Software Patentability: A Comparative Analysis
Software Patentability: A Comparative Analysis
Software Patentability: A Comparative Analysis
1. Introduction
In this age of third industrial revolution,1 highly developed software production occupies an
increasingly important position.2 This industry has seen unprecedented growth and is dominant in
almost all aspects of modern life. Thus, the need to establish an appropriate scope and legal
boundaries for its protection seem to be a matter of crucial importance.
Copyright and patent are two possible forms of intellectual property rights under which computer
software might be protected. Which among the two is the best mode for software protection has been
a matter of great debate. Countries have adopted different approaches. Even the TRIPS which
intended to harmonise the patent systems of World Trade Organization (WTO) members failed to
reconcile the differences.3
The debate concerning the software patent lies on two frontsfirst, whether computer software is
patentable subject matter and if yes, then second, what should be the scope of patent protection.
On both these fronts, differences exist but in the mean time many software patents have been
granted by major patent offices throughout the world and this has resulted in different standard of
protection through the evolution of different examination guidelines and case laws.
Keeping this divergence of regulatory approaches in view the present article tries to make a
comparative analysis of the laws relating to software patents in different jurisdictions. Part I
summarises the software patentability debate. Part II deals with patentability of software programs
under different regimes, i.e. TRIPS, United States, European Union, Japan and India. Part III gives a
comparative overview and Part IV provides conclusion.
2. Software and the Patent/Copyright Dilemma
The emergence of software patent has been controversial and vigorously opposed by various
interested parties including academicians, companies and professional bodies.4 While those in favor
of software patent argue that there is no reason why new and unobvious software programs should
not be considered patentable.5 The opponents have given compelling reasons to hold that computer
software should not be patented. They say that software is more a piece of literature, is an abstract
idea, describes a mental act and lacks inventiveness and thus non patentable.6 In the light of these
academic differences different countries have formulated different policies and regulatory regime,
while various countries have explicitly allowed for software patents, others till this date have no
specific legal rules with regards to patenting software or algorithms. As the scope of the present
article is limited to comparative analysis of software patenting, the writers would restrict themselves
and would like to move on to the comparative positions existing in countries with leading patent
3. Comparative Position
This section looks to the laws and experiences of different countries with the objective of evaluating
and learning from their experiences. It begins with an examination of how TRIPS engages with the
issue of software patentability, thereby binding its signatories and then moves on to examine the
paradoxically divergent regulatory approaches of the US, EU, Japan and India.
3.1 Software Patenting under the TRIPS7
TRIPS ensures minimal rules for national protection of intellectual property rights. With respect to
computer software two articles become very important, first, Article 27 and second Article 10. Article
27 provides that patents shall be available for any inventions in all fields of technology provided
that they are capable of industrial application.8 On the other hand, Article 10 states that
computer programs, whether in source or object code, shall be protected as literary works
(copyright) under the Berne convention.9
Thus, these two articles create an interesting internal contradiction with respect to software.10 It has
been argued that under TRIPS a given intellectual achievement should only attract one form of
protection. Since TRIPS explicitly provides that computer programs are protected under copyright
they should not be protected by patent law under Article 27.11 The converse of this argument is that
TRIPS simply provides a minimum level of protection under Article 10 permitting individual
nations to decide what subject matter should be patentable under Article 27. On this view computer
programs are more than simply lines of code but have functional aspects.12 TRIPS in and of itself
therefore does not appear to definitively answer the question of software patentability.
3.2 United States (US)
To start with, US Courts treated software patenting suspiciously and on several occasions held that
software is essentially a mathematical formulae13 and thus, not patentable under US law. However,
after Diamond v. Diehr,14 the position was changed by the Court holding that the invention should
be looked at as a whole and patent protection should not be denied solely because it contains
mathematical formulae. But, two exceptions remained in place: first, the mathematical algorithm
exception and, second, the business method exception.
In Diamond v. Diehr,15 the patent application covered an improved method of curing rubber,
accomplished by using a computer to constantly recalculate the proper curing time based on a
known formula. It was held that the patent claim described a method for curing rubber, which was
an industrial process clearly under the purview of the Patent Act and it did not seek to preempt the
use of a mathematical formulae. Thus, the Court stated that the mere inclusion of a computer
program and a mathematical equation did not render the subject matter non-statutory.
Subsequent to Diehr,16 Court of Custom and Patent Appeals (CCPA) in an effort to scrutinise the
patentability of the inventions involving a mathematical algorithm introduced a two step test, known
as the Freeman Walter Abele test.17
(i) The claim is to be analysed to determine whether a mathematical algorithm is directly or
indirectly recited; and
(ii) If a mathematical algorithm is found, the claim as a whole is further analysed to determine
whether the algorithm is applied in any manner to physical elements or process steps.
If both the tests are answered in the affirmative, the claimed invention is patentable.18 However,
there has not been uniformity in application of these tests. For Example, in Alappat,19 the Court
returned to the primary authorities20 instead of applying these tests to rule that while software as a
subject matter could not be patented, the claim involved a practical application of the subject
matter, and thus the overall invention could be patented. Finally, in State Street Bank & Trust Co.21
while holding that even a computerised business method is patentable if it produces a useful,
concrete and tangible result, the Federal Circuit explicitly rejected the Freeman-Walter-Abele test
stating that:
After Diehr and Chakrabarty the Freeman-Walter-Abele test has little, if any, applicability to
determine the presence of statutory subject matter.22
It is evident from case law that software must accomplish a practical application and it must be
more than a manipulation of an abstract idea in order to be eligible for patenting. The purpose of
this requirement is to limit patent protection to inventions that possess a certain level of real world
value, as opposed to subject matter that represents nothing more than an idea or concept, or is
simply a starting point for future investigation or research.
The Examination Guidelines for Computer Related Inventions provide that to be statutory subject
matter, a claimed computer-related process must either:
Result in a physical transformation outside the computer for which a practical application in
the technological arts is either disclosed in the specification or would have been known to a
skilled artisan, or
Be limited to a practical application within the technological arts.23
According to the Examination Guidelines, there are two types of processes which are considered
statutory subject matter, i.e. Post-Computer Process Activity and Pre-Computer Process Activity.
Post-Computer Process Activity performs independent physical acts outside the computer after
the internal computer program steps have been completed, while the Pre-Computer Process
Activity performs independent physical acts outside the computer before the internal computer
program steps have been completed. Therefore, if a claimed process falls into one or both of those
categories, it is clearly statutory. In practical terms, claims define non-statutory processes if they:
Consist solely of mathematical operations without some claimed practical application (i.e.
executing a mathematical algorithm); or
Simply manipulate abstract ideas without some claimed practical application.
US is regarded as the most liberal system for software patenting and in diverse cases it has found
that software is patentable. Some of the illustrations are:
(i) Computer algorithms unrelated to mathematics have been found patentable24
(ii) Computer algorithms that pertain to the operations of the hardware have been found
(iii) Processes or apparatus that use computer programs as a component of the overall
invention have been found patentable.26
In spite of this vast jurisprudence, the scope of software patentability can not be said to be settled in
US. This becomes evident from the latest case of In re Bilski27 which is presently being argued at the
Supreme Court. In this case, the applicant filed a patent application for a method of hedging risk in
energy commodities trading, something which traders do and have always done. The USPTO
rejected the application, and the CAFC agreed, holding that patents could only be granted for
processes, including software, when the patent claims to include a specialised machine or a
transformation of matter. This judgment is important as it expressly held that State Street Bank v.
Signature Financial Group28 should no longer be relied upon. As a result of this case new vistas have
been opened for the software patentability debate and certainly after the Supreme Court decision
new dimensions relating to software patentability may emerge.
3.3 European Union (EU)
In Europe, the debate over software patenting has always been marked by conflicts and
controversies. Here, the European Patent Convention29 provides that, in order to be patentable, an
invention has to be susceptible to industrial application, it has to be new and it must involve an
inventive step.30 Article 54 of the EPC describes the requirement of novelty, and states that:
An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of art.
Further, Inventive step has been defined in Article 56:
An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the
art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art
And lastly, industrial applicability has been defined under Article 27 as follows:
An invention shall be considered as susceptible of industrial application if it can be made or used
in any kind of industry, including agriculture.
It should be noted that Article 52(2)(c) of the EPC specifically excludes methods for doing
business, and programs for computers from the definition of inventions eligible for patent
protection. In spite of this express exclusion the European Patent Office has granted more than
30,000 software-related patents since 1978.31
It has been done on the basis of Article 52(3) of the European Patent Convention, which provides
Paragraph 2 shall exclude the patentability of the subject matter or activities referred to therein,
only to the extent to which a European patent application or European patent relates to such
subject matter or activities as such. (Emphasis supplied)
Consequently, Article 52 is construed as precluding only the patentability of software as such. It is
only the presence of this as such clause that has allowed the European Patent Office32 to accept
patent applications that appear to be excluded as computer software inventions.
While considering whether the subject matter of an application is an invention or not the EPO puts
emphasis on the requirement of technical character which is stipulated in Rules 27(1)33 and 29(1)34
of the EPC. For a computer program to qualify as having technical character, the program should
solve a technical problem; or have a technical effect; or require technical considerations.35
An example is the Viacom case36 where the Board of Appeal granted a patent for a method and
apparatus for improved digital image processing. In this case, the application covered a method for
digitally processing images stored in a digital format. Here, the patent was granted on the ground
that the claim was directed to a technical process in which the method used does not seek
protection for the mathematical method as such. In fact, the EPO Boards of Appeal and national
Courts took the view that computer-implemented inventions can be regarded as patentable when
they have a technical character. Indeed, in the Computer Program Product I and II cases,37 the Board
of Appeals held that if a program on a data carrier has the potential to produce a technical effect
when run on a computer, the program itself should not be excluded from patentability.
In Koch & Stezel,38 the issue was related to a computer-controlled X-Ray machine and the Board of
Appeal of the EPO held that:
An invention must be assessed as a whole. If it makes use of both technical and non-technical
means, the use of non-technical means does not detract from the technical character of the
overall teaching.
In Queueing System Case,39 the software based system assigned priority and sent messages
signaling availability of services to customers located at multiple service points. In effect
the software was merely a component of a larger electronic system. The Board held that the
invention was inseparable from the included apparatus and technical innovation existed as whole of
the process was carried out without human intervention and thus it escapes the exclusion of Article
In Controlling Pension Benefit Systems/PBS Partnership,40 the application involved a method for
calculating pension benefits using a computing apparatus. The EPO rejected the initial application
as a business method excluded under Article 52. On appeal, the EPO Board of Appeal stated that:
The specific wording of Article 52(2) of EPC referred to schemes, rules and methods as being
excluded from patentability, but had no mention of an apparatus as being excluded from
patentabilityMethods only involving economic concepts and practices of doing business are not
patent eligible, however, an apparatus constituting a physical entity or concrete product, suitable
for performing or supporting an economic activity, is an invention within the meaning of Article
Thus, in this case the Board took complete retreat from the technical contribution requirement, and
concluded that Article 52(1) of the EPC does not exclude any concrete apparatus embodying
software from being patentable.
After Pension Benefit Systems, the EPO Boards of Appeal abandoned the technical contribution test
in favor of interpreting the inventive step requirement to be satisfied only for inventions with a
technical character.
In EU, it is difficult to derive from the cases any general test that would determine the exact nature
of a technical character. And thus, the European Commission made an effort to harmonise the state
laws in EU in 2002 by bringing in new Directives41 but this effort was fruitless as the proposal was
voted out by the European Parliament. Thus, uncertainties still exist with respect to meaning of
technical problem and need to be clarified.
3.4 Japan
Japanese patent law is inspired from both European as well as U.S. experience.42 Thus, while it
gives a lenient definition of Invention43 which can easily provide for software patentability, at the
same time, it has adopted the test of technical contribution at the review level akin to that of EU.
Japan being a civil law country does not have case law to provide guidance. Therefore, relevant
patent law is embodied in statutory law and administrative guidelines especially the Guidelines for
Computer Software Related Inventions44 as provided by the Japanese Patent Office.45 There have
been several versions of the Software Guidelines46 the latest being brought in force in the year 2005.
The Software guidelines expressly exclude mathematical methods from the purview of patentable
subject matter.47 However, it recognises software as statutory invention which is handled as an
invention of product. Therefore, even computer programs which are not recorded on any medium
can now also be treated as a product invention. It provides that to qualify for patentability,
information processing by the software should be specifically defined using hardware resources and
should be constructed by a concrete means in which software and hardware resources are working
cooperatively. In addition to this, the Software Guidelines list a number of other requirements for
patentability, which are(1) enabling detailed description, (2) ministerial ordinance, (3) statutory
invention and (4) inventive step.48
Two Japanese Courts have held that a support system for managing condominium buildings, a
message management apparatus, and an apparatus for an auction centre were not patentable
because they were something at which a person skilled in the art could have easily arrived.49
3.5 India
In India, Section 3(k) of the Patent Act reads:
(3) The following are not inventions within the meaning of this Act:
(k) a mathematical or business method or computer programme per se or algorithms.
As one can see, computer programs are placed in the same category as mathematical methods,
algorithms, and business methods.
Thus, similar to EU, computer programs per say are not invention for the purposes of the Patent
Act. Indian Courts have not interpreted Section 3(k), therefore, we have to resort to foreign cases to
interpret the scope of per say. The 2004 Patent Ordinance that the Parliament rejected in 2005
can also guide us in this process of interpretation. In that ordinance, Sections 3(k) and (ka) read as
(3) The following are not inventions within the meaning of this Act:
(k) a computer programme per se other than its technical application to industry or a
combination with hardware;
(ka) a mathematical method or a business method or algorithms.
By rejecting the 2004 Ordinance, Parliament has clearly shown that technical application to
industry and combination with hardware does not make a computer programme patentable
subject matter.
In 2008, the Patent Office published a new Draft Manual Of Patent Practice And Procedure in
which it sought to allow patenting of certain method claims for software inventions but even this
Draft Manual was withdrawn from circulation. Therefore, the Indian position on software
patentability is not clear on account of legislative confusion and dearth of judicial interpretation.
4. Comparative Overview and Need to Reconcile the Difference
From the above discussion, it becomes clear that the scope of software patentability is not uniform.
Thus while EU lays down emphasis on technical advancement, US has followed a much liberal
approach and explicitly allows application of a formula. The new USPTO guidelines state that if
computer-readable memory influences the way a computer process is carried out, then the patent
claim can be awarded. The European approach is much more cautious and requires more detail on
the nature of the claim. Thus, in a way we can say that US has taken a pro-software patent
approach and the EU, at least at the legislative and judicial levels, calls for non-patentability. Japan
on the other hand is in the middle of the two.
These variations in approach become almost contradictory in light of the fact that the US, EU,
Japan, and India are all signatories to TRIPS. The malleability of the TRIPS language effectively
leaves nation states to their own devices in adopting or discarding software patentability. Therefore,
TRIPS, in and of itself, is of little assistance in helping us to clarify the present comparative position.
What we can conclude from the above discussion is that the involvement of the judiciary and
legislative branches is critical in establishing, publicising and solidifying a strong position regarding
software patentability regardless of which approach is followed.
5. Conclusion
Internationally great divergence exists in the level, mode and scope of software protection. In spite of
the fact that TRIPS provides for copyright protection for Computer Software it has been argued that
it, impliedly, also provides for patent protection. Due to the failure of the international mechanisms
to harmonise the law relating to patenting of software, it has largely been developed by the domestic
Courts and legislatures which in turn have been greatly influenced by their own interests.
Through this essay we can clearly see the three divergent views existing in US, Japan and EU which
has greatly influenced the whole world. On the one hand we have US which seems to grant patents
to anything under the sun made by man. On the other, we have EU which has always maintained
a restrictive approach. Japans system of patent law is influenced by both of these and thus it is
somewhere in the middle of both.
From the scope of patentability perspective, the US seems to possess the most liberal patent law.
Unlike patent law in Europe and Japan, US patent law does not expressly exclude mathematical
formulae or software from the definition of patentable subject matter. In fact, it openly recognises
the patentability of software.
Further under US law, any new and useful process, machine, manufacture or composition of
matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof is eligible for patenting. Unlike the EPO, there is
no technical effect or technical contribution requirement for patent eligibility. The approach of
different jurisdictions is not just varied but also, at times, contradictory. In this age of globalisation
there is a need to harmonise the law relating to software patents as this would be in the interest of
the industry as well as the society. This reconciliation can be brought about under the auspices of
the WTO through TRIPS.
Copyright Abhishek Kumar Singh and Suryakant Kashyap
* Student, Fourth Year, National Law Institute University, Bhopal. E-mail: [email protected]
** Studeent, Fourth Year, National Law Institute University, Bhopal. E-mail: [email protected]
1 Jeremy Greenwood, The Third Industrial Revolution: Technology, Productivity, And Income Inequality, American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, (1997)
2 Duncan M. Davidson, Protecting Computer Software: A Comprehensive Analysis, 1983 Ariz. St. L. J. 611 (1983)
3 Daniel Gervais, The Trips Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis (London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1998)
4 Robert P.Merges, Software and Patent Scope: A Report from the Middle Innings, 85 Tex. L. Rev. 1627 (2006)
5 Martin Campbel Kelly, Not All Bad: An Historical Perspective on Software Patents, 11 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L.
Rev. 191 (2005)
6 Russell Moy, A case Against Software Patents, 17 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 67 (2000)
7 TRIPS: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, (15th April, 1994), 33 I.L.M. 1197
8 Id. at Article 27
9 Id. at Article 10
10 Anton Hughes, Avoiding the Software Patent Problem: An Alternative Fix for TRIPS Junkies, 14 eLaw J. 100
11 The TRIPS Treaty and Software Patents, available at (last
visited 13th April, 2010)
12 Miguel E. Sciancalepore, Protecting New Technologies in Latin America: The Case for Computer Software Patents
in Argentia, 38 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 349 (2006), at 375.
13 Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U.S. 62, 72 (1972) (holding that a mathematical algorithm itself is not patentable but
adding that it may be that the patent law should be extended to cover programs); Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S. 584,
596 (1978) (refusing to overrule or expand Gottschalk without a clear signal from Congress).
14 450 U.S. 175, 209 U.S.P.Q. (BNA) I (1991)
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 This test was derived from the triology of cases of the CCPA: In re Freemen, 573 F.2d 1237, 197 USPQ 464
(C.C.P.A. 1978); In re Walter, 618 F.2d 758, 205 USPQ 397 (C.C.P.A. 1980) and In re Abele 684 F.2d 902, 214
USPQ 682 (C.C.P.A. 1982).
18 This test has been applied in various cases e.g. Schrader, 22 F.3d 290, 30 USPQ 2d 1455 (Fed. Cir. 1994),
Arrhythmia, 958 F.2d 1058-59 (Fed. Cir. 1992) etc.
19 33 F. 3d 1526, 31 USPQ 2d 1545 (Fed. Cir. 1994)
20 Supra note 13
21 State St. Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Fin. Group, Inc., 149 F.3d 1368 (Fed. Cir. 1998)
22 Id. at 1601-02
23 Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions (February 28 1996), USPTO available at (last visited 25th April, 2010).
24 In re Toma, 575 F.2d 872, 197 U.S.P.Q. (BNA) 853 (holding that computer program for the translation of natural
languages are patentable), See also, In re Pardo, 684 F.2d 912, 214 USPQ (BNA) 673 (holding that computer
program for executing several equations regardless of the order of their input are patentable.)
25 In re Chatfield, 545 F.2d 152, 156 n.5 (holding that system software are patentable), In re Freeman, 573 F.2d
1237, 197 USPQ (BNA) 464 (CCPA 1978) (holding that algorithm for typesetting alphanumeric equations are
patentable), In re Alappat, 33 F.3d 1526, 31 USPQ2d (BNA) 1545 (1994)(holding that waveform smoothing
algorithm for oscilloscope is patentable), In re Warmerdam, 33 F.3d 1354, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 194)(Upholding the
patentability of a machine with a collision avoidance memory, In re Lowry, 32 F.3d 1579, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1994)
upholding patentability of a memory with data structure for organizing data).
26 In re Abele, 684 F.2d 902, 214 USPQ 682 (CCPA 1982)(upholding the patentability of improved CAT scan
procedure), In re Iwahashi, 888 F.2d 1370, 12 USPQ2d (BNA) 1908 (Fed. Cir. 1989) (upholding the patentability
of an apparatus for voice pattern), Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc. v. Corazonix Corp., 958 F.2d 1053
(Fed. Cir. 1992) (upholding the method for analysing electrocardiograph signals).
27 545 F.3d 943, 88 U.S.P.Q.2d 1385
28 Supra note 20
29 13 ILM 268 (1977) (hereafter, referred as EPC)
30 EPC, Art. 52(1)
31 European Software Patent Statistic, available at (last visited, 12th April, 2010)
32 Hereafter, referred as EPO
33 Rule 27: Content of the description:
(1) The description shall:
(a) specify the technical field to which the invention relates;...
(c) disclose the invention, as claimed, in such terms that the technical problem (even if not expressly stated as
such) and its solution can be understood, and state any advantageous effects of the invention with
reference to the background art.
34 Rule 29: Form and content of claims
(1) The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the
35 Wuesthoff and Wuesthoff, Patenting Business methods in Europe: Legal and Strategic Aspects, (2003) Available
at (last visited 12th April, 2010)
36 Case T-208/84, VICOM, 1987 E.P.O.R. 74 (EPO Tech. Bd. App. 1986)
37 Computer program product I Case, T1173/97 of 1.7.1998, 1999 O.J. WPO [609]; Computer program product II
Case, T0935/97 of 4.2.1999, [1999] R.P.C. 861.
38 T 0026/86 3.4.1.
39 Queueing System/Pettersson Case, T-1002/92 - 3.4.1, 1996 E.P.O.R. 1, 3-10 (EPO Tech. Bd. App. 1994)
40 Pension Benefit Systems Pship, Case T 0931/95 - 3.5.1.
41 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Patentability of Computer-
Implemented Inventions, COM(02)92 final, available at (last
visited 12th April, 2010).
42 John F. Duffy, Harmony and Diversity in Global Patent Law, 17 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 685, 712 (2002). See also, B.
Zorina Khan, Property Rights and Patent Litigation in Early Nineteenth-Century America, 55 J. Econ. Hist. 58,
59 n.4 (1995).
43 Article 2(1) defines an invention as the highly advanced creation of technical ideas utilizing natural laws.
Further, only two limitations to this, firstly, that it must be industrially applicable Section 29 and secondly,
that it must not fall under statutory exceptions. Under section 32
44 Japanese Patent Office, Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan (Inventions in Specific
Fields: Computer Software-Related Invention), pt. 7, ch. 1 (2005) (hereinafter, Software Guidelines)
45 Hereafter, referred as JPO
46 JPO (1975) The Examination Guidelines concerning Computer Software-related Inventions; JPO (1993) The
Examination Guideline for Computer Program-related Inventions and JPO (1996) The Examination Guideline for
Computer Program-related Inventions
47 Supra Note 44, pt. 2, ch. 1, section 1.1(4) (2005).
48 Software Guidelines, Supra note 44 Sections 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 2.2, 2.3.
49 Japanese Patent Office, Major Judicial Precedents of Business Method-Related Inventions 1-2, available at: (last visited 12 April