Nothing But Motion by Dewey B. Larson
Nothing But Motion by Dewey B. Larson
Nothing But Motion by Dewey B. Larson
Volume I
of a revised and enlarged edition of
Nearly twenty years have passed since the first edition of this work
was published. As I pointed out in the preface of that first edition,
my findings indicate the necessity for a drastic change in the accepted
concept of the fundamental relationship that underlies the whole structure
of physical theory: the relation between space and time. The physical
universe, I find, is not a universe of matter existing in a framework
provided by space and time, as seen by conventional science, but a
universe of motion, in which space and time are simply the two reciprocal
aspects of motion, and have no other significance. What I have done,
in brief, is to determine the properties that space and time must necessarily
possess in a universe composed entirely of motion , and to express them
in the form of a set of postulates. I have then shown that development
of the consequences of these postulates by logical and mathematical
processes, without making any further assumptions or introducing any
thing from experience, defines, in detail, a complete theoretical universe
that coincides in all respects with the observed physical universe.
Nothing of this nature has ever been developed before. No previous
theory has come anywhere near covering the full range of phenomena
accessible to observation with existing facilities, to say nothing of dealing
with the currently inaccessible, and as yet observationally unknown,
phenomena that must also come within the scope of a complete theory
of the universe. Conventional scientific theories accept certain features
of the observed physical universe as given, and then make assumptions
on which to base conclusions as to the properties of these observed
phenomena. The new theoretical system, on the other hand, has no
empirical content. It bases all of its conclusions solely on the postulated
properties of space and time . The theoretical deductions from these
postulates provide for the existence of the various physical entities and
phenomenamatter, radiation, electrical and magnetic phenomena, gra
vitation, well as establishing the relations between these entities.
Since all conclusions are derived from the same premises, the theoretical
system is a completely integrated structure, contrasting sharply with
the currently accepted body of physical theory, which, as described
by Richard Feynman, is a multitude of different parts and pieces that
do not fit together very well.
The last twenty years have added a time dimension to this already
viii Nothing but Motion
unique situation. The acid test of any theory is whether it is still tenable
after the empirical knowledge of the subject is enlarged by new discover
ies. As Harlow Shapley once pointed out, facts are the principal enemies
of theories. Few theories that attempt to cover any more than a severely
limited field are able to survive the relentless march of discovery for
very long without major changes or complete reconstruction. But no
substantive changes have been made in the postulates of this new system
of theory in the nearly twenty years since the original publication, years
in which tremendous strides have been made in the enlargement of
empirical knowledge in many physical areas. Because the postulates
and whatever can be derived from them by logical and mathematical
processes, without introducing anything from observation or other exter
nal sources, constitute the entire system of theory, this absence of
substantive change in the postulates means that there has been no change
anywhere in the theoretical structure.
It has been necessary, of course, to extend the theory by developing
more of the details, in order to account for some of the new discoveries,
but in most cases the nature of the required extension was practically
obvious as soon as the new phenomena or relationships were identified.
Indeed, some of the new discoveries, such as the existence of exploding
galaxies and the general nature of the products thereof, were actually
anticipated in the first published description of the theory, along with
many phenomena and relations that are still awaiting empirical verifica
tion. Thus the new theoretical system is ahead of observation and
experiment in a number of significant respects.
The scientific community is naturally reluctant to change its basic
views to the degree required by my findings, or even to open its journals
to discussion of such a departure from orthodox thought. It has therefore
been a slow and difficult task to get a significant amount of serious
consideration of the new structure of theory. However, those who do
examine this new theoretical structure carefully can hardly avoid being
impressed by the logical and consistent nature of the theoretical develop
ment. As a consequence, many of the individuals who have made an
effort to understand and evaluate the new system have not only recognized
it as a major addition to scientific knowledge, but have developed an
active personal interest in helping to bring it to the attention of others.
In order to facilitate this task an organization was formed some years
ago with the specific objective of promoting understanding and eventual
acceptance of the new theoretical system, the Reciprocal System of
physical theory, as we are calling it. Through the efforts of this
organization, the New Science Advocates, Inc., and its individual
members, lectures on the new theory have been given at colleges and
universities throughout the United States and Canada. The NSA also
Preface ix
closer galaxies have lower recession speeds, but the answer to this
question is obvious, since we know that gravitation exerts a retarding
effect which is greater at the shorter distances.
Another example of the many major issues of long standing that
are resolved almost automatically by the reciprocal postulate is the
mechanism of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. Here,
again, no conventional physical theory is able to give us an explana
tion. As in the case of the galactic recession, it is necessary to
make some assumption about the radiation itself before any kind
of a theory can be formulated, and in this instance conventional
thinking has not even been able to produce an acceptable hypothesis.
Newtons assumption of light corpuscles traveling in the manner
of bullets from a gun, and the rival hypothesis of waves in a
hypothetical ether, were both eventually rejected. There is a rather
general impression that Einstein supplied an explanation, but Einstein
himself makes no such claim. In one of his books he points out
what a difficult problem this actually is, and he concludes with
this statement:
Our only way out . . . seems to be to take for granted the fact that space has
the physical property of transmitting electromagnetic waves, and not to bother
too much about the meaning of this statement.
So, as matters now stand, conventional science has no explanation
at all for this fundamental physical phenomenon. But here, too,
the reciprocal postulate gives us a simple and logical explanation.
It is, in fact, the same explanation that accounts for the recession
of the distant galaxies. Here, again, there is no need to make any
assumption about the photon itself. It is not even necessary to
know what a photon is. As long as it is something, it is carried
outward at the speed of light by the motion of the spatial location
which it occupies.
No more than a minimum amount of consideration was required
in order to see that the answers to a number of other physical
problems of long standing similarly emerged easily and naturally
on application of the reciprocal postulate. This was clearly something
that had to be followed up. No investigator who arrived at this
point could stop without going on to see just how far the consequences
of the reciprocal relation would extend. The results of that further
investigation constitute what we now know as the Reciprocal System
of theory. As I have already said, it is not a construction, and
not a revelation. Now you can see just what it is. It is nothing
more nor less than the total of the consequences that result if there
is a general reciprocal relation between space and time.
Nothing but Motion
As matters now stand, the details of the new theoretical system,
so far as they have been developed, can be found only in my
publications and those of my associates, but the system of theory
is not coextensive with what has thus far been written about it.
In reality, it consists of any and all of the consequences that follow
when we adopt the hypothesis of a general reciprocal relation between
space and time. A general recognition of this point would go a
long way toward meeting some of our communication problems.
Certainly no one should have any objection to an investigation of
the consequences of such a hypothesis. Indeed, anyone who is
genuinely interested in the advancement of science, and who realizes
the unprecedented scope of these consequences, can hardly avoid
wanting to find out just how far they actually extend. As a German
reviewer expressed it.
Only a careful investigation of all of the authors deliberations can show whether
or not he is right. The official schools of natural philosophy should not shun
this (considerable, to be sure) effort. After all, we are concerned here with questions
of fundamental significance.
Yet, as all of you undoubtedly know, the scientific community,
particularly that segment of the community that we are accustomed
to call the Establishment, is very reluctant to permit general discus
sion of the theory in the journals and in scientific meetings. They
are not contending that the conclusions we have reached are wrong;
they are simply trying to ignore them, and hope that they will
eventually go away. This is, of course, a thoroughly unscientific
attitude, but since it exists we have to deal with it, and for this
purpose it will be helpful to have some idea of the thinking that
underlies the opposition. There are some individuals who simply
do not want their thinking disturbed, and are not open to any kind
of an argument. William James, in one of his books, reports a
conversation that he had with a prominent scientist concerning what
we now call ESP. This man, says James, contended that even if
ESP is a reality, scientists should band together to keep that fact
from becoming known, since the existence of any such thing would
cause havoc in the fundamental thought of science. Some individuals
no doubt feel the same way about the Reciprocal System, and so
far as these persons are concerned there is not much that we can
do. There is no argument that can counter an arbitrary refusal to
consider what we have to offer.
In most cases, however, the opposition is based on a misunder
standing of our position. The issue between the supporters of rival
scientific theories normally is: Which is the better theory? The basic
question involved is which theory agrees more closely with the
Preface xv
D. B. Larson
To the man of the Stone Age the world in which he lived was a
world of spirits. Powerful gods hurled shafts of lightning, threw waves
against the shore, and sent winter storms howling down out of the north.
Lesser beings held sway in the forests, among the rocks, and in the
flowing streams. Malevolent demons, often in league with the mighty
rulers of the elements, threatened the human race from all directions,
and only the intervention of an assortment of benevolent, but capricious,
deities made mans continued existence possible at all.
This hypothesis that material phenomena are direct results of the actions
of superhuman beings was the first attempt to define the fundamental
nature of the physical universe: the first general physical concept. It
is currently regarded by the scientific community as a juvenile and rather
ridiculous attempt at an explanation of nature, but actually it was plausible
enough to remain essentially unchallenged for thousands of years. In
fact, it is still accepted, in whole or in part, by a very substantial proportion
of the population of the world. Such widespread acceptance is not as
inexplicable as it may seem to the scientifically trained mind; it has
been achieved only because the spirit concept does have some genuine
strong points. Its structure is logical. If one accepts the premises he
cannot legitimately contest the conclusions. Of course, these premises
are entirely ad hoc, but so are many of the assumptions of modern
science. The individual who accepts the idea of a nuclear force without
demur is hardly in a position to be very critical of those who believe
in the existence of evil spirits.
A special merit of this physical theory based on the spirit concept
is that it is a comprehensive theory; it encounters no difficulties in
assimilating new discoveries, since all that is necessary is to postulate
some new demon or deity. Indeed, it can even deal with discoveries
not yet made, simply by providing a god of the unknown. But even
though a theory may have some good features, or may have led to
some significant accomplishments, this does not necessarily mean that
it is correct, nor that it is adequate to meet current requirements. Some
three or four thousand years ago it began to be realized by the more
advanced thinkers that the spirit concept had some very serious
2 Nothing but Motion
that the theories that are based upon it have not been able to keep
abreast of progress in the experimental and observational fields. Major
new physical discoveries almost invariably come as surprises, unexpect
ed and even unimagined surprises, 2 in the words of Richard Schlegel.
They were not anticipated on theoretical grounds, and cannot be accom
modated to existing theory without some substantial modification of
previous ideas. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any modification of existing
theory will be adequate to deal with some of the more recalcitrant
phenomena now under investigation.
The current situation in particle physics, for instance, is admittedly
chaotic. The outlook might be different if the new information that
is rapidly accumulating in this field were gradually clearing up the
situation, but in fact it merely seems to deepen the existing crisis. If
anything in this area of confusion is clear by this time it is that the
elementary particles are not elementary. But the basic concept of
a universe of matter requires the existence of some kind of an elementary
unit of matter. If the particles that are now known are not elementary
units, as is generally conceded, then, since no experimental confirmation
is available for the hypothesis of sub-particles, the whole theory of
the structure of matter, as it now stands, is left without visible support.
Another prime example of the inability of present-day theories based
on the matter concept to cope with new knowledge of the universe
is provided by some of the recent discoveries in astronomy. Here the
problem is an almost total lack of any theoretical framework to which
the newly observed phenomena can be related. A book published a
few years ago that was designed to present all of the significant information
then available about the astronomical objects known as quasars contains
the following statement, which is still almost as appropriate as when
it was written:
It will be seen from the discussion in the later chapters that there
are so many confl icting ideas concerning theory and interpretation
of the observations that at least 95 percent of them must indeed
be wrong. But at present no one knows which 95 percent.3
After three thousand years of study and investigation on the basis
of theories founded on the matter concept we are entitled to something
more than this. Nature has a habit of confronting us with the unexpected,
and it is not very reasonable to expect the currently prevailing structure
of theory to give us an immediate and full account of all details of
a new area, but we should at least be able to place the new phenomena
in their proper places with respect to the general framework, and to
account for their major aspects without difficulty.
The inability of present-day theories to keep up with experimental
6 Nothing but Motion
But what is gravity, really? What causes it? Where does it come
from? How did it get started? The scientist has no answers . . .
in a fundamental sense, it is still as mysterious and inexplicable
as it ever was, and it seems destined to remain so. (Dean E.
In one of his books Einstein points out that the radiation problem is
an extremely difficult one, and he concludes that
Our only way out . . . seems to be to take for granted the fact
that space has the physical property of transmitting electromagnetic
waves, and not to bother too much about the meaning of this
Here, in this statement, Einstein reveals (unintentionally) just what
is wrong with the prevailing basic physical theories, and why a revision
of the fundamental concepts of those theories is necessary. Far too
many difficult problems have been evaded by simply assuming an answer
and taking it for granted. This point is all the more significant because
the shortcomings of the matter concept and the theories that it has
generated are by no means confined to the instances where no plausible
explanations of the observed phenomena have been produced. In many
other cases where explanations of one kind or another have actually
been formulated, the validity of these explanations is completely depen
dent on ad hoc assumptions that conflict with observed facts.
The nuclear theory of the atom is typical. Inasmuch as it is now
clear that the atom is not an indivisible unit, the concept of a universe
of matter demands that it be constructed of elementary material units
of some kind. Since the observed sub-atomic particles are the only known
candidates for this role it has been taken for granted, as mentioned
earlier, that the atom is a composite of sub-atomic particles. Consideration
of the various possible combinations has led to the hypothesis that is
now generally accepted: an atom in which there is a nucleus composed
of protons and neutrons, surrounded by some kind of an arrangement
of electrons.
But if we undertake a critical examination of this hypothesis it is
immediately apparent that there are direct conflicts with known physical
facts. Protons are positively charged, and charges of the same sign
repel each other. According to the established laws of physics, therefore,
a nucleus composed wholly or partly of protons would immediately
disintegrate. This is a cold, hard physical fact, and there is not the
slightest evidence that it is subject to abrogation or modification under
any circumstances or conditions. Furthermore, the neutron is observed
to be unstable, with a lifetime of only about 15 minutes, and hence
this particle fails to meet one of the most essential requirements of
a constituent of a stable atom: the requirement of stability. The status
of the electron as an atomic constituent is even more dubious. The
properties which it must have to play such a role are altogether different
from the properties of the observed electron. Indeed, as Herbert Dingle
points out, we can deal with the electron as a constituent of the atom
8 Nothing but Motion
of the tools that are available. But when the question is actually raised
there is not much doubt as to how it has to be answered. The answer
that we get from P. A. M. Dirac is this:
The present stage of physical theory is merely a steppingstone toward
the better stages we shall have in the future. One can be quite
sure that there will be better stages simply because of the difficulties
that occur in the physics of today.17
Dirac admits that he and his fellow physicists have no idea as to
the direction from which the change will come. As he says, there
will have to be some new development that is quite unexpected, that
we cannot even make a guess about. He recognizes that this new
development must be one of major significance. It is fairly certain
that there will have to be drastic changes in our fundamental ideas
before these problems can be solved, 17 he concludes. The finding of
this present work is that drastic changes in our fundamental ideas
will indeed be required. We must change our basic physical concept:
our concept of the nature of the universe in which we live.
Unfortunately, however, a new basic concept is never easy to grasp,
regardless of how simple it may be, and how clearly it is presented,
because the human mind refuses to look at such a concept in any simple
and direct manner, and insists on placing it within the context of previously
existing patterns of thought, where anything that is new and different
is incongruous at best, and more often than not is definitely absurd.
As Butterfield states the case:
Of all forms of mental activity, the most difficult to induce even
in the minds of the young, who may be presumed not to have
lost their flexibility, is the art of handling the same bundle of data
as before, but placing them in a new system of relations with one
another by giving them a different framework.18
In the process of education and development, each human individual
has put together a conceptual framework which represents the world
as he sees it, and the normal method of assimilating a new experience
is to fit it into its proper place in this general conceptual framework.
If the fit is accomplished without difficulty we are ready to accept
the experience as valid. If a reported experience, or a sensory experience
of our own, is somewhat outside the limits of our complex of beliefs,
but not definitely in conflict, we are inclined to view it skeptically but
tolerantly, pending further clarification. But if a purported experience
flatly contradicts a fundamental belief of long standing, the immediate
reaction is to dismiss it summarily.
Some such semi-automatic system for discriminating between genuine
12 Nothing but Motion
items of information and the many false and misleading items that are
included in the continuous stream of messages coming in through the
various senses is essential in our daily life, even for mere survival.
But this policy of using agreement with past experience as the criterion
of validity has the disadvantage of limiting the human race to a very
narrow and parochial view of the world, and one of the most difficult
tasks of science has been, and to some extent continues to be, overcoming
the errors that are thus introduced into thinking about physical matters.
Only a few of those who give any serious consideration to the subject
still believe that the earth is flat, and the idea that this small planet
of ours is the center of all of the significant activities of the universe
no longer commands any strong support, but it took centuries of effort
by the most advanced thinkers to gain general acceptance of the
present-day view that, in these instances, things are not what our ordinary
experience would lead us to believe.
Some very substantial advances in scientific methods and equipment
in recent years have enabled investigators to penetrate a number of
far-out regions that were previously inaccessible. Here again it has been
demonstrated, as in the question with respect to the shape of the earth,
that experience within the relatively limited range of our day-to-day
activities is not a reliable guide to what exists or is taking place in
distant regions. In application to these far-out phenomena the scientific
community therefore rejects the experience criterion, and opens the
door to a wide variety of hypotheses and concepts that are in direct
conflict with normal experience: such things as events occurring without
specific causes, magnitudes that are inherently incapable of measurement
beyond a certain limiting degree of precision, inapplicability of some
of the established laws of physics to certain unusual phenomena, events
that defy the ordinary rules of logic, quantities whose true magnitudes
are dependent on the location and movement of the observer, and so
on. Many of these departures from common sense thinking, including
almost all of those that are specifically mentioned in this paragraph,
are rather ill-advised in the light of the facts that have been disclosed
by this present work, but this merely emphasizes the extent to which
scientists are now willing to go in postulating deviations from every-day
Strangely enough, this extreme flexibility in the experience area coexists
with an equally extreme rigidity in the realm of ideas . The general situation
here is the same as in the case of experience. Some kind of semi-automatic
screening of the new ideas that are brought to our attention is necessary
if we are to have any chance to develop a coherent and meaningful
understanding of what is going on in the world about us, rather than
being overwhelmed by a mass of erroneous or irrelevant material. So,
Background 13
A Univer se of Motion
The thesis of this present work is that the universe in which we
live is not a universe of matter, but a universe of motion, one in which
the basic reality is motion, and all physical entities and phenomena,
including matter, are merely manifestations of motion. The atom, on
this basis, is simply a combination of motions. Radiation is motion,
gravitation is motion, an electric charge is motion, and so on.
The concept of a universe of motion is by no means a new idea.
As a theoretical proposition it has some very obvious merits that have
commended it to thoughtful investigators from the very beginning of
systematic science. Descartes idea that matter might be merely a series
of vortexes in the ether is probably the best-known speculation of this
nature, but other scientists and philosophers, including such prominent
figures as Eddington and Hobbes, have devoted much time to a study
of similar possibilities, and this activity is still continuing in a limited
But none of the previous attempts to use the concept of a universe
of motion as the basis for physical theory has advanced much, if any,
beyond the speculative stage. The reason why they failed to produce
any significant results has now been disclosed by the findings of the
investigation upon which this present work is based. The inability of
previous investigators to achieve a successful application of the motion
concept, we find, was due to the fact that they did not use this concept
in its pure form. Instead, they invariably employed a hybrid structure
which retained elements of the previously accepted matter concept.
All things have but one universal cause, which is motion, 19 says
Hobbes. But the assertion that all things are caused by motion is something
quite different from saying that they are motions. The simple concept
of a universe of motion, without additions or modificationsthe concept
utilized in this present workis that of a universe which is composed
entirely of motion.
The significant difference between these two viewpoints lies in the
role that they assign to space and time. In a universe of matter it is
necessary to have a background or setting in which the matter exists
and undergoes physical processes, and it is assumed that space and
16 Nothing but Motion
time provide the necessary setting for physical action. Many differences
of opinion have arisen with respect to the details, particularly with respect
to spacewhether or not space is absolute and immovable, whether
such a thing as empty space is possible, whether or not space and
time are interconnected, and so onbut throughout all of the development
of thought on the subject the basic concept of space as a setting for
the action of the universe has remained intact. As summarized by J.
D. North:
Most people would accept the following: Space is that in which
material objects are situated and through which they move. It is
a background for objects of which it is independent. Any measure
of the distances between objects within it may be regarded as a
measure of the distances between its corresponding parts.20
Einstein is generally credited with having accomplished a profound
alteration of the scientific viewpoint with respect to space, but what
he actually did was merely to introduce some new ideas as to the kind
of a setting that exists. His space is still a setting, not only for
matter but also for the various fields that he envisions. A field, he
says, is something physically real in the space around it. 21 Physical
events still take place in Einsteins space just as they did in Newtons
space or in Democritus space.
Time has always been more elusive than space, and it has been extremely
difficult to formulate any clear-cut concept of its essential nature. It
has been taken for granted, however, that time, too, is part of the
setting in which physical events take place; that is, physical phenomena
exist in space and in time. On this basis it has been hard to specify
just wherein time differs from space. In fact the distinction between
the two has become increasingly blurred and uncertain in recent years,
and as matters now stand, time is generally regarded as a sort of
quasi-space, the boundary between space and time being indefinite and
dependent upon the circumstances under which it is observed. The modern
physicist has thus added another dimension to the spatial setting, and
instead of visualizing physical phenomena as being located in three-
dimensional space, he places them in a four-dimensional space-time
In all of this ebb and flow of scientific thought the one unchanging
element has been the concept of the setting. Space and time, as currently
conceived, are the stage on which the drama of the universe unfoldsa
vast world-room, a perfection of emptiness, within which all the world-
show plays itself away forever. 22
This view of the nature of space and time to which all have subscribed,
scientist and layman alike, is pure assumption. No one, so far as the
A Universe o f Motion 17
It tells us that in motion space and time are the two reciprocal aspects
of that motion, and nothing else. In a universe of matter, the fact that
space and time have this significance in motion would not preclude
them from having some other significance in a different connection,
but when it is specified that motion is the sole constituent of the physical
universe, space and time cairnot have any significance anywhere in that
universe other than that which they have as aspects of motion. Under
these circumstances, the equation of motion is a complete definition
of the role of space and time in the physical universe. We thus arrive
at the conclusion that space and time are simply the two reciprocal
aspects of motion and have no other significance.
On this basis, space is not the Euclidean container for physical
phenomena that is most commonly visualized by the layman; neither
is it the modified version of this concept which makes it subject to
distortion by various forces and highly dependent on the location and
movement of the observer, as seen by the modern physicist. In fact,
it is not even a physical entity in its own right at all; it is simply and
solely an aspect of motion. Time is not an order of succession, or
a dimension of quasi-space, neither is it a physical entity in its own
right. It, too, is simply and solely an aspect of motion, similar in all
respects to space, except that it is the reciprocal aspect.
The simplest way of defining the status of space and time in a universe
of motion is to say that space is the numerator in the expression s/ t ,
which is the speed or velocity, the measure of motion, and time is
the denominator. If there is no fraction, there is no numerator or
denominator; if there is no motion, there is no space or time. Space
does not exist alone, nor does time exist alone; neither exists at all
except in association with the other as motion. We can, of course,
focus our attention on the space aspect and deal with it as if the time
aspect, the denominator of the fraction, remains constant (or we can
deal with time as if space remains constant). This is the familiar process
known as abstraction, one of the useful tools of scientific inquiry. But
any results obtained in this manner are valid only where the time (or
space) aspect does, in fact, remain constant, or where the proper
adjustment is made for whatever changes in this factor do take place.
The reason for the failure of previous efforts to construct a workable
theory on the basis of the motion concept is now evident. Previous
investigators have not realized that the setting concept is a creature
of the matter concept; that it exists only because that basic concept
envisions material things existing in a space-time setting. In attempting
to construct a theoretical system on the basis of the concept of a universe
of motion while still retaining the setting concept of space and time,
these theorists have tried to combine two incompatible elements, and
A Universe o f Motion 19
Reference Systems
As indicated in the preceding chapter, the concept of a universe of
motion has to be elaborated to some extent before it is possible to
develop a theoretical structure that will describe that universe in detail.
The additions to the basic concept must take the form of assumptionsor
postulates, a term more commonly applied to the fundamental assumptions
of a theorybecause even though the additional specifications (the
physical specifications, at least) obviously do apply to the particular
universe of motion in which we live, there does not appear to be adequate
justification for contending that they necessarily apply to any possible
universe of motion.
It has already been mentioned that we are postulating a universe
composed of discrete units of motion. But this does not mean that
the motion proceeds in a series ofj umps. This basic motion is a progression
in which the familiar progression of time is accompanied by a similar
progression of space. Completion of one unit of the progression is followed
immediately by initiation of another, without interruption. As an analogy,
we may consider a chain. Although the chain exists only in discrete
units, or links, it is a continuous structure, not a mere juxtaposition
of separate units.
Whether or not the continuity is a matter of logical necessity is a
philosophical question that does not need to concern us at this time.
There are reasons to believe that it is, in fact, a necessity, but if not,
we will introduce it into our definition of motion. In any event, it is
part of the system. The extensive use of the term progression in
application to the basic motions with which we are dealing in the initial
portions of this work is intended to emphasize this characteristic.
Another assumption that will be made is that the universe is three-
dimensional. In this connection, it should be realized that all of the
supplementary assumptions that were added to the basic concept of
a universe of motion in order to define the essential properties of that
universe were no more than tentative at the start of the investigation
that ultimately led to the development of the Reciprocal System of theory.
Some such supplementary assumptions were clearly required, but neither
the number of assumptions that would have to be made, nor the nature
30 Nothing but Motion
a given time magnitude. Where this time magnitude is unity, the length
of the line also represents the speed, the space per unit time.
In present-day scientific practice, the datum from which all speed
measurements are made, the point identified with the mathematical zero,
is some stationary point in the reference system. But, as has been
explained, the reference datum for physical magnitudes in a universe
o f motion is not zero speed but unit speed. The natural datum is therefore
continually moving outward (in the direction of greater magnitudes) from
the conventional zero datum, and the true speeds that are effective
in the basic physical interactions can be correctly measured only in
terms of deviation upward or downward from unity. From the natural
standpoint a motion at unit speed is no effective motion at all.
Expressing this in another way, we may say that the natural system
of reference, the reference system to which the physical universe actually
conforms, is moving outward at unit speed with respect to any stationary
spatial reference system. Any identifiable portion of such a stationary
reference system is called a location in that system. While less-than-unit
quantities of space do not exist, points within the units can be identified.
A spatial location may therefore be of any size, from a point to the
amount of space occupied by a galaxy, depending on the context in
which the term is used. To distinguish locations in the natural moving
system of reference from locations in the stationary reference systems,
we will use the term absolute location in application to the natural system.
In the context of a fixed reference system an absolute location appears
as a point (or some finite spatial magnitude) moving along a straight
We are so accustomed to referring motion to a stationary reference
system that it seems almost self-evident that an object that has no
independent motion, and is not subject to any external force, must remain
stationary with respect to some spatial coordinate system. Of course,
it is recognized that what seems to be motionless in the context of
our ordinary experience is actually moving in terms of the solar system
as a reference; what seems to be stationary in the solar system is moving
if we use the Galaxy as a reference datum, and so on. Current scientific
theory also contends that motion cannot be specified in any absolute
manner, and can only be stated in relative terms. However, all previous
thought on the subject, irrespective of how it views the details, has
made the assumption that the initial point of a motion is some fixed
spatial location that can be identified as the spatial zero.
But nature is not required to conform to human opinions and beliefs,
and in this case does not do so. As indicated in the preceding paragraphs,
the natural system of reference in a universe of motion is not a stationary
system but a moving system. Inasmuch as each unit of the basic motion
Reference Systems 33
involves one unit of space and one unit of time, it follows that continuation
of the motion through an interval during which time is progressing in
volves a continued increase, or progression, of both space and time. If
an absolute spatial location X is in coincidence with spatial location x at
time t, then at time t + n this absolute location X will be found at spatial
location x + n. As seen in the context of a stationary spatial system
of reference, each absolute location is moving outward from its point
of reference at a constant unit speed.
Because of this motion of the natural reference system with respect
to the stationary systems, an object that has no independent motion,
and is not subject to any external force, does not remain stationary
in any system of fixed spatial coordinates. It remains at the same absolute
location, and therefore moves outward at unit speed from its initial
location, and from any object that occupies such a location.
Thus far we have been considering the progression of the natural
moving reference system in the context of a one-dimensional stationary
reference system. Since we have postulated that the universe is three-
dimensional, we may also represent the progression in a three-dimensional
stationary reference system. Because the progression is scalar, what
this accomplishes is merely to place the one-dimensional system that
has been discussed in the preceding paragraphs into a certain position
in the three-dimensional coordinate system. The outward movement of
the natural system with respect to the fixed point continues in the same
one-dimensional manner.
The scalar nature of the progression of the natural reference system
is very significant. A unit of the basic motion has no inherent direction;
it is simply a unit of space in association with a unit of time. In quantitative
terms it is a unit scalar magnitude: a unit of speed. Scalar motion plays
only a very minor role in everyday life, and little attention is ordinarily
paid to it. But our finding that the basic motion of the physical universe
is inherently scalar changes this picture drastically. The properties of
scalar motion now become extremely important.
To illustrate the primary difference between scalar motion and the
vectorial motion of our ordinary experience let us consider two cases
which involve a moving object X between two points A and B on the
surface of a balloon. In the first case, let us assume that the size of
the balloon is maintained constant, and that the object X is something
capable of independent motion, a crawling insect, perhaps. The motion
of X is then vectorial. It has a specific direction in the context of
a stationary spatial reference system, and if that direction is BA that
is, X is moving away from B the distance XA decreases and the distance
XB increases. In the second case, we will assume that X is a fixed
spot on the balloon surface, and that its motion is due to expansion
34 Nothing but Motion
But now we find that there is a second general force that has
not hitherto been recognized, just the land of an antagonist to
gravitation that is necessary to explain all of these otherwise inexplicable
phenomena. Just as gravitation moves all units and aggregates of matter
inward toward each other, so the progression of the natural reference
system with respect to the stationary reference systems in common
use moves material units and aggregates, as we see them in the context
of a stationary reference system, outward away from each other. The
net movement of each object, as observed, is determined by the relative
magnitudes of the opposing general motions (forces), together with
whatever additional motions may be present.
In each of the three illustrative cases cited, the outward progression
of the natural reference system provides the missing piece in the physical
puzzle. But these cases are not unique; they are only especially dramatic
highlights of a clarification of the entire physical picture that is accom
plished by the introduction of this new concept of a moving natural
reference system. We will find it in the forefront of almost every subject
that is discussed in the pages that follow.
It should be recognized, however, that the outward motions that are
imparted to physical objects by reason of the progression of the natural
reference system are, in a sense, fictitious. They appear to exist only
because the physical objects are referred to a spatial reference system
that is assumed to be stationary, whereas it is, in fact, moving. But in
another sense, these motions are not entirely fictitious, inasmuch as
the attribution of motion to entities that are not actually moving takes
place only at the expense of denying motion to other entities that are,
in fact, moving. These other entities that are stationary relative to the
fixed spatial coordinate system are participating in the motion of that
coordinate system relative to the natural system. The motion therefore
exists, but it is attributed to the wrong entities. One of the first essentials
for an understanding of the system of motions that constitutes the physical
universe is to relate the basic motions to the natural reference system,
and thereby eliminate the confusion that has been introduced by the
use of a fixed reference system.
When this is done it can be seen that the units of motion involved
in the progression of the natural reference system have no actual physical
significance. They are merely units of a reference system in which the
fictitious motion of the absolute locations can be represented. Obviously,
the spatial aspect of these fictitious units of motion is equally fictitious,
and this leads to an answer to the question as to the relation of the
space represented by a stationary three-dimensional reference system,
extension space, as we may call it, to the space of the universe of
38 Nothing but Motion
must be taken into account. The full implications of this statement will
not become apparent until we are ready to begin consideration of electrical
phenomena, but it obviously rules out the possibility of a universal
reference system to which all spatial magnitudes can be related. Further
more, every motion, and therefore every physical object (a manifestation
of motion) has a location in three-dimensional time as well as in
three-dimensional space, and no spatial reference system is capable of
representing both locations.
It may be somewhat disconcerting to many readers to be told that
we are dealing with a universe that transcends the stationary three-dimen-
sional spatial reference system in which popular opinion places it: a
universe that involves three-dimensional time, scalar motion, a moving
reference system, and so on. But it should be realized that this complexity
is not peculiar to the Reciprocal System. No physical theory that enjoys
any substantial degree of acceptance today portrays the universe as
capable of being accurately represented in its entirety within any kind
of a spatial reference system. Indeed, the present-day official school
of physical theory says that the basic entities of the universe are not
objectively real at all; they are phantoms which can only be
symbolized by partial differential equations in an abstract multidimen
sional space. 32 (Werner Heisenberg)
Prior to the latter part of the nineteenth century there was no problem
in this area. It was assumed, without question, that space and time
were clearly recognizable entities, that all spatial locations could be
defined in terms of an absolute spatial reference system, and that time
could be defined in terms of a universal uniform flow. But the experimental
demonstration of the constant speed of light by Michelson and Morley
threw this situation into confusion, from which it has never fully emerged.
The prevailing scientific opinion at the moment is that time is not
an independent entity, but is a sort of quasi-space, existing in one
dimension that is joined in some manner to the three dimensions of
space to form a four-dimensional continuum. Inasmuch as this creates
as many problems as it solves, it has been further assumed that this
continuum is distorted by the presence of matter. These assumptions,
which are basic to Einsteins relativity theory, the currently accepted
doctrine, leave the conventional spatial reference system in a very curious
position. Einstein says that his theory requires us to free ourselves
from the idea that co-ordinates must have an immediate metrical
meaning. 33 He defines this expression a metrical meaning as the
existence of a specific relationship between differences of coordinates
and measurable lengths and times. Just what kind of a meaning the
coordinates can have if they do not represent measurable magnitudes
Reference Systems 4l
The basic postulate of the Reciprocal System of theory asserts the
existence of motion. In itself, without qualification, this would permit
the existence of any conceivable kind of motion, but the additional
assumptions included in the postulates act as limitations on the types
of motion that are possible. The net result of the basic postulates plus
the limitations is therefore to assert the existence of any kind of motion
that is not excluded by the limiting assumptions. We may express this
point concisely by saying that in the theoretical universe of motion
anything that can exist does exist. The further fact that these permissible
theoretical phenomena coincide item by item with the observed phenome
na of the actual physical universe is something that will have to be
demonstrated step by step as the development proceeds.
Some objections have been raised to the foregoing conclusion that
what can exist does exist, on the ground that actuality does not necessarily
follow from possibility. But no one is contending that actual existence
is a necessary consequence of possible existence, as a general proposition.
What is contended is that this is true, for special reasons, in the physical
universe. Philosophers explain this as being the result of a principle
of nature. David Hawkins, for instance, tells us that the principle
of plenitude . . . says that all things possible in nature are actualized. 35
What the present development has done is to explain why nature follows
such a principle. Our finding is that the basic physical entities are scalar
motions, and that the existence of different observable entities and
phenomena is due to the fact that these motions necessarily assume
specific directions when they appear in the context of a three-dimensional
frame of reference. Inasmuch as the directions are determined by chance,
there is a finite probability corresponding to every possible direction,
and thus every possibility becomes an actuality. It should be noted
that this is exactly the same principle that was applied in Chapter 3
to explain why an expanding sphere of radiation emanates from each
radiation source (a conclusion that is not challenged by anyone). In
this case, too, scalar motions exist, each of which takes one of certain
permissible directions (limited by the translational character of the
motions), and these motions are distributed over all of the directions.
44 Nothing but Motion
the preceding discussion. Although the chain exists only in discrete units,
or links, we can distinguish various portions of a link. For instance,
if we utilize the chain as a means of measurement, we can measure
10-1/2 links, even though half of a link would not qualify as part of
the chain. Because of this capability of identifying the different portions
of the unit, we see the vibrating unit as following a definite path.
In defining this path we will need to give some detailed consideration
to the matter of direction . In the first edition the word direction
was used in four different senses. Exception was taken to this practice
by a number of readers, who suggested that it would be helpful if
direction were employed with only one significance, and different
names were attached to the other three concepts. When considered purely
from a technical standpoint, the earlier terminology is not open to
legitimate criticism, as using words in more than one sense is unavoidable
in the English language. However, anything that can be done to facilitate
understanding of the presentation is worth serious consideration. Unfor
tunately, there is no suitable substitute for direction in most of these
Some of the objections to the previous terminology were based on
the ground that scalar quantities, by definition, have no direction, and
that using the term direction in application to these quantities, as
well as to vectorial quantities, is contradictory and leads to confusion.
There is merit in this objection, to be sure, in any application where
we deal with scalar quantities merely as positive and negative magnitudes.
But as soon as we view the scalar motions in the context of a fixed
spatial reference system, and begin talking about outward and in
ward, as we must do in this work, we are referring not to the scalar
magnitudes themselves, but to the representation of these magnitudes
in a stationary spatial reference system, a representation that is necessarily
directional. The use of directional language in this case therefore appears
to be unavoidable.
There are likewise some compelling reasons for continuing to use
the term direction in time in application to the temporal property
analogous to the spatial property of direction. We could, of course,
coin a new word for this purpose, and there would no doubt be certain
advantages in so doing. But there are also some very definite advantages
to be gained by utilizing the word direction with reference to time
as well as with reference to space. Because of the symmetry of space
and time, the property of time that corresponds to the familiar property
of space that we call direction has exactly the same characteristics
as the spatial property, and by using the term direction in time, or
temporal direction, as a name for this property we convey an immediate
understanding of its nature and characteristics that would otherwise
Radiation 49
has ever been conceived is therefore still unreconciled with the absence
of any evidence of the existence of a medium. In the theoretical universe
of the Reciprocal System the problem does not arise, since the photon
remains in the same absolute location in which it originates, as any
object without independent motion must do. With respect to the natural
reference system it does not move at all, and the movement that is
observed in the context of a stationary reference system is a movement
of the natural reference system relative to the stationary system, not
a movement of the photon itself.
In both the propagation question and the wave-particle issue the
resolution of the problem is accomplished in the same manner. Instead
of explaining why the seemingly complicated phenomena are complex
and perplexing, the Reciprocal System of theory removes the complexity
and reduces the phenomena to simple terms. As other long-standing
problems are examined in the course of the subsequent development
we will find that this conceptual simplicity is a general characteristic
of the new theoretical structure.
Another type of motion that is permitted by the postulates, and therefore
exists in the theoretical universe, is rotation. Before rotational motion
can take place, however, there must exist some physical object (indepen
dent motion) that can rotate. This is purely a matter of geometry. We
are still in the stage of the development where we are dealing only
with scalar motions, and the directional characteristics of rotation cannot
be produced by a single scalar motion. Like the sine curve of the photon
they require a combination of motions: a compound motion, we may
say. Thus, while motion is possible without anything moving, rotation
is not possible unless some physical object is available to be rotated.
The photon of radiation is such an independent motion, or physical
object, and it is evident, from the limitations that apply to the kinds
of motion that are possible at this stage of the development, that it
is the only primary unit that meets the requirement. Simple rotation
is therefore rotation of the photon.
In our ordinary experience rotation is a vectorial motion, and its
direction (a vectorial direction) is relative to a fixed spatial system of
reference. In the absence of other motion, an object rotating vectorially
remains stationary in the fixed system. However, any motion of a photon
is a scalar motion, inasmuch as the mechanism required for the production
of vectorial motion is not yet available at this stage of the development.
A scalar motion has an inherent scalar direction (inward or outward),
and it is given a vectorial direction by the manner in which the scalar
motion appears in the fixed coordinate system.
As brought out in Chapter 4, the net scalar direction of independent
motion is inward. The significance of the term net in this statement
is that a compound motion may include an outward component providing
that the magnitude of the inward component of that motion is great
enough to give the motion as a whole the inward direction. Since the
vectorial direction that this inward motion assumes in a fixed reference
system is independent of the scalar direction, the motion can take any
vectorial direction that is permitted by the geometry of three-dimensional
space. One such possibility is rotation. The special characteristic of
rotation that distinguishes it from the simple harmonic motion previously
58 Nothing but Motion
out into space at their present fantastically high speeds. If one were
to be called upon to decide which is the better explanationone which
rests upon an ad hoc assumption of an event far out of the range of
known physical phenomena, or one which finds the recession to be
an immediate and direct consequence of the fundamental nature of the
universethere can hardly be any question as to the decision. But,
in reality, this question does not arise, as the case in favor of the theory
of a universe of motion is not based on the contention that it provides
better explanations of physical phenomena, a contention that would have
to depend, in most instances, on conformity with non-scientific criteria,
but on the objective and genuinely scientific contention that it is a fully
integrated system of theory which is not inconsistent with any established
fact in any physical area.
Another significant effect of the existence of a gravitational limit,
within which there is a net inward motion, and outside of which there
is a net outward progression, is that it reconciles the seemingly uniform
distribution of matter in the universe with Newtons Law of Gravitation
and Euclidean geometry. One of the strong arguments that has been
advanced against the existence of a gravitational force of the inverse
square type operating in a Euclidean universe is that on such a basis,
The stellar universe ought to be a finite island in the infinite ocean
of space, 39 as Einstein stated the case. Observations indicate that there
is no such concentration. So far as we can tell, the galaxies are distributed
uniformly, or nearly uniformly, throughout the immense region now
accessible to observation, and this is currently taken as a definite
indication that the geometry of the universe is non-Euclidean.
From the points brought out in the preceding pages, it is now clear
that the flaw in this argument is that it rests on the assumption that
there is a net gravitational force effective throughout space. Our findings
are that this assumption is incorrect, and that there is a net gravitational
force only within the gravitational limit of the particular mass under
consideration. On this basis it is only the matter within the gravitational
limit that should agglomerate into a single unit, and this is exactly what
occurs. Each major galaxy is a finite island in the ocean of space
within its gravitational limit. The existing situation is thus entirely
consistent with inverse square gravitation operating in a Euclide an
universe, as the Reciprocal System requires.
The atoms, particles, and larger aggregates of matter within the
gravitational limit of each galaxy constitute a gravitationally bound
system. Each of these constituent units is subject to the same two general
forces as the galaxies, but in addition is subject to the (apparent)
gravitational attraction of neighboring masses, and that of the entire
mass within the gravitational limits acting as a whole. Under the combined
Gravitation 67
72 Nothing but Motion
respect to time, and because the observations thus far available tell
us nothing at all about the dimensions of time, there is nothing in these
observations that is inconsistent with the assertion that time, like space,
is isotropic. In spite of the general belief, among scientists and laymen
alike, that there is a great difference between space and time, any critical
examination along the foregoing lines shows that the apparent differences
are not real, and that there is actually no observational evidence that
is inconsistent with the theoretical conclusion that the properties of
space and of time are identical.
As brought out in Chapter 4, deviations from unit speed, the basic
one-to-one space-time ratio, are accomplished by means of reversals
of the direction of the progression of either space or time. As a result
of these reversals, one component traverses the same path in the reference
system repeatedly, while the other component continues progressing
unidirectionally in the normal manner. Thus the deviation from the normal
rate of progression may take place either in space or in time, but not
in both coincidentally. The space-time ratio, or speed, is either \ / n
(less than unity, the speed of light), or n / l (greater than unity). Inasmuch
as everything physical in a universe of motion is a motionthat is,
a relation between space and time, measured as speedand, as we
have just seen, the properties of space and those of time are identical,
aside from the reciprocal relationship, it follows that every physical
entity or phenomenon has a reciprocal. There exists another entity or
phenomenon that is an exact duplicate, except that space and time are
For example, let us consider an object rotating with speed \ / n and
moving translationally with speed \ / n. The reciprocal relation tells us
that there must necessarily exist, somewhere in the universe, an object
identical in all respects, except that its rotational and translational speeds
are both n / \ instead of l/rt. In addition to the complete inversions,
there are also structures of an intermediate type in which one or more
components of a complex combination of motions are inverted, while
the remaining components are unchanged. In the example under consider
ation, the translational speed may become n / l while the rotational speed
remains at l/rt, or vice versa. Once the normal ( l / n) combination has
been identified, it follows that both the completely inverted ( n/ l )
combination and the various intermediate structures exist in the appropri
ate environment. The general nature of that environment in each case
is also indicated, inasmuch as change of position in time cannot be
represented in a spatial reference system, and each of these speed
combinations has some special characteristics when viewed in relation
to the conventional reference systems. The various physical entities
and phenomena that involve motio n of these several inverse types will
76 Nothing but Motion
travels at some speed other than unity, the measurement that we get
from the space clock will not correctly represent the space traversed
by that object. Nor will the space clock registration be valid for the
relative separation of moving objects, even if they are traveling at unit
speed. In order to arrive at the true amount of space entering into
such motions we must either measure that space individually, or we
must apply an appropriate correction to the measurement by the space
Because objects at rest in the stationary spatial reference system,
or moving at low velocities with respect to it, are moving at unit speed
relative to any stationary temporal reference system, a clock which
measures the time progression in any one process provides an accurate
measurement of the time elapsed in any low-speed physical process,
just as the space clock in our analogy measured the space traversed
by any photon. Here, again, however, if an object moves at a speed,
or a relative speed, differing from unity, so that its movement in time
is not the same as that of the progression of the natural reference system,
then the clock time does not correctly represent the actual time involved
in the motion under consideration. As in the analogy, the true quantity,
the net total time, must be obtained either by a separate measurement
(which is usually impractical) or by determining the magnitude of the
adjustment that must be applied to the clock time to convert it to total
In application to motion in space, the total time, like the clock
registration, is a scalar quantity. Some readers of the previous edition
have found it difficult to accept the idea that time can be three-dimensional
because this makes time a vector quantity, and presumably leads to
situations in which we are called upon to divide one vector quantity
by another. But such situations are non-existent. If we are dealing with
spatial relations, time is scalar because it has no spatial direction. If
we are dealing with temporal relations, space is scalar because it has
no temporal direction. Either space or time can be vectorial in appropriate
circumstances. However, as explained earlier in this chapter, the deviation
from the normal scalar progression at unit speed may take place either
in space or in time, but not in both coincidentally. Consequently, there
is no physical situation in which both space and time are vectorial.
Similarly, scalar rotation and its gravitational (translational) effect take
place either in space or in time, but not in both. If the speed of the
rotation is less than unity, time continues progressing at the normal
unit rate, but because of the directional changes during rotation space
progresses only one unit while time is progressing n units. Thus the
change in position relative to the natural unit datum, both in the rotation
and in its gravitational effect, takes place in space. Conversely, if the
80 Nothing but Motion
speed of the rotation is greater than unity, the rotation and its gravitational
effect take place in time.
An important result of the fact that rotation at greater-than-unit speeds
produces an inward motion (gravitation) in time is that a rotational motion
or combination of motions with a net speed greater than unity cannot
exist in a spatial reference system for more than one (dimensionally
variable) unit of time. As pointed out in Chapter 3, the spatial systems
of reference, to which the human race is limited because it is subject
to gravitation in space, are not capable of representing deviations from
the normal rate of time progression. In certain special situations, to be
considered later, in which the normal direction of vectorial motion is
reversed, the change of position in time manifests itself as a distortion
of the spatial position. Otherwise, an object moving normally with a
speed greater than unity is coincident with the reference system for
only one unit of time. During the next unit, while the spatial reference
system is moving outward in time at the unit rate of the normal progression,
gravitation is carrying the rotating unit inward in time. It therefore moves
away from the reference system and disappears. This point will be very
significant in our consideration of the high speed rotational systems
in Chapter 15.
Recognition of the fact that each effective unit of rotational motion
(mass) occupies a location in time as well as a location in space now
enables us to determine the effect of mass concentration on the gravita
tional motion. Because of the continuation of the progression of time
while gravitation is moving the atoms of matter inward in space, the
aggregates of matter that are eventually formed in space consist of a
large number of mass units that are contiguous in space, but widely
dispersed in time. One of the results of this situation is that the magnitude
of the gravitational motion (or force) is a function not only of the distance
between objects, but also of the effective number of units of rotational
motion, measured as mass, that each object possesses. This motion
is distributed over all space-time directions, rather than merely over
all space directions, and since an aggregate of n mass units occupies
n time locations, the total number of space-time locations is also n,
even though all mass units of each object are nearly coincident spatially.
The total gravitational motion of any mass unit toward that aggregate
is thus n times that toward a single mass unit at the same distance.
It then follows that the gravitational motion (or force) is proportional
to the product of the (apparently) interacting masses.
It can now be seen that the comments in Chapter 5 with respect
to the apparent change of direction of the gravitational motions (or
forces) when the apparently interacting masses change their relative
positions are applicable to multi-unit aggregates as well as to the individual
The Reciprocal Relation 8l
84 Nothing but Motion
age. The clock paradox, which replaces the twins with two identical
clocks, is somewhat simpler, as it evades the question as to the relation
between clock registration and physical processes.
In the usual statement of the paradox, it is assumed that a clock
B is accelerated relative to another identical clock A, and that subse
quently, after a period of time at a constant relative velocity, the
acceleration is reversed, and the clocks return to their original locations.
According to the principles of special relativity, clock B, the moving
clock, has been running more slowly than clock A, the stationary clock,
and hence the time interval registered by B is less than that registered
by A. But the special theory also tells us that we cannot distinguish
between the motion of clock B relative to clock A and the motion
of clock A relative to clock B . Thus it is equally correct to say that
A is the moving clock and B is the stationary clock, in which case
the interval registered by clock A is less than that registered by clock
B. Each clock therefore registers both more and less than the other.
Here we have a situation in which a straightforward application of
the special relativity theory leads to a conclusion that is manifestly
absurd. This paradox, which stands squarely in the way of any claim
that relativity theory is conceptually valid, has never been resolved except
by means which contradict the basic assumptions of the relativity theory
itself. Richard Schlegel brings this fact out very clearly in a discussion
of the paradox in his book Time and the Physical World. Acceptance
of a preferred coordinate system is necessary in order to resolve the
contradiction, he points out, but such an assumption brings a profound
modification to special relativity theory; for the assumption contradicts
the principle that between any two relatively moving systems the effects
of motion are the same, from either system to the other. 43 G. J. Whitrow
summarizes the situation in this way: The crucial argument of those
who support Einstein (in the clock paradox controversy) automatically
undermines Einsteins own position. 44 The theory based primarily on
the postulate that all motion is relative contains an internal contradiction
which cannot be removed except by some argument relying on the
assumption that some motion is not relative.
All of the efforts that have been made by the professional relativists
to explain away this paradox depend, directly or indirectly, on abandoning
the general applicability of the relativity principle, and identifying the
acceleration of clock B as something more than an acceleration relative
to clock A . Moller, for example, tells us that the acceleration of clock
B is relative to the fixed stars. 45 Authors such as Tolman, who speaks
of the lack of symmetry between the treatment given to the clock
A, which was at no time subjected to any force, and that given to
clock B which was subjected to . . . forces . . . when the relative
88 Nothing but Motion
motion of the clocks was changed, 46 are simply saying the same thing
in a more roundabout way. But if motion is purely relative, as the special
theory contends, then a force applied to clock B cannot produce anything
more than a relative motionit cannot produce a kind of motion that
does not existand the effect on clock A must therefore be the same
as that on clock B . Introduction of a preferred coordinate system such
as that defined by the average positions of the fixed stars gets around
this difficulty, but only at the cost of destroying the foundations of
the theory, as the special theory is built on the postulate that no such
preferred coordinate system exists.
The impossibility of resolving the contradiction inherent in the clock
paradox by appeal to acceleration can be demonstrated in yet another
way, as the acceleration can be eliminated without altering the contra
diction that constitutes the paradox. No exhaustive search has been made
to ascertain whether this streamlined version, which we may call the
simplified clock paradox has been given any consideration previously,
but at any rate it does not appear in the most accessible discussions
of the subject. This is quite surprising, as it is a rather obvious way
of tightening the paradox to the point where there is little, if any, room
for an attempt at evasion. In this simplified clock paradox we will merely
assume that the two clocks are in uniform motion relative to each other.
The question as to how this motion originated does not enter into the
situation. Perhaps they have always been in relative motion. Or, if they
were accelerated, they may have been accelerated equally. At any rate,
for purposes of the inquiry, we are dealing only with the clocks in
uniform relative motion. But here again, we encounter the same paradox.
According to the relativity theory, each clock can be regarded either
as stationary, in which case it is the faster, or as moving, in which
case it is the slower. Again each clock registers both more and less
than the other.
There are those who claim that the paradox has been resolved
experimentally. In the published report of one recent experiment bearing
on the subject the flat assertion is made that These results provide
an unambiguous empirical resolution of the famous clock paradox. 47
This claim is, in itself, a good illustration of the lack of precision in
current thinking in this area, as the clock paradox is a logical contradiction.
It refers to a specific situation in which a strict application of the special
theory results in an absurdity. Obviously, a logical inconsistency cannot
be resolved by empirical means. What the investigators have accom
plished in this instance is simply to provide a further verification of
some of the mathematical aspects of the theory, which play no part
in the clock paradox.
High Speed Motion 89
they must admit, tacitly if not explicitly, that their abilities have thus
far been unequal to the task of finding the alternatives. Few human
beings, in or out of the scientific field, relish making this kind of an
Here, then, is the reason why the serious shortcomings of the special
theory are currently looked upon so charitably. Nothing more acceptable
has been available (although there are alternatives to Einsteins inter
pretation of the Lorentz equations that are equally consistent with the
available information), and the physicists are not willing to concede
that they could have overlooked the correct answer. But the facts are
clear. No new valid conceptual information has been added to the
previously existing body of knowledge by the special theory. It is nothing
more than an erroneous hypothesis: a conspicuous addition to the
historical record cited by Jeans:
The history of theoretical physics is a record of the clothing of
mathematical formulae which were right, or very nearly right, with
physical interpretations which were often very badly wrong.51
As an emergency measure, say Toulmin and Goodfield, physicists
have resorted to mathematical fudges of an arbitrary kind. 52 Here
is the truth of the matter. The Lorentz equations are simply fudge factors:
mathematical devices for reconciling discordant results. In the two-photon
case that we are considering, if the speed of light is constant irrespective
of the reference system, as established empirically by the Michelson-
Morley experiment, then the speed of photon X relative to photon Y
is unity. But when this speed is measured in the standard way (assuming
that this might be physically possible), dividing the coordinate distance
xy by the elapsed clock time, the relative speed is two natural units
(2c in the conventional system of units) rather than one unit. Here,
then, is a glaring discrepancy. Two different measurements of what
is apparently the same thing, the relative speed, give us altogether different
Both the nature of the problem, and the nature of the mathematical
answer provided by the Lorentz equations can be brought out clearly
by consideration of a simple analogy. Let us assume a situation in which
the property of direction exists, but is not recognized. Then let us assume
that two independent methods are available for measuring motion, one
of which measures the speed, and the other measures the rate at which
the distance from a specified reference point is changing. In the absence
of any recognition of the existence of direction, it will be presumed
that both methods measure the same quantity, and the difference between
the results will constitute an unexpected and unexplained discrepancy,
similar to that brought to light by the Michelson-Morley experiment.
92 Nothing but Motion
Motion in Time
The starting point for an examination of the nature of motion in time
is a recognition of the status of unit speed as the natural datum, the
zero level of physical activity. We are able to deal with speeds measured
from some arbitrary zero in our everyday life because these are not
primary quantities; they are merely speed differences. For example, where
the speed limit is 50 miles per hour, this does not mean that an automobile
is prohibited from moving at any faster rate. It merely means that the
difference between the speed of the vehicle and the speed of the portion
of the earths surface over which the vehicle is traveling must not exceed
50 miles per hour. The car and the earths surface are jointly moving
at higher speeds in several different directions, but these are of no
concern to us for ordinary purposes. We deal only with the differences,
and the datum from which measurement is made has no special signifi
In current practice we regard a greater rate of change in vehicle location
relative to the local frame of reference as being the result of a greater
speed, that quantity being measured from zero. We could equally well
measure from some arbitrary non-zero level, as we do in the common
systems of temperature measurement, or we could even measure the
inverse of speed from some selected datum level, and attribute the greater
rate of change of position to less inverse speed. In dealing with
the basic phenomena of the universe, however, we are dealing with
absolute speeds, not merely speed differences, and for this purpose
it is necessary to recognize that the datum level of the natural system
of reference is unity, not zero.
Since motion exists only in units, according to the postulates that
define a universe of motion, and each unit of motion consists of one
unit of space in association with one unit of time, all motion takes
place at unit speed, from the standpoint of the individual units. This
speed may, however, be either positive or negative, and by a sequence
of reversals of the progression of either time or space, while the other
component continues progressing unidirectionally, an effective scalar
speed of l / n , or nj 1, is produced. In Chapter 4 we considered the
case in which the vectorial direction of the motion reversed at each
98 Nothing but Motion
Unit Vibration Translation
Number Scalar Vectorial Scalar Vectorial
1 inward right inward forward
2 outward left outward backward
3 inward right inward forward
4 inward left inward forward
5 outward right outward backward
6 inward left inward forward
and the progression of the natural reference system, and it, too, exerts
zero force on an object moving at unit speed.
As an analogy, we may consider the case of a container full of water,
which is started spinning rapidly. The movement of the container walls
exerts a force tending to give the liquid a rotational motion, and under
the influence of this force the water gradually acquires a rotational
speed. But as that speed approaches the speed of the container the
effect of the constant force drops off, and the container speed
constitutes a limit beyond which the water speed cannot be raised by
this means. The force vanishes, we may say. But the fact that we cannot
accelerate the liquid any farther by this means does not bar us from
giving it a higher speed in some other way. The limitation is on the
capability of the process , not on the speed at which the water can rotate.
The mathematics of the equation of motion applicable to the acceleration
phenomenon remain the same in the Reciprocal System as in Einsteins
theory. It makes no difference mathematically whether the mass is
increased by a given amount, or the effective force is decreased by
the same amount. The effect on the observed quantity, the acceleration,
is identical. The wealth of experimental evidence that demonstrates the
validity of these mathematics therefore confirms the results derived from
the Reciprocal System to exactly the same degree that it confirms
Einsteins theory. All that this evidence does in either case is to show
that the theory is mathematically correct.
But mathematical validity is only one of the requirements that a theory
must meet in order to be a correct representation of the physical facts.
It must also be conceptually valid; that is, the meaning attached to
the mathematical terms and relations must be correct. One of the
significant aspects of Einsteins theory of acceleration at high speeds
is that it explains nothing; it merely makes assertions. Einstein gives
us an ex cathedra pronouncement to the effect that the velocity term,
V l v2, represents an increase in the mass, without any attempt at
an explanation as to why the mass increases with the velocity, why
this hypothetical mass increment does not alter the structure of the
moving atom or particle, as any other mass increment does, why the
velocity term has this particular mathematical form, or why there should
be a speed limitation of any kind.
Of course, this lack of a conceptual background is a general charac
teristic of the basic theories of present-day physics, the free inventions
of the human mind, as Einstein described them, and the theory of
mass increase is not unusual in this respect. But the arbitrary character
of the theory contrasts sharply with the full explanation provided by
the Reciprocal System. This new system of theory produces simple
and logical answers for all questions, similar to those enumerated above.
Motion in Time 105
fact that, because of the discrete nature of the natural units, less than
unit space (or time) does not exist. To illustrate just what is involved
here, let us consider an atom A in motion toward another atom B .
According to current ideas, atom A will continue to move in the direction
AB until the atoms, or the force fields surrounding them, if such fields
exist, are in contact. The postulates of the Reciprocal System specify,
however, that space exists only in units. It follows that when atom
A reaches point X one unit of space distant from B , it cannot move
any closer to B in space . But it is free to change its position in time
relative to the time location occupied by atom B , and since further
movement in space is not possible, the momentum of the atom causes
the motion to continue in the only way that is open to it.
The spatial reference system is incapable of representing any deviation
of time from the normal rate of progression, and this added motion
in time therefore distorts the spatial position of the moving atom A
in the same manner as the speeds in excess of unity that we considered
earlier. When the separation in time between the two atoms has increased
to n units, space remaining unchanged (by means of continued reversals
of direction), the equivalent spatial separation, the quantity that is
determined by the conventional methods of measurement, is \ / n units.
Thus, while atom A cannot move to a position less than one unit of
space distant from atom B, it can move to the equivalent of a closer
position by moving outward in time. Because of this capability of motion
in time in the region inside unit distance it is possible for the measured
length, area, or volume of a physical object to be a fraction of a natural
unit, even though the actual one, two, or three-dimensional space cannot
be less than one unit in any case.
It was brought out in Chapter 6 that the atoms of a material aggregate,
which are contiguous in space, are widely separated in time. Now we
are examining a situation in which a change of position in the spatial
coordinate system results from a separation in time, and we will want
to know just where these time separations differ. The explanation is
that the individual atoms of an aggregate such as a gas, in which the
atoms are separated by more than unit distance, are also separated by
various distances in time, but these atoms are all at the same stage
o f the time progression . The motion of these atoms meets the requirement
for accurate representation in the conventional spatial coordinate systems;
that is, it maintains the fixed time progression on which the reference
system is based. On the other hand, the motion in time that takes place
inside unit distance involves a deviation from the normal time progression.
A spatial analogy may be helpful in getting a clear view of this situation.
Let us consider the individual units (stars) of a galaxy. Regardless of
how widely these stars are separated, or how much they move around
Motion in Time 111
within the galaxy, they maintain their status as constituents of the galaxy
because they are all receding at the same speed (the internal motions
being negligible compared to the recession speed). They are at the same
stage of the galactic recession . But if one of these stars acquires a
spatial motion that modifies its recession speed significantly, it moves
away from the galaxy, either temporarily or permanently. Thereafter,
the position of this star can no longer be represented in a map of the
galaxy, except by some special convention.
The separations in time discussed in Chapter 6 are analogous to the
separations in space within the galaxies. The material aggregates that
we are now discussing retain their identities just as the galaxies do,
because their individual components are progressing in time at the same
rates. But just as individual stars may acquire spatial speeds which
cause them to move away from the galaxies, so the individual atoms
of the material aggregates may acquire motions in time which cause
them to move away from the normal path of the time progression. Inside
unit distance this deviation is temporary and quite limited in extent.
In the white dwarf stars the deviations are more extensive, but still
temporary. In the astronomical discussions in Volume II we will consider
phenomena in which the magnitude of the deviation is sufficient to
carry the aggregates that are involved completely out of the range of
the spatial coordinate systems.
So far as the inter-atomic distance is concerned, it is not material
whether this is an actual spatial separation or merely the equivalent
of such a separation, but the fact that the movement of the atoms
changes from a motion in space to a motion in time at the unit level
has some important consequences from other standpoints. For instance,
the spatial direction AB in which atom A was originally moving no
longer has any significance now that the motion is taking place inside
unit distance, inasmuch as the motion in time which replaces the previous
motion in space has no spatial direction. It does have what we choose
to call a direction in time, but this temporal direction has no relation
at all to the spatial direction of the previous motion. No matter what
the spatial direction of the motion of the atom may have been before
unit distance was reached, the temporal direction of the motion after
it makes the transition to motion in time is determined purely by chance.
Any kind of action originating in the region where all motion is in
time is also subject to significant modifications if it reaches the unit
boundary and enters the region of space motion. For example, the
connection between motion in space and motion in time is scalar, again
because there is no relation between direction in space and direction
in time. Consequently, only one dimension of a two-dimensional or
three-dimensional motion can be transmitted across the boundary. This
112 Nothing but Motion
Rotational Combinations
One of the principal difficulties that is encountered in explaining the
Reciprocal System of theory, or portions thereof, is a general tendency
on the part of readers or listeners to assume that the author or speaker,
whoever he may be, does not actually mean what he says. No previous
major theory is purely theoretical; every one takes certain empirical
information as a given element in the premises of the theory. The
conventional theory of matter, for example, takes the existence of matter
as given. It then assumes that this matter is composed of elementary
particles, which it attempts to identify with observed material particles.
On the basis of this assumption, together with the empirical information
introduced into the theory, it then attempts to explain the observed
range of structural characteristics. Inasmuch as all previous theories
of major scope have been constructed on this pattern, there is a general
impression that physical theories must be so constructed, and it is
therefore assumed that when reference is made to the fact that the
Reciprocal System utilizes no empirical data of any kind, this statement
must have some meaning other than its literal significance.
The theoretical development in the preceding chapters should dispose
of this misapprehension so far as the qualitative aspect of the universe
is concerned. While the task is still only in the early stages, enough
of the basic features of the physical universeradiation, matter, gravita
tion, etc.have been derived by deduction from the postulates, without
the aid of further assumptions, or of empirical information, to demonstrate
that a purely theoretical qualitative development is, in fact, feasible.
But a complete account of a theoretical universe must necessarily include
the quantitative aspects of physical phenomena as well as the qualitative
Here is another place where the way in which the development of
theory has taken place is mistakenly regarded as the way in which
this development must take place. The theoretical products of the
Newtonian era, the so-called classical physics, were capable of being
expressed in simple mathematical terms. But some deviations from the
classical laws have been encountered in the far-out regions that have
been reached by observation and experiment in recent years, and the
116 Nothing but Motion
physicists have not been able to account for these deviations without
employing extremely complex mathematical processes, together with
conceptual artifices of a rather dubious character, such as Einsteins
rubber yardstick, or fudge factor. In the light of the points brought
out in the preceding chapter it is now evident that the difficulties are
due to a misunderstanding of the basic nature of the far-out phenomena,
but since the modem theorists have not realized this, they have concluded
that the true relationships of the universe are extremely complex, and
that they cannot be expressed by anything other than very complex
The general acceptance of this view of the situation has led a large
segment of the scientific community, particularly the theoretical physi
cists, to the further conclusion that any treatment of the subject matter
by means of simple mathematics is necessarily wrong, and can safely
be dismissed without examination. Indeed, many of these individuals
go a step farther, and characterize such a treatment as non-mathemati-
cal. This attitude is, of course, preposterous, and it cannot be defended,
but it is nevertheless so widespread that it constitutes a serious obstacle
in the way of a full appreciation of the merits of any simple mathematical
In beginning the quantitative development of the Reciprocal System
of theory it is therefore necessary to emphasize that simplicity is a
virtue, not a defect. It is so recognized, in principle, by scientists in
general, including those who are now contending that the universe is
fundamentally complex, or even, as expressed by P. W. Bridgman, that
it is not intrinsically reasonable or understandable. 56 In its entirety,
the universe is indeed complex, extremely so, but as the initial steps
in the development of the Reciprocal System in the preceding pages
have already begun to demonstrate from a qualitative standpoint, it is
actually a complex aggregate of interrelated simple elements.
The principal advantage of mathematical treatment of physical subject
matter is the precision with which knowledge of a mathematical character
can be developed and expressed. This is offset to a considerable degree,
however, by the fact that mathematical knowledge of physical phenomena
is incomplete, and from the physical standpoint, ambiguous. No mathe
matical statement of a physical relation is complete in itself. As Bridgman
frequently pointed out, it must be accompanied by a text that tells
us what the mathematics mean, and how they are to be applied. There
is no definite and fixed relation between this text and the mathematics;
that is, every mathematical statement of a physical relation is capable
of different interpretations.
The importance of this point in the present connection lies in the
fact that the Reciprocal System makes relatively few changes in the
Rotational Combinations 117
with the atoms of the chemical elements and the sub-atomic particles
that are observed to exist in the physical universe.
A unique group of numbers representing the different rotational
components will be derived for each of these combinations. The set
of numbers applying to each element or type of particle theoretically
determines the properties of that substance, inasmuch as these properties,
like all other quantitative features of a universe of motion, are functions
of the magnitudes of the motions that constitute the material substances.
It will be shown in this and the following chapter that this theoretical
assertion is valid for some of the simpler properties, including those
which depend upon the position of the element in the periodic table.
The application of these numerical factors to other properties will be
discussed from time to time as consideration of these other properties
is undertaken later in the development.
One preliminary step that will have to be taken is to revise present
measurement procedures and units in order to accommodate them to
the natural moving system of reference. Because of the status of unity
as the natural reference datum, a deviation of n - 1 units downward from
unity to a speed \ / n has the same natural magnitude as a deviation
of n -l units upward to a speed n / \ , even though, when measured from
zero speed in the conventional manner, the changes are wholly dispropor
tionate. When n is 4, for example, the upward change is from 1 to
4, an increase of 3 units, whereas the downward change is from 1 to
1/4, a decrease of only 3 /4 unit.
In order to reflect the fact that these deviations are actually equal
in magnitude from the natural standpoint, the basis on which the
fundamental processes of the universe take place, it is necessary to
set up a new system of speed measurement, in which we express the
magnitude of the speed in terms of the deviation, upward or downward,
from unit speed, instead of measuring from some zero in the conventional
manner. Inasmuch as the units in which speeds are measured on this
basis are not commensurable with those of speed as measured from
zero, it would lead to complete confusion if the units of the new system
were called units of speed. For this reason, when reference is made
to speed in terms o f its natural magnitude in any of the publications
dealing with the Reciprocal System of theory, it is not called speed.
Instead, the term speed displacement is used, the units of this
displacement being natural units of deviation from unity.
In practice, the term speed displacement is usually shortened to
displacement, and this has led to some criticism of the terminology
on the ground that displacement already has other scientific meanings.
But it is highly desirable, as an aid to understanding, that the idea
of a deviation from a norm should be clearly indicated in the language
120 Nothing but Motion
that is used, and there are not many English words that meet the
requirements. Under the circumstances, displacement appears to be
the best choice. The sense in which this term is used will almost always
be indicated by the context in which it appears, and in the few cases
where there might be some question, the possibility of confusion can
be avoided by employing the full name, speed displacement.
Another reason for the use of a distinctive term in designating natural
speed magnitudes is that this is necessary in order to make the addition
of speeds meaningful. Conventional physics claims that it recognizes
speed as a scalar quantity, but in actual practice gives it no more than
a quasi-scalar status. True scalar quantities are additive. If we have
five gallons of gasoline in one container and ten gallons in another,
the total, the quantity in which we are most interested, is fifteen gallons.
The corresponding sum of two speeds of the same objectrotational
and translational, for examplehas no meaning at all in current physical
thought. In the universe of motion described by the Reciprocal System
of theory, however, the scalar total of all of the speeds of an object
is one of the most important properties of that object. Thus, even though
speed has the same basic significance in the Reciprocal System as in
conventional theorythat is, it is a measure of the magnitude of
motionthe manner in which speed enters into physical phenomena
is so different in the two systems that it would be inappropriate to
express it in the same units of measurement in both cases, even if
this were not ruled out for other reasons.
It would, of course, be somewhat simpler if we could say speed
whenever we mean speed, and not have to use two different terms
for the same thing. But the meaning of whatever is said should be
clear in all cases if it is kept in mind that whenever reference is made
to displacement, this means speed, but not speed as ordinarily
measured. It is speed measured in different quantities, and from a different
reference datum.
A decrease in speed from 1/1 to l/n involves a positive displacement
of /i-l units; that is, an addition of n-1 units of motion in which time
is unidirectional while the space direction alternates, thus, in effect,
adding n-\ units of time to the original speed 1/1. Similarly, an increase
in speed from 1/1 to n / l involves a negative displacement, an addition
of n-1 units of motion in which space is unidirectional while the time
direction alternates; thus, in effect, adding n-1 units of space to the
original speed 1/ 1.
In the first edition of this work the displacements here designated
positive and negative were called time displacement and space
displacement respectively, to emphasize the fact that the positive
displacement represents an increased amount of time in association with
Rotational Combinations 121
In some respects, the combination s of motions w ith greater rotational
displacement, those w hich constitute the atoms of the chemical elements,
are less complicated than those with the least displacement, the sub-atomic
particles, and it will therefore be convenient to discuss the structure
of these larger units first.
Geometrical considerations indicate that two photons can rotate around
the same central point without interference if the rotational speeds are
the same, thus forming a double unit. The nature of this combination
can be illustrated by two cardboard disks interpenetrated along a common
diameter C. The diameter A perpendicular to C in disk a represents
one linear oscillation, and the disk a is the f igure generated by a
one-dimensional rotation of this oscillation around an axis B perpendicular
to both A and C. R otation of a second linear oscillation, represented
by the diameter B, around axis A generates the disk b. It is then evident
that disk a may be given a second rotation around axis A, and disk
b may be given a second rotation around axis B without interference
at any point, as long as the rotational speeds are equal.
The validity of the mathematical principles of probability is covered
in the fundamental postulates by specifically including them in the
definition of ordinary commutative mathematics, as that term is used
in the postulates. The most significant of these principles, so far as
the atomic structures are concerned, are that small numbers are more
probable than large numbers, and symmetrical combinations are more
probable than asymmetrical combinations of the same total magnitude.
For a given number of units of net rotational displacement the double
rotating system results in lower individual displacement values, and the
probability principles give them precedence over single units in which
the individual displacements are higher. All rotating combinations with
sufficient net total displacement to enable forming double units therefore
do so.
To facilitate a description of these objects we will utilize a notation
in the form a-b-c, where c is the speed displacement of the one-dimensional
reverse rotation, and a and b are the displacements in the two dimensions
of the basic two-dimensional rotation. Later in the development we
128 Nothing but Motion
Atomic Atomic
Displacements Element Number Displacements Element Number
2- l-(l) Hydrogen 1
2- 1-0 Helium 2
2 1-1
- Lithium 3 2- 2-1 Sodium 11
2- 1-2 BeryUium 4 2- 2-2 Magnesium 12
2- 1-3 Boron 5 2-2-3 Aluminum 13
2-1-4 2-2-4
Carbon 6 Silicon 14
2-2-(4) 3-2-(4)
2-2-(3) Nitrogen 7 3-2-(3) Phosphorus 15
2- 2-( 2) Oxygen 8 3-2-(2) Sulfur 16
2-2-(l) Fluorine 9 3-2-(l) Chlorine 17
2- 2-0 Neon 10 3-2-0 Argon 18
Atomic Atomic
Displacements Element Number Displacements Element Number
3-2-1 Potassium 19 3-3-1 Rubidium 37
3-2-2 Calcium 20 3-3-2 Strontium 38
3-2-3 Scandium 21 3-3-3 Yttrium 39
3-2-4 Titanium 22 3-3-4 Zirconium 40
3-2-5 Vanadium 23 3-3-5 Niobium 41
3-2-6 Chromium 24 3-3-6 Molybdenum 42
3-2-7 Manganese 25 3-3-7 Technetium 43
3-2-8 Iron 26 3-3-8 Ruthenium 44
3-2-9 3-3-9
Cobalt 27 Rhodium 45
3-3-(9) 4-3-(9)
3-3-(8) Nickel 28 4-3-(8) Palladium 46
3-3-(7) Copper 29 4-3-(7) Silver 47
3-3-(6) Zinc 30 4-3-(6) Cadmium 48
3-3-(5) Gallium 31 4-3-(5) Indium 49
3-3-(4) Germanium 32 4-3-(4) Tin 50
3-3-(3) Arsenic 33 4-3-(3) Antimony 51
3-3-(2) Selenium 34 4-3-(2) Tellurium 52
3-3-(l) Bromine 35 4-3-(l) Iodine 53
3-3-0 Krypton 36 4-3-0 Xenon 54
Atoms 133
A tomic A tomic
Displacements Element Number Displacements Element Number
4-3-1 Cesium 55 4-4-1 - Francium 87
4-3-2 Barium 56 4-4-2 Radium 88
4-3-3 Lanthanum 57 4-4-3 Actinium 89
4-3-4 Cerium 58 4-4-4 Thorium 90
4-3-5 Praseodymium 59 4-4-5 Protactinium 91
4-3-6 Neodymium 60 4-4-6 Uranium 92
4-3-7 Promethium 61 4-4-7 Neptunium 93
4-3-8 Samarium 62 4-4-8 Plutonium 94
4-3-9 Europium 63 4-4-9 Americum 95
4-3-10 Gadolinium 64 4-4-10 Curium 96
4-3-11 Terbium 65 4-4-11 Berkelium 97
4-3-12 Dysprosium 66 4-4-12 CaHfomium 98
4-3-13 Holmium 67 4-4-13 Einsteinium 99
4-3-14 Erbium 68 4-4-14 Fermium 100
4-3-15 Thulium 69 4-4-15 Mendelevium 101
4-3-16 4-4-16
Ytterbium 70 Nobelium 102
4-4-(16) 5-4-(16)
4-4-(15) Lutecium 71 5-4-05) Lawrencium 103
4-4-(14) Hafnium 72 5-4-(14) Rutherfordium 104
4-4-(13) Tantalum 73 5-4-(13) Hahnium 105
4-4-( 12) Tungsten 74 5-4-(12) 106
4-4-(l1) Rhenium 75 5-4-(l1) 107
4-4-(10) Osmium 76 5-4-00) 108
4-4-(9) Iridium 77 5-4-(9) 109
4-4-(8) Platinum 78 5-4-(8) 110
4-4-(7) Gold 79 5-4-(7) 111
4-4-(6) Mercury 80 5-4-(6) 112
4-4-(5) Thallium 81 5-4-(5) 113
4-4-(4) Lead 82 5-4-(4) 114
4-4-(3) Bismuth 83 5-4-(3) 115
4-4-(2) Polonium 84 5-4-(2) 116
4-4-(l) Astatine 85 5-4-(l) 117
4-4-0 Radon 86
134 Nothing but Motion
each. The heaviest elements of the last group have not yet been observed,
as they are highly radioactive, and consequently unstable in the terrestrial
environment. In fact, uranium, element number 92, is the heaviest that
exists naturally on earth in any substantial quantities. As we will see
later, however, there are other conditions under which the elements
are stable all the way up to number 117.
For convenience in the subsequent discussion these groups of elements
will be identified by the magnetic n value, with the first and second
groups in each pair being designated A and B respectively. Thus the
sodium group, which is the second of the 8-element groups (n=2) will
be called Group 2B.
At this point it will be appropriate to refer back to this statement
that was made in Chapter 9:
The (mathematical) development will begin with nothing more than
the series of cardinal numbers and the geometry of three dimensions.
By subjecting these to simple mathematical processes, the applica
bility of which to the physical universe of motion is specified in
the fundamental postulates, the combinations of rotational motions
that can exist in the theoretical universe will be ascertained, and
it will be shown that these rotational combinations that theoretically
can exist can be individually identified with the atoms of the chemical
elements and the sub-atomic particles that are observed to exist
in the physical universe. A unique group of numbers representing
the different rotational components will be derived for each of these
A review of the manner in which the figures presented in Tables
1 to 3 were derived will show that this commitment, so far as it applies
to the elements, has been carried out in full. This is a very significant
accomplishment. Both the existence of a series of theoretical elements
identical with the observed series of chemical elements, and the numerical
values which theoretically characterize each individual element have been
derived from the general properties of mathematics and geometry, without
making any supplementary assumptions or introducing any numerical
values specifically applicable to matter. The possibility that the agreement
between the series of elements thus derived and the known chemical
elements could be accidental is negligible, and this derivation is, in itself,
a conclusive proof that the atoms of matter are combinations of motions,
as asserted by the Reciprocal System of theory. But this is only the
beginning of a vast process of mathematical development. The numerical
values at which we have arrived, the atomic numbers and the three
displacement values for each element, now provide us with the basis
Atoms 135
from which we can derive the quantitative relations in the areas that
we will examine.
The behavior characteristics, orproperties, of the elements are functions
of their respective displacements. Some are related to the total net
effective displacement (equal to the atomic number in the combinations
thus far discussed), some are related to the electric displacement, others
to the magnetic displacement, while still others follow a more complex
pattern. For instance, valence, or chemical combining power, is deter
mined by either the electric displacement or one of the magnetic
displacements, while the inter-atomic distance is affected by both the
electric and magnetic displacements, but in different ways. The manner
in which the magnitudes of these properties for specific elements and
compounds can be calculated from the displacement values has been
determined for many properties and for many classes of substances.
These subjects will be considered individually in the chapters that follow.
One of the most signifi cant advances toward an understanding of
the relations between the structures of the different chem ical elements
and their properties was the development of the periodic table by
Mendeleeff in 1869. In this diagram the elements are arranged horizontally
in periods and vertically in groups, the order within the period being
that of the atomic number (approximately defined in the original work
by the atomic weights). When the elements are correctly assigned in
the periods, those in the vertical groups are quite similar in their properties.
On comparing the periodic table with the rotational characteristics of
the elements, as tabulated in this chapter, it is evident that the horizontal
periods reflect the magnetic rotational displacement, while the vertical
groups represent the electric rotational displacement. In revising the
table to take advantage of the additional information derived from the
Reciprocal System of theory we may therefore replace the usual group
and period numbering by the more meaningful displacement values.
When this is done it is apparent that a further revision of the tabular
arrangement is required in order to put all of the elements into their
proper positions. Mendeleeff s original table included nine vertical groups,
beginning with the inert gases, Group 0, and ending with a group in
which the three elements iron, cobalt, and nickel, and the corresponding
elements in the higher periods, were all assigned to a single vertical
position. In the more modem versions of the table the number of vertical
groups has been expanded to avoid splitting each of the longer periods
into two sub-periods, as was done by M endeleeff. One of the most
popular of these revised versions utilizes 18 vertical groups, and puts
15 elements of each of the last two periods into one of these 18 positions
in order to accommodate the full number of elements.
136 Nothing but Motion
Figure 1
The Revised Periodic Table of the Elements
138 Nothing but Motion
Sub-Atomic Particles
While the series of elements contains no combinations of motions
with net positive displacement less than that of hydrogen, 2-l-(l), this
does not mean that such combinations are non-existent. It merely means
that they do not have sufficient speed displacement to form two complete
rotating systems, and consequently do not have the properties which
distinguish the rotational combinations that we call atoms. These less
complex combinations of motion can be identified as the sub-atomic
particles. As is evident from the foregoing, these particles are not
constituents o f atoms, as seen in current scientific thought. They are
structures of the same general nature as the atoms of the elements,
but their net total displacement is below the minimum necessary to
form the complete atomic structure. They may be characterized as
incomplete atoms.
The term sub-atomic is currently applied to these particles with
the implication that the particles are, or can be, building blocks from
which atoms are constructed. Our new findings make this sense of the
term obsolete, but the name is still appropriate in the sense of a system
of motions of a lower degree of complexity than atoms. It will therefore
be retained in this work, and applied in this modified sense. The term
elementary particle must be discarded. There are no elementary
particles in the sense of basic units from which other structures can
be formed. A particle is smaller and less complex than an atom, but
it is by no means elementary. The elementary unit is the unit of motion.
The theoretical characteristics of the sub-atomic particles, as derived
from the postulates of the Reciprocal System, have been given consider
able additional study since the date of the last previous publication
in which they were discussed, and there has been a significant increase
in the amount of information that is available with respect to these
objects, including the theoretical discovery of some particles that are
more complex than those described in the first edition. Furthermore,
we are now in a position to examine the structure and behavior of
the cosmic sub-atomic particles in greater depth (in the later chapters).
In order to facilitate the presentation of this increased volume of
140 Nothing but Motion
148 Nothing but Motion
all motion is in time, and the measure of that motion, the energy, t/s,
the inverse of speed, s / t , can be represented in a stationary temporal
reference system, whereas speed is neither inward nor outward from
the time standpoint, and cannot be represented in the temporal coordinate
Here is the reason for the purely scalar nature of any increment of
speed beyond the unit level, such as those discussed in Chapter 8. The
added speed does have a direction, but it is a direction in time, and
it has no vectorial effect in a spatial system of reference. We will find
this very significant when we undertake an examination of some of
the recently discovered high speed astronomical objects in Volume II.
Force, which is defined as the product of mass and acceleration,
becomes t 3/ s 3 X s / t 2 = t / s 2. Acceleration and force are thus inverse
quantities, in the sense in which that term is generally used in this
work; that is, they are identical except that space and time are inter
changed. They are not inverse in the mathematical sense, as their product
is not equal to unity.
One special type of force that is of particular interest is the gravitational
force, that which the aggregates of matter appear to exert on each other
by reason of their motions inward in space. In this case, the mathematical
expression F = k m m ' / d 2 by which the force is ordinarily calculated
is quite different from the general force equation F = ma. When taken
at their face value, these two expressions are clearly irreconcilable.
If gravitational force is actually a force, even a force of the as i f
variety, it cannot be proportional to the product of two masses (that
is, to m2) when force in general is proportional to the first power of
the mass. There is an obvious contradiction here.
Most of the other common quantities of the mechanical system can
be reduced to space-time terms without any complications. For example:
Impulse, the product of force and time, has the same dimensions
as momentum.
Ft = t / s 2 X t = t2/ s 2
Both work and torque are the products of force and distance, and
have the same dimensions as energy.
Fs = t / s 2 X s = t / s
F / s2 = t / s 2 X l / s 2 = t / s 4
m / s 3 = t3/ s 3 x l / s 3 = t3/ s 6
Viscosity is mass per unit length per unit time.
m x \ / s x l / t = t 3/ s 3 x 1/s x l / t = /2/ j 4
Surface tension is force per unit length.
F/s = t/s2X l/s = t/s3
Power is work per unit time.
JF/t = t / s X 1/f = 1/s
improperly assigned. It belongs with the velocity term, not with the
mass term. When it is so transferred, the moment of inertia is eliminated,
and the rotational energy equation reverts to the normal kinetic form
E = l/2rnv2. The equation in its usual form is merely a mathematical
convenience, and does not reflect the actual physical situation.
In addition to the kinds of relations that have been discussed so far
in this chapter, where the relations themselves are familiar, and only
the analysis into space and time components is new, there are other
types of physical relations that are peculiar to the universe of motion.
At this time we will want to examine two of these: the limitations on
unidirectional motion, and the relations between motion in space and
motion in time.
The translational and vibrational speeds with which we have been
mainly concerned thus far are speeds attained by means of directional
reversals, and their magnitudes are not subject to any limits other than
those arising from the finite capabilities of the originating processes.
Rotation, however, is unidirectional from the scalar standpoint, and
unidirectional magnitudes are limited by the discrete unit postulate. On
the basis of this postulate, the maximum possible one-dimensional
unidirectional speed is one net displacement unit. However, the atom
rotates in the inward scalar direction, and inward motion necessarily
takes place in opposition to the omnipresent outward motion of the
natural reference system. Two inward displacement units are therefore
required in order to reach the limit of one net unit. These two units
extend from unity in the positive scalar direction (the positive zero,
in terms of the natural system) to unity in the negative scalar direction
(the negative zero), and they constitute the maximum for any one-dimen
sional unidirectional motion. In three-dimensional space (or time) there
can be two displacement units in each of the three dimensions, and
the maximum three-dimensional unidirectional displacement is therefore
23, or 8, units.
There have been some suggestions that the number of possible directions
(and consequently displacements) in three-dimensional space ought to
be 3 x 2 = 6 rather than 23 = 8. It should therefore be emphasized that
we are not dealing with three individual dimensions of motion, we are
dealing with three-dimensional motion. The possible directions in a
three-dimensional continuum can be visualized by regarding a two-unit
cube as being an assemblage of eight one-unit cubes. The eight possible
directions are then defined by the diagonals from the center of the
assemblage to the opposite corner of each of the cubes.
An important consequence of the fact that there are eight displacement
units between the zero point of the positive motion and the end of
the second unit, which is the zero from the negative standpoint, is that
154 Nothing but Motion
158 Nothing but Motion
conversion constant for mass, 6.02486 X 1023 g-mol_1, has therefore been
taken from a 1957 tabulation by Cohen, Crowe and DuMond.59
In any event, it should be understood that wherever the results obtained
in this work are expressed in the arbitrary units of a conventional system,
they are accurate only to the degree of accuracy of the experimental
values of the quantities used in determining the conversion constants.
Any future change in these values resulting from improvement of
experimental techniques will involve a corresponding change in the values
calculated from theoretical premises. H owever, this degree of uncertainty
does not apply to any results that are stated in natural units, or in
conventional terms such as units of atomic number that are equivalent
to natural units.
As in the first edition, the natural unit of time has been calculated
from the Rydberg fundamental frequency. A question has arisen here
because this frequency varies with the mass of the emitting atom. The
original calculation was based on the value applicable to hydrogen, but
this has been questioned, as the prevailing opinion regards the value
applicable to infinite mass as the fundamental magnitude. A definitive
answer to this question will not be available until the theory of the
variation in the frequency has been worked out, but in the meantime
a review of the situation indicates that we should stay with the hydrogen
value in the interim. From the theoretical viewpoint it would seem that
the unit value would come from an atom of unit magnitude, rather
than from an infinite number of atoms. Also, even though the difference
is small, the value thus derived seems to be more consistent with the
general pattern of measured magnitudes than the alternative.
From the manner in which the Rydberg frequency appears in the
mathematics of radiation, particularly in such simple relations as the
Balmer series of spectral lines, it is evident that this frequency is another
physical manifestation of a natural unit, similar in this respect to the
speed of light. It is customarily expressed in cycles per second on the
assumption that it is a function of time only. From the explanation
previously given, it is apparent that the frequency of radiation is actually
a velocity. The cycle is an oscillating motion over a spatial or temporal
path, and it is possible to use the cycle as a unit only because that
path is constant. The true unit is one unit of space per unit of time
(or the inverse of this quantity). This is the equivalent of one half-cycle
per unit of time rather than one full cycle, as a full cycle involves
one unit of space in each direction. For present purposes the measured
value of the Rydberg frequency should therefore be expressed as
6.576115 x 1015 half-cycles per second. The natural unit of time is the
reciprocal of this figure, or 1.520655 x 10"16 seconds. Multiplying the
unit of time by the natural unit of speed, we obtain the value of the
160 Nothing but Motion
The values given in the first column of this tabulation are those derived
by applying the natural units of space and time to the space-time
expressions for each physical quantity. In the case of the quantities
of the speed or velocity type, these are also the values applicable in
the conventional systems of measurement. However, mass is regarded
as an independent fundamental variable in the conventional systems,
and a mass term is introduced into each of the quantities of the energy
type. Momentum, for example, is not treated as t2/ s 2, but as the product
Physical Constants 161
but inside one spatial unit the translational motion o f the atom is in
Because of this directional freedom in the time region, the secondary
mass may be either positive or negative. Furthermore, the directions
of the individual displacement units are independent of each other, and
the net total secondary mass of a complex atom may be relatively small
because of the presence of nearly equal numbers of positive and negative
secondary mass components. This directional variability introduces a
number of complications into the secondary mass pattern of the elements.
The complete pattern has not yet been identifi ed, but a substantial amount
of information is now available with respect to the values applying to
sub-atomic particles and the elements of low atomic number.
The magnitudes of the natural units applicable to physical quantities
are independent of the sector or region of the universe in which the
phenomena to which they relate are located. As explained in Chapter
12, however, only a fraction of any physical effect can be transmitted
across a regional boundary, and the measured value beyond that boundary
is substantially less than the original unit. This is the principal reason
for the great disparity between the magnitudes of the primary and
secondary mass. A unit of mass in the region inside unit distance is
inherently just as large as a unit of mass in the region outside unit
distance. But when both are measured in terms of their effect in the
outside region, the inside, or secondary, mass is reduced by the inter
regional ratio.
In this chapter we are dealing with some very small quantities, and
for greater accuracy we will extend the previously calculated value of
the inter-regional ratio to two more decimal places, making it 156.4444.
The reciprocal of this ratio, 0.00639205, is the fraction of a time region
unit that is effective outside unit distance. It is therefore the unit of
secondary mass applicable to the basic two-dimensional rotation of the
atom or particle. The unit of inertial mass is one such secondary unit
plus one unit of primary mass, or a total of 1.00639205.
An analysis of the secondary mass relations enables us to compute
the mass of each of the sub-atomic particles, a magnitude that is of
interest not only as one more item of information about the physical
universe, but also because of the light that it throws on the structure
of the individual particle. Here we must take into account not only
the two-dimensional component of the secondary mass, the magnetic
component, as we will call it, following our usual terminology, but also
the other components that may be involved in the secondary mass.
One of these is the component due to the electric rotation, if any.
Inasmuch as this electric rotation, the rotation in the third dimension,
is not an independent motion, but a reverse rotation of the pre-existing
Physical Constants 163
This value applies specifically where the motion around the electric
axis is a rotation of a two-dimensional displacement distributed over
all three dimensions, as in a double rotating system. Where only one
two-dimensional rotation is involved, the electric mass is 2/3 of the
full unit, or 0.00057870. When two of the two-dimensional rotations
(four dimensions in all) are consolidated to form a double rotating system
(three dimensions), the two 0.00057870 mass units become one 0.00086806
Another secondary mass component that may be present is the mass
due to an electric charge. Like all other phenomena in a universe of
motion, a charge is a motion, an additional motion of the atom or particle.
We are not ready to discuss charges in detail at this stage of the
presentation, so for the present we will merely note that on the basis
of the restrictions on combinations of motions defined in Chapter 9,
the charge, as a motion o f the rotating particle or atom, must have
a displacement opposite to that of the rotation in order to be stable.
This means that the motion that constitutes the charge is on the far
side of another regional boundaryanother unit leveland it is subject
to two successive inter-regional transmission factors.
The relation between the time region and the third region, in which
the motion of the charge takes place, is similar to that between the
time region and the region outside unit space. The inter-regional ratio
is the same, except that because the electric charge is one-dimensional
the factor 1+ 1/9 has to be substituted for the factor 1+2/9 that appears
in the inter-regional ratio previously calculated. This makes the inter
regional ratio applicable to the relation with the third region 128 X
(1 + 1/9) = 142.2222. The mass of unit charge is the reciprocal of the
product of the two inter-regional ratios, 156.4444 and 142.2222, and
amounts to 0.00004494.
The charge applicable to electrons and positrons deviates from this
normal value because these particles have effective rotations in only
one dimension, leaving the other two dimensions open. In some way,
the exact nature of which is not yet clear, the motion of the charge
is able to take place in these two dimensions of the time region instead
164 Nothing but Motion
of in the normal manner. Since this is on the opposite side of the unit
boundary, the direction of the effect is reversed, making the mass
increment due to the charge negative, as well as reducing its magnitude
by one third. The effective mass of a charge applied to an electron
or positron is therefore 2/3 x 0.00004494 = 0.00002996.
We may now apply the calculated values of the several mass compo
nents, as given in the foregoing paragraphs, to a determination of the
masses of the sub-atomic particles described in Chapter 11. For conven
ience, these values will be recapitulated as follows:
p primary mass 1.00000000
m magnetic mass 0.00639205
gravitational mass 1.00639205
E electric mass (3 dim.) 0.00086806
e electric mass (2 dim.) 0.00057870
C mass of normal charge 0.00004494
c mass of electron charge -0.00002996
These are the masses of the various components on the natural scale.
The measured values are reported in terms of a scale based on an arbitrary
assumed mass for some atom or isotope that is taken as a standard.
For a number of years there were two such scales in common use,
the chemical scale, based on the atomic weight of oxygen as 16, and
the physical scale, which assigned the 16 value to the O16 isotope. More
recently, a scale based on an atomic weight of 12 for the C 12 isotope
has found favor, and most of the values given in the current literature
are expressed in terms of the C12 scale. In the light of the findings
of this work the shift away from the O 16 scale is unfortunate, as the
theoretical development indicates that the O 16 isotope has a mass of
exactly 16 on the natural scale, and the physical scale (O16 = 16) is
therefore coincident with the natural scale. It will, of course, be necessary
to use the natural scale for our purposes. The observed values quoted
for comparison with the theoretical masses will therefore be stated in
terms of the equivalent O 16 physical scale.
Here again we face the same issue that was encountered early in
this chapter in connection with the selection of an empirical value of
Avogadros number as a basis for calculating the unit of mass: the
question as to whether we should regard the most recent determinations
as the most accurate. It would appear that the arguments that led to
the acceptance of the 1957 value of Avogadros number are also applicable
to the particle masses, particularly since the agreement between the
calculated and observed masses of the electron and proton is quite
satisfactory on this basis. The empirical values cited in the paragraphs
Physical Constants 165
that follow have therefore been taken from the 1957 compilation by
Cohen, Crowe and Du Mond.59
Since mass is three-dimensional, an independent one-dimensional or
two-dimensional rotation has no mass. Nevertheless, when such a rotation
becomes a component of a three-dimensional rotation, it contributes
to the mass equivalent of that rotation. This amount that a rotation
which is massless when independent will add to the mass of a particle
or atom when it joins that combination of motions constitutes what
we will call potential mass.
In the case of the particles with no effective two-dimensional rotational
displacement, the electron and the positron, the appropriate unit of electric
mass, 0.00057870, is the entire mass of the particle, and even that mass
is only potential, rather than actual, as long as the particle is in the
basic uncharged condition. When a charge is added, the effect of the
charge is distributed over all three dimensions by the chance process
that governs the directions of the motion of the charge in the time
region. Thus the charged particle has effective motion in all three
dimensions, irrespective of the number of dimensions of rotation. This
not only makes the mass of the charge itself an effective quantity,
but, as indicated in Chapter 11, it also raises the potential mass of
the rotation of the particles to the effective status. The net effective
mass of the electron or the postitron is then the rotational value 0.00057870
less the mass of the charge 0.00002996, or 0.00054874. The observed
value is 0.00054877.
The massless neutron, the M ^-^-0 combination, has no effective rotation
in the third dimension, but no rotation from the natural standpoint is
rotation at unit speed from the standpoint of a fixed reference system.
This rotational combination therefore has an initial unit of electric rotation,
with a potential mass of 0.00057870, in addition to the mass of the
two-dimensional basic rotation 1.00639205, making the total potential
mass of this particle 1.00697075.
In this connection, it should be noted that the electron and positron
also have rotation at unit speed (no rotation, in terms of the natural
system) in the two inactive dimensions, but these rotations involve no
mass, as they are independent, and are not rotating anything. The initial
unit of rotation in the third dimension of the massless neutron, on the
other hand, is a reverse rotation of the two-dimensional structure, and
it therefore adds an electric mass unit.
The neutrino, M j-y-(l), has the same unit positive displacement in
the magnetic dimensions as the massless neutron, but it has neither
primary nor magnetic mass because these are functions of the net total
displacement, and that quantity is zero for the neutrino. But since the
electric mass is independent of the basic rotation, and has its own initial
166 Nothing but Motion
unit, the neutrino has the same potential mass as the uncharged electron
or positron, 0.00057870.
The potential mass of both the massless neutron and the neutrino
is actualized when the rotations of these particles are joined to produce
a three-dimensional rotation. The mass of the resulting particle is then
1.00754945. As indicated in Chapter 11, this particle is the proton. As
it is observed, however, the proton is positively charged, and in this
condition the foregoing figure is increased by the mass of a unit charge,
0.00004494. The resulting mass of the theoretical charged proton is
1.00759439. The mass of the observed proton has been measured as
Consolidation of two protons results in the formation of a double
rotating system. As stated earlier, this substitutes one three-dimensional
electric unit of mass for two of the two-dimensional units, reducing
the combined mass by 0.00028935. The mass of the product, the deuterium
atom (H2), is the sum of two (uncharged) proton masses less this amount,
or 2.014810. The corresponding observed value is 2.014735.
Inasmuch as the proton already has a three-dimensional status, addition
of another neutrino alters only the electric mass. The material neutrino
adds the normal two-dimensional electric unit, 0.00057870, making the
total for the product, the mass one isotope of hydrogen, 1.00812815.
The measured value is reported as 1.008142.
The successive additions of neutrinos to the massless neutron that
eventually produce the mass one isotope of hydrogen should be given
special attention, as the considerations which will be discussed in Chapter
17 indicate that this addition process plays a very significant part in
the overall cyclic mechanism of the universe. The following tabulation
shows how the mass of the hydrogen isotope is built up step by step.
In the first edition the relation between the natural unit of mass and
the arbitrary unit in the cgs system was identified in terms of the
gravitational constant. It has recently been pointed out by Todd Kelso
and Steven Berline that the relation thus established cannot be converted
to a different system of units such as the SI (mks) system. This made
it evident that the interpretation of the gravitational phenomenon on
168 Nothing but Motion
which the previous determination was based was, in some way, erroneous.
An analysis of the situation was therefore carried out in order to locate
the point of error.
The invalidation of the interpretation of the gravitational equation
has no effect on any other feature of the theoretical results that have
been obtained from the Reciprocal System, as described in this volume.
Its sole result has been to leave this sytem of theory without any
connection between the gravitational equation and the theoretical struc
ture. Once the situation is viewed in this light, it is immediately apparent
that the lack of connection betwen the equation and physical theory
is not peculiar to the Reciprocal System. Conventional theory does not
identify the connection either. The physics textbooks find it necessary
to admit this fact in statements such as the following: It should be
noted that N ewtons law of universal gravitation is not a defining equation
like Newtons second principle of mechanics and cannot be derived
from defining equations. It represents an observed relation . This is
a theoretical discrepancy that conventional physics has not been able
to resolve. But it is an isolated discrepancy, and it has been swept
under the rug by assigning fictitious dimensions to the gravitational
It follows from this that the error lies in some interpretation of that
observed relation that has been common to both conventional theory
and the Reciprocal System. Evidently the true nature of the phenomenon
has been misunderstood by the developers of both systems of theory.
Here, again, a recognition of the source of the diffi culty points the
way to the resolution of the problem. As brought out in the earlier
chapters, one mass does not actually exert a force on anothereach
is pursuing its own course independently of all othersbut the results
of the inward motions of two masses are similar to those that would
follow if the masses did attract each other. These results can therefore
be represented in terms of an attractive force, on an as if basis.
But in order to do this we must put the as if forces on the same
footing as real forces.
A force can only be exerted against a resistance. Hence, when we
atttribute a force to the motion of one mass we cannot also attribute
a force to the motion of the other. We must attribute a resistance to
the second mass. Thus, an as if force, a gravitational force, is exerted
against an as if inertial resistance. In the previous discussion we
identified gravitation as three-dimensional motion, s3/ t 3, and inertia as
three-dimensional resistance to motion, t3/ s 3. The product of the gravita
tional motion and the inertial resistance therefore does not have the
dimensions of mass to the second power, as the conventional expression
Physical Constants 169
( t / s 2 x s 2 x s 6/ t 6) x t 6/ s 6 X \ / s 2 = t / s 2 (13-2)
In the light of the new understanding of the m m ' term as the
dimensionless product of gravitational and inertial mass, it is now evident
that the s6/ t 6 dimensions belong with mm' rather than with the gravita
tional constant. When they are so applied, the resulting dimensions of
mm' cancel out, as the true theoretical dimensions do. We can therefore
replace them with the correct dimensions. As pointed out in the first
edition, there are also two other errors in the customary assignment
of dimensions to this equation. The distance term is actually dimension
less. It is the ratio of l / n 2 to l / l 2. The dimensions that are mistakenly
assigned to this term belong to a term whose existence has not been
recognized because it has unit value, and therefore does not enter into
the numerical calculation. In order to put the as if gravitational
interaction on the same basis as a real interaction, we have to express
it in terms of the action of a fo rce on a resistance, not as the action
of a mass on a resistance. And since the dimensions of the mass term
cancel, so that the gravitational mass enters the equation only as a
dimensionless number, the force of gravitation has to be expressed in
actual force terms; that is, as t / s 2. The correct dimensional form of
the equation is then
Cs3/ t 3 x t 3/ s 3) X t / s 2 = t / s 2 (13-3)
Turning now to the numerical magnitudes, we note that while the
dimensions of the m m ' term cancel out, the magnitudes do not. Every
unit of mass is both a unit of s 3/ t 3 and a unit of t3/ s 3, each in its
proper context. Since the units are independent, the effective magnitude
of the as if action of m units of gravitation against m ' units of inertial
resistance is mm'. However, expressing both of the mass terms in
conventional units introduces a numerical error, as only the inertial mass
170 Nothing but Motion
Cosmic Elements
As pointed out in Chapter 6, the inversion of space and time in physical
phenomena that is possible by reason of the reciprocal relation between
the two entities may apply to only one of the constituent motions of
a complex physical entity or phenomenon, or it may apply to the entire
structure. We have already examined some of the effects of inversion
of single motion components, such as translational motion in time,
negative displacement in the electric dimension of the atomic rotation,
etc. Now we are ready to take a look at the consequences of complete
It has already been noted that the rotational combinations which
constitute the atoms and sub-atomic particles of the material system
are photons vibrating in time and rotating in space, and that they are
paralleled by a similar system of combinations in which the photons
are vibrating in space and rotating in time. The point to be emphasized
at this juncture is that the inverse system, the cosmic system of atoms
and sub-atomic particles, is identical with the material system in every
respect, except for the space-time inversion. Corresponding to carbon,
2-1-4, there is cosmic carbon, (2)-(l)-(4). Corresponding to the neutrino,
M -^-(l), there is a cosmic neutrino, C ()-()-l, and so on.
Furthermore, this identity applies with equal force to all of the entities
and phenomena of the physical universe. Since everything that exists
in the material sector of the universe is a manifestation of motion,
every item is exactly duplicated in the cosmic sector with space and
time interchanged. The detailed description of the material sector of
the universe that we are deriving item by item through development
of the consequences of the basic postulates of the Reciprocal System
of theory is therefore equally applicable to the cosmic sector. Thus,
even though the cosmic sector is almost entirely unobservable, we have
just as exact and just as detailed knowledge of that sector (aside from
information about specific individuals of the various classes of objects)
as we do of the material sector.
It should be noted, however, that our knowledge of the material sector
is knowledge of how the phenomena of that sector appear to observation
from a point within that sector; that is, a location in a gravitationally
174 Nothing but Motion
bound system. What we know about the cosmic sector through application
of the reciprocal relation is knowledge of the same kind, information
as to how the phenomena of the cosmic sector appear to observation
from a location within that sector; a location in a system that is
gravitationally bound in time. Such knowledge has no direct significance
from our standpoint, as we cannot make observations from such a base,
but it does provide a basis from which we can determine how the
phenomena of the cosmic sector, and the phenomena originating in that
sector, theoretically should appear to our observation.
One of the most perplexing questions of present-day physics is: Where
is the antimatter? Considerations of symmetry applied to the current
theories of the structure of matter indicate that there should be anti
forms of the elements of which ordinary matter is constituted, and that
the antimatter composed of those antielements ought to be equally
as abundant in the universe as a whole as ordinary matter. Antistars
and antigalaxies should theoretically be as plentiful as ordinary stars
and ordinary galaxies. But there is no hard evidence of the existence
of any such objects. It has been suggested, to be sure, that some of
the observed galaxies may be composed of antimatter. Alfven, for
example, says that there is a distinct possibility that antiworlds may
actually be neighbors of ours, astronomically speaking. It cannot be
excluded that the Andromeda nebula, the closest galaxy to ours, or
even stars within our own galaxy, are composed of antimatter. 60 But
this is pure speculation, in the absence of any demonstrated means of
distinguishing the radiation produced by a galaxy of the hypothetical
antimatter from that produced by a galaxy of ordinary matter. So the
question remains, Where is the antimatter?
The Reciprocal System now provides the answer. This new structure
of theory agrees that antimatter (actually reciprocal matter: cosmic matter,
as we are calling it) exists, and that it is equally as abundant in the
physical universe as ordinary matter. But it tells us that the galaxies
of cosmic matter are not localized in space; they are localized in
three-dimensional time. The progression of time to which we are subject
carries us through this three-dimensional time in a manner analogous
to a linear motion through three-dimensional space. Only a very small
fraction of the total number of objects occupying positions in the spatial
reference system would be encountered in the course of a one-dimensional
spatial motion of this kind, and the same is true of the number of
cosmic objects that are encountered in our progression through time,
as compared with the total number of such objects occupying positions
in a three-dimensional temporal reference system.
Furthermore, gravitation in the cosmic sector acts in time, rather than
in space, and the atoms of which a cosmic aggregate is composed are
Cosmic Elements 175
contiguous in time, but widely dispersed in space. Thus, even the relatively
small number of cosmic aggregates that we do encounter in our movement
through time are not encountered as spatial aggregates; they are encoun
tered as individual atoms widely dispersed in space. We cannot recognize
a cosmic star or galaxy because we observe it only one atom at a time.
Radiation from the cosmic aggregate is similarly dispersed. Such radiation
is continually reaching us, but as we observe it, this radiation originates
from individual, widely scattered, atoms, rather than from localized
aggregates, and it is therefore isotropic from our viewpoint. This radiation
can no doubt be equated with the blackbody radiation currently
attributed to the remnants of the Big Bang.
All of the somewhat sensational suggestions as to the existence of
observable stars and galaxies of antimatter, and the possible consequences
of interaction between these aggregates and bodies composed of ordinary
matter are thus without foundation. The antimatter fueled generators
which supply the energy for space travel in science fiction will have
to remain on the science fiction shelves.
The difference between a cosmic star and a white dwarf star should
be noted particularly. Both are on the time side of the dividing line
so far as the translational speed is concerned; that is, both are composed
of matter that is moving faster than the speed of light. But the white
dwarf is otherwise no different from the ordinary star of the material
sector. The space-time relationship is inverted only in the translational
motion of its components. In the cosmic star, on the contrary, all of
the space-time relations are the inverse of those of the ordinary material
star; not only the translational motion, but also the vibrational and
rotational motions of its constituent atoms, and, what is especially
significant in the present connection, the effect of gravitation. Conse
quently, the white dwarf is an aggregate in space, and we see it as
such, whereas the cosmic star is an aggregate in time, and we cannot
recognize it as an aggregate.
Even those contacts which do take place between matter and the
individual particles of cosmic matter (antimatter) that enter the local
environment do not have the kind of results that are anticipated on
the basis of current theory. In present-day thought the essential difference
between matter and antimatter is conceived as a charge reversal. An
atom is thought to consist of a positively charged nucleus surrounded
by negatively charged electrons. It is then assumed that the antiatom
has the reverse structure: a negatively charged nucleus surrounded by
positively charged electrons (positrons). The further assumption then
follows that an effective contact between any particle and its antiparticle
would result in cancellation of all charges and reduction of both particles
to radiant energy.
176 Nothing but Motion
the primaries are atoms of ordinary material elements. When the issue
as to its validity is raised, however, as it must be when an alternative
appears, it is clear that there are many counterindications in the empirical
data. The most serious items are the following:
1. The speeds and energies of the primaries are too high to be compatible
with production by ordinary physical processes. No known process,
or even a plausible speculative process, based on conventional
physics, is capable of producing energies that extend up to the
vicinity of 102 eV. As expressed in the Encyclopedia Brittanica,
how to explain the acquisition of such energies is a disturbing
physical and cosmological problem.
2. With the exception of some of the relatively low energy rays that
are thought to originate in the sun, most of the primaries have
energies in the range which indicates speeds in the neighborhood
of the speed of light. Inasmuch as some decrease in speed has
undoubtedly taken place before the observations, it is quite probable
on the basis of the observational evidence (that is, disregarding
any purely theoretical limitation) that the rays originally entering
the local environment were traveling at the full speed of light.
This is another indication of an extraordinary origin.
3. While the distribution of elements deduced from the cosmic ray
charges approximates the estimated distribution in the observed
universe as a whole, there are some very significant differences.
For example, the proportion of iron atoms in the cosmic rays is
50 times that in average matter. Lithium has been reported to be
as much as 1000 times as abundant (although some of the lithium
may be a decay product). The cosmic rays therefore cannot be
merely ordinary matter drawn from the common pool and accelerated
to high speeds by some unknown process. They must have originated
from some unusual kind of source. These anomalies in the charge
spectrum of the cosmic rays are given little attention in current
physical thought, probably because they have no known explanation,
but the significance that such deviations from the normal abundance
would have, if confirmed, was clearly recognized at the time when
the first indications of these deviations were observed. For instance,
Hooper and Scharff (1958) made this comment: An excess of
heavy nuclei would suggest the necessity of reconsidering our
fundamental ideas on the origin of the primary radiation. 62
4. All of the major products of the primary rays have extremely short
lifetimes. If they do not undergo collisions before this time has
elapsed, they decay in flight to particles of lower mass and equal
or longer lifetime. There is much available evidence to indicate
180 Nothing but Motion
into the material sector. This is the matter that we observe in the form
of the cosmic rays.
The characteristics of these interchange processes, as they will be
developed in Volume II, explain why the distribution of the elements
in the cosmic rays differs from the estimated average distribution in
the observed physical universe. It will be shown that the proportion
of heavier elements in matter increases with the age of the matter,
and it will be further shown that the matter ejected from one sector
of the universe into the other consists principally of the oldest (or most
advanced) matter in the originating sector. Thus the cosmic rays are
not representative of cosmic matter in general; they are representative
of the cosmic matter that corresponds to the oldest matter in the material
sector. The isotropic distribution of the incoming rays is likewise a
necessary result of entry from the region of motion in time. Both the
spatial location of entry, and the direction of motion of the particle
after entry, are determined by chance, as the contact of the space and
time motions is purely scalar.
The identification of the cosmic rays as atoms of the cosmic elements
was clear from the beginning of the development of the Reciprocal
System. As stated earlier, the available evidence indicates that these
so-called rays must be atoms. On the other hand, their observed
properties are quite different from those of the atoms of ordinary matter.
The natural conclusion from these facts would be that the atoms of
the cosmic rays are atoms of some different kind. Conventional science
cannot accept this answer because it has no place for the kind of an
atom that is indicated. The physicists have therefore been forced to
conclude that the cosmic rays are ordinary atoms that, for some unknown
reason, have unusual properties. In contrast, the basic postulates of
the Reciprocal System require the existence of a type of atom, the
inverse of the material atom, that has just the kind of characteristics,
when observed in the material sector, that are found in the cosmic
It should be noted in this connection that the concept of antimatter,
the conventional alternative to the reciprocal matter required by the
postulates of the Reciprocal System, cannot be applied to the cosmic
rays, because the interaction of matter and antimatter is theoretically
supposed to result in annihilation of both substances, rather than the
particle production and other phenomena that are actually observed in
the cosmic ray interactions.
Although only a limited amount of time could be allotted to the cosmic
rays in the early stages of the development of the Reciprocal System,
because of the large number of physical areas that had to be given
some study in order to confirm the status of the theory as one of general
Cosmic Elements 183
application, the first edition did include an account of the nature and
origin of the primary rays, an explanation of the kind of modifications
that these particles must undergo in the material environment, and a
general description of this modification, or decay , process. In the
meantime there has been substantial progress, both experimentally and
theoretically, and it is now possible to expand the previous presentation
very materially.
The extension of theory in the cosmic ray area that has taken place
in the twenty years since the publication of the first edition provides
a good illustration of what is involved in the development of the theoretical
system from the fundamental postulates. The basic factsthe identity
of the cosmic rays, their place of origin, the reason for their enormous
energies, etc.were almost self-evident once the reciprocal relation
between space and time was recognized. But it cannot be expected
that such an understanding of the basic facts will immediately clear
up all of the multitude of questions that arise in the course of developing
the details of the theoretical structure. The answers to these questions
are available. They can be derived from the fundamentals of the system
of theory. But they do not emerge automatically.
Where a theory is developed entirely by deduction from a single set
of premises, as is true of the Reciprocal System, there should not be
many cases in which wrong answers are reached, if the theoretical
foundations are solid, and due care is exercised in the logical development.
Only a very few of the conclusions stated in the first edition of this
work have been invalidated by the twenty years of additional study
that have followed. But it is altogether unrealistic to expect that the
first exploration of a physical field by means of a totally new method
of approach will accurately identify all of the significant features of
the phenomena in that field. It is a virtual certainty that many of the
original conclusions will be incomplete. Here, again, the Reciprocal
System is no exception.
The explanation of cosmic ray decay that will be given in the next
chapter is, in all essential respects, the same explanation that was
presented in the first edition. However, the development of the theoretical
structure in the intervening years has brought to light many necessary
consequences of the postulates of the Reciprocal System that have a
significant bearing on the decay process and contribute to a more complete
understanding of the decay events. These new items of information
include such things as the existence of a transition zone, the two-dimen
sional nature of the motion in that zone, the existence of the massless
form of the neutron, and the nature of the limitation on the lifetimes
of the cosmic particles. With the benefit of all of this additional theoretical
knowledge, and a substantial increase in the amount of available empirical
184 Nothing but Motion
186 Nothing but Motion
escape speed. They are all either inherently massless, or easily separated
into massless components, and when they reach their limiting speeds
they take the massless forms and thereby terminate the acceleration.
The total absence of sub-atomic particles in the cosmic rays that results
from this inability to reach the escape speed is not currently recognized
because the singly charged particles are mistakenly identified as protons,
and the cosmic atoms in the decay sequencemesons, in the conventional
terminologyare accorded a somewhat indefinite kind of a sub-atomic
status. But the absence of electrons is a conspicuous and puzzling feature
of the cosmic ray phenomenon, and it imposes some severe constraints
on theories which try to account for the origin of the rays.
An effect so gross as to exclude completely high energy electrons
from the spectrum at the earth should, it would seem, be accounted
for unambiguously by any successful theory for the origin of the
cosmic radiation. (T. M. Donahue)65
The unambiguous explanation is now available. No sub-atomic particles
are present in the original cosmic rays because these particles are not
capable of accelerating to the high inverse speeds necessary for entry
into the material sector.
The cosmic property of inverse mass is observed in the material sector
as a mass of inverse magnitude. Where a material atom has a mass
of Z units on the atomic number scale, the corresponding cosmic atom
has an inverse mass of Z units, which is observed in the material sector
as if it were a mass of 1/Z units. The masses of the particles with
which we are now concerned are conventionally expressed in terms
of million electron volts (MeV). One atomic mass unit (amu) is equivalent
to 931.152 MeV. The atomic number equivalent is twice this amount,
or 1862.30 MeV. The primary rotational mass of an element of atomic
number Z is then 1862.30 Z MeV, and that of a cosmic element of
atomic number Z is 1862.30/Z MeV. Where the atomic mass m is
expressed in terms of atomic weight, this becomes 3724.61 /m MeV.
As matters now stand, neither the theoretical calculations nor the
observations of the masses of the cosmic elements above hydrogen in
the cosmic atomic series are sufficiently accurate to justify taking the
secondary mass into consideration. The theoretical discussion of the
masses of these elements will therefore be confined to the primary mass
only, disregarding the small modification due to the secondary mass
effect. For the same reasons, both the calculated and observed values
in the comparisons that follow will be stated in terms of the nearest
whole number of MeV. An exception has been made in the case of
hydrogen, because the secondary mass of this element under normal
conditions is relatively large, and the probability that it will be altered
Cosmic Ray Decay 191
For reasons which will be explained in Volume II, the cosmic atom
has an effective translational motion in two of the three scalar dimensions
at the neutral point where it enters the material half of the universe.
The terrestrial environment, into which the observable cosmic atoms
enter, is favorable for the acquisition of gravitational charges of the
material type. Each of the two dimensions of motion therefore adds
such a charge. The two charges acquired by the c-H2 atom add 1862.30
MeV to the 1848.61 MeV mass equivalent of the cosmic mass, bringing
the total mass of this, the first of the theoretical cosmic ray particles,
to 3710.91 MeV. The mass of the newly discovered psi particle is reported
as 3695 MeV. In view of the many uncertainties involved in the
observations, this can be regarded as consistent with the theoretical
As mentioned earlier, the particle lifetimes are correlated with the
dimensions of the spatial motions that the particles acquire, the transla
tional motion and the gravitational charges. While the theoretical situation
has not yet been clarified, we find empirically that the life of a particle
with two dimensions of scalar motion in space and no gravitational
charge is about 10 16 seconds, approximately the natural unit of time.
Each dimension of motion modifies the unit of time applicable to the
particle life by approximately 10-8, while each gravitational charge
modifies the unit by about 10-2. On this basis, the following approximate
lifetimes are applicable:
Dimensions Charges Life (sec) Dimensions Charges Life (sec)
3 0 10"24 1 1 10"10
2 2 10~20 1 0 10"8
2 0 10"16
The reported lifetime of the 3695 psi particle is in the neighborhood
of 10_2 seconds, which agrees with the theoretical determ ination of
the dimensions of motion on which the mass calculation is based.
The general decay pattern defined in the preceding pages indicates
that c-H2 should undergo an ejection of positive rotational displacement,
converting it to c-He3. From the expression 3724.61/m, we obtain 1242
MeV as the rotational mass of c-He3, to which we add the mass of
two gravitational charges for a total of 3104 MeV. The observed 3695
particle decays to another psi particle with a reported mass of 3105
MeV, and a life of about 1020 seconds. This second particle can clearly
be identified with the c-He3atom. Thus the observed masses, the lifetimes,
and the decay pattern all confirm the basic identification of the c-hydrogen
particle by Satz.
Another decay of the same kind would produce c-He4, and it is probable
that some particles of this composition are occasionally formed. Indeed,
Cosmic Ray Decay 193
any cosmic atom between c-hydrogen and c-krypton may appear in the
cosmic ray products. But the probabilities favor certain specific cosmic
elements, and these are the products that constitute the normal decay
sequence we are now examining. The speeds of the cosmic rays and
their decay products decrease rapidly in the material environment, and
by the time the decay of c-He3 is due the additional energy loss in
the decay process is usually sufficient to drop the cosmic residue into
the speed range below unity. The consequent elimination of the motion
in the second scalar dimension results in a double decay which adds
two atomic weight units to the cosmic atom. The product is c-Li5.
Further increases in the inverse mass of the residual cosmic atom
by successive additions of single atomic weight units would be possible,
but the probabilities favor larger steps as the material equivalent of
a cosmic unit increment continues decreasing. The one unit increment
in each of the two steps from c-He3 to c-Li5 is therefore followed by
a series of increments that are uniformly one atomic weight unit larger
in each successive decay, except for the step between c-N14 and c-Ne20,
where the increase over the size of the previous increment is two units.
On this basis, the two 1-unit increments that produce c-Li5 are followed
by a 2-unit increment to c-Be7, a 3-unit increment to c-B10, a 4-unit
increment to c-N14, and a 6-unit increment to c-Ne20. These decay products
are not capable of retaining both of the gravitational charges of their
precursors, but they keep one of the charges, and all of the cosmic
elements identified as members of this section of the decay sequence
have masses which include a 931.15 gravitational increment, as well
as the basic mass equivalent of the cosmic element, 1862.30/Z MeV.
The indicated life of a cosmic atom with one gravitational charge, after
dropping into the range of one-dimensional motion, is about 10 10seconds.
These theoretical masses and lifetimes are in agreement with the observed
properties of the class of transient cosmic ray particles known as hyperons,
as indicated in the following tabulation:
Element Particle Calculated Observed Lifetime
c-Li5 omega 1676 1673 1.30 X 10
c-B10 xi 1304 1321 1.67 X 10
c-N14 sigma 1197 1197 1.48 X 10
c-Ne20 lambda 1117 1116 2.52 X 10
The masses given are those of the negatively charged particles. Positive
electric charges and other variable factors introduce a fine structure
into the numerical values of the properties of the particles that has
not yet been studied in the context of the Reciprocal System.
194 Nothing but Motion
200 Nothing but Motion
Atomic Atomic
Number Element Mass 51.73 n
36 *c-Kr 52 52
18 *c-A 103 103
12 c-Mg 155 155
(10) *c-Ne 186
9 c-F 207 207
(8) c-O 232
7 *c-N 266 259
6 c-C 310 310
5 *c-B10 372 362
4-1/2 c-B9 414
4 c-Be8 466 466
3-1/2 *c-Be7 532 517
3 c-Li6 621 621
2-1/2 *c-Li5 745 724
decay sequence
signifi cant deviations from this pattern in the experimental results are
that c-B9 is absent, while c-Ne (a member of the decay sequence) and
c-O appear in lieu of, or in addition to, c-F. The complete atom building
sequence is shown in Table 4.
Most of the reported experimental results omit many of the steps
in the full sequence. Whether this means that double or triple j umps
are being made, or whether the intermediate stages have been missed
by the investigators is not yet clear. However, the most complete set
of results, the sigma series, is close enough to the theoretical sequence
to suggest that the build-up does, in fact, proceed step by step as indicated
in Table 4.
Regardless of any deviations from the normal sequence that may take
place earlier, the first phase of the atom building process always terminates
at c-Li5 (the omega particle, mass 1676 MeV) because, as is evident
from the description of the steps in the cosmic ray decay, the motion
must enter a second dimension in order to accomplish any further decrease
in the cosmic atomic number. This requires a relatively large increase
in energy, from 1676 to 3104 MeV. In the decay process there is no
alternative, and the big drop in energy must take place, but in the reverse
204 Nothing but Motion
Lambda Series
10 *c-Ne 1 1117 1115
4 c-Be8 1 1397 1405
3 c-Li6 1 1552 1520
2-1/2 *c-Li5 1 1676 1670 1690
a 1728 1750
b 1779 1815
c 1831 1830
d 1882 1870-1860
12 c-Mg 2 2017 2020-2010
8 c-O 2 2095 2100 2110
4 c-Be8 2 2328 2350
2-1/2 *c-Li5 2 2607 2585
206 Nothing but Motion
TABL E 5 (Continued)
c-A tomic Grav. Inter Mass
number Element charge stage Theor. Obs.** Obs.***
Xi Series
5 *C-B 1 1303 1320
3 c-Li6 1 1552 1530
2-1/2 *c-Li5 1 1676 1630
c 1831 1820
36 *c-Kr 2 1914 1940
10 *c-Ne 2 2048 2030
5 *c-B 2 2234 2250
3 c-Li6 2 2483 2500
N Series
3-1/2 *c-Be7 1 1463 1470
3 c-Li6 1 1552 1535 1520
2-1/2 *c-Li5 1 1676 1670 1688
a 1728 1700
b 1779 1780
d 1882 1860
14 *c-Si 2 1995 1990
10 *c-Ne 2 2048 2040
8 c-O 2 2095 2100
6 c-C 2 2172 2190 2175
5 *c-B 2 2234 2220
2-1/2 *c-Li5 2 2607 2650
10 *c-Ne 3 2979 3030
Delta Series
6 c-C 1 1241 1236
2-1/2 *c-Li5 1 1676 1670 1690
d 1882 1890
36 *c-Kr 2 1914 1910
18 *c-Ar 2 1965 1950 1960
6 c-C 2 2172 2160
3-1/2 *c-Be7 2 2394 2420
36 *c-Kr 3 2845 2850
*Decay sequence
Well-established resonances
Less certain resonances
Cosmic Atom Building 207
the information with respect to the series of resonances thus far discussed
is presented under the heading of Baryon Resonances. A further
classification of Meson Resonances gives similar information concern
ing particles that were observed by a variety of other techniques. These
are, of course, entities of the same naturecosmic elements in the
decay rangeand largely the same elements, but because of the wide
variations in the conditions under which they were produced the meson
list includes a number of additional elements. Indeed, it includes all
of the elements of the regular atom building sequence (with c-Ne and
c-O substituted for c-F, as previously noted), and one additional isotope,
c-C11. The masses derived from the experiments are compared with
the theoretical masses of the cosmic elements in Table 6. The names
currently applied to the observed particles have no significance, and
have been omitted.
In preparing this table, the observed particles were first assigned to
the corresponding cosmic elements, an assignment that could be made
without ambiguity, as the maximum experimental deviations from the
theoretical masses are, in all but a very few instances, considerably
less than the mass differences between the successive elements or
isotopes. On the assumption that the deviations of the reported values
from the true masses of the particles are due to causes whose effects
are randomly related to the true masses, the individual values were
averaged for comparison with the theoretical masses. The close correlation
between the two sets of values not only confirms the status of these
observed particles as cosmic elements, but also validates the assumption
of random deviations, on which the averaging was based. Presumably
these deviations are, in part, due to inaccuracies in obtaining and
processing the experimental data, but they may also include a random
distribution of differences of areal character: more of the fine structure
which, as previously noted, has not yet been studied in the context
of the Reciprocal System.
The averaged values are shown in parentheses. Where only single
measurements are available, the deviations from the theoretical values
are naturally greater, but they are generally within the same range as
those of the individual values that enter into the averages. Longer lived
decay products such as c-Ne and c-N are not usually classified with
the resonances, but they have been included in the table to show the
complete picture. The gaps still remaining in the table will no doubt
be filled as further experimental work is done. Indeed, many of these
gaps, particularly in the upper portion of the mass range, can be filled
immediately, simply by consolidating Tables 5 and 6. The difference
between these two sets of resonances is only in the experimental
procedures by which the reported values were derived. All of the transient
208 Nothing but Motion
c-Atomic Element Grav. Inter Mass
number charge stage Theor. Obs. Individual Values
3 c-Li6 0 621
a 673 700
2-1/2 *c-Li5 0 745 (760) 750,770
a 797 784
d 952 (951) 940,953,958
36 *c-Kr 1 983 (986) 970,990,997
18 *c-Ar 1 1034 (1031) 1020,1033,1040
12 c-Mg 1 1086 (1090) 1080,1100
10 *c-Ne 1 1117 1116
8 c-O 1 1164 (1165) 1150,1170,1175
7 *c-N 1 1197 1197
6 c-C12 1 1241 (1240) 1237,1242
5-1/2 c-CM 1 1270 (1274) 1265,1270,1286
5 *c-B10 1 1303 1310
4-1/2 c-B9 1 1345
4 c-Be8 1 1397
3-1/2 *c-Be7 1 1463 (1455) 1440,1470
a 1515 1516
3 c-Li6 1 1552 1540
a 1604 (1623) 1600,1645
2-1/2 *c-Li5 1 1676 (1674) 1660,1664,1680,1690
b 1779 (1773) 1760,1765,1795
c 1831 (1840) 1830,1850
36 *c-Kr 2 1914 1930
8 c-0 2 2095 2100
5 *c-B10 2 2234 2200
4-1/2 c-B9 2 2276 2275
4 c-Be8 2 2328 2360
3-1/2 *c-Be7 2 2394 2375
36 *c-Kr 3 2845 2800
36 (kaon) 1/2 c-Kr 1-1/2 1423 (1427) 1416,1421,1430,1440
*Decay sequence
pattern, they give a totally false account of the nature of these entities.
Thus, while the determination of the particle masses adds to the total
amount of factual information available, its practical effect is to lead
the investigators away from the truth rather than toward it. The following
statements by Weisskopf in his review indicate that he suspected that
some such misinterpretation of the empirical data is responsible for
the confusion that currently surrounds the subject.
We are exploring unknown modes of behavior of matter under
completely novel conditions. . . . It is questionable whether our
present understanding of high-energy phenomena is commensurate
to the intellectual effort directed at their interpretation.67
Availability of a general physical theory which enables us to deduce
the nature and characteristics of the transient particles in full detail
from theoretical premises, rather than having to depend on physical
observation of a very limited scope, now opens the door to a complete
understanding. The foregoing pages have provided an account of what
the transient particles are, where the particles of natural origin (the
cosmic rays) come from, what happens to them after they arrive, and
how they are related to the transient particles produced in the accelerators.
The aspects of these particles that have been so difficult to explain
on the basis of conventional theorytheir multiplicity, their extremely
short lifetimes, the high speed and great energies of the natural particles,
and so onare automatically accounted for when their origin and general
nature is understood.
Another significant point is that, on the basis of the new theoretical
explanation, the cosmic rays have a definite and essential place in the
mechanism of the universe. One of the serious weaknesses of conventional
physical theory is that it is unable to find roles for a number of the
recently discovered phenomena such as the cosmic rays, the quasars,
the galactic recession, etc., that are commensurate with the magnitude
of the phenomena, and is forced to treat them as products of exceptional
or abnormal circumstances. In view of the wide extent of the phenomena
in question, and their far-reaching consequences, such characterization
is clearly inappropriate. The theoretical finding that these are stages
of the cosmic cycle through which all matter eventually passes now
eliminates this inconsistency, and identifies each of these phenomena
with a significant phase of the normal activity of the universe. The
existence of a hitherto unknown second half of the universe is the key
to an understanding of all of these currently misinterpreted phenomena,
and the most interesting feature of the cosmic rays is that they give
us a fleeting glimpse of the entities of which the physical objects of
that second half, the cosmic sector, are constructed.
Some Speculations
The Reciprocal System of theory consists of the fundamental postulates,
together with everything that is implicit in the postulates; that is,
everything that can legitimately be derived from those postulates by
logical and mathematical processes without introducing anything from
any other source. It is the theory as thus defined that can claim to
be a true and accurate representation of the observed physical universe,
on the grounds specified in the earlier pages. The conclusions stated
in this and related publications by the present author and others are
the results of the efforts that have thus far been made to develop the
consequences of the postulates in detail. However, the findings that
have emerged from the early phases of this theoretical development
call for some drastic modifications of the prevailing conceptions of the
nature of some of the basic physical entities and phenomena. Such
conceptual changes are not easily made, and the persistence of previous
habits of thought makes it difficult, not only for the readers of these
works, but also for the investigators themselves, to grasp the full
implications of the new ideas when they first make their appearance.
The existence of scalar motion in more than one dimension, which
plays an important part in the subject matter of the two preceding chapters,
is a good example. It is now clear that such motion is a necessary
and unavoidable consequence of the basic postulates, and there is no
inherent obstacle that would stand in the way of a complete and detailed
understanding of its nature and effects if it could be considered in isolation,
without interference from previously existing ideas and beliefs. But this
is not humanly possible. The minds into which this idea enters are
accustomed to thinking along very different lines, and inertia of thought
is similar to inertia of matter, in that it can be fully overcome only
over a period of time.
Even the simple concept of motion that is inherently scalar, and not
merely a vectorial motion whose directional aspects are being disregarded,
involves a conceptual change of no small magnitude, and the first edition
of this work did not go beyond this point, except in specifying that
the increase in the speed of recession of the galaxies is linear beyond
the gravitational limit, a tacit assertion that the increment is scalar.
212 Nothing but Motion
to participate in the events which will eject it back into the cosmic
sector, and complete the cycle, is an equally important, even though
less spectacular, aspect of the cycle. Consequently, one of the major
tasks involved in developing a theoretical account of the physical universe
from the basic postulates of the Reciprocal System is to trace the
evolutionary path of the new matter, and of the aggregates into which
that matter gathers. Our first concern, however, must be to identify
the participants in physical activity, and to define their principal proper
ties, as these are items of information that will be required before the
events in which these entities participate can be accurately evaluated.
Now that we have arrived, at least tentatively, at the hydrogen stage,
we will defer further consideration of the evolution of matter to Volume
II, and will return to our examination of the individual material units
and their primary combinations.
Simple Compounds
In the preceding chapters we have determined the specific combinations
of simple rotations that are stable in the material sector of the universe,
and we have identified each of these combinations, within the experi
mental range, with an observed sub-atomic particle or atom of an element.
We have then shown that an exact duplicate of this system of material
rotational combinations, with space and time interchanged, exists in
the cosmic sector, and we have identified all of the observed particles
that do not belong to the material system as atoms or particles of the
cosmic system. To the extent that observational or experimental data
are available, therefore, we have established agreement between the
theoretical and observed structures. So far as these data extend, there
are no loose ends; all of the observed entities have been identified
theoretically, and while not all of the theoretical entities have been
observed, there are adequate theoretical explanations for this.
The number of observed particles is increased substantially by a
commonly accepted convention which regards particles of the same kind,
but with different electric charges, as different particles. No consideration
has been given to the effects of electric charges in this present discussion,
as the existence of such charges has no bearing on the basic structure
of the units. These charges may play a significant part in determining
whether or not certain kinds of reactions take place under certain
circumstances, and may have a major influence on the details of those
reactions, just as the presence or absence of concentrations of kinetic
energy may have a material effect on the course of events. But the
electric charge is not part of the basic structure of the atom or sub-atomic
particle. As will be brought out when we take up consideration of electrical
phenomena, it is a temporary appendage that can be attached or removed
with relative ease. The electrically charged atom or particle is therefore
a modified form of the original rotational combination rather than a
distinctly different type of structure.
Our examination of the basic structures is not yet complete, however,
as there are some associations of specific numbers of specific elements
that are resistant to dissociation, and therefore act in the manner of
single units in processes of low or moderate energy. These associations,
220 Nothing but Motion
These are the divisions which were indicated in the revised periodic
table in Chapter 10. As will be seen from the points developed in the
subsequent discussion, the division to which an element belongs has
an important bearing on its chemical behavior. Including this divisional
assignment in the table therefore adds substantially to the amount of
information that is represented.
Where the normal displacement x exceeds 4, the equivalent displace
ment 8x is numerically less than x, and therefore more probable, other
things being equal. One effect of this probability relation is to give
the 8x positive valence preference over the negative valence in Division
III, and thereby to limit the negative components of chemical compounds
to the elements of Division IV, except in one case where a Division
III element acquires the Division IV status for reasons that will be
discussed later.
When the positive component of a compound is an element from
Division I, the normal positive displacement of this element is in
equilibrium with the negative displacement of the Division IV element.
In this case both components are oriented in accordance with their normal
displacements. The same is true if either or both of the components
is double or multiple. We will therefore call this the normal orientation.
The corresponding normal valences are the positive valence (x) and the
negative valence (*).
It is theoretically possible for any Division I element to form a compound
with any Division IV element on the basis of the appropriate normal
valences, and all such compounds should be stable under favorable
conditions, but whether or not any specific compound of this type will
be stable under the normal terrestrial conditions is determined by
probability considerations. An exact evaluation of these probabilities
has not yet been attempted, but it is apparent that one of the most
important factors in the situation is the general principle that a low
displacement is more probable than a high displacement. If we check
the theoretically possible normal valence compounds against the
compounds listed in a chemical handbook, we will find nearly all of
the low positive-low negative combinations in this list of common
compounds. The low positive-high negative, and the high positive-low
negative combinations are much less fully represented, while we will
find the high positive-high negative combinations rather scarce.
The geometrical symmetry of the resulting crystal structure is the
other major determinant. A binary compound of two valence four elements
Simple Compounds 225
Group Division Magnetic Valences Element Electric Valences
Primary Secondary Normal Neutral Negative
IB IV 1 1 H 1
IB 0 2 1 He
2A I 2 1 Li 1
Be 2
B 3
C 4
2A IV 2 1 C 4 4
N 5 3
O 2
F 1
2A 0 2 2 Ne
2B I 2 2 Na 1
Mg 2
A1 3
Si 4
2B IV 3 2 Si 4 4
P 5 3
S 6 2
Cl 7 1
2B 0 3 2 Ar
3A I 3 2 K 1
Ca 2
Sc 3
Ti 4
3A II 3 2 v 5
Cr 6
Mn 7
Fe 8
3A III 3 2 Ni
Cu 1
Zn 2
Ga 3
Ge 4
228 Nothing but Motion
TABL E 7 (Continued)
Group Division Magnetic Valences Element Electric Valences
Primary Secondary Normal Neutral Negative
3A IV 3 2 As 5 3
Se 6 2
Br 7 1
3A 0 3 3 Kr
3B I 3 3 Rb 1
Sr 2
Y 3
Zr 4
3B II 4 3 Nb 5
Mo 6
Tc 7
Ru 8
3B III 4 3 Pd
Ag 1
Cd 2
In 3
Sn 4
3B IV 4 3 Sb 5 3
Te 6 2
I 7 1
3B 0 4 3 Xe
4A I 4 3 Cs 1
Ba 2
La 3
Ce 4
Pr 5
Nd 6
Pm 7
Sm 8
Simple Compounds 229
TABLE 7 (Continued)
Group Division Magnetic Valences Element Electric Valences
Primary Secondary Normal Neutral Negative
Hf 4*
Ta 5*
W 6*
Re 7*
Os 8*
Au 1
Hg 2
T1 3
Pb 4
4A IV 4 3 Bi 5 3
Po 6 2
At 7 1
4A 0 4 4 Rn
4B I 4 4 Fr 1
Ra 2
Ac 3
Th 4
4B II 5 4 Pa 5
U 6
Np 7
Pu 8
______________________________ No_____________
4B III 5 4 Lr
Rf 4*
Ha 5*
230 Nothing but Motion
rotational displacements can take place only where the net resultant
is zero, or the equivalent of zero, because any value of the space-time
ratio other than unity (zero displacement) constitutes motion, and makes
fixed equilibrium positions impossible. In the most probable condition,
the initial level from which each rotation extends is the same zero point,
or, where the nature of the orientation requires different zero points,
the closest combination that is possible under the circumstances. This
arrangement, the basis of the first order valences, is clearly the most
probable, but it is not the only possibility.
Inasmuch as the separation between natural zero points (unit speed
levels) is two linear units (or eight three-dimensional units) it is possible
to establish an equilibrium in which the initial level of the positive rotation
(the positive zero) is separated from the initial level of the negative
rotation (the negative zero) by two linear units. The effect of this
separation on the valence is illustrated in Fig. 2. The basis of the first
Figure 2
(a) (b) (c)
V V v 2 V+2 V 2 V-2
valence itself has a high degree of probability, and the enhanced valence
is not only inherently less probable, but also has a higher effective
displacement in any specific application, which decreases the relative
probability still further. The probability factors are more favorable for
the enhanced neutral valence, as in this case the effective displacement
is less than that of the corresponding first order valences. The compounds
of this type are therefore more numerous, and they include such
well-known substances as S02 and PC13. An interesting application of
this valence is found in ozone, which is an oxide of oxygen, analogous
to S02.
It should theoretically be possible for valences to be diminished by
orientation in the manner shown in Fig. 2 (c), but it is doubtful if any
stable compounds are actually formed on the basis of diminished electric
valences. The reason for their absence is not yet understood. The magnetic
valences are both enhanced and diminished. Either the primary or the
secondary valence may be modified, but since enhancement is in the
direction of lower probability (higher numerical value) the number of
common compounds based on the enhanced magnetic valences is rela
tively small. Diminishing the valence improves the probability, and the
diminished valence compounds are therefore more plentiful in the
rotational groups in which they are possible (those with primary magnetic
valences above two), although the list is still very modest compared
to the immense number of compounds based on the first order valences.
As indicated earlier, one component of any true chemical compound
must have a negative displacement of four or less, as it is only through
the establishment of an equilibrium between such a negative displacement
and an appropriate positive displacement that the compound comes into
existence. The elements with the required negative displacement are
those which comprise Division IV, and it follows that every compound
must include at least one Division IV element, or an element which
has acquired Division IV status by valence enhancement. If there is
only one such component, the positive-negative orientation is fixed,
as the Division IV element is necessarily the negative component. Where
both components are from Division IV, however, one normally negative
element must reorient itself to act in a positive capacity, and a question
arises as to which retains its negative status.
The answer to this question hinges on the relative negativity of the
elements concerned. Obviously a small displacement is more negative
than a large one, since it is farther away from the neutral point where
positive and negative displacements of equal magnitude are equivalent.
Within any one group the order of negativity is therefore the same
as the displacement sequence. In Group 2B, for instance, the most negative
element is chlorine, followed by sulfur, phosphorus, and silicon, in that
232 Nothing but Motion
in the lower groups. At the lower end of the atomic series this situation
is reversed, and the Division IV characteristics extend into Division
III, as an alternative to the normal positive behavior of some of the
elements of that division. Silicon, for instance, not only forms combina
tions such as MnSi and CoSi3, which, on the basis of the information
currently available, appear to be intermetallic compounds similar to those
of the higher Division III elements, but also combinations such as Mg2Si
and CaSi2, which are probably true compounds analogous to Be2C and
CaC2. Carbon carries this trend still farther and forms carbides with
a wide variety of positive components.
In the 2A group, the Division IV characteristics extend to the fifth
element, boron. This is the only case in which the fifth element of
a series has Division IV properties, and the behavior of boron in compound
formation is correspondingly unique. In its Division I capacity, as the
positive component in compounds such as B20 3, boron is entirely normal.
But its first order negative valence would be 5. Formation of compounds
based on this 5 valence conflicts with the previously stated limitation
of the negative valence to a maximum of four units. Boron therefore
shifts to an enhanced negative valence, adding two positive units to
its first order value of 5, with a resultant of 3. The direct combinations
of boron with positive elements have such structures as FeB and Cu3B2.
However, many of the borides have complex structures in which the
effective valences are not as clearly indicated. This raises a question
as to whether boron may be an exception to the rule limiting the maximum
negative valence to 4, and may utilize both the 5 and 3 valences.
This issue will be considered in the next chapter.
Complex Compounds
The discussion in the preceding chapter had direct reference only
to compounds of the type RmXn, in which m positive atoms are combined
with n negative atoms, but the principles therein developed are applicable
to all combinations of atoms. Our next objective will be to apply these
principles to an examination of some of the more complex situations.
Any atom in one of the simple compounds may be replaced by another
atom of the same valence number and type. Thus any or all of the
four chlorine atoms in CC14 may be replaced by equivalent negative
atoms, producing a whole family of compounds such as CCl3Br, CC12F2,
CCII3, CF4, etc. Or we may replace n of the valence one chlorine atoms
by one atom of negative valence n, obtaining such compounds as COCl2,
COS, CSTe, and so on. Replacements of the same kind can be made
in the positive component, producing compounds like SnCl4.
Simple replacement by an atom of a different valence type is not
possible. Copper, for instance, has the same numerical valence as sodium,
but the sodium atoms in a compound such as N a ^ are not replaceable
by copper atoms. There is a compound Cu20, but the neutral valence
structure of this compound is very different from the normal valence
structure of N a ^ . Similarly, if we exchange a positive hydrogen
(magnetic valence) atom for one of the sodium (normal valence) atoms
in N a ^ , the process is not one of simple replacement. Instead of NaHO,
we obtain NaOH, a compound of a totally different character.
A factor which plays an important part in the building of complex
molecular structures is the existence of major differences in the magni
tudes of the rotational forces in the various inter-atomic combinations.
Let us consider the compound KCN, for example. Nitrogen is the negative
element in this compound, and the positive-negative combinations are
K-N and C-N. When we compute the inter-atomic distances, by means
of the relations that will be developed later, we find that the values
in natural units are .904 for K-N and .483 for C-N.
As stated in Chapter 18, the term bond is not being used in this
work in any way connected with the subject matter of that chapter:
the combining power or valence. The term valence bond, or any
derivative such as covalent bond, has no place in the theoretical
236 Nothing but Motion
The status of the binary radicals such as OH, SH, and CN , is ambiguous
on the basis of the criteria developed thus far, since there is no distinction
between central and satellite atoms in their structures, but these groups
can be included with the inorganic radicals because they are able to
enter into the three-dimensional inorganic geometric arrangements.
Another special class of radicals combines positive and negative
valences of the same element. Thus there is the azide radical N 3, in
which one nitrogen atom with the neutral valence +5 is combined with
two negative nitrogen atoms, valence 3 each, for a group total of
1. Similarly, a carbon atom with the primary magnetic valence +2
joins with a negative carbon atom, valence -4 , to form the carbide
radical, C2, with a net valence of - 2 .
The common boride radicals, the combination boron structures men
tioned in Chapter 18, are B 2, B4, and B6. The best known B4 compounds
are all direct combinations with valence 4 elements of Division I. It
can therefore be concluded that the net valence of the B4 combination
is 4. Similarly, the role of B6 in such compounds as CaB6 and BaB6
indicates that the net valence of the B6 radical is 2. The status of
B2 is not as clearly indicated, but it also appears to have a net valence
of 2; that is, it is simply half of the B4 combination. This net valence
of - 2 could be produced either by a combination of the -3 negative
valence with the secondary magnetic valence, + 1, or by a combination
of the 5 negative valence with the positive valence +3. The same
two alternatives are available for B4. The combination of +1 and -3
valences is also feasible for the radical B6, and on the basis of these
values the valences of all of the boride radicals constitute a consistent
system, as shown by the following tabulation:
of the inorganic class. The basic requirement is that the group valence
of the radical be in equilibrium with an equal and opposite valence.
A negative radical such as S0 4 therefore joins the necessary number
of positive atoms to form a compound on the order of K 2S04. The
positive NH4 radical similarly joins with a negative atom to produce
a compound like NH 4C1. Or both components may be radicals, as in
One new factor introduced by the grouping is that the relative negativity
of the atoms within the group no longer has any significance. The azide
group, N3, for instance, is negative, and cannot be anything but negative.
In the compound C1N3, then, the chlorine atom is necessarily positive,
even though chlorine is negative to nitrogen in direct Division IV
combinations such as NC13.
In the magnetic valence compounds the negative electric displacement
is in equilibrium with one of the magnetic displacements of the positive
component. This leaves the positive electric displacement free to exert
a directional influence on other molecules or atoms. In its general aspects,
this directional effect is similar to the orienting influence of the space-time
equilibrium that is required in order to enable atoms of negative elements
to join with other atoms in compounds. In both cases there are certain
relative positions of the interacting atoms or molecules that permit a
closer approach, which results in a greater cohesive force. Neither of
these orienting agencies contributes anything to the cohesive forces;
they simply hold the participants in the positions in which the stronger
forces are generated. Without the directional restrictions imposed by
these orienting influences the relative positions would be random, and
the greater cohesive forces would not develop.
Since all magnetic valence compounds have free electric displacements,
they all have strong combining tendencies, forming what we may call
molecular compounds; that is, compounds in which the constituents
are molecules instead of the individual atoms or radicals of the atomic
compounds. Inasmuch as the free electric displacements are all positive,
there is no valence equilibrium involved, and the molecular compounds
can be of almost any character, but geometrical and symmetry consider
ations favor associations with units of the same kind, or with closely
related units. Double molecules of a compound are not readily recognized
in the solid or liquid states, but in spite of the obstacles to recognition
there are many well-known combinations such as Fe0.Fe 20 3, C2O.CO,
etc. Water and ammonia, both magnetic valence compounds, are particu
larly versatile in forming combinations of this type, and join with a
great variety of substances for form hydrates and ammoniates.
There is only one free electric displacement in any binary magnetic
valence combination, and the orienting effect is therefore exerted in
240 Nothing but Motion
Figure 3
(a) (b)
Complex Compounds 24 l
satisfied, and they are capable of extension to any other atom or group
that comes within range. Such a combination of neutral groups is therefore
open to further combination in both directions. The system is not closed
by the addition of more groups of the same character, since this still
leaves active secondary orientation effects at each end of the combined
structure. The unique combining power that results from this continuation
of the secondary effects gives rise to an extremely large and complex
variety of chemical compounds. There is almost no limit on the number
of groups that can be joined. As long as each end of the molecule
is a magnetic neutral group with an active secondary effect, there are
still two active ends no matter how many groups are added.
The necessary closure to form a compound without further combining
tendencies can be attained in one of two ways. Enough of these magnetic
neutral groups may combine to permit the ends of the chain to swing
around and join, satisfying the unbalanced secondary effects, and creating
a ring compound. Or, alternatively, the end groups may attach themselves
to atoms or radicals which do not have the orienting effects of the
magnetic groups. Such additions close the system and form a chain
compound. Both the chain and ring structures are known as organic
compounds, a name surviving from the early days of chemistry, when
it was believed that natural products were composed of substances of
a nature totally different from that of the constituents of inorganic matter.
As used herein, the term organic will refer to all compounds with
the characteristic two-dimensional magnetic valence structure, rather
than being defined as usual to cover only carbon compounds with certain
exceptions. The excluded carbon compounds are practically the same
under both definitions, and the only significant difference is that in
this work a few additional compounds, such as the hydronitrogens, which
have the same type of structure as the organic carbon compounds are
included in the organic classification.
The valence equilibrium must be maintained in the chain compounds,
and the addition of a positive radical or atom at one end of the chain
must be balanced by the addition of a negative unit with the same
net valence at the other end. This equilibrium question does not arise
in connection with the ring compounds as all of the structural units
in the ring are either magnetic neutral groups or neutral associations
of atoms or groups with active valences. Here the complete valence
balance is achieved within the groups or associations.
In order to join the two-dimensional magnetic group structures any
radicals which are to occupy the end positions must also be two-dimen-
sional. The inherently three-dimensional inorganic radicals such as N 03,
S04, etc., do not qualify. The two-atom and three-atom radicals like
OH, CN, and N 0 2 are arranged three-dimensionally in the inorganic
244 Nothing but Motion
does not assert that there are no electrons in the atoms. That is an
entirely different issue which will be given consideration when we are
ready to begin a discussion of electrical phenomena.) The concepts of
double bonds and triple bonds will also have to be discarded,
along with the curious idea of resonance, in which a system alternating
between two possible states is supposed to acquire an additional energy
component by reason of the alternation.
Some of the theoretical concepts that are untenable in the light of
the new findings, such as the double bonds, have been quite useful
in practice, and for this reason many chemists will no doubt find it
difficult to believe that these ideas are actually wrong. As explained
in the introductory discussion, however, much of the progress that has
been made in the scientific field has been made with the help of theories
that are now known to be wrong, and have been discarded. The reason
for this is that none of these theories was entirely wrong. In order
to gain any substantial degree of acceptance a theory must be correct
in at least some respects, and, as experience has demonstrated in many
cases, these valid features can contribute materially to an understanding
of the phenomena to which they relate, even though other portions
of the theory are totally incorrect.
The necessity of parting with cherished ideas of long standing will
be less distressing if it is realized that the double bonds and associated
concepts that must now be abandoned are not tangible physical entities;
they are merely inventions by which certain empirical relations of a
mathematical nature are clothed in descriptive language for more conven
ient manipulation. Linus Pauling brings this out clearly in the following
The structural elements that are used in classical structure theory,
the carbon-carbon single bond, the carbon-carbon double bond, the
carbon-hydrogen bond, and so on, also are idealizations, having
no existence in reality. . . . It is true that chemists, after long
experience in the use of classical structure theory, have come to
talk about, and probably to think about, the carbon-carbon double
bond and other structural units of the theory as though they were
real. Reflection leads us to recognize, however, that they are not
real, but are theoretical constructs in the same way as the individual
Kekule structures for benzene.68
When a correct theory appears it must include the valid features of
the previous incorrect theory. But the identity of these features as they
appear in the context of the different theories is often obscured by
the fact that they are expressed in different language. In the case we
are now considering, current chemical theory says that the cohesion
246 Nothing but Motion
Chain Compounds
In undertaking a general survey of such an extended field as that
o f the structure o f the organic compounds it is obviously essential to
use some kind o f a classification system to group the compounds of
similar characteristics together, so that we may avoid the necessity of
dealing with so many individual substances. The distinction between
chain and ring compounds has already been mentioned. The chemical
properties o f the chain compounds are determined primarily by the nature
of the positive and negative radicals or atoms, and it will therefore
be convenient to set up two separate classifications for these compounds,
one on the basis o f the positive component, and the other on the basis
o f the negative component. In general, the classifications utilized in
this work will conform to the commonly recognized groupings, but the
defining criteria will not necessarily be the same, and this will result
in some divergence in certain cases.
The first positive classification that we will consider comprises those
compounds whose positive components contain valence four carbon
atoms. These are called paraffins. This name originally referred only
to hydrocarbons, but as used herein it will apply to all chain compounds
with valence four carbon at the positive end of the molecule. The term
saturated compound is commonly used with essentially the same
significance so far as the chain compounds are concerned, but its
application is usually extended to the cyclic compounds as well. To
avoid confusion it will not be used in this work, since the cyclic compounds
cannot be considered saturated on the basis of the criteria that we are
setting up. The paraffin hydrocarbon, or alkane, chain is a linking of
CH2 neutral groups with a CH3 positive radical at one end of the chain,
and a negative hydrogen atom at the other. The cohesion between this
hydrogen atom and the adjacent CH2 group is very strong, and for
most purposes it will be convenient to regard the CH2 H combination
as a negative CH3 radical. On this basis, the paraffin hydrocarbon chain
is CH3 (CH2)n CH3.
If a valence two carbon atom is substituted for the valence four carbon
atom o f the paraffins, the result is an olefin, a chain which is identical
with that o f the paraffins except that it has the primary magnetic valence
250 Nothing but Motion
the radical. In the case of the analogous CH2 negative radical there
is no significant advantage to be gained by use of the condensed
expression, and this radical, which is a combination of a CH neutral
group and a negative hydrogen atom will be shown in its true form
For a correct representation of the molecular structure it is essential
that the neutral groups be clearly identified. Where there are methyl
substitutions, the identification can be accomplished by omitting the
dividing mark between the components of the neutral group; e.g.,
CH3 CHCH3 CH2 CHCH3 CH3, 2,4-dimethyl pentane. Longer neutral
groups can be identified by parentheses, the positive-negative order being
preserved within the group. The formula of 3-propyl pentane on this
basis is CH3CH2(CH CH2CH2CH3) CH2CH3. If further subdivision
within the neutral groups is necessary, the distinction between main
and subgroupings can be indicated by brackets or other suitable symbols.
Where a valence two negative component is involved and the chain
is double, the customary expression such as (CH3CH2)2O is appropriate
if the chains are equal. Unequal chains can be represented by treating
the valence two component and one of the branches as a negative radical
in this manner: CH3 CH2*CH2 (O CH2 CH3), or the two branches can
be shown on separate lines, as
r /C H H
\ C H C H 2 CH3
One of the most important of the diolefins, from the industrial
standpoint, is isoprene, another C5compound, currently called 2-methyl-
1.3-butadiene. The structure is the same as that of 1,4-pentadiene, except
that the CH2 group next to the first of the CH neutral groups is moved
out of the chain and attached to the CH group as a branch:
C H C H 2 CCH3 C H H .
Nitrogen, which is next to carbon in the atomic series, is also the
next most prolific in the formation of compounds. Some of the carbon
compounds, such as urea, one of the first organic compounds to be
synthesized, actually contain more nitrogen than carbon, but the positive
component in these compounds is carbon, and the lengthening of the
chain takes place primarily by the addition of carbon groups. There
are other compounds, however, in which nitrogen takes the positive
role both in the compound as a whole and in the neutral groups.
Corresponding to the hydrocarbons are the hydronitrogens. The positive
nitrogen radical in these compounds is NH2+, in which nitrogen has
the enhanced neutral valence three. A combination of this radical with
the negative amine group is hydrazine, NH2 NH2. Inserting one NH
Chain Compounds 255
compounds of this type are still scarce. Among those that have been
reported are diphosphene, PH2 PH2, and cacodyl, As(CH3)2-As(CH3)2.
Since the minimum magnetic valence of phosphorus and arsenic is two,
these compounds cannot have the hydrazine structure NH2 NH *H, and
are probably P H P H 2 H and AsCH3-As(CH3)2*CH3. As pointed out
in connection with ethylene and acetylene, the chemical behavior of
such compounds is explained by the tendency of the positive and negative
components of the compound as a whole, such as PH and H in
diphosphene, to join when the compound is disturbed during a chemical
Another series of compounds of the molecular class, but not related
to either carbon or nitrogen, is based on boron. Because it acts as
a Division IV element in these two-dimensional compounds, boron takes
the valence five, rather than the normal valence three which it has
in a compound such as B20 3, where it acts as an element of Division
I. The valence one radical on the valence five basis would be BH4,
or an equivalent, but such a radical would be three-dimensional, and
not capable of joining a two-dimensional chain. The positive radical
in the boron chain is therefore the valence two combination BH3. As
in the hydrocarbons, the negative component of the molecule as a whole
is hydrogen, and because of the valence of the positive radical two
negative hydrogen atoms are required. Here again, the association
between the hydrogen atoms and the adjacent BH neutral group is close,
as in the hydrocarbons, and the combination could be regarded as a
valence two negative BH3 radical. For present purposes, however, it
appears advisable to show it in its true form as BH H2.
The magnetic neutral groups of the boron compounds can be formed
on the basis of either the primary or the secondary magnetic valence,
which produce BH2and BH respectively. Because it minimizes the number
of hydrogen atoms at the negative end of the molecule, the negative
radical BH H2 takes precedence over BH2H2 even where the interior
groups are BH2 combinations. This presence of a BH neutral group
at the negative end of the compound, together with some other factors
that apparently favor BH over BH2, has the effect of making the BH
structures more stable than those in which the neutral groups are BH2.
The basic hydride of boron is diborane, BH3 BH H2. Addition of
BH neutral groups produces a series of compounds with the composition
BH3 (BH)n H2, the best known of which are hexaborane, in which n
is 5, and decaborane, in which n is 9. Substitution of a pair of BH2
groups for two of the BH groups results in a series which has the
composition BH3*(BH2)2 (BH)n H2. Beyond tetraborane, the first
member of this series (n=l), these compounds, as indicated in the
preceding paragraph, are less stable than the corresponding compounds
Chain Compounds 257
in HBr decreases that valence by two units to the -1 level in the addition
product CH2B r C H 2 COOH. There are no obstacles in the way of
a change of valence. This is merely a matter of reorientation, a change
of rotational direction, and each atom is free to reorient itself to conform
tc its environment. But the positive-negative balance in the compound
must be maintained, and the change from positive to negative, or vice
versa, in the hydrogen valence is one of the most common ways of
compensating for an increase or decrease in the carbon valence.
Because of the close association between the negative hydrogen atom
of the hydrocarbons and the adjoining CH2 group, the CO neutral group
is able to occupy a position adjoining the CH2 H combination as an
alternate to the aldehyde position next to the hydrogen atom. In this
more remote position it is near the limit of stability, and this makes
association with the positive radical more probable than participation
in the negative combination CO CH2 H. For this reason, the monobasic
compounds in this family, the ketones, have oxygen in the positive radical,
COCH3, rather than in the negative radical as usual. The first member
of the family, dimethyl ketone, or acetone, has the structure
COCH3 CH2 H. The corresponding dibasic compound is dimethyl dike-
tone, COCH3 CO CH2 H.
The monobasic ketone structure can be verified by comparing the
results of simple addition reactions of the ketones with those of the
aldehydes, the isomeric compounds in which the CO group is neutral.
The addition of hydrogen to the aldehydes proceeds in this manner:
CH 3 CH2 C O H + H2 = CH3 CH2 CH2 0H
The final product, propyl alcohol, is a normal chain compound with
a CH3 radical in the positive position, just as in the aldehyde itself.
Only the negative end of the molecule has been altered. If the CO
group in the corresponding ketone, methyl ethyl ketone, or 2-butanone,
had the same status as in the aldehyde (that is, if the compound were
CH3 CH2 C0 CH3), we would expect essentially the same result. We
would expect the CH3 positive radical to remain intact, and the product
to be a primary, or perhaps a secondary, alcohol. But since the CO
group in the ketone is part of a radical in which the carbon valence
is four, and the compound is actually COCH3CH2CH3, both CH3
groups are negative. Addition of a hydrogen atom to the neutral group
CH2 produces a third negative CH3 group. Inasmuch as no positive
CH3 radical is present, hydrogenation results in a tertiary alcohol, in
which the CH3 groups are negative, as in the original ketone:
COCH3 CH2 CH3 + H2 = C(CH3)3 OH
262 Nothing but Motion
structure not found in the hydrocarbons, where all hydrogen atoms are
negative, and can be replaced only by negative substituents. Diamines
have the usual double structure, with CH2NH2 in the positive position
and the normal amine combination CH2 NH 2 at the negative end of
the molecule.
Like the hydroxyl group OH which attaches to CH to form the neutral
group CHOH, the amine group joins with CH to form a neutral group
CHNH2. This group is more restricted as to its position in the chains
than CHOH, which substitutes quite freely for CH2, but it has a special
importance in that it is an essential component of the amino acids ,
which, in turn, are the principal building blocks of the proteins, the
basic constituents of living matter. In the monoacids the CHNH2 group
in effect extends the acid radical from CO OH to CHNH2 COOH.
Further lengthening of the chain takes place by addition of hydrocar
bon neutral groups, or CHOH, rather than CHNH2. Thus d-alanine,
CH3CHNH2CO OH lengthens to 1-leucine, CH3CHCH3CH2
These two compounds are members of one sub-group of the amino
acids in which the positive radical is CH3. A second sub-group utilizes
the carboxyl radical COOH in the positive position. The simplest
compound of this type is d-aspartic acid, COOH CH2CHNH2CO OH.
The third of the sub-groups, the diamino acids, has am ine radicals in
both the positive and negative positions, as in d-lysine, CH2NH2
Another combination containing nitrogen is the cyanide, or nitrile,
radical. In the normal radical CN nitrogen has the negative valence
three and carbon has the primary magnetic valence two, the net group
valence being 1. The positive and negative roles are reversed in the
radical NC, in which nitrogen has the enhanced neutral valence three.
In this orientation nitrogen has Division III properties, and is positive
to carbon rather than negative as usual. Since the negative valence of
carbon is four, the net valence of the radical NC is -1 , identical with
the valence of CN. The NC compounds, the isocyanides, therefore have
the same composition as the cyanides, but different properties.
The CN+ radical makes its appearance in such compounds as cyan-
oacetic acid, C N C H 2 CO*OH. Here nitrogen is negative, as in the
CN- radical, but carbon has the normal positive valence four, and the
net group valence is therefore +1. Cyanogen, CN CN, is a combination
of the +1 and 1 radicals. Compounds with the CO CN combination
in the negative position are not generally regarded as constituting a
separate family, and are named as members of the normal cyanides.
Introduction of the CO neutral group in conjunction with NH 2 produces
an amide , a structure which is open to an unusually wide variety of
264 Nothing but Motion
R ing Compounds
The second major classification of the organic compounds is that
of the ring compounds. These ring structures are again divided into
three sub-classes. In two of these, the positive components of the magnetic
neutral groups of the rings are carbon atoms: the cyclic , or alicyclic,
compounds in which the predominant carbon valence is two, and the
aromatic compounds in which this valence is one. In the third class,
the heterocyclic compounds, one or more of the carbon atoms in the
ring is replaced by an atom of some other element. All of these classes
are further subdivided into mononuclear and polynuclear divisions, the
basic structure of the latter being formed by a condensation or fusion
of two or more rings. It should be understood that the classifications
are not mutually exclusive. A compound may consist of a ring joined
to one or more chains; a chain compound may have one paraffinic
and one olefinic branch; a cyclic ring may be joined to an aromatic
ring; and so on.
As in the chain compounds, a parallel classification divides the ring
compounds into families characterized by the nature of the negative
components: hydrocarbons, alcohols, amines, etc. The normal cyclic
hydrocarbon, a cyclane , or cycloparaffin, is a simple ring of CH2 neutral
groups. The general formula can be expressed as -(CH2)n-. Beginning
with cyclopropane ( N = 3) normal cyclanes have been prepared with all
values of n up to more than 30. The neutral groups in these rings are
identical with the CH2 neutral groups in the chain compounds, and they
may be expanded in the same manner by CH2 additions. Corresponding
to the branched chain compounds we therefore have branched rings
such as ethylcyclohexane, -(CH2)5 (CHCH 2 CH3)-, and l-methyl-2-
ethyl cyclopentane, -CHCH3- (CHCH 2 CH3)(C H 2)3-.
In the notation used herein, the neutral groups will be clearly identified
by parentheses or other means, and the positive-negative order will be
preserved within these groups as in the neutral groups of the chain
compounds. To identify the substance as a ring compound and to show
that the end positions in the straight line formula have no such special
significance as they do in the chain compounds, dashes will be used
at each end of the ring formula as in the examples given. If two or
more rings are present, or if a portion of the compound is outside the
270 Nothing but Motion
ring, the positions of the dashes will so indicate. While any group could
be taken as the starting point in expressing the formula of a single
ring, the order of the usual numbering system will be followed as far
as possible, to minimize the deviations from familiar practice. The branch
names such as l-methyl-2-ethyl are then clearly indicated by the formula.
Replacement of all of the valence two groups in the cyclic ring by
valence one groups, where such replacement is possible, converts the
cyclic compound into an aromatic. In general, however, the distinctive
aromatic characteristics do not appear unless the replacement is complete,
and the intermediate structures in which CH or its equivalent has been
substituted for CH2 in only part of the ring positions will be included
in the cyclic classification. Since the presence of the remaining CH2
groups is the principal determinant of the molecular properties, the
predominant carbon valence, in the sense in which that term is used
in defining the classes of ring compounds, is two, even where there
are more CH than CH2 groups in the molecule.
As mentioned earlier, the probabilities favor association of like forces
in the molecular compounds. The CH2 groups have sufficient latitude
in their geometric arrangement to be able to compensate for substantial
variations, and single CH2 groups can therefore fit into the molecular
structure without difficulty, but the CH groups have very little geometric
leeway, and for that reason they nearly always exist in pairs. This does
not mean that the individual group is positively barred from existing
separately, and in some of the more complex structures single CH groups
can be found, but in the simple rings the pairs are so much more probable
than the odd numbers of groups that the latter are excluded.
The first two-group substitution in the cyclanes produces the cyclenes,
or cycloolefins. A typical compound is cyclohexene, -(CH2)4 (CH)2-.
The designations cycloparaffin and cycloolefin are not appropriate, in
view of the findings of this work, as the cycloparaffins contain no carbon
atoms with the characteristic paraffin valence, and it is the substitution
of two acetylene valence groups into the CH2 rings that forms the
cycloolefins. The names cyclane and cyclene are therefore preferable.
Substitution of two more CH groups into the ring produces the
cyclodienes. The existence of two CH-CH pairs in these compounds
introduces a new factor in that the positions of the pairs within the
ring may vary. No question of this kind arises in connection with
cyclopentadiene, -(CH)4*CH2-, the first compound in this series, but
in cyclohexadiene two different arrangements are possible: -(CH)4-
(CH2)2- which is known as 1,3-cyclohexadiene, and -(CH)2CH2
(CH)2CH2- which is 1,4-cyclohexadiene.
Negative hydrogen atoms in the cyclic compounds may be replaced
by equivalent atoms or groups in the same manner as those in the magnetic
Ring Compounds 271
far studied. The two-atom groups such as CH do not have this structural
freedom, and are restricted to a narrow range in the vicinity of 60
degrees. The theoretically exact limits have not yet been determined,
but the difficulties involved in the preparation of derivatives of cyclooc-
tatetraene, -(CH)8-, indicate that this compound is at the extreme limit
of stability. This would suggest a maximum deviation of about 15 degrees
from the 60 degree angle of the six-member ring. The atoms of which
the molecular compounds are composed have a limited range in which
they can assume positions above or below the central plane of the
molecule. The actual angles between the effective lines of force will
therefore deviate slightly from the figures given above, which are based
on positions in the central plane, but this does not affect the point
which is being made, which is that the cyclic ring is very flexible, whereas
the aromatic ring is practically rigid.
As long as there is even one CH2 group in the ring it has the cyclic
flexibility. Cyclopentadiene can exist in spite of the rigidity of the portion
of the ring occupied by the four CH groups because the CH2 group
that completes the structure is able to accommodate itself to the position
necessary for closing the ring. But when all of the three-atom groups
have been replaced by two-atom groups or single atoms the ring assumes
the aromatic rigidity. Cyclobutadiene, for example, would consist of
four CH groups only, and the maximum deviation of the CH lines of
force, somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 degrees, is far short of
the 90 degrees that would be required for closure of the cyclobutadiene
ring. All attempts to produce such a compound have therefore failed.
The properties of the various ring compounds are dependent to a
considerable degree on this question as to whether the members of
the rings are restricted to certain definite positions, or have a substantial
range of variability within which they can adjust to the requirements
for combination. In view of this natural line of demarcation, the aromatic
classification, as used in this work, is limited to the rigid structures,
specifically to those compounds composed entirely of valence one CH
groups or their monovalent substitution products, except for such
connecting carbon atoms as may be present.
Because of the limitations on the atom ic positions, the aromatic
compounds, with the exception of cyclooctatetraene, are confined to
the six-member rings, the valence one equivalents of cyclohexane and
its derivatives, and there are no aromatic analogs of cyclobutane,
cycloheptane, etc. The structural rigidity therefore limits the compound-
forming versatility of the aromatic rings to a substantial degree, but
this is more than offset by other effects of the same factor. The locations
in the chain compounds which are open to the greatest variety of
combinations are the ends of the chain and its longer branches, if any.
Ring Compounds 273
In the aromatic rings every ring location has, to some degree, the properties
of an end. Also, because of the rigidity of the ring, the maximum intergroup
distance 1-3 in the ring is about ten percent less than the distance between
the equivalent groups in the aliphatic chain, after making an allowance
for the small amount of flexibility that does exist. This brings some
additional combinations of elements within the limit of effectiveness
of the free electric displacements, and in these rings we find not only
groups such as COH, CC1, CN H2, etc., which are the valence one
equivalents of the combinations that make up the cyclic rings and the
interior portions of the chain compounds, but also other combinations
such as CN 0 2 and CSH which are just beyond the magnetic neutral
limits in the non-aromatic structures. The number of available combina
tions in which the neutral group CO accompanies the negative radical
is similarly increased.
Secondary substitutions extend the length and diversity of the magnetic
neutral groups of the ring, and produce a wide variety of single branch
compounds on the order of isobutyl benzene, -(CH)5*(CCH2-
CHCH3CH3)- and N-ethyl aniline, -(CH)5(C NH CH2CH3)-,
but the principal field for variability in the mononuclear aromatics lies
in their capability of multiple branching. The aromatic rings not only
have a greater variety of available substituents than any other type
of molecular compound, but also a larger number of locations where
these substituents may be introduced. This versatility is compounded
by the fact that in the rings, as in the chains, the order of sequence
of the groups has a definite effect on the properties of the compound.
The behavior of 1,2-dichlorobenzene, -(CC1)2 (CH)4-, for instance, is
in many respects quite different from that of 1,4-dichlorobenzene,
-CC1(CH)2 CC1(CH)2-.
A significant feature of the aromatic rings is their ability to utilize
larger numbers of the less versatile substituents. For example, the
limitation of such groups as N 0 2 to the negative radical in the chains
means that only one such group can exist in any chain compound, unless
a branch becomes so long that the compound is in effect a union of
two chains. In the aromatic ring this limitation is removed, and compounds
with three or four of the highly reactive nitro groups in the six-member
ring are common. The list includes such well-known substances as picric
acid (2,4,6-trinitrophenol), -COH CNOzCH CN OzCH CN02-, and
TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), -CH3 CN0 2 CH CN0 2 CH CN02-.
Since there is only one hydrogen atom in the CH group, the direct
substitutions in the aromatic rings are limited to valence one negative
components. In order to establish a valence equilibrium with a bivalent
atom or radical two of the aromatic rings are required. These bivalent
atoms or groups therefore constitute a means whereby two rings can
274 Nothing but Motion
be joined. Diphenyl ether, for example, has the structure -(CH)5 C-0-
C (CH)5-, in which the oxygen atom is not a member of either ring
but participates in the valence equilibrium. The bivalent negative radical
NH similarly produces diphenylamine, -(CH)5 C-NH-C (CH)5-.
Each of these rings is a very stable structure with a minimum of eleven
constituent atoms, and a possibility of considerable enlargement by
substitution. This method of joining rings is therefore a readily available
process whereby stable molecules of large size may be constructed.
Further additions and substitutions may be made not only in the rings
and their branches, but in the connecting link as well. Thus the addition
of two CH2 groups to diphenyl ether produces dibenzyl ether, -(CH)5C-
CH2 O C H 2-C(CH)5-.
According to the definition of an aromatic compound, these multiple
ring structures are not purely aromatic, as the connecting links do not
qualify. This is a situation which we will encounter regardless of the
manner in which the various organic classifications are set up, as the
more complex compounds are primarily combinations of the different
basic types of structure. Ordinarily a compound is classified as a ring
structure if it contains a ring of any kind, even though the ring may
be only a minor appendage on a long chain, and it is considered as
an aromatic if there is at least one aromatic ring present.
In the multiple ring compounds the combination (CH)5 C, which is
a benzene ring less one hydrogen atom, acts as a monovalent positive
radical, the phenyl radical, and the simple substituted compounds can
be named either as derivatives of benzene or as phenyl compounds;
i.e., chlorobenzene or phenyl chloride. The net positive valence one
is the valence condition in which the ring is left when a hydrogen atom
is removed, but this net valence is due entirely to the +1 valence of
the lone carbon atom from which the hydrogen atom was detached,
all other groups being neutral, and it does not necessarily follow that
the carbon valence will remain at +1. As emphasized earlier, valence
is simply a matter of rotational orientation, and when acting alone any
atom can assume any one of its possible valences, providing that there
are no specific obstacles in the environment. The lone carbon atom
is therefore free to accommodate itself to different environments by
reorientation on the basis of any of its alternate valences: +2, +4,
or 4.
If two phenyl radicals are brought together, the inter-atomic forces
will tend to establish an equilibrium. A valence balance is a prerequisite
for a force equilibrium, and the carbon atoms will therefore reorient
themselves to balance the valences. There are two possible ways of
accomplishing this result. Since carbon has only one negative valence,
4, one carbon atom takes this valence, and a second must assume
Ring Compounds 275
ment agree that the orienting effects which enable CH groups to combine
into the benzene ring are of two different types, a short range effect
and a long range effect, but they also reveal that the nature of the
orienting influences has no bearing on the magnitude of the interatomic
forces, and this explains why no difference in these forces can be detected
experimentally. The forces between any two of the CH neutral groups
in the ring are identical.
Inasmuch as the orienting factors cause the atoms to align their rotations
in certain specific relative directions, they are, in a sense, forces, but
in order to distinguish them from the actual cohesive forces that hold
the atoms, groups, and molecules together in the positions determined
by these orienting factors we are using the term effects rather than
forces in application to the orientation, even though this introduces
an element of awkwardness into the presentation. The nature of these
effects, as they apply to the benzene ring, can be illustrated by an
orientation diagram of the kind previously introduced.
1 2 3 4 5 6
I- - - - - - - *- - - - - - - - - - 1 I- - - - - - - *- - - - - - - - - - 1 I *
CH - CH CH - (^H CH - CH
The pairs of CH groups, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6, in the diagram, are held
in the combining positions by the orienting effects of a directional
character that are exerted by all magnetic groups or compounds. Alternate
groups, 1-3, 2-4, etc., are within unit distance, and therefore within
the effective range of these orienting effects. The primary effect of
group 1, for instance, is directed toward group 2, but group 3 is also
within unit distance, and consequently there is a long range 1-3 secondary
effect as well as a short range 1-2 primary effect. Because of the directional
nature of these orienting effects there is no 2-3 primary effect, but
the pairs 1-2 and 3-4 are held in position by the 1-3 and 4-2 secondary
If we replace one of the hydrogen atoms with some negative substituent,
the orientation situation is unchanged. The new neutral group, or that
portion of it which is within the range of the ring forces if the group
is a long one, takes over the functions of the CH group without alteration.
However, removal of a hydrogen atom and conversion of the benzene
molecule into a positive phenyl radical changes the orientation pattern
1 2 3 4 5 6
I * 1 I
278 Nothing but Motion
The secondary effect 3-5 has now been eliminated, as the lone carbon
atom does not have the free electric rotation characteristic of the magnetic
groups or compounds, but the remaining orientation effects are still
adequate to hold the structure together. The further valence change
that is necessary if the phenyl radical is to assume a negative valence
similarly eliminates the 4-2 secondary effect, as group 4 is no longer
magnetic. However, the two carbon atoms and one hydrogen atom
combine into a radical CCH, with a net valence of 1. This radical
has no orienting effect on its neighbors, but the adjoining magnetic
neutral groups do exert their effect on it. The orientation pattern is
1 2 3 4 5 6
C = CH CH - CH
fact that the cohesive force in the cyclic ring is weaker than that in
the aromatic ring is offset to some extent by the ability of the CH2
groups to form rings of various sizes. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene,
for instance, can drop one of its CH2 groups, form ing indane,
-(CH)4C=C (CH2)3-. Because of the CH2 flexibility, the cyclic ring in
this compound is still able to close even if two of the remaining CH2
groups are replaced by CH. This produces indene, -(CH)4
C=C(CH) 2 CH2-.
Polynuclear cyclic compounds are formed in the same manner as the
polynuclear aromatic and combination structures, but not in as great
a number or variety. Corresponding to biphenyl and its substitution
products are dicyclopentyl, dicyclohexyl, etc., and their derivatives;
triphenyl methane has a cyclic equivalent in tricyclohexyl methane; the
cyclic analog of naphthalene is bicyclodecane, and so on.
The last major division of the ring compounds is the heterocyclic
class, in which are placed all compounds in which any of the carbon
atoms in the cyclic or aromatic rings are replaced by other elements.
The principal reason for setting up a special classification for these
compounds is that most of the substitutions of other elements for carbon
require valence changes of one kind or another, unlike the substitutions
for hydrogen, which normally involve no valence modifications, except
in those cases where two valence one hydrogen atoms are replaced
by one valence two substituent.
Some of the heterocyclic substitutions are of this two for one character,
and in those cases the normal cyclic or aromatic structure is not altered.
For example, if we begin with quinone, -(CH)2 CO(CH) 2 CO-, an
aromatic carbon compound, and replace two of the CH groups with
NH neutral groups we obtain uracil, -NH CO NH CH CH CO-. One
more similar pair replacement removes the last of the hydrocarbon groups
and results in urazine, - N H C O N H N H C O N H - . In the compound
cyclohexane hexone previously mentioned all of the hydrogen has been
replaced, and in borazole, - B H N H B H N H B H N H - , all carbon is
eliminated. All of these heterocyclic compounds are composed entirely
of two-member magnetic neutral groups, and therefore have the benzene
structure: six groups arranged in a rigid aromatic ring.
More commonly, however, the heterocyclic substituent is a single
atom or a radical, and such a substitution requires a valence change
in some other part of the ring to maintain the valence equilibrium.
Substitutions therefore often take place in balanced pairs. In pyrone,
-(CH)2CO (CH)2O-, for example, the CO combination is not a neutral
group, but a radical with valence +2 which balances the - 2 valence
of the oxygen atom. The CH2 radical, in which carbon also has its
normal valence +4, has the same function in pyran, -(CH)2-
Ring Compounds 281
- CH CO c A - CH O pyrone
I I I------------- '
CH - CH N = N CH - CH pyridazine
290 Nothing but Motion