV
Neisseria Casman Agar Base Brain Heart Infusion Agar CTA Medium w/Carbohydrates Chocolate II Agar
Chocolate II Agar Casman Agar Base Rapid Fermentation Medium CTA Medium
GC Agar Base Chocolate II Agar
GC II Agar Base Eugon Agar
GC-Lect Agar Eugon Broth/Eugonbroth
Eugon Agar GC Agar Base
Martin-Lewis Agar GC II Agar Base
Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM Tryptose Phosphate Broth
II) Agar
Thayer-Martin Selective Agar
Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Section IV
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Staphylococci Baird-Parker Agar Base Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Media Baird-Parker Agar Base CTA Medium
Chapman Stone Agar Chapman Stone Agar Nutrient Agar
CHROMagar Staph aureus CHROMagar Staph aureus Trypticase Soy Agar
Coagulase Mannitol Agar Coagulase Mannitol Agar
Columbia CNA Agar Columbia CNA Agar
Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base CTA Medium with Mannitol
Mannitol Salt Agar DNase Test Agar
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar DNA Test Agar w/Methyl
Staphylococcus Agar #110 Green
Tellurite Glycine Agar Base DNA Test Agar w/Toluidine
TPEY Agar Base Blue
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar Mannitol Salt Agar
Phenol Red Mannitol Broth
Spirit Blue Agar
Staphylococcus Agar #110
Tellurite Glycine Agar Base
TPEY Agar Base
Media for Specific Groups, cont.
Vibrio Alkaline Peptone Water Trypticase Soy Agar w/5% Sheep DCLS Agar Brain Heart Infusion Agar
DCLS Agar Blood Kligler Iron Agar Marine Agar 2216
TCBS Agar Moeller Decarboxylase Broths Nutrient Agar
MR-VP Broth
Purple Agar/Broth Base
Simmons Citrate
Yersinia enterocolitica CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Trypticase Soy Agar w/5% Sheep Christensen's Urea Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Selective Agar Base) Blood CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Nutrient Agar
MacConkey Agar MacConkey Agar Selective Agar Base) Trypticase Soy Agar w/5%
Decarboxylase Broths Sheep Blood
Kligler Iron Agar Tryptose Agar
Motility Test Medium
MR-VP Broth
Simmons Citrate
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Section IV
Application Tables
Bacteriological Applications
Auxotrophic studies ++ ++ +
Bacteriology, research ++ ++ +
Bacteriology, general purpose ++ ++ + +
Bacteriophage studies ++ +
Biotechnology production + + ++ +/
General microbial production + + ++ +/
Growth of fastidious organisms ++ ++
Identification of pathogenic organisms ++ ++ + +/
Microaerophilic studies ++ +
Molecular genetics ++ ++ + ++
Prepared plate manufacture + + ++
Quality control, production ++ + + +/
Quality control, environmental + + ++ +/
Transformation of bacteria ++ +
Transformation of yeast ++ +
Non-Bacteriological Applications
Immunodiffusion ++ ++
Electrophoresis ++ ++
Tissue Culture, mammalian ++
Tissue Culture, plant ++ ++ +
Histology, tissue embedding + + ++
Histology, bone marrow embedding ++ + +
Insect growth substrate ++
++ Recommended
+ Suitable
+/ Marginal
Application Tables
Effectiveness Testing
D/E Neutralizing Agar
D/E Neutralizing Broth
Letheen Agar
Letheen Agar, Modified
Letheen Broth
Letheen Broth, Modified
Nutrient Agar
Plate Count Agar/Standard Methods Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
TAT Broth Base
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
YM Agar
Section IV
Application Tables
Cosmetic Testing
nin ve
tiv t i v e
ree ati
Sc -Neg
fec va
Ef ser
Acetimide Agar
Baird-Parker Agar Base
CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
CHROMagar Staph aureus
Cooked Meat Medium
D/E Neutralizing Agar
D/E Neutralizing Broth
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
HC Agar Base
Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
Koser Citrate Medium
Letheen Agar
Letheen Agar, Modified
Letheen Broth
Letheen Broth, Modified
MacConkey Agar
Malonate Broth
Malt Agar
Malt Extract Agar
Malt Extract Broth
Mannitol Salt Agar
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/Arginine
Motility Nitrate Medium
Mycological Agar/Mycophil Agar
Neutralizing Buffer
Nutrient Agar
Nutrient Broth
Nutrient Gelatin
OF Medium w/Dextrose
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA)
Plate Count Agar/Standard Methods Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Pseudomonas Agar F/Flo Agar
Pseudomonas Agar P/Tech Agar
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
RODAC Plates
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
m Staphylococcus Broth
Staphylococcus Medium 110
TAT Broth Base
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Agar w/Lecithin,
Poly 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar
654 YM Agar
Application Tables
Dairy Testing
coc us/
Cou Plate
in M tams
Shi ella/
st &
Antibiotic Medium 1
Antibiotic Medium 4
Baird-Parker Agar Base
Bile Esculin Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Blood Agar
Brain Heart Infusion
Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Brucella Agar
Brucella Broth
CIN Agar
Campylobacter Agar Base/
Antimicrobic Supplement Skirrow
D/E Neutralizing Agar
D/E Neutralizing Broth
DNase Test Agar w/Toluidine Blue
Decarboxylase Broth Base
EC Medium
Elliker Agar
m Endo Broth MF
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
m FC Agar
Fraser Broth Base/
Fraser Broth Supplement
GBNA Medium
Hektoen Enteric Agar
Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
Koser's Citrate Broth
LBS Agar
LPM Agar Base/
Listeria Selective Supplement
Lactobacilli MRS Agar
Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Lactose Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth w/MUG/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG
Listeria Enrichment Broth
Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
Listeria Enrichment Broth Base, Buffered
Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
Lysine Iron Agar
M 17 Agar
MR-VP Broth
MacConkey Agar
Malonate Broth
McBride Listeria Agar
Milk Agar (IDF formulation)
Motility Test Medium
Mucate Broth
Neutralizing Buffer
Section IV
Application Tables
Dairy Testing
ero occus
Cou late
in M tams
Shi ella/
rd P
st &
Noble Agar
Nutrient Agar
Nutrient Broth
OGYE Agar Base
Oxford Agar (Oxford Medium Base
w/Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement)
Oxford Agar, Modified (Oxford Medium Base
w/Modified Oxford Supplement)
PALCAM Medium Base
w/PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement
Phenol Red Broth w/Carbohydrates
Phenylalanine Agar
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA)
Plate Count Agar/Standard Methods Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Potato Dextrose Broth
Purple Broth w/Carbohydrates
Rose Bengal Agar Base/
Rose Bengal Antimicrobic Supplement C
SF Medium
SIM Medium
Selenite Cystine Broth
Simmons Citrate Agar
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Tomato Juice Agar
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic Nitrate Medium
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Agar w/Lec &
Poly 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Tryptone Phosphate Broth
Tryptone (Tryptophan) Water (1%)
UVM Modified Enrichment Broth/
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth
Universal Preenrichment Broth
Urea Agar
Violet Red Bile Agar
Violet Red Bile Agar w/MUG
Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar
Application Tables
Sterile Pack Plated Media (Double Wrapped, Irradiated) Isolator Pack Media (Triple Wrapped, Irradiated)
Settling Plates
*m-HPC Agar
*R2A Agar
*Rose Bengal Agar w/Penicillinase
Trypticase Soy Agar
Trypticase Soy Agar w/Penicillinase
*Trypticase Soy Broth w/Agar
Section IV
Application Tables
Application Tables
li O
o c s/
o c ccu
t e r co
r ag
E n to
A-1 Medium
APT Agar
APT Broth
BG Sulfa Agar
Baird-Parker Agar Base/
EY Tellurite Enrichment
Bile Esculin Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Brilliant Green Agar
Brilliant Green Agar Modified
Brilliant Green Bile Agar
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Brucella Agar
Brucella Broth
Buffered Peptone Water
Buffered Peptone Water, Modified
CIN Agar Base/
Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN
Campylobacter Agar Base/
Antibiotic Supplement Blaser
Campylobacter Agar w/5 Antimicrobics
and 10% Sheep Blood
Cary and Blair Transport Medium
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
CHROMagar O157
CHROMagar Salmonella
CHROMagar Staph aureus
Cooke Rose Bengal Agar
Cooked Meat Medium
D/E Neutralizing Agar
D/E Neutralizing Broth
DNase Test Agar
DNase Test Agar w/Toluidine Blue
Demi-Fraser Broth Base
Desoxycholate Citrate Agar
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
EC Medium/EC Broth
EC Medium w/MUG/
EC Broth w/MUG
EC Medium, Modified/
Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
EE Broth Mossel
mEI Agar
Elliker Broth
m Endo Agar LES
m Endo Broth MF
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Section IV
Application Tables
o c s/
o c ccu
t e r co
s/ E
r ag
E n to
Fraser Broth Base/
Fraser Broth Supplement
GBNA Medium
GN Broth, Hajna/GN Broth
Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth
Hektoen Enteric Agar
Hycheck Hygiene Contact Slides
KF Streptococcus Agar
KF Streptococcus Broth
Koser Citrate Medium
LBS Agar
LPM Agar Base/
Listeria Selective Supplement
Lactobacilli MRS Agar
Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Lactose Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth w/MUG/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG
Letheen Agar
Letheen Broth
Listeria Enrichment Broth
Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
Listeria Enrichment Broth, Buffered
Litmus Milk
Liver Veal Agar
Lysine Iron Agar
Lysine Medium
M 17 Agar
M 17 Broth
M Broth
MI Agar
MYP Agar/Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%/
Antimicrobic Vial P
MacConkey Agar
MacConkey Broth
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar/
MacConkey II Agar w/Sorbitol
Malt Agar
Malt Extract Agar
Malt Extract Broth
Mannitol Salt Agar
McBride Listeria Agar
McClung Toabe Agar Base
Miller Mallinson*
Minerals Modified Glutamate Agar
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base
Motility Test Medium
Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
Application Tables
o c s/
o c ccu
t e r co
r ag
E n to
Mycological Agar/Mycophil Agar
Neutralizing Buffer
Nutrient Broth
OGYE Agar Base/
Antimicrobic Vial Oxytetracycline
Orange Serum Agar
Orange Serum Broth Concentrate 10X
Oxford Medium/
Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
Oxford Medium, Modified/
Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
PALCAM Medium Base/
PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement
Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
Plate Count Agar/
Standard Methods Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Potato Dextrose Broth
Purple Broth Base
Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV)
Medium Semisolid Modification
Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth
Reinforced Clostridial Agar
Rogosa SL Agar
Rogosa SL Broth
Rose Bengal Agar Base/
Rose Bengal Antimicrobic Supplement C
SFP Agar Base
SPS Agar
SS Agar/Salmonella Shigella Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
Selenite Broth
Selenite Cystine Broth
Sorbitol MacConkey Agar
w/Cefixime & Tellurite
Special Yeast and Mold Medium
m Staphylococcus Broth
Staphylococcus Medium 110
Sulfite Agar
TPEY Agar Base
TSN Agar
TT Broth Base, Hajna
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Tomato Juice Agar, Special
Tomato Juice Broth
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Agar w/Lec &
Poly 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Section IV
Application Tables
cc /
o c ccu
E. c
t e r co
E n to
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptone Water
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth
Universal Beer Agar (UBA)
Universal Preenrichment Broth
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar
Violet Red Bile Agar
Violet Red Bile Agar w/MUG
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
WL Differential Medium
WL Nutrient Broth
WL Nutrient Medium
Wort Agar
XLD Agar
XLT4 Agar Base/XLT4 Supplement
YM Agar
YM Broth
Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar
Application Tables
1 2
Hunt Enrichment Broth
Bolton Broth + Horse Blood, Supplements and
+ Horse Blood Antibiotics
+ Antibiotics or
0.1% Peptone Water
Pre-enrichment Pre-enrichment
at 30C or 37C at 37C
for 4-5 hours for 4 hours
Enrichment Enrichment
at 42C at 42C
for 20-44 hours for 20 hours
Modified Campylobacter
Charcoal Differential Agar
or (MCCDA)
*Campylobacter sp. are microaerophilic bacteria. All media must be incubated under microaerophilic conditions using an anaerobic jar and
Campylobacter microaerophilic envelopes.
1. Hunt, Abeyta and Tran. 2000. Campylobacter. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. A. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. Ransom and Rose. 1998. Isolation, identification and enumeration of Campylobacter jejuni/coli from meat and poultry products. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety and
Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Section IV
Application Tables
1 2
(TSB + Bile Salts #3 Modified EC Medium
Enrichment + Novobiocin Antimicrobic
+ Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
+ Dipotassium Phosphate) Supplement
+ Additions
Selective Plating Screening Test
(Sorbitol MacConkey Agar
E Buffer
w/Tellurite, Cefixime)
(Buffered Peptone Water
+ Bovine Albumin
+ Tween 20)
(Tryptic Soy Agar Immunomagnetic
+ 0.6% Yeast Extract) Separation (IMS)
Selective Plating
Selective Chromogenic
Media for E. coli O157
Indole Test
Identification Tests
Cellobiose Ornithine Decarboxylase
Lysine Decarboxylase Simmons Citrate
Motility Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
MR-VP Tests
Serological Tests
E. Coli O Antiserum O157
E. Coli H Antiserum H7
Latex Kit for E. coli O157:H7
1. Hitchins, Feng, Watkins, Rippey and Chandler. 1998. Escherichia coli and the coliform bacteria. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. A.
AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. Cray, Abbott, Beacorn and Benson. 2001. Detection, isolation and identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and O157:NM (nonmotile) from meat products.
Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed., rev. 2. Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Application Tables
1 2
Buffered Listeria Enrichment UVM Modified
Enrichment Broth Base + Listeria Enrichment
Antimicrobics Broth
LPM Agar
Identification Modified Oxford
Oxford Agar LPM Agar Agar (MOX)
(OXA) + Esculin + Fe
Tryptic Soy Agar +
Brain Heart Motility Test
0.6% Yeast Extract
Infusion (BHI) Medium
Serological Tests
FA Buffer, Dried
Tryptose Broth/Agar
Listeria O Antiserum Poly
Listeria O Antiserum Type 1
Listeria O Antiserum Type 4
1. Hitchins. 2000. Listeria monocytogenes. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. A. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2002. Isolation and identification of Listeria monocytogenes from red meat, poultry, egg and environmental
samples, MLG 8.03, rev. 3. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C.
Section IV
Application Tables
Lactose Broth Buffered Peptone Water
Selective Enrichment
Tetrathionate Rappaport- Tetrathionate Rappaport-Vassiliadis
Broth Vassiliadis Medium Broth, Hajna Broth
Bismuth Sulfite Xylose Lysine Hektoen Enteric Brilliant Green
Agar (BS) Desoxycholate Agar (HE) Double Modified Sulfa Agar
Agar (XLD) Lysine Iron Agar
Biochemical Screening
Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI)
Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
Serological Tests
Refer to BD Product Catalog
for complete listing of
Salmonella Antisera
1. Andrews and Hammack. 1998. Salmonella. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. A. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Md.
2. Rose. 2001. Isolation and identification of Salmonella from meat, poultry and egg products. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed., rev. 1. Food Safety
and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Application Tables
Alkaline Peptone Water
and (optional)
Serological Tests
Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Poly
Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inaba
Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawa
1. Elliot, Kaysner, Jacson and Tamplin. 1998. Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and other Vibrio sp. FDA bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed., rev. A. AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, Md.
Section IV
Application Tables
r Te
Application Tables
ial bic
aur coccu
nos s
ia c
aer omon
Mic al Aer
st a
Baird-Parker Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Brilliant Green Agar
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Lactose Broth
MacConkey Agar/MacConkey II Agar
Mannitol Salt Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Pseudomonas Agar F/Flo Agar
(Pseudomonas Agar for Detection of Fluorescin)
Pseudomonas Agar P/Tech Agar
(Pseudomonas Agar for Detection of Pyocyanin)
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Selenite Cystine Broth
TAT Broth Base
(Fluid Casein Digest-Soy Lec-Poly 20)
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
(Soybean-Casein Digest Agar Media)
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
(Fluid Soybean-Casein Digest Media)
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar
XLD Agar
Section IV
Application Tables
Molecular Genetics
LB Media NZ Media General Media
LB Agar, Lennox Casein Digest 2YT
LB Agar, Miller NZCYM Broth M9 Minimal Salts
LB Broth, Lennox M9 Minimal Salts, 5
NZYM Broth
LB Broth, Miller MacConkey Agar Base
Luria Agar Base, Miller Minimal Agar Davis
Minimal Broth Davis w/o Dextrose
Luria Broth Base, Miller
S.O.B. Medium
Select APS LB Broth Base
Terrific Broth
Select APS Super Broth Base YPD Agar
Super Broth II YPD Broth
Select Soytone Yeast Nitrogen Base
Yeast Nitrogen Base
w/o Amino Acids
Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o
Amino Acids and Ammonium
Application Tables
Pharmaceutical Testing
ting t
Wa utical
Tes l Limi
Aci /
tic A
Effe ervativ
Am Vitam
y Te
Ind ical
AC Broth
AK Agar #2
APT Agar
APT Broth
Antibiotic Medium 1
Antibiotic Medium 2
Antibiotic Medium 3
Antibiotic Medium 4
Antibiotic Medium 5
Antibiotic Medium 8
Antibiotic Medium 9
Antibiotic Medium 10
Antibiotic Medium 11
Antibiotic Medium 12
Antibiotic Medium 13
Antibiotic Medium 19
B12 Assay Medium
B12 Culture Agar
B12 Inoculum Broth
Baird-Parker Agar
Biotin Assay Medium
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Brilliant Green Agar
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
Choline Assay Medium
CHROMagar Salmonella
CHROMagar Staph aureus
Cystine Assay Medium
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/Beef Extract
Folic Acid Assay Medium
Folic Acid Casei Medium
Folic AOAC Medium
m-HPC Agar
Inositol Assay Medium
Lactobacilli Agar AOAC
Lactobacilli Broth AOAC
Lactose Broth
Lysine Assay Medium
MI Agar
MacConkey Agar
Mannitol Salt Agar
Methionine Assay Medium
Micro Assay Culture Agar
Micro Inoculum Broth
Niacin Assay Medium
Section IV
Application Tables
Pharmaceutical Testing
ting t
Wa utical
Tes l Limi
Aci /
tic A
Effe ervativ
Am Vitam
y Te
Ind ical
Pantothenate Assay Medium
Pantothenate Medium AOAC
Plate Count Agar/Standard Methods Agar
Potato Dextrose Agar
Pseudomonas Agar F/Flo Agar
Pseudomonas Agar P/Tech Agar
Pyridoxine Y Medium
R2A Agar
Riboflavin Assay Medium
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
Selenite Cystine Broth
*Sterility Bottles -
Fluid A/Peptone Water (0.1%)
Fluid D/Peptone Water (0.1%) w/Poly 80
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
TAT Broth Base
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Thiamine Assay Medium
Thiamine Assay Medium LV
Thioglycollate, Brewer Modified
Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid
Thioglycollate Medium, NIH
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Indicator
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose or Indicator
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Agar w/Lec &
Poly 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Tryptic/ Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptic Soy Broth, Select APS
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar
Vitamin B12 Assay Medium
XLD Agar
*Sterility Bottles available in various sizes and bottle configurations.
Application Tables
Sterility Testing
AC Broth
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/Beef Extract
NIH Thioglycollate Medium (USP Alternative Thioglycollate)
*Sterility Bottles -
Fluid A/Peptone Water (0.1%)
Fluid D/Peptone Water (0.1%) w/Poly 80
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
TAT Broth Base
Thioglycollate, Brewer Modified
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Indicator
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose or Indicator
Tryptic (Trypticase) Soy Agar w/Lec &
Poly 80 (Microbial Content Test Agar)
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptic Soy Broth, Select APS
*Sterility Bottles available in various sizes and bottle configurations.
Section IV
Application Tables
Veterinary Testing
Med se
eric ive
ture rpo
Ent egat
g el /
Shi nella
Cul ral Pu
st a
Azide Blood Agar Base
Baird-Parker Agar Base/
EY Tellurite Enrichment
BiGGY Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Blood Agar Base No. 2
Brain Heart Infusion
Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Brilliant Green Agar
Brucella Agar
Brucella Broth
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
CHROMagar Orientation
CHROMagar Salmonella
CHROMagar Staph aureus
Clostidium Difficile Selective Agar
Columbia Blood Agar Base
Columbia CNA Agar
Cooked Meat Medium
Corn Meal Agar
Cystine Heart Agar
DNase Test Agar
DNase Test Agar w/Methyl Green
DNase Test Agar w/Toluidine Blue
Dermatophyte Test Medium
Enterococcosel Agar
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified
Eugon Agar
Eugon Broth/Eugonbroth
Fletcher Medium Base
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Heart Infusion Agar
Hektoen Enteric Agar
Herrold's Egg Yolk Agar
w/Mycobactin J and ANV
Herrold's Egg Yolk Agar
w/o Mycobactin J and w/ANV
Leptospira Enrichment EMJH
Leptospira Medium Base EMJH
Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base
Lysine Iron Agar
MIO Medium
MR-VP Medium/MR-VP Broth
Application Tables
Veterinary Testing
Med se
eric ive
ture rpo
Ent egat
g el /
Shi nella
Cul ral Pu
st a
MacConkey Agar
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar/
MacConkey II Agar w/Sorbitol
Malt Agar
Malt Extract Agar
Mannitol Salt Agar
McClung Toabe Agar Base
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base
Mycological Agar/Mycophil Agar
OF Basal Medium
Phenol Red Broth Base
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA)
Potato Dextrose Agar
Potato Infusion Agar
Pseudomonas Agar F/Flo Agar
Pseudomonas Agar P/Tech Agar
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
Purple Agar Base
Purple Broth Base
Reinforced Clostridial Medium
SFP Agar Base
SPS Agar
SS Agar/
Salmonella Shigella Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
Schaedler Agar
Selenite Broth
Selenite Cystine Broth
Simmons Citrate Agar
Staphylococcus Medium 110
Tellurite Glycine Agar
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptose Agar
Tryptose Broth
Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Urea Agar Base
VJ (Vogel & Johnson) Agar
XLD Agar
YM Agar
YM Broth
Section IV
Application Tables
Vitamin Assays
APT Agar
APT Broth
B12 Assay Medium
B12 Culture Agar
B12 Inoculum Broth
Biotin Assay Medium
Choline Assay Medium
Cystine Assay Medium
Folic Acid Assay Medium
Folic Acid Casei Medium
Folic AOAC Medium
Inositol Assay Medium
Lactobacilli Agar AOAC
Lactobacilli Broth AOAC
Lysine Assay Medium
Methionine Assay Medium
Micro Assay Culture Agar
Micro Inoculum Broth
Niacin Assay Medium
Pantothenate Assay Medium
Pantothenate Medium AOAC
Pyridoxine Y Medium
Riboflavin Assay Medium
Thiamine Assay Medium
Thiamine Assay Medium LV
Vitamin B12 Assay Medium
Application Tables
Water/Wastewater Testing
E. c liform
- To
Cou Plate
Stre Fecal
ani d
al C
A-1 Medium
Azide Dextrose Broth
BAGG Broth
Baird-Parker Agar Base w/
EY Tellurite Enrichment
Beef Extract
Bile Esculin Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Brain Heart Infusion
Brilliant Green Agar
Brilliant Green Agar Modified
m Brilliant Green Broth
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
Campylobacter Agar Base/
Antibiotic Supplement Skirrow
Cetrimide/Pseudosel Agar
Corn Meal Agar
Czapek Solution Agar
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
m E Agar
EC Medium
EC Medium w/MUG
m EI Agar
EVA Broth
m Endo Agar LES
m Endo Broth MF
Enterococcosel Agar
(Bile Esculin Azide Agar)
m Enterococcus Agar
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Esculin Iron Agar
m FC Agar
m FC Basal Medium
m FC Broth Base
m HPC Agar
KF Streptococcus Agar
Lactose Broth
Lactose Peptone Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth
Section IV
Application Tables
Water/Wastewater Testing
E. c orm
Cou Plate
- To
Stre Fecal
Org ssed
al C
g el
Lauryl Tryptose Broth w/MUG/
Lauryl Sulfate Broth w/MUG
MI Agar
MR-VP Broth
MacConkey Agar
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar/
MacConkey II Agar w/Sorbitol
MacConkey Broth
Minerals Modified Glutamate Medium
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base
Motility Test Medium
Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate
Broth Base
Nutrient Agar w/MUG
M -PA-C Agar
Plate Count Agar/
Standard Methods Agar
m Plate Count Broth
Presence-Absence Broth
R2A Agar
Rapapport-Vasilliadis R10 Broth
Rosolic Acid
SF Medium
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons
Selenite Broth
Selenite Cystine Broth
m Staphylococcus Broth
m TEC Agar
m TEC Agar, Modified
m TGE Broth
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Agar
Tryptic/Trypticase Soy Broth
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Tryptone (Tryptophan) Water (1%)
XLD Agar
Product Tables
Catalog Catalog
Organism ATCC Number Organism ATCC Number
Acinetobacter baumannii 19606 237932 Enterobacter cloacae 700323 237525
Acinetobacter lwoffii 17925 237401 Enterobacter sakazakii 51329 237526
Acinetobacter species 49137 237402 Enterococcus avium 14025 237527
Acinetobacter species 49139 237403 Enterococcus avium 49464 237528
Acinetobacter species 49466 237404 Enterococcus casseliflavus 700327 237529
Actinomyces odontolyticus 17929 237405 Enterococcus durans 6056 237532
Actinomyces pyogenes 19411 237406 Enterococcus durans 11576 237530
Aerococcus viridans 700406 237407 Enterococcus durans 49135 237531
Aeromonas caviae 15468 237408 Enterococcus faecalis 19433 237936
Aeromonas hydrophila 7966 237410 Enterococcus faecalis 29212 237911
Aeromonas hydrophila 35654 237409 Enterococcus faecalis 49452 237533
Alcaligenes faecalis 8750 237942 Enterococcus faecalis 51299 237534
Alcaligenes faecalis 19018 237943 Enterococcus gallinarum 700425 237535
Alcaligenes faecalis 35655 237411 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 19414 237536
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum 9345 237425 Escherichia coli 4157 237539
Arcanobacterium pyogenes 49698 237426 Escherichia coli (USP, QC testing) 8739 237540
Aspergillus niger 16404 237427 Escherichia coli 11775 237949
Bacillus brevis 8246 237428 Escherichia coli 25922 237912
Bacillus licheniformis 12759 237429 Escherichia coli 33605 237537
Bacillus sphaericus 4525 237430 Escherichia coli (Serotype O157) 35150 237950
Bacillus subtilis (USP sterility testing) 6633 237431 Escherichia coli 35218 237538
Bacteroides distasonis 8503 237432 Exiguobacterium sp. 49676 237541
Bacteroides fragilis 23745 237433 Finegoldia magna 29328 237542
Bacteroides fragilis 25285 237900 Fluoribacter bozemanae 33217 237543
Bacteroides ovatus 8483 237434 Fusobacterium mortiferum 25557 237951
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 29741 237435 Fusobacterium nucleatum 25586 237544
Bacteroides uniformis 8492 237436 Fusobacterium varium 27725 237545
Bacteroides ureolyticus 33387 237437 Gardnerella vaginalis 14018 237546
Bacteroides vulgatus (USP sterility testing) 8482 237438 Gardnerella vaginalis 49145 237547
Bordetella bronchiseptica 10580 237466 Haemophilus aphrophilus 19415 237550
Bordetella pertussis 9340 237944 Haemophilus influenzae 9006 237552
Brevundimonas diminuta 11568 237468 Haemophilus influenzae Type B 10211 237553
Brevundimonas diminuta 19146 237467 Haemophilus influenzae 35056 237902
Burkholderia cepacia 25416 237470 Haemophilus influenzae 49144 237551
Burkholderia cepacia 25608 237469 Haemophilus influenzae 49247 237952
Campylobacter jejuni 33291 237472 Haemophilus influenzae 49766 237953
Candida albicans 10231 237474 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus 10014 237554
Candida albicans 14053 237922 Haemophilus parainfluenzae 7901 237555
Candida albicans 60193 237475 Haemophilus paraphrophilus 49146 237556
Candida albicans 66027 237476 Haemophilus paraphrophilus 49917 237557
Candida glabrata 2001 237478 Kingella denitrificans 33394 237572
Candida glabrata 15126 237477 Klebsiella oxytoca 8724 237576
Candida glabrata 66032 237479 Klebsiella oxytoca 49131 237574
Candida guilliermondii 6260 237480 Klebsiella oxytoca 700324 237575
Candida kefyr 2512 237482 Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 237577
Candida kefyr 8553 237484 Klebsiella pneumoniae 13883 237905
Candida kefyr 66028 237483 Klebsiella pneumoniae 27736 237578
Candida kefyr 204093 237481 Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae 33495 237579
Candida krusei 14243 237485 Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae 35657 237580
Candida lusitaniae 34449 237486 Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae 700603 237954
Candida tropicalis 750 237490 Kocuria rosea 186 237581
Candida tropicalis 13803 237487 Lactobacillus acidophilus 314 237582
Candida tropicalis 66029 237489 Leclercia adecarboxylata 23216 237583
Candida tropicalis 201380 237488 Leclercia adecarboxylata 700325 237584
Candida utilis 9950 237491 Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila 33152 237586
Chryseobacterium meningosepticum 13253 237494 Listeria grayi 25401 237587
Citrobacter braakii 10625 237495 Listeria monocytogenes 7644 237588
Citrobacter freundii 8090 237933 Listeria monocytogenes 19115 237955
Citrobacter freundii 8454 237945 Micrococcus luteus 533 237591
Citrobacter koseri 27028 237496 Micrococcus luteus 4698 237589
Clostridium histolyticum 19401 237497 Micrococcus luteus (FDA, USP) 9341 237956
Clostridium perfringens 13124 237901 Micrococcus luteus 49732 237590
Clostridium sordellii 9714 237498 Micrococcus species 700405 237592
Clostridium sporogenes 3584 237499 Micromonas micros 33270 237593
Clostridium sporogenes (USP, QC testing) 11437 237946 Moraxella catarrhalis 8176 237610
Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum 10700 237502 Moraxella catarrhalis 23246 237605
Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum 10701 237503 Moraxella catarrhalis 25238 237606
Cryptococcus albidus 66030 237504 Moraxella catarrhalis 25240 237607
Cryptococcus albidus var. albidus 34140 237505 Morganella morganii 25830 237611
Cryptococcus humicolus 9949 237506 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 19424 237613
Cryptococcus laurentii 18803 237508 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 31426 237614
Cryptococcus laurentii 66036 237507 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 43069 237615
Cryptococcus neoformans 66031 237512 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 43070 237903
Cryptococcus neoformans 32045 237947 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 49926 237616
Cryptococcus neoformans 204092 237509 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 49981 237617
Cryptococcus uniguttulatus 66033 237513 Neisseria lactamica 23970 237937
Edwardsiella tarda 15947 237948 Neisseria lactamica 23971 237618
Enterobacter aerogenes 13048 237904 Neisseria lactamica 49142 237619
Enterobacter cloacae 13047 237522 Neisseria meningitidis 13077 237621
Enterobacter cloacae 23355 237930 Neisseria meningitidis 13090 237938
Enterobacter cloacae 35030 237523 Neisseria meningitidis Group C 13102 237622
Enterobacter cloacae 49141 237524 Neisseria mucosa 19695 237623
Section IV
Product Tables
Catalog Catalog
Organism ATCC Number Organism ATCC Number
Neisseria sicca 9913 237939 Staphylococcus aureus 25178 237678
Oligella ureolytica 43534 237627 Staphylococcus aureus 25923 237914
Oligella urethralis 17960 237628 Staphylococcus aureus 29213 237915
Paenibacillus polymyxa 842 237631 Staphylococcus aureus 49476 237679
Pasteurella aerogenes 27883 237632 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus 33591 237680
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius 27337 237634 Staphylococcus capitis 35661 237682
Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus 29743 237635 Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 237908
Plesiomonas shigelloides 14029 237636 Staphylococcus epidermidis 14990 237683
Plesiomonas shigelloides 51903 237637 Staphylococcus epidermidis 49134 237684
Porphyromonas gingivalis 33277 237638 Staphylococcus haemolyticus 29970 237685
Porphyromonas levii 29147 237639 Staphylococcus hominis 27844 237686
Prevotella intermedia 25611 237957 Staphylococcus lentus 700403 237687
Propionibacterium acnes (USP, QC testing) 11827 237640 Staphylococcus lugdunensis 700328 237688
Proteus mirabilis 7002 237645 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 15305 237971
Proteus mirabilis 12453 237641 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 35552 237689
Proteus mirabilis 25933 237642 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 49453 237690
Proteus mirabilis 35659 237643 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 49907 237691
Proteus mirabilis 43071 237644 Staphylococcus sciuri 29061 237692
Proteus vulgaris (OX19 strain) 6380 237646 Staphylococcus sciuri subsp. sciuri 29060 237693
Proteus vulgaris 6896 237648 Staphylococcus simulans 27851 237694
Proteus vulgaris 8427 237649 Staphylococcus warneri 49454 237695
Proteus vulgaris 9484 237958 Staphylococcus xylosus 29971 237696
Proteus vulgaris 13315 237906 Staphylococcus xylosus 35033 237697
Proteus vulgaris 49132 237647 Staphylococcus xylosus 35663 237698
Prototheca wickerhamii 16529 237650 Staphylococcus xylosus 49148 237699
Providencia alcalifaciens 51902 237651 Staphylococcus xylosus 700404 237700
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 237959 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 13637 237972
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10145 237652 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 17666 237701
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27853 237913 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 49130 237702
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 35032 237653 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 51331 237703
Pseudomonas stutzeri 17588 237960 Streptococcus agalactiae 12386 237705
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 237961 Streptococcus agalactiae 13813 237909
Salmonella choleraesuis 6962 237657 Streptococcus agalactiae 27956 237704
Salmonella choleraesuis 8387 237658 Streptococcus bovis 9809 237709
Salmonella choleraesuis 9270 237659 Streptococcus bovis 49133 237706
Salmonella choleraesuis 13311 237963 Streptococcus bovis 49147 237707
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. arizonae 13314 237964 Streptococcus bovis 49475 237708
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis 10708 237660 Streptococcus equi Group C 9528 237710
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis 11511 237661 Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus 700400 237711
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis 13076 237962 Streptococcus equisimilis 9542 237713
Salmonella choleraesuis Group B 8759 237662 Streptococcus equisimilis 35666 237712
Salmonella typhimurium 14028 237907 Streptococcus mutans 35668 237714
Serratia liquefaciens 27592 237965 Streptococcus oralis formerly mitis 9811 237715
Serratia marcescens 8100 237931 Streptococcus pneumoniae 6301 237719
Serratia marcescens 13880 237966 Streptococcus pneumoniae 6303 237940
Serratia odorifera 33077 237667 Streptococcus pneumoniae 6305 237921
Serratia rubidaea 33670 237668 Streptococcus pneumoniae 27336 237716
Shewanella putrefaciens 8071 237670 Streptococcus pneumoniae 49136 237717
Shewanella putrefaciens 49138 237669 Streptococcus pneumoniae 49150 237718
Shigella boydii 9207 237671 Streptococcus pneumoniae 49619 237974
Shigella dysenteriae 9361 237967 Streptococcus pyogenes 19615 237910
Shigella dysenteriae 13313 237672 Streptococcus salivarius 13419 237720
Shigella flexneri 9199 237968 Streptococcus sanguinis 10556 237721
Shigella flexneri 12022 237934 Streptococcus uberis 9927 237723
Shigella sonnei 9290 237674 Streptococcus uberis 700407 237722
Shigella sonnei 25931 237935 Trichophyton mentagrophytes 9533 237725
Sphingobacterium multivorum 35656 237675 Trichosporum mucoides 204094 237726
Sphingobacterium spiritovorum 33861 237676 Vibrio cholerae 9459 237975
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus 6538 237970 Yarrowia lipolytica 9773 237728
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus (FDA strain) 6538P 237681 Yersinia kristensenii 33639 237729
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus 43300 237969
*For additional information on Bactrol Plus Sets and QualiSwab Quality Control Organisms, refer to our product catalog.
Product Tables
Brain Heart Infusion Heart Infusion Broth Tryptic/ Trypticase Soy Agar
Brain Heart Infusion Agar Infusion Agar Trypticase Soy Agar with
5% Sheep Blood
Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified Infusion Broth Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin
and Polysorbate 80
Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Modified Nutrient Agar Trypticase Soy Broth with
10% NaCl
Brain Heart Infusion without Nutrient Agar 1.5% Trypticase Soy Broth with
Dextrose 5% Fildes
Columbia Agar Base Nutrient Broth Trypticase Soy Broth with Lecithin
and Polysorbate 80
Columbia Blood Agar Base Schaedler Agar Trypticase Soy Broth without
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1 Tryptose Agar
and 5% Sheep Blood
Columbia Agar with 5% Sheep Blood Schaedler Broth with TTC Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Section IV
Product Tables
Product Tables
Section IV
Product Tables
Peptones by Category
Casein Peptones
Bacto Casamino Acids Trypticase Peptone
Bacto Casitone Bacto TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
Acidicase Peptone Bacto Tryptone
Biosate Peptone BiTek Tryptone
Soy Peptones
Phytone Peptone Select Soytone
Phytone Peptone, UF Bacto Soytone
Yeast Extracts
Bacto TC Yeastolate Yeast Extract
TC Yeastolate, UF Yeast Extract, UF
Bacto Yeast Extract Yeast Extract, LD
Bacto Yeast Extract, Technical
Product Tables
Section IV
Product Tables
Arginine (% Total)
Arginine (% Free)
Alanine (% Total)
Magnesium (ug/g)
Alanine (% Free)
pH (2% Solution)
Potassium (ug/g)
Calcium (ug/g)
Phosphate (%)
Sodium (ug/g)
Chloride (%)
Sulfate (%)
NaCl (%)
Ash (%)
Product Name
Acidicase Peptone 8.5 6.2 0.73 36.8 5.3 32.3 6.8 229 36 1164 140900 16.99 0.25 1.42 1.6 2.1 1.3 1.9 0.0 3.4 3.9
Beef Extract, Desiccated, Bacto 13.9 2.0 0.14 7.7 1.8 1.7 6.9 53 92 31423 21645 1.62 0.70 0.43 1.1 7.1 1.3 4.2 0.1 0.3 2.4
Beef Extract, Powder 12.4 2.3 0.19 9.3 3.5 0.3 6.9 264 285 28793 18510 * 0.53 3.22 1.8 4.0 2.8 2.8 0.6 0.6 5.5
Biosate Peptone 13.4 6.0 0.45 7.7 6.6 0.3 7.1 258 398 21320 17100 0.07 0.43 3.19 2.4 4.2 2.1 2.9 0.9 0.9 5.9
Brain Heart Infusion, Bacto 10.2 3.9 0.38 22.9 1.5 3.2 7.3 103 394 19810 72870 9.05 0.25 0.22 1.3 6.5 1.1 3.2 0.4 0.7 3.9
Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine, Bacto 9.2 4.0 0.43 22.4 1.8 2.2 7.4 211 374 19020 80930 8.77 0.27 0.25 1.4 6.6 0.9 3.5 0.4 0.9 3.8
Casamino Acids, Bacto 10.8 9.4 0.87 18.3 4.8 12.1 6.4 59 2 4098 88090 6.74 0.55 2.56 3.0 3.0 2.4 2.5 0.0 5.0 5.0
Casamino Acids, BiTek 8.3 5.7 0.69 33.7 4.0 14.3 6.9 110 70 1740 144360 18.25 0.26 1.53 2.1 4.4 1.1 1.7 0.0 3.6 3.2
Casitone, Bacto 13.5 5.0 0.37 6.4 2.0 0.0 7.0 111 213 3480 34090 0.10 0.40 2.48 0.9 3.4 2.6 2.8 0.5 0.2 5.5
Gelysate Peptone 17.0 2.9 0.17 3.8 4.9 0.2 6.9 650 150 646 11090 * 1.66 0.18 0.8 8.8 3.1 6.3 0.1 0.1 4.7
Malt Extract, Bacto 0.3 0.3 0.97 0.3 3.1 0.2 5.2 111 130 603 713 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.1 * 0.1 * * 0.1
Neopeptone, Bacto 13.6 3.2 0.20 6.9 4.0 1.4 7.4 38 8 8945 36313 0.48 0.45 2.59 0.5 4.3 0.5 2.6 0.2 0.3 4.2
Peptone, Bacto 15.4 3.5 0.20 3.8 2.7 1.7 7.1 18 1 2542 18440 0.90 0.32 0.40 1.2 9.2 2.8 5.8 0.3 0.3 5.0
Peptone, BiTek 16.4 3.0 0.18 3.4 2.0 0.0 6.9 400 70 840 10530 0.01 1.82 0.07 0.7 8.3 3.7 6.3 0.1 0.1 3.9
Phytone Peptone 9.0 2.4 0.27 12.4 1.5 4.0 7.1 1001 2435 31547 34037 0.76 0.67 0.64 0.3 2.6 0.6 2.1 0.1 0.3 3.9
Phytone Peptone UF 9.4 2.6 0.28 12.5 4.9 4.0 7.0 900 1700 21200 36100 0.76 0.58 0.71 0.3 3.1 0.8 2.4 0.2 0.2 4.7
Polypeptone Peptone 13.1 5.2 0.40 9.7 4.9 2.7 7.3 271 342 7340 44257 1.00 0.40 3.40 1.2 4.1 2.4 3.3 0.4 0.4 6.1
Proteose Peptone, Bacto 14.3 2.8 0.20 7.8 3.0 4.9 6.7 120 261 12780 23110 2.65 0.19 0.64 0.5 6.0 0.4 4.7 0.1 0.4 5.3
Proteose Peptone, BiTek 13.1 3.1 0.24 13.1 4.8 10.3 6.8 130 680 7390 49930 4.93 1.01 0.94 0.8 7.0 0.4 4.4 0.1 0.6 3.9
Proteose Peptone No. 2, Bacto 12.9 5.0 0.39 12.1 3.5 7.1 7.3 151 98 13313 52717 3.86 0.38 1.88 1.6 5.2 1.4 4.1 0.5 1.1 5.5
Proteose Peptone No. 3, Bacto 13.4 3.7 0.28 10.5 2.3 6.6 7.4 132 67 13160 38113 2.54 0.37 1.51 0.9 5.2 0.8 4.3 0.3 0.6 5.1
Proteose Peptone No. 4, Bacto 14.3 2.7 0.19 7.8 3.3 3.9 7.0 169 378 11243 35280 2.63 0.34 0.72 0.5 6.5 0.4 4.6 0.1 0.3 4.4
Select Soytone 9.2 3.7 0.40 10.7 3.5 0.0 7.0 250 1749 29787 31087 0.07 2.65 1.03 0.5 3.6 0.4 2.1 0.4 0.2 6.2
Soytone, Bacto 9.4 3.1 0.33 12.0 4.6 0.2 7.2 550 1610 22200 34040 0.17 2.33 0.82 0.4 2.5 2.1 2.8 0.3 0.2 5.5
TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate 13.0 6.3 48.30 7.2 4.6 0.3 7.0 1620 340 17200 14800 0.8 1.2 4.1 2.3 4.7 2.2 2.5 0.9 0.9 6.5
TC Yeastolate UF 10.6 6.5 0.61 13.3 2.1 1.0 7.0 247 267 60940 3716 0.52 0.89 2.46 5.5 5.7 1.9 3.2 1.3 2.1 6.4
TC Yeastolate, Bacto 10.7 6.0 0.56 11.7 2.2 0.6 7.0 20 250 50850 8190 0.30 0.49 2.63 4.6 4.6 1.7 2.4 1.2 1.8 4.8
Thiotone E Peptone 13.4 3.4 0.25 11.4 4.8 8.2 6.7 196 270 9629 46683 4.17 0.81 0.65 1.0 6.7 0.9 4.3 0.1 0.9 4.4
Trypticase Peptone 14.2 5.2 0.37 5.7 4.0 0.1 7.2 295 110 588 26600 0.09 0.18 2.54 0.9 5.7 2.3 4.8 0.5 0.2 7.7
Tryptone, Bacto 13.3 5.3 0.40 6.6 2.3 0.0 7.3 256 195 3257 33910 0.06 0.33 2.58 1.0 3.2 3.1 2.7 0.6 0.4 5.2
Tryptone, BiTek 13.1 5.6 0.43 5.8 5.0 0.0 7.1 180 100 620 26970 0.35 0.22 2.25 0.6 5.0 3.8 2.6 0.5 0.1 3.9
Tryptose, Bacto 13.3 4.5 0.34 8.8 3.2 3.2 7.3 191 110 9292 37740 1.61 0.23 2.05 1.2 4.3 1.9 3.5 0.4 0.5 5.1
Yeast Extract 11.4 6.9 0.60 13.1 1.0 0.2 7.0 230 799 58013 1003 0.07 0.65 3.73 5.7 6.2 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.2 5.9
Yeast Extract, Bacto 10.9 6.0 0.55 11.2 3.1 0.1 6.7 130 750 31950 14900 0.38 0.09 3.27 4.4 5.6 1.4 2.6 1.0 1.6 5.3
Yeast Extract, LD 8.1 6.1 0.75 17.5 0.3 0.1 7.0 254 649 55700 1683 0.12 0.96 2.11 4.7 5.1 1.8 2.6 1.2 1.9 5.2
Yeast Extract, UF 10.7 6.0 0.56 18.2 0.7 0.0 7.0 191 558 59240 1244 0.13 1.02 2.70 4.8 5.4 1.5 2.6 1.2 1.7 5.4
Product Tables
Phenylalanine (% Total)
Phenylalanine (% Free)
Methionine (% Total)
Methionine (% Free)
Tryptophan (% Free)
Glutamine (% Free)
Threonine (% Total)
Threonine (% Free)
Isoleucine (% Total)
Isoleucine (% Free)
Histidine (% Total)
Histidine (% Free)
Serine (% Total)**
Tyrosine (% Total)
Tyrosine (% Free)
Glycine (% Total)
Leucine (% Total)
Glycine (% Free)
Leucine (% Free)
Proline (% Total)
Proline (% Free)
Cystine (% Free)
Lysine (% Total)
Valine (% Total)
Valine (% Free)
Serine (% Free)
Lysine (% Free)
0.8 8.3 11.6 0.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.6 1.6 4.0 3.9 6.3 4.4 4.6 0.9 1.4 2.5 3.5 3.3 5.3 2.2 1.8 0.9 1.4 * 1.0 1.4 1.8 4.4
* 0.6 6.4 * 1.0 8.2 0.1 1.4 0.2 1.3 0.4 2.8 0.6 2.5 0.3 0.7 0.2 1.5 0.4 7.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.2 2.0
0.2 2.5 14.6 0.1 0.5 2.3 0.4 2.1 1.3 5.1 3.8 7.2 4.0 5.7 0.8 1.6 2.5 5.0 0.3 5.7 0.8 2.1 0.6 1.8 0.7 0.6 1.5 1.4 5.4
0.3 3.5 16.1 0.3 0.6 2.2 0.6 2.0 1.6 5.8 4.7 7.7 3.5 5.9 1.0 1.9 2.9 5.5 0.5 6.2 1.0 2.2 0.8 1.9 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.9 6.1
0.5 1.4 6.4 0.1 0.4 3.7 0.2 1.2 0.7 2.3 2.5 4.4 1.6 4.2 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.3 0.2 3.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.8 1.2 0.7 3.1
0.5 1.7 5.9 0.1 0.4 4.3 0.2 0.9 0.6 2.1 2.1 4.1 1.4 3.9 0.8 0.9 1.4 2.1 0.3 3.2 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.8 1.2 0.7 2.8
0.1 15.1 15.9 0.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 1.9 3.1 4.0 4.6 5.0 6.0 5.9 1.4 1.4 3.4 3.6 7.5 8.0 4.3 2.0 2.0 1.7 * 0.4 0.4 4.7 5.6
0.4 5.1 8.4 0.0 0.8 1.1 0.5 1.1 1.2 2.7 2.7 4.6 4.0 4.6 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.9 2.9 5.7 1.8 0.2 0.9 0.5 * 1.5 1.6 1.6 3.4
* 0.9 16.0 * 0.2 1.7 0.4 1.9 1.1 5.9 4.7 7.9 4.5 5.9 1.1 2.2 2.7 5.5 0.3 7.1 0.8 2.1 0.5 1.9 0.8 0.5 1.6 1.3 6.3
0.3 0.2 7.9 0.05 0.5 16.8 0.3 1.0 0.5 1.6 0.9 3.2 2.0 3.3 0.3 0.8 1.1 2.4 0.1 9.7 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.9 * 0.5 0.6 0.3 2.3
* * 0.2 * * 0.1 * * * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 * * * 0.1 0.1 0.1 * 0.1 * * * * * * 0.1
0.4 0.6 7.4 0.01 0.2 3.4 0.1 1.2 0.3 2.3 1.6 4.6 0.8 4.0 0.5 1.0 1.3 2.7 0.1 4.7 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.8 2.2 0.3 2.9
* 0.7 8.1 * 0.7 15.9 0.2 0.8 0.6 2.1 1.6 3.8 2.2 3.4 0.3 0.7 1.4 2.8 0.3 8.8 0.4 1.5 0.3 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 2.8
0.7 0.2 6.3 0.06 0.5 12.7 0.3 0.8 0.4 1.2 1.1 2.4 1.8 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.5 0.1 7.1 0.2 0.4 * 0.6 * 0.6 0.6 0.4 2.0
0.4 0.3 5.9 0.01 0.2 1.5 0.3 0.8 0.2 1.3 0.8 2.3 1.2 2.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.1 1.8 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.5 * 0.2 0.8 0.1 1.5
0.5 0.4 6.5 0.04 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.9 0.2 1.6 0.9 2.7 1.5 2.8 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.6 0.1 1.9 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.3 1.0 0.1 1.7
0.3 0.9 12.6 0.06 0.5 3.0 0.4 2.1 1.1 3.8 3.9 6.2 3.6 6.2 1.0 1.9 2.4 3.6 0.3 5.4 0.7 2.1 0.7 1.9 0.6 0.7 1.6 1.3 4.7
0.4 0.7 8.4 0.02 0.2 8.2 0.1 1.3 0.3 3.3 1.4 5.7 0.8 4.2 0.3 1.4 1.0 3.6 0.1 4.6 0.2 1.7 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.6 1.8 0.2 3.7
0.4 0.4 6.3 0.05 0.4 7.3 0.1 0.8 0.4 2.0 1.4 4.2 0.9 3.4 0.6 1.0 1.1 2.3 0.1 6.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.5 1.2 0.4 2.8
1.0 1.8 7.5 0.08 0.9 6.2 0.3 1.3 1.1 3.7 3.3 6.2 2.5 4.2 0.8 1.2 2.2 3.9 0.5 3.8 0.8 1.9 0.6 1.7 0.5 0.7 1.3 1.0 4.0
0.6 1.2 8.0 0.04 0.4 6.5 0.1 1.3 0.6 3.2 2.3 5.6 1.5 4.2 0.6 1.3 1.5 3.5 0.3 3.8 0.5 1.6 0.4 1.5 0.3 0.8 1.6 0.5 3.5
0.3 0.6 6.5 0.02 0.2 5.9 0.1 1.1 0.3 2.2 1.2 4.3 0.7 4.0 0.5 1.1 0.9 2.3 0.1 5.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.5 1.6 0.2 2.9
0.5 0.7 6.9 * 0.1 2.2 0.5 1.3 0.9 2.6 2.2 3.9 2.6 3.4 0.4 0.3 1.3 2.4 0.2 2.6 0.3 1.2 0.5 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.8 1.0 2.8
0.4 0.4 8.9 0.1 0.2 2.1 0.2 1.1 0.6 2.8 1.7 4.3 1.9 2.9 0.3 0.5 1.2 3.1 0.2 2.0 0.3 1.4 0.2 1.1 0.2 1.3 1.3 0.4 2.7
0.5 2.2 4.0 0.5 0.2 1.6 1.0 2.0 2.6 5.7 6.4 7.2 6.0 7.4 1.6 1.7 3.1 3.7 0.7 6.7 1.1 1.7 1.3 2.5 1.2 0.6 0.9 3.1 6.0
0.2 7.3 10.6 0.2 1.5 3.0 0.6 1.5 2.1 3.2 3.0 4.0 2.5 5.1 0.8 0.9 2.4 2.9 1.1 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.7 0.9 0.1 0.9 2.7 4.0
0.2 6.6 8.7 0.3 1.3 2.7 0.5 1.1 2.1 3.6 3.5 4.9 2.3 4.2 0.8 0.8 2.3 3.3 0.9 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 2.4 3.7
0.6 0.6 7.4 0.04 0.4 10.7 0.1 0.8 0.5 2.8 1.8 5.5 1.4 2.8 0.5 1.1 1.4 3.6 0.1 6.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.6 1.2 0.6 3.5
0.3 1.1 13.2 0.1 0.1 6.3 0.5 4.8 1.1 8.3 5.3 10.4 3.3 10.6 1.1 2.5 2.7 7.1 0.2 10.9 0.4 2.5 0.6 2.4 0.8 0.4 1.6 1.5 9.1
0.3 1.4 15.1 0.05 0.2 1.7 0.5 1.9 1.3 5.5 4.8 7.5 5.5 6.2 1.0 2.1 3.0 5.2 0.2 6.6 0.7 2.2 0.7 1.8 0.8 0.5 1.3 1.7 5.9
0.4 0.7 9.8 0.02 0.1 1.4 0.6 1.6 1.1 3.8 4.2 6.0 5.4 5.9 0.7 1.4 2.8 3.4 0.1 7.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.4 1.2 1.5 4.6
0.4 1.3 10.6 * 0.4 4.4 0.3 1.5 1.0 4.0 3.5 6.4 3.5 4.9 0.9 1.6 2.2 4.0 0.4 4.8 0.7 1.8 0.6 1.6 0.5 0.6 1.4 1.3 4.4
0.2 7.3 11.1 0.1 1.6 3.3 0.3 1.4 2.5 4.7 4.0 6.2 2.7 4.9 0.9 1.1 2.7 4.4 1.3 2.3 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.8 0.7 0.9 1.2 3.0 4.8
0.2 6.6 9.4 0.2 1.0 3.0 0.4 1.3 1.8 3.0 3.0 4.1 1.9 4.6 0.6 0.8 2.0 2.6 0.8 2.0 1.3 1.6 1.1 1.6 0.5 0.8 1.2 2.2 3.5
0.2 6.4 9.6 0.35 1.3 2.8 0.5 1.2 2.1 2.8 3.5 3.9 2.4 4.2 0.8 0.8 2.3 2.5 0.9 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.5 3.3
0.2 6.8 10.4 0.3 1.3 2.9 0.6 1.2 1.8 3.8 2.8 4.7 2.2 4.6 0.7 0.8 2.1 3.6 0.9 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.8 2.4 4.1
Section IV
Product Tables
Product Index
Product Index
A Bile Esculin Agar .......................................................................... 76
Biosate Peptone ....................................................................... 77
A-1 Medium ................................................................................ 33 Biotin Assay Medium ................................................................... 78
A7 Agar, Modified ....................................................................... 34 Bird Seed Agar ............................................................................ 80
AC Broth ..................................................................................... 35 Bismuth Sulfite Agar .................................................................... 80
Acetamide Agar .......................................................................... 38 Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) .................................................. 83
Acetate Differential Agar ............................................................. 39 Blood Agar Base No. 2 ................................................................ 83
Acidicase Peptone .................................................................. 128 Bordet Gengou Agar Base ........................................................... 85
Actinomyces Broth ...................................................................... 40 Bordet Gengou Blood Agar ......................................................... 85
Actinomycete Isolation Agar ........................................................ 41 Bovine Albumin 5% .................................................................... 86
Agar, 1.5% ................................................................................. 45 Brain Heart CC Agar .................................................................... 87
Agar, Bacto .............................................................................. 42 Brain Heart Infusion ..................................................................... 89
Agar, Grade A ............................................................................. 42 Brain Heart Infusion (Broth Media) ............................................... 89
Agar, Granulated ......................................................................... 42 Brain Heart Infusion Agar ............................................................ 92
Agar, Noble ................................................................................. 42 Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified ............................................. 92
Agar, Select ................................................................................. 42 Brain Heart Infusion Agars ........................................................... 92
Agar, Technical ............................................................................ 42 Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Modified ............................................ 89
Agarose ....................................................................................... 42 Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine ........................................................ 94
Agars .......................................................................................... 42 Brain Heart Infusion Sheep Blood Agar ........................................ 92
AK Agar #2 (Sporulating Agar) .................................................... 36 Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar ....................................... 95
Alkaline Peptone Water ............................................................... 45 Brain Heart Infusion with PABA .................................................... 95
Amies Transport Media .............................................................. 568 Brain Heart Infusion with Supplements ........................................ 89
Amino Acid Assay Media ............................................................. 46 Brain Heart Infusion without Dextrose ......................................... 89
Anaerobe Broth MIC ................................................................. 623 Brewer Anaerobic Agar ............................................................... 96
Anaerobe CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ................................. 48 Brilliant Green Agar ..................................................................... 98
Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood KV Agar ........................................ 49 Brilliant Green Agar Modified ...................................................... 99
Anaerobe Neomycin 5% Sheep Blood Agar ................................. 50 Brilliant Green Bile Agar ............................................................. 100
Anaerobic Agar ........................................................................... 50 Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% ..................................................... 101
Antibiotic Assay Broth ................................................................. 52 m Brilliant Green Broth .............................................................. 103
Antibiotic Assay Media ................................................................ 52 Brucella Agar ............................................................................. 104
Antibiotic Medium 1 ................................................................... 52 Brucella Agar with 5% Horse Blood ........................................... 104
Antibiotic Medium 2 ................................................................... 52 Brucella Agar with 5% Sheep Blood,
Antibiotic Medium 3 ................................................................... 52 Hemin and Vitamin K1 ........................................................... 106
Antibiotic Medium 4 ................................................................... 52 Brucella Broth ............................................................................ 104
Antibiotic Medium 5 ................................................................... 52 Brucella Broth with 20% Glycerol .............................................. 107
Antibiotic Medium 8 ................................................................... 52 Brucella Laked Sheep Blood Agar
Antibiotic Medium 9 ................................................................... 52 with Kanamycin and Vancomycin .......................................... 106
Antibiotic Medium 10 ................................................................. 52 Brucella Media .......................................................................... 104
Antibiotic Medium 11 ................................................................. 52 Brucella Media for Anaerobes .................................................... 106
Antibiotic Medium 12 ................................................................. 52 Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base ..................................... 307
Antibiotic Medium 13 ................................................................. 52 Buffered Peptone Water ............................................................ 108
Antibiotic Medium 19 ................................................................. 52 Buffered Peptone Water II .......................................................... 108
Antimicrobic CNV ...................................................................... 241 Bushnell-Haas Broth .................................................................. 109
Antimicrobic Vial A .................................................................... 158 Butterfield Buffer with 0.1% Peptone
Antimicrobic Vial K .................................................................... 489 and 2% Polysorbate 80 ......................................................... 110
Antimicrobic Vial Oxytetracycline ............................................... 411
Antimicrobic Vial P ............................................................ 333, 489 C
APT Agar ..................................................................................... 37
APT Broth .................................................................................... 37 Campy CSM Agar ..................................................................... 121
Arylsulfatase Broth (0.001 M and 0.003 M) ................................. 57 Campy CVA Agar ...................................................................... 121
Aspergillus Differential Agar ........................................................ 58 Campylobacter Agar Base ......................................................... 121
Azide Blood Agar Base ................................................................ 59 Campylobacter Agar with 5 Antimicrobics
Azide Dextrose Broth ................................................................... 60 and 10% Sheep Blood .......................................................... 121
Campylobacter Agars ................................................................ 121
B Camplyobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Blaser ........................ 121
Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Skirrow ...................... 121
B12 Assay Medium ...................................................................... 62 Campylobacter Thioglycollate Medium
B12 Culture Agar ........................................................................ 63 with 5 Antimicrobics ............................................................. 124
B12 Inoculum Broth ..................................................................... 63 Candida BCG Agar Base ............................................................ 125
Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBE) ............................................... 71 Candida Bromcresol Green Agar ................................................ 125
BAGG Broth ................................................................................ 65 Candida Isolation Agar .............................................................. 127
Baird-Parker Agar Base ................................................................ 72 Cary and Blair Transport Medium ............................................... 568
Baird-Parker Agar ........................................................................ 72 Casamino Acids ......................................................................... 128
BCYE Agar .................................................................................. 66 Casamino Acids, Technical ......................................................... 128
BCYE Agar Base .......................................................................... 66 Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay ................................................. 128
BCYE Agars ................................................................................. 66 Casein Agar .............................................................................. 402
BCYE Differential Agar ................................................................ 66 Casein Digest ............................................................................ 130
BCYE Selective Agars (CCVC, PAC, PAV) ...................................... 66 Casitone .................................................................................... 131
Beef Extract ................................................................................. 74 Casman Agar Base .................................................................... 133
Beef Extract, Desiccated .............................................................. 74 CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar ....................................... 111
Beef Extract Powder .................................................................... 74 CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Beef Heart for Infusion ................................................................ 75 with Kanamycin and Vancomycin .......................................... 111
BG Sulfa Agar ............................................................................. 68 CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
BiGGY Agar ................................................................................ 70 with Phenylethyl Alcohol ....................................................... 111
CDC Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood Agar E
with Kanamycin and Vancomycin .......................................... 111
Cetrimide Agar Base .................................................................. 134 m E Agar ................................................................................... 193
Chapman Stone Medium .......................................................... 136 EC Medium ............................................................................... 195
Charcoal Agar ........................................................................... 137 EC Medium, Modified ............................................................... 198
Chocolate II Agar ...................................................................... 138 EC Medium with MUG .............................................................. 196
Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin ............................................... 138 EE Broth Mossel ......................................................................... 199
Chocolate II Agar with Pyridoxal ................................................ 138 Egg Meat Medium .................................................................... 203
Choline Assay Medium .............................................................. 140 Egg Yolk Agar, Modified ............................................................ 204
Chopped Meat Carbohydrate Broth, PR II .................................. 141 Egg Yolk Enrichment 50% .................................................. 356,489
Chopped Meat Glucose Broth, PR II ........................................... 141 mEI Agar ................................................................................... 200
CHROMagar Candida ............................................................ 142 Elliker Broth ............................................................................... 205
CHROMagar O157 ................................................................. 144 EMB Agar, Levine, without Lactose ............................................ 218
CHROMagar Orientation ........................................................ 144 Emerson YpSs Agar ................................................................... 206
CHROMagar Salmonella ......................................................... 146 Endo Agar ................................................................................. 207
CHROMagar Staph aureus ..................................................... 147 m Endo Agar LES ....................................................................... 208
CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Selective Agar Base) .............................. 114 m Endo Broth MF .................................................................... 209
CLED Agar ................................................................................ 116 Enriched Thioglycollate Media ................................................... 554
Clostridium Difficile Selective Agar ............................................. 148 Enriched Thioglycollate Medium ................................................ 554
Clostrisel Agar ........................................................................... 149 Enriched Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate .......... 554
Coagulase Mannitol Agar .......................................................... 150 Enteric Fermentation Base ......................................................... 211
Columbia Agar Base .................................................................. 151 Enterococcosel Agar .............................................................. 212
Columbia Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ....................................... 151 Enterococcosel Agar with Vancomycin, 8 g/mL .................... 214
Columbia Agar with Fildes Enrichment and Bacitracin ................ 151 Enterococcosel Broth ............................................................. 212
Columbia Agars ........................................................................ 151 m Enterococcus Agar ................................................................. 215
Columbia Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar ............................... 154 Enterococcus Screen Agar QUAD Plate ...................................... 217
Columbia Blood Agar Base ........................................................ 151 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine ............................................. 218
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH ................................................... 151 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified, Holt-Harris and Teague ... 220
Columbia Broth ......................................................................... 155 Esculin Agar .............................................................................. 221
Columbia CNA Agar .................................................................. 156 Esculin Iron Agar ....................................................................... 193
Columbia CNA Agar, Modified .................................................. 156 Eugon Agar ............................................................................... 222
Columbia PNA Agar .................................................................. 156 Eugon Broth .............................................................................. 223
Cooke Rose Bengal Agar ........................................................... 158 Eugonbroth Medium ............................................................. 223
Cooked Meat Medium .............................................................. 159 EVA Broth .................................................................................. 202
Cooked Meat Medium with Glucose, Hemin and Vitamin K1 ........... 159 EY Tellurite Enrichment ................................................................ 72
Corn Meal Agar ........................................................................ 161
Corn Meal Agar with 1% Dextrose ............................................ 161 F
Corn Meal Agar with Polysorbate 80 ......................................... 161 m FC Agar ................................................................................. 225
CTA Agar .................................................................................. 118 m FC Basal Medium .................................................................. 227
CTA Medium ......................................................................... 119 m FC Broth Base ........................................................................ 225
CTA Medium with Carbohydrates .......................................... 119 Ferric Chloride Reagent ............................................................. 442
Cystine Assay Medium ................................................................ 46 Fildes Enrichment ...................................................................... 229
Cystine Heart Agar .................................................................... 163 Fletcher Medium Base ............................................................... 230
Cystine Tryptic Agar ................................................................... 119 Fletchers Media ........................................................................ 230
Czapek Solution Agar ................................................................ 164 Fletchers Medium ..................................................................... 230
Czapek-Dox Broth ..................................................................... 164 Fletchers Medium with 5-FU ..................................................... 230
FLN Agar ................................................................................... 228
D Flo Agar .................................................................................... 462
D/E Neutralizing Agar ................................................................ 167 Fluid A ...................................................................................... 231
D/E Neutralizing Broth ............................................................... 167 Fluid D ...................................................................................... 231
DCLS Agar ................................................................................ 166 Fluid Sabouraud Medium .......................................................... 498
Decarboxylase Base Moeller ....................................................... 175 Fluid Thioglycollate Media ......................................................... 554
Decarboxylase Differential Media ............................................... 175 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium ...................................................... 554
Decarboxylase Medium Base ..................................................... 175 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched ....................................... 554
Demi-Fraser Broth Base .............................................................. 178 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef Extract ........................... 554
Dermatophyte Test Medium Base .............................................. 180 Folic Acid Assay Medium ........................................................... 234
Dermatophyte Test Medium, Modified with Chloramphenicol .... 180 Folic Acid Casei Medium ........................................................... 236
Desoxycholate Agar ................................................................... 181 Folic AOAC Medium .................................................................. 232
Desoxycholate Citrate Agar ....................................................... 182 Fraser Broth Base ....................................................................... 238
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar ...................................................... 184 Fraser Broth Supplement ........................................................... 238
Dextrose Agar ........................................................................... 185 FTA Hemagglutination Buffer ..................................................... 229
Dextrose Broth .......................................................................... 185
Dextrose Starch Agar ................................................................. 186 G
Dextrose Tryptone Agar ............................................................. 187 GBNA Medium .......................................................................... 239
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar ...................................... 188 GC Agar Base ............................................................................ 241
DNase Test Agar ........................................................................ 170 GC II Agar Base ......................................................................... 241
DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green .......................................... 170 GC II Agar with IsoVitaleX Enrichment ................................... 246
DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue .......................................... 170 GC Medium Base ...................................................................... 241
DNase Test Agars ....................................................................... 170 GC-Lect Agar .......................................................................... 247
DRBC Agar ................................................................................ 173 Gelatin ...................................................................................... 250
Dubos Broth Base ...................................................................... 190 Gelysate Peptone ................................................................... 252
Dubos Broth, Enriched ............................................................... 190 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base ........................................................ 253
Dubos Media ............................................................................. 190 Glycerol ....................................................................................... 41
Dubos Medium Albumin ........................................................... 190 GN Broth ................................................................................... 249
Dubos Oleic Agar Base .............................................................. 190 GN Broth, Hajna ........................................................................ 249
Dubos Oleic Albumin Complex .................................................. 190 M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth ................................................. 254
Group A Selective Strep Agar with 5% Sheep Blood .................. 255
Product Index, cont.
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Glycerol ........................................ 360 O
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Polysorbate 80 ............................. 360
Middlebrook ADC Enrichment ................................................... 360 Oatmeal Agar ............................................................................ 412
Middlebrook and Cohn 7H10 Agar ............................................ 361 OF Basal Medium ...................................................................... 410
Middlebrook OADC Enrichment ................................................ 361 OF Medium with Carbohydrates ................................................ 410
MIL Medium .............................................................................. 328 OFPBL Agar ............................................................................... 422
Milk .......................................................................................... 516 OGYE Agar Base ....................................................................... 411
Milk Agar .................................................................................. 364 Orange Serum Agar .................................................................. 413
Minerals Modified Glutamate Broth ........................................... 365 Orange Serum Broth Concentrate 10 ...................................... 413
Minimal Agar Davis ................................................................... 367 Oxacillin Screen Agar ................................................................. 415
Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose ....................................... 367 Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement ............................................... 416
MIO Medium ............................................................................. 329 Oxford Medium Base ................................................................. 416
Mitis Salivarius Agar .................................................................. 369
Modified mTEC Agar ................................................................. 539 P
Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement ................................ 416 M-PA-C Agar ............................................................................. 418
Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM II) Agar ....................................... 548 Pagano Levin Base ..................................................................... 428
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base ............................................. 175 PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement ............................................ 420
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Arginine ................................ 175 PALCAM Medium Base .............................................................. 420
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Lysine ................................... 175 Pantothenate Assay Medium ..................................................... 429
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Ornithine .............................. 175 Pantothenate Medium AOAC .................................................... 431
Moeller Decarboxylase Broths .................................................... 175 PC Agar .................................................................................... 422
Moeller KCN Broth Base ............................................................ 370 Peptic Digest Agar ..................................................................... 432
Motility GI Medium ................................................................... 371 Peptone .................................................................................... 433
Motility Indole Lysine Sulfide (MILS) Medium ............................. 372 Peptone Iron Agar ..................................................................... 435
Motility Indole Ornithine Medium .............................................. 329 Peptone Water .......................................................................... 436
Motility Nitrate (MN) Medium .................................................... 373 Petragnani Medium ................................................................... 437
Motility Test Medium ................................................................. 374 Phenol Red Agar Base ............................................................... 438
MR-VP Broth ............................................................................. 330 Phenol Red Agar Media ............................................................. 438
MR-VP Medium ......................................................................... 330 Phenol Red Broth Base ............................................................... 440
mTEC Agar, Modified ................................................................ 539 Phenol Red Broth with Carbohydrates ....................................... 440
Mucate Agar ............................................................................. 375 Phenol Red Mannitol Agar ......................................................... 438
Mucate Broth ............................................................................ 375 Phenylalanine Agar .................................................................... 442
Mueller Hinton Agar .................................................................. 376 Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar ........................................................... 443
Mueller Hinton Agars ................................................................ 376 Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ........................ 443
Mueller Hinton Broth (Not Cation-Adjusted) .............................. 382 Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 ........................................................... 444
Mueller Hinton Chocolate Agar ................................................. 380 Phosphate Buffered Saline ......................................................... 445
Mueller Hinton II Agar ............................................................... 376 Phytone Peptone ................................................................... 446
Mueller Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ............................... 376 Phytone Peptone, UF ............................................................. 446
Mueller Hinton II Agar with Tryptophan ..................................... 381 Phytone Yeast Extract Agar .................................................... 448
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) .................................. 383 PKU Subtilis Spore Suspension ................................................... 423
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) PKU Test Agar ........................................................................... 423
with 2% Sodium Chloride ..................................................... 383 PKU Test Agar without Thienylalanine ........................................ 423
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted) Plate Count Agar ....................................................................... 449
with Lysed Horse Blood ......................................................... 383 m Plate Count Broth .................................................................. 451
Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base ............................... 386 Polypeptone Peptone ............................................................ 451
Mycobacteria 7H11 Agar ........................................................... 511 Potato Dextrose Agar ................................................................ 452
Mycobactosel L-J Medium ..................................................... 388 Potato Dextrose Broth ............................................................... 452
Mycological Agar ...................................................................... 389 Potato Flakes Agar .................................................................... 454
Mycological Media .................................................................... 389 Potato Flakes Agar with Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin ........ 454
Mycophil Agar ....................................................................... 389 Potato Flakes CC Agar ............................................................... 454
Mycophil Agar with Low pH .................................................. 389 Potato Infusion Agar ................................................................. 455
Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey) ................................................... 425 PPLO Agar (Mycoplasma Agar Base) .......................................... 425
Mycoplasma Enrichment w/o Penicillin ...................................... 425 PPLO Broth (Mycoplasma Broth Base) ........................................ 425
Mycoplasma Media ................................................................... 425 PPLO Media (Mycoplasma Media) .............................................. 425
Mycoplasma Supplement .......................................................... 425 Presence-Absence Broth ............................................................ 456
Mycosel Agar ......................................................................... 391 Proteose No. 3 Agar .................................................................. 461
MYP Agar ................................................................................. 333 Proteose Peptone ...................................................................... 458
Proteose Peptone No. 2 ............................................................. 458
N Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................................. 458
NBB Agar Base, Modified .......................................................... 393 Proteose Peptone No. 4 ............................................................. 458
Neomycin Blood Agar ................................................................ 395 Pseudomonas Agar F ................................................................. 462
Neopeptone .............................................................................. 395 Pseudomonas Agar P ................................................................. 462
Neutralizing Buffer .................................................................... 397 Pseudomonas Agars .................................................................. 462
New York City (NYC) Medium, Modified .................................... 397 Pseudomonas Isolation Agar ...................................................... 464
Niacin Assay Medium ................................................................ 398 Pseudosel Agar ...................................................................... 134
NIH Thioglycollate Broth ............................................................ 554 Purple Agar Base ....................................................................... 465
Nitrate Broth ............................................................................. 400 Purple Broth Base ...................................................................... 465
Nocardia Differentiation Media .................................................. 402 Purple Broth with Carbohydrates ............................................... 465
Nocardia ID QUAD ..................................................................... 403 Purple Lactose Agar ................................................................... 467
Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement ........................................ 198 Pyridoxine Y Medium ................................................................ 469
Nutrient Agar ............................................................................ 404
Nutrient Agar 1.5% .................................................................. 405 R
Nutrient Agar with MUG ........................................................... 406 R2A Agar .................................................................................. 471
Nutrient Broth ........................................................................... 408 Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium ............................................................ 472
Nutrient Gelatin ........................................................................ 408 Rapid Fermentation Medium ..................................................... 473
NZCYM Broth ............................................................................ 394 Rapid Fermentation Medium with Carbohydrates ...................... 473
NZYM Broth .............................................................................. 394 Rapid Urea Broth ....................................................................... 474
Product Index, cont.
Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium, Semisolid Modification .. 475 Starch Agar ........................................................................ 402,527
Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth ................................................. 477 Starch Agar with Bromcresol Purple ........................................... 528
Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar ....................................................... 478 Sterility Test Broth ...................................................................... 554
Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar without Cephalexin ........................ 478 Stock Culture Agar .................................................................... 528
Reinforced Clostridial Medium ................................................... 480 Strep ID Quad ............................................................................ 529
Riboflavin Assay Medium ........................................................... 481 Sulfite Agar ............................................................................... 531
Rice Extract Agar ....................................................................... 482 Supplement B ............................................................................ 241
Rogosa SL Agar ......................................................................... 483 Supplement VX ......................................................................... 241
Rogosa SL Broth ........................................................................ 483 SXT Blood Agar ......................................................................... 496
Rose Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ............................................... 485 Synthetic Broth AOAC ............................................................... 533
Rose Bengal Agar Base .............................................................. 485
Rose Bengal Antimicrobic Supplement C ................................... 485 T
Rosolic Acid ............................................................................... 225 TAT Broth .................................................................................. 534
TAT Broth Base .......................................................................... 534
S TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate ....................................................... 535
Sabouraud Agar, Modified ......................................................... 502 TC Yeastolate ............................................................................ 535
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar ......................................... 497 TC Yeastolate, UF ...................................................................... 535
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base ................................. 497 TCBS Agar ................................................................................. 536
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar with Antimicrobics ........... 497 Tech Agar .................................................................................. 462
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar .......................................................... 498 m TEC Agar ............................................................................... 538
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons ........................................... 502 Tellurite Glycine Agar ................................................................. 545
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons, with Antimicrobics ............ 502 Tellurite Solution 1% .......................................................... 369,545
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Antimicrobics ............................ 498 Terrific Broth .............................................................................. 546
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 ....... 498 Tetrathionate Broth Base ............................................................ 547
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth ......................................................... 498 m TGE Broth .............................................................................. 593
Sabouraud Liquid Broth Modified ................................................ 52 Thayer-Martin Selective Agar ..................................................... 548
Sabouraud Maltose Agar ........................................................... 498 Thermoacidurans Agar .............................................................. 550
Sabouraud Maltose Broth .......................................................... 498 Thiamine Assay Medium ............................................................ 551
Sabouraud Media (Low pH) ....................................................... 498 Thiamine Assay Medium LV ....................................................... 551
Saline, 0.45% ........................................................................... 504 Thioglycollate Media ................................................................. 554
Saline, Normal ........................................................................... 504 Thioglycollate Medium (Fluid), without Dextrose ........................ 554
Salmonella Shigella Agar ........................................................... 494 Thioglycollate Medium, Brewer Modified ................................... 554
Salt Broth, Modified .................................................................. 505 Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate ........................ 554
SBG Sulfa Enrichment .................................................................. 68 Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose ................................... 554
Schaedler Agar .......................................................................... 505 Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator (135C) ....................... 554
Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1 and 5% Sheep Blood .............. 505 Thiol Broth ................................................................................ 560
Schaedler Broth ......................................................................... 505 Thiol Medium ............................................................................ 560
Schaedler Broth with Vitamin K1 ............................................... 505 Thiotone E Peptone ............................................................... 561
Schaedler K-V Agar with 5% Sheep Blood ................................. 505 Tinsdale Agar Base .................................................................... 562
Schaedler Media ........................................................................ 505 Tinsdale Enrichment Desiccated ................................................. 562
Select Soytone ........................................................................... 446 Todd Hewitt Broth ..................................................................... 564
Selective Brain Heart Infusion Agars ............................................. 87 Todd Hewitt Broth with Gentamicin and
Selective Seven H11 Agar .......................................................... 511 Nalidixic Acid ......................................................................... 564
Selective Streptococcus Agar ..................................................... 508 Tomato Juice Agar Special ......................................................... 566
Selenite Broth ............................................................................ 508 Tomato Juice Broth .................................................................... 566
Selenite Cystine Broth ................................................................ 509 Tomato Juice Media ................................................................... 566
Selenite-F Broth ......................................................................... 508 TPEY Agar Base ......................................................................... 541
Serum Tellurite Agar .................................................................. 511 Transport Media ........................................................................ 568
Seven H11 Agar ........................................................................ 511 Transport Medium (Stuart, Toshach and Patsula) ........................ 568
Seven H11 Agar Base ................................................................ 511 Transport Medium Amies ........................................................... 568
Seven H11 Agar with Aspartic Acid and Pyruvate ...................... 511 Transport Medium Amies without Charcoal ............................... 568
Seven H11 Agars ....................................................................... 511 Trichophyton Agars 1 7 ........................................................... 571
SF Broth .................................................................................... 488 Trichosel Broth, Modified ....................................................... 573
SF Medium ................................................................................ 488 Triple Sugar Iron Agar ................................................................ 574
SFP Agar Base ........................................................................... 489 Tryptic Nitrate Medium .............................................................. 576
SIM Medium ............................................................................. 490 Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 ..................... 580
Simmons Citrate Agar ............................................................... 514 Tryptic Soy Agar/Trypticase Soy Agar ...................................... 577
Skim Milk Medium .................................................................... 516 Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH ................................................. 583
Skirrows Medium ...................................................................... 121 Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No. 2 ............................................. 583
Snyder Test Agar ....................................................................... 517 Tryptic Soy Broth ....................................................................... 588
SOB Medium ............................................................................. 492 Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose ............................................ 588
Sodium Hippurate Broth ............................................................ 518 Trypticase Peptone ................................................................ 131
Sorbitol MacConkey Agars ........................................................ 340 Trypticase Soy Agar, Modified (TSA II) .................................... 583
Sorbitol MacConkey II Agar with Cefixime and Tellurite ............. 340 Trypticase Soy Agar with 10% Sheep Blood (TSA II) ............... 583
Soybean-Casein Digest Agar Media ........................................... 577 Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Horse Blood (TSA II) .................. 583
Soybean-Casein Digest Broth Media .......................................... 588 Trypticase Soy Agar with 5% Rabbit Blood (TSA II) ................. 583
Soytone ..................................................................................... 446 Trypticase Soy Agar with
Soytone, Bacto ....................................................................... 446 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II) .......................................... 583,587,588
Special Yeast and Mold Medium ................................................ 520 Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate ................. 580
Spirit Blue Agar ......................................................................... 521 Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 and
Spirolate Broth .......................................................................... 522 Penicillinase ........................................................................... 580
SPS Agar ................................................................................... 492 Trypticase Soy Agar with Penicillinase .................................... 580
SS Agar ..................................................................................... 494 Trypticase Soy Broth .............................................................. 588
Standard Methods Agar ............................................................ 449 Trypticase Soy Broth with 0.15% Agar ................................... 591
Standard Methods Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 ......... 523 Trypticase Soy Broth with 20% Glycerol ................................. 592
m Staphylococcus Broth ............................................................ 524 Trypticase Soy Broth with 5% Fildes Enrichment .................... 588
Staphylococcus Medium 110 ..................................................... 525 Trypticase Soy Broth with 6.5% Sodium Chloride .................. 588
Tryptone .................................................................................... 131 VJ Agar (Vogel and Johnson Agar) ............................................. 610
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar ................................................... 593 Vogel and Johnson Agar ............................................................ 610
Tryptone Water .......................................................................... 594
Tryptose .................................................................................... 596 W
Tryptose Agar ............................................................................ 599 Wallenstein Medium .................................................................. 622
Tryptose Blood Agar Base .......................................................... 597 Water ........................................................................................ 623
Tryptose Broth ........................................................................... 599 Wilkins-Chalgren Agar .............................................................. 623
Tryptose Phosphate Broth .......................................................... 601 WL Differential Medium ............................................................ 620
TSA Blood Agars ....................................................................... 583 WL Nutrient Broth ..................................................................... 620
TSI Agar .................................................................................... 574 WL Nutrient Medium ................................................................. 620
TSN Agar ................................................................................... 542
TT Broth Base, Hajna ................................................................. 543 X
TTC Solution 1% ....................................................................... 277
Tween 80 Water ...................................................................... 602 Xanthine Agar ........................................................................... 402
Tyrosine Agar ............................................................................. 402 XL Agar Base ............................................................................. 625
XLD Agar .................................................................................. 625
U XLT4 Agar Base ......................................................................... 628
XLT4 Agar Supplement .............................................................. 628
Universal Beer Agar ................................................................... 604
Universal Preenrichment Broth ................................................... 605 Y
Urea Agar .................................................................................. 606
Urea Agar Base .......................................................................... 606 Yeast Carbon Base ..................................................................... 638
Urea Agar Base Concentrate 10 .............................................. 606 Yeast Extract .............................................................................. 633
Urea Broth ................................................................................. 606 Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar ............................. 635
Urea Media ............................................................................... 606 Yeast Extract, LD ........................................................................ 633
Urease Broth Concentrate 10 ................................................. 606 Yeast Extract Phosphate (YEP) Agar ........................................... 636
Urease Test Broth ....................................................................... 606 Yeast Extract, Technical .............................................................. 633
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth ................................... 603 Yeast Extract, UF ........................................................................ 633
Yeast Fermentation Broth Base with Durham Tube ..................... 637
V Yeast Fermentation Broth with Carbohydrates ........................... 637
Yeast Media .............................................................................. 638
V Agar ...................................................................................... 609 Yeast Morphology Agar ............................................................. 638
Vancomycin Screen Agar ........................................................... 611 Yeast Nitrogen Agar .................................................................. 638
VCA Inhibitor ............................................................................ 241 Yeast Nitrogen Base ................................................................... 638
VCAT Inhibitor ........................................................................... 241 Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids ....................................... 638
VCN Inhibitor ............................................................................ 241 Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
VCNT Inhibitor .......................................................................... 241 and Ammonium Sulfate ........................................................ 638
Veal Infusion Agar ..................................................................... 612 Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN ........................................ 114
Veal Infusion Broth .................................................................... 612 Yersinia Selective Agar Base (CIN Agar Base) .............................. 114
Violet Red Bile Agar ................................................................... 613 YM Agar ................................................................................... 630
Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG .................................................. 615 YM Broth .................................................................................. 630
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar ..................................................... 616 YPD Agar .................................................................................. 631
Vitamin B12 Assay Medium ........................................................ 618 YPD Broth ................................................................................. 631
Vitamin K1 - Hemin Solution ...................................................... 619 2YT Medium .......................................................................... 632