Oreign Wnership IS Imited BY Andate OF THE Onstitution AND Pecific AWS
Oreign Wnership IS Imited BY Andate OF THE Onstitution AND Pecific AWS
Oreign Wnership IS Imited BY Andate OF THE Onstitution AND Pecific AWS
2005 notes: there is no law prohibiting a foreigner from becoming b.domestic banks except where new bank is established as a result
a stockholder and consequently from becoming a director of a of
corporation engaged in the lumber business, irrespective of -local incorporation of any of the existing branches or agencies of
whether the lumber utilized is taken from private forest lands or foreign banks in the Philippines pursuant to sec 68 of General
from timber lands of the public domain, provided that in the latter Banking Act
case, at least 60% of the capital of said corporation is owned by -consolidation of existing banks in any of which there are foreign
Filipinos. Corporation cannot however engage in retailing of owned voting stock at time of consolidation
4Blue 95 notes:A corp composed entirely of aliens may be Upto 25% Foreign Equity:
organized in the Philippines.The corp law only requires a majority a.private recruitment ,whether local or overseas employment
of the incorporators to be residents not necessarily citizens of the b.contracts for the construction and repair of locally-funded public
Philippines.However,in nationalized corporations works except:
(retail,agriculture, mining,tranpo and shipping)no aliens or some -infrastructure/development projects covered by RA 7718
but not all can form the corporation depending on its percentage -contracts for construction of defense-related structure
control. -projects which are foreign funded or assisted and required to
undergo international competitive bidding
2006 notes:Foreign corp can secure lease of lands but cannot own
it.They can acquire stock solely for investment but not to exercise Upto 20% Foreign Equity:
control. Private radio communication network
1.EDUCATIONAL CORPORATIONS There are three (3) ways by which a religious organization can
provide for the administration of its properties:
For educational corporations, where the trustees should be divided 1. by forming a non-stock corporation
into multiples of five. So you should have five, ten, or fifteen 2. by corporation sole
trustees if they are organized as non-stock corporation. And unless 3. by religious aggregate or society
otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or by-laws, the
terms of the trustees should be five years, and every year only one
fifth (1/5) is elected, again to provide for continuity in policies. But
you can provide that they will all be elected instead for a term of Corporation sole may constitute of one person only so the head of
one year, so every year, everybody has to be elected. a religious sect would incorporate himself for the purpose of
administering the properties of a religious sect. To incorporate
what you will file with the SEC is an affidavit. The affidavit will
state that the affiant is the head of a religious denomination or sect
and would want to become a corporation sole. and the rules of his
religion allow him to incorporate as a corporation sole and that he
is charged with the administration of its properties and in fact he
will be required to submit an inventory and the manner in which
the successor will be chosen and the place where he will hold his
a.that its shares shall not be held by a group of more than 20 The court has held in Roman Catholic Apostolic Adm. of Davao,
persons Inc. v. Land Registration Commission that although the Bishop
b.all of the issued stocks shall be subject to one or more was a foreigner, he could register a parcel of land in his name
restrictions on transfer because he is a mere administrator the property really belongs to
c.corporation shall not list in any stock exchange or make public the faithful and since they are Filipinos they could register the land
offering of any of its stocks in the administrators name .
3.It must act in good faith. So the moment, for example, there is
a decision declaring the corporation was not validly created, it can
no longer claim good faith.
Contract Test- foreign corporation not doing business in RP and The test being used here is the nationality/ citizenship of the
entered into contract w/ a domestic corporation whereby the stockholders. According to the formula under the grandfather rule,
perfection and consummation was done outside, the same would if you have a corporation owned by another corporation, you trace
not constitute doing business in RP. who are the owners of this owning corp.
In other words, if a company is 60% Filipino and such 60% is
acquired by company w/c is 50%fil & 50% foreign, so it is 30%
When Unlicensed Foreign Corporation can sue: Filipino (60 x 50%); but if it the acquiring company is 60%
Filipino, so since lampas 50 then the whole 60% of the acquired
1. corporation not doing business in the Philippines can bring corporation is Filipino
suits on isolated acts, If it can sue, it can likewise be sued.
-- if a foreign corporation not engaged in business is not barred to 2006 notes: in JG Summit v CA (2005 case)- the stockholders are
seek redress from Philippine courts, with more reason can said not limited to transfer their shares to another even if it is a
corporation not claim exemption from being sued in Philippine foreigner, such limitation only apply to the corporation.
courts. An illustration is that you can sell your 60% shares to foreign
corporation which would not violate the 60-40 rule, the only effect
Isolated transactions means a series of transactions set apart form of such undertaking is that such foreign corporation cannot acquire
the common business of a foreign enterprise in the sense that there real property.
is no intention to engage in a progressive pursuit of the purpose
and object of the business organization.
The fact that a foreign corporation does not do business here,that is 4blue 95 notes: However, the Foreign Investment Act has
a matter that should be ventilated in the trial on the merits but not disregarded the grandfather rule. It adopted the liberalized
in a motion to dismiss. interpretation of Filipino-ownership.