The rubric assesses wire sculptures on four criteria: use of theme, connection of theme to community, use of wire techniques, and participation. It provides descriptors for ratings of needs improvement (6.25 pts), developing (12.5 pts), sufficient (18.75 pts), and outstanding (25 pts) on each criterion. The highest rating is for work that strongly incorporates the theme, reflects something thought provoking about the community, uses 3 or more techniques correctly, and where the student was never disruptive.
The rubric assesses wire sculptures on four criteria: use of theme, connection of theme to community, use of wire techniques, and participation. It provides descriptors for ratings of needs improvement (6.25 pts), developing (12.5 pts), sufficient (18.75 pts), and outstanding (25 pts) on each criterion. The highest rating is for work that strongly incorporates the theme, reflects something thought provoking about the community, uses 3 or more techniques correctly, and where the student was never disruptive.
The rubric assesses wire sculptures on four criteria: use of theme, connection of theme to community, use of wire techniques, and participation. It provides descriptors for ratings of needs improvement (6.25 pts), developing (12.5 pts), sufficient (18.75 pts), and outstanding (25 pts) on each criterion. The highest rating is for work that strongly incorporates the theme, reflects something thought provoking about the community, uses 3 or more techniques correctly, and where the student was never disruptive.
The rubric assesses wire sculptures on four criteria: use of theme, connection of theme to community, use of wire techniques, and participation. It provides descriptors for ratings of needs improvement (6.25 pts), developing (12.5 pts), sufficient (18.75 pts), and outstanding (25 pts) on each criterion. The highest rating is for work that strongly incorporates the theme, reflects something thought provoking about the community, uses 3 or more techniques correctly, and where the student was never disruptive.
Improvement/ requirements met (Requirement met) (Requirement Requirement but not fully) met to fullest not met potential) 6.25 pts 12.5 pts 18.75 pts 25 pts No use of Use of theme is Theme is evident in Theme is evident theme evident starting to work but lacking and is strongly in sculpture. become evident, incorporation. incorporated. Use of Theme in but needs more Sculpture incorporation. 25 pts Theme is not Theme is Theme is connected Theme is connected to somewhat to community but connected to community or connected to could use a little community and Connection of there is no community, but refining or isnt reflects Theme to the theme at all. needs more thought provoking. something Community thought. thought 25 pts provoking. Does not use or Makes use of one Makes use of at Makes use of 3 Use of Wire correctly use or more least two or more Techniques wire techniques techniques from techniques techniques Covered in covered in demo, but not all correctly. correctly from Demo demo. correctly or not the demo. 25 pts enough. Student didnt Student was Student was on task Student was work on project focused and at a reasonable never disruptive in class or was sometimes, but vocal level for a or asked to quiet Participation disruptive in also lacking focus majority of the during work 25 pts class. other times. time. time.