History of The Building

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Along with the growth of school in the early 20th century, also grown student homestay
is Gedung Kramat 106.

The owner was Sie Kong Long. Beside as homestay, the building was also used as an
art training center Langen Siswo and politic aliscution. Since PPPI (Indonesian
Students Association) ws founded in September 1926, Gedung ramat 106 was used as
PPPI office and redactor office PPPI magazine, Indoneia Raja. Many youth
organizations used Gedung Kramat 106 as a congress place. Since the building usually
used as a meeting point of the Indonesian youth leaders. In 1928 the building was
named Indonesische Clubgebouw (IC, Indonesian Assembly Building). Among the
leaders who stayed in Gedung Kramat 106 were Moch. Yamin, Abu Hanifah, Amir
Sjarifudin, A.K. Gani, Setiawan, Soerjadi, Mangaraja Pintor, and Assaat.

Also in 1928, Gedung Kramat 106 was used as one of the Second youth Congress
place on 27=28 October 1928. The building was used as the center of student
movement until 1934.

Since 1934-1970 Gedung Kramat 106 has been transferred control function for several
times, such a house, florist, hotel, and officebuilding. The building that is very
meaningful for Indonesian people was then converted into a mueum by the Government
of DKI Jakarta, named Gedung Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Declaration Building) in 1973.
On 16 August 1979, the management of Gedung Sumpah Pemuda handed over to
ministry of Education and Culture. With the release ofMinistry of Educationj Decree No.
029/O/1983, dated February 7, 1983, Gedung Sumpah Pemuda used as a Unit within
the Directorate General of Culture with the name of the Youth Declaration Museum. In
2013 the main building of the Youth Declaration Museum building was designated as a
Heritage Building National Rating, through the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 254/M/2013, dated December 27, 2013.
Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang
satoe, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe,
bangsa Indonesia.
Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa
persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one
motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation,
the nation of Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of
unity, Indonesian.
Museum of Sumpah Pemuda stored collections which are connected to the Sumpah
Pemuda event. The stored collections namely are the violin wich was used to introduce
Indonesia Raya song in the Second Youth Congress, pictures af many youth
organizations activities which valuable historical documentations, replicas of Sie Kong
Liong household, Indonesia Raya record plate, vandals, flag, etc.
The founded of Boedi Oetomo (BO) on 20 May 1908 could be assumed as the starting
point of the Indonesian aristing. This BO Foundng was followed by other youth
organization founding, such as Tri Koro Darmo, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong
Minahasa, Jong Ambon, Jong Bataks, Sekar roeoen, Pemoeda Kaoem Betawi,
Perhimpunan Peladjar- Peladjar Indonesia (PPPI).

Since the early establishment of the youth organization, the attemps of initioaning unity
had already started. The attemps of initianting unity done by e.g. sport competitions,
joining in other youth organization congress, and the attempt of forming federation
swich member existed youth organization. This ida was started to roll in year 1921. In
the year 1925 there was a meeting in Lux Orientis lead bty Mohammad tabrani, The
meeting settled to organize the First Youth Congress discussed the idea of Indonesian
unity and possibility of using Malay language as the union language.

The ambition of Indonesian unity which had been adminitted in the first Youth Congress
was more encouragted in the Second Youth Congress. The Congress which was
accomplished by the initiative of PPPI was perfomed on 27-28 October 1928 at three
lace in Jakarta, which are Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond Building, Oost Java Bioscoop
Building, and Indonesiasche Clubgebouw Building. The Congress was lead by Sugondo
Djojopustito with Muhammad Yamin axs the secretary.

In the Second Youth Congress was discusedd the issue of the role of nationality
education and guidance in growing narionality spirit. Attended as the speakers in the
Second Youth Congress are Muhammad Yamin, Purnamawulan, Sarmidi
Mangunsarkoro, Ramlan, Theo Pangemanan, and Mr. Soenario.

Altough faced with the interruption from Dutch Police, the Congress produced a very
phenomenal decision which was the Sumpah Pemuda containing the youth eagerness
tto become one homeland, one nation and uphold national ;anguage. At the same time
also introduced the Indonesia Rya song created by W.R. Supratman.

With the achivment of an agreement by the Resolution of the Second Youth Congress,
the Youth Movement was more directed to figh for the Indonesian independent.

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