BIG Green Awards 1

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By Shelby Hill

Alternative Energy Leaders

CarbonFree Technology
CarbonFree Technology campaigns tions create more than 1.5
for the use of green energy solutions megawatts of solar power.
throughout the United States and North The ASU solar installations
America. The company, which was also are a visual reminder
founded in 2006 and is headquartered in of the power of creativity
Ontario, Canada, is a solar power project and environmental respon-
developer. It helps businesses and insti- sibility that CarbonFree
tutional customers develop solar power Technology champions.
solutions for their energy needs. CarbonFree Technology
CarbonFree Technology’s 2009 merger recommends appropri- beneficial impact on the environment
with SolEquity allowed it to increase its ate solar solutions and secures available and the economies of the communities
potential. The company negotiated the government incentives based upon in which it works. In addition to creating
first successful implementation of a solar each individual project. The company’s solar power, CarbonFree Technology
power purchase agreement in Arizona. other duties include managing project also creates jobs with each solar power
This deal allowed Arizona State Univer- construction, arranging financing, find- installation. Every installation requires
sity to create a leadership position in ing contractors to build the system and workers for everything from installation
its sustainability programs through the arranging monitoring and maintenance and arranging permits to painting and
financing of two solar rooftop top instal- for the life of the system. maintenance.
lation and one rooftop. These installa- CarbonFree Technology’s work has a

Finalists: Green Fuel Technologies // Republic Services

Green Processes
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Scottsdale-based General Dynamics which houses more than
C4 Systems is cutting costs and its envi- 5,000 employees, visitors
ronmental impact at the same time. The and contractors.
company has applied various sustain- The site utilized sustain-
able practices to its Scottsdale facility able ideas and practices
and achieved almost $750,000 in cost on the road to becoming a
savings annually. Leadership in Energy & En-
General Dynamics C4 Systems devel- vironmental Design (LEED)
ops and integrates secure communica- certified facility. Through
tion and information systems and tech- the certification process, Computerized Aided Facilities Manage-
nology for businesses and governments. General Dynamics C4 Systems replaced ment system into its construction and
Although the company does not directly or reconditioned the existing structures maintenance processes. This system
focus on green products, it is committed to lessen the site’s environmental impact. tracks sustainable data such as materials,
to becoming environmentally friendly. General Dynamics C4 Systems also infrastructure capacity, energy impacts and
The company’s Environment, Health and integrated green cleaning and mainte- indoor air quality at its Scottsdale campus.
Safety Policy states that it strives to re- nance practices into its operations; re- Not only is the company’s own site
duce its impact on the environment and uses construction materials, equipment lessening its impact on the environment,
continues to pursue improvement. and components; upgraded the lighting the company strives to meet environ-
General Dynamics C4 Systems certain- system at its LEED-certified site; and mental and safety requirements as it
ly found a way to shrink its environmen- converted completely to locally manu- designs and manufactures products and
tal impact at its research-focused, 1.5 factured recycled paper products. services for its customers.
million square foot Scottsdale campus, The company also integrated its

34 AB | July-August 2010

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