Grammar Lesson Infinitives Gerunds
Grammar Lesson Infinitives Gerunds
Grammar Lesson Infinitives Gerunds
INTR 612
To warm up, I would activate students background knowledge by having them
review a structure they already knowinfinitive forms of verbs used as an object
(complement). I would show pictures of activities and prompt them to complete the
the sentence I like with the appropriate infinitive form (Ex. I like to play soccer.)
Show students, using PowerPoint or marker board, that to play soccer is a verb
that is being used as a noun. (Ex. What do you like? To play soccer.)
Introduce a new way to turn a verb into a noun (gerunds)
Using the same examples from the warm-up, replace the infinitive form with the
gerund form (Ex. I like to play soccer becomes I like playing soccer.)
Show students that this form is often used to make a verb into a subject (at the front
of the sentence)
Give students a chart with the few most common verbs that 1) require a gerund, 2)
require an infinitive, and 3) can take either form. Teacher will explain the three
dierent categories. Teacher will also explain Bolingers principle.
Students will take a few minutes to read/study the chart
Students will engage in a whole-class, teacher-led, oral drill to practice using the
correct verb form. Teacher will have an activity on the screen such as speak
English and the drill will go like this:
- T: I want
- T: I need
- T: I enjoy
- T: I practice
For verbs that can take either an infinitive or a gerund (like, love, etc.) the teacher will
prompt the students to practice BOTH forms orally during the drill, for example:
Katie Williams
INTR 612
- T: I like
- T: OR I like..
Teacher will lead the class in a game of bingo for more practice (see materials)
Students will work in pairs to construct a dialog using at least 2 verbs that require a
gerund, two that require an infinitive, and 2 that could take either.
Teacher will ask some pairs to volunteer to perform their dialog for the class
Teacher will review the rules for using infinitives and gerunds, checking for students
Materials: Chart
Should I use an infinitive or a gerund?
Verbs Examples Bolingers
Infinitive want I want to play. Unfulfilled,
would like
go (+activity) I go shopping.
Either like
I like to read.
I like reading.
I prefer to walk.
INTR 612
cook swim read travel
She will start We have to I need to
I promise I love
____________ practice finish
___________. ___________.
___________. ___________. ___________.
I want
She plans He learned She plans We hope
___________. ___________. ___________. ___________.
He enjoys He
He prefers They enjoy
____________ suggested
___________. ___________.
___________. ___________.