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Adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education

June 13, 2001

Office of Grant Programs and Technology

Division of School Improvement
Connecticut State Department of Education
Table of Contents

Introduction page 1

Summary of Grades PreK-12 Competency Standards page 3

Standard 1: Basic Operations and Concepts page 4

Standard 2: Social, Ethical and Human Issues page 5

Standard 3: Technology Productivity Tools page 6

Standard 4: Technology Communications Tools page 7

Standard 5: Technology Research Tools page 8

Standard 6: Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making page 10

Summary of Grades 9-12 Competency Standards for Students page 11
Pursuing a Career in the Information Technology Field

Standard 1: Advanced Operations and Concepts page 12

Todays students find that their education extends beyond the traditional classroom into
the realm of cyberspace a world where information is readily accessible and where
cyber-ready, thin client, and information technology are household words. All
students must be able to use information and technology effectively to live, learn and
work successfully in an increasingly complex and technology-based society.

From an educational perspective, our children need to achieve high academic standards,
improve formal and informal learning, increase personal productivity, communicate
effectively, enrich their understanding of the world at large and increase their awareness
as responsible citizens in an information-rich society. Technology, and the everyday use
of technology-enhanced tools, will assist them to do this in a way that is motivating,
creative, empowering and fun.

From an economic perspective, our children must be prepared to enter the job market
with a basic set of technology competencies for todays jobs as well as the skills required
for emerging jobs in an information-based economic climate.

Both nationally and in Connecticut, there has been a renewed call for action to advance
the use of technology in our schools:

In her November 29, 1999, report to Governor Rowland, Lieutenant Governor

Jodi Rell made nineteen recommendations on computer education.
Implementation of her plan will take an investment not just in financial terms,
but in commitment, vision and planning. She said:
Too many classrooms continue to be without computers. Too many
schools and classrooms have yet to be wired or connected to computer
systems. Too many teachers have not had the opportunity for specialized
and sometimes basic, computer training. Too many administrators are
frustrated by the lack of resources for technology enhancements and for
appropriate support staff. And too few students have ample and properly
tutored access to school-based computers and the Internet.

The most comprehensive legislation on educational technology in the state was

enacted through P.A. 00-187. The central piece in this legislation was the
consolidation of effort across the K-16 education system involving all the critical
partners in the support of educational technology in schools through the
Commission for Educational Technology (CET). Among other initiatives, the
legislation called for the State Board of Education to adopt grade kindergarten to
grade twelve, inclusive, computer technology competency standards for students.

Most recently (2000), the U.S. Department of Education released its new
educational technology plan, e-learning: Putting a World-Class Education at the
Fingertips of All Children. Goal 3 of the plan relates directly to student learning,
demonstrating the interrelated nature of information and technology literacy.
Goal 3: All students will have technology and information literacy skills.

In response to these developments, the Connecticut State Department of Education
(CSDE), in cooperation with the CET, has identified prekindergarten - Grade 12
computer technology competency standards that incorporate and are consistent with
recognized national and state standards, as described in the following documents:
National Education Technology Standards (NETS) for Students published in 2000
by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), funded by the
U.S. Department of Education, the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), the Milken Exchange on Education Technology and
Apple Computer, Inc;
Connecticut Learning Resources and Information Technology (LRIT) Curriculum
Framework (1998); and
Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information
Technology developed by the Northwest Center For Emerging Technologies

The six overarching competency standards are adopted from the NETS standards. Within
each competency standard is a combination of NETS prekindergarten Grade 12
performance indicators and the K-12 performance standards related to technology from
the LRIT curriculum framework. In addition, there is one competency standard for
students wishing to pursue a career in the information technology field, based on the
NCET document.

These student computer technology competencies can also serve as a checkpoint for
districts to assess whether their students have a full range of opportunities to learn about
and use computers in their prekindergarten Grade 12 educational experience. It is
anticipated that these computer skills and competencies will be incorporated into and
further articulated in future CSDE publications and programs, particularly those related to
the development and implementation of high quality instructional programs in the content
areas. Initiatives designed to identify best practices and model tasks using technology are
in process and will provide local educators with specific examples of ways to integrate
these competencies to improve and enhance student learning.

As students gain proficiency in the computer technology skills and competencies, they
are acquiring tools that will increase their potential for academic success and prepare
them to work and learn in a world that relies more and more on technology. We thank all
those who contributed to this most important endeavor.


1. Basic Operations Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology
And Concepts systems

Students are proficient in the use of technology

2. Social, Ethical and Students understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to technology
Human Issues
Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information and software

Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning,
collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity

3. Technology Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote
Productivity Tools creativity

Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced

models, preparing publications and producing other creative works

4. Technology Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish and interact with peers, experts
Communications and other audiences
Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas
effectively to multiple audiences

5. Technology Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of
Research Tools sources

Students use technology tools to process data and report results

Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations
based on the appropriateness to specific tasks

6. Technology Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions
and Decision- Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the
Making Tools real world

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by
the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project.

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
Students are proficient in the use of technology.

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, Apply strategies for identifying and Make informed choices among
remote control) and output devices (e.g., solving routine hardware and software technology systems, resources and
monitor, printer) to successfully operate problems that occur during everyday use services
computers, VCRs, audio tapes, and other
technologies Demonstrate an understanding of concepts Produce a variety of products using the
underlying hardware, software and advanced features of personal productivity
Use a variety of media and technology connectivity, and of practical applications software
resources for directed and independent to learning and problem solving
learning activities
Use keyboards and other common input
Communicate about technology using and output devices (including adaptive
developmentally appropriate and accurate devices when necessary) efficiently and
terminology effectively

Use developmentally appropriate Independently operate school computers

multimedia resources (e.g., interactive and demonstrate ability to use the
books, educational software, elementary systems software and special features
multimedia encyclopedias) to support
learning Demonstrate the ability to independently
use personal productivity software to
Discuss common uses of technology in create products in a wide range of formats
daily life and the advantages and (newsletters, budgets, brochures,
disadvantages those uses provide imported graphics, web pages, etc.)

Describe general criteria used to evaluate

and compare different types of
computers, peripherals and other
technology tools

Demonstrate the ability to use basic

features (entering information/data,
editing, calculating, manipulating
information, saving files) of personal
productivity software (word processing,
desktop publishing, spreadsheets,
databases, etc.)

With assistance, develop strategies for

solving common hardware and software

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to technology.
Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information and software.
Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity.

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Practice responsible use of technology Demonstrate knowledge of current changes Identify capabilities and limitations of
systems and software in information technologies and the effect contemporary and emerging technology
those changes have on the workplace and resources and assess the potential of these
Work cooperatively and collaboratively society systems and services to address personal,
with peers, family members, and others lifelong learning, and workplace needs
when using technology in the classroom Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when
using information and technology, and Make informed choices among technology
Demonstrate positive social and ethical discuss consequences of misuse systems, resources, and services
behaviors when using technology
Research and evaluate the accuracy, Analyze advantages and disadvantages of
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance, appropriateness, widespread use and reliance on technology
appropriate and inappropriate use of comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic in the workplace and in society as a whole
technology information sources concerning real-world
problems Demonstrate and advocate for legal and
ethical behaviors among peers, family, and
Discuss basic issues related to responsible community regarding the use of technology
use of technology and information and and information
describe personal consequences of
inappropriate use Observe all ethical and legal restraints in
copying or using material from any print,
Apply established citation standards for nonprint or electronic resources
giving credit for information or ideas used
from electronic resources Demonstrate an understanding of the
process for copyrighting / protecting their
Demonstrate an understanding of the original work
concept of ownership of ideas and
information by respecting and observing Observe local, state and national laws and
laws and/ or guidelines for using policies and procedures regarding the use
information, hardware and networks of computers, other technologies and

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity
Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications and producing other creative

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Use a variety of media and technology Use content-specific tools, software and Use technology tools and resources for
resources for directed and independent simulations (e.g., environmental probes, managing and communicating personal /
learning activities graphing calculators, exploratory professional information
environments, Web tools) to support
Create developmentally appropriate learning and research Investigate and apply expert systems,
multimedia products with support from intelligent agents, and simulations in real-
teachers, family members, or student Apply productivity / multimedia tools and world situations
partners peripherals to support personal
productivity, group collaboration and Create written, oral, numeric and visual
Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, learning throughout the curriculum communications using appropriate
logical thinking programs, writing tools, applications (spreadsheet, database,
digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem Use general purpose productivity tools and hypermedia, etc.) to construct, organize,
solving, communication, and illustration of peripherals to support personal analyze and interpret ideas and data, and
thoughts, ideas, and stories productivity, remediate skill deficits, and present conclusion
facilitate learning throughout the
Use appropriate software (writing tools, curriculum
hypermedia, drawing tools, etc.) to
organize and present ideas Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia
authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital
cameras, scanners) for individual and
collaborative writing, communication, and
publishing activities to create knowledge
products for audiences inside and outside
the classroom

Use appropriate software (spreadsheet,

database, hypermedia, etc.) to construct,
organize, calculate, analyze and interpret
ideas and data, and to present conclusions

Create databases, spreadsheets and a variety

of graphic presentations to communicate
numeric and visual information using
applications with varied and more
sophisticated features

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish and interact with peers, experts and other audiences.
Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, Design, develop, publish, and present Use technology tools and resources for
logical thinking programs, writing tools, products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) managing and communicating
digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem using technology resources that personal/professional information
solving, communication, and illustration of demonstrate and communicate curriculum
thoughts, ideas and stories concepts to audiences inside and outside the Routinely and efficiently use online
classroom information resources to meet needs for
Gather information and communicate with collaboration, research, publications,
others using telecommunications, with Collaborate with peers, experts, and others communications, and productivity
support from teachers, family members or using telecommunications and collaborative
student partners tools to investigate curriculum-related Select and apply technology tools for
problems, issues, and information, and to research, information analysis, problem-
develop solutions or products for audiences solving and decision-making in content
inside and outside the classroom learning

Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia Collaborate with peers, experts and others
authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital to contribute to a content-related knowledge
cameras, scanners) for individual and base by using technology to compile,
collaborative writing, communication and synthesize, produce and disseminate
publishing activities to create knowledge information, models and other creative
products for audiences inside and outside works
the classroom

Use telecommunications efficiently and

effectively to access remote information,
communicate with others in support of
direct and independent learning, and pursue
personal interests

Use telecommunications and online

resources (e.g., e-mail, online discussions,
Web environments) to participate in
collaborative problem-solving activities for
the purpose of developing solutions or
products for audiences inside and outside
the classroom

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources.
Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, Use content-specific tools, software, and Evaluate technology-based options,
logical thinking programs, writing tools, simulations (e.g., environmental probes, including distance and distributed
digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem graphing calculators, exploratory education, for lifelong learning
solving, communication, and illustration of environments, Web tools) to support
thoughts, ideas and stories learning and research Routinely and efficiently use online
information resources to meet needs for
Use Internet resources and other electronic Design, develop, publish and present collaboration, research, publications,
information resources with assistance products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) communications and productivity
using technology resources that
Describe ways technology can be used to demonstrate and communicate curriculum Select and apply technology tools for
organize and reorganize information concepts to audiences inside and outside the research, information analysis, problem-
classroom solving, and decision-making in content
Perform simple key word searches learning
Collaborate with others using
Use simple menus to locate information telecommunications and collaborative tools Investigate and apply expert systems,
from electronic media to investigate curriculum-related problems, intelligent agents and simulations in real-
issues and information and to develop world situations
Select and use appropriate tools and solutions or products for audiences inside
technology resources, with assistance, to and outside the classroom Collaborate with peers, experts, and others
accomplish a variety of tasks and solve to contribute to a content-related knowledge
problems Use telecommunications and online base by using technology to compile,
resources (e.g., e-mail, online discussions, synthesize, produce and disseminate
Web environments) to participate in information, models and other creative
collaborative problem-solving activities for works
the purpose of developing solutions or
products for audiences inside and outside Determine the best tool for locating
the classroom information and use key word descriptors
and Boolean logic (when appropriate) to
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, perform advanced on-line and CD-ROM
data collection probes, videos, educational searches (e.g., field searches)
software) for problem-solving, self-directed
learning and extended learning activities Demonstrate the ability to solve problems
by collecting, analyzing and interpreting
Determine when technology is useful and data through the use of data management
select the appropriate tool(s) and software (database, spreadsheets, etc.)
technology resources to address a variety of
tasks and problems

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards
Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Determine key words and use Boolean logic Independently select and use an appropriate
(when appropriate) to search electronic and search engine or directory related to a
Internet-based databases specific task

Demonstrate the ability to navigate through Use technology tools to generate findings
a variety of software menus to access and organize results for presentation

Search, find, sort and evaluate database

information from computers, CD-ROM and
on-line resources and know how to apply
established specific features of different
search engines

Demonstrate the ability to identify and use a

variety of features to locate information
using an Internet search engine or directory

Develop and apply criteria for evaluating

Internet resources

Use a variety of technology tools to

organize and manipulate data to solve

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework

Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.
Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.

Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Performance Standards

Educational experiences in Grades Pre-K-4 Educational experiences in Grades 5-8 will Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will
will assure that students: assure that students: assure that students:
Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, Apply productivity/multimedia tools and Routinely and efficiently use online
logical thinking programs, writing tools, peripherals to support personal information resources to meet needs for
digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem productivity, group collaboration and collaboration, research, publications,
solving, communication, and illustration of learning throughout the curriculum communications and productivity
thoughts, ideas and stories
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, Investigate and apply expert systems,
Select appropriate resources from a variety data collection probes, videos, educational intelligent agents and simulations in real-
of media formats, understanding that software) for problem-solving, self-directed world situations
information is stored and accessed in learning and extended learning activities
different ways Collaborate with peers, experts, and others
Design, develop, publish and present to contribute to a content-related knowledge
products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) base by using technology to compile,
using technology resources that synthesize, produce and disseminate
demonstrate and communicate curriculum information, models and other creative
concepts to audiences inside and outside the works
Independently use technology to search for
Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and identify potential work, career or study
underlying hardware, software and opportunities
connectivity, and of practical applications
to learning and problem solving

Determine when technology is useful and

select the appropriate tool(s) and
technology resources to address a variety of
tasks and problems

Evaluate the accuracy, relevance,

appropriateness, comprehensiveness and
bias of electronic information sources

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework

1. Advanced Students are proficient in the use of advanced technology as it applies to the Information
Operations and Technology field

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework
Students are proficient in the use of advanced technology as it applies to the Information Technology field.

Performance Standards Related Skill Cluster Title

Educational experiences in Grades 9-12 will assure that students:
Analyze and design database Database Development & Administration
Develop and implement database Data Analyst Database Developer
Perform administration and maintenance Database Administrator Data Architect
Perform security administration Database Analyst Data Modeler
Provide client services Knowledge Architect
Perform analysis Digital Media
Produce visual and functional design Animator Media Specialist
Perform media production and acquisition 2D/3D Artist Media/Instructional Designer
Implement and test design Virtual Reality Specialist Producer
Multimedia Author
Define customer requirements Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration
Determine systems solutions Systems Analyst Data System Designer
Provide strategic direction for systems configuration and inter- Systems Integrator Infrastructure Analyst
operability Electronic Commerce Specialist Business Continuity Analyst
Provide high-level technology management implement systems Electronic Transaction Specialist Chief Information Officer
Data Systems Manager
Perform analysis and design Network Design and Administration
Perform configuration and implementation Network Technician Data Communications Analyst
Perform testing Network Engineer Network Architect
Perform monitoring and management Network Operations Analyst
Perform administration and maintenance
Perform analysis Programming/Software Engineer
Develop structure Software Engineer Software Development Engineer
Design/develop program Software Tester Program/Analyst
Implement program Software Applications Specialist
Test program
Validate program
Perform troubleshooting Technical Support
Provide facilitation and customer service Technical Support Representative PC Support Specialist
Perform hardware and software installation, configuration and upgrades Customer Service Representative Sales Support Technician
Perform system operations, monitoring and maintenance Help Desk Technician Maintenance Technical
Analyze project requirements Technical Writing
Perform Research Technical Writer Electronic Publications
Design document Document Specialist Specialist
Develop and write document Technical Publications Manager
Publish and package
Perform content and technical analysis Web Development and Administration
Develop web applications/sites Web Page Developer Web Administrator
Implement application/site design Web Site Developer Web Architect
Maintain applications Webmaster
Manage web environment
Manage enterprise-wide web activities

*Source: Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies

Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for StudentsConnecting Curriculum and Technology, published by the International
Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS Project
Derived from the 1998 Learning Resources and Information Technology Curriculum Framework

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