Itras by - Chance Cards (Preview)
Itras by - Chance Cards (Preview)
Itras by - Chance Cards (Preview)
Nemesis! The Character Flaw Play a scene that has
This card awakens The last supporting occurred in the past, Haunted
the characters character the character in the same place by the Past!
Nemesis. In some met has a dark secret, where your character Something the
way, their arch a weak spot or a is right now. character has done
enemy affects the negative trait. The The player who previously has
situation. Exactly character doesnt draws the card sets consequences in
how is up to you. necessarily know the scene and tells the present.
Doesnt the char- what it is, but its the other players what Tell the gamemaster
acter have an arch up to you as the characters (supporting what you think
enemy? Well, now player to invent characters or their this card means.
she does. and describe it. own characters)
to control.
The Wind Turns Two News
Masquerade! Temperature, The characters
What's in
For the rest of this Its Pockets? sounds and receive one good
scene, all players smells change. and one bad piece
swap characters. The character has Each player narrates of news. The
This includes the something in her one element which player who drew
gamemaster. pocket which can changes. If some- the card decides
Give your character be useful. What one in the scene the bad news first,
sheet to the player could it be? is making a face, the gamemaster
at your right. theyll become a decides the
grimasque. good one.
In A Mirror,
Mood Change Throughout this scene In A Dream
Do Not Gaze you can at any time
Everyone present point your finger at Play the rest of
suddenly change
Into the Abyss this scene on the
someone (PC or sup-
mood to the exact The character feels porting character). B-side of Itras By,
opposite of what an irresistible urge That characters player where everything
they had. The new to do something she must stand up and utter is opposite. How
moods last for the will regret. Do it! a short, inner monologue are the characters
rest of the scene. (say whatevers on on the A-side
the characters mind affected?
at that time).
Interview Reality Split Good Advice
Stand up. Your character Things are turned inside Meanwhile... You may ask someone for
is interviewed about what out and you experi- an advice. It may be anyone
happened during this scene. ence several timelines
The scene is cut, (PC or supporting charac-
You may describe freely simultaneously. Each
and you may ter) and it could be someone
what happened from your other player may in turn
establish a new whos dead or otherwise
scene somewhere normally impossible to
point of view, and your describe a different
else. You choose consult. Choose one of the
characters thoughts. The course of events. When
who is present. other players to be the advi-
other players ask questions, the laws of reality catch sor and decide how you are
as in a press conference. up, theres a loud noise
Players may be
communicating. If you fol-
When the interview is and only one of your
given supporting
low the advice given to you,
ver, you sit down and co-players descriptions
characters to play
you will succeed. But if you
continue playing the will have happened. You
in this cut scene. dont follow the advice you
scene where you left off. decide which one. will fail, no matter what.