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Norzagaray and Bulacan Clinker Capacity Expansion 7114035 Republic Cement & Building Materials, Inc. Norzagaray, Bulacan Storage Tunnel

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PROJECT : Norzagaray and Bulacan Clinker Capacity Expansion DOC.

JOB NO : 7114035 REV NO A
CLIENT : Republic Cement & Building Materials, Inc. BY MCL DATE
LOCATION : Norzagaray, Bulacan CHECK JD DATE
SUBJECT : Storage Tunnel APPR. PK DATE

l. References:
A. National Structural Code of the Philippines Vo1. 1, Buildings 2015
B. Republic Basis of Design
C. ASSHTO LRFD BRIDGE 2012, Design Specifications

ll. Given :
ElevHPFS = 125.10 m Drawing No.
ElevGWT = 123.10 m Drawing No.
Elevbotsump = 116.70 m Drawing No.

lll. Material Density :

unit wt soil (dry), dry = 18.00 KN/m3 (assumed)
unit wt soil (wet), wet = 8.19 KN/m3 (assumed)
unit wt lime stone, s = 14.90 KN/m3 (assumed) ASCE 2010 Table C3
unit wt water, w = 9.81 KN/m3 (assumed)
unit wt concrete, c = 25.00 KN/m3 Client SO

lV. Basic Load Case (BLC) - (as per Load Cases STAAD numbering)

STAAD Load Cases

BLC 1 Sesimic Load along Z
Stucture Seismic Load = +EQZ See Seismic Calculation
Equipment Seismic Load = +EQZ See Equipment Data
BLC 2 Sesimic Load along X
Stucture Seismic Load = +EQX See Seismic Calculation
Equipment Seismic Load = +EQX See Equipment Data
BLC 3 Sesimic Load along -Z
Stucture Seismic Load = +EQZ See Seismic Calculation
Equipment Seismic Load = +EQZ See Equipment Data

BLC 4 Sesimic Load along -X

Stucture Seismic Load = +EQX See Seismic Calculation
Equipment Seismic Load = +EQX See Equipment Data

BLC 5 Dead Load, DS

Selfweight (with 10% contingency for accessories) wds == Computed by STAAD
Weight of Overburden ( dry x Height) G Column G Ra

Description Height (m) (Kpa)
NGL Top 0.00 0.00
Top of Tank 1.50 27.00
Top of Tunnel 3.00 54.00

Weight of Limestone @ 13.63 m x s = 203.01


Reaction from Dome Post (1/2 of 37kips) = 18.50 kips 82.29 kN Email from Kari Kauppi to Barrie dated Se
Area of dome post = 1m x 1m = 1.00 mm2 From STA
STAAD Input = Load / Area = 82.29 kPa See ST
BLC 6 Pipe Empty, PLE Not Applicable
BLC 7 Pipe Operating, PLC Not Applicable
BLC 8 Pipe Hydrostatic, PLC Not Applicable

BLC 9 Equipment Empty, ELE

Circular Bending System
Area 1 = x(6m)2/4 - x(4m)2/4 = 15.71 m2 Drawing No.
Area 2 = 4.0mx0.7m = 2.80 m2 Drawing No.

Max. Vertical Own Weight Max permissble reaction of Drawing No.

Gcolumn (kN) Grail (kN) column
l Central Column 646.00 - V = 482 KN
ll Stacker 558.00 - H = 90 KN
lll Bridge Scraper 485.00 415.00 M = 78 KN/m
lV Rail - -
V Harrow 210.00 256.00
Sub-Total Weight of CBS = 1899.00 671.00

Load Carried By Column, Total Gcol = Gcolumn + V = 2381.00 KN

Load Carried By Column, Grail = 671.00 KN

Pressure (Gcolumn) = GColumn/ Area 1 = 151.58 KPa See ST

Presssure (GRail) = GRail / (Area 2) = 239.64 KPa See ST

Belt Conveyor (see Drawing No. 20160842)

Foundation Loads (kN/m)

Conveyor Pressure
Location Description B I T1 Total Width (m) (Kpa)

@ T1 DL1 - Dead Load Equip 0.80 2.00 11.60 14.40 1.3 11.08
@B DL1 - Dead Load Equip 0.80 2.00 0.00 2.80 1.3 2.15

Floor EL3 - Mat. Accumulation 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.3 0.38

Roof Covering System (@ Interface between Tunnel and Conveyor)

Assume Weight of Structure Including Roof = 5.00 KN

Area of Concrete Pedestal = 0.5m*0.5m = 0.25 KN

Pressured Load = Weight / Area = 20.00 KN

BLC 10 Equipment Operating, ELC

Number of Nodes = = 36.00 units Drawing No.

Distance, d = = 5.10 m Drawing No.

Bridge Lateral = H/ ns = 2.50 KN
Bridge Moment = M/ d = 15.29 KN

Centrifugal Rail Loads G1r = G2r = 39.00 KPa Values taken from FLSMIDTH dwg. No. 10432552

Number of Nodes nos = 2.00 pcs

Nodal Con. Force = G1r/nos or G2r/nos = 19.50 pcs

Content Storage Dust Load

Height of Dust hD = 13.67 m See DWG No.

Pressure Weight of Dust, WD = s * hD WD = 203.68 kPa See ST

Content Surcharge
Active Pressure Coefficient @ Rest ko = 0.50 coeff.of earth pressu

Surcharge Load, SUL T = ko * WD SUL T = 101.84 kN/m See ST

BLC 11 Hydrostatic Force, ELH

The full of water loads consideration is needed during maintenance or during construction phase to vissible check for cracks in the
By engineering judgement this loads will not govern in the design, therefore no hydrostatic loads was consider here

BLC 12 Floor Live Load, LL

Truck Load (AASHTO LRFD 2012)
a) Lane Load
Width of Truck Bt = 10.00 ft 3.05 m AASHTO

Lane Load LL = 640.00 lb/ft 9.34 kN/m AASHTO

Dynamic Load Allowance 1.33 x LL = 851.2 lb 12.42 kN AASHTO Tabl

b) Loads for Moment

Concentrated Load PLLM = 18000 lb 80.07 kN consideration f

Dynamic Load Allowance 1.33 x PLLM = 23940 lb 106.49 kN AASHTO Tabl

c) Loads for Shear

Concentrated Load PLLS = 26000 lb 115.65 kN consideratio

Dynamic Load Allowance 1.33 x PLLS = 34580 lb 153.82 kN AASHTO Tabl

d) Loads for Pedestrian

Width of pedestrian Bap = 0.65 m
Pedestrian Live Load LLp = 75 lb/ft2 3.59 kPa AASH

Surcharge Load due to Truck Load

Active Pressure Coefficient @ Rest ko = 0.50 coeff.of earth pressu

Surcharge Load, SUL T = ko * 1.33*LL SUL T = 6.21 kN/m See ST

Surcharge Load, SUL T = ko * 1.33 x PLLM SUL T = 53.25 kN/m See ST

Belt Conveyor (see Drawing No. 20160842)

Vertical Reation
Foundation Loads (kN/m)
Conveyor Pressure
Description B I Total Width (m) (Kpa)

LL1 - Live Load due to Equip 1.20 1.20 2.40 1.3 1.85
LL4-Impact Load 0.00 4.60 4.60 1.3 3.54

Horizontal Reation
Description B (kN) Height
LL1 - Live Load due to Equip 43.00 1.50 64.50
LL4-Impact Load 21.50 1.50 32.25
64.50 96.75

Floor Live 4.80 KPa NSCP 2015 Table 205-1,

BLC 13 Roof Live Load, RLL N.A.

BLC 14 Soil Pressure, H

Static Earth Pressure
Internal friction angle of soil, = 32.00 deg internal friction angle of soil
Active Pressure Coefficient, Ka = tan 2 ( 45 - /2) = 0.31 coeff.of earth pressure (at rest)
unit wt soil (dry) = 18.00 kN/m3
unit wt soil (wet) = 8.19 kN/m3

Tank Wall

Height from BLC 7 DRY

Elev. Top of Wall G.S.
h1 1.5 m 8.30

h3 9.1 m 50.33

Tunnel Wall
Height from BLC 7 DRY
Elev. Top of Wall G.S.
h1 3.5 m 19.36

h3 9.1 m 50.33

Height from BLC 7 DRY

Elev. Top of Wall G.S.
h1 0m 0.00
h3 4.85 m 26.82

Dynamic Earth Pressure

Dynamic Coefficient of Soil KAE = 0.900

Seismic Coefficient:
Mononobe-Okabe Pressure Coefficient kae = (KAE - KA) kae = 0.59

Cicular Blending Tank Wall

Height from BLC 7 DRY
Elev. Top of Wall
h1 1.5 m 15.93

h3 9.1 m 96.64

Tunnel Wall
Height from BLC 7 DRY
Elev. Top of Wall
h1 3.5 m 37.17

h3 9.1 m 96.64

Height from BLC 7 DRY

Elev. Top of Wall
h1 0m 0.00

h3 5.6 m 59.47



Check for Bouyancy
To check for bouyancy, empty load case will be consider. For worst case senario, during construction no soil overburden is consider
and only the self weight of concrete to resist.

Buoyant Force
Length Width Thickness Quantity
Vol Submerge Tunnel = 47.40 mx 7.00 mx 6.70 mx 1.00 pcs = 2223.06 m3
Vol Submerge CB = 10.30 mx 13.70 mx 8.30 m 1.00 pcs = 1171.21 m3
Total Gross Volume = 3394.27 m3

Bouyant Force = Volume of Submerge x w = 33297.82 KN

Resisting Force

Concrete Tunnel Length Width Thickness Quantity

Volume of Wall = 6.70 mx 47.40 mx 0.70 m 2.00 pcs = 444.61 m3
Volume of Top Slab = 4.70 mx 47.40 mx 1.20 m 1.00 pcs = 267.34 m3
Volumne of Bottom Slab = 4.70 mx 47.40 mx 1.20 m 1.00 pcs = 267.34 m3

Cicular Blending Length Width Thickness Quantity

Volume of Outer Wall = 12.70 mx 8.20 mx 1.00 m 2.00 pcs = 208.28 m3
Volume of Outer Wall = 9.30 mx 8.20 mx 1.00 m 1.00 pcs = 76.26 m3
Volume of Inner Wall = 11.00 mx 5.50 mx 1.00 m 1.00 pcs = 60.50 m3
Volume of Top Slab = 12.70 mx 8.30 mx 1.70 m 1.00 pcs = 179.20 m3
Volumne of Bottom Slab = 12.70 mx 8.30 mx 1.40 m 1.00 pcs = 147.57 m3

Total Gross Volume = 1651.10 m3

Weight of Structure = Volume of Concrete x c = 41277.38 KN

Unity Ratio = Total Resisting Force/ Bouyant Force = 1.24 > 1.1 Bul and Nor B

Drawing No. 20160842

Drawing No. 20160842
Drawing No. 20160842

ASCE 2010 Table C3-2, pp 405

Client SOW page 17

G Rail


Email from Kari Kauppi to Barrie dated Sep 23,2017

From STAAD Model
See STAAD Input
Drawing No. 10432548
Drawing No. 10432548

Drawing No. 10432552

See STAAD Input

See STAAD Input

Drawing No. 10432548

Drawing No. 10432548

Values taken from FLSMIDTH dwg. No. 10432552, G1r, G2r

See DWG No. 10432547

See STAAD Input

coeff.of earth pressure (at rest)

See STAAD Input

maintenance or during construction phase to vissible check for cracks in the wall




consideration for moment


consideration for shear



coeff.of earth pressure (at rest)

See STAAD Input

See STAAD Input

NSCP 2015 Table 205-1, Walkways
Bul and Nor BOD pp 24
PAGE 58 OF 281

SUBGRADE = 1374*3/(40/1000))

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