Tax Reviewer For Midterm
Tax Reviewer For Midterm
Tax Reviewer For Midterm
- Tax imposed on property, real or personal, in - Tax based on a fixed percentage of the amount of
proportion to its value or in accordance with some the property receipts or other
other reasonable method of apportionment. basis to be taxed. Example: real estate tax.
Excise tax Progressive or graduated tax
- A charge imposes upon the performance of an act, - Tax the rate of which increases as the tax base or
the enjoyment of privilege, or bracket increases.
the engaging in an occupation. Digressive tax rate
- progressive rate stops at a certain point
As to purpose - Progression halts at a particular stage.
General/fiscal revenue tax is that imposed for the purpose of Regressive tax
raising public funds for the service of the government.
- Tax the rate of which decreases as the tax base or
bracket increases. There is no such tax in the
A special or regulatory tax is imposed primarily for the
regulation of useful or non-useful occupation or enterprises
and secondarily only for the purpose of raising public funds.