This document contains 60 multiple choice questions about Philippine police organization, history, policies and procedures. The questions cover topics like the structure and ranks of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the roles and functions of different police units, educational requirements and physical standards for applicants, and the history and principles of modern policing. The questions are in a quiz format with CAPITAL LETTER answers required for each item.
This document contains 60 multiple choice questions about Philippine police organization, history, policies and procedures. The questions cover topics like the structure and ranks of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the roles and functions of different police units, educational requirements and physical standards for applicants, and the history and principles of modern policing. The questions are in a quiz format with CAPITAL LETTER answers required for each item.
This document contains 60 multiple choice questions about Philippine police organization, history, policies and procedures. The questions cover topics like the structure and ranks of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the roles and functions of different police units, educational requirements and physical standards for applicants, and the history and principles of modern policing. The questions are in a quiz format with CAPITAL LETTER answers required for each item.
This document contains 60 multiple choice questions about Philippine police organization, history, policies and procedures. The questions cover topics like the structure and ranks of the Philippine National Police (PNP), the roles and functions of different police units, educational requirements and physical standards for applicants, and the history and principles of modern policing. The questions are in a quiz format with CAPITAL LETTER answers required for each item.
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INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze before answering.
Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTERS on the spaces provided
in each item. Any form of erasures is considered wrong.
1. The number of disciplinary appellate boards of NAPOLCOM:
a. one b. two c. three d. four 2. It is known as Civil Service Act of 1969. a. RA 4864 b. RA 6040 c. RA 6506 d. RA 8551 3. Known as Police Act of 1966. a. RA 4864 b. RA 6040 c. RA 6506 d. RA 8551 4. Pertains to the Act Creating the Board of Examiners for the Criminologists in the Philippines and for other purposes. a. RA 4864 b. RA 6040 c. RA 6506 d. RA 8551 5. What is the meaning of the phrase Civilian in Character. a. The PNP members are not governed by military rules. b. The PNP is in charge with the civilians. c. The PNP is national in scope. d. none of the choices. 6. Known as the DILG act of 1990. a. RA 6975 b. RA 8551 c. RA 9263 d. RA 9708 7. Which among the choices is the power and function of the PNP? a. enforce laws, ordinances and execute judgment. b. supervise requirements in the scope of RA 5487 c. supervise the AFP and SAF. d. none of the choices 8. Who heads the office of the directorial staff of the PNP? a. Deputy Director General b. Chief of Directorial Staff c. Chief Superintendent d. both a and b 9. Who heads the Administrative Support Units? a. Deputy Director General b. Chief of Directorial Staff c. Chief Superintendent d. Senior Superintendents 10. What is the corresponding rank of private to that of the PNP? a. SPO1 b. SPO2 c. P01 D. PO2 11. AFP rank of Colonel is equivalent to____. a. PSUPT b. PSSUPT c. PDIR d. PO1 12. Police Director General is equivalent to ____ rank in the AFP. a. Major General b. Colonel c. Major d. General 13. PNPA graduates has the rank of____. a. SPO1 b. PINSP C. PSR d. P04 14. Who are said to be the floating inspectors? a. Criminology graduates b. Graduates of Medicine who entered the PNPc. PNPA graduates d. AFP grad. 15. The equivalent of Police Director with that of AFP? a. Brig. General b. Major General c. Colonel b. General 16. Pertains to the premier educational institution for the training, human resource development, and continuing education of all personnel of PNP, Fire and Jail Bureaus. a. Public Safety College b. University of Baguio c. Cordillerra College and Development d. none of the choices 17. The age requirement for new applicants for PNP except for those under technical skills. a. 20-30 yrs. Old b. 31-35 y/o c. 18-30 y/o d. none of the choices 18. The age requirement for applicants with waiver should be___. a. 20-30 yrs. Old b. 31-35 y/o c. 18-30 y/o d. none of the choices 19. Who are the applicants to be given a privilege to have a waiver for height requirement? a. indigent individuals b. indigenous people c. People from the Cordillera d. both a and b. 20. The height requirement for male without waiver? a. 55 b. 54 c. 53 d. 52 21. The height requirement for female without waiver. a. 55 b. 54 c. 53 d. 52 22. The height requirement for male with waiver. a. 55 b. 54 c. 53 d. 52 23. The height requirement for female with waiver. a. 411 b. 50 c. 51 d. none of the choices 24. Which among the choices is a medical examination conducted to PNP applicants. a. Random Blood Sugar Count b. SGT c. bone marrow assay test d. Complete Blood Count 25. In weight requirements how many kilograms should not exceed to the corresponding height and weight in BMI. a. 9 kg. b. 5kg c. 6 Kg. d. five kilograms 26. How many pull ups should a male applicant for PNP should acquire in the endurance test? a. 9 b. 8 c. 7 d. 6 27. How may pull ups should a female acquire in the endurance test? a. 4 b. horizontal hang for a minimum of 4 seconds c. 3 pull ups d. 7 pull up 28. In the test of endurance for a 100 meter run for male how many seconds should he finish? a. 3minutes 25 seconds below b. 19 seconds below c. 13 seconds below d. 4 minutes & 25 seconds below 29. Test endurance requirement for female in a 100 meter run. a. 3minutes 25 seconds below b. 19 seconds below c. 13 seconds below d. 4 minutes & 25 seconds below 30. In 1000 meter run how many minutes/seconds should a male finish the run? a. 3minutes 25 seconds below b. 19 seconds below c. 13 seconds below d. 4 minutes & 25 seconds below 31. This started the closure of gates in London in the observation of curfew hours. In what year does the statute was being introduced? a. 1900 b. 1512 c. 1295 d. none of the choices 32. He is the father of the modern policing system. a. Henry Fielding b. Sir Robert Peel c. sheriff d. King Charles II 33. Who introduced the Bow Street Runners? a. Henry Fielding b. Sir Robert Peel c. sheriff d. King Charles II 34. Defined as the sum total of dealings of the police with the people it serves and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for to insure the greatest possible efficiency in public service. a. Police Community Relations b. Ethics and Values c. Principles of policing d. none of the choices 35. Watchmen is also known as__. a. guard b. ruttle watch c. bellmen d. both b and c 36. Defined as the highest degree of self-restraint that the police, military and other law enforcement authority shall observe during a public assembly. a. Ethics and values b. maximum tolerance c. police community relations d. none of the choices 37. State Police Officers are also called as______. a. state troopers b. highway patrol officers c. Metro Politan Police d. both a and b 38. Refers to any units of administrative or geographic subdivisions of certain states in the USA and Great Britain for purposes of local government. a. sheire b. county c. detectives d. wardens 39. Shire is also called as____. a. shire b. county c. detectives d. wardens 40. NBI is the counterpart of ______ in USA. a. Full Blooded Igorot b. Nataniel of Bureau of Investigation c. National Beaureau of investigation d. FBI 41. The first Chief of Police in the Manila Police Department was_____. a. Capt. George Curry b. Capt. Columbus Piatt c. Col. Antonio Torres d. none of the choices 42. Who was the first Filipino to become the Chief of Police to head the Manila Police Department? a. Capt. George Curry b. Capt. Columbus Piatt c. Col. Antonio Torres d. none of the choices 43. Kempeitai means____. a. Soldiers of Japanese b. Kompai c. Military Police Corpse d. none of the choices 44. What law that governs the Republic Act 157? a. NBI b. FBI c. BIR d. BFAD 45. Who was the first Filipino who head the Philippine Constabulary. The camp of Police Officers in Manila was also named after him. a. Gen. Rafael Garofalo b. Gen. Camp Crame c. Gen. Rafael Crame d. none of the choices 46.. The agency of a community or government that is responsible for enforcing the law, maintaining public order, and preventing and detecting crimes. a. police organization b. policeman c. law enforcement agency d. police 47. The agency of the government that is responsible in enforcing the law where it is broader than the police agency of the government. a. police organization b. policeman c. law enforcement agency d. police 48. The following are activities of the police except one. a. Prevention of Crime b. Apprehension of offenders c. aggression of crime d. no exception all are true 49. Policemen are considered as servants of higher authorities and the people have little or no share at all in their duties, nor have any direct connection with them. a. Continental theory b. Home Rule theory c. old concept d. new concept 50. The public look at policemen as more effective in the absence of crime. a. Continental theory b. Home Rule theory c. old concept d. new concept 51. Refers to a person working in a Police agency. a. police organization b. policeman c. law enforcement agency d. police 52. Primary subdivision of bureau. a. Section b. Division c. Bureau d. Unit 53. The largest organizational functional unit within a large department. a. Section b. Division c. Bureau d. Unit 54. The unit within a division that is necessary for specialization. a. Section b. Division c. Bureau d. Unit 55. The functional group within a section. It is the smallest functional group within an organization. the functional group within a section. It is the smallest functional group within an organization. a. Section b. Division c. Bureau d. Unit 56. Refer to the personnel who directly interact with the public. a. line units of police officer b.division c. police line d. none of the choices 57. A line of streets designated for patrol purposes. a. Post b. Route c. Beat d. Section 58. An area assigned for patrol purposes, whether by foot or by vehicle. a. Post b. Route c. Beat d. Section 59. An area containing two or more beats, routes or posts. a. Post b. Route c. Beat d. Section 60. A territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated district. a. Area b. District c. Beat d. Section 61. The members of the police organization should be motivated by a common thing in accomplishing a common mission. a. Span of Control b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. Unity of objectives 62. A set of police officers should be under control of only one superior police officer. a. Span of Control b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. Unity of objectives 63. A vertical hierarchy of organization is required, unbroken chain of command from top to bottom must be observed. a. Span of Control b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. Unity of objectives 64. A superior officer must manage a number of persons that he can effectively control. a. Span of Control b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. Unity of objectives 65. This principle states that operational units are responsible for the direct accomplishment of the objectives while the administrative units are responsible for the support or advisory functions to facilitate the capacity or operational units. a. Delegation of Authority b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. none of the choices 66. A superior officer may delegate his duties to his subordinates for it is impossible for him to perform all of his duties that he is required to perform. a. Delegation of Authority b. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle d. none of the choices 67. When plan is completed and communicated to members of the organization, they will know their responsibilities and their way of assisting and sharing their expertise in order to complete assigned task. a. Team building b. Managing risk and uncertainty c. Establishing goals d. none of the choices 68. Planning encourages the development of what if scenarios, where managers attempt to envision possible risk factors and develop contingency plans to deal with them. a. Team building b. Managing risk and uncertainty c. Establishing goals d. none of the choices 69. Setting goals that challenge everyone in the organization to strive for better performance is one of the key aspects of the planning process. Goals must be aggressive but realistic. a. Team building b. Managing risk and uncertainty c. Establishing goals d. none of the choices 70. The management of income and expenditures within the organization. a. directing b. recording c. appraisal d. budgeting 11. The process of giving orders, commands, directives, or instructions to personnel in order to rule or guide them in accomplishing the goals or objectives of an organization. a. directing b. organizing c. planning d. staffing 72. The system of classifying and compiling written communications going inside and going outside of an organization. a. directing b. recording c. appraisal d. budgeting 73. The manner of integrating the different elements within and outside of an organization into harmonious relationship. a. coordinating b. directing c. organizing d. planning 74. The process of choosing from among the candidates the more suitable person for the current position or for future position. a. selection b. appointment c. appraisal d. training 75. The act of improving the ability required in the future job. a. selection b. appointment c. appraisal d. training 76. The act of improving the ability required by the current job. a. selection b. appointment c. appraisal d. development 77. The process of measuring performance. a. directing b. recording c. appraisal d. budgeting 78. The set of activities and processes used to legally obtain a sufficient number of the right people for specific positions. a. recruitment b. directing c. organizing d. planning 79. The appointing authority must prioritize the selection of next in rank in filling up a vacant position. a. recruitment b. directing c. ranking position d. planning 80.The various functions are arranged in a workable pattern. a. line of staff principle b. unity of objective c. scalar principle d. span of control 81. The vertical hierarchy of organization and the unbroken chain of command from top to bottom must be observed. a. unity of objective b. scalar principle c. span of control d. next in rank rule d. line and staff principle 82. The members of the police organization must be motivated by a common thing in accomplishing a common mission a. unity of objective b. scalar principle c. span of control d. next in rank rule d. line and staff principle 83. The set of police officers should be under the control of only one superior police officer. a. unity of command b. unity of objective c. scalar principle d. span of control 84. The superior must manage a number of persons that he can effectively control. a. unity of objective b. scalar principle c. span of control d. next in rank rule 85. The inherent responsibility of a police organization to be answerable for the misconducts committed by its members. a. police power b. police ranks c. training d. none of the choices 86. The forerunner of the word town. a. Tommy b. Tan c. Tun d. Tumm 87. The policing system where every male over 12 yrs. Old join 9 of his neighbors to form a tythingmen to perform police works. Anyone who failed to join and perform his duty was severely fined. a. royal judge b. tun policing system c. frank pledge policing system d. hue and cry 88. The policing system where all male residents were required to guard the town to preserve peace and order, protect the life ad property of the people and suppress other factor affecting peace and order. a. royal judge b. tun policing system c. frank pledge policing system d. hue and cry 89. The Policing system where the suspect was required to place his hands over boiling water or perform any other act which may hurt him. If he was hurt the society considered him guilty otherwise he is not considered guilty. a. hue and cry b. trial by ordeal c. royal judge d. none f the choices 90. The one who conducted criminal investigation and gave appropriate punishment for the crime committed. a. hue and cry b. trial by ordeal c. royal judge d. none f the choices 91. The one who classified law violators as offenses against the King under his time. a. King Henry b. King John c. star chamber of court d. justice of peace 92. The one who introduced the system of watch and ward. a. statute of Winchester b. statute of 9512 c. star chamber of court d. justice of peace 93. The special court established to try offenders against the state. a. statute of Winchester b. statute of 9612 c. star chamber of court d. justice of peace 94. The persons who were given the right to conduct arrest and imprison offenders a. statute of Winchester b. statute of 9612 c. star chamber of court d. justice of peace 95. At present trial by ordeal is being followed when it comes to determining if a certain person is guilty or not. a. true b. none c. false d. uncertain 96. The one who issued a proclamation entitled keepers of the Peace requiring the appointment of knights to maintain peace and order at the place where the king is residing. a. King Henry b. King William Norman c. King John d. King James 97. The one who passed a law that provided for the employment of night watchmen or bellmen to be on duty from sunset to sunrise. a. Henry Fielding b. King William Norman c. King John d. none of the choices 98. The one who organized the London Metropolitan Police. a. Henry Fielding b. King William Norman c. King John d. none of the choices 99. The worlds first modern organized police force which was later on Scotland Yard. a. New York metropolitan force b. Henry metropolitan police c. king John d. none of the choices 100. The one known as rattle watch because they carried rattles while on duty to inform the public of their watchful presence. a. night watchmen b. bellmen c. either a or b d. modern watch