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Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656

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Isolation and characterization of Saccharomyces species for bioethanol

production from sugarcane molasses: Studies of scale up in bioreactor
 Manuel Domnguez c, *,
tia G. Carvalho a, Jose
Mara Laura Muruaga a, b, Ka
Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira d, Nora Perotti a, b
PROIMI-CONICET, Av. Belgrano y Pje. Caseros, San Miguel de Tucuma n, Argentina
b n, Argentina
National University of Tucuma
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Vigo (Campus Ourense), As Lagoas s/n, 32004, Ourense, Spain
Department of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Sa~o Paulo, Av. Lineu Prestes 580, Bl 16,
05508-900, Sa~o Paulo, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Decreases in oil reserves and gas elds around all over the world justify the deepening of studies to
Received 20 November 2014 render viable the larger-scale use of new energy sources. Therefore, the use of microorganisms to convert
Received in revised form sugars into ethanol is a feasible process to be performed in a short period of time and at low costs. In this
17 April 2015
context, this study aimed to select ethanol-producing yeasts, after isolating samples in molasses obtained
Accepted 5 July 2015
from companies in the Province of Tucuma n (Argentina) and grapes obtained from farms located in
Available online xxx
Cafayate (Salta, Argentina). Among the twenty-nine samples studied A2, A10 and A11 isolates showed
higher ethanol productions of 12.87; 13.64 and 13.46% respectively. A2 showed a homogeneous growth
Sugarcane molasses
meanwhile the growth of strains A10 and A11 was occulent. Molecular taxonomic characterization of
Bioethanol these isolates showed a percentage of similarity of 100% with the strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The
Saccharomyces cerevisiae behavior of the non-occulent A2 strain at laboratory scale was faster using a sugarcane molasses based
Bioreator medium, reaching 11.36% ethanol without adding nutrients and other growth factors, probably because
its disperse form facilitates the transfer of nutrients and products. These values were improved to 12.02%
when the process was scaled up to a 10L bioreactor. All these studies allowed concluding that S. cerevisiae
A2 strain is a promising microorganism for the production of bioethanol with potential environmental,
energy and economic benets to be projected into industrial scale.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Brazil was the rst country to promote a program in order to

replace some of the gasoline with ethanol. This program, called
Biofuels are fuels of biological origin, derived from renewable National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL) [5], allowed encouraging
organic biomass, where biomass represents a potential source of ethanol production and consumption [6]. The momentum for bio-
carbohydrates for microbial fermentation [1]. Interest in its use has ethanol in Argentina, from sugarcane was shaped legally with the
increased to the extent that governments seek to reduce and even sanction of Law 26.334 Arrangements for the Promotion of Bio-
eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, to ensure future, greater en- ethanol Production in 2008. The objective of ensuring sustainability
ergy security, while beneting the environment. Considering that in the production of ethanol is enough stimulus in the search for
oil accounts for 97% of the energy used for transport and industry alternative technologies that would satisfy or rene the existing
[2], governments around the world have actively promoted the ones.
identication, development and commercialization of technologies Molasses are one of the main products obtained from the
for the production of alternative fuels in the last 20 years [3], manufacture of raw sugars in the sugar industry. Molasses are
including the production of ethanol [4]. widely used as raw material for alcoholic fermentation due to its
abundance and low price compared to other available raw mate-
rials. Molasses are a complex and heterogeneous mixture and its
composition may vary considerably depending, among others, on
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Domnguez). the sugarcane variety, soil, climate, culture period, production
0960-1481/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
650 M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656

process and efciency of operation in the factory [7]. 0.50 g/L biomass. Fermentations were performed during 144 h in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the main species of yeast employed 200 mL bottles placed in oven at 25, 28, 30 and 35  C.
for ethanol production at industrial level since this microorganism Studies for the selection of initial sucrose concentration were
is easy to handle, shows no high nutritional needs, can produce performed on the selected strains during 120 h by triplicate in
ethanol concentrations above 15% [8], tolerates high concentrations 200 mL bottles containing 50 mL YPS fermentation medium,
of sugars, is not expensive, produces low levels of by-products, is changing the initial amount of sucrose to 250, 300, or 350 g/L.
osmotolerant and presents high viability for recycling [9]. Flasks were inoculated with 0.5 g/L of biomass and incubated in
Programs for isolation and selection of yeast strains have had oven at 30  C.
positive results, due to higher yields of fermentation. The decrease Sugarcane molasses based medium was evaluated as economic
in glycerol production and foaming resulted in higher levels of culture medium for the development of A2 and A10 strains without
ethanol production and the consequent reduction in production supplementation. Fermentations were conducted by triplicate in
costs. The rich biodiversity of yeasts found in environments of 200 mL bottles, inoculated with 2% dry matter and incubated in
ethanol plants production could be an important source of new oven at 30  C.
strains. This is due to, among other factors, the selective pressure on In all cases, samples were taken at selected times. For each
the cells which occurs during the recycling of yeast cells generates sample the whole volume of one ask was centrifuged and the
strains with increased tolerance to stress conditions in industrial supernatant used to analyze total reducing sugars (TRS), direct
fermentation: high concentrations of ethanol, sugar and CO2 reducing sugars (DRS), and ethanol concentration. The yeast
pressure and low O2 pressure and low pH [10]. growth was evaluated by dry weight [12]. The supernatant was
This paper deals with the isolation of yeasts from molasses and separated and stored for determination of sugars using the volu-
grapes, and further evaluation of bioethanol production in com- metric method of Fehling Causse-Bonnans (FCB) [13,14] and
mercial media. Selected strains were taxonomically characterized ethanol by Rezex Organic Acid HPLC with precolumn, mobile phase
and assayed for optimizing some operational variables and the use 10 mM H2SO4, ow rate 0.6 mL/min, 55  C, Gilson 305 pump, de-
of sugarcane molasses as economic fermentative medium. Finally, tector LKB Model 2142, differential refractometer, and recorder/
the no occulent A2 strain was employed to scale up the process integrator Shimadzu CR3A.
aiming to achieve an industrial application.
2.3. Use of the yeast S. cerevisiae A2 to scale up the process in a 10L
2. Material and methods bioreactor

2.1. Isolation of yeasts from sugarcane molasses and grapes The proliferation of the yeast S. cerevisiae A2, isolated from
sugarcane molasses was carried out in a 10 L Bioreactor Model N :
Two culture media were employed in the present study: YPS MF-214 (New Brunswick Scientic CO. INC., Edison: New Jersey,
proliferation medium (yeast extract 10 g/L, peptone 10 g/L and USA). The bioreactor was inoculated with 250 mL of S. cerevisiae A2
sucrose 50 g/L) for reactivation and propagation of yeasts; and YPS suspension (1.14  104 cel/mL), obtained after 12 h incubation in a
fermentation medium (yeast extract 10 g/L, peptone 10 g/L and thermostatic bath at 30  C, 150 rpm, and 2.5 vvm oxygen. In order
sucrose 250 g/L) for fermentation [11]. Additionally, sugarcane to maximize the proliferation of biomass and minimize the for-
molasses was evaluated after collecting sugarcane molasses from mation of ethanol, the process was conducted using a fed-batch
local sugarcane mills (Tucuma n, Argentina) and diluted to achieve process, where the sucrose present in the YPS proliferation me-
25% of total reducing sugars (TRS). All these media were sterilized dium was added intermittently, starting with 20 g/L inside the
in autoclave at 121  C during 15 min. Agarized YPS proliferation reactor and adding three consecutive pulses of 10 g/L after 4, 8 and
medium, used to isolate yeasts, was prepared with YPS prolifera- 12 h.
tion medium and 15 g/L agar. Fermentation was conducted using 8L culture medium in the
Twenty-nine strains isolated from sugarcane molasses and same 10 L Bioreactor without mechanical stirring and aeration, at
grapes were assayed for their ability to produce ethanol. Yeast 30  C and pH 5.0. The fermentation medium was prepared using
samples were aseptically collected from local sugarcane mills sugarcane molasses and 10% of sterilized cane juice, to reach 25%
(Tucuma n, Argentina) and vineyards located in Salta (Argentina), (w/v) TRS. The inoculum was originated from 1L of concentrated
plated individually on YPS agar supplemented with antibiotics S. cerevisiae A2 suspension (2.79  1010 cel/mL) previously obtained
(ampicillin 20 g/L, tetracycline 10 g/L, chloramphenicol 20 g/L, and from the proliferation process.
eritromicin 20 g/L) to suppress bacterial contaminants [10], serially Determination of cell growth was performed by optical density
diluted, plated and growth at 30  C for 24 h. Isolated colonies were at 640 nm using a UVeVisible spectrophotometer: Zeltec, model
dispensed into fresh medium containing 40% (v/v) glycerol as ZL-5000 plus and cell counting in a Neubauer chamber [15]. To
cryoprotectant, and maintained at 20  C for further assays. determine the concentration of ethanol, 50 mL of the fermented
medium was distilled and then quantied by HPLC as previously
2.2. Preparation of inocula and fermentation experiments described. TRS were determined using the volumetric method of
FCB [14].
Single colonies of isolates were grown overnight in 50 mL YPS
proliferation media placed in 200 mL bottles. Cultures were per- 2.4. Characterization and molecular taxonomy
formed in thermostatic baths (model G-76, New Brunswick Scien-
tic Co., Edison, NJ, USA) at 30  C and 200 rpm. The selected isolates were subcultured on YPS fermentation
The ability to produce ethanol was assayed by triplicate after medium for 24 h at 30  C. 1500 mL were transferred into micro
inoculation of 50 mL YPS fermentation medium with 0.50 g/L centrifuge tubes and the cells were recovered by centrifugation at
biomass in 200 mL bottles. Fermentations were assayed during 10,000  g for 2 min. The supernatant was discarded and the DNA
144 h in oven at 30  C. extraction was realized following the methodology proposed by
Fermentation trials to study the inuence of temperature on Yamada et al. [16]. The D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA region was
three selected strains (A2, A10 and A11) were carried out by trip- amplied using the primers NL1 (50 -GCATATCAA-
licate after inoculation of 50 mL YPS fermentation medium with TAAGCGGAGGAAAAG-30 ) and NL4 (50 -GGTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGG-
M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656 651

Table 1
Origin of isolates, aspect of the colonies, and ethanol concentration produced after 144 h for isolates grown in YPS fermentation medium. Results are the media of three
fermentations and standard deviations are provided.

Isolate Origin Appearance of the colony Ethanol (%)

C1 Grapes-Cafayate Small, circular, brown 3.20 0.21

C2 Grapes-Cafayate Small, circular, brown 5.66 0.32
C3 Grapes-Cafayate Small, circular, brown 4.42 0.22
C4 Grapes-Cafayate Small, circular, brown 3.21 0.14
C5 Grapes-Cafayate Small, circular, brown 3.11 0.12
Q1 Grapes-Cafayate Big, round, buttery, white 5.86 0.28
A1 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 11.2 0.74
A2 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 12.87 0.83
A4 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 8.45 0.41
A5 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 5.71 0.28
A9 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 11.87 0.68
A10 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 13.20 0.81
A11 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 13.20 0.88
J1 Molasses Big, round, creamy 5.00 0.29
J3 Molasses Small, yellowish 2.10 0.14
J6 Molasses Small, yellowish 4.70 0.18
J7 Molasses Big, round, creamy 4.26 0.17
J8 Molasses Small, yellowish 2.10 0.02
J9 Molasses Big, round, creamy 1.50 0.2
J10 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 0.70 0.02
J11 Molasses Medium, round, buttery yellow 3.51 0.14
J13 Molasses Big, round, creamy 1.50 0.10
J14 Molasses Big, round, creamy 1.86 0.13
YN1 Grapes-North Yacochuya Big, round, creamy 5.87 0.21
YN2 Grapes-North Yacochuya Big, round, creamy 6.40 0.22
YS1 Grapes-South Yacochuya Big, round, creamy 7.66 0.24
YS2 Grapes-South Yacochuya Big, round, creamy 4.33 0.15
T Grapes-Tolombon Medium, round, white 1.60 0.13
AN Grapes-Animana Big, yellow 2.40 0.16

30 ) [17,18]. The amplication was carried out by PCR under the 2.6. Statistical analysis
following conditions: initial denaturation at 94  C for 5 min, fol-
lowed by 30 cycles at 94  C for 1 min, 55  C for 1 min, 72  C for Determinations of total reducing sugars, ethanol and biomass
2 min; nal extension at 72  C for 10 min. Amplied products were concentrations were carried out in triplicate, and the results
separated in agarose gel (1.0% wt/vol) stained with ethidium bro- expressed as mean values. The mean values were submitted to
mide and visualized under UV illumination. analysis of variance (ANOVA) by the Statistica Software 12. They
The PCR fragments (550 bp) were sequenced by Macrogen were compared using the Tukey's test at signicance level
(Korea) in an ABI prism 373A (PE Applied BioSystems) automated (P) < 0.05, and different letters were used to label values with
sequencer. The sequences obtained were aligned with 26S rDNA statistically signicant differences among them.
sequences of databases present in the NCBI (National Center for
Biotechnology Information) using the software MEGA version 4.0 3. Results and discussion
[19]. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with MEGA 4.0 using a
Neighbor-Joining algorithm [20] and bootstrap analyses for 1000 3.1. Isolation and selection of yeasts
replicates were performed.
The ability to grow and produced ethanol was evaluated in 29
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy yeast strains isolated from both sugarcane molasses (17 strains) and
grapes (12 strains) using YPS fermentation media, starting with an
Scanning electron microscopy was carried out following the initial inoculum concentration of 0.5 g/L. Table 1 shows the origin of
method described by Karnovsky [21] under high vacuum using a isolates, appearance of colonies, and the nal ethanol concentra-
microscope Zeiss Supra 55VP (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). tion. Results showed that 13 strains produced reasonable amounts
Samples were processed and observed in the Centro Integral de of ethanol oscillating between 5 and 13%. The most outstanding
 nica (CIME), CCT-CONICET-UNT, San Miguel de
Microscopa Electro results were achieved with strains A2 (12.87%), A10 (13.20%) and
Tucuman (Argentina). A11 (13.20%); all of them isolated from sugarcane molasses. Fig. 1

Table 2
Kinetic and stoichiometric parameters after 144 h fermentation, during the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains A2, A10 and A11 in YPS fermentation medium at 30  C.
Results are the media of three fermentations and standard deviations are provided. Different letters in the same column mean statistically signicant difference according to
the test of Tukey (P < 0.05).

Strain TRS0 (g/L) TRSf (g/L) QS (g/L$h) P0 (g/L) Pmax (g/L) QP (g/L$h) YP/S (g/g) X0 (g/L) X (g/L) QX (g/L$h) YX/S (g/g) qS (g/g$h) qP (g/g$h)

A2 250 16.5 0.13a 1.622 0 128.7 0.80b 0.894 0.55 1.5 4.4 0.09a 0.0199 0.012 0.565 0.311
A10 250 25.5 0.11b 1.559 0 132 0.78a 0.917 0.59 1.5 4.7 0.11b 0.0223 0.014 0.486 0.286
A11 250 31.5 0.18c 1.517 0 132 0.83a 0.917 0.60 1.5 4.3 0.12a 0.0194 0.013 0.542 0.327

TRS0 initial concentration of TRS; TRSf TRS concentration at the end of fermentation; QS volumetric rate of TRS consumption; P0 initial ethanol concentration;
Pmax ethanol concentration at the end of fermentation; QP global volumetric productivity; YP/S product yield; X0 initial biomass concentration; X biomass con-
centration at the end of fermentation; QX biomass volumetric productivity; YX/S biomass yield; qS specic volumetric rate of TRS consumption; qP specic ethanol
652 M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656

shows the course with time for total reducing sugars (TRS), direct
reducing sugars (DRS), ethanol concentration and biomass. The
tendency was similar in the three strains, although the nal ethanol
concentration was slightly higher in strains A10 and A11. Table 2
collects the kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of fermenta-
tion. A2 strain presented higher values of volumetric rate of TRS
consumption (1.622 g/L$h) and specic volumetric rate of TRS
consumption (0.565 g/g$h), meanwhile A10 and A11 strains
showed higher global volumetric productivities (0.917 g/L$h).
Conversely, the three strains showed a narrow interval of biomass
yield (0.012e0.014 g/L h). These three strains were isolated from
sugarcane with high levels of sugars. Chandel et al. [22] used
S. cerevisiae 174 producing up to 8.13 g/l of ethanol after 72 h
fermentation, meanwhile Martin et al. [23] observed a maximum
ethanol concentration of 7.4 g/L using S. cerevisiae ATCC 96581, and
Chandel et al. [24] achieved an ethanol production of
19.45 0.55 g/L from natural S. cerevisiae VS3. Previously, Daz
Montan ~ o et al. [25] studied the fermentative capability of ve yeast
strains isolated from Agave tequilana Weber juice, founding that
three strains identied as S. cerevisiae were able to produce
5.18 0.15% ethanol after 24 h, showing higher tolerance to ethanol
than the other two strains, which were classied as Kloeckera
africana and K. apiculata, which showed a poor growth and pro-
duced less than 2.90 0.20% ethanol.
The results of Fig. 1 also pointed out that the hydrolysis of su-
crose was successfully performed during the whole trial, and that
both glucose and fructose were not found in limiting concentra-
tions. Additionally, the hydrolysis of sucrose was not inhibited by
the presence of ethanol. Furthermore, the concentration of TRS was
similar to the amount of DRS after 144 h, for the three strains, due
to most of the sucrose had been hydrolyzed. Finally, it can also be
observed the amount of biomass, which was similar for the three
strains thought the fermentation; being noticeable that the three
strains continued to develop even when the ethanol concentration
had exceeded 10%.

3.2. Morphologic and growth characteristics of the selected


The selected yeasts after growing on agarized YPS proliferation

medium presented white-creamy colonies. When strains were
developed in liquid medium the strain A2 showed a homogeneous
and dispersed growth, whereas the growth of the strains A10 and
A11 was occulent. The biomass was associated forming clusters or
1 mm diameter ocs, being deposited at the bottom of the culture
asks at the end of fermentation. The three strains were observed
Fig. 1. Course with time during the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains a) A2, b) by optical microscopy, showing the 3 isolates an ovoid shape, which
A10 and c) A11 in YPS fermentation medium at 30  C. TRS (-); Ethanol (A); DRS
(:); Biomass (C). Results are the media of three fermentations and bars represent
is characteristic in yeasts. It was also observed cell division by
mean standard deviation. gemmation and the absence of pseudomycelia (Fig. 2).
Furthermore, no signicant differences were observed in the

Fig. 2. Optical microscopy (1000 magnication) of isolated yeasts: a) A2, b) A10 and c) A11.
M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656 653

concentrations of ethanol on a S. cerevisiae strain, concluding that

concentrations from 7% alcohol produced a marked reduction of
cell size and a deformation of the plasma membrane. These results
would suggest that the selected yeasts were not subjected to
oxidative stress, maintaining its shape and size, with the possibility
of using them in cell recycles maintaining reliability of viable
strains for the production of bioethanol.

3.3. Identication of selected microorganisms: molecular

characterization and taxonomy

Selected microorganisms A2, A10 and A11 were identied by

sequencing the 26S rDNA D1/D2 domain and compared with
sequence of type strains from the database of the NCBI (accession
number indicated in Fig. 4). Alignment results of the rDNA se-
quences of these isolates show that the sequences of strain A2 was
found to have 100% similarity with S. cerevisiae strain 810 GDB
(EF554822). Strain A10 was shown to have 100% similarity
S. cerevisiae strain CBS 1907 (AJ508581). Finally, A11 strain showed
99% similarity with S. cerevisiae strain CBS 1907 (AJ508581) and
99% of identity with S. cerevisiae strain 810 GDB (EF554822). To
conrm the position of each strain in phylogeny, a number of se-
quences were selected from the NCBI database for the construction
of a phylogenetic tree using the MEGA4 program. As shown in Fig. 4
the isolates A2, A10 and A11 share the same clade cluster of the
phylogenetic tree of D1/D2 26S rDNA sequences corroborating all
they belong to the genus Saccharomyces.

3.4. Inuence of temperature

The behavior of the strains A2, A10, and A11 at different tem-
peratures (see Fig. 5) showed that although high concentrations of
ethanol were reached at 25 and 28  C, the highest concentration was
achieved when incubation was carried out at 30  C, meanwhile at
35  C the strains produced lower ethanol concentrations. These
results showed that strains were highly sensitive to changes in
temperature being 30  C the optimal temperature for the produc-
tion of ethanol for the three strains. These results are in agreement
with the studies reported by Zabed et al. [27] who postulated that it
is generally believed that the ideal fermentation temperature range
is between 20 and 35  C, meanwhile certain problems derived from
the use of higher temperatures in almost all fermentation processes.
Using other strains, for instance in the case of Zymomonas mobilis,
the best ethanol concentration (55.57 g/L) was found at 30  C, while
the lowest (4.6 g/L) was found at 40  C. Similarly, harmful effect on
ethanol concentration using this microorganism was also observed
at above 37  C by several investigators. For instance, Lee et al. [28]

Fig. 3. Comparison of yeast strains A2, A10 and A11 before (a) and after (b) 24 h
fermentation at 30  C using a Scanning Electron Microscope (2000 magnication).

surface characteristics of A2, A10, and A11 strains before and after
fermentation in the images obtained by scanning electron micro-
scopy (Fig. 3) with 2000 magnication, although yeast cells
exhibit a slight increase in surface roughness after fermentation, Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree obtained by the Neighbor-Joining method, based on the
possibly due to the transport of substances across the plasma analysis of 26S rDNA of the isolates A2, 10 and 11. The strains were identied within
membrane. Ma et al. [26] studied the effect of different the genus Saccharomyces. Access numbers to the type strains are in parentheses.
654 M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656

Fig. 5. Inuence of temperature using isolates strains A2 (a), A10 (b) and A11 (c) grown in YPS fermentation medium starting 250 g/L sucrose and 0.5 g/L d.w. biomass. 25  C (A);
28  C (-); 30  C (:); 35  C (C). Results are the media of three fermentations and bars represent mean standard deviation.

studying the strain S. cerevisiae BY4742 at 35 and 40  C concluded around 10%. This decrease in the production of ethanol could be
that a difference of 5  C can affect the production of ethanol by probably caused by the high concentration of initial sugar (sub-
yeasts, since ethanol production decreased from 28.98 to 5.52 g/L strate inhibition) and possibly by osmotic pressure.
with increasing temperature from 35 to 40  C. Notably, the higher decrease was observed with the non-
occulent strain A2. Considering that the occulation of yeasts is
3.5. Inuence of the initial sucrose concentration an asexual process reversible and calcium dependent, wherein the
cells are adhered together to form ocs [29], and that S. cerevisiae is
Due to the low levels of residual TRS at the end of fermentation mediated by specic proteins of the cell surface; it can be said that
during the previous study, higher initial sugar levels were tested to occulation can act as a protective mechanism in yeast stress
avoid the possibility of limiting the generation of higher concen- conditions, such as acidication, high concentration of sugars, etc.
trations of alcohol. Thus, strains A2, A10 and A11 were evaluated by [30]. For these reasons, the results do assume that the occulent
triplicate during 120 h in YPS fermentation medium containing characteristics of strains A10 and A11 would protect a high osmotic
250, 300 and 350 g/L sucrose, using 0.5 g/L inoculum and 30  C. The pressure generated by high sugar concentration and decreased
proles of ethanol production (see Fig. 6) using 250 and 300 g/L of production of ethanol is lower compared with non-occulent strain
initial sucrose were very similar using the strain A2, with a A2.
maximum nal ethanol concentration of 11.61% at 120 h. This Similar results were observed by Lee et al. (2013) who testing
concentration was higher compared to that produced using 350 g/L the strain S. cerevisiae NK28 at different initial concentrations of
of initial sucrose, where a decrease of 20% was evident in the nal sucrose, obtained a maximum ethanol concentration of 85.56 g/L
ethanol concentration, reaching a maximum amount of 9.70%. with 200 g/L sucrose, but when the sugar concentration increased
Identically, with the strains A10 and A11, using 250 and 300 g/L of to 300 and 400 g/L, ethanol concentration decreased considerably
sugar, the similar nal ethanol concentration of 12.49% and 12.25% to 46.58 and 1.11 g/L respectively. In our case, although S. cerevisiae
were quantied respectively, meanwhile raising sucrose concen- strains A2, A10, and A11 tolerated up to 300 g/L without decreasing
tration to 350 g/L, the nal ethanol production reached 11,7% (with its production of ethanol, it can be deduced from the above results
A10 strain) and 11.27% (with A11 strain) evidencing a decrease of that the concentration that ensures high concentrations of alcohol
M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656 655

is 250 g/L of sugar.

3.6. Inuence of high inocula concentrations using molasses media

To evaluate the performance of the selected strains and

compared with those currently used in distilleries at industrial
scale, it was necessary to reproduce the concentrations of inoculum
used on a larger scale. Ethanol production generally recycles yeasts
to minimize the time of fermentation. This procedure is based on
centrifuging the fermented broth, recycling the yeasts after a pre-
treatment with sulfuric acid to pH 1 within 1 h. Generally, it is
recovered 10% of the volume of the broth and the cream has about
20% dry matter. Thus, the recycled inoculum is about 2% dry matter,
leading to fermentation times ranging between 12 and 16 h to
reach the concentration of ethanol considered protable for
distillation (10% approximately).
Isolates A2 (non-occulent) and A11 (occulent) were grown in
molasses medium containing 250 g/L of TRS, incubated at 30  C
starting with an inoculum of 2% dry matter. The A2 strain produced
10.43% ethanol at 6 h (see Fig. 7), reaching a maximum value of
11.95% after 12 h. Considering that the concentration values ob-
tained in the ethanol industry after 10 h of incubation are about
10%; the values obtained with the A2 strain contribute to argue that
its potential application to industrial level. The fermentative char-
acteristics of A2 strain allow producing high ethanol concentrations
in a shorter time, thus decreasing the costs of the production pro-
cess. The behavior of the non-occulent A2 strain was faster,
probably because its dispersed form facilitated the transfer of nu-
trients and products.
The A11 strain with an inoculum 2% dry matter, produced 7.88%
ethanol at 6 h of fermentation; reaching the maximum concen-
tration (10.38%) at 18 h. No differences were observed in peak
concentrations of ethanol achieved (11.86%) for A2 and A11 after
24 h fermentation.
The reduced production of ethanol achieved by A11 strain may
be due to the occulating property, which could hamper the con-
tact of the yeast with the substrate, thereby increasing the time of
fermentation [10]. Plessas et al. [31] studding the production of
ethanol, obtained similar conclusions, since they need 14 h
fermentation to produce 7.40% ethanol using the occulent strain
S. cerevisiae.
Fig. 6. Inuence of initial sucrose concentration using isolates strains A2 (a), A10 (b)
and A11 (c) grown in YPS fermentation medium at 30  C starting with 0.5 g/L d.w.
biomass. 250 g/L (A); 300 g/L (-); 350 g/L (:). Results are the media of three fer- 3.7. Use of the yeast S. cerevisiae A2 to scale up the process in a 10L
mentations and bars represent mean standard deviation.

Finally, the process was scaled up to a 10L bioreactor. Fig. 8

shows a short lag phase in the rst 4 h followed by an

Fig. 7. Ethanol produced by strains A2 (non-occulent) and A11 (occulent) grown at

30  C in molasses media (containing 250 g/L TRS), starting with 2% d.w. biomass. A2 Fig. 8. Ethanol produced (C) and optical density growth (-) during the scale up
(A); A11 (-). Results are the media of three fermentations and bars represent process in a 10L Bioreactor using the yeast Saccharomyces cereviceae A2. Results are the
mean standard deviation. media of three fermentations and bars represent mean standard deviation.
656 M.L. Muruaga et al. / Renewable Energy 85 (2016) 649e656

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