First Class On Game Theory
First Class On Game Theory
First Class On Game Theory
Carlos Hurtado
Department of Economics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[email protected]
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
What do we do in Economic?
What do we do in Economic?
I Although we will be studying formal concepts and models, they will always be
given an interpretation. An economic model differs substantially from a purely
mathematical model in that it is a combination of a mathematical model and its
What do we do in Economic?
I The word model sounds more scientific than fable or fairy tale, but there is
not much difference between them. The author of a fable draws a parallel to a
situation in real life and has some moral he wishes to impart to the reader.
I The fable is an imaginary situation that is somewhere between fantasy and reality.
Any fable can be dismissed as being unrealistic or simplistic, but this is also the
fables advantage.
I Being something between fantasy and reality, a fable is free of extraneous details
and annoying diversions. In this unencumbered state, we can clearly discern what
cannot always be seen from the real world.
I On our return to reality, we are in possession of some sound advice or a relevant
argument that can be used in the real world. We do exactly the same thing in
economic theory.
I Thus, a good model in economic theory, like a good fable, identifies a number of
themes and elucidates them. We perform thought exercises that are only loosely
connected to reality and have been stripped of most of their real-life characteristics.
I However, in a good model, as in a good fable, something significant remains.
As if Rationality
I Decision-makers are optimizers, given the constraints they find themselves in.
I Implications:
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
What is Game Theory?
I The winner is the one who wrote the closest number to half the average of all
numbers, including his or her own number.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
A Brief History of Game Theory
Emile Borel published four notes on strategic games and an erratum to one of
them. Borel gave the first modern formulation of a mixed strategy along with
finding the minimax solution for two-person games with three or five possible
strategies. Initially he maintained that games with more possible strategies would
not have minimax solutions, but by 1927, he considered this an open question as
he had been unable to find a counterexample.
John von Neumann proved the minimax theorem. It states that every two-person
zero-sum game with finitely many pure strategies for each player is determined, ie:
when mixed strategies are admitted, this variety of game has precisely one
individually rational payoff vector.
R.A. Fisher independently discovers Waldegraves solution to the card game. Fisher
reported his work in the paper Randomisation and an Old Enigma of Card Play.
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John von Neumann and Oskar
Morgenstern is published. As well as expounding two-person zero sum theory this
book is the seminal work in areas of game theory such as the notion of a
cooperative game, with transferable utility (TU), its coalitional form and its von
Neumann-Morgenstern stable sets. It was also the account of axiomatic utility
theory given here that led to its wide spread adoption within economics.
Von Neumann and Morgenstern formally laid the foundations of Game Theory as a
branch of applied mathematics. However, their effort failed to generate stir for two
1. The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior was based on the notion of
zero-sum games. These are known as Games of Conflict or Non-Cooperative
Games. Most games in social sciences are non-zero-sum games.
Contributions to the Theory of Games I, H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker eds.,
In January 1950 Melvin Dresher and Merrill Flood identified a game where it is in
the best interest for players to cooperate, but individual self-interest invokes them
to not cooperate. The game reaches a bad equilibrium that is inferior to a superior
outcome that could have been reached and was available. This phenomenon was
canonized by Albert Tucker.
In the summer of 1950 Tucker was at Stanford University. He was working on a
problem in his room when a graduate student of psychology knocked and asked
what he was doing. The answer was short: game theory. Why dont you explain
to us in a seminar? Tucker used his now famous example of two thieves who were
put into separate cells and asked the same question by the judge. Tucker
christened the phenomenon as The Prisoners Dilemma.
Extensive form games allow the modeler to specify the exact order in which players
have to make their decisions and to formulate the assumptions about the
information possessed by the players in all stages of the game. In two papers,
Extensive Games (1950) and Extensive Games and the Problem of Information
(1953), H. W. Kuhn included the formulation of extensive form games which is
currently used, and also some basic theorems pertaining to this class of games.
In four papers between 1950 and 1953 John Nash (1928 - 2015) made seminal
contributions to both non-cooperative game theory and to bargaining theory.
Note: Nash arrived at Princeton in the Fall of 1948 to start a PhD. He came to
Princeton with one of the shortest reference letters. His professor Richard Duffin
(1909-1996) wrote just one sentence: He is a mathematical genius.
Just eighteen months later, Nash submitted a 28 page doctoral dissertation. The
number 28 went on to become a superstitious number at Princeton. Von
Neumann solved the mini-max theorem in 1928. Nash was born in 1928. Nashs
doctoral dissertation was 28 pages.
- This was the missing link to Von Neumann and Morgensterns magnum opus!!
- He established equilibrium where all players calculate their best strategy based on
what they assume is the best strategy of the other players.
- Every finite game must have at least one solution such that once reached, no
player within the game will have an incentive to deviate.
- If all rational economic agents in a system are trying to do the best they can, the
economic system must be in equilibrium such that no single agent will want to
unilaterally deviate from their position.
- A Nash equilibrium does not necessarily imply that a game will reach a solution
that is the best possible solution for all players in the game.
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory 15 / 66
A Brief History of Game Theory
I In 1928, Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann, launched the field of game
theory with a study of two-player zero-sum games, in which the players have
completely opposite interests
I von Neumann dealt with the case n = 2, and it was by no means obvious how to
extend the concept of equilibrium for the general case and prove that it always
The notion of the Core as a general solution concept was developed by L. S.
Shapley (Rand Corporation research memorandum, Notes on the N-Person Game
III: Some Variants of the von-Neumann-Morgenstern Definition of Solution, RM-
817, 1952) and D. B. Gillies (Some Theorems on N-Person Games, Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, 1953). The core is the set of
allocations that cannot be improved upon by any coalition.
Near the end of this decade came the first studies of repeated games. The main
result to appear at this time was the Folk Theorem. This states that the
equilibrium outcomes in an infinitely repeated game coincide with the feasible and
strongly individually rational outcomes of the one-shot game on which it is based.
Authorship of the theorem is obscure.
I This phenomenon formed the basis to why players in a game find a mutual interest
to cooperate if a Prisoners Dilemma game is played more than once. This lead to
what is known as Trigger Strategies.
- Anatol Rapoport (1911-2007) proposed a simple strategy called Tit For Tat
in a repeated Prisoners Dilemma tournament.
- Rapoport proposed, each player cooperates with the other player in a
repeated Prisoners Dilemma as long as the other player does the same. If
one player defects in one round, the game ends with the other player
applying the Trigger of Tit For Tat by no cooperation and ending the game.
I Refinement of the Nash Equilibrium: The development of Game Theory from the
1950s was based on the limitations of the Nash Equilibrium.
- The Nash Equilibrium argued that a game can have multiple equilibria
(solutions). It did not provide how to identify the set of multiple equilibria
and which one to choose as the more probable equilibrium.
I Thomas Schelling introduced two terms Focal Point (the logical outcome from
information from outside a game) and Credible Commitment (sending a signal that
a player will commit to a certain actions).
- The Focal Point provided a basis for behavioural sciences why players prefer
one set of equilibrium to another. It also helped narrow down probable
solutions from a larger set.
- The Credible Commitment (Threat) gave an added edge to explain previous
models like the Stackelberg model in a sequential game setting.
I A further development in the Nash Equilibrium came through the works of the
Hungarian-American Game Theorist John Harsanyi.
I By the 1970s, economists like George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz
started analyzing decision-making under asymmetric information or games under
incomplete information.
I Harsanyi had by that time refined the Nash Equilibrium under Bayesian
Probability. This enabled the analysis of games where different players have
different sets of information about themselves.
I Harsanyis refinement was a blessing for economists who were battling with
asymmetric information.
Goodbye to Rationality:
I One of the pioneers was Herbert Simon (1916- 2001). He introduced the notion of
Bounded Rationality.
I When individuals make decisions they posses limited information, limited cognitive
ability, and limited time within which to make decisions.
I Two players take turns choosing either to take a slightly larger share of a slowly
increasing pot, or to pass the pot to the other player. Based on sub-game perfect
equilibrium and backward induction, the rational outcome of the game would be
for the player making the first decision to take the entire pot in the first round.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
The Theory of Rational Choice
I A decision-maker chooses the best action according to her preferences, among all
the actions available to her.
I Her rationality lies in the consistency of her decisions when faced with different
sets of available actions, not in the nature of her likes and dislikes.
- A set A consisting of all the actions that, under some circumstances, are
available to the decision-maker.
- In any given situation the decision-maker is faced with a subset of A, from
which she must choose a single element.
- The decision-maker knows this subset of available choices, and takes it as
given; in particular, the subset is not influenced by the decision-makers
- The set A could, for example, be the set of bundles of goods that the
decision-maker can possibly consume; given her income at any time, she is
restricted to choose from the subset of A containing the bundles she can
A Digression on Transitivity:
I The theory of rational choice is that in any given situation the decision-maker
chooses the member of the available subset of A that is best according to her
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
What is a Game?
- Rules: Which specify the order of players decisions, their feasible decisions
at each point they are called upon to make one, and the information they
have at such points.
- Actions: All the alternatives available to the players. We call A the set of
I Matching Pennies (version C).
Players: There are two players, denoted 1 and 2.
Rules: Player 1 puts a penny down, either heads up or tails up, without letting
player 2 know his decision. Player 2 puts a penny down, either heads up or tails up.
Actions: Ai = {H, T }
Outcomes: If the two pennies match, player 1 pays 1 dollar to player 2; otherwise,
player 2 pays 1 dollar to player 1.
I Matching Pennies (version D).
Players: There are two players, denoted 1 and 2.
Rules: Players flip a fair coin to decide who begins. The looser puts a penny down,
either heads up or tails up. Then, the winner puts a penny down, either heads up
or tails up.
Actions: Ai = {H, T }
Outcomes: If the two pennies match, the looser pays 1 dollar to player 2;
otherwise, the winner pays 1 dollar to player 1.
I It need not mean literal synchronicity, although that is sufficient for strategic
I But many important games have at least some sequential decisions, with some
later decisions made with knowledge of others earlier decisions.
I One way to describe either kind of game is via the extensive form or game tree,
which shows a games sequence of decisions, information, outcomes, and payoffs.
I The order in which simultaneous decision nodes are listed has some flexibility, as in
previous case, where player 2 could have been at the top.
I For sequential decisions the order must respect the timing of information flows.
(Information about decisions already made, as opposed to predictions of future
decisions, has no reverse gear.)
I All decision nodes in an information set must belong to the same player and have
the same set of feasible decisions. (Why?)
I Players are normally assumed necessarily to have perfect recall of their own past
decisions (and other information). If so, the tree must reflect this.
A game is one of perfect information if each information set contains a single decision
node. Otherwhise, it is a game of imperfect information.
I This is another example of a game with simultaneous decision nodes and players
without perfect recall of their own past decisions.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
I A strategy is a complete contingent plan for playing the game, which specifies a
feasible decision for each of a players information sets in the game.
I Recall that his decision must be the same for each decision node in an information
I A strategy is like a detailed manual of actions, not like a single decision or action.
I If players have this kind of foresight, then their rational sequential decision-making
in real time should yield exactly the same distribution of decisions as
simultaneous choice of fully contingent strategies at the start of play.
I The player writes his own manual of actions. Then he will give you (a neutral
referee) the manual and let you play out the game. You will tell him who won.
Player 2 strategies:
I Strategy 1 (s1 ): Play H if player 1 plays H; Play H if player 1 plays T
I Strategy 2 (s2 ): Play H if player 1 plays H; Play T if player 1 plays T
I Strategy 3 (s3 ): Play T if player 1 plays H; Play H if player 1 plays T
I Strategy 4 (s4 ): Play T if player 1 plays H; Play T if player 1 plays T
I A game maps strategy profiles (one for each player) into payoffs (with outcomes
Randomized Choices
I In game theory it is useful to extend the idea of strategy from the unrandomized
(pure) notion we have considered to allow mixed strategies (randomized strategy
I Example: Matching Pennies Version A has no appealing pure strategies, but there
is a convincingly appealing way to play using mixed strategies: randomizing 50-50.
I Our definitions apply to mixed as well as pure strategies, given that the
uncertainty about outcomes that mixed strategies cause is handled (just as for
other kinds of uncertainty) by assigning payoffs to outcomes so that rational
players maximize their expected payoffs.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
The Rational Choice Paradigm
I The assumption that the player is rational lies at the foundation of what is known
as the rational choice paradigm.
Rational Choice Assumptions
The player fully understands the decision problem by knowing:
I The set of all possible actions A
I The payoffs associated whit the strategies R.
I Exactly how each strategy affects which outcome will materialize
I Her rational preferences over payoffs
Rational Player: A player facing a decision problem that will maximizes his payoff
over all possible strategies.
I A rational player chooses the action that brings her the highest payoff
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
I Exercise 1. (Altruistic preferences) Person 1 cares both about her income and
about person 2s income. Precisely, the value she attaches to each unit of her own
income is the same as the value she attaches to any two units of person 2s
income. How do her preferences order the outcomes (1, 4), (2, 1), and (3, 0),
where the first component in each case is person 1s income and the second
component is person 2s income? Give a payoff function consistent with these
preferences. Is that payoff unique?
b) Suppose that we change the game by merging the information set of player 1s
second round of moves (so that all the four nodes are now in a single information
set). Argue why the game is no longer one of perfect recall.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
Formalizing the Game
I Up to this point we defined game without been formal. Let me introduce some
I Now we can denote game with pure strategies and complete information in normal
form by: N = {I, {Si }i , {ui }i }.
I What about the games with mix strategies?
I We have taken it that when a player acts at any information set, he
deterministically picks an action from the set of available actions. But there is no
fundamental reason why this has to be case.
A mixed strategy for player i is a function i : Si P [0, 1], which assigns a probability
i (si ) 0 to each pure strategy si Si , satisfying (s ) = 1.
si Si i i
player 2
A 100,100 0,0 0,0
player 1
B 0,0 100,100 0,0
I Player 2
- mixed strategies: P3
(S2 ) = {(12 , 22 , 32 ) R3 |m
0m = 1, 2, 3 and 2 = 1}
m=1 m
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
Dominant and Dominated Strategies
player 2
silent confess
silent -2,-2 -10,-1
player 1
confess -1,-10 -9,-9
I Observe that regardless of what her opponent does, player i is strictly better off
playing confess rather than silent. This is precisely what is meant by a strictly
dominant strategy.
- Player 2 plays silent. Player 1 knows that 1 > 2, better to confess.
- Player 2 plays confess. Player 1 knows that 9 > 10, better to confess.
- Regardless of the others strategies, it is always better to confess.
- Note that both would be better off if they both play silent.
Lesson self-interested behavior in games may not lead to socially optimal outcomes.
A strategy si Si is a strictly dominant strategy for player i if for all
si 6= si and all si Si , ui (si , si ) > ui (si , si ).
I A strictly dominant strategy for i uniquely maximizes her payoff for any strategy
profile of all other players.
I If such a strategy exists, it is highly reasonable to expect a player to play it. This
is a consequence of the Rational Choice Paradigm.
player 2
a b c
A 5,5 0,10 3,4
player 1
B 3,0 2,2 4,5
I You can easily convince yourself that there are no strictly dominant strategies here
for either player.
A strategy si Si is strictly dominated for player i if there exists a
strategy si Si such that for all si Si , ui (si , si ) > ui (si , si ). In this
case, we say that si strictly dominates si .
I Note that the definition would also permits us to use mixed strategies.
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
A game is strict-dominance solvable if iterated deletion of strictly
dominated strategies results in a unique strategy profile.
I As with strictly dominant strategies, it is also true that most games are not
strict-dominance solvable.
I You might worry whether the order in which we delete strategies iteratively
matters. Insofar as we are working with strictly dominated strategies so far, it does
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
A strategy si Si is a weakly dominant strategy for player i if for all
si 6= si and all si Si , ui (si , si ) ui (si , si ), and for at least one
choice of si the inequality is strict.
A strategy si Si is weakly dominated for player i if there exists a strategy
si Si such that for all si Si , ui (si , si ) ui (si , si ), and for at least
one choice of si the inequality is strict. In this case, we say that si weakly
dominates si .
A game is weakly-dominance solvable if iterated deletion of weakly
dominated strategies results in a unique strategy profile.
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory 61 / 66
Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
I You might worry whether the order in which we delete strategies iteratively
matters. Delation of dominated strategies could leave to different outcomes.
U 5,1 4,0
P1 M 6,0 3,1
D 6,4 4,4
P2 P2
U 5,1 4,0 M 6,0 3,1
P1 P1
D 6,4 4,4 D 6,4 4,4
On the Agenda
1 What do we do in Economic?
2 What is Game Theory?
3 A Brief History of Game Theory
4 The Theory of Rational Choice
5 The Extensive Form Representation of a Game
6 Strategies and the Normal Form Representation of a Game
7 The Rational Choice Paradigm
8 Exercises
9 Formalizing the Game
10 Dominant and Dominated Strategies
11 Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies
12 Iterated Delation of Dominated Strategies
13 Exercises
C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory
I Exercise 7. Prove that a player can have at most one strictly dominant strategy.
I Exercise 8. Apply the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies to the
following normal form games. Note that in some cases there may remain more
that one strategy for each player. Say exactly in what order you eliminated rows
and columns.
I Exercise 9. Apply the iterated elimination of dominated strategies to the following
normal form games. Note that in some cases there may remain more that one
strategy for each player. Say exactly in what order you eliminated rows and