A Low Cost Web Based Remote Monitoring System With Built-In Security Feature For Vulnerable Environments
A Low Cost Web Based Remote Monitoring System With Built-In Security Feature For Vulnerable Environments
A Low Cost Web Based Remote Monitoring System With Built-In Security Feature For Vulnerable Environments
Abstract24X7 monitoring of environmental phenomena and Many papers have already been published based on the
security are the two prime areas of concern in an industrial topics of remote monitoring and security either separately or
setup. This paper mainly focus on the design and implementation jointly. But most of them lack implementation, as in [1]. Some
of an intelligent, low cost and fully automated system which will lack low level implementation details, as in [2] and [3]. In
be able to provide full time monitoring and eventual security to
some of them, implementations are done on workstation like
the concerned setup. The targeted area includes all type of
susceptible environment like gas filling station, research and embedded server with huge database backup, as in [4]. But in
development laboratories etc. The system has the flexibility to this paper we focus on a system which is open source
add more number of nodes to the setup. The mode of hardware having small size with implementation details.
communication implemented in the system is wired and could be
migrated to wireless as required. Section II of this paper deals with industrial setup analysis
and the system sketch is given in section III. Section IV gives
Keywords Remote monitoring; Security; Embedded Web- the system overview and section V deals with tools used and
Server; Microcontroller; Intranet. the experiment setup.
Monitoring and security are the two major areas of concern II. INDUSTRIAL SETUP ANALYSIS
in industrial establishments. Monitored parameters include In order to implement an error free monitoring system in an
various environmental phenomena like temperature, light
industrial setup, we need to analyze the entire area. In an
intensity, moisture, pressure etc. Of all the functionalities
present in the system, remote measurement and control of industry, the parameters to be monitored vary from zone to
critical parameter plays a very important role. In order to make zone in a locality. Here we take care of all types of industrial
a remote connectivity feasible following requirements need to setup. Localization of the system in to small zones is done
be met, like server connectivity with back end database like based on the parameter to be monitored. The zone creation
MYSQL or ORACLE and a web server like application(eg: isnt that much vital in all the cases and can be omitted in
apache, NGiNX) running on it. Another possible method is by
some, where localities are small or places where only a single
using a web server board. Security is also a prime area of
concern in industrial setup, be it a door type security or parameter needs to be monitored. The monitoring of zones
security to machinery setup. need to be done continuously, as the values of sensor present
Here, we propose the design and implementation of low in the zone needs to be fed to the intelligent monitoring system
cost web based remote monitoring system with built-in in real time scenario, which will later update the portal hoisted
security features. Due to the usage of an embedded intelligent by the monitoring system and would alert the concerned
monitoring module which is the Beagle Board from Texas personnel with the help of attached gadgets. Security features
Instruments, portability, low power consumption and low cost
are built in to the setup in the form of real time surveillance
have been achieved in the system. The intelligent embedded
module is made up of a TI DM3730 -1GHz Cortex A8 core and an entry type feature, the results of which are later posted
processor. The maximum power consumption of the board is in to the portal by the intelligent monitoring system. A brief
2 watts. The Beagle Board is a low-power open source setup of the system is shown in Figure 1.
hardware single-board computer which measures (82.55 X
82.55) mm, making it very much suitable for a portable
system. Later programming is done on this Board to make it
act as an embedded web server.
A. Creation Of Zones
As already stated, the entire locality can be
b divided in to a
number of sub zones on demand. This coulld be such that on
the same setup if we need to focus on tempeerature gradient as
well as on the pressure gradient factor we need
n to divide the
entire locality in to sub zones based on requuirement, and this Figure.3 Structure of an Arbiter Zone Node
division can be done by various means off analysis. Such a
setup is shown in the Figure 2, where the industrial
establishment is divided in to subzones as power generation C. Intelligent Monitoring Systeem
area, electrical section, backup room, emplooyee cabin section The data from all the arbiteer nodes are fed in to the centre
and ware house (here the zonal split is bassed on the critical intelligent monitoring system m. The intelligent monitoring
nature of the locality). system is made up of an open source hardware called Beagle
Board which is a single boarrd computer with TI DM3730
processor, which is a combbination of ARM Cortex A8
processor, TMS320C64x+ corre and Power VR SGX 2D/3D
Graphics Processor. It has 1GHz processing speed with
512Mb RAM and has the cappability to boot from SD card
loaded with operating systems like Android, Angstrom Linux,
Fedora and Ubuntu. The dimeension of the board is (82.55 X
82.55) mm
The intelligent monitoring system
s is preloaded with certain
packages so that it is made to act
a as a flash media as well as a
web server. The intelligent moonitoring system is connected to
external accessories like GPR RS/GSM modem, webcam and
network accessories for aleert, security and connectivity
Figure.2.Zone divisions in a General Industriial Establishment respectively.
D. External Peripheral Setup
B. Setup Of Arbiter Zone Nodes As already mentioned, the GPRS/GSM modem, web cam
Once the zones have been created, it is then the turn and network accessories are coonnected to central system. The
of setting up the monitoring devices at the
t zonal nodes. In GPRS /GSM modem alerts thee personnel by sending SMS on
each zone, we maintain special arbiter nodes and each request by the intelligent moonitoring system. The Webcam
m. Sensor selection
arbiter consists of sensors and a webcam connected to central monitoring system does the overall
depends upon the selected zone. Sensorss are meant for the surveillance of the locality and thereby provides added
monitoring and webcam is meant for security purpose. security feature to the systemm. The video captured by the
Each arbiter node is in turn connected to a centre webcam is then hoisted on thee portal on a real time basis so
intelligent system which is in turn connnected to intranet that it can be viewed from remoote locations.
and external accessories. An example sttructure of a Zone Figure4 shows the architectuure of the system.
Node is shown in Figure3.
In this paper, a low cost web based remote monitoring
system with built-in security features
f has been designed and
implemented. Portability, low w power consumption and low
cost have been brought in to thet system by the usage of the
embedded intelligent monitorring module. This system has
taken in to account the setup off a single node and its operation
with the intelligent monitoringg system. As an enhancement it
is possible to incorporate morre than one node to the system,
and the medium of communiccation can be made wireless. A
zone dividing algorithm cann also be backed as a future
Figure.6 Arbiter node connected to the cen
ntre intelligent
monitoring system
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[4] Ali Ziya Alkar, and Um mit Buhur, "An Internet Based
Wireless Home Automation System For Multifunctional
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June 2011.