Guide To Fire Safety Design For Caverns
Guide To Fire Safety Design For Caverns
Guide To Fire Safety Design For Caverns
Hong Kong
In assessing the feasibility of introducing a wider use of underground caverns the Hong Kong
Government commissioned a study on the potential use of space underground (SPUN) in 1988. The
study confirmed that for provision of public utilities, warehouses, carparks and similar usage,
the use of space underground is a viable alternative to conventional above ground development,
and one which could confer significant environmental benefits
The experience and knowledge gained from the SPUN study should be taken further and used as a
basis to formulate design guidelines for underground rock caverns in Hong Kong.
A recommended standard of good practice for the civil engineering aspects of rock caverns is
issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Department, in March
The safety of end-users in underground caverns relies greatly on the effectiveness of means of
escape and the fire safety measures provided therein by ensuring suitable walking distances to
place of safety, early fire warning automatic fire suppression systems and smoke extraction
system to minimize smoke. heat and fire damage.
Due to the lack of any established international safety regulations for underground caverns,
reference for formulation of these guidelines has been limited to overseas experience in underground
cavern construction revealed in the SPUN study and local experience in deep basement
construction. In this light, it is necessary to impose restrictions on the use of underground
caverns until more working experience is gained.
These guidelines are applicable only to underground rock caverns for use by public utilities such as
sewage treatment works, refuse transfer station and water service reservoirs
(b) where the users are mainly on - site workers and familiar with the underground cavern;
(c) where the fire load is generally localized, closely controlled and relatively low;
(e) where an effective management scheme is operated and a satisfactory contingency plan
for emergency situations is in place.
Storage of oil, gas and other dangerous goods in underground caverns is not covered in these
guidelines. Design expertise on this should be sought from experienced users in Scandinavia or other
countries such as the USA.
Experience gained in the construction and operation of underground cavern projects will be
invaluable to enable these guidelines to be expanded and updated. Any input based on such
experience would, therefore, be appreciated. Please address views and suggestions to the Director of
Buildings or the Director of Fire Services.
3.1 Introduction 3
4.1 Compartmentation 4
5.1 Principles 5
5.2 Population 5
5.4 Restrictions 6
6.1 Introduction 7
Place of safe passage means escape stairs, corridors or another fire compartment
adequately protected from fire and smoke, and comprises the elements of the exit or route to be
followed to reach a place of safety.
Setting down point means an area in between the access tunnel and the underground cavern
compartment which provides turning facilities for Fire Services appliances, ample spaces to set
up controls and serves as a frontier during the course of fire fighting.
Fire safety requirements stipulated in the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations
and Equipment published under Section 16(l) (b) of the Buildings Ordinance. Chapter 123. Laws of
Hong Kong are also applicable to underground cavern situations. The following features are
particularly relevant :
(d) Automatic fixed installations using water (e.g. drencher system, sprinkler system and water
spray system)
(e) Deluge systems in areas where fire may be expected to spread more quickly than the progressive
operation of normal sprinkler heads
(u ) Communications systems
3.1 Introduction
Occupants in underground caverns are subject to different life risks from those in buildings erected
above ground, e.g. easy accumulation of smoke and heat, longer travelling distance in escape route,
lack of external communication, etc. It is therefore, essential to have an early fire warning to
overcome undue delay and to call for early attendance of emergency units by means of a direct link to
the Fire Services Communication Centre.
This detection system may also be incorporated with other functions, e.g. actuation of fire suppression
systems and fire shutters to control fire spread and a smoke extraction system to provide safe means of
escape for survival.
A smoke detection system is preferred. However, in areas where the humidity is high or the atmosphere
is dusty, infra-red or other suitable detectors should be considered.
For more responsive identification of source of alarm, an addressable detection system is more
effective and should be used where the cavern layout is complex.
ln areas of special risk, e.g. where total gas flooding is used, cross-zone detection as a means to
eliminate unwanted alarms may be used.
The automatic fire detection system should also be linked to the manual alarm to give early warning in
addition to the connection to the Fire Service Communication Centre.
4. 1 Compartmentation
4.1.1 General
as with buildings erected above ground, underground caverns should be subdivided into compartments
by walls or floors not exceeding 28,000 cu m. Departures from this limitation may be acceptable
depending on the fire load and limitation of fire spread of individual projects.
4.1.3 Warehousing
The maximum compartment volume of an underground cavern used for storage purposes should not
exceed 7000 cu m.
Where fire shutters are used to form compartments, they should be provided with an automatic closing
device actuated by a fire detection system in conjunction with a manual control.
4.2.1 General
The stability of an underground cavern, unlike a basement or above ground structure, is not dependent
on internal structural support. Similarly, stability of no other property is affected by a fire in an
underground cavern. Hence, an FRP of not less than 4 hours is not an automatic requirement.
The FRP of the construction should take account of the fire load. It should be noted that the rock
in which the underground cavern is formed provides a comprehensive fire separation greater than
any which it could be replaced by.
For underground caverns of not more than four levels, where the means of escape does not involve
ascent of stairs, in general an FRP of between 1 hour and 2 hours would be appropriate, depending on
the fire load. ln the case of very low fire load such as a water service reservoir, an FRP of not less
than 1 hour would be adequate. Where means of escape requires ascent of stairs, a higher FRP should
be considered.
For underground caverns with four or more levels, the likely duration of time to escape will affect
rescue and fire fighting and should be considered when deciding on the FRP. However, in general an
FRP of not less than 4 hours would be appropriate.
No special fire protection is appropriate for rock bolts and shotcrete/ fibrecrete which form the lining
to the underground cavern. Rock anchors require individual assessment as to whether the heat from
the fire would result in load loss and what would be the implications of such loss.
5.1 Principles
In the event of fire, people in an underground cavern should be able by themselves to reach a place of
safety, either directly or through a place of safe passage. before the fire affected underground cavern
becomes untenable.
A place of safe passage should permit the same flow of people and have the same standard of
protection from fire and smoke as an escape staiircase in an equivalent occupancy in a tall building
above ground.
5.2 Population
When determining the total population in an underground cavern, consideration should be given to the
number of people expected to use the space under normal conditions plus an allowance for visitors
and casual workers such as those employed for maintenance and repair work.
Visitors are not familiar with the layout of the cavern. It may therefore be necessary to provide
specially marked routes and viewing areas for them.
Subject to adequate provision of smoke control and fire safety measure, it is possible to extend escape
distances beyond the normal restrictions for buildings erected above ground.
In an underground cavern, the distance from any location to the nearest exit leading to a place of safe
passage should be as tabulated below. A distinction is made between positions where there is only one
direction of travel and those where there are two or more options.
Travel Option
Distance (m)
Single direction
This distance may be extended 1f 1t can be demonstrated that fire loads are low and escape routes are
extremely simple. Exit time for the individuals in a fire compartment is normally limited to 2 1/2
minutes. In areas with a low population, the exit time will be primarily related to the distance required
to travel. In assessing exit times on this basis, a travel speed of 1 m/s would be appropriate.
5.4 Restrictions
Means of escape provisions are formulated on the basis that a suitable smoke control system will
be provided. Guidance is given in section 6.
5.5.1 The following are essential safety measures to be provided in a place of safe passage:
(a) Pressurisation should be provided. If it is not practicable due to the large volume or if the design of
the place of safe passage is connected to open air, a suitable smoke extraction system should be
(b) The enclosure of the place of safe passage should be of fire resisting construction to the required
(c) Corridor, stairway and doorway forming part of the place of safe passage should have widths,
conforming to the Code of Practice for Provision of Means of Escape, for the maximum expected
population and should have a clear height of not less than 2 m;
(d) The door opening between any accommodation and the place of safe passage should be filled with
self-closing doors having an FRP of not less than half that of the enclosure of the place of safe passage;
(e) Where more than 10 m upward vertical travel is required, the escape route is to be designed to
carry the maximum expected population plus 25% to allow for a slower travel speed;
(f) The total horizontal distance should not be excessive. A maximum distance of 750 m may be
permitted, provided that people would not be unduly stressed by travelling such a distance;
(g) Where the place of safe passage is a roadway, a separate footway of 1 m width must be provided;
(h) Where the place of safe passage is a ramp, it should not at any part be steeper than 1:12;
(i) Where the place of safe passage is a staircase, its construction should conform to the Code of
Practice for Provision of Means of Escape:
Design may depart from the guidance given here but it must be shown that the principles given in
Section 5.1 are nevertheless satisfied. In demonstrating compliance, it may be necessary for the
designer to present a detailed analysis concerning movement of people in an emergency, coupled with
fire growth and smoke flow predictions.
6.1 Introduction
The objectives of smoke management are to limit the lateral and vertical movement of smoke, to extract
smoke and hot air, to aid rescue and fire fighting operations and to ensure that the escape routes are
free from smoke and heat.
It is necessary to have suitably designed mechanical means to prevent the ingress and accumulation of
The quantity of smoke generated at a particular time depends on the nature of the combustible material
and the height to the clear layer. In order to ascertain the required smoke extraction rate, a set of design
fires and the calculation method will have to be agreed with the Fire Services Department.
Artificial lighting is the only means of illumination in underground caverns. It is, therefore , essential
to provide an emergency system in underground caverns.
To ensure the effect of emergency lighting is not jeopardised io a smoky situation it is paramount to
install it at suitable locations, e.g. at low level in escape routes.
All signs for exits and essential facilities should be legible from a reasonable distabce, easily recognized
and illuminated.
Directional signs are to guide people in caverns to correct escape routes and should conform to Table 10
of BS 5499: Part 1: 1984.
Tunnel access should be provided with adequate carriageway, headroom, loading gradient and turning
facilities to permit smooth manoeuvring of major emergency appliances.
A setting down point should be provided within the underground cavern. Such provision should
normally be provided at the end of the access tunnel just before the entry into the underground cavern
itself. This setting-down point should provide an area of the highest absolute safety for fire fighting
and rescue purposes, and should have an FRP of not less than 4 hours.
Exemption from such a provision may only be considered where it is demonstrated that the fire load is
low, the access tunnel is short and the risk to life reflects the low population familiar with their
surroundings, e.g. a water service reservoir. The requirement for the provision and siting of setting-
down points should take account of, and be integrated into, the design of the means of escape as it is
expected that Fire Services personnel will use the protected means of escape route to effect entry
into and passage through the underground cavern.
Additional access for emergency operations may be necessary to cope with use and design of
underground caverns. Early discussion with the Fire Services Department and the Buildings
Department will, therefore, be helpful to all parties concerned.
If firemans lifts are provided, the criteria stipulated in Regulation 41B of the Building (Planning
Regulations should be adopted.
A Management Office or Security Office in an underground cavern may be used to include a Fire
Control Centre to accommodate display and control panels for monitoring, automatic and remote
manual control of all Fire Service Installations.
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The Fire Control Centre should be located in a fire-rated enclosure to the tunnel portal and with
direct access from the open air.
A two-way radio system should be provided for emergency communications. The system
should consist of an antennae system, base/repeater transmission units and handheld radio
sets. It should incorporate one of the Fire Services mobile frequencies to allow radio
communications between Fire Services personnel inside and outside the underground cavern.
Fire service installations and other essential services should be backed up by a secondary power
supply which may be fed from an independent supply source or a suitable emergency generator.
Underground caverns need to have water mains in their access tunnel for fire fighting operations.
Rooms accommodating generator, main switchgear, transformers, fire control and the like should
be located outside the underground cavern for safety and operational reasons.
Fire service installations and equipment are to be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the
Director of Fire Services.
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An operation manual which includes an evacuation plan in an emergency situation should be prepared
for guidance of management staff of the underground cavern. A detailed layout plan of the cavern is to
be provided at strategic locations.