Manual MAM MB33 Engl

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Thank you for purchasing our MB33 Retro.

The MB33 Retro is manufactured completely in Germany, including assembly, mounting,

casing, print and packaging - which is something, we are particularily proud of.

My thanks go to Hans Thomann and Bernd Siegismund from Musikhaus Thomann and
Hari Rupp from the Music Store in Cologne, without whom this project would not have been
possible. Thanks also to Artur Grnke and Harry Brandes, both of which have contributed
greatly to the development of the MB33.

As with all analog devices the tolerance within the individual components is different from
each other. Thus each MB33 is unique and always sounds somewhat different. This is what
makes up a large part of the appeal for analogue instruments. Thus creating a much smaller
device due to the SMD construction, it still contains all relevant components of the original.

The MB33 Retro was, like his predecessor, developed by Dipl.Ing. Stefan Schmidt.

Stefan Schmidt is one of the best engineers worldwide in this field , emphasized by building
his own synthesizer "Schmidt", a high-end synthesizer, used in all the top studios in the world.
As with the original it was despensed of the on-off switch, since the power supply consumes
almost 20 times more electricity than the MB33 by itself.

Questions and suggestions please address to "[email protected]"

1 Brief Description
1.1 Front Panel

3 9 4

Analog Retro Bass Synthesizer


1 7

2 8

5 10 6

1. TUNE: fine pitch tuning +/- 50 cent

2. WAVE: Blends the waveforms square and sawtooth
3. CUTOFF: Sets the upper cutoff frequency of the filter
4. RESONANCE: Creates resonances in the square frequency
5. ENV MOD: intensity of an Envelope to the cutoff frequency
6. ENV DECAY: Decay time of the Envelope
7. ACCENT: is triggered via MIDI and affects Envelope, Cutoff and Volume
8. VOLUME: volume control at the output of MB33
9. MIDI-LED: alternately on incoming MIDI signals, permanently at Autotune
10. ON-LED: the MB33 is on

1.2 Back

Made in Bavaria by MAM CE

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

11. Output: Audio output of MB33

12. SCALE / OFFSET: Adjusts the intensity of the cutoff controller
13. VCF IN: EXT. Audio signal can be processed via the VCF of the MB33
14. MIDI IN: socket for controlling the sound generator of the MB33
15. MIDI CH: Set the MIDI channel (see below)
16. DEMO / AUTOTUNE: Activates AUTOTUNE (in normal operation), or the DEMO
( button down while turning on)
17. 12V AC: Socket AC adapter

For damage or consequential damage of MB33 (due to operation of the device by a
different AC adapter), no liability is accepted.
1. Set the desired receive channel with Midi-Select

2. Connect the output of the MB33 with a mixer, amplifier etc. For means of safety
turn down the volume control of both devices.

3. In order to control the MB33, connect the MIDI IN socket with the MIDI OUT (or
THRU) of a MIDI controller (computer, keyboard, sequencer ...). Make sure that
the preset receive channel of the MB33 matches the transmit channel of the Midi

4. The MB33 now carries out Autotuning. Once this process is completed, the MIDI LED
turns off and the MB33 is ready for use. The ON LED must be lit permanently, as long
as the device is turned on. If you now send notes to the MB33, the Midi-LED lights up
in the note rhythm.

The MB33 playes a short demo melody when you simultaneously press the
Autotune button while connecting the power supply. The demo melody is
stopped by pressing the Autotune button once again.

3 Setting of the MIDI receive channel - MIDI SELECT

The MIDI SELECT switches allow the preset of the MIDI receive channel.

1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234

Kanal-1 Kanal-2 Kanal-3 Kanal-4 Kanal-5 Kanal-6 Kanal-7 Kanal-8

1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234

Kanal-9 Kanal-10 Kanal-11 Kanal-12 Kanal-13 Kanal-14 Kanal-15 Kanal-16

VCO is a voltage controlled oscillator and generates the waveforms square and sawtooth.
The spectrum of the square wave contains only even harmonics. Since on the other hand
all harmonics are represented in the spectrum of the sawtooth wave , this offers a fuller
sound. The two waveforms can be mixed with the Wave controller in any desired ratios.

The TUNE control changes the pitch of the VCO by +/- 50 cents. In the center position the
pitch is adapted to the tuning of other MIDI instruments.

5 Autoslide
The Slide (also known as portamento) enables sliding from one pitch to another. This e
ffect is triggered automatically, when more than one note is played on the MB33 . In this
case, the Envelope will not be triggered.

This is explained by the following example:

Note-signals to MIDI in

played notes e g h e g h e

processed envelope

The VCF is a 24 dB lowpass filter with adjustable resonance. It is used to boost or reduce
overtones in the output of the VCO. It features a controller for CUTOFF, Resonance and
Envelope Modulation:

The CUTOFF controller specifies the frequency (cutoff frequency) of the VCF.
Overtones above the cutoff frequency are cut off. On the other hand all Overtones
below the cutoff frequency pass the VCF unchanged. The control range of the cutoff
controller is designed so that in its maximum position the VCO signals are not changed.
In minimum position almost all overtones are suppressed.

The RESONANCE controller can be used to raise the overtones within the range of
the cutoff frequency. In the left position no raising of overtones takes place. Turning
the control to the right increases the raise of overtones.

The ENV MOD control determines how much the Envelope Generator (ENV) affects
the Cutofffrequenz.
7 Envelope (ENV)
The Envelope generates a control voltage that can be used for modulating the cutoff frequency
(controller ENV MOD), (VCA has a separate Envelope with a set voltage gradient). The control
voltage is always regenerated with each note received, but not if the AutoSlide feature is enabled
( more than 1 note is played simultaneously).

How quickly the ENV voltage decreases, depends on the position of the ENV-control.

The following figure shows the curve of the envelope voltage:


Note-ON Note-OFF

8 Accent
The Accent is decisive for the dynamics of your playing by accentuating individual notes,
so that they are to be clearly differentiated. The Accent of MB33 is particularly effective,
because it affects several parameters simultaneously.

The volume is raised significantly.

For the duration of the Accent, Decay time is set to minimum (at Accent-end the
currently set Decay time is reestablished). The effect of the Accent may therefore
be additionally reinforced by a long Decay time.

With increasing Resonance the Accent effects an increase of the Cutoff frequency

By using the Accent , you can control the intensity of the increase of Volume and
Cutoff frequency.
The Accent is triggered via Midi at Velocity values> = 120th
9 Volume
The VOLUME control sets the output volume of the MB33.

A maximum volume can - for certain parameter settings - lead to overriding of

the output signal (Accent on maximum, Resonance to minimum) , which becomes
noticeable in form of distortions as a consequence. Turn down the Volume, if this
is not a desired effect.

At the VCF IN socket external audio signals can be connected for further processing of
sound with the help of MB33.

Processing external audio signals

1. Connect an external audio signal to the VCF IN socket of the MB33. The internal
oscillator is thereby separated from the input of the VCF, but connected to the
external signal. As a result, only the processed audio signal is played at the MB33
Output. All functions of the MB33 - including Midi control - are still active.

2. Since the external signal in the MB33 first passes the VCF, then the VCA, it must
be triggered via MIDI. There are merely note-ON (VCA lets the signal pass through)
or Note Off messages (the VCA blocks) required, the pitch values are irrelevant.
When triggering the VCA the Envelope is automatically triggered, thus to modulate
the cutoff frequency of the VCF. Note that the Envelope will not discharge, if Auto
Slide function is activated.

For example, the following configurations are possible :

Midi In VCF In Midi In VCF In

Midi Out
Midi Out




Triggering via keyboard Triggering of an additional control unit

3. You can now edit the external audio signal using the controls of the MB33.
Wichtige Sicherheits-Instruktionen

1. Lesen Sie alle Anweisungen, bevor Sie das Gert benutzen.

2. Benutzen Sie das Gert niemals in der Nhe von Wasser, z.B. neben einer Badewanne, einem Waschbecken, einem Kchenabflu, in ein em feuchten
Keller oder neben einem Swimming Pool.
3. Dieses Gert kann in Kombination mit einem Verstrker und einem Kophrer oder Lautsprecherboxen Schallpegel erzeugen, die dauerhaftete Gehr-
schden zur Folge haben knnen. Vermeiden Sie deshalb ber einen lngeren Zeitraum zu hohe oder unangenehme Lautstrken. Sollten Sie einen
Gehrschaden oder Ohrensauen feststellen, konsultieren Sie einen Ohrenarzt.
4. Das Gert sollte so aufgestellt werden, da eine ausreichende Frischluftzufuhr immer gewhrleistet ist.
5. Das Gert sollte nicht in der Nhe von Wrmequellen, z.B. Heizkrpern, fen oder anderen hitzeentwickelnden Gerten aufgestellt werden.
6. Das Gert darf nur an genormte Steckdosen angeschlossen werden.
7. Plazieren Sie das Gert so, da keine Gegenstnde, Flssigkeiten oder Staub in das Gerte-Innere dringen knnen.
8. Wird das Gert ber einen lngeren Zeitraum nicht benutzt, ziehen Sie das externe Steckernetzteil aus der Steckdose.
9. Das Gert sollte von einem qualifizierten Fachpersonal gewartet werden, wenn:
- das externe Netzteil beschdigt ist oder
- Gegenstnde oder Flssigkeiten in das Gert eingedrungen sind oder
- das Gert im Regen war oder
- das Gert infolge eines Sturzes beschdigt wurde oder
- das Gert in seiner normalen Funktionsweise gestrt sein sollte.
10. Nehmen Sie Repararturen nicht selbst vor, sondern lassen Sie diese von einem qualifizierten Techniker durchfhren.

Dieses Produkt entspricht den nachstehend aufgefhrten EMC Richtlinien EN 50082-1, EN 50091-1, EN60005
Vetreter in der EU, Name und Adresse des Herstellers gem der Richtlinie 2001/95/EG:

MAM Music and More, Nrnbergerstr. 14, 90762 Frth/Bay.

Frth, 1.9.2015

Ort, Datum Unterschrift des Bevollmchtigten

MAM Music and More gewhrt fr dieses Produkt eine Garantie gegen Material- und Verarbeitungsfehler fr einen Zeitraum von
vierundzwanzig (24) Monaten, sechs ( 6 ) Monate fr die folgenden Verschleiteile und Zubehr: Netzteil, Potentiometer, Kabel.
Wenn sich das Produkt unter normalen Umstnden als defekt erweist, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Fachhndler oder an
unsere Hotline [email protected] .
Die Garantie gilt nur bei Vorlage des Kaufnachweises bestehend aus einer Original-Kaufquittung oder eines Kassenbelegs
mit Angabe des Kaufdatums, des Hndlernamens und der Modellbezeichnung.
MAM Music and More verpflichtet sich das defekte Teil zu reparieren oder nach Ermessen auszutauschen.
Die Garantie gilt nicht, wenn andere Mngel als o.a. Fehler festgestellt web des eurpischen Wirtschaftsraums gekauft wurden
und durch unsachgeme Benutzung oder Mibrauch, insbesondere bei Benutzung des Produkts in Verbindung mit Zubehr,
das nicht fr die Verwendung mit diesem Gert geeignet ist. Ebenso bei hherer Gewalt, nicht ordnungsgem durchgefhrten
Reparaturen von nicht autorisierten Hndlern oder durch nicht genehmigte Modifikationen am Produkt.
MAM Music and More hlt nationale Garantien im Hinblick auf EU-Spezifikationen in allen EU-Lndern ein, die von einem
Verbraucher innerhalb des europischen Wirtschaftsraumes gekauft wurden.

VCO Waveforms: sawtooth and square mixable

Tune control: +/- 50 cent
Switch for Autotune
Auto Slide Function
Range: 4 octaves

VCF 24dB lowpass filter

Cutoff frequency control (20Hz - 20kHz)
Resonance control
ENV-modulation depths control

ENV control for decay time (200ms -. 2,5Sek)

VCA Control for built in Envelope generator with set (non-
modifiable) parameters

ACCENT control for Accent-intensity; triggered at velocity

values> = 120
SOCKETS output socket
VCF input socket
Socket for Midi In
Socket for external power supply
CONSUMPTION MB33 0.5 VA, AC power supply 9.6 VA

DIMENSIONS 147.5 x 85 x 49 mm W / D / H

WEIGHT 0,430 kg

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