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Phillip Alanis M.D.

ALL (agranular) B lymph>>>>T lymph AML (granular)
General: General:
MC Leukemia in Kids (0-15), blast crisis- patient will present Ages 15-30, also a blast crisis so patient will present with
with fever, bone pain, infection, bleeding anemia and infection, similar symptoms as in ALL, however look for DIC, also
Associated with Downs Syndrome. Can present with associated with Downs. Very high WBC (50,000-100,000)
mediastinal mass causing SVC-syndrome
TDT - marker of lymphoblast cytoplasm Myeloperoxidase- we are in myeloid lineage
CALLA - in cells that are CD10+ (early B-cells) LAP score DECREASED vs. leukemoid rxn
PAS - this detects polysaccharide, ALL blasts have large t(15;17)-> M3 subtype, if these cells are destroyed the Auer
vacuoles full of sugars Rods can wreck havoc on the patient leading to DIC

Rx: Rx:
Chemo- Doxorubicin-topo II inhibitor (cardio toxicity) Chemo- Doxorubicin-topo II inhibitor (cardio toxicity),
Has the propensity to hide in the CNS so patients should be treated
Prednisone and allopurinol due to high incidence of Tumor
prophylactically with intrathecal MTX (folic acid analog) or Ara-C
Lysis Syndrome.
(pyrimidine analog) M3- All-Trans Retinoic Acid
CML (granular) CLL (agranular) B lymph>>>> T lymph
General: General:
Ages 30-50. Patients usually asymptomatic and it is found Old patients >60 yo, Patients are also usually asymptomatic
incidentally. Peripheral increase of WBCs leading to average survival w/o rx is ~12 years
hyperviscosity syndrome. May develop blast crisis if it goes Well differentiated with elevated WBC (20,000)
on years w/o rx Also prone to hyperviscosity syndrome
Philadelphia Chromosome: t(9;22) translocation leading to Smudge Cell- cytoskeleton of cell is fragile
over activity of tyrosine kinase (BCR-ABL). CD 19, CD 20, and CD 21 mature B-cell markers
LAP score DECREASED vs. leukemoid rxn CD 5 unique as this is usually seen in t-cells
Absolute lymphocyte count > 50
Diffuse Lymphadenopathy
Rx: Rx:
Imatinib- tyrosine kinase inhibitor If old or Donor = No Rx
If old and symptomatic = Chemo (Chlorambucil alkylation in
If young and donor = BM Transplant
Phillip Alanis M.D.

LYMPHOMA B-Symptoms = Fever, night

sweats and/or wt loss
Nontender Lymphadenopathy (
B symptoms)

Excisional Biopsy

+ RS - RS

Hodgkins Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma Lymphoma

RS cells have 2 Owls Eyes

Extra nodal disease more
Bimodal distribution (15-35 common (Similar to CLL)
and >55)
Staging Spreads Non-contiguously
Associated with EBV
Possible CD20 +
Spreads anatomically
CD 15 x 2 owl eyes= CD 30

Follicular Lymphoma Burkitts Lymphoma

I One group of lymph
Older patient Younger patient
nodes involved
BCL-2 C-myc
II >one group of lymph
t(14;18) leading to t(8;14)
nodes involved on
same side inhibition of apoptosis Starry sky appearance
III >one group of lymph Associated with EBV
nodes involved on
opposite side
IV Diffuse Disease in
Hodgkins Lymphoma Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
(blood and bone marrow)
Adriamycin/Doxorubicin Rituximab

Bleomycin Cyclophosphamide
A = No B Symptoms
B = Positive B Symptoms Vinblastine Hydroxydoxorubicin

Dacarbazine Oncovorin


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