Ieee Icc E2nets-13
Ieee Icc E2nets-13
Ieee Icc E2nets-13
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Sofine Affes
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AbstractVirtualization of wireless access networks dictates The information and communications technologies (ICT) in-
a new direction in the research of cost effective and energy dustry is, in fact, responsible for 2% to 3% [9] of the worlds
efficient network modelling that the telecommunications industry total carbon emissions and this carbon footprint is doubling
is seeking. Different research initiatives are dealing with virtu- every four years. At the same time, as a result of its potential
alization of wireless resources (e.g. nodes, wireless access cards, impact in all sectors of human activity, ICT is accepted to
wireless spectrum) and new ideas are being put forth to leverage
be one of the key enablers of a low carbon economy [10].
cloud computing in the wireless telecom domain. In this paper,
we analyze the CAPEX and OPEX of our proposed virtualized As such, energy efficient operation of cellular networks [11]
wireless access network framework and show its benefits with is appreciated from both the operators power expenditures
regards to traditional network architectures. We also examine and environmental conservation perspectives. If virtualized
the trade-offs associated in achieving such benefits. resources are located in data centers powered by renewable
energy sources, the networks can also contribute to reduce
the industrys carbon footprint as well as generate eventually
I. I NTRODUCTION further OPEX savings in jurisdictions with a price on carbon
The process of combining hardware and software resources
Wireless access networks account for up to 60% to 80%
into a single software based entity is at the core of the notion
of the telecoms energy consumption [12]. It is therefore
of network virtualization. Computer researchers have done ex-
imperative to devise techniques that target energy efficient
tensive investigations on virtualization in the application layer
operation of telecom networks and at the same time reduce
[1] and the outcome is visible in todays network architecture
carbon emissions. Leveraging cloud computing and virtual
in the form of VLAN, VPN, overlay networks, etc.
networking can thus be significant drivers of so-called Green
Future network deployment strategies are driven by the omni
Communications [13], [14] in the telecom domain.
presence of wireless links. The advent of the smart-phone
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
culture has brought about a drastic change in the traditional
succinctly describes the proposed frameworks for the virtual
voice dominated cellular networks. Consumers any time any
wireless access network (VWAN). CAPEX and OPEX analysis
where demand for high speed data traffic is evolving the
of the VWAN appears in Sections III-A and III-B respec-
wired broadband internet towards the wireless internet. The
tively, including comparisons with corresponding values of a
conundrum situation of providing high capacity wireless ser-
traditional network. Finally, Section IV concludes the paper
vices at a rather decreasing cost is driving major telecom
with a brief discussion on the CAPEX and OPEX benefits of
operators to resort to virtualization of the networks [2]. While
virtualization and the associated trade-offs.
virtualization of the core network resources such as routers,
servers, etc are either well understood or the subject of current
investigations, virtualization of radio access which accounts for
40% (while the core network is responsible for 10%-30%) [3] Cellular access networks encompass base station con-
of the total operational cost of a cellular network is receiving trollers (BSCs) (in LTE the BSC is incorporated within the
very little attention. Wireless virtualization also promises to eNodeB), base stations (BSs), and the wireless medium be-
alleviate the ossification problem of costly radio spectrum by tween the BSs and the UEs. The virtualization concept stems
ensuring its efficient use [4] [5] [6]. Major cellular vendors from the efficient use of network resources and leveraging the
and operators have notably advocated wireless virtualization use of distributed computing sources. In this respect, wireless
for cost effective and energy efficient service provisioning. network virtualization should be an intelligent amalgamation
The cost structure of wireless networks has been studied for of wireless cloud computing technology; efficient spectrum
both capacity and coverage limited cases [7] [8] [3]. Cellular sharing techniques in time, frequency, space, code domain or
network operation demands extensive power consumption. any combination of these; shared use of hardware resources,
This huge power demand not only is responsible for greater etc.
OPEX for the operators but also contributes to increased The absence of a conceptual definition of wireless access
carbon emissions as many countries with the largest wireless virtualization in the existing literature has prompted us to
usage (in absolute terms) are also dependent on fossil-based propose three different frameworks to implement this concept.
energy sources to power these networks. They are: local, remote and hybrid virtualization frameworks.
2) For locally virtualized network: A virtual network is set
up in the same area A, consisting of SuperBSs (SBSs) serving
the same number of users as in the traditional network. Those
operators will now be called virtual operators (VOs) in this
scenario. The number of slices (virtual base stations (VBSs)) of
a SBS is the same as the number of operators in the traditional
case. The parameters for the locally virtualized network are as
NSBS = 2
(8) B. OPEX analysis of a VWAN
Channel capacity with modified Shannons formula [17] is
The total number of users in area A is SN R
R = w wef f log2 (1 + ) (14)
NU Et = SBS A SN Ref f
2 (9)
= nsl Rmax NSBS Here, w is the allocated BW/UE, SN Ref f is the SNR effi-
ciency, for our analysis we set it to 1. The bandwidth efficiency
The total cost for cell site construction for the SBS network is is
ccssbst = NSBS ccssbs (10) wef f = ef fac ef fcp ef fpace ef fso = 0.56 (15)
where, ef fac = 0.9, due to adjacent channel leakage and the
The total cost for the SBSs of the network is practical filter issue;
ef fcp = 0.93, due to cyclic prefix;
csbst = NSBS csbs (11) ef fpace = 0.94, due to pilot assisted channel estimation;
ef fso = 0.715, due to signalling overhead.
Now, the infrastructure cost for the SBS network becomes
1) Traditional network power consumption model: The
cinf rasbs = ccssbst + csbst power consumption of different elements of a BS are:
NU Et (12) Transceiver power, Ptrans
= 2
(ccssbs + csbs )
nsl Rmax
Rectifier power, Prect
Finally, the infrastructure cost per user is Digital signal processor power, PDSP
(ccssbs + csbs ) Power amplifier power, PP A
cinf raSBSu = 2
nsl Rmax MW transmission power, Pmw
We can see that the infrastructure cost per user decreases Air cooling power, Pair
with the number of slices in the SuperBS. Fig-2 shows how
Power consumption for different components of a BS appears
the relative infrastructure cost varies with the user density
in Table-II [18]. Each antenna is associated with a transmission
for both the traditional network (TN) and locally virtualized
chain that consists of the transceiver, rectifier, digital signal
(LV) network. While the relative infrastructure cost for a TN
processor and the power amplifier. So, the power consumption
remains constant for a varying number of operators in area A,
of a BS is
it decreases with the increase in the number of slices (VOs) in
the LV network. The analytical results shown in table-I display PBS = na (Ptrans + Prect + PP A + PDSP ) + Pair + Pmw
the cost reduction variation with the number of slices. (16)
The user density per unit area is , hence, the number of users
per BS is, Rmax . And from equation-(2) the number of
users per operator is
RBStot = NU Et R (20)
Fig. 4. Total power consumption vs #slices (shared antenna case)
Now, the consumed power per bit becomes
PBStot Now, the consumed power per bit is
PbitBS =
(21) PSBStot
= 2 RSBStot
Rmax wwef f log2 (1 + SN R)
which is independent of the number of operators in area A. 2
nsl Rmax wwef f log2 (1 + SN R)
2) Locally virtualized network power consumption model:
Let us assume that the number of SBSs operating in area A is So, it is seen that the power consumption per bit decreases with
NSBS and the number of slices in each SBS is nsl . An SBS the increase of slices in the SBS. Total power consumption in a
will have more processing capabilities than a regular BS and locally virtualized network is also less than that of a traditional
hence, will require more power for its cooling system as well network while serving the same number of UEs, as is evident
as the MW (Microwave) link. in Fig-3. We can see that the power consumption of a LV
We model the power consumption on cooling and MW trans- network is less than the traditional network as virtualization is
mission to increase linearly with the number of slices in the implemented (2 or more slices).
SBS; we assume it to increase by 20% with each additional 3) Super-BS with antenna sharing by the VOs: We consider
slice. So, the power consumption would have the form the case where each antenna is shared by different VBSs
PairSBS = Pair [1 + 0.2 (nsl 1)] (22) (slices). In this configuration, each slice will have its own DSP
but the antennas as well as the RF chains will be shared by
the existing VBSs. The RF power of a traditional BS would
PmwSBS = Pmw [1 + 0.2 (nsl 1)] (23)
The power consumption of a SBS is Prf = Ptrans + Prect + PP A (26)
For a SBS, the RF power will have the following form
PSBS = nsl na (Ptrans +Prect +PP A +PDSP )+PairSBS +PmwSBS
(24) Prf SBS = Prf [1 + 0.2 (nsl 1)] (27)
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From the perspective of abating GHG emissions, wireless
virtualization not only promises to lower power consumption
but centralizing baseband processing in wireless data centres
(for remote and hybrid virtualization) can stimulate the use of
green energy by powering those sites with air, water or solar
As future work, we will carry out detailed analysis of the
remote and hybrid virtualization models which is expected to
provide improved CAPEX and OPEX performance as well
as an edge in mitigating inter-cell interference and better
management of cellular handoffs.