VI World Congress IC 1928
VI World Congress IC 1928
VI World Congress IC 1928
English Edition Unpublished Manuscripts Please reprint
Vol. 8 No. 92 PRESS 31 December 1928
Editorial Offices and Central Despatching Department: Berggasse 31,
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The Programme of the
Communist International.
Adopted by the VI. World Congress
on 1st September 1928, in Moscow.
Manifesto of the
VI. World Congress
Scanned / Transcribed by
The Socialist Truth In Cyprus
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No 92 International Press Correspondence 2
The epoch of imperialism is the epoch of moribund capitalism.
The world war of 1914-1918 and the general crisis of capitalism to
which it led, being the direct result of the sharp contradictions
between the growth of productive forces of world economy and the
national State barriers which intersect it, have shown and proved that
the material pre-requisites for socialism have already ripened in the
womb of capitalist society that the shell of capitalism has become an
intolerable hindrance to the further development of mankind and that
history has brought to the forefront the task of the revolutionary
overthrow of the yoke of capitalism.
Imperialism subjects large masses of the proletariat of all
countriesfrom the centres of capitalist power to the most remote
comers of the colonial world-to the dictatorship of a finance-capitalist
plutocracy. With elemental force, imperialism exposes and
accentuates all the contradictions of capitalist society; it carries class
oppression to the utmost limits, intensifies the struggle between
capitalist governments, inevitably gives rise to world-wide imperialist
wars that shake the whole prevailing system of relationships to their
foundations and inexorably leads to the World Proletarian
Binding the whole world in chains of finance capital; forcing its
yoke upon the proletariat and the nations and races of all countries
by methods of blood, iron and starvation; sharpening to an
immeasurable degree the exploitation, oppression and enslavement
of the proletariat and confronting it with the immediate task of
conquering power, imperialism creates the necessity for close union
of the workers of all countries, irrespective of State frontiers, and of
differences of nationality, culture, language, race, sex or profession
into a single international army of the proletariat. Thus, while
imperialism develops and completes the process of creating the
material prerequisites for socialism, it at the same time musters the
army of its own grave-diggers and compels the proletariat to
organise in a militant international workers association.
On the other hand, imperialism splits off the best provided for
section of the working class from the main mass of the workers.
Bribed and corrupted by imperialism, this upper stratum of the
working class constitutes the leading element in the social
democratic parties; it is interested in the imperialist plunder of the
colonies, is loyal to its own bourgeoisie and its own imperialist
No 92 International Press Correspondence 4
State, and, in the midst of decisive battles, has fought on the side of
the class enemy of the proletariat. The split that occurred in the
socialist movement in 1914 as a result of this treachery, and the
subsequent treachery of the social democratic parties (which in
reality have become bourgeois labour parties), demonstrated that the
international proletariat will be able to fulfil its historical mission -to
throw off the yoke of imperialism and establish the proletarian
dictatorship only by ruthless struggle against social democracy.
Hence, the organisation of the forces of the international revolution
becomes possible only on the platform of Communism. In opposition
to the opportunist Second International of social democracywhich
has become the agency of imperialism in the ranks of the working
classinevitably rises the Third, Communist International, the
international organisation of the working class, the embodiment of
real unity of the revolutionary workers of the whole world.
The war of 1914-1918 gave rise to the first attempts to establish
a new, revolutionary International, as a counterpoise to the Second,
social-chauvinist International, and as a weapon of resistance to
bellicose imperialism (Zimmerwald and Kienthal). The victorious
proletarian revolution in Russia gave an impetus to the formation of
Communist Parties in the centres of capitalism and in the colonies. In
1919, the Communist International was formed, and for the first time
in world history the most advanced strata of the European and
American proletariat were really united in the process of practical
revolutionary struggle with the proletariat of China and of India and
with the coloured toilers of Africa and America.
As the united and centralised international Party of the
proletariat, the Communist International is the only Party to continue
the principles of the First International, and to carry them out upon
the new foundation of the revolutionary proletarian mass movement.
The experience gathered from the first imperialist world war, from the
subsequent period of revolutionary crises of capitalism, and from the
series of revolutions in Europe and in the colonial countries; the
experience gathered from the dictatorship of the proletariat and the
building up of socialism in the U.S.S.R. and from the work of all the
Sections of the Communist International as recorded in the decisions
of its Congresses; finally, the fact that the struggle between the
imperialist bourgeoisie and the proletariat is more and more
assuming an international character; all this has created a need for a
uniform programme of the Communist International that will be
common for all Sections of the Communist International. This
No 92 International Press Correspondence 5
particularly in acute and critical situations (the British I.L.P. and the
left leaders of the General Council during the general strike in
1926; Otto Bauer and Co., at the time of the Vienna uprising), and is
therefore, the most dangerous faction in the social democratic
parties. While serving the interests of the bourgeoisie in the working
class and being wholly in favour of class co-operation and coalition
with the bourgeoisie, social democracy, at certain periods, is
compelled to play the part of an opposition party and even to pretend
that it is defending the class interests of the proletariat in its industrial
struggle. It tries thereby to win the confidence of a section of the
working class and to be in a position more shamefully to betray the
lasting interests of the working class, particularly in the midst of
decisive class battles.
The principal function of social democracy at the present time is
to disrupt the essential militant unity of the proletariat in its struggle
against imperialism. In splitting and disrupting the united front of the
proletarian struggle against capital, social democracy serves as the
mainstay of imperialism in the working class. International social
democracy of all shades; the Second International and its trade
union branch, the Amsterdam Federation of Trade Unions, have thus
become the last reserve of bourgeois society and its most reliable
pillar of support.
mankind will devote all its energy to the struggle against the forces of
nature, to the development and strengthening of its own collective
After abolishing private ownership of the means of production
and converting these means into social property, the world system of
Communism will replace the elemental forces of the world market,
competitive and blind processes of social production, by consciously
organised and planned production for the purpose of satisfying
rapidly growing social needs. With the abolition of competition and
anarchy in production, devastating crises and still more devastating
wars will disappear. Instead of colossal waste of productive forces
and spasmodic development of society-there will be a planned
utilisation of all material resources and a painless economic
development on the basis of unrestricted, smooth and rapid
development of productive forces.
The abolition of private property and the disappearance of
classes will do away with the exploitation of man by man. Work will
cease to be toiling for the benefit of a class enemy: instead of being
merely a means of livelihood it will become a necessity of life: want
and economic inequality, the misery of enslaved classes, and a
wretched standard of life generally will disappear; the hierarchy
created in the division of labour system will be abolished together
with the antagonism between mental and manual labour; and the last
vestige of the social inequality of the sexes will be removed. At the
same time, the organs of class domination, and the State in the first
place, will disappear also. The State, being the embodiment of class
domination, will die out in so far as classes die out, and with it all
measures of coercion will expire.
With the disappearance of classes the monopoly of education in
every form will be abolished. Culture will become the acquirement of
all and the class ideologies of the past will give place to scientific
materialist philosophy. Under such circumstances, the domination of
man over man, in any form, becomes impossible, and a great field
will be opened for the social selection and the harmonious
development of all the talents inherent in humanity.
In Communist society no social restrictions will be imposed upon
the growth of the forces of production. Private ownership in the
means of production, the selfish lust for profits, the artificial retention
of the masses in a state of ignorance, povertywhich retards
technical progress in capitalist society, and unproductive
expenditures will have no place in a Communist society. The most
No 92 International Press Correspondence 24
its class content, but also in its internal structure. This is precisely the
type of State which, emerging as it does directly out of the broadest
possible mass movement of the toilers, secures the maximum of
mass activity and is, consequently, the surest guarantee of final
The Soviet form of State, being the highest form of democracy,
namely, proletarian democracy, is the very opposite of bourgeois
democracy, which is bourgeois dictatorship in a masked form. The
Soviet State is the dictatorship of the proletariat, the rule of a single
classthe proletariat. Unlike bourgeois democracy, proletarian
democracy openly admits its class character and aims avowedly at
the suppression of the exploiters in the interests of the overwhelming
majority of the population. It deprives its class enemies of political
rights and, under special historical conditions, may grant the
proletariat a number of temporary advantages over the diffused petty
bourgeois peasantry in order to strengthen its role of leader. While
disarming and suppressing its class enemies, the proletarian State at
the same time regards this deprivation of political rights and partial
restriction of liberty as temporary measures in the struggle against
the attempts on the part of the exploiters to defend or restore their
privileges. It inscribes on its banner the motto: the proletariat holds
power not for the purpose of perpetuating it, not for the purpose of
protecting narrow craft and professional interests, but for the purpose
of uniting the backward and scattered rural proletariat, the semi-
proletariat and the toiling peasants still more closely with the more
progressive strata of the workers, for the purpose of gradually and
systematically overcoming class divisions altogether. Being an all-
embracing form of the unity and organisation of the masses under
the leadership of the proletariat, the Soviets, in actual fact, draw the
broad masses of the proletariat, the peasants and all toilers into the
struggle for socialism, into the work of building up socialism, and into
the practical administration of the State. In the whole of their work
they rely upon the working class organisations and practice the
principles of broad democracy among the toilers to an extent far
greater and immeasurably more close to the masses than does any
other form of government. The right of electing and recalling
delegates, the combination of the executive with the legislative
power, the electoral system based on a productive and not on a
residential qualification (election by workshops, factories, etc.) all this
secures for the working class and for the broad masses of the toilers
who march under its leadership, systematic, continuous and active
No 92 International Press Correspondence 29
B. Agriculture
E. Housing
and the peasantry and for the transformation of this dictatorship into
the: dictatorshipof the proletariat, and, finally, the decisive
importance of the national aspects of the struggle, impose, upon the
Communist Parties of these countries a number of special tasks,
which are preparatory stages to the general tasks of the dictatorship
of the proletariat.
The Communist International considers the following to be the
most important of these special tasks:
1. To overthrow the rule of foreign imperialism, of the feudal
rulers and of the landlord bureaucracy.
2. To establish the democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and
the peasantry on a Soviet basis.
3. Complete national independence And national unification.
4. Annulment of State debts.
5. Nationalisation of large-scale enterprises (industrial, transport,
banking and others) owned by the imperialists.
6. The confiscation of landlord, church and monastery lands.
The nationalisation of all the land.
7. Introduction of the 8-hour day.
8. The organisation of revolutionary workers and peasants
countries and the unity of the toilers of all races and all peoples in
their struggle against the yoke of imperialism.
Despite the bloody terror of the bourgeoisie, the Communists
fight with courage and devotion on all sectors of the international
class front, in the firm conviction that the victory of the proletariat is
inevitable and cannot be averted.
The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims.
They openly declare that their aims can be attained only by the
forcible overthrow of all the existing social conditions. Let the
ruling class tremble at a Communistic revolution. The
proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a
world to win.
Workers of all countries, unite!
No 92 International Press Correspondence 70
Great Britain and France, the almost open work of the General Staffs
of the Entente in the Baltic States and in Roumania, and finally the
insolent provocations of Japanese imperialism all these things
must act as a warning to all honest workers, for all proletarians and
for all the oppressed all over the world who see in the Soviet Union
their Fatherland wrung from the hands of the capitalists and rich
landowners by the hot blood of the sons of the working class.
The civilised robbers, the bloodhounds of the General Staffs,
the swindlers of secret diplomacy, the Bank magnates and the Trust
kings who are carrying on a criminal war in China, bombarding
Chinese towns, occupying Chinese territory, robbing the Chinese
people of the means of its existence and destroying its most active
sons, preparing attacks upon each other, organising their forces for a
common action against the Soviet Union, arming themselves to the
teeth, on land, on the sea and in the air, who are using science to
prepare the most barbarous, destructive and inhuman war which will
stifle the workers with poison gas and slaughter them in great agony
with artificially infected sicknesses, who conduct monkey trials
against the teachings of Darwin, the most prominent contributor to
science in the nineteenth century, who issue laws against
dangerous ideas, who murdered Sacco and Vanzetti in the electric
chair, such a horrible atrocity that millions held their breath in anxiety
only to groan for vengeance and curse the murderers, these civilised
robbers, with their scholastic and non-scholastic lackeys, are raising
a howl about the barbarism of the Bolsheviks and about their own
love of peace.
The history of humanity has never known anything so
hypocritical and sanctimonious, so lying and disgusting as the
present ideology of modern pacifist imperialism, whose foreign
political tasks consist in the most criminal, most barbarous, most
counter-revolutionary, most destructive form of warfare ever known.
The more furious the armament race becomes, the more energetic
become the official and unofficial agents of imperialism in their howls
of peace and in the production of peace pacts and in the
organisation of conferences and discussions, in the elaboration of
projects and proposals for peace.
The League of Nations, the product of Versailles, the most
shameless robber treaty of the last decade, cloaks the warlike work
of its members by working out projects for disarmament. The Soviet
Union has exposed this game: the great friends of peace refused to
disarm when their bluff was called. The diplomatic comedy turned
No 92 International Press Correspondence 73
into a vulgar farce. The mask of peace fell to the ground and the
brutal features of imperialism were revealed to the whole world.
The League of Nations is first of all a counter-revolutionary
organisation, but it is also directed against America. In consequence,
Dollar imperialism has put its own pact
upon the agenda through the mouth or its agents. The hegemony at
American capitalism, which possesses the most modern machinery,
the greatest gold resources and the best military technique, must
secure its juridical recognition. War is outlawed. Japan is not
carrying an war against China, but only protecting its interests, the
U.S.A. is not conducting war against Nicaragua, but only
maintaining order. All the capitalist countries are not arming for war,
but only to maintain civilisation.
The business managers at imperialist policy who are attempting
to conceal their imperialist desires and warlike intentions with a cloud
of pacifist pacts and by the narcotic poison at pacifist phrases, are at
the same time doing everything possible to cast the workers into
chains and to break the backbone of the revolutionary movement in
the colonies and to weaken the Hinterland at the Soviet Republics.
The signs of the times are terror and corruption, a ruthless
exploitation of the workers, the corruption of their leaders, a united
front against the mass-organisations at the workers when they
threaten to become dangerous, the policy of disruption in the ranks
at the workers, the increasing attacks of the police upon the
Communist Parties, etc. A wave of repression in Great Britain, the
United States, France and Japan meets with a terrible wave of terror
in Italy and in the Balkans and with mass executions in China. The
bloody axe of bourgeois civilisation is at work unceasingly. The
imperialist murderers survey their victims without moving an eyelid,
although they feel inwardly that thousands of fighters crying for
vengeance will a rise in their stead.
In this period, when the whole air smells of powder and lead,
when the antagonisms at capitalism are strained to their utmost,
when the class struggle of the proletariat is intensified, when the
million masses of the colonial slaves are rising, when ever new
columns of the toilers are mobilising to defend the Soviet Union, the
bulwark of the movement for freedom, in this period the treacherous
role of the Second International, the social democracy and its
Amsterdam department, the I.FT.U., advances once again into the
From the standpoint of the class interests of the proletariat it is
No 92 International Press Correspondence 74
more than ever necessary today for the workers to realise their class
independence and to realise that their interests are diametrically
opposed to the interests of the capitalists and the capitalist States. A
proletarian counter-attack is the only possible answer to the insolent
attacks of capitalism, to the inhuman exploitation of labour power, to
the unemployment, to the policy of dissolving the working class
organisations and to the fascist terror. And in this period the high
priests of the Social Democratic Parties, who have shamelessly
betrayed all the old traditions of the class struggle and who tread the
elementary pride of the proletariat into the dust, in this period they
preach the collaboration at the classes, industrial peace and
economic democracy. Peace and democracy under the iron-shod
heel of trust capitalism! Industrial peace in economy and coalition
with the bourgeoisie in politics, that is the treacherous sum of social
democratic wisdom.
From the standpoint of the class interests of the proletariat it is
more than ever necessary at the present time to expose every
warlike action of the bourgeoisie, to draw the attention of the masses
to the danger of war and to sound the alarm. And in this period the
social democratic politicians are building armoured cruisers, acting
as the initiators of brutal military laws, grovel before militarism,
actively improve the capitalist armies, praise the imperialist League
of Nations, slander the U.S.S.R., praise the deceptive and deceitful
document of the hangmen of Sacco and Vanzetti and are full of foul
pacifist slime. Whilst they themselves are whitewashing as well as
they can the military preparations of the imperialists, they at the
same time accuse the Soviet Union of imperialism. The social
democrats, the heroes of 1914, are already grovelling before the
imperialist General Staffs. Already their hands are outstretched to
receive the reward for their work on the day when they join the ranks
of the bourgeoisie in a war against the soldiers of the proletarian
From the standpoint of the class-interests of the proletariat the
unity of the industrial proletariat with the working masses in the
colonies is more necessary than ever before. In this question
however the social democrats are on the side of the exploiters, on
the side of the imperialists, on the side of the imperialist robber
States and their agents. The French socialists supported their
government when the French troops razed the villages of the Riffi
and laid Syrian towns in ruins with the heavy artillery fire. The
government of MacDonald appeared openly as the oppressor of
No 92 International Press Correspondence 75
India and Egypt. Members of the Labour Party now in India are
fulfilling the direct instructions of the British bourgeoisie. All social
democratic parties are supporting their own governments in the
Chinese question and only allow themselves a polite and respectful
criticism when the pressure of the masses forces their hands. The
Brussels Congress of the Second International, which failed to
support the Kuomintang in the period of its revolutionary struggles,
openly sided with the Kuomintang after it had become the
bloodhound of imperialism and the hangman of the Chinese working
class. In the colonial question the Brussels congress made decisions
which were practically copied from the documents of the League of
The social democracy has thus become the chief force which
makes for separating the workers in the industrial countries from the
toiling masses in the colonies.
Finally, from the standpoint of the interests of the proletariat as a
class, the unity of the working class is more than ever necessary.
The struggle against the powerful organised enemy, against the
gigantic trusts, against the state power of capitalism, which protects
the interests of the finance-capitalist oligarchy, the maximum of unity
in the ranks of the workers is necessary. But just at this present
moment the social democratic agency of the imperialist bourgeoisie
is at work to carry out its instructions and disrupt the ranks of the
workers! The leaders of the social democratic parties and of the
reformist trade unions, the heralds of unity with the bourgeoisie and
its trusts, the apostles of industrial peace and political coalition with
the representatives of the banks and the stock exchange, are doing
everything possible to expel the communists and all revolutionary
proletarians from the mass organisations of the working class. They
are splitting the trade unions, they are splitting the sport
organisations, they are smashing up the ranks of the proletarian
free-thinkers. The more they fight for unity with the bourgeoisie, the
more brutal becomes their struggle against the unity of the working
The Communist International appeals to all workers and to all
toilers to close their ranks still more firmly, to fight for the unity of the
whole working class, to fight for the unity of the workers with the
peasants and to fight for the alliance of the workers with the
oppressed colonial peoples in the struggle against the exploitation
and oppression of the class enemy.
The Sixth World Congress of the Communist International
No 92 International Press Correspondence 76
must be set up, the masses of the toilers must be mobilised, loyal
messengers of the working class sent into the armies and the fleets
of capitalism to prepare the soldiers and sailors to turn their guns in
the hour when imperialism calls upon them to slaughter each other,
against the imperialists themselves, the best target during the
imperialist war.
The imperialist beast with its dull eyes can only see the historical
past and is unable to penetrate the curtain which hides the future. It
is consoling itself with the comparative state of peace which prevails
in Europe, which from time to time is given an injection of life-giving
gold elixir from the transatlantic vampire, the United States. But the
sober glance of the proletariat, which has felt all the glories of
capitalist rationalisation and all the burdens of industrial peace
upon its own skin, can see clearly the gigantic accumulation of
capitalist contradictions and the steady and rapid intensification of
the class struggle everywhere. The General Strike in Great Britain,
the insurrection in Vienna, the strikes in Germany, the electoral
results in France and Germany, the reaction of the German workers
to the new treachery of the social democrats in the armoured cruiser
question, the violent resistance put up by the Chinese workers and
peasants, the growing thunder of the revolutionary volcano in India,
which is already sending up preliminary smoke signals, the steadily
growing dissatisfaction in South America, the growth of self-
confidence amongst the Negroes and thousands of other signs, do
they not show that the mole of history is burrowing?
The Communist International appeals to all toilers, and in
particular to the industrial workers, to take up the struggle for every
inch of ground that has been won, to fight against the offensive of
capitalism, to fight against the ruthless exploitation of capitalism, to
fight against the enslavement of the proletariat, to fight against the
policy of the imperialists and against imperialist war. The Communist
International appeals to all workers and to all oppressed peoples
devotedly to defend the Chinese revolution, whose heroes and
martyrs have fallen under the axe of the executioner. The
Communist International appeals to all honest proletarians to form a
wall of iron around the Soviet Union against which imperialism is
raising the sword of war. The Communist International appeals for
increased watchfulness and for a direct fight against the pacifist lies
and pacifist deception. The Communist International appeals for a
complete break with the bourgeoisie and for the unity of the ranks of
the workers in a ruthless struggle against the class enemies of the
No 92 International Press Correspondence 78
No 92 International Press Correspondence 79
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